Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 7PM 20140604 : compar

Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 7PM 20140604

well, pot club owners were giving it away for election day. good evening. >> san jose grappled with what to do with medical marijuana for years, once again, no decision. vic lee is live tonight. vic, they cannot come to terms. >> you're right the council kicked this issue down the road again. now, they did have a quorum but deadlocked 5 to 5 now. next week, they hope the absent council member will be present. there was consensus on some, but not all. the council agreed on where to place the clubs, mostly industrial zones, not near schools, churches or residential neighborhoods but not where marijuana sold could be grown. >> we're not in agriculture business and don't want to be. we're forced to. >> it was a anticlimactic ending. >> i got 25% off. >> damion came to get a discount on her medicinal marijuana. all she had to do is prove she voted the club hopes it will encourage people who want the dispensaries to vote for candidates endorsed by the club the city council has been struggling to come up with laws, regulating the operation and locations of the pot clubs. club owner david hodges says his club will live, or die by the laws. >> if the council prove what's they're talking about, it will be a ban. >> but what the club is doing on election day may be illegal. we asked the registrar about that. >> we looked at california elections code it doesn't seem to be in rile violation of that. looking at federal code, it does appear there may be a violation. >> it's against the law. but we have an industry operating in violation of federal law every minute of every day. >> a group today collected enough signatures to place their own referendum in november elections. 38,000 signatures to be exact. >> if there is a referendum, mayor chuck lee says he'll lead the campaign against it. >> abc7 news caught up with governor brown as he cast his ballot at fire station six. brown seeking an unprecedented fourth term in the governor's office. that is his wife, ann. 40 years ago he was elected governor. polls show ease likely to win reelection. >> very conscious of the fact no one has ever served california as governor for four terms, probably, no one ill will. it's a special opportunity. i'm giving it a lot of thought how to make the most of that. >> polls show his main republican rivals are in a dead heat. abc7 news will have election results at 8:00 tonight. follow us on abc7 and on twitter at abc7 news bay area. and we have live coverage at 9:00 on coffee tv 20 and then at 11:00. >> we'll see you tonight. six people have been forced out of their homes after a fire damage aid duplex in san jose. it started about 3:00 this afternoon on north king road. firefighters going into this house filled with smoke. they put out the fire in 19 minutes so they may quick work of it. unfortunately it appears for cats did not make it out alive. no people, however, were injured. >> we've learned what the fbi found inside of a san francisco man's apartment that sparked a manhunt. ryan chamberlain was arrested yesterday at chrissy field. according to an affidavit he had makings of homemade remote control bomb materials inside of a messen ger wag. the fbi says there was ball bearings, screws, an igniter and a circuit board. >> this was a very dangerous, desperate person. i think you can tell from face book and social media posts yesterday that was only escalating. >> he is charged with possession of illegal device, and could face up to ten years in prison if convicted. >> a security guard working at dodger stadium when giants fan brian stow was attacked there testified today security was flawed. this attack left stow permanently brain damaged he's suing the dodgers and former owner saying they failed to provide enough security. today a retired l.a. county sheriff's deputy working security at the ballpark told the jury the parking areas were not well lit. jurors viewed cell phone video of an unrelated brawl in the stands the witness says security never responded. >> muni passengers are waiting for buss and trains because because of a sickout. 47 people voted for it. the city announced a crack down. abc7 news reporter is live with the latest on this. leanne? >> the mayor met with the president of the union following that meeting, dan. this letter saying list yevenlt if you want to negotiate keep calm, and come back to work. muni employees who have taken part in the sickout could face penalties for disrupting the sfrs. this afternoon, announcing the city will investigate everyone who has not shown up for work. >> if they did not show up we're going to investigate the claims. and hold people accountable. >> the union told the mayor it had nothing to do with the kickout every employee will receive a letter saying if you called in sick, you'll be required to provide a vote. supervisor scott weiner was trying to get home last night. today, introduced legislation urging them to get back to work. w >> alameda county policy is to test all women, 50 and under. contra costa county doesn't do it at all. in oakland, laura anthony, abc7 news. >> a 6-year-old palestinian boy can now walk to school thanks to surgery at stanford it's a rashable story. >> a planxd to build ten new hos and changes it's bringing to the neighborhood. >> thunderstorms still rumbling through the mid west produced large hail stones we'll take a look in just a moment. >> and later tonight, wearable technology as seen through the eyes of an 11-year-old girl, one of the first to try it a lot more to bring you. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ thank you! thank you! dedicated bankers born to go the extra mile. you've been such a big help. it's what i like to do. so you can choose a bank where helping people comes first. chase. so you can. jamie, you've got a little something on the back of your shoe, there. [alarm beeping] price tag. danger: price tag alert. oh, hey, guys. price tag alert. is this normal? well, progressive's a price tag free zone. we let you tell us what you want to pay, and we help you find options to fit your budget. where are they taking him? i don't know. this seems excessive! decontamination's in progress. i don't want to tell you guys your job, but... policies without the price tags. now, that's progressive. a 6-year-old boy is walking an incredible path today the palestinian boy born with severe feet deform tis is getting a new life thanks to doctors. that is where abc7 news cornell bernard joins us live. >> reporter: the 6-year-old loves 49ers, chuck e cheese and ipads but most of all, he loves care received here at the childrens hospital. it's allowed him to walk for the first time he came to stanford last year from palestine, suffering from a debilitating birth defect leaving his knees stuck straight and feet facing the wrong way. with the help of the palestine children relief fund, surgeries happened and he's feeling great, and taking his first steps. >> first time wearing shoes. it's a huge deal q he wanted spider man shoes. >> thank you so much. he took steps with the help of his physical therapist. and then, things got crazy. he started showing off dance moves not bad. he and his family will return to the middle east very soon. they're thankful for all of the care ask support received here in the bay area. he goes to school for the first time when he gets home and he says he can't wait to work there. remarkable young man not a bad dancer, either. >> what a terrific story. doctors at ucsf carried out an unusual kidney transplant between a petaluma woman and her former fiancee. they split up years ago after having a child 18 months ago, her kidneys failed and daniel turned out to be the perfect match. doctors say there are indications the kidney is doing well, and working properly. everyone hopes for a wonderful outcome. >> real progress being made tonight in the efforts to turn an old military base into a high end neighborhood. we're talking about a tract of land in hunter's point. after years of clean up, the neighborhood is taking shape. we're building housing for every income level. >> 2000 housing units will transform point of bay view hunter's point. calling it homes of the future, complete with high end finishings and spectacular views but there have been concerns. the epa has overseen the soil. now, developers say land and area around it is safe. >> you would be comfortable having your 2-year-old play in this well? >> i want to live here. absolutely. >> we've been hanging in here. >> robert ellis lived in the area 24 hours and new construction of the ship yard is causing his home one block away, to rise in value, too. he fears with the new one bedroom units, starting below $500,000, the price may be too high. >> our young people coming up can't afford that kind of down payment. >> years behind the launch date, 247 units slated to open in september crews working to meet the deadline. the supervisor is a resident of bay view hunter's point saying development may change the neighborhood but with positive affects. >> people that get a job here can work and qualify to build homes. it's a great story. >> a severe storm in the mid west. chunks of ice about the size of marbles there are reports of size of hail the size of baseballs. in the bay area, what a contrast. >> you're right about that. here is a look, we have live doppler 7 with that line of severe thunderstorms moving throughout the mid west. including nebraska and iowa. closing in on watches and warnings now, tornado watch for much of western and central nebraska. 11:00 p.m a tornado watch much of southern and western iowa until 1:00 a.m . and storm 113 reports of hail storms seven reports of tornadoes. this area has been bomb warded today by sharp contrast, everything is calm. sunny skies with coastal low clouds and fog. looking westward, you can see low clouds beginning to move out from golden gate. 62 in oakland. 54 in half moon bay. blue skies over the bay and beyond. looking eastward in downtown san francisco, 68 degrees in napa and novato. 78 fairfield. and 80 in livermore a lovely view over san francisco. some low clouds beginning to push out over the city and bay. forecast features foggy bay. and hot inland this weekend. temperatures rising into mid-90s. now looking at satellite radar you can see a pool of cool air dominating our weather replacing it will be warm air mass. temperatures rising tomorrow and continue as weekend approaches overnight, not too many areas of fogjf beyond the coastline. low temperatures low to mid-50s. and forecast animation lo begins at kl in the morning. notice what happens to the dog. sunny skies tomorrow, warmer in areas high temperatures 60s at the coast to low 90s inlind. mid-70s to 80. low 90s farnler inland. we'll see low 80s. here is the accu-weather( forecast. sizzle. we'll see high temperatures low 80s around the bay. mid-60sñi on the coast. cooling down monday, further cooling tuesday. it's going to be a warm stretch ahead >> looks like it. >> thank you. >> i hope i do this right. coming up next, "jeopardy"'s clue for zvñ/7200. what is...? >> what is the purpose of the trip to the bay area this week? back in a moment. >>hat is good, dan. heat shields are compromised. we have multiple failures. are those thrusters burning? that's a negative. what's that alarm? fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. with the u-verse tv app, the u-verse revolves around you the u-verse revolves around you ithe part of us that a littwants to play,on. wants to be mischievous, wants to run free, all you have to do is let it out. find your inner minion only at the despicable me minion mayhem ride at universal studios hollywood. a huge swath of undeveloped b!2d front property belonging t aw ymx years changed hands today. 150 acres of land has beenír donatedzv to the east bay reek ú becom part of coyote hills the park's foot print will expand to more than 1200 acres courtesy of the patterson family. the answer sefters turned it process toquôáq:q)ve the space hasxd taken 14 years to accomplish. >> a balancing the need for a need from their family property at the same time to conserve really valuable piece of history.t( >> theç2jgá]t is estimatedt(4h $10 million >> jeopardy's clue crew is inj3 the bay area this eeek recording questions you'll be seeing on the(ççbshow. the team ofp>w(áhking game show correspondents filmed tech-inspired trivia questions. maybe you can try your hand at this one.sw6 >> computer history museum web site has a time line of computer hifltry starting in 1939 when bill hewlitt and this man set up shop in a garage a few miles from here. >> do you know the answer? packyard, right? new episodes every week night at 7:00 p.m . if you got it right, imagine a virtual $2,000 >> you're a winner. >> yes. >> coming up, disturbing video of an attack at a school. >> release from captivity of army sargeant bowe bergdahl. and a video never seen in public that helped seal his fate. >> just a report on wearable technology. an 11-year-old girl that is one of the pioneers. back in a moment. it's the yoplait greek taste-off and we are asking the music city which 100-calorie strawberry greek yogurt is the next big thing. i'm a random lady with a table full of yogurt. want some greek yogurt? can i ask you a question? tell us what tastes best. this one is definitely the winner. that one is good. a is great. yoplait greek 100! that's the stuff right there. you want to see which one yoplait greek beat? chobani yes! yoplait greek wins again. take the taste-off for yourself! it is a beautiful day for yogurt. we have a new video tonight of a disturbing attack against an oakland high school student in his school, watch this. it shows that may 19 confrontation between a security guard and it shows the guard helping him out of the wheelchair, and kicking him in the head. later mitchell attacks the teenager again in the hallway. mitchell was fireed and has been charged with felony corporal injury to a child. >> abc news reports pentagon is looking to possible deserting charge s against army sargeant bowe bergdahl. tonight, we report on the unseen video that may help seal his fate. a senior defense official says he wrote a note saying he was disillusioned with the mission and concluding he walked way from his face on his own, soldiers saying there are signs >> they wanted to know how to send his computer and belongings home and how he can get money. >> officials say they're not certain how he ended up with the taliban but said bergdahl who loves motorcycles and performed ballet and may have thought he can bring two sides together. in the first hostage video, he was asked about soldier who's go awol. >> this they just want to go home. >> those videos u.s. officials were watching, images of him appearing calm, seemingly grateful at his treatment giving way to a face full of fear and panic. >> release me. please. i'm begging you. >> we learned today there was another video released this year, only seen by the u.s. government that sparked greatest concern an official telling abc news the once fresh faced soldier was becoming frail and disengaged. >> given the time he's spent in captivity, it doesn't seem likely to happen. >> in washington there was bipartisan criticism over the president's decision to secure the release in exchange for the prisoners. some members of congress accuse the white house of breaking the law. >> it come was a surprise and dismay that transfers went ahead. >> we paid for releasing five of the most-hardened, qçanti-amern killers >> it's now b ñ 25 years since a chapter in world history the crack down on pro democracy demonstrators in china. you remember the student? hundreds were killed. the military began breaking up a peaceful demonstration gone on for days in beijing. after 25 years, discussion of the events of 1989 are still censored there in chinajf d8h-@b the ópá9ese government cutoff access to google today. senator feinstein issued a statement saying quote, denying individuals the right to speak, protest or vote is not acceptable in today's world. just as it wasn't in 1989. >> wearable technology is a rapidly growing sector and there are high they can things you don't wear. here is abc7 news reporter jonathan bloom. >> okay. glass let's slide. >> david martinez using google glass to fly this drone by his head. >> if glass is your thing the conference will have you feelin] like a kid in a canned year store. especially if you're a kid. >> there are ten things you can wear >> yes. >> she's checking out other gadgets. >> this is a special sensor >> it's an industry that is bursing thing at the seams >> we're over 1300 people this year the growth has been incredible. >> if given birth to this, tyler freeman is playing drums on his jacket. >> carrying it with you, whenever you go. >> some are crazy ideas. most companies aren't worried about scaring investors because they're going to the customer. >> they have become the place to launch new gadgets like this projector creating a giant tablet. >> it's grown a thousand percent. >> the youngest innovators know they need to catch up. the industry needs to evolve just ask the guy sharing a. >> what will you do when you're 11? >> not that. >> all right. >> coming upt( avoid rental car run around >> how one woman found her idea is not the same as the rental agency. ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ finally, i have a manly chocolatey snack ♪ ♪ and fiber so my wife won't give me any more flack ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ a full sized car to one driver may seem compact to someone else. >> it's a word of caution for anyone planning to rent a car. this isn't a short person or tall person. >> not at all. >> one woman found that out the hard way. the combination of snow and cold made for dangerous driving conditions this january in chicago. nabs nancy planned her trip with caution >> because of the cold weather, i decidedi]ñi i wanted to rent r that is large enough >> she went to pick up the car she'd reserved >> they gave me a kia forte. so i said that doesn't sound like a full sized car. i questioned and they said yes, it s i said are you sure? >> she trusted them and didn't think about it. the car was the smallest in length, width and height of the three. >> i thought why is my car so much smaller? >> she checked online. kia's web site highlights it was named best compact car by nancy reserved a full-sized car to deal with winter driving conditions. >> so then, it was a safety issue for me >> no rental car company releases crash test information she may be happy to know it received a full rating and did, however, receive good ratings in four other crash-safety categories. budget told usqçó the classes d not sync up with manufactures' car crashes as a matter of longstanding practice. and enterprise listed nissan altima as a full-sized car. hertz considers toyota camery a full-sized car. toyota, a jfzpmedium-sized car. budget decided to give her two vouchers. >> i believe 7 on your side does an excellent job of bringing issues to the public. i want people to know make sure they know what they're signing. >> if you have a consumer complaint let me know about it. >> i don't want a car too small >> next, a new technology allowing you to respond to an emergency within seconds >> it could make the difference between life and death. back in a moment. heat shields are compromised. we have multiple failures. are those thrusters burning? that's a negative. what's that alarm? fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything. with the u-verse tv app, the u-verse revolves around you the u-verse revolves around you ithe part of us thatis a littwants to play,on. wants to be mischievous, wants to run free, all you have to do is let it out. find your inner minion only at the despicable me minion mayhem ride at universal studios hollywood. thank you! thank you! dedicated bankers born to go the extra mile. you've been such a big help. it's what i like to do. so you can choose a bank where helping people comes first. chase. so you can. an ingenius technology is getting more powerful. it's a smart phone app that is getting emergency care to heart attack victims, much more quickly. here is my abc7 morning news co-anchor. >> for ambulance crews, racing cardiac patients to the hospital is a life saving routine. but often, it's the first moment after a heart attack that make the difference. >> it's depending on rapid bistander cpr. >> the director of the chest pain center the hospital helped launch a smart phone system designed to help create an army of citizen cpr investor s. >> meaning a defibrilator is available. >> the system was the brain child of fire chief richard price. when a call comes in to 911, the pulse point app is locate the closest trained responder, and help them perform cpr with an auto mated external defibrilator. >> i'll receive a tone and a map showing the way to get from where i am to where the patient is located. i've now arrived so selected the cpr how to portion of the app. >> place pad to bare skin. everyone, clear, press flashing button. shock delivered. >> since being rolled out in santa clara county, the foundation expanded the program. beginning this year, the program now allows users to locate and mark the location of aeds in schools, and public buildings. the goal is a powerful and searchable data base. for a bay area photographer, the opportunity struck on a local tennis court when providing cpr to a player. >> i just started pumping his chest and giving him mouth to mouth. and... we just kept it up until medics arrived. >> organizers hoping it will make the system more powerful, stretching a safety net across the bay area. eric thomas, abc7 news. >> it's a cool story. >> yes. >> thank you. it's been fun >> nice weather for sleeping. >> it's always nice weather for sleeping. sunny skies across the bay area now. looking to the south there is a tropical storm. it's just about ready to make land fall across mexico. not expected to become a hurricane. but should be making land fall there with a concern is that this storm is tomorrow, sunny, warm, in the bay area, sunny and warm from coast to inland. highs in the mid the 0s. toasty. >> yes. >> by the way, spencer heading to new york to fill in for good morning america's gifrng year zee. will be live thursday and friday mornings at 7:00 a.m here on abc7 for gma. yes. see? you can go home again. >> it's okay. i don't mind being shared. >> i was there 13 years. and >> it's where i love the opposite. >> you're the opposite, for sure. last time tim lincecum gave up ten points in a game was in july. giants in cincinnati tonight. sports is coming up next. >> good evening, madison balmgartner named national league pitcher of the month. now, on to june giants opening up a series in since since ÷ t both proving noçó hitters last year. this bottom half÷ú that is bill w to $20 million and anyway. golf, on the ladies side, serena williams and maria sharapova. maria tightens up her game and would come back to win. it was sharapova. >> join me tonight at 9:00 on coffee tv to, cable channel 13. there is still time to vote, about an hour, polls close at 8:00 we'll have results beginning at 9:00. then at 11:00 packs of violent teenagers attacking and robbing people at seemingly random the warning from police about something you've heard of perhaps before called wilding. see you tonight at 9:00 and 11:00 >> that is going to do it for this edition of abc7 news. i'm kristin zee i'm kristin zee >> from all of us her the tgs sweatshirts were supposed to say "tgs season six, yuck," which is a catch-phrase from a pretty great sketch. - yuck! [audience cheers] - but they got misprinted and now they say, "tgs season six, duck!" and that's a season five catchphrase. - duck!? - lemon, that is not a real problem. a real problem is losing your giant scissors

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Stanford , California , United States , New York , Alameda County , China , Santa Clara County , Beijing , Bay View , Washington , District Of Columbia , Cincinnati , Ohio , San Francisco , Mexico , Nebraska , Israel , Iowa , Hollywood , Dodger Stadium , Chicago , Illinois , Greece , Petaluma , America , Greek , Palestinian , Kristin Zee , Ryan Chamberlain , Chuck Lee , Cornell Bernard , David Hodges , Oakland Laura Anthony , Eric Thomas , David Martinez , Scott Weiner , Robert Ellis , Serena Williams , Vic Lee , Sargeant Bowe Bergdahl , Tyler Freeman , Tim Lincecum , Maria Sharapova ,

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