Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 7PM 20141027 : compar

Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 7PM 20141027

coverage with more. >> a very touching openf this game for bay area comedian, robin williams. his ughter, sell da, joined his son, zack, who threw ot the ceremonial first pch to robin williams ver good friend and baseball fanatic, billy crystal. even baseball fans enjoyed the moment. inside at&t park just before the game, giants fans all agreed that tonight isivotal in the series. i talked wh a father and son duo about thr excitement over being here,nd they both made it clear the son is not wearing royals bl. it's buster posey's all-star nationalersey. >> people came off strong and then you show them the back side and they say, that's even cooler. >> the last world series game i went to was in 1962, the seventh gamewhen the giants lost to the yankees. >> he is clearly hoping for a much better turnout tonight than the game he watched so many years ago. course, the game has been going on for an hour now, and giants fans are hoping that this will be a decisive win tnight. they're hoping too into kansas city for gameix with a whole lot of momentum. abc7 news. >> thank you. last night mike shumann tweeted and report that some fans left the game early, maybe because of the rain or maybe because the giants we long, we know now they missed quite show as the team came roaring back to win 11-4. fans hoping for another hu offensive explosion tonight. cornell bernard continues our team coverage live from ballpark. cornell? >> no rain, just sunshine, and check it out. mccovey cove is jam-packed with fans, gian are ahead in game five of the world series tonight. it is incredible. sold-out crowd here in the cov just about anything that will float is here. san fncisco police standing by, making sure everyone is on their best behavior. and check it out. up in the stands, soldut crowd is on fire tonight. looking for anotr joints victory tonight. >> do thing thi go giants. >> go giants. >> fans are toasting inside pedro's cantina, a warmup of food and drink and advice for the team. >> find your inner champion and win this thing. right? go hunter pence style. >> go gants! >> yes, yes, yes, yes. >> giants fans are pumped for game five following an amazing 11-4 victory of the royals saturday. derrick, who gave his wife series tickets for her birthday, says keep the momentum going. >> tonight we want a 2-0 shutout. >> the buzz around at&t is electric. orange and black the color of the day. tickets for game five, sold out. but that didn't stop matt cox and his sign from making this apal. >> we came here trying to get a tiet. hopefully it will work. try to find another genuine fan, and have a little good karma ing on. >> genuine fan. what does that mean? >> i'm here at the games all the time, ying root on the giants. >> the dugout story is packed with fans grabbing items. >> this is more important. it's once in aifetime. i'll take bat think. every t years. >> every corner around at&t has giant stuff for sale. my favorite t-shirt, keep calm and just pan -- panik. >> what happened t the royals. >> they were doing good in the beginning but something went wrong. being royals fan for the most part the crowds pretty good. really alive in there it's loud, fun. i think we'r going to take it to them today. beat the san francisco bumgarners -- i an giants >> royals fans beware, tonight you're outnumbered. go giants in s francisco, abc7 news. >> fans are sending us their pics. first -- pittsburg, and this family, posing for a pregame picture. we want to e your fan photos. e-mail them to [email protected], or tweet them to us. the rain is gone and a little warm weather could be coming to the bay area. let's look outsideright now. this is the vi from the exploratorium cam. let's go to meteorologist frances dinglan in tonight with a look at live doppler d. >> good even. live doppl 7hd just picking up clear blue skies all around the bay area. a beautiful day. great way t end the weekend. right now temperatures are in the 60s. they were near what we experienced yesterday, but i will let you know a couple things in theorecast. when we can expect to see the 80s return. that's in the accuweather seven-day forecast, and also have arightful halloween forecast. i don't mean to rain on anybods parade but that's coming up as well. >> not your foul. at least 16 people are being treated fo food poisoning at this hour-possibly from eatg fish at a hotel in redwood city. firefighters arrived to the hotel to find more than aozen people sick. half teenagers, with a baetball group traveling in the u.s. doctors as kaiser medical center believthey got sick from eating salmon at the hotel last night. the hotel has not responded for comment. >> the fight against ebo could be turning into a fight between state and federal officials. so far four states have impos their own anti-ebola measures, saying federal guidines don't go far enough. but federal authority says the new rule maize do more harm than good in new jersey, te tougher standards forced a nurse into involuntary confinement after her return frid from treating ola patients infrica. tonight, she is unhap how she is being treated. here's more. >> treated like criminal. the worded worded worded of kac. >> i feel like my basic human rights have been violated. >> hickox vigorously protested her treatment, describing her confinement at a tent in primitive conditions. >> i have kind of a port-a-pot type restroom, no shower facities, and no connection with the outside world except my iphone. >> we owe her better tan that. >> hickox says she completely fine physically and plans legal action to be released. florida has now become the fourth state to break with federal policy, imposing a 21-damonner toking window on possible ebola carriers. some say it's a bad idea. >> when someone is treated this poorly when they return, why would someone go over there and help. >> a top public health official agrees. >> you can help stop in africa if we are have our people, our heroes, the healthcare workers gohere and help to us protect america. >> but new jersey's governor chris christie is standing his ground. >> i don't believe when you're dealing with something as serious as ts, we can count on a voluntary rule. morgan dixon returned saturday to be quarintined in the parent she shares with dr. craig spencer. >> the iranian american communit of northern california and its supporters demonstrated for a democratic and free iran outside uc berkeley this afternoon. the group is denouncing the rising number of executions and rape and acid attack targeting women. iran's parliament recently pass a law to protect those who correct others for behaving or dressin in ways that violate the country's strict social laws, like women not covering up. >> people of iran are under operation by the fundamentalist regime, regardless of their gender, the way they dres the music the listen to the web sites they look at. >> t organization is calling on the international community to help. power the iranian people to achieve a democratic society in their homeland. >> still ahead at 6:00, high alert in hawai'i. a look at the deadly lava flow inches towards homes right now. and spacex succeeds. the ground-breaking experiment the california company took to hey john, check it out. whoa! yeah, i was testing to see if we really can turn any device in your house into a tv. and the tablet worked just fine. but i wanted to see if the phone would work as well. so i shrunk sharon. every channel is live just like on tv. but it's my phone. it's genius. shh! i'm watching tv. tiny sharon is mean. i'm right here. watch any channel live on any device around your home. download the xfinity tv app today. you have made my life special by being apart of it.enough. (everyone) cheers! glad you made it buddy. thanks for inviting me. thanks again my friends. for everything, for all your help. through all life's milestones, our trusted advisors are with you every step of the way. congratulations! thanks for helping me plan for my retirement. you should come celebrate with us. i'd be honored. plan for your goals with advisors you know and trust. so you can celebrate today and feel confident about tomorrow. chase. so you can. dozens of people who live in rural hawai'i are on high alert because of an erupting volcano. the va flow is inching towards homes. it moves 250 yards in the lt 24 hours but destroys everything in its path. redents in the region are ready for a possible evacuation of their homes. after it hits, some my not see their properties again. but have a positive perspective about the encroaching danger. >> the besting there to do is for us to get out of the way and let peli do what she is going to . this is her land and she gave us 20 beautiful years to live here, ani'm thankful for that. >> the lava flow is expected to reach the homes tuesday. >> spacex's unmaed dragon spacecraft is back on eart after a successful mission toty international space station. dragon launched last month, carrying an important payload to be used in greaking experiments. studiesested microgravity on a group of mice and space-grown arugula. the findings will help develop plans for long- -- racing spaceflight. dragon also delivered a 3d printer. the fourth of 12 panned missions. nasa also recently awarded spacex a short-material contract to shuttle astronauts to the moon. boeing and spacex will compete for a long-term contract with the first test coming in 2017. coming up next onbc7 at 6:00, soap box racers, bit of nostalgia and there paving their way for the return of another san francisco park icon. >> might want to consider changing your witch costume for maybe mary poppins? because she has an umbrella? frances dinglasan tells us how halleen is going to shake down. >> i do have a mary poppins costume. would this be the raiders get their first win? darren macfaden fighting to reach the end [phones rings] it's amanda. hey sweetie. what? okay, i'll send it. one hundred seventy-two dollars for a chemistry book, what is it, made of gold? just use citi popmoney. boom. ah, she's feeling lucky. hey sweetie...cancun, yeah no, you'll be spending spring break with your new chemistry book. with citi popmoney it's easy to send money to just about anyone, anytime. visit your local branch or to learn more. at these year'soap box derby in san francisco everybody wins with money raised going toward a newlayground project. today was the third year of the race at larsen park. this is video from last year. the racers cruised down the slope on 20th avenue. attendees enjoyedore than just the derby with classic cars, food and games, and the soabox derby is raising money for a special project being built. this jet is inspired by three retired navy jets that served as the park's playground equipment from threaten 1950s through the '90s. the new playground is expecd to open in the next few mont. let's gea check of the forecast now. a lot has changedded out there. some good, some bad, depending on your perspective >> we got it all in this forecast. looks like blank slate here. live doppler 7, blue skies all around the bay area, from emeryville -- from the bay bridge, we're looking out towards the south beach area a you can see the ballpark there, temperatures right now in the 60s. san francisco, 62. oakland, 64, and in san jose, 63 as well. i wanted to show u another beautiful shot. this time of the golden gate bridge and more temperatur in the 60s. santa rosa, 66. petaluma, 68. fafield, slightly warmer. this time we're looking from emeryville. a little glimpse of the sunset. he's what you can expect. going to be clear overnight. a warming trend starts tomorrow, and continues into wednesday, and then we have a scary storm on halloween. so keep u posted on that as well. a look at the pacic satellite image shows high pressure building. this is pushing the storm out, keeping thetorm tract to the north. clear skies tonight. with the clear skies, temperatures will be much cooler overnight when you wake u. -- wake up tomorrow morning, going to neat a jacket but with clear skies in the afternoon, more sunshine a warmer temperatures. we'll be bumping it up by a few grees. look for some temperatures to be dipping into the mid-40s in santa rosa, nap livermore, 47. and low 50s rain the bay area. with a lot of sunshine tomorrow, we'll s some mid-70s in some of t warmest locations. ok for fairfield and antioch toarm up to 7 4. san francisco, 69. oakland, 70. san jose, 72. and then it willtill be breezy along the coast. 10 to 2miles-per-hour winds from the northwest tomorrow. here's where i want to give you a big heads up for folks with halloween pns. friday morning we'll start to e the rain creeping into the north bay. this system look stronger than the one wexperienced yesterday. start to see a lot of cloud cover push south, and then by friday lunchtime, a lot of folks having halloween parades at schools -- we have scary showers moving in, widespread light rain to moderate rnfall around the bay area. it continues overnight associates theiming right now shows the heaviest rainfall friday afternoon, friday evening. a tricky evening halloween eveng. also the friday commute could be messy and you want to look out fo the trick or treaters as well. then it starts to break up and then we'll start to see the showers linger into saturday morning. here's the accuweather seven-day forecast. bright sunshine, slightly warmer temperatures, bumping up into wednesday where we'll see 80s inland and near 70 at the beach, and then things cool down. a rainy halloween, unfortunately. and then the chae of showers lingers into saturday, which will beuch cooler, and then closer tonormal by the end of next weekend. >> i won't complain about rain. >> that's true. we can use the rn. the timing just is difficult. >> totally understand. thank you, frances. >> larry beil in for shu, who is ou at at&t park. we got sunday football. >> an update on the world series bu we start when the nfl. looking at the raiders schedu, playing the seahawks, broncos, chargers and chiefs. hard to s them winning any of those games. their best chance of getting win number one was in cleveland. the returning king of cleveland, lebron james, watching a low-scoring game. first quarter,aiders bring out janikowski for the aempt. no. it's a fake. matt schaub at quarterback. was the holder and now ready to flow but bad snap. bu it's intercepted and schaub asking, why tide we run that? 36 seconds left in the third. raiders maybe on the way to touchdown. no. darren mcfadden coughs it up, and joe hayden recovers. first td of the game. brian holidayier, andrew hawkins, 16-6 browns. raiders with three turnovers. the final is 23-13, cleveland, as the rders drop to 0-7. >> the nfc west leading cardinals hosting the eagles. buck and a half left. carson palmer, the bomb to john brown. what can brown do for you? a 75-yard td. one-second left. cardinals flip the house. nick foles throws it up. jordan matthew catches but out of bounds. cardinals hold on 24-20 and improve to 6-1. >> after weeks of rumor of locker room discoward, the seahawks and carolina, just one touchdown in the game. russell wilson, 24words to luke willson. the seahawks snap a losing streak. bengals, they have the ball but andy dalton gets thrown to the background. smith recovers the fumbles. ravens sce. field goal makes it 24-20. so on fourth and goal, a mute left, it's dalton on the keeper. gets a big push fro the offensive likemen, cos flight over the top. touchdown. bengals n late. >> after last week's los chicago's brandon marshall called out his bears teammate is. didn't help. they got smoked by the patriots d tom brady, people were questioning whether he could play. he can. five touchdowns. rob gronkowskicarrying people on his back. pats win, 51-23. >> fro brady's magnificence to a horrid jean know smith. this is ierception thrown, number one. here's number two. three picks in the first quarter by geno ith. he gets bench. michael vick comes in, promptl throws an intercepon. six turnovers for the jets and they lose their seventh in a row. the only win is against the raiders. to the other otball, the earthquakes ended their disappointing season today against chivas u.s.a. but they have a new stadium setto open next march. no scoring today by wando. 32nd minute, eric torres loses berndes. 1 or chivas and that's your final as the quakes fall 1-nil and party in the stands. nascar sprint cupartinsville, the king, richard tty, getting the racers started. 77 laps to go. kurt busch leading, catcheshe engine on fire. dale earnhardt passes tony stewart and a week after being eliminate from the chase, junior holds off the man nick named smoke to win the race. first win at martinsville. jeff gordon was second. updating game five. gian and royals. madison bumgarner struck out the side in the second. giants score on a brandon crawford grouout. it's 1-0 giants in the fourth, and this is obviously critical to take this game and go u 3-2, >> i don't want to say anying jinxy. >> no. best not t say anything at all. >> interesting score. whatta you wanna do first? eat the chick-n-tater melt? or peel the sticker and play jack's munchie peel instant win game? what happens if i peel the sticker? you have a 1 in 4 chance of winning cool stuff like flights on southwest airlines, skateboards, gas cards, neff gear, or free food! you just buy a munchie meal, like the new chick-n-tater melt, and peel. what happens if i do both at the same time? ahhhhhhhhhh! join us tonight for abc7 on kofy tv20. tens of millions of people use brain games to keep their minds smart. no scientists front stanford are questioning the game's benefit. then at 11:00, here on channel 7, national anthem problems at the worlderies. first what looked like a torn flag, and then something else. so we'll let you hear what happened tonight at 11:00. film-goers hgry for a hallown thriller backed the thters for "ouija." came in first place. the story about an ancient version of the classic game with awakening of dark power watchin. have a g coming up today on intelligence for your life, if you're struggling to fall asleep at night it could be what's on your television right before you go to bed. we will tell you why the experts say you should avoid the financial news in the evening if you want to avoid counting sheep all night. we'll have the latest from the sleep experts. plus, we'll have the latest science on why we look weird in our selfies. it has to do with the way our brain sees our image. some experts believe selfies heighten our narcissistic tendencies and others think they are good for us.  expert, his latest research tips on finding mr. and ms. right. the person who is right for you. those stories and more coming

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