Transcripts For KNXV ABC15 News At 5PM 20161118 : comparemel

Transcripts For KNXV ABC15 News At 5PM 20161118

>> her sister braend has been missing since 19926789 the 13- year old last seen leaving the home to collect money for book a thon. >> i always knew. you want to hold out hope but i just am. i knew she was gone. >> investigators scrambling trying to see if the so-called canal killer could have had more victims. >> in 2015 there was a game changing revelation. we are looking ate a possible connection between braend and a man behind the valley canal murders. bryan patrick miller. >> had come to the store trying to deliver girl scout cook yes, which unfortunately he had never ordered any. >> yet 1 year later no physical evidence linking braend and bryan t. time is running out. >> i have words to say i waited more than 20 years to say to the person who took my life with hers. >> we're always together. >> this case is still open. and she hopes her sister's case could be used in a plea deal. he is already accused of murdering a 22-year old and 17- year old. his trial is set for next year. caught on video and it's only a matter of time. right now police asking for your help to find these two guys. they walked into the chandler wal-mart after robbing a couple outside a nearby red robin. the couple is okay butter one guy may have shown a gun and both stole the cash. $1,000 reward being offered. the number to call is 480 witness if you know who they are. a manager busted for theft by one of his employees. fred hodges created fraudulent quotes for unknown customers and the teams would disappear without being paid for. the thefts totally $140,000. home depot were able to track his activities for nearly 2 years. we want to show you live pictures air 15 arriving on the salt river bottom. investigators out there already. near 67th avenue between southern and broadway. he hit one place after another but now his luck has run out. new tonight under cover investigators catching an armed robber in the act. he's accused of a string of hold ups. for for shows us it isn't his first rodeo. >> we're told jeremiah miller had a system. he liked the make the robberies surgical mask with a gun demanding money, threatening to shoot the employees if they didn't listen. accord to court paperwork. he is linked to multiple robberies. his first hit at the safeway days art he returned only to target the wal greens right next door. his pattern a robbery a week at least on the day he was caught under cover officers followed him as he went to buy a bee greens at hayden and greenway. he got the money he wanted and went to return the bb gun he bought before the robbery but he got cuffed as he walked back to the car. he admits to the hold up and he already spent time in prison for armed robbery getting out only 4 4 months ago. checking out the live desk. if you see something, say something. we tell you to do it all the time. we took action to find out what this was in glendale. a suitcase actually strapped on to a power poll. turns out just a device to count traffic. it's in the area of 43rd avenue and peoria. abandoned pot in no gal less. border agent found the 11 1100 pounds of drugs after backpacking smugglers got spooked by helicopter crew tracking from above. the smugglers were seen dropping the drugs and running back to mexico. president-elect donald he's been hosting meeting with potential cabinet members and first face-to-face meeting with a foreign leader. meanwhile president-elect pennsylvania ask in washington meeting with lawmakers from both parties. >> we're going to rebuild the military and revive the economy and in a word make america great again. hillary clinton returned to the public stage for a previously scheduled speech before the children's defense fund. she urged her supporters to former democratic bernie sanders has a message for donald trump. the independent senator from vermont is echoing wide spread concerns about trump's chief strategist during an event to promote his back. he called on trump to remove ban non. >> a president of the united states should not have a racist at his side. unacceptable. sanders called for ban harry read issued a similar call on the senate floor. we'll get an update after a 2-block area is still closed what do doctors from leading cancer centers in the country have in common? treatment centers of america home. expert medicine works here. find out why at cancer cancer treatment centers of america. but one that needs to be done. engineers checking every sing yelling building 24 hours after the explosion in canton illinois. we brought you the images yesterday and since then we learned the blast happened as utility workers were trying to fix a gas leak. the blast damaged several buildings. and blue out windows 3 blocks away. and we thought that someone crashed into the back of the car and we saw just this fire explosion. >> right now a 2-block area remains closed until they can deem it safe. no hot water for more than a week. frustrated residents at a glendale apartment complex reaching out for help. we took action and went straight to the manager's office. what did they tell you? >> the manager tells me maintenance crews have been working on the problem. here at the country creek apartments in glendale. residents found a notice on the door about a week ago saying the hot water heater was broken. managers said they were sorry and they hoped to have the problem fixed as soon as possible. >> cold water works. >> not fast enough for dozens of people living here at the country creek apartments. first the water was brown. >> i feel disgusted it was really gross. >> then a week of cold showers. secretaries there's nothing but pure cold water. >> frustrations are boiling over. >> i think this is illegal you can't not have the water off without compensating for doing for the tenants. >> we checked in with advocates is the complex violating rights. >> hot water is an essential service that must be provided and provided in reasonable amnts. >> we took the concerns to managers who say they've been working on it. when we checked into office the manager said the reason for the delay they needed a permit from the city to get an industrial boiler. >> we've got the permit from the city and been working on it the whole night. >> sure enough maintenance were working at the complex. >> this is beyond frustrating you can't really explain it. you know more than anything, i don't want to be mad. i just want a hot shower. tell me they will give those without hot water a 5-day discount on their rent and they also provided alternative apartments but only to those who asked for it and that is why it is so important for all of us the tenants especially to know their rights. coming up at 6 we'll tell you what you need to know to get the landlords to pay up. back to you. we're tracking more pictures from air 15 and pushing investigators for the very latest from this scene of a body found out it looks like arizona bowling champion shannon pluhowsky is ready. let's see what kind of spin she puts on this next one. [bowling ball rolling down lane] yep, arizona winners choose casino arizona. where locals rule. guess what else rules? ng strive to drive sundays- only at casino arizona! and... it looks like shannon approves. i want to get you back outs to the breaking news out of south phoenix a body found near the salt river bolt tom. between corner and brad way and actually the body happened to closer to the road than the river bottom itself. mcs cars you see them right along. give them a bit of space out there as they start. another big story we are tracking two very different veshsz of what happened in some video coming out of flagstaff. an officer's fist going into a woman's face that much we know. joe bartels has the latest we're hearing all this began as an eviction. >> on tonight. ma russ is a was in the process of being evicted from this mobile home and she was moving into the one next door and that's when the confrontation was caught on video. >> you cannot arrest me until i know i have a warrant. >> cell phony video catches this already in progress. the woman there is 30-year old ma russ is a norse mother of 3. the officer on the right is jeff bo nar he pufrnls morris >> yes, i have seen the video it's disturbing. i see it every time that i move my arm. i feel my face. >> she says the officer was aggressive before the video began climb claiming he put his hands around her neck she said she did nothing wrong. >> there shouldn't have been nothing that happened to be a video but i'm glad there's evidence of me being attacked because it wasn't right. >> the police chief says the officer has a much different account of what happened. >> in that police report, the officer does indicate that he was kicked and that he was need in the groin by ma russ is a prior to the strike occurring. >> he believed ma russ is a had outstanding warrants from a previous dwi case those warrants were cleared. the officer was placed on administrative leave. the chief asked nor police department to look into the criminal actions possibly of and charged with aggravated assault and also resisting arrest. in flagstaff joe bartels abc15 news. if i'm not mistaken, joe is wearing something called a jacket. >> yeah, i know (laughing). >> i'm ready for fall. >> can you believe it? 50s this morning and this time tomorrow morning we're talking 40s. some of the first freezes of season in prescott. sedona, and even out near kingman as well. so you see the blue shaded all of those are freeze warnings. no freeze warnings in places like flagstaff and other places along the rim because they've already frozen several times this season. you get the freeze warning the first or second time around when it becomes normal you won't see the freeze warnings issued any more. flagstaff will be freeze sxg incredibly cold. prescott at 22. 17 tonight in winds slow. phoenix we drop down to 50 degrees. the rest of the valley will be across the phoenix metro looking at the first 40s of the season. 70 degrees right now after a high of 27. dew point at 11 degrees. drier air came in with the cold blavms humidity levels dropped down to 10% across the area. very dry air. clear skies tonight. temperatures nd mid-60s at # and low 60s by 9. right now 69 in tempe. 68 in may is a. 65 up creek. and goodyear sitting in the low 70s at this hour. across the state, temperatures in the 50s for sedona. flagstaff at 38 degrees and still a little breezy in some of the spots up to the north. check out what the winds do as we head into the weekend. generally light tonight. tomorrow they start to pick up and going into saturday mid-day it looks breezy here in the valley with winds up to 15 miles per hour. stronger winds across southeast arizona airs and we'll be system comes in as well. biking, hiking and running look fantastic for tomorrow. the cloud cover will be increasing. air quality will stay moderate for the next couple of days for small and fine particle positively lugs. as we take a look at the forecast hour-by-hour we'll start things out in the 50s in phoenix tomorrow through 6, 7 and 8:00 a.m. 63 at 10. 71 at none and into the mid- seventies through the hours which is more or less your normal that high of 76, 2 degrees above the 30-year average in fee anything else. 74 high in may is a. early morning lows again more most of the phoenix metro in the 40s and temperatures hit 76 in glendale in the afternoon hours. we're also expecting 70s down to the south and all out the west and southwest as well. here's the next 7 days. warming up into the weekend. low 80s saturday and sunday. a little breezy on saturday. 81 for the high. 28 sunday, cloud cover increasing throughout the da i on sunday by late sunday night we have 40% chance of rain in the valley as the next storm system approaches. right now looking incredibly wet across the state on monday as the system comes in. anywhere from half appear ito an inch of rain expected for much of arizona is des moines play. temperatures drop dramatically. slight chance for a few more showers on tuesday. heading into thanksgiving sunny and 77 on thanksgiving day. . we are all virtual today in the financial fitness zone there is virtually no better time than the holiday season to take a look at the charity which you would like to support with your money. giving it tuesday is coming up in less than 2 weeks last year on that date more than 700 million $160 million to charity in just 1 day. charity navigator makes it pretty easy of all airs irz's great to not so great nonprofits one example of a good one the forever young foundation. it helps out kids. take a look at the blue portion of the pie chart that's program expenses. they don't spend a whole lot on administration or fundraising compared to what they bring in. the ratio not always realistic. >> a charity can't spend everything on programs; right. they live in the world we do. they have to pay for stationary and electricity bills and spend money on fundraising the bulk of the money should be going to program. help kids in scottsdale. the asu foundation and many more all of those will take care of your donation dollar the best and maybe you support some of those smaller nonprofits that you won't find there on charity navigator it your homework and for more information enter the financial fit zone on abc15. breaking news just come in a senior official confirm president-elect donald trump has offered lieutenant michael flynn a job as the national security advisor. those details coming in we're getting a better idea of what the president-elect trump's team will look like. . nobody knows better than mr. and mrs. clause how magical christmas can be for children. coming up we're going to let you know what you can do to help make a difference in the lives of valley children in need. how would you like to win $500 for the holidays. all you got to do is watch abc15 tonight at 10. two chances to win a 500 to doll gift card watch for the secret word of the day tonight on abc15 news at 10 for your chance to win. tonight. the stance i guess the president-elect doing it his way saying things of going smoothly. so why do some say it's in it is that time of year. help out operation santa clause. we are college collecting for local charities. we are live in san deer son ford in glendale. how's it going out there? we're hoping to keep it hole and joel for families in glendale. this is our 15th year. santa and mrs. clause are here helping us collect things. everything you give stays right here in the valleys to help families fallen on hard times and really need our support this christmas season. tom jones us now. one can of food even a donation makes a big difference. >> yes, it does. every can of food will end up on the table of hungry children and parents in our neighborhood and in our community. and every dollar we turn into 7 meals. >> sounds good and thank you so much and thank you for part nerg with us on this. not just saint marry's food bank there are more charities that benefit from operation santa clause including military drop off donations. very easy to do. you can stop by san deer son ford or lincoln. abc15 study for give to the coming up how you can win a brand new car or truck just by donating a dollar to operation santa back to you. we're definitely sticking around for that. thank you. only on abc15 just 3 days out from the american music awards and you will see incredible performance. brew notice police officers, the weekend. 211 pilots, justin beesh performing stop by we were let know what to look to. >> well see a bunch of great performers and see a massive abuse of mascara but -- . >> what? >> abuse of mass scare ra az ama it all goes down sunday night at 7:00 on abc15. a murderer the victims family reveals all the shocking twists to our abc15 investigators. plus a little comfort for the family of an afu student breaking now at abc15 at 6. the a body found at the bottom of a valley river. plus punched by a cop what went video. freeze warnings in e tonight, breaking news. will it be a team of rivals? president-elect donald trump, now set to meet with mitt romney after both traded bitter words during the campaign. is romney now being considered for secretary of state? we're at trump tower. also breaking, the deadly snowstorm, bracing for the blizzard. nine states now under a winter alert. and this system mo in some places, 80 degrees one day, 20 the next. the two explosions. the deadly gas blast in a town center. investigators on the scene tonight, after another explosion, this home incinerated. and tonight, authorities with a $30 fix. the confrontation on camera. the police officer trying to arrest a woman, then seen punching her in the face. tonight, police defending their officer. and america strong.

Related Keywords

Mexico , United States , Arizona , Tempe , Vermont , Washington , South Phoenix , Sedona , Illinois , Phoenix , Pennsylvania , Salt River , America , American , Jeremiah Miller , Ma Russ , Bryan Patrick Miller , Joe Bartels , Jeff Bo , Mitt Romney , Fred Hodges , Chandler Wal Mart , Michael Flynn , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

© 2024 Vimarsana
Transcripts For KNXV ABC15 News At 5PM 20161118 :

Transcripts For KNXV ABC15 News At 5PM 20161118

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>> her sister braend has been missing since 19926789 the 13- year old last seen leaving the home to collect money for book a thon. >> i always knew. you want to hold out hope but i just am. i knew she was gone. >> investigators scrambling trying to see if the so-called canal killer could have had more victims. >> in 2015 there was a game changing revelation. we are looking ate a possible connection between braend and a man behind the valley canal murders. bryan patrick miller. >> had come to the store trying to deliver girl scout cook yes, which unfortunately he had never ordered any. >> yet 1 year later no physical evidence linking braend and bryan t. time is running out. >> i have words to say i waited more than 20 years to say to the person who took my life with hers. >> we're always together. >> this case is still open. and she hopes her sister's case could be used in a plea deal. he is already accused of murdering a 22-year old and 17- year old. his trial is set for next year. caught on video and it's only a matter of time. right now police asking for your help to find these two guys. they walked into the chandler wal-mart after robbing a couple outside a nearby red robin. the couple is okay butter one guy may have shown a gun and both stole the cash. $1,000 reward being offered. the number to call is 480 witness if you know who they are. a manager busted for theft by one of his employees. fred hodges created fraudulent quotes for unknown customers and the teams would disappear without being paid for. the thefts totally $140,000. home depot were able to track his activities for nearly 2 years. we want to show you live pictures air 15 arriving on the salt river bottom. investigators out there already. near 67th avenue between southern and broadway. he hit one place after another but now his luck has run out. new tonight under cover investigators catching an armed robber in the act. he's accused of a string of hold ups. for for shows us it isn't his first rodeo. >> we're told jeremiah miller had a system. he liked the make the robberies surgical mask with a gun demanding money, threatening to shoot the employees if they didn't listen. accord to court paperwork. he is linked to multiple robberies. his first hit at the safeway days art he returned only to target the wal greens right next door. his pattern a robbery a week at least on the day he was caught under cover officers followed him as he went to buy a bee greens at hayden and greenway. he got the money he wanted and went to return the bb gun he bought before the robbery but he got cuffed as he walked back to the car. he admits to the hold up and he already spent time in prison for armed robbery getting out only 4 4 months ago. checking out the live desk. if you see something, say something. we tell you to do it all the time. we took action to find out what this was in glendale. a suitcase actually strapped on to a power poll. turns out just a device to count traffic. it's in the area of 43rd avenue and peoria. abandoned pot in no gal less. border agent found the 11 1100 pounds of drugs after backpacking smugglers got spooked by helicopter crew tracking from above. the smugglers were seen dropping the drugs and running back to mexico. president-elect donald he's been hosting meeting with potential cabinet members and first face-to-face meeting with a foreign leader. meanwhile president-elect pennsylvania ask in washington meeting with lawmakers from both parties. >> we're going to rebuild the military and revive the economy and in a word make america great again. hillary clinton returned to the public stage for a previously scheduled speech before the children's defense fund. she urged her supporters to former democratic bernie sanders has a message for donald trump. the independent senator from vermont is echoing wide spread concerns about trump's chief strategist during an event to promote his back. he called on trump to remove ban non. >> a president of the united states should not have a racist at his side. unacceptable. sanders called for ban harry read issued a similar call on the senate floor. we'll get an update after a 2-block area is still closed what do doctors from leading cancer centers in the country have in common? treatment centers of america home. expert medicine works here. find out why at cancer cancer treatment centers of america. but one that needs to be done. engineers checking every sing yelling building 24 hours after the explosion in canton illinois. we brought you the images yesterday and since then we learned the blast happened as utility workers were trying to fix a gas leak. the blast damaged several buildings. and blue out windows 3 blocks away. and we thought that someone crashed into the back of the car and we saw just this fire explosion. >> right now a 2-block area remains closed until they can deem it safe. no hot water for more than a week. frustrated residents at a glendale apartment complex reaching out for help. we took action and went straight to the manager's office. what did they tell you? >> the manager tells me maintenance crews have been working on the problem. here at the country creek apartments in glendale. residents found a notice on the door about a week ago saying the hot water heater was broken. managers said they were sorry and they hoped to have the problem fixed as soon as possible. >> cold water works. >> not fast enough for dozens of people living here at the country creek apartments. first the water was brown. >> i feel disgusted it was really gross. >> then a week of cold showers. secretaries there's nothing but pure cold water. >> frustrations are boiling over. >> i think this is illegal you can't not have the water off without compensating for doing for the tenants. >> we checked in with advocates is the complex violating rights. >> hot water is an essential service that must be provided and provided in reasonable amnts. >> we took the concerns to managers who say they've been working on it. when we checked into office the manager said the reason for the delay they needed a permit from the city to get an industrial boiler. >> we've got the permit from the city and been working on it the whole night. >> sure enough maintenance were working at the complex. >> this is beyond frustrating you can't really explain it. you know more than anything, i don't want to be mad. i just want a hot shower. tell me they will give those without hot water a 5-day discount on their rent and they also provided alternative apartments but only to those who asked for it and that is why it is so important for all of us the tenants especially to know their rights. coming up at 6 we'll tell you what you need to know to get the landlords to pay up. back to you. we're tracking more pictures from air 15 and pushing investigators for the very latest from this scene of a body found out it looks like arizona bowling champion shannon pluhowsky is ready. let's see what kind of spin she puts on this next one. [bowling ball rolling down lane] yep, arizona winners choose casino arizona. where locals rule. guess what else rules? ng strive to drive sundays- only at casino arizona! and... it looks like shannon approves. i want to get you back outs to the breaking news out of south phoenix a body found near the salt river bolt tom. between corner and brad way and actually the body happened to closer to the road than the river bottom itself. mcs cars you see them right along. give them a bit of space out there as they start. another big story we are tracking two very different veshsz of what happened in some video coming out of flagstaff. an officer's fist going into a woman's face that much we know. joe bartels has the latest we're hearing all this began as an eviction. >> on tonight. ma russ is a was in the process of being evicted from this mobile home and she was moving into the one next door and that's when the confrontation was caught on video. >> you cannot arrest me until i know i have a warrant. >> cell phony video catches this already in progress. the woman there is 30-year old ma russ is a norse mother of 3. the officer on the right is jeff bo nar he pufrnls morris >> yes, i have seen the video it's disturbing. i see it every time that i move my arm. i feel my face. >> she says the officer was aggressive before the video began climb claiming he put his hands around her neck she said she did nothing wrong. >> there shouldn't have been nothing that happened to be a video but i'm glad there's evidence of me being attacked because it wasn't right. >> the police chief says the officer has a much different account of what happened. >> in that police report, the officer does indicate that he was kicked and that he was need in the groin by ma russ is a prior to the strike occurring. >> he believed ma russ is a had outstanding warrants from a previous dwi case those warrants were cleared. the officer was placed on administrative leave. the chief asked nor police department to look into the criminal actions possibly of and charged with aggravated assault and also resisting arrest. in flagstaff joe bartels abc15 news. if i'm not mistaken, joe is wearing something called a jacket. >> yeah, i know (laughing). >> i'm ready for fall. >> can you believe it? 50s this morning and this time tomorrow morning we're talking 40s. some of the first freezes of season in prescott. sedona, and even out near kingman as well. so you see the blue shaded all of those are freeze warnings. no freeze warnings in places like flagstaff and other places along the rim because they've already frozen several times this season. you get the freeze warning the first or second time around when it becomes normal you won't see the freeze warnings issued any more. flagstaff will be freeze sxg incredibly cold. prescott at 22. 17 tonight in winds slow. phoenix we drop down to 50 degrees. the rest of the valley will be across the phoenix metro looking at the first 40s of the season. 70 degrees right now after a high of 27. dew point at 11 degrees. drier air came in with the cold blavms humidity levels dropped down to 10% across the area. very dry air. clear skies tonight. temperatures nd mid-60s at # and low 60s by 9. right now 69 in tempe. 68 in may is a. 65 up creek. and goodyear sitting in the low 70s at this hour. across the state, temperatures in the 50s for sedona. flagstaff at 38 degrees and still a little breezy in some of the spots up to the north. check out what the winds do as we head into the weekend. generally light tonight. tomorrow they start to pick up and going into saturday mid-day it looks breezy here in the valley with winds up to 15 miles per hour. stronger winds across southeast arizona airs and we'll be system comes in as well. biking, hiking and running look fantastic for tomorrow. the cloud cover will be increasing. air quality will stay moderate for the next couple of days for small and fine particle positively lugs. as we take a look at the forecast hour-by-hour we'll start things out in the 50s in phoenix tomorrow through 6, 7 and 8:00 a.m. 63 at 10. 71 at none and into the mid- seventies through the hours which is more or less your normal that high of 76, 2 degrees above the 30-year average in fee anything else. 74 high in may is a. early morning lows again more most of the phoenix metro in the 40s and temperatures hit 76 in glendale in the afternoon hours. we're also expecting 70s down to the south and all out the west and southwest as well. here's the next 7 days. warming up into the weekend. low 80s saturday and sunday. a little breezy on saturday. 81 for the high. 28 sunday, cloud cover increasing throughout the da i on sunday by late sunday night we have 40% chance of rain in the valley as the next storm system approaches. right now looking incredibly wet across the state on monday as the system comes in. anywhere from half appear ito an inch of rain expected for much of arizona is des moines play. temperatures drop dramatically. slight chance for a few more showers on tuesday. heading into thanksgiving sunny and 77 on thanksgiving day. . we are all virtual today in the financial fitness zone there is virtually no better time than the holiday season to take a look at the charity which you would like to support with your money. giving it tuesday is coming up in less than 2 weeks last year on that date more than 700 million $160 million to charity in just 1 day. charity navigator makes it pretty easy of all airs irz's great to not so great nonprofits one example of a good one the forever young foundation. it helps out kids. take a look at the blue portion of the pie chart that's program expenses. they don't spend a whole lot on administration or fundraising compared to what they bring in. the ratio not always realistic. >> a charity can't spend everything on programs; right. they live in the world we do. they have to pay for stationary and electricity bills and spend money on fundraising the bulk of the money should be going to program. help kids in scottsdale. the asu foundation and many more all of those will take care of your donation dollar the best and maybe you support some of those smaller nonprofits that you won't find there on charity navigator it your homework and for more information enter the financial fit zone on abc15. breaking news just come in a senior official confirm president-elect donald trump has offered lieutenant michael flynn a job as the national security advisor. those details coming in we're getting a better idea of what the president-elect trump's team will look like. . nobody knows better than mr. and mrs. clause how magical christmas can be for children. coming up we're going to let you know what you can do to help make a difference in the lives of valley children in need. how would you like to win $500 for the holidays. all you got to do is watch abc15 tonight at 10. two chances to win a 500 to doll gift card watch for the secret word of the day tonight on abc15 news at 10 for your chance to win. tonight. the stance i guess the president-elect doing it his way saying things of going smoothly. so why do some say it's in it is that time of year. help out operation santa clause. we are college collecting for local charities. we are live in san deer son ford in glendale. how's it going out there? we're hoping to keep it hole and joel for families in glendale. this is our 15th year. santa and mrs. clause are here helping us collect things. everything you give stays right here in the valleys to help families fallen on hard times and really need our support this christmas season. tom jones us now. one can of food even a donation makes a big difference. >> yes, it does. every can of food will end up on the table of hungry children and parents in our neighborhood and in our community. and every dollar we turn into 7 meals. >> sounds good and thank you so much and thank you for part nerg with us on this. not just saint marry's food bank there are more charities that benefit from operation santa clause including military drop off donations. very easy to do. you can stop by san deer son ford or lincoln. abc15 study for give to the coming up how you can win a brand new car or truck just by donating a dollar to operation santa back to you. we're definitely sticking around for that. thank you. only on abc15 just 3 days out from the american music awards and you will see incredible performance. brew notice police officers, the weekend. 211 pilots, justin beesh performing stop by we were let know what to look to. >> well see a bunch of great performers and see a massive abuse of mascara but -- . >> what? >> abuse of mass scare ra az ama it all goes down sunday night at 7:00 on abc15. a murderer the victims family reveals all the shocking twists to our abc15 investigators. plus a little comfort for the family of an afu student breaking now at abc15 at 6. the a body found at the bottom of a valley river. plus punched by a cop what went video. freeze warnings in e tonight, breaking news. will it be a team of rivals? president-elect donald trump, now set to meet with mitt romney after both traded bitter words during the campaign. is romney now being considered for secretary of state? we're at trump tower. also breaking, the deadly snowstorm, bracing for the blizzard. nine states now under a winter alert. and this system mo in some places, 80 degrees one day, 20 the next. the two explosions. the deadly gas blast in a town center. investigators on the scene tonight, after another explosion, this home incinerated. and tonight, authorities with a $30 fix. the confrontation on camera. the police officer trying to arrest a woman, then seen punching her in the face. tonight, police defending their officer. and america strong.

Related Keywords

Mexico , United States , Arizona , Tempe , Vermont , Washington , South Phoenix , Sedona , Illinois , Phoenix , Pennsylvania , Salt River , America , American , Jeremiah Miller , Ma Russ , Bryan Patrick Miller , Joe Bartels , Jeff Bo , Mitt Romney , Fred Hodges , Chandler Wal Mart , Michael Flynn , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

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