Transcripts For KNXV Good Morning America 20160810 : compare

Transcripts For KNXV Good Morning America 20160810

five to a history-making victory. >> katie ledecky beat her off the start. >> as record-breaking katie ledecky dominates in the pool and america's golden boys pick up another first place. >> the united states is going to win the gold medal. >> michael phelps adding two more gold medals to his record-breaking tally. we're live in rio for all the action this morning. >> good morning, america. and good morning, simone biles, and all the rest of america. how about that team usa dominating the olympics blowing away the competition. four more golds on tuesday. >> including michael phelps winning his 21st gold. there he is celebrating with his son boomer. amy is at our olympics desk in rio this morning. >> good morning, guys. so much excitement for team usa in the pool and on the mat and i did get to be in the pavilion when the final five made history with america's first consecutive team win in gymnastics and that was just one of the night's big moments. can't wait to bring you the rest. >> we can't wait. amy, thanks very much. much more from rio ahead. but first, that new trouble for donald trump. under fire for comments about hillary clinton in the second amendment. clinton supporters accuse him of suggesting violence against the candidate. as she faces new fallout over her e-mails. with trump in fayetteville, north carolina. good morning, tom. >> reporter: george, a busy morning on the trail. trump says hillary clinton and the press are taking what he said out of context. this as the clinton campaign is having to explain what looks to be a blurry line between some at the clinton foundation and at state department under hillary clinton's leadership. overnight, donald trump forced to explain what he meant when he said this about hillary clinton -- >> hillary wants to abolish, amendment, by the way, and if she gets to pick -- if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. although the second amendment people, maybe there is, i don't know. >> reporter: clinton supporters say trump was encouraging violence. senator elizabeth warren tweeting, donald trump makes death threats because he's a pathetic coward who can't handle the fact that he's losing to a girl. but the trump campaign says trump was talking about unifying second amendment supporters, not about harming clinton. >> the people mobilize and vote, they can stop hillary from having this impact on the court. but that's not how the media is spinning it. what's your reaction to it? >> nobody in that room thought anything other than what you just said. this is a political movement. >> reporter: but someone in that room did have a strong reaction. look at that trump supporter just behind him as trump made the comment. the clinton campaign not finding simple. what trump is saying is dangerous. a person seeking to be the president of the united states should not suggest violence in any way." the campaign also dealing with their own problems. trying to explain how seddique mateen, the father of the orlando shooter omar mateen, ended up behind clinton during her rally in central florida where she was speaking about the tragedy at the pulse nightclub. >> we can't ever let that kind of hatred and violence break the spirit, break the soul of anyplace in america. >> reporter: mateen telling west palm beach station wptv he was invited. >> it's a democratic party. so everybody can join. >> reporter: clinton aides will only say this individual wasn't invited as a guest and the campaign was unaware of his attendance until after the event. and now the clinton campaign dealing with another e-mail controversy. watch releasing e-mails showing what appears to be a clinton foundation staffer asking for favors from the state department when clinton was secretary recommending they hire someone. the trump campaign citing this as more evidence clinton ran a, quote, corrupt office. the clinton campaign saying neither of these e-mails involve the secretary or relate to the foundation's work. now, house speaker paul ryan who won his primary race yesterday in wisconsin, was asked about trump's second amendment he says he didn't hear the exact comments but he was aware of it and he said this, it sounded like a joke gone bad. i hope he clears it up very quickly. >> okay, tom, thanks. let's talk to one of donald trump's top supporters, rudy giuliani. hi. >> hi, george, how are you? >> you heard the speaker saying this is a joke gone bad. apologize. >> well, first of all, i was there and i'd like people at home to kind of get an idea what vote against her. he never used -- >> he was talking about after the election. >> he was talking about the election in general. he wasn't just talking about after the election. you know how speeches go. he was talking about how they have the power to keep her out of office. that's what he was talking about. that is what -- >> generally, but specifically he was talking about he can't do anything after the election except the second amendment people. >> we know donald trump is not particularly indirect. if donald trump was going to say something like that he would say something like that. i was there. realize that the first time that any of us had any idea that that is the way it was interpreted is when the clinton spin machine interpreted it that way, spun it out to a press that is willing to hit him every day, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. >> but in realtime you had people like former cia director michael hayden raising the same question. >> it wasn't in realtime. it was after out, they spun it out in eight minutes, bam, like that. that is not what he intended. what he intended is very, very simple, that he should vote against her. with a crowd like that if that's what they thought he meant -- >> we did see that one guy -- >> which brings me to the guy behind hillary clinton who is the father of a person who killed 49 people, who wounded 53 people, ends up being invited to sit in a prime position behind hillary clinton, and you got to ask yourself, number one, who invited him? we still don't know and, number two, what drew him to hillary clinton -- >> they said they didn't him and she disavowed -- >> why is he such an avid supporter, holding up a sign about how great a president she would be. this is a guy who supports the taliban. he is anti-american who himself has supported terrorist organizations, who has said that god is going to punish homosexuals. he is a homophobe of the worst kind, and he is a very, very clinton? people should ask that question. what brings him to hillary clinton? i believe it's her soft stance on islamic extremist terrorism, which he and -- which she and the president have had since the president has been in office. >> he shows up at her rally. she disavows that supporter. meantime, you've got these 50 national security officials in the republican administration who are saying they cannot support donald trump because he lacks self-control. he would be the most reckless president in american history and it includes people you supported strongly in the past. michael chertoff, tom ridge, both former homeland security secretary, these are not democrats. these are not clinton supporters. these people are worried about donald trump. >> well, first of all, there are some of them that i respect a lot and they're good friends of mine and they will remain good friends of mine but i have a disagreement with them. they don't know donald trump the way i do. i've known him for 28 years. i know he is a responsible man, a very, very successful man, a than hillary clinton who has found to be extremely careless with the use of national security information, extremely careless is like, oh, gosh, the kindest way you could say it. it's e-mail after e-mail is spilling out one after another after another and we still have 30,000 that she destroyed. now, and -- what i suspected is true. what i suspected is that she destroyed a lot of those e-mails because it shows a connection between hillary clinton as secretary of state and the money being raised for the foundation and bill clinton speaking fees. >> doesn't donald trump have to get more careful with his words if you want to get that message out. >> no, you have to stop misinterpreting and you have to stop putting words in his mouth that he didn't say, that he didn't mean. i drove from that venue to the plane, got on the plane, i was with him all throughout. he had no idea that anybody would interpret his words that way, that is not the way he meant it. it was a big surprise. my first reaction when i heard the call was, oh, this will go it's such a stupid thing to suggest that he would say something like that, and it was so obvious to all of us what he meant. >> mr. mayor, thanks for joining us this morning. >> thank you. >> let's go to lara. >> george, thank you. let's turn to a devastating shooting overnight. a woman accidentally killed during a police safety exercise in florida. it happened when an officer's gun fired an unexpected live round. an investigation is under way and phillip mena has the latest for us from punta gorda, florida. good morning, phillip. >> reporter: lara, good morning. witnesses say at first they thought the gunfire was part of the plan but when the woman in the drill didn't get up, they soon realized that something had gone horribly wrong, that the officer had shot bullets instead of blanks. overnight, a woman taking part in a citizen's police academy meant to educate the public on police safety, accidentally killed by a police officer. >> we were all just standing there thinking she's going to stand up in a minute. >> reporter: mary knowlton, a community event called shoot, don't shoot, a role-playing exercise designed to show the public what it's like when police are forced to make split-second decisions. these facebook pictures show a similar class back in march. according to witnesses an officer fired several rounds at knowlton of what were supposed to be blanks but the gun mistakenly had a live round inside it. >> during the first scenario in a horrible accident, participant mary knowlton was mistakenly struck with a live round. >> reporter: she was rushed to a local hospital where she was pronounced dead. >> our entire police department and all of our city leaders are absolutely devastated for everyone involved in this unimaginable event. >> reporter: the officer involved has been placed on leave as authorities investigate what went wrong. you see the crime tape there behind me. this is the public safety complex where the shooting took place. right now police are not identifying the officer who was put on leave. george. okay, phillip, thanks very much. we're going to turn now to day three of trouble for delta. hundreds of passengers stranded again this morning. continuing fallout from monday's power outage that led to nearly 2,000 flight cancellations. abc's david kerley is at reagan national airport with the latest. good morning, david. >> reporter: good morning, george, here we go again. these are the lines at delta air lines this morning. passengers not happy. this line snakes down the terminal quite a ways. already delta has said this morning 90 flights have been cancelled. flight t like 150. that means more than 1,800 flights cancelled because of the power outage. delta now saying that some of their systems didn't come up. it's been slow to get back up to speed. the good news, george, is that delta's ceo says by this afternoon, they should be at regular schedule, regular operations. these passengers certainly hope so, george. >> i'll bet. thank goodness for that. okay, david, thanks very much. >> all hoping for that. want to turn to the olympics now, though, and a huge day for powerhouse performances from michael phelps, katie ledecky and the all-star women's gymnastics team. amy at our olympics desk in rio for all the action. good morning, amy. >> hey, good morning, lara, and while the american gymnasts still revel in their olympic moment, they are also celebrating the announcement of their long-awaited nickname, the final five. >> somersault. >> that's what an olympic champion looks like. >> reporter: overnight, the u.s. women's gymnastics team striking gold and wowing the world. >> wow. >> reporter: it's the first time the u.s. women have won back-to-back team titles. >> all: we are the final five! >> reporter: leading the charge, three-time world champion simone biles giving yet another spectacular performance, flying through the air, sticking her landings and, of course, flashing that dazzling smile. the 19-year-old ending the night with this stunning floor exercise securing her first >> get the gold medals ready. >> reporter: meanwhile, the other american super squad, the u.s. swim team winning big, the night belonging to michael phelps. >> michael phelps is going to do it again! >> reporter: edging out the competition to claim gold in the 200-meter butterfly, the crowd going wild. >> phelps says, let's hear it. >> reporter: phelps soaking in the moment climbing the stands to celebrate with his infant son boomer. about an hour later phelps back in the pool joining longtime teammate and 11-time medalist ryan lochte for the 4x200 freestyle relay. >> this is going to be a huge test. >> reporter: not even a swim cap malfunction could derail the superstar. >> rips on him. >> reporter: phelps and his teammates simply unstoppable. >> no way anybody is going to catch michael phelps tonight. >> reporter: the win marking phelps' 21st gold medal. the 31-year-old emotional as he collected his medals. >> it looks like she's going to win another olympic gold and she >> reporter: super swimmer, katie ledecky, the wonder woman of the pool, also racing to the finish line winning gold in a neck and neck 200-meter freestyle. meanwhile, a major shock on the tennis courts. >> serena williams is out of the olympics. >> reporter: four-time gold medalist serena williams knocked out of the olympics after losing to her ukrainian opponent. a rare upset on an otherwise super tuesday for the red, white and blue. coming up today in rio it is the men's gymnastics team turn to show us what they've all-around is today. there are several key swimming finals later tonight, as well. so, let's bring in espn reporter julie foudy, let's talk about last night. >> wow, what a night. >> simone biles, i have to say, it will absolutely be the highlight of my time here in rio to watch her perform. precision, sticks every landing. what were your thoughts about watching her? >> well, simone and that whole team, aly raisman did so well, gabby douglas. but, when you look at simone american golds ever won by gymnasts at the olympics are two, right. she could have five at this olympics and that's how dominant she's all around. >> speaking of dominance a lot of excitement in the pool, michael phelps there beating his rival chad le clos. talk about what we saw from him. he's 31. >> why, i don't understand le clos pokes the bear and does some trash talking. i mean -- >> it didn't work out for him. you get the phelps face but don't do that against a guy who now has 21 gold medals. when you think about how remarkably consistent he has been over five olympics, i mean, it's unfathomable. every athlete you talk to goes like this to him. 21 golds and he's still going at 31. >> wow, i know. he's incredible to watch. and so is katie ledecky. she actually won her weakest event, what was it about what she did last night, how did she pull it off? >> well, and that's the thing about katie ledecky. 1,500, which they don't even race at the olympics, that's her strongest event and she's still winning. she's still dominant, and she's going to win probably another gold tonight in the 4x200 relay. so, those two in the pool, we're seeing something incredibly special. >> yes, katie and michael will be swimming tonight. so much to look forward to. julie foudy, thanks so much. lara, back to you. >> thank you so much, amy. and team usa racking up major wins in rio and we go to jesse with the exact medal count. >> thanks. well, heading into day five of these summer games, team usa has the most overall medals with 26. however, they have pulled ahead of china in the gold medal race. you see the americans have nine. they have the second most bronze with nine and they have the most silver medals with eight right now and you see china in second place with 17 total medals. japan has pulled ahead of russia in the race for third place. 14, 12 medals apiece, you also see australia, italy right now tied with 9 but the aussies do george. >> thank you, jesse. now to rob with more on these flash floods. >> this dust storm, a product of the storms that rolled through the phoenix area yesterday. winds to near 50 miles an hour and that will kick up the dust for sure and rain on top and flash flooding and even some rescues. we'll have more on that today. another 2 or 3 inches of rainfall and when it comes in a short period of time it doesn't take much for it to flood. in the decembesert southwest. the southeast, on the other hand, some of these areas have today as it sits and spins in new orleans. i think you'll see a lot of rain in the next couple of days. could see five or more inches as good morning. some in the valley waking up to wet roads and rain. this view from the east valley, along the 202 and valle vista, you can see the roads a little wet there. now look at the desert doppler, very spotty showers. we have some rain in the north va east valley some spotty showers out near mesa. rain chances continue through the day and we could >> it has been a beautiful couple of days in the new york area. much of the northeast but now the humidity is cranking back. the dog days of summer. >> that's what they call them. >> they are here. coming up here police searching for clues in those jogging murder mysteries both in new york and massachusetts. one of the victim's fathers is speaking out. and going for gold in rio. u.s. swimmer katie ledecky taking home another gold and she's just getting started. what makes her so dominant in the pool and what michael phelps has to say about her. all that coming up from amy in rio. right here on "gma." in rio. right here on "gma." hi, i'm phil mickelson. i've been fortunate enough to win on golf's biggest stages. but when joint pain and stiffness from psoriatic arthritis hit... even the smallest things became difficult. so i talked to my rheumatologist... rescribed enbrel... to help relieve joint pain and help stop further joint damage. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis... lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common... or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, sing, bleeding 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of the us swim team my girl cindy bought this fridge from lowe's because of their worry-free 30-day satisfaction guarantee on appliances. that's what i'm talking about cindy. i like your style. at lowe's. . time now 7:23. right now we have showers in parts of the valley. let's get right to the forecast. >> not everybody is getting rain but those that are, we have some heavy rain in north valley, still tracking showers near deer valley and out in mesa now. you can see those spreading into eastern apache junction, so that will be an impact along u.s. 60 if you're traveling east through apache junction or to the higher terrain east of the valley. another area of showers toward fountain hills and another south of cape creek. we'll continue to watch for showers througho the morning and we have a chance of storms we could get heavy rain with it is a wet morning up in the north valley right now. you're going to see delays because of this. 17 minutes loop 101 eastbound from 75th avenue to the 17. part of the problem is they have had to shut down the hov lane at 35th avenue because of standing water. and there's a lot of here, loop 202 at valle vista. it's slow because of wet roads there. >> be careful out there for sure. breaking overnight, three people shot near 7th street and thunderbird. investigators say a woman got into a fight with her neighbor and she was assaulted, and other neighbors jumped in to help. the suspect grabbed a gun and shot all of them. the woman was shot several times. she is in critical condition. the other two are expected to be okay. more local news. now back to good morning ? what makes a woman feel beautiful? it's an unstoppable energy, from deep inside... a "je ne sais quoi"... a youthful aura. advanced g?nifique by lanc?me. every serum drop infuses youthful radiance throughout the skin. patented until 2029. receive a free 7-piece gift. only at macy's, your skincare destination. maybe almond breeze tastes so good because it's the only almondmilk made with california blue diamond almonds. but if you ask our almond growers... there's no maybe about it. almond breeze. the best almonds make the best almondmilk. proud sponsor of usa volleyball. the family favorite. yoplait. welcome back to "gma" and there's new headlines from donald trump. he's defending himself, he says he wasn't suggesting violence as clinton faces new trouble over her e-mails. a new batch released overnight. also right now, three girls recovering from that ferris wheel tragedy in tennessee after falling nearly 40 feet to the ground. investigators saying the incident was caused by a mechanical issue. and protesters out on the streets in ferguson for the two-year anniversary of michael brown's death, a scary moment overnight, shots fired after a car hit one of the demonstrators. >> it was hard to see that again. but this morning, a lot of excitement for the olympics. amy is there in rio at our olympics desk. amy. >> that's right, team usa already dominating, guys, simone biles leading the gymnasts to a we are hearing how she keeps her cool under so much pressure just ahead. lara. >> amy, thank you. we do want to begin with the investigation into those two jogger murder mysteries. police in new york and massachusetts sharing information, searching for clues and while there are similarities so far investigators do not believe the crimes are related. abc's linsey davis is in princeton, massachusetts, for us this morning, linsey, are there any leads thus far? >> reporter: lara, unfortunately for this small town, so desperate for answers there are no leads at this time. at a church just across the street last night there was standing room only as the community came together for a vigil for vanessa marcotte. and people here are quick to tell you they're afraid. this morning, authorities are asking the public for help to catch the person who murdered 27-year-old vanessa marcotte. >> we want to ask anyone that was in the vicinity from 1:00 to 4:00 on sunday that may have walking or may have been driving by at that time to police call the tip line. >> reporter: the google executive's murder is the first homicide in princeton, massachusetts, in decades. >> it's a horrible thing and, you know, i as a parent am hoping that it was a crime of passion and we don't have to worry about someone on the streets. >> reporter: marcotte, who resided in new york city, disappeared in broad daylight sunday after going for a jog near her mother's home. seven hours later, a police canine unit found her remains in a wooded area. sources tell abc ns signs that marcotte was sexually assaulted though a final autopsy report is pending. >> we do believe it is a homicide. we don't know if this was a random act. >> reporter: authorities are also addressing speculation that her murder could be tied to another high-profile death of a new york city woman katrina vetrano, who was murdered while jogging near her parents' home in queens just last week. >> we haven't ruled anything out in regards to the new york city homicide. we understand there are similarities, nothing has been investigation. >> reporter: all this as the victim's father, tells "the boston globe" that his daughter was not involved with anyone romantically saying there is nobody in his daughter's life who could be responsible for her death. this small town of 3,000 people, just 65 miles from boston, not only on high alert but also on edge. >> we never think really to lock -- we're in and out of our house all day, doors are unlocked often but not anymore. >> it's a small town and i feel like right now her family is our family. >> reporter: we've also learned that there were signs that marcotte was strangled. hundreds of tips have come in on the tip line. still, authorities here say it's still early on in the investigation. they continue to reiterate that residents here need to use an abundance of caution. george. >> yeah, still scary time. linsey, thanks very much. we're going to turn now to a shooting in north carolina drawing controversy. a young man killed while leaving a house party. the gunman and neighbor who called police complaining of abc's mara schiavocampo has the latest. >> reporter: george, good morning. that caller complaining of, quote, black males outside of his home. it all started with that man calling 911 to say he had a weapon and was going to secure his neighborhood and minutes later a young man lay in the street dying. this morning, newly released 911 calls placed just moments before a fatal shooting. >> we got a bunch of hoodlums out here racing. i am locked and loaded. >> reporter: officials saying they believe the caller who never left his name is the man who shot and killed 20-year-old kouren-rodney thomas as he was leaving a party in the neighborhood early sunday. >> i fired a warning shot and, uh, we got somebody that got hit. >> reporter: police say 39-year-old chad cameron copley fired a shotgun from inside his garage around 12:30 a.m. hitting thomas who was just passing by this mailbox on his way back to the car. >> and he turned around and off and i was just like, man, this is not happening. >> they have firearms and we're gonna secure our neighborhood. >> reporter: the caller saying partygoers were armed, a claim the host vehemently denies. >> it kind of struck a nerve when i heard that one. it sounds borderline hate crime. >> reporter: now copley has been charged with murder. his lawyer, saying in a statement, we urge restraint and that folks not rush to judgment. and a go fund me page has been started to cover thomas' funeral his mother who stressed her son never got into any trouble writing, koury was my baby and i love him. all i want to do is send him off well. now, copley is currently being held without bond. his next court date set for august 29th. if convicted he could face the death penalty and, george, the victim's mother saying this was a kid that was always focused on safety first. such a tragedy for that community. >> so sad, thanks very much. >> thank you, george. coming up on our big board, the convicted killer featured in the series "making a murderer" is now speaking out. what he wants the victim's family to know. then, a dining disaster. a diner says he warned his waiter he was allergic to seafood, was still served salmon. he slipped into a coma, so, did the waiter commit a crime? and then, is former nfl quarterback tim tebow heading to the major league baseball world? it's a home run of a headline coming up on our big board in real milk vs. almond milk ingredient spelling bee lecithin lecithin. l-e-s (buzzer sound) your word is milk. m-i-l-k milk wins. ingredients you can spell. you've thought about it, dreamt about it, maybe you should just go ahead and do it. we're legalzoom, and we've helped over a million people just like you start their own businesses. legalzoom. allergies distracting you? when your symptoms start... doctors recommend taking 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(boy) sorry. (dad) don't worry about it. (vo) at our house, we need things that are built to last. that's why we got a subaru. (avo) love. subaru, a subaru. time now for our big board. a team of insiders standing by live for more on this morning's top stories. we got dan abrams here for the first story and it's all about steven avery. some dramatic new allegations about this man convicted of murder at the center of the true crime series "making a murderer." he's now speaking out to "in touch" magazine as he prepares for an appeal and he's arguing the lawyers who came to his aid take a look. >> they didn't do their job. you know, they were looking out for the state, and just like most lawyers do they look out for the state instead of for their client. you know, if they would do more investigating on the case, they would find all of this stuff. everything is there. they did their job. i wouldn't be here. >> now, dan, that is grounds for an appeal if he can prove it. >> yeah, except it's not true. he actually had really good representation. i think he's been following or getting advice from someone about the case of adnan ziad, the serial defendant who really did have trouble with his lawyers. here, steven avery had very strong lawyers who represented him vigorously and they couldn't win the case. but for him to blame them now i think is a mistake and his lawyers are sort of issuing a statement to us sort of sadly saying that they think he's mistaken but they can understand considering that he's been >> in another portion of that interview in "in touch," he's asked about the victim's family. he said once the truth comes out i think they'll regret what they all said about me. he goes on to say, he's 1,000% confident he'll be released so how likely -- i don't think i even need to ask this, it's probably not happening. >> not likely. look, his new lawyer is a terrific lawyer named kathleen zellner and she's been hinting she has new evidence that's going to release him and it sounds like that's empowering and exciting steven avery but from my perspective, i think it's very unlikely steven avery will be released in connection with this case. >> all right, all right, thank you, dan. switching gears now -- well, actually first let me tell you the entire interview with steven avery is in "in touch" magazine on newsstands now and i want to move on to this other case raising questions about restaurant responsibility. a waiter allegedly server a diner food that he already told him he was allergic to, it sends that diner into cardiac arrest. we have rebecca jarvis with us to talk about it. rebecca, this is the first case of its kind in canada. so, what happened and what kind of charges could the waiter face? >> this is unbelievable, lara. think about this, imagine this, you go into a restaurant for a nice meal. you tell your waiter not once, but twice that you have a life-threatening allergy to seafood. that's exactly what happened to according to this diner at a restaurant in quebec le tapageur. he told the waiter right off the bat he had a seafood allergy and when he ordered he told the waiter again but still seafood showed up on his plate. the problem is he didn't know it. he ate the food and went into cardiac arrest. ended up in the hospital for five days and now it looks like this waiter could face some criminal negligence charges. that's exactly what they're talking about in canada right now. the authorities are pushing for that. >> and here's what the chef and owner said, quote, nobody wants to make somebody feel uncomfortable in their restaurant. may have to take drastic measures to protect ourselves so what kind of measures will they have to make? >> the restaurant industry, you're already seeing this. you sit down at a restaurant nowadays. a lot of the time you're going to be asked right off the bat what kind of allergies. what are the food allergies that everyone sitting at this table and you already see it on packaging. when you open up a box of chips, in the back a lot of tim says this was prepared in a facility that includes nuts. a lot of businesses are worried about this and this especially if it goes to trial will be a bigger concern for businesses going forward. >> yeah, i think every restaurant in new york asks the question. >> i want to ask dan -- >> he was arrested? you know, still, you can understand why the restaurant might get sued, et cetera. but you would hope that if he was arrested for this, that the authorities believe there was some sort of intentional conduct. meaning, i would think that the authorities believe that he did it on purpose in some way, shape or form. just criminal negligence meaning that he effectively made a didn't listen, et cetera, he gets arrested for that and charged. that seems like a real reach. >> just real quickly, dan, one of your other major jobs, you own restaurants. how do you protect yourself? >> look, you have to be vigilant. anyone that's been there before, you have notes as to what they're exactly allergic to in your system so you remember it. but if they haven't been there before, then you have to ask. >> is part of your waiter's training you must ask do you presenting the menu. >> yes, you want to ask them because, remember, you're talking about anything that could touch the food. here you may have served him something that he was specifically allergic to but you also have concerns about other items around the food that can be allergy issues, as well. >> all right, dan, thanks very much. let's move on now to tim tebow. he's trying again not on the football field but baseball field looking to play in the major league, of course, he's been here many times on "gma," as well. now with espn. so what is this, eduardo? does he have a real shot? >> it's as big of a shot as being in the same swimming pool as michael phelps and katie ledecky. think about this and i'm not just talking about being in the semifinals, i'm talking about being in the finals against those guys, not in the medal stand. this is a very difficult task. everybody thinks major leagues, but you then have to go all the way to the minor leagues, instructional leagues, even winter baseball. that's as much baseball as he has to do, as a matter of fact i called one of the teams in puerto rico, cangrejeros de santurce, and they were excited. they said bring him on. we'll take him and we'll give him a tryout. they even extended a letter to him. that's how interested a lot of teams are with tim tebow. you see the contract right there, signed by frankie higginbotham, their general manager. come and join us in our fall practice in october. why not, have a trip to but at the same time, it's so difficult to do to go out there and play against the elite. think about what malcolm gladwell said in "outliers." 10,000 reps, we're not talking 10,000 swings in a cage but game time, fly balls, ground balls, a lot of stuff. >> eduardo, i want to point out way back when, well, not that far back, bo jackson, deion sanders, they managed to cross over and do both at the same time. are we living in a different world now, though? >> we're living in a different world but at the same time, you said the key word. they were doing it at the same time. they were -- they both played -- one played at florida state, one played at auburn. they never stopped playing. tim tebow, 12 years removed. 12 years removed? i could tell you i could still shoot and do layups right now. we're talking about a hamstring being pulled. >> well, we will be watching, thanks to you all very much. smashing some world records, taking home gold medals and even stunning michael phelps. you'll hear about it. smashing records, taking home gold medals and even stunning you're that guy who switched to sprint. sprint's network reliability is now within 1% of verizon. and sprint saves you 50% on most national carrier rates. can you hear that? don't let a 1% difference cost you twice as much. switch to sprint today. she spent summer binge-watching. soon, she'll be binge-studying. get back to great. this week sharpie singles now twenty-five cents. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. although just 4 foot 8, simone biles is not to be underestimated. despite her size, simone's packed with power. refined, concentrated power. that's why she trusts tide pods. ? go go big or go home ? we are back now with all the olympics excitement in rio. one of the superstars everyone is watching, swimmer katie ledecky, and she's smashing her own world records. abc's matt gutman has more from right here in rainy rio. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, amy. now to say that katie ledecky might be the greatest athlete ev but we broke down the science and did a little bit of math and figured out that her margins of victory are simply off the charts. >> she has olympic gold. >> reporter: katie ledecky's performance is measured in the records she shatters. >> that is what you call racing. >> reporter: at 5'11" she's only just average standing next to her swimming sisters but there's >> reporter: just watch her stunning gold medal-winning performance from sunday. hitting the wall a full five seconds ahead of everyone else. not a single competitor in sight. >> a lot of people say she swims like a man. she doesn't swim like a man. she swims like katie ledecky for crying out loud. >> reporter: the records she broke her own, the 19-year-old regularly leaving competitors in the dust. so, just how big a deal is she? >> i would argue she is the world's best athlete right now. >> reporter: regularly beating the competition by 2% to 3%. that means if she was a formula 1 racer she'd win by almost 3 minutes. if she were a cyclist in the tour de france she'd win the race by almost 40 minutes. >> the only thing really comparable in recent memory is what secretariat did in the belmont stakes. >> unbelievable! an amazing performance! >> reporter: she's even leaving fellow swimmers in awe. michael phelps calls her a stud. >> she's obviously in a league of her own. astonishing to teammates like medalists cody miller and ryan held. is that like being a great marathoner and being usain bolt at the same time? >> yeah, basically, yeah. >> yeah, she crushes it every time. >> reporter: not only pushing barriers but chugging past them. >> you see she has perfect alignment. if you watch her hand go in the water there's almost no splash. it's textbook beautiful swimming. >> now we're going to do a little bit of a demonstration assume that i'm katie ledecky and we're running a mile-long race which is often determined by inches. now, i've just crossed the finish line and all the way back there is our producer, robert zapata, simulating the next closest competitor. he would have started 80 yards back nearly a full football field by the time i crossed the finish line. i wouldn't be huffing and puffing but he is, amy. >> all right, matt, that puts it all into perspective. so impressive. thank you so much. behind the scenes with simone biles. we could brag about what's in new light & fit yogurt. but we'd rather talk about what's not in it. like no artificial colors or preservative ingredients. and with 70 calories... maybe we're kind of bragging? 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"good morning america" is . good morning, 7:56. we are on a monsoon shower watch this morning in the valley and tracking the latest developments. >> there's weather moving into the valley this morning. we are tracking some lingering showers in spots like the north valley and flood advisories as well. we are under a flood till about 9:30 a.m. for this area including parts of north central mesa, areas along the loop 202 and other areas. we could see runoff there. where the rain hasn't ended, eastern apache junction and near gold canyon along the 60. so this area also under a flood advisory, as we could get runoff and flooding in those areas. another pocket of heavy rain we have more rain to the southeast, and i'll keep an eye on these flood advisories and keep you posted coming up. we are tracking some delays right now, i-10 westbound, 13 minutes desert drive time westbound from the 202 till you hit the 60. also look at the a-dot camera right now. the 101 eastbound at avenue, very slow. the hov lane is back open at 35th avenue but still look for extra delays there. two people shot overnight near 19th avenue and indian school. officers say two men were found with gunshot wounds. thankfully both of their injuries are not life- threatening and they are expected to pull through. investigators are putting the pieces together to catch the person who pulled the trigger. smell smoke, a fire near 63rd avenue and alice, firefighters saying there was a fire there. they were able to get that under control and no word on what caused it. ? it's good to be alive right about now ? good morning, america. it's 8:00. gold medal glory. the final five make history. simone biles leading the charge telling "gma" how she handles the pressure to win. >> since the beginning but i'm very excited for it all. and swimming superstars katie ledecky diving into the record books and michael phelps medal count. "gma" is live in rio. ? it's time to get the chains out ? and no shame weight gain. anne hathaway taking a stand against pressure to lose the pounds cutting up her clothes and loving the way she looks. other stars joining the cause with a message for moms everywhere right now. ? how do you like me now ? dwayne johnson calls out his "fast 8" co-stars the story behind his intense comments speeding across the internet. ? cake by the ocean ? plus, the secrets to how you can get that olympic body. we're live in times square with a special workout wednesday inspired by the medalist as we say -- >> good morning, america. ? ooh i want the time of my life ? ? oh baby ? and good morning, america. great to have paula and jesse back with here here again today and a lot of celebration for team usa this morning. simone biles right there l share her secrets to success coming up and how she deals with all that pressure. >> i don't think she feels any pressure. she was on fire. also this morning we're going to talk about wanting, you know, legs like simone biles or abs like michael phelps and david boudia. we'll help you get in shape like an olympian. that's just it. it's workout wednesday and we have olympic gold medalist mckayla maroney, and you can join our livestream right now our facebook page and we'll get into it later. >> working at it already. first the morning rundown from paula. >> good morning, george. good morning, everyone. we do begin with a scathing new report from the justice department this morning about racial bias in the baltimore police department. the investigation began after the death of freddie gray sparked riots across the city. now, this particular report found that officers have routinely violated the civil rights of african-americans with what investigators call a pattern of unlawful stops and excessive force. the report concludes that the relationship between police and the community is broken. and a police department in florida is under scrutiny after a 73-year-old volunteer was accidentally shot and killed during a demonstration at a citizen police class in punta gorda. the officer fired a live round instead of a blank. he has now been placed on leave. in politics, donald trump is denying claims that he's inciting violence against hillary clinton, and he is blaming the backlash on the trump told supporters in north carolina that clinton is trying to take away their guns, and he said those in favor of the second amendment may be able to stop her. critics say that this was a veiled suggestion for people to harm clinton, but trump is saying he was referring to the political power of second amendment supporters. and hillary clinton is disavowing support from the father of the orlando nightclub shooter after he showed up at one of her rallies in florida. seddique mateen was on the stage right behind clinton as she spoke about the victims of that massacre. the campaign says the rally was open to the public, and they did not invite him. and the neonatal intensive care unit at a maryland hospital has been shut down because of a concern about a potentially deadly bacteria. hospital officials say three babies have tested positive for the pseudomonas bacteria. and two other infants recently died but officials say they have not found a link between those deaths and the bacteria which and in los angeles, two police officers went from crime fighters to firefighters after they spotted smoke coming from this home. a woman, she was trapped inside. look at this, unable to escape those flames, and they called for help while trying unsuccessfully to kick down the door, and moments later a firefighter ran in with a saw and cut through the bars on that window, then they tossed the woman a chair as she climbed out finally escaping into the officer's arms with only minor injuries. heroes right there. a lot of excitement from rio so now for the latest headlines we turn to amy at the "gma" olympics desk. the americans making history, amy. what an exciting night. >> oh, it was incredible, paula, and, of course, one of the big stories here, michael phelps winning two more gold medals in the 200-meter butterfly and the 4x200 free relay. phelps no has a record katie ledecky won the second gold in rio in the 200 which she considers her weakest and the u.s. gymnastics team calling themselves the final five with a consecutive major title beating russia by more than eight points which is a record and the men's team competes today and even though the u.s. women's soccer team tied colombia, that is still enough for them to advance to the next round. looking at the medal count, the americans remain on top with 26 medals including nine gold. china is in second place with 17 overall, and i want to go back to michael phelps for a moment because just to give you some perspective, how about this, he has won more gold medals than 129 countries have in the entire history of the olympic games. only 39 nations have won more gold than michael phelps has individually. how about that, guys? >> unbelievable. okay, amy, thanks very much. now let's get to jesse and "pop news." "the rock" johnson is not happy with some of his male "fast 8" co-stars. the rock posting a lengthy caption to instagram on tuesday praising the hard-working crew as well and his amazing female co-stars, but the wrestler turned action star also said his male colleagues are, quote, a different story saying some conduct themselves as stand-up men and true professionals while others don't. we won't try to guess who he has a beef with but johnson says fans will see what he's talking about once "fast 8" speeds into theaters september 18th and says, if you think he's not acting, looks like his blood is legit boiling, you're right. >> there's a clue. that's a clue. there's a scene where he's really angry at someone he's legitimately mad at them. >> obviously hoping this is just promotion of the movie. i hope he's just joking. i hope he is because i would not want to be fighting the rock in a scene if he was legitimately mad at me. >> i think we need a "pop news" >> i was just going to say, i think you're right. >> the people's elbow. nobody wants any of that. up next, more big social media news. welcome to instagram, tom hiddleston. yeah. the "avengers" star launched an account and has over 500,000 followers, guys, and counting. with his first post an in character selfie teasing his character loki for the new "thor" movie due out in 2017 but who welcomed him. robert downey jr. with the caption, join me in welcoming the biggest tony stark fan of them all to tony stark or maybe taylor swift. >> ah. >> tom hiddleston. >> a little trivia this morning. >> tom hiddleston, welcome to social media. >> you're really excited about him joining. >> i'm a huge lover of instagram and the trolls and the trolling. >> oh, you are. have you followed him yet? list and climbing. like robert downey jr. you never know what's coming from tom. you never know. finally it's summertime and love is in the air, everybody. you see a lot of couples getting engaged and posting their announcements on social media, but this woman is taking relationship goals to a hilarious new level. she's officially off the market, guys, the job market. benita abraham shared this news that she found her perfect match by sharing these photos on facebook getting 11,000 likes. it was love at first interview. she's been on the hunt for seven months but has finally found a company that truly cares about its employees. we all here want to say congratulations. >> we do. congratulations. >> that is great. >> i bet the new company loves it. jesse, that was great. how about the "morning menu." >> "morning menu," guys, coming up. here's a look at what's coming up on the "morning menu." no more mom-shaming. anne hathaway taking a stand saying it's time to stop feeling upabout how she handles the pressure and dominique dawes here breaking last night's competition. i'm officially the worst athlete in the room so thank you for that. and we're training like olympic athletes. it's workout wednesday all coming up here on "gma" in times square. >> let's go, baby. 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i got the eye of the tiger ? welcome back to "gma" and we're going to take you to rio now with the women they're calling right there, simone biles, the greatest h gymnast ever dominating the olympics leading team usa to a second straight gold medal and amy is there for all of the action in rio. hey, amy. george. the final five winning gold and worldwide praise as simone biles showed unbelievable power, athleticism and poise, and this morning the superstar is sharing how she beats the incredible pressure and her favorite way to celebrate. >> that is an olympic gold medal winning moment. >> reporter: this morning, the u.s. women's gymnastics team is waking up with gold. with simone biles dominating the women's team competition as the only u.s. gymnast competing in all four events for the final five, exhibiting both explosive power and rock solid confidence along with her obvious sense of joy. >> i always get a little bit nervous once i get up there, but i know that if i just trust in myself, that it'll be a good set. i know what i've accomplished. there's still -- it's just the beginning, but i'm very excited for it all. >> reporter: as she tumbles her featured in this tide pod's evolution of power video. >> it means the world to us because the evolution of gymnastics has changed so much and i'm just really proud. >> reporter: so what are her gold medal secrets to success? first enjoy the ride. >> you can still be very good at what you do and have fun. you don't have to be serious all the time to do a good job. >> reporter: never give up. >> if you ever have like a mistake, try to fuhgeddaboutit because if you carry that with you for of your team, then the rest of your team might not go as planned so you just kind of shake it off and you just continue your team. >> reporter: trust your squad. >> always have each other's back in and out of competition. we support each other the most because we -- we're the only ones that knows what it feels like to go through what we do and so we can't be more thankful for each other and we're like sisters. >> reporter: and after you give your all, treat yourself. >> it doesn't matter if i don't win a gold, after every meet, i have pizza, pepperoni pizza. >> a girl after my own heart started. all eyes on her to see if she can become the first female gymnast to win five golds at a single olympics. her competition is on thursday but later today it's the men's turn to show what they have in the men's all-around finals, george. >> another big day coming up but here now with someone who knows about winning gold medals at the olympics, dominique dawes here. you're part of the magnificent seven in 1996. welcome back. now you have the final five in simone biles, so i said it at the beginning. is she the best ever? >> she is the most dominant gymnast i've ever seen not only female but male and female. the tricks she does, you would they have think a girl would be doing a full in and full out and double layout after with a jump after called the biles. she is just spectacular and i think this new scoring system >> all of them and you're starring with her in this new video. tell us about it. >> so exciting. i'm turning 40. to have the opportunity to work with amazing olympic sponsors like tide pods is great. they're focusing on the evolution of power and gymnastics starting with nadia comaneci in 1996 and simone biles and celebrating how these amazing athletes have accomplished such great feats. >> and striking what they wear. these leotards, tell us about the process. >> i love it. they have wonderful sponsors, gk and with under armour and these games they took a more patriotic theme. in the past hot pink and stuff. it's beautiful. i do think they went crazy with the bedazzling machine and someday we'll see this in a museum. one of my olympic leotards is in a museum and they'll probably take it out and replace it with one of simones. >> maybe you can take your kids. >> my little daughter woke up in the middle of simone biles' floor routine to watch it and she went right back to sleep so it was just hilarious. let's talk a little more about simone, still just 19 years old and watching her and listening to her thinking she has such maturity. >> yeah, and she should because many gymnasts are there when she was 15 and 16. my first was 15. she has a little bit of an edge over most competitors. laurie hernandez is only 16 so her maturity shows, but more importantly she's constantly smiling. smees's having a great time. she looks very relaxed but if you were that dominant, you might be a little moreel as well too. >> that's true. >> last night the girls won by nearly eight points. eight points. >> which is a killer. >> they killed it. they could have taken one, two and three if we had three different teams. the americans are so dominant these days, and that has to do with martha karolyi's leadership and her fearlessness and her, you know, kind of intimidating the girls a little bit, and i love this name final five which is all about martha karolyi. >> thanks very much. at the end simone always likes to celebrate with her pepperoni pizza, so, mckayla, i thought we would celebrate too. >> we'll celebrate too. >> mckayla. >> we're going to celebrate. >> yummy. >> lara was already trying it out but we'll try a little too. >> good morning. >> yes. >> a little breakfast. >> yummy. >> the breakfast of champions. >> of course. and we're going to come back while we eat this with anne hathaway's message for moms. >> mm-mm. sn't only there when things went wrong? 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[ upbeat music ] strut past that aisle for the allergy relief that starts working in as little as 30 minutes and contains the best oral decongestant. live claritin clear, with claritin-d. maybe almond breeze tastes so good because it's the only almondmilk made with california blue diamond almonds. but if you ask our almond growers... aybe about it. almond breeze. the best almonds make the best almondmilk. 8:23 and we're back now with that body positive message from new mom anne hathaway. paula has more on anne's new outlook. hey, pau. >> moms will love this from anne hathaway who is enjoying her new baby and saying she's not in any rush to get back to her prebaby weight. >> i'm a 6. >> which is the new 14. >> reporter: from her role as an assistant in "the devil wears prada" to a busy mom and ceo in "the intern." >> you know i haven't slept in two years. >> reporter: anne hathaway, the actress and new mom, is admitting she's feeling the struggles of new motherhood in real life and encouraging women everywhere to feel pride about their post-baby bodies. jean shorts with a profiled message saying there is no shame in finally breaking down and making your own jean shorts because last summer's are just too dang short for this summer's thighs. the mom to 4-month-old jonathan also writing, "there is no shame in gaining weight during pregnancy or ever. there is no shame if it takes longer than you think it will to lose the weight if you want to lose it at all." >> she's a hollywood star but she also struggles with kind of the body issues and and it makes women everywhere kind of un not perfect but nobody is perfect. >> reporter: it's not the first time she's spoken out about body-shaming. on "the ellen degeneres show" just two months after giving birth she recounted an incident with a trainer at a gym. >> i see this guy and said i had a baby seven weeks ago. oh, trying to lose the baby weight? i say, no, brandon, it's a little bit too soon to worry about weight. i'm trying to regain my only celebrity mom speaking out. blake lively on monday while promoting her movie on sunrise australia fought back against post-baby ideals. >> you don't need to be victoria secret ready right away because you just did the most incredible miracle that life has to offer. >> reporter: hathaway ended it with an empowering message, "bodies change, bodies grow, bodies shrink. it's all love, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. #lovewhatyouhavbeengiven." chrissy teigen says it takes a while to put it on. it takes a while to peel off. i've had three. it doesn't come off sometimes and you have to love your body. it's the miracle of birth. >> it is the miracle of birth and it is not easy. >> and they're worth it most of the time. >> yes. >> all the time. >> thank you, anne hathaway. let's get outside to rob. >> all right, lara. look at this fabulous crew. everyone has their red, white and blue and, of course, have a little packer fan and have to support the packers at times. advisories in effect for philadelphia the next few days. dog days of summer in place and it'll feel like near 100 degrees in we are tracking a few showers near the valley. we still have showers near cave creek and we are still under a flood advisory for parts of north central mesa and along the u.s. 60, including apache junction. we have had rain there and that could lead to runoff and minor more storms east of florence, some producing pockets of heavy rain, is a flood advisory there as well. we could see areas of heavy rain a and coming up, workout wednesday, olympic edition. there they are. good morning, 8:27. we have dark clouds and showers hitting parts of the valley this morning. will those monsoon storms roll in? iris, what are you seeing? >> we have had showers this is quieting down. we have north central mesa with flash flood advisories and another flood advisory impacting u.s. 60 where we have had some rain. the most active weather has been east and cease of florence. we are starting to see a few storms back to the southwest. i'll keep watching these as they could pick up some dust but the flood advisory is in effect at this hour. plenty of monsoon moisture in places around the state. storms could produce heavy rain and a flash flood watch is in effect till 7:00 this evening. hot and muggy today, 87 now and a high of 98 with a chance of storms through the afternoon. and we have several crashes all throughout the valley right now. east valley is the bulk of them. we have one on the 60 at gilbert, i-10 near elliott, but 75th avenue. there is a crash reported in this area and it's looking better but slowing down as well. a couple accused of abandoning their child to play pokemon go now indicted on felony charges. deputies arrested brent and brianna bailey after authorities were called when their 2-year-old boy was found he was dehydrated and overheated. the couple is back in court on how do you know it's officially getting hot? well, with just three word, keith urban live. ? ? feels so good ? and friday it's a party in the park on -- >> good morning, america. >> presented by king's hawaiian. >> keith urban on friday right here on "gma" in the park. to amy. let's get this behind-the-scenes look. whoa. windswept amy in rio. >> i think she's -- >> the weather has been interesting. >> yeah, and first though we have our olympics inspired workout wednesday, everybody. "men's health" magazine is featuring the incredible body of elite athletes and take a look at these amazing photos. who wouldn't want to look at these guys or gals. shred. b.j. gaddour here to show us how to get into olympic shape. >> pleasure to be here. >> your energy is contagious. >> i appreciate that. >> show us some workouts not just for men but also for women. how is what we're going to see applicable to our audience at home. >> minimal time and space. boosts metabolism and correct some things to prevent injuries so the ryan lochte exercise, a a lot of shoulder mobility involved and it's common to get tight in the chest but upper midback needs work. shoulder, hinge at the hips and basically make those. so t, y and i and it's going to help strengthen posture and really develop -- >> don't want to be round shouldered and bend at the waist harder, add soup cans. >> what sort of workouts can you build leg strength? >> jesse, it's all about the gluts. it is all about the glutes. it's true, convicts, he calls them. step up plus reverse lunch so i step up, add a leg raise, step down and reverse it so combination exercise so the step up gets more glut and the lunge gets more quad and worlds and do a minimum for ten straight minutes and melt it off. do a seesaw lunch. a little modification. hotel room. i do it in motel rooms all over the country. they don't ask me back. i don't know why. i sweat the place up. >> we should mention we've got two true olympians with us, programs. this is a journey, i'm 17 years deep. simple changes, commit to five minute, ten minutes, add in movements to help with mobility, make you feel better and that's where it start, with the commitment i'm not going to accept this condition but make a change. >> very inspirational. >> can't thank you enough. i want to ask when i see dominique working out hard. what is thshg without for? >> she's still got it. >> what we're doing, any t we're in that mask condition. adding the shoulder tap, you create this anti-rotation. the twist so the obliques and abs have to work hard to keep it square. >> listen, all of these exercises, you're doing it for our whole audience livestream. great free workout. olympics inspired going on the rest of the hour. you can get more fitness tips at on yahoo! >> right now we take a look at the hot new netflix show "the get down" and one of the most expensive in network history. mara schiavocampo is back. you talked about it with the director baz luhrmann. >> luhrmann best known for glossy big budget productions like "mew lean rouge" and "the great gatsby" talks about a history. >> grandmaster points down the get down. >> reporter: "the get down." >> he goes on and on. >> reporter: netflix's bingeworthy offering following hip-hop and a group of teens creating one of the most influential music genres ever. ? we're going to conduct it because fantastic so bad mother ? >> all set in 1977 south bronx. >> as you can see there was only avocado green. >> reporter: heading up "the get down." baz luhrmann, hollywood director. what drew you to that so strongly. >> how did such a pure and new idea get born, particularly in a moment in which there was so little and i just wanted to answer the question. >> reporter: luhrmann enlisting help from nelson george and living legend grandmaster flash. >> i want to be able to change that beat without missing a beat. >> reporter: a pioneer of mixing and scratching records, the foundation for hip-hop. >> you created something out of nothing. >> we were just kind of like having fun. we had no ulterior motive of whether it would be huge. >> reporter: but this show's hefty price tag reportedly $120 million. that's one of the most expensive shows ever made. >> not the most expensive but it kaepts cheap. you want it all set in a period everything, it's fans, dance. >> the entire cast is almost newcomers who like their characters might be on the verge of something big. >> it's about young people coming together and making something that the world doesn't understand but they understand. >> reporter: well, the first six episodes of "the get down" drop on august 12th and the remaining six released next year. luhrmann says they'll release new music from the show and classics. what i love is flash said the whole reaso t the idea of mixing records was so people could dance endlessly, dance all night if they were able to transition seamlessly. >> august 12th we'll be looking for it. thank you. rob. >> we came inside to warm up around this campfire. regional girl scouts with me right now toasting marshmallows but first a look at your national weather. fires out west that we need to discuss, one over 7,000 in acreage, the pilot fire but evacuations. red flag warnings posted for the intermountain west for the way in more of dry lightning and heat pops up across the pacific northwest so beware of that. enjoy the coo we have gotten a >> all right. this weather report brought to you by state farm and it's national s'mores day. come on. what better way to help celebrate with the girl scouts here with all the ingredient, of course, that you need for s'mores but also new takes on the classic treat. they are rolling out two new girl scout cookies since -- for 2017. the 100-year anniversary of girl scout cookies and of course one of the favorites are the s'mores. all right, here are the boxes and there's some fun trivia. recipe for some mores in 1925 and 1927 as s'mores that eventually became known as s'mores so we all love that and all around the country girl scouts will host commemorative campfires, some real inviting local communities to celebrate s'mores so bring out the graham crackers, chocolate and marshmallows while you want to get ready for girl scout season. these look just delicious. of course, if you just want them fashion, you just go with this. my favorite by the way is 2017, 100-year anniversary. back over to you. >> love those too. i have to show you syprzak line, niagara falls. visit lady liberty, meet lara spencer. give me a high-five. such a great crowd and excitement for "pete's dragon," sound familiar because it is a classic. it's a tale that follows a child and his best friend who, oh, just happens to be a dragon. forest in new zealand and sara haines got a behind-the-scenes look at how they brought the magic to life. >> elliott. >> reporter: "pete's dragon" was shot entirely on location in new zealand. the island nation's pristine natural landscape an award-winning film industry making it one of the most desirable filming locations in the world. already known for the "hobbit" and "lord of the rings" as well as "aftvatar"avatar". >> reporter: it stars robert redford and bryce dallas howard. >> i have never seen a dragon. >> reporter: but the real stars might be oaks figuratively as pete and his best friend elliott. a giant green magical dragon. elliott is all high-tech cgi created by new zealand's own visual effects powerhouse whetted digital. the second "lord of the rings" film. >> little thieves relationship the technical wizardry isn't just about computers. this camera mount was designed in new zealand and as impressive as it looks it's nothing without the right pilot. meet alfie. >> i could show you a little place we did "lord of the rings." >> oh, my goodness. you've got the best office with a his calm demeanor made him one of the most sought after piles in the world whether it's a nerve-racking flyby or landing on what seems like the top of the world. for "good morning america," sara haines, abc news, new zealand. >> and pretty sweet assignment i would say, nice job and "pete's dragon" hits theaters friday. >> and then coming up here, amy is taking us behind the scenes in rio from the food, you can she's got it ? back with all the olympic actions happening not just in but outside the game and we've been enjoying the sight, sounds and samba they're famous for around the city. this exciting city never sleeps. vie brant, vivacious, bursting the blue sky, this is rio de janeiro. we wanted to experience rio's heartbeat up close, the pulsating culture that drives their national motto, order and progress. well, it makes you dizzy looking at it with the clouds moving in front of it. this beloved 98-foot-tall statue of jesus, christ the redeemer located at the peak of the mountain and was completed in 1931. it even gets two to four direct oh, my god, literally getting blown off. during the visit the wind was unbelievable which didn't help my selfie game. of course, all that climbing worked up an appetite. >> oh, that's cheese in there. >> yes. >> so caught up with roberta, the official chef for team brazil who designed 191 recipes to keep the team's 465 athletes fueled. we hit the kitchen to whip up a classic, the brisket sandwich. let's do it. >> cabbage. >> melt the cheese. >> it smells so good. >> here we have this -- brazilian and american. >> looks so good. >> oh, my god. gold medal. >> thank you. >> and finally no trip to rio is complete without samba lesson, the celebrated dance front and center at rio's five-day carnival festival which brings nearly 2 million to town to mark the beginning of lent. >> like this. like this. >> you got to have attitude. famous latin dance teacher jamie caught me some quintessential moves i will never forget. more knees and more hips. >> yes, more hips. >> all right, my hat's off to ginger zee. i'm going to leave that to the professionals. being ready. the rio i've seen has been incredible. it's beautiful, the people are wonderful and, of course, any time you have hundreds of thousands of people converging on one city there will be some issues but personally i feel safe and haven't seen one mosquito. the coffee is excellent and i hear the cap rein ipirinhas are terrific. >> see you again coming up right now, though, bonnie raitt is with us. we're just a little excited. big welcome back to bonnie raitt. it's been too long. won ten grammys and "rolling stone" calls her one of the all-time great and includes a >> thank you, george. ? yeah. ? ? ? all we got is this moment the 21 century's yesterday you can care all you want everybody does yeah that's okay ? ? so slide over here and give me a moment your moves are so raw ? ? i've got to let you know ? i need you tonight 'cause i'm not sleeping ? ? there's something about you baby that makes me sweat ? ? how do you feel i'm ? what do you think i can't think at all ? ? what you gonna do i'm gonna live my life ? ? ? ? i need you tonight 'cause i'm not sleeping there's something about you boy ? ? that makes me sweat ? ? how do you feel i'm lonely ? ? what you gonna do i'm gonna live my life "good morning america" is brought to you by blue diamond almond breeze. >> bonnie raitt, thank you for that. album is "dig in deep." on tour right now and we want to thank all of our olympians. there they are with bj leading our workout wednesday. >> have a great day and i think bonnie volunteered to be the "gma" house band. >> all right. we have been tracking showers in and around the valley through the morning, a few flood advisories still posted out near apache junction, some light showers moving into the higher terrain east and northeast of cave we've got a ton of monsoon moisture in place across our state so storm chances will go up throughout the day. there is a 50% chance for scattered storms here in the phoenix metro. higher chances in the higher terrain across our state. any storms that will develop will have the potential of producing flooding rain so a flash flood watch is in effect. don't let your guard down here and keep an eye on the sky. our temperatures today will only be in the upper 90s by this afternoon because of all of that moisture. so lower temperatures today and tomorrow, but then we will start to the weekend and that's going to mean temperatures heat back up. well, a lot of the crashes we had earlier have cleared. still see a couple in the east valley. slowing on i-10 right now. still seeing a 16 minute desert drive time eastbound from 75th avenue to the mini-stack, eases up once you're past the tunnel and then a quick look from our adot camera, different portion of the 10 at baseline and traveling westbound you will see delays, also loop 101 northbound at ray is pretty slow from a crash as well. we have an update to breaking news. the details disturbing here, according to court paperwork into the abc15 newsroom, 16- year-old shea holloway threw his brother down the stairs and stabbed him multiple time. a 9-year-old sister also stabbed. that's when an older brother grabbed her and a 4-year-old and they ran for help. holloway is being charged with second-degree murder, assault with a deadly weapon and endangerment. the 16-year-old being charged as an adult it. >> just we are back at 11:00 with a full hours of news. is always on. do you need a new roof? 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