Transcripts for KNUS 710 AM [710 KNUS] KNUS 710 AM [710 KNUS

Transcripts for KNUS 710 AM [710 KNUS] KNUS 710 AM [710 KNUS] 20171230 090000

Means for much of the day with a little bit of a wind chill on top of that nobody c.b.s. T.v. Meteorologist Elise French says that icy temperatures will send shivers of the Times Square crowd in New York City 9 degrees is what works that thing for the actual temperature it will feel like 5 below when the ball drops security is of the highest priority in San Francisco for New Year's Eve celebrations acting mayor London breed this is not our 1st rodeo where a well oiled machine and we have incredible leadership in our public safety officials to make sure that we're doing all we can to keep our city safe fireworks shows have been canceled in Omaha and it's 6 Flags in central New Jersey for the holiday of the no New Year's Eve free rides on the Wonder Wheel in the thunder bolt roller coaster at New York City's Coney Island officials say it'll be too cold to incidence of apparent workplace violence Houston police say a man entered on auto repair shop where he used to work but I understood he just walked in. To a lawyer and was. Your motive for the shooting and south of us used an unclear in Long Beach California 2 people are dead including the suspected shooter police say a man shot a former coworker then turned the weapon on himself a deadly incident in Wichita apparently began what what is called a swat situation that's when I false police call is made to get a swat team to converge on a specific location investigators are looking into whether an argument over an online game promoted a hoax call that led to a house where a cop shot and killed a man who apparently had nothing to do with it officials say the call was likely swatting deputy police chief Troy Livingston irresponsible actions of a prankster put people in lies at risk the incident was a nightmare for everyone involved including the family in our police department the actions of a prankster we have an innocent victim questions are being raised why the officer opened fire residents of the Belmont neighborhood of the Bronx New York lit candles . Prayed and released balloons last night to honor the victims of the deadly apartment building fire that killed 12 people fires tonight 4 of them children 4 other people remain hospitalized Wall Street Friday stocks closing the day lower of the year was sharply higher the Dow industrials on the day fell $118.00 points for the year the Dow gained almost $5000.00 points the Nasdaq fell $46.00 on the day s. And p. Off 13 this is c.b.s. News. C.b.s. News radio with the prestigious Edward r. Murrow in the world for overall excellence hope Richard will report right here live on c.b.s. News Radio. Here's. What the Denver forecast for this New Year's Day will see some moderating temperatures with mostly sunny skies high temperatures are around 30 this afternoon tonight partly cloudy with lows dropping into the low teens will see a nice return to moderated temperatures with sunshine Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday highs in the mid to upper forty's weather brought to you by Colorado flat fee realty pay less keep more Colorado flat the Realty dot com I'm meteorologist Patrice Sutter on 710 k. And us. The last Saturday of 2017 plan to wake up with ready corporate from 6 to 9 am We'll talk about the year that was the joys battles and victories ahead all from the perspective of God country family and freedom wake up with Randy Corporon Saturday mornings from 6 commentary Arts Today your grandpa's old watch line in a closet just gathering dust maybe to realize old watches could be worth a fortune in cash stop in and see my good friend David Allison Cherry Creek instant cash on the spot I think those old items like tea sets guitars and guns and swords are really not valuable Think again bring in your antique then a giant arms costume jewelry get a free evaluation maybe they can try to trace your and that old box everyone has David on his can beat any offer bring in your gold sterling silver your diamond your coins antique jewelry wedding bands Rolex watches you could be sitting on a fortune your evaluation will be quick and confidential pure looking to buy a gift for a loved one David Ellis for the best prices on diamonds in jury he's the man in Cherry Creek $2640.00 East 3rd Avenue column 830-332-2877 extension 9 their 3rd Clayton and Cherry Creek green awnings on the building bronze statue in the side yard 6 days a week the man is there Saturday he's there instant cash on the spot for your valuables see David Alice Today clients Peter Wells go big with festive savings in a max offers you in his close of sleep and handsome stocking stuffers remembered long after the tree is put away then in a max add new value to your sleep Surface 2 and one reversible pillow toppers and breathe and sleep in a new level within a max is exclusive contour angel so pillows give your bed the added bonus of working as your personal Masoom to melt away the day stress give true gifts the high tech sleep accessories available this holiday season from an x. 530 West and place the outlet stores in Loveland for great direction 7 days a week 1800 i n n o m a x today. Used to 70. 6 is your total information source so Mike Gallagher show we keep you connected to the headlines like no one else see touring the biggest newsmakers. Nice breakers even great Mike and I appreciate it very much you know as I look out for him. I would say to your millions of listeners all over the country is now is the time to let your voice be heard and now sitting in for Mike today here's Morrissey. For the Mike Gallagher show I'm Ed Morrissey at Hot Air dot com broadcasting from am 12 a to the patriot in the Twin Cities filling in for Mike today glad to be with you happy to take your calls at 8655 Mike that's 806556453 if you'll join the conversation Joining me now is c.n.n. Contributor Washington Examiner reporter and New York Post columnist Salinas you know my good friend who is one of the few people in the media who saw what was coming in November 2016 Celine and I had a lot of conversations in the in the 2 years running up to this election and she was the one who was consistently saying people are missing the wave that is coming people don't see it coming I'm telling you I'm out here in Middle America and I'm telling you it's coming Selena you are right a year ago you were proven correct. Of a few tons of I like that I can say that right. Well and I mean I have and I have to say I mean I was get the call right I was skeptical that you would yeah but I think that that that there's not there's no shame in that because it was you know it's very difficult to understand unless you are traveling across the country and I don't mean like you into a place but if you're going to be between town to town and city and city you know I was able to see and they kept saying that that that perhaps other reporters weren't able to because they didn't have the accessibility to the areas that were important. Places like Michigan and Wisconsin and and Pennsylvania and Ohio and I gotta tell you your home state is well me right then the soda came within 45000 votes of flipping for Trump now I know that almost only counts in horror shows but there certainly was a lot of anecdotal evidence. That that made me stop and think and while I received a lot of criticism from political scientists who said. Signs. You know because there were so many signs like for Trump in the Midwest states that it was hard to ignore unlike anything I had seen for Romney or Bush in previous elections that I covered and so it was and what even made it you know about more to me was the fact that these were whole makes I like that that to me said there's an enthusiasm here and that. Is different that is something that we need to pause and pay attention to and so that's what made me consistently say hey we there's something different here you know and I saw that too in the general election here. In Minnesota Minnesota for those of you for those who don't know Minnesota was the only state that didn't vote for Ronald Reagan in one of the 2 elections I mean we are the last time that this state went for a Republican president was 972 with Richard Nixon I mean it's the last time that Minnesota turned red in an election and so it was very easy to write Minnesota off and I didn't realize it was getting that close but the weekend before the election and I told Salina the story but I have to share it again. I went out trick or treating in St Paul with my grandkids and St Paul is a very blue area of I mean just like any other urban urban area it's very very democratic and Normally you'd see signs plastered all over these houses very political very very blue and in the primary so with science plastered all these houses there are all Bernie Sanders sides and we went trick or treating through the through this neighborhood and I only saw one sign for Hillary Clinton in the entire neighborhood and it wasn't until I saw the one sign that I realized there wasn't any other sign in the new regime across my mind. Until I saw the one sign and that was when I realized this might really be a problem for the Democrats here in Minnesota and I would never have guessed that in a 1000000 years I never would have guessed that and when you're right I think it's not a scientific measurement but it is measurement of the temperament of the electorate right yeah absolutely and what really struck me was the amount of homemade signs that real Susie as that political science has a hard time measuring but if you sit down and talk I mean I saw someone who painted their horse with Trump on the side of it you short me that it was animal say it says this case anybody out there is going to get outraged. But you know I mean I sell barns I sell Pence's I sell homes I mean I sell you know just home a little science homemade big sound in areas that have never voted for Republicans and you know I knew something different was going on so I went out and talked to people all over and that's sort of how i Report period right I mean you and I have been friends for years and then right up there for years I live in Pittsburgh which I factually call the Paris of Appalachia but I get in my car and drive and I don't take the interstate and I don't and I don't fly and I just listen to people most importantly listen to people not even talk to people and their stories started to form this populist. The sentiment that didn't begin in 2016 didn't begin in 2012 I noted that the in 2000 in 5 in the lead up to the wave election against Republicans in office and. The who had held the majority since 1994 people were unhappy with the a stablish myth and the status quo it's not that they work conservative anymore it's just that they wanted to punish them for not want to think that right this is going to go on for a while and I would argue that our disconnect with Washington began way back in in 72 and it's just been building and building and building you know and we're talking with Salinas Ito Washington Examiner reporter New York Post columnist c.n.n. Contributor I've picked up on this when I was doing the research for my book I wrote Going read I did most of the research in mid 2015 mid to late 2015 and I was going out to former Bush County said I'd flip to Obama in 200-2012 I was hearing the same type of thing and that's when I really started taking Donald Trump seriously or that the the the portent of Donald Trump seriously because I was kind of hearing the same thing I was hearing people were just frustrated with both parties in for instance in New Hampshire I went it was an Hampshire for about a week and I was talking with people in New Hampshire they just throw out one party or the other party in their state every every 2 or 4 years they just toss out the Democrats and put in the Republicans and then toss out the Republicans and put in the Democrats for the exact same reason because the people who are elected stop listening to them and they just get rid of them altogether and yet that to me was a huge portend that to me was a big a big indicator as to what was coming and why running a huge just. Bushman a candidate like Hillary Clinton was bound to be a disaster when we come back we're talking with Selena Zito of The Washington Examiner we've been talking about what preceded the 26000 election let's talk about what's happened the 2016 election with the people that she's been talking with on the road I'm Ed Morrissey of honey or dot com filling in for Mike Gallagher will be right back. Real News stimulating Tong's 710 k. And us 10 very. High here for Reg and privacy dot com imagine a politician saying this today I have wondered at times what the 10 Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the u.s. Congress that's a quote from Ronald Reagan he showed us through his life his faith and with his words that Christian values and principles matter you can help spread the legacy of Ronald Reagan you can do it by getting your Reagan email address right now if you have a g. Mail a.o.l. 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Interior themes and exclusive premium materials create the highest form of luxury ever to come from the Lincoln line of vehicles can experience it for yourself and discover your own inspiration available at Colorado's for mere Lincoln dealer at Landmark Lincoln on South Broadway in Inglewood call 303-761-1560. Now back to Mike Gallagher news talk sometimes Katie and us. Might Gallagher. Welcome back to the Mike Gallagher show I'm Ed Morrissey of hot air dot com filling in for Mike today taking your calls at 865 Mike that's 806556453 we're going to have some good news at the bottom of the hour on the Salvation Army the Salvation Army fundraising campaign before we get there go to team Gallagher dot org But we're going to some good news at the bottom the hour stay tuned for that Celine as you know is on the line with us Washington Examiner reporter c.n.n. Contributor New York Post columnist we were speaking in the previous segment Selena about how we how we saw things developing prior to the election explains a lot of what happened in the election what have you been hearing since the election about how people are perceiving the Trump presidency the Republican agenda especially in the last few months when things have really started to gel. Well I do have my book coming out you can find it on Amazon it's called The Great Revolt it's inside the populist coalition reshaping American politics and I went out to the counties that voted for Obama twice and then for a trump and then divided it up into different sort of archetype a voter's people that people didn't really understand who were going to vote for Trump it's sort of myth them. And and I wanted to see how they have spelt about the term presidency and I've found I have found that there is a remarkable ability for them to turn out and turn off the sort of noise of a national news whether it's Fox whether it's c.n.n. Weather center with n.b.c. Whatever it is and they do not let that person in how they view things are going and so while you see a consistent. Poll number that shows only 30 percent or 30 whatever percent supporting him I have found among his supporters that they are satisfied with what he is doing and feel that so far he is doing exactly what they expected him to do when the interesting things ad that I have found and I found this I found this so funny is that a lot of his supporters do not like what he when he tweets but that doesn't change their opinion of him but a lot of people who didn't support him and to kill or people who didn't even vote or voted 3rd party they don't they like something they they they admit that they kind of like when you tweet and they like that about show you know that that is just sort of somebody in a dose of the things that I have. Found out there and I keep traveling across the country and understanding what's happening with the presidency but also what's going to. Start to happen with the midterm elections you know and I think what's going to be important here is how legislation in some of the deregulation impacts people's lives in in these communities because this is economics is really what was driving most of this when from the time I was out talking with people that's what I was hearing about it's all about the economics all about local economics it's all about whether or not people have jobs whether or not for instance New Hampshire was a big thing whether or not the kids have to move away to get economic opportunities and take the grass with them. Yes that's it that is a consistent consistent theme across the country people by a large part like the family connection they like the abil

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