Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 1130PM 20140723 : com

Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 1130PM 20140723

evening. there were no dig gnaw tear -- dignitaries here to greet him. the president stepped off air force 1 and headed to san francisco where we believe he is stays at the heavily guarded inter continue nell hotel -- inter continental hotel. he will head to a lunchen at the loss altos home of the real estate home of george marcus. guests are paying $10,000 for a lunch with obama. the upcoming election says they are poised to take control of the senate and the house which would complicate the president's last two years in office. >> the president would lose whatever relatively limited bempleg he has -- beverage he has over legislation. the senate with the democratic majority has been his main strength. >> looking at the tail section of air force 1, it would hinder the president's nominations and appointments in the final years. california has always been obama's money tree and he will be off to los angeles for one more day of fundraising. his train is scheduled to leave here at 1:20 p.m. reporting live from sfo, alan wang,abc7 news. >> and tune in tomorrow morning at 4:30. leyla will be here with more details on how the president's motorcade is affect -- affecting your commute. >> the f.a.a. has banned u.s. air lips from landing in tel aviv -- airlines from landing in tel aviv after they made it through the iron domed security system and hit near the airport. more on that in a moment. the rocket attacks and the israeli missal strikes are intensifying. 29 israelis and 630 palestinians have been killed in the past 15 days. with no cease-fire in place, sadly those numbers are only expected to go up. and tonight a south bay man is in mourning after one of the airstrikes killed 30 members of his family. 30. it is the largest number of people killed in a single family since the fighting started. abc7 news reporter lisa amin gulezian is live with the story. lisa, you can't even imagine what he is going through. >> of course it is very sad. the missal strike destroyed an entire building filled with just one family. tonight their one relative who lives here in the bay area spoke out about his pain and his sadness. this is one of my cousins who passed five years ago. >> he is glued to the social media sites and the international newschannels. it is where he gets his information about gaza and israel. it is also where he learned about sunday's missal strike that killed 30 people in one building. >> i was like, wow, that is sad. let me see what is this poor family and who are those people? i found it is my family. >> the three generations living under one four-story roof was gone. this is where their home once stood and this is the list of the dead. >> four years old, seven years old, eight years old. >> no one survived. >> and 12, six months old. >> i feel bad when i see human beings die this way, but my family members? that was extremely difficult for me. >> the last time the father of two was in gaza was two years ago. these are photos from that visit and now he wants to go back. but getting into the region is nearly impossible. the bombings are intensifying and so is the chaos. here at home the counsel on islamic relations or cair is helping the campaign. >> it is perpetuating through the u.s. tax dollars. >> thousands of letters will be delivered to senator feinstein's office on thursday. lisa amin gulezian, abc7 news. >> right now no u.s. airlines are landing in tel aviv after a rocket hit less than a mile from the airport. the f.a.a. imposed a 24-hour ban earlier today. that's the first time they have done that in 20 years. the ban is expected to be lifted after noon tomorrow. many european airlines followed suit. israeli officials are urging officials to lift the restrictions saying it rewards hamas. the new york mayor michael bloomburg flew to tel aviv on an israeli airline to show that it is safe to fly in and out of israel. some are still quite concerned. -- an elderly woman was injured when a bullet shattered her window. she was in her apartment in the bay view district when this happened. sky 7hd shows the hole in the frosted glass of her window. there it is. a spot shotter reported it at 4:00 this afternoon. the 80-year-old woman was watching television when the glass hit her. the bullet came from about a block away so down the street. the woman will survive, of course. after the shooting the housing staff made sure that all of the other residents there were okay. >> we have roughly about 70 residents who live on the campus. we walked to every apartment to communicate to residents what had happened so they feel safe. >> police have not said if the shooting was connected in anyway to a pair of hit and runs that injured three people not far away. the driver and the passengers were arrested. and an unusual summer storm put on quite a show overnight. take a look at this lightning. it lit up the sky near the giants ballpark in san francisco. the oakland coliseum was actually het by lightning. the strike brought down power lines. in the north bay lightning struck a redwood in kentfield causing the tree to really explode as you can see there and splitting it into splipters. the -- splinters. it knocked out electricity there as well. people in the neighborhood say it sounded like a bomb. here is a eleven look from our exploratorium camera along the embarcadero. so far no lightning tonight. abc7 news meteorologist sandhya patel is here watching live doppler 7hd. sandhya, any repeats coming? >> no, dan, we are not expecting a repeat. no reruns tomorrow morning. looking at live doppler 7hd we have a much more stable air mass in place. as we take you back in time it was not the case. this morning you may have been woken up by the clap of thunder and the lightning strikes developed. and we did see some measurable rain across parts of the bay area. we are going to see drops tomorrow morning, but of a different variety. it is going to be spotty drizzle. i will be back with a look at that and some heat that is coming our way. we will lose the humidity. all of the details straight ahead. dan? because of the on going drought, santa clara county is hiring water enforcers and water cops to help encourage less water use. the santa clara valley water district hired 10 people to patrol the district. they are not going to hand out fines. instead they are going to visit homes or businesses of offenders and use more of an educational approach, friendly persuasion. it will cost the district a half million dollars. a big fire destroyed a home in marin county. you can see a downed power line arcing behind the house in mill valley. there it goes. look at the top of your screen and you can see it. the flames continue to devour that home. dangerous sparks made it hard for crews to get close to the fire. no one was home. the cause is still under investigation, but the damage as you can see is terrible. daly city police are asking for help tracking down these two women. police say 29-year-old augustine herrera and leilani cane were involved in a home invasion and robbery that left a man badly injured. police believe these women may be staying in san francisco's sunnydale or bay view >> a man pretending to be a park ranger and he confronted people walking dogs and gave them false information in the open space. he took a photo of two women in one and in the other he allegedly kicked a dog. the man is in his 40swith salt and pepper hair and he was seen riding a mountain bike. it is a bit strange. an entire city swallowed up. coming up next, the natural phenomenon so large it shows up on radar. but this is not a storm. we have the story and are you worried about getting enough sleep? maybe you should be asking yourself are you getting too much sleep? is your rest time actually putting your health at risk? and a local mystery man who bought hundreds of dollars of groceries for strangers now comes forward. new details that make the story even more amazing. >> here is a quick preview of what we are up to tonight. >> this is the perfect gift for babies. >> this is the perfect gift for baby jane. the level of interest and concern about chevron's plans to upgrade the refinery enrich meant was very clear tonight. a fiewj crowd turned -- a huge crowd turned out to lobby for and against the modernization project. cornell bernard with both sides. >> thousands of people packed into the auditorium, many holding signs. a last chance to comment about chevron's $1 billion plan to modernize its aging refinery. >> our position is that modernization of the refinery must make the refinery operations themselves cleaner and not dirtier. >> chevron has listened and reversed its previous position. agreeing to a lower cap and limiting the high sulfur oil through the upgrade. >> the modernization project includes a safety plan that is more stringent than regulations and there is more reporting and more transparency about operations. >> i am a proud chevron richmond employee for the last 14 years.eakers work at the refinery, but they live in richmond too. they support the plan that will bring more than a thousand new jobs. >> and we can try to capture this economic opportunity which will lessen the disparity of our community. >> environmental activists want to see the plant do more like replacing aging oil pipes. >> how do we make sure to replace all of the old pipes that are processing oil at very high temperatures. you know it could potentially corrode. we don't want to see another explosion like what happened in august of 2012. >> the accident sent shock waves through the community. now they are agreeing to give back. a final vote on the plan happens on july 29th. in richmond, cornell bernard, abc7 news. a scene that will make your skin crawl is playing out in wisconsin right now. every year millions of may flies hatch along the mighty mississippi river. this year the swarm is so large that the national weather service actually picked it up on radar. look at this. the good news, the flies only live for a couple days at most. the bad news, now there will be millions of dead may flies laying around to clean up. it may be time to rethink your sleep schedule. they suggest seven rather than eight hours of sleep per night may be ideal. several studies link seven hours of sleep with fewer deaths and better brain and body function. studies show sleeping more than seven hours can be dangerous and often contributing to diabetes, obesity and heart disease. a mystery man who spent more than $800 on groceries for strangers is talking about it for the first time. 33-year-old michael simas has come forward as the good samaritan. earlier this month he walked into a grocery outlet in concord as we reported and offered to pay for other people's groceries. simas told the san jose mercury news that he was just laid off and he wanted to do something that turned his bad day into a good one. it worked. he said using his final paycheck to help others made him feel much better. wasn't that a great gesture? abc7 is helping a bay area community build a great space for families. we would love to get you involved. concordia park in oakland will soon be home to a brand-new playground. crews decided to replace the old space that has become do dilapidated over the years. they will put in a dream playground that is safer and much more fun for kids. the work is going to take just one day on august 8th. we cannot wait to show you the result. we are all going to be out there with shovels and hammers and whatever it takes to get the job done. we are looking forward to it. let's go back and talk about the forecast and meteorologist sandhya patel is here. still watching live doppler 7hd. no more rain, sandhya. >> no, you are right. we are expecting drizzle instead which is typical for july. here is live doppler 7hd. low clouds are filling in along the coast and into livermore. already seeing cloudy skies in napa. now, earlier tonight we saw some clouds. these nice variety clouds are not what we typically see. it was leftover moisture heating from the sun from the south beach camera. it made for a beautiful time lapse. those clouds have been replaced by our marine layer and looking from our kgo roof cam. the temperatures are in the 60s right now. it is still close to 70 in oakland and 65 san francisco and san jose is very mild and half moon bay 64 degrees. the numbers are not dropping much. we are looking back toward the west. gray skies there. the temperatures are in the low mid60s from santa rosa to fairfield and livermore. here is a view. fog is not an issue here, but we will see low clouds in the morning and patchy drizzle. allow extra time for the morning commute. sunny for the afternoon. not as humid. and it will be heating up thursday through saturday. here is a look at the satellite and radar. the subtropical moisture that brought us the showers and the thunder, it is gone. now you can remember that with that subtropical moisture moving out, the humidity is actually going to come down. tomorrow morning is still a little on the muggy side, but it goes away by tomorrow afternoon. by midnight we are looking at patchy drizzle. 4:00 a.m. for the commute. for those who commute very early, a dry northwesterly wind flow will prevail which means clearing skies and sunshine for your wednesday afternoon. and not as sticky as it has been. that area of low pressure will also be lifting off to the east. high pressure and a hot air mass expands west, and we will see some real summer like heat that we haven't seen in awhile. tomorrow morning mild, upper 50s to low 60s. some of the temperatures will be muggy as well for the morning hours. for the afternoon a dryer air mass. low to mid80s inland. pretty warm. 70s around the bay. 60s coast side. 69 in san francisco and 79 in santa rosa and 73 oakland and 82 livermore and san jose is 79 degrees. a look at the accu-weather seven-day forecast featuring summer heat without the humidity. midto upper 90s as we head toward thursday through the weekend. it is beach weather. upper 60s to the low 70s along the coast. and one more note, dan, monterey bay boui had the highest reading ever. it was 67 degrees. and that was the highest ever. >> ever? >> ever. >> so, you know. >> mark this date on our calendar. thanks, sandhya. larry is here. i think the giants are still playing, is that correct? >> the giants game ended not long ago and the a's just went final. we are talking about 26 innings of baseball. extra, extra. giants and a's go extra innings. the giants ended with a five-hour 46-minute >> good evening. if you thought last night's game was long, and it was. 3 hours and 28 minutes. tonight was the real marathon. 14 innings, five hours and 46 minutes. even the phillie phanatic was wondering, do we get overtime pay? the giants have so many injuries you wouldn't have pablo sandoval doing a face plant. this would put another crack in the liberty bell. 450 feet. a solo blast 3-2 giants. in for the injured matt cain and he went five innings. that's a two-run homer in the fifth. it is 4-3 phils. he hadn't given up a homer all year and trying to close out a 5-four game. buster posey said no. we are tied at five. posey is 11th. on and on and on. dad, is it ever going to end? top of 14 and bases loaded for brandon crawford. he unloads and everybody scores. timmy lynn lincecum came to get the final out. a's and astros. it is supposed to be a cuban saw bar and somebody failed art class. he struck out six and he was there on a swing and a miss. 2-2 in the 12th. 3-2 astros and that is your final in 12. how about the rangers and the yankees? they went 14 innings. chase headily just trade fretted padres to new york and arrived in the middle of the game and got an at bat in the 14th and it is a walkoff to win it. in the bronks yankees win it. the raiders opening up training camp and is dj hayden ready to go or is >> the raid you you -- the raiders are opening training camp. he has a foot injury suffered in ota's this spring. if there is anybody that needs a full training camp it was hey -- hayden. he needed surgery to save his life. he missed eight games in the regular season with a groin injury. the raiders really need a former first round pick to start making an impact on the field. tony dungy released a statement clarifying his remarks about michael sam, the former nfl coach shocking people saying he would not have drafted sam because of the distraction his presence will cause. sam does deserve a chance to be in the nfl and the rookie is trying to make the ram's roster as the first openly gay player in the league and responded. >> thank god he wasn't the st. louis rams' coach. but i have a great respect for cope dungy. like everyone in america they are entitled to their own opinion. >> a lot of people are rooting for michael sam. the best guess is he max the practice squad. >> he is an uh mading player. great talent. thank you very m

Related Keywords

New York , United States , Santa Clara Valley , California , Oakland , Embarcadero , Tel Aviv , Israel , Santa Clara County , Wisconsin , South Beach , Bay View , San Francisco , Marin County , Daly City , Concordia Park , Bay View District , Gaza , Israel General , Monterey Bay , Cuba , Mill Valley , America , Israelis , Israeli , Cuban , Matt Cain , Louis Ram , Liberty Bell , George Marcus , Michael Simas , Cornell Bernard , Pablo Sandoval , Lisa Amin , Brandon Crawford , Augustine Herrera , Los Angeles , Michael Sam , Timmy Lynn Lincecum , Jalan Wang , Dan Ashley ,

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Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 1130PM 20140723 :

Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 1130PM 20140723

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evening. there were no dig gnaw tear -- dignitaries here to greet him. the president stepped off air force 1 and headed to san francisco where we believe he is stays at the heavily guarded inter continue nell hotel -- inter continental hotel. he will head to a lunchen at the loss altos home of the real estate home of george marcus. guests are paying $10,000 for a lunch with obama. the upcoming election says they are poised to take control of the senate and the house which would complicate the president's last two years in office. >> the president would lose whatever relatively limited bempleg he has -- beverage he has over legislation. the senate with the democratic majority has been his main strength. >> looking at the tail section of air force 1, it would hinder the president's nominations and appointments in the final years. california has always been obama's money tree and he will be off to los angeles for one more day of fundraising. his train is scheduled to leave here at 1:20 p.m. reporting live from sfo, alan wang,abc7 news. >> and tune in tomorrow morning at 4:30. leyla will be here with more details on how the president's motorcade is affect -- affecting your commute. >> the f.a.a. has banned u.s. air lips from landing in tel aviv -- airlines from landing in tel aviv after they made it through the iron domed security system and hit near the airport. more on that in a moment. the rocket attacks and the israeli missal strikes are intensifying. 29 israelis and 630 palestinians have been killed in the past 15 days. with no cease-fire in place, sadly those numbers are only expected to go up. and tonight a south bay man is in mourning after one of the airstrikes killed 30 members of his family. 30. it is the largest number of people killed in a single family since the fighting started. abc7 news reporter lisa amin gulezian is live with the story. lisa, you can't even imagine what he is going through. >> of course it is very sad. the missal strike destroyed an entire building filled with just one family. tonight their one relative who lives here in the bay area spoke out about his pain and his sadness. this is one of my cousins who passed five years ago. >> he is glued to the social media sites and the international newschannels. it is where he gets his information about gaza and israel. it is also where he learned about sunday's missal strike that killed 30 people in one building. >> i was like, wow, that is sad. let me see what is this poor family and who are those people? i found it is my family. >> the three generations living under one four-story roof was gone. this is where their home once stood and this is the list of the dead. >> four years old, seven years old, eight years old. >> no one survived. >> and 12, six months old. >> i feel bad when i see human beings die this way, but my family members? that was extremely difficult for me. >> the last time the father of two was in gaza was two years ago. these are photos from that visit and now he wants to go back. but getting into the region is nearly impossible. the bombings are intensifying and so is the chaos. here at home the counsel on islamic relations or cair is helping the campaign. >> it is perpetuating through the u.s. tax dollars. >> thousands of letters will be delivered to senator feinstein's office on thursday. lisa amin gulezian, abc7 news. >> right now no u.s. airlines are landing in tel aviv after a rocket hit less than a mile from the airport. the f.a.a. imposed a 24-hour ban earlier today. that's the first time they have done that in 20 years. the ban is expected to be lifted after noon tomorrow. many european airlines followed suit. israeli officials are urging officials to lift the restrictions saying it rewards hamas. the new york mayor michael bloomburg flew to tel aviv on an israeli airline to show that it is safe to fly in and out of israel. some are still quite concerned. -- an elderly woman was injured when a bullet shattered her window. she was in her apartment in the bay view district when this happened. sky 7hd shows the hole in the frosted glass of her window. there it is. a spot shotter reported it at 4:00 this afternoon. the 80-year-old woman was watching television when the glass hit her. the bullet came from about a block away so down the street. the woman will survive, of course. after the shooting the housing staff made sure that all of the other residents there were okay. >> we have roughly about 70 residents who live on the campus. we walked to every apartment to communicate to residents what had happened so they feel safe. >> police have not said if the shooting was connected in anyway to a pair of hit and runs that injured three people not far away. the driver and the passengers were arrested. and an unusual summer storm put on quite a show overnight. take a look at this lightning. it lit up the sky near the giants ballpark in san francisco. the oakland coliseum was actually het by lightning. the strike brought down power lines. in the north bay lightning struck a redwood in kentfield causing the tree to really explode as you can see there and splitting it into splipters. the -- splinters. it knocked out electricity there as well. people in the neighborhood say it sounded like a bomb. here is a eleven look from our exploratorium camera along the embarcadero. so far no lightning tonight. abc7 news meteorologist sandhya patel is here watching live doppler 7hd. sandhya, any repeats coming? >> no, dan, we are not expecting a repeat. no reruns tomorrow morning. looking at live doppler 7hd we have a much more stable air mass in place. as we take you back in time it was not the case. this morning you may have been woken up by the clap of thunder and the lightning strikes developed. and we did see some measurable rain across parts of the bay area. we are going to see drops tomorrow morning, but of a different variety. it is going to be spotty drizzle. i will be back with a look at that and some heat that is coming our way. we will lose the humidity. all of the details straight ahead. dan? because of the on going drought, santa clara county is hiring water enforcers and water cops to help encourage less water use. the santa clara valley water district hired 10 people to patrol the district. they are not going to hand out fines. instead they are going to visit homes or businesses of offenders and use more of an educational approach, friendly persuasion. it will cost the district a half million dollars. a big fire destroyed a home in marin county. you can see a downed power line arcing behind the house in mill valley. there it goes. look at the top of your screen and you can see it. the flames continue to devour that home. dangerous sparks made it hard for crews to get close to the fire. no one was home. the cause is still under investigation, but the damage as you can see is terrible. daly city police are asking for help tracking down these two women. police say 29-year-old augustine herrera and leilani cane were involved in a home invasion and robbery that left a man badly injured. police believe these women may be staying in san francisco's sunnydale or bay view >> a man pretending to be a park ranger and he confronted people walking dogs and gave them false information in the open space. he took a photo of two women in one and in the other he allegedly kicked a dog. the man is in his 40swith salt and pepper hair and he was seen riding a mountain bike. it is a bit strange. an entire city swallowed up. coming up next, the natural phenomenon so large it shows up on radar. but this is not a storm. we have the story and are you worried about getting enough sleep? maybe you should be asking yourself are you getting too much sleep? is your rest time actually putting your health at risk? and a local mystery man who bought hundreds of dollars of groceries for strangers now comes forward. new details that make the story even more amazing. >> here is a quick preview of what we are up to tonight. >> this is the perfect gift for babies. >> this is the perfect gift for baby jane. the level of interest and concern about chevron's plans to upgrade the refinery enrich meant was very clear tonight. a fiewj crowd turned -- a huge crowd turned out to lobby for and against the modernization project. cornell bernard with both sides. >> thousands of people packed into the auditorium, many holding signs. a last chance to comment about chevron's $1 billion plan to modernize its aging refinery. >> our position is that modernization of the refinery must make the refinery operations themselves cleaner and not dirtier. >> chevron has listened and reversed its previous position. agreeing to a lower cap and limiting the high sulfur oil through the upgrade. >> the modernization project includes a safety plan that is more stringent than regulations and there is more reporting and more transparency about operations. >> i am a proud chevron richmond employee for the last 14 years.eakers work at the refinery, but they live in richmond too. they support the plan that will bring more than a thousand new jobs. >> and we can try to capture this economic opportunity which will lessen the disparity of our community. >> environmental activists want to see the plant do more like replacing aging oil pipes. >> how do we make sure to replace all of the old pipes that are processing oil at very high temperatures. you know it could potentially corrode. we don't want to see another explosion like what happened in august of 2012. >> the accident sent shock waves through the community. now they are agreeing to give back. a final vote on the plan happens on july 29th. in richmond, cornell bernard, abc7 news. a scene that will make your skin crawl is playing out in wisconsin right now. every year millions of may flies hatch along the mighty mississippi river. this year the swarm is so large that the national weather service actually picked it up on radar. look at this. the good news, the flies only live for a couple days at most. the bad news, now there will be millions of dead may flies laying around to clean up. it may be time to rethink your sleep schedule. they suggest seven rather than eight hours of sleep per night may be ideal. several studies link seven hours of sleep with fewer deaths and better brain and body function. studies show sleeping more than seven hours can be dangerous and often contributing to diabetes, obesity and heart disease. a mystery man who spent more than $800 on groceries for strangers is talking about it for the first time. 33-year-old michael simas has come forward as the good samaritan. earlier this month he walked into a grocery outlet in concord as we reported and offered to pay for other people's groceries. simas told the san jose mercury news that he was just laid off and he wanted to do something that turned his bad day into a good one. it worked. he said using his final paycheck to help others made him feel much better. wasn't that a great gesture? abc7 is helping a bay area community build a great space for families. we would love to get you involved. concordia park in oakland will soon be home to a brand-new playground. crews decided to replace the old space that has become do dilapidated over the years. they will put in a dream playground that is safer and much more fun for kids. the work is going to take just one day on august 8th. we cannot wait to show you the result. we are all going to be out there with shovels and hammers and whatever it takes to get the job done. we are looking forward to it. let's go back and talk about the forecast and meteorologist sandhya patel is here. still watching live doppler 7hd. no more rain, sandhya. >> no, you are right. we are expecting drizzle instead which is typical for july. here is live doppler 7hd. low clouds are filling in along the coast and into livermore. already seeing cloudy skies in napa. now, earlier tonight we saw some clouds. these nice variety clouds are not what we typically see. it was leftover moisture heating from the sun from the south beach camera. it made for a beautiful time lapse. those clouds have been replaced by our marine layer and looking from our kgo roof cam. the temperatures are in the 60s right now. it is still close to 70 in oakland and 65 san francisco and san jose is very mild and half moon bay 64 degrees. the numbers are not dropping much. we are looking back toward the west. gray skies there. the temperatures are in the low mid60s from santa rosa to fairfield and livermore. here is a view. fog is not an issue here, but we will see low clouds in the morning and patchy drizzle. allow extra time for the morning commute. sunny for the afternoon. not as humid. and it will be heating up thursday through saturday. here is a look at the satellite and radar. the subtropical moisture that brought us the showers and the thunder, it is gone. now you can remember that with that subtropical moisture moving out, the humidity is actually going to come down. tomorrow morning is still a little on the muggy side, but it goes away by tomorrow afternoon. by midnight we are looking at patchy drizzle. 4:00 a.m. for the commute. for those who commute very early, a dry northwesterly wind flow will prevail which means clearing skies and sunshine for your wednesday afternoon. and not as sticky as it has been. that area of low pressure will also be lifting off to the east. high pressure and a hot air mass expands west, and we will see some real summer like heat that we haven't seen in awhile. tomorrow morning mild, upper 50s to low 60s. some of the temperatures will be muggy as well for the morning hours. for the afternoon a dryer air mass. low to mid80s inland. pretty warm. 70s around the bay. 60s coast side. 69 in san francisco and 79 in santa rosa and 73 oakland and 82 livermore and san jose is 79 degrees. a look at the accu-weather seven-day forecast featuring summer heat without the humidity. midto upper 90s as we head toward thursday through the weekend. it is beach weather. upper 60s to the low 70s along the coast. and one more note, dan, monterey bay boui had the highest reading ever. it was 67 degrees. and that was the highest ever. >> ever? >> ever. >> so, you know. >> mark this date on our calendar. thanks, sandhya. larry is here. i think the giants are still playing, is that correct? >> the giants game ended not long ago and the a's just went final. we are talking about 26 innings of baseball. extra, extra. giants and a's go extra innings. the giants ended with a five-hour 46-minute >> good evening. if you thought last night's game was long, and it was. 3 hours and 28 minutes. tonight was the real marathon. 14 innings, five hours and 46 minutes. even the phillie phanatic was wondering, do we get overtime pay? the giants have so many injuries you wouldn't have pablo sandoval doing a face plant. this would put another crack in the liberty bell. 450 feet. a solo blast 3-2 giants. in for the injured matt cain and he went five innings. that's a two-run homer in the fifth. it is 4-3 phils. he hadn't given up a homer all year and trying to close out a 5-four game. buster posey said no. we are tied at five. posey is 11th. on and on and on. dad, is it ever going to end? top of 14 and bases loaded for brandon crawford. he unloads and everybody scores. timmy lynn lincecum came to get the final out. a's and astros. it is supposed to be a cuban saw bar and somebody failed art class. he struck out six and he was there on a swing and a miss. 2-2 in the 12th. 3-2 astros and that is your final in 12. how about the rangers and the yankees? they went 14 innings. chase headily just trade fretted padres to new york and arrived in the middle of the game and got an at bat in the 14th and it is a walkoff to win it. in the bronks yankees win it. the raiders opening up training camp and is dj hayden ready to go or is >> the raid you you -- the raiders are opening training camp. he has a foot injury suffered in ota's this spring. if there is anybody that needs a full training camp it was hey -- hayden. he needed surgery to save his life. he missed eight games in the regular season with a groin injury. the raiders really need a former first round pick to start making an impact on the field. tony dungy released a statement clarifying his remarks about michael sam, the former nfl coach shocking people saying he would not have drafted sam because of the distraction his presence will cause. sam does deserve a chance to be in the nfl and the rookie is trying to make the ram's roster as the first openly gay player in the league and responded. >> thank god he wasn't the st. louis rams' coach. but i have a great respect for cope dungy. like everyone in america they are entitled to their own opinion. >> a lot of people are rooting for michael sam. the best guess is he max the practice squad. >> he is an uh mading player. great talent. thank you very m

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