Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 7PM 20140711 : compar

Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 7PM 20140711

good evening. >> tonight police have just called off the search for a second robber. they won't say why, but just told us they have not caught him yet the other one nearly killed during the heist is barely hanging on. wayne freedman is live at bennett valley jewellers tonight with the latest on this. wayne? >> adadel center and bennett family jewelry store where this went down beginning at 1:40. police arrived to find two people with gunshot wounds. one shot in the arm according to neighbors and the other a suspect, the store owner shot him and that man made it outside before going down to the parking lot. jill heard all of it and saw much of it. he owns the video shore next door. >> a guy, running out of the vicinity of the store. then, i heard the owner of the store yelling at the people standing by. "armed robbery, he's an armed robber". >> by that time, the first suspect had driven away, leading to a search of the neighborhood, then, the suspect is a black male in early to mid-20s, large build wearing a white and blue shirt, blue jeans and white tennis shoes. police found the car not far from the scene of the robbery. it's a red older modelford. a car, it turns out stolen out of livermore, it's worth noting that this neighborhood and mall the center has suffered several incidents including a bank robbery and a car jacking. ricardo told us ball guys may regard this as a soft target now, he says maybe they know better. >> we answer back. >> now, a live shot of the bennett valley jewellers again behind tape. what we can say is that it's another incident in a series of them. a mall in a quiet neighborhood becoming a repeat target. you may call it a mall under siege. >> traffic moving on highway 17 the roadway shut down for about nine hours after a fatal big rig accident. david? >> this is a welcome site. a lot of people and this after a horrible accident. that crumpeled guardrail is a reminder one person was kill md that accident, and several others, injured. seven people were sent to the hospital, one in critical conditionment a driver of a car died when he got tangled the driver told chp traffic slowed down, he lost control and began hitting vehicles around him. the company says the rig was new the driver in front saw the accident unfolding in her mirror. >> it was coming closer to me. just -- as soon as i stopped looking i was ready for impact. >> chp split two lanes to allow one lane to split traffic. over nine years to give time to do a detailed nal sis. while investigation continues cruise cleaned up everything. things are looking normal again, some damage has been done and that is back up traffic. >> thank you. the arrest of a suspected prostitute in a heroin death of a bay area executive prompted authorities in georgia to reopen an investigation there. the 26-year-old alix tecleman is facing a manslaughter charge. police say she inject aid client with heroin and left him to die on his yacht. tonight in millton, georgia police are re-examining the death of her boyfriend, a nightclub owner that died of a heroin overdose two weeks after an arrest in a domestic violence incident the death was ruled overal overdose we learned she went online to search a legal dpeens after the death in santa cruz of google executive forest heys. >> tonight san francisco giants are considering making a change management hopeful keep fans perfect getting offended or worse. this after an incident in the stands a couple weeks ago. nick? >> the communications director tells us the proposed change is in policy changes but it's clear the organization is listening to fans. >> and we ended up confronting fans that were wearing a head dress. >> june 23rd a fan wore this head dress, a move that offended a native american and giants fan. >> the fan asked what he can do to make her happy. she says give her the head dress. >> it didn't end there. >> the police said we're trespassing according to the giants and that we had to leave. >> mes say the police responded to the request to remove him, and his group as guests. this shows the female companion being removed by police. >> she was removed by her arms, they took me down to the ground and had me face down, on the pavement. >> next day, sfpd said the two were detained and mes investigated the giants organization met with native american groups and listened to concerns. >> they were hurt in one of the ways they're sacred items of clothing was being worn by another fan >> the team decided to take a look at the code of conduct for fans and make changes. >> if they wear cultural lynn sensitive attire, they can be subject to removal to the ballpark. we've added a line about wearing culturally insensitive attire to the game. >> to people, those are sacred. you don't buy them. the feather is given to you for valor. >> he admits what some may find offensive isn't clear. he's happy the team started this conversation. >> now an amazing pay it forward story. 0 yearsing ayes one family lost their son, his pancreas went on to save the life of a young man, today, those families are about to give, and get, the giflt of life. >> these surgeons have been doing transplants for years, this without a doubt is the first. bill millard needs a transplant and will get his life back, tomorrow, from someone he helped years ago. >> and this year, i was really sick. >> bill is about to get a kidney that will save hislife. how he met the donor nearly ten years ago his son suffered an accident the mallard's made the hard decision to donate organs. his pancreas helped save the life of a then 9-year-old boy named jake. these are the two families sitting together with the three surgeon who's will perform the transplant tomorrow morning. the donor is the mother of the boy that received caleb's pancreas. this shows how it came to be. mallard lost his son, his pancreas given to jake, his mother will now donate her kidney to bill mallard. >> jake has done so well. it's been the best. yes. i did have a question was to pass that medical testing. >> tests were done to make sure they're compatible. they were. >> the compatibility overall is less than 50%. >> the donor usually goes in first. and once the kidney comes out, the recipient is ready for the kidney to go in. trying to minimize time in between donor recipient surgeries. >> having the hook up on the machine, depending on to it keep me alive is the hardest thing. and things have i missed. >> most families have been able to keep in touch. they honor mallrds and now will be closer as families back to you. >> wow, incredible story. >> thank you. >> well, still to come here tonight on abc7 news at 6:00 a bay area woman shares her unimaginable pain the loss of a son and the i'lla vista massacre. tonight her message of passion and love. >> a step towards america's energy goals a launch of the most-advanced laboratory in the world. >> and a woman books a flight using the wrong name the airline won't allow her to fix it. why they don't let you make a correction. >> after one more day of below average temperatures, heat kicks in this weekend. i'll have the accu-weather forecast coming up in just a moment as abc7 news at 6:00 continues. can't say thank you enough. you have made my life special by being apart of it. (everyone) cheers! glad you made it buddy. thanks for inviting me. thanks again my friends. for everything, for all your help. through all life's milestones, our trusted advisors are with you every step of the way. congratulations! thanks for helping me plan for my retirement. you should come celebrate with us. i'd be honored. plan for your goals with advisors you know and trust. so you can celebrate today and feel confident about tomorrow. chase. so you can. >> the parents of one of three bay area teenagers murdered in may put their son to rest today in a south bay cemetery the 19-year-old was a junior studying computer sighs yens and volunteered at ymca in his spare time. abc7 news spoke with his family today, at the cemetery in los altos. >> kelly wong and junan chen buried their son's ashes today in a service attended by family and friends his parents said george was everything to them. a sweet child. bright. giving. >> he was a volunteer, since he was nine years old he worked with me to cook for the homeless, to work in the homeless center. his short life touched a lot of hearts. >> i pray no parent will have experienced unimaginable pain we're suffering. he was only 19. and i will never have a chance to celebrate his 20th birthday. >> they would now devote them selves to help prevent senseless killings. >> where we see this happen to any other children, we cannot sleep tonight. we just have to help. >> loneliness, anger and hatred the symptoms exhibited by the deranged killer of their son. this was their prayer. >> as a victim's family, we urge that parents make great efforts to raise compassionate children that care about others. >> children just like george. >> george's family has set up a memori memorial page on facebook and would like you to leave your thoughts on how to prevent violence. >> it's hard to know how energy efficient a building is until construction but a new laboratory can test drive the design before construction. abc7 news is live where they cut the ribbon for the flex lab today allen? >> hi. ama. the reason they call it flex lab is because it's flexibility the windows, materials and the building, the hvac are interchangeable. if you look at background you can tell this lab is actually rotating on a giant turn table. they can simulate the son's angle on different sides of a building. buildings end up using twice the energy expected. >> we're showing what the lighting quality is in this space. >> now, technologies can be combineed and tested before the building is constructed. >> now we've got a building under construction. >> genentech used flex lab and sensors to simulate, then test drive a 250,000 square hoot foot building before breaking ground. >> we're going to take data to influence the systems. >> the windows, lighting and system and carrier building materials are interchangeable the lab rotates to mimic conditions in other regions. this machine sim you'll yates body heat. ien produces heat load into this space it's something air conditioning system and ventilation have to address. if you have a lot of people in the space, it's a big part of that load. >> u.s. deputy secretary of energy says this ties in to the president's action plan to reduce our energy consumption 50% by 2030. >> if we don't bend the curve, we're just not going to make the targets the targets are ambitious. >> americans spend $400 billion in energy, almost half goes to operate residential, industrial, and commercial buildings the research here will be available for all to use. in berkeley, allen wong, abc7 news >> that should be pro found with that information. >> yes. >> time to get a check on weather on this thursday. >> yes. spencer christian is here. >> ready for a warm up? >> yes. >> sunny skies now, low clouds near the coast. some pushing over the bay now. into the sierra, thunderstorms breaking out throughout the afternoon into early evening hours. there is a red flag warning in affect until 11:00 in the morning. flow of water north, northwest out towards coast there. high fire dang scombrer a threat there is a concern. lightning strikes could trigger fires back to the bay area, not back to the bay area, yet. we're looking at clouds over lake tahoe now. we've got some clouds there, 63 degrees here. oakland, 78. 75 san jose. gilroy, 76. 61 in half moon bay. now, a view from emeryville. 68 degrees in santa rosa. novato, 68. and 76 livermore, it's breezy, gusty. gusts 26 miles per hour sfo. novato. 32 inland. 29 concord and napa. around the area now, it's breezy. here is a view of low clouds over the golden gate to look at coastal clouds. spotty drizzle is possible. warming up this weekend as promised. moisture from interior southwestern u.s. fed into thunderstorms in the sierra today. notice low clouds continuing to push inland. possibility of spotty drizzle. overnight lows into mid to upper 50s, tomorrow, sunny skies with highs upper 870s to near 806789 low to mid-60s on the coast. downtown 68 degrees tomorrow. we'll see only 70s mid to upper 70s in the north way bay but mild. here is the accu-weather forecast. warm up begins, forcefully, sunday with highs around 90 degrees, mid-90s inland monday, tuesday. mid-80s around the bay and 60s on the coast. temperatures moderating wednesday, thursday. abc 7 asponsor of aids walk san francisco. this walk is ten days away. and you can join in on this cause. >> thank you, spencer. >> okay. >> just ahead here a car sharing company gets booted out of sfo >> settling into a home up the road. [ heart beating ] [ female announcer ] the internet gets more exciting the faster it goes. that's why, coming soon, xfinity will double the internet speed on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet, period. [ heart beating ] xfinity internet from comcast. double the speed. [ heart beats ] and other car insurance companies? yes. but you're progressive and they're them. -yes. -but they're here. -yes. -are you... -there? -yes. -no. -are you them? i'm me. but the lowest rate is from them. -yes. -so them's best rate is... here. so where are them? -aren't them here? -i already asked you that. -when? -feels like a while ago. want to take it from the top? rates for us and them. now that's progressive. call or click today. >> city of south san francisco agreed to allow the car sharing company flight car to operate there. flight car gives you free parking and a ride in exchange for the right to rent out your car while you're traveling. they got kicked out of san francisco international airport for rerefuse toing pay taxes and fees that car rental companies have to pay. part of the deal agreed to pay 4% as an impact fee. >> today, commissioners delayed ride requirements for companies like uber and lift. they're forcing to cover insurance for drivers as soon as they open the app connecting them with riders. traditional cab drivers say there is not enough regulation of those part-time drivers they believe puts passengers at risk. the uber and lift drivers say this is just a plan to slow their industry growth. . >> i think you need to be licensed and insured we need to limit the number of cars on the road. >> this is a market-driven industry. they're in command of it >> the commission is expected to make a final decision next month. >> a new york executive got the ride of his life this week, and he two colleagues had to force the driver to pull over after racing down a washington, d.c. freeway for about ten minutes the driver being pursued by a city taxi inspector wanted to make sure the pick up was arranged through the uber app. that is illegal in washington, d.c. >> well, still ahead here tonight at 6:00 a local school district forced to abandon an office building. what te left behind is stunning the i team is on this story i'm pact of the california drought on grape growers and what it can mean for this year's wines >> you're going to hear from a family that had to be rescued at sea. their plans to resume an unorthodox life style. stay with us. hey there. did you select these things on purpose? not a color found nature. there's nothing wrong with tha. i can hear your arteries clogging. ok. no. this is tap water. i can't let you buy this. oh. crystal geyser please. crystal geyser. bottled at the mountain source. welcoheyback. really? kiss your abs goodbye. cardiologist to check stand 1. crystal geyser alpine spring water? toucé. crystal geyser. always bottled right at the mountain source. antuon wilson has been superintendent of oakland school district for nine days. >> how it may have played a role in identity theft suffered by his own employees. >> dan? >> reporter: it's the law the school district has froe teblth sensitive personal thfgs of employees and students. look at what i found in the headquarters the district abandoned after a flood box upon box of employee documents including payroll records and student information. vandals have been breaking in every week. so far, five district employees reported someone is using their stolen information to raid their account and take out credit cards. >> bank of america contact immediate, asking if i had been making changes and someone had withdrawn my checking account. >> they drained his account to the penny. so, how many sensitive records could be in wrong hands? what is the district doing about? an investigation tonight at 11:00. >> scary. >> a walk in there to see boxes and boxes for the take something >> right >> yes. >> wide open. >> thank you. >> well, the on again, off again construction of a $210 million freeway project is back on again. caltrans is building a six-mile freeway bypass around the town. the project has been out of compliance with the permit almost a year, missing deadline after deadline. three weeks ago the army corps of engineers ordered caltrans to stop building in wetland and stream areas. congressman jared hufman intervened and the corps announced an agreement to keep it going. >> we want caltrans to comply with a permit but make sure you don't have construction crews idleed and thousands and thousands of dollars in extra costs enoccured every day. >> the two agencies agreed on ben ral terms to make sure caltrans comply was permit. failure to meet the deadlines mean a suspension of that permit. >> drought will affect the quantity of the state's grape harvest but not quality as far as wine growers are concerned. today there was a consensus, making white or red, the reporter finds what they need is water. summer sizzle is helping wine grapes, pefrments say wines will produce a good crop. >> 100% of this grape concentrate comes from within 100 miles of fresno. >> not all becomes wine. >> most goes to wine. it's coloring additive. you know? a lot goes into fruit juices as a sweetener. >> valley wine growers gathered to hear how the production will be down for two years and that is not necessarily a bad thing. >> grapes are smaller. i think. and that does tend to have on affect on wine makers. >> some are scrambling to secure water to bring grapes into production. >> it's the nature you want to stress that wine grape. >> the high heat is putting too much stress on the vine. many wells are going dry but going deeper isn't always the answer. >> keep againing old wells. it's costly. it may not be results you're looking for. >> grape growers face a painful summer. >> without relief, it's going to have a major affect on the physiology of the vine. and will cause major permanent damage going forward. a possible compromise on what to do with thousands of children that flooded america's southern border the plan involves speeding up the process of returning them to their families. democrats and advocates have opposed such steps republicans have accused president obama of inviolenting this problem with policies on immigration. >> this is a problem of president's making. he's been president nif and a half years when is he going to take responsibility for something? >> america is a great count tri. our greatness is not stopping trafficking but also, not being taken advantage of. >> the white house wants to help by spending $four combrinl to deal with the crisis. >> israel escalated it's assault on the gaza strip, trading rocket fire with hamas militants. abc news is in gaza city. >> israel pummelled sites up and down the strip. loud booms as jets find their target that the military says are aimed at rocket launchers with you but the vast majority are civilians many women and children fuelling the rage here, hamas and other groups here stepped up their attacks on israel people are running for shelter, so far, no israelis have been seriously wounded or killed the question is whether israel will launch a ground invasion. they've called up 20,000 reserve troops and have grig yeaheds on the border. both said they'll stop operations when the other side does. both sides saying for now there is no talk of a cease fire. abc news in gaza city. >> just ahead tonight a marijuana melee in the bay area's biggest c?? san jose has more medical marijuana dispense riz than any others but shop owners may be protesting new regulation that's many say are too strict. supporters signing a petition to put this before the voters and organizers giving out vouchers for free screenings so new patients can get medical marijuana cards. >> it's not all about that. it's about saving the clubs making sure everybody stays safe and healthy. >> pot clubs in san jose will not be allowed to do business in residential areas nor schools, and sellers must be required to grow their own marijuana. >> a couple got stranded at sea with their sick baby is responding to criticism they're bad parents they set sale in april a thousand miles at sea their 1-year-old baby got seriously ill the couple talks publicly about the ordeal with abc news reporter cecelia vagega. >> we grabbed the emergency beacon and used it. >> it took 12 hours to rescue them the couple was criticized for taking the trip with such a young child >> the word kept coming up about your trip was the word reckless what do you say to that? we're both experienced sailors. we've raised our daughters on a sail boat. we were very prepared knew what we're doing. >> the kauffman plans to sue their satellite phone carrier for cutting off connection while stranded and want to buy a new boat to and to pay back taxpayers for the rescue costs. >> what happened when a woman put the wrong name on her airline ticket how michael finney was able to help. no rush, andy. come on. with the chase mobile app you can get a lot done in a little amount of time from transferring funds wait a minute. you've got to be kidding. did you guys see that? that ball was out. to paying your coach for adding five miles per hour to your serve. that ball wasn't in. get your eyes checked. help me out here. download the best mobile app today. so you can always have the advantage. chase. so you can and other car insurance companies? yes. but you're progressive and they're them. -yes. -but they're here. -yes. -are you... -there? -yes. -no. -are you them? i'm me. but the lowest rate is from them. -yes. -so them's best rate is... here. so where are them? -aren't them here? -i already asked you that. -when? -feels like a while ago. want to take it from the top? rates for us and them. now that's progressive. call or click today. >> more of us are acting as our own travel agents because it's a breeze to book your flight and hotel. >> however, one viewer found it's easy to get into trouble. she turned to michael finney for some help. >> you got it. back in the day, we'd go sit down with a travel agent and let pros book our travel now, we're doing it ourselves often between other activities like cooking, work, or at work our viewer mid a crucial mistake. lindsay from san francisco had a great visit with her 21-year-old niece >> we know how to have a good time. >> they went on the town, frolicked on the beach posed for funny pictures. >> my aunt is better than yours. >> lindsay didn't let on about the trouble that came before. >> i'm thinking this trip costs me $800 it started when lindsay bought the ticket for her niece she went to cheap >> i typed in my last name instead of hers. >> she typed the passage as dhe last name. she didn't notice until too late. >> they would not give me a refund or a voucher. >> keep tickets told her only deseree keener could use the ticket. >> she wanted a voucher to replace the cancelled ticket. >> they kept saying we can give you a voucher for desire desiree keener. >> she said she can get it with a new name but there would be a $200 change fee. >> i said i'm not going pay that. >> we contacted cheap tickets and united airlines. like most carriers united will not change a name free unless it's slight. such as correcting a misspelling or reversal of first, last names and tells us the policy is intended to increase security, and prevent fraud like criminals trying to put their name on your ticket. however, cheap tickets and united teamed up and provided her with a voucher for the fare in her name after all. not only that, united airlines gave her a $100 credit for travel saying our customer security is the top priority we have policies to protect them and prevent fraud we're lz pleased we're able to reach a resolution with miss keener. cheap ticket says it strives to serve needs of every customer and are happy we resolved this issue. lindsay is booked on a flight with that voucher. >> i'm grateful. thank you. >> cheap tickets and most airlines will allow to you cancel without penalty within 24 hours of booking. real res onis enter all information correctly when you book. now, for more on my reports go to abc7 and select 7 on your side. there is information on how to contact me and tell me about any consumer problems that you may be having we have a link on our home page. airlines are more strict about this. think about a hotel. >> right. >> they'll let you get a phone call through. >> right. >> so remember, airlines have to be very, very careful. >> right a typo, so easy to make. >> yes. it s double check, thank you. >> time to check on our weather. i'm smiling because we can expect a warm up. pleasant conditions now, sunny skies and low clouds at the coast. conditions state wide going to be warm in spots. 94 chico. 104 in palm springs here in the bay area, we'll see mainly sunny skies here is the accu-weather forecast. here comes the warm up. upper 80s inland. warmer sunday with highs up to 90s inland. warmer monday, tuesday mid-90s inland. mid-80s around the bay. a touch of summer. >> thank you very much. >> yes. >> a lot to talk about including the banebridge series. >> third baseman got good news today involving home runs like this o [ heart beating ] [ female announcer ] the internet gets more exciting the faster it goes. that's why, coming soon, xfinity will double the internet speed on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet, period. [ heart beating ] xfinity internet from comcast. double the speed. [ heart beats ] a's currently the best team in the bay area oakland has three more games in seattle before the all star break. today all stars doing most of the damage. one going home happy, the smiling a's fan wins giants struck out 34 times. only the second time since he left with a rbi single in the fifth. top six. out of here. two-run shot to all star. and he loaded bases. two more with a base hit off javier lopez a three out of four for the team. >> this is you know almost like a playoff atmosphere. you know? it's just everything i heard about. everything i'd expected. >> and this is what it is. >> it was participating in the home run derby and on the links, first where rory mcel roy had quite a day. and a shot on 13, 436-yard par four. getting enough on the win. tee shot goes over 400 yards. and then rolls in to finish seven under 64. pga tour john deer classic. that is a short game going. u.s. senior champions after shooting a six under 65. eight birdie two bogeys. back across the pond fourth round of the womens' british open. long birdie here. two under the leader. and five birdies the rest of the way. nearly holds out here on five. sharks decided to hand over the team to younger talent. no surprise they're bringing back scott hannah. brought back to help mentor some of the younger players. most games here in san jose. 210-points and 11 playoff games 120 miles, a rainy day, watch out. and several coming off limping following this crash. and retaining a leader's jersey. this abc7 sports report has been brought to you by orchard supply, hardware. >> busy day. >> yes. >> and a practice tomorrow. >> yes. >> there is a scene today. this is your number. >> yes. >> and i'm afraid i'm not going to fill out the sleeves here. >> yes >> thank you. >> join me tonight at 9:00, can't remember something? we're going to tell but a plan to use implants to help you retrieve lost memories. >> then at 11:00 a school district building is putting employees and students at risk. what is discovered left behind and results. >> it's black box followed by abc7 news at 11:00 >> sunday, abc7 i the only place you'll be able to see world cup finals. our coverage begins at 10:00 a.m . and you can catch the game on our smart phone or tablet. >> go yes. >> breaking news continues on twitter. >> from all of us here, we appreciate your time as always, see you again at 9:00 and 11:00. >> have a good one. well, i don't know why they need you in the studio. surprise! oh, my god! is this for me? i can't believe you made all this fuss over my birthday. it's so incredibly thoughtful. let me give something back to you guys. ♪ i believe the children are our future ♪

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New York , United States , Fresno , California , Oakland , Georgia , South San Francisco , Washington , District Of Columbia , Gaza Strip , Bennett Valley , San Francisco , Gaza City , Israel General , Israel , United Kingdom , Berkeley , Emeryville , Jersey , Americans , America , Israelis , British , American , Wayne Freedman , Kelly Wong , Scott Hannah , Spencer Christian , Javier Lopez , Allen Wong , Desiree , Michael Finney ,

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Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 7PM 20140711 :

Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 7PM 20140711

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good evening. >> tonight police have just called off the search for a second robber. they won't say why, but just told us they have not caught him yet the other one nearly killed during the heist is barely hanging on. wayne freedman is live at bennett valley jewellers tonight with the latest on this. wayne? >> adadel center and bennett family jewelry store where this went down beginning at 1:40. police arrived to find two people with gunshot wounds. one shot in the arm according to neighbors and the other a suspect, the store owner shot him and that man made it outside before going down to the parking lot. jill heard all of it and saw much of it. he owns the video shore next door. >> a guy, running out of the vicinity of the store. then, i heard the owner of the store yelling at the people standing by. "armed robbery, he's an armed robber". >> by that time, the first suspect had driven away, leading to a search of the neighborhood, then, the suspect is a black male in early to mid-20s, large build wearing a white and blue shirt, blue jeans and white tennis shoes. police found the car not far from the scene of the robbery. it's a red older modelford. a car, it turns out stolen out of livermore, it's worth noting that this neighborhood and mall the center has suffered several incidents including a bank robbery and a car jacking. ricardo told us ball guys may regard this as a soft target now, he says maybe they know better. >> we answer back. >> now, a live shot of the bennett valley jewellers again behind tape. what we can say is that it's another incident in a series of them. a mall in a quiet neighborhood becoming a repeat target. you may call it a mall under siege. >> traffic moving on highway 17 the roadway shut down for about nine hours after a fatal big rig accident. david? >> this is a welcome site. a lot of people and this after a horrible accident. that crumpeled guardrail is a reminder one person was kill md that accident, and several others, injured. seven people were sent to the hospital, one in critical conditionment a driver of a car died when he got tangled the driver told chp traffic slowed down, he lost control and began hitting vehicles around him. the company says the rig was new the driver in front saw the accident unfolding in her mirror. >> it was coming closer to me. just -- as soon as i stopped looking i was ready for impact. >> chp split two lanes to allow one lane to split traffic. over nine years to give time to do a detailed nal sis. while investigation continues cruise cleaned up everything. things are looking normal again, some damage has been done and that is back up traffic. >> thank you. the arrest of a suspected prostitute in a heroin death of a bay area executive prompted authorities in georgia to reopen an investigation there. the 26-year-old alix tecleman is facing a manslaughter charge. police say she inject aid client with heroin and left him to die on his yacht. tonight in millton, georgia police are re-examining the death of her boyfriend, a nightclub owner that died of a heroin overdose two weeks after an arrest in a domestic violence incident the death was ruled overal overdose we learned she went online to search a legal dpeens after the death in santa cruz of google executive forest heys. >> tonight san francisco giants are considering making a change management hopeful keep fans perfect getting offended or worse. this after an incident in the stands a couple weeks ago. nick? >> the communications director tells us the proposed change is in policy changes but it's clear the organization is listening to fans. >> and we ended up confronting fans that were wearing a head dress. >> june 23rd a fan wore this head dress, a move that offended a native american and giants fan. >> the fan asked what he can do to make her happy. she says give her the head dress. >> it didn't end there. >> the police said we're trespassing according to the giants and that we had to leave. >> mes say the police responded to the request to remove him, and his group as guests. this shows the female companion being removed by police. >> she was removed by her arms, they took me down to the ground and had me face down, on the pavement. >> next day, sfpd said the two were detained and mes investigated the giants organization met with native american groups and listened to concerns. >> they were hurt in one of the ways they're sacred items of clothing was being worn by another fan >> the team decided to take a look at the code of conduct for fans and make changes. >> if they wear cultural lynn sensitive attire, they can be subject to removal to the ballpark. we've added a line about wearing culturally insensitive attire to the game. >> to people, those are sacred. you don't buy them. the feather is given to you for valor. >> he admits what some may find offensive isn't clear. he's happy the team started this conversation. >> now an amazing pay it forward story. 0 yearsing ayes one family lost their son, his pancreas went on to save the life of a young man, today, those families are about to give, and get, the giflt of life. >> these surgeons have been doing transplants for years, this without a doubt is the first. bill millard needs a transplant and will get his life back, tomorrow, from someone he helped years ago. >> and this year, i was really sick. >> bill is about to get a kidney that will save hislife. how he met the donor nearly ten years ago his son suffered an accident the mallard's made the hard decision to donate organs. his pancreas helped save the life of a then 9-year-old boy named jake. these are the two families sitting together with the three surgeon who's will perform the transplant tomorrow morning. the donor is the mother of the boy that received caleb's pancreas. this shows how it came to be. mallard lost his son, his pancreas given to jake, his mother will now donate her kidney to bill mallard. >> jake has done so well. it's been the best. yes. i did have a question was to pass that medical testing. >> tests were done to make sure they're compatible. they were. >> the compatibility overall is less than 50%. >> the donor usually goes in first. and once the kidney comes out, the recipient is ready for the kidney to go in. trying to minimize time in between donor recipient surgeries. >> having the hook up on the machine, depending on to it keep me alive is the hardest thing. and things have i missed. >> most families have been able to keep in touch. they honor mallrds and now will be closer as families back to you. >> wow, incredible story. >> thank you. >> well, still to come here tonight on abc7 news at 6:00 a bay area woman shares her unimaginable pain the loss of a son and the i'lla vista massacre. tonight her message of passion and love. >> a step towards america's energy goals a launch of the most-advanced laboratory in the world. >> and a woman books a flight using the wrong name the airline won't allow her to fix it. why they don't let you make a correction. >> after one more day of below average temperatures, heat kicks in this weekend. i'll have the accu-weather forecast coming up in just a moment as abc7 news at 6:00 continues. can't say thank you enough. you have made my life special by being apart of it. (everyone) cheers! glad you made it buddy. thanks for inviting me. thanks again my friends. for everything, for all your help. through all life's milestones, our trusted advisors are with you every step of the way. congratulations! thanks for helping me plan for my retirement. you should come celebrate with us. i'd be honored. plan for your goals with advisors you know and trust. so you can celebrate today and feel confident about tomorrow. chase. so you can. >> the parents of one of three bay area teenagers murdered in may put their son to rest today in a south bay cemetery the 19-year-old was a junior studying computer sighs yens and volunteered at ymca in his spare time. abc7 news spoke with his family today, at the cemetery in los altos. >> kelly wong and junan chen buried their son's ashes today in a service attended by family and friends his parents said george was everything to them. a sweet child. bright. giving. >> he was a volunteer, since he was nine years old he worked with me to cook for the homeless, to work in the homeless center. his short life touched a lot of hearts. >> i pray no parent will have experienced unimaginable pain we're suffering. he was only 19. and i will never have a chance to celebrate his 20th birthday. >> they would now devote them selves to help prevent senseless killings. >> where we see this happen to any other children, we cannot sleep tonight. we just have to help. >> loneliness, anger and hatred the symptoms exhibited by the deranged killer of their son. this was their prayer. >> as a victim's family, we urge that parents make great efforts to raise compassionate children that care about others. >> children just like george. >> george's family has set up a memori memorial page on facebook and would like you to leave your thoughts on how to prevent violence. >> it's hard to know how energy efficient a building is until construction but a new laboratory can test drive the design before construction. abc7 news is live where they cut the ribbon for the flex lab today allen? >> hi. ama. the reason they call it flex lab is because it's flexibility the windows, materials and the building, the hvac are interchangeable. if you look at background you can tell this lab is actually rotating on a giant turn table. they can simulate the son's angle on different sides of a building. buildings end up using twice the energy expected. >> we're showing what the lighting quality is in this space. >> now, technologies can be combineed and tested before the building is constructed. >> now we've got a building under construction. >> genentech used flex lab and sensors to simulate, then test drive a 250,000 square hoot foot building before breaking ground. >> we're going to take data to influence the systems. >> the windows, lighting and system and carrier building materials are interchangeable the lab rotates to mimic conditions in other regions. this machine sim you'll yates body heat. ien produces heat load into this space it's something air conditioning system and ventilation have to address. if you have a lot of people in the space, it's a big part of that load. >> u.s. deputy secretary of energy says this ties in to the president's action plan to reduce our energy consumption 50% by 2030. >> if we don't bend the curve, we're just not going to make the targets the targets are ambitious. >> americans spend $400 billion in energy, almost half goes to operate residential, industrial, and commercial buildings the research here will be available for all to use. in berkeley, allen wong, abc7 news >> that should be pro found with that information. >> yes. >> time to get a check on weather on this thursday. >> yes. spencer christian is here. >> ready for a warm up? >> yes. >> sunny skies now, low clouds near the coast. some pushing over the bay now. into the sierra, thunderstorms breaking out throughout the afternoon into early evening hours. there is a red flag warning in affect until 11:00 in the morning. flow of water north, northwest out towards coast there. high fire dang scombrer a threat there is a concern. lightning strikes could trigger fires back to the bay area, not back to the bay area, yet. we're looking at clouds over lake tahoe now. we've got some clouds there, 63 degrees here. oakland, 78. 75 san jose. gilroy, 76. 61 in half moon bay. now, a view from emeryville. 68 degrees in santa rosa. novato, 68. and 76 livermore, it's breezy, gusty. gusts 26 miles per hour sfo. novato. 32 inland. 29 concord and napa. around the area now, it's breezy. here is a view of low clouds over the golden gate to look at coastal clouds. spotty drizzle is possible. warming up this weekend as promised. moisture from interior southwestern u.s. fed into thunderstorms in the sierra today. notice low clouds continuing to push inland. possibility of spotty drizzle. overnight lows into mid to upper 50s, tomorrow, sunny skies with highs upper 870s to near 806789 low to mid-60s on the coast. downtown 68 degrees tomorrow. we'll see only 70s mid to upper 70s in the north way bay but mild. here is the accu-weather forecast. warm up begins, forcefully, sunday with highs around 90 degrees, mid-90s inland monday, tuesday. mid-80s around the bay and 60s on the coast. temperatures moderating wednesday, thursday. abc 7 asponsor of aids walk san francisco. this walk is ten days away. and you can join in on this cause. >> thank you, spencer. >> okay. >> just ahead here a car sharing company gets booted out of sfo >> settling into a home up the road. [ heart beating ] [ female announcer ] the internet gets more exciting the faster it goes. that's why, coming soon, xfinity will double the internet speed on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet, period. [ heart beating ] xfinity internet from comcast. double the speed. [ heart beats ] and other car insurance companies? yes. but you're progressive and they're them. -yes. -but they're here. -yes. -are you... -there? -yes. -no. -are you them? i'm me. but the lowest rate is from them. -yes. -so them's best rate is... here. so where are them? -aren't them here? -i already asked you that. -when? -feels like a while ago. want to take it from the top? rates for us and them. now that's progressive. call or click today. >> city of south san francisco agreed to allow the car sharing company flight car to operate there. flight car gives you free parking and a ride in exchange for the right to rent out your car while you're traveling. they got kicked out of san francisco international airport for rerefuse toing pay taxes and fees that car rental companies have to pay. part of the deal agreed to pay 4% as an impact fee. >> today, commissioners delayed ride requirements for companies like uber and lift. they're forcing to cover insurance for drivers as soon as they open the app connecting them with riders. traditional cab drivers say there is not enough regulation of those part-time drivers they believe puts passengers at risk. the uber and lift drivers say this is just a plan to slow their industry growth. . >> i think you need to be licensed and insured we need to limit the number of cars on the road. >> this is a market-driven industry. they're in command of it >> the commission is expected to make a final decision next month. >> a new york executive got the ride of his life this week, and he two colleagues had to force the driver to pull over after racing down a washington, d.c. freeway for about ten minutes the driver being pursued by a city taxi inspector wanted to make sure the pick up was arranged through the uber app. that is illegal in washington, d.c. >> well, still ahead here tonight at 6:00 a local school district forced to abandon an office building. what te left behind is stunning the i team is on this story i'm pact of the california drought on grape growers and what it can mean for this year's wines >> you're going to hear from a family that had to be rescued at sea. their plans to resume an unorthodox life style. stay with us. hey there. did you select these things on purpose? not a color found nature. there's nothing wrong with tha. i can hear your arteries clogging. ok. no. this is tap water. i can't let you buy this. oh. crystal geyser please. crystal geyser. bottled at the mountain source. welcoheyback. really? kiss your abs goodbye. cardiologist to check stand 1. crystal geyser alpine spring water? toucé. crystal geyser. always bottled right at the mountain source. antuon wilson has been superintendent of oakland school district for nine days. >> how it may have played a role in identity theft suffered by his own employees. >> dan? >> reporter: it's the law the school district has froe teblth sensitive personal thfgs of employees and students. look at what i found in the headquarters the district abandoned after a flood box upon box of employee documents including payroll records and student information. vandals have been breaking in every week. so far, five district employees reported someone is using their stolen information to raid their account and take out credit cards. >> bank of america contact immediate, asking if i had been making changes and someone had withdrawn my checking account. >> they drained his account to the penny. so, how many sensitive records could be in wrong hands? what is the district doing about? an investigation tonight at 11:00. >> scary. >> a walk in there to see boxes and boxes for the take something >> right >> yes. >> wide open. >> thank you. >> well, the on again, off again construction of a $210 million freeway project is back on again. caltrans is building a six-mile freeway bypass around the town. the project has been out of compliance with the permit almost a year, missing deadline after deadline. three weeks ago the army corps of engineers ordered caltrans to stop building in wetland and stream areas. congressman jared hufman intervened and the corps announced an agreement to keep it going. >> we want caltrans to comply with a permit but make sure you don't have construction crews idleed and thousands and thousands of dollars in extra costs enoccured every day. >> the two agencies agreed on ben ral terms to make sure caltrans comply was permit. failure to meet the deadlines mean a suspension of that permit. >> drought will affect the quantity of the state's grape harvest but not quality as far as wine growers are concerned. today there was a consensus, making white or red, the reporter finds what they need is water. summer sizzle is helping wine grapes, pefrments say wines will produce a good crop. >> 100% of this grape concentrate comes from within 100 miles of fresno. >> not all becomes wine. >> most goes to wine. it's coloring additive. you know? a lot goes into fruit juices as a sweetener. >> valley wine growers gathered to hear how the production will be down for two years and that is not necessarily a bad thing. >> grapes are smaller. i think. and that does tend to have on affect on wine makers. >> some are scrambling to secure water to bring grapes into production. >> it's the nature you want to stress that wine grape. >> the high heat is putting too much stress on the vine. many wells are going dry but going deeper isn't always the answer. >> keep againing old wells. it's costly. it may not be results you're looking for. >> grape growers face a painful summer. >> without relief, it's going to have a major affect on the physiology of the vine. and will cause major permanent damage going forward. a possible compromise on what to do with thousands of children that flooded america's southern border the plan involves speeding up the process of returning them to their families. democrats and advocates have opposed such steps republicans have accused president obama of inviolenting this problem with policies on immigration. >> this is a problem of president's making. he's been president nif and a half years when is he going to take responsibility for something? >> america is a great count tri. our greatness is not stopping trafficking but also, not being taken advantage of. >> the white house wants to help by spending $four combrinl to deal with the crisis. >> israel escalated it's assault on the gaza strip, trading rocket fire with hamas militants. abc news is in gaza city. >> israel pummelled sites up and down the strip. loud booms as jets find their target that the military says are aimed at rocket launchers with you but the vast majority are civilians many women and children fuelling the rage here, hamas and other groups here stepped up their attacks on israel people are running for shelter, so far, no israelis have been seriously wounded or killed the question is whether israel will launch a ground invasion. they've called up 20,000 reserve troops and have grig yeaheds on the border. both said they'll stop operations when the other side does. both sides saying for now there is no talk of a cease fire. abc news in gaza city. >> just ahead tonight a marijuana melee in the bay area's biggest c?? san jose has more medical marijuana dispense riz than any others but shop owners may be protesting new regulation that's many say are too strict. supporters signing a petition to put this before the voters and organizers giving out vouchers for free screenings so new patients can get medical marijuana cards. >> it's not all about that. it's about saving the clubs making sure everybody stays safe and healthy. >> pot clubs in san jose will not be allowed to do business in residential areas nor schools, and sellers must be required to grow their own marijuana. >> a couple got stranded at sea with their sick baby is responding to criticism they're bad parents they set sale in april a thousand miles at sea their 1-year-old baby got seriously ill the couple talks publicly about the ordeal with abc news reporter cecelia vagega. >> we grabbed the emergency beacon and used it. >> it took 12 hours to rescue them the couple was criticized for taking the trip with such a young child >> the word kept coming up about your trip was the word reckless what do you say to that? we're both experienced sailors. we've raised our daughters on a sail boat. we were very prepared knew what we're doing. >> the kauffman plans to sue their satellite phone carrier for cutting off connection while stranded and want to buy a new boat to and to pay back taxpayers for the rescue costs. >> what happened when a woman put the wrong name on her airline ticket how michael finney was able to help. no rush, andy. come on. with the chase mobile app you can get a lot done in a little amount of time from transferring funds wait a minute. you've got to be kidding. did you guys see that? that ball was out. to paying your coach for adding five miles per hour to your serve. that ball wasn't in. get your eyes checked. help me out here. download the best mobile app today. so you can always have the advantage. chase. so you can and other car insurance companies? yes. but you're progressive and they're them. -yes. -but they're here. -yes. -are you... -there? -yes. -no. -are you them? i'm me. but the lowest rate is from them. -yes. -so them's best rate is... here. so where are them? -aren't them here? -i already asked you that. -when? -feels like a while ago. want to take it from the top? rates for us and them. now that's progressive. call or click today. >> more of us are acting as our own travel agents because it's a breeze to book your flight and hotel. >> however, one viewer found it's easy to get into trouble. she turned to michael finney for some help. >> you got it. back in the day, we'd go sit down with a travel agent and let pros book our travel now, we're doing it ourselves often between other activities like cooking, work, or at work our viewer mid a crucial mistake. lindsay from san francisco had a great visit with her 21-year-old niece >> we know how to have a good time. >> they went on the town, frolicked on the beach posed for funny pictures. >> my aunt is better than yours. >> lindsay didn't let on about the trouble that came before. >> i'm thinking this trip costs me $800 it started when lindsay bought the ticket for her niece she went to cheap >> i typed in my last name instead of hers. >> she typed the passage as dhe last name. she didn't notice until too late. >> they would not give me a refund or a voucher. >> keep tickets told her only deseree keener could use the ticket. >> she wanted a voucher to replace the cancelled ticket. >> they kept saying we can give you a voucher for desire desiree keener. >> she said she can get it with a new name but there would be a $200 change fee. >> i said i'm not going pay that. >> we contacted cheap tickets and united airlines. like most carriers united will not change a name free unless it's slight. such as correcting a misspelling or reversal of first, last names and tells us the policy is intended to increase security, and prevent fraud like criminals trying to put their name on your ticket. however, cheap tickets and united teamed up and provided her with a voucher for the fare in her name after all. not only that, united airlines gave her a $100 credit for travel saying our customer security is the top priority we have policies to protect them and prevent fraud we're lz pleased we're able to reach a resolution with miss keener. cheap ticket says it strives to serve needs of every customer and are happy we resolved this issue. lindsay is booked on a flight with that voucher. >> i'm grateful. thank you. >> cheap tickets and most airlines will allow to you cancel without penalty within 24 hours of booking. real res onis enter all information correctly when you book. now, for more on my reports go to abc7 and select 7 on your side. there is information on how to contact me and tell me about any consumer problems that you may be having we have a link on our home page. airlines are more strict about this. think about a hotel. >> right. >> they'll let you get a phone call through. >> right. >> so remember, airlines have to be very, very careful. >> right a typo, so easy to make. >> yes. it s double check, thank you. >> time to check on our weather. i'm smiling because we can expect a warm up. pleasant conditions now, sunny skies and low clouds at the coast. conditions state wide going to be warm in spots. 94 chico. 104 in palm springs here in the bay area, we'll see mainly sunny skies here is the accu-weather forecast. here comes the warm up. upper 80s inland. warmer sunday with highs up to 90s inland. warmer monday, tuesday mid-90s inland. mid-80s around the bay. a touch of summer. >> thank you very much. >> yes. >> a lot to talk about including the banebridge series. >> third baseman got good news today involving home runs like this o [ heart beating ] [ female announcer ] the internet gets more exciting the faster it goes. that's why, coming soon, xfinity will double the internet speed on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet, period. [ heart beating ] xfinity internet from comcast. double the speed. [ heart beats ] a's currently the best team in the bay area oakland has three more games in seattle before the all star break. today all stars doing most of the damage. one going home happy, the smiling a's fan wins giants struck out 34 times. only the second time since he left with a rbi single in the fifth. top six. out of here. two-run shot to all star. and he loaded bases. two more with a base hit off javier lopez a three out of four for the team. >> this is you know almost like a playoff atmosphere. you know? it's just everything i heard about. everything i'd expected. >> and this is what it is. >> it was participating in the home run derby and on the links, first where rory mcel roy had quite a day. and a shot on 13, 436-yard par four. getting enough on the win. tee shot goes over 400 yards. and then rolls in to finish seven under 64. pga tour john deer classic. that is a short game going. u.s. senior champions after shooting a six under 65. eight birdie two bogeys. back across the pond fourth round of the womens' british open. long birdie here. two under the leader. and five birdies the rest of the way. nearly holds out here on five. sharks decided to hand over the team to younger talent. no surprise they're bringing back scott hannah. brought back to help mentor some of the younger players. most games here in san jose. 210-points and 11 playoff games 120 miles, a rainy day, watch out. and several coming off limping following this crash. and retaining a leader's jersey. this abc7 sports report has been brought to you by orchard supply, hardware. >> busy day. >> yes. >> and a practice tomorrow. >> yes. >> there is a scene today. this is your number. >> yes. >> and i'm afraid i'm not going to fill out the sleeves here. >> yes >> thank you. >> join me tonight at 9:00, can't remember something? we're going to tell but a plan to use implants to help you retrieve lost memories. >> then at 11:00 a school district building is putting employees and students at risk. what is discovered left behind and results. >> it's black box followed by abc7 news at 11:00 >> sunday, abc7 i the only place you'll be able to see world cup finals. our coverage begins at 10:00 a.m . and you can catch the game on our smart phone or tablet. >> go yes. >> breaking news continues on twitter. >> from all of us here, we appreciate your time as always, see you again at 9:00 and 11:00. >> have a good one. well, i don't know why they need you in the studio. surprise! oh, my god! is this for me? i can't believe you made all this fuss over my birthday. it's so incredibly thoughtful. let me give something back to you guys. ♪ i believe the children are our future ♪

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