Transcripts For KOLO Good Morning Reno 5am 20160212 : compar

Transcripts For KOLO Good Morning Reno 5am 20160212

i'm amanda sanchez dave and lindsey are off today. let's go to lindsey matherly with a look at the forecast. above average temperatures along with light winds under high pressure will persist into early next week. mid and high clouds will stream across the region periodically. a moderate winter storm is possible for wednesday and thursday next week with gusty winds, rain and mountain snow. && .short term... high clouds will continue to stream across the sierra and western nevada through the week. although high pressure will flatten this weekend it will reestablish along the west coast and keep the storm track deflected into the pacific northwest. temperatures will continue to remain above normal, but the amount of cloud we're getting a look at the man who police say robbed a gas station in stead, then led them on a chase earlier this week... prompting the lockdown of three schools. 39-year-old wesley ford is facing several charges including robbery and grand larceny. it all started with an armed robbery on monday at the maverick gas station on stead boulevard. police say the next day, ford stole a truck then led them on a chase. stead and silver lake elementary schools, as well as o'brien middle school were all put on lockdown. initially-- detectives suspect... but police cleared him after talking with witnesses. ### this all a reno man has been sentenced to 15-years in prison for driving under the influence. according to the washoe county district attorney's office--59- year-old patrick mckinnon-- had a blood alcohol level of point- 3-2 during a car accident last year. mckinnon had two prior felony d-u-i convictions-- as well as two prior misdemeanor d-u-i convictions. for the first time since hillary clinton's new hampshire defeat to bernie sanders in the democratic primary--the two candidates faced off. both are now looking to nevada and south carolina-- hoping to convince a more diverse population that they are the better choice for the democratic nomination. abc's lana zak has a look at last night's debate. sanders sot: "i do have a disagreement here." the differences were in last night's democratic debate. clinton sot: "we agree that wall street should never be allowed to wreck main street again. but here's the point i want to make tonight. i am not a single issue candidate and i do not believe we live in a single issue country.." hillary clinton trying to reset after being walloped in new hampshire gfx: the demographics now changing...voters more than 90 percent white in iowa and new hampshire... but in south carolina, more than half of democratic voters could be african americans-- sanders sot: "when we have more people in jail, disproportionately african american and latino, than china does // here's my promise: at the end of my first term as president, we will not have more people in jail than any other country," the fireworks really coming at the end with this contentious moments clinton sot: " ...the kind of criticism that we've heard from senator sanders about our president i expect from republicans. i do not expect from someone running for the democratic nomination to succeed president obama." sanders sot: "madam secretary, that is a low blow.//one of us ran against tag: clinton was asked about losing the female vote in new hampshire, she responded she has devoted her career to empowering women to -quote- male their own choices even if that choice is not to vote for me. abc news. both democratic candidates will be in nevada this weekend. sanders will be in reno tomorrow. he's scheduled to speak at the "real solutions, for real people" summit at the jot travis student center at the university of nevada. and clinton is expected in the silver state tomorrow and sunday. details on where she'll be, have not yet been released. ### donald trump is still riding a wave of momentum after his hampshire. he's now got his sights set on south carolina and is taking aim at his fellow republicans. "we win here, we're going to run the table. if we win here after winning so big in new hampshire, all of these characters are going to give it up. we're going to run the table and we will make america great again that i can tell you ok." the trump campaign says it's so confident, it's going to run only positive tv ads. meantime, rival jeb bush is hitting back after recent attacks from trump. do you want to an entertainer in chief? some one who will say whatever he wants - to make it all about him? insult people? divide people? basically just talk trash on his way to the republican nomination? bush will be getting some help from his big brother next week. former president george w. bush will hit the campaign trail for the first time in years... ahead of the next we're just days away from the nevada caucuses. the democrats will caucus next saturday on the 20th. the republicans will caucus on tuesday, february 23rd. g-o-p voters wanting to participate will need to register today. keep in mind-- the washoe county registrar's office closes tonight at 5. ### this is the third time nevada has been involved in the early caucus game. but it's difficult to gauge which candidate will come out on top-- partly because there hasn't been polling in nevada since last december. kolo 8 news now's terri russell explains why polling isn't as common in our state. while both local republican and democratic headquarters have been conducting than a month. it's difficult to gauge which candidate will come out on top on february 20th and 23rd. that's because there hasn't been polling in nevada since last december. it's a fact that has some in the national media taking notice. rachel maddow show/courtesy msnbc: and so no polling firm wants to screw up their average by proclaiming some sort of prediciton about how that race is going to go in nevada, when they know on the facts that it is absolutely 100% not predictable. the very nature of in the mockus, a mock caucus, those who have a preference going in could have their minds changed once inside. another reason, pollsters won't do a survey until iowa and new hampshire are finished with their events. nevada is tough as it as a diverse and transitory population. pollsters use land lines which makes gathering the information here difficult. prof. fred lokken/tmcc political science: especially as you continue to go west americans are continueing to give up their land lines. you have to have people that are wiling to be honest with you. and as you move west, we are that was terri russell reporting. gravis marketing showed donald trump and hillary clinton the favorites in our state. we're learning more about the sale of the nugget. marnell gaming is buying the sparks casino. marnell--- is a family owned company with generations of experience in southern nevada, and two properties in laughlin. the company's c-e-o says he sees oppurtunity in the nugget.. and says any changes will be inspired by the casino's past. anthony marnell, marnell gaming: "i think god gave you two ears and a mouth for a reason. so, we're going to listen to the community. we're going to learn from the team and the customers. so sure, there may be some things here that have been iconic and may not be in the plans for the next 20 years, but i think a lot of things that are here are." marnell says his company will accept all no changes in hiring dates and benefits. the nugget was operated for a half century, by the ascuaga family. it was sold to "global gaming and hospitality" two years ago. this newest sale must be approved by state gaming authorities.### if you've used "uber" recently... you may have some money coming your way. why the ride-sharing company is paying out more than 28-million dollars to customers. and still to come...concern over the zika virus continues to grow. so should we be worried here in nevada? hear from a local health official ahead. coming up, lindsey matherly will have your complete forecast. that's next on kolo 8 news now. "you're watching kolo 8 news now good morning reno with in the battle of the burgers, jack made a "declaration of delicious"... he took a stand for hand-leafed lettuce and fresh-sliced tomatoes. he formed a perfect union between 100% beef, cheese, and mouth... ...with buttery bakery buns for all and america ate it up. true story. we're making every burger better, like the new double jack. there are currently 52 known cases of the zika virus here in the united states. at least 2 in california and one in oregon. so how likely are we to see the zika virus here? kolo 8 news now's rebecca kitchen is here with more. the good news.. all of these cases have been travel related... according to the u.s. health and human services secretary... no cases of the zika virus have been passed to people in the states through mosquitos... so even though these cases have been reported...there's no reason to panic... especially here in nevadaa ... jim shaffer... program coordinator for the washoe county vector control program says right now... there's no reason to panic because the two species known to carry the virus are not here in nevada... that's not to say they can't come here.. but currently we have a natural protection in place " i think the barrier we have is temperature. i think those species of mosquitoes, those that can transmit, can get here except that it's cold in the and they may not survive. " shaffer says the vector control program is starting to get calls of mosquitoes in our area... and he expects more in the coming months...but they are constantly monitoring adult mosquito populations in our ares. the one problem he forsees is these mosquitoes are what he calls urbanized meaning they likely to be in backyards and around people making it harder for them to control. so coming up in the 6 o'clock hour... we'll talk more about how to protect yourself... what ingredients to look for in repellant and why students may want to take a second above average temperatures along with light winds under high pressure will persist into early next week. mid and high clouds will stream across the region periodically. a moderate winter storm is possible for wednesday and thursday next week with gusty winds, rain and mountain snow. && .short term... periods of mid level and high clouds will continue to stream across the sierra and western nevada through the week. although high pressure will flatten this weekend it will reestablish along the west coast and keep the storm track deflected into the pacific northwest. temperatures will continue to remain above normal, but the amount of cloud cover across the region will keep lower and below records today. a shortwave brushes just north of the region on saturday and the chances of showers will also remain north of the region. the main impact will be increased cloud cover as well as a shift to a north/northeast flow. as high pressure rebuilds across the west coast on sunday/monday temperatures will remain 10 to 15 degrees above average with light surface winds. elw .long term...monday through thursday... no major changes made to the extended forecast this morning, except to continue raising the chances for precip wed-thu. models are in good agreement with high pressure and relatively quiet weather monday and tuesday, then low pressure coast wednesday-thursday. temperatures are expected monday and tuesday, with model guidance high temperatures in the nevada. we have increased chances for precipitation wednesday as forecaster rise. gfs/ecmwf/gem are all in good agreement with a decent winter storm system moving into the region with snow likely in the sierra and a mix of lower valleys of northeastern california. there are still some differences and uncertainties with the timing of the confidence is medium that we will see increasing winds, sierra snow, and from organic fruit... to tattoos. whole foods' new "365" stores are doing whatever it takes to attract good morning, topping "america's money" -- oil prices doing no favors to stocks. >> the price of oil hit levels not seen in nearly 13 years yesterday. >> that's one reason the dow opens this morning on a four-day losing streak. stocks across asia were down sharply overnight. whole foods 365, the cheaper spin-off of the chain, is set to offer more than just organic fruit in a move to entice millennials. the store will feature outside vendors, selling everything from fresh juice to tattoos. >> the first of ten 365 stores will open in los angeles later this spring. and finally, kanye west's big night before a big crowd in new york. he simultaneously unveiled his new fashion line and debuted his >> it prompted an offer from former drug company ceo martin shkreli, promising west $10 million to release a new album only to him. i guess not. and that's "america's money." >> have a great day. soup and sandwich and somewhere to go, and clean and real and nowhere to be, and warmth and looking good, and sandwich and soup and inside jokes, and dan is back! good, clean food pairs well with anything. the clean pairings menu. 500 calories or less. at panera. food as it should be. male penguins show their love with... a pebble. some males, however... are smarter thanthers. save up to 30% on select diamonds in rhythm. at kay, the number one jewelry store in america... every kiss begins with kay.'s engagement season. and, all engagement and wedding rings are 20% off this friday through monday only. at kay... the number-one jewelry store for... yes! the company is paying more than 28-million dollars to settle two lawsuits with customers. the lawsuits claim the company misled riders, resulting in them paying an extra 2-dollars-and- 30-cents a trip. uber says that money paid for background checks on drivers..but the company doesn't do the same kind of checks, required for taxi drivers. under the settlement uber will stop using certain language in its advertising-- and will pay 25-million dollars to riders who made trips between january of 2013, people are weighing in on the southeast connector. the 300 million dollar road project will connect sparks to south reno and is expected to be complete in december of 20-17. many of the people at a recent seminar sayjust because the road is a reality, does not mean they're happy with the project. they have strong concerns about traffic noise, and the impact on the environment. but the r-t-c says they shouldn't be worried. joe harrington, rtc: "so when we are done we will have a much cleaner healthier environment. we will be taking seven acres of unhealthy wetlands and converting that into 80 acres self sustaining wetland complex that is a benefit for everyone to enjoy." the r-t-c says they've already removed 3- point-7 million pounds of trash including things that were abandoned as a result of illegal dumping in the community. one man has a big way of showing his love for his wife. see how he surprised his sweetheart ahead of valentine's day. and can you guess the answer? 47 percent of men have done this by accident. we'll have the answer after the break. before the break we 47 percent of men have done this by mistake. what is it? .... .... .... .... said "i love you." toss to dick above average temperatures along with light winds under high pressure will persist stream across the region periodically. a moderate winter storm is possible for wednesday and thursday next week with gusty winds, rain and mountain snow. && .short term... periods of mid level and high clouds will continue to stream across the sierra and western nevada through the week. although high pressure will flatten this weekend it will reestablish along the west coast and keep the storm track deflected into the pacific northwest. temperatures will continue to remain above normal, but the amount of cloud cover across the here's one way to say i love you on valentine's day. patrick sullivan says his wife asks for modest gifts on valentine's day, but he had something else in mind. sullivan bought his wife a giant billboard that says "pat and patty forever -- 27 years and counting... you complete me." "she just started crying and she just totally lost it and it was wanted to surprise he" butt with "i don't know how he's going to top it and i don't know really what i'm going to do for him." the couple says the secret to a long and happy marriage is communication. they are being called the final four. what happens next as the last four protestors surrenederd to the f-b- i in the oregon standoff. thousands of passengers back on land after a terrfying ordeal at the royal caribbean ship is now being inspected by the us. coast guard. you're watching kolo 8 news now. for news while you're on the move, listen to our news partner news-talk 780 koh "you're watching kolo 8 news now good morning reno." good morning. it's friday, february 12th. i'm amanda sanchez dave has the day off. good morning. it's friday, february 12th. good morning.

Related Keywords

United States , New York , Nevada , New Hampshire , Washoe County , South Carolina , Iowa , China , California , Reno , Oregon , Hampshire , Americans , America , American , Wesley Ford , Obama Sanders , Joe Harrington , Jim Shaffer , Patrick Mckinnon , Patrick Sullivan , George W Bush , Amanda Sanchez Dave , Terri Russell , Rachel Maddow , Los Angeles , Jeb Bush , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

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