Rest their due process concerns the power to impeach is given to Congress by the Constitution and top Democrats say they are carrying out their duty to investigate potential misconduct by President Trump Ice or Roscoe in p.r. News the White House President Trump says the u.s. And China are working toward phase one of a trade agreement and says the location of an expected meeting and document signing will be announced soon ministration had been preparing to hold the event at the Asia Pacific cooperation cooperation summit next month in Chile that a month as event has been cancelled due to problems there on Wall Street the Dow was down $140.00 points this is n.p.r. And this is 89.3 News I'm Julie Slater in for Heidi Lin heard a fast moving fire and San Bernardino prompted mandatory evacuations in the northern Prout part of the county the hillside fire broke out early this morning and has burned 200 acres authorities do say that highway 18 will reopen in both directions between 40th Street and Old Waterman Canyon San Bernardino National Forest Deputy Chief Scott House says weather conditions in the area have been conducive to fire activity this is a 2nd far we found in this area both fires have exhibited extreme rates of spread long range body. And will continue to see that with the predicted weather the weather is going to be a challenge to us today an extreme red flag warning is in effect for much of l.a. County until 6 today most California gig company drivers would not be eligible for the health care benefits promised by a potential November 2020 ballot measure submitted this week Capital Public Radio's Ben Adler says the measure would only require the companies to give the subsidies to drivers who work at least 15 hours a week in the campaign itself acknowledges the vast majority of its drivers don't that's the good company's argument for not offering more comprehensive benefits such as Social Security they insist their drivers are not in fact employees left insta card and other companies back the voter. It would offer driver several new benefits but keeps them classified as independent contractors the initiative is in response to last year's California Supreme Court ruling and a law signed last month that requires the gate companies to treat their drivers as employees I'm Julie's letter it's 206 support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include a neon with parasite a dark comedy thriller about 2 very different families whose fates cross in a tale of class greed and deception now playing in select cities parasite dash movie for more theater and photo. From it him point 3 k.p.c. See this is take 2 I mean Martinez Happy Hollow everyone that's right what about 8 hours from now from Candy coma time yeah now throughout the show we're going to bring you some ghost stories straight from our l.a. Listeners but 1st a check in on the news now most evacuations have been lifted for areas affected by the Getty fire near the 405 and the easy fire in Simi Valley only one mandatory evacuation order is still in place there west of Madeira road north of Olson Road east of the heart of Highway $23.00 and south of the way teen but this morning additional fires started out east the hillside fire in San Bernardino is one it has so far burned about $200.00 acres including 6 homes that were damaged or destroyed it is now 50 percent contained now I know it's been a lot this week with the fires but as overwhelming an awful as all of this has been there is a silver lining could've been worse firefighters gain control of these blazes fairly quickly and part of that has to do with Yeah well little bit of luck but also there been major improvements in how agencies are able to detect and attack the fires k.p.c. Infrastructure correspondent sure McNairy is here to explain why there are so the biggest thing fire agencies have going for him is the economy has improved so tell us about that yeah believe it or not during the recession which started around 20072008 lot of cities and government could not replace people who are retiring and leaving and so they found themselves with fewer and fewer staffers with less and less experience because the most experienced people would retire and in you know it's been 10 years since the recession and finally a lot of agencies are back to full staffing Mehrgarh are city at the Getty fire earlier this week said that when he took office there had not been a graduating class from a fire academy in 5 years. Wow And now he's been in office what 6 or 7 years there at like last 18 so that's a big difference not just the people and a bit also with the money they've been able to buy new equipment a couple fire engines on the kind of trucks that can drive in brush without setting it on fire amazingly you'd want and also 2 new helicopters so that's a big help so people and equipment you can buy more out of it when the economy is good people power helps get obsolete does our as well says approve when it comes to firefighting Well the other part is the technology and that is substantially improved so they've got this thing called y. Fire and it's like. A super computer that crunches a lot of data they've always kind of had like weather burn patterns in topographical maps and information from weather stations and how much education is there in the last time it burned so what they've done is they throw all of that into this a computer called y. Fire and they use it to spit out a projection fairly quickly as to where the hot spots are and where the fire might spread next and then they combine that with overflights so they'll fly an airplane over a brushfire fairly soon after it starts with an Mike 30 minutes and it will combine that infrared imaging from the airplane with all of this historic and physical data and that puts out a projection of like where should we put the firefighters where should we drop the water where should we evacuate people amazing I mean it's something serious it's fires but the technology and the way viz things are used is absolutely amazing I mean are they literally almost cutting down a fire say from 2 from 2 days of to a few hours maybe is very much so I'm used to be they'd have to like do this whole brain grinding feeling of figuring it out and now they say they can get these maps within like you know 30 minutes thank you yesterday or was it the day before I've been out of fires and your excuse. We were at the Getty fire and they put up a map of the heat image from the Simi Valley fire that only started like 2 hours earlier Now we've talked a lot about mutual aid but to our neighboring counties in California also communicating and collaborating better Yeah that's the other piece of the tac is it's a system called Fire it's all these things have like their names and this is a system that takes this technology and connects it with l.a. Orange County Riverside County Ventura San Diego l.a. City fire in a collaboration so they can all kind of help each other and send their equipment to different places now the battle continues even after firefighters gain control of the flames what's going on in that next stage Well the they like to save the motors on their helicopters so they've actually got drones that they'll put up and the drones will do infrared mapping looking for hot spots because a lot of the fires can be like secondary fires that are something smoldering and then it catches on fire and suddenly you're you're back fighting a fire again so that's a big help the drones despite these successes though we probably shouldn't rest thinking that firefighters the have it all under control now there's a certain amount of luck involved in some of these fires this week what about some of that luck Yeah a lot of the firefighters I talked to especially in the Getty fire area in Los Angeles that he wasn't battered as much by these suppose you know 50 mile an hour winds that were landing in Simi Valley and so what they're telling me is that well it could have been really bad it could have been so much worse because they did not get the really huge winds and things aren't quite as dried out as they might be say later in November December when we've had historically really terrible fires and when it comes to luck I mean Branch Rickey was the general manager of the Dodgers in the forty's the Brooklyn Dodgers his famous. It was luck is the residue of design if you design things well you get those good pieces the lucky and I guess that applies here yeah that's definitely what they're working to art and infrastructure correspondent thanks a lot event. All right moving on now to Washington d.c. The resolution is adopt it without objection the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. A divided House voted to back the impeachment probe into President Trump Nancy Pelosi who you just heard there described the process as solemn president called it the greatest witch hunt in history the president has been accused of pressuring his Ukrainian counterpart to investigate political rivals in the House committees are expected to continue to subpoena documents and schedule hearings about that phone call k.p.c. We'll keep you posted on the investigation but right now we want to turn an eye to something that happened shortly after the House vote this is the last speech that I will give from this floor as a member of Congress that's Congresswoman Katie Hill of Northern l.a. County she bid farewell to colleagues today will announce on Sunday that she'll leave the house after a conservative blogger released intimate photos texts and allegations that she had an inappropriate relationship with a staffer that alleged relationship became subject of investigation by the House Ethics Committee bill was elected as part of a blue wave during the November midterm that flipped the house now tomorrow is her last day and because of that we're going to play a portion of Hill's last speech the full version can be found on our website at Take 2 dot org Today is the 1st time I've left my apartment since the photos taken without my consent were released and I'm scared. I'm leaving because for the sake of my community my staff my family and myself I can't allow this to continue because I have been told that people were angry when I stood strong after the 1st article was posted and that they had hundreds more photos and text messages that they would release bit by bit until they broke me down to nothing while they use my faults and my past to distract from the things that matter most I am leaving because there is only one investigation that deserves the attention of this country and that's the one that we voted on today. Today I ask you all to stand with me and commit to creating a future where this no longer happens to women and girls Yes I'm stepping down but I refuse to let this experience scare off other women who dare to take risks who dare to step into this light who dare to be powerful it might feel like they won in the short term but they can't in the long term we cannot let them the way to overcome this setback is for women to keep showing up to keep running for office to keep stepping up as leaders because the more we show up the less power they have I'm leaving but we have men who have been incredibly accused of intentional acts of sexual violence and remain in boardrooms on the Supreme Court in this very body and worst of all in the Oval Office. So the fight goes on to create the change that every woman and girl in this country deserves. Here in the halls of Congress the fight will go on without me and I trust so many of my colleagues to be strong on this front while I move on to one of the many other battlefields because we have an entire culture that has to change and we see and start clarity today the forces of revenge by a bitter jealous man cyber exploitation and sexual shaming that target our gender and a large segment of society that fears and hates powerful women have combined to push a young woman out of power and say that she doesn't belong here yet a man who brags about his sexual predation who has had dozens of women come forward to accuse him of sexual assault who pushes policies that are uniquely harmful to women and he was filled the courts with judges who proudly rule to deprive women of the most fundamental right to control their own bodies sits in the highest office of the land and so today as my last vote I voted on impeachment proceedings not just because of corruption obstruction of justice or gross misconduct but because of the deepest abuse of power including the abuse of power over women today as my final Act I voted to move forward with the impeachment of Donald Trump on behalf of the women of the United States of America. We will not stand down we will not be broken we will not be silenced we will rise and we will make tomorrow better than today thank you and I yield the balance of my time for now but not forever. Those congresswoman Keady Hill who represents District 25 in northern l.a. County saying about a Congress Hill's last day is tomorrow and if you'd like to hear more of her speech you can find it at take to dot org. All right it is hollow Wayne and for the past 2 weeks we've been asking you to submit your scariest tales our 1st spooky story comes to us from Huntington Park resident Frank I Jala about 20 years ago he used to work as a truck driver hauling trailers at a building that had the address get this 666 Union Avenue. By starting time with at midnight the line for I would pick up my truck and crater my route were nonexistent. I was at the west end of the dock and starting at midnight when it was cloudy it was dark I had a hand lit up fairly good and went to my tractor. And. It was my daughter who would call me once or twice a week about midnight as she was getting home from work herself. I put the phone upside down in my shirt pocket with a speakerphone so we could hear each other. I heard something behind as I was disconnecting the lines. If someone there with you I said I will call you back. What I heard was a hellish Carol as a person was about a foot behind I turned around and my the light from the headland shy but. I turned around to get the lines off the traitor and once again I heard. Only a bit louder I had enough of this crap I told myself and I walk to the front of the tractor in a loud voice I stated I come here to do a job I don't bother anyone like I don't want to be bothered now let me do my job I heard a small laugh behind me. And I went back to disconnecting the tree. I started my tractor and went to the side of the dock. I never heard. About you I woulda stopped working and gone home that was Frank Jala recounting his eerie workplace story from 2 decades ago old Bourse movie stories coming. Out everyone has certain things that frighten them I'm terrified of butterflies long story the true now I know that about myself as I'm sure you know what terrifies you but there are a lots of things that you do not know that you're afraid of coming up studying the science of hidden fear that's next winter to continues. Eyes nichrome and wildfires We'll have updates as we close out another red flag day was a full report on the former House vote to launch the impeachment inquiry all things considered we 3 afternoons a 4th a maybe 9.3 people c c. K d c c supporters including l.a. Phil presenting Tchaikovsky and Copeland with Michael Tilson Thomas said Walt Disney Concert Hall December 12th through 15 Grammy winning soloist Daniel tree fun of the Times of London called the most astounding pianist of our age joins the Los Angeles Philharmonic to bring life to check on skis quintessential Piano Concerto Number one that's December 12th through 15 tickets at l.a. Failed dot com. Supporters include a cutie I creep most vision plans expire at the end of the year for patients who haven't been in an eye exam is a simple way to keep their eyes healthy learn more at acuity Ike Root dot com acuity I group our vision is your vision. But. They're going to. Be. Back with more take 2 on 89.3 k.p.c. C.m.e. Martinez Throughout today's show we've been listening to scary stories submitted by listeners to our next tale of terror comes from David Tobin Tobin was the manager of the Roxy in West Hollywood from 2000 to 2006 and her story starts in the after hours of the night club one fateful night. I was at the club on a Sunday night with one of my waitstaff and we were going over some plans for a new promotion. We were the only ones in the building and when I got home the bank was done we were upstairs and all the sudden we heard a sound and it came like from inside the club. Kind of brushed it off and then all the sudden we heard a door shut inside the club and it got our attention then we heard a nother door that is this kind of swinging door between the Roxy lobby and the stairs on the rocks and you heard that move. At that point we got freaked out because there was no one in the building there had been for hours and we were the only ones that had access to the doors so we started to freak out we could move here in the corner booth and all the sudden we heard feet banging on the steps 123456 and halfway up the stairs and stopped at that point we grabbed our stuff and ran out the back door freaked out of our mind. The rock has been known to be the home to so many legends that have come through there up stairs and down the stage so it made sense that there was someone there I just didn't stay around to find out who it was. Those David Tobin former manager of the Roxy retelling a supernatural tale of the haunted halls of the world famous nightclub and more of those stories so stay with us. Now for a true fright the most hardcore of hollowing fans had the haunted houses but what makes for a good scare and what makes us truly afraid Anyways now those are the questions that researchers right here are trying to answer a team led by Professor Collin camera from Cal Tech went to a haunted house to try and study the science of fear and he's in our spooky studio right now how welcome them on pleasure to be here right so why research this in the 1st place what kind of things are you hoping to discover the main thing is so subjective reports about fear and then actual body sensations in a sort of artificial but very extreme fear situation which is is really done because usually you know in laboratory experiments we can't create that much fear the 2nd thing is we're interested in a fear a sense of safety in numbers which is called Fear diffusion or social buffering which basically means if you're in a large group of people or a small group you feel different amounts of fear. And in the hothouse people go through different sized groups so we have a chance to see if you're with 87 other people there's 8 of you do you feel less fear because there's a feeling of safety in numbers now you've yet to a crunch the data and come to a conclusion but to get information you went to a haunted house in Fullerton called the 17th door why that one well we wrote to several own a house and they were the most enthusiastic to be honest and the 2nd is they really have almost a dream set up for scientists because everyone goes through 17 rooms and at a pretty regimented time to pace like in a hospital we have a from the sensors we have a time series of heart rate you know boom boom boom boom boom boom and then little time stamps but we also know from the from the 72 hour folks who are very helpful we have a script of what exactly different things happening including jump scared look stage her nose Yeah exactly so we can have a line up if we crack open the roof and we're looking down and we can kind of see exactly what these rats in a maze are doing and then might end up with what's their body starts saying right so you went to Fullerton 17th door and what did you to collect the data so there are a couple of things One is we a