Transcripts For KNXV ABC15 News At 6PM 20160922 : comparemel

Transcripts For KNXV ABC15 News At 6PM 20160922

that way. any type of inappropriate touching is devastating to the victim. >> reporter: again, a lot of neighbors sharing this sketch we just showed you and police are asking for any tips at all. give them a call. >> thank you. first on acb15, vultures circling in the sky over a scrapyard catching the attention of employees who then discovered body parts on their property. the human rains here 25th and broadway th detectives are now trying to identify the victim and see how that person got there. our community is trying to right the wrong of a criminal. the suspect or suspects broke into midtown primary sometime overnight, taking cash and bus passes. >> police have no known leads or video but that is not stopping parents and teachers from taking action for their kids. >> reporter: that's right. the community is trying to replace hundreds of dollars in stolen cash, and bus passes at this school right behind me but it is all part of a disturbing trend of burglaries in this area that a lot of small businesses are keeping their eye on. it's business as usual for jenny's beauty salon. but still, she takes the time to braid each strand of hair with a keen eye. >> stop it. i will train you. >> reporter: here comes with a caveat. there has been a string of break-ins that police say are similar to each other. >> i said mom i told you look hourglass is down. >> reporter: not even nearby schools are immune. >> they took a couple kids backpacks that were left. i think they were looking for money and maybe snacks. >> reporter: midtown primary school was the target of yet another burglary. and $400 more for students -- needy student us passes. >> it hurts. >> reporter: police won't say it's the same person who broke into primary and another school two weeks ago but businesses are starting to see the burglaries at up. >> i get tired over it. i can move summer that i think may be is safe for me but for my landlord, it's not good for him. >> reporter: now that fundraiser is happening right now at a peter piper pizza on osborne and seventh avenue. it is happening until 8:00 tonight. if you have a chance to help these kids out, they could use your money and your help. 15% of the proceeds are going back to this school. again, hundreds of dollars in cash and bus passes taken from them earlier today. and, as we check outside, the last full temperatures topping out at 100 degrees. we are sitting in the 90s now. breezes northwest at 13 miles per hour. they get a little stronger tomorrow as we track this cold front. it's 94 degrees and scottsdale, 97 in glendale, 100 degrees in chandler. we have a few passing clouds and a slight chance of rain in the forecast tonight around 10%. most of us will stay dry. partly cloudy skies and hitting 80s by 8:00. by 10:00, down to 83 degrees. we are tracking a bigger storm system to the northwest. we could see clouds increasing but changes come to the forecast starting tomorrow. stick around. at a time with law enforcement being targeted more than ever, a guy was seen pointing a gun at a sheriff's deputy on the loop 101. another driver saw the whole thing and flagged the officer down. this comes days after a deputy had a gun pointed at him during there is no good description of the man with the gun but we do know he was driving a shell the silver -- a chevy silverado with an extended cab with a white plastic water tank on the front, silver ore grade. you could collect $1000 if you can help identify this man. the medford bank was robbed on august 11. detectives say they has followed all the leads they have gotten. call for it -- 408-witness if you have any the trump vice president nominee, michael pens -- stephen pence will be at living bible church. this is described as a townhall. struck while blowout -- bill clinton defended his family charity, got part of the one-on- one interview with hillary clinton in florida tonight. road new at 6:00, our sister station asked her about security, immigration, and i will do everything necessary working with security and intelligence professionals to follow their advice about what we need to do before we let anybody into the country. >> meantime, legendary -- a legendary mexican singer released a new video supporting hillary clinton. donald trump says he wants to get on with the campaign and that's why he said president obama was born in th trump told that to the abc station in ohio today. on his trip to toledo, he made a shocking claim about his opponent. >> in fact, hillary clinton admitted multiple refugees -- admitted multiple refugees who were later charged with terror related activities, bad ones. >> trump claims she had the chance to put in protections but didn't. drivers for uber and lyft a driver is accused of assaulting several women and that could be more victims. jeremy vague faces a list of charges. the accusations surfaced when an 18-year-old student call for an uber ride. police say he actually still drove the victim home after the attack. an arrest made but still a lot to sort out. 24 hours after this crime scene popped up, one man was shot in 27th and glendale. he is expected to be okay. no word on what caused the chs. isis likely fired mustard gas at an airbase in iraq where iraqi and u.s. troops work. they are running extra tests at a lab after mixed results on the first two. one was positive and one was negative for the chemical. the attack happened tuesday but the details are just coming out tonight. no one was hurt. caught on video, two teenagers poking their noses where they shouldn't be and got arrested. both were 17 and will not be say the broke into cars in queen creek. a homeowner posted this video online helping identify them. this video was so successful so officials want to remind everyone about the video sharing program similar to the one implemented in peoria where you opt in to let police view your video when a crime occurs on your street. the environmental protection agency now involved in poking around at a local egg farm because of a massive number of residents. also, home to the hickman family harms. sonu wasu is outside that facility with a look at concerns tonight. >> reporter: yeah, it's not just the smell. take a look around me. it is all of this. the white stuff on the ground may look like snow but it is chicken feathers coming from the egg farm floating around the community. an environmental manager at hickman farms reached out to me. thousands of dollars to tarp the feathers and water them down but there is a windy day. as for the smell, company officials say they are in compliance with state and county standards but the residents out here want more oversight because they feel that the elected official who represents their district is also a co-owner of the farm and they call it a conflict of interest. >> we are happy to finally get somebody looking into it, somebody taking us serious cause the county doesn't. it is a farming operation and features living, breathing animals like humans and we do our best in anything that we do. truck more than 200 people have signed a petition asking supervisor clint to excuse himself from decisions regarding air-quality. he tells me that he already recuses himself from any decisions directly affecting his family farm but he will not the city of scottsdale just bought more than 400 acres for its mcdowell sonoran preserve. that means more choices for family activities down the road. the idea, to provide better access to trails near pima and dynamite. the price tag? more than $30 million, which will come from taxpayers if you approve this. they found mistake but where are those 858 immigrants who accidentally got citizenship? we are about to find out. and taking advantage of parents who are focused on their kids and not their wallet. hurt on the job but not the way you might think. the crazy explanation for why a valley firefighter needed surgery. do you think you have a crazy hoa? how about the one that says talking to us is a violation. coming up, why excessive fees have so many people complaining. and take a look at this developing right now, tragedy in michigan where a mom is shot and stabbed at surviving the attack on her whole family that left her four children dead. police say the man who did it was her husband and the father to two of the girls, killed by exhaust flames and a stepfather to the two police say he called 911, admitting it all and court records show he has done this before, serving 16 years for killing his pregnant wife in 1991. the mom had also just filed for divorce last month, even asking for personal protection orders three years ago. new information about the free citizenship accidentally handed out to 800 and -- 800 in about a week and a half, we could find out where they came from. senator jeff flake and other lawmakers asking for those answers. the deadline, october 3. two firefighters hurt badly on the job. one needed surgery but they weren't fighting a fire but this guy who was about to attack police officers near quincy 85 and litchfield road. hunter cooks is wanted for an assault. they say he threatened to kill a woman and her one of the firefighters who jumped in to help ended up tearing tendons in both knees during the struggle. live pictures out of charlotte. an incredible scene. you can see in the live pictures coming in that they were using tear gas down to the bottom right of your screen. they are trying to get these crowds under control. officers are standing shoulder to shoulder at this point at protesters came ready for this. a lot of them have bandannas and different pieces of cloth tied over their face so they can still be out there to protest despite the tear gas that is happening at this moment. the live pictures also on my facebook page if you want to continue watching this. this is day two of protests and those will eventually -- -- those have eventually turned into writing. one man has been shot and is now fighting for his life. we will get more information on where that happened and objects are being thrown off a mall in the area, hurling things that officers and vehicles down below. this is day two of these protests after the shooting of a man there. his family said he was holding a book. officers say he was holding a gun. the rest of the pictures from the scene will not come out for a few days but one more live picture. another live seen from this protest on the streets of charlotte tonight. we will keep you updated. you can find more on my it's like walking on egg shells. that is what you will hear from some of the people living in mesa terrace condominiums who say they spend hundreds and hoa violations. matthew asks, is my hoa crazy? violations, fees and warnings came from the hoa. $50 for the empty pot on her balcony. >> it's ridiculous. >> reporter: $100 for carpet cleaner hoses upstairs. >> they asked if they could run it through the upstairs and they told him no. >> reporter: administrative fees, parking violations. >> you see there is no line whatsoever. >> reporter: chris says he has been towed. >> there seems to be a line and you get towed for $150. truck that doesn't include accident and got behind on hoa payments. those added fees alone, more than $7000. some violations are expected but a communications a violation? >> i said i was going to come to channel 15 news. >> reporter: a $15 warning because we called the hoa about arlene's concerns. third parties are not allowed to communicate with the hoa except during board meetings. >> do you feel like you have a right to talk to >> i feel like i have the right to express my opinion. >> reporter: this attorney represents homeowners and says this list of fees is over the top. they are listed on scott gordon's website. we couldn't see him but he could likely see us. five cameras right here. >> we paid $1000 our first month. >> for leaving my flip-flops on the patio. got a $170 fine. >> it just shows up in your mailbox >> reporter: the hoa says every homeowner has the opportunity to appeal. they say they spent years refining policies. the fees are determined by the type and number of violations and that registered cars are given an opportunity to move before being towed to. arlene says enough is enough. >> it's like a rattlesnake. >> reporter: sam gordon is one of several employees hired to handle day-to-day activities. gordon owns several units here as well. click on what joe know my facebook page to let me know if you have a problem. last official day of summer. fall begins tomorrow. we have changes on the way. a lot of cloud cover and an outflow boundary moving in across the southeast with showers and storms across maricopa county. these are dissipating as they move north. some pockets of heavy rain some light rain. about a 10% chance of a pop-up this evening. as you look further into pinal and pima counties, pretty calm. the white mountains will have a few showers. a few rumbles of thunder near black rock and as you get over to winslow, things are pretty quiet over toward wikia. we do have a few light showers through mohave county. a few more showers on the way as we track a storm system several hours away. 94 degrees in mesa, 95 degrees in good -- good year. wins around 5 to 15 miles per hour. overnight, partly cloudy skies and a slight chance of rain early tomorrow morning at 10%. all of us dipping into the 70s, mainly dry. tomorrow, highs drop. 100 degrees today, tomorrow 91 degrees with a 30% chance of rain. hour by hour, we see those rain gets closer. the best chance is after 10 am. that takes us through lunch to the early afternoon. once a cold front gets off to the east, we see rain chances decrease and dryer, cooler air filter in. the valley is not the only place expecting rain. as the called front moves in from california, we see shower and thunder storms develop moving to the east throughout the morning and approaching prescott by 9 am. through the valley again in the late afternoon into the late morning. keep those rain chances at 30% with the highest coverage across northern arizona. more on your forecast in just a couple minutes extract you heard the warning but what is the cheapest test? we are acting to keep your water safe from potentially daybook -- potentially dangerous chemicals. how the dea hopes to stop a dangerous epidemic. the phoenix mercury taking on the indiana fever as the wnba score big at casino arizona and talking stick resort during the $500,000 guaranteed cash giveaway. the cash will be flying every weekday starting september 5th. join the half million club with $500,000 guaranteed... only at casino arizona and talking stick resort! we are the tv doctors of america. and we're partnering with cigna to help save lives. for an annual check-up. so go, know, and take control of your health. doctor poses. learn your key health numbers, and take control today. o'halleran: i had some really tough cases as a police detective. but the problem in washington is as clear as day -- we can't trust our politicians to work for us. tom o'halleran has a plan to hold the politicians accountable -- no pay for congress if they don't pass a budget, taxpayers. i'm tom o'halleran, and i approve this message because you deserve leaders you can trust. because every great accomplishment takes courage. because one person can't do it all. because dreams are worth chasing. with proven services that support all of your endeavors. score big at casino arizona and talking stick resort during the $500,000 guaranteed cash giveaway. the cash will be flying every weekday starting september 5th. join the half million club with $500,000 guaranteed... only at casino arizona and talking stick resort! acb15 sports brought to you by sanderson ford. >> the arizona cardinals are on the road for the first time traveling to buffalo to take on the bills. arizona came out of sunday's win with a big offense of day. coming away with 33 points on offense. regardless, they will know they have their hands full in buffalo. >> you just got to go in these when a team is in a situation and they are trying to get their first win, and they've got a little turmoil going on with coaches and stuff like that, you know their backs are against the wall and we have to be prepared for that. >> reporter: the nba -- wnba playoffs with single elimination in the first game. loser goes home. diana taurasi leads with 20 points going nine for nine on the free throw line. the mercury beat the 78. they play at new york on saturday. we want to get you caught up on this developing story. we have been tracking live pictures out of charlotte. you see officers moving down the street. this is the more settled scene. in another scene that we have been watching, they just started firing tear gas to get a new page of controversy for sheriff paul babeu. sources tell us the fbi has subpoenaed records also known as rico funds. critics have said pcso's use of the foundation is like money laundering. and they've also accused babeu of using the funds to fuel his campaign. it may already be illegal campaigning with government resources. or if they're just being used to make the sheriff look good, as he runs for congress. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them to go f--- themselves! you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever... you gotta see this guy. ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh. "i don't remember." a developing story out of charlotte from a live desk. the protests, you see them behind me, have now turned deadly. we understand one person who was shot out there, we told you about this earlier, did not survive. police have yet to confirm if that was a protester or someone who was just out in the area. that will come out in days to come -- to come, but meantime a public safety issue on the st try to move people out. this is live picture now. you see officers standing shoulder to shoulder as they try to clear that intersection and keep people safe out there. we basically have two protest areas. for those of you familiar with charlotte, one area is outside of the omni hotel and another hotel in that area had to keep all of their staff inside for safety. we have been watching those two separate scenes and just to show you how quickly the both scenes on the screen as we were watching during the commercial break and the call mist of scenes quickly turned into chaos out there. so, the situation is going back and forth between these two areas. we will try to track them all for you and keep you updated, but this is night two in charlotte of protests after a man named keith scott was killed outside an apartment -- apartment complex by a police officer. his family, initially saying he had a saying a gun was found in the car. he did have a criminal record in three different states. more information on him just coming out. his family saying he was a family man and brother to seven . we are tracking all of this and the unrest on the streets of charlotte throughout this hour. brand new at 6:00, these deal going, praying on unsuspecting parents dropping the kids off at daycare. >> but their luck ran out. how exactly they got caught. >> reporter: according to these court documents, they were targeting parents who were in a rush, just dropping the kids off for a few minutes and didn't feel like they needed to lock their doors. they made themselves at home grabbing their credit cards. the first known incident happened near gilbert and 60th. the woman was only inside for a few minutes when he suspects grabbed her card and started charging close to $5500 stolen credit card. the detectives were able to track them down. they were following them and cut them in the act doing the same thing to another victim in tempe. we are now learning there could be open cases in chandler and scottsdale as well. this story, such an important reminder to lock your doors if you have any valuables, take them with you because you don't want to become an easy target. a long night for phoenix detectives trying to identify body parts found in a scrapyard this morning. this is in an industrial area near 25th and broadway. they were discovered this morning. be sure to download the acb15 app. as soon as they identify the victim, we will send you a breaking news alert. good thing for surveillance because now we know what this guy was up to. he was caught after three burglaries at the same place. the dolphin carwash in mesa. police say he stole some of surveillance cameras on september 1, 11, and 14. if you know who he is, please call it in. made it to 100 degrees today, upper 90s for a warm evening. we will keep about a 10% chance of a stray shower this evening in the forecast. overnight, mostly dry as we hit those 70s starting out tomorrow. the cold front moving in brings a chance for showers and thunderstorms. into the afternoon hours. look at these highs behind the front. we will be below average. tomorrow, 91 degrees, 91 degrees and mesa, 91 degrees and goodyear and a few more breezes in the valley. gusts up to 25 miles per hour and the high country, gusts between 35 and 40 miles per hour. look at your most accurate forecast in a minute. apparently, it wasn't everybody's choice to pay sheriff arpaio's legal fees but they say they have to. the new amount is $4.4 million by next summer. it is projected this will cost taxpayers $72 million. sheriff joe arpaio says it is not his fault he tried to resolve his case plenty of times. paul patton zone who ran against him says the public's trust has been broken. these next few nights will be the hardest for a family who lost their daughter because of a suicide. a rosary service is being held for margie off. her funeral will be tomorrow in surprise, where she was killed last week despite the suspect's intentions. he survived. more developments on the california wildfire. one firefighter hurt and another in serious condition while they were trying to put out the flames. they were hauling water to brandenburg air force base when their truck hit a curb and flipped. but the others were trapped. the fire itself has grown to 12,000 anchors -- acres. it is now 45% contained. new tonight, da taking the fight against prescription pills and heroin addiction to schools. they are partnering with discover education to create video warnings about the dangers of experimenting with these kinds of drugs. according to the attorney general's office, 12th-graders are abusing prescription pain the national average. >> we're seeing it hitting these kids because they get hooked on these pills that are in mom and dad's medicine cabinet that they still and now they are buying street her when. >> the program will launch next month and be available at all schools. colorado will play catch up on one thing related to marijuana. state lawmakers just voting to add ptsd -- ptsd to the medical pot law. the legislature may pick up the we are taking action to keep your family safe following a startling report of high levels of chromium 6 in our water. chromium 6 has been linked to cancer. you may remember it from the movie erin brockovich. the environmental working group in phoenix found some of the highest levels of chromium in the nation. while officials argue about how concerning this is, we did some chromium 6 can be filtered out using some home filtration systems. the group's website lists several options. the least expensive was a pitcher filter system for $33. you buckle up your child, expecting them to stay that way. tonight, the new danger on the road putting them at risk. a consumer alert to make sure you are presses -- precious cargo is safe in the car. evenflo is recalling booster seats because children have figured out how to loosen the harness. the recall covers 3-1 seats. keeping you safe from your phone. replacements for exploding galaxy note 7 phones hit the stores today but samsung says despite 1 million phones being recalled. sales have dropped while waiting for the delivery. one of your favorite lunch spots is making a change. panera has cleaned up its bacon, adding extra applewood smoked and taking out the junk. the chain is on a mission to remove artificial ingredients from its entire menu by the end he stepped on a flag to make a point but the teacher is learning the biggest lesson. the gas crisis, finally fixed but why drivers still can't fill up. the arizona cardinals are on track for a super season. the only thing that can stop them now is something that has already happened. hopefully, they have gotten it out of their system. a slight chance of rain continues this evening. we are tracking a cold front that brings rain, wind and cooler highs. a new page of controversy for sheriff paul babeu. sources tell us the fbi has subpoenaed records related to how babeu's office used seized criminal money also known as rico funds. critics have said pcso's use of the foundation is like money laundering. it may already be illegal campaigning with government resources. or if they're just being used to make the sheriff look good, as he runs for congress. dccc is responsible for the content of this advertising. i absolutely love my new york apartment, but the rent is outrageous. good thing geico offers affordable renters insurance. with great coverage it protects my personal belongings should they get damaged, stolen or destroyed. [doorbell] uh, excuse me. delivery. hey. chopsticks, soy sauce and you got some fortune cookies. have a good one. ah, these small new york apartments... protect your belongings. let geico help you the search for a missing river guide at the grand canyon ending in the worst way. a body discovered at the colorado river and they do believe it is his body. crews began scouring the water when he never returned from camp last week. a lot of new developments from the live desk on the new york bombing case. it is a story we have been following closely closely. the suspect is still not talking to investigators but the fbi hopes to witnesses will talk. they released this surveillance video of the two who were seen removing the bomb that didn't explode in new york city. >> they saw the back on the sidewalk. they admired the bag. they opened the bag and removed what turned out to be a device. a pressure cooker. they placed street. >> investigators say the men are not suspects and should not fear being arrested. as for rahami they say he "praised brother osama bin laden" in a journal found on him . he is charged with planting a bomb in new jersey and two in new york city. strain of the gas pumps a little longer. the situation may better until next week. it has been nearly 2 weeks since a gas line broke and shut down. a temporary line restarted tonight but it will take a few days for supplies to return to normal. the company estimates 336,000 gallons of gas leached out. the head of the pharmaceutical company mylan is defending the cost for life- saving epipens. the price for a two pack is now $608, if i do % jump since 2007 but despite public outrage, the the same. >> i think many people incorrectly assume that we make $600 off of each payment and it is not true. recent epipen price increases have not yielded the revenue to mylan that many assume. >> she says mylan will begin selling a generic version for $300. your voice your vote. by now, you have seen the commercial. ann kirkpatrick appears to walk out of a meeting but is it true? the ad from senator jo claims democratic challenger kirkpatrick walked out on constituents. >> ann kirkpatrick betrayed arizona on obamacare, walking out when asked about it. >> politifact truth checked the allegation. she did walk out of a chat that included questions on the affordable care act but the ad failed to mention the protesters appeared to shut her holbrook so the claim was rated half true. to see the full research, visit frustrated? disgusted? that sums up a new election poll. some voters can't wait for it just to be overseeing they will be relieved even if their preferred candidate doesn't win. according to the pew research center, 55% of those asked our frustrated and 31% are interested. only 10% say they are excited. it is not quite a snow day but close. students in virginia couldn't get to school so they stayed home because of heavy flooding. up to 10 inches of rain fell over the past two days, closing several roads. schools shut down in norfolk and virginia beach. many nearby schools were on a delayed schedule. a north carolina teacher will not be back in class after being suspended for stepping on an american flag. ground down by step on it, two students got up and left immediately with no words. they got up and left. i assumed something happened. one student came to where i am and took the flag from me. >> students say he first tried to put the flag and then asked for a lighter to burn it. he says it was all part of a history lesson on free speech. in week one, the cardinals got schooled by the new england patriots but it wasn't about how good patriots were but how bad the cardinals were. last week, they took that lesson and schooled the buccaneers. the cardinals were sharp on offense, defense was dominating and special teams were on their a game. it is not athletic ability that will carry this team to the super bowl but staying healthy is critical. for the cardinals, it is what is between your ears that matters most. the first game was an early wake-up call. they are in the driver seat of the nfc and like the movie, remember the titans, all they patriots. >> or the alamo. >> we can remember that as well. they have the best odds in the nfc right now to win the super bowl. >> good deal. >> we will take it. not a bad day out there today. for the last full day of summer, fall beginning tomorrow. we had a lot of cloud cover moving in. a few showers down to the south. dry at ts chance of a pop-up rain shower over the next couple hours. most of us will stay dry. down in the 80s over the next couple hours, hitting upper 70s by tomorrow morning. pretty big changes coming up tomorrow as we track a cold front him storm system back to the northeast. right now, 68 degrees at the grand canyon, 74 degrees kingman, 76 degrees prescott and upper 90s of valley wide. looking at the satellite radar, we have showers near the grand canyon and across mojave county. we have had light rain over the gila bend. this continues to dissipate through the white mountains. we have had showers and rumbles of thunder. here is the plan. we are watching a cold front approach from the west overnight tonight. that is going to bring more shower and thunderstorm chances early tomorrow morning. northwest, these moved to the east and will be approaching the valley as we get into the late morning and into the early afternoon hours as that cold front moves to the east. coverage around 30%. we are expecting showers and a couple doubles of thunder as the cold front moves through late tomorrow morning through the afternoon. rain chances at 30% for the valley. higher across the high country. friday, some cooler temperatures and a pleasant, dry weekend. valley gusts near 25 miles per per hour. a little breezy across southeastern arizona tomorrow. 91 degrees and mesa and cooler temperatures with more cloud cover after lows hit the 70s tomorrow morning. a breeze thursday. 88 degrees friday. beautiful through the weekend. a few breezes showing up on sunday. morning lows dipping into the 60s and then warm and sunny, dry next week. are you spending more on your pets than yourself? you may beezie shopping at the wrong place. we did the legwork so you can save money. dan spindle has the details. >> reporter: we compared popular pet items at petsmart, ryan's pet supply, and the pet club stores that have popped up. first, a gallon of nature's miracle stain and odor removal. right away, ryan's pet supplies charges $19.99. petsmart charges $12 more, $31.99 and the pet club, eight dollars more than that. $39.99 for the same box. bitter apple spray, ryan's pet supply killed the competition charging $5.99 for 8 ounces, has the highest cost at $10.99. a large part of the pet club focus is on pet food. ryan's doesn't sell food. this 5 pound bag of puppy food costs you $15.99 at petsmart. at pet club, seven dollars more. you will pay more on most items we checked out at the pet club. you will save the most at ryan's pet supply. keep in mind, ryan is a warehouse -- line's is warehouse so they are not open in the evenings or weekends. we will have all of the comparison on our website i am dan spindle, acb15 news. here is a look at the primetime lineup starting with the goldberg said 7:00. a brand-new show at 7:30 pm called speechless and an all they are trying to get the streets under control in charlotte at this hour. we are tracking breaking news of the protest there over the killing of a man yesterday. this is night two of the protest. one protester has been killed and two arrested. stores are damaged, windows are smashed out and seconds ago, they were firing off tear gas protesters to clear the streets. police have announced cloak -- "whatever your purpose is here, it is time to go. you must leave." we will continue to track this story throughout the night. we will have the latest for you at 10:00 or you can track them on my facebook page. we are also following a rash of car break-ins and you can't exactly hide from the crooks but you can outsmart them. plus, how to turn the stuff in your storage unit into an instant $10,000. and the kid's halloween costume that isn't going over so well. let's see what you think about the outfit getting pulled from store shelves tonight at 10:00. a cooldown tomorrow. low 90s with a slight chance of adult adam: ah, "the breakfast club" -- ? hey, hey, hey, hey ? truly the ultimate teen movie of the '80s. ? ooh, ooh ? every high-school clique was represented -- the geeks, the jocks, the loners, the molly ringwalds. it showed us that if we'd sit and talk in a circle of trust, we could all be friends. ? won't you come see about me? ? of course, that didn't apply to me. i was a freshman. high school meant i had a clean slate. the movie inspired me to reinvent myself. i am the coolest freshman alive. i wasn't. but, damn it, judd nelson sure taught me how to be. what the hell is this? why aren't you moving? stop it! start moving your body! and lucky for me, i had a big older bro and sis who would help me out.

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Transcripts For KNXV ABC15 News At 6PM 20160922 :

Transcripts For KNXV ABC15 News At 6PM 20160922

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that way. any type of inappropriate touching is devastating to the victim. >> reporter: again, a lot of neighbors sharing this sketch we just showed you and police are asking for any tips at all. give them a call. >> thank you. first on acb15, vultures circling in the sky over a scrapyard catching the attention of employees who then discovered body parts on their property. the human rains here 25th and broadway th detectives are now trying to identify the victim and see how that person got there. our community is trying to right the wrong of a criminal. the suspect or suspects broke into midtown primary sometime overnight, taking cash and bus passes. >> police have no known leads or video but that is not stopping parents and teachers from taking action for their kids. >> reporter: that's right. the community is trying to replace hundreds of dollars in stolen cash, and bus passes at this school right behind me but it is all part of a disturbing trend of burglaries in this area that a lot of small businesses are keeping their eye on. it's business as usual for jenny's beauty salon. but still, she takes the time to braid each strand of hair with a keen eye. >> stop it. i will train you. >> reporter: here comes with a caveat. there has been a string of break-ins that police say are similar to each other. >> i said mom i told you look hourglass is down. >> reporter: not even nearby schools are immune. >> they took a couple kids backpacks that were left. i think they were looking for money and maybe snacks. >> reporter: midtown primary school was the target of yet another burglary. and $400 more for students -- needy student us passes. >> it hurts. >> reporter: police won't say it's the same person who broke into primary and another school two weeks ago but businesses are starting to see the burglaries at up. >> i get tired over it. i can move summer that i think may be is safe for me but for my landlord, it's not good for him. >> reporter: now that fundraiser is happening right now at a peter piper pizza on osborne and seventh avenue. it is happening until 8:00 tonight. if you have a chance to help these kids out, they could use your money and your help. 15% of the proceeds are going back to this school. again, hundreds of dollars in cash and bus passes taken from them earlier today. and, as we check outside, the last full temperatures topping out at 100 degrees. we are sitting in the 90s now. breezes northwest at 13 miles per hour. they get a little stronger tomorrow as we track this cold front. it's 94 degrees and scottsdale, 97 in glendale, 100 degrees in chandler. we have a few passing clouds and a slight chance of rain in the forecast tonight around 10%. most of us will stay dry. partly cloudy skies and hitting 80s by 8:00. by 10:00, down to 83 degrees. we are tracking a bigger storm system to the northwest. we could see clouds increasing but changes come to the forecast starting tomorrow. stick around. at a time with law enforcement being targeted more than ever, a guy was seen pointing a gun at a sheriff's deputy on the loop 101. another driver saw the whole thing and flagged the officer down. this comes days after a deputy had a gun pointed at him during there is no good description of the man with the gun but we do know he was driving a shell the silver -- a chevy silverado with an extended cab with a white plastic water tank on the front, silver ore grade. you could collect $1000 if you can help identify this man. the medford bank was robbed on august 11. detectives say they has followed all the leads they have gotten. call for it -- 408-witness if you have any the trump vice president nominee, michael pens -- stephen pence will be at living bible church. this is described as a townhall. struck while blowout -- bill clinton defended his family charity, got part of the one-on- one interview with hillary clinton in florida tonight. road new at 6:00, our sister station asked her about security, immigration, and i will do everything necessary working with security and intelligence professionals to follow their advice about what we need to do before we let anybody into the country. >> meantime, legendary -- a legendary mexican singer released a new video supporting hillary clinton. donald trump says he wants to get on with the campaign and that's why he said president obama was born in th trump told that to the abc station in ohio today. on his trip to toledo, he made a shocking claim about his opponent. >> in fact, hillary clinton admitted multiple refugees -- admitted multiple refugees who were later charged with terror related activities, bad ones. >> trump claims she had the chance to put in protections but didn't. drivers for uber and lyft a driver is accused of assaulting several women and that could be more victims. jeremy vague faces a list of charges. the accusations surfaced when an 18-year-old student call for an uber ride. police say he actually still drove the victim home after the attack. an arrest made but still a lot to sort out. 24 hours after this crime scene popped up, one man was shot in 27th and glendale. he is expected to be okay. no word on what caused the chs. isis likely fired mustard gas at an airbase in iraq where iraqi and u.s. troops work. they are running extra tests at a lab after mixed results on the first two. one was positive and one was negative for the chemical. the attack happened tuesday but the details are just coming out tonight. no one was hurt. caught on video, two teenagers poking their noses where they shouldn't be and got arrested. both were 17 and will not be say the broke into cars in queen creek. a homeowner posted this video online helping identify them. this video was so successful so officials want to remind everyone about the video sharing program similar to the one implemented in peoria where you opt in to let police view your video when a crime occurs on your street. the environmental protection agency now involved in poking around at a local egg farm because of a massive number of residents. also, home to the hickman family harms. sonu wasu is outside that facility with a look at concerns tonight. >> reporter: yeah, it's not just the smell. take a look around me. it is all of this. the white stuff on the ground may look like snow but it is chicken feathers coming from the egg farm floating around the community. an environmental manager at hickman farms reached out to me. thousands of dollars to tarp the feathers and water them down but there is a windy day. as for the smell, company officials say they are in compliance with state and county standards but the residents out here want more oversight because they feel that the elected official who represents their district is also a co-owner of the farm and they call it a conflict of interest. >> we are happy to finally get somebody looking into it, somebody taking us serious cause the county doesn't. it is a farming operation and features living, breathing animals like humans and we do our best in anything that we do. truck more than 200 people have signed a petition asking supervisor clint to excuse himself from decisions regarding air-quality. he tells me that he already recuses himself from any decisions directly affecting his family farm but he will not the city of scottsdale just bought more than 400 acres for its mcdowell sonoran preserve. that means more choices for family activities down the road. the idea, to provide better access to trails near pima and dynamite. the price tag? more than $30 million, which will come from taxpayers if you approve this. they found mistake but where are those 858 immigrants who accidentally got citizenship? we are about to find out. and taking advantage of parents who are focused on their kids and not their wallet. hurt on the job but not the way you might think. the crazy explanation for why a valley firefighter needed surgery. do you think you have a crazy hoa? how about the one that says talking to us is a violation. coming up, why excessive fees have so many people complaining. and take a look at this developing right now, tragedy in michigan where a mom is shot and stabbed at surviving the attack on her whole family that left her four children dead. police say the man who did it was her husband and the father to two of the girls, killed by exhaust flames and a stepfather to the two police say he called 911, admitting it all and court records show he has done this before, serving 16 years for killing his pregnant wife in 1991. the mom had also just filed for divorce last month, even asking for personal protection orders three years ago. new information about the free citizenship accidentally handed out to 800 and -- 800 in about a week and a half, we could find out where they came from. senator jeff flake and other lawmakers asking for those answers. the deadline, october 3. two firefighters hurt badly on the job. one needed surgery but they weren't fighting a fire but this guy who was about to attack police officers near quincy 85 and litchfield road. hunter cooks is wanted for an assault. they say he threatened to kill a woman and her one of the firefighters who jumped in to help ended up tearing tendons in both knees during the struggle. live pictures out of charlotte. an incredible scene. you can see in the live pictures coming in that they were using tear gas down to the bottom right of your screen. they are trying to get these crowds under control. officers are standing shoulder to shoulder at this point at protesters came ready for this. a lot of them have bandannas and different pieces of cloth tied over their face so they can still be out there to protest despite the tear gas that is happening at this moment. the live pictures also on my facebook page if you want to continue watching this. this is day two of protests and those will eventually -- -- those have eventually turned into writing. one man has been shot and is now fighting for his life. we will get more information on where that happened and objects are being thrown off a mall in the area, hurling things that officers and vehicles down below. this is day two of these protests after the shooting of a man there. his family said he was holding a book. officers say he was holding a gun. the rest of the pictures from the scene will not come out for a few days but one more live picture. another live seen from this protest on the streets of charlotte tonight. we will keep you updated. you can find more on my it's like walking on egg shells. that is what you will hear from some of the people living in mesa terrace condominiums who say they spend hundreds and hoa violations. matthew asks, is my hoa crazy? violations, fees and warnings came from the hoa. $50 for the empty pot on her balcony. >> it's ridiculous. >> reporter: $100 for carpet cleaner hoses upstairs. >> they asked if they could run it through the upstairs and they told him no. >> reporter: administrative fees, parking violations. >> you see there is no line whatsoever. >> reporter: chris says he has been towed. >> there seems to be a line and you get towed for $150. truck that doesn't include accident and got behind on hoa payments. those added fees alone, more than $7000. some violations are expected but a communications a violation? >> i said i was going to come to channel 15 news. >> reporter: a $15 warning because we called the hoa about arlene's concerns. third parties are not allowed to communicate with the hoa except during board meetings. >> do you feel like you have a right to talk to >> i feel like i have the right to express my opinion. >> reporter: this attorney represents homeowners and says this list of fees is over the top. they are listed on scott gordon's website. we couldn't see him but he could likely see us. five cameras right here. >> we paid $1000 our first month. >> for leaving my flip-flops on the patio. got a $170 fine. >> it just shows up in your mailbox >> reporter: the hoa says every homeowner has the opportunity to appeal. they say they spent years refining policies. the fees are determined by the type and number of violations and that registered cars are given an opportunity to move before being towed to. arlene says enough is enough. >> it's like a rattlesnake. >> reporter: sam gordon is one of several employees hired to handle day-to-day activities. gordon owns several units here as well. click on what joe know my facebook page to let me know if you have a problem. last official day of summer. fall begins tomorrow. we have changes on the way. a lot of cloud cover and an outflow boundary moving in across the southeast with showers and storms across maricopa county. these are dissipating as they move north. some pockets of heavy rain some light rain. about a 10% chance of a pop-up this evening. as you look further into pinal and pima counties, pretty calm. the white mountains will have a few showers. a few rumbles of thunder near black rock and as you get over to winslow, things are pretty quiet over toward wikia. we do have a few light showers through mohave county. a few more showers on the way as we track a storm system several hours away. 94 degrees in mesa, 95 degrees in good -- good year. wins around 5 to 15 miles per hour. overnight, partly cloudy skies and a slight chance of rain early tomorrow morning at 10%. all of us dipping into the 70s, mainly dry. tomorrow, highs drop. 100 degrees today, tomorrow 91 degrees with a 30% chance of rain. hour by hour, we see those rain gets closer. the best chance is after 10 am. that takes us through lunch to the early afternoon. once a cold front gets off to the east, we see rain chances decrease and dryer, cooler air filter in. the valley is not the only place expecting rain. as the called front moves in from california, we see shower and thunder storms develop moving to the east throughout the morning and approaching prescott by 9 am. through the valley again in the late afternoon into the late morning. keep those rain chances at 30% with the highest coverage across northern arizona. more on your forecast in just a couple minutes extract you heard the warning but what is the cheapest test? we are acting to keep your water safe from potentially daybook -- potentially dangerous chemicals. how the dea hopes to stop a dangerous epidemic. the phoenix mercury taking on the indiana fever as the wnba score big at casino arizona and talking stick resort during the $500,000 guaranteed cash giveaway. the cash will be flying every weekday starting september 5th. join the half million club with $500,000 guaranteed... only at casino arizona and talking stick resort! we are the tv doctors of america. and we're partnering with cigna to help save lives. for an annual check-up. so go, know, and take control of your health. doctor poses. learn your key health numbers, and take control today. o'halleran: i had some really tough cases as a police detective. but the problem in washington is as clear as day -- we can't trust our politicians to work for us. tom o'halleran has a plan to hold the politicians accountable -- no pay for congress if they don't pass a budget, taxpayers. i'm tom o'halleran, and i approve this message because you deserve leaders you can trust. because every great accomplishment takes courage. because one person can't do it all. because dreams are worth chasing. with proven services that support all of your endeavors. score big at casino arizona and talking stick resort during the $500,000 guaranteed cash giveaway. the cash will be flying every weekday starting september 5th. join the half million club with $500,000 guaranteed... only at casino arizona and talking stick resort! acb15 sports brought to you by sanderson ford. >> the arizona cardinals are on the road for the first time traveling to buffalo to take on the bills. arizona came out of sunday's win with a big offense of day. coming away with 33 points on offense. regardless, they will know they have their hands full in buffalo. >> you just got to go in these when a team is in a situation and they are trying to get their first win, and they've got a little turmoil going on with coaches and stuff like that, you know their backs are against the wall and we have to be prepared for that. >> reporter: the nba -- wnba playoffs with single elimination in the first game. loser goes home. diana taurasi leads with 20 points going nine for nine on the free throw line. the mercury beat the 78. they play at new york on saturday. we want to get you caught up on this developing story. we have been tracking live pictures out of charlotte. you see officers moving down the street. this is the more settled scene. in another scene that we have been watching, they just started firing tear gas to get a new page of controversy for sheriff paul babeu. sources tell us the fbi has subpoenaed records also known as rico funds. critics have said pcso's use of the foundation is like money laundering. and they've also accused babeu of using the funds to fuel his campaign. it may already be illegal campaigning with government resources. or if they're just being used to make the sheriff look good, as he runs for congress. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them to go f--- themselves! you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever... you gotta see this guy. ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh. "i don't remember." a developing story out of charlotte from a live desk. the protests, you see them behind me, have now turned deadly. we understand one person who was shot out there, we told you about this earlier, did not survive. police have yet to confirm if that was a protester or someone who was just out in the area. that will come out in days to come -- to come, but meantime a public safety issue on the st try to move people out. this is live picture now. you see officers standing shoulder to shoulder as they try to clear that intersection and keep people safe out there. we basically have two protest areas. for those of you familiar with charlotte, one area is outside of the omni hotel and another hotel in that area had to keep all of their staff inside for safety. we have been watching those two separate scenes and just to show you how quickly the both scenes on the screen as we were watching during the commercial break and the call mist of scenes quickly turned into chaos out there. so, the situation is going back and forth between these two areas. we will try to track them all for you and keep you updated, but this is night two in charlotte of protests after a man named keith scott was killed outside an apartment -- apartment complex by a police officer. his family, initially saying he had a saying a gun was found in the car. he did have a criminal record in three different states. more information on him just coming out. his family saying he was a family man and brother to seven . we are tracking all of this and the unrest on the streets of charlotte throughout this hour. brand new at 6:00, these deal going, praying on unsuspecting parents dropping the kids off at daycare. >> but their luck ran out. how exactly they got caught. >> reporter: according to these court documents, they were targeting parents who were in a rush, just dropping the kids off for a few minutes and didn't feel like they needed to lock their doors. they made themselves at home grabbing their credit cards. the first known incident happened near gilbert and 60th. the woman was only inside for a few minutes when he suspects grabbed her card and started charging close to $5500 stolen credit card. the detectives were able to track them down. they were following them and cut them in the act doing the same thing to another victim in tempe. we are now learning there could be open cases in chandler and scottsdale as well. this story, such an important reminder to lock your doors if you have any valuables, take them with you because you don't want to become an easy target. a long night for phoenix detectives trying to identify body parts found in a scrapyard this morning. this is in an industrial area near 25th and broadway. they were discovered this morning. be sure to download the acb15 app. as soon as they identify the victim, we will send you a breaking news alert. good thing for surveillance because now we know what this guy was up to. he was caught after three burglaries at the same place. the dolphin carwash in mesa. police say he stole some of surveillance cameras on september 1, 11, and 14. if you know who he is, please call it in. made it to 100 degrees today, upper 90s for a warm evening. we will keep about a 10% chance of a stray shower this evening in the forecast. overnight, mostly dry as we hit those 70s starting out tomorrow. the cold front moving in brings a chance for showers and thunderstorms. into the afternoon hours. look at these highs behind the front. we will be below average. tomorrow, 91 degrees, 91 degrees and mesa, 91 degrees and goodyear and a few more breezes in the valley. gusts up to 25 miles per hour and the high country, gusts between 35 and 40 miles per hour. look at your most accurate forecast in a minute. apparently, it wasn't everybody's choice to pay sheriff arpaio's legal fees but they say they have to. the new amount is $4.4 million by next summer. it is projected this will cost taxpayers $72 million. sheriff joe arpaio says it is not his fault he tried to resolve his case plenty of times. paul patton zone who ran against him says the public's trust has been broken. these next few nights will be the hardest for a family who lost their daughter because of a suicide. a rosary service is being held for margie off. her funeral will be tomorrow in surprise, where she was killed last week despite the suspect's intentions. he survived. more developments on the california wildfire. one firefighter hurt and another in serious condition while they were trying to put out the flames. they were hauling water to brandenburg air force base when their truck hit a curb and flipped. but the others were trapped. the fire itself has grown to 12,000 anchors -- acres. it is now 45% contained. new tonight, da taking the fight against prescription pills and heroin addiction to schools. they are partnering with discover education to create video warnings about the dangers of experimenting with these kinds of drugs. according to the attorney general's office, 12th-graders are abusing prescription pain the national average. >> we're seeing it hitting these kids because they get hooked on these pills that are in mom and dad's medicine cabinet that they still and now they are buying street her when. >> the program will launch next month and be available at all schools. colorado will play catch up on one thing related to marijuana. state lawmakers just voting to add ptsd -- ptsd to the medical pot law. the legislature may pick up the we are taking action to keep your family safe following a startling report of high levels of chromium 6 in our water. chromium 6 has been linked to cancer. you may remember it from the movie erin brockovich. the environmental working group in phoenix found some of the highest levels of chromium in the nation. while officials argue about how concerning this is, we did some chromium 6 can be filtered out using some home filtration systems. the group's website lists several options. the least expensive was a pitcher filter system for $33. you buckle up your child, expecting them to stay that way. tonight, the new danger on the road putting them at risk. a consumer alert to make sure you are presses -- precious cargo is safe in the car. evenflo is recalling booster seats because children have figured out how to loosen the harness. the recall covers 3-1 seats. keeping you safe from your phone. replacements for exploding galaxy note 7 phones hit the stores today but samsung says despite 1 million phones being recalled. sales have dropped while waiting for the delivery. one of your favorite lunch spots is making a change. panera has cleaned up its bacon, adding extra applewood smoked and taking out the junk. the chain is on a mission to remove artificial ingredients from its entire menu by the end he stepped on a flag to make a point but the teacher is learning the biggest lesson. the gas crisis, finally fixed but why drivers still can't fill up. the arizona cardinals are on track for a super season. the only thing that can stop them now is something that has already happened. hopefully, they have gotten it out of their system. a slight chance of rain continues this evening. we are tracking a cold front that brings rain, wind and cooler highs. a new page of controversy for sheriff paul babeu. sources tell us the fbi has subpoenaed records related to how babeu's office used seized criminal money also known as rico funds. critics have said pcso's use of the foundation is like money laundering. it may already be illegal campaigning with government resources. or if they're just being used to make the sheriff look good, as he runs for congress. dccc is responsible for the content of this advertising. i absolutely love my new york apartment, but the rent is outrageous. good thing geico offers affordable renters insurance. with great coverage it protects my personal belongings should they get damaged, stolen or destroyed. [doorbell] uh, excuse me. delivery. hey. chopsticks, soy sauce and you got some fortune cookies. have a good one. ah, these small new york apartments... protect your belongings. let geico help you the search for a missing river guide at the grand canyon ending in the worst way. a body discovered at the colorado river and they do believe it is his body. crews began scouring the water when he never returned from camp last week. a lot of new developments from the live desk on the new york bombing case. it is a story we have been following closely closely. the suspect is still not talking to investigators but the fbi hopes to witnesses will talk. they released this surveillance video of the two who were seen removing the bomb that didn't explode in new york city. >> they saw the back on the sidewalk. they admired the bag. they opened the bag and removed what turned out to be a device. a pressure cooker. they placed street. >> investigators say the men are not suspects and should not fear being arrested. as for rahami they say he "praised brother osama bin laden" in a journal found on him . he is charged with planting a bomb in new jersey and two in new york city. strain of the gas pumps a little longer. the situation may better until next week. it has been nearly 2 weeks since a gas line broke and shut down. a temporary line restarted tonight but it will take a few days for supplies to return to normal. the company estimates 336,000 gallons of gas leached out. the head of the pharmaceutical company mylan is defending the cost for life- saving epipens. the price for a two pack is now $608, if i do % jump since 2007 but despite public outrage, the the same. >> i think many people incorrectly assume that we make $600 off of each payment and it is not true. recent epipen price increases have not yielded the revenue to mylan that many assume. >> she says mylan will begin selling a generic version for $300. your voice your vote. by now, you have seen the commercial. ann kirkpatrick appears to walk out of a meeting but is it true? the ad from senator jo claims democratic challenger kirkpatrick walked out on constituents. >> ann kirkpatrick betrayed arizona on obamacare, walking out when asked about it. >> politifact truth checked the allegation. she did walk out of a chat that included questions on the affordable care act but the ad failed to mention the protesters appeared to shut her holbrook so the claim was rated half true. to see the full research, visit frustrated? disgusted? that sums up a new election poll. some voters can't wait for it just to be overseeing they will be relieved even if their preferred candidate doesn't win. according to the pew research center, 55% of those asked our frustrated and 31% are interested. only 10% say they are excited. it is not quite a snow day but close. students in virginia couldn't get to school so they stayed home because of heavy flooding. up to 10 inches of rain fell over the past two days, closing several roads. schools shut down in norfolk and virginia beach. many nearby schools were on a delayed schedule. a north carolina teacher will not be back in class after being suspended for stepping on an american flag. ground down by step on it, two students got up and left immediately with no words. they got up and left. i assumed something happened. one student came to where i am and took the flag from me. >> students say he first tried to put the flag and then asked for a lighter to burn it. he says it was all part of a history lesson on free speech. in week one, the cardinals got schooled by the new england patriots but it wasn't about how good patriots were but how bad the cardinals were. last week, they took that lesson and schooled the buccaneers. the cardinals were sharp on offense, defense was dominating and special teams were on their a game. it is not athletic ability that will carry this team to the super bowl but staying healthy is critical. for the cardinals, it is what is between your ears that matters most. the first game was an early wake-up call. they are in the driver seat of the nfc and like the movie, remember the titans, all they patriots. >> or the alamo. >> we can remember that as well. they have the best odds in the nfc right now to win the super bowl. >> good deal. >> we will take it. not a bad day out there today. for the last full day of summer, fall beginning tomorrow. we had a lot of cloud cover moving in. a few showers down to the south. dry at ts chance of a pop-up rain shower over the next couple hours. most of us will stay dry. down in the 80s over the next couple hours, hitting upper 70s by tomorrow morning. pretty big changes coming up tomorrow as we track a cold front him storm system back to the northeast. right now, 68 degrees at the grand canyon, 74 degrees kingman, 76 degrees prescott and upper 90s of valley wide. looking at the satellite radar, we have showers near the grand canyon and across mojave county. we have had light rain over the gila bend. this continues to dissipate through the white mountains. we have had showers and rumbles of thunder. here is the plan. we are watching a cold front approach from the west overnight tonight. that is going to bring more shower and thunderstorm chances early tomorrow morning. northwest, these moved to the east and will be approaching the valley as we get into the late morning and into the early afternoon hours as that cold front moves to the east. coverage around 30%. we are expecting showers and a couple doubles of thunder as the cold front moves through late tomorrow morning through the afternoon. rain chances at 30% for the valley. higher across the high country. friday, some cooler temperatures and a pleasant, dry weekend. valley gusts near 25 miles per per hour. a little breezy across southeastern arizona tomorrow. 91 degrees and mesa and cooler temperatures with more cloud cover after lows hit the 70s tomorrow morning. a breeze thursday. 88 degrees friday. beautiful through the weekend. a few breezes showing up on sunday. morning lows dipping into the 60s and then warm and sunny, dry next week. are you spending more on your pets than yourself? you may beezie shopping at the wrong place. we did the legwork so you can save money. dan spindle has the details. >> reporter: we compared popular pet items at petsmart, ryan's pet supply, and the pet club stores that have popped up. first, a gallon of nature's miracle stain and odor removal. right away, ryan's pet supplies charges $19.99. petsmart charges $12 more, $31.99 and the pet club, eight dollars more than that. $39.99 for the same box. bitter apple spray, ryan's pet supply killed the competition charging $5.99 for 8 ounces, has the highest cost at $10.99. a large part of the pet club focus is on pet food. ryan's doesn't sell food. this 5 pound bag of puppy food costs you $15.99 at petsmart. at pet club, seven dollars more. you will pay more on most items we checked out at the pet club. you will save the most at ryan's pet supply. keep in mind, ryan is a warehouse -- line's is warehouse so they are not open in the evenings or weekends. we will have all of the comparison on our website i am dan spindle, acb15 news. here is a look at the primetime lineup starting with the goldberg said 7:00. a brand-new show at 7:30 pm called speechless and an all they are trying to get the streets under control in charlotte at this hour. we are tracking breaking news of the protest there over the killing of a man yesterday. this is night two of the protest. one protester has been killed and two arrested. stores are damaged, windows are smashed out and seconds ago, they were firing off tear gas protesters to clear the streets. police have announced cloak -- "whatever your purpose is here, it is time to go. you must leave." we will continue to track this story throughout the night. we will have the latest for you at 10:00 or you can track them on my facebook page. we are also following a rash of car break-ins and you can't exactly hide from the crooks but you can outsmart them. plus, how to turn the stuff in your storage unit into an instant $10,000. and the kid's halloween costume that isn't going over so well. let's see what you think about the outfit getting pulled from store shelves tonight at 10:00. a cooldown tomorrow. low 90s with a slight chance of adult adam: ah, "the breakfast club" -- ? hey, hey, hey, hey ? truly the ultimate teen movie of the '80s. ? ooh, ooh ? every high-school clique was represented -- the geeks, the jocks, the loners, the molly ringwalds. it showed us that if we'd sit and talk in a circle of trust, we could all be friends. ? won't you come see about me? ? of course, that didn't apply to me. i was a freshman. high school meant i had a clean slate. the movie inspired me to reinvent myself. i am the coolest freshman alive. i wasn't. but, damn it, judd nelson sure taught me how to be. what the hell is this? why aren't you moving? stop it! start moving your body! and lucky for me, i had a big older bro and sis who would help me out.

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