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A special edition of world news tonight starts now. Announcer from abc news, this is a special edition of world news tonight with david muir. Reporting tonight from the hurricane zone in florida. Good evening, as we come on the air tonight from jacksonville, florida. And as you can see, Hurricane Matthew is churning right off the coast as we begin tonight. And right here behind me, that storm surge, this is st. Johns river. You can see, the water almost up to the sidewalk here. The surge is under way as were here tonight. Right here in jacksonville, you can see the water breaching the shore, rushing into the streets, already flooding homes. The western side of the eye wall first touching Central Florida. Daytona beach battered at dawn. In st. Augustine, families stranded, staying inside this inn. Beach, ripping away this historic highway. And to give you an idea of how close we are to matthew, look at the radar, spinning right off jacksonville, georgia and South Carolina in harms way tonight. In a moment, well take you up in the air with the Hurricane Hunters, flying through matthew. You will see images right from the cockpit. But we begin with eva pilgrim, in st. Augustine, in the middle of this storm. Reporter tonig, Hurricane Matthew pummeling the Central Florida coastline. Already claiming at least two lives. You can see just how bad it has gotten here. Reporter from the roof, ocean water breaching dunes and taking over these jacksonville streets. And on the ground, inside the jacksonville baptist medical center, hospital staff rushing 21 newborns out of the nicu to safety. Overnight, torrential downpours and wind whipping stop lights, thrashing palm trees. Submerging cars on the road. Its blanketed by the rain. Power lines exploding and breaking under the wind leaving more than 1 million without power. You can see it also took down some power lines. Those power lines are down all the way down the street here. Reporter here in st. Augustine, florida, devastating flooding. You can see how strong the winds are and the rain. The water is actually coming over the storm wall there and were not even on the beach. Further into town, nearly two dozen people, including children, trapped by the rising, raging water inside the casablanca inn bed and breakfast. 30 miles south, in palm coast, florida, a Home Security camera captures the moment floodwater barrels towards and crashes into grant lynchs glass door. Hours earlier, the ocean spilling out into the streets of Daytona Beach. Matthew turning the once busy intersections into waterways. Vero beach too. Swallowing park benches, tearing up roofs, and tearing down trees. Washing whole roads away. 4,200 flights cancelled in the u. S. More than 3 Million People fleeing their homes. As matthew now sets his sights on georgia. Fema officials and the National Guard preparing to provide relief with states of emergency declared in florida, georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. While authorities up and down the coastline urging residents to continue riding out the storm. This is still a really dangerous hurricane. That the potential for storm surge flooding, loss of life, and severe Property Damage continues to exist. Really, the best thing now is to just hunker down, stay in a safe place. Be sure that you do not put yourself in greater jeopardy by cannot jeopardize the lives of our First Responders any further. Reporter david, this is still a very active situation. As you can see, this water is very much still high at this hour. And its causing water, rivers, about 25 miles inland to go into major flood stage. Its going to take days for this water to recede. David . Eva, please stay safe. Were up above the st. Johns river i showed you ath we want to get to ginger zee, on satellite beach. Where she was as the hurricane hit this morning. And moved up the coast of florida. Right now, where is it headed . Reporter gusts along this beach, included 107 miles per hour. Now its about 140 miles north of us. Now the storm is a category 2. Moving north at 12 miles per hour. The eye of it, east of next up, coastal South Carolina and coastal georgia. Thats who has it tonight. The heaviest rain, storm surge, and a tornado watch, including savannah and georgia. Keep in mind, tornadoes always a possibility. Until midnight tonight. The warning extends from Daytona Beach up through wilmington, and its still hugging along the coast, very close to charleston overnight. Downgrading to a 1, but still could be a powerful surge. And Tropical Storm nicole may nudge it closer to the bahamas later this week. Ginger, thank you. In the meantime tonight, we we want to take you up into the air, where the work of the Hurricane Hunters continues. They are actually flying through this hurricane, right through the eye wall. Moments ago, i spoke with jack parish, a noaa meteorologist. Jack, thanks so much for joining first of all, tell us where you are tonight. And youve flown through so many of these hurricanes. How big is this thing from the air . David, we are just east of the side of the storm, we are on our way in to the center for the third time. This has been a monster of a storm, historic in proportions. Meteorologists say the scope of this thing, this coastal part of florida has never seen before. And youre right off the coast of jacksonville right now . Yes, sir, david. Im looking at it on the radar. Looks like the center of it is just due east of jacksonville. Maybe 40 miles offshore. And we have seen an extensive area of Hurricane Force winds, especially north of the center, so the impacts along the georgia coast are going to be significant. Jack, we know you have flown on these flights many times, but we saw some of those initial pictures from the cockpit, and i want to show viewers at home what that looks like, what that sounds like. To those of us here watching that, it looks extremely nerve racking. How do you guys stay calm up david, ive been doing this since 1980. The Hurricane Hunters, we do this a lot. The noaa p3 aircraft is extremely hardy. It doesnt seem to mind. We just sort of barge through. We burst into the eye, Clear Conditions in there, mark the center and go right back through the other side. So you say you just sort of barge right through, right through the eye of the hurricane . Thats right. Thats our instructions, are to fly it where we can find the highes jack, we want to thank you and the crew up in that plane. We know you have helped forecast this hurricane right down to the storm surge were seeing that you helped predict. So we appreciate you keeping us safe. David, youre very welcome. And just, everyone, please heed those warnings. Theyre not made for no reason at all. Everybody is going to be just fine. Were going to keep out here flying until the danger is gone. Jack and the team from noaa doing incredible work. In the meantime, we want to show you some images that reflect the power outage in the night before this hurricane hit. On the right, florida, much of Central Florida now in the dark tonight. Gio benitez is also here in florida, surveying the damage, and hes got the pictures. Reporter tonight, home after home across the state powerless. Here, the power lines strewn across the street, the transformers exploding. There go our transformers. Florida, this house burned to the ground. Officials blaming downed power lines for causing the fire. These two sisters surviving because they evacuated. We havent been able to go in yet, but from the looks of it, its all gone. Reporter for more than 1 million other homes, the problem is no power. In palm beach, ali gonzalez said the storm knocked out her power. Shes six months pregnant. It would have been worse if we werent together. Right after we got done cooking dinner, bam, there goes the power. Reporter restoring the from kentucky. Just one of many states moving in to help florida. 15,000 crews from across the country. 15,000 restoration workers. Reporter right here. Right here in florida. Reporter coming from as far away as massachusetts and california, vowing to turn the lights on. Tonight, the question, when will the power be back . Officials tell me theyre working as hard as they can, but theyre limited by the storm. Theyre not going to work in unsafe conditions, so theyre asking for patience. Gio, our thanks to you. Of course, this hurricane is now headed towards georgia and South Carolina next. And the real concern in South Carolina, the lowlying areas, and the governor issuing a new plea. Thats where we find rob marciano, tracking that part of the story tonight. Rob . Reporter well, Hurricane Matthew has arrived in South Carolina. The rain blowing sideways, winds gusting over 40 miles an hour. Today was the last day to prep tonight, South Carolina counting the hours until what could be a direct hit. Its getting worse, and were looking at major storm surges. Reporter and already feeling Hurricane Matthews outer bands. Drone footage showing deserted streets outside charleston. Businesses closing up all along the coast. I wish all of you, that you be safe and you be careful. That you take care of each other. Reporter more than 26,000 thousand evacuees now in nearly 200 shelters in the storm zone. Including katrina survivor cindy frith and her family. How nervous are you . Im about a 10. Reporter a 10 on the nervous meter. Yes. Reporter another sign time is running out troopers today clearing the eastbound lanes of interstate 26. Here we are in the last few minutes of the flush. Reporter the Highway Patrol had been using them to help people evacuate charleston faster. Tonight, Billy Crocker is mt. What would happen in 5 to 8 foot of surge if you didnt have this pump system . This entire area would be under water. Reporter ready to switch on massive pumps to head off that storm surge on the way. He tells me, any more than 5 or the pumps will have a hard time keeping up. Charleston is surrounded by water, there is little doubt there will be water in the city tomorrow morning. David . Rob, thank you. And tonight, were getting our first real pictures of the staggering toll of this hurricane. It will make Many Americans right here in florida grateful that the hurricane ran parallel to the coastline for much of the day today and did not have a direct hit like it did in haiti. Tonight, our crew has landed in haiti. Theyre surveying the damage, and its catastrophic. Hundreds are now among the dead. Heres david wright. In one of the hardesthit areas. This is a birds eye view of the damage. Those tin roof shacks, no match for 145mileanhour winds. Right after matthew blew through haiti at the beginning of the week, at first, a sense of relief that Port Au Prince had dodged a bullet. Slowly, a clearer picture of the utter devastation is coming into focus. Jeremie, in southwest haiti, is a city in ruins. Today, we are out with u. S. Marines who were delivering relief supplies. Were flying out hygiene kits, were flying out supplies. Beans, rice, water. Reporter the death toll officially at about 300, but by one account its more than 800, and rising. Amid the rubble, people are finding what shelter they can. Salvaging whats left. Making dinner. Given the infrastructure problems, its hard to figure out where help is needed the most. And getting it there is even harder. David . David, thank you. And theres still much more ahead on world news tonight. In a moment, the bombshell recording just uncovered. What donald trump was recorded saying about women. The explosive remarks about women. Hes already responding, and so is Hillary Clinton. You will hear the remarks for yourself. Also tonight, the burning phone that caused the scare on the passenger plane. The smoke in the cabin. Is it the same samsung model that allegedly set this suv on fire . More on the investigation, right after the break. And a frightening sight. Trouble on the runway. Why this pilot was struggling to land this jet. Well be right back. Travel with my daughter. Roller derby. . Now give up half of em. Is is a tough financial choice we could face when we retire. But, if we start saving even just 1 more of our annual income. We could keep doing all the things we love. Prudential. Bring your challenges. With the right steps, 80 of recurrent ischemic strokes could be prevented. And im doing all i can to help prevent another one. A bayer aspirin regimen is one of those steps in helping prevent another stroke. 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The billionaire, riding on this bus with tv host billy bush caught on a hot mike talking about an attempt to sleep with a married woman. I moved on her and i failed, ill admit it. Whoa. I did try. [ bleep ]. She was married. Reporter trump didnt name the woman, or say when it happened. Th reported by the Washington Post came just months after trump married melania. The bus pulls up to the set where trump was set to tape a soap opera cameo. Then he and bush spot actress arianne zucker, there to greet them. Whoa yes whoa yes the donald has scored. Whoa, my man reporter as trump prepares to meet the actress, he brags about his status as a celebrity to grope women. I better use some tictacs just in case i start kissing her. You know, im automatically attracted to beautiful i just start kissing them. Its like a magnet. And when youre a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the [ bleep ]. You can do anything. Reporter then trump emerges from the bus on his best behavior. Hi, mr. Trump. How are you . Good to see you, terrific. Reporter and then this. How about a little hug for the donald . He just got off the bus. Absolutely. Melania said it was okay. Reporter tonight, in a statement, trump insisting this was locker room banter, a private conversation that took place many years ago. Bill clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course. Not even close. I apologize if anyone was offended. But Hillary Clinton tweeting, this is horrific. We cannot allow this man to become president. That statement coming from donald trump very quickly late today, and then from Hillary Clinton. Tom, this comes just two days before the second president ial reporter thats right, the timing couldnt be worse. Theres no doubt it will come up in the debate. And tonight, radio silence from the trump campaign. Weve reached out to several sources. No one is saying anything else besides this statement. In fact, our abc news producer who is with governor mike pence asked him five times, and each time, he avoided the question. David . Tom, thanks. A reminder, the debate is two days away. You can see it right here on abc, 9 00 p. M. Eastern. Ill be joining george and our political team. And of course, the debate comoderator, martha raddatz. Well see you on sunday night, right here. And another breaking development involving the russians. Are they trying to interfere with the American Election . What u. S. Officials are now saying tonight. And then, buckle your seat belts. A terrifying landing. What the pilot had to do to get this plane down. Really . Yes, really dont sound so surprised. Lets see it oh youre ready. Alright, here we go. Lets hear the crowd. Ahhhh i go to the right. I go to the left. Fake em out. Mama go up, up, up she did it. Again . You cant avoid gravity. 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We do have a new development tonight after the smartphone on fire, the smoke in the cabin of that passenger jet. Causing the evacuation of a southwest flight. The scorched device has been seized by government authorities. The owner says the galaxy note 7 started smoldering in his pocket, filling the plane with smoke. Officials are now examining the device to determine if it was a replacement model, and what caused it to overheat. A seriously close call for a passenger jet. Take a look at this landing, with the winds behind me, it unable to land in heavy winds in prague. The plane slamming into the ground. The pilot aborts the landing and takes off again. On its second attempt, the plane finally made a safe landing. When we come back here on a friday night, the winds picking up. We do know Hurricane Matthew right off the shore in jacksonville at this hour. Headed to the carolinas next. And rob marciano is there with a warning from that governor. Warning from that governor. 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We want to get right back to rob marciano, because we have an anxi we want to get right back to rob marciano, because we have an anxious night ahead, not only in jacksonville and northern florida but in georgia and South Carolina as well. Rob, a dire warning from the governor there. Reporter yeah, shes thankful that 350,000 have evacuated, but she says not to go back home until they give you the storm just off the coast of jacksonville, florida. Now crossing the georgia border, and then to South Carolina before peeling off. A long night ahead for sure. David . Rob, our thanks to you and our entire team up and a stranger breaking into a familys home unnoticed. Why the homeowners to drop the charges. A butcher knife attack. The terrifying carjacking attempt in Hurricane Matthew goes churning off georgia, and north florida and North Carolina next on the map now. And donald trump caught on audio talking about how you are allowed this recruit is not getting any Second Chances on this one. The 16yearold shes the daughter of a homicide victim. And the department is still working that open case. But that is not how these two met. Im told the officer was at a gas station when he started hitting on the girl and during that conversation, he gave this girl his personal number. Hours later the 16yearold sister called really upset. The family then filed a with the department. Now it goes against Department Policy for any officer to try to turn any contact with the public into something personal. We do have that officers name but were not going to be releasing it right now until this investigation is over. We will keep you updated. Back to you. To Hurricane Matthew now which is now blamed for at least two deaths in the u. S. Right now. More than a Million People are without power. Curfews now in effect in some parts of florida. Travel will continue to be a problem well weekend. Dozens of flights have been cancelled since wednesday. The waves sweeping into this palm coast florida home uninvited. You hear the fire alarm blaring in the background. The roads arent much better either. Theres obstacles on the road all over. Look at the wind. No one out and about and for good reason. There may be relief for some

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