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Reporter vick lee has the latest on the investigation. 19yearold brock turner appeared at the palo alto courthouse this morning with his lawyer and father who had flown in from the family home in ohio. Like to enter plea of not guilty today. Turner stood before the judge as attorney Michael Armstrong pleaded not guilty on his behalf. Not guilty to 5 felony Sexual Assault charges. Establish ford freshman a member of the Swimming Team is accused of sexually assaulting a woman after they met at Fraternity Party last month. Prosecutor told reporters this case is unique. There were 2 hero who came forward and what i want to say about them is if they are listening, thank you. Thank you for doing the right thing. Reporter the hero 2 graduate students riding bicycle who said they saw the woman lying open the ground with turner on top of her. One of the students told police it appeared like the female was not moving. And something seemed odd. The 2 said they chased turner as he ran. They tackled him and held him. Until police came. Turner told investigators he was fondling the woman but never had sex. The Police Report says turner told them he was having a good time with the victim and state that had she also seemed to enjoy the activity. The Woman Told Police she was drinking heavily and blacked out. The victim did not consent to any Sexual Activity or touching. I think its extremely unfortunate for everyone involved. Reporter in this courtroom today was a stanford Junior Computer science student andrew says he just wanted to come by because he was upset over the incident. I dont know exactly how to prevent them from the University Point of view. Better education, better awareness, more sensible Alcohol Party policy. Reporter turner withdrew from stanford after charged with Sexual Assault. Hes moved back to his native ohio but hes been ordered to appear at all the hearings. Next one in march. Vic lee, abc 7 news. The San Francisco chronicle reporting tonight that a body discovered in suitcase last week may be that of 58yearold vallejo man. Sources tell the chronicle omar of spent time with the accused killer. Guy named mark andrews. Andrews taken into custody friday. Police say Security Camera fat acknowledge shows him in the area where the dismembered body was dumped near left and mission last week. Passerby discovered the suitcase with torso inside. Body parts were also found in two near by garbage cans. Investigators now working with dna evidence to determine whether or not the victim is in fact omar. Alameda county sheriffs deputy ask for help capturing a man who sexually assaulted a little girl near hayward. The image we show you taken from video from this store. Detectives say the man grabbed the girl in the store toy aisle yesterday and put his happened inside her pants and ran away from the store after attacking 8yearold victim. Police trying to find him immediately. Pay area woman has accused former radio shack employee of stealing racey photo from her on line. On the phone. She took the phone into the radio shack at town center in january to have the screen fixed. Few days later she notice photo from the phone sent to unknown number. The photo showed her wearing little or in some case no, sir clefting. Police say Jose Robert Miranda hacked the photo and and sent them to his own phone. He has been charge own phone. He has been charging stealing computer dahl data that is a felony. Private space is the phone. So when somebody takes your private information its a violence of your privacy. The way we operate these days everything is at that time a. Everything is on line and thats where we keep all our information. The woman filed a civil suit against radio shack and miranda against radio shack and miranda. Radio shack issued a statement saying this quote we take the accusation against former employee very seriously. Working closely with the authorities. In the mean time radio shack is signaling the day may be numbered. Company stock delist from the new york stock exchange. Radio shack suffered from declining sales from the late 1990s selling half of the store to sprint remaining stores would operate under the sprint name. Bloomberg report says bankruptcy plan is now in the work. After more than a month with barely a drop of rain none really to to speck of things change significantly. Sandhya is here with live doppler 7hd. We have been waiting for over 3 years for this. Yes we get the Atmospheric River where we get lots of rain and here in california this is what helps our drought situation. We had one back in december but it was short lived as we look at live doppler 7hd january has been extremely dry. February while our radar tracking this up in cress ept satellite has been raining over an inch so far and third in the last 24 hours. They get a lot more than. That heres what we are watching this whole train of moisture that extend all the way back down to hawaii and this is what we are basically watching because what is known as the Atmospheric River. High moisture content. Its headed toward Northern California some of it will head towards the central portion of the state. We are going to get moisture out of it. No doubt about it that is going mean rainfall for several days. Exactly how much rain do we get. Ill be back with the detailed look in just a few minutes. Thanks. We have been waiting for this Silicon Valley college make a tough decision to end the football program. Menlo College Board members said this long travel distances and tripling cost make the Football Team unsustainable. College president says the decision will allow the school to pour more rae source into the school other 12 athletic programs. All current Football Players cap rae taken the scholarship from what we are told. Some offered foster spots on other teams at the school. Bloomberg news reports tonight that google may be about to launch a car service like uber. Google is already one of uber biggest investor and may develop a ride hailing app of their own. We know google is concerned about transportation and sergio accepted an invitation to geeling head quarter earths today to talk about it. Reporter u. S. Transportation secretary anthony fox got short tour of the campus aboard the driver the campus aboard the driverless google car. How is the ride. It was phenomenal. Driver it was phenomenal. Driverless Car Technology was included in the afternoon conversation about u. S. Transportation issues but a little blue book from the department of transportation lays out the difficult reality of traffic and funding of infrastructure. All issues the bay area is dealing with. I believe we operate the largest private bus system in america in terms of the number of people that we move and its the only way to deal with the fact that we want our employee roughly here and couple other location. Bus have become controversial over the years. They are a stark contrast to the option Public Transit riders pace. I had to take the 2060 here and the one to san mateo and 2 94 to Half Moon Bay and the 17 to moss beach. Miss traffic and so many could save energy and save environment. More option means more money more option means more money. The trust fund run out of cash in may if congress doesnt act. Secretary fox says new options need to be considered. We are going to see more private Sector Investment in infrastructure over the next 30 years. I expect and thats partly because we are in such a hole in our own infrastructure. He points out cars are more fuel efficient now. If you are a gas tax dollars funding the Highway Trust Fund which is the government main source for all transit spending including rail project n. Mountain view, abc 7 news. Well more to bring you here this monday night. Coming up. East bay refinery forced to shut down over initial wide contract dispute. Why is there no picketing and will it affect our goods price. San francisco Book Store Closing for good. The owner is putting the blame squarely on the shoulder of San Francisco voters. And big changes ahead in the forecast. 7 news meteorologist sz. First time in 35 years. Employee at the oil refinery intermartinez strike because of an issue they say is all about safety. They are working now but only for a few more days. Heres laura anthony. Oil he refinery may be the first in the bay area to have the workers strike. If the oil industry united Steel Workers cant settle the difference at the National Level hundreds of workers at chevron, shell and phillips 66 could follow suit. We havent had a strike since 1980 so yes, we strike as last resort. Reporter jim payne is united Steel Workers 5 which represents 4 25 employee at the company and talk broke down over the weekend over several issues. Including worker fatigue. Facility is well staffed the fatigue is not that much of an issue but if you run with is skeleton level that becomes problem. In written statement a spokesman said we are extremely disappointed by u. S. W local bargaining decision to strike we bargain in good faith and prepared to continue to did so. Last february 2 workers were injured during a Chemical Spill injured during a Chemical Spill. The company denied entry to u. S. Chemical safety board investigators but then relented. Month later there was another spill and one more worker injured. They are notorious for being one of the most unsafe refinery in the bay area. Mupt for better environment says they would like to joan the quantityed Steel Workers once out on the picture line. Well join them in solidarity because we understand that safe refinery means Safe Community Safety Culture at every refinery is important. This is a challenge and thats probably why we should look at this very carefully the shut down is expected to be completed by the close of business thursday. Martinez, abc 7 news. We will follow the story closely obviously. Part of the state park here is off limits to the public through the end of july. Rangers closed the castle rock and pine canyon area yesterday to allow american if con to breed. Falcon once endangered and now fully protect entered california. The falcon nesting in the park since the late 1800 in the park since the late 1800. Signs posted in the park to educate the public about these predatory birds. All right. It is frantic back in the weather department. Its like a kid before christmas shes tracking the storms finally. Yes. Big deal coming. Its a very big deal since we havent seen this in awhile. Very exciting times. Because bus because its not just one day of rape. Thats what we need several days. Exact limit self several day of rain. Lets look at live doppler 7hd. Im so thrilled can barely contain myself. Ill try to. Look at live doppler 7hd. Some clouds moving in. We do have some fog around Half Moon Bay. Visibility no down to 5 miles. Temperatures rht now quite comfortable. Pretty much everybody in the 50s. Look at San Francisco. Very mild 62 degrees. Want to show you a beautiful time lapse from emery beautiful time lapse from emeryville camera. Yes we had a lot of high cloud today but turned out to be very mild day. Air quality has been suffering and we go into another spare the air day for your tuesday. So with this mild weather stagnant pattern unfortunately air quality not so good. We have to wait until thursday when our first opportunity for rain comes in and the ear quality improves. Friday it looks great. Now the view from our sutro tower cam are lacking over San Francisco. Visibility good but not the case in the mortgage everywhere. Dense fog an looking at wet pattern thursday through sunday. So dont forget to find those umbrella. High pressure for the time being. Keeping that stormtrack the rain well to the north of us ball to change as we have a series of warm storms coming in from the sub tropical region. We get warm air and wet east locations here in the bay area could pick up to half foot of rain by sunday. Thats impressive. 11 00 p. M. About to wednesday night. Excuse me tomorrow night. Wednesday tonight excuse me where we look at cloud cover increasing. Rain reaches the north bay. Thursday morning. You will see very light rain then the rain really doesnt shift much at 8 00 oclock its still well up to the north when you take the kids off to ask. We have to wait until the afternoon. Light moderate written against to try to make its way south ward. Thursday is when we see it come down more and then we will see the wind picking up as well between thursday nature and friday. Long range forecast does paint 2 and a half to 5 inches of rain in the north bay. South bay looking at about 3 quarters inch to inch and a half. This is sunday. February 8 is what we are accumulating up to. Tomorrow morning watch out for the fog. Temperature mid 40s to mid 50s so not very cold then tomorrow afternoon we keep today mild weather going. 70 degrees in the south bay san jose cup teen o. Santa cruz. Los gatos sfuchbility occasional high cloud upper 60s. Red wad city to los altos 60s. Red wad city to los altos. Half moon bay as well. Downtown San Francisco 66 daly city. Forth bay all going to be in the 70s around santa rosa, napa, clover dale the rest of you in the 60s. This is what you are going to see hazy sky. Worst air quality there mid upper 60s. 67 oakland inland spots. 70 in fairfield. 72 in livermore. Accuweather 7 day forecast enjoy the mild weather. We have some big changes. Much needed. Starting on thursday. Its going to be wet. Rate on through sunday. We have a slate chance of some lingering showers on monday certainly cooler weather one of the problems we may encounter dan is minor urban small stream flooding as we get written quickly. So clean the gutter. Dont forget about those. Storm drain. Expect some down tree. L federal auditors coming down hard on Alameda County Health Center that is important safety net for thousands of people. Reports obtain by the abc 7 news iteam under the freedom of information act show the problems at west Oakland Health council. The number of patients being served is mrimenting and calls for the Council Director dr. Robert cooper to resign. This is no personal thing. Dr. Cooper i just think its a time where you are no longer effective. We are better than we were in the past. Yes. Dan takes the xints to the man in charge and gets the answer that is so many patients and employee is of the clinic wait to go hear. That is tonight on abc 7 news at 11 over on channel 7. Tune in for that. But stay rate her. Still to come on 7 news at 9 still to come on 7 news at 9 00. Newborn baby with distinction he will never have to share. Thats for sure. Find out what make him stand out from all the others born in San Francisco yesterday. Is there a right amount of jogging there a right amount of jogging. Research team discovered about one of America Favorite there wasnt much down time for the maternity staff at the new ucsf Children Hospital when it opened yesterday morning. Thats because 2 minutes later 2 minutes, nancy and her husband walked right on in. Nancy was in labor. They had been at the old campus waiting forth birth of their son but then they had to rush over to the new hospital once the staff started to move sunday morning. We went to bed that tonight think that go we made it. Dont have to worry about february 1st move and 20 minutes after i fell asleep she woke me up and like we have to go. Also baby was born 4 hours late dad was happy. Maternity room at the new hospital have Big Screen Television perfect for watching the superbowl with the new baby. Well some health news. A little jogging good for your health but can you run too much health but can you run too much . Researchers in denmark say 1 to 2 and a half hours per week is 5 miles an hour danish team study 1100 adults and 400 sedentary people for more than 12 years. Study found that strenuous judgingers were likely to die as the sedentary nonjoggers. U. S. Researchers said debate over the optimal running time far from over. Good news is everyone agree that is jogging even an hour per week can be beneficial. Findings released in the journal of the American College of cardiology. Moments away news piling up. Time lapse video showing the snow fall in new york. Impact all this snow is having on air travel. Also the Measles Outbreak political. Leaders who say parents should not have to vaccinate their kids. I will love him until the day i die. Hear from a woman whose husband was the most leftal effective snipe interu. S. History and biggest draw at the box office. Stay here another half hour of my whole life, i didnt have Health Insurance because i couldnt afford it. My daughter depends on me, so its very important that i stay healthy. Now that i have Health Insurance, i can take care of myself and my family. I was a little bit concerned about my health. I was very happy to make my first doctors appointment. I love my doctor. Im in for the first time ever. You too can enjoy Quality Health coverage. To enroll, or find free inperson help go to coveredca. Com Boston Logan International airport tonight. Snow is really coming down. Temperatures are in the teens. The city is cancelled the superbowl parade after setting a new record for the snowiest 7 day period in the city history. 34 inches. So far today airlines have cancelled 6700 flights across the country. Sfo 16 departing nraits cancelled. Another 38 arriving flights were also grounded. In san jose one flight cancelled tonight. Jet blue flight coming from new york. Oakland International Reported no current cancellations because of the storm. All together 100 million americans in twa 23 states got wallop by record breaking snow. We have the story. Reporter tonight the record bricking snow with near blizzard conditions in the midwest. Causing a mess on the road. Take a look at the massive pile up. Dozens and dozens of cars crashing the chicago on the tristate toll way. Only minor injuries amazingly. 19 inches of snow make thanksgiving chicago fifth snowiest storm ever. As you know this is a snowstorm for the record book. We are seeing a record response as well. Reporter miles away in toledo ohio storm pummeling the area. Sparking snow emergency. The city mayor is in Critical Condition after check on Road Conditions suffering cardiac arrest and crashing on the snowing road. Good samaritan rushing to help without even realize without even realizing it was the mayor. I was banging on the window wng wanging he wouldnt reresponsible. 911 said we need to break the window get him out. From toledo we made the drive to detroit. Nearly 17 inches of snow making it to third snowing storm ever. We make our which in detroit we make our which in detroit. Roads thought exactly clear but the airport here hasnt seen more than a foot of snow in more than 10 years. Reporter the look at the incredible shots from above. And nearby in warrant, michigan fair hydrant covered in snow and postman giving our camera a thumb up only to get stuck in the snow himself. And take a look rate here at the mountain of snow at the detroit airport. Might be wondering how much snow is here. Well last year pile didnt melt until the end of may. Now its already 3 stories high. This is abc news detroit michigan you measles case so far this year. Cdc reports 102 cases in 14 states in january in california 92 cases are confirmed dating back to december. Most of them link to the outbreak at disneyland. With patients in san mateo oshtion santa clare, alameda, oshtion santa clare, alameda pa written and solano county. The report is called troubling considering measles was limit natured in the u. S. Back in 2000. What concerns me is that there has been a complacency that has developed. People because we dont see measles so commonly. They think we dont need to vaccinate against it but if we stop vaccinate but if we stop vaccinating against measles or whooping cough or so many other diseases they will come back. Because theres so much travel around the world. We arent isolated need to stay protected. There were 6 44 cases of measles in 27 states last year. The number could go much higher this year if the pace stays the same. No deaths from these new outbreaks. Mean time 2 leading republican president ial hopeful weighed in on the debate over childhood vaccine. Most ought to be voluntary. He says he heard of knowledge tram ick cases of children suffering harm after receiving shots. Governor christy saying his own children had been vaccinated but that he also understands that parents need to have some measure of choice on this issue. Later ka spokesman from Christy Office issued a clarification saying there noise question kids should be vaccinated. Cdc recommends the first dose of the measles vaccine be given when child between 12 to 15 most of age. Second dose at 4 to 6 years of aim. Measles vaccine has been in use since 1960 an has a long record of safety. Not one reputable Scientific Study found a connection between the vaccine and autism. Mystery solved. If you study has discovered what happened to the 10 million gallon of crude oil missing after the 2010 bp oil spill. Researchers from Florida State University Say it is sitting at the bottom of the gulf of mexico where it is threatening wild life and marin ecocity. Up mostly clear how the oil got there after spill. One theory is this. Findings published in the journal virtual science and technology. In los angeles tonight former rap mogul nate charged with murder and attempted murder after hitting 2 men with his pick up truck last week. Pros can youtors say knight intended to run down a friend and another man after argument on movie z. One man killed. Attorney for knight says the accident happened as he was trying to escape a vicious attack. Two Million Dollar bail revoked today after authorities decided that knight was a potential flight risk. Well at millions watch the superbowl millions mr. Watch something else. American sniper. Story of chris kyle is on the top of the box oz and tonight on the anniversary of his death the trial of his accused killer about to get under way. His widow speaking out about the one thing he said that she never understood. Hears byron pitt. Today if texas it was officially declared chris kyle day commemorate day commemorating the real american sniper. His wife speaking out. Incredible. Portrayed by Sienna Miller 250 Million Dollars at the box office. She wants the world to know theirs is just not stoyrt of war. They have come home. Knowing we miss you. Its always story about love its always story about love. Telling People Magazine quote we were made for each other. I was a fast talker he was a slow taishing. He were all of me in my wedding ring and mine says my love. My life after 4 denroyment iraq he says quote we had our moments where i felt like we were less important than the military. Felt like i didnt understand his sense of duty. Duty and family. Something actor Bradley Cooper he told me he wanted to portray accurately e. Hours and hours of endless footage because his wife wanted to make sure the 2 children at least see their father. Complex man wife wants to you know also had a lighter side. Even though he was going through all that we always found a way to laugh. Always. He changed the room when he was in it. She has her own book coming in and out may. As for the man accused of killing her husband jury selection begins in his trial on thursday. Byron pitt abc news new york. Some of hollywood biggest stars got together for lunch this afternoon in Beverly Hills more than 150 oscar nominee attend add special event at the Beverly Hilton in their honor. Afternoon was an opportunity for all nominee to mingle and take kind of a class photo. Best actress nominee reece spoke about her role as Cheryl Strayed in wild. Movie takes place along the 2600 mile Pacific Crest trail. I feel like i really fought for this movie to get made and it was hard. Hard process. But so rewarding. All the days hiking up mountains and crossing freezing rivers carrying equipment. Other nominee spoke about the role and why they enjoyed them so much. With oscar sunday around the corner now we remind that you abc 7 the only place to watch the oscar live. Coverage begins at 4 00 p. M. Over on channel 7. Hope you tune in for that. Well did you vote to raise the minimum wage in San Francisco. Coming up tonight. Here on 7 news. How the out come of last fall election is forcing this Mission District book store to closeup shop. Ill for over0,000 california foster children nights can feel long and lonely. I miss my sister. I miss my old school. I miss my room. I dont want special treatment. I just wanna feel normal. To help, sleep train is collecting pajamas for foster children, big and small. Bring your gift to any sleep train and help make a Foster Childs night a little cozier. Not everyone can be a Foster Parent but anyone can help a foster child. Huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Everybody knows that. Well, did you know pinocchio was a bad motivational speaker . I look around this room and i see nothing but untapped potential. You have potential. You have. Oh boy. Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Who wants to try a new burger . Thats good its really good. Very juicy. Thats melted garlic herb butter. Its original. I like soft buns. I would buy this. This is amazing could this be from jack in the box . Definitely not jack in the box no. Im not a big fan of jack in the box burgers and. This is really good thanks. I guess. That is my new buttery jack with garlic herb butter melted right on. You can go classic or bacon swiss will they melt in your mouth . You butter believe it. Law will eventually have San Francisco minimum wage workers making 15 dollars an hour being phased in forcing at least one Small Business we know of to phase out exploratorium minimum wage right now is 11. 05 an hour wage right now is 11. 05 an hour. Go up to 12. 25 in may. Then 13 dollars in july of 2016 and then in july of 2017 the minimum wage will go up to 14 dollars and by july of 20 18 the minimum wage in San Francisco will be 15 dollars an hour. Tonight 7 news explains what will happen in 3 and a half years. Forcing Mission District back store write the last chapter now. When scott cox took a job at border land book didnt do it for the money. I have been long time customer. At the store. I love the people. Love the books. Hes an actor work here lets him squeak by while nishing his passion for scifi and fantasy. They love books. They love stories and they love being book sellers. Reporter thats why store owner allen found so it tough to post this sign in the front window. We are going to be closing by the end of march. Reporter border land was turning a small profit about 3000 dollars last year. But then voters approved a hike in the minimum wage. Graduate rise from 10. 75 up to 15 dollars an hour. By 2018 well be losing about 25000 dollars a year el. Reporter unexpected twist for kivrments i veted for the measure as well the minimum wage measure. Its not something that i thought about would it affect Small Business. I feel sad. Reporter caught people off guard one group that wasnt completely surprised was the board osupervisor. They debated this very topic before sending the minimum wage to the voters. I know book stores are in a tough position and this did come up during the discussion on minimum became. Reporter supervisor weiner no merchant will pass it on to customers. Not become story. I cant increase the price of my product because back unlike many other things book have a price printed on them. Reporter but weiner says the will of the voters. 77 percent of them voted for the latest wage hike. Borderline book is a phenomenal become store i was in it yesterday i hope they didnt close. Its an amazing resource. Reporter but he captain see a way to avoid it for scott koychblingts ty in this case would rather have a book store to come work at. Reporter in San Francisco i dont know thon bloom abc 7 news. Coming up next. 7 news at 9 00 ground hog that took a whats that thing . I moved our old Security System out here to see if it could monitor the front yard. Why dont you switch to xfinity home . I get live video monitoring and 24 7 professional monitoring that i can arm and disarm from anywhere. Hear ye the awkward teenage one has arrived dont be old fashioned. Xfinity customers add xfinity home for 29. 95 a month for 12 months. Plus for a limited time, get a free Security Camera call 1800 xfinity or visit comcast. Com xfinityhome. Social media everywhere these days even on ground hog day in pennsylvania. Yes. Shadowy see. You can start the twitter. Hashtag 6 more week of winter. Bring in the social media. Phil prediction came on over cast morning with scattered snow showers. First ground hog prediction came in 1887. Phil has seen his shadow 101 times and has not seen seen it 17 times. There are 9 missing years on the record. Experts say ground hog day original natured as ancient celebration between the mid point and spring he can which knock. Then this in the sun prairie wisconsin. Ground hog took a bite out of the mayor ear. Happened as mayor john thon pretend to go interpret the ground hog prediction and apparently had it wrong and the ground hog got the mayor attention. It sees the shadow sandhya or if the ground hog attack you viciously you get 6 more week office winter. You get 6 more week of winter. We certainly need it here in the bay area. Look at the beautiful shot this afternoon from our south beach camera. Sure didnt look or feel like winter. Afternoon high today well above achbling. Coming in in the mid 60s to the low 70s. Now we look at live doppler 7hd high cloud variety as you look around the country. Pretty quiet weather. Cold snowing in chicago. 28 degrees down around texas looking at rain mix of rain and snow across the Northern Rockies as well. State wide its pretty mild. 70 in sacramento fresno. 75 los angeles. 55 in tahoe with occasional clouds and then here in the bay area we keep the mild pattern going for a couple more days. Up to the low 70s spring like. Livermore san jose nap a. Santa rosa 60. 70 degrees 66 San Francisco. 67 oak land. Accuweather 7 day forecast winter is coming back. Starting thursday and it will continue right on through the weekend. We have to give up the weekend for wet weather but well worth it in the middle of a drought. Phil saw the shadow. I think you have it. Memorable moment of the superbowl half time show has created a possible new business opportunity. Well many consider the dancing shark a highlight of katy perry california girl performance and one company lacking to recreate that shark suit. This tweet was sent out in effort to gain interest in the cost calm and get publicity obviously. The company says if enough people retweet or indicate they are inked in the shark suit they will create one shark suit they will create one. We get larry to wear it on the air ahead of time. Missy perform ants during the superbowl gave her a contrary boost big tame after thiser performance. Her single jumped to no. 12 and 14 on i tunes. Elliott last solo album the cook back released np 2 thousandths 5. Her stock went up yesterday. Pete carroll not so much. How do you know i was not one of the dancing shark . Shark was dancing quite well shark was dancing quite well. Further my point. You messages Missy Elliott up. Petition carroll stock down. You are not an faichlt i like pete carroll that was a silly decision i dont get it. Silly. They down. Give to it limp. He will good one yard. I dont know much about it. I dont disagree. Why did they not listen to dan. Why did they run bulldog you dont need superpowers to help someone. Sometimes, all it takes is a warm heart and a cold nose. Thats why mattress discounters good deed dogs is raising money to Train Service dogs for people with disabilities. I would never imagine a life without an assistance dog ever again. I relied on people a lot. He helps me live a more independent life. Bulldog we need your help to do more. Give at mattressdiscountersdogs. Com, or any mattress discounters. Mattress discounters good deed dogs helping dogs help people come up at 11 00. Car theft knock local Fashion Designer off the run way. Tonight why shes not letting the set back stop her. Plus Health Center in dire need of help. Dan looks into what is being done to save this vital clinic and get some answers. Those stories and more come up at 7 news at 11 00 on channel 7 larry is here what was he thinking. They were thinking you know they had the game won. Im sure. They felt like before running it or passion it they would score and then they didnt. But was it the worst call in history . A lot of people think. So you have lynch and you are at the one yard line why throw. Thats the question pete carroll has to live with really forever. Part of the legacy now because patriots came up with the interception and they held on for 2824 win last night in superbowl 14. But i go back just before half tame because 6 seconds left. Most coaches kick thefeld goal. Carroll in the end zone result the touch down. So right there you think hes a genius but then you fast forward to the end of the game. Not so much. First goal to the 5. They pound limp to the one. Give it to him again in seattle. They get cute. Trying to mess with the clock. Trying to run it down to make sure brady no time left to reresponsible and see the goal line package in for new england go wide receiver here and try to throw. They had one time out left. Didnt want to burn fit limp stuffed on second down slant picked by Malcolm Butler game over. The statistics say of the 66 times this season the team threw from the one yard lane only one pass was intercepted out of those 66 was intercepted out of those 66. It was butler last night. We could have run it an got stuffed run it and scored could have scored. I know it could have happened just wasnt a great football thought at the time. Great football make sure we match up properly to have our best chance to run in and score thats all. And in retrospect could have easily run it and wouldnt be talking about this may have got stuffed on third and fourth down down i dont know washington would happen. Hand to it limp. I threw it and let it go i thought it was going to be game over. Turned out to be game over the wrong way. Mvp fourth superbowl title and famous as brady is biggest play was made by the undrafted rackie out of west alabama. Malcolm butler. Obviously one play here one my there all things change and leave it on the other end of it too. Great run. Get to the one and a half. Malcolm made. He has been doing it in prosecute all season. So nice to see him pick somebody else off. Warriors play the kings tomorrow night. But attracted today even there talking about the superbowl Clay Thompson to college. Washington state and said three years surrounded by seahawks fans. No i dont like the seahawks fans they were so loud but my friends are seahawks fans and i felt for them last night. I immanuel the whole state of washington was probably, you know real depressed but they just came down to one guy making the play of his life. And i felt for the seahawks man and i felt for the seahawks man. Got to be really tough feeling. Sharks fish up a strong home stand tonight taking on last place and this game they should we know. Coach explaining to the referee. We should we know this game. Why trailing . Shark open the board first power play 12 minutes n. Patty and pwoups off the skate of joe for his 26 of the year didnt kick it just went in by accident. Then on slot by jordan. The toe drive to get back oil percent 3 state goal and shark answer with 3 state of their own. On the door for the second goal of the night. 43 team teal and thats where they are rate now. With 4 minutes to good in the game. Women hoop tonight. Stanford hosting washington freshman johnson. With block at one end and getsd it in the post. Nice step through and finish. 3517 cardinal. Thompson to green field for the 3 and at the 21 point stanford lee. Knocking it down. 8269. Cardinal win and pack 12 play n. Berkeley. Boyd the 3 break. 31yearold at this record. With the pass to courtney. If we give Washington State the lead but freshman answers with team high 15. Goes up by 3 on free throw and then leah with the hat. She had between but missed there and the bears hold on 5754. Well obviously football is finished with the superbowl yesterday and baseball just around the corner baseball just around the corner. The giants and first baseman bell agreed on new contractment one year deal for 3. 6 Million Dollars. Avoiding arbitration. Smith 2 and half months last year with serious concussion came back late in the post season and really contributed homer in the 18 inning game giants won hit the 308 in the world series as giants victorious in the third championship in 5 years. 7 sports brought to you by toyota. Just finishing up final thoughts than ought whole limp thing and seattle what they chose to do i understand they had the goal line defense sow didnt feel confident running against it. We break it down upstairs. Win or lose. Nobody faulted for that. Just give the ball to limp. If they stuff him and we last i can leif with. That throwing a slant at the one just a questionable call risky call and the other thing is had he one yard to good. One and a half yavrd give it to him three times. Link. He gets a yard. Thanks. That is our report. For all of us im Dan Ashley Amma as well. We appreciate your time see you again in an hour. O oh there it is whoo whoo ellie there he is. I thought you crazy kids were going out. We were, but you know how we drink lots of red wine . Yeah, and . Thats it. Plus, graysons got a new drinking game. Its called movie mashup. You take two movie titles that share a word, combine them and then you describe that movie. For examplekiller whale gives out Golden Tickets to see who gets his candy company. Free willy. Ooh. Ooh. Willy wonka. Free willy wonka the chocolate f

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