Transcripts For KNTV Today In The Bay 20170427 : comparemela

Transcripts For KNTV Today In The Bay 20170427

has one small report by the station so we're following up is what is going on. the station is the fartherers north you can go on that line right now as far as stations are open. let's get you out to the roadways. roadway lts show you the richmond station is here. eller er el zero d cerito is right here. we'll see what information bart can give us about the bridge between those two stations. for now, back to keri and her forecast. a few clouds across the bay area but not drizzling, misting like we had yesterday morning as ting fep out in north bay and san francisco. an all dry start as our temperatures are coming back down a couple degrees in the tri-valley. 56 degrees in the south bay as you head out in san francisco, highs will be warmer than yesterday reaching 72 degrees with sunshine and gusty winds, 64 today in san francisco. we'll look ahead to a warmer weekend coming up in a few minutes. sam and laura. >> look forward to that. thank you, kari. talking about bart, trying to prevent fare evaders and keeping inders safe, tonight a rare meeting to discuss those topics by the board of directors. >> it comes after dozens of juveniles jumped the turnstiles robbing people aboard the bay. pete suratos is live at how the transit agency tries to stop this from happening again. good morning, pete. >> reporter: good morning to you, laura and sam, that issue of fare evasion at bart cost bart as much as $10 million to $20 million every single year. this is why it will be discussed at tonight's meeting. i want to point out this meeting was planned back in december and the point was to accommodate more public input since these meetings typically take place in the morning. that issue of fare evasion is relevant following the incident over the weekend with teenagers hoping fare gates at the oakland coliseum stop, jumping on a train heading towards dublin then snatching cell phones and purses from people on bart and injuring a few of them in the process. the bart president says fare evasion has been a concern for riders prior to this incident for some time and solutions is what will be discussed tonight. >> there are solutions including capital investments so making the barriers higher so people can't jump over them, doing some things with the fare gates to make them harder to fare evade and then some solutions involve enenforcement to have more officers out there. >> now, bart committee is pushing for these solutions to be a part of the upcoming budget which will be discussing during tonight's meeting. this is the first evening meeting for bart's board of pvo== ors in two years. it will take place at the kaiser mall. live in the bay area, pete suratos, today in the bay. vallejo firefighters trying to determine the cause of an early morning hours fire. it started on benicia road a few adacks east of interstate 80. crews say the home was vacant and there were no injuries. students at livermore's l enada high school on notice this morning. they're warned not to put images it a brutal fight between two girls on social media. that fight between the students happened back on monday and it deft one girl with serious head injurie injuries. the school's principal says far too many students with crowding ld how when this was happening, ing ong the incident and discussing it on social media. dente were told how serious this was and to not post anything on locial media. >> as for the girls involved, new victim is home recovering and the other student was arrested for felony battery and could be expelled. new details on a story we broke on today in the bay. videsearch continues for suspects involved in a violent beating near the san jose state campus. e braight was caught on e rveillance video and we want to warn you, the video is ctim wbing. the brawl broke out about 1:30 yesterday morning outside a omen t jack-in-the-box. police say the victim was a woman in dark clothing. as you can see, several other women threw some punches there. at one point, the victim is imsewn to the ground and kicked. no word on the victim's condition. >> a lot of people just standing offender. ching, too. 4:35 right now. 25-an has been arrested in 13-yeield for exposing himself at a bus stop, police say he's a repeat offender. s was alold enrique cisneros was spotted by two 13-year-old girls committing a lewd act. videas arrested after a brief kmas with police. they say cisneros was on probation for committing the same kind of lewd acts before. a search of his cell phone is nows video evidence he'd been recording himself performing other lewd acts at different places in fairfield. a south bay woman on a f ssion to reclaim her most prized possession, her wedding ring which thieves stole during a car break in. carrie perez of morgan hill ran the rock and roll half marathon in san francisco just a few weeks ago. ed hreturned to her car on golden gate near franklin to find the car trashed, smashed meanows, several bags gone, that ==cluded hers per whe s pepurse left her engagement ring and wedding band. >> we only got married seven months ago so the ring is super sentimental, it means a lot. >> there is a chance police could solve the case. a private investigator has obtained video he says shows two people using perez's credit cards shortly after the break-in. perez says she would pay a ioward if an arrest is made. >> hopefully she'll get the ring back. up next, protests in south korea, riot police in action as crowds revolt against the performent of a u.s. missile defense system. and the nfl draft lining up for a big night. how the 49ers could change the look and performance of their team. new this morning -- protests in south korea over the deployment of the u-s missile defense system. 4:39, new this morning, protests in south korea over the deployment of the u.s. missile defense system. you can see riot police holding the crowds back as the system called thaad is being moved into position. it consists of six truck-mounted launchers that can fire up to 48 interceptor missile to counter an attack from north korea. the trump administration this morning still apparently nowhere near giving up the fight to pull funding from sanctuary cities, despite the big legal blow on tuesday. that is when a u.s. district judge in san francisco blocked president trump's executive order. attorney general jeff sessions commented on the ruling last night. he didn't specifically mention an appeal but did say he is not ready to accept the ruling and vowed to keep fighting that case in court. switching topics for a second and happening today a look at what is still at least for the moment two bay area hot beds of nfl football. levi stadium on the right side of your screen and the oakland coliseum on the left. big day for sports fans and certainly for nfl fans tonight because this evening it's here, the start of the nfl draft and the 49ers, in case you haven't heard, pick second in the draft. the raiders are selecting 24th. fans from both teams are holding draft parties and the niners event happens at levi stadium. the raiders event is at the fox theater in oakland. man, a busy time right now. a live look at at&t park where fans were rocking last night. what happened on that field could be just the medicine the giants need right now. they were kind of reeling, no more. two home runs the comeback against the dodgers. there's one of them. that's the newest giant, christian arroyo, first game up. >> hello. >> good-bye. exactly. the second one, a familiar face, michael morse, just brought back to the giants. he tied the game up with that home run and again here is the game winner, hunter pence with a little sac fly to left field just deep enough to get the run home. giants win this one in extras 4-3 so now they have a day game today. if they win that they would take three out of four from their l.a. rivals. >> that would be a nice one. coming up, clearing skies are expected today as well. making way for another great bay area day. >> and if you are going out to the giants game, it will be bright and sunny. temperatures reaching into the low 60s. make sure you bring the sun block. we'll talk about more sun and the micro climate forecast for the weekend on the other side of the break. it looks like a good ride right now here at the maze but nearby we have a problem for one of your bart stations. i'll show you what happens if you have to hit the road. plus, alexa will be watching, not just listening. the way the amazon product will be helping customers pick out their next outfits. ♪ ♪ if you grow up here, you really can be anything. sutter health. proudly caring for northern california, birthplace of pioneers. proudly caring for northern california, gate bridge hey, good morning to you, taking a live look outside, what's going on obstruction of justice the golden gate bridge? the that that zipper thing. >> there you go. zipper moving up the bridge. >> it changes the lanes. the zipper truck, is that the official name? >> that's what i call it. >> it is now. it is now. 4:45 in the morning on thursday and we're hoping for those clearing skies, . >> we're going to get it, we deserve. >> it thank you, we've been waiting for it. >> all week long and all winter, really, because it's been very wet. we're done with the rain the way it looks on the computer model so we start out now in san jose, still leftover clouds from that system that rolled through yesterday and we are taking a break from all of the wet weather, too, after some drizzle and mist yesterday in parts of the bay area. we're not going to see that now. temperatures are dropping in the north bay, 45 in napa -- rather 45 in napa, 54 degrees in palo alto. and the seven-day forecast is at the bottom of the screen. temperatures will keep warming up over the next several days. morgan hill up to 74 degrees, 72 degrees in san jose and milpitas at 73 degrees for the high. danville 72 and 75 in walnut creek and upper 60s to low 70s in the peninsula. but half moon bay, only 59 in afternoon and 61 in the inge lside district while santa rosa is 74. as we go throughout the morning in oakland, we start out cool. it will be 58 degrees but then with all of that sunshine we make it into the upper 60s, hitting 70 later today and as you look out the window, trying to figure out what to wear today. we'll bring it into the closet, a good tip would be sunglasses and also a t-shirt as temperatures warm up. it will be that kind of day you need sunglasses throughout the afternoon. and it will be breezy so we're looking at wind speeds from lunchtime. it will be coming in from the northwest at about 15 to 20 miles an hour. inland areas will be lighter but as we go into this evening we see the winds picking up, san francisco some sustained winds at 25 miles an hour as we transition from cooler to warmer weather, those winds will be kicking up for today as well as tomorrow throughout the afternoon. so we'll be windy and also the temperatures making it into the upper 60s. in san francisco for tomorrow and the weekend looks very nice, low 70s there and then look at the inland areas, we're going to feel like summer as we will see a lot of sunshine and highs in the 80s and it continues to get even hotter through the middle of next week. mike, you're tracking that problem for bart riders? >> a big problem. we started out with the breaking news that we had just learned the richmond station was closed. it remains closed right now. bart says there's a power issue at the station so the el cerrito station is the closest accessible station to the area. no word on bus bridges. as we take to the roads, because the bart station is closed some folks might be trying to find alternates. if you drive on the freeways there are no major problems for the speed sensors around the bay. let me take you to the waze system. you can either tyke the roads from the richmond station into the city or wherever else you're going along the bart line or someone might want to pick you up. so there's a nice easy 25 minute drive out of pinole and into the bay bridge. but if you jog over past the richmond station, use that green line, that adds 10 minutes, that's not much. you can help a friend out. you'll leave early, that's an option for you. you get your option with waze as well. they'll help you outline how long things take from wherever you're going to wherever you're going but make sure you're on our team. go to your profile and select the team called nbc bay area wazers. if you've been a member for years, you will not have been a member of our team. switch over, folks. back to you. >> the new wazers are growing. thank you, my friend. 4:48 right now. people are angry, in case you didn't notice. and now united airlines is taking new measures to prevent overbooking after that video of a passenger being dragged went viral. >> let's check in with landon dowdy live at cnbc world headquarters, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning to you both, wall street could reverse yesterday's losses, futures are higher. stocks failing to hold on to gains yesterday closing lower after the white house released president trump's tax plan. while investors applaud the proposed tax cuts for businesses and individuals, the markets weren't overly excited as there are still questions about the details. you want to look for data on unemployment, housing and durable goods and earnings from nbc universal parent comcast as well as ford, amazon, google and starbucks. the dow slipping 21 points, the nasdaq down a fraction to 6025. united airlines released a report on its investigation into the passenger who was dragged off of a flight this month. the carrier says it's taking actions to reduce overbooking. unite willed no longer call law enforcement to remove passengers and people who are already seated won't have to give up their seats. the company will now offer up to $10,000 to passengers who volunteer to forfeit their seats. it's also adopting a no questions asked policy if it permanently loses your luggage, paying $1500 for the value of the bag and its contents. despite taking a major pr hit the past few weeks, united's stock is up more than 3%. and meanwhile, alexa, how do i look? amazon has rolled out a new version of its echo device which has a built-in camera to help you organize and get recommendations on outfits. the echo look, which costs $200, displays selfies in an app and can track what you've worn and on which day. amazon will also use the device to try and sell you clothes. back over to you. >> how honest is alexa? alexa, does this make me look fat? >> i knew that's what you were going to ask. >> probably more honest than we like. >> you always look great, thank you, landon. >> and you always look great as well, let's make that clear. the idea of all californians funded by the same health care is getting a new push not in washington but sacramento, some calling the ideas radical but health workers rallying at the state capital to support new legislation that would blow up california's current health care system. it would be single payer, no cost, guaranteed health care which is common in some other nations but not really here in the states. supporters say the time has come for california to take that measure. the state senate committee yesterday advanced that bill. in the meantime, new government data shows fewer americans are without health insurance period than they were six years ago. research shows 24 million adults were uninsured in 2016 which is up from about -- is about 18 million less than it was in 2010. the number of people without coverage for at least a year also dropped by 10%. it's 4:52. coming up, we investigate. >> san jose flood victims are demanding answers. millions of tax dollars were supposed to be used to better protect neighborhoods. coming up, we investigate why homes throughout the city within left underwater. but first happening right now, payday for the former president, we're learning former president barack obama is going to be paid handsomely, $400,000, for a speech to wall street. that speech in september is going to be held at a health care conference. later today, the state of arkansas planning on executing another death row inmate. this would mark the state's fourth lethal injection in just the time span of one week. arkansas's lethal injection drugs expire at the end of april. we're back with more news coming up in just two minutes. who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. going head to head with their welcome back. 4:55 on thursday morning. frustrated head victims are going head to head with their elected officials tomorrow. at issue are millions of your tax dollars that were supposed to help better protect the area from flooding. so what happened? bigad shaban has been looking into that. >> reporter: good morning, we discovered nearly $11 million of your tax dollars were spent on designs that were supposed to reduce the risk of flooding for parts of san jose. but we discovered those millions haven't produced a single fix. now san jose councilman raul paralis says he and other city council members will take part in a joint meeting with the water district tomorrow. our reporting last month also revealed the water district now wants to redo some of those multimillion dollar plans that it already put together. the district hopes to come up with alternative options that could provide better flood protection at a cheaper price. the water district tells us it hopes to speed up its new planning process and implement short-term fixes by the end of the year but major improvements could be years away. that public meeting is scheduled for 9:00 a.m. tomorrow at the water district headquarters in san jose. if you have a tip for our investigative unit, call us, 888-996-tips or send us an e-mail at >> if you happen to be walking around berkeley hills, look out for pipes above you. east bay mud is airlifting 4,400 feet of pipes to replace some of the aging water mains in the panoramic way neighborhood next the to the claremont canyon regional preserve. from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. coming up, clearing out the clouds, making way for a great day. >> it will be nice and warm, too, temperatures stay comfortable, a look at the temperature trend for santa clara. we start out in the low '60s and then the low '70s by later today. heading into the weekend, we'll see more sunshine in that micro climate forecast up next. and a quick look at the bay bridge toll plaza shows you the cash lanes are stacking up a tad bit and we have two reasons why more folks might be hitting the road. plus, conservative commentator ann coulter will not be speaking at cal today. we found that out yesterday. but there's still going to be protests. the fight over free speech happening in berkeley. bob live tease =sam/live/vo= and new this morning.. possible protests for and against ann coulter after cal cancels her on-campus speech, a hint she might show up anyway. new this morning, a staff member groped at stanford. we're live with the investigation into a string of assaults that have happened on campus. two construction workers fall 40 feet here on this sprawling facebook campus in menlo park. why the fire chief says it's truly a miracle they survived. it is thursday morning. coming up on 5:00 here, glad you're with us, i'm sam brock. >> and i'm laura garcia-cannon. we've been waiting for the clouds to clear all week. >> and it finally happens today. it's going to be a beautiful day and even with all of the sunshine it won't be very uncomfortable. in fact, we'll start out with a cool morning and then see it warming up nicely and i could just take a look at this all day long. here's a look at the bay bridge from san francisco and you also see things getting moving out there on this thursday morning heading into this afternoon, expect a high of 72 degrees in san jose and 71 degrees in livermo livermore. 74 in santa rosa while san francisco will be up to 64 degrees. heading into the weekend it gets really warm. another problem for the tracks? >> another problem for another set of tracks, kari. we know about the richmond station closed at the end of the line getting to the bart sta

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