Transcripts for KPBS 89.5 FM/KQVO 97.7 FM KPBS 89.5 FM/KQVO

Transcripts for KPBS 89.5 FM/KQVO 97.7 FM KPBS 89.5 FM/KQVO 97.7 FM 20180317 130000

Again as provided by Geico offering car insurance as well as services for homeowners and renters insurance through the Geico Insurance Agency additional information can be found at Geico dot com or 180947 auto. From W B who are in Boston I belittle field and this is N.P.R. Sports program only again last month Iowa Hawkeyes saw for Jordan Bo Hannan missed a free throw in the stands a mother named Patty Street had an unusual response. Shouldn't it for Christopher he shouldn't attend the bond chaired by 2 basketball players who never met his just ahead on only a game also the story of a photographer's encounter with a Super Bowl veteran he found sleeping under a bridge as a journalist you always think that your stories may make a difference I just didn't know it would be that dramatic. Live from N.P.R. News and Washington on trial Snyder the firing of deputy F.B.I. Director Andrew McCabe Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired McCabe late last night just before a big caves planned retirement McKay became well known after becoming the acting F.B.I. Director following the firing of James Comey he was closely associated with the investigations into Hillary Clinton's e-mail server and Russian election Medlock and N.P.R.'s John Stanton reports all those sessions did the firing President Trump weighed in on Twitter earlier the White House said it was up to Attorney General Sessions to decide whether to fire McCabe after the firing President Trump took to Twitter he declared it was a great day for the hardworking men and women of the F.B.I. And a great day for democracy. The president then took a swipe at former F.B.I. Director James Comey calling him sanctimonious and quoting here made McCabe look like a choir boy the president finished by claiming the highest levels of the F.B.I. Are thick in lies and corruption before the tweet McCabe called his dismissal part of the Trump administration's war on the F.B.I. And his wires said it distorted the disciplinary process John Stanton N.P.R. News Washington Facebook says it has suspended Cambridge and a little data analysis firm that worked for President Trump's 2016 campaign Facebook has issued a blog post saying the firm violated Facebook's privacy policy in a suspended the company while it investigates that issue as a Facebook application that collected user data was used by tens of thousands Russia hitting back at Britain amid tensions over the nerve agent attack on a former Russian spy and his daughter on British soil Russia's foreign ministry says it is expelling $23.00 British diplomats in retaliation for Britain's decision to expel $23.00 Russians the Ministry says in a statement it has also decided to block the British Council in Russia and is ending an agreement to reopen the British Consulate in St Petersburg where monitors say tens of thousands of people are fleeing beyond Clave freend in northern Syria in the face of a Turkish military offensive against a Kurdish militia and tense fighting ongoing as a Turkish army and its Syrian allies try to break through the B.B.C.'s Mark Lowen reports from Istanbul the Turkish military and Syrian rebels close in on African there's a growing exodus of those inside left without water and electricity and dwindling food supplies it seems Turkey's aim is to beseech the town before moving in to expel the Y.P. G. Kurdish fighters as they and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights Monitoring Group say 16 people died in a Turkish ass trike on a friend's main hospital that's being denied by the Takesh military which says its 2 month long operation has not harm civilians B.B.C.'s Mark Lowen reporting civilians also fleeing Eastern Gooden outside the Syrian capital in the face of a government advance you're listening to N.P.R. News. Congressional race in Hawaii is getting attention because of the past remarks of a candidate Hawaii lieutenant governor Doug Chan the Pacific in the specific issue is more than 20 years old but as wide public radio's Bill Dorman reports it's become part of contemporary politics this appears to be an issue of faith and politics some years ago Doug Chan was active in expressing fundamentalist Christian beliefs including opposition to gay marriage but he says he's changed his views when he was attorney general chin led an effort for legislation prohibiting discrimination against transgender service members his political opponent calls the change in sincere chance remarks resurfaced after a Youtube user posted an audio clip from 1995 when Chen worked as an intern for the Wahoo Church of Christ after graduating law school in Australia a small group of lawyers trying to get me a Mars to facto leader Aung Sang Suu Chee charge with crimes against humanity for me and treatment of the Muslim minority ruling the SUCI and other Southeast Asian leaders attending a regional summit meeting in Sydney as Michael Sullivan reports the 5 lawyers accused of quoting here failing to use her position of authority and power and as such has permitted the ME and Mar security forces to deport and forcibly remove roping a from their homes the case is unlikely to get anywhere Australia's attorney general would have to sign off on any prosecution unlikely since the government invited her to the summit meeting however has been marked by protests against me and Maher on trial Snyder N.P.R. News from Washington Support for N.P.R. Comes from the University of Florida from working to minimize the risks of emerging pathogens to rethinking cyber security solutions U.S. Researchers students and pairs are working together for the greater good gator good dot com and the ne e Casey Foundation. Hey P.B.S. Is supported by Alexandria real estate Alexandria is a real estate and investment partner for San Diego's life science and technology companies Alexandria building the future of life changing innovation the San Diego history setter presenting legacy in black showcasing African-American artists who have made significant contributions to San Diego's art see what jazz concerts and more in the month of April more information at San Diego history thought org. This is only a game I'm building field March Madness is upon us over the coming weeks brackets will be busted by among other things shots from the free throw line but our 1st story this week is not about one of those free throw attempts it's about one that mattered a great deal more here's only a game as Martin Casler. Chris St grew up in a small southern Iowa town called hummus then he was not all around athlete but Chris's parents Mike and Patty knew their son's number one sport was basketball because when he would get done with football all day and he would even come home and shoot hoops on the driveway he must have had a lot of energy and yeah he did look like it. Was actually open 8 percent of the baseball so then we get our winners or go out and fish and. Instead the winners were all about basketball especially when the Iowa Hawkeyes were on T.V. Course when there was going to be a game I mean he was thinking about that the whole day Chris eventually grew to 6 foot 8 and got really good at basketball in 1980 during Chris's sophomore year of high school and just before his 16th birthday an envelope showed up at the streets it was a recruiting letter from Iowa so we actually hid it from him and framed it and for a birthday present we gave it to him and I wrapped it and so I was a big event for everybody that summer I offered Chris a scholarship he committed the next day I was going to have your street became a starter averaging more than 10 points and 8 rebounds a game but there was one area he knew he could improve going into your new year he was upset that he mentioned preserves I think and he decided to set his goal that he was not going to mess with big 10 free throw that was his goal that next season Chris made free throw after a free throw and he started approaching I was school record of 33 straight which had stood for 24 years when the Hawkeyes visited Duke in mid January Chris's streak was at 32 his parents watched from home. Court. How are you both. Feeling going into that game or. Nervous. That late in the 1st. Half Chris drew a foul ball and went to the line for 2 shots 1st from one end pretty good. Record in the 2nd corral right down to let's hear what. I could weakly ordinary We heard for we were ecstatic for just ecstatic for him after the game Patty left a message at her son's apartment telling him how proud we were of being a my congratulations but I never did get to talk to a 3 nights after Chris set the record on January 19th 1903 Patti was closing up the family's mom and pop convenience store when her husband showed up I knew something was wrong when he came and he said it's Christopher and I said Oh did he blow out a neat because I thought oh he blew out a neat now and Mike says that he told me but I did not listen I wouldn't listen Chris's car had collided with a snowplow Chris was pronounced dead at the scene Paddy went home the news started to sink him I knew he was in heaven. There was no doubt my mind he was up there and that was such a reassuring thought. In the weeks after Chris's death Mike and Patty attended some of Iowa's home games they wanted to be there to support Chris's teammates but eventually they stopped going it was too painful it just brought back too many memories ideas. That he's not here you know with as. Years went by Mike and Patti stayed away from Hawkeyes games but they were grateful for Chris's consecutive free throw record it was very special because you know as a parent who's lost a child you you don't want people to forget them and I guess with that record it it was just a. Another thing to remind people not forgetting a decade past than another decade Chris treats free throw streak remained in the Iowa record book I remember coach close saying that he and they could ever be broke . On June 19th 19074 years after Chris Street's death Jordan bow hand and was born in Iowa City he was the youngest of 4 boys or definite up on the ground a lot of the child I mean sometimes I swear I would just lay in my bed and my brothers would come in to tackle Jordan's father had played football at the University of Iowa but basketball was the sport for the Buckhannon boys Jordan's 3 older brothers all played Division one unhappily for Jordan's dad none of them ended up at Iowa when Jordan played 2 on 2 at the settlings he was not only the youngest he was also the shortest but he found a way to be competitive only way for me to get some shots I would just keep backing up and backing up until they're just tired and they didn't want to keep stepping out farther so I guess that's where I got some of my shooting abilities as a senior in high school Jordan hit 43 percent of his 3 pointers and 92 percent of his free throws his dream was to play for Iowa so when the Hawkeyes coach called to offer a message on our ship Jordan accepted that same night before Jordan Bohannan freshman season in 2016 there was a team banquet that's when he met Mike and Patty St they'd started attending hockey games again talked to them a little bit in new a little bit about Christmas I wanted to learn more just seemed to be an instant bond. There was he he says with warm kid in the more Jordan spoke with the streets the more he realized how much he and Chris had in common this kind of weird spiritual connection that I've had with him he just he just seems caring just by the way he carries himself you know he maybe he doesn't smile all the time to play what he does it just makes me want to squeezing more when I heard. She is a huge Tiger and then this past January Chris treats free throw record started to face a serious threat. After several 30 Mohammed to more of the well I will but you know we were cursed we were watching it close it was one of these feelings that I had I wanted him to break it because he's such a good person how could Hawk-Eye family person we always said Who better to break it you know than Jordan and we've had 25 years and I guess I just thought well maybe we've had our time but yet at the same time as a mom you had like for your your own child to keep it to so I it was just a flip flop they are for me anyway. In mid February Jordan bow hand then hit his 31st and 32nd straight free throws a little over a week later I will hosted Northwestern and the final home game of the season Mike and Patty Street were in the stands late in the 1st half Jordan tied the record and then with 2 minutes and 15 seconds left in the game in the hockey eyes leading by 8 points Jordan Bohannan went back to the free throw line with the chance to break Chris treats record we were Brett I mean we really knew we were ready to react like there's a chance for George Bush headed to become the all time but suck you to be a free throw shooter I think Perry said Here we go OK. I think I do it I do not go there we go. To straight. District. Jordan's shot clanged off the front of the ram my compadre he say they were shocked when I looked the man said Why do that on purpose eyes well I don't think so but after the game ended the streets learned the truth for the previous few weeks Jordan had been planning to mess his 35th free throw he explained why after the game obviously that's now my record been obviously the record deserves the same as their. Unlike you shouldn't have done it for you know Christopher You shouldn't it turned in a death I kept telling myself but then as you have time to think when you're like wow what an incredible and credible act of grace barracked and kindness. The Iowa Hawkeyes didn't make this year's N.C.A.A. Tournament their season is over but when Jordan Bowl Hannon in the Hawkeye State the floor next fall Mike and Patty St will be in the stands to cheer them on it just brings back a lot of good memories now and it's not the hurt so in that respect it's wonderful. Our story was produced by only a game's Martin Kessler. It's time for 3 stories you should know we've got a pair of college basketball stories this week I'm joined by the ringers Kevin Clarke and S.B. Nation's Charlotte Wilder welcome to both of you thanks for having me Hey Bill thanks for having me back in an article for E.S.P.N. Is the undefeated this week Jesse Washington has pointed out that although most of the competitors at the accomplished the one men's basketball teams are African-American one group of players remains predominantly white he's referring to walk ons These are guys who don't get athletic scholarships but they sit at the end of the bench then every once in a while they go in during a blowout and score a basket and everybody gets excited Why are walk ons so often white Washington cites economics he says they're able to afford to attend school without a scholarship and Washington quotes one of the black coaches who says white coaches and last season 75 percent of men's D one coaches were white that those coaches may have a tendency to subconsciously choose individuals that are like themselves one of the white walk ons a guy at Purdue has said now this is great I meet lots of important people and I'm going to get a great job when after I graduate because the coaches will help me out I don't know what we can do about this beyond working to increase opportunities for minorities in all areas but maybe one of you has a more specific suggestion I think that with college sports it is such a way to further your career afterwards you know everyone wants to hire someone who like oh well you know you played basketball Purdue it doesn't matter if you saw like 2 minutes of a game that's still a thing where especially hiring managers you often probably are mannerly or sick that. I Dementation were very good by the way that's my hiring manager irony of all if anyone wants to book me for stand up you know but I think I think it's sort of a holistic solution where you need to make sure that you have other people in the room. Why not look like you I think that's true across the board and in all industries you know the N.F.L. Had a similar problem where it was sort of a network of predominately white coaches meeting predominately white young people and then they start promoting the getting them through the ranks and they started the Bill Walsh diversity fellowship program which was just basically any person of color could apply to get a lower level position at the N.F.L. When they're young or after their playing days are over and really just start getting exactly what is needed which is entry level minority candidates who then can work their way up one of the coaches quoted in that Washington article says Why do you think a look oh Chiz are white they're coming up through the ranks of those guys who walk on who have plenty of time to watch great basketball and hence develop wonderful coaching instincts. Charlotte I understand you have a confession to make this week. Yeah I wasn't going to do this but I might as well just put it all out there I like Duke basketball. Well. I mean no one likes Duke basketball and watching March Madness for me I've always gotten excited when they've done well and it's a weird situation because you know I didn't go to Duke I could've gotten into Duke of I tried but a bigger sports fan KNOW I'M thing that this speaks to is how being a sports fan is as much about hating something as it is about loving something and you know you can love your team but hating the rivals like I hate the Yankees so much and it brings me such pleasure to hate the Yankees and so I understand that Duke is the villain and the have the most hated players in college basketball constantly Grayson Allen currently holds that title but I do think that sort of owning the fact that I like this hated team was a little bit hard for me I used to be embarrassed by it now I'm just I'm all in I can't fight it anymore and I'm going to go public with that I'm with you Charlotte sports is about hate I mean it's so funny. I yeah when I became a sports journalist most of my allegiances faded to teams but some of the teams I hated when I wasn't a journalist I still hate so I think outstrip love in a lot of ways that's why it's it's it's very beautiful I know people like hating the Yankees and I have lived in the Boston area for a very long time and I know I'm supposed to hate the Yankees but I knew Yogi Berra a little bit and I knew Joe Torey a little bit and I couldn't hate those guys right but that's a thing right like I don't hate Aaron judge I don't hate on our list and I'm like I love those guys you know as a team I can still you know hold on to that and the idea of the Yankees yes the idea of the Yankees and that sort of primal. There it is again. I need to stop going I'm just making that I'm going to work on that Kevin what have you got for us well I think one of the most important days in the history of modern football happened this week when Kirk Cousins signed a fully guaranteed 3 or $86000000.00 contract now this is the norm and every other sport fully guaranteed money financial security but you have to understand that in football typically about half to 60 percent of the contracts for the absolute superstars are guaranteed and in many cases no money is guaranteed and basically Kirk Cousins spent $2.00 and a half years plotting to get this contract and it's the 1st of its kind obviously and if you look at the next wave of quarterback negotiations Aaron Rodgers is coming up soon Matt Ryan from Atlanta is coming up soon very might ask for these sort of guarantees and then the entire game changes does that trickle down to lesser known quarterbacks that trickle down to non quarterbacks and so it could end up being that Kirk Cousins and this is no overstatement one of most important players going to tell history because he changed the labor market that much I think that it does change the sport I also can't imagine what's going to happ

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