Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 7PM 20170504 : compar

Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 7PM 20170504

century. >> right now concerned residents in the marina district are meeting with pg and e, the subject, a potentially toxic chemical that seeped into the ground. >> but with new construction in the area, utility company is going to great lengths to clean up that old mess, including buying up homes in the area. >> tonight's meeting is just getting under way, and lillian, what is p grkg and e telling pe? >> reporter: in addition to pg&e, representatives from the department of environmental control. pg&e will be hunting for chemical contamination over the summer. cleanup of contaminated soil is already under way in some parts and as part of that effort, pg and e has quietly bought the property from homeowners. despite all that's going on, pg avrnd e wants to reassure residents. pg and e says much of the contaminated soil has been found deep under the ground. the toxins have been cancer causing chemicals that could be brought to the surface with more development. we'll have more information from tonight's meeting when abc7 news reports 11:00 p.m. there was some concern in the east bay over flaring at chevron's richmond refinery. this is what it looked like just before 4:30 this afternoon. you can see the flames there, chevron says it was an equipment malfunction. developing news out of san francisco, a deadly officer-involved shooting after a stabbing on market street. the whole confrontation began with an argument over a sand witch. yellow tape blocked off the popular tourist spot. it happened on market and fifth streets just a short distance between the westfield mall and the cargo cable stop. police say two officers were on foot patrol when they saw one man stabbing another man, one officer fired at the man killing him. police interviewed the victim as he was still covered in blood before he was taken to the hospital. this is the first officer-involved shooting when bill scott took over the department in january. >> no matter how it happened, it's tragic, these things we try to avoid them as much as we can, but we do have an obligation to protect the public. >> the person stabbed was take on to the hospital and is expected to be okay. grief counselors will be at a san lorenzo high school tonight. abc7 news anchor eric thomas is live with more. >> reporter: the tragic accident happened just a few feet from where i'm standing. this track is just west of the collegiate academy, and the student was on his way to school when the tragedy occurred. the 15-year-old student died own this railroad track just west of his school. the young man was a junior at kipp king collegiate academy. students and faculty are taking his death hard. >> we're a close knit school and we love each other and we care deeply about each person that is on that campus. >> reporter: police say the victim was riding his bike on the tracks about 8:00 this morning when a mile long southbound train came up behind him. >> we understand that he did not hear the train coming up behind him. and by the time he did realize it it was too late. >> reporter: complicating matters was that the teen had reached this narrow bridge which is more narrow than the rest of the tracks. >> please stay off the railroad tracks, there is nothing good that comes of traversing, of taking a shortcut through the railroad tracks. >> reporter: the school will stay open until 8:00 tonight to provide counseling to students. police are investigating whether the victim was wearing ear buds or anything that could have affected his hearing. a ruling is expected in a few days in the trade secrets fight between uber and waymo. waymo claims it's former employee stole 14 confidential files before he formed his own self-driving company that he later sold to uber. he was given 5,000 uber stock that was back dated to when he founded the startup. a federal judge in san francisco says there's no smoking gun proof that uber used the stolen files. we set nine heat records today in the bay area, spencer is ahead with more on that. and we know this weather often brings out rattlesnakes. a viewer tweeted these photos of two snakes to us. he saw then within five minutes while hiking in stan mateo county. >> reporter: it's easy to see why people are gravitating to places like this this time of year, but with all this beauty, there is a little bit of low lying risk. the warm, sunny days have attracted many people to the east bay's many parks, but with the heat also comes potentially dangerous rattlesnakes. last weekend, a dog was bitten at del valle in livermore, the district is warning visitors to be on the lookout. >> i saw that there were notices for rattlesnakes so i wore my taller hiking boots today because of it. >> just make sure we're not walking in any tall brush and staying on the trails. >> when you move fast right in front of them, they're going to strike right at you. >> reporter: this man heads toward a rattlesnake when every else turns away. he expects his rattlesnake removal service to boom in the coming weeks. >> the safest thing to do is to call 911 and come into the hospital. >> reporter: this doctor is the last line of defense when it comes to rattlesnake bites. >> say you get bit on your wrist, keep that level of your wrist below your heart. you can wash it with soap and water, if you have any, as soon as you can get in, you have to come in, because there is anti-venom that we can give you. >> and for expert advied advice prevent is snakebites, go to umbrellas were out in downtown martinez today, not to shields from rain, but to shield from the sun. this guy donned a baseball cap before he headed out on the water, good idea. and we're looking live at san francisco international airport, which set a record today, 87 degrees for this date. abc7 weather anchor spencer christian. >> you pointed out 87 at sfo, 82 san francisco, 95 at you can kaya, 94 at livermore. 95 at concord, wurvel a record, but it's making a sweat just looking at it. here's looking at the marine a golden gate from our emeryville camera. it's now only 65 degrees in san francisco, 17 degrees lower than the high we reported yesterday. this is the view, different view of the approaching marine layer. it's 82 right now in santasa, napa 84, novato 81. fairfield 87. look at the temp readings we will have at 10:00. there that's advancing marine layer, which is going to push beyond the coast line and inland tonight, and we're going to have much cooler weather by the end of the week. with temperatures soaring, we're all being reminded tonight to never leave a pet in the car not even for a few minutes. abc7 news reporter melanie woodrow has more. >> reporter: even though this car in menlo park was parked in the shade, animal control officers measured the temperature at 90 degrees. inside two cats. animal control says it can only seize animals from a car at 100 degrees. >> i think it has a lot to do with personal opinion versus what the law actually says. and, you know, when you get into these issues with animals and property, you have to be very careful. >> reporter: the same person who called to report the cats in the hot car, also reached out to dr. monica runnager, founder of nine lives, a cat rescue group. >> there's something that compelled me to come down here today and we're going to help her out. >> doctor runnager later showed this video of them happy and cool. >> we have been out there before, we haven't found any violations. >> reporter: yet san rafael pd showed this picture of a dog rescued from a 106-degree car, animal control says it wants concerned citizens to call, but also to understand that some people don't have homes to leave their pets. in this case, they say the owner had cooling mats inside the vehicle, as well as fans and water. had dr.runnager not taken the cats, they would have stopped by to take another temperature reading later. well, bay area real estate can be affordable for the rich and there are programs to help those with low income. so the question is s what about the middle class? republicans say they have a plan that makes sure these people aren't left out. >> it's a different kind of garage for tinkering with cars that are covered with sensors. plus a mural showing times gone by in san jose police officers came together to remember their peers who were killed in the line of duty. today was an opportunity to lay a wreath in the wake of a tragedy. >> officer michael j.katherman. >> reporter: families of the fallen gather to focus and reflect. >> we appreciate them, pray for them, want them to come home at the end of their shifts. >> reporter: today's police officer memorial was meaningful for tom katherman, the most recent police officer killed in the line of duty. >> michael loved the people that he worked with, and hi loved his family and he was passionate about all of it. >> officer katherman was involved in a crash, who met the driver just two weeks prior to the tragedy. it's a coincidence not lost on katherman's family. >> we told him that we feel his pain and we hold no ill will to him and we forgive him and we extend the grace to him and his family the exact same way that god extends my family grace. >> reporter: the ring of two bells, each set honoring the two officers who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving the city. >> it never gets easier, but we're here for the family and the family's here for us. >> reporter: in san jose, chris wen, abc7 news. a land lord plans to appeal a -- tennants targeted -- the city attorney then sued her and the judge ordered her to pay $2.4 million in penalties and to stop having contact with her tenants. an attorney for the landlord said the suit underscores the city's agenda to scare land lords from evicting any tennants for cause, particularly those who seem outwardly sympathetic. republican lawmakers say middle class families are being squeezed between the wealthy and poor and those families may be moving away from california. realtors agree. >> we need more housing in the state of california at every level, especially workforce housing. our teachers, our police, our firefighters, are having trouble finding housing. >> republicans have proposed a bill that would allow individuals to save money in a tax free savings account that can be used towards buying a home. a mural considered an artistic record of the past, present and the future needs your help. a fund-raiser has been launched to repair this damaged piece of art. >> take a look, this is the marcus street railway mural, it's on the side of a privately owned building off church and 15th streets. completed in 2003, it's a 180-degree bird's-eye view of market street. each vertical section represents a different moment in history, dating back to the 1920s. one shows a 1980s pride parade. another slice shows an imagined future, with a swapping center, instead of a shopping center and alternativ vehicles. the mural is the work of san francisco artist mona corrone who's now asking for help to repair the damage that time has inflicted. >> so that we can refresh not only the physical wall, but all the history and the memories of these things that have been going on in the city. >> there are cracks and now fraked off paint, the nonprofit shaping san francisco launched a fund-raiser in week to raise $12,000, that would enable corone to work with professional ars to restore the mural. you can see on that fundraising site, people have donated over $5,000 already. so that's quite a bit in just a couple days u if you want to know more, log on to our website, let's turn our attention to the heat, which is finally changing a bit for us. >> but we set more records today, spencer? >> nine official records today. since this is a record setting day and heat like this can be slow to recede during this nighttime hours. in san jose, it had a record high. so at 7:00 this evening, we're projecting a temperature or 83 degrees, but it will develrop d to 73 by 9:00 p.m. it's not going to be as low as you would expect during the early morning hours. only down to 62 degrees. that's not much of a low. but considering the fact that it's been so hot, it will take a while for san jose's overnight lows to get back to the levels we expect. right now we're looking at sunny skies across the bay area, so warm that people are still enjoying the warmth at santa cruz beach where it's 80 degr s degrees. we'll have coastal fog, and we'll have a chance of some showers under breezy conditions this ekend. right now 65 in san francisco, 74 across the bay in oakland, numerous inland locations are still stuck at 90 degrees or higher, we'll see fog advancing along the coast and locally inland. low temperatures near the coast will drop into the upper 40s in some spots, but it will be pretty mild in some locations inland. so tomorrow, let's take a look at our cooling conditions, as the fog advances, we will see a high of 62 degrees at half moon bay, checking out the microclimates, 67 in downtown san francisco, where we had a high of 82. going inland, 81 will be the high in walnut creek, and farther inland, antioch will have a high of 81 tomorrow. and looking at temperatures on friday, you can see a sharp drop by 10 degrees or more in many locations, locations that will be in the 80s tomorrow, will be in the 70s inland on friday. we're having about a 20-degree drop or more in some locations, winds are also going to pick up, friday's going to be gusting, saturday's going to be gusting. friday evening even getting higher friday night, up to over 40 miles an hour, before dropping off a little bit. and those windy conditions will persist into saturday when we may see a shower or two, just a couple of isolated showers moving through the bay area and that will be it. we're not expecting any significant rainfall. here's the accuweather 7-day forecast, the story is the sharp temperature drop over the next two days, but of course the windy conditions over the weekend are quite noteworthy as well. if we see clouds lingering, temperatures still remaining in that mid 60s to low 70s range, which is a little low for this time of year, but will probably be a welcome relief to what we have had the last several days. >> and that marine layer coming in behind us, it looks cool. who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. not much movement in the markets today, as expected the federal reserve did not raise interest rates at today's policy meeting. analysts expect the next rate hike to come after the next meeting which is mid-june. the dow gained eight points today to inch back towards 21,000, the nasdaq and the s&p 500 slight ll lly down. hard to wrap your mind around these figures, facebook had over $8 billion in sales the first three months of the year, that beat analysts' estimates and expectations, that income was over $3 billion and the cash on hand an estimated $32 billion. that's a great start to the year. tesla is not as good, elan musk's car company posted a loss of $30 million. palo alto based tesla is spending heavily to ramp up its new model sedan. analysts believe 2017 is the year tesla must prove it's a viable company. we're getting a look inside intel's new garage today, which is specifically designed for driverless cars. and next the final steps before the jury gets the case of the sierra lamar murder trial. find out what had the defense smiling during the closing statement. >> have you ever thought about being an advil liqui - gels work so fast you'll ask what bad back? what pulled hammy? advil liqui - gels make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil. itthe power of nexium 24hr protection from frequent heartburn. all day, and all night. now packed into a pill so small, we call it mini. new clearminis from nexium 24hr. see heartburn differently. the jury in the trial of antonin garcia torres is expected to start this afternoon or friday. >> in a prosecution and the defense finished closing arguments today, abc7 reporter has been covering the trial for the past three months. >> reporter: prosecutor david boyd wrapped up his closing arguments act tuesdayiorres of in summary, boyd said, quote, do not reward the defendant for his cunning and success in silencing sierra lamar. and then it was the defense's turn, he accused investigators of not following up on a lead of a car who was found abandoned. >> now if she is dead, it's possible that garcia torres didn't kill her. >> reporter: the defense is planting seeds of doubt in the jury's mind because it's task is to find torres guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. quote, where's the evidence she's deceased? she's missing and nothing else. the defense also found itself chuckling an laughing as he poked holes in the evidence against garcia torres. >> i think the prosecution is trying to be folks si with this and to develop a rapport but the prosecution, but it's the defense theory of the case that you should believe. >> reporter: the prosecutor gets one more chance to address the jury, that's going to be tomorrow as he rebuts what the defense attorney argued. then the case goes into the jury. >> and when the jury's victim is announced, we'll send out the decision immediately through our abc7 news app. remember to enable push alerts. the east bay man accused of killing his wife entered a not guilty plea today. he did so against the advice of his public defender. he ee's accused of killing his e last thursday afternoon. this was in walnut creek. police tracked him down to martinez where these pictures were taken and an 18-hour standoff went on as he sat in a car near a gas station. police took him into custody friday afternoon. a former peninsula preschoolteacher is accused of exploiting young girls. authorities accuse him of making the girls wear sexually suggestive clothes and taking photos of them. he is not accused of touching them. smoke rising in vallejo was captured by droneview7. the drone is actually training fire department crews. next week they'll become full-time firefighter paramed paramedics. happening now in walnut creek, the second in a series of meetings about splitting up a school district. the proposal would take northgate high school out of the school district to form the northgate school district. parents packed a contra costa county school board meeting. opponents call this segregation, claiming the new district would be made up of mostly white after fluent students. the county will decide if this ze deal or concept can be moved forward by the state. jonathan bloom got a tour and a test drive as self-driving cars inch closer to your driveway than ever before. >> reporter: anthony may be in the driver's seat, but really, he's just along for the ride. >> it's a self-driving vehicle, that's going to take us around the route, the vehicle is able to see around the car 360 dregs. >> reporter: and while the ribbon cutting was quiet, the echo inside will be heard across the world. >> this is literally a garage that we're opening. >> reporter: intel makes the chips that power wcars like thi bmw. the technology all hidden under a sleek exterior. >> cameras, ultrasonic and radar in the vehicle. >> reporter: with sensors and data pointing every direction, this car generates data that will quickly fill up your hard drive. >> for us it's about taking big compute and shrinking it down into a small form factor that can be kept cool. >> are they comfortable, are they confident? do they feel safe? >> reporter: some will ride in this car. it's like uber or lift without the driver. with no human to talk to, designers have to figure out how you'll interact with the car, from how long you need to hold the button down, to how the car can convince you to trust it. >> people want to feel comfortable. physically comfortable yo, but more importantly, psychologically comfortable. google has shut down a phishing scam that can obtain your personal information. it involves an email that contains a link to view a document. after clicking it. you're prompted to enter your login information on what looks if you do that, you'll be vulnerable. a one trillion dollar federal budget deal is now on it's way to final approval. >> next, see why the trump administration may be better for california when it comes to earthquake preparation. and looking live from the roof of our abc7 news studio, we're going to keep the blue skies and businessman 2: we've gone over the numbers several times, and... businessman 1: yea, yea, know what i'm craving right now? businessman 1: (over speaker) --guacamole and bacon. audio tech: we got a craving! go go go!!! music: crashing cravings in the crave van. jack's gonna crash your crave! jack: hey guys, try my guacamole and bacon chicken sandwich with all white meat chicken, guacamole and pepperjack cheese. businessman 1: thanks jack.... wait. we're on the 18th floor. how did you get here? jack: hard work. jack vo: you crave it, we serve it. try my new guacamole and bacon chicken sandwich. music: crave van! tomorrow the house is expected to vote on a health care bill which would replace obamacare. congressman kevin mccarthy says that republicans do have enough support to pass the bill. >> on this vote the yays are 309, the nays are 118. the motion is adopted. >> meantime the house passed a $1.1 trillion budget for the federal government. the budget is described as a bipartisan compromise and would keep the government running until september. earthquake, earthquake. >> the budget deal includes $10 million to develop an earthquake early warning system in california as well as oregon and washington state. that's actually more money than the program received in the last budget under the president obama administration. uc berkeley and cal tech scientists are working with the usgs, it's designed to alert us anywhere from a few seconds to maybe a few minutes before an earthquake, we hope in time to stop elevators and earth quakes and get to a safe place. james comey was in the hot seat before the senate judiciary committee today. he was asked questions about his decision to release information about the investigation into hillary clinton's personal server. >> it makes me mildly nauseous to think that we had some impact on the election, but honestly, it wouldn't change the decision, everyone who disagrees with me has to come back to october 28 with me and stare at this and tell me what you would do, would you speak or conceal? i may be wrong, but we honestly made a decision between these two choices, that even in hindsight, i would make the same decision. what's inside this suitcase? it's something that could make you some money without costing you anything. >> 7 on your site who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. looking for a way to make money on your next international flight? >> 7 on your side's michael finney shows you how easy it is to be an air courier. >> like you have a leather briefcase handcuffed to your wrist. it's a lot less dramatic than that. that guy with the black t-shirt is from the air courier company air mule. he has brought a bag to sfo and is handing it off to traveler david knapp who will take it from here to china. david looks over the bag's contempts, just to make sure he knows what he's responsible for, in this case, shoes, clothing and assorted items. and for taking that bag and delivering it to china, david gets $150. >> it's basically just like having a piece of luggage, it goes through customs just like everything else and i will meet an air mule rep on the other side. we do the handoff. i ensure that he's an air mule employee, we he's often wearing branded clothing and he does an inspection and that's it. >> reporter: david could make even more for taking two bags to china and bag for $600. >> a lot of young people just carry on, so they have these two checked bags that are part of their ticket that are going unused. for them it's almost free money, because they might be traveling to china for work, they might not even be paying for their ticket, the company might be, so any money for unchecked luggage space is just money in their pocket. it's like the uber for shipping then? air mule says it can be cheaper and faster and more economical for more e commerce shippers. >> maybe thousands, maybe close to 10,000 items have been shipped by air mule. >> which brings us back to david knapp and that secret handcuffed briefcase. >> it take you back to the 80s vision of the courier, when that was around, i kind of wanted to do it too. but then there was no internet, you don't know what to do, but here you go to the website. >> you can post a link on abc7 i'm heading to alameda to hear your consumer questions, i'll be there on friday from 4:00 to 7:00. be sure to bring any paper work i'll need to solve your problems. you can even ask online on abc7, and you can always post on social media, just post with the #michaelfinney. you feel like you're doing something. >> you wear a trench coat? >> thanks, michael. let's transition back to the weather forecast. >> you folks may have noticed the cooling fog on the big screen. that's going to bring temperatures down quite a bit. so the heat is about to leave us. we have mainly sunny skies, except the fog building up at the coastline, which will be quite evident along the coastline. upper 50s to about 60 inland. tomorrow, temperatures generally are going to be about 10 degrees or more lower than they were today. inland locations that were in the low to mid 90s today, will be in the low to mid 80s tomorrow. we'll see 70s around the bay tomorrow where we saw 80s today. and along the coast, the high will be in the mid 60s. even further cooling on friday, with a gusty afternoon coming our way, high temperatures will struggle to break the 70-degree mark on friday in our inland areas, breezy with a slice chance of showers, and next week starts off wicloudy but dry. >> warriors, gm bob myers says he's not worried so you shouldn't worry about steph curr i no longer live with the uncertainties of hep c. wondering, what if? i let go of all those feelings. because i am cured with harvoni. harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. it's been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. and is proven to cure up to 99% of patients who have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. before starting harvoni, your doctor will test to see if you've ever had hepatitis b, which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after harvoni treatment. tell your doctor if you've ever had hepatitis b, a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv or any other medical conditions and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni can cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni include tiredness, headache and weakness. ready to let go of hep c? ask your hep c specialist about harvoni. food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. we just want fast internet for one, simple rate. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. good evening. the warriors say there's nothing to worry about. steph curry is fine, even though he sat out of practice today after an undisclosed injury in game one last night. we think he tweaked his left ankle or something on this play right here. really nothing fancy, just kind of landed awkwardly on the lay-up. the words of the day, routine maintenance. >> just routine maintenance, that i get done whether it's on the back or on the bench or routine court, it happens and nothing to worry about. >> no, no concerns, he could have gone today, he's a guy that constantly gets maintenance, which he should, not only him, most of our guys do, they do a good job with that. so that's all it was last night. he ee's definitely good to go tomorrow. >> you know matt barnes and a couple of warriors said they hope to play the clippers in this series because there's no nightlife. nightlife t-shirts will be handed out at game three which will be in salt lake. how about lebron and the cavs trying to go two up on the raptors. lebron messing around here spinning the ball. he had 10 of 15 from deep, to lead by 14 at the break. second half, with this triple, lebron passes to karim. and kyree irving, 39 for the king. cavs win 125-103. it's like a revolving door to the disabled list. shawn dooley was put on the disabled list for tightness in his shoulder. and graven was in trouble from the outset. walked three guys in the first, and fargas with a broken bat single up the middle. it was a 2-1 game in the fifth. three-run homer, 5-1 twins. at one point it was kennys five, and a-rod's 1. former rays josh redick, now a huge fan of pro wrestling, redick had a wrestling like championship belt. redick started this tradition last year with the dodgers. >> this isn't where we want to be, we don't want to be a 2 and 14 team, and you don't want to be a team that's had your third head coach in four years. but you also have to be willing to change if you've made a mistake. >> 49ers owner jed york, hid for most of last season, unavailable to the media when they were going 2 and 14. the niners finally did something in the draft, he's taken his victory lap. jed also said he wants to have dinner with jim harbaugh at some point. you had four years, and you ran him out of the building. just stay in the suite, sign the checks, let the new guy in charge kyle shanahan do things. step back. join us tonight on kofi tv channel 20, cable channel 13. and chemical contamination in a san francisco neighborhood. on abc7 news at 11:00, we'll take you back to the meeting where the neighbors demand answers. >> jimmy is on patteernity leav for his new born son who had to undergo heart surgery shortly after he was born. >> we'll see you again at 9:00 and 11:00. (wind gusting) (thud) aah! holy crap! eve, honey, look, if you don't want people to think you're a tomboy, then maybe you shouldn't talk like an auto mechanic. (laughs) hey, i'm just saying, this freakin' wind deserves a little more than a "wow." ho-ho! holy crap!

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