Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News 900PM On KOFY 20160713 : comp

Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News 900PM On KOFY 20160713

into the suspect car during a gun fight at one point resident were told to shelter in place. one suspect taken away from the location on a stretcher. it's unclear what injuries he has. his alleged accomplice got away which led to the man hunt and late this evening as i said he was arrested. >> we have actually located and detained a male subject fit the description of ourñuu6x suspecd few minutes ago theit officer thatq thek÷ i.d. of#q second suspect gentlemen thatce ran from us a047 and took a shot at loomis armed car guard three times. the guard at santa rosa memorial hospital. his condition is not availableñ÷ top of the story. a powerful words fromv the president pushing for unity across the country in the aftermath ofn recent tragedy. today he met up with president bush in texas to honor the police officers killed in that ambush attack there. . >>reporter: roughly 2500 people in attendance at this service and after days of ange anger, anguish and tears.ñ the mood somber but up lifting. >> president obama joining a host of dignitary and law enforcement at inte:xppráh service to honor the 5 fallen officers gunned down in dallas. and to commend the city and47 police foryi effort to 81 tie te community. >> murder rate here has fallen. complaints of excessive force have been cut by 64 percent. dallas police department has been doing it the right way. >>reporter: the president along with vice president biden former bush and their wives paying respects. >> today the nation grieves but those3 of us who love dallas and call it home have had 5 deaths in the family. >>reporter: the city of dallas rocked to the core following the assassination of police officers working to protect and serve during peaceful black lives matter protestvç. we learn the gunman mike johnson used this high powered rifle in a one man mission to u$e president cat"uory iingz crime. violence but racialój hatredz1 t an. det0lives pouring over hours tzj0authorities believe2? johnsd eteran legallyxy puv the three weapons het[ had. >> i'll be loving until the ocean covers ery mountain high. >>reporter: the president set to meet with law enforcement leaders and community officials at the white house to discuss solution to ending the violence. in dallas, abc news. >> this thursday we will hold historic town hall with the president. the president and the people will be national conversation about race, policingzx and how e pwrinld8÷ the%n divide. david willó moderatero as the questionos are taken from all= over the country. 8:00 p.m.@e thursday over on> channel 7 it begins.ñó certainly hope you can tune' in to see that three more suspects iáhe kidnapping for ransomvc case %kápr in fairfield courtroom. kidnapping victim lv balboa seen here still not found. today her family and friends spoker[ about the woman that thy are hoping will come home safely. here's leslie. >> you can hear me. i want to you fight and be strong. we are going to find you soon. >> lv babb son got the chill text message on june 30 sent from the mom phone ordering had time pay 60,000 dollars in ransom and threatening to kill her. >> i thought it was a joke. >>reporter: he went to her apartment and found her dog dead inside. he talked about calling the police the next day he did. babb worked at a company in napa and well liked. >> she's such a sweet, kind loving person. none of us understand anything about why this happened to her. >>reporter: babb son says his mom was bankrupt. after the police press conference close friend shared the cell phone photo and told abc 7 news that one of the suspects espinoza arraigned yesterday actually lived in goy@ her daughter. police would not elaborate. three more suspects+t were arraigned in solana county court this afternoon on kidnapping for ransom charges]á lovely, young and brown who told the judge he was an them bail was set at 1 million dollars. >> always felt somebody would do the right thing and that we qu could be more arrest in the race against time to save babb. >> tonight authorities are looking for information about the death of a woman whose body was found at east bay park. family head out to fish discover the body of 2 27-year-old toon of rodeo on july 2nd. they foundrf her body on the beach at lone tree point. investigators say she may have been hanging out at homeless camp near the area. vallejo firefighters battle big blaze on brook wood avenue tonight. they tweeted thpc picture showing smoke obscuring the house that they are trying to save. the fire started in the garage burned cars parked in the driveway. flames also spread to the home at he can. homeowner tried to use a garden those fight the flames as best as possible. is under investigation. u$ lawsuitj filed by ap -hpffrre truck three years ckr. here'st vic leenq. >>reporter: supervisor approve proposed lawsuit settlement the city would pay almost 5 million dollars to the accident victim jack frazier. supervisor avila says frazier deserves restitution. >> i am totally ashamed of what happened three years ago. hopefully things are systems in place where we don't have that kind of deliberate mishandling. >>reporter: this video shows what happenedtouu13 at fifth andoo howard. then firefightersy] michael quinn#ú s rushing ÷g fire with lights and& siren on.r+ 50-year-oldpz jack frazier on te motorcycle at thes top of the screen. the fire truckblew through red lighttm[ hitting frazier propellingci him andp) motorcyce across howaruy into a fire8 hydranti0. frazier s=(tq" massive injury makingq his recovery longqs and difficult.!% in the chaotic moments after the accidentd=ur'n reportedly!n÷ entered the pub.ns security cañq)a captured himv2"t to bring downs( the alcohol lel which was+y later tested at levels above the legal driving limit. levels above the legal driving limit. >>a when it was revealed improperly calibrated. but the da is still pursuing dui charges. in the aftermath 4 members of the fire department were disciplined reportedly for improper conduct associated with the case. >> we are hopeful that we could put this behind us. >> city attorney spokesmanét t matt. >> we think this is fair resolution that avoid the cost g-d further litigation. >>reporter: supervisor will refer the proposed settlement to committee to make the recommends to the full board. vic lee,áabc 7 news. >> one of the fbi most famous cold cases remain unsolved5x after 45 years. today the fbi announced it's closin8÷ the books on the hunt for sky jacker db cooper. suspected of hijack ago plane back in 1971. he vanished out of the back of the plane wearing a business suit, parachute and 200,000 dollars cash he received as ransom. it happened near the washington orego.pv border. bundleçz of the mone#t was found back in 1980 along the columbia river. serial number matched. it was the cash. but his whereabouts have never been confirmed. amazing'; mystery. stay a mystery. much more ahead on this tuesday night coming up. future of the oakland a's is settled. at least for the time being. i have the story and lisa is here with the weather. >>reporter: hi dan. check it out. gorgeous shot from the sutro camera. and you can see the marine layer ncaa and temperatures just in the low 50's at the coast but warming trend on the way inland. i have the details coming up. >> thanks very much. from alcatrazui to the goldn gate and beyond. new park promises stunning view of the bay area and the bay itself. 7 news i don't want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatment. it transformed treatment as the first cure that's... pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. harvoni is a simple treatment regimen that's been prescribed to more than a quarter of a million patients. tell your doctor if you've had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. los angeles times reports the university is investigating cal chancellor dirk for alleged misuse of public funds for travel and for the personal use of a campus athletic trainer. whistle blower complaint states dirk got personal training at the campus gym for free. the travel complaint involves a trip to independent why taken by the personal trainer and dirk's wife who is a history professor. chancellor dirk spokesperson told the l.a. times dirk will not comment during the investigation. the trainer has been placed on leave pending the out come of this probe. future of the a's in oakland is a hot topic once again during the all star brea break. commissioner rob man fred said today the league is still firmly behind the a's staying where they are in oakland. he claims the league wouldn't expand until the a's solved the ballpark plans. he's you remembering team owners to move ahead and not wait for the raiders to solve their stadium issues. livermore police hope to solve two mystery tonight. one who owns an injured cat and two who shot it with an arrow. this is the cat recovering at pet hospital right now. detective say somebody found him injured on honey suck el road near the park last thursday. theeñ cat has black fur and he's medium sized. person who shot the cat likely face animal cruelty charges. activist group filed petition today to recall oakland mayor shaft. group calls itself the anti-police terror project. county election officials are still verifying sichlingts group said the mayor should be recalled because of the troubled oakland police department. displacement of long time residents and the shootings of residents. spokesman for the mayor says shaft is proud to live in a criticize and call their elected officials into questiol! question. no plans to step down the and doesn't anticipate being recalled presumably. oldest national park ranger in the country went back to work today t.three weeks after she herny prized positive test includingeí a coin that sheaá received+from president obama. but as amy explains, she's happy to get >> it's good to see all of you. >> sheiy may sound fragile but the spirit is strong. to7w work tg[s morning her colleague said they were relieved to see that she is afterp7 taking a few week offv o recover from the brutal beating she suffered during home invasion robbery in june. >> the experience took something away from me and i'm still trying to measure that. i don't know what that is. examine ep that something is missing now and something row placed by getting back to into my routine. >>reporter: still sleeps with the lights on and didn't leave her richmond home for 8 days. because she didn't want any one to see her with two black eye. >> i was almost obsessive about not wanting to look like a victim. because i didn't feel lucky a victim. >>reporter: she still has being back here at the visitor center will be a key partñq to her heaijt. >> comingb back. to the peoplegh that i love mp)ly. my familyf>. . co-workers. the that those two would disappear eventually. >> she says she really missed this placehv h.a hard time markingur the pass annual oä tie she'sro worked here for 10 years and says she's back in the saddle again. 4g planning%x under way to transform a former reservoir into one of san francisco most beautiful park. this is the site of the old reservoir. beautiful piece of property. right now over grown with weed and secs blocked off but boy it has great potential. area has spectacular view of the by and golden gate bridge. for years residents held fund raiser to transform the space into a park and now that is close to reality. plans for the 4 and a half acre site include sloping lawns, and a playground. shame it's not open today because the weather is beautiful although a little warm. full forecast now and lisa is here with the latest. >>reporter: hi dan. absolutely right. on shore flow at bit strong today. backing off that will allow for inland community to really warm-up right through friday. here's live doppler 7hd and go closer you can see the low cloud fog half moon bay san francisco down through west wind up to 23 miles an hour at sfo. so could be brisk out there on the coast. out and about you can see it's beautiful shot with the low cloud and fog that could ramp up to over 1500 feet overnight. 63 in oakland. 64 mountain view. 65 in san jose. feels pretty good but look at morgan hill. 708 degrees half moon bay. 5 mile visibility and 55 degre degrees from roof cam are 68 santa rosa napa 65 novalú0u)s& in the mid 60's with low 70's for new fairfield. concord 73 and livermore5sdrñ a6 degreesu so we look at sfo?j right now÷. ou can see beginnxmg to build here. sparwu the air alertt/ tomorrow. so it8+ is going to be quite wm inland.nv temperatures 8 to continueq degrees warmer inlaér than te we were today. warmuñ tomy alert thursday. est day live look outside and we look forth air quality certainly decrease always the temperatures go up and inland east bay so good idea to try to use public transit and car pool. air quality should be getting bet. quickly as cooling trend for ffml+ñ-&i3s half machine bay. with sunshine upper 60's downtown should be nice day at bit above average but further we go away from the bay really gets warm. nice day in oakland 76. walnut creek 94. getting toasty and out by the delta antioch pretty hot at 98 degrees. so patchy low clouds fog tonight forming along the shoreline. by 5:00 o'clock really confined by 5:00 tz coast and weconfined look at full sunshine throughoutke÷ day tomorrow and lookors like the fogácoming?up(@ ñthe cool numbersbremain at thep% coast. 52ej half moon bay overnightfm. 55 inv fremont. and warmer.; inl inland east b. mid 80's just about average in milpitas. numbers in the low to mid 80's from redwood city palo alto about 85. mid 80's for mountain view as well. 65 in the sun set. patch of fog early on daly cit city. getting warm-up in the north bay. 90 santa rosa. 82 at vallejo. mid 70's oakland san leandro. go out over the hills east of the tunnel and we have mid 90's even upper 90's for brentwood. so the accu-weather 7 day forecast we are warming you up tomorrow significantly by 10 degrees inland then triple digit heat for heat alert on thursday. then we begin to get a little bit of a relief inland on friday. cooling begins by the weekend inland and notice comfortable temperatures with mid 80's inland still low cloud fog and 60's at the coast. right on through the week.$ó >> very good thanks. >> still to come on 7 news at 9:00. san mateo bridge alert like cal-trans closing down lanes san mateo bridge alert like cal-trans closing down lanes tonight and it ♪ ♪ you live life your way. we can help you retire your way, too. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. financial guidance while you're mastering life. cal-trans close one westbound lane of the san mateo brimgv+u5d= and close the secone in 35 minutes. here's a liveóh picture of)u the bridge+6. the carsc# on the right heading westbound. crew÷ repair a hole opened up on the deck just east of the expected to increase by at leastce 6 percenti/. high tech firms@0"so plan to=u boost automation9< and machine learningx3 in several key function..g the survey was#ú conducted by?wk p.m. g technology. >> stay here with me. coming up next. police chief makes a call for change. >> every police officer ends shift and gets home safely to their family. >> what seems like simple goal takes on new meaning of course after the killings in dallas. >> then the sanders sides with hillary clinton how they plan to take on the g.o.p. challenger. >> secret of slimming down might be as close as a faucet. >> secret of slimming down might be as close as a faucet. another half hour ♪twilight last gleaming ♪. >> interface memorial service held to honor the 5 dallas police officers shot and killed during a protest last thursday when they were ambushed. former president bush and president obama both spoke during the service. as people gathered in k#&las community leaders in san jose came together to call for unity and healing at an event also attended by the city police chief t.chris winn has the story. >> in san jose anger over the recent officer involved shooting nationwide yet sadness over the men in blue who died serving others in dallas beings texas. >> we are not anti-police we are anti-injustice we want something to happen. we want people people to be held accountable. >>reporter: inside the service agency this afternoon san jose resident lopez brook voiced her frustration. >> we need to do something about it. we get it done this time. >>reporter: worried about the country her young son is growing up in. >>cn i am scared for my life and i'm scared for my family t.if they are going to one day theyh& don't come home.c >>reporter: that fear alongh with the desire to discuss solution is what brought these community leaders together. san jose police chief garcia was there. >> it's important for us to have difficult conversations and community meetings and talk to the combu+hp!out what the fears are but equally important is for them to understand what our fears are. >> since the star of the year police handled 2067 where weapons were involved. >> we bring in procedural justice to the department we bring in the policing to the department. >> community forum planned for thursday evening at the mexican heritage center in allen rock. >> not enough to have a community forum and people cry and be upset and scream at the police about the problems. it's about what can we do to come together to address the issues. >> with the hope that san jose best days are yet to come. abc 7 news. >> now if you would like to help familiarityly of the fallen officers in dallas you can drop-off check at the santa clara police department on el camino real. there's a donation box in the lobby. all of the money donated with ill go directly to the officers family. if you would like more information on how to help head to our web page listed here. move you now to the race for president and hillary clinton long awaited endorsement from bernie sander sanders. two former rival took the stage in new hampshire where sanders insisted that clinton must be & >> her mike was openeñand she campaign.# as clearik astd possible as to y >> ringing endorsement even a hug her thank you picked up by the microphone-9. the and with that the current closed on a primary race that defied expectation. virtually unknown senator from vermont ignite ago political moment. bernie sanders friendly at first. >> the american people are sick and tired of hearing about at the time darn e-mails. >> hillary clinton mocked for seem to go change position to win over his supporters. >> i am angry too because the top 10% of the top 1% control 90 percent of the country. i have always said that. >>reporter: even now she's still trying. >> our country desperately need your voices and involvement and so does this campaign and so does the democratic party.donalp today release thanksgiving video highlighting the past bad blood between therm two+d9 demo. >> i don't think you are qualified if you have supported virtually every disasteün trade agreement. >>reporter: today some sanders ty]p(ier walking out on clinton in protest still feeling burned. will you vote for hillary clinton now. >> i will. >>reporter: you are pausing. >> is there anything hillary clinton can say that would win you over right now. >> hilary can't win me over because i don't think i can ever trust her. >>reporter: how much can we expect to see bernie sanders out on the campaign trail? there is no date set yet but did he say today he plans to be in every corner of this country to help hillary clinton get elected. abc news salem, new hampshire. >> to the republicans gop convention 6 days away. donald trump today campaigned with indiana governor pence considered by many to be on trump short list of potential vice-presidential candidates. mean time trump has come under a surprise attack from a member of the supreme court. tom on how he's fighting back. >>reporter: tonight donald trump in supreme fight with justice ginsberg after she told "the new york times"quote i can't imagine what this place would be. i can't imagine what the country would be with donald trump as our president. she didn't stop there. telling cnn he is a faker. he has no consistent about him. he says whatever comes into his head at the moment. he really has an ego. how has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns. her comments attack by sprechl court justice in the modern era on presidential candidate. lúhighly inappropriate.race. adding would i hope she would get off the court as soon as possible. the;uuh comes asá3 trump prepares to announce& his running mateq. asá3 trump prepares to announce& the state governor pence>ó who s on the short@r list. when?a i asked pence about itui he@p insistedt:ah he could still serve trump. >>ñ= when he announce the4x pann yoe andd4 unconstitution 8. you=3 still feel that way., >> i have taken issue with our& candidate from time to timec but how do you share the ticketzd if you have a fundamentalñ disagreementzx on the muslim ba. >>ñf i serve entered congressw r 12 years.;k i have been a governor fordo 3 and a half years."y i haven't agreedi with everyone inñ" my republican colleaguero r democra4s÷ colleague on every donald ó" countrym1. donald trumppd will name thezh k speculation zero in on former house speaker gingrich today after he stepped down from his job at fox news. trump himself has said he's considering as many as 6 others. >> clinton campaign has picked up donation from bay]x area man who is not even planning to vote for her. he's backing trump but sent in the check so he could send a message. the jonathan bloom explains. >> i voted in every election since i was 21 years old andap proud democrat. >> this year something was different for coleman. >>ñe benghazi bothersóz me. for quite tñtá couldn't vote for hillary clinton. >> i voted for mr. sanders. i was hoping would he win. >> sanders waited before endorsing clinton. >> she will be the next president. >> coleman went a different route. clinton campaign never got the memorandum oychlt they kept calling me. they called 2 month ago. they called 4 or 5 days in a row driving me crazy. >> one volunteer especially persistent. >> i said how about if i write a check for crooked hilary fund and i give you 5 dollars. will you shut up and leave me alone then he said yes. >>reporter: trump campaign use in commercial and tweet so he wrote the check. >> low and behold this past friday the check was cashed. >> bank couldn't get the original check back but they did give johnny this cope showing that the funds were deposited by the clinton campaign. >> they haven't called back since. >>reporter: sure enough made out to the crooked hilary fund and deposited by hvf hilary victory fund. >> they didn't look at the check. >>reporter: quite likely. >> if item big check they look at the donor if smaller they cash it wishing piles of check pouring in donation for 5 dollars can slip under the radar. >> got you moment. probably had a good laugh. i don't think anybody got fire fired. >>reporter: trump campaign is laughing too. >> pretty funny. proof positive that hillary clinton has never met a campaign contribution she doesn't like. >>reporter: they sent him a note with merchandise. even had a suggestion for clinton. >> she can put"( it in the legal defense fund. >>reporter: but clinton campaign has a different plan. they say they don't need the money and they are second it back. in novato, 7 news. >> new pokemon go craze could pose headache for any one trying get around san francisco next week. facebook page says more than 4500 people plan to take part in a pokemon hunt through the city next wednesday eveningnc@q! dolores park. exact route unknown. pokemon go is an app that allow you to hunt for manual near creature using smart phones using the gps and the clock on the device and it just came out a week ago and really caught on like wildfire. report card is in and news is not good for dozens of popular suvs. the danger now revealed when millions of americans are behind the wheel. millions of americans are behind the wheel. record day on wall street. dow jones industrial afternoon closed at highest level ever. it comes day after the s&p 500 set all time record as well. dow gained 120 points to close at 18 3 47. s&p climbed 14 points to 2152 and nasdaq rose 34 points to 50 twoochlt erasing losses for the year. >> new report sheds negative light on the headlights on small suv now the single small suv out of 21 tested earned a good rating from the insurance institute for highway safety. david curly has more. small suv head light and the results are shining a light on what researchers say are deefficiency. >> watch this two suv driving down the same road. mazda cx 3 with these lights light up the road earning an acceptable rating from the insurance institute for highway safety. other suv the honda hrv illuminating far less earning a rating of poor. they tested 21 vehicles but not one small suv got the institute highest rating of good. in fact nearly two-thirds tested rated poor and just 4 got the acceptable rating. the difference in head light performance varyl6mu even amongv made by theg same manufacturer. >>ññ both made by hondat butmle rightícql are giving drastically different,÷ visibility. >>bo researchers say that low reach 330 feetgd on a straight roadsñ. the worstvh performy5q) reacheda little more ghan halfl" that distance..r wkúback in march+d the institute showed us1b the/< first ever tet ofjv mid sizeácars calling those resultst dismalh. this morning results they say/i are even more deficiento. this is the mazda cx 3 test the highest but once again only acceptable not good. honda which had one of the lowervg performing cars says the bulb meet federal standard but what honda and other manufacturers learn from the first0d ever test is that they may not be aiming or angling the light bulb in the correct manner and they are making changes as the insurance institute continues to test. david curly abc news, > if you want to know how the vehicle stacks up we have the complete vehicle list open our web site listed here. >> coming up at 9:00. new truth about vincent van gogh. what uc berkeley just found out about one of the most famous incidents in art history. about one of the most famous incidents in art history. stay with me it appears the mystery of vincent van gogh infamous ear incident has been solved and the answer was actually at uc berkeley. the library holds hundreds of boxes that make up paper that document theo9ñ life of the fams uráu. t one special document reveals van gogh didn't cut off only his ear lobe as you may have heard but the entire left ear. the artist doctor shows where the cut was made. with the dotted line. the letter on display at the van gogh museum in am stevr damp this friday. if trying to slim down the secret weapon may be water. new study out of michigan found that people who had a higher body mass index tended to be less hydrated. may suggest a possible link between drinking the right amount of water and maintaining healthy weight. researchers admit they don't know why water lead to weight loss but say it could be because you are not as hungry when you are fully hydrated. stomach full of water doesn't hurt. one last check on the weather let's go to lisa. >>reporter: hi dan. looks like we warm-up locally but state wide still very pleasant. about 80 in los angeles tomorrow. 99 though in sacramento so not much of a breeze out that way. 82 in the sierra nevada. look goods there if headed to the beach lots of sunshine there with that north west wind keeping half moon bay ocean beach just in the mid 60's. you head down to santa cruzá 78 degrees. 67 in monterey. so around the bay look for 88 in san rafael. still have the afternoon sea breeze 82 in fremont look for 96 though in livermore. 10 degrees of warming in our inland east bay and just a couple days where temperatures at about 90 then we drop-off and looks like cooler rest of the week. v/urr 7d triple digit heat6 and look uw friday still the weekend wheng6 inland valley cool off and then into sunday monday tuesday it look like we are4j back to some cooler weatr around the bay. dan. >> we'll be readyt/ for that after thursday in 100 degrees. >> right. >>7 thanks a lot.j sports director l@tu3ó heree% with some warrior-a news tonigh. >> we have warriors/g and of course alláp star game played4p tonight.81 the giants pitcher4j john wasn't feeling well thisiw morning runsk a. wy coming up tonight at 11:0. massive man hunt from the air and on the ground. armored car shooting outside a bank leads to search for gunmen$ across two bay area counties. we are live at the scene and bring you the latest. racist fliers promoting the kkk and bay area neighborhood where they are suddenly appearing. we have that story explain what's going on. all of that coming up on 7 news at 11:00 over on channel 7. right now here's larryn. >> talk sports tonight. we have a lot going on. >> all star game. giant actually make it to the world series+d. will not have home field advantage&: because the american league won the all star game tonight with giants pitcher gepwr'g roughed up. if you are a dogp diego is where you want to liv live. get off mycd÷ waveé÷. johnny said he woke up sickñq this morning.÷x hiw better. soloñv blast make itñ? a 1-1 ga. . h$éhp& 32h-1 al.éhdkúterrific moment d inning of the game. davi by fernandez and big poppy is angry at the inside pitch. at the both laugh bit. ortiz was pulled from the game. receives a standing ovation from the fans at petco park. future hall of famer retiring at the end of the season look at the players come out to salute big poppy. free pass proved to be costly because he single off fernande fernandez. ended up winning all star game mvp honor. topv 4. marlinscñ single home buster who had walked. two run game. home field world series on the line here so they are ple r'g for something. go to theoe 9dñth. %aát)p'ts and just killed8 the giants c>7nce for home field advantage in the world series. while the a's once again deal the players and trade dead line . at least as long as the commissioner has his way. rob man fred address the stadium situation today before the all star game saying and we quote i'm committed to oakland as major league site. if we were to leave oakland 10 years from now we would be more likelyp not looking backward2v saying we made a mistake. among the many questions for the golden state warriors next year. how do you replace andrew now in dallas. part of the answer is the this player. say it together. officially sign with golden state today and as soon as the pen hit the paper1r÷. they waste in order time putting the bigfa man to work.pj met with the media signingoe autograph and addressing the kid at the+x warriors camp 13 year veteran from the é;public significant pay cut to join the warriors signinglo 1i year 2.9x million dollar deal.dr warriors signinglo 1i y many s. i don't want to keepii talking happy withrwe it.x the very confidentaa about my decision.[ talking about golden state warrior. the team but after couple hours i heard i was coming here. so that was great 24 hours for me. >>reporter: so while he's here week longvg chewer of china7é the summer olympiclthen in the afternoon he holds clinic travel around spending time with young fan there one of kd honory is photography so he's taking a lot of picture and also being photographed in china. hoops tonight. steve and mike in vegas for basketball. the the fast break lay up here. dan already tired of me doing. that mccaw with 11 points. warriors up by 4. tlt jam for 2 of the twechlt everybody wants to see the no. 1 pick simmons. at that time return pass from mcconnell. 8 points for simmons in this game0uuu#u. looking for low post'3 score. cartervñ"t the spinj7 and baby [ 12 point for ca]!q) and cartervñ"t the spinj7 and baby [ (s& star break. idñ can be kinda" of allenly tiñ for baseball players that don'tq make the alj(ñ star5í team. pence injurj& apparently ge, at&t]y park all by himselfcxa=#. the ♪ w all byyn myself ♪ éjqñ& >> nobody else there. jçru'ter. all by himself. abc 7 sports brought to you by toyota. at least he's4< not playing pokemon. the one guy who is not. >> yes he will be soon the way that thing is catching on. >> he and i are --4d >> hold out. >> are you playing yet dan. >> not yet but my oldest kid is socç i probably have to trite. >> okay. >> i don't know we'll see. i'll let you know how it goes. >> that's all for now as always we appreciate your time forum mayar, all of us we'll see new n hour over on channel 7. mayar, all of us we'll see new n hour over on channel 7. goodbye for now with+++/)x6u narrator: this program contains material that may be disturbing to some audience members. viewer discretion is advised. today, a soldier on the edge. moore: he just, i believe, was losing it mentally. narrator: with a weapon nicknamed "cop killer" at his side, major nidal hasan goes on a deadly shooting spree. man: he jumped up, pull h

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