Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News 900PM On KOFY 20160511 : comp

Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News 900PM On KOFY 20160511

insurmountable lead in delegates. good evening. >> sanders won another primary this time in west vaichlt he has 51 percent to hillary clinton 36 percent. they will split up the state 37 delegates. as expected donald trump won primary tonight in west virginia and in nebraska. >> bernie sanders win forces hillary clinton to continue costly two front battle to lock down the nomination and to take on donald trump in the general election. >> here's karen travers. >> bernie sanders may have claimed victory in west virginia pryxh maivrment it appears that we won a big, big victory in west virginia. >>reporter: but it seems the no. 2 democrat in the country thinks he's already out of the race for the number naichlingts you bring up the next president we are all anxious to see who that is. >> who she is. >>reporter: vice president biden telling robin roberts this election is hillary clinton's to win. >> so i feel confident that hilary will be the nominee. i feel confident she will be the next president. >>reporter: sanders doesn't seem worried about a biden the boost for rival. >> nobody in the establishment believes that in may we will be here in california with reason chance to win. >>reporter: clinton herself already looking to the general election. and donald trump. >> fortunate to be the number me i'm looking forward to debating donald trump come the fall. >>reporter: trump facing problems of his own. this week he heads to capitol hill trying to mend the divide in the g.o.p. for the first time two of trump former foe are talking revealing they are still not ready to support trump. >> i have well defined differences where the current, presumptive nominee republican party and like millions of republicans we try to reconcile those two things. >>reporter: ted cruz not ruling a return to the nomination fight. >> suspended the campaign because i can see no viable pa to the victory. of course if that changed we would reconsider things. >>reporter: abc news washington. >> earlier today bernie sanders was in stockton and the bay area. the lee ann was in oakland where sanders made a surprise stop at his campaign headquarters. >> thank you very much. >>reporter: bernie sanders showed his easy going persona walking down college avenue in oakland greeting supporters. the it was a visit few expected but many had hoped for t.sanders is making california a priority. state he hopes to win. even if hillary clinton is dominating the delegate count sanders told reporters he's the only one who can beat republican contender donald trip. the every poll shows including a bunch coming out today is that against donald trump bernie sanders advertise significantly stronger canada didn't is hillary clintonp. >>reporter: this started as possibility which quickly spread on social media. >> i did see that on my face book and i knew that this was going to be crazy so i the purposely came down early for this. >>reporter: sanders supporter here continues to reach out to the african american community of oakland. >> seem to be a little less informed on some of the bigger better points so we need to get out there an can vats. sanders was in sacramento addressing about 15,000 people and this morning attended add rall in stockton. >> p.m. we will be back here in oakland and tell san francisco and we march all over the state. >>reporter: this afternoon sanders stopped at san francisco coffee shop prior to meeting with the editorial board of the chronicle. he will be in oregon tonight. in oakland, lee ann, abc 7 new news. and this. new independent poll by this university find bernie sanders has a stronger chance of beating donald trump than hillary clinton and key swing state. match up between sanders and trump sanders wins all three florida ohio and pennsylvania in match up between clinton and trump clinton pulls ahead in both florida and pennsylvania in the past 60 yequ no candidatej> has become presidet without winning at least two&v f ì&hce three statesdt2 san francisco tonight when a sink8- hole opened up beneath . we were there as crew pulled the vehicle out of the hole on mission street at new montgomery. crew found9r broken sewer line t the bottom. car belonged to uber driver taking7a family to airport. they got out safely.zz pg&e says the street is closed all day tomorrow. coming up at 11 over on channel 7 katie has an exclusive say sheriff'sguáy is in huge trouble with the law tonight ncused of molest ago young girl. anthony felix diaz is accused of six with a minor under 10 years old and two counts of child abuse. investigators say the crime happened in the spring of 2012  involves a child that he knew. diaz works as jail deputy and is now on unpaid leave. first time today we heard from a woman who recorded video of muni operator yelling racial7 slur at her over a parking space. >> what? many i'm not even black. many. >> this woman said the other driver passed a spot at the wharf she pulled in when the man started yelling she pulled out the phone to record it. the then posteded video on facebook where it's viral. >> i couldn't believe that he was so openly racist like. that especially like me videotaping him. he just didn't care. >>reporter: she was sent poll jibingt e-mail. employee on paid leave. muni is work to go fire him. >> today the san francisco district attorney announced that he's filed criminal charges against two alameda county sheriff's deputy. 6 months ago those deputy were recorded striking a man named stanislaus pet rochlt he was reportedly in a stolen car and led cops on chase across the bay bridge. chase ended in san francisco mission district right there in that alley. the melanie with the latest on this case. >>reporter: san francisco district attorney says surveillance video shows alameda county sheriff's deputy the santa maria and paul weaver striking him with the baton at least 30 times. >> this is a case of a police officer l acting beyond the authority of the law. >> in november he led alameda county sheriff's deputy on high speed chase that ended in a san francisco mission district alley. now 6 months later felony charges for both deputy. >> assault under the color of authority, battery are www. serious bodily injury and assault with deadly weapon. >> this goes very deep in our organization. >>reporter: da admitsvz the ce took a long time. 6 there are many people who you have evidence on video. >>reporter: one of the2ñ deputy the camera turned on inadd verify at any timely catches more audio evidence including him cryingtm out for help. he suffered multiple head last rigs and fractures in both hands. he spoke exclusively to news march. >> mechanic by trade so now i can't use my hands. can't even textlp on cell phone. >>reporter: da office in alameda county sheriff's office investigating whether a third[i deposit ty t-osbourne0 gave the this who witnessed the beat to go silence them. the civil attorney says we still should see one or more deputy indicted for theft and onj(jjáu(urjz of justice. there have been changes at the alameda county sheriff's office including mandatory bodyw4 camea policy. ges reviewed up to every rank including assistant shaivshtion the he's currently in federal custody on gun drug charges stemming from a separate investigation. in alameda county, abc 7 news. >> health officials reported the first zika virus infection in marin county. the person contracted the virus visiting central america recen recently. officials stress the case does not represent a risk to the community. zika virus spread by mosquitos not detected in marin county. all right. curry makes history. reigning mvp two in a row. he expresses his gratitude. fichltd thank my wife. none of thinks possible without you. many tishltion tonight. local aeb effectively declaring an end to the drought. why resident could end up paying less and then more. >> sandhya is here with our forecast. >> you have a little preview of what is to come the next couple of days. warming trend. show you how much the show you how much the >> for the first time ever the fba has unanimously voted on the league most valuable playe player. second year in a row it's the warriors steph curry. laura has the story. >> he led the league in scoring in free throw percentage and 3 pointers. >>reporter: less than 24 hours removed from a play off performance for the age steph curry accepted second consecutive nba most valuable player award and this time for the first time in history the vote was unanimous. >> i looked at the list of everybody who won mvp before and legend. guys that name or household name and jump off the page and to be the first unanimous m. v p award winner is something that i don't even know how to put in words. >> i have seen very, very few players who possess the confidence that steph has. i don't know if you notice he was o for 10 from the 3 point line last night. he made the left and shimy down the side line. >>reporter: like he did last night with 17 points in overtime. 28-year-old curry set nba records led the league all season with 4 02, 3 pointers. 30.1 point per game on the way curry bruce frasier the coach known as q work with the star point guard for the past two years. >> guy like him don't come along very often so the organization. bay area. we are all lucky to sort of be a part of what he's doing. >>reporter: clearly special player in his prime at the peak of his game. or is it. at oracle, laura anthony abc 7 news. the. >> never camera shy steph daughter riley made splash in appearance today while dad accepting the trophy on stage she walked in. let people know that she's watching you. yes. steph had about a dozen family members in attendance today. if you want to see the video again we tweeted the clip of little riley and already shared hundreds of times. >> governor brown is9b reminding us in it california still remains a drought however he does say that areas are doing better than others in terms of conservation. and with that in mind east bay mud took a big step toward normalcy today by voting to end a drought surcharge. wayne has more. >> they never heard or saw it but forest bay mud customers the drought effectively ended at 2:00 p.m. today. with this vote. >> all in favor. just like that after years of drought drama unanimous approval from the board. ends the 25% drought surcharge and ease pros hi big against excessive water use. it means that beginning july 1st the average customer will see his or her bill drop by more than 4 dollarskt month. >> we told our customers wekw welcome back rj khaing the surcharge as long as we needed to buy supplies. we didn't need supplemental supplies any long. surcharge is off. >>reporter: surprise tomorrow of you who have not visited local reservoir lately. 92 percent capacity. fishing good. >> you learn to let the fish come to you. >>reporter: and?.ev yes0q we fd thisrl& here who wouldht they rates drop again. >>x i am. i'mli actually surprisedno. a lot of business say they will do things and when it comes time they will change their mind. >>reporter: we should add if the drought surcharge disappears a pre-approved rateol increase does take effect.m basis. we haveñ health care choose to go up. we have labor cost that go up. cost of operating and maintain  maintaining our system goes up. cost of electric electricity. >> chemical. all those cost go up. >>reporter: if the head hurts from all this information take a break. go fishing. there is after all plenty of water for it. from the east bay wayne frod man abc 7 news. >> well we seem to have left the rain behind us after ahs7 what's going to happen. tonight at 11:00 o'clock you do see the fog around. not just near the coast but the bay as well. notice it's not into the valley tomorrow morning. there may be mist at 5:00 a.m. for the commute time as you notice a little bit of green there near the coast. 11:00 a.m. and sit near the coast inland areas bay side community will enjoy the sun right on through the afternoon hours. here's what the morning is going to look like. temperatures in the upper 40's to the mid 50's and we will have the fog around as you take a look at the afternoon high for your wednesday. 80 in san jose. 79 milpitas. 80 in los gatos and south bay. 81 gilroy. peninsula nice day. mild 79 in palo alto. 77 redwood city. san mateo mid 70's. 64 half machine bay. definitely the kind of weather where you need the sun screen in south san francisco 70 degrees downtown san francisco 69. daly city 64 and i think there will be a little more clearing at the coast tomorrow than we saw today. today the fog was just solid on the coast and that's why temperatures only in the mid upper 50's. inland area today you did get up into the mid 80's. north bay tomorrow 80 degrees santa rosa. 76 vallejo. san rafael in the east bay. item going to be a nice day. mild sunny 75 oakland 76 hayward. inland spots 83 in concord. 84 in livermore. 86 degree ins antioch so pretty warm day. san jose temperature trend will spell out what to expect the next two days. average high is 75 degrees. wednesday and thursday you give you get 5 to 7 degrees above normal and then by the time we hit the end of the work week beginning of the weekend things back closer to average. minor up and down are expected around then. accu-weather 7 day forecast mid 60's to mid 80's for your wednesday. even warmer thursday. close to 90 inland. mid 60's coast side. look how quickly things turn cooler on friday. we see a trough move or system move to the north. friday saturday that's what is going to switch the wind direction. we see a stronger sea breeze. temperatures go down. low 60's to mid 70's by friday saturday. numbers will come up a few degrees sunday and monday. >> thanks. >> l what do you do with expired food> it's a shame. >> michael test the freshness and safety of food that is long past the best buy date. see if our taste terse can tell the difference between the old and new tonight at 11:00 over on channel 7. >> first on 7 news at 9:00. how can you tell when a squirrel is frustrated. start of a bar joke. >> 30's this the pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies. then your eyes may see it differently. flonase is the first and only nasal spray approved to relieve both itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. most allergy pills only control one substance. flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. more complete allergy relief. flonase. 6>1 changes everything. most fast food places use formulas to create their combos. but all that math, doesn't always equal something tasty. at my place, you can get a mouthwatering sourdough bacon ranch combo. with a full size beef patty, bacon, and creamy ranch sauce, on toasted sourdough bread. plus hot & salty fries and a freestyle drink for just $4.99. because flavor always beats formulas. the sourdough bacon ranch combo, just $4.99 for a limited time. combos done my way. dumpling restaurantat soh bayw valleyl inkw santa clara forot thej opeñ of this restaurant. hundredsm] wait to get a5 taste today. chain is famous for its shanghai soup dumpling.ñj this is the first the restaurant in the bay area. the. [applause]. >>reporter: we were in palo alto today for the official ribbon can you get of the new mcdonald's house of stanford. family from out of the area often need.w a place to live while the child is treated at the children hospital. old ronald mcdonald house could accommodate 47 family. new one has 67 brand new suite. there has never been enough t3tr now. >> we don't want 40 to 50x family a night w)ráháo go get intonz ronald mcdonald hkáqsq't we want to take.w care of everybody gáat needs it. that's the reason mind the house. >>;ñ more than 40 million dollas was raised,o to build the new house. family asked to pay 10 dollars a night to stay but if they can't no problemc.m; nobody is every turned away. >> looking at body language from the animal kingdom in video shaivrd. flick of the tail according to researcher with the sfirl frustration can't get enough from a box. berkeley team compares squirrel angle to when human curse and hit vending machine when we pay( for treat and nothing comes out. can't hit them we don't have a tail. :00 is up next. coming. how 17 million dollars might help the san francisco police department rebuild trust with the community. >> also behind the curtain. we are inside north korea as the leader is he minutes his room. >> hunt for fugitive after wild chase with a mother behind the hild inside the car. >> stay here. another half hour of abc 7 news frustrated with your overactive bladder medicine not working? can't handle the side effects? botox® treats symptoms of leaking, going too often, and the strong sudden need to go. ask your urologist if botox® can help calm your bladder and reduce your daily leakage episodes. the effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, loss of bladder control or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threatening condition. don't take botox® if you can't empty your bladder on your own or have a urinary tract infection, or uti. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, fatigue, uti, painful urination and difficulty emptying your bladder. tell your doctor your medical history. muscle or nerve conditions, medications including botulinum toxins, antiplatelets and blood thinners, may increase the risk of serious side effects. ask a urology specialist if botox can help calm your bladder. visit and learn how botox can be a low cost option. under new budget plan introduced by san tran mayor ed lee community violence prevention program will get most of the 17 and half million dollars)t proposing the next two years. >> addresses the call for police reform after officer involved shootings. here's vic lee. >> our budget for the next two years reflects some 17 and half million dollars dedicated to police reform and violence. >>reporter: bulk of the money will go towards city funded and community programs that help prevent violence. dmunt groups told the mayor violence prevention programs were essential national rebuilding trust. isg that as a city that knows how to deal with a flawed situatio situation. >>reporter: police commission president. >> we can not rest until every person in this city enjoys a relationship of trust not only the police department but with the greater justice system. >>reporter: training has already started here at the police academy. training simulator on how to tense situation and there will be more specialize programs to educate officers on racism and bias. >> department will spend 1.4 million dollars over the next two years on direct training for staff with regard to implicit bias. >>reporter: budget buy more bean bag projectile, stun gun and a net gun. >>[w essentially a wide spread net that comes out of a projectile type device that nd again allow us time to subdue that person. >>reporter: key to the new training mayor lee says is that the sanctity of life should be the center of every decision a cop makes on the street. vic lee, abc 7 news. >> new development tonight in the investigation into the death of pop star prince. search warrant is revealing that prince had seen minneapolis area doctor on the day before he died and the doctor was at prince paisley park compound to deliver test results on the morning prince was found dead. warrant authorized search and seizure of prince medical record at local medical center. the warrant was accidentally left unsealed until today when authorities learned of the mistake then ordered it sealed. has night we told you about an airline industry campaign to reduce wait time at check poin point. port authority of new york and new jersey threatening to higher its own security staff to replace tsa screeners. agency issued the ultimatum in a letter to the tsa saying if passengers don't start getting through security at new york area airports faster, it will hire a private security company to do the job. tsa says the primary focus is current threat environment as person transportation system remains a high value target for terrorists. very rare look inside north korea in. mark the end of historic political meet that go see meanted authority of the young leader. terri found himself right in whole city is on its way. after hours of tight security we are just arriving at the square preparation are in plac place. parade business to start. standing silen. participation in the rally is mandatory. then t.all this to gore tie kim after week where he con doll dated salute rule and new title chairman of the worker party. palm and pageant mask grivbing grim fact. half live in extreme poverty and food shortages are a part of life here. night falls item even more intense like torch light. total spectacle unlike anything else in the world. terri abctx news north korea. >> china scramble fighter jet and dispatch warship after guided missile destroyer came within 12 miles of disputed island in the south china sale. navy says the ship exercised the right of innocent passage sailing past fire reef. it and other islands claimed by china but it's challenged by the philippines, taiwan and viet nam. radioed the ship to stop and china said it was an act of serious provocation. u.s. will continue to sail in the renal. >> mayor of heroship sheem a is praising the president the when he visits japan later this movement president will become the first signature u.s. president to visit the city where united states dropped the first atomic bomb. city mayor describes the visit as quote bold decision based on concession and rational. president will honor the victims of the bombing but will not apologize for it. >> police are searching for a fugitive mom in ohio tonight. she led police on dangerous chase with her young child in the car. here's the tell why they stop the pursuit. >>reporter: harrowing police chase and most shocking part. the driver a young mom. allegedly putting her toddler life at risk. riding right there in the watch as he drives and goes right through lawn after lawn in the neighborhood. erica driving the wrong way against traffic through red lights nearly colliding with a school bus then aggressively barreling over a concrete barrier on the highway. all began with tell him appearing in court for minor charges. but police discover she had felony warrants in kentucky. 4oor alleged concealed weapon d/+$u$ey say she took o/p starting that chase. police stopingt pursuit because dangerous for that young child >> police say she later turned up at hotel but as soon as she appeared police were on2t the y she]j jumped out of a first sto. right now she is still on the run. abc news new york. we want to show you a view of mercury no one has ever seen before. nasa and usgs created this map of76 the closest planet to the sun. they did it by using more than 100,000 pictures taken from nassau messenger spacecraft. this reveals mercury highest an lowest point. area with high elevation colored brown yellow red. lower elevation are blue and purple. while we are talking about space the milky way got a lot more crowdd with planet. this illustration from nasa nishingts they announce the space telescope has validated 12 84 worlds orbiting stars outsideáó our solar system. 9 appear to orbit in a zone so-called golde lock zone. scientist say this is important step in the in determining whether we areit indeed alone in the universe. >> next on 7 news at 9:00 injured by an exploding e-cigarette. e-cigarette. >> near a man who says it >> brazilian world cup winner is telling tourist to stay away from the olympic in rio because of the city violence. post add warning on the instagram account with this picture of a 17-year-old woman who was killed on saturday in a shoot out. he says it's ugly there every day and revice everyone to go to the olympic in rio to stay home saying they are putting their life at risk. there is concern about the zika virus and water pollution as well. brazil is in the deepest recession in decades and the president is facing impeachmen impeachment. olympic begin in just under three months. man who was injured by an30w about what happened.p[ josephtg tom faceu bear the sc1 from the blast andp he was atr crack.ík his wife put-; out the fire andf rushed himí to the hospital. >> setc÷ it down and i believe i i felt like i was hit on the si there. >>reporter: he broke his facial bone and he lost aneurysm. hired an attorney blamingy thu battery on the devicem. the attorney handling 60 similar cases. ucsf out with report saying a 10% decline in smoking would reduce health care cosby 63 billion dollars. researchers say they found clear evidence that when people quit smoking there's a rapid decline in health care cost. once they quit risk having a stroke dropped by roughly 50% within a year. >> coming up next on 7 news exclusive. the only ones to sit down with twitter founder jack dorcey. >> we want to find out why a company known around the world is so focus>n on what is right next door. >> budweiser taking a new name temporarily in an a way to patriotism. >> they will replace the name on the beer cans and bottle and put the word america in the place. slogan king of beers will give way to the same slogan on the seal of the united states meaning out of many, one. >> twitter is now 10 years old but today is the first birthday of what twitter calls the neighbor nest. place where the employees give back to the community. jonathan spoke exclusively with twitter founder and ceo jack dorcey about why a company known all over the world is trying to make an impact in the own enabled. >>reporter: when jack sent the first tweet 10 years ago he never predicted this. >> i can sea world leaders speak to each other. i can sea world leaders speak to individuals from half which around the world. >>reporter: twitter grew into a public company took over a big building in san francisco. admittedly ruffled some feathers. >> what are they doing to the neighborhood they are not even, don't even see them. who are they. >>reporter: but a year ago that changed. twitter open the neighbor nest former ceo cut the ribbon now founder jack dorcey back in charge and more xhit committed than ever. >> this is where we live and work. thinks our community. and we want to be a part of it. >> i think it's really rare for a company to be able to invest literally open the doors to the community. >>reporter: twitter mye come across the street to volunteer with the neighborhood family in need. >> teach kids how# hog application because i didn't know how to do them on my own and now i'm learning that. >>reporter: she gets to roque foebing us volunteer entertain her kids. >> biggest barrier is access to child care. >>reporter: magic ingredient and past year it's working. >> of course no birthday is complete without a present and neighbor nest gets a big one. new curriculum designed to help clients learn the skill of digital literacy. >> starting with the ability to use a keyboard and mouse is essential. >> taught in english and spanish the ability to get folk back on their feet. >> i want them to be excited and feel like they can't live without the internet. >>reporter: of course some they can't wait to use twitter. >> fastest ways to see what i is happening in the world but more importantly people find washington is happening in the community itself. and that's whatm. this business. >>reporter: abc 7 news. >> let's update the weather forecast. >> sandhya is here with the latest. >> we have some great looking weather ahead. live doppler 7hd showing you the fog along the coast line. visibility has dropped half moon bay to 3 miles you need watch out during the morning commute around the state here's what's going to look like. sunshine from top to bottom. 73 in los angeles. monterey. you have some fog. 67 degrees and i know some of you really love the fog so we keep it in the forecast. here are micro climate. half moon bay tomorrow afternoon. 64 degrees. san francisco up to 69 so you come up a few degrees as well. mild 75 degree day in oakland across the bay and inland walnut creek yin and it's warm in antioch. 86 degrees so pretty good spread between coast and inland tomorrow. here's high pressure for tomorrow. sunny warm weather in luck mid 80's inland warmer today. along the coast line mid upper 60's with patches of fog lingering for your wednesday. accu-weather 7 day forecast mid 60's to mid 80's. bump up temperatures few more degrees thursday bay inland then it's down. on social media people talk ñko warmer wçó weather and quite a fews) people like cooler weathv so for the weekend we cool itñy downóx a few degrees. >> thanksz sandhya.wy installation today off2 what is> the tallest sculpture in san called venus and today a giant crane placed the massive shoulders topwf statuetors o. venus stand in the court yard of the trinitygg place apartmet complex nowhj under constructin and market and eighth street. it will be 92 feet high. here's what it will look like in place which should be next march. trinity says venus is the center piece of large public art collection that's being gifted to the city by developer anglo cuomo. >> las vegas mayor goodman says she's cold front deny the oakland raiders will move to her city. as long as everything iss ekúha. raiders owner mark davis assured her las vegas isn't getting played as pr of raiders stadium deal. davis said he's open to the team staying in the bay area but he's been unable to strike a deal with oakland officials. the mayor says las vegas would be a destination for fans from the bay area. los angeles. and all over the west. we'll see t.rick is in for larry. >> mean time still talking about the warriors. coming up. curry winning second straight mvp award. green says forget about any portlandñcásyñ come back. portlandñcásyñ come back. this s a. coming up tonight at 11:00. south bay deputy arrested and accused of child molestation. tonight the sheriff and neighbors are responding. this is a shame. >> yes. >> 7 on your side michael finney test freshness and safety of food that is long past the best buy date. >> what to do. join us for 7 news at 11:00 over on channel 7. great moments and anotherz÷ great moment for the warriors. pp. valuable player awashed0k there has never been[! unanimous winne until today when the warriors quite a scene this afternoon ate oracle as curryká was presentedw his trophy as league leading scorer. he led golden state to nba record 73 and 9 record. daughter riley made an (q%ear he's the first guard to win the award twowó straight seasons since nashua decade gin-hptjy former santa clare star was at the ceremony as were his team mates who joined him on stage. not just his basketball skills that make curry so special but his character. >> everyone that steps in our office every day trjs they appreciate you. you are reveered. it's deserved. it is absolutely deserved. there's nothing fake but. you are as authentic as they come and that is my favorite quality. my two favorite qualities are authenticityna and humilityxz ad those and peoplec1 wouldn'th ñe buts#e if you recall the true essence of both of those. determination/yz. it's the love for the game. there's no agenda. it's just] i want to getvd be. what that means0e for our coaching stadt its our jobs arem @ye0a tone for the whole>dr i try to surround#$ myselfi motivate me,ñ keep me focused, keep me focus on the right things in this life. i have that on this stage right here. i have that in my family. and for that i am extremely people i try to push myself and try to achieve what could not be achieved and that's something i'm very, very proud of. thank you very much for this award. thank you for the supporting us every single day and let win a championship. >> award comes day after curry left everyone including charles barkley searching for super tichlts he scored 40 points including mba record 17 in the 5 minute over time. yes he is back. warriors rally to win tomorrow wrap the series tomorrowñ" night at home. the face offal help says et al. after dealt a crushing loss green says portland is done. >> up to us to close it out. i trust my team mates. i trust our team to come out ready to go and close the series out. it's not of course i think they are done. time for to us close the series. we do what we need to do. came on the road got one win. took care of home court time to do it again. >>reporter: king introduce new head coach yager today. he was fired last saturday by memphis. despite getting the griz ri into the play offs the last three sochbilitys he becomes sacramento 9th head coach in 10 years. >> after scoring just three runs over the last three games the giant were hoping the offense would wake up tonight against toronto. let's go out to at&t where the fan got a wake up call. the lines a pitch right at her. but she's okay. tough gal. cain the start. drug they will season going o and 4 in the second. troy gives the blue jay a 1 nothing lead with this shot to left. it's the sixth home run of the year. over all though contains pitched well in the fourth. gets him looking to start to strike him out throw him out double play to end t innings. giant bats were quiet in the sixth with two on. grounds into a double play her here. san francisco shut out tonight 4-nothing. at fenway park rookie shawn had a game to forget. first batter he faced p.takes him deep for quick 1 nothing lead. only get worse. two batters later ramirez all of this pitch. gave up 8 runs and 2 and 2 third innings. red sox win 13-5. a's now lost 8 of their last 9 this report is brought to you by toyota. interesting nba score in. the spurs they are very tough at home. they lost to the thunder tonight. score 95-91 now lead the series 3 games to two. >> everybody thought it was warriors and spurs in the finals but okc. they are not done yet. >> we thank you for joining us in. >> for rick and sandhya and all of us here we appreciate your time. >> yes. 7 news continues now twitter on facebook and on all the mobile device with our abc 7 news app. >> hope off great evening. see you again in an hour over see you again in an hour over on the big 7. narrator: this program contains material that may be disturbing to some audience members. viewer discretion is advised. today, on a rainy night in march of 1980, 4 shots ring out. the victim, a successful physician and famous author. the shooter, a cultivated head mistress of a

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