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KOMT 93.5 FM [93.5 The Eagle] KOMT 93.5 FM [93.5 The Eagle] August 18, 2017 230000

From the sound bite comedy Peters controversy a figure Steve Bennett is leaving the White House to Washington correspondent sagrada Ghani reports Bannon's but a powerful and contentious presence in the front had been his duration and came to the Trump campaign after leading conservative Breitbart News and pushed the president to follow through on campaign promises but he ran afoul of other advisors most notably Jared cushion or the president's son in law this week the president said he likes the ban and but declined to give him public backing saying we'll see what happens from except Bannon's resignation on Friday ending a turbulent 7 months for his chief strategist and will return to Breitbart News American Jared Tucker has been confirmed as among those killed in a deadly truck attack in Barcelona Spain I was in the city celebrating his 1st wedding anniversary with his wife Secretary of State Rex Tillerson were still can from injuries and deaths of others but obviously we express our deepest sympathies to the loved ones of this individual and obviously others who have been who suffered loss of life the regional government of Catalonia says it's identified 7 of the 14 people killed in Barcelona and Cumbria as vehicle attacks it said among the 13 people killed in Barcelona on Thursday was an Italian a Portuguese and 4 Spaniards gloating one who had Argentine nationality families and other officials have also identified a 2nd Italian man killed in Barcelona as well as Tucker and a Belgian woman in addition 59 people wounded were still in the hospital a man stabbed 8 people Friday in Finland's western city of Turku killing 2 of them before police shot him in the thigh and detained him authorities were looking for more potential suspects in the attack but these were looking for a younger man with a foreign background on Wall Street the Dow down by 76 points the Nasdaq dropped 5 the s. And p. Lower by for more on these stories at townhall dot com. 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To turn over President Trump's tax returns the Electronic Privacy Information Center or epic had launched a suit against the i.r.s. Earlier this year after the agency refused to hand over the tax returns as part of an open records request epix out returns from 2010 to the present as well as any documents that might uncover financial relationships with the Russian government or businesses u.s. District Judge James Bose Brewer groat although the court has no reason to doubt epix assertion that the return information on this particular individual President Trump would be of interest to the public that that does not give the organization a viable legal case Linda Kenya Washington eclipse mania is building and so is the demand for the glasses that make it safe to view the 1st total solar eclipse the cross the us in 99 years one still for sale on Amazon were going for steep prices Friday around $11.00 to $12.00 each news and analysis at townhall dot com I'm Keith Peters. It's that time of year again the children are heading back to school the Attlee dental care home auto parts precious child care and Mountain Home and Sonic drive in a flip and bring you the following safety tips to make sure your child uses the bodies 1st Instruct your child to never accept a ride from anybody and if you're sending another adult to pick them up make sure you have a special code word in place so that they know who to trust. Gras then you need. Simplicity dealer want to better looking one. Suspension system that makes coming easier on your machine and you. Simplicity. Today is just all the bypass you can't miss it don't you want to mention on your good to us in Mountain Home today. Start your morning by getting the latest headlines with their morning coffee on the he would show weekdays from 5 to 8 opinionated You bet entertaining absolutely the listeners it's you who are bringing you the kind of news you must have every morning else you need unlike anything else on national radio I'll deliver the evidence accepting no excuses taking no prisoners giving you the truth on the hottest headlines join me for the Hugh Hewitt Show on Air on the Eagle k o m t 93.5 and online at Twin Lakes Radio dot com compelling radio weekday morning from 5 to late I'm Twin Lakes radio meteorologist Brandon back another way passing by in Iowa and northern Missouri will combine with the weak front to trigger scattered thunderstorms over Missouri this evening and tonight those will likely drop south into the area very late and then move out very quickly on Saturday starting to be around 70 maybe just a bit warmer Saturday afternoon high temps closing in on 90 around 90 again on Sunday that's been the latest look at your forecast right here on the Eagle 93.5 compelling radio. Cues here. From the stadium in the underground command post here in the. Bunker somewhere under the bridge can steal them on this trip building once again made contact with their leader this is. Them coming in the great American into the great Mark Levin rediscovering American ism is the book several weeks New York Times best selling less than Mark Levin and be back with you on Monday night just thank you. 30 weeks into the Trump presidency what to a little over 7 months some names that have come and gone quickly the Mooch was the most dramatic Scaramucci gone Sally 8 acting a.g. Gone James Komi gone Sean Spicer gone Ryan's Priebus gone General Flynn gone Steve van and gone he said tonight quote state Banyan Trump presidency that we fought for and won is over unquote he also texted out the one word war so now you got the old right Breitbart went out turn its guns and tried to destroy the Trump presidency the Democratic Party is invested in the defeat of trump every which way possible most of the Republicans whether it's a Bob Corker or a McConnell or Ryan can't stand to look at Donald j. Trump and the new and the mainstream media is 1000 percent buying the idea that this man is incompetent does not deserve to be in the Oval Office so that is what the Donald is facing as my last caller said from a from Raleigh North Carolina. If the Republicans keep their word and the rep Republicans are fools and feckless individuals they're fools in fact listen but if the Republicans keep their word and put on the trumpeters desk a good tax reform package he will sign it if they put on his desk a good repeal or replace Obamacare Elise to repeal he'll sign it and they put on his desk immigration reform that includes a nice wall on the southern border he'll sign it so that's where we are but obeying Steve Banyan is now firing back at the White House back and Breitbart News and the media I'm looking at c.n.n. Right now to my right there smiling Steve Bang is out and now he also hates the president and the same week that the joint chiefs of staff issued in a sense a condemnation of the president a lower Carl Icahn about 3 or 4 hours ago that the billionaire investor along with Rex Tillerson secretary of state who had modest in a sense the president along with Senator Bob Corker yesterday along with the mother of heather hire She says she won't take the president's phone calls and of course Romney Mitt Romney had some pretty good lines today racist to rejoice. Minority sweep unraveling of America and then Senator Maria Chappelle Knaidel of Missouri ever going to Merican democratic course calls for the murder the assassination of Donald j. Trump line him up what's better what's worse is go back to the American people let's continue now with Joe in the great state of Texas the home of the cowboys Joe welcome to the Mark Levin Show hosted by the great American Please go ahead. Yes or thank you. That's. From St Oh it's terrible in another way when that happens won't the lives of average Americans be so much better. Yes I think so you said half or should we take take it all I believe we should keep going take it instruction from history books. Remove everything from the history. Well how about the about George Washington's face on a one dollar bill if somebody wants to mail me all their money with the presidential faces I take that when you. Now of course let me add that I support the boycott in fact Benjamin Franklin's on the one out of a bill I'm not sure old Ben ever own slaves but Andrew Jackson's on in 27 the President from Tennessee Andrew Jackson he also is real nasty to the Indians send in the money in fact one said stop Trump had a valid point but there is a little bit of a difference Robert e. Lee Stonewall Jackson Jefferson Davis war rebellious individuals who sought to kill American soldiers and or wage war against the United States that's not the same thing as a founding father who took the country would you agree. Well I won't thank Joe thank your callers move to David Los Angeles David in Los Angeles welcome to the Mark Levin Show David and ally please go ahead go ahead Dave Yeah Bill thanks for having me on yes or no I have to comment if you can afford me the time firstly with respect to having President Trump run of the independent I respectfully disagree with you and here's why yes there's a history of Teddy Roosevelt not being an incumbent but if we come up tonight $992.00 when in the mid and $92.00 Ross Perot I think had maybe 39 percent approval in the Gallup polls and Bush was a little bit less than that and Clinton was 25 percent and the incumbent Bush who had you know had such good popularity after Desert Storm and so forth they split the party and Clinton became president with about 43 percent of the vote I think that the Republican Party better wake up the trump administration needs to curb down the tone quit worrying about your ego and belittling people and you guys better get together 'd and save America for America but let's put the egos in check and let's get our act together because otherwise we'll end up with another disastrous result as we did in 1900 with Wilson and that we didn't 192 of the Clinton so that's my 1st comment with we're Guard to the running of independent Now let's stay on that point because your points are valid when when when push came to shove Clinton got about 43 I think Bush 41 got about 3536 and I think Perot got about 18 or 19 percent of the vote however say in 112 Taft and Roosevelt split the Republican vote allowed to rip up a Democrat to win for the 1st time in 20 years Woodrow Wilson who was an unmitigated disaster but nonetheless I think this time and then dependent cannot win the presidency because you can't get on you can't get on balance you can't garner public scrutiny and you can't cover you don't have media covering you however if you're the sitting president and you're the trumpeter do you think Trump as an Independent would get 35 to 40 percent of the vote. I think he could I wouldn't take that risk at that point in time in our history I would I would work with the Republicans and the Republicans need a way to know working with him my friend David the Republicans are standing Trump in the back every chance they get absolutely but the point is this they're going to lose if they 'd don't have that sense so that because he has the incumbent so and he does have a strong base and they need that base to be the Democrats because the Democrats have the media and so that is my position I wouldn't roll the dice that's just my position if I can make a comment with regard to Charlottesville that I've never heard anybody talk about if you bad and as vile as the neo nazis are and so forth that the point is they did have a permit they did they were carrying whatever they're allowed to carry a under the law Ok Now with that being said when you had the left. Left wing it came in they came without a permit that came without you know with what clubs etc etc Although I think they actually under the watch believe. In Virginia they don't fight it a riot because they didn't have a permit and they came with weapon I can guarantee you it would have been be all right Alexis black white matter with a permit to in a demonstration that was illegal for and it would have been the Klu Klux Klan that came in and wept and would be. Temperature look at it this way the courts have allowed Neil Nazis to March and the Jewish enclave of Spokeo annoyed whether you like it or not we have a 1st Amendment and the 1st Amendment says prior restraint a freedom of speech is not permitted it is a very very very high burden for anyone to demonstrate I'm not going to issue a permit because there's a possibility of violence now if you're a neo nazi a skinhead and your will and your lighting tiki torches at night in a southern city and you're a white male that demonstrates to me you're you may have the right to do that but to me it is terribly immoral behavior Now having said that Intifada knew what was going on because of social media and there were many more antiphon protesters were in their pocket clothes and their masks well armed to the teeth there was a fight going on according to The New York Times according to the a.p. And according to Reuters in Charlottesville where the left and the right attacked each other and the Charlottesville Police God bless him stone stood down one reason or another and did not want to get involved now the media only talks about one side of the fight and it's like talking about McGrath's McGregor and not talking about a whether there was a fight going on there were many arrest on both sides and the person killed on. Fortunately I hate to see anyone lose their life especially a young American 32 was killed by an all right ist if that was somehow intifada had killed somebody on the right the outrage in the media would not nearly have been as great because Democrats when they're victims of crime it's called Hate crimes when Republicans or conservatives are the victims of crimes they hardly ever hate crimes it's the way the political parties are now organized and to far it's a terrible left wing violent group and they're anarchists at $455.00 the saf to noon I about dropped over dead Jake Tapper of c.n.n. Did a 3 and a half minute report on ant to fall and how violent they were in Charlottesville and how violent they were on the inaugural day there were $210.00 and to an artist arrested in downtown Washington d.c. And charged with riot eg Red Riding it's a serious felony these individuals have chapters on organized in practically every American city who are called out with sticks and clubs and chemical irritants and mace to attack anybody perceived to be on the right and that movement is much larger and much greater the neo nazis are skinheads because that's the way the world is ordered today but the media will never cover trump the way they covered Obama Obama got every pass in the world drop em down any passes and the media will never cover and to follow the way they cover the skinheads because the skinheads the Nazis the white supremacist they're a hate group and they should be treated as such on the other side of the fence antiphon it's a hate group but the Southern Poverty Law Center would never list them as a hate group who cause violent behaviors all over the country because they're on the same political side so when c.n.n. Did this report David I about passed out at 455 tonight because it was a fair report for the 1st time and I seldom see that on c.n.n. Seldom I fully agree with. That. Sure on the other foot Oh if it were if the father had to leave had the permit and it was the Klu Klux Klan and skinhead that came in and then they would be charged with inciting a riot I believe because the party come in without a permit with weapons and so for inside of the riot I believe because and they would only want to let me remember Obama was in the White House right years one Obama was in the White House and race riots took place frequently there was never a motive or intent or an questions the mainstream media to Obama do you think your rhetoric in your policies are causing riots in Baltimore in St Paul in Baltimore there was never a connection between the policies of Obama and race riots but as soon as Charlottesville happened the media were like Panthers on a ledge ready to jump a trump to somehow connect him to the killing to the murder of heather hire the media had a complete double standard when it came to coverage of Obama that they don't have a trump and we have to recognize that is reality. Right then the problem we have it's education because people don't know their history if you can totally know he was acted out on the list let's look at his memoir look at the fact that he freed the slaves of his father in law when the father in law passed away he has things to his letters to his wife with were guards who are a very being immoral and people don't know the truth about Lee So you know they're hiding over something that they don't understand and the other thing is and Robert e. Lee Stonewall Jackson Jefferson Davis Bono regard Ku Klux Klan they were all Democrats it is so ironic that the Democratic Party is the party of the Ku Klux Klan That's the party it is not the Republican Party it was formed to fight the Democrats and to free the slaves and now the Democratic Party so ironic is going after the Klan when the Democrats created the Ku Klux Klan we got to run David thank you for your call let's continue now full on becomes available 877381. 3811 Bill Cunningham the great American in for the great one Mark 11 months. 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