Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News 900PM On KOFY 20160203 : comp

Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News 900PM On KOFY 20160203

santa clare county sheriff's deputy conduct the the sting at the motel 6 at north first street and east brokaw row. law enforcement source tells us murphy brother brought a woman to the motel. he was committed for prostitution. murphy brother cited for human trafficking offense. m you are if i was in the car. he was questioned and released. >> broncos head coach sent out a statement saying in part although murphy was not cited we decided it was best for the team if we continued our preparation for superbowl 50 without him. ryan is returning to denver but the status as practice squad player has not changed at this time. but it is a developing story obviously. >> good evening. >> w to other superbowl related news. and the beefed up security around the event. those getting around on public transit may have noticed armed guards and other security measures. here's lee ann with more. >> homeland security officers are now visible press he says at the sfo birth station. they are followed by indicate neep teams searching for explosives along with officers from the transportation security administration they make it up viper team. aiding bay area law enforcement during superbowl week. they go where the public will be. >> airport. rail. ferry. in and around san francisco and then down by the stadium. especially wednesday through monday we expect those to be the big travel days. so in terms of both security and service, we are putting a lot of resours towards airport travelers. >>reporter: as passengers get off and walk towards the airport terminals, they are scanned by the black box called preventive radiological nuclear detickets. what is inside there's a senses gamma ray. >> it's a good idea. it's always nice to have extra. never hurts right. >>reporter: viper team on board ferry making some passengers a little uncomfortable. today they were inspecting the area around the for ri building. muni has also aheaded security as the number of passengers increases. >> you will see officers if all of our stations. you will see some police dog around just as precaution. >>reporter: viper operative were created following the 911 commission hearings. this is the new normal at least during superbowl week. in san francisco, abc 7 news. rapper snoop dogg equipment was stolen in san francisco last night. he's here to perform superbowl concert incorporating to mmz he parked his suv in san francisco last night. some one broke a window and took his lap top, luggage and concert gear. he is performing at the regency ballroom tonight and other superbowl events this week. levi stadium still few scenes satisfying home of the 49ers but in the branding all panthers and broncos. nfl transferred levi into a picture perfect have been you that screams this is pro football most important game of the soap. david got a look inside. >> painters. electrician. other trades people still working on making levi stadium perfect for the fans and forth worldwide tv audience. expectation are high that new stadium will look the best but to the critical eye of the nfl staff touch up work is always needed. >> we have decore el nont put down. ad more paint on to the field just to make it look trimmed and perfect. field still need more love and light and just to be as perfect as possible. >>reporter: yes the field. ed was out inspecting the grass which replaces what the theners played on this past season. rehearsal for pre-game half time entertainment have already taken place open the field and doesn't show any stressor ware. the field manager believes the turk is slpt for the game. grass is a blend from the central value that supplies the 49ers. >> this is doing great this kind of weather it grows well. >>reporter: technology inside levi also put to the test to make sure nobody hacks into the system that control everything from the score board to theen seat wireless food ordering app. >> had to make sure we not only lock down the network we use and make sure no entry point from external network to support neglect if the stadium. if we need anything like that for support then we have an open channel we open for that purpose. >>reporter: both team make last minute request about food. house will be in order. abc 7 news. down load our 7 news app for details on traffic alerts. superbowl city and nfl experience. unable push alert to get instance updates. chp officer stabbed in the neck today at san francisco badly hurt. we have a picture of man police say stabbed the officer. san francisco police identified the man as he was booked for attempted murder aggravated assault and resisting arrest. wayne has more. >>reporter: this is the mp who san francisco police say attacked california highway patrol this morning and here's the knife they say he used to stab the officer in the neck after a struggle. >> i could tell you that he was stabbed in the upper torso in the neck and as you can imagine have serious, violent attack. >>reporter: the attack and investigation closed eastbound on ramp to the bay bridge at harrison and essex streets for 4 hours while police looked for clue and spoke with witnesses in and around this homeless encampment directly behind the guard rails. nobody was there when we visited this afternoon. other homeless nearby told us they knew nothing about what happened. >> quloon to say. yes when you get into messing with this item all about. >> certainly was not good today. beside closing the on ramp police to search for the suspect who took off through the neighborhood creating a tense environment. police tyrant everything for it to be -- do that to chp is crazy. officers took the suspect away they did so on wheels. we don't know the man's name or k.mean time san francisco general hospital the wait for news of that wounded officer has lasted all day. >> officer is a 7 84 veteran of the calf highway patrol. his injuries right now are, it was life threatening injury but at this time he's stable. >>reporter: in san francisco the abc 7 news. new at 9. biker suffered serious giraffe collision with vehicle in berkeley. we were over the area of fulton seat and bancroft way where they were transported to local hospital for treatment. >> san francisco supervisors well consider what could be a first in the nation. proposed through would require property owners to wait until summer break before evicting teachers who haven't done anything wrong. carolyn tyler has the story. >>reporter: allison is anxious and depressed since she was forced out of her apartment last december. stress is impacting a teacher. >> she joined others on the steps of city hall to support measure banning inform fault he have ix during the academic year. for those who work for any school in the city from custody an to principal there's already a similar lawyer protecting family from december when the honors want to move in. this new legislation sponsored by david compost would expand those rights and focus on educators. >> just have a world class education system you need to have educators live in the cit city. >> average teachers earns this. and median prices over 36 houses. one property owner group wants his legislation tighten. >> we have to make sure that the language is such that it doesn't i the the doop door for a lot of people to fall into school teacher category that may really not need this assistance. >>reporter: she believes the major path of theft is here at city hall. it could be a hard for licensed lord to rent to teachers. 7 news. we have more ahead for you on this tuesday night. check your wallet t.there's 28 million dollar lotto ticket about to come. >> bay area city were forced to plug the leak. is it finally time to loosen the tap. >> sandhya i'm tracking another storm. let you know how it ranks on the tomorrow im part scale it understand up. >> update on one of the last one room school houses in the bay area. >> state right here. 7 news frustrated with your overactive bladder medicine not working? can't 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be a low cost option. >> time running out for one california an to be a millionaire. some one bought a 63 million dollar super lotto ticket last august and never claimed the prize. here are the wing numbers. 1, 16, 30, 33, 46 and the mega no. 24. as annabelle from our sister station in l.a. explains, deadline to turn in the particular is only two days await a minute winner of 63 million dollar prize bought the lotto ticket on august eighth but he or she has not come forward in nearly 6 months. >> the person isen saint. because when you buy a ticket a lot of people don't anticipate them winning. they bee it just to buy i. >>reporter: it would be the heist unclaimed california lottery prize on record. officials say right now the largest unclaimed sum is 28.5. the sheldon says no matter how big or small he claims his prizes right away. >> it could be stuck in the washing machine. you don't take a chance like that e-super lotto flex ticket sold last year and to a direct office by thursday. i wish i had the ticket. i want it. >>reporter: if nobody claims it the money will be redirected to support california public schools. and if the lucky winner comes forward in time and takes a lump sum amount, lottery officials say they would receive 1 time bay out of 1 13.then million dollars before federal kashtion. >> i feel bad for you because this is heart breaking. >>reporter: another level of devastation. i can't even fathom. >>reporter: now if you remember being in the area make sure you have that ticket if you do. issues edge to seen it immediately in ink. death lean to get it to her in chatsworth 7 news. one room school house in petaluma on the verbal of becoming history will stay ope open. union school on red hill road has six student putting them one child short of the daily attendance required by the state. the school covers grades 2 through 5 and desperate plea to keep open the students. up to 29 students when dairy farming maiming industry in the area. it's now working on fundraising effort to help put it on solid financial footer. >> winner off to good start but not enough. 76 inches of snow near echo tent. the snow pack needs to be 150 percent of normal to signal an easying drought. >> this helped. congratulations to use yes we did it now that. i state board will decide whether to sten the mandate through october or change it. laura has more. >> despite recent rain and snow, no one is proclaiming an into the drought. but there are bay area water directs this would like to see the state roll back its conservation mandate. at least a little with 32 percent mandatory reduction. >> the lower placed him in the highest tier. they met an exceeded that goal. with reduction of 40 percent to see if the might be get resources adjustments made on climb. so with your our. >> customers say the ka loorm late money of this exceeding the 28 percent map death placed on them. but even if the state lowers it the direct won channeling the krau. it has that the. >> since june california have exceeded governor 25% mandate. but water conservation dropped to its lowest point just 18 percent in the month of december. in brent wood abc 7 news. >> that's encouraging. we need more but not bad. >> full accu-weather forecast. >> sandhya is here. really cool and windy out there today but you are tracking some rape now. >>reporter: first handed experience. you are upstairs definitely a beautiful view rain tomorrow afternoon. computer model floated down a little bit but hour by hour time lean let's check out here and look is what ahead the rain is spilled well to the north of us but here sun enough off the rubing a ghost lean and things will be coming. storm will send us high surf. the high surf advisory from wednesday 7 until wet except the possibility of kirnts large breakers so if you are going to check out or local beaches initial rain sful today well not to writing home about but we'll take it 5 hundredths in san jose. fen hundredths 59 hendz late chalk couple hundred few the areas of the child. san francisco you are will go 40 degrees an speaking all in up you can see superbowl city hall in gold just spectacular sight right now. showers tomorrow afternoon. few wet spots thursday morning and we are looking at warming trend this not know our storm impact scale. severe severe and one light come coming in tomorrow afternoon is a light storm light showers wind expected tomorrow afternoon. less than a quarter of app in but just we'll be pwaibling impact for you and how to plan 10:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. few sprinkle not out of the question in the north bay but watch the rain at soon still up to the north. north of santa 2 start the by 3:00 p.m. now crossing parts of the east bay i come on steady yelling of the rain during the evening rush hour. fix to 7:00 o'clock that may slim road way even through lot fut wed wig include few scattered showers very light. green the later all day at lot like yours. free about to two-tenths of an inch in santa rosa that means snow in the saw it wbltion there. 0soap bet if with your to chance of rain coming. a. >> evening hours low to mid 50's. you need a jacket but rain gear as well. est incoast in the 40's. as you head towards the afternoon hours we'll see the showers up to the north and then spreading south ward by eng. low upper 50's. look at superbowl sunday. not cool anything but dodgers 72 degree the as we head to the ep of the game. accu-weather 7 day fovshing or our familiar we have drying out on friday. the weekend is warparticularly . when we have low 70's and it's low to mid 70's early 86 week. had a are the to belief it's still inter- it will feel like thanks still to come an to joy's superbowl not for shot the steve nice to meet you. >> forker forty-niner jerry >> forker forty-niner jerry rise undercover as the split to i want to show you some cutting edge technology. this is a vhs tape. push that tape in and hit play. this is a flip phone. have you seen these before? it's called a compact disc. oh. looks like we're getting a facsimile. what year is it to you? it's old. you'd rather use newer technology? definitely. well, i've got something to show you. this is the 2016 chevy volt. it uses extended range electric technology. the prius hybrid uses battery technology developed 15 years ago. chevy expects volt drivers to get over a thousand miles between fill ups. it's got every technology there is. the prius actually belongs on the table. (all with worry-free ownership. colors in your neighborhood... head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... shift your thinking about buying your next one. today the nfl announce lady gaga sing the national anthem at the superbowl on sunday. gaga will also be a presenter at the oscars this year, too. ffl teamed up with special olympic northern california for a big announcement about the game. the we were at valley christian eye school in san jose when special olympic revealed flag football is the 12th sport beginning this fall. celebrate the addition and superbowl 50 special olympic athlete took part in flag football game and the the clinic. >> this is a dream. the niners are my favorite team in the nfl and dream come true and true honest to do a clean wick them. >> san francisco forty-niner foundation and special olympic california hosted the events. uber made a deal to become exclusive for the superbowl. but rival getting into the expert of the game. went undercover for day as driver for lift. >> who is your team. >> theners sense born and raised in san jose. >> really. right. okay. >> how about you. >> i'm fought really into sports man. i'm jerry rice. >> love that. hall of fame doesn't reveal identity to unsuspecting passenger. sky of 7 news at then coming up next. sand at that time for president already on the ground in new hampshire with done trump is saying about his second place nren issue and hillary clinton declared a winter but just barely. new warning about zika virus us and now development virus us and now development out of texas >> nfl, espn, abc we begin this half hour with new battle ground in new hampshire. >> candidate descended on the state to rall c voters where the primary is one week from today. >> we are there with the lates latest. back on the trail fueled by iowa inspired optimism. >> whether an incredible, en credible evening we had last night. >>reporter: ted cruz. celebrating a big win in the caucuses and beating donald trump. >> had i nobody we coffin issued no. 2 maybe i would have spent more time there. >>reporter: trump now admitting skipping the last republican debate in iowa may have hurt him. >> i think it could have been the debate. i think some people were disappointed that i didn't go to the debate. >>reporter: on trump heel mash 0rubio talking about voters in new hampshire. , after his strong third place finish. >> in iowa we were arnlly written off we came on strong. >>reporter: campaign confidence for both democratic candidates. despite the party closest caucus finish ever just a fraction of a point clinton proudly declaring victory. >> i feel really great being back in new hampshire after winning in iowa and having a chance to come here. >>reporter: bernie sanders with double digit lead in the poll here in his back yard a political revolution and risk using. >> last night and political revolution continues next tuesday here in new hampshire. >>reporter: but one candidate not here in new hampshire ben carson who took a day off. today ted cruz apologized to him for mistakenly telling people that carson had dropped out of the race. this is abc news new hampshire. >> bill cosby was in a pennsylvania court today trying to get an aggravated indecent assault charge thrown out. his attorneys argue the former da had a deal with cosby that no criminal charges would be filed in exchange for his testimony in a two,000 5 civil case against him. that suit was brought by former temple university employee who accused the 78-year-old of sexual assault. in december a new prosecutor filed the criminal charge days before the statute of limitation expired. >> there's still sufficient evidence for the prosecutor to proceed if he is permitted to admit evidence of what is called prior bad acts. >> more than 50 women have accused cosby of sexually assaulting them he denies any wrongdoing. new concerns about the zika virus n.dallas, texas a rare case of patienten effected through sexual contact. 40 case have now been reported in 12 states. today olympic officials in brazil encourage athletes to come to the summer games saying there's little risk for those who aren't pregnant t.athletes not convinced and dr. richard invest interbrazil e-with the olympic 6 months away athletes here in rio admit to being alarm. >> i haven't been outside the hotel so it's kind of scary e-nouns the from the i o c that mosquito population will be down and athletes face zero risk isn't completely reassuring. because there's something else the potentially deadly. she can no longer walk without help. kf7q)) neurt causes paralysis may also be a rare complication of zika. she says she contracted the disease seven months ago and at one point could only move her her eyes. >> the fact that seven months out she's still having such difficulty walking does make ate severe out come. >> we went with the doctor here to find out whether zika can cause this fatal debilitating complication. all as they train and worry. new case of zika virus reported in texas. according to health officials this was picked up through sexual contact with some one who got the virus while abroad. this is very disturbing development. dr. richard vesser abc news salvador, brazil. chipotle says the scope of federal criminal investigation has widened beyond a single restaurant in southern california. company says it has been served with another subpena requiring more documents related to it company wide food safety. chipotle confirms the sales sank 14 percent in the fourth quarter after food scare sicken dozens of people around the country. it's the company's first sales drop situations it went public a decade ago. scare in the air over sea. emergency landing just minutes after take off injured two people. there was an alarming sight after quick evacuation. hole in the side of a plane. david has more. >>reporter: these are the terrifying moments after passengers repor a loud bang and smoke shortly after take off. the cabin of the air bus a 3-21 depressurize. some of the 74 passengers manufacturing to the back of the jet leaner always the plane descends to make an emergency landing. on the ground those passengers see the florida ceiling hole in the fuse land. from the outside markings of an explosion. that peeled back metal. streak of soot. >> that suggest quite defen activity this was a bomb of some kind. probably something about a hand grenade size that would have made this holeen the air plane. >>reporter: two passengers reportedly hurt. even the pilot thinks it was a bomb but one aviation expert believes there should have been more interior damage. if it was a bomb security experts say it may have been an attempt to defeat security systems and bring down a jet liner. in honor of superbowl 50 abc 7 parent company the walt disney company teamed up with kaboom to help build new play ground in south san jose. 250 volume up tears showed up to get their hand dirty and chris winn was there as well for all of it. >>reporter: at the river apartments in south san jose. >> i feel blessed honestly. just thankful for everything that is going on right now. >>reporter: resident are overwhelmed by all the action. >> we really needed it back. we didn't have any swings or anything because they just broke off. means a lot to us. >>reporter: since 2007 destiny has committed more than 6 million dollars to build play grounds across the country tea teaming up with kaboom to make it happen. volunteers from these news stations and other community group work along resident to transform an eye sore into something manual cal. >> great that they are here and we shall happy to be doing it for them but having them involved makes it extra spishtion six hour build out from start to official. >> i don't know if words can express how i feel when i see volunteers out here giving up their days for other kid. >>reporter: playground was designed by children in the complex. neighbors also helped with gathering donations. >> really see our community come together and the energy and the feeling just an other as neighbors us get to e-while the playground is meant to help kids be more active volunteers say valuable lessons also taught. >> learning communication styles and learning way be able to resolve things without conflict. that's what is there. >>reporter: they hope to the park done by early next week. the 7 news. >> congratulations tovsh. great day down there coming up at 9:00. if you think you are a superbowl superman, think agai again. meet one man who has been to every single superbowl. >> in honor of black history month we use our instant gram feed to celebrate the people making a difference where you live. today we recognize artist and entrepreneur who founded oakland oak stop as shared work space for artist entrepreneur and professionals. more information on our bay more information on our bay area instant gram i'm caridee. i've had 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medical study, most stelara® patients saw at least 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. stelara® helps keep my skin clearer. ask your doctor about stelara®. thousands of football fans have descended on the bay area for the superbowl. >> they have indeed but only a few who can actually be considered super fans. >> mike has a look at one local man. >>reporter: 76-year-old larry jacobson was one of the first superbowl volunteers to check out his official uniform. >> i'm ready to get to work right now. >>reporter: he's spend thanksgiving week helping tourist fine their way around san francisco but sunday he will be at levi stadium watching the game with a very exclusive club. how many original members never missed a superbowl club. >> we had 5. now we are down to 3. >>reporter: he started as a die hard forty-niner fan. he's had season tickets for 63 years. then in 1967 he decided to take a today i to los angeles to see the first superbowl. >> it was a 100 dollar investment including tickets, airfare and rent a car and foo food. but she wasn't impressed with football and she wasn't impressed with me. >>reporter: he gave up on the woman but not the game. he developed a special talent. >> anybody knows i don't know anything about football. i know how to get tickets. that's my thing. >>reporter: 50 years later larry's house full of superbowl memorabilia. all the programs here. >> yes. this is superbowl 16. >> i remember that one. >>reporter: i may have a superbowl ring but larry is one up on me. this is the first official superbowl 50 balance handled to him straight off the press at the factory in ohio. >> then larry jacobson. got your own name on a footbal football. i don't even have my name on a football anywhere. >>reporter: he first met the other men who had never missed a superbowl 16 years ago. now they get together and swap stories every year. >> all right this is number 50. this would be a good number to just wrap it up say i'm done. >> no. you know. what nfl is treating us so well for superbowl 50 i'm aiming for 10 100. >>reporter: mike, abc 7 news. >> that is a faichbility he has a goal 72 come up next at 9:00. san jose girl chosen by the nfl to play reporter. >> wait until you see her spunky (vo) if you have type 2 diabetes, you may know what it's like to deal with high... and low blood sugar. januvia (sitagliptin) is a once-daily pill that, along with diet and exercise, helps lower blood sugar. januvia works when your blood sugar is high and works less when your blood sugar is low, because it works by enhancing your body's own ability to lower blood sugar. plus januvia, by itself, is not likely to cause weight gain or low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). januvia should not be used in patients with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. tell your doctor if you have a history of pancreatitis. serious side effects can happen, including pancreatitis which may be severe and lead to death. stop taking 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surfer falling about 40 feet while trying to ride a wave off of maui. he says it felt like being in a car crash. video recorded by bruno and posted on his instagram account. hawaii has been hit by enormous waves recently making it a challenge for even the most zoned surfer. >> what is going through his mind when he comes off that board. >> i don't know. >> wow! that is just frightening. let's talk about the weather forecast. more rain coming. >> yes. the weather tonight though is mostly clear. we pointed our camera on mountain sutro san francisco city hall. look at that the. all lit up superbowl 50 golden anniversary. >> check in one more time with sandhya. >> yes. it looks amazing there as you look at the time lapse thinks also pretty cool from lake tahoe camera. watch the snow showers right over the lake. this is just nice to see that develop this afternoon and evening. unfortunately not a lot of snow associated with it and the next system coming in on live doppler 7 hd will produce some snow showers scattered in nature in the tahoe area tomorrow. 39 degrees there. chico 47. eureka a 53. sacramento 55. that's where most of the wet weather is across the northern central portion of the state. down south it is dry. mid 60's san diego and los angeles. here in the bay area we do with a cool day tomorrow. showers develop in the afternoon and north bay and spread by evening across the rest of the year. low to upper 50's except lake port 46 degrees. the week ahead get rid of the chill. bring on some warmth. 7 day forecast feature it as well. tomorrow san jose 59 degrees but look at the temperatures just soar by superbowl sunday low 70's then mid 70's early next week. accu-weather 7 day forecast will feature a one on our storm impact scale wednesday afternoon into thursday morningment. unfortunately from the drop standpoint not good to see all the dry day following but from the superbowl standpoint, i think most people will take the dry and warmer forecast coming up with 7 news. >> i think you are right. >> thanks. it will be a thighs change. >> likely saw the last night blitz of interview with peyton manning and cam newton but there's a new pint size correspondent from san jose that even they could not avoid. here's matt. >>reporter: what shellack in stature she compliment with towering enthusiasim. >> i'm marlow thinks awesome. >>reporter: chosen by the nfl from thousands of kid contestant for whirlwind week at the superbowl in san jose. that's her getting the news. >> you are the winner. let's go talk to some of the players. >> you have to eat your vegetable. >>reporter: the receiver on the pop warner that's her taking the hand off asking probing questions of her idol. >> what do you mean by your last rodeo. >> i don't know what that mean means. what do you think it meant. >> that you are probably going to retire. >> no. no. no. you totally missed the point. i am going to go participate in rodeos. >> how do you train to be a great quarterback. >> like you train to be great in anything else. you have to put your mind to i it. >>reporter: yes of course hard work but she's not averse to also play also. what do you think. >> great. >>reporter: matt abc news los angeles. >> get larry one of the out fichlts she has some good yes, sir. >> you mean the gold. how do you know i don't have that few more difficult until saturday night. >> i need something to stay warm at pier 39 today. it was cold out there i like her questions. she was grilling peyton mannin manning. you are retiring aren't you. i like that. need a kid out there. any way, we are going to talk with bronco and panther both hoping to make superbowl 50 happy homecoming. 21 years later the reason i am haunted by that man. >> oh, boy. >> steve young. we are going to settle this is is a.w coming up tonight at 11:00 o'clock. more on our developing story from the south bay. prostitution sting at san jose motel lands a member of the denver broncos in trouble just days before the superbowl. >> video obtained by dan raising questions about san francisco police and the homeless just days again before the big game. >> those stories and more coming up at 11:00 over on channel 7. >> we have been having a big time covering the superbowl. it has been great. >> yes. larry has been koyvringt all out in the field everywhere. >> we have people automatic over the place. a lot of fun. talk with steve young today. i didn't realize he was part of the superbowl 50 host committe committee. we'll talk with steve in just a few minutes. plenty of bay area talent on both teams. trying to make this a happy homecoming. mike starts our coverage from levi stayed up. he caught up with vallejo native ang ever and broncos running back cj anderson. >> he played cej balance at cal he's proud to be back in the bay area locking for his first championship. >> feels good to have an opportunity to be world champion. that's something i have had an opportunity before an we came up short but now we have a chance to prove it. >>reporter: what does it mean to many would back to the bay area and play at cal. >> seems like all my big games and whatever i want to do is at home. doesn't feel like a road game to me. glad to be home. >>reporter: great match up between you and the panthers. talk about that panther defense. >> they are really good. we all know loan backer what they can do. really good defense. the coach is cal bear he has i think we are ready. >>reporter: be able to run the ball in the superbowl. >> be patient and take our tim time. picower spot and things come up we'll make it happen. >>reporter: the week before is getting tickets for all your family. has that been a nightmare for you. >> kept it at 5. 5 special people in my heart. >>reporter: 5. that's it. >> that's it. >>reporter: what's the mood of the team. peyton manning this might be the last game. kind of win one for the givd. >> no all about us we believe in us and focus on us we just want to take care business business for us. >>reporter: and i bring in collin and talk about one cal player and one that got away. >> shaq thompson. he verbally committed to cal after high school playing days at grant high in sacramento. changed his mind. went to washington and in a twist of fate history signature play at you w happened in berkeley. the pall east out. shaq thompson has it. >> i remember the play. got the fumble landed in my hands. just like all right time to go. i could talk a little trash to my brother now. just tremendous play. something i always remember. >>reporter: older brother speaks up who was a stand out quarterbacktor cal who was drafted by of all teams denver in 2010. unfortunately for syd just a year later an injury would shorten his career. >> i play for him. the incident that happened when he tore his achilles i know he was trying to get back but just tragedy happened to him and he just couldn't get through it. he's out. i tell him i got you. just something that he did for me when i was younger i'm doing for him now. >>reporter: and now come sunday the panthers rookie license backer will try to fulfill not only his superbowl dream but that of his big brother who has to be rooting for carolina, right. >> he has to. he has friends on the broncos still and but he has to root for us. >>reporter: shark and duck first came back since the all star break second period burns shot tipped by the slot and tie the game at 1 appease two minutes later. duck shorthanded. rips it. top shelf two-1. jones with the initial stop here off chris stewart. score on the rebound. shark fall 3-2 snapping 10 game point streak. cal alum an panthers head coach rivera at cal stanford hoops game tonight. ridge way unstoppable. first 11 points. bears jump out to early 7 point lead. she had 17 total but stanford comes back. the samuelson had a team high 15. cardinal we know it. rematch is friday night in berkeley. as i mention had a chance to catch one 49ers great steve young today. we shared a memory from 1995. moment i will never forget. or be allowed to forget. it's a couple of days before the superbowl. we are in the same restaurant together. you are with your family. i'm with my family. had newborn baby. then months old. my wife she's nudging me throughout the whole dinner get a picture with steve young and her get a picture. i tonight want to be that guy. i don't want to be bothering him. and so i didn't get the picture. okay. >> you know larry come on. >> every day for the past 20 years when you come on television do you know what i hear. i can't believe you didn't get a picture of steve young with little baby. do you know how much grief you have caused me the past 2 decades. >> i apologize i would have been glad to sign it. the same moment i was prosecuting miami and young ray lewis was calling for me between you not asking for the autograph and me walking about i ray the whole thing was a mess. i look back like ray i promise i must have been distracted i would have talked all day long. pic2b g >> dokrñ a picture now. make it up to ray and your daughter right. >> steve young let us both down that's what it is. at the is he is so nice i felt guilty bothering him. >> i think you messed up larry. i agree. >> the never liveo this down. >> unanimous. my fault. >> thanks larry. >> thanks for joining us. >> for all of us here and sham announcer: this program contains material that may be disturbing to some audience members. viewer discretion is advised. today, a sinking cruise ship and a deadly lie that sends thousands of terrified passengers scrambling for their lives on the mediterranean. chaos on the "costa concordia." also, a tokyo subway

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santa clare county sheriff's deputy conduct the the sting at the motel 6 at north first street and east brokaw row. law enforcement source tells us murphy brother brought a woman to the motel. he was committed for prostitution. murphy brother cited for human trafficking offense. m you are if i was in the car. he was questioned and released. >> broncos head coach sent out a statement saying in part although murphy was not cited we decided it was best for the team if we continued our preparation for superbowl 50 without him. ryan is returning to denver but the status as practice squad player has not changed at this time. but it is a developing story obviously. >> good evening. >> w to other superbowl related news. and the beefed up security around the event. those getting around on public transit may have noticed armed guards and other security measures. here's lee ann with more. >> homeland security officers are now visible press he says at the sfo birth station. they are followed by indicate neep teams searching for explosives along with officers from the transportation security administration they make it up viper team. aiding bay area law enforcement during superbowl week. they go where the public will be. >> airport. rail. ferry. in and around san francisco and then down by the stadium. especially wednesday through monday we expect those to be the big travel days. so in terms of both security and service, we are putting a lot of resours towards airport travelers. >>reporter: as passengers get off and walk towards the airport terminals, they are scanned by the black box called preventive radiological nuclear detickets. what is inside there's a senses gamma ray. >> it's a good idea. it's always nice to have extra. never hurts right. >>reporter: viper team on board ferry making some passengers a little uncomfortable. today they were inspecting the area around the for ri building. muni has also aheaded security as the number of passengers increases. >> you will see officers if all of our stations. you will see some police dog around just as precaution. >>reporter: viper operative were created following the 911 commission hearings. this is the new normal at least during superbowl week. in san francisco, abc 7 news. rapper snoop dogg equipment was stolen in san francisco last night. he's here to perform superbowl concert incorporating to mmz he parked his suv in san francisco last night. some one broke a window and took his lap top, luggage and concert gear. he is performing at the regency ballroom tonight and other superbowl events this week. levi stadium still few scenes satisfying home of the 49ers but in the branding all panthers and broncos. nfl transferred levi into a picture perfect have been you that screams this is pro football most important game of the soap. david got a look inside. >> painters. electrician. other trades people still working on making levi stadium perfect for the fans and forth worldwide tv audience. expectation are high that new stadium will look the best but to the critical eye of the nfl staff touch up work is always needed. >> we have decore el nont put down. ad more paint on to the field just to make it look trimmed and perfect. field still need more love and light and just to be as perfect as possible. >>reporter: yes the field. ed was out inspecting the grass which replaces what the theners played on this past season. rehearsal for pre-game half time entertainment have already taken place open the field and doesn't show any stressor ware. the field manager believes the turk is slpt for the game. grass is a blend from the central value that supplies the 49ers. >> this is doing great this kind of weather it grows well. >>reporter: technology inside levi also put to the test to make sure nobody hacks into the system that control everything from the score board to theen seat wireless food ordering app. >> had to make sure we not only lock down the network we use and make sure no entry point from external network to support neglect if the stadium. if we need anything like that for support then we have an open channel we open for that purpose. >>reporter: both team make last minute request about food. house will be in order. abc 7 news. down load our 7 news app for details on traffic alerts. superbowl city and nfl experience. unable push alert to get instance updates. chp officer stabbed in the neck today at san francisco badly hurt. we have a picture of man police say stabbed the officer. san francisco police identified the man as he was booked for attempted murder aggravated assault and resisting arrest. wayne has more. >>reporter: this is the mp who san francisco police say attacked california highway patrol this morning and here's the knife they say he used to stab the officer in the neck after a struggle. >> i could tell you that he was stabbed in the upper torso in the neck and as you can imagine have serious, violent attack. >>reporter: the attack and investigation closed eastbound on ramp to the bay bridge at harrison and essex streets for 4 hours while police looked for clue and spoke with witnesses in and around this homeless encampment directly behind the guard rails. nobody was there when we visited this afternoon. other homeless nearby told us they knew nothing about what happened. >> quloon to say. yes when you get into messing with this item all about. >> certainly was not good today. beside closing the on ramp police to search for the suspect who took off through the neighborhood creating a tense environment. police tyrant everything for it to be -- do that to chp is crazy. officers took the suspect away they did so on wheels. we don't know the man's name or k.mean time san francisco general hospital the wait for news of that wounded officer has lasted all day. >> officer is a 7 84 veteran of the calf highway patrol. his injuries right now are, it was life threatening injury but at this time he's stable. >>reporter: in san francisco the abc 7 news. new at 9. biker suffered serious giraffe collision with vehicle in berkeley. we were over the area of fulton seat and bancroft way where they were transported to local hospital for treatment. >> san francisco supervisors well consider what could be a first in the nation. proposed through would require property owners to wait until summer break before evicting teachers who haven't done anything wrong. carolyn tyler has the story. >>reporter: allison is anxious and depressed since she was forced out of her apartment last december. stress is impacting a teacher. >> she joined others on the steps of city hall to support measure banning inform fault he have ix during the academic year. for those who work for any school in the city from custody an to principal there's already a similar lawyer protecting family from december when the honors want to move in. this new legislation sponsored by david compost would expand those rights and focus on educators. >> just have a world class education system you need to have educators live in the cit city. >> average teachers earns this. and median prices over 36 houses. one property owner group wants his legislation tighten. >> we have to make sure that the language is such that it doesn't i the the doop door for a lot of people to fall into school teacher category that may really not need this assistance. >>reporter: she believes the major path of theft is here at city hall. it could be a hard for licensed lord to rent to teachers. 7 news. we have more ahead for you on this tuesday night. check your wallet t.there's 28 million dollar lotto ticket about to come. >> bay area city were forced to plug the leak. is it finally time to loosen the tap. >> sandhya i'm tracking another storm. let you know how it ranks on the tomorrow im part scale it understand up. >> update on one of the last one room school houses in the bay area. >> state right here. 7 news frustrated with your overactive bladder medicine not working? can't 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be a low cost option. >> time running out for one california an to be a millionaire. some one bought a 63 million dollar super lotto ticket last august and never claimed the prize. here are the wing numbers. 1, 16, 30, 33, 46 and the mega no. 24. as annabelle from our sister station in l.a. explains, deadline to turn in the particular is only two days await a minute winner of 63 million dollar prize bought the lotto ticket on august eighth but he or she has not come forward in nearly 6 months. >> the person isen saint. because when you buy a ticket a lot of people don't anticipate them winning. they bee it just to buy i. >>reporter: it would be the heist unclaimed california lottery prize on record. officials say right now the largest unclaimed sum is 28.5. the sheldon says no matter how big or small he claims his prizes right away. >> it could be stuck in the washing machine. you don't take a chance like that e-super lotto flex ticket sold last year and to a direct office by thursday. i wish i had the ticket. i want it. >>reporter: if nobody claims it the money will be redirected to support california public schools. and if the lucky winner comes forward in time and takes a lump sum amount, lottery officials say they would receive 1 time bay out of 1 13.then million dollars before federal kashtion. >> i feel bad for you because this is heart breaking. >>reporter: another level of devastation. i can't even fathom. >>reporter: now if you remember being in the area make sure you have that ticket if you do. issues edge to seen it immediately in ink. death lean to get it to her in chatsworth 7 news. one room school house in petaluma on the verbal of becoming history will stay ope open. union school on red hill road has six student putting them one child short of the daily attendance required by the state. the school covers grades 2 through 5 and desperate plea to keep open the students. up to 29 students when dairy farming maiming industry in the area. it's now working on fundraising effort to help put it on solid financial footer. >> winner off to good start but not enough. 76 inches of snow near echo tent. the snow pack needs to be 150 percent of normal to signal an easying drought. >> this helped. congratulations to use yes we did it now that. i state board will decide whether to sten the mandate through october or change it. laura has more. >> despite recent rain and snow, no one is proclaiming an into the drought. but there are bay area water directs this would like to see the state roll back its conservation mandate. at least a little with 32 percent mandatory reduction. >> the lower placed him in the highest tier. they met an exceeded that goal. with reduction of 40 percent to see if the might be get resources adjustments made on climb. so with your our. >> customers say the ka loorm late money of this exceeding the 28 percent map death placed on them. but even if the state lowers it the direct won channeling the krau. it has that the. >> since june california have exceeded governor 25% mandate. but water conservation dropped to its lowest point just 18 percent in the month of december. in brent wood abc 7 news. >> that's encouraging. we need more but not bad. >> full accu-weather forecast. >> sandhya is here. really cool and windy out there today but you are tracking some rape now. >>reporter: first handed experience. you are upstairs definitely a beautiful view rain tomorrow afternoon. computer model floated down a little bit but hour by hour time lean let's check out here and look is what ahead the rain is spilled well to the north of us but here sun enough off the rubing a ghost lean and things will be coming. storm will send us high surf. the high surf advisory from wednesday 7 until wet except the possibility of kirnts large breakers so if you are going to check out or local beaches initial rain sful today well not to writing home about but we'll take it 5 hundredths in san jose. fen hundredths 59 hendz late chalk couple hundred few the areas of the child. san francisco you are will go 40 degrees an speaking all in up you can see superbowl city hall in gold just spectacular sight right now. showers tomorrow afternoon. few wet spots thursday morning and we are looking at warming trend this not know our storm impact scale. severe severe and one light come coming in tomorrow afternoon is a light storm light showers wind expected tomorrow afternoon. less than a quarter of app in but just we'll be pwaibling impact for you and how to plan 10:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. few sprinkle not out of the question in the north bay but watch the rain at soon still up to the north. north of santa 2 start the by 3:00 p.m. now crossing parts of the east bay i come on steady yelling of the rain during the evening rush hour. fix to 7:00 o'clock that may slim road way even through lot fut wed wig include few scattered showers very light. green the later all day at lot like yours. free about to two-tenths of an inch in santa rosa that means snow in the saw it wbltion there. 0soap bet if with your to chance of rain coming. a. >> evening hours low to mid 50's. you need a jacket but rain gear as well. est incoast in the 40's. as you head towards the afternoon hours we'll see the showers up to the north and then spreading south ward by eng. low upper 50's. look at superbowl sunday. not cool anything but dodgers 72 degree the as we head to the ep of the game. accu-weather 7 day fovshing or our familiar we have drying out on friday. the weekend is warparticularly . when we have low 70's and it's low to mid 70's early 86 week. had a are the to belief it's still inter- it will feel like thanks still to come an to joy's superbowl not for shot the steve nice to meet you. >> forker forty-niner jerry >> forker forty-niner jerry rise undercover as the split to i want to show you some cutting edge technology. this is a vhs tape. push that tape in and hit play. this is a flip phone. have you seen these before? it's called a compact disc. oh. looks like we're getting a facsimile. what year is it to you? it's old. you'd rather use newer technology? definitely. well, i've got something to show you. this is the 2016 chevy volt. it uses extended range electric technology. the prius hybrid uses battery technology developed 15 years ago. chevy expects volt drivers to get over a thousand miles between fill ups. it's got every technology there is. the prius actually belongs on the table. (all with worry-free ownership. colors in your neighborhood... head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... shift your thinking about buying your next one. today the nfl announce lady gaga sing the national anthem at the superbowl on sunday. gaga will also be a presenter at the oscars this year, too. ffl teamed up with special olympic northern california for a big announcement about the game. the we were at valley christian eye school in san jose when special olympic revealed flag football is the 12th sport beginning this fall. celebrate the addition and superbowl 50 special olympic athlete took part in flag football game and the the clinic. >> this is a dream. the niners are my favorite team in the nfl and dream come true and true honest to do a clean wick them. >> san francisco forty-niner foundation and special olympic california hosted the events. uber made a deal to become exclusive for the superbowl. but rival getting into the expert of the game. went undercover for day as driver for lift. >> who is your team. >> theners sense born and raised in san jose. >> really. right. okay. >> how about you. >> i'm fought really into sports man. i'm jerry rice. >> love that. hall of fame doesn't reveal identity to unsuspecting passenger. sky of 7 news at then coming up next. sand at that time for president already on the ground in new hampshire with done trump is saying about his second place nren issue and hillary clinton declared a winter but just barely. new warning about zika virus us and now development virus us and now development out of texas >> nfl, espn, abc we begin this half hour with new battle ground in new hampshire. >> candidate descended on the state to rall c voters where the primary is one week from today. >> we are there with the lates latest. back on the trail fueled by iowa inspired optimism. >> whether an incredible, en credible evening we had last night. >>reporter: ted cruz. celebrating a big win in the caucuses and beating donald trump. >> had i nobody we coffin issued no. 2 maybe i would have spent more time there. >>reporter: trump now admitting skipping the last republican debate in iowa may have hurt him. >> i think it could have been the debate. i think some people were disappointed that i didn't go to the debate. >>reporter: on trump heel mash 0rubio talking about voters in new hampshire. , after his strong third place finish. >> in iowa we were arnlly written off we came on strong. >>reporter: campaign confidence for both democratic candidates. despite the party closest caucus finish ever just a fraction of a point clinton proudly declaring victory. >> i feel really great being back in new hampshire after winning in iowa and having a chance to come here. >>reporter: bernie sanders with double digit lead in the poll here in his back yard a political revolution and risk using. >> last night and political revolution continues next tuesday here in new hampshire. >>reporter: but one candidate not here in new hampshire ben carson who took a day off. today ted cruz apologized to him for mistakenly telling people that carson had dropped out of the race. this is abc news new hampshire. >> bill cosby was in a pennsylvania court today trying to get an aggravated indecent assault charge thrown out. his attorneys argue the former da had a deal with cosby that no criminal charges would be filed in exchange for his testimony in a two,000 5 civil case against him. that suit was brought by former temple university employee who accused the 78-year-old of sexual assault. in december a new prosecutor filed the criminal charge days before the statute of limitation expired. >> there's still sufficient evidence for the prosecutor to proceed if he is permitted to admit evidence of what is called prior bad acts. >> more than 50 women have accused cosby of sexually assaulting them he denies any wrongdoing. new concerns about the zika virus n.dallas, texas a rare case of patienten effected through sexual contact. 40 case have now been reported in 12 states. today olympic officials in brazil encourage athletes to come to the summer games saying there's little risk for those who aren't pregnant t.athletes not convinced and dr. richard invest interbrazil e-with the olympic 6 months away athletes here in rio admit to being alarm. >> i haven't been outside the hotel so it's kind of scary e-nouns the from the i o c that mosquito population will be down and athletes face zero risk isn't completely reassuring. because there's something else the potentially deadly. she can no longer walk without help. kf7q)) neurt causes paralysis may also be a rare complication of zika. she says she contracted the disease seven months ago and at one point could only move her her eyes. >> the fact that seven months out she's still having such difficulty walking does make ate severe out come. >> we went with the doctor here to find out whether zika can cause this fatal debilitating complication. all as they train and worry. new case of zika virus reported in texas. according to health officials this was picked up through sexual contact with some one who got the virus while abroad. this is very disturbing development. dr. richard vesser abc news salvador, brazil. chipotle says the scope of federal criminal investigation has widened beyond a single restaurant in southern california. company says it has been served with another subpena requiring more documents related to it company wide food safety. chipotle confirms the sales sank 14 percent in the fourth quarter after food scare sicken dozens of people around the country. it's the company's first sales drop situations it went public a decade ago. scare in the air over sea. emergency landing just minutes after take off injured two people. there was an alarming sight after quick evacuation. hole in the side of a plane. david has more. >>reporter: these are the terrifying moments after passengers repor a loud bang and smoke shortly after take off. the cabin of the air bus a 3-21 depressurize. some of the 74 passengers manufacturing to the back of the jet leaner always the plane descends to make an emergency landing. on the ground those passengers see the florida ceiling hole in the fuse land. from the outside markings of an explosion. that peeled back metal. streak of soot. >> that suggest quite defen activity this was a bomb of some kind. probably something about a hand grenade size that would have made this holeen the air plane. >>reporter: two passengers reportedly hurt. even the pilot thinks it was a bomb but one aviation expert believes there should have been more interior damage. if it was a bomb security experts say it may have been an attempt to defeat security systems and bring down a jet liner. in honor of superbowl 50 abc 7 parent company the walt disney company teamed up with kaboom to help build new play ground in south san jose. 250 volume up tears showed up to get their hand dirty and chris winn was there as well for all of it. >>reporter: at the river apartments in south san jose. >> i feel blessed honestly. just thankful for everything that is going on right now. >>reporter: resident are overwhelmed by all the action. >> we really needed it back. we didn't have any swings or anything because they just broke off. means a lot to us. >>reporter: since 2007 destiny has committed more than 6 million dollars to build play grounds across the country tea teaming up with kaboom to make it happen. volunteers from these news stations and other community group work along resident to transform an eye sore into something manual cal. >> great that they are here and we shall happy to be doing it for them but having them involved makes it extra spishtion six hour build out from start to official. >> i don't know if words can express how i feel when i see volunteers out here giving up their days for other kid. >>reporter: playground was designed by children in the complex. neighbors also helped with gathering donations. >> really see our community come together and the energy and the feeling just an other as neighbors us get to e-while the playground is meant to help kids be more active volunteers say valuable lessons also taught. >> learning communication styles and learning way be able to resolve things without conflict. that's what is there. >>reporter: they hope to the park done by early next week. the 7 news. >> congratulations tovsh. great day down there coming up at 9:00. if you think you are a superbowl superman, think agai again. meet one man who has been to every single superbowl. >> in honor of black history month we use our instant gram feed to celebrate the people making a difference where you live. today we recognize artist and entrepreneur who founded oakland oak stop as shared work space for artist entrepreneur and professionals. more information on our bay more information on our bay area instant gram i'm caridee. i've had 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medical study, most stelara® patients saw at least 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. stelara® helps keep my skin clearer. ask your doctor about stelara®. thousands of football fans have descended on the bay area for the superbowl. >> they have indeed but only a few who can actually be considered super fans. >> mike has a look at one local man. >>reporter: 76-year-old larry jacobson was one of the first superbowl volunteers to check out his official uniform. >> i'm ready to get to work right now. >>reporter: he's spend thanksgiving week helping tourist fine their way around san francisco but sunday he will be at levi stadium watching the game with a very exclusive club. how many original members never missed a superbowl club. >> we had 5. now we are down to 3. >>reporter: he started as a die hard forty-niner fan. he's had season tickets for 63 years. then in 1967 he decided to take a today i to los angeles to see the first superbowl. >> it was a 100 dollar investment including tickets, airfare and rent a car and foo food. but she wasn't impressed with football and she wasn't impressed with me. >>reporter: he gave up on the woman but not the game. he developed a special talent. >> anybody knows i don't know anything about football. i know how to get tickets. that's my thing. >>reporter: 50 years later larry's house full of superbowl memorabilia. all the programs here. >> yes. this is superbowl 16. >> i remember that one. >>reporter: i may have a superbowl ring but larry is one up on me. this is the first official superbowl 50 balance handled to him straight off the press at the factory in ohio. >> then larry jacobson. got your own name on a footbal football. i don't even have my name on a football anywhere. >>reporter: he first met the other men who had never missed a superbowl 16 years ago. now they get together and swap stories every year. >> all right this is number 50. this would be a good number to just wrap it up say i'm done. >> no. you know. what nfl is treating us so well for superbowl 50 i'm aiming for 10 100. >>reporter: mike, abc 7 news. >> that is a faichbility he has a goal 72 come up next at 9:00. san jose girl chosen by the nfl to play reporter. >> wait until you see her spunky (vo) if you have type 2 diabetes, you may know what it's like to deal with high... and low blood sugar. januvia (sitagliptin) is a once-daily pill that, along with diet and exercise, helps lower blood sugar. januvia works when your blood sugar is high and works less when your blood sugar is low, because it works by enhancing your body's own ability to lower blood sugar. plus januvia, by itself, is not likely to cause weight gain or low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). januvia should not be used in patients with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. tell your doctor if you have a history of pancreatitis. serious side effects can happen, including pancreatitis which may be severe and lead to death. stop taking 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surfer falling about 40 feet while trying to ride a wave off of maui. he says it felt like being in a car crash. video recorded by bruno and posted on his instagram account. hawaii has been hit by enormous waves recently making it a challenge for even the most zoned surfer. >> what is going through his mind when he comes off that board. >> i don't know. >> wow! that is just frightening. let's talk about the weather forecast. more rain coming. >> yes. the weather tonight though is mostly clear. we pointed our camera on mountain sutro san francisco city hall. look at that the. all lit up superbowl 50 golden anniversary. >> check in one more time with sandhya. >> yes. it looks amazing there as you look at the time lapse thinks also pretty cool from lake tahoe camera. watch the snow showers right over the lake. this is just nice to see that develop this afternoon and evening. unfortunately not a lot of snow associated with it and the next system coming in on live doppler 7 hd will produce some snow showers scattered in nature in the tahoe area tomorrow. 39 degrees there. chico 47. eureka a 53. sacramento 55. that's where most of the wet weather is across the northern central portion of the state. down south it is dry. mid 60's san diego and los angeles. here in the bay area we do with a cool day tomorrow. showers develop in the afternoon and north bay and spread by evening across the rest of the year. low to upper 50's except lake port 46 degrees. the week ahead get rid of the chill. bring on some warmth. 7 day forecast feature it as well. tomorrow san jose 59 degrees but look at the temperatures just soar by superbowl sunday low 70's then mid 70's early next week. accu-weather 7 day forecast will feature a one on our storm impact scale wednesday afternoon into thursday morningment. unfortunately from the drop standpoint not good to see all the dry day following but from the superbowl standpoint, i think most people will take the dry and warmer forecast coming up with 7 news. >> i think you are right. >> thanks. it will be a thighs change. >> likely saw the last night blitz of interview with peyton manning and cam newton but there's a new pint size correspondent from san jose that even they could not avoid. here's matt. >>reporter: what shellack in stature she compliment with towering enthusiasim. >> i'm marlow thinks awesome. >>reporter: chosen by the nfl from thousands of kid contestant for whirlwind week at the superbowl in san jose. that's her getting the news. >> you are the winner. let's go talk to some of the players. >> you have to eat your vegetable. >>reporter: the receiver on the pop warner that's her taking the hand off asking probing questions of her idol. >> what do you mean by your last rodeo. >> i don't know what that mean means. what do you think it meant. >> that you are probably going to retire. >> no. no. no. you totally missed the point. i am going to go participate in rodeos. >> how do you train to be a great quarterback. >> like you train to be great in anything else. you have to put your mind to i it. >>reporter: yes of course hard work but she's not averse to also play also. what do you think. >> great. >>reporter: matt abc news los angeles. >> get larry one of the out fichlts she has some good yes, sir. >> you mean the gold. how do you know i don't have that few more difficult until saturday night. >> i need something to stay warm at pier 39 today. it was cold out there i like her questions. she was grilling peyton mannin manning. you are retiring aren't you. i like that. need a kid out there. any way, we are going to talk with bronco and panther both hoping to make superbowl 50 happy homecoming. 21 years later the reason i am haunted by that man. >> oh, boy. >> steve young. we are going to settle this is is a.w coming up tonight at 11:00 o'clock. more on our developing story from the south bay. prostitution sting at san jose motel lands a member of the denver broncos in trouble just days before the superbowl. >> video obtained by dan raising questions about san francisco police and the homeless just days again before the big game. >> those stories and more coming up at 11:00 over on channel 7. >> we have been having a big time covering the superbowl. it has been great. >> yes. larry has been koyvringt all out in the field everywhere. >> we have people automatic over the place. a lot of fun. talk with steve young today. i didn't realize he was part of the superbowl 50 host committe committee. we'll talk with steve in just a few minutes. plenty of bay area talent on both teams. trying to make this a happy homecoming. mike starts our coverage from levi stayed up. he caught up with vallejo native ang ever and broncos running back cj anderson. >> he played cej balance at cal he's proud to be back in the bay area locking for his first championship. >> feels good to have an opportunity to be world champion. that's something i have had an opportunity before an we came up short but now we have a chance to prove it. >>reporter: what does it mean to many would back to the bay area and play at cal. >> seems like all my big games and whatever i want to do is at home. doesn't feel like a road game to me. glad to be home. >>reporter: great match up between you and the panthers. talk about that panther defense. >> they are really good. we all know loan backer what they can do. really good defense. the coach is cal bear he has i think we are ready. >>reporter: be able to run the ball in the superbowl. >> be patient and take our tim time. picower spot and things come up we'll make it happen. >>reporter: the week before is getting tickets for all your family. has that been a nightmare for you. >> kept it at 5. 5 special people in my heart. >>reporter: 5. that's it. >> that's it. >>reporter: what's the mood of the team. peyton manning this might be the last game. kind of win one for the givd. >> no all about us we believe in us and focus on us we just want to take care business business for us. >>reporter: and i bring in collin and talk about one cal player and one that got away. >> shaq thompson. he verbally committed to cal after high school playing days at grant high in sacramento. changed his mind. went to washington and in a twist of fate history signature play at you w happened in berkeley. the pall east out. shaq thompson has it. >> i remember the play. got the fumble landed in my hands. just like all right time to go. i could talk a little trash to my brother now. just tremendous play. something i always remember. >>reporter: older brother speaks up who was a stand out quarterbacktor cal who was drafted by of all teams denver in 2010. unfortunately for syd just a year later an injury would shorten his career. >> i play for him. the incident that happened when he tore his achilles i know he was trying to get back but just tragedy happened to him and he just couldn't get through it. he's out. i tell him i got you. just something that he did for me when i was younger i'm doing for him now. >>reporter: and now come sunday the panthers rookie license backer will try to fulfill not only his superbowl dream but that of his big brother who has to be rooting for carolina, right. >> he has to. he has friends on the broncos still and but he has to root for us. >>reporter: shark and duck first came back since the all star break second period burns shot tipped by the slot and tie the game at 1 appease two minutes later. duck shorthanded. rips it. top shelf two-1. jones with the initial stop here off chris stewart. score on the rebound. shark fall 3-2 snapping 10 game point streak. cal alum an panthers head coach rivera at cal stanford hoops game tonight. ridge way unstoppable. first 11 points. bears jump out to early 7 point lead. she had 17 total but stanford comes back. the samuelson had a team high 15. cardinal we know it. rematch is friday night in berkeley. as i mention had a chance to catch one 49ers great steve young today. we shared a memory from 1995. moment i will never forget. or be allowed to forget. it's a couple of days before the superbowl. we are in the same restaurant together. you are with your family. i'm with my family. had newborn baby. then months old. my wife she's nudging me throughout the whole dinner get a picture with steve young and her get a picture. i tonight want to be that guy. i don't want to be bothering him. and so i didn't get the picture. okay. >> you know larry come on. >> every day for the past 20 years when you come on television do you know what i hear. i can't believe you didn't get a picture of steve young with little baby. do you know how much grief you have caused me the past 2 decades. >> i apologize i would have been glad to sign it. the same moment i was prosecuting miami and young ray lewis was calling for me between you not asking for the autograph and me walking about i ray the whole thing was a mess. i look back like ray i promise i must have been distracted i would have talked all day long. pic2b g >> dokrñ a picture now. make it up to ray and your daughter right. >> steve young let us both down that's what it is. at the is he is so nice i felt guilty bothering him. >> i think you messed up larry. i agree. >> the never liveo this down. >> unanimous. my fault. >> thanks larry. >> thanks for joining us. >> for all of us here and sham announcer: this program contains material that may be disturbing to some audience members. viewer discretion is advised. today, a sinking cruise ship and a deadly lie that sends thousands of terrified passengers scrambling for their lives on the mediterranean. chaos on the "costa concordia." also, a tokyo subway

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