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For. 94 point one k.p. If a Berkeley. Deejay's radio show of appreciation music we were raised upon sounds would lead us to in studio we have c m r And American Gods awake and you just heard that's the new single right yeah that's that old alarm new single you know your one and you haven't when I 1st heard that I'm like Ma deep. Like a sick man I want to like you know even I can rap in my head always rap. Started out as that be started out as I think was a roots remakes I was workin on yeah yeah roots Ok not a black thought I was definitely on some hip hop. But then she she heard it and yeah mediately just know bright and yeah we were going to rap on it too and then I just stayed up all night till 5 am rode it and let em know yo Bros got a view. We did get blue on the remake yeah blue on the remake so we do have we do have some rap and some really really incredible rapping on the extended mix Yeah always think I can wrap my head into the. U.k. . You can in your head already nerves even your head says no. So the project 1990. 900 RB kind of innocence. Why ninety's r. And b. I mean you I'm assuming you both grew up with it in the soundtrack of your life yeah yeah definitely you know I was reading a biography at the time zones all that kind of influenced me in the production and style that I was kind of dabbling in and then. And then yeah and I was raised on ninety's r. And b. So you know it's only right when when things get popular to do them justice you know. Raised ideas are being like I mean it came with the with whatever food I was eating in the child you know there were big sisters of my my little childhood friends who were like bumping this education all the way through every morning at top volume you know just you know going on like. That's how I learned to sing you know I would I 1st people would say you sailing somebody else you know because I'd be. Honing you know the craft listening to Army. Total I study all that total yet total for sure have people slept on total I really like your crush or pare. Back to the family that's already looking to move if you don't have a moment I followed him Ok what do you think that's really yeah call me you don't. You would have to right now no no. Restraining order or like that. Hey man. So obviously this wasn't your 1st time working together on this. You did remakes is for her 1st project correct yeah we collaborated on a track called You Don't Know Jack Part 2 which was a remakes of her original track Yeah no Jack from her 1st 719 and and yeah we've been in touch for a while like she. Connected like back in 2012 I'm going to say how did you guys you know. When I put out the bizarre tribe album Catching which was a mash up of Tribe Called Quest and she was she was just had me on my she was a huge fan of that and then when I got it amoeba they tried to take it from me and my job they let. You know. And and yeah and then I went to her Sound Cloud and started listening and she had some covers on then like she had this really dope cover of like so fresh and so clean from outcast like a bunch other stuff on there like acoustic guitar stuff and I was just really intriguing So we started kind of communicating online exchanging ideas and then when I moved out here you know it just kind of happened organically so. To openness and that seeing that's the power of the Internet yeah the whole role something my past history of work where a.b.b. Record so the whole thing with. Well. Little brother and but would find say and one of my blanket around this is now going to say it was a. Nickel a Nicolette Yeah a nickel just yeah they you know having them having produced a whole album and never met each other yeah but you know but no I mean you know. The Internet is always so people especially music wise Internet is a gift and a curse because and there's a bunch of crap out there. And it's mostly from folks from my generation because I have to you know they're always asking me like hey we listening to them like you know they don't have a lot of time but we you know a lot of people don't have necessarily you know I have time but a lot of you know my peers don't have time to kind of search for music like I do you know that's that's the role of a d.j. Is to come to filter and if you're a cure rate Oh yeah I mean you know you know the good music you know what you guys are doing here like I'm on radio and like that way. Yeah I know I'm a fiend so I'm going to look for it but then you know like I say a lot of my peers don't have time to you know look forward and obviously you guys are very wonderful project it's dope to hear like yeah I mean you hear the influences of Timberland are like you have like a new jack swing track on and you know you're you know Janet Jackson kind of influenced those one of the 1st ones that come together so the tone for the for the album yeah. So it just kind of the whole ninety's think kind of happened organically or was it like hey why don't we I think it started with that song where we made that website swing song and it was like we got to keep going like this is yeah you know it was almost like we looked at each other at that point question and said you know we've gone down this rabbit hole. In my feelings at the time and it was Dave in his bag so we went and it turned into something that I could never imagine you know being as as transformation giving us that transformation for both of our individual careers as musicians and just like showing us that we could do something conceptual without like stepping on it stepping on toes in like you know it's honest we really wanted to dig out the night I mean yeah I want to have transparent about it to like yeah I don't want to make a ninety's r. And b. Album and not let people know that's what it was you know exactly I want people to know like what they're getting themselves into thing and they listen to it and so their expectations are kind of manage. Like you know they're in tonight is on be you know should enjoy so you know I have this whole kind of set. That I play at times like you know and I know like it's really for black women I mean I know it's like if I'm in a spot like yeah you know and I know I'm going to get like a little head nod or you know people can start singing the songs and like I already don't like Ok I got you hooked and that's what I love and I love playing that you know well you know it's great seeing the reaction it's just you know like it you know you seem to means and whatnot like you know you know it's you know it's just such a no brainer for me. And it was a fun time for music you know there go to songs because you can dip into Little Mo Oh I'm just brownstone come on and it's work I love I learned so much. About me about really being a lomo the singer yeah being open to the top of your range and especially with hooks like not holding your but your vocal delivery back because like the guys on the track. Showed up Lomo was going to 1st people and I was like really examining her and my on like the kind of you know stronger vocal and softer vocal side man and they both have clarity and delivery and like punch that I really respect whom I was overlooked I mean really truly she could not I thought this is misses me by my record company guy this is what I thought I thought there should they should put together a record that was an album with 2 leads on it and it's come out in 2 different ways one would be Nate dog featuring Little Mo The other one the same record is Lo Mo to remake Wow. Can you imagine no I can't yeah. Because they never really had that major hit solo stuff but they were on so many hits Yeah and made them hits rack up from random after. All Ok so you know you were very you know as a.g. Right yeah Ok so a.j. I mean my check yeah. But you know that you know if you see me already I see I'm giving you the black girl here I checked. Ok Well he's now it's a really you know you. Get your. Knowledge too funny. We love to see it yeah exactly. And I love like. What song this call like thank you the reference you know in the lyrics you know you talk about beeper and I was just like oh like just you know so yes it has that the 90 sound the ninety's r. B. Sound but even like the references to like a beeper and you know like don't call me tell you don't don't don't be mean more and you know so you know I was you know taking the whole like you know if you're going to go there go there so yeah yeah and but. Obviously lyrically that was intended but it. Throughout the whole thing was in the back of your head like a ninety's mindstate keeping it yeah yes and on the I think both on the production side with what I like watched put together really naturally I'm I think Miss call was the point when we realize maybe and correct me if I'm wrong rather like we could actually make this a cold like a classic tribute to the time. In the sense that like that was a song that had I been my age in the ninety's I feel like I would have wanted to make with a g. At whatever age you know he would have been that was I want to be like yeah we want to hear exactly we really we really just I wanted to bust some like kind of rap like flows in Pretend like a rapper quick and you know we needed a down tempo thing and I think you already had to be set up that one. In some of the elements and then you started playing the keys and it's just yeah it came together really natural and yes we did intend after a while for it to be like a very ninety's thing with the voice mail and the page reference and all of that in the delivery of all the spoken vocals was decided you know by both of us like. Who . Who's going to ask to see when you know and you forget stuff. Oh no question about anything yeah this brother is so prolific Yeah so prolific matter of fact I just got an e-mail while we're on the phone right now I. Just put out a record. Yeah so just so prolific How do you get a chance to how do you a in our your own stuff that's what I want to go oh my question yeah like decide what to put out and yes they are going to put it out. My mind you sit on Chrome there's a bunch of stuff to sit near and he said Ok he said Ok trust me Russ and you got to know Russ is history in this whole Bay Area deejay game Russ is always asking me like he'll text me like hey do you have this in regards to your project Hey do you did you get this do you have this like you know and it's rare that he you know he'll text me from time to time about certain things but you're consistent like he's like hey you have this you know that's all yeah that's them for everything this medium t. Shirt. If I get one more unisex make sure the mail I'm good. Yeah I did you shrink a little be a little bit. I got when I was an ascot. They're homers. But back to you yeah yeah that's a real question yeah no I mean this is what I do for a living now you know as in like I quit my job my restaurant jobs and like all the other stuff that I was doing years ago and like you know I decided I was going to do this full time and so I would take it seriously and so like this is what I'm doing now but now music like consistently have got like a subscription service that I run you know every month you know like $3.00 subscription you get you know exclusive constant stuff so I'm always posting stuff then and and yeah just I just want to stay busy you know especially in 2020 and keep it pushin got a lot of like yeah instrumental like hip hop beat the tapes that I want to put out that I'm sitting on and rap to I want to put out some of that stuff more remakes is more collaboration's with the m r and other artists. So so yeah I don't know it's just kind of like it's always kind of been part of my workflow just. Scheme I had in the studio you know what props to you man I mean you know for instance in the ninety's I mean you were definitely have heavily influenced by that but some of the stuff that you're touching you were an embryo or even I thought Yeah right somebody who is as some of the things that I really did the famous stuff I really dig that stuff but your parents were embryos when that stuff was coming out so how are you digging What's your background as far as how you get influenced by all the stuff you're using Yeah I mean my parents definitely had an influence my dad's a jazz trumpet player and I grew up on records and Miles Davis and you know just digging through his collection oh you know he did a remake for Miles Davis for us yeah. I thought that was sacked relays with when I started. It By the 3rd time I listened to it and said Ok I get it Ok. But yeah and you know my mom's from Brazil so always had kind of the Brazilian jazz influence listening to a lot of that type of music in the house I grew up in Nashville just you know listening to the radio at w.r.v.a. You used to play a lot of soul and Hip Hop go to the record stores around there dig in you know in the gospel soul Stax vinyl you know sections and stuff like that and just. Yeah just absorbed it kind of through that through osmosis my older brother and sister you know were into hip hop my sister was in the ninety's r. And b. And so I got that influence to her than my brother was listening to Tang and souls of mischief you know underground hip hop and stuff and so yeah I just kind of grew from there so your mom's from Brazil Brazil is very regional What part of she from Rio de Janeiro Ok right in there and they have been there been there my favorite city in Brazil but been through it's Party is my favorite floor and happiness in their minds but I get. As so many you hear it in your production you hear to different if I will tell you this I did not hear until this is a revelation to me I did not catch the Nashville feel at all. I don't know but I guess not I Then I thinking back I guess I do hear I do hear the kind of. Collaborative That's right here the collaboration that's that's kind of a Nashville field Sure yeah I mean a lot of the soul in arm b. That came out like Stax Records was in Memphis but you know there was a lot of stuff coming out in Nashville 2 at that time and so I think it had a lot of influence on on all the Southern soul that that era definitely got played on like the Memphis radio stations and stuff. Yeah it's interesting I definitely have thought about doing like a Nashville soul beat tape or something like that to kind of pay homage to to my hometown because there's a lot of like cool underground soul and r. And b. That came out like that on Jefferson Street in Nashville that was like a hub in the sixty's and seventy's for black people in like you know clubs and b.b. King would come perform there and Jimi Hendrix and. Yeah there's a lot of history that you know and be cool to kind of dig up and share with people yet people are looking for a 2nd city in the area to perform they perform in Memphis and then the national bookings didn't come as quickly for black people did so there were little clubs there were popping up in Nashville that were supportive you know our cats will come back through that area and play Nashville in a way out. That's awesome. So why don't we hear some music I mean like in Barry 51 that's the one we've been playing on of the shelves so let's get into that we'll be back in a minute mom deejays Radio 94 point one k. P.f.a. Berkeley. This Is. Some of these radio 94 point one k.p. If a Berkeley was going on y'all happy Sunday hopefully your Sunday went well but I will do this for the all the bears sports teams this Sunday. And so that's even even the lawyers guide just they got their butt handed to him today to everybody at night maybe why did you start the dish up oh gosh. 8 or. I am a hater now I am sounds the y. Hating because I appreciate loyalty and apparently they don't. And you would have to go that I do not. Have your point but to me Well it's not the players fault it isn't the players favs. Doesn't mean apps the port don't hate the player at the game but I do so as you watch it you're right back to waging. Copyright. Yeah we all everybody it's a collective Yeah. Yeah even the Giants lost their last man but exactly. No way did the Sharks play didn't. Go away they just fired the coach this week so yeah it's yeah it's been it's been a rough week. How it's all right earthquakes are seasons over the seasons on. The open Panthers what they're up and running Yeah there is that I think I saw I saw were a guy was kind of he was like hey I'm playing for the Oakland Panthers come out to the games and you know my Barry a native and he was very he was a brother you you know whose son that is Mary Campbell sure yes that is her son well yes he was playing professionally in Europe and Ok he's going to be one of the . They can be like hanging their hat on him for a while wow that's a setting. You know those support a real Oakland team the Oakland Panthers and you know. This is real. Or real contain a lot of the moment oh no oh no come on I'm a supporter you're a you're stopper pretty much. I got a funny Stumper story I'll tell off air. Oh maybe I'll tell you but you know in studio we. See them all and Marigot guys away a g. They have a new project called 990 out so ya need to work working to get it you can get on bank. Support bank can go there and they're here in Oakland Oh yes yes all night and it's on all streaming you know all streaming platforms as well it's about a 5 music title all that and it's and it's and it's you know modest to ninety's r. And b. I mean is it's funny there was sort of there was one song I was like a mellow rube like I was just you know like I was I was here's certain things and obviously the Timberland kind of sound and it was determined soundtrack and just trust me if you guys like ninety's arm beat this is such a no brainer great project we were going to talk about if you guys want to discuss something I can carry member like I said oh yeah I was just saying that America you know we were just talking in America play a lot of the instrument yeah into instrumentation live. While we were in the studio I mean all of it really. Complicated as well right I'm learning Ok. He's saying that in 10 years we're always on we are and 200 yeah but no I mean really he played America played bass guitar lots of key you know what was it triangle. Yeah I don't know if that counts so pretty harsh on that you know what else. Sometimes the things I mean for. Sizers flutes or did you learn through the school system or just run a house I think you could say I did learn through the school system because the high school I went to high school actually had a music studio in it and they had a music studio in a digital media like studio where people like shot videos and we had like you know school news and stuff like that we broadcast but yeah so both of those classes and and also would just like skip my other classes to go to the studio like with all my friends and they had set up on a computer instruments and you could record make songs and like that was a pretty big part of me and like you know all my friends growing up I think a lot of us you know took that with us and ended up you know doing something with music and so I guess you could say Yeah that definitely had an influence or so shout out those were high for. They saw it at the studio they updated it like you know yeah you know it's so it's all in there yeah it's so rare to hear that you know. You know having music in school you know during my year obviously it was a huge thing because I was part of the drum corps and and the concert band and all that I was in then to before that Ok played trumpet. But but yeah spent a lot of time in there is there any trouble don't know. Not on this album. But I've been doing a lot of like do these live session remakes videos on You Tube where I kind of recreate some samples and or hip hop songs or the songs that sampled. With live instruments and so I let you know when was done Yeah I think I played trumpet on that one I did a week saying one Dr Dre one and a few others I mean try to keep it up this year due to a few more of those because if you ain't got enough to play. Just say. No it's cool it's a good cool way to challenge myself to learn instruments and you know learn how some of my favorite songs are made and every time I do one I end up learning all these new techniques on guitar use or whatever instrument I'm plannin and you know it's a good way to challenge myself so I talk about some of your past projects like I like you know rest was saying I mean just very prolific if you're not you know when you know. Yeah I just you know there's so many you know I mean you have so much stuff out so yeah I just think you speak and speak on a couple of your favorites are not that they all aren't your favorites but I mean it all started with a lost soul I think back a few 1011 that's the one I'm probably knows most known for this. Afro be mixed with they lost soul hip and so. Yeah I was that was the 1st project I made and. It got a lot of love and I just kept going ever since you know I did a bizarre tribe which got shut down the far side 1st truck Called Quest that was the one how me and z m r met Yeah. I did a jazzing day. Which was Marvin Gaye and most def are you guys and they get some on favorite to. Explain a lot obviously you know. No one goes that goes off the Motown forty's for sure and I did a common wonder that's another good Motown guess but I did one that's Yes Tom. And Stevie Wonder the trill is gone you take a b.b. King. List goes on man I'm trying to educate you need a way in the middle yes that's the most recent one right we're I mean you know that's like a parallel with the process that's not a moan and Lauryn Hill put together so. Yeah it's a lot of fun you know and up it's another challenge for me is it to you know learn more about these artists and their catalog and like read their autobiographies and like really immerse myself in their music to create these projects you know it takes a lot of research and time just to kind of. Let it all seep into in and turn into something so what are the artists think of the reworkings. A lot of them are really supportive actually like you know bun b. Show me some love less nice here in town far side of gone forward then in my done show Rock shows with them and you know a lot of a lot of the artists are actually pretty supportive board of it's usually the labels that are that are trippin about the copyright issues and you know using samples and. Pieces of other songs. It but yeah a lot of the artists of Show Me Love and and so it's been a real honor to kind of you know connect with some idols and people have looked up to for so many years. Who we most surprised by who checked for you was it. I was pretty surprised when Janis Gaye Marvin Gaye's ex-wife shot of me out and interview a few years back somebody was asking her about like people remember seeing Marvins work how she felt about it and this was while the Blur whole Blurred Lines thing was going on and she actually shot of me out in the interview and said like she really like what she what I did with the I wasn't gay project so doubt that really was humbling and surprising to hear that so that's huge. But yeah it's been an amazing journey and you know excited she was nice so are we I think I just got to maybe I'll. Make sure that's a no no I mean Mr e. Mail who said you know this I hope it finds you well. How does the mail find you yeah son from a mailing list. Met your own risk Ok I mean right now if you like music if you want to live it all your inbox. This is not to do to follow. You know I mean but you know back to the subscription service I mean you get in and you get all that and then so. Be well yeah 80 plus releases on there but now more stuff every month you know is killing. It on it anything to kind of let us give us a little taste of maybe to look forward to. I don't know what you get I think we're going to. I'm just always like a guy got instrumental tapes that I want to put out in 2020 am I put out some rap album or we just played some you know top of their oh yeah you were playing. Some of the instrumentals Yeah I mean he was just put out the holiday remake says of those of this guy like you know Jay z. And Biggie and Eric bust a bunch of people on so it's like the Christmas time at the Hollywood Yeah yeah that's getting a lot of rain too nice definitely more from us in the future you know you want to go ahead and I go into detail about that yeah yeah Marlene going to get back in the studio soon are you actually going to put out a tape because that's a yes we are yeah we're definitely working on that there's a lot of cassettes bootlegs flowing out there for all the mash up projects they've done cassettes really well and find those vinyls and you know now are you completely you soup to nuts or do you have a graphic Sima comes in and helps you out or does it work. I went to school for digital media stuff yeah. Ok What don't you do. Oh yeah you should make it. Your listeners and I will be you know what your age. Range of a good. Number stop asking you so it's really a Jamaican dad I'm just interested in a lot of things and yeah I mean I do web design and I did my own videos for the graphics is the kind of worse interview. As that but it was time I was on the moon. Like job as can be you know an interview . You know what you do bro. And I'm just you know. I'm excited about all these things I'm passionate about all these things that it's hard for me to keep it's it's a little distracting actually because it's hard for me you know my attention focused on one thing I want to do so many other something lighter so I think I need to do more with my life very much and I had breakfast. That was it for me I produced breakfast oh my gosh a fire breakfast that's actually really. Oh. So are we going to take $990.00 out and do shows Yeah yeah we're going to be on i Village just talking about I mean we've done some shows in the past we rocked the Apple store in store Yes you know a while back getting up to the album there was a lot of live stuff that we did but yeah post you know we wanted to give it some time to like you know again you know we want you to let people live with it for a lot and then when they come out the so they'll know the lyrics and rockin the hoodie and go sleep on the Apple Store performances you know they're so much fun yeah they're risk rate is fly art is done on the screen as people go and don't sleep yeah I scream it live yeah. $99.00 green room is 5. And that's that I would know about that we were all about were. Good people your social media contacts and when not I am Grace buggy and also show media Grace buggy young America guys away America Music dot com soul mates Project dot com That's the label. States 2020 we out here 22 and 20 they go pushes you off a slug to him play another song but I simply must call oh no way I. Got out yes yes yes yes I'm longing and. I'd like to keep this show. Done I'm going to kick my butt that's it up. Pretty sure I was led through yes. See I'm on medical Gaza way 990 do you do diligence people go pick that up to bank camp in or you know put it on your Spotify playlist and all that good stuff all right. It's it's it's. It's it's it's it's. Bike. To Sleep With me it's. The booze or something in the. Make the most of it. The Japanese nonsense the fox. The double loose and. Wrong. Hut but. It's got to be some of the pizza right clicking things you wait a minute this line of mine needs. To grow gotten past the limit for the folks. At the. Top of the mom's cousin Elizabeth had to recognize like they can do the glad. I'm real That's one of the one the. Most They say they had to say. You know from less. Than a. Week or so in a fake id so yeah it's in the right now because to even do so much in the name is the lead story. In the war and the sentencing which would. And the type to write code such. As men like you would be to. See that. We were. Great. Friends with a and we began. To work to really. Take the whole event and. Kind of press you listen to more hip hop but not make some beauty that thrift shop ship out when it's sad to think it's just them to balance it with. You know to Oh. It was a. Real challenge. My name is me even I'm one of the organizers of the crane and we are looking for volunteers for this year's fair we rely on our wonderful team of volunteers to keep the event running smoothly ships are typically 2 and a half to 3 hours and breaking free access. In the next 77 of the year the people will rise up and the gun lobby will collapse no nonsense gun legislation will take hold and school shoes can message violence and murder rates. More common sense and less need for thoughts and prayers in the next 70 years your fiercely independent radio station will be here to cover it for you. 94 point one f.m. Fag. You're listening to 94.1. 89.3. 88 point one c.f. In fact 97 point. 24 in Santa Cruz and worldwide i k a o r g. U

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