Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News 900PM On KOFY 20171031 : comp

Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News 900PM On KOFY 20171031

i'm dion lin. >> three former trump campaign associates are under indictment. >> he pleaded guilty to lying to it fbi about his attempts to connect the trump campaign with associates of russian president vladimir putin. >> abc news reporter lana zack is following all the details from the district courthouse in washington. >> reporter: good evening, it was here at this u.s. district courthouse where paul manafort and his long time associate rick gates pled not guilty to charges that included conspiracy against the united states, false statements to investigators as well as many charges of money laundering. paul manafort was once charged with overseeing the trump campaign, but now he's charged with 12 counts following a grand jury indictment. manafort and his former deputy at the trump campaign rick gates are now both under house arrest stemming from charges they worked with ukrainian officials with ties to russia and from from 2006 to 2016 they hid $75 million in offshore bank accounts. both have pled not guilty. >> he was seeking to further democracy and to help the cruyan. >> reporter: but there is another indictment that does discuss the possibility of collusion with russia. george papadopoulos a former campaign advisor to then candidate trump has pled guilty to lying about his interactions with russian agents. according to indictment papaulos told other members of the team he had contacts that could facilitate a meeting between mr. trump and russian president vladimir putin. he told the fbi that on april 26th, they had thousands of e-mails on hillary clinton long before they were made public. and then capped dt trump gave his first foreign policy speech. >> i believe an easing of tensions and improved relations with russia from a position of strength only is possible, absolutely possible. >> reporter: according to the filing papadopoulos reported to four separate senior campaign managers or policy advisers about his russian ties. one told him great job. and a campaign supervisor wrote in an e-mail i would encourage you when papadopoulos discussed facilitating meetings with high level russians. the white house is now trying to separate itself from the three people that were indielted. sarah sanders says papadopoulos was an unpaid campaign volunteer and the president himself tweeted about manafort's indictment saying this was years before he ever joined the trump campaign. reporting from outside the u.s. district court in washington, lana zack, abc news. >> and there was another development. tony podesty, a major democratic donor and brother of hillary clinton's campaign manager stepped down from his firm as he came under scrutiny for his past work with manafort. >> tomorrow facebook plans to tell congress that 126 million users might have seen ads from russian operatives. you're look at some of the ads paid for by russian trolls. and also google expected to announce for the first time its platform was compromised. the disclosures were contained in a draft obtained by "the washington post." sideshows and street racing are becoming more frequent in the south bay. just last night police made arrests at one of the shows where one of their own officers was injured. abc news reporter spoke to police and the community of the sideshows. >> reporter: it's a car community that gets a high by watching this. >> you're right by the cars and they're just like swinging them right in front of you. i mean it's just the adrenaline rush of being right there and the action. >> reporter: sideshows are becoming such an increasing problem for authorities that san jose police, the chp and santa clara sheriffs deputies are conducting operations targeting street racers and sideshow operators. an officer was hit and suffered minor injuries. >> if this person is willing to do this at one of our officers, what are they willing to do to someone else? so we need to send a message this activity is illegal, someone is going to get seriously injured if not killed. >> reporter: police are looking for the driver described as being a latino or filipino male in his early 20s and clean shaven. last weekend on highway 78 in skypert port, there was another sideshow. over the last few weekends police have arrested four people for reckless driving and out standing warts warrants and impounding numerous car. >> people are excited about it. and i think it's going to keep growing. i don't think the cops are going to deter anybody. >> reporter: police say their team will continue conducting operations. they're not revealing where and when in hopes the element of surprise will pay off. >> new at 9:00, the alameda shafrz office says a 33-year-old inmate was found dead in a jail cell. so far the investigation shows there was no signs of foul play or obvious signs of trauma. they're not releasing the name of the inmate. san jose police say a suspect in custody for a string of armed robberies targeting asians and -- investigators released this video today of a robber caught in the act. that's 20-year-old laurence carter yanking a necklace from a victim's neck. he faces numerous accounts. detectives do believe carter may be responsible for additional robberies, and they are urging other possible victim to come forward. well, it was a lot wind yr and cooler in the east bay area. >> yeah, meteorologist drew tuma joining us now with a halloween preview and maybe some rain this week? >> craw, nothing ruins a costume more than having to hold an umbrella up. planner showing you dry skies. likely dark at 6:45, and then on out it's cool with a light breeze and temperatures in the 50s as we head towards 9:00 tomorrow night. dry skies, a little bit of coastal fog spilling into the bay at this hour. we are attracting not one but several days of rain ahead on the seven day forecast. we're dry through thursday, those chances of rain really ramp up starting friday and lasting through the weekend. the storm impact scale, the rain will add up to about a half an inch, close to an inch in our hills. it will be breezy at times. we'll take a look at the future weather in a few minutes, guys. three weeks ago fires were ralking through the north bay on their way to destroying thousands of homes and dozens of lives. red wood fire has been fully contained thursday. the atlas fire is fully contained. in napa and sonoma counties the last update showed full containment is expected tomorrow on the none, tubbs and pocket fires. now the focus is on the new normal. >> reporter: a respirator mask dangles from what's left of a burned down-home in santa rosa. with most roadblocks lifted and mandatory evacuation zones cleared, senoma counter sheriff says three weeks after the fire deputies have transitioned to the new normal. >> wave released the national guard troops that were here to help us, and we've gone back to normal staffing. >> reporter: those agencies will now be able to reapply for reimbursements through state and federal funding. in the county anyone's whose house burned down is now able to get back to their lot and sift through debris. we saw one taking notes on any streetlights damaged that will have to be replaced. anyone impacted by the fires can find information and services at the local assistance center on mendocino avenue. >> all these things normally you'd have to drive through town for, they're right here. >> reporter: richard park came for a loan so he can rebuild for his tenants. >> they're like family. >> reporter: meantime the county is down to no missing people. a spokesman says officers are still looking for 14 reported missing people in the cities jurisdiction who were identified as having been homeless prior to the fires. abc 7 news. >> the death toll from the fires rose to 43 today after news a teenager has passed away from injuries suffered from the red wood fire in mend soono. doctors say a ct scan showed she was brain dead. she suffered severe burns while trying to escape the fire. her 14-year-old brother also died from the fire. one boutique is using it to help fire victims feel beautiful. >> reporter: in healdsburg you might call this an action that threatens to overwhelm a storefront. >> it makes you feel good you live in a community that cares that much. >> reporter: a boutique filled with women scouring the racks for beautiful clothes. now the twist, every item in here is donated and free for fire victims. how much stuff have you been been giving away? >> hundreds of items. hundreds. >> reporter: they began this project as what they called a pop up shop to donate a few items to fire victims, women who lost everything. >> everything down to our shoes. >> reporter: now it has gained momentum. this all that remains of her home. tonight she feels whole again wearing slightly used donated clothing from gena's friends whereby customers, supplies around the country. >> these are amazing clothes, and these are clothes any woman would feel blessed to wear, and i feel blessed to wear them. >> it's really not about the clothes anymore and helping them put their lives back together. >> i love that color on jow. >> reporter: it begins with the most important step, looking in a mirror, likic what they see, and knowing they're not alone. >> and they all look beautiful. the remaining fire evacuated animals at its facility can stay indefinitely. they took in more than 140 animals and needed a temporary place for them to live. it's not just cats and dogs, though, but tortoisess, rabbits, turkeys and all kinds of birds. most evacuees have picked up their animals, and there are just about 30 left. and they're welcome to remain until their owners are able to take them. >> we have rooms filled with one family who lost all of their house. but they come almost every day just to sit with their cats. and that's an houner for us and a privilege we can do that. >> they started offering adoptions again last tuesday. up next san francisco could pay you for parking. we'll explain how your name could end up on one very lucky list. also california's new gas tax takes place on wednesday. and it's not drivers meant to be thousands of people who have overpaid or even double paid for parking tickets in san francisco will see a refund. abc 7 news reporter jonathan bloom shows you how to find out if you have cash coming. >> reporter: to many the simple sound of a street sweeper causes panic. >> i would have moved that car 5:55 but i just missed it. >> reporter: now he stopped paying this $73 ticket. patric maguire learned that whennee first moved to town with his pick up truck. >> i got hit with $2,000 worth of parking tickets. >> reporter: it turns out a fortunate few are actually due to get money back from the city, if only the city could find them. >> they have a refund that's due to them, and we want to do everything we can to get it back to them. >> reporter: in all the city is holding $500,000 in tickets people accidently paid for twice or paid by mail. several hundred thousand drivers each with tens or hundreds -- >> these people collect about 50, $60 million of parking tickets a year. >> reporter: still, the city will take that money if nobody claims it. >> if we don't get ahold of them, that money will go into the general fund. >> how about just not charging so much in the first place? >> reporter: city officials point out they could be going right back into streets and buses, but they could be going right back into your pockets, you know, to pay for more parking. >> i got to get back to my parking meter. >> reporter: abc 7 news. >> to see if there's a check with your name on it, just look for the story on our website, starting wednesday it'll cost more to fill up your tank. diesel fuel buyers will pay 20 cents more per gallon. backers say it will generate $52 million over the next decade to improve public transit and roads. oakland drivers pay $3.07. in san jose it is about $30.01 per gallon. >> all eyes on the halloween forecast. >> drew tuma is here with that forecast. >> the good news it will be dry the next 24 hours. tonight it is dry. we do have some partly cloudy skies out there. pier 15 over the city of san francisco, almost overcast skies. still got some holes in those clouds. but tonight those holes will fill in. the clouds will become overcast over much of the region. but today certainly looked like fall in petaluma, this picture coming en. you start it to see the yellows, oranges and reds break through. and tomorrow another seasonably cool down. theue weather highlights will show you spotty drizzle over the next few hours. no tricks, just treats tomorrow. by the evening we're dry. however, a wet pattern develops late in the week and likely lasting into much of the weekend. winds a big change from what they were earlier today. they were gusting over 30 miles an hour at times, now in most spots winds have backed off to less than 10 miles an hour and they will weaken later tonight. we're holding in the 50s from the coast to the bay to inland, and those numbers will be slow to fall in the next couple of hours. patchy fog in an around the bay. 48 in palo alto, 48 that overnight low in napa. by 2:00 in the afternoon, a lot of sunshine away from the coast. once again spots having a tough time getting out of the 60s inland. as that sun goes down and tricker treaters go out to collect some candy, still fog on the coast. but that fog will continue to make its traditional trek inland. a good-looking day. a lot of sunshine. 62 in san francisco, 65 in oakland, 68 in san jose and about 71 the high in santa rosa. the storm impact scale, bring it back. it's a 1. it's a late series of storms, rain, isolated down frimt. i think an isolated half an inch is a good estimate right now. it will be breezy at times. future weather, let's depot hour by hour. friday morning, likely the rain starting first in the north bay and along the coast. as we go throughout the day the rain becoming more widespread and coverage. and not going to be a wash outright now. as we go towards sunday evening it's likely dry. and then another round of rain looks to move in sunday evening. the accuweather forecast it's a hul wean treat for you tuesday, bright and sunny wednesday. clouds increasing on thursday. and that rain arrives on friday on and off through the weekend and even lingering on monday. daylights savings time. >> boy, i hate that extra hour. >> i love this time of year. >> we could go for two hours. >> the boss wouldn't like it. i know. well, just ahead it is official, the bay area is the culinary capital of the country, at least by one measure. space exlaunched a rocket into space today and then safely landed it on earth a few minutes later. the falcon 9 carried the satellite for a south korean based company. space ex's rocket then reentered earth's atmosphere, and then landed atop a drone ship sailing the atlantic ocean so space ex can use it again. the bay area is now the fine dining capital of the united states after michelin announced -- today they lowered the rating for new york's john jure's to two stars. since 2011 san francisco has added three three-star restaurants to the list. new york added none. so there. >> love that part. >> so excited. up next, the path of a bullet. >> when i see the photographs posted they seem very far away. >> a point of impact opa san francisco pier could affect the murder trial. plus students feel the heat. advocates say islam phobia is on the rise and that there is one big reason why. are you a white knuckle flier? well, a pilot tries to land today marks day five of the kate steinly murder trial. >> two years ago the 32-year-old was working along san francisco's waterfront when she was shot by an undocumented immigrant with a stolen gun. today's testimony focused on the path that fateful bullet took. >> here's abc reporter lyanne mulens du. >> reporter: john adams testified the defendant pointed the gun in the direction of kate steinly as he proceeded and pulled the trigger. but both the prosecutor and defense concluded the bullet ricochetted off the pavement. they argued it happens to inkpeeri inkpeeri inexpeeranced shooters. evans insisted he was iing to shoot in a straight line, that's when the defense argued it must have changed the line of it bullet as he tried to debunk the straight line theory. >> i think when you hear from our experts, they're going to tell you that bullet hit the concrete and it's not traveling straight anymore. >> reporter: steinly was 78 feet away from where the bullet ricochetted. avenuens argued he didn't know with exact precision where on the pier steinly was truck by the bullet. all calculations based on where her blood and bloody clothes were found using vector analysis. >> he's he's asking you to buy into vector analysis without am emeasurements to scale. he's using a diagram where all the points of interest are kind of clustered together. >> reporter: earlier one testified he transported the gun taken from the bay to the crime lab. it was taken from a special case with bay water inside it. this was done to keep it from being exposed and therefore rusting. lyanne melendez, abc 7 news. >> the installation of new security cameras is now going up now. it's part of an effort by the police to reduce crime there following a shooting in august that injured three people. officials also help the cameras will help reduce graffiti. ironically one of the poles with a camera mounted on it had been tagged recently. just over half of muslim students surveyed in california say they are being bullied because of their religion. as a result they're feeling less welcome and less respected. abc 7 reporter david louie has the numbers. >> it may be trickling down to students. a new study of more than 1,000 muslim students in california indicates they are facing discrimination and bullying. it indicates more than half, 53% said they had been made fun of, verbally insulted or abused. 1 in 4 said they had been cyber bullied. and 58% said they had seen comments online. >> we hear they're being called isis, terrorist or other names at school. however, we work to resolve these issues. >> reporter: a parent of a 15-year-old daughter said she challenged the teacher for using materials in class that she considered offensive. >> the fact these islam phobic materials had been used by an entire english department for four years and nobody found that pragmatic is very pragmatic in itself. so review of policies to make sure that educational codes for increased learning environment are there. >> reporter: the survey is just that, a sampling of what some muslim students say they're experiencing. many others may be deciding to stay silent, reluctant to speak out. in san jose david louie, abc 7 news. president trump is expected to announce his choice for the next chair of the federal reserve on thursday. multiple reports say mr. trump is likely to pick federal reserve governor jerome powell. analysts say the president would get a combination of new leadership with continuity offer bide a member of the yellin team, which has kept economy and markets steady in recent years. his response has ignited a new fire storm on several fronts. here's abc 7 reporter linda davis. >> reporter: tonight netflix and house of cards say they are deeply troubled by actor kevin spacey allegations. anthony told buzzfeed the actor made a sexual advance toward him when he was just 14. rap said spacey then just 26 invited him to a party one night. when everyone left rap said spacey put him on a bed and lays down on top of me, pressing into me. spacey posted a statement on twitter saying he was horrified. saying i owed him the sinceriest apology for what would have been inappropriate drunken behavior. he then turned to the subject of his sexuality. the house of cards star is now under fire, critics say he was trying to shift the focus from the alleged abuse of a child. actor zachary quinto called it a calculated manipulation to deflect attention from the very serious accusation that he attempted to molest. and comedian wanda sykes tweeted, no, wroe, no, you do not get to choose to hide under the rainbow. spacey is not on set now. studio executives say hay plan to meet with the rest of the casting crew to make sure they feel safe and supported. >> okay, people have tried to stall the aging process for centuries. but now the university of arizona says alas it is all-for-naught. researchers say it is mathematically impossible to stop aging in multiceller organisms. while somef our cells do slow down, others grow like crazy. so if you get rid of those sluggish cells, the cancer cells proliferate. if you get rid of the cancer cells, the sluggish cells grow. in the end things break up over time, and according to the math trying to fix them can make things worse. ouch. you're about to see what happens when the winds are just too strong to land an airplane. a flight from frankfurt germany was trying to land. it was caught in a strong cross wind on approach causing it to drop. this time, though, it was forced to return to frankfurt. several states declared a state of emergency because of the weekend storm. >> that looks like a little toy plane just bouncing. >> considering it weighs thousands of pounds. just this is the new comfort food. grown right here in california, with absolutely no antibiotics ever. a better way to grow, a better way to eat. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. take a good look at what richmond's hilltop mall looks like now because plans are in the works for major changes. the new owners say over the next 18 months the shopper center could have a whole new look. they've already given a new name, the shops at hilltop. here's abc reporter laura anthony. >> reporter: much like the old-fashioned kaur sill in its center court the richmond shopping mall has been spinning it seems into obscurity. >> it's depressing because this is where i come all the time. >> reporter: it's been hard to watch her favorite mall seemingly di seemingly dying in recent years, one vacant store front after another. but now richmond's mall is about to get new life. >> we actually have a suggestion box at the property, and it's full every week of suggestions of what people want. they want a skating rink. they want theater, they want great restaurants. they want forever 21. they want h&m. >> the first step will be the renovate the mall itself now called the shops at hilltop and then onto a larger plan that could include up to 10,000 new housing units. david handles one of the national chain stores still here given the recent departure of jc penny. >> i think the biggest think is they're caring about this mall. most people would knock this mall down. >> i just want to see it grow back. >> reporter: they're hoping to begin initial renovations of the mall itself by early next year. all right, getting to the weather, it is finally feeling like fall. >> drew tuma is next with our forecast. plus. >> come over here. >> that man dressed up for halloween as tom one last check of our cooler prehalloween weather. >> indeed meteorologist drew tuma standing by. >> and we're tracking a little bit of coastal drizzle and clouds that will break for sunshine. tonight we'll drop to about 49 that number in conquered, 44 in santa rosa. your highs on your tuesday, a nice looking day. a little bit cooler than normal for this time of year. 68 for san francisco. dry by 8:00 falling to the 50s. so enjoy. the accuweather forecast shows you we have a treat on the way tomorrow. wednesday bright and sunny with increasing clouds thursday. and then we're tracking rain arriving with on and off showers through the weekend. it's light rain, but still nonetheless the it's moving in for the seven days on the seven day forecast. >> it's all worth it for that extra hour of sleep, th. >> anything is for that. well, many people know the night before halloween as mischief night, but in one california city the mischief has already begun with a popular movie character being spotted on the streets. >> news reporter rob hayes. >> reporter: with halloween closing in seeing people in costumes isn't that odd, but streets have been buzzing for more than a week now people on the look out for. >> run, forest, run. >> reporter: america's fearless bearded runner. the fictional character played by tom hanks in the oscar winning movie in 19943467 it seems like this mystery man has been popping up in the area, jogging and posing. >> there's so much going on right now that something like this, it's a nice change. i really like it. >> it's like an easter egg hunt when you see this guy walking around. >> reporter: nick snapped this photo of his son over the weekend. >> he's like who's this guy with the beard. i had to show him a clip of the movie so he'd know who he actually is. >> reporter: the police department also running to jogging gump. ground troops hamming it up with fake forest. >> he's out there jogging just like forest gump did in the movie. >> reporter: but during this interview a break in this mystery. our camera catches the not so forest gump. who are you? >> i'm forest, forest gump. >> reporter: real name still a mystery, but the reason for all this pretty obvious. >> it doesn't matter who i am, it's something that took off and made the community happy, made people smile. there's a lot of bad things going on in the world today, and it's nites ce to take a little k for it. >> reporter: this sequel set to end after halloween.een. rob hayes, abc 7 news. >> and we want to see wt your halloween looks like. add the #abc7now to our pictures. >> we are all news anchors today. >> well, some of us are pretending to be. >> okay, all right, guys. 49ers decided not to wait on their franchise quarterback in this year's draft. getting their back up quarterback jimmy garapolo all right, breaking news for the 49ers espn is reporting that the patriots have agreed with the niners to trade their backup quarterback jimmy kwu rop low to san francisco and releasing quarterback brian hoyer. he's in his fourth season. he's been on everybody's radar the past four years, but patriot's coach bill belechick refused to let him go. if they were ilwithing to move him, it had to be during the season. not really a proven commodity. the timing makes no sense from the patriots point of view. tom brady's 40 years old, and they have no back up on the roster apart from garapolo but brian hoyer could end up there. look for c.j. bether to start at least this week against the cardinals. when the comes to the niners and raiders, both had a rainy sunday. both teams trailed 20-7 and then 27-7. and then meanwhile turn of play games happened within one minute of each other. kind of ghoulish. picked off by jalen mills. pick six and a 17-0 halftime lead. and hit fumble, matt maloneo picks it out of the air. the hair-raising sunday leaves both coaches looking for answers. >> we're not playing like that, what my vision is. we're not plying like that right now. >> we need to be play makers, aggressively going for the ball, competing. that's what i'm looking for. >> it is tough. if you sit there and you think about those words and the record, too much and yeah it'll affect you big time. >> halloween eve and kc, alex smith made sure it'll be an up hill climb. it was this one to travis kelce putting the chiefs up on denver halfway through the first quarter. and the chiefs dance their way to a 29-19 victory. the warriors cost up 26 turn overs in their lost to theist pens. hoping to cut down their average tonight against the clippers. early season frustration for steve kerr. better play tonight. kevin durant, drops foul. then patrick mccall swats it away. jordan bell, and he knows how to finish. just before the half steph curry open, misses, goes right to dray minute, goes back to curry. steph led all-stars with 16 there. lost it to mcgee for the throw down. warriors go onto win big. 141-113 that final. well, for 20 years patchtri marlow called the shark tank home. >> thank you for 20 years. >> marlow was worried he was going to cry. looks like he was able to hold back the tears. austin matthews gives toronto the 1-0 lead. marlow pick approved. in the second joe tips home the shot for the tying goal 1-0 after 2 the sharks are up 2-1. we'll have those complete highlights coming up at 11:00. as i mentioned earlier, it's tough to come in as a quarterback and pick up offense for the rest of the season. >> do you see the new guy look at his wrists for those plays. well, coming up tonight at abc news at 11:00, targeted robberies. we're learning new details about this terrifying incident and police say the suspect made one mistake. >> and how communities in the north bay are helping children smile this halloween in the midst of rebuilding. join us over on channel 7. president trump celebrated his first halloween at the white house today. >> featuring the faces of previous presidents were scattered across the lawn. president trump appeared as himself along with the first lady. little ghost busters action there. they headed out mr. and mrs. home baked cookie -- that's what that's supposed to say m & m's. >> the president's favorite may have been a skeleton wearing a make america great again hat. >> at 11:00, i will have that perfected. >> that was my bad. on that note i'm dion lim. >> and i'm eric thomas. enjoy your sugarcoated chocolate candies at home, and we'll see you again at 11:00. (dramatic music) - [man] today, the stories of two murder cases. one, in the bluegrass state of kentucky, the other in brisbane, australia. in our first case, a newlywed wife parties like there's no tomorrow. - she was pretty much up for anything, even threesomes.

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