Transcripts For KNXV ABC15 News 20161005 :

Transcripts For KNXV ABC15 News 20161005

took over the building. they received a call at 6:40 when employees suspected a package they had contain pipe bomb explosives inside. they did investigate the package. right now it his business as usual. at the same time, we are learning a suspicious device at priest in washington was a false alarm. an update c suspicious fire in a north phoenix apartment complex. fire crews says there is no evidence of a molotov cocktail but one family member says they saw of flash and flames. crews are working to explain what happened. mom and dad in both of the babies made it out okay. here is the showdown everyone is talking about. >> governor mike pence said in arguably vladimer putin is a better leader than president obama. >> i said he is been stronger-- >> you said leader dash >> [ indiscernible -- multiple speakers ]>> if you mistake leadership for dictatorship and you cannot tell the difference, you should not be commander-in- chief. >> we do know obama care affects many of us in the valley and many of you have strong feelings about it. here's what mike pence thinks about it. >> even former president bill clinton calls obama care of crazy plan. care is a good start. tonight the rnc declared mike pence the winner before the debate ended. after the debate ended we received the results of an instant poll which does show mike pence narrowly winning the debate. donald trump spent a lot of time in arizona hoping to grab our 11 electoral votes >> a big crowd in prescott valley. jason is live for us. >> reporter: the last time donald trump was in arizona was in the convention center in phoenix. this time, in prescott valley just a routine speech with about 7000 people watching . >> reporter: mostly avoiding his recent controversies. i here. >> reporter: but that is not true. in arizona it is too close to call. donald trump made a hard sell for himself and against hillary clinton. >> she complains about how i have used the tax laws of this country to my benefit. then i ask a simple question, why didn't she ever tried to change those laws? hard on obama care. >> we are going the repeal obama care. >> reporter: the system has doubled insurance premiums for some people. >> can imagine what he went through after saying that? he went through hell. >> reporter: talked about building the wall and trade deals. >> the wall is peanuts compared to the trade deficit that we have. when you have that kind of a trade deficit and you want something real, it will be paid for in one form or another by mexico. some startling images that show what happened when a few people got into a fight on the road. this car flipped on pima road north of bell road la you can see the car caught fire and melted. a total of four people were inside and all of them were seriously hurt. the driver will be booked once he is out of the hospital. a valley family has to make a horrible decision. the suspect stopped his pickup truck at the scene and amended to doing coke and drinking before getting behind the wheel. last night he apologize. tonight we asked the family if they accepted it. >> he was a precious little boy. >> reporter: he was on the way to get her from church sunday morning. they never made it. 40th street and broadway, a blue truck and a boy that didn't survive. the great grandma says she does forgive the suspect driver. >> i just pray to god that he will turn his life over to the lord. because hell is no place for anybody to go. >> reporter: a group -- admitted to drinking and doing coke before getting on the road. >> if you don't take your life think twice.>> in a story we are working on we have and update about a citizen's immigration status. these creepy clown threats are not dying down and they are getting worse. university of arizona police are getting 20-30 phone calls from concerned parents and students last night alone. cop social media. to juveniles i've been arrested over those let's play clown threats. police are asking parents to take action and watch what his hacks and the -- watch what is happening with your kids online. a school district in connecticut does not want to halloween season. this church sounds the alarm on the guy trying to break it and now police think he is the creek behind 50 other burglaries around west phoenix. he was caught on camera and he left his tools behind at one job. later on we will hear from the business owner who collected evidence while this guy collected his stuff. for a second y police canvased tempe neighborhood for video about a blazing attack. the attacker asked the woman for a cell phone and then grabbed her purse and beat her up badly. a lot of people jumped into help. any leads in this case would be helpful. we checked in with chandler they need to catch a government that was inside a goodwill store last week. police say they have video and they are scanning it for every tiny detail. the guy shot off one shot. force like no one was hurt. a man is facing charges for elbowing an officer while facing an arrest. we are trying to figure out what happened after this crash. the car hit a fence with two people inside. one of them flew out of the car and has serious injuries. the other person is expected to be okay. amy -- in the meantime a search for gold ended up in tragedy. on friday two friends crash there a to be in the old gilbert done and he did not survive. it is a busy hurricane season. hurricane matthew is coming for haiti and it is on track to cause damage in florida on thursday before making its way up the east coast. in south carolina alone 1 million people may have to be evacuated. >> reporter: the latest now is that there are hurricane warnings out from hurricane watches. look at the track now with me . it is still a category 4 storm with winds at 132 miles per hour and they gust up to 161. overnight tonight it will go into the bahamas and towards florida. it is expected to remain a category 4 storm for the next category 3 hurricane is a goes up the east score. this will be a big one that we will be tracking for the next five-six days. we had a beautiful afternoon here. clear skies in goodyear right now. it will be a cool start tomorrow. highs tomorrow in the upper 80s. 90s slight chance of rain. i will let you know when in my forecast coming up. more mail thieves in the valley. but this time it is huge. why thousands of you are about to be on the alert. more on that coming up after the break. the arizona cardinals put two key players ? ? ? jon batiste has mastered new ways to play old classics. with chase atms, he can master new ways to deposit checks too. easy to use chase technology for whatever you're trying to master. so, can i see you again... ...i'm free on black forest ham day. there's a subway? $3.50 sub of the day to help you remember life's important days. ...we got married in june... ...on tuna day. every day a different $3.50 six-inch sub every day of the week. every sub contains no artificial flavors. at just $3.50, it's a great sub at a great price. her name is teri... ...she was born on sweet onion chicken teriyaki day. the $3.50 sub of the day that everything - from your lamp to your couch - should work as hard as you do. that green living is something everyone can afford. that you can sacrifice everything but a good night sleep. and we believe your furniture should last happily ever after. new tonight tim came -- tim kane was feisty tonight.. >> the policies of this administration which hillary clinton has run this economy into the ditch. >> [ indiscernible -- multiple speakers ] >> 16 million new have been 11 million new jobs since january 2009 not 15 million. so they rated the claim half true. the states female democratic leader sounding off on trump. >> i am here as a mother with a young daughter and someone who girls in arizona to be represented by someone who sees women as mere six objects and whose value can be measured by how they look in swimsuits.>> donald trump has used the words paid, miss piggy and bimbo to describe women. one of the men behind a deadly shooting a week ago near 43rd avenue and union hills shot and killed adam james police found the car outside the store with drugs inside. police have not side of the says drug-related but first they need to get these guys caught. if you know these guys call silent witness. fraud and she admits it. that it is why this former probation counselor is going to prison. she will know how long next month. she stole checks from people deposited the money into her own account instead of having it go to the clerk. the county attorneys office says they have made two indictments regarding raped kids -- rape kids. this fits the pattern that we were expecting to see where it occurred in a series of six assaults. >> in all been submitted for testing. so many think the va scandal was behind us. but news tonight is that is that is far from reality. veterans are still dying while waiting for care according to the new inspector general report released today. you know the drill when you start paying once the work has started. if we don't this is what can happen. this is not just a form to samantha baker and her chickens. >> this is miss ihop she only has one leg. >> samantha lost one of her own likes in a car accident. >> my house gets so hot. >> it started as an air- conditioning problem and on a friend indiscernible ] came over. >> he came over and said he was the main trainer for salt river project. >> reporter: and what he found scared her to death.>> he told me my barn was going to burn in my animals were going to die. [ crying ]. >> she paid $5000 and he only did this. from the ground. >> reporter: when we contacted them, one -- he had much to say including he is not license. he said he was deserving of the money he got. >> i into a trap because he scared me. >> reporter: has been charged with contracting without a license and samantha is now stuck in the house told is a fire hazard that she cannot fix. we will stay on top of this one. both recorders are in a lab now and the cell phone is being investigated after the train wreck in hoboken new jersey. there is an estimate based on train was going at the time of the accident. this video tonight shows the moments before the moments that carnell snell was shot to death. they say he had a loaded automatic handgun. >> they say he was on meds for a dramatic brain injury following a motorcycle crash neurologists say that would've made him sluggish and forget what he said mid conversation. services were supposed to start tomorrow in charleston for scott . that is where he was raised. a tiny piece of technology helps to save a boy's life. and because of that a sheriff's office wants to buy drones for its company. long-running, i think that would be the smartest thing to do so that they have them on hand when they need them. >> the child was found safe and the drone was the biggest blessing and helping find the child. abc15 news sports. more bad news for the arizona cardinals. they place chris johnson tyvon branch on injured reserve. this is the second straight season that chris johnson has been placed on injured reserve. the coach said both are scheduled for hernia surgery but which one may be designated for return is not determined. they also made a putting is such a dynamic player but it gives him another chance. someday feel fancy. one might heal in for in one might take six. >> status of carson palmer. below average temperatures today with light winds. it topped out today at 85 degrees. 83 today in deer valley and 83 in scottsdale. now we are sitting in the upper 70s. by 11:00, we will be in the low lows tonight in the 60s. in the 60s it 8:00 and sunny skies through the day. 81 tomorrow. we will stay with below average highs. phoenix topping out at 89. very quiet across the state. hardly any cloud cover valley or the state. this is the storm system that kicked the cold front through. this is the line of showers and thunderstorms attached to the cold front. there is severe weather tonight in parts of oklahoma. we see the storm system move off to the east. tomorrow there will be a little disturbance that moves north of clouds to the north. we could see some return as this passes through on thursday. it will be later in the weekend before we see the stronger storm system that will be -- bring ace -- bring a slight chance for a storm in the valley. overall, the forecast is looking pretty dry. we are keeping it clear. 60 in peoria tomorrow morning, 57 in maricopa. mesa tomorrow 86, goodyear at 87 . further north of the grand canyon mid-40s. he will need some light jackets around the rim. again here in phoenix. a warming trend is on the way. high clouds moving in thursday. saturday we see changes with the cloud cover. more cloud cover and some breezes. isolated rain chances early sunday. then we rebound back into the 70s for morning lows next week. signature issues is securing the border. >> reporter: the nature of who is crossing has changed. not so many migrants to come and work in more people that are taking drugs across . it may be fewer people in more violence that occurs at the taking action for border control patients -- border patrol. critics argue that the bases do not deter smugglers. they simply go around them. a -- republican doctors about the benefits of marijuana. this research is very limited and they say more studies need to be done between republicans and democrats. the design in the corn maze this year is clinton and trump holding hands paisley park and open this month but only on a temporary basis. until then they are focusing on safety, traffic and other issues related to the museum. people are opening more mailboxes looking for very specific items. more on that coming up after the break. and spicy flavors like chipotle and jalape?o... wait! what if i put them together?! smoky chipotle sauce, pepper jack cheese, and jalapenos, on a buttery bakery bun. i'll call it the chipotle jalapeno burger! boom. someone got that, right? chipotle sauce. pepper jack cheese. you'll call it the chipotle jalape?o burger. boom. good work everyone. another winner. introducing the chipotle jalape?o burger. we are learning of 10 cases of mailboxes busted open and everything taken. >> some of these boxes were clearly damage. >> reporter: this is one of the mailboxes that was hit. take a look at it. investigators believe it could be a team driving around the neig mailboxes hit within the last month. postal investigators now say thousands of people need to be checking their bank statements and credit history very closely. >> as far as i know there is no way of knowing what was taken from the box. the best thing we can do is make sure we have fraud protection and start >> reporter: some of these mailboxes are damaged beyond repair. coming up we will show you what you need to do to keep yourself safe and the specific things these thieves are targeting and your mail. the vice presidential candidates went toe to toe tonight in their debate. they did spend a lot of time interrupting each other. >> [ indiscernible -- multiple speakers ] >> let me talk about this issue --/ speakers ] let me interrupt you and finish my sentence if i can. >> early in the debates the candidates clash over foreign policy. >> a rack has been overrun by isis because hillary clinton >> know that is incorrect.>> [ indiscernible ] said the negotiations did fail but they say the key discussions or between the white house and i iraqi leaders and that the white house refused to sign an agreement. new tonight, do with was at the rally received income tax records dated back to 1995 that shows he may not have paid taxes for 20 years. >> the point of releasing tax returns is to find conflicts of interest. he says anyone from the financial disclosure forms. >> tell them to vote. that is the message for mexicans living in the united states. an estimate -- an estimated 12 million mexican people live here in the united states. a verdict well potential -- [ indiscernible ]. for murdering a man he once considered an uncle . it happened two years ago in the parking lot at a car wash on mcdowell. we have the mug shot but now we might want to see some home surveillance. on spice and butt naked. he doesn't deny anything. he says every time i smoke spice this happens. in july a jury convicted luis martinez on 24 felony counts of molestation. this was between 1979 in the last incident was in 2012. not going to take a few days off work. the batteries in his pants burned and melted right into his leg. once i saw it sunk into the reality. surveillance video shows debris being flung in all directions after a house explosion in new jersey. to multifamily houses were destroyed and a third was so badly damaged it will have to be race. officials said 38 people were either displaced or left homeless because of the gas leak. officials are under searching for wildfires. this one in california. crews were able to stop it quickly thanks to eric tax. hurricane matthew is pounding cuba tonight. it is already claimed seven expected to rise . it is now headed towards the bahamas and the u.s. headed towards the bahamas and the u.s. several u.s. airlines have raised fees. that is if you want to change your flight if hurricane matthew is heading to one of your destinations. airlines will likely issue waivers in the future. a beautiful day. today it topped out at 85. light winds tonight and temperatures heading into the upper 70s. 24% humidity. the dew point is in the 30s. dry tonight with clear skies. falling into the low 60s for many valley spots. goodyear at 59 right now. all of us a little bit warmer tomorrow. we are starting a warming trend. goodyear topping out in the upper 80s. 90s returned to the forecast soon and a slight chance of rain. i will let you know about that in the 7-day forecast. the presidential race may have been taken to a new low. more on that coming up after it feels like these clown reports are everywhere. police in detroit say a nine- year-old was attacked by a clown in a mobile home park. the boy was playing outside and the clown walked up with a knife. his mom said this was the second clown found in that area that night. mean to offend anyone with this and says he was having fun. a 10-year-old girl leaps into action saving her family. police in michigan say she was riding in the car with her mom and her two brothers when mom loses consciousness. the 10-year-old takes control of the car and stairs into the world and then calls 911 should -- stairs it off the road. then she calls 911. she is a hero. >> take a look at this video. this is from haiti. they need help with medical supplies. organizations are now taking donations and they are asking for your help. >> this is a humanitarian issue their lives are at stake. they are vulnerable. i would say it is important that we act in a generous way. >> if you are interested in donating, we posted a link on a this storm is heading towards the u.s. and we are tracking the path as it heads towards the united states coast. will calls -- cars be able to work his way through concussion protocol and be ready to play thursday night? more on that coming up after the break. we are cooling down nicely tonight. sitting in the 70s right now. we will talk about how low it the average age of a homeless person is 9 years old. my dream is to help kids living on the streets with education. charles what's up man? -whoa! how can we help? -ah man! wait, is that a basketball player? yes! -wow! my heart's about to jump out my chest man. charles you ought to be proud man. i'm just extremely grateful they were here giving them some encouragement- that's something that these kids are going to remember for a lifetime. did you see his big old feet? look. a lawsuit over cr chip readers is moving forward. small businesses are suing because they are being forced to use them. they accuse credit card companies of penalizing them if they don't upgrade. if class action status is granted 8 million businesses could make the lawsuit and eight alien dollar case. that selected messages that contain a string of unknown characters. yahoo says this is a law them -- law-abiding company. best buy has agreed to pay for about 600 recalled items including 400 cannon cameras. we are talking now about ford f1 50 pickup trucks. complaints have been made including loss of breaks. vehicles include the 2015 and 2016 models. stay-at-home mom of three. for years after taking her first run she is on the cover of women's running magazine. that is all because she wrote a comment on their facebook page in july. within a few -- i was book to be on the cover in october . it is already on store shelves. carson palmer took a hit to the head sunday afternoon and was immediately placed in a concussion protocol. today they say he may be ready to play thursday night. i'm here to tell you there is no way he played thursday night -- he will play thursday night. he did suffer a concussion. after the game and said -- in san francisco they have had 10 days off before a monday night you don't want to worry about rushing him back on the field four days after suffering a concussion. regardless of what anyone is saying i would not count on seeing carson in uniform on thursday night. look at this sudden snowstorm near georgetown colorado. starting a week from saturday the grand canyon national park will shut down some services for the winter season. pretty much every operation on the north rim will close completely december 1. people are making sandbags in florida. >> reporter: we could start seeing strong winds as soon as tonight we are seeing sandbags outside doorways like the ones here at this college. residents are stocking up on essentials. we caught up with some residents tonight who were boarding up their windows and making sure their generators were working. people have been preparing since this morning when the hurricane warning went into effect. one man we talk to get it all done. >> the logic against done the quicker the better. >> right now we are boarding up the windows. i took the truck and got gasoline. and the little water i could find.>> palm beach county people have to move their boats inland. people were seen lining lock system. they reopen tomorrow at six a clock a.m. and will stay open 24/7 until the winds become too strong. officers have been helping homeowners by helping them put up their shutters. we will be tracking hurricane matthew with the latest update from the national hurricane center coming up at 10:00. closer look at this. this is a snow gun. they started it up for the first time this season. they are in place and they are busy preparing for opening day. sunny skies across the high country today. clear skies tonight. temperatures falling back into grand canyon. 75 and bullhead city and 77 in phoenix. a dry hermas in place across the state. we did not -- a dry hermas is in place across -- a dry air mass is in place across the state. we are watching a disturbance that will be moving in will bring a chance for rain and snow in the higher elevations. things stay quiet for us thursday and friday. then another storm system comes in for the weekend. tonight the lows back in the 60s. and glendale. temperatures warming up to 93. saturday 91, 92 on sunday. right now we are in the 70s. tonight in the 30s. 50s and 60s across south central arizona. tomorrow back up into the upper 80s. king men will have the next system will come in this weekend. 93 on friday 91 on saturday. next week we rebound back into the 70s. our smart shopper team search the apps for the barry -- very best deals out there for us . >> reporter: fries has the best this week. the next biased price -- best price we found was at albertsons. you can get serial and toaster strudel and fruit stacks for 149. -- $1.49. you can get one gallon of milk for $1.89. and raspberries are just $0.97. 18 large eggs are just $0.99. check your ads. the big semi annual sale for southwest airlines just kicked off. the deals are good for november through february including holidays. the sale ends thursday at midnight. listen to this. >> i am not joking with you but there is a kangaroo out here. >> she was not kidding. there is . it joined her on her driveway and back porch. she said it did try to cuddle and play. authorities did show up and they reconnected the little guy with his owner. and it turns out you do not need a special permit to on a this video shows someone using a truck to break down the front of a convenience store. this happened in new mexico. the men broke down the front doors and got out of the truck after stealing the atm. this one was not altered down. police found the empty atm the next day in an empty drainage ditch. exhibit coming back to our state. more on that coming up after it's a blockbuster and it is heading here. the exhibit broke attendance records last year. stop a while back. the mexican artist is one of the most influential painters in latin america. get ready to go back to the future. nike is putting out a new shoe. they tighten and loosen on their own and there are only 89 pairs available. there is a buy-in lottery and go to the michael j fox foundation to help find a cure for parkinson's disease. there is a new gadget out. google is releasing its new pixel phone. it has an assistant, and it comes in two sizes. it costs up to $769. colors, black, silver, and blue and is available for presale. >> remember "gilmore girls" they are transforming luke's diner at coffee shops. in that is happening right here in the valley. that is part of a promotion . it is bringing back the show in a four-part miniseries next month. coffee shops on our website at this man used to spare change to pimp out his ride. he covered it with 51,000 pennies. to larry, the owner, this makes perfect sense. on. a victim -- a quiet night ahead. coming up, we will be talking coming up, we will be talking about your new cold brew coffee, steeped slowly in cold water for small batches with an ultra-smooth, full-bodied flavor. discover the craft of cold brew today and keep on. america runs on dunkin'. with 40 megs of internet speed from centurylink, a family of four can all be online at the same time... streaming, gaming, or downloading movies. all you need is high-speed internet from centurylink. when bundled with a qualifying home phone plan. speed may not be available in your area. no, that's okay. i'm not hungry. don't worry about me. okay. ? ?? this fall at dunkin' donuts, get lost in pumpkin with a $1.99 medium macchiato or latte from 12:00 to 6:00 p.m. sip in the season today. america runs on dunkin'. c1 what can blue do for you? police responding to a bomb scare. somebody spotted a package they believe could have been a python. thankfully it wasn't. cops giving the all clear. everyone who was evacuated is now allowed back into that building.

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