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Yes because I'm Ray Davis I'm Calvin Sam we're the original Pete whatever we're in tell you right we always there's an old cheat all by. You're listening to k. O. To you know it's 12 o'clock Stay tuned for N.P.R.'s news at noon. To . Hear. From n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Janine Herbst President Trump says his vile comments about Haiti and African nations that a bipartisan White House meeting on a compromise immigration bill were tough but he denies using an expletive more than one senator who was at that meeting disputes that and a warning to listeners about the language that follows as we hear from Democratic Senator Dick Durbin and then he went on were started to describe the immigration from Africa that was being protected in this bipartisan measure. That's one of yours used by all involved comments calling the nation's they come from the polls exact words used by the president not not just once but repeatedly as weaker Paul Ryan today's. Said terms vulgar comments are very unfortunate and unhelpful Meanwhile Tom signed a proclamation honoring civil rights hero Dr Martin Luther King Jr at the White House this morning but didn't respond to reporters' questions about his comments on Africa in Haiti basket or to the u.s. Paul to door is calling on Trump to apologize the u.s. Ambassador to Panama has resigned reportedly telling the State Department you no longer feels he can serve President Trump N.P.R.'s Michele Kelemen reports the department says he quit for personal reasons a career diplomat and former Marine Corps pilot John feely is leaving his post in early March the State Department says the deputy chief of mission will take his place until a new ambassador arrives officials call this a personal decision and say feely informed the White House and the government of Panama earlier this week under secretary of state Steve Goldstein adds feelies departure was not a response to news that President Trump used vulgar language to describe Haiti and African countries had a meeting on immigration but he says at least a couple of ambassadors in Haiti and in Botswana have been summoned to hear formal complaints about the remarks Michele Kelemen n.p.r. News the State Department Rescue workers in southern California Santa Barbara County are racing to find people still missing after heavy rainstorm sense rivers of mud through neighborhoods Danielle Carson has more search and rescue crews are looking for survivors but at this point officials are hopeful County Fire Battalion Chief David Neal says it's been tough going for rescuers who have been slogging through mud and debris we have so much more there's areas where the take up to waist it's a huge challenge and it's taking us a long time to cover all of the search area there are now questions over whether more could have been done to get people out of harm's way Santa Barbara County delayed sending a cell phone alert warning of mudslides by the time it went out tons of mud rocks and boulders were rolling downhill sides for n.p.r. News I'm Danielle Carson in Pasadena California Wall Street is higher at this hour the Dow is up $201.00 points the Nasdaq is up $42.00 points the s. And p. $500.00 up 16 this is n.p.r. News. Spain says it's knocked out the u.s. To become the 2nd most touristed country in the world behind France that's in terms of foreign not domestic tourists as Lauren Frayer reports from Madrid Spain welcomed 82000000 foreign tourists last year that's a record number for the 5th year in a row the tourism ministry says these preliminary figures show Spain is now 2nd only to France in terms of foreign tourist arrivals the numbers also show that more than one in 5 visitors to Spain last year chose Catalonia as their destination that's in the northeast where Barcelona is the regional capital and where a separatist movement sparked unrest in the streets I asked fall and I says terror attack killed 16 people in Catalonia in August and tourism did suffer but other Spanish regions appear to have made up the difference for n.p.r. News I'm Lauren Frayer in Madrid consumer inflation is in check the Labor Department says it slowed to 110th of a percent gain in December following a bigger 4 tenths of a percent jump in November over the past 12 months overall inflation is up 2 point one percent while core inflation which excludes volatile food and energy costs rose 1.8 percent and consumers were in a shopping mood last month the Commerce Department says December retail sales rose 4 tenths of a percent vehicle sales were up 2 tenths of a percent and gardening and building material stores saw a 1.2 percent jump in sales in December Carol prices are trading higher at this hour up there only a half percent gaining 29 cents 64 dollars $0.09 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange I'm Janine Herbst n.p.r. News in Washington had this is Alice Peacock And I love listening to kowtow when I'm in Telluride because they'll play everything that you'd love to hear. I'm Dr hamper you our viewers and this is Climate Connection. It's a rapper it's an environmental activist it's Mr ego. In elementary school. Walls around the world a green cape superhero is using hip hop to teach kids about environmental issues. Mr Eco was born when his mild mannered alter ego Brad Edwards was in college Edward was looking for a way to combine his love of hip hop with his concerns about the environment now he has 2 albums a popular You Tube channel and has performed at hundreds of schools he get students and staff on their feet singing dancing and having fun but also learning how they can save energy and reduce pollution and food waste I believe that monumental change begins with the youngest members of society just as he becomes Mr Eco Edwards hopes to show kids that they can be transformed by taking action on the things they care about own to show kids that they can be heroes they just have to believe in something and then act on their belief. Climate Connections is produced by the Center for Environmental communication far more Climate Connections or low I'm Mary Tyler Moore people for the Ethical Treatment of Animals want to tell you about the hidden cruelty in the estrogen drug Premarin which is made from the urine pregnant Mayer's the horse is one of nature's most beautiful animals yet sadly tens of thousands are changing year after year in tiny stalls for much of their 11 month pregnancies to collect their urine they cannot take more than a step in any direction turnaround or even lie down comfortably because of the urine collection bag strapped to them 24 hours a day join me and all the women and doctors who will no longer use or prescribe Premarin there are other effective estrogen drugs made from synthetic or plant based sources which can relieve menopausal symptoms and prevent osteoporosis I've switched and I feel great for more information on Premarin and its alternatives please call Peter thank you 757622 pita. From the concert halls to the juke joints from churches to festivals in the fields Welcome to another episode of The Bill Street Caravan celebrating the sounds of Memphis and the Mississippi Delta for more than 20 years heard around the globe on n.p.r. Worldwide major funding for Beale Street Caravan is provided by the Memphis Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Auto Zone corporation Hi I'm your co-host Pat Mitchell wearily and I'm Kevin carbon this week on Bill street here then we have Australian singer songwriter Emily Barker and she performs songs for men is produced album Sweet kind of place and deals free Caribbean contributor Robert Gordon is back he returns to wrap up his series on the history of records that's all coming up right now on Bill street here. Good day may Hello Kevin know you have to say Good day good I know you go there's a special relationship between Memphis and Australia I have not done a formal study I don't have anything much more than anecdotal evidence but there's something they're going to agree definitely outside of the u.s. Australia dominates our social media followers we hear from Australian listeners more than any other audience segment by the way I got to give a shout out to pip if we're going to mention our Australian listeners and we have to give a shout out for the job as Martin Walters Andrew McClelland and Alan Henry at the same b a a that's the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia for carrying our program for so long when you look at tourism stats and guess who is at the top of the list when it comes to tourists in Memphis it's Australians I think it may be time for us to take the caravan over there see what's going on but we can discuss this all fair because we have an amazing show that we need to get to that's right Australian born singer songwriter Emily Barker is here with us Emily is pure talent she has a golden voice and she's fearless and her. Approach I read where one writer described her music as quote extreme folks and I found that an apt description in that it means to me pulling inspiration from grass roots folk traditions in a manner where traditional norms and boundaries are ignored she really mixes it up English folk music pop in Wa she can be bright and happy and she can do dark and moody and on her new records we kind of blew she returns to one of her core inspirations the sweet soulful sounds of the American South and those are some of my favorite sounds to chase that muse she came to Memphis Of course she hired some of the best musicians on the planet including Reverend Charles and Leroy Hodges of the heart rhythm section as you holed up in Sam Phillips recording studio with producer Matt Ross space and as we mentioned the result is titled sweet kind of blue it's a great listen and it's out now and we are fortunate enough to have Emily come back to Memphis to celebrate the album release along with all the great Memphis musicians that helped her make it appears in Lee Barker live on Bill speak here they are. It is. you READY READY READY READY. READY READY want no. Good luck. And. Thank. The. Good. Time. Is the same and. The. That was in Lee Barker live until Street Caravan We'll be right back with more music but 1st we're going to turn it over to Bill street here Van contributor Robert Gordon Robert is a writer and documentary filmmaker he has written several histories about Mrs music including it came from this and respect yourself Stax Records and the soul explosion his next book entitled misprint party comes out this year so be on the lookout for it right now he's going to talk about the history of high records by the mid and late 1970 s. Music was changing high records had been founded in the late 1950 s. In the wake of Sam Phillips success with Elvis Presley. Recorded some classic rockabilly an early rock n roll made his 1st mark with Jazzy soul in the 1960 s. Artists like Bill black ace cannon and Willie Mitchell and then hit another high mark when Willie Mitchell moved from in front of the microphone to behind the board producing the deep soul sounds a bit of miles by Al Green and people still Johnson Otis clay and others. Doing down in the sun. Know. Our records was indeed into something they couldn't shake loose the blues gospel and soul sounds that had to find the high records heyday a given way to the electronic sound and rhythm of the disco era. This song by Ovie Wright is an incredible married. His gospel roots in the disco sounds of the mid 1970 s. Music my James the producer Willie Mitchell intended to change right along with. Clint. In the mid 1970 s. The high rhythm section released their debut album this group 3 brothers and a dear friend had been the core band on hundreds of recordings from high over a decade they've moved smoothly slinky and silkily between all the highest honors is helping each one find his or her best song but they've never made their own album until the sound they defined was on its way out of fashion. When given the opportunity to do their own thing they look forward not back this track superstar features Teenie Hodges on a 6 string and. Things are changing for highs superstar artist 2 every album that Al Green released on high had contained a gospel song. Since 1902 he's become increasingly religious 176 he bought a church and preached his 1st sermon because he made another change that year he stayed with high but he built his own recording studio and recorded his 1st album in 8 years without Willie Mitchell. And. Was his spiritual conflict more clearly expressed than in the title song he tells his lover woods you that I want but it's him that I need. An ordained preacher and for the next decade. He has religious music. In 1977 with disco at its apex punk rock on the rise superstar artists gone in the sound of Southern soulful classic sound of the past. To a Los Angeles record. And attempt was made to revive the fortunes of people still Johnson and several other artists the recordings of Memphis songs made on the west coast sound. When Willie Mitchell left a label in 1989 there was no doubt that his'. Willie Mitchell continued to produce records from the south Memphis studio where he recorded all these hits in the 1967 in 2003 he reunited with Al Green and they were able to conjure the sound and I can't stop. All said 25. Mitchell has maintained a relationship with the other high artists courting them for various labels over the years he still comes to the studio but his children are now more active on the music. Records achieved a position in the popular Hannum a few independent labels have every. Day made without the backing of. A mega corporation. Records created beauty. Well music and people all over the world continue to respond to that. Thank you our record and thank you listeners for tuning into this series on the high labor this is been Robert Gordon saying Bob from hock to Kerry we want to remind our listeners you can find Bill Street Caravan on all the social media outlets look us up and join me and on the fine for more information or if you want to get involved go to our website a feel street your band dot com She does an e-mail or sign up for our monthly newsletter to find out where the caravan is going to be next and you can also keep up with Bill Street cure then via our podcast it's available through i Tunes Google Play to Neon and just about anywhere podcast can be found speaking of podcast check out our newest production the Blues Hall of Fame podcast also available through Itunes Google Play and tune in we have to take a quick break for local announcements but Stick around there's more music to come if you're listening to the sounds of Memphis on Bill Street Caravan. On his own as per. To support Bill streak here they have and many other arts organizations that strengthen the greater meant this community parts are just part of what we do Auto Zone dot com Street Caravan is also supported by awards from the Memphis Convention and Visitors Bureau Tennessee Arts Commission arts Memphis and Tennessee tourism Tennessee Vacation dot com the soundtrack of America was made in Tennessee we're back and for those of you just tuning in this week on Bill Street Karin we have Australian singer songwriter Emily Barker with us she's performing a special Memphis show to mark the release of her latest effort titled sweet kind of blues it's a bluesy and soulful effort produced right here in Memphis Tennessee with the help of an all star cast in Memphis music legends including Charles only Roy Hodges of the heart rhythm section I had a chance to sit down with Emily before the show let's hear what she had to say about her time in Memphis and like Barker how are you doing I'm doing great thanks Pat being from Australia not just Australia but a small town in Australia how did you find this love of music in that place you know when I was a teenager there was this festival started off in my tiny little town bridge town and on a regular day it has 2000 people there but this festival it happened mid November and suddenly 20000 people comes to hand it was a blues festival called Blues it Bridgetown and I get international blues acts and national police acts and so in this whole mix and as teenagers we just it was the nice exciting weekend in the anti Yeah so I suddenly all of us kids wanted to plan how to play an instrument and I loved singing and it was an excuse to. Start up a band in high school so suddenly at present high school it was always all these bands starting up and I was in Vienna and I was singing. And so that's where it started and then I began to write songs that are 18 and when I was 20. Left and lots of people do this they put on a backpack and I and they head off to. Somewhere in Europe because a lot of the strains have European and histories have had a fair and and I accidently ended up staying for. Decades now what kind of music was going on in Australia that Australians were making I mean it's sort of cold Americana now but it's that real I guess sudden American music so you sort of country and blues and so that's sort of the staple diet of music I would say and a strain on the soundtrack sort of to the landscape is is American. So . You go to the u.k. And for a lot of people the 1st time they may have heard you. Especially in the u.k. Are those people in the States who like to watch British television was your music being used for you know these great shows was that even something that you considered Oh yeah I had not thought about that so. I write that when I was in Melbourne. And then I headed back to the u.k. And I was raising money with a smile I 2nd the spot and I was at a house concert I was playing lots of half speaks to raise money and there was the composer Martin Phipps he was working on the series. And he rang me up a couple of days after the. You know that song you play and. I would really love to do a recording of. His b.b.c. One drama series starring Kenneth Branagh So that happened which was amazing and then Martin Phipps the composer he was working on the Shadowline and I had sent him my 3rd album which had a song. And I direct I was specifically looking for. Female harmony pace this song is that it's a coat used for the famed for the shadow line and I've since done some work with Martin and the film and television was there a question in your mind do you mean there was definitely I think I want to change this song for this t.v. Series but I didn't have to change it was very much keeping the whole essence of the song and also with the lyrics changing I got to choose what I'm going to be and so I didn't mind and I'm so glad I said yes to pick Yeah yeah I am an independent artist I release records on my own label but it meant that suddenly people started coming to show. Why this is good my friend I didn't even know the series well and when it was coming out and then I got a text from a friend of mine in this date. Saying hey you're on the front front page or My Space. In between all this how did you get to Memphis I was looking for an upcoming producer and everybody that I asked was that So how do you think like going to be the next day. He's on the rise and and everybody said Bang bang so I got his contactee jazz and I emailed him and he really loved the demo and then he sent me back a reference playlist of sounds that he could hear and production ideas and. And then he invited me to Memphis to come under some pre-production for a couple of days say was Rick Steff and Matt and myself and we went to you Sam Phillips recordings of a song and I didn't even know what I was arriving at Sanford I mean I knew he Sam Phillips was in and he sounds studios but I hadn't been to Memphis and I drove from Nashville is really excited and Sam Phillips and I couldn't actually work out how to get in because the front door was locked. And then there was a fire. Well yeah so I like went up the fire escape and then I put in the door and suddenly I'm like What is this place and there was like this and all like sixty's fountain and water and and Sam Phillips whose office Yeah this door that said Sam Phillips of the office and I was like oh my gosh where am I And then I found these stairs and they were doing some refurbishing at the times of that plastic on the stairs so I made my way down and and then found my way into the studio I and it was like wow this place is all pastel colors and. Such a big room and Rikan were in there and so we had a couple of days there and then at the end of the ice days he asked me So how do you feel about coming to Ventus unlike your record here and it was straight away yes I went Yeah Matt is so secure is manic funny god yeah I was so great to work with him and all the guys and I had met most of them in till day one and yeah so I just met everybody there and played the my songs on a case of piano and and we'd just gone from there and then hit record and get the tanks rolling so it was very spontaneous which was a really different way for me to act but I think choices all right musicians he had a really clear idea I think of how it was potentially going to come out but he also likes to keep a lot of it as a surprise to himself I think this well and then and then just respond from in the moment what do you think is the difference between this offering and what you've done in the past well I think the sound is very different and for me it feels like going back to my roots saying this Blues Festival when I was a teenager in the scenery Franklin and being so influenced by soul and so it was such a. Stir. What do you think is that next step I'm not entirely sure but I've started writing and I sort of just want to keep on writing and why I learned about doing this week kind of the album has just to keep a really aren't in mind and let the songs of the guy say I'm just going to keep on writing and not commit to anything right now and so you see records so after a little doing that I realize it actually works a great combination is when you can share it by sides. And in songwriting and and in your voice and in your performance and thank you for coming in and sitting down with us. Just having a chat with My pleasure thanks so much for having me Ok We're going to go back to more music Belle from Italy Barker at the Love It should. As you love. To. Move so.

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