> tired of redosing antacids?"> > tired of redosing antacids?" property="og:description"> > tired of redosing antacids?">

Transcripts For KNXV Nightline 20160816 : comparemela.com

Transcripts For KNXV Nightline 20160816

maybe she should just -- ? kill 'em with kindness go ahead go ahead go ahead now ? >> but first the "nightline 5." >> tired of redosing antacids? try duo fusion. two in one heart burn relief. the antacid goes to work in seconds and lasts up to 12 hours in one chewable tablet. duo fusion from the makers of zantac. my bladder leakage made me feel like i couldn't be the father that i wanted to now i use depend, i can move the way i really want. >> now more flexible to move with you. reconnect with the life you've been missing. good evening. thanks for joining us. of athletes in brazil after olympians including gold medallist ryan lochte were held up at gun point. we journey into some of rio's most dangerous neighborhoods with a brazilian s.w.a.t. team where a violent drug war is raging minutes away from olympic village. how are they keeping violence from creeping into the summer games? here's abc's matt gutman. >> reporter: we're on the front lines on the streets of rio. here with sweeping views of olympic venues where athletes embroiled in a complex and bloody war with the gangs that dominate rio's slums, some of them long-time criminals, some of them dirty ex-cops. their latest victim may have been their most high-profile, gold medallist ryan lochte, one of the winningest olympians in history. he and three fellow team usa swim members had been here at club france, one of the many events spaces hosted by olympic snowboarding great shaun white. but early in the morning on their way back to olympic village, men in police uniforms lochte says flashing badges, pulling them over. lochte told the "today" show the men demanded the swimmers get on the ground before pulling out a gun. >> i refumesed. i refused. i was like, we didn't do anything wrong so i'm not getting down on the ground. then the guy pulled out his gun, he cook the it, put it to forehead, get down. i watt my hands up, like whatever. >> reporter: he said their assailants took only their money and the athletes were unharmed. team captain michael phelps shocked we the news. >> kind of said, excuse me? i mean, i -- i couldn't believe it. >> reporter: but similar incidents occur almost daily here. rocks hitting an olympic bus. stray bullets hitting the equestrian venue twice. a judo medal winner mugged. these crimes a spill-over of the authorities are struggling to contain. this month five people on average have been wounded by gunfire each day in rio. just last week, three olympic officers were shot, one of them killed, after taking a wrong turn into gang territory. the deputy commander of rio's s.w.a.t. team offered to give us a sense of what they're up against. >> if something happened, stay inside the car, okay? >> reporter: we head towards a hillside overlooking t village. it's home to massive ?shanty towns where one-fifth of rio's population lives in communities known as favelas. police are engaged in what they call an undeclared civil war. just last year this s.w.a.t. team conducted 3,000 operations in the favelas. the s.w.a.t. team's training custom-tailored to the treacherous urban sprawl they patrol. fully prepared for the threats that await them out in the real world. everybody wears this when they go out? >> yeah. >> everybody? >> yeah, everybody. >> how often are people killed in the slums in the favelas here? >> every day. >> how often do you think that you get involved in a fight? >> 100%. >> 100% of the time you go inside a favela -- >> yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. >> there's going something? >> the fight will be started. >> reporter: it's these winding alleyways that police say make fighting the gangs especially difficult. >> look how narrow these alleyways are. police say they're perfect spots for ambushes. >> reporter: on the other side of the battle lines, the drug dealers. one agreed to be interviewed as long as we didn't show his face. looking me in the eye he said he never hesitates when faced with a choice to kill. committed his first murder. >> because it was kill or be killed? [ speaking foreign language ] >> reporter: as he spoke he smoked a joint. >> because life is not easy, yeah? it's the way to make money. to die or to kill here. to kill or to die. it's better for them to see their moms crying. >> you're saying it's better to kill than to die, better to see other mothers crying than to have your mother cry? [ speaking foreign language ] >> when you see police coming into this favela what do you typically do? >> most of the time it become no problem. >> i see. they come with guns, you respond to them with guns? >> yeah. [ speaking foreign language ] >> fire with fire. >> fire with fire? >> reporter: ironically, police and have been ramping up their presence here in preparation for the olympic games. "nightline" coanchor dan harris was here in 2013 coming face-to-face with a dangerous drug lord. >> the police have been going into neighborhood and pacifying them. if they came here and tried to do that, what would happen? [ speaking foreign language ] >> would you describe your work as dangerous? >> he says, do you know me? >> no. >> reporter: despite all the violence, police say they've only managed to pacify about 30 of the 1080 favelas in rio. violent crime since 2012. still in an olympics that has been racked with safety concerns, the games have been a far cry from the projected worst case scenarios. partly due to the diligence of the security teams here. the rio bomb squad here responding to calls every day, using robots to detonate suspicious packages. so far, all false alarms. but the threat is very real. >> wow. >> this is our warehouse. >> reporter: the team confiscating thousands of explosives each >> this is live ammunition? >> yeah, yeah, unfortunately it is. >> all right. put that back down. >> reporter: many explosives from gangs in the favelas. >> basically every day this is what comes in, little bombs like this, grenades? >> yes, yes. >> reporter: authorities are still investigating who mugged ryan lochte and his teammates but brazilian police sate athletes were too drunk from the party to provide a lot of information regarding criminals, cars, license plates, et cetera. the international olympic committee initially denying the to us what happened? >> what i said was people asked me to give them update, i got an update, i gave you usoc's update, then there was another one after that. >> reporter: lochte is being bundled back to the u.s. replying in a statement, what is most important is that we are safe and unharmed. teammate gunner bents adding, the gold medal is safe. rio organizers issuing an apology, we obviously regret the violence has gotten so athletes, we apologize to those involved. their focus now, making sure ret maining events go off without incident. and that over 10,000 athletes in attendance are secure. although officials tell us taking a taxi while reportedly drunk at 4:00 a.m. may not be the best idea in the most violent city to host an olympics in modern times. for "nightline" i'm matt gutman in rio de janeiro, brazil. up next, disney magic with a we're taking you for a ride inside the brand-new theme park. and later, justin bieber is probably sorry over his latest instagram post. i had a lot of doubts going in. i was a smoker. hands down, it was, that's who i was. after one week of chantix, i knew i could quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix definitely helped reduce my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. achinery. most common side-affect is nausea. life as a non-smoker is a whole lot of fun. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. (becky) i've seen such a change in einstein since he started the new beneful recipe. the number one ingredient in it is beef. (einstein) the beef is fantastic! (becky) he has enough energy to believe that he can jump high enough to catch a bird. (vo) try new beneful originals with beef. now with real beef as the number one ingredient. when you don't get enough sleep... and your body aches... you're not yourself. tylenol? pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. we give you a better night. you're a better you all day. tylenol?. you wouldn't believe what's in this kiester. a farmer's market. a fire truck. then you can get comfortable using preparation h. for any sort of discomfort in yours. preparation h. you know, it may be the year of the monkey on the chinese calendar but it's starting to feel like the year of the mouse. shanghai disney, the company's most-expensive overseas investment yet, is now open with new attraction is you won't see at any other disney theme park. >> reporter: 50,000 hours of construction. 100,000 workers from engineers to imagineers. perhaps a sprinkle of pixie dust. this is shanghai disney resort. the newest happiest place on earth opening its gates to the public for the very first time just two months ago. >> here east meets west. the past meets the future. and anything is possible for those who believe. >> reporter: since then, over 1 million guests a c it's the sixth resort for abc's parent company. the project taking five years to complete with a $5.5 billion price tag. >> i'm in the center of this resort, the enchanted storybook castles. it will be the tallest and biggest castle in all of disney. the transformation incredible. this is the most grand of all the castles in the disney parks. 12,000 trees planted. stunning. >> get the show on the road! >> reporter: i got a behind the scenes first look at what disney hopes will be its grandest fairy tale yet. once upon a time, after over a decade stalled in negotiations with the chinese government, disney broke ground in april 2011. >> disney only owns 43% of the park. the rest is kind of controlled by shanghai shandy group, locally government-controlled entity. disney will have to work very closely with its partners on that. it doesn't have outright editorial control. >> reporter: this would become the largest and most expensive international resort for the disney brand, spanning nearly 1,000 acres in shanghai. the location within three hours by car or train of 330 million people. in a country with a booming middle class with more and more disposable income. >> if they get even just a fraction of those 300 million people into the park, it has the segment revenue. >> reporter: but as with all fairy tales the stakes are high. >> they spent five years building it. many more in negotiations. that alone makes this a huge, huge expense both human and dollar-wise for disney. that means there's an incredible amount at stake. >> reporter: to find out how much i'm getting a tour from jody mclaughlin, one of disney's imagineers. >> the entire team was encouraged to be daring and take risks. >>ep park she says, to push the boundaries. >> this is something we've never done in a disney park. to have something this physically active. >> do you like this one? >> i love it, i think it's great. >> reporter: here on the first-ever adventure isle, camp controversy is a disney trail blazer. >> this is awesome! >> reporter: literally. you get to blaze your own trail through treacherous terrain. >> i think i got the wrong shoes on. >> so do i. but again, it's not -- there's three different levels so you be intermediate, you can be a beginner. something for everybody. >> reporter: always something to marvel. >> look up at this mountain, that thing's more than 100 feet tall. >> reporter: we head to the pirates of the kririan. >> this is more of a storytelling. more historical facts for people to learn. >> yes, yes. certainly fans of captain jack sparrow and davey jones, you meet them in the attraction. it's a very immersive experience, very strong storytelling presence. literally in thett become part of that story. >> reporter: the attraction, combining the action-packed narrative from the movie -- >> that is the best! >> reporter: with come to life characters and detailed design -- >> that was awesome, thank you. >> reporter: we can't forget the gift shop. the revenue streams seemingly endless. >> getting people into parks is a way for them to make far more money off people's love for these films. you can bet every kid will be tugging his parent's hand asking caribbean toy. the huge potential for merchandising dollars, food dollars, actual theme park dollars. ? heigh ho ? >> reporter: although the stories are classically disney, there is of course the chinese twist. like with snow white's dwarfs. off to work they go. this time in mandarin. ? >> it's about bridging the culture and help our team understand what the chinese guests want and what culture. >> reporter: she's the cultural analyst for shanghai disneyland. >> what's the difference between american and chinese in terms what they want to see at disneyland? >> for me, for my understanding, because american has such a history. we know the stories so well. grew up with it. for us we know mickey and minnie. it's hard for us because we don't know the characters. >> reporter: she shows me the landscapes of china. >> we're entering the forest room. it's really inspired by southeast china where you have a lot of bamboo forest. definitely our team is inspired by that. >> reporter: that pride making this park entirely unique. and that may just be the key to a fairy tale ending. for "nightline," i'm bob woodruff in shanghai, china. next, you won't believe what justin bieber and selena gomez are fighting about now on instagram. why selena is trying to kill them with kindness. ? kill them with kindness ? viagra single packs... so guys with ed can... take viagra when they need it. or adempas? for pulmonary hypertension. your blood pressure could drop to an unsafe level. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. ask your doctor about viagra single packs. crabfest is on at red lobster so come dive into dishes like the new alaska bairdi crab dinner with sweet crab from the icy waters of alaska. with tender snow and king crab legs. love crab? tired of re-dosing antacids? try duo fusion! new, two in one heartburn relief. the antacid goes to work in seconds... and the acid reducer lasts up to 12 hours in one chewable tablet. try new duo fusion. selena gomez want keep her hands or thoughts to herself, the teen idol publicly feuding with ex-boyfriend justin bieber over his new romance. >> justin! between justin bieber and selena gomez was so 2014, you're so wrong. after posting a series of flirty images with differentwomen, including 17-year-old model sofia ritchie, daughter of lionel richie, beliebers revolted flooding his instagram with angry comments. ? i made those mistakes ? >> the sorry singer sent this message. i'm going to make my instagram private if you guys don't stop the hate. if you guys a wouldn't be so mean to people that i like. ? kill them with kindness ? >> and while gomez's recent single "kill them with kindness" preaches rising above the 24-year-old singer couldn't keep her hands to herself. chiming in, if you can't handle the hate, then stop posting pictures of your girlfriend, lol. don't be mad at your fans, they love you. ? what do you mean ? >> the instagram comment was the what do you mean crooner allegedly unleashing his wrath against his ex-girlfriend on social media. it's funny to see people that used me for attention and still try to point the finger this way, sad. all love. gomez reportedly firing back. funny how the ones that cheated multiple times are pointing the finger at the one that were forgiving and supporter, no wonder fans are mad. sad, all love. bieber had the last laugh taking the petty feud in direction allegedly reply, i cheated? i forgot about you and zayn. ? ? is it to late to say sorry ? >> it might be. although they say love means never having to say you're sorry. thanks for watching abc news. as always we're online at abcnews.com and our "nightline" facebook page.

Related Keywords

United States , China , Shanghai , Rio De Janeiro , Estado Do Rio , Brazil , France , Alaska , Chinese , Brazilian , American , Justin Bieber , Ryan Lochte , Lionel Richie , Nightline Facebook , Matt Gutman , Jody Mclaughlin , Michael Phelps , Davey Jones , Dan Harris , Selena Gomez , Bob Woodruff ,

© 2024 Vimarsana
Transcripts For KNXV Nightline 20160816 : Comparemela.com

Transcripts For KNXV Nightline 20160816

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maybe she should just -- ? kill 'em with kindness go ahead go ahead go ahead now ? >> but first the "nightline 5." >> tired of redosing antacids? try duo fusion. two in one heart burn relief. the antacid goes to work in seconds and lasts up to 12 hours in one chewable tablet. duo fusion from the makers of zantac. my bladder leakage made me feel like i couldn't be the father that i wanted to now i use depend, i can move the way i really want. >> now more flexible to move with you. reconnect with the life you've been missing. good evening. thanks for joining us. of athletes in brazil after olympians including gold medallist ryan lochte were held up at gun point. we journey into some of rio's most dangerous neighborhoods with a brazilian s.w.a.t. team where a violent drug war is raging minutes away from olympic village. how are they keeping violence from creeping into the summer games? here's abc's matt gutman. >> reporter: we're on the front lines on the streets of rio. here with sweeping views of olympic venues where athletes embroiled in a complex and bloody war with the gangs that dominate rio's slums, some of them long-time criminals, some of them dirty ex-cops. their latest victim may have been their most high-profile, gold medallist ryan lochte, one of the winningest olympians in history. he and three fellow team usa swim members had been here at club france, one of the many events spaces hosted by olympic snowboarding great shaun white. but early in the morning on their way back to olympic village, men in police uniforms lochte says flashing badges, pulling them over. lochte told the "today" show the men demanded the swimmers get on the ground before pulling out a gun. >> i refumesed. i refused. i was like, we didn't do anything wrong so i'm not getting down on the ground. then the guy pulled out his gun, he cook the it, put it to forehead, get down. i watt my hands up, like whatever. >> reporter: he said their assailants took only their money and the athletes were unharmed. team captain michael phelps shocked we the news. >> kind of said, excuse me? i mean, i -- i couldn't believe it. >> reporter: but similar incidents occur almost daily here. rocks hitting an olympic bus. stray bullets hitting the equestrian venue twice. a judo medal winner mugged. these crimes a spill-over of the authorities are struggling to contain. this month five people on average have been wounded by gunfire each day in rio. just last week, three olympic officers were shot, one of them killed, after taking a wrong turn into gang territory. the deputy commander of rio's s.w.a.t. team offered to give us a sense of what they're up against. >> if something happened, stay inside the car, okay? >> reporter: we head towards a hillside overlooking t village. it's home to massive ?shanty towns where one-fifth of rio's population lives in communities known as favelas. police are engaged in what they call an undeclared civil war. just last year this s.w.a.t. team conducted 3,000 operations in the favelas. the s.w.a.t. team's training custom-tailored to the treacherous urban sprawl they patrol. fully prepared for the threats that await them out in the real world. everybody wears this when they go out? >> yeah. >> everybody? >> yeah, everybody. >> how often are people killed in the slums in the favelas here? >> every day. >> how often do you think that you get involved in a fight? >> 100%. >> 100% of the time you go inside a favela -- >> yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. >> there's going something? >> the fight will be started. >> reporter: it's these winding alleyways that police say make fighting the gangs especially difficult. >> look how narrow these alleyways are. police say they're perfect spots for ambushes. >> reporter: on the other side of the battle lines, the drug dealers. one agreed to be interviewed as long as we didn't show his face. looking me in the eye he said he never hesitates when faced with a choice to kill. committed his first murder. >> because it was kill or be killed? [ speaking foreign language ] >> reporter: as he spoke he smoked a joint. >> because life is not easy, yeah? it's the way to make money. to die or to kill here. to kill or to die. it's better for them to see their moms crying. >> you're saying it's better to kill than to die, better to see other mothers crying than to have your mother cry? [ speaking foreign language ] >> when you see police coming into this favela what do you typically do? >> most of the time it become no problem. >> i see. they come with guns, you respond to them with guns? >> yeah. [ speaking foreign language ] >> fire with fire. >> fire with fire? >> reporter: ironically, police and have been ramping up their presence here in preparation for the olympic games. "nightline" coanchor dan harris was here in 2013 coming face-to-face with a dangerous drug lord. >> the police have been going into neighborhood and pacifying them. if they came here and tried to do that, what would happen? [ speaking foreign language ] >> would you describe your work as dangerous? >> he says, do you know me? >> no. >> reporter: despite all the violence, police say they've only managed to pacify about 30 of the 1080 favelas in rio. violent crime since 2012. still in an olympics that has been racked with safety concerns, the games have been a far cry from the projected worst case scenarios. partly due to the diligence of the security teams here. the rio bomb squad here responding to calls every day, using robots to detonate suspicious packages. so far, all false alarms. but the threat is very real. >> wow. >> this is our warehouse. >> reporter: the team confiscating thousands of explosives each >> this is live ammunition? >> yeah, yeah, unfortunately it is. >> all right. put that back down. >> reporter: many explosives from gangs in the favelas. >> basically every day this is what comes in, little bombs like this, grenades? >> yes, yes. >> reporter: authorities are still investigating who mugged ryan lochte and his teammates but brazilian police sate athletes were too drunk from the party to provide a lot of information regarding criminals, cars, license plates, et cetera. the international olympic committee initially denying the to us what happened? >> what i said was people asked me to give them update, i got an update, i gave you usoc's update, then there was another one after that. >> reporter: lochte is being bundled back to the u.s. replying in a statement, what is most important is that we are safe and unharmed. teammate gunner bents adding, the gold medal is safe. rio organizers issuing an apology, we obviously regret the violence has gotten so athletes, we apologize to those involved. their focus now, making sure ret maining events go off without incident. and that over 10,000 athletes in attendance are secure. although officials tell us taking a taxi while reportedly drunk at 4:00 a.m. may not be the best idea in the most violent city to host an olympics in modern times. for "nightline" i'm matt gutman in rio de janeiro, brazil. up next, disney magic with a we're taking you for a ride inside the brand-new theme park. and later, justin bieber is probably sorry over his latest instagram post. i had a lot of doubts going in. i was a smoker. hands down, it was, that's who i was. after one week of chantix, i knew i could quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix definitely helped reduce my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. achinery. most common side-affect is nausea. life as a non-smoker is a whole lot of fun. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. (becky) i've seen such a change in einstein since he started the new beneful recipe. the number one ingredient in it is beef. (einstein) the beef is fantastic! (becky) he has enough energy to believe that he can jump high enough to catch a bird. (vo) try new beneful originals with beef. now with real beef as the number one ingredient. when you don't get enough sleep... and your body aches... you're not yourself. tylenol? pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. we give you a better night. you're a better you all day. tylenol?. you wouldn't believe what's in this kiester. a farmer's market. a fire truck. then you can get comfortable using preparation h. for any sort of discomfort in yours. preparation h. you know, it may be the year of the monkey on the chinese calendar but it's starting to feel like the year of the mouse. shanghai disney, the company's most-expensive overseas investment yet, is now open with new attraction is you won't see at any other disney theme park. >> reporter: 50,000 hours of construction. 100,000 workers from engineers to imagineers. perhaps a sprinkle of pixie dust. this is shanghai disney resort. the newest happiest place on earth opening its gates to the public for the very first time just two months ago. >> here east meets west. the past meets the future. and anything is possible for those who believe. >> reporter: since then, over 1 million guests a c it's the sixth resort for abc's parent company. the project taking five years to complete with a $5.5 billion price tag. >> i'm in the center of this resort, the enchanted storybook castles. it will be the tallest and biggest castle in all of disney. the transformation incredible. this is the most grand of all the castles in the disney parks. 12,000 trees planted. stunning. >> get the show on the road! >> reporter: i got a behind the scenes first look at what disney hopes will be its grandest fairy tale yet. once upon a time, after over a decade stalled in negotiations with the chinese government, disney broke ground in april 2011. >> disney only owns 43% of the park. the rest is kind of controlled by shanghai shandy group, locally government-controlled entity. disney will have to work very closely with its partners on that. it doesn't have outright editorial control. >> reporter: this would become the largest and most expensive international resort for the disney brand, spanning nearly 1,000 acres in shanghai. the location within three hours by car or train of 330 million people. in a country with a booming middle class with more and more disposable income. >> if they get even just a fraction of those 300 million people into the park, it has the segment revenue. >> reporter: but as with all fairy tales the stakes are high. >> they spent five years building it. many more in negotiations. that alone makes this a huge, huge expense both human and dollar-wise for disney. that means there's an incredible amount at stake. >> reporter: to find out how much i'm getting a tour from jody mclaughlin, one of disney's imagineers. >> the entire team was encouraged to be daring and take risks. >>ep park she says, to push the boundaries. >> this is something we've never done in a disney park. to have something this physically active. >> do you like this one? >> i love it, i think it's great. >> reporter: here on the first-ever adventure isle, camp controversy is a disney trail blazer. >> this is awesome! >> reporter: literally. you get to blaze your own trail through treacherous terrain. >> i think i got the wrong shoes on. >> so do i. but again, it's not -- there's three different levels so you be intermediate, you can be a beginner. something for everybody. >> reporter: always something to marvel. >> look up at this mountain, that thing's more than 100 feet tall. >> reporter: we head to the pirates of the kririan. >> this is more of a storytelling. more historical facts for people to learn. >> yes, yes. certainly fans of captain jack sparrow and davey jones, you meet them in the attraction. it's a very immersive experience, very strong storytelling presence. literally in thett become part of that story. >> reporter: the attraction, combining the action-packed narrative from the movie -- >> that is the best! >> reporter: with come to life characters and detailed design -- >> that was awesome, thank you. >> reporter: we can't forget the gift shop. the revenue streams seemingly endless. >> getting people into parks is a way for them to make far more money off people's love for these films. you can bet every kid will be tugging his parent's hand asking caribbean toy. the huge potential for merchandising dollars, food dollars, actual theme park dollars. ? heigh ho ? >> reporter: although the stories are classically disney, there is of course the chinese twist. like with snow white's dwarfs. off to work they go. this time in mandarin. ? >> it's about bridging the culture and help our team understand what the chinese guests want and what culture. >> reporter: she's the cultural analyst for shanghai disneyland. >> what's the difference between american and chinese in terms what they want to see at disneyland? >> for me, for my understanding, because american has such a history. we know the stories so well. grew up with it. for us we know mickey and minnie. it's hard for us because we don't know the characters. >> reporter: she shows me the landscapes of china. >> we're entering the forest room. it's really inspired by southeast china where you have a lot of bamboo forest. definitely our team is inspired by that. >> reporter: that pride making this park entirely unique. and that may just be the key to a fairy tale ending. for "nightline," i'm bob woodruff in shanghai, china. next, you won't believe what justin bieber and selena gomez are fighting about now on instagram. why selena is trying to kill them with kindness. ? kill them with kindness ? viagra single packs... so guys with ed can... take viagra when they need it. or adempas? for pulmonary hypertension. your blood pressure could drop to an unsafe level. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. ask your doctor about viagra single packs. crabfest is on at red lobster so come dive into dishes like the new alaska bairdi crab dinner with sweet crab from the icy waters of alaska. with tender snow and king crab legs. love crab? tired of re-dosing antacids? try duo fusion! new, two in one heartburn relief. the antacid goes to work in seconds... and the acid reducer lasts up to 12 hours in one chewable tablet. try new duo fusion. selena gomez want keep her hands or thoughts to herself, the teen idol publicly feuding with ex-boyfriend justin bieber over his new romance. >> justin! between justin bieber and selena gomez was so 2014, you're so wrong. after posting a series of flirty images with differentwomen, including 17-year-old model sofia ritchie, daughter of lionel richie, beliebers revolted flooding his instagram with angry comments. ? i made those mistakes ? >> the sorry singer sent this message. i'm going to make my instagram private if you guys don't stop the hate. if you guys a wouldn't be so mean to people that i like. ? kill them with kindness ? >> and while gomez's recent single "kill them with kindness" preaches rising above the 24-year-old singer couldn't keep her hands to herself. chiming in, if you can't handle the hate, then stop posting pictures of your girlfriend, lol. don't be mad at your fans, they love you. ? what do you mean ? >> the instagram comment was the what do you mean crooner allegedly unleashing his wrath against his ex-girlfriend on social media. it's funny to see people that used me for attention and still try to point the finger this way, sad. all love. gomez reportedly firing back. funny how the ones that cheated multiple times are pointing the finger at the one that were forgiving and supporter, no wonder fans are mad. sad, all love. bieber had the last laugh taking the petty feud in direction allegedly reply, i cheated? i forgot about you and zayn. ? ? is it to late to say sorry ? >> it might be. although they say love means never having to say you're sorry. thanks for watching abc news. as always we're online at abcnews.com and our "nightline" facebook page.

Related Keywords

United States , China , Shanghai , Rio De Janeiro , Estado Do Rio , Brazil , France , Alaska , Chinese , Brazilian , American , Justin Bieber , Ryan Lochte , Lionel Richie , Nightline Facebook , Matt Gutman , Jody Mclaughlin , Michael Phelps , Davey Jones , Dan Harris , Selena Gomez , Bob Woodruff ,

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