Transcripts For KNTV Today In The Bay 20170429 : comparemela

Transcripts For KNTV Today In The Bay 20170429

the view from the north bay also nice looking back to san francisco. little cool to start your morning. 52 degrees currently in san francisco. north wind. 63. take you over to mount deab low. no clouds to be found. including in san jose. 56 right now. temperature trend as we take you through the day. numbers approaching the 70s around the baby 3:00 and close to 80. inland and evening temperatures also looking pretty mild. high today. close to 80 in san jose. oakland 76. as warm as the temperatures look now, seven someday forecast actually trending even warmer. ahead we'll show you what the warmest temperatures arrive coming up. >> we could be getting close to 80. >> we'll stay tuned for that. this. this morning a major portion of highway 101 is back open. after it was closed for nearly 8 hours. following a deadly shooting. officers shot and killed a plard with a handgun happened after 530 noo:30 in rush hour traffic man reportedly got out of car and began shooting. nbc bay area sky ranger provided these pictures of 101 gridlocked just south of highway 92. completely shutdown until just before 2 this morning. >> the investigation takes precedence. we need our investigator to be able to get the clearest picture that they can. >> it's unclear what led to the shooting. it still remains under investigation this morning. man's identify has not been released. one day after she cancelled speech in berkeley, she has appeared as planned in modesto. peaceful protest greeted the conservative speaker at the fundraising er last night. comes on the heals of the controversial event that was cancelled at uc berkeley thursday because of opposition and security concerns. people who attended last night's private dinner told us she didn't hold back on fieldings. modesto police had people on patrol. major security issues were reported. today is president trump's 100th day in the white house. donald trump will mark the milestone with the rally in philadelphia. historically the 100 day mark is chance for criteriaics and supporters to review the president's performance. the president admitted the commander in chief is heaarder d more work than he anticipated. >> tonight is the white house correspondence dinner trump will not be attending. makes him the first president in more than 30 years to break tradition. meanwhile tensionings escalating between north korea and the u.s. north korea carried out another ballistic missile test. appears to be the same type of missile launches earlier this month. sailed about 20 miles from the launch site exploding midair. back here rat hoat home. get ready. no matter where you are in the bay area, chances are you're going be impacted by protest this monday. expected to draw larger than normal crowds this year because of the trump administration. shows us what's planned. we see a new -- the younger generation of educators coming out with kids. >> the bbanners are ready and teachers are ready to mark for sanctuary cities and schools. this may day walk for children of immigrants and march to spotlight new issues. >> public money going to private schools. and, of course, an increase of charters. and that one is countered to public education. and being on a democracy. outside the immigration and custom building. police barricades are already going up. may day rally worldwide have long focused on fighting for worker's rights. this year much of the attention will be focused on immigrant workers. >> the new president took office, i've had hundreds of calls. what can i do? what should do i? people are freaking out. >> police say they're ready to protect free speech, but reminding people to express outrage lawfully. also allowing business members to allow time off to participate. >> we are ready to respond and support workners any way necessary for them to exercise that right. nbc bay area news. >> well, the battle lines have been drawn between sunny veil and city workers. employees marched to personally deliver this warning. if they don't give the workers a 17 p 17% wage hike, they'll walk off the job this monday. the mayor contends the 10% wage increase on the table is generous enough. >> the employees have not had a raise in five years. in this market, in northern california, are you kidding? >> the city has a great offer on the table. the classifications are already at parody with other cities before we have an increase. >> the threat of a strike comes after months of unsuccessful negotiations. if the strike does happen, people who live and work in sunny veil could be forced to deal with water, sewer and garbage problem. a man accused of throw multiple fire bombs and possibly motivated by race. police say he threw an explosive into his neighborhoods apartment window thursday night. say they heard jones against the same neighborhoods weeks ago. jones also set a car on fire and tried to blow up a small pro pain tank outside police department. that device charred to the ground, but didn't damage the actual building. the bomb squad evacuated businesses and homes yesterday morning after finding a fourth explosive. fortunately no one was hurt. a peaceful ending following a bizarre and dangerous standoff. this is a moment when a suspected murder surrendered yesterday. gregory is accused of shooting and killing his girlfriend in walnut creek. on thursday then pulled over about ten miles over and after a nearly 19 hour standoff, he got out of his car and surrendered. it's 70 p 7. we have much more ahead. people all over the bay area expected to be outside on this warm and sunny weekend. what one park is doing to make sure that thousands of visitors don't leave a trail of trash behind. plus. >> michael cole junior, 15. >> remembering the forgotten ones. a memorial for children and teens who is have lost their lives to violence in alameda county. looking toward sf from emoryville ==kira/cu== some call them the forgotten victims. welcome back. looking towards san francisco. both cities in the mid 70s today and only get warmer from here. meteorologist will be along with a gorgeous forecast. some call them the forgotten victims. children and teens killed by senseless violence in alameda county. yesterday remembered in an annual ceremony. >> michael cole junior, 15. >> the victim's names were read inside the city hall. a companied by bells. all 432 children killed by violence in alameda county since 1994. >> i think it's important to come together to say to those parents we will also remember your children every year. and also to say to the community, this is not okay. >> that's what prompted former alameda county supervisor to start this memorial. >> more kids, to violence in this country than we lose to war. >> that's frustrating for a father whose son was murdered n 1999. the case unsolved. >> i want to know, but they don't say anything yet. going to be 18 years in august this year. >> darrell says remembering is important. >> when you bring the aware rns, bring to life, being able to deal with the problem and trying to find a solution. >> in hayward, nbc area news. it is just shy of 7:12. we have much more ahead on today in the bay. a group of whale watchers got more than they bargainend for. what happened on this tour. haven't seen these temperatures in a while. later on highs approaching 80 this afternoon and a seven-day forecast that could see upper 80s in parts of the bay area. timeline of the warmest temperatures when we arrive and come right back. sf -- transamerica pyramid ==kira/cu== biologists in monterey say they )ve never seen anything getting warmer for here. meteorologist will be along in a bit with that forecast. biologist in say they've ne seen anything like it. kill eer whales interacting wit gray whales. playing in the water and hunting. ended up killing a gray whale calf. group's fourth kill in seven days. this sunny weekend has people planning to get out and enjoy neighborhood parks. thousands expected to head to delors park in san francisco. the crowds are creating a very messy problem. the plan in place to keep the parks clean. >> parks often get trashed. thousands of people expected to pour into the weekend. >> come back tomorrow to dlors park and just chill there. elors park and just chill there. on a business weekend 7,000 gallons after trash is generated here. seen what litter bugs leave behind. >> bottles, trash, it's polluted. it's disgusting at the end of the day. >> park regulars say it's a sad scene. hoping to keep it clean, added more permanent bins. this weekend in eco-pop up will deliver dumpsters and staff to remind park goers to toss their trash. >> it's not nice. they fix it up. it's nice. we should all be respectful and pick our trash up ourselves. i always make sure i always pick up my trash. >> it's kind of sad, right, that people wouldn't even notice. why would you just leave your trash. if you brought it here, that's gross. leave a place how you found it, right. >> hopes it will prevent the lawn from looking like a landfill. nbc bay area news. >> hopefully people respect the park when they're out today. we're both teaching our kids that, aren't we. >> meteorologist is here with a look at thatle beautiful forecast. not only this weekend, but going to continue lu get better. >> midweek. we go feel more like summer. especially tuesday and wednesday outside right now got the clear skies. view from over san francisco from at&t park. later on today temperatures approaching the low to mid 70s. as we head towards the start of the giant padres. you'll have numbers in the 60s diving through the upper 50s towards eight and 9:00 tonight. right now in dublin got about 51 degrees. clear skies around the trivalley right now. see 56 currently in san jose. take you up to sierra. heavenly. nothing, but sunshine. 29 degrees right now. later on in the afternoon. highs here too. you'll see numbers in the low 60s. still snow pack looking like mid winter as the sierra snow packs. the satellite view shows you reason for clear skies. high pressure here building off to the west. jet stream well off to the north. underneath this progressive ly. pretty mild for the afternoon. wind speed has been gusty this morning. notice go through the afternoon. wind air is pointing offshore. all the way into the evening. wind speeds generally 10-20 miles per hour. go through the day, numbers in the low 80s. danville over towards mid 70s. low 70s in san francisco and north bay. highs upper 70s to low 80s today and this weather pattern is going to hold up as it goes through the next few days. notice san francisco might see a hint of sea breeze trying to fire up tomorrow and offshore wind pattern is what is going to hold up to tuesday and wednesday. see the numbers trending a bit warmer. frisk has a chance of getting close to 80 degrees there on wednesday. transition to the end of the week,s winds turn back on shore and see 60s by friday. next weekend clouds maybe a chance of showers. check out the inland temperatures. ahead of the forecast here. low 80s wrap up the weekend in the days to watch. tuesday and wednesday. you got numbers here in the mid to upper 80s. this looks a bit more like summer for the middle part of the week. thursday and friday. temperatures begin to cool down. so what we really haven't seen for the month of april now moving into may. has been seven days of dry weather and warm temperatures. precisely in store for us as we head through thursday and friday. keep an eye on tuesday and wednesday. winds back off. it's possible we could see some days with light winds and warming temperatures. mid 80s possible and upper 80s by midweek. gorgeous weekend for all outdoor plans. no clouds around. finally no rain drops in the seven-day forecast. at least through friday. >> at long last, can't believe it. thanks. >> much more ahead on today in the bay. coming up. a team of professionals making important upgrades for homeowners who need the help. part of bay area series. valley." it )s not just the name of a south bay non profit ... it )s a description of what they actually do. rebuilding it will valley. not just the name of the nonprofit. it's a description of what they actually do. last weekend was a great example. no shortage of volunteers to work on 30 repair projects. today in the bay has the story. in this morning's bay area proud. >> there are times you hear a story about something unfortunate happening to an elderly person living alone. people wonder why didn't someone step in to help before then? this story is about someone or in fact a whole team of them that did just that. >> 1974. it's been 43 years, but he still rememberins the very day he mov into the trailer home. >> that's all i can say. >> there is now another day in april. this saturday in fact that this legally blind and deaf 79-year-old will hopefully long remember as well. >> would you like to have your house painted on the outside? >> it's the day terry and her friends at rebuilding sell cone valley made it so jerry could stay in his home. >> these are p wires that he's put together. most of the electrical in his house, most of the switches don't work anymore. over the years, you see things have gotten run down around here and frankly dangerous. >> we got in there we could see he definitely was one of cases that needed some help immediately. he was a critical case that we wanted to take care of right away. >> in honor of 25 year anniversary. rebuilding together tackled more than 30 major repair jobs, homes and nonprofits throughout the south bay. including jerry's place. designed remodeling to the job and entire team came out to lend a hand. this is the kind of firm that frankly is used to working on much higher end homes. >> you're going to need about two or three more of those, but eric director of production says this feels more like a higher purpose. >> you deal with a lot of people. we're dealing with a need. to be able to fulfill a need and know it makes a difference in a day-to-day life on a fundamental basis is a big difference. it's a new color kitchen. >> jerry has a lot of stuff we can dump. >> co-owns with her ex-husband jim. they swear this kind of work does as much for their employees moral as it will for jerry's quality of life. saying a lot. just to name a few improvements. jerry once again has a place he can safely call home. >> are you ready for us to leave, jerry? >> yes. >> in addition to all that exterior work and fixing all the wiring and flooring inside jerry's house, they also gave him a new refrigerator which was the one thing it seemed he was most happy about. nbc bay area news. we have much more ahead on today in the bay coming up. city workers declare a strike in the south bay. how residents will be impacted if garbage, water, sewer problems arise. growing standoff that will affect an entire city. meet the new draft pick for t raiders and 49ers. why call waiting played a big role in nabbing a first round pick. have assembled. spider-man... black widow... captain america... and eddie? so, what's the plan? breaking out the guardians, pal. come celebrate the all-new guardians of the galaxy-mission: breakout! during the summer of heroes, only at disneyland resort. hero up! kira/2shot good morning, thanks for joini looking at live look outside. 8:00. thanks so much for being here with us. gorgeous forecast. >> there have been days we haven't seen that at all. >> the rain. >> here's the deal. 46 degrees if you can head up to sonoma and napa today. low 80s. little bit of sunshine. gorgeous kind of silhouette view looking back to san jose. 56 degrees currently. see numbers approaching around 3:00. close to 80. downtown san jose. so we're hour by hour temperature trend looking at clear skies around the coast and bay. mid 70s this afternoon. close to 80 inland and staying mild into the evening with high temperatures today near 74 in san francisco. 83 in napa. 80 in san jose. gorgeous start to the weekend. about to get even warmer. 7 day forecast look at that coming up in about 12 minutes. >> hard to believe it can get warmer than that. >> and arriving for the weekend for a change. 12 minutes. stay tuned. rob thanks. this morning a major portion of highway 101 on the peninsula is back open. after it was closed for nearly eight hours overnight following a deadly shooting. three chp officers shot and killed a man who they say was armed with a handgun. this happened just after 5:30 in the middle of rush hour traffic on northbound 101. the man reportedly got out of his car and michigbegan shootin nbc area sky ranger provided these pictures of gridlocked traffic on 101 just south of highway 92. completely shutdown just before 2 this morning. >> the investigation takes precedent. need the investigators to get the clearest picture they can. >> unclear that led to the shooting. remaining under investigation this morning. one day after ann colter cancelled speech at berkeley. she appeared as planned in modesto. appearance in the central valley comes on the heals of controversial event that was cancelled on uc berkeley on thursday because of opposition and security concerns. people who attended the dinner told us she didn't hold back on the feelings about being pushed off the berkeley speaking schedule. >> she said it was unfortunate. the free speech isn't free speech. >> racism, hatred of other people, homophobia. >> modesto police had called in extra units nor the appearance, but no arrests nor anymore major security issues were reported. today as president trump's 100th day in the white house. mark the milestone with a rally in philadelphia. historically this 100 day smark a chance for critics and supporters alike to review the president's performance. the president admitted this week that being the commander in chief is harder and more work than he had anticipated. tonight, is the white house correspondence dinner. trump will not be attending. that makes him the first president in more than 30 years to break with that tradition. the prospect of more oil drilling on the coast has environmental groups and back door now open by president trump. disasters like the oil spill that happened two years ago are cited as reasons to uphold a ban on new oil wells. when signing yesterday's executive order, president complained new drilling will make america more secure and create more jobs. >> drilling is dirty and very dangerous. only 7 years ago we had the disastrous spill in the gulf. we can't afford a mistake like that off the coast of california. >> it's not just california. the order also opening up the possibility of drilling in the arctic and atlantic ocean. >> californians and ors around the country are organizing marches around the country to protest the order. now on brink of major strike in silicone valley. hundreds of employees say they'll walk off the job on monday. today in the bay scott reports the city is warning residents to expect an critical services. >> close to 400 workers marched on city hall here. employees association union delivering notice that they'll go on strike starting monday. >> monday, we're not coming to work. we're coming to strike. i think it's going to be pretty obvious that we're the workforce here. we're the ones that make the city happen. >> sunniville employees have not had a raise in five years. in this market, in northern california? are you kidding? >> after months of negotiating with the city, sea workers say they're at an impasse and the strike means some local residents will miss certain city services. >> we're talking water pollution control plant, potable water, sewer, parks workers, garbage cans at the parks, grass being mowed. those types. >> for those part the city says it's offering 10% raise and has filed an injunction to keep certain so-called certainly workers on the job. >> we needed to go through and make sure we're going be able to make sure those essential city services were available. if the strike comes to pass. >> infectinbc bay area news. new development. outside engineer testified at a hearing in san francisco. was asked to explain a possible connection between the sinking tower and the transbay material. the developer claim the excavation for that material is what started the sinking troubles on the tower. now held six hearings on the millennium. yesterday head pressed one of the tower engineers why the project was left out. >> we knew as a bid project and it is next door to this building, and had no idea what kind of influence it might have on this particular wilding. it was important to mention that. >> that man provided notes that indicate that back in 2006, the city building inspection engineer stressed it was not the responsibility of the pure review team to deal with the transbay project. nobody is taking responsibility. not the peer reviewers, not the building inspectors. not the millennium. it's quite frustrating. >> issued a subpoena to testify at yesterday's hearing. albany high school is dealing with another social media scandal. this time an instagram account with inappropriate pictures of students. the interim principal sent an e-mail to parents this week outlining the school's reaction to explicit photos. another social media featuring races of fellow students. the students involved in that incident are in the process of being expelled. >> made clear from these separate to related actions is that our student body stands together in this message that our school stands for inclusion. >> there is no indication this time that the two incidents are related. it is just shy of 7:36. we have much more ahead on today in the bay. coming up. newest member of the giants breathing light back into the early season. what he did last night that sent fans into a frenzy. take a live look outside ... at oracle arena. we now know that the warriors will begin the second round of the nba playoffs at oracle on tuesday. the dubs swept the trail blazers in the first round -an temperatures in the mid 70s today. warriors round two seeshz begin tuesday. waiting the winners of the clippers series. that series will be decided tomorrow. the kid has done it again. the 21-year-old rookie plays the hero. sending a sold out san francisco giant's crowd home happy. giants and padres at at&t park. royals break that tie with home run to the left. what a beauty. that would be the game winner. orioles second homer in five games. being called up since from the minor leagues. giants beat the padres 4-3. newest batch of millionaires haves arrived for duty. introduced top draft picks. 49ers cell phone drama. today in the bay colin has this report from team headquarters in santa clara. >> we haven't met before. i already feel like he's my brother. so. he's right about that. >> saints have their way, thomas would have been wrong about that. before they traded back into the first round to take ruben foster. new orleans was set to take him at 32. let him explain the dueling phone call situation that occurred. >> my girl one wuz on the phone with new orleans saint. a click had came in pulled the phone. i clicked over. i had clicked over for strisk while the saints were still on the line. i told them it was too late. 34th pick. you're just too late. >> was it awkward at all when you switched back. >> no, it was not. i was just happy. >> foster moved on quickly. an attribute that could serve him well until the nfl. from the sound of it, 49ers were the preferred landing spot. down played the starting right away. certainly be their goal. >> agreed going to be a lot of fun and like ruben, it's a dream come true. i can't wait. i grew up loving the 49ers. all the greats i and i want to come here and become one of the greats. i know i got to wait my turn and do a step at a time, but i'm willing to do that and i'm going do that. >> the aspiration, just what you would expect from a first round pick. nbc bay area. >> as for the raiders, conley arrived in alameda, he's their top pick from ohio state. the concern here is his legal trouble. he says he's innocent after he was recently accused of raping a woman in cleveland earlier this month. however he has not been arrested and is cooperating with police. the team says they've done their due diligence and confident he will be cleared offend the allegation. much more ahead on today in the bay. coming up, millions of americans have mailed away dna to trace an s zestry. responds to a south bay family privacy concern. right now stunning start to the weekend. looking at clear skies. 60 degrees. radar obviously quite dry without any clouds around and high pressure strengthens. ahead for the forecast, leave things feeling more like summer. fairly soon. look at that when we come right back. a run, clear skies on the coast and san francisco right now. just outside at&t park. on a typical day, that could be a high temperature. instead we're looking at low to mid 70s near san francisco and view from emeryville. look at the visibility. all the way back towards the golden gate bridge off to right side of screen. bay bridge. 62 currently. clear skies. san jose 56 for the moment. around downtown. climbi ining closer to 80. gorgeous day. observation deck there looking for the south shore of lake tahoe. 29 chilly degrees right now. clear skies. going to head to sierra this weekend. high country. kind of an interesting start to april when you consider if you average. clearly ahead of the last three years. add up those rain totals. seems relentless. all this rain we've had from the start of the year even from april. you're right. according to the numbers we're due a break. seeing precisely that right now. on the satellite view. reason for the clear skies. high offshore winds. taking the storm track and sending it to the north. rain towards seattle or vancouver. that's a lot of sunshine coming up. areas from portland all the way down to san diego. high will strengthen. tuesday and wednesday, high will actually trend a bit stronger by the time we get to tuesday and wednesday. highs climbing mid to upper 80s. usually we're tracking rain drops or clouds. 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. and you'll notice during the day tomorrow, sunday may see a few patches of low clouds. overall not much temperature change as we go through the next couple of days. highs today around the bay area. around san jose. 79 morgan hill. low 80s. 82 in pleasanton. highs into the low 80s. peninsula mid to upper 70s. san matteo. highs in the mid 70s for san francisco. north bay temperatures north wind very dry. highs in the low 80s. hour by hour forecast. warm temperatures today. nice evening too and a repeat performance tomorrow. if not feeling like summer temperatures in the valley. progressively warmer each day through wednesday. check on wednesday. may be close to 80s. numbers here from today through wednesday. feel like summer and finally see a bit of cooling. >> looks so beautiful. thanks. much more ahead on today in the bay coming up. popular dna help you discover your past. bay area response. hey you've gotta see this. c'mon. no. alright, see you down there. mmm, fine. okay, what do we got? okay, watch this. do the thing we talked about. what do we say? it's going to be great. watch. remember what we were just saying? go irish! see that? yes! i'm gonna just go back to doing what i was doing. find your awesome with the xfinity x1 voice remote. family in san jose ... concerned about a popular d-n-a test that )s supposed to tell you about your ancestry. they didn )t realize how much of their privacy they would have to sign away to find popular dna test supposed to tell you about your an sescestr what they didn't realize how much privacy they would have to sign away to show their roots. shows us surprising findings. >> reporter: a visit to a cemetery. for generations, cross-referencing tombstones and vital records was required to unlock your lineage. now you can easily uncover some of the mystery of your family tree with dna. >> i thought it would be a really good christmas present. >> led him to buy a kit for his wife. who doesn't want to appear on camera. >> she's always been interested in genealogy. >> the $99 dna test uses a saliva sample to trace family history. here's how it works. >> a simple test can reveal an estimate of your ethnic mix. like if your irish or scandinavian or both. >> it was supposed to be fun, but their curiosity twisted to suspicious when they read the fine print. to proceed they would have to give ancestry a royalty free worldwide transferable license to use their dna. >> that entire phrase perpetual loyalty free worldwide transferable just sounds like they've left it open to do whatever they want with it. larry was concerned the license could put hands of dna in an insurance company that could later deny coverage. >> you can get into weird science fiction scenarios. >> that's not a crazy word. >> teaches and writes books about the intersection of biotech and the law. we brought him larry's concern and ancestry's contract including the poilty free, worldwide transferable license. >> i think that was writtenly y lawyer who was probably getting paid. >> described gina safe guards the public from your dna being used against you. >> you aren't current law they can deny you health insurance because of genetic nchgs, but that doesn't apply to life insurance and. no guarantee gina will be on the books. still he says human dna doesn't reveal as much you might think. >> our dna just frankly isn't that exciting. for the most part, i'd much rather let you have any dna than credit card records. if that's the case y do ancestry and other companies like it require a dna license to join. money. agr says medical researchers and pharmaceutical companies need dna to develop new products and companies that have big dna databases sell it to them. some get fash amouir amount of by selling your dna. boasts the world's largest consumer dna database. unsure how lucrative that data is because the company is privately held and not blatded to report how much money it makes from selling dna data. we asked for an interview. it declined. in a statement it said we will not share with third party markers. currently tells users they have a choice to later delete dna test result or destroy physical dna sample. also says it stores your dna sample without your name. those statements are posted on privacy page. however, they're not in the contract you sign. >> if it bothers you. if it offends you. if you're worried about what might be in there, then you shouldn't sign this contract. >> larry didn't. he cancelled. so now the steps to tracing the family tree might include an old fashioned graveyard walk. inside of modern computer analysis. handing over family's dna too find his ancestors was too much of a risk. maybe five years from now they decide to buy up all this genetic information. >> that was chris reporting for us this morning. professor noted the dna tests are fairly cheap and perhaps for a reason. possible the low price we pay today is subsidized by the future of dna data. se much more ahead on today in the bay. coming up, the future of a beloved falcon camera in the south bay is shaky. tell you about the upgrade it desperately needs to keep running. tesla )s high profile ceo is digging in... to beat la traffic. ==vo== elon musk unveiled this video -- showing the beginning of his plan to begin digging tunnels for underground freeways. musk )s newest company... titled "the boring company", went live yesterday. musk wants to build a series of underground tunnels beneath l-a... where cars can be transported on an electric skate. those skates will move at an estimated 130 miles an hour. the boring company is building a demo tunnel in space- x )s parking lot-- but has not yet acquired digging permits from the city of l-a. ==kira/cu== the falcons that call the top of san jose city hall "home"--- are of la. now to the falcons that call the top of san jose city home. they are expanding their crew this spring. take a look. clara and fernando actually have four eggs. the fourth one never hatched. the others hatched earlier this month. bird expert climbed the nest to check all three chicks. something he's done for 11 years. >> it's the 11th year we have baby us up there. same female which is unusual. at four different females over the year. she's produced 36 young. which is great. >> you can monitor the latest on the falcon cam on the city's website. at least for now. started to deteriorate and estimates will it cost nearly $25,000 to replace the camera. that camera has been there since 2006. hopefully they get some money for that with the new family members. thanks so much for making us a part of your morning. we hope you can get out and enjoy this gorgeous weather. >> no rush. next seven days gorgeous from here. >> due to the stanley cup playoffs. newscast moved to 4:30 and 8:00. hope to see you then. bye bye. . symbol you know you're watching television that's educational and informational. the more you know on nbc. josh: today on the voyager, i get an up-close look at a true mayan art form. there's like 4 or 5 steps going on with every pull of her fingers. learn the process behind the most famous traditional soap of france. it's like cheese coming off a grater. and go head-to-head with the world champion of pesto. man: stronger than this. josh: i think she's stronger. let's see. yep, she won. my name is josh garcia. ever since i was a kid i dreamt about traveling the world by ocean, immersing myself in new cultures and exploring nature's wonders. now i'm making that dream a reality.

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