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Turns out this season less is really so much more. So make your holiday merrier than ever before. Safeway. Ingredients for life. You are looking live at the city. Here we go again. Storm gate about to open. Possibly all the way until sunday. It is going to be wet. Get ready for more rain. Sandhya is here now with a look at what is happening on live doppler 7 hd. Yes. That slow moving storm moving in on live doppler 7 hd and raining in the north bay. Winds picking up in the hills right now gusting to 35 almost 40 miles an hour at this point. Lets check out the area where it is raining in the north bay first from ukiah to healdsburg heading to santa rose and i take you down to street level here show where you we are getting some moderate rainfall right now. Gurpville road. Santa rosa area, river road. Old red wad highway out to Fountain Grove parkway. Calistoga road and head down towards or up towards the eper road spring hill road area. Marin county now starting to pick up some rain from Sonoma County you notice here around here. Moderate rain at 11 00 p. M. North bay this storm not in a hurry to leave. Tomorrow morning commute is wet. Its going to be windy. If you have travel plans 7 00 a. M. That storm is still right over us. Its stalling out right over us at 2 00 oclock in the afternoon. So the travel plans look to be messy not just the morning commute and if you have travel plans around the state, winter storm warnings covering a good portion of california. Ill be back with a look at that in just a few minutes. Thank you gentleman big set back for House Speaker boehner. Revolt in the republican rank means no vote this evening on his plan b to avoid the yearend fiscal cliff. In a statement boehner says the house did not take up the tax measure today because it did not have sufficient support from our members to pass. Boehner yanking his own legislation leaves the fiscal cliff negotiations in limbo would. 11 days before most every american see as tax increase. Impact causing stock to slide in asia in friday trading. Congressional chaos tops brutal day of political sniping even though democrat and republican may actually not be that far apart in negotiations chtd. More open had a part of the story from Jonathan Karl. Reporter bickering you would think they are miles apart. My proposal is right down the middle. His plan is not balanced. What we have from the speaker is a disaster plan. President has not come forward with that balance approach. Reporter but in reality the difference is just arent that great. John boehner has now agreed to do something republicans had said was unthinkable. Raise tax rates on the wealthy. Difference . Democrat would raise rates on those making over 400,000 dollars a year. Republicans on those making over 1 Million Dollars. President obama has now agreed to something that had been unthinkable for democrats. Cutting spending on Social Security and medicare. Programs they have considered untouchable. Even when it comes to how much to tax and how much to cut, the difference isnt all that much. Speaker boehner wants a 50 50 split between tax hike and spending cuts. President obama leans a little heavier on tax hike. So the difference in their grand plan is just this. When ask you them why they cant just meet in the middle you get thi this. Why cant you just split the difference and get a teal done. I dont think the white house has gotten serious. We dont have a definite offer from the speaker. Reporter Jonathan Karl reporting from washington. Senators told to plan to be back in washington two days after christmas in an effort to the avoid going off that fiscal cliff. All right now to your utility bill it is about to go up. Tell you in a decision that came down today rate payers will cover the majority of the price to try to prevent another san bruno disaster. Story tonight from john alsto alston. Pg e customers will pay for most of the repairs upgrades as a result of the explosion that leveled the san bruno neighborhood and killed 8 people including Renee Morales daughter. I cant even bear to understand why they are continuing to allow to make deals behind closed doors. Allowed rate increases. Allowed to continue to go as business as usual. Reporter cpuc approved a rate indlees will headache the average bill by 1 dollar to 2 dollars per month. Pg e has to test nearly 800 miles of pipeline, replacing some portions and installing automatic shut off valves. Its a 2. 2 billion dollar upgrade. Today the commission ruled that customers will pay more than half of that. About 1. 2 billion for things like new pipe lines and valves. Shareholders will pick up are the remaining billion for safety testing and better record keeping. But san bruno mayor was out remaininged by last minute change to the deal that he says will give pg e more than 100 Million Dollars. Now here they are giving 11 percent profit margin or on the lives of 8 people disgusting. Reporter today the commission allowed the utility to make money prosecute its capitol improvement. Pg e owns the state of california and p uc. Perfect example of that. Its shameful they would allow pg e to profit from the behavior. We know we made a lot of mistakes. We know we have a lot of work to do both on our system and to regain the trust of our customers. This proposed plan was put forward to address new safety expectation that is were set by the cpuc. Reporter rate increase will go that effect next year. They are about 1. 5 percent. The Commission Said that shareholders not customers shareholders will have to handle any cost overrun because it was pg e Business Practices thaled to the situation. In san bruno. Abc 7 news. Now to an innocent grandmother and latest victim of gun violence in oak land. Police say foreman hit by stray bullet intended for someone elseth walking on international boulevard with her sister when the shooting started. The nick smith tonight with the latest on the investigation and a renewed call to stop the violence. Everybody in the neighborhood knows her. Everybody loves her. Its a shock. Reporter ramona foreman mona to family and friends is oakland latest victim of gun violence. Mother of 2 and grandmother of 4 was shot and killed only block from his where she lived. 2 people shooting we continue know who they were but we definitely know it wasnt meant for my mama. Reporter Oakland Police agree. She was caught if the cross fire of 2 unidentified shooters and was not their intended target. They say she was leaving this dollar store with her sister headed home when bullet started flying. Mona hit and died at the corne corner. Words quickly spread through the neighborhood and eventually to her family. Everybody everybody told us it was mama. I ran straight through the yellow tape. Reporter today investigators are turning to to witnesses and surveillance camera to help them identify those responsible. You know, its a grandmother and its an older black woman. Reporter another innocent victim of oakland violence. This organization Restorative Justice for oakland youth working to change that. This is a big loss. Affect add lot of people. Its not just her children but all the children in the community that have come to know her. Reporter billboard mounted above beg for end to gun violence. Today one more east oakland family has been forced to add their voice to a growing chorus. She never hurt nobody. Nothing like this to happen to her she was a good persons. Reporter investigators tight lipped about their progress but stress this is an active investigation. Oakland police asking that anyone with Information Contact the police department. At police headquarters. Abc 7 news. Mayor he hadley through the through the support behind 2 measures to tighten San Francisco gun law. First piece of legislation would ban certain types of ammunition like hollow point bull threat do a lot of daniel on impact. Second would require stores to report to police any ammunition sale of 500 rounds or more. The mayor says this legislation was not only inspired by the massacre in connecticut but deadly gun veils in San Francisco. Assault weapons and types of things we have seen in the hands of people who are doing evil or can do evil really have no place. In the home or the schools or in our streets. Reporter legislation is expected to be brought before the board of supervisors next month. Well still ahead tonight on 7 news at 9 00. City of oakland has small fortune in over paid parking tickets. How does that happen and will you ever get your money back . Also asteroid that exploded over the sierra foot hills. Tonight nasa where it came from and how fast it fell. New information. News in time for the holiday. Bay area major testing ground for same day deliver richlt you see how that works. And out with the old and giants pitcher tim cuts his hair. You get a look at the hair. You get a look at the new do. Stay with president obama recently said that going after marijuana users would not be a top priority for his administratio administration. But the Justice Department is trying to shut down medical Marijuana Dispensary operating in oakland and san jose. Case heard before federal magistrate today and Carolyn Tyler has the story. Reporter harbor Side Health Center largest medical Marijuana Dispensary in the nation. It has 2 facilities one in san jose and this Main Operation if oakland. Together serving more than 100,000 patients. We are 100 percent client with california law. The city supports us Community Supports us only the federal government who thinks theres something wrong with what we are doing. Reporter federal government is trying to shut down the dispensary by going after harbor side landlord. Threatening to seize their property if they continue to allow marijuana sales. In violation of federal law. In court today the assistant u. S. Attorney said they cancel popcorn there. Sell candy there but can not use the property for any illegal purpose. As a result the landlord are asking the judge to force the dispensary to stop medley. Attorney for the oakland landlord says his client feels she has no choice. Its a serious issue. Its a forfeiture action. She could lose the building. Reporter harbor side rented the Oakland Property for 6 years. City officials feel the federal crack down comes too late in the game. Oakland is taking the unprecedented step of suing saying the feds have promised to leave dispensary alone. If they are obeying state and local laws. What they are trying to do is we are going to suit down dispensary and all you patients too bad. Tough luck. Do you believe this too bad. Its in the right. Just not right. Like taking away walgreens. I compare to it that. Reporter the u. S. Attorney office says because this is pending litigation they have no comment. Theres no time table for the june to rule and the doors to harbor side remain open. In the newsroom, Carolyn Tyler, abc 7 news. If you have a parking ticket in oakland you may have some money coming back to you. Analysis by the oakland city auditor shows that drivers over paid their parking tickets by astounding 3 16,000 dollars. Thats just in one, 12 month period. Drivers either mistakenly paid the wrong fine or somehow paid it twice. City should have refunded that over payment but never did and the auditor calls the whole thing disturbing. We have no evidence that they have proactively refunded citizens prior to this. Whether 50 dollars. Whether 20 dollars. Whether 200 dollars. We need to return that money to our citizens. Reporter its not in place yet but the city has agreed to set up a refund process for the over paid fines as required by state law. The audit also found the city lost out on half Million Dollars because of missed collection targets by parking control attendant. Didnt write enough tickets in other words, Obama Administration today proposed the expansion of 2 Northern California marine sanction wares. Decision permanently bans oil drilling along 50 miles of the calf coast line from Sonoma County to mendocino you see that area on the map. Today announcement marks the largest planned expansion of any National Marine sanctuary in 20 years. Along with ban on oil drilling. Other new rules will go into effect including when cruise ship can rae lease sewage into the ocean. Meteorite ex mroid employeded this spring over El Dorado County was one of the fastest rarest meteorite to ever hit earth thats according to global team of scientist. Including 9 from uc davis here picture of the sutter mill meteorite. It was the rarest type known to hit earth composed of cosmic dust and materials that helped literally form the planet 4 and half billion years ago. 50,000 years ago it broke off and began winding its way from near jupiter passing mercury and venus before heading toert and landing near suit are mill and it dropped 64,000 miles an hou hour. Piece were his found in park, parking lots and drivewa driveways. About 2 pound recovered by scientist and private collectors. So it is a really fascinating and unique find and well give them new insight that the formation of the universe. Experience is off. Sandhya is here. Its not meteorite but rain falling from the sky now. Thats right dan. Its falling in the north bay right now. Get ready for a couple of days of wet weather and wind right now as you can see. From our High Definition east bay hills camera. Its shaking. Winds currently gusting 35 to 40 miles an hour over the hills this one located in the east bay hills. Rain is coming in and it is steady in the north bay as you look at the live doppler 7 hd. Its tracking the storm. Keeping you ahead of it as you will notice here. It is not just keeping you ahead of it but the National Weather service aradar around the monterey bay help to track the moisture here. So as you look here wide spread rain across the north bay from ukiah to petaluma an even other areas right now it is coming down with some light rainfall even moderate at times. Dry creek road healed burg area. Highway 101. We are seeing some yellow showing up. Heading out to glen ellen where rape is falling right now. Boyce hot spring. Lighter rainfall that the hours. Point raze moderate rape at this point. Rain here petaluma a Marshall Road this is where the rain is falling, winds picking up and will continue to remain strong as we head in the night. Temperatures right now mainly in the 50s. But wave few 40s showing up in the inland valley. Not as cold tonight. This morning mid upper 20s. Frosty cold. Tonight we have the cloud cover to insulate us. Right now the wind gust at the lower elevation 28 in half man bay. Gusting 31 miles an hour at sfo. Wet windy morning commute. Winter arrives at 3 12 in the morning. Switch up in the pattern arpd and more rain in store for the upcoming weekend. So if you have plans to still do some last minute Holiday Shopping or traveling watch out that is slow moving front and as you look at the computer animation a moment here you see what im talking about. Waves of rain coming behind this cold storm for the upcoming weekend. 11 00 p. M. We see flight moderate rain in the north bay. Slowly starting to the sag south ward so the morning commute does look messy with the wind come in. Rain falling across the bay area. Likely could see airport delay especially around sfo. Front still well to the north and the rain is falling. You look at 9 00 a. M. The front has barely moved. We have some moderate rain in the santa cruz mountains. As we head into the afternoon this front actually stalls out. It becomes what we call stationary and the rain will be pretty wide spread at this point. Behind the front we have another front approaching saturday morning. Could see some thunderstorms. Isolated at best. Often of course scattered showers follow behind the front. Continuing as we head into your sunday more rain coming in. Rainfall total through sunday afternoon. Up to 8 inches in the north bay mountains. Updated to half foot in the santa cruz mountains. 3 to significance inches north bay. 2 to 4 peninsula. East south bay less than. That urban small stream flooding certainly possible and may see the tree and power lines getting knocked down. Wind advisory for the north bay coast and mountains until 4 a. M. Friday. It is running for the San Francisco peninsula and coast until 10 00 a. M. Gust to 50 miles an hour. We do have winter storm warnings covering not just Sierra Nevada but the Northern California mountains. Very low snow levels interstate 5 interstate 80 will lakely be impacted friday 4 a. M. To sunday 10 00 p. M. For the Sierra Nevada. 2 to 5 feet of snow above 4000 feet. We are talking about chain control and travel difficulty. Mild temperature tomorrow low 40s and 50s. Tomorrow afternoon temperatures will be in the mid upper 50s. Accuweather 7 day forecast will keepr with chance of thunder on saturday. More rain for sunday. Christmas eve is dry. Christmas day dry until the late afternoon. Chance of rape in the north bay by then. More wet weather wednesday into thursday. Dan dan santa has no problems on Christmas Eve. Thats important. Experiment in same day delivery. Special feel you are playing santa. Up next. What you can order on line now can be yours that afternoon. Even 5 days before christmas. Well [ laughter ] [ girl ] wow, you guys have it easy. I wish i had uverse when i was your age. In my day, we didnt have these fancy wireless receivers. Blah blah blah. If i had a sleepover, i couldnt just move the tv into the playroom. No. We had to watch movies in the den because thats where the tv outlet was. And if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. Is she for real . Your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver only from at t uverse. Get uverse tv for 29 a month for six months. Rethink possible. Are. Good evening once again. In this age of instant gratification overnight shipping sometimes just isnt fast enough any more is it. Thats why a handful of Company Including the bay area own ebay are getting into the business of same day delivery in big city lake San Francisco. Heres Jonathan Bloom to explain how it works. As he runs into grab something from the best buy store jacob jones almost blends in with all the holiday shoppers. But the difference . This is his job. Jacob is a shopping valet for ebay now. We are cables. Reporter customers summon a valet through a smart p p phonep to pick up stuff from and ahandful of Popular Store and deliver it in about an hour. I have the order waiting if in your lobby. Reporter they are employee of ebay and only deal with one customer at a time. Once they collect the money, that hideous alert sound tells them where the next job is. Never really know where you are going to good. Never know where going to start or end your day. Reporter ebay only in San Francisco and new york right now and already facing competition by same day service from his amazon, the post office and now even walmart. But with christmas approaching, jacob seen no shortage of customers. Im looking for pl glass gift set. Reporter Shopping Experience for jacob is pretty ordinary, theres something a little magical for the customers. Right back to the office. All done with me. Reporter new kind of delivery for brave new busier world. Dont have time necessarily to go shopping on their own so these app and they get some more time in the day to do the things they want. Reporter now this for early christmas present. Delivery 5 dollars ebay makes it 3 for the next few days. Braving the packed parking lot sounds terrible cost you exactly nothing to have someone else do it for you. In San Francisco, Jonathan Bloom abc 7 news. Still to come tonight here at 9 00. Stock holier backlash against sol con valley junt. Did hp really spend 11 billion dollars on a product that didnt exist . Buried alive. Skiers caught in after lavrm. Trick that helped her survive. El does the les mis hit the right special other than the aisle review from don sanchez. Legend of the fit. Did fighting help shape the fighting help shape the evolution of our hand he. Fraud and coverup. Those are allegations hp shareholder level against the palo alto board of directors tonight. David tells us that its a new twist surrounding hp troubled purchase of a British Software company. Amazing story. Reporter hp web site has plenty of details about its 10. New product wasted on technology it acquired from autonomy thats a British Software company hp bought last year for 11. 7 billion dollars. However this shareholder lawsuit claims the board is engageing in fraud because idle 10 doesnt exist. Executives of the Company Including the directors alleged knew that this product didnt exist. Yet on november 29th, 2011, year ago, they told the world they had this new they called it the next generation information platform titles game. It didnt exist. Reporter other tech company turned down offer to buy autonomy as too costly. Hp take an 8 billion dollar write down blaming accounting irregularity at autonomy. If i find it doesnt work you dont tell the public that it works. Thats part of the complaint. Reporter hp board on the hot seat concluding pioneer whitman, lane and mark who created the first widely used web browser. Should they have known better. This is not necessarily a super star evaluation expert or superstar accountant i would say no in this case i dont even think the premise really applies here although autonomy was and didnt have roots here and would have been no ear to the ground inside information that the Silicon Valley giants would have. Reporter lawsuit filed here in san jose. Expected that insider may step forward to help support the claim of frau fraud. In san jose, abc 7 new news. Quick items to rundown for you tonight. Facebook testing a new system that would charge users 1 dollars to send message to people outside the immediate friend group. Company says it will discourage unwanted messages. Brother of imprison financier bernie mad of sentenced to continue years in prison. Peter admitted guilty to falsifying record. Former marine volunteered to guard an Elementary School left early today after questions arose his background. Contrary to what Sergeant Craig said yes, it is the marine corps says he never served over seas and was discharged in 2008 as private after serving less than a year in the service. Now to an incredible survival story. 20yearold woman buried by avalanche while skiing in Washington State but one free hand quick acting rescuers and very talented dog saved her life. Neal has the story. Reporter 20yearold Emily Anderson had just finished what she calls one of the best runs of her life near at Crystal Mountain south of seattle. It was amazing. Reporter when she says she looked down and saw the snow moving strangely beneath her. I saw like a crack. You hear a little pop when it starts to go. I realize it was an avalanche and pushed me in a tree and all of a sudden i was encased i couldnt move. Reporter she was buried. Her first thought above Everything Else how to breathe. Her left hand could move just enough to get the snow away from her mouth. My head was down facing down a little bit and so i like had to kind of scoop the snow away. I breathed in snow a little bit. That was scary. That saved your life. Having that left hand 43 to get a little bit away. Yes. I was likekind of in a sitting position and my right arm was stuck out to my side. Couldnt move it. Reporter then the second wave hit her. Wave of fear. That she might not be found. I felt very alone and i felt like this could be it. Reporter helpless horrifying feeling like when this snowmobileer caused avalanche then was buried alive earlier this year in Washington State. Shovel. Shovel. Shovel. Reporter his friend frantically dug him out. Hell me. Reporter he wasnt injured. Hes all right. Reporter but emily wasnt sure she would make it. She was screaming but buried under the snow no one could hear. Friend saw it happened and called for help. Ski patrol there within minutes and began poking through the snow with long poles trying to find her. Newman a 4yearold avalanche rescue dog was there, too. Avalanche dog are the best way to find somebody like emily this woman is lucky. Statistics say once you are buried without a trace of the surface the chance of surviving that statistically is 1 out of 3. Reporter 15 minutes later she felt the pole poking through. They found her. And dug her out. You are lucky. Very lucky. Everything about it went my way thats for sure. Reporter this morning her neck is a little sore and her ski pole are lost. But shes otherwise just fine. Smiling. Interested in getting a job with the ski patrol. Abc news, enumclaw, washington. Amazing survival story. Study suggest that fighting may have shaped the evolution of the human hand. Scientist at the university of utah looked into the and as you might expect people deliver more force with closed fist and do more efficiently and safely as opposed to open hand. People who could hit with clinched fist could hit harder without injury and more likely to reproduce. Scientist say the role aggression play ins evolution is not adequately appreciated either. All right well coming up. Helping hand. Up next, christmas is looking a whole lot brighter for hundreds of south bay children. Stay with < [ female announcer ] heres to a whole world of happier holidays. Time to enchant, delight and amaze. Safeway will help you gather everyone round. A smoked, shank half ham is only 99 cents a pound. Get breyers ice cream for 2. 88 and dessert will surely shine. Make it a grand finale with starbucks just 6. 99. Turns out this season less is really so much more. So make your holiday merrier than ever before. Safeway. Ingredients for life. Is. Christmas toy give away bring ago lot of joy and heart felt thanks to the south bay tonight. It means that thousands of family will have presents under the tree this year. The story tonight from abc 7 News Reporter corina rus rusk. In this room full of toy wishes come true before the presents even wrapped. Moms like Christine Rachel and teresa can forget the financial troubles for just a moment and relish in the joy of being able to put gifts under the tree. Teresa has 5 children. Very important to see those smiles in the morning and the presents that im not able to provide. Without a joyshtion the sacred heart toy box Program Makes it possible for nearly 5700 children to smile bright they are holiday season. Hundreds of volunteers help parents pick out 2 toys and one book for every child on the shopping list. Santa helpers range from san jose mayor reed to ann clerk a former sacred heart client herself. We would line up an get food put in the back of the car and everyone was nice enough to do it and give back and see everyone face and get emotiona emotional. Reporter added emotion when every Shopping Group takes part in raffle for new bike. 5 39 will be given away over two days. If rachel is a single mom with 3 boys and a lucky raffle wish. Her 16yearold son is getting a big surprise. He did have his bike stolen earlier in the year so its going to be an exciting thing for him. Im excited for him. Reporter there is excitement and appreciation with every selection. But christine was nearly brought to tears at the thought of being able to give her 12yearold daughter jasmine something she has never had. A new bike. For the last 4 or 5 years shes had handmedown. Not that she hasnt been grateful but shell be thrilled. Im really excited for her and really happy this organization is here for us. So thank you. Reporter you can be the reason for that heart felt thank you donations are still needed. Especially for teenagers. Books and gift cards. Very high on the list and we have made it easy for you to help donate. Just go to our web site 7 news. Com and click see it on tv for on line donations. In san jose, corrina abc 7 news. Making a real effort to get gifts for teenagers too often overlooked and. As we talk about the holiday. How does santa prepare for big night on Christmas Eve . How about by going for a swim in San Francisco. Santa put on skoob a gear and jumped into the rink of academy of science. Kid were delighted to see him and they whispered the wish list. Scuba santa doing more dives at the Academy Coral Reef exhibit right through Christmas Eve. Now all we need is rudolph the red nose dolphins. Coming. Some of the most famous lock in baseball are no famous lock in baseball are no more. Nef k for pitcher ti les mis the musical seen by millions around the world for more than 25 years comes to the big screen for christmas as you probably seen. Movie has the biggest advance sales for any christmas film this year. 7 news Arts Entertainment reporter don sanchez has advance review on the aisle. Yes they are really singing. Captured on film. Not prerecorded. So its almost like a live theater experience. This is big. Spectacular. Hugh jackman has to be Award Winning man who served 19 years in prison for stealing a loaf of bread looking for redemption pursued by Russell Crowe and then there is anne hathaway. If she doesnt get the supporting actress award then we can start our own revolutio revolution. Banks who did the show on the london stage and ed the ideal who were in San Francisco. The cost was so extraordinary everyone had been put through that pace in the audition and great level for everyone that we were all doing something new. We were all driven by an ounce of fear. Reporter this is a film on grade scale of musical loved by many. Directed by tom who did the king speech. I do hear the people sing. If you are a fan of the stage musical you will not be disappointed. Performance bold and the look is impressive. Its what a big movie musical shuchbility it is the holiday so i have to give les mis a full bucket. Im don sanchez 7 news and well see you on the aisle. Pretty amazing experience. By the way, that is dons final on the aisle review sorry to tell you. Hes retiring tomorrow after more than 40 years here on abc 7. Special look back at his remarkable career tomorrow night. I hope you will join us as we wish don bonnie invoice acknowledge. One last check of the weather. Lets go back to sandhya. Full bucket. You might not be giving this a full bucket. Wet windy conditions moving in. Live doppler 7 hd tracking the are inin the north bay. It gets moderate. In spots even heavy as you can see here around bodega bay. Out to walker road. As you look at the Santa Rosa Rohnert park area, Petaluma Hill road out to Bennett Valley road to moderate heavy rain as well. If you have travel plans from the Sierra Nevada up towards the Northern California mountains winter storm warnings are up. These are the area you will likely encounter travel delay carry the chains. 39 tahoe. 46 in chico. Southern california looking fine. 61 in san diego and dry. At least for friday. Bay area carry the rain gear upper 40s to the upper 50s. Tomorrow it is going to be wet. And windy. Morning commute looks dicey as you look at the accuweather 7 day forecast. Showers chance of thunder for saturday sunday more rain. I just updated this not happy to tell you this. But the computer models bringing in rain for the entire bay area now on christmas day. At least a chance. Im getting a new skate board. I need it dry. Maybe you can use it a couple weeks late near skate board umbrella maybe. San Francisco Giants pitcher tim sporting new look tonight. The long hair is apparently no more. Look at this. The photo snapped just this week showing tim new do. His hair stylist in his hometown of seattle tweeted news about the trim earlier this week. Might not even recognize him. He looks like hes one of the guys in our it department. Pocket protector snlts the glasses give that you look. And short clean cut. Had he short hair when he first came in. 2007. I dont remember. He grew it out. Hopefully change the luck. Thats true. Counting down to the 49ers and seahawks. Clash with smith go on sunday. To shawn doing counting too. The cash he sends the league after that hi hit. [ female announcer ] heres to a whole world of happier holidays. Time to enchant, delight and amaze. Safeway will help you gather everyone round. A smoked, shank half ham is only 99 cents a pound. Get breyers ice cream for 2. 88 and dessert will surely shine. Make it a grand finale with starbucks just 6. 99. Turns out this season less is really so much more. So make your holiday merrier than ever before. Safeway. Ingredients for life. Coming up tonight at 11 00. Another series of storms moves in. We are live tonight in the north bay. Plus we have the very latest on what you can expect live doppler 7 hd. Then San Francisco Police Officers raise more than 1600 dollars to help give some students a sense of school pride. How it will also keep them safe on the streets. Those stories and more for you coming up on 7 news at 11 00 over on channel 7. Hope you can join us for. That larry is here tonight. Start with a little fortyniner preview. Niner defensive tackle smith is likely going to see his string of 185 consecutive starts come to an end sunday night. 49ers play in seattle. Nfc west show town. He injured his elbow against the patriots out of practice this entire we cannot on the field today so may not be able to go. Today shawn fined 29,000 dollars by the nfl for what they felt was ill legal hit sunday night against the patriots on defenseless severe. Catch it and let him run. If you hit him its a fine. League perceives him as multiple offender. Seahawks niners mirror image of both rugged teams and you have the rival Harbaugh Carroll dont Exchange Holiday gifts. The i dont remember getting any cards from him. If they are a enthusiastic team play with a lot of energy. Well coached team. Well, im looking at this game as championship opportunity lake we always say. It truly will feel like that. On game day at the stadium and all that. It does give us an opportunity to be a champio Championship Team in. College football the rose bowl just a week and a half away. Stanford this is remarkable. They are playing in the Third Straight bcs game. Power. Versus power. 2 of the Better Running back in the nation the wisconsin ball and all time ncaa leader touch downs in 82 meanwhile taylor bail the cardinal all time rushing lead they are season. Ran for 1442 yards on the year with 12 touch downs. Heres taylor on facing the bamers. Competitive nation will come out in all of us. Big game. This is up but dont want to go in there without do stuff you have never done before. Go out and to within. Byu San Diego State playing in it in san diego. Aztec then the defense in the fourth. Kyle recovering the fumble in the arizona. Then the quarterback on the run. Picks off adam. 17 yards for at the time touch down. Byu wins the bowl 236. Jackson said it as broadcaster again last night as coach. Mama said there were going to be days like this warriors lost in sacramento 131127. Notice defense operational in this contest. Kings had 7 players in double figure and strangely though they really dont beat anybody else regularly 2 and o against golden state this year. Warriors after long road trip, tired. Playing back to pwaichblingt we didnt play well. Offensively we put together a rhythm and scored the basketball but we didnt play our brand of basketball. They got it going early and couldnt stop them. We own it weaned look forward to learn from it and try to put together a streak from here. Reporter great game tonigh tonight. Thunder and timberwolves. Hadnt lost since november and force from manipulate society 28 points 11 board. Check this out. The drive. Off the top of the backboard and good. It hit up there twice. 33 for the durrant. Look at jj. From way out. 14 of 18 came in the fourth quarter. Timberwolves and thunder 12 game win streak 9993. Parker one of the Top High School basketball recruit in the country will be attending duke next year. Stanford was in the top 5 but today he announced hes joining the blue devil. Plays for academy in chicago gatorade boy basketball player of the year last season. Finish up with a warrior note. Coach jackson at pier 30 for the San Francisco firefighters annual holiday toy drive this afternoon. Its one of the largest organized toy programs in the nation more than 200,000 toys donated to 40,000 needy kid. This is what its all b. Its about impacting lives and making a difference. Im humble to be part of the process. Give these firefighters a lot of credit for what they have done

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