Transcripts For KNXV World News Now 20161014 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KNXV World News Now 20161014

head coaches. and both of them really need victory and both put aside their friendship for one night in a a battle for the national stage, you've got to love it. everybody loves this, so cute, so real, will they still a lower - - adore him or have a bone to he has been called a sellout, uber says he is being paid with free rides, not cash, but get it while you can, the bone t- shirt, he is probably wearing his right now, the shirts are $20 online for a limited time, six days left complete with a countdown clock reminder. a halloween classic. we all know this one but it is about to turn 50 in arizona and celebration, the great pumpkin charlie brown. and custom designs are coming out across the country, the marino pumpkin patch has one of them. times and prices are available on the website, wednesday night at 8:00, the charlie brown special is right here. >> changes are coming to the forecast. more on that coming up next. your full weather forecast is coming up in a moment. it was asking for a domino effect. >> that is true. >> uh-huh. >> and they, why are they not facing out towards the customer so you're looking at the screen? >> yes. >> why are you looking at the profile of the tv? >> exactly. oh, my. >> myth busters. >> we'll see. the ross unit on it. coming up, order in the court. the defendant inside a courtroom who pushed one too many of the judge's buttons, forcing him to leap down from the bench and rip off his robe. what happened next. and chris rock is returning to tv with a vengeance and a staggering multi million dollar deal with netflix. we'll have the full story ahead in "the skinny." "world news now" weather is wildlife rescue workers open up a lot of dawn. tough on grease...yet gentle. dawn helps open... something even bigger. go to, dawn saves wildlife. (coughs) that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. it's the little things in life that make me smile. spending the day with my niece. i don't use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out. what was it about this car in turkey that made these dogs want to tear it apart? was it named tabby cat? was there a hunk of meat inside the engine compartment or waxed with a glazed ham? what was it? all we know for sure is that the car was owned by a mechanic, and before the dogs were done, it wliets and some of the lights and some of the trim. >> they went to town on that car. >> they did. here at home, a judge outside detroit apparently does not like to be crossed. >> we're getting that look because of newly released video showing a jackson county michigan circuit county judge john mcbain growing increasingly angry with the defendant during a hearing last december about personal protection order violation. but when the man starts mouthing off to the himself right into a jail sentence >> i want her to tell me to leave her alone. . >> i told you to leave her alone, and that didn't get through loud and clear so today you're going to jail for three days. >> you and her are buddy-buddy. you all get along. >> 45 days county jail. >> [ bleep ]. >> 93 days. you want to go for a year? try it right now. one more word out of you, it will be a year of county. 365 days county jail. >> what? so when the court officer tries to escort the defendant out of the courtroom, the war of words turned physical as the judge jumped down from the bench, ripped off his robe and rushed to help the officer. >> put your hands behind your head right now! >> the defendant did not end up getting tazed. the judge says this is the first time he's ever had to do something like this, but he does not regret doi >> and court officials who reviewed the video said the judge didn't do anything wrong and was just trying to maintain order in the court. but those are quite some sentencing guidelines. one more word and it's two years in jail. >> yeah. the case apparently centered around an order of protection, restraining order and he was accused of being in violation of it against a woman, you could hear him say in the tape she and the judge has now recused himself from the case because he may be a witness in the case now. >> wow. >> yeah. >> when we come back, chris rock signs are record breaking deal, and what alex talk about on jeopardy. the skinny is next. world news now" continues ? skinny so skin snee ? the small screen. >> after an eight-year absence, rock returns to television as a standup comic signing a massive deal with netflix. two standup specials for $40 million. that is a record for any standup comedian. >> not a bad payday. the hollywood reporter says the first rock show will tape next year following a new world tour. still unclear when that first show will air or when the second one will tape and be released. >> most recently, rock hosted the fox's "empire" and won an emmy for directing hbo's amy schumer special. >> for those of you keeping track, chris rock is a four-time emmy winner, three grammys and a best-selling author. >> love him. so excited. >> all right. yeah. >> so good. a major announcement to delight harry potter fans. >> a fan event widely regarded as a spinoff series, the author pulled the equivalent of a steve jobs. planning a total of five beast films, rather than just three. >> huh. the declaration shows rowling and warner brothers are confident that the well hasn't quite run dry for more fantastic stories set in rowling's fantasy world. but she did take to twitter to clarify that there will be only five films, not at least five. >> squashing hopes for more. >> yes. >> and the first "fantastic beasts" and where to find them is set for release on november 18th. >> our friend, alex tribek in jeopardy, you might say. >> facing backlash as he made fun of a contestant's music. she called it nerd core. >> video games, science fiction, having a hard time meeting romantic partners. you know, it's really catchy and fun. >> it was not that contestant librarian suen san cole who the had last laugh winning the game and you can wag away with nearly $23,000. >> not a loser after all. >> not a loser after all. >> so alex is getting heat for the comment. >> understandably. >> he was clearly just looking for a laugh. i don't think he meant it that way, but probably one of those things that did not come out the way he intended. finally, a serious sign of the times showing us just how long ago the '90s were. >> you may recall the 90s and the tv staple "beverly hills 90210" about the teenage angst in the world of the young and overprivil overprivileged. >> the show turned luke perry into a teenage idol, but now can you believe he's old enough for this? aarp tweeted up a mock-up of their magazine cover to wish perry a happy 50i birthday. >> perry looking like brian happy birthday. >> i still love you, dylan. >> i still love you, dylan. ?living well? rise above joint discomfort with move free ultra's triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20% better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill... get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. ? ? it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. tide pods now come in a child guard zip pack. to help keep your laundry pacs safe and your child safer. align, press and unzip. many sleep-aids have pain medicine but zzzquil is different because why would you take a pain medicine when all you want is good sleep? today you can do everything in just one click, even keep your toilet clean and fresh. introducing lysol click gel. click it in to enjoy clean freshness with every flush. lysol. ? all right. we've been battered this week by headlines about locker room talk, of course, while, of course, much of north carolina was battered by flooding. >> but there were some bright spots including a reunion and major win for folk music legend. here now is our weekly friday rewind. >> he has said that the video doesn't represent who he is, but i think it's clear to anyone who heard it that it represents exactly who he is. >> this was locker room talk. i'm not proud of it. i apologize to my family. i apologize to the american people. certainly, i'm not proud of it. >> there is no room for objectification of women or anyone for that matter, not even in the locker room. someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law in our country. >> because you'd be in jail. >> our state is facing major destruction and, sadly, loss of life. >> here along the coastal communities, it's that wind pushing that storm surge on to land creating a water world in every direction. >> the waves were so big, they came crashing up and over this nine foot storm wall, pushing these boulders all through this neighborhood. >> information indicates this plane crash was intentional. >> i saw a small red burst and then it started to smoke, sizzle and burn. >> i saw smoke and i threw it on the floor. >> thank you for bringing me home! >> my dad looked at me, and i showed him my phone and i said, it's the same outfit. immediately, took the ride, went straight to security. >> thank you to you because without you, we don't know what this would have been. this young man, he mattered. so, for me, just the first instinct was to be with him, to pray for him at a time when maybe so much was focused on you and the game, but it's not what really matters at the end of the day. >> bob dylan for having created new poetic expressions with the great american song tradition. ? for the times they are a-changing ? >> a big week ahead, the third and final presidential debate on wednesday in nevada. >> paul mccartney was robbed. he should have won the nobel prize in literature. >> i was wondering if you were just going to leave that out there or if you were going to explain it. >> paul mccartney was robbed. this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for good morning, i'm diane macedo. >> i'm kendis gibson. good morning, i'm diane macedo. >> i'm kendis gibson. here's headlines. donald trump firing back on accusers calling the claims of sexual assault preposterous and trump said he never even met some of the women and he's accusing hillary clinton and the media of conspirei full details coming up. hurricane nicole roared across bermuda. its 115-mile-per-hour winds knocked out power to about the entire island. most customers there still in the dark, and the storm caused damage and flooding before moving further into the atlantic. bermuda is now recovering from the hurricane, and we'll keep you updated on its path coming up. at least three airlines will now have fire containment bags on some flights in case an electronic device catches fire. america, and delta. the bags come in various sizes because there have been incidents involving more than just cell phones. and his friends and fans remembered prince at the official tribute concert in st. paul, minnesota last night. performers included stevie wonder and shaka khan video message from president obama. those are just some of our top stories on this friday, october 14th. from abc news, this is "world news now." good friday morning, everyone. we start with donald trump vigorously denying he did anything wrong and dismissing accusers' claims as outright lies. >> malan ya trump's lawyer released a letter demanding a she later ran into the writer that trump said forced her against a wall and forcibly kissed her. >> the "new york times" stands by its story featuring jessica le leeds aand and rachel crooks wh say they were groped and kissed by trump. now, the republican nominee insists he has substantial evidence to saying he'll make them public soon. your voice, your vote. abc is covering the republicans. >> reporter: in florida, donald trump lashing out at the women accusing him of sexual assault. >> these people are horrible people. they are horrible, horrible liars. >> reporter: trump denouncing the avalanche of accusations. >> these false attacks are absolutely hurtful. to be lied about, to be slandered, to be speared publicly and before your family that you love is very painful. >> reporter: blaming conspiracy on the corporate media and the clintons. >> anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe and morally they will lie, lie, lie. the clintons are criminals. >> reporter: trump's team dispatched his daughter, ivanka, to campaign solely for her father, something she rarely does. talking up the values her parents instilled in her. >> they didn't tolerate rudeness. there was sort of an expectation of what was appropriate. >> but dodging questions about her father's current crisis. at the rally we attended, trump supporters are undeterred. >> do i think he's a womanizer? i think that over time he's changed and he's a great american. >> reporter: and trump's team now preparing an all-out assault on bill clinton over his own sex scandals. campaign ceo steve bannon saying, quote, we're going to turn him into bill cosby. three accusers to the debate. hillary clinton's response then? i'm reminded of what my friend, michelle obama, advised us all. when they go low, you go high. >> reporter: trump hoping his loyal fans are more fired up than ever. >> our independence day is at hand, and it arrives, finally, on november 8th. >> reporter: donald trump did not release any specific details has, but he will release it in the appropriate way and at the appropriate time very soon. abc news, miami, florida. hillary clinton let her supporters like first lady michelle obama take over the latest scandal. >> clinton chimed in in a fundraising event in san francisco telling donors sometimes she just wants to tune everything out. so do we. abc is covering the clinton campaign and has more. >> reporter: hillary clinton allowed the press inside her thursday fundraiser as she vented about the state of the >> it makes you want to unplug the internet or just look at cat gifs. believe me, i get it. in the last few weeks, i've watched a lot of cats doing a lot of of weird and interesting things. >> reporter: clinton told donors in san francisco that the whole foundation of trump's campaign has crumbled, but she didn't mention the new accusations of sexual assault against the republican nominee. >> the disturbing stories just keep coming, but it's more than just the way he degrades women, as horrible as that is. >> reporter: clinton pointed out other groups trump has targeted and says she offers a more hopeful, unifying vision. >> frankly, i don't care if he goes after me. i signed on for this, but i will defend and stand up for every other person or every other group that he demeans and >> reporter: donald trump has threatened to increase his attacks against bill clinton, but the clinton campaign feels they don't need to engage or address accusations. clinton and trump face off in the final debate wednesday in nevada. diane and kendis. >> thanks. the pentagon says the mission to retaliate for attacks on a u.s. navy ship in the red sea was successful. the military officials confirmed that u.s. tomahawk missiles destroyed three targets. the missile strikes came as a result of two attempted attacks on the uss mason this week. in bogota, colombia, they are extending a cease-fire with the marxist rebel movement until december 31st. he says it's part of the plan to save a peace deal rejected by voters, perhaps adjusting it to gain broader support. last week, santos was awarded the nobel peace prize. officials said it was not an ambush leaving two boston cops in critical condition fighting responding to a domestic violence call. other officers risked their lives to pull the two wounded officers to safety before killing the suspect. the 33-year-old man worked in private security but did not have a gun license. the man accused of setting off bombs last month in new jersey and new york city has not been arraigned on those charges yet, but the 28-year-old is pleading not guilty in connection with the shootout with new jersey police officers when he was arrested. abc's lindsay davis has the details. >> reporter: bandaged and bed ridden, ahmad rahami, the man accused of three bombings in new york and new jersey last month made his first appearance in court via video conference from his hospital room. >> were you provided with a copy of complaints charging you with various offenses from the city? >> reporter: his attorney at his behalf of not guilty to five counts of attempted murder of a police officer and weapons offenses. the last time we saw rahami, he was on a stretcher 37. he was cooperative in the arraignment answers yes to several questions, but no other statements. bail is set at $5.2 million. lindsay davis, abc news, new york. the fbi is stepping up efforts to find a man b investigators say is a serial kidnapper targeting young children. the suspect was caught on video surveillance walking down an alley wearing a hat and hooded sweatshirt. investigators believe he took a 6-year-old girl from her home last may and a 10-year-old girl last february. both girls survived. this video of a father walking away from his daughter last weekend. the man left the girl outside a college building in ogden, utah. she stayed there all night in temperatures that dropped into the 30s. dad could be facing child abuse charges. amazon expects to hire 20% more workers for the holidays than last year. they plan to add 120,000 seasonal positions. last year, about 14,000 temps graduated to regular full-time jobs, and amazon expects more will do so this year. analysts expect a strong holiday season for retailers this year. the news is not so good at hp, which plans to cut another 3,000 to 4,000 three years. hp was formed a year ago when hue let packard was broken up. but the markets for printers are declining. hp has about 50,000 employees now and cuts will be made across the board. >> i'll admit it, i'll come out. i'm a washington nationals fan. so it pains me to report that the los angeles dodgers are the last team to join baseball's final four. nats got a two-run home run, and that made the score 4-3, and then in the bottom of the 9th, clayton kershaw came on in relief for the first time in seven years. kershaw got the final two outs, blah, blah, blah, advance to the national league championship series which starts tomorrow night in chicago. >> you delivered that story with so much enthusiasm. i'm just overwhelmed by the gusto. >> i feel bad for bryce harper, the team. they had a great season. 95 wins. >> it's going to be okay. >> it's going to be all right. >> we're going to get through this. >> just for the record, we're all whining about the cubs, but the franchise has not won ever. >> still rooting for the cubs. >> small violin. >> did you hear that? no? no. >> okay. >> in the closing months of his administration, president obama wants to be remembered as a friend of technology announcing more than $300 million in federal and private funds for of it for smarter city initiatives. >> president obama admitted that he's a trekie and now he admits he's a techie. >> oh. >> i confess. i'm a science geek. i'm a nerd. and i don't make any apologies for it. i don't -- i don't make any apologies for it. it's cool stuff. >> so the president may have had the most fun piloting a simulator on a trip to the international space station. that's kind of cool, actually. while he's unlikely to make the actual trip his friends here have a better chance. no doubt. >> we've seen him before visit these science fairs and hold these events. >> i'm seen him visit a car show and get excited because he doesn't get to drive, normally that we know of, at least in the last 7 1/2 years and he gets all geeked out by it. >> i remember in an event, teenagers built robots, and he couldn't focus on the interview because he was looking at all coming up, how this year's presidential race is fuelling anger off the campaign trail and how the caustic battle between hillary clinton and donald trump is turning toxic for americans of all political stripes, both online and in real life. what you need to know about keeping everything civil. a new honor for a man no stranger to social upheaval, who documented the '60s with his timeless lyrics. a look at today's temperatures. "world news now" weather brought to you by united health care. approaching medi eligibility? you may think you can put off checking out your medicare options until you're sixty-five, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. keep in mind, the rest is up to you. that's where aarp medicare supplement insurance plans insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company come in. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they could help pay some of what medicare doesn't, saving you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you've learned that taking informed steps along the way really makes a difference later. that's what it means to go long?. it's full of information on medicare and the range of aarp medicare supplement plans to choose from based on your needs and budget. all plans like these let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients, and there are no network restrictions. unitedhealthcare insurance company has over thirty years experience and the commitment to roll along with you, aarp medicare supplement plan could go long? for you. these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. plus, nine out of ten plan members surveyed say they would recommend their plan to a friend. remember, medicare doesn't cover everything. the rest is up to you. call now, request your free [decision guide] ed to help you keep rolling with confidence. go long?. ? you know your heart loves your brain, and your joints really love them too? introducing megared advanced 4in1... just one softgel delivers the omega-3 power of two regular fish oil pills... so give your body mega support with megared advanced 4in1. ? that's a different view. tower" was made famous by jimi hendrix. but the song was written by the one and only bob dylan. >> and now the timely lyrics have been elevated to the company of ts elliot and more. here's david muir. >> reporter: it's been six decades since dylan changed music forever. ? john is in the basement mixling up the medicine ? ? i'm on the pavement singing about the medicine ? >> reporter: the nobel committee shocking everyone in the room. >> bob dylan. >> reporter: and then cheers. the first american to win the nobel for literature in more than 20 years and first time ever awarded to a musician. so many of bob dylan's lyrics with profound meaning. anthems for the civil rights movement. ? for the times they are a-changing ? >> reporter: defining a generation. play a song for me ? >> reporter: in 1965, writing one of his greatest song of all time. ? once upon a time a drift so fine ? ? then you -- >> reporter: like a rolling stone was his masterpiece. ? like a rolling stone ? coming up, politics and social media. how to share how you feel and stay on speaking terms with your friends and family even. next. "world news now" continues ? everybody's talking all this stuff about me ? ? why don't they just let me live tell me why ? ? i don't need permission make my own decisions that's my ? it's my prerogative ? >> okay. there's a lot of people talking because it's nr prerogative onli, much of it negative from all sides in this year's presidential race. we can play that forever. >> now, many people are now unfriending long-time friends, and even family members, not only on facebook, but actually in real life. abc's lara spencer has some tips for us. >> i think she should be ashamed of herself. reality. >> reporter: the election is not just playing out in the political arena, but among family and friends. >> i my dad and i would basically get into huge rants. >> reporter: so far this year on facebook alone, over 100 million people have been sharing their thoughts about the campaign. frequently fuelling animosity on line. >> i almost have no filter. that's any problem. >> reporter: which is what happened between 25-year-old democrat tiana and her republican parents. >> i tend to get really upset and really, i think, sad more than anything. i really, at this point, couldn't disagree anymore with my parents. >> you can't help, when things are hurtful, identified made her cry before by saying hurtful things. >> reporter: their family relationship getting increasingly rocky after both sides refuse to dial down political positions on social media saying, you disgust me, and i expected better. just a few examples of the comments that upset and enraged both sides. and, eventually, i blocked him, and he got upset and angry. >> several times she's blocked me, and after we make things up, and i promise not to post on her site again, but we do a lot of finger pointing. she posts on mine first, once you post on mine, you're fair game. >> it's not surprising that family and friends are getting into feuds on social media. a lot of conversation that used to happen, say, around the dinner table are now being moved to jovr online. people feel more comfortable talking online. >> reporter: to save the family, they've chosen to work through their differences, so they are still on speaking terms. and they've decided no longer to talk about the elephant or the donkey in the room. >> push comes to shove, we're family. >> people get heated on social media. i'm afraid to look at my feed. >> i know. just don't post on it. just, even though it is your >> everybody doesn't always need to know what it is. >> it's my prerogative. it's like awful. it feels like am not actually cleaning it up. what's that make mommy do? (doorbell) what's that? swiffer wetjet. this is amazing. woah wow. now i feel more like making a mess is part of growing up. only new wetjet pads have absorb and lock to soak up tough messes and lock them away ffering. you know your heart loves megared omega-3s... but did you know your eyes, your brain, and your joints really love them too? introducing megared advanced 4in1... just one softgel i'm lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. my bargain detergent couldn't keep up. so, i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated, so i get a better clean. it's got to be tide (coughs) that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. rs. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. ?living well? rise above joint discomfort with move free ultra's triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20% better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill... time now for insomniac theater. we check out two movies opening this weekend. we start with ben affleck's latest offering. >> if you turn batman into an autistic bookkeeper, you get "the affleck stars as a math savant who cooks the books for the world's most criminal organizations until he takes on a new client with an eager and submiten account and the treshy department starts to close in. >> this is where you live? >> no. i don't live here. this is a storage unit. that would be weird. >> that's what would be weird? >> my clients might follow me. >> why would clients follow you. you're an accountant. why are you prepared for this? >> plus, this is on wheels, which means i can hook it up and be gone in 12 minutes, usually. >> sarcasm! is that sarcasm? >> the critics are shooting from the hip, giving the accountant a 49% splat on rotten tomatoes. peter dubruge writes while audiences wait for ben aflect's batman movie, this unusual thriller is just comic book enough to tide them over. and second, there are worse movies. next, kevin hart documents record-breaking stadium show in philadelphia, and kevin hart what now the sold out show filmed live in august in front of 53,000 people, marking the first time a standup comedian has ever performed to a football stadium packed to capacity. >> oh, wow. >> at the airport, i know where you've got 20 seconds. the clock starts now. this is what it looks like, people. this is how tall i am. this is what i hear, kevin hart, i want to get a picture with you. putting the phone over my stall. the fear that went through my body of looking up and seeing a camera flash. i was scared because i didn't put toilet paper on the toilet seat. i didn't have time. i didn't want my fan base to know i raw butt these toilet seats. >> the critics are almost all fans givingar on rotten tomatoes, albeit with some zingers of their own. devin coggin writes hart's exuberance makes him a kapt excavating performer and his energetic deliver helps the mediocre jokes land. and peter writes, most fans will this morning on "world news now," donald trump fights back as more accusers come forward. >> allegations of sexual misconduct dog his campaign as trump em fat i emphatically denies the reports, includes the latest allegedly involving his wife, malan ya. we'll have the latest on the growing controversy. monster storm in the atlantic, hurricane nicole, making a rare and direct hit on bermuda. the powerful winds reeking havoc across the popular vacation destination. a 911 operator accused of hanging up on callers, possibly thousands of them, including one of a store robbery that turned deadly. the charges she's facing. and river rescue. a sanctuary worker taken downstream, his baby elephant friend thinking he's in trouble and jumping in to save him. see what happens next that will absolutely melt your heart on from abc news, this is "world news now". good morning to you all. happy friday. we begin this half hour with donald trump on the defensive emphatically denying a string of sexual assault allegations and taking aim at his accusers. >> yeah. he's dismissing the claims that he groped and kissed women without their consent, calling them outright lies and ridiculous tales. he accused hillary clinton's campaign and media of perpetuating the stories and claims he has evidence to dispute them. >> trump's wife, malan ya, tweeted a letter from her lawyer, demanding a partial retraction from "people" magazine. specifically, mrs. trump denies she had an encounter with an accuser after the alleged assault. david wright as more. >> reporter: a growing list of of inappropriate conduct, including sexual assault. they insist his boasts on the bus to billy bush were much more than locker room talk. >> i just start kissing them. it's like a magnet. just -- can i don't even -- and when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. >> whatever you want. >> grab them by the [ bleep ]. you can do anything. >> reporter: asked pointblank about those statements -- >> are you saying what you said on that bus 11 years ago, that you did not actually kiss women without consent or grope women without consent? >> i have great respect for women, no one has more respect than i do. women have respect for me, and i will tell you -- >> have you done those things? >> no, i have not. >> reporter: an unequivocal no, but some trump supporters fear it opens the flood gates for more to come forward. >> like an octopus, six arms, just all over the place. >> reporter: new york times published stories of two women, one jessica leeds, said trump assaulted her more than 30 years ago on an paper after being upgraded to first class on a business trip. >> i sat down next to a young himself as donald trump. >> reporter: and in the middle of the flight -- >> somehow or another, the armrest in the seat disappeared, and it was a real shock when all the sudden his hands were all over me. if he had stuck with the upper part of the body, i might not have gotten -- i might not have gotten that upset. but when he started putting his hand up my skirt, and that was it. that was it. i -- i was out of there. >> reporter: leeds is now a supporter of hillary clinton. >> these claims are all fabricated. they are pure fiction. they are outright lies. these events never, ever happened. >> reporter: trump threatened to sue the times for libel demanding the paper retract the story and publish an apology. an issue of national importance. it would have been a disservice not just to our readers, but to democracy itself to silence their voices. and there were other voices, too. among them, natasha stoynoff, a reporter for "people" magazine who traveled to mar-a-lago who profiled the billionaire and his wife, melania, who was pregnant. stoynoff says while his wife was out of the room, trump shut the door behind us and within seconds, pushed me against the wall and forced his tongue down my throat. i was grateful when trump's long time butler burst into the room a minute later as i tried to unpin myself. as they waited for her to return, trump leaned in said, you know we're going to have an affair, don't you? trump denies that ever happened, asking why stoynoff would have left such explosive details out of "people" magazine story and then he seemed to attack her appearance. take a look. look at her. look at her words. tell me what you think. i don't think so. i don't think so. >> reporter: now, none of these women filed formal complaints against trump at the time and all of them say they felt powerless to challenge him. the "people" magazine reporter said she did tell her editor and asked never again to be assigned to the trump people. abc news, new york. >> first lady michelle obama weighed in on the lewd comments for the first time saying the comments shook her to the core. >> the first lady became visibly emotional at a campaign rally for hillary clinton in new hampshire. she never mentioned trump by name, but denounced him for bragging about sexual predatory behavior and can't be dismissed as locker room banter. >> it's like that sick sinking feeling you get when you walk down the street, minding your own business, and some guy yells out vulgar words about your or when you see that guy at work that stands just a little too close, stares a little too long and makes you feel uncomfortable in your own skin. it's that feeling of terror and violation that too many women have felt when someone has grabbed them or forced himself on them, and they've said no, but he didn't listen. something that we know happens on college campuses and countless other places every single day. >> president obama praised the first lady last night during a fund-raiser in ohio. he said if anyone still needs to be convinced to vote for hillary clinton, they should watch his wife's speech and blamed republicans for the rise of donald trump. we want to get to other headlines now. bermuda is recovering after taking a pummelling from hurricane nicole. the storm seen from space rolling across the resort island hour. here's what it looked like, though, on the ground. powerful winds knocking down so many power lines. just about the entire island was in the dark. this morning, we're told more than 20,000 customers there are still without power. bermuda's airport, however, is expected to reopen today. as for what's left of nicole, it has weakened and is spinning further out into the atlantic. and some new drone video from north carolina shows the flooding emergency there is nowhere near an end. that's the tar river, still well out of its banks. north carolina's governor says under up to 12 feet of water, all left behind my hurricane matthew, of course. the death toll continues to rise. at least 41 deaths are now blamed on the storm in the u.s. and its aftermath. the pentagon confirms the mission to retaliate on attacks of the u.s. navy ship in the red sea was successful. miiles destroyed three radar sites in yemen where rebel sites are active. attacks on the uss mason this week. the first time in recent memory that an american warship has been targeted by missiles. in nigeria, 21 school girls kidnapped in nigeria two years ago were freed this morning for detained members of boko haram. the group abducted 276 girls, and nearly 200 of the girls are still missing. a man accused of setting off bombs in new york and new jersey has made his first court appearance. ahmad rahami pled not guilty to charges he tried to kill police officers before they captured him. he entered the plea from his hospital bed through a video link. rahimi answered the judge's questions in plain voice. >> were you provided a copy of complaints charging you with various offenses? >> yes. >> the 28-year-old afghan-born u.s. citizen is recovering from gunshot wounds following a shootout with police. he has not yet been arraigned in federal court on the bombing charges. several airlines are taking steps to overcome overheating electronic devices. airlines are equipping planes with what are called fire containment bags. they range from cell phone size to much larger because it's not just phones that have caused on-board fire scares, but other battery powered devices, as well. >> that's comforting. officials at the zoo are looking how a silver backed gorilla escaped. from its enclosure. the gorilla, whose name is combuka, got out of his den and into a secured zookeeper area, but never made it into the main part of the zoo. he was on the loose for less than an hour before being tranquilized and being recaptured. some zoo visitors were locked in a cafeteria for safety. it's official. there's a new record for the largest alligator ever captured in texas. >> there he is. 13 feet, 8 inches long, and get this, 900 pounds. >> wow. >> the giant creature was captured by a crew of captors from a wildlife park in texas. they said he had become a nuisance in the lake where he was living. the record was a big deal for the guys who made it happen. >> there's no question, this is the highlight of my career. this is a really big alligator. >> state officials said they've never seen a gator within five inches of the size of at the plan now is to create a new pond at the wildlife park where the gator will live so he can have plenty of space to hang out and -- >> new digs. >> yeah. >> we can tell you where we're not vacationing. won't be visiting. >> a wildlife park official says don't ever feed the alligators if you see one. stay at least 50 to 75 feet away from them. we'll stay here in new york away from that one. coming up, the 911 operator on callers. >> police say she may have cut off thousands of emergency calls including a robbery that turned into a homicide. what we're learning this morning about the charges that she's now facing. and social media has been buzzing about the new trailer for "rogue one," the much anticipated star wars film. nick watt breaks down the secrets fans are now sharing. find us on facebook at and twitter at abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." (coughs) cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. today you can do everything in just one click, even keep your toilet clean and fresh. introducing lysol click gel. click it in to enjoy clean freshness with every flush. lysol. ?living well? rise above joint discomfort with move free ultra's triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20% better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill... with a news helicopter hovering overhead, rescue workers spent five hours using cameras and digging up a drainpipe north of boston, and then two dogs inside were rescued safely. the pets chased another animal into the culvert and then became trapped about 65 feet into it. rescuers used a probe to force the dogs out. both are reported to be doing fi sure. in houston, someone who is to answer rescue calls hangs occupy on them instead. >> the former 911 operator is facing charges of hanging up on possibly thousands of emergency calls, including one involving a homicide. here's abc's clayton sandell with the story. 911, where is your emergency? >> reporter: 911 is a lifeline during emergencies, but in houston, 911 operator krenshando williams is accused of hanging >> i just thought my phone dropped the call. >> reporter: jim moton called 911 in march to report cars racing down a freeway, but investigators alleged williams disconnected him on purpose saying ain't nobody got time for this. >> come to find out, i was hung up on. >> reporter: digging deeper, they discovered over six months she may have hung up on thousands of callers, including a man reporting a robbery at a store where a clerk was shot and killed. reached at home by abc station talking. williams has now been charged with interfering with an emergency call, a misdemeanor, but also been fired. clayton sandell, abc news, denver. and apparently supervisors picked up on this when they noticed the call logs had a high amount of calls and high amount of calls that were just 20 seconds. >> amazing, isn't it? there were several cases, at least one of the calls was for a robbery for homicide and two alarming is this. thousands of calls between october 2015 and march of this year. coming up in our next half hour, the judge caught on video leaping off the bench and jumping into action. >> we'll show you what led to this courtroom chaos and what happened after the judge ripped off his robe. but first, pulling off the veil from secrets of "rogue one," the release of the upcoming highly anticipated star worse movie. you're watching world news now. ? not even 24 hours after our parent company, disney, release the highly anticipated trailer for the upcoming star wars movie "rogue one" it's racked up youtube. >> amazing. so what exactly does the trailer tell us? what? what? abc's nick watt breaks it all down. >> we have hope. >> rebellions are built on hope. >> reporter: now crystal clear, this is jen aeroso's movie. >> she's incredibly determined. she's an absolute survivor. at the same time, she has moments of great vulnerability and is not perfect. she's not a perfect human being. >> reporter: we now know her dad is matt mickelson. >> whatever i do, i'm going to protect you. do you understand? >> i understand. >> reporter: i don't, but anyway -- >> you will see me with people you know already. for sure. >> reporter: darth vader is involved, but you almost need to they're teasing us. we now know why it's called "rogue one." >> they are requesting a call sign. it's rogue, rogue one. >> there's the wing fighter. the plot. jen is busted out of an imperial jail to aid the rebellion. >> what is this? >> it appears he's critical to the development of the superweapon. >> if my father built this thing, we've got to find him. >> reporter: the same plans that end up inside r2d2 at the beginning of the star wars films. >> there has to be something to do. >> reporter: this movie takes place shortly before they get busy. there's speculation they might be related to daisy ridley's mother? similar accent. here, the rebels clearly outnumbered. >> the force is strong. hundred. >> reporter: based on the trailer, i reckon guerrero doesn't make it out alive. >> save the dream. >> looking for things that may result in a little bit of sadness with a lot of hope. >> oh. don't tell me. >> i have so many more questions. >> we got so many answers, though, out of it. oh, man. >> all right. well, lots of "star wars" halloween costumes, i imagine. >> yeah, gives us some ideas. so, you know, we're still asking for your costume ideas. #wnncostumes. last year, i was dressed up, you might not have noticed -- >> oh, yeah! >> i was -- that was me. >> had hard time with that and i had some costumes of my own. >> what were yours? >> a little creativity. that was me as walter white. >> no way. that's you under that? >> yeah. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! ah! david, please, listen. still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. if you're approaching 65, now's the time to get your ducks in a row. to learn about medicare, and the options you have. you see, medicare doesn't cover everything - only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so if 65 is around the corner, think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. y. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. so don't wait. call to request your free decision guide. and gather the information now to help you choose a plan later. these types of plans let you pick any doctor or hospital that takes medicare patients. and there's a range of plans to choose from, depending on you needs and your budget. so if you're turning 65 soon, call now and get started. because the time to think about today. ?living well? rise above joint discomfort with move free ultra's triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20% better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill... get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. new tide purclean is the first eco-friendly product in your cupboard that won't wait to be discovered. some may claim some labels are green but only one has the powerful tide clean 100% cleaning power of tide today you can do everything in just one click, even keep your toilet clean and fresh. introducing lysol click gel. click it in to enjoy clean freshness with every flush. lysol. start healthing. ? yeah, click ? you know your heart loves megared omega-3s... but did you know your eyes, your brain, and your joints really love them too? introducing megared advanced 4in1... just one softgel going to start "the mix" on this friday with an adorable video for you from thailand where you have a sanctuary worker who seemingly got swept away in a stream. he was already. yet this little elephant that he's been nursing for a little while thought he was in trouble, and he jumped into the water to try to rescue him. he didn't need the rescuing, but it was the first time they realized how much affection this tiny elephant had. >> he just went after him. trying to save the day. >> the other elephants were, like, we've seen this before. >> we'll put this in the category of mom would not approve. >> okay. his son. on a tri-cycle. a leaf blower. >> ha-ha! >> puts the legs up and d chases behind him with a leaf blower. >> oh! >> this is why mom probably would not approve. however, they ended up submitted the video to "america's funniest home videos", we guess the little one is okay, but it looks fun. >> i oh! >> there is a list of things we shouldn't try. i'm sure the kid was fine. he had a helmet. it's polka. ? hey election got you down ? come on, let's polka. ? our presidential choices stink here's better one i think ? ? vote for this banana ? ? a candidate with true appeal and what's more its hair is real ? ? vote for this banana ? ? it stands out from the bunch and it has no cholesterol ? ? it won't delete e-mails and it hasn't built a wall ? ? your candidate, gender neutral isn't it great ? ? vote for this banana ? ? vote for this banana ? ? we need a president with moral fiber ? ? vote for this banana ? ? its politics are centrist neither dove nor hawk ? ? it met with putin and they had a fruitful talk ? ? polls never slip ? ? voters say it's worth the trip ? ? vote for this banana ? ? if the two front runners leave you angry, tired and glum ? ? here's the only candidate with potassium ? ? ready to serve you, binds us as a nation ? ? vote for this banana ? ? vote for this banana ? what, you got a better idea? this morning on "world news now," donald trump is pushing back against allegations of sexual assault. we'll tell you the latest claims and who the trump campaign says is behind the release of the also a new interview this morning with clinton says she with now just 25 days left until election day. and in a rare move, first lady michelle obama getting emotional in a speech sounding off on the latest headlines surrounding trump. hear why former president bill clinton calls it the best speech of the entire campaign season. and new this half hour, courtroom chaos caught on video. >> so what led to a judge to jump from the bench, rip his robe off and get physical with a defendant? and what court officials are now saying and check out this heart-stopping video. a great white somehow managed to about that. get inside a diving cage designed to keep sharks out. the diver trapped inside too. on this friday, october 14th. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> we do have a brief correction about that video you just saw. that's actually just video of the campaign season. it has nothing to do with, you know, anything out of the open sea. >> lots of sharks and cages. >> a lot of sharks, fighting, a whole lot going on, and speaking of donald trump, he's having a fiery attack on his accusers as he faces some mountain allegations of sexual assault and inappropriate behavior. >> trump says claims he aggressively kissed, grabbed, and groped at at least four women are pure fiction and he suggests they were all orchestrated by the media and >> this as clinton and her powerful surrogates take aim at trump. the "new york times" is refusing to retract its story, despite a looming lawsuit. it's your vote, with kenneth moton. >> reporter: the trump campaign reeling from new accusations of inappropriate conduct including sexual assault. >> these people are horrible people. they are horrible, horrible liars. >> reporter: the women, who did not report their allegations to authorities at the time, came forward after the recent release of donald trump can's 2005 boast about women. comments trump claimed were just locker room talk. >> just kissing them, like a magnet, just, when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. >> whatever you want. >> grab them by the [ bleep ]. do anything. >> reporter: accuser jessica leeds, a hillary clinton supporter, told the "new york times" trump sat next to her on a plane more than 30 years ago. >> somehow or another, the armrest in the seat disappeared all. all the sudden, his hands were all over me. he was like an octopus. it was like he had six arms. he was all over the place. >> reporter: clinton reacted from california. >> the disturbing stories just keep coming, but it's more than just the way he degrades women >> reporter: clinton, off fund-raising, but she had some powerful help on the trail. >> an election where we have consistently been hearing hurtful, hateful language about women. language that has been painful for so many of us. >> every time he talks, proves himself unfit and unqualified for this office. >> reporter: trump received backup from his running mate. >> he's categorically denied any of those allegat >> reporter: trump says there's evidence to prove his accusers are lying. he didn't give a timetable but says he'll release information soon. diane and kendis. >> kenneth, thanks. we saw that snippet from first lady michelle obama and her reactions to trump. that as she campaigned for hillary clinton in new hampshire. >> delivering that indictment of of trump's behavior in the access hollywood's video saying she feels this personally. more now from abc's cecelia vega. >> reporter: in new hampshire, michelle obama had something she needed to get off her chest. >> i can't believe i'm saying that a candidate for president of the united states has bragged about sexually assaulting women. and i have to tell you that i -- i can't stop thinking about this. it has shaken me to my core in a way that i couldt predicted. >> reporter: her first public comments since the now infamous donald trump video emerged. >> this was not just a lewd conversation. this was not just locker room banter. this was a powerful individual speaking freely and openly about sexually predatory behavior, and actually bragging about kissing and groping women using language so obscene that many of us are hearing it when we turn on the tv. >> reporter: campaigning for hillary clinton, but spending most of her time on stage blasting donald trump. >> the shameful comments about our bodies, the disrespect of our ambitions and intellect, the belief that you can do anything you want to a woman? it is cruel. it's frightening. and the truth is, it hurts. it hurts. leaving the hard hits to her surrogates while she rallied campaign volunteers. >> we're not just going to win. we are going to take the confidence, the optimism and, yes, the love and kindness with us to the white house. >> reporter: and former president bill clinton was asked to weigh in about the michelle obama gave the best speech of the campaign, and he moved on. cecelia vega, abc news, new york. a car bomb has exploded at a rebel checkpoint in syria near 2 turkish border. the blast went off in the city of azaz. the blast went off killing at least 20 people. most of them militant fighters, although the exact death toll is still unclear. a joint russian syria offensive drove the rebels from aleppo earlier this year, and in a new interview this morning on russian tv, syria president assad hinted at more bloodshed for the shattered city saying more blasts would liberate other areas from those he calls terrorists. the united nation elected a new secretary general, antonio gutierrez. he is the former prime minister of portugal and more recently gutierrez says world peace will be his overarching priority. he takes over for ban ki moon on now to weather. the northwest is feeling the brunt of a series of storms, high turf, strong wind, and heavy rain hits the area now through sunday. gusts could reach 80 miles per hour. coastal areas could see more than a foot of rain raising concerns about flash flooding and mud slides. and here's what you should not do when a major hurricane blows through. that's a man in bermuda standing outside as hurricane nicole's 115-mile-per-hour winds roared across the island. the storm knocked out power to 95% of bermuda's customers. very few have had their power restored. nicole is spinning out of future and the airport is expected to reopen today. two boston police officers fighting for their lives after what officials called a ferocious fire fight. cops responded to a domestic violence call, a man saying his roommate threatened him with a knife. but when they got there, they faced a man wearing body armor and firing a tactical gun. >> police came speeding down the street. it was like pop, pop, pop, pop. >> officers finally shot and killed the suspect and pulled the two wounded cops out. both are still in critical condition, but they are expected to survive. officials do not believe this was an ambush of the police. there's a new zika zone in miami. two women and three men contracted the disease in a one square mile area. three live there, two worked there or recently visited. but this is a setback coming less than a month after another miami neighborhood was declared free of the virus. florida's governor said the state has not yet received any federal funds to fight zika. imagine the surprise of adventurers off the coast of mexico when a great white shark pushed its way inside a shark cage. to be clear, this is supposed to keep sharks out. after injuring itself trying to get out, the 13-foot sharp finally pops out of the top but look at this. there was a diver in there with the shark. diver comes out a moment later very shaken, but otherwise unharmed. >> oh, my god. >> lucky diver. >> that is -- that was his last dive ever. >> you think? >> like, i'm good. >> oh, look, that's so cool being so close, oh -- >> yeah. i'm done. >> no thank you. >> uh-huh. let's call this an epic customer fail, shall we? it happened at an electronics store in england. >> watch this guy in the dark outfit. makes his way over to check out a line of fancy wide screen tvs. >> he checked it out maybe a little too close. >> oh. >> oh! >> oh. >> oh, oh! >> so he knocks over the tvs, and then when he is surprised by that, he backs up and knocks over the two behind him. >> take a listen. oh, no. so this happened more than $6,000 worth of televisions hitting the floor. what we don't know is whether the guy had to pay for any of the damage. i don't know. i'm skeptical about this one. >> you think it's a fake? >> look at how the tvs were set up. it was asking for a domino effect. >> that is true. >> uh-huh. >> and they, why are they not facing out towards the customer so you're looking at the screen? >> yes. >> why are you looking at the profile of the tv? >> exactly. oh, my. >> myth busters. >> we'll s the ross unit on it. coming up, order in the court. the defendant inside a courtroom who pushed one too many of the judge's buttons, forcing him to leap down from the bench and rip off his robe. what happened next. and chris rock is returning to tv with a vengeance and a staggering multi million dollar deal with netflix. we'll have the full story ahead in "the skinny." first, here's a look at the "world news now" weather is wildlife rescue workers open up a lot of dawn. tough on grease...yet gentle. dawn helps open... something even bigger. go to, dawn saves wildlife. (coughs) that cough doesn't sound so good. well i think you sound great. move over. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. it's the little things in life that make me smile. spending the day with my niece. i don't use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out. what was it about this car in turkey that made these dogs want to tear it apart? was it named tabby cat? was there a hunk of meat inside the engine compartment or waxed with a glazed ham? what was it? all we know for sure is that the car was owned by a mechanic, and before the dogs were done, it was missing the front bumper, >> they went to town on that car. >> they did. here at home, a judge outside detroit apparently does not like to be crossed. >> we're getting that look because of newly released video showing a jackson county michigan circuit county judge john mcbain growing increasingly angry with the defendant during a hearing last december about personal protection order violation. but when the man starts mouthing off to the judge, he talks himself right into a jail sentence >> i want her to tell me to leave her alone. . >> i told you to leave her alone, and that didn't get you're going to jail for three days. >> you and her are buddy-buddy. you all get along. >> 45 days county jail. >> [ bleep ]. >> 93 days. you want to go for a year? try it right now. one more word out of you, it will be a year of county. you'll go for a year. 365 days county jail. >> what? so when the court officer tries to escort the defendant out of the courtroom, the war of words turned physical as the judge jumped down from the bench, ripped off his robe and rushed to help the officer. >> put your hands behind your head right now! >> the defendant did not end up getting tazed. the judge says this is the first time he's ever had to do something like this, but he does not regret doing it. >> and court officials who reviewed the video said the judge didn't do anything wrong and was just trying to maintain order in the court. but those are quite some sentencing guidelines. one more word and it's two years in jail. >> yeah. the case apparently centered around an order of protection, restraining order and he was accused of being in violation of it against a woman, you could hear him say in the tape she asked for it or she -- it. may be a witness in the case now. >> wow. >> yeah. >> when we come back, chris rock signs are record breaking deal, and what alex talk about on jeopardy. the skinny is next. world news now" continues ? skinny so skinny ? our friday skinny starts with chris rock's big return to >> after an eight-year absence, rock returns to television as a standup comic signing a massive deal with netflix. two standup specials for $40 million. that is a record for any standup comedian. >> not a bad payday. the hollywood reporter says the first rock show will tape next year following a new world tour. still unclear when that first show will air or when the second one will tape and be released. >> most recently, rock hosted the os fox's "empire" and won an emmy for directing hbo's amy schumer special. >> for those of you keeping track, chris rock is a four-time emmy winner, three grammys and a best-selling author. >> love him. so excited. >> all right. yeah. >> so good. a major announcement to delight harry potter fans. >> a fan event widely regarded pulled the equivalent of a steve jobs. >> rowling mentioned she's planning a total of five beast films, rather than just three. >> huh. the declaration shows rowling and warner brothers are confident that the well hasn't quite run dry for more fantastic stories set in rowling's fantasy world. but she did take to twitter to clarify that there will be only five films, not at least five. >> squashing hopes for more. >> and the first movie, "fantastic beasts" and where to find them is set for release on november 18th. >> our friend, alex tribek in jeopardy, you might say. >> facing backlash as he made fun of a contestant's music. she called it nerd core. >> video games, science fiction, having a hard time meeting romantic partners. you know, it's really catchy and fun. >> losers, in other words? >> well -- >> it was not that contestant librarian suen san cole who the had last laugh winning the game and you can wag away with nearly $23,000. >> not a loser after all. >> so alex is getting heat for the comment. >> understandably. >> he was clearly just looking for a laugh. i don't think he meant it that way, but probably one of those things that did not come out the way he intended. finally, a serious sign of the times showing us just how long ago the '90s were. >> you may recall the 90s and the tv staple "beverly hills 90210" about the teenage angst in the world of the young and overprivileged. >> the show turned luke perry into a teenage idol, but now can you believe he's old enough for this? aarp tweeted up a mock-up of their magazine cover to wish perry a happy 50th birthday. >> perry looking like brian cranston turned 50 on tuesday. happy birthday. >> i still love you, dylan. ?living well? rise above joint discomfort with move free ultra's triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20% better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill... get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. ? ? it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. tide pods now come in a child guard zip pack. to help keep your laundry pacs safe and your child safer. align, press and unzip. many sleep-aids have pain medicine but zzzquil is different because why would you take a pain medicine when all you want is good sleep? zzzquil: a non-habit forming sleep-aid that's not for pain, today you can do everything in just one click, even keep your toilet clean and fresh. introducing lysol click gel. click it in to enjoy clean freshness with every flush. lysol. ? all right. we've been battered this week by headlines about locker room talk, of course, while, of course, much of north carolina was battered by flooding. >> but there were some bright spots including a tearful reunion and major win for folk music legend. here now is our weekly friday rewind. >> he has said that the video doesn't represent who he is, but i think it's clear to anyone who heard it that it represents exactly who he is. >> this was locker room talk. i'm not proud of it. i apologize to my family. certainly, i'm not proud of it. >> there is no room for objectification of women or anyone for that matter, not even in the locker room. >> it's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law in our country. >> because you'd be in jail. >> our state is facing major destruction and, sadly, loss of life. >> here along the coastal communities, it's that wind pushing that storm surge on to land creating a water world in every directio came crashing up and over this nine foot storm wall, pushing these boulders all through this neighborhood. >> information indicates this plane crash was intentional. >> i saw a small red burst and then it started to smoke, sizzle and burn. >> i saw smoke and i threw it on the floor. >> thank you for bringing me home! >> my dad looked at me, and i showed him my phone and i said, it's the same outfit. immediately, took the ride, went straight to security. >> thank you to you because without you, we don't know what this would have been. >> lives matter, people matter, this young man, he mattered. so, for me, just the first maybe so much was focused on you and the game, but it's not what really matters at the end of the day. >> bob dylan for having created new poetic expressions with the great american song tradition. ? for the times they are a-changing ? >> a big week ahead, the third and final presidential debate on wednesday in nevada. >> paul mccartney was robbed. he should have won the nobel prize in literature. >> i was wondering if you were just going to leave that out there or if you were going to explain it. >> paul mccartney was robbed. this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for went bone? >> that's what's making news in america this morning. >> do follow us at at making news in america this morning, donald trump is hitting back at hillary clinton and the women accusing him of sexual advances. also a new interview this morning with clinton says she felt like trump was stalking her on the debate stage. extreme weather, hurricane nicole slams bermuda. the rare storm tearing across that tiny island. coming in. plus, bracing for days of several storms on the west coast. chaos in the courtroom. a judge leaves the bench, rips off his robe and gets involved in a scuffle. and a shark scare. a great white pounces on a cage, gets in between the bars with a diver inside.

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