Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 7PM 20170624 : compar

Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 7PM 20170624

>> we're live where the transgender march that kicks off the festivities is happening right now. >> reporter: the march is meant to start at 6:00. so any minute now. gatherings like these are always of concern to police and for the pride parade. police this year, like last year, will be on foot, under cover, and in cars, ready to respond to any situation. hundreds of people flocked to deloris mark. here and in the castro, people seemed defiant in the face of the trump administration. >> especially this year with the stuff going on with the administration, a lot of people have come out. >> reporter: meanwhile, security continues to be a concern. police in the castro district are making sure they are seen. this sunday, every san francisco police officer will be on duty for the pride parade. >> situational awareness is definitely on a different level. we want to make sure that we are seeing everything that we can. but with that, we also need the help of the community. >> reporter: the fbi will also have a presence this weekend. that agency said it will be ready to assist for a worse case scenario. all of this in light of the recent attacks in europe and shootings here in the u.s. this weekend, bar and restaurant managers will have the pulse nightclub shootings in orlando on their mind, but say they will not be deterred. >> nightmares. >> reporter:ñi luis is one of t survivors of that shooting that occurred last june. he was leaving the club when the shooter started firing behind him. 49 people died. >> the shooter, i feel like he didn't like himself and he used hate. >> reporter: he's in san francisco to attend the parade representing the brady campaign to prevent gun violence. leeann melendez, "abc7 news." sky 7 is live over the trans march, which is happening right now. marchers are walking about two miles to turk and taylor streets. this is one of the largest transgender events in the world. the march focuses on transgender pride, everyone is welcome to participate. >> of course, the big parade is on sunday, down market street. the route is highlighted in blue between beale and 85;kzth. street closures will start at 6:00 a.m., affecting the streets highlighted in red. many muni lines are going to be rerouted during the parade. the agency recommends taking muni metro if you need to travel on sunday. you can find a closer view of this perhap, as well as a calendar of events atgjygç and download the "abc7 news" app. turning to the weather. here's a live look over san francisco from our camera on top of mt. sutro. temperatures are much cooler today than yesterday. now a live look at the beach in santa cruz. yes, it's gray but very comfortable. beautiful weekend to get outside. spencer christian has the forecast. >> can't wait to get outside. the cool air has been dramatic. you can see on the radarok imag the fog at the coast. check out the 24-hour temperature change, seven to eight degrees cooler in many locations. 63 degrees here in the city. g68. low to mid 70s in san jose. gilroy, 61. this is a view of mt. tam. we have mid 70s at santa rosa. mid 80s in fairfield, concord and livermore. we still have a heat advisory in effect until 9:00 tonight for the east bay, and parts of the south bay, as well. so bear in mind, the heat advisory is still there, butw3 e heat wave haste end ended. sky 7 was over a deadly shooting that happened around 4:00 this afternoon inçó oaklan. a man was shot and killed. police shut down foothill boulevard and seminary avenue. buses have been rerouted and police are asking drivers to stay away from the area. the hot summer months are one of the prime times for burglars to break into your home. police are taking extra steps to prevent team from becoming victims. >> reporter: burglars are taking advantage of people who are opening their windows to let the cool air in, and people who don't have locks on their side gates. we caught up with one woman who says she saw an intruder last year. at 12:30 this morning, an intruder was caught on this surveillance camera scoping out a home in san jose. >> when we saw it, i was freaked out. this never happened, and we just got this camera. had been left open. keeping things secure can be a challenge when you have little ones running around. >> go out, theyc)(áát in, and then walk away and not bolt it. >> reporter: rachel knows she needs to get a lock for her side gate. there's another gate that leads to a path in back of her home. >> you never know who's walking by. this one we do have a lock on. >> reporter: so far this year, police reports property crimes are up compared to last year. burglaries up 10%, and vehicle theft has increased 48%. >> the more you can do to protect your house and make it more difficult to get in, they'll go to the easy house. >> reporter: this is an extra lock to crew on to the bottom of your window. make sure you have adñi bolt and buy a door jam to make it difficult to kick in the door. and mark electronics with your driver's license number. >> if somebody steals it and tries to sell it, pawn it, it's a lot more difficult. >> reporter: police recommend adding layers of protection like an alarm system. when you go on vacation, set a timer for lights. the best prevention, get to know out for you. yesterday, a four alarm grass fire scorched 40 acres of hillsides and damaged several today, some residents are concerned about response times. the nearest firestation closed seven years ago. firefighters tell us it was due to budget and staffing issues. that's also concern over thursday's evacuation orders. one cul-de-sac is only one way in and out. firefighters need the street open. so they told some residents to leave by foot. >> it's not designed for vehicles to be driving over it. >> i'm disabled. how am i supposed to get myself, our belongings for thee days and four animals out on foot? >> theçó fire was sparked by th jeep, which caught fire on i-80. the driver left the scene. ñr new developments in that deadly shooting at a u.p.s. warehouse. three people were killed last wednesday. the first time we're getting a look at the shooter. u.p.s. jimmy lam killed himself as police arrived. jonathan bloom is live with new information about that attack. jonathan? >> reporter: today, police gave us the first minute by minute account of what happened last week, during the shooting spree that lasted less than ten minutes and left four people dead, including the gunman. >> i am extremely proud of the men and women of the san francisco police department. >> reporter: the chief spoke just a week after the shootings and the memorial contn]es to grow for the three who lost their lives. >> the evidence indicates that the shooting of the three appear purposeful and targeted. >> reporter: police released this photo of the shooter, 38-year-old jimmy lam. they're poring over evidence from his house to figure out why he set out to kill those three co-workers by bringing these two guns to a staff meeting. >> without warning or saying anything, he immediately shot them. >> reporter: this was the gun he used, a mac 10 with a 30 round magazine. the gun was stolenñfrom utah. lam said nothing as he shot and >> without speaking to him, mr. lafini multipl times. >> reporter: police found lam back inside the building two minutes later. >> the officers instructed mr. lam to put the gun down, but mr. lam shot himself. >> reporter: police recovered the gun and found lam had fired ammunition in his backpack.éxh9 in san francisco, jonathan bloom, "abc7 news." new at 6:00, contra costa county supervisors met today to find a new district attorney. this follows as the former district attorney plead nod contest to felony judge perjury. he spent $66,000 of campaign donations on personal items. the supervisors must appoint a successor to serve his term of! office through january of 2019. the assistant district attorney >> today marks 20 years since a student at uc berkeley disappeared. tonight, we'll hear for the first time from a woman who may know what happened. next, terror attacks trigger changes along the golden gate bridge. when and why all north bound lane also be closed, next in a live report. also -- >> an east bay woman says a big >> an east bay woman says a big rig sideswiped her car but the ♪ ♪ isaac hou has mastered gravity defying moves to amaze his audience. great show. here you go. now he's added a new routine. making depositing a check seem so effortless. easy to use chase technology, for whatever you're trying to master. isaac, are you ready? yeah. chase. so you can. today, the decision was made to shut down all of the north bound lanes of the golden gate bridge for the san francisco marathon. the closure is meant to protect the runners. the marathon is one month from today. kate larson joins us live now. kate? >> reporter: well, one of the reasons is to try and reduce the risk of a terrorist attack on the bridge. youñ+d know, this whole northd closure on sunday is the first of its kind for any race on the golden gate bridge, and the runners that we spoke to today definitely had mixed reactions about the change. compare the marathon sunday, dr will be taking a back seat to runners. today, the golden gate bridge district board voted unanimously to close all north bound lanes of traffic from 6:00 to 9:00 a.m. on july 23rd. >> this has been contemplated for quite some time. >> reporter: the usual arrangement of using cones to separate the runners from one lane of traffic puts the runners at risk. >> distracted driving, impaired drivers. there's always a danger when vehicles are traveling next to a construction cone. >> reporter: another factor, recent attacks committed with vehicles. >> i think for those that are trying to get on the opposite side of the bay, it's going2! t be a disaster. >> as a runner, i think it's better. >> reporter: chris has run the marathon many times. >> when you're running across the bridge, you're really close and the cars are right there. so it is kind of scary. >> three years ago, it was quite safe. >> reporter: serge has also run the marathon and plans to run again next month. he feels the closure is unnecessary and won't discourage would-be attackers. >> cars have a lot of opportunity for attack across 26 >> reporter: south bound lanes will still be open. kate larson, "abc7 news." >> this just in, the proposal to create single payer health care in california is on hold. the speaker of the assembly says the proposal is incomplete, and that's why he's going to hold it in a committee until changes are made. the senate had passed the bill, but it isn't dead completely. the senate can continue going through the process to become law. jcpq national health care bill rolled out in washington yesterday is already facing opposition on capitol hill. in concord. the bill is so new,t? many wer still digesting it. and not everyone wanted to go on the record, but some had strong opinions. >> we need to leave the health care issues to the health care markets and get government out of the way as much as possible. >> concerns about cost have to be on thenw table, but there'st to be an effort to find common ground. if i were giving my advice to politicians back there, that's where i would be going. >> despite growing opposition from republican senators and no democrat support, gop leaders hope to vote on the bill next week. the roar of engines, nascar has rolled into town. along with all that accompanies it. wayne freedman joins us live from the track, where drivers have been practicing all day. wayne? >> reporter: we've been practicing too, and putting our ear plugs in our ears. we've been fascinated with tires all day. one of these tires will costyl $500. a set of them maytñu8y last 30 . in a race, they use five sets. in other words, every race, they spé2> $10,000 each on tires alone? welcome to sonoma7> raceway, whe this weekend the usual rules of the road will not apply. signals or turn signals or anything. >> no. >> reporter: that is nascar in a nutshell, described by ken lewis from eugene, oregon, just another member of this weekend's nomadic tribe. >> about like a traveling circus, i would say. >> reporter: one with 38 stops per year that can leave a person partially deaf. we're on pit road where men checking tire pressure never before seem sod fed so fascinat. a peek in the lead leads to a question -- >> there's no room for luggage in here? >> no, sir. a driver has to travel light. >> reporter: a road course with hills, steephwñ turns. rv spaces selling for $1,500 for the weekend. dinner, anyone? ♪ across the so-called street, they're just having beer, and lots of it. >> for the two of us, 180 beers. >> reporter: that's 90 per man. >> i'll probably drink 85 at least. >> reporter: it may be more than the end of this weekend. wayne freedman, "abc7 news." >> nice to have the cooler for the races. >> you're right about that. through!vúzr the bay area, temperatures will go down, down, down, then up, up, up. indicative of that trend is the seven of day high temperature trend in livermore. average high, 84 degrees. tomorrow's high will be almost 90. dropping a few degrees on sunday. this happens with technology. so i'll just stand here and see what happens. there's live doppler 7 hd. the temperature in livermore is going to drop into the 70s by monday. hr(tc will see a cooldown next week. midweek, temperatures bounce back up to early summer averages. right now, live doppler seven. temperature range of 61 here at half moon bay. and inland, 96 at brentwood. so a 35-degree spreadásáz the coast to the warmest inland indications and just mild to warm. a live view from our abc 7 exploratorium camera. you these are the forecast futures. foggy@e conditions at the coast. cooling continues over the weekend and mild weather here in san francisco for the pride parade on sunday. this is the picture overnight. fog moving locally beyond the coast. lows generally in the mid to upper 50s in the wee hours of the morning. 7:00 a.m. tomorrow, coastal fog and a few patches beyond the fog. notice how the fog pulls back to the coast. high clouds around midday, and high clouds move through until early evening. a mild to warm day. at the coast, highs in the low 60s, right around the bay, low to mid 70s. maybe a couple of upper 70s. inland, north bay, east bay and south bay, highs will be generally in the low to mid 80s, although we may see near 90 in our east bay locations. sunday, beginning partly cloudy. we'll see the clouds scatter. in the afternoon, bright and sunny with highs in the mid to upper 60s on sunday here in san francisco. here's the accuweather seven-day forecast. the cooling continues throw the weekend. still going to be pleasantly mild to warm in some inland spots. but cooler everywhere and breezy. e1ñ inland highs reaching only 81, 82 degrees in the warmest locations. temperatures bounce back up to seasonal averages by wednesday or thursday. thank you, spencer. #dxttáu suspect always best. but tallest that gets the hr(t&háhp &hc next, who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. l.a. versus san francisco. it's a rivalry. but today, los angeles topped us, n in baseball, but in buildings. the tallest building west of the mississippi celebrated its grand opening just a short while ago in downtown l.a. it's 73 stories, with a boost, reaching 1!t-h feetlmk" tall. it also edges out the tower, opening next year in san francisco by 30 feet. although both with dwarfed by the former seres tower in chicago and the freedom tower in new york city. speaking of this, i want to show you this cool picture where construction guys were on top of the world there, just don't look down, guys. and the owner is korean airlines. its chairman is a fan of yosemite. notice the curve shape on top. another highlight, l.e.d. lights some people love this, others not so much. it costs $1.2 billion to build, and has lots of office space, restaurants and bars, and an intercontinental hotel, opening july 2. google will stop reading your e-mails, and that change leads tonight's bay area business watch. since 2004, google has read e-mails to decide what ads to show you. google will show you advertising but won't scan your e-mails. it will now use algorithms to analyze other sources of information. sears is closing 21 more stores. they are chosing 226 locations, a mix of sears and kmart stores. tonigh is the last friday of ramadan. but the month has been overshadowed by acts ofcrl ñr violence. coming up, prayers for çópeace, and understanding. plus -- >> to me, that would imply guilt. >> she wouldn't show her face but she was willing to talk, for the first time ever. clues from this woman that could shed light on a missing person's case that is now 20 years old. next, what sparked this saying i put the attention on me when i shouldn't have. i screwed up. i took the focus on the investigation. he says he's never midwest kristen. i asked if he had any direct connection to her. >> not that i can prove.ó[ >> reporter: she says she hasn't met her either. the fbi still has kristen's picture on thewa9website, but ty have cleared c!e0 as persons of interest in their case and it's currently closed. opd's is open, and they still consider them sources of interest. >> at times it keeps up at night, yeah. the he o hasn't been able theo fam >> there's hardly a day when we're not thinking we're not thinking kristen. and that person calls in a tip. katie utehs, "abc7 news." new evidence and a possible dna match are giving the family new hope. you can see that story on our website, right now, breaking news. major b.a.r.t. delays. i want to showg"xqç you this tw from b.a.r.t. minutes ago. them to5r0/ui single track trai through the tube. this will mean major delays for your commute. b.a.r.t. is not providing a timeline for when service will be w3restored. we'll bring you updates as they become available. new details tonight inw3 th aftermath of that high rise apartment fire in london. hundreds of families have been evacuated from five buildings that have similar insulation and outer layers of material as the one that bumped. investigator s pin pointed the ésvñr the fire, a refrigerator freezer. at least 79 people are expected to have died.ñrçóq russia's interference in the elections. re that%d president obama received information saying vladamir putin was directly behind theñi election meddling. hillary clinton lost and donald trump won. here's one of the reporters who >> we are only seeing, if you will, part of the iceberg that below the waterline is a cyber operation, the scope of whichóó 4-a8but would lead to greater t. punishment against russia if this happened again. >> reporter: the article describes how the obama administration was torn on how to respond, settling fork2 sanctions and expulsion of d diplom diplomats. kellyanne conway says there's no proof that the trump campaign ever colluded with russia. >> i think it's very important=o to show no nexus has been proven between what russia or any other government tried to do and the election result. the only person making that case >> reporte: former fbi director bob mueller has been appointed special counsel in charge of the investigation. today, president trump signed the veterans affairs accountability act, making it easier for the v.a. to fire employees for [ñ7misconduct. >> outdated laws kept the government from holding those who failed our veterans accountable. today,n< we're finally changing those laws. to make sure that the scandal ⌜ whatf> the bill has the support of bothyj::ñ democrats and republi. hate crimes and bias incidents against the muslim ;÷ clo. chris nguyen has the story. >> reporter: starving the body, feeding the soul. a commitment to giving back and ramadan, the muslim holy month, ends tomorrow and it is sometimes referred to as a fresh start. a chance to focus on the present. tt committed against muslims across america have been on the minds of many. >> we stay in bubbling. >> reporter: so the immswu preached about the importance of staying true to one's self-and not shying away from the world. >> we need to harness thatñi could change the worldé'$ >> reporte: and members used the pass as an opportunity to educate and inform others for a better tomorrow. >> it feels like we've been given the platform to speak out against these things and people are hearing more about this, and it'sçó united the americans and community. the faith, despite the struggle. >> there's a lot of good that muslims do here, either locally, by feeding, donating to causes. >> reporter: making it known, they're all in this together. >> this country is based and that vibe that we're all one and will work together and our diversity makes us stronger. >> reporter: a sentiment not lost as to community looks ahead. chris nguyen, "abc7 news." today spacex attempted its most difficult landing ever. cheers as the rocket broke off to return to earth. we'll show you whether it made it back safely. 8hñ spencer will be back wit our weekend forecast, and you can tell from this have to travel from its source to the bottle? a hundred miles? a thousand miles? how about less than a mile and a half? crystal geyser always bottled at the mountain source. at at&t, we believe in access. the opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. connecting with the things that matter most. and because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet, we've created access from at&t. california households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits may qualify for home internet at a discounted rate of $10 a month. no commitment, deposit, or installation fee. visit to learn more. ♪ ♪ isaac hou has mastered gravity defying moves to amaze his audience. great show. here you go. now he's added a new routine. making depositing a check seem so effortless. easy to use chase technology, for whatever you're trying to master. isaac, are you ready? yeah. chase. so you can. how fafrom its sourcelpine spring to the bottle?travel ♪ how about less than a mile and a half? crystal geyser is the only major us spring water bottled at the mountain source. getting into-1yn a car acci can really shake you up. and so can a fight over who is at fault. att lafayette woman says she didn't do anything wrong when a big rig sideswiped her car. >> but she needed help from michael finney. michael? >> this was a communication issue. ú5ç atjcóxñ a disadvantage when policez= because she speaks little english. after fighting for months with the other insurance company, she came to me for help.ghwk they are describing the damage to their toyota camry. >> i was coming from the church. >> reporter: the crash happened when she and a friend were driving on i-680 in danville. she was in the right hxland. a big rig pulled upç on the l. >> he wanted to change the left and hit me here. >> reporter: she said it grazed the wheel. says the driver jumped out angrily. >> shouting and telling us not to cal the police.alc >> reporter: she did call the police, but says she had trouble telling her story. >> doesn't speak very well the truck said it's your chpu&t. >> reporter: one of the drivers x change z unclear which one said the police report. northwbridge insurance inçó toronto demanded $3500ñi/> in damages. >> the person who hit me said he would pay. >> reporter: north bridge told her the driver wanted to pay himself. but that didn't happen. >> never contact me. >> reporter: she kept calling north bridge. >> absolutely nothing.ñ con we contacted north ridge. since the police report didn't fault either driver,#dn!mjj)h)ie agreed to pay $2,000. they tell us, we regret that her claim, due to circumstances beyond ourqeñr control, was not resolved "÷?oswiftly. we arey5vk pleased that this cl has now been settled to her satisfaction. >> thank you. thank you from the bottom ofóm; heart. >> reporter: they said they are happy with theí >> reporter: they said they are glad that we're here to help bring içó tension to their case. i want to hear from#+ çlakirññ. my ñrhot tooline is open 10:00 2:00. reach me through facebook andg: our website, as well. >> she is so sweet. >> isn't she? >> thank you, michael. all right. a lot going on this ñeekend. even wants to know what the forecast !es. >> it's the goldilocks forecast. >> bye-bye heat wave, hello wonderful weekend. we have fog at the cost21), ri tomorrow, with highs in the 60s on you're normally used to doing about three minutes.w3 all right. the golden state warriors introduced jordan to the w nation. hear the advice draymond green offered. and derek carr signed the richest deal in nfl =szjx who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. thej'j silver and black shog off their high-priced carr. derek carr has signed the richest contctran nfl history. the raiders' two-time pro bowl quarterback inked a five-year extinction worth $125 million. $40 million guaranteed. the new deal keeps carr in silver and black through the 2022 season. he plans to donate a big chunk of change to charity. despite the/o5e payday, carr st wasn't all about the money. s is was it the most important thing to me? not really. the most important thing wasu7 getting done and my family would be taken care of. am i competitive? yeah. but i wasn't going to sit there and say oh, no, i need more. i was not going to do that. it was not going to be difficult. i was not going to be the one. if anything, tim was trying to drive me up a little more. i had to talk him off a ledge a little bit. at the same time, it just ends up that way. and i'm sure it will be past soon, so i'm not too worried about it. >> how cool is it to be jordan bell this the best basketball team in the world wanted him and had to pay to get him on the roster. the newest member of the warriors played meet the press today.:tj he was drafted with the 38th overall pick. he played three years with oregon. and he ledaqa÷z the league in f goal percentage.1@ he says he patterns his game after draymond green. >> draymond texted me after i was driving olnchome, and he s what the -- and then expletive is your problem to me? so i called him and said okay, all right, calm down. and he said, i need a number, i need to taj>'1ñ to him. > he's like our team mom in a way. >> i think somebody is facetiming me. no, just mom. this weekend,g7i drivers in thp series will be turning left and right as nascar makes a stop in wine country.]bwt it's the first of two road course races this season. this will mark the last time mo driveler hitl8 theqm1s÷ track. dale earnhardt jr. has never captured the checker apivhere. races. >> we had some rough days here. the funny thing is,tñ there's n any bad memories that stick out, because we don't come in here with high expectations. so when we have a bad day, it's you into the tracks like daytona where you think you should win. and if you have a terrible day there, you beat yourself up forever trying to figure out what happened. k day, it just wasn't meant to be. the a's in chicago toi take on the white sox. top one with a manx1÷ on. chris davis is going for a jog through theu park. his 19th of the season. just like that, the a's up 2-0. more powerball in the fifth. matt joyce with his ninth of the year. right now, the a's lead it by the score of 3-0. we'll have an updated score and completeeeb 11:00. the giantst host! the mets tont at 7:15 at at&t and they definitely need a win. >> the a's and giants hurting right now. &háhp &hc join usk>qlx tonight at 9:0 cable 13. our neighbor to the north issues its official guidelines for pot use. the dos and don'ts for canadians. oçp#é+11:00, the wo an oaklandcó bay southwest flig that stepped up to help when a stranger needed it the most. >> that's going to do it for this edition of "abc7 news." i'm kristen sze. >> and i'm larry beil. for all of us here at "abc7 news," thanks for watching. have a great friday night. uh, hey, mike, there's something blocking the door. yeah, some idiot left those in my garage. these are all my boxes.

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Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 7PM 20170624 :

Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 7PM 20170624

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>> we're live where the transgender march that kicks off the festivities is happening right now. >> reporter: the march is meant to start at 6:00. so any minute now. gatherings like these are always of concern to police and for the pride parade. police this year, like last year, will be on foot, under cover, and in cars, ready to respond to any situation. hundreds of people flocked to deloris mark. here and in the castro, people seemed defiant in the face of the trump administration. >> especially this year with the stuff going on with the administration, a lot of people have come out. >> reporter: meanwhile, security continues to be a concern. police in the castro district are making sure they are seen. this sunday, every san francisco police officer will be on duty for the pride parade. >> situational awareness is definitely on a different level. we want to make sure that we are seeing everything that we can. but with that, we also need the help of the community. >> reporter: the fbi will also have a presence this weekend. that agency said it will be ready to assist for a worse case scenario. all of this in light of the recent attacks in europe and shootings here in the u.s. this weekend, bar and restaurant managers will have the pulse nightclub shootings in orlando on their mind, but say they will not be deterred. >> nightmares. >> reporter:ñi luis is one of t survivors of that shooting that occurred last june. he was leaving the club when the shooter started firing behind him. 49 people died. >> the shooter, i feel like he didn't like himself and he used hate. >> reporter: he's in san francisco to attend the parade representing the brady campaign to prevent gun violence. leeann melendez, "abc7 news." sky 7 is live over the trans march, which is happening right now. marchers are walking about two miles to turk and taylor streets. this is one of the largest transgender events in the world. the march focuses on transgender pride, everyone is welcome to participate. >> of course, the big parade is on sunday, down market street. the route is highlighted in blue between beale and 85;kzth. street closures will start at 6:00 a.m., affecting the streets highlighted in red. many muni lines are going to be rerouted during the parade. the agency recommends taking muni metro if you need to travel on sunday. you can find a closer view of this perhap, as well as a calendar of events atgjygç and download the "abc7 news" app. turning to the weather. here's a live look over san francisco from our camera on top of mt. sutro. temperatures are much cooler today than yesterday. now a live look at the beach in santa cruz. yes, it's gray but very comfortable. beautiful weekend to get outside. spencer christian has the forecast. >> can't wait to get outside. the cool air has been dramatic. you can see on the radarok imag the fog at the coast. check out the 24-hour temperature change, seven to eight degrees cooler in many locations. 63 degrees here in the city. g68. low to mid 70s in san jose. gilroy, 61. this is a view of mt. tam. we have mid 70s at santa rosa. mid 80s in fairfield, concord and livermore. we still have a heat advisory in effect until 9:00 tonight for the east bay, and parts of the south bay, as well. so bear in mind, the heat advisory is still there, butw3 e heat wave haste end ended. sky 7 was over a deadly shooting that happened around 4:00 this afternoon inçó oaklan. a man was shot and killed. police shut down foothill boulevard and seminary avenue. buses have been rerouted and police are asking drivers to stay away from the area. the hot summer months are one of the prime times for burglars to break into your home. police are taking extra steps to prevent team from becoming victims. >> reporter: burglars are taking advantage of people who are opening their windows to let the cool air in, and people who don't have locks on their side gates. we caught up with one woman who says she saw an intruder last year. at 12:30 this morning, an intruder was caught on this surveillance camera scoping out a home in san jose. >> when we saw it, i was freaked out. this never happened, and we just got this camera. had been left open. keeping things secure can be a challenge when you have little ones running around. >> go out, theyc)(áát in, and then walk away and not bolt it. >> reporter: rachel knows she needs to get a lock for her side gate. there's another gate that leads to a path in back of her home. >> you never know who's walking by. this one we do have a lock on. >> reporter: so far this year, police reports property crimes are up compared to last year. burglaries up 10%, and vehicle theft has increased 48%. >> the more you can do to protect your house and make it more difficult to get in, they'll go to the easy house. >> reporter: this is an extra lock to crew on to the bottom of your window. make sure you have adñi bolt and buy a door jam to make it difficult to kick in the door. and mark electronics with your driver's license number. >> if somebody steals it and tries to sell it, pawn it, it's a lot more difficult. >> reporter: police recommend adding layers of protection like an alarm system. when you go on vacation, set a timer for lights. the best prevention, get to know out for you. yesterday, a four alarm grass fire scorched 40 acres of hillsides and damaged several today, some residents are concerned about response times. the nearest firestation closed seven years ago. firefighters tell us it was due to budget and staffing issues. that's also concern over thursday's evacuation orders. one cul-de-sac is only one way in and out. firefighters need the street open. so they told some residents to leave by foot. >> it's not designed for vehicles to be driving over it. >> i'm disabled. how am i supposed to get myself, our belongings for thee days and four animals out on foot? >> theçó fire was sparked by th jeep, which caught fire on i-80. the driver left the scene. ñr new developments in that deadly shooting at a u.p.s. warehouse. three people were killed last wednesday. the first time we're getting a look at the shooter. u.p.s. jimmy lam killed himself as police arrived. jonathan bloom is live with new information about that attack. jonathan? >> reporter: today, police gave us the first minute by minute account of what happened last week, during the shooting spree that lasted less than ten minutes and left four people dead, including the gunman. >> i am extremely proud of the men and women of the san francisco police department. >> reporter: the chief spoke just a week after the shootings and the memorial contn]es to grow for the three who lost their lives. >> the evidence indicates that the shooting of the three appear purposeful and targeted. >> reporter: police released this photo of the shooter, 38-year-old jimmy lam. they're poring over evidence from his house to figure out why he set out to kill those three co-workers by bringing these two guns to a staff meeting. >> without warning or saying anything, he immediately shot them. >> reporter: this was the gun he used, a mac 10 with a 30 round magazine. the gun was stolenñfrom utah. lam said nothing as he shot and >> without speaking to him, mr. lafini multipl times. >> reporter: police found lam back inside the building two minutes later. >> the officers instructed mr. lam to put the gun down, but mr. lam shot himself. >> reporter: police recovered the gun and found lam had fired ammunition in his backpack.éxh9 in san francisco, jonathan bloom, "abc7 news." new at 6:00, contra costa county supervisors met today to find a new district attorney. this follows as the former district attorney plead nod contest to felony judge perjury. he spent $66,000 of campaign donations on personal items. the supervisors must appoint a successor to serve his term of! office through january of 2019. the assistant district attorney >> today marks 20 years since a student at uc berkeley disappeared. tonight, we'll hear for the first time from a woman who may know what happened. next, terror attacks trigger changes along the golden gate bridge. when and why all north bound lane also be closed, next in a live report. also -- >> an east bay woman says a big >> an east bay woman says a big rig sideswiped her car but the ♪ ♪ isaac hou has mastered gravity defying moves to amaze his audience. great show. here you go. now he's added a new routine. making depositing a check seem so effortless. easy to use chase technology, for whatever you're trying to master. isaac, are you ready? yeah. chase. so you can. today, the decision was made to shut down all of the north bound lanes of the golden gate bridge for the san francisco marathon. the closure is meant to protect the runners. the marathon is one month from today. kate larson joins us live now. kate? >> reporter: well, one of the reasons is to try and reduce the risk of a terrorist attack on the bridge. youñ+d know, this whole northd closure on sunday is the first of its kind for any race on the golden gate bridge, and the runners that we spoke to today definitely had mixed reactions about the change. compare the marathon sunday, dr will be taking a back seat to runners. today, the golden gate bridge district board voted unanimously to close all north bound lanes of traffic from 6:00 to 9:00 a.m. on july 23rd. >> this has been contemplated for quite some time. >> reporter: the usual arrangement of using cones to separate the runners from one lane of traffic puts the runners at risk. >> distracted driving, impaired drivers. there's always a danger when vehicles are traveling next to a construction cone. >> reporter: another factor, recent attacks committed with vehicles. >> i think for those that are trying to get on the opposite side of the bay, it's going2! t be a disaster. >> as a runner, i think it's better. >> reporter: chris has run the marathon many times. >> when you're running across the bridge, you're really close and the cars are right there. so it is kind of scary. >> three years ago, it was quite safe. >> reporter: serge has also run the marathon and plans to run again next month. he feels the closure is unnecessary and won't discourage would-be attackers. >> cars have a lot of opportunity for attack across 26 >> reporter: south bound lanes will still be open. kate larson, "abc7 news." >> this just in, the proposal to create single payer health care in california is on hold. the speaker of the assembly says the proposal is incomplete, and that's why he's going to hold it in a committee until changes are made. the senate had passed the bill, but it isn't dead completely. the senate can continue going through the process to become law. jcpq national health care bill rolled out in washington yesterday is already facing opposition on capitol hill. in concord. the bill is so new,t? many wer still digesting it. and not everyone wanted to go on the record, but some had strong opinions. >> we need to leave the health care issues to the health care markets and get government out of the way as much as possible. >> concerns about cost have to be on thenw table, but there'st to be an effort to find common ground. if i were giving my advice to politicians back there, that's where i would be going. >> despite growing opposition from republican senators and no democrat support, gop leaders hope to vote on the bill next week. the roar of engines, nascar has rolled into town. along with all that accompanies it. wayne freedman joins us live from the track, where drivers have been practicing all day. wayne? >> reporter: we've been practicing too, and putting our ear plugs in our ears. we've been fascinated with tires all day. one of these tires will costyl $500. a set of them maytñu8y last 30 . in a race, they use five sets. in other words, every race, they spé2> $10,000 each on tires alone? welcome to sonoma7> raceway, whe this weekend the usual rules of the road will not apply. signals or turn signals or anything. >> no. >> reporter: that is nascar in a nutshell, described by ken lewis from eugene, oregon, just another member of this weekend's nomadic tribe. >> about like a traveling circus, i would say. >> reporter: one with 38 stops per year that can leave a person partially deaf. we're on pit road where men checking tire pressure never before seem sod fed so fascinat. a peek in the lead leads to a question -- >> there's no room for luggage in here? >> no, sir. a driver has to travel light. >> reporter: a road course with hills, steephwñ turns. rv spaces selling for $1,500 for the weekend. dinner, anyone? ♪ across the so-called street, they're just having beer, and lots of it. >> for the two of us, 180 beers. >> reporter: that's 90 per man. >> i'll probably drink 85 at least. >> reporter: it may be more than the end of this weekend. wayne freedman, "abc7 news." >> nice to have the cooler for the races. >> you're right about that. through!vúzr the bay area, temperatures will go down, down, down, then up, up, up. indicative of that trend is the seven of day high temperature trend in livermore. average high, 84 degrees. tomorrow's high will be almost 90. dropping a few degrees on sunday. this happens with technology. so i'll just stand here and see what happens. there's live doppler 7 hd. the temperature in livermore is going to drop into the 70s by monday. hr(tc will see a cooldown next week. midweek, temperatures bounce back up to early summer averages. right now, live doppler seven. temperature range of 61 here at half moon bay. and inland, 96 at brentwood. so a 35-degree spreadásáz the coast to the warmest inland indications and just mild to warm. a live view from our abc 7 exploratorium camera. you these are the forecast futures. foggy@e conditions at the coast. cooling continues over the weekend and mild weather here in san francisco for the pride parade on sunday. this is the picture overnight. fog moving locally beyond the coast. lows generally in the mid to upper 50s in the wee hours of the morning. 7:00 a.m. tomorrow, coastal fog and a few patches beyond the fog. notice how the fog pulls back to the coast. high clouds around midday, and high clouds move through until early evening. a mild to warm day. at the coast, highs in the low 60s, right around the bay, low to mid 70s. maybe a couple of upper 70s. inland, north bay, east bay and south bay, highs will be generally in the low to mid 80s, although we may see near 90 in our east bay locations. sunday, beginning partly cloudy. we'll see the clouds scatter. in the afternoon, bright and sunny with highs in the mid to upper 60s on sunday here in san francisco. here's the accuweather seven-day forecast. the cooling continues throw the weekend. still going to be pleasantly mild to warm in some inland spots. but cooler everywhere and breezy. e1ñ inland highs reaching only 81, 82 degrees in the warmest locations. temperatures bounce back up to seasonal averages by wednesday or thursday. thank you, spencer. #dxttáu suspect always best. but tallest that gets the hr(t&háhp &hc next, who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. l.a. versus san francisco. it's a rivalry. but today, los angeles topped us, n in baseball, but in buildings. the tallest building west of the mississippi celebrated its grand opening just a short while ago in downtown l.a. it's 73 stories, with a boost, reaching 1!t-h feetlmk" tall. it also edges out the tower, opening next year in san francisco by 30 feet. although both with dwarfed by the former seres tower in chicago and the freedom tower in new york city. speaking of this, i want to show you this cool picture where construction guys were on top of the world there, just don't look down, guys. and the owner is korean airlines. its chairman is a fan of yosemite. notice the curve shape on top. another highlight, l.e.d. lights some people love this, others not so much. it costs $1.2 billion to build, and has lots of office space, restaurants and bars, and an intercontinental hotel, opening july 2. google will stop reading your e-mails, and that change leads tonight's bay area business watch. since 2004, google has read e-mails to decide what ads to show you. google will show you advertising but won't scan your e-mails. it will now use algorithms to analyze other sources of information. sears is closing 21 more stores. they are chosing 226 locations, a mix of sears and kmart stores. tonigh is the last friday of ramadan. but the month has been overshadowed by acts ofcrl ñr violence. coming up, prayers for çópeace, and understanding. plus -- >> to me, that would imply guilt. >> she wouldn't show her face but she was willing to talk, for the first time ever. clues from this woman that could shed light on a missing person's case that is now 20 years old. next, what sparked this saying i put the attention on me when i shouldn't have. i screwed up. i took the focus on the investigation. he says he's never midwest kristen. i asked if he had any direct connection to her. >> not that i can prove.ó[ >> reporter: she says she hasn't met her either. the fbi still has kristen's picture on thewa9website, but ty have cleared c!e0 as persons of interest in their case and it's currently closed. opd's is open, and they still consider them sources of interest. >> at times it keeps up at night, yeah. the he o hasn't been able theo fam >> there's hardly a day when we're not thinking we're not thinking kristen. and that person calls in a tip. katie utehs, "abc7 news." new evidence and a possible dna match are giving the family new hope. you can see that story on our website, right now, breaking news. major b.a.r.t. delays. i want to showg"xqç you this tw from b.a.r.t. minutes ago. them to5r0/ui single track trai through the tube. this will mean major delays for your commute. b.a.r.t. is not providing a timeline for when service will be w3restored. we'll bring you updates as they become available. new details tonight inw3 th aftermath of that high rise apartment fire in london. hundreds of families have been evacuated from five buildings that have similar insulation and outer layers of material as the one that bumped. investigator s pin pointed the ésvñr the fire, a refrigerator freezer. at least 79 people are expected to have died.ñrçóq russia's interference in the elections. re that%d president obama received information saying vladamir putin was directly behind theñi election meddling. hillary clinton lost and donald trump won. here's one of the reporters who >> we are only seeing, if you will, part of the iceberg that below the waterline is a cyber operation, the scope of whichóó 4-a8but would lead to greater t. punishment against russia if this happened again. >> reporter: the article describes how the obama administration was torn on how to respond, settling fork2 sanctions and expulsion of d diplom diplomats. kellyanne conway says there's no proof that the trump campaign ever colluded with russia. >> i think it's very important=o to show no nexus has been proven between what russia or any other government tried to do and the election result. the only person making that case >> reporte: former fbi director bob mueller has been appointed special counsel in charge of the investigation. today, president trump signed the veterans affairs accountability act, making it easier for the v.a. to fire employees for [ñ7misconduct. >> outdated laws kept the government from holding those who failed our veterans accountable. today,n< we're finally changing those laws. to make sure that the scandal ⌜ whatf> the bill has the support of bothyj::ñ democrats and republi. hate crimes and bias incidents against the muslim ;÷ clo. chris nguyen has the story. >> reporter: starving the body, feeding the soul. a commitment to giving back and ramadan, the muslim holy month, ends tomorrow and it is sometimes referred to as a fresh start. a chance to focus on the present. tt committed against muslims across america have been on the minds of many. >> we stay in bubbling. >> reporter: so the immswu preached about the importance of staying true to one's self-and not shying away from the world. >> we need to harness thatñi could change the worldé'$ >> reporte: and members used the pass as an opportunity to educate and inform others for a better tomorrow. >> it feels like we've been given the platform to speak out against these things and people are hearing more about this, and it'sçó united the americans and community. the faith, despite the struggle. >> there's a lot of good that muslims do here, either locally, by feeding, donating to causes. >> reporter: making it known, they're all in this together. >> this country is based and that vibe that we're all one and will work together and our diversity makes us stronger. >> reporter: a sentiment not lost as to community looks ahead. chris nguyen, "abc7 news." today spacex attempted its most difficult landing ever. cheers as the rocket broke off to return to earth. we'll show you whether it made it back safely. 8hñ spencer will be back wit our weekend forecast, and you can tell from this have to travel from its source to the bottle? a hundred miles? a thousand miles? how about less than a mile and a half? crystal geyser always bottled at the mountain source. at at&t, we believe in access. the opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. connecting with the things that matter most. and because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet, we've created access from at&t. california households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits may qualify for home internet at a discounted rate of $10 a month. no commitment, deposit, or installation fee. visit to learn more. ♪ ♪ isaac hou has mastered gravity defying moves to amaze his audience. great show. here you go. now he's added a new routine. making depositing a check seem so effortless. easy to use chase technology, for whatever you're trying to master. isaac, are you ready? yeah. chase. so you can. how fafrom its sourcelpine spring to the bottle?travel ♪ how about less than a mile and a half? crystal geyser is the only major us spring water bottled at the mountain source. getting into-1yn a car acci can really shake you up. and so can a fight over who is at fault. att lafayette woman says she didn't do anything wrong when a big rig sideswiped her car. >> but she needed help from michael finney. michael? >> this was a communication issue. ú5ç atjcóxñ a disadvantage when policez= because she speaks little english. after fighting for months with the other insurance company, she came to me for help.ghwk they are describing the damage to their toyota camry. >> i was coming from the church. >> reporter: the crash happened when she and a friend were driving on i-680 in danville. she was in the right hxland. a big rig pulled upç on the l. >> he wanted to change the left and hit me here. >> reporter: she said it grazed the wheel. says the driver jumped out angrily. >> shouting and telling us not to cal the police.alc >> reporter: she did call the police, but says she had trouble telling her story. >> doesn't speak very well the truck said it's your chpu&t. >> reporter: one of the drivers x change z unclear which one said the police report. northwbridge insurance inçó toronto demanded $3500ñi/> in damages. >> the person who hit me said he would pay. >> reporter: north bridge told her the driver wanted to pay himself. but that didn't happen. >> never contact me. >> reporter: she kept calling north bridge. >> absolutely nothing.ñ con we contacted north ridge. since the police report didn't fault either driver,#dn!mjj)h)ie agreed to pay $2,000. they tell us, we regret that her claim, due to circumstances beyond ourqeñr control, was not resolved "÷?oswiftly. we arey5vk pleased that this cl has now been settled to her satisfaction. >> thank you. thank you from the bottom ofóm; heart. >> reporter: they said they are happy with theí >> reporter: they said they are glad that we're here to help bring içó tension to their case. i want to hear from#+ çlakirññ. my ñrhot tooline is open 10:00 2:00. reach me through facebook andg: our website, as well. >> she is so sweet. >> isn't she? >> thank you, michael. all right. a lot going on this ñeekend. even wants to know what the forecast !es. >> it's the goldilocks forecast. >> bye-bye heat wave, hello wonderful weekend. we have fog at the cost21), ri tomorrow, with highs in the 60s on you're normally used to doing about three minutes.w3 all right. the golden state warriors introduced jordan to the w nation. hear the advice draymond green offered. and derek carr signed the richest deal in nfl =szjx who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. thej'j silver and black shog off their high-priced carr. derek carr has signed the richest contctran nfl history. the raiders' two-time pro bowl quarterback inked a five-year extinction worth $125 million. $40 million guaranteed. the new deal keeps carr in silver and black through the 2022 season. he plans to donate a big chunk of change to charity. despite the/o5e payday, carr st wasn't all about the money. s is was it the most important thing to me? not really. the most important thing wasu7 getting done and my family would be taken care of. am i competitive? yeah. but i wasn't going to sit there and say oh, no, i need more. i was not going to do that. it was not going to be difficult. i was not going to be the one. if anything, tim was trying to drive me up a little more. i had to talk him off a ledge a little bit. at the same time, it just ends up that way. and i'm sure it will be past soon, so i'm not too worried about it. >> how cool is it to be jordan bell this the best basketball team in the world wanted him and had to pay to get him on the roster. the newest member of the warriors played meet the press today.:tj he was drafted with the 38th overall pick. he played three years with oregon. and he ledaqa÷z the league in f goal percentage.1@ he says he patterns his game after draymond green. >> draymond texted me after i was driving olnchome, and he s what the -- and then expletive is your problem to me? so i called him and said okay, all right, calm down. and he said, i need a number, i need to taj>'1ñ to him. > he's like our team mom in a way. >> i think somebody is facetiming me. no, just mom. this weekend,g7i drivers in thp series will be turning left and right as nascar makes a stop in wine country.]bwt it's the first of two road course races this season. this will mark the last time mo driveler hitl8 theqm1s÷ track. dale earnhardt jr. has never captured the checker apivhere. races. >> we had some rough days here. the funny thing is,tñ there's n any bad memories that stick out, because we don't come in here with high expectations. so when we have a bad day, it's you into the tracks like daytona where you think you should win. and if you have a terrible day there, you beat yourself up forever trying to figure out what happened. k day, it just wasn't meant to be. the a's in chicago toi take on the white sox. top one with a manx1÷ on. chris davis is going for a jog through theu park. his 19th of the season. just like that, the a's up 2-0. more powerball in the fifth. matt joyce with his ninth of the year. right now, the a's lead it by the score of 3-0. we'll have an updated score and completeeeb 11:00. the giantst host! the mets tont at 7:15 at at&t and they definitely need a win. >> the a's and giants hurting right now. &háhp &hc join usk>qlx tonight at 9:0 cable 13. our neighbor to the north issues its official guidelines for pot use. the dos and don'ts for canadians. oçp#é+11:00, the wo an oaklandcó bay southwest flig that stepped up to help when a stranger needed it the most. >> that's going to do it for this edition of "abc7 news." i'm kristen sze. >> and i'm larry beil. for all of us here at "abc7 news," thanks for watching. have a great friday night. uh, hey, mike, there's something blocking the door. yeah, some idiot left those in my garage. these are all my boxes.

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