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Residentcustomers werent thonly ones prting. Business owners in the dowown histor district wrote es in their ws well. Black hills energy could be demolishing historictions 5 and 6 wch could impact ratepayers further. But the fate of stations 5 w lie with pueblo city council. Pueblos Historic Preservation commsionas applied forhe city to coidesignatingblack hills aisric landmark. That puts the buildingsure directly int councils has. On the designati. If council vesgainst it there wont be anying stopping the tear dthe moli wilve an adverse impact on this beautiful area that wevined in if youd like to weigh in theres a puearing on march 7th before city cocimately cifate oth buildi. Watch. Voters in coloradoprgs are feeling thbern yesterday theyame to aca park Holding Signs andheering on democratic ndidate be sander a major topic of dssion yesterday was his pocies on money and walltreet. Many supporters say theyrsi antired of high Interest Rates on both student and personal loans, sometng sandersas vowed to change. Im an archict and mfederal loans have been traded like ten times, and i realized this last week, at if i pay em at the rate ipaying theitlke 8araym f. In additio sanders supporters rallyhere, rmers representativgabby giffds led a Hilla Clinton canvass kickoff in deer sunday morning. Clinand sanders were in denver surdaa Democratic Party event. Ather and traffic on the 5s. Meteorologist Stephen Bowers is a weak disturbance moved through st night. Itt bring much, bu tiny bit of precipitation it brought wi it has exited colorado and was over oklahoma this morning. We still he some snowy spots in the northern mountainthat willontinue ugh this morning,he issue for us will come wd as that diurbanc moaway. The winds in tls to art our day, but after 10 am it will gin spreading east of the motains. E wind from pueblo and caon ty south thr trinidad can be especially sty and inhe 1530 mph range. The mornindrive cowith no weher issues. Temperaturill be in the th se liinclouds. The ening drive e ee on the pueblo end th mperatures cooling throughhe s and 60s. Temperatures now are in the 20 with increasing nshine and creasing clouds, we will warm through e 30s and into the 4 10 am. Codo springs will beearing 50 degrees by no, while pueblo ancan city will be closing in on egrees. Exct 50s and0s through 5 pm this anoon. The evening comes with a mostly clear sky and tempatures coolinthrough the s and to today. The Denver Broncos are inveiging after ckup safety shiloh keo waarrested for a dui in idaho. Ere he has a home. This is his bookinphoto from the ada county sheris office. Th28yearold playewas taken into custody early sarday mning. Has since bailed ou today. The Denver Broncos are inveigating afr backu safety shiloh keowas arrested for a dui in idaho. Where he has a home. This is his booking photo from the ada county sheriffs office. The 28earold player was taken into custodyly saturday morning. He has since baileout. In a statement the broncos said they are aware of the matter and are in the process of reviewing it. On mning is meioned in a new lawsuit filed again his six women claithe iversity violated tle 9 regulations about reports of sual saults by student athletes. E lawsuit focuses on fe cas tween 2013 and 2015. But it also mentions a 1996 sexual harrassment complaint by a tennessee athletic trainer about an indent when she treated manning as a stuntathelete. That tiner later sued manning for defemation. And settled the case. In this new lauit, t women claim the university is indiffent toward sexual assats by student athles. The iversi denies any wrongdoing. The broncos sur bowl championship media tour finished up erhe wkend th von miller on saturday night live. The super bowl mvp was asked to to help break down a huge ieific discoveryast week. And he d so thhenly thats nexinour heth in todays youhealthy fami. Stayg in the hospital is no fun. And it can often be stssful. But new innovati study is aiming to easehetress for pati. Giving them a new outlk on their situation. Erika edwards report. Underwater nats imagine beg immers in this peacef uwater world. Omy god this is incredible. The woman whe voice you hear. A sharkt went by my head . Ot scuba diving. Shea paent in the hl. Oh my god doctors at cedsi in los geles e studyinghe effects of Virtual Reality on hospital patients. Whose real world surroundings can be sterile, uncomfortable, sometimes frightening. Sot dr. Brennan spiegel darssinai Health System 28 33 this is an credible walls of theospita patients are cared away to diffent worlds. Like iceland or e ocean. Searchers tested the Virtual Reality syst with about 70eople so far. Many say its helping relieve stress and anxty. Sot kat freun paent 45 48 ts was ke the greatest diveion that i could have er ha ahhh osh that feeling. Ilstrated perfectly. By a young boy ac. S. Mott childrens hosp at the univsi of michan. Doctors there have also used Virtual Reality in this case turning wheelchairs into rollercoasters im otoof the wld the cedarssinai team thinks Virtual Reality coulso be usefulor women ending lo labors. And those having to it for painful procedures. Sot dr. Brennan spiegel cedasinai health sm 1 1 18 now we needo know does it improve pain scores, does it impre blood pres . Nats unger patients havbeen most willing to test the system. Buits olderatients who appear to be most amazed bit and could get the biggest ather and tron the 5s. Weatheand afon the 5s. Teorist Stephen Bowers is here now with rst alert 5. A weak distuan moved through last night. It dnt bring mu, buthe tiny bitf precipitation it ought with it has ed colorado andas over oklama this morni. We still have some snowy sts the norn motains at willontinue througthis morning, the iue for us wi bemeind as that diurbance moves away. Thwinds inhe hills to start our day,ut after 10 am it will begin spreading east of the mountain the wind from pueb aon city south through trinidad can be especially gusty and in t 1530 h rang the morning drive cos with no weatheissues. Temperatures will in the 30s with some lingering clouds. The evenindrive will be breezy on the pueblo end with temperatures cooling through the 50s and 60s. Temperatures now are in the 20s. With increasing sunshine and decreasing clouds, we will warm through e s aninto the 40s by 10 am. Corado springs will be nearing d caon city will be closing in on 60 degrees. Expect 50snd 6 through 5 pm this afternoon. The evening mes with a mostly clear sky and temperatures cooling through the 50s and into in this mornins health watch. Having a physically demanding job. Cod leado heart problems for women withigh blood pressure. Sechers in denmark followed nurs. They fnd highlactive nses with high blood pressure. Had alst triple the risk of develong heart dease. Than less active nurses with normalod pressure. Experts say heavy lifting and caying can cause spiken th hypertensio teenaged boys o donget enough sleep could be at risk foty t diabetes. Patterns of 700 children into their adolescence. They foundoys who t ss sl wave or restorave sleep wereore lilyo delop lin resistce. They dnfind t se correlatioin girls. Teachersay not like it. But chatting in class could actually bgood for students a new study of College Students show whethey talked to their peers more ding classes th felt a grear nsof belonging. And e more thechatted the more they enjoyethe class. Still ahead in your consumer watch. Tax retn thieves are ha at work trying to steal your money. Ever to opm. Weomback. Wah. Today isredents day. T the mall orewide sales to clear out mercndise left over from t holidays. President day traditionly also one of the biggest car buying holidays of the year. With dealersering additional incentives and savings. Fatwlet dot com says esidents day salealso offer one of test times of the year to ta advantage of deep discountg on home grades from big name brands. Many government offices,anks and the post oice are closed to re only a few weeks into x seon and trs is already dealing with huge amount of frauduleax returns. The go news is. By thers. Since mo security measures are in place tdetect the real turn from a fake one. Experts sathis season onslaught of fraud can be trac back to last yearsata Security Breaches where millions of sial curity numbeed in most cases, were hearing th theyre e filing. Theyre just doing this in bulk. Massive amounf returns and ey know a of ese are going to get rejecd, theyre going to be ught by the irs unfortely tax re fraud is n going away antime soon. And as w been repoing. E be way to keep thiev from getting your money is filing as soon as possible expes suggest filing yr return by the end of this week a new startup is hoping to lure in couples ready to tithe kn with an offer they cant refuse. But in order to gethe prize. Therea big tch seattlbased wanluv i giviouples up to tenthsand dollars use tarthr dream wedding. But. If they get divorced, they have to pay t money back, plus interest the Interest Rate pends on the newlyweddds sying toth. Utizing datarom thr applion. Say how long a couple has to stay married to avoid having to repay the money. Swanluv says, those detai will come out when they unch. Weatr and traffic on t 5s. Meteorologist stephen bors is here now with first alert 5. A weakisturban moved throu last night. Idnt bring much, t e tiny bit of precitatn it brought with it has ited colorado and was over oklama this morng. We sll have some snowy spots in the northern mountains th will continue througthis morning, tssue for us will become wind hadisturbance moves away. The wind is in t hills to start our day, butfter 10 am it will begin spreadg east of the mountains. From pueb caon city sou throughrinidad be especiallgusty and in t the morning ive cos witho weather sues. Mperatures will be in the 30s with some lingering clouds. The evenindrive will bbreezy on theueblo d th temperatur cli tough t 50s d 60s. Temperuresow areth20s. With increasinsunshine and decreasing clouds, we willarm rough th30s and to the 40s byam Colorado Springs will neang 50 degrees bnoonwhe lo and caon city wilbe closing in on 60 deges. Exct 50s and 6 through 5 p this afternoon. The evening comewi a mosy clear sky antemperures cooling through the 50and into the lower and middle 4 by 10 pm. First up at 530 happening toda planned parehood will reopen doors in colorado spngs. Less tn the mohs aer the ddly attack us le from centennial boulevd with more on what first up at 530 happening today planned parehood will reen its doors icorado spngs. Less thathree months after the dead attack there. Our news 5soannwise joi live fr centel evard wi more on wha changes people can expect. Good morning. Plned parenthood wl be holding a ningeremon right here at the stde clinic. A little ler this morning atne. The building w severely damagewhen pole tactical vehicle call thbeart ramd throh thfront or to protect officers in their ch for the shooter. Initially, planned parenthd id the buildg was destroyed, but work has been done to reopen about third of theg to provide ll ran of planned parenthood services, including abortions, although on a dud scale. Notice a new entrae and ed security measur. Nobody ould have too to a fortss for their health care, so we want to be bo safe and warm and welcomin planned parenthood says the rest ofhe buildg should bck openn a few months. As for the shootg suspect, robert dear, hes been ordered to undergo a mental heth evalon in eblo as due back in court on t 24th. Well be at the ceremony and well have more on this storat noon and online atoaa dot com. Porting live in Colorado Springs, joaa wise, news 5. Today. Wee waitinto hear from police on thcause of two deadly crashes in southern colorado. Thfirst happened early sunday morninin colorado ring long northbound i25 near fontanero. Policeay a woman died when a pickupruck hit a barrier along the oulder. This morning. Lice have still not released thidenty of the woman. The crash shutowi25 for this morning one man is dead. Ananother is recovering in the hospital with seris injuries after a head on crash in fremo coun. Happened last night on highway 50 near milearker 272 just east of the royal gorge. State patrol says Esequiel Garduno of pueblo. Di in e crash en his pickit an sv headon the driver of the sv, Michael Adams of Colorado Springs,aslown to saint marycorwin hospital in pueblo with serious injues. A n inhe suv had minor injuries while two kids in the back seat escaped uninjured. So far, no word on what used that crash. Today. Investigators are still trying to fige out wh caused a fire in coloradsprings that left two dogs dead. It happened yesterday at the hhld mobile hompark on north hanck. Police say no one s homet e time. Fortunately. Reghters were able to save two her dogs who made it out safely. The search continues in colorado for a waed fugitive. Who aymed ngerous. Take a look. Thiss dnis simonton. The Colorado Department of corrections says. He was ablto remove his ankle monitor anskiput on parole last week. Along wi another parolee wesy jones. Both are members the White Supremac prison gang own as 2eleven cw which is the gang linked to the 2013 murder of state prisons ief tom Clement Jones was caug in englewood yesterday. T simonton is still on the run. Ifou him yourd call police. Today. The mesa countsheriffs uty o was kied ithe line of duty will be laid to rest. A funerafodeputy dek geer scheduled for this afternoon at 1. At Canyon View Vineyard Church inrand junction. As weve been rerting. Geer was a navy veteran. Husband. Ndatr of two. The 17yearold boy accused of tiow for wthic on the 5s. Meteorogist stephebowers is here n witfirst alert a disturban med throughla night. It didnt bring mh, but the tiny t of precipitaon it brought with it has exitedoloradd was ov lahoma ts morning. We still have some sny spotin the nortrn mouains tt will contin throughhis morng, thissue for usl become wi athistuance ves away. The wind is in the hills to start our day, but after 10 am it wbegispreading eastf e mountains. The nd from pueblo and caon city south tou trinid can be especiallguy and the 150 range. The moing e mes wi no weher issues. Teatur will ben 30s withome liering clouds. The evening drive will be breezy on theueblo with temperatures cooli through the 50s an60s. Teaturesow are in the 20 with increasing nshi and decreasing clouds, we will warm roh th30s aninto the0s Colorado Springs will be nring 50egrees by noonwhile pueblo and caon ci will be closing in on 60 degrees. Expect 50s and 60s through 5 pm this afternoon. The evening comes wi a mostly clr y and temperatures coolinthrough the 50s and into the unexpected death of a s the unexpected death of a us sueme t justice is reshaping the 2016 race foth white house. Replement. Hats next. Plus. A real car cpanyvacuated after a mechanic makes a cars. Weome back. Toy the bo osupremcourt justice antonin scal is back in wainon d. And mo falut is expeed fromis sudn deh. Republicans arinsisting president obama ld off a let successor. T were already starting to ar some s of who tha replement mibe. Tr pottsts insert pkg t presintarack obama no sur 00 0 i plan to ffill my nominate asuccesso the white use says that wont happen this week whileongres isn ea but with flagst lftaff, wee ready seng possible caidates mentioned to replace Justice Antonin Scalia cnn state of the uon supeburn in sot eb bush r president ial cdidate 17 20 thats his prerogative. He has every right to it. T arco rubio r esidtialandidate 21 thats his pegative. But we d have toonfirmim anwe wont. The courtin the middle of its term, with more cases to hear and decideetween now and jy. Witht conservative scalia, key cases could end up in a tie. Nbc mt the press super burned i sot ted cruz r roughout this country. Partial birth abortion. Taxpayer funding. No parental notification. Nbc meet the press super burned in so donald trump r president ial candidate 42 we need a conservativperson. Deats insist the c shouldt have to wa nearla year for the next ident to decide. Sot hillary cliond pridtial candidate 49 55 we have a president. He was elected. He has tight to nominate anotr Supreme Court stice. Abc this week plea courtesy sot ernie sand d president ial candite 561 00 i dont think theublic would lookindly on republican actions to t to thwarthat he here in southern colado. Dozens a showing their support for democratic presintial candidate beie sanders. We have a lo at that coming in our next hour. But first. Thin a hting up in the reblican partyhead of the uth calina pma. In saturdays debate. Nald trump was at e center ofighl arged exchanges th jeb bush and senator ted cr. Trump accused former president george wush ofailing to keep america fe in the lead up to the 9 acks. Senators marcoubio a ted cruz cla oveimmigration. With rubio calling cruz a li, and en cllenging hisbility peak spanish. Ohio goverr jo kasic condemd thattas. Before i get to that, th is the ninth or ten debat ive been watching here, this bacand forth, and the attacks, some of them are personal. I think were fixing to losehe election to Hillary Clinton if we don stop this. Applause the nextopebate ischeduled later isonth i this morning. A miissippi Police Officer remains inrical condition aftebeing shot during a bbery investigation. Corporal derrick couch was shot in the ad yesteay. After witnsay two masked men convienc store. Thatening customers lives. Right now a 19yearold man is in cusdy. Poliay h fatheturnedim in. Right now. The fi isnvestigating after an explosive device w found attached to a rerned rental ca yeer. Thoritieshut down the rental r fality near th albuquerques airport. Acua empyees and stomers. A mechanic found the device dung a rne insctn. Poce she item was determinbe an osive but was deemed safe, and the rentalar facility was reopened shortly afr. Toda. Thorities are still workinto track down who in new yk. More tha140 firefighters battle a massive house fi ibrookyn. Ta a look. You can see e flames cing out ofhe windows. Just a few hours ago. Crews were able to put i coletely out. No one was injed. Right now inveigators are stl unsure of wh mayave startethfire whilwe experiee warmer temperatures here in southern colorado. Other states are stuck with snow and bitter cold overhe wkend. Ere re record w temperatur in the nortast and a snow storm in the midst. At least 10 people were hospitalized after a huge leunear indianapoli an n jerse id tempertes caused to freeze crng pblems for firefighters. In all. It was the coldest Valentine Day on record in the noreast. Ti now foreath and traic on t 5s. Teorologt hebowe i a weak disrban moved throu last n. It didnt bring ch, th tinyit of precipitioit brout th it haexited codondasveokhoma thisorng. We still have some snowy spots in the northern mountains that ll continue rough this morning, thessue for us wi be winas that disturbance mos away. The wind is in the hills to start r y, but after 1am it wl begin readg st o the mounins. E wi from pueblo and caon city sou through tnidad can bespeclly gusty and in t 1530 mprange. The morng drive comes with no weatr issues. Temperatures will be ithe 30s withe lingerinclouds. The ening drive will be breezy on the pblo end with teeratures coong through t 50and 60s. Temperaturesow arethe 20 increasing sunshine and deeasinglouds, we will war througthe s and into t 40s by 10. Colorado springs will be nearing 50 degrees by noon, while pueblo ancaon city wl be csing in on 60 degre. Expect0s and 60s through 5 pm thevening comes with a mostly clear sky and teeres coolinrough the s and tothe r anmile 40s by pm. It u may be wondering, why the d it . wl that so bad guys cant see me bleed. Marvel profane and scaic surherdeadpool is breaking recos at t boxoffice the movie had a record box ofce openg for an rrad film thiweek. Hauling in an estimate 13million llars in the us deal also becamehe biggest februa opening ever byarge margin, overtaking last yearfifty shadeof grey, which made little me than 85milln dollars. The 20th ceurfox fil stars ryareol. Meanwhile. The hottest artists. Are preparing for the 58th los angeles. Over weekend. Crews were out putting on e final tohes tplesnt be e cebrs hit e red ca rapper ll coolwi host the awards for t fifth year, it will feature peormances om severaltars incng ade,aylor sw and justi eber. Leadmber o tions for thts ths so bad guys cant see me bld. Marvelsfane and sarcastic superhero deal breaking recor at the booffi thmovie had a Record Box Office opening for an rrated film this weekd. Uling an estimated 135lliodoars re in e us deadpool also beca the ggest february openg ever grey, which made a little more than million dolla th20th century fox film arryan reynolds. Anwhile. The hottesartists. Are preping for the 58th nual ammy awards tonight in los angele over t weend. Crews were out putting on the nal touches the Staples Center before t celritiesit the red carp. Er coolwill ht the awds f the fifth year, a it wilfeature performances fromeveral stars including adel taylor swift, a justin bieber. Still ahead. A chaotic sce as a fire ts underneath a stage durg a dance rformance. Well show you themazingeo welcome back. This is new video into our newsroom. Owing a series oair strikes in syria. The footage wauploaded to so media yterd. Th rorts thafive people were killed an atck in front of a school. E videshs what is said to be the bodies of deachildren wrapd in sheets before burial. T endf this week. The us and other major pors ve aged to limited cessation of hostilitiein syria new this morning an intnational Aid Agency Says destroyed a makeship clini supportedoctors without bords. A brith group watchinghe civil war says russian warplanes targeted t makesft hospital and dtred it. Least 10 op areead d more than 30 hurt. Take ak at this. Iia. A re bres out unrneath a age while dancers are perforng it quickly spreads. Fanned by high winds, attaing e sides of scaffolding and lighting up the night sky. Thousands people rued to the exits. No one died. Firefighters managed to get the fl und ctrol. Annvestigaon into the cae ntins this morning. Meanwhile. Pope francis ctinues his 5day visit in mexico today. Hell hold mass in t nations leascathic state. Yesterday. The pope visited a cldrens hospital. Kissing and blng dozens si children. Some ped for selfies with the pope while others rose from their wheelchairs to embrace him. Hile. Thousands join together foa good o fashiod toma fight its all part of the annual war of the tomato an ent based on adition in spain. Yesterday. 15tusand people playfully hurled the tomats atach otr during the battle. And if youre ndering. Lol rmers ted is yea suly of 0to of mato time now for weather a tffon the 5s. Meteorologist stephen bowe is re now with firsalert 5. A weakisturbance movedhr la nig. It didnt bring much, but th ti bit of pripition t with it has exited colorado andas over oklahoma this morning. We still ve some snowy spots in willtinue through this morning, the issue for us will become wind as tt sturbae mos ay. Thwind iinhe hills to start day, but after 10 am it will begin adg east o the moins. The nd fro pueblo and con cituth thugtrinidad can be especially gusty and in the 1530 mprae. The moing drive comes with no weatr ises. Teeratures will be in the 30s with some nging clouds. The evening drive will be breezy onheueo end with mperatures cooling througthe 50s and 60s. Teerur n are in the 20 wi increinsunshine decreasing cuds, we will war through the 30s d intohe0s by 10 am. Colodo springs will be nearing 50 drees by no, while pueblo and caon city will be closing on 60 degrees. Expect 5 and toughm this afternoon the eving comes with a mostly clr sky and temperatures coolg through the 50s and into and its president s y. E day we honor the past and presenleaders our natn. Its also a federal holidathat brings lots of closures. We have a list for you in just a minute. A weak disrbance passed through colora las ght. Outeerates a ithe upper 20s to srt o monday. You may ha a frosty windld, but the ttle b of prepitati thafell overnight has exited the are ll be back with a y and unseasonably wm forest comingp weather tffic on the 5s. Go morninganks for joining us on this mondafebruary 15. M shelne cockrl. And im ira onin. Is president s day. And bin a live look f the washington monument. Some funesidts day facts. It started in e 1800s as a nationde celration of and itsresints day. The y we honor the past and prt leaders of our nat. Its also a federal holiday that gsots of closures. Weave a list f you in just nute. A weak disce passe throh colodoast night. Our temperatur are in the upper s to start our monda you may have a froy windshield, but thlittle bit of precipitation tt fe ovnighs exited the area. I be back with a sunnand seasably warm recast coming up in weather traffic onhe 5s. Od mning, thanks for joini us on this monday february 15th. M shelleneockrel and im a crin. It ipresident s day. D we begin a live look fro the washington monument. Some f president s day facts. It started in e 1800s as a nationwide celraon of geor washingtons birday. On february nd. Thy was offi moved to the irmonday of febrry. He 1973 uniform monday holiday act which was nded to honor all us president s. And gi eon three day weekend. Birthday by the federal government. The are nu of closures for the holiday. All schools. Angovement offices are closed. That inclus the post office. St banks and Credit Unions are closed. Eck with your anch bore yogo. Alpikes peak disict and eblo citycounty library branchesre closed today. Ci buses will be on their regular routes. In just a few hours planned panthoodilreopen its clinic in Colorado Springs just a few months after nombs deadly atta. Our news 5s joanna wise joins usive from centeial boulevarwith more on what changes people can expect. Goodorni. Planned parenthood will be holding a reopeni cemony right here at the westside a little later ts morning at nine. Thbuilding waseverely damaged when a poltactical vehicle called the arcat rammed through the frt door to prect officers in r search for the oote initially, planned parenth but rk has been done to reopen about a thd of the building to provide the full rge of planned parenthood services, includortions, althougon a reced scal clients and employees will notice a new entrance and enhanced secury measur. Nobody should have to go to a fortress for their health care, so we wantt to be both se d warm and welcoming. Planned parentho says the rest ofhe building should be back open in a few months. As for the soting suspec robert dear, hes been ordered to undergo a Mental Health evaluation ipulo and idue back icot on t 24th. Well at the ceremony and well haveore on this story at noon and online at koaa dot com. Reportinlive in Colorado Springs, joanna wi, ws. Anks joanna. In puebl. Black Hills Energy Customers ant. Saying the energy costs have been too high for too long the group revolt pueblo

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