Transcripts For KNTV Today In The Bay 20160930 : comparemela

Transcripts For KNTV Today In The Bay 20160930

let's get the to the morning commute. >> we have a crash on the bay bridge. we'll take you to the maps and tell you what we're talking about. the speed sensors around the bay look good. the maps will show no major problems with the bay bridge just at the embarcadero over crossing. there was a traffic break which has just cleared and looks like they've already recovered. no lanes reported blocked now. look at the bay bridge toll plaza. there was never really an effect over there. there were no metering lights to slow down. low clouds look kind of like yesterday. >> we have cloud cover in the area. we'll eventually see sunshine as we get into the afternoon. temperatures in the 50s for the most part. as we go through the afternoon, we'll see a cooler day. comfortable. you may need to hold on to the jacket for the afternoon. only 60 degrees in san francisco, 68 in palo alto. the weekend right around the corner. some of us may be taking a long weekend. headed to santa cruz, maybe beach weather marks some rain. we'll talk to you about in just a bit. now to the latest on the loma fire. here are the newest numbers for the wildfire still burning aggressively. 4,147 acres burned, at this point 34% containment. more than 1900 firefighters are on the ground trying to extinguish those flames. eight homes have been destroyed. let's go live to the command center in gilroy. for the first time, bob redell joining us, residents able to meet face-to-face with the firefighters trying to save their homes. >> reporter: good morning, sam and laura. last night cal fire leadership met with some of the residents at loma prieta elementary school and they were meeting with people who have homes within the loma fire boundaries. the residents greeted firefighters with applause and showed their appreciation for their hard work in trying to put out this fire that has been burning since monday. there was some frustration and concern. some of the people at last night's meeting have not yet been able to go back into the fire zone to see if their homes are still standing or if theirs is one of the eight that have burned to the ground. >> we're smack right in the middle of the fire and we don't know if our stuff was destroyed. >> we know the area around it has burned. we're hoping we'll have a home. >> reporter: cal fire told those residents at the meeting they are trying to get them back to their property sometime next week. the goal is to have this fire contained by monday. residents also have concern over the heavy fire equipment damaging those roads. cal fire promised that i will fix whatever they break. we expect an up date on the loma fire at cal fire's regular 7:00 a.m. taking place at christmas hill park in gilroy. bob redell, "today in the bay." >> no do it an awfully anxious time for those displaced families. 4:34 now. a middle school teacher at a prestigious private school is in jail accused of sexually assaulting a student. investigators say david graham sexually assaulted that student back in 2007. graham was her algebra teacher at harker academy in san jose. officers say he used his position of authority to force that student into a sexual relationship. a friend of the alleged victim contacted police last week. 4:34. new this morning, three suspects reportedly in custody after they say their car nearly ran down an officer only to crash following a brief chase. police say the driver slammed through barriers protecting the park and wound up against a tree. earlier police say the driver tried to run down a richmond police officer during what was started as a traffic stop. berkeley is reporting three people in the car were arrested. >> a community is in mourning after losing a beloved police officer who also is a father of seven kids. >> officer kevin zink was a well liked resource officer at helms middle school in san pablo. yesterday more than 300 students wrote messages and notes to him after learning he died. the principal said he learned every student's name and was seen as a friend. >> it was an unexpected accident. students were just in shock. >> there were a number ofd kids, he worked with them and their families. this is an officer that not only did it during his time but also his own time. >> there will be no trains coming in and out of hoboken, new jersey. investigators trying to figure out what caused a train to crash. we brought it to you here on "today in the bay." a young mother was sadly killed and more than 100 others hurt. the commuter train plowed through a barrier, jumping the track and slamming into a wall. authorities say the train did not have positive train control or ptc. it's a safety system that uses gps and computers to monitor trains and stopping them from speeding or derailing. >> year after year we'll continue to see accidents that could have been prevented by ptc. >> only 22% of the trains in the country currently have that advanced breaking system. we'll have a live report from new jersey at 5:30. dignitaries in israel right now attending the funeral for former israeli president shimon peres. former president bill clinton also participates in the eulogy. shim mows peres died tuesday at the age of 93. >> tracking cooler temperatures across the bay area. a chance of rain later this morning. meteorologist anthony slaughter in for kari. >> if you're headed to the castro street fair on sunday, plan for showers. plus a cooldown for your friday. also plan for reroutes around that castro street fair. over here 101 is not a problem. we'll show you the bigger view coming up. housing versus office space. the fight over precious land in the peninsula is getting heated as bay area real estate is being divided for the future. introducing new k-y touch gel crème. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. because shevery year. ow that it kills 40,000 californians... because she doesn't understand what cancer is. because she can't spell emphysema. because she is a butterfly, who fights fires. because she is my daughter, and the surgeon general says that raising tobacco taxes... is a proven way to make sure she never smokes. that's why i'm voting yes on 56. and murdering sierra lamar is scheduled to return to a south bay cotr happening later today, the man accused of kidnapping and murdering angela lamar. torres is charged in the murder of sierra lamar. last week torres' attorneys argued for more time before the trial begins. the start of the trial has been delayed numerous times in the past. it may begin as soon as next month. clairemont police are looking for a man who may have witnessed a hit-and-run. this is surveillance video moments after the crash. officers are emphasizing he didn't do anything wrong. they just want his help. the hit-and-run happened wednesday in the irvington area. officers found a woman lying in the street. she remains in critical condition. investigators would not release any details about the suspect. a fight over affordable housing that's taking place on the peninsula where san francisco is asking the city of bris bain to rethink the b baylands development project. opponents say all the housing would ruin brisbane's small town charm. they also say the baylands is contaminated. a final decision is expected in the spring. it is 4:41. happening today, contra costa county workers locked in a bitter contract dispute will begin a three-day strike today. it affects 1100 county service workers. the last contract expired in june. in a statement earlier this week the union says workers will walk off the job on friday if a deal can't be reached. up next, the presidential campaign making some history, and it's not actually even from the campaign trail. an unprecedented opinion from a major daily newspaper just coming out this morning. the arizona republic -- one of the most popular shockwaves from a traditionally red state. the arizona republic, one of the most popular conservative newspapers in arizona is endorsing hillary clinton. that paper hasn't endorsed a democrat for president in 126 years. >> and another one of the nation's most red newspapers choosing sides in the presidential race. for the first time in its 34-year history, "usa today" is declaring trump unfit,er rad dick and unfit for president. donald trump claiming hillary clinton and the faib investigation into her private e-mails -- >> they gave so much immunity, there was nobody left to talk to. there was nobody left except hillary. they probably gave her immunity, too? yeah, she got immunity. >> hillary clinton answered back with her own attacks seizing on a "newsweek" report that trump's company violated the u.s. ban with doing business with cuba in the 19 '60s. >> he puts his personal and business interests ahead of the laws and the values and the policies of the united states of america. >> today clinton has two events in florida. trump is in michigan. the embattled ceo of wells fargo facing another blistering attack on capitol hill. john stumpf testified before the house financial services committee. >> you come out and says i apologize, the buck stops with me. then you should be fired because the buck stops with you. >> again, congressman, the board has that power. >> the house members like their senate counterparts teeing off on jum stumpf to take more responsibility. >> did wells fargo employees steal from a million to two million other customers? yes or no? >> in some cases they did. >> congresswoman maxine waters from california says she's going forward with legislation to break up wells fargo. >> no breaking us up this morning. we're a team. we'll get you through your friday and to the weekend. >> breaking through to the weekend, how does that look right now? >> looks good. we're getting into october which begins tomorrow. we're going to see rain on the radar. in fact, i've got some to show you this morning. let's start you off with current temperatures. looking at 50s across the board. a cool start for the last day of september. as we round out the afternoon, we're going to see sunshine today and quite a built of it once we get into the afternoon hours. we'll see brisk northwesterly winds kick in that will cool us big time. only talking 60 degrees for san francisco, 68 for palo alto and 63 for oakland. most of the inner bay will stay in the 60s. gilroy up to 76. san jose 71 and livermore at 71 as well. you'll notice the seven-day forecast at the bottom of your screen. notice there is rain in the forecast and yes eem talk about that. a storm system brewing across the pacific. we've got some showers, as i mentioned, starting to be picked up from our eureka radar this morning, about 100 miles off the coastline. this thing will move this way over the next couple days. today and tomorrow will be dry. look at the radar by sunday. we haven't seen the radar look like this all year long. here comes some big-time rain as we move towards sunday. sunday afternoon, widespread rain. if you're headed to the castro street fair, keep in mind it's going to be wet. towards san jose, looking at heavy rain even through the santa cruz mountains. that fire still burning by sunday afternoon, some rain to help it out. we're talking about decent amounts. the thing to take note from this graphic, we're not going to see just .04 an innch san francisco. across the bay we'll see from trace amounts to anywhere up to .5 inch, maybe .75 inch. good soaking rain heading our way. after that we'll dry out. temperatures rebound next week, back into the 70s and 80s and there is a chance of thunderstorms on friday. keep in mind in you may hear a rumble or two. let's talk about traffic. dry roads this morning. >> look like we're giving folks good warning to check the windshield wipers are in good condition. the roads are in good condition. in the peninsula we have a crash southbound 101 at the 92 interchange. that's where it was reported. i see no slowing in the last few minutes since that came in to chp. it's just south of 92. you see that on the map. should be out of lanes completely there. no delays for any traffic system. b.a.r.t. has a couple dozen trains online. let's show dublin where westbound -- easy drive at the limit. eastbound getting out of town, that starts to slow about 2 clog. if you're going over toward the central valley, keep that in mind. >> in business news right now, wall street looking to turn things around after losses yesterday. >> menlo park's facebook asking millions of users to do more of something. for more on that and the rest of the news before the bell. we turn to courtney reagan live at cnbc world headquarters. good morning. >> good morning to you both. wall street could tread cautiously on the final trading day of the month and third quarter. storks falling sharply thursday with the banking sector under pressure. specifically shares of germany's deutsche bank. investors are concerned about the ability to withstand a $14 billion fine from the justice department for miss selling mortgage securities. the dow dropping 195 points to 18,143. the nasdaq losing 49 to 5,269. facebook wants you and its 1.7 billion other users to stream more live video. reports say the social jienlt is planning a major ad campaign. in a bid to sper suede people to embrace what many celebrities have. it will feature videos posted by users. it launched earlier this year. mark zuckerberg says facebook is now a video first technology. melinda gates is launching a project to get more women to join the industry and stay there. she's more than just the wife of bill gates. she worked at the company for a decade and got her undergraduate degree and mba in commuter science. female computer science grads only make up 18% of the total, down from 37% in the 1980s. back over to you. >> good inspiration. thanks a lot, courtney. what is next now is the question for hundreds of thousands of students in limbo still after the sudden closure of corinthian colleges which includes heald and wyo tech. the department of education is pursuing debt collection against almost 80,000 former students. senator elizabeth warren is blasting that approach, wanting the department to focus on debt relief for students instead. 4:51. is it too early to start planning the holiday menu? maybe not if you want crab on the table. special studies under way if you're serving up a side of toxicity this year. the head of yosemite national park is retiring amid employee complaints that he created a hostile work environment. on, read about what the employeetion are calling a, quote, corrosive culture. fleet week in san francisco just around the corner. more than a million people are expected to flock to the town. on the facebook page, how the city is preparing for all the festivities. we're back in just two minutes. stay connected to your world wherever the world takes you. get the nbc bay area app. because she doesn't know that it kills 40,000 californians... every year. because she doesn't understand what cancer is. because she can't spell emphysema. because she is a butterfly, who fights fires. because she is my daughter, and the surgeon general says that raising tobacco taxes... is a proven way to make sure she never smokes. that's why i'm voting yes on 56. to iraq. the american soldiers are needed to help reclaim iraq's at 4:54, new this morning, u.s. troops could be going back to iraq. american soldiers are needed to helm replan mows all from isis fighters. they will need to train and advise iraqi troops. the operation is, pekted to begin in a few months. the unrest continues around san diego. the mother of an unarmed black man killed by police is calling for more peaceful protests. pamela said her son alfred olango was joyful and not mentally ill. he was shot and killed by police after pulling an object from his pocket and pointing it at police. it ended up being an e-cigarette. the family says the shooting is unjustified. >> this killing we do not believe is justified, and we believe we must proceed with civil rights because it is very clear to us that he was attack and not given the opportunity to live. >> police have not named officers involved, but say they both have more than 21 years of experience on the force. it is a staple to the holidays typically. will local dungeness crab make it to your table this winter? the california department of health has started testing samples looking for demowic acid which is toxic. it virtually shut down crab season. test results are coming back normal. crab season is set to start november 5th for recreational and november 15 for traditional crabbers. one of the hottest bay area music festival is nearly set to kick out the jams. >> strictly bluegrass kicking off later today. it will start with a concert for some 3,000 san francisco middle school students. more than 100 acts on several stages. it concludes with cake. fans will be able to have their cake and listen to it, too. >> cake by the ocean anyone? feels good to use our rio open one more time because the olympic superstars were at the white house early yesterday. there's simone biles and hundreds of other members of the u.s. olympic and paralympic team squeezed into the east room. president obama thanking them for their accomplishments in rio and also saying they're happy to see such a diverse group representing our country. >> one of the thing we love when we see our olympians is everybody is from all kinds of different backgrounds and shapes and sizes, although all very good looking. >> also there to represent the south bay is olympian marney malloy carrying a teammate outside the teammate. she trained in jude dough at san jose state. a change coming to the forecast. >> cooler temperatures as we move toward the next couple of days and even a chance for rain as we head towards sunday. we're back to explain. you've got a chance for a pretty good drive right now. there's fremont. i have a crash north of this shot. we'll talk about that coming up. plus that cooler weather is going to help firefighters as they continue to try to battle those flames in the santa cruz mountains. we'll update you on the latest right after this break. introducing new k-y touch gel crème. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. bob/liv bob cold open live =sot= :45 students were just in shock trt: 03 >> reporter: cal fire making progress on the loma fire in the santa cruz mountains. residents desperate for information on whether their homes survived. i'll have the latest coming up. students were just in shock. >> so much pain this morning. on his way to work, tragedy strikes. remembering a beloved school resources officers who touched hundreds of students' lives. to world says good-bye to shimon peres as an olive branch is extended between long warring parties. "today in the bay" starts right now. a very good friday morning to you. thanks so much for joining us, i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> i'm sam brock. we're hoping friday sticks to its friday light motto. right now you are tracking a crash in fremont. >> we have a crash, a relatively minor crash meaning no injuries reported, but it was blocking a fast lane. we'll show this to you

Related Keywords

Fremont , California , United States , Capitol Hill , New Jersey , Germany , Oakland , Embarcadero , Hoboken , Florida , Central Valley , San Diego , Brisbane , Queensland , Australia , Irvington , Dublin , Ireland , Michigan , San Francisco , Arizona , Berkeley , Dungeness , Iraq , Israel , Santa Cruz Mountains , Cuba , Californians , America , Iraqi , Israeli , American , Angela Lamar , Elizabeth Warren , Loma Prieta , Shimon Peres , Kevin Zink , John Stumpf , Courtney Reagan , David Graham , Sam Brock , Hillary Clinton , Jum Stumpf ,

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Transcripts For KNTV Today In The Bay 20160930 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today In The Bay 20160930

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let's get the to the morning commute. >> we have a crash on the bay bridge. we'll take you to the maps and tell you what we're talking about. the speed sensors around the bay look good. the maps will show no major problems with the bay bridge just at the embarcadero over crossing. there was a traffic break which has just cleared and looks like they've already recovered. no lanes reported blocked now. look at the bay bridge toll plaza. there was never really an effect over there. there were no metering lights to slow down. low clouds look kind of like yesterday. >> we have cloud cover in the area. we'll eventually see sunshine as we get into the afternoon. temperatures in the 50s for the most part. as we go through the afternoon, we'll see a cooler day. comfortable. you may need to hold on to the jacket for the afternoon. only 60 degrees in san francisco, 68 in palo alto. the weekend right around the corner. some of us may be taking a long weekend. headed to santa cruz, maybe beach weather marks some rain. we'll talk to you about in just a bit. now to the latest on the loma fire. here are the newest numbers for the wildfire still burning aggressively. 4,147 acres burned, at this point 34% containment. more than 1900 firefighters are on the ground trying to extinguish those flames. eight homes have been destroyed. let's go live to the command center in gilroy. for the first time, bob redell joining us, residents able to meet face-to-face with the firefighters trying to save their homes. >> reporter: good morning, sam and laura. last night cal fire leadership met with some of the residents at loma prieta elementary school and they were meeting with people who have homes within the loma fire boundaries. the residents greeted firefighters with applause and showed their appreciation for their hard work in trying to put out this fire that has been burning since monday. there was some frustration and concern. some of the people at last night's meeting have not yet been able to go back into the fire zone to see if their homes are still standing or if theirs is one of the eight that have burned to the ground. >> we're smack right in the middle of the fire and we don't know if our stuff was destroyed. >> we know the area around it has burned. we're hoping we'll have a home. >> reporter: cal fire told those residents at the meeting they are trying to get them back to their property sometime next week. the goal is to have this fire contained by monday. residents also have concern over the heavy fire equipment damaging those roads. cal fire promised that i will fix whatever they break. we expect an up date on the loma fire at cal fire's regular 7:00 a.m. taking place at christmas hill park in gilroy. bob redell, "today in the bay." >> no do it an awfully anxious time for those displaced families. 4:34 now. a middle school teacher at a prestigious private school is in jail accused of sexually assaulting a student. investigators say david graham sexually assaulted that student back in 2007. graham was her algebra teacher at harker academy in san jose. officers say he used his position of authority to force that student into a sexual relationship. a friend of the alleged victim contacted police last week. 4:34. new this morning, three suspects reportedly in custody after they say their car nearly ran down an officer only to crash following a brief chase. police say the driver slammed through barriers protecting the park and wound up against a tree. earlier police say the driver tried to run down a richmond police officer during what was started as a traffic stop. berkeley is reporting three people in the car were arrested. >> a community is in mourning after losing a beloved police officer who also is a father of seven kids. >> officer kevin zink was a well liked resource officer at helms middle school in san pablo. yesterday more than 300 students wrote messages and notes to him after learning he died. the principal said he learned every student's name and was seen as a friend. >> it was an unexpected accident. students were just in shock. >> there were a number ofd kids, he worked with them and their families. this is an officer that not only did it during his time but also his own time. >> there will be no trains coming in and out of hoboken, new jersey. investigators trying to figure out what caused a train to crash. we brought it to you here on "today in the bay." a young mother was sadly killed and more than 100 others hurt. the commuter train plowed through a barrier, jumping the track and slamming into a wall. authorities say the train did not have positive train control or ptc. it's a safety system that uses gps and computers to monitor trains and stopping them from speeding or derailing. >> year after year we'll continue to see accidents that could have been prevented by ptc. >> only 22% of the trains in the country currently have that advanced breaking system. we'll have a live report from new jersey at 5:30. dignitaries in israel right now attending the funeral for former israeli president shimon peres. former president bill clinton also participates in the eulogy. shim mows peres died tuesday at the age of 93. >> tracking cooler temperatures across the bay area. a chance of rain later this morning. meteorologist anthony slaughter in for kari. >> if you're headed to the castro street fair on sunday, plan for showers. plus a cooldown for your friday. also plan for reroutes around that castro street fair. over here 101 is not a problem. we'll show you the bigger view coming up. housing versus office space. the fight over precious land in the peninsula is getting heated as bay area real estate is being divided for the future. introducing new k-y touch gel crème. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. because shevery year. ow that it kills 40,000 californians... because she doesn't understand what cancer is. because she can't spell emphysema. because she is a butterfly, who fights fires. because she is my daughter, and the surgeon general says that raising tobacco taxes... is a proven way to make sure she never smokes. that's why i'm voting yes on 56. and murdering sierra lamar is scheduled to return to a south bay cotr happening later today, the man accused of kidnapping and murdering angela lamar. torres is charged in the murder of sierra lamar. last week torres' attorneys argued for more time before the trial begins. the start of the trial has been delayed numerous times in the past. it may begin as soon as next month. clairemont police are looking for a man who may have witnessed a hit-and-run. this is surveillance video moments after the crash. officers are emphasizing he didn't do anything wrong. they just want his help. the hit-and-run happened wednesday in the irvington area. officers found a woman lying in the street. she remains in critical condition. investigators would not release any details about the suspect. a fight over affordable housing that's taking place on the peninsula where san francisco is asking the city of bris bain to rethink the b baylands development project. opponents say all the housing would ruin brisbane's small town charm. they also say the baylands is contaminated. a final decision is expected in the spring. it is 4:41. happening today, contra costa county workers locked in a bitter contract dispute will begin a three-day strike today. it affects 1100 county service workers. the last contract expired in june. in a statement earlier this week the union says workers will walk off the job on friday if a deal can't be reached. up next, the presidential campaign making some history, and it's not actually even from the campaign trail. an unprecedented opinion from a major daily newspaper just coming out this morning. the arizona republic -- one of the most popular shockwaves from a traditionally red state. the arizona republic, one of the most popular conservative newspapers in arizona is endorsing hillary clinton. that paper hasn't endorsed a democrat for president in 126 years. >> and another one of the nation's most red newspapers choosing sides in the presidential race. for the first time in its 34-year history, "usa today" is declaring trump unfit,er rad dick and unfit for president. donald trump claiming hillary clinton and the faib investigation into her private e-mails -- >> they gave so much immunity, there was nobody left to talk to. there was nobody left except hillary. they probably gave her immunity, too? yeah, she got immunity. >> hillary clinton answered back with her own attacks seizing on a "newsweek" report that trump's company violated the u.s. ban with doing business with cuba in the 19 '60s. >> he puts his personal and business interests ahead of the laws and the values and the policies of the united states of america. >> today clinton has two events in florida. trump is in michigan. the embattled ceo of wells fargo facing another blistering attack on capitol hill. john stumpf testified before the house financial services committee. >> you come out and says i apologize, the buck stops with me. then you should be fired because the buck stops with you. >> again, congressman, the board has that power. >> the house members like their senate counterparts teeing off on jum stumpf to take more responsibility. >> did wells fargo employees steal from a million to two million other customers? yes or no? >> in some cases they did. >> congresswoman maxine waters from california says she's going forward with legislation to break up wells fargo. >> no breaking us up this morning. we're a team. we'll get you through your friday and to the weekend. >> breaking through to the weekend, how does that look right now? >> looks good. we're getting into october which begins tomorrow. we're going to see rain on the radar. in fact, i've got some to show you this morning. let's start you off with current temperatures. looking at 50s across the board. a cool start for the last day of september. as we round out the afternoon, we're going to see sunshine today and quite a built of it once we get into the afternoon hours. we'll see brisk northwesterly winds kick in that will cool us big time. only talking 60 degrees for san francisco, 68 for palo alto and 63 for oakland. most of the inner bay will stay in the 60s. gilroy up to 76. san jose 71 and livermore at 71 as well. you'll notice the seven-day forecast at the bottom of your screen. notice there is rain in the forecast and yes eem talk about that. a storm system brewing across the pacific. we've got some showers, as i mentioned, starting to be picked up from our eureka radar this morning, about 100 miles off the coastline. this thing will move this way over the next couple days. today and tomorrow will be dry. look at the radar by sunday. we haven't seen the radar look like this all year long. here comes some big-time rain as we move towards sunday. sunday afternoon, widespread rain. if you're headed to the castro street fair, keep in mind it's going to be wet. towards san jose, looking at heavy rain even through the santa cruz mountains. that fire still burning by sunday afternoon, some rain to help it out. we're talking about decent amounts. the thing to take note from this graphic, we're not going to see just .04 an innch san francisco. across the bay we'll see from trace amounts to anywhere up to .5 inch, maybe .75 inch. good soaking rain heading our way. after that we'll dry out. temperatures rebound next week, back into the 70s and 80s and there is a chance of thunderstorms on friday. keep in mind in you may hear a rumble or two. let's talk about traffic. dry roads this morning. >> look like we're giving folks good warning to check the windshield wipers are in good condition. the roads are in good condition. in the peninsula we have a crash southbound 101 at the 92 interchange. that's where it was reported. i see no slowing in the last few minutes since that came in to chp. it's just south of 92. you see that on the map. should be out of lanes completely there. no delays for any traffic system. b.a.r.t. has a couple dozen trains online. let's show dublin where westbound -- easy drive at the limit. eastbound getting out of town, that starts to slow about 2 clog. if you're going over toward the central valley, keep that in mind. >> in business news right now, wall street looking to turn things around after losses yesterday. >> menlo park's facebook asking millions of users to do more of something. for more on that and the rest of the news before the bell. we turn to courtney reagan live at cnbc world headquarters. good morning. >> good morning to you both. wall street could tread cautiously on the final trading day of the month and third quarter. storks falling sharply thursday with the banking sector under pressure. specifically shares of germany's deutsche bank. investors are concerned about the ability to withstand a $14 billion fine from the justice department for miss selling mortgage securities. the dow dropping 195 points to 18,143. the nasdaq losing 49 to 5,269. facebook wants you and its 1.7 billion other users to stream more live video. reports say the social jienlt is planning a major ad campaign. in a bid to sper suede people to embrace what many celebrities have. it will feature videos posted by users. it launched earlier this year. mark zuckerberg says facebook is now a video first technology. melinda gates is launching a project to get more women to join the industry and stay there. she's more than just the wife of bill gates. she worked at the company for a decade and got her undergraduate degree and mba in commuter science. female computer science grads only make up 18% of the total, down from 37% in the 1980s. back over to you. >> good inspiration. thanks a lot, courtney. what is next now is the question for hundreds of thousands of students in limbo still after the sudden closure of corinthian colleges which includes heald and wyo tech. the department of education is pursuing debt collection against almost 80,000 former students. senator elizabeth warren is blasting that approach, wanting the department to focus on debt relief for students instead. 4:51. is it too early to start planning the holiday menu? maybe not if you want crab on the table. special studies under way if you're serving up a side of toxicity this year. the head of yosemite national park is retiring amid employee complaints that he created a hostile work environment. on, read about what the employeetion are calling a, quote, corrosive culture. fleet week in san francisco just around the corner. more than a million people are expected to flock to the town. on the facebook page, how the city is preparing for all the festivities. we're back in just two minutes. stay connected to your world wherever the world takes you. get the nbc bay area app. because she doesn't know that it kills 40,000 californians... every year. because she doesn't understand what cancer is. because she can't spell emphysema. because she is a butterfly, who fights fires. because she is my daughter, and the surgeon general says that raising tobacco taxes... is a proven way to make sure she never smokes. that's why i'm voting yes on 56. to iraq. the american soldiers are needed to help reclaim iraq's at 4:54, new this morning, u.s. troops could be going back to iraq. american soldiers are needed to helm replan mows all from isis fighters. they will need to train and advise iraqi troops. the operation is, pekted to begin in a few months. the unrest continues around san diego. the mother of an unarmed black man killed by police is calling for more peaceful protests. pamela said her son alfred olango was joyful and not mentally ill. he was shot and killed by police after pulling an object from his pocket and pointing it at police. it ended up being an e-cigarette. the family says the shooting is unjustified. >> this killing we do not believe is justified, and we believe we must proceed with civil rights because it is very clear to us that he was attack and not given the opportunity to live. >> police have not named officers involved, but say they both have more than 21 years of experience on the force. it is a staple to the holidays typically. will local dungeness crab make it to your table this winter? the california department of health has started testing samples looking for demowic acid which is toxic. it virtually shut down crab season. test results are coming back normal. crab season is set to start november 5th for recreational and november 15 for traditional crabbers. one of the hottest bay area music festival is nearly set to kick out the jams. >> strictly bluegrass kicking off later today. it will start with a concert for some 3,000 san francisco middle school students. more than 100 acts on several stages. it concludes with cake. fans will be able to have their cake and listen to it, too. >> cake by the ocean anyone? feels good to use our rio open one more time because the olympic superstars were at the white house early yesterday. there's simone biles and hundreds of other members of the u.s. olympic and paralympic team squeezed into the east room. president obama thanking them for their accomplishments in rio and also saying they're happy to see such a diverse group representing our country. >> one of the thing we love when we see our olympians is everybody is from all kinds of different backgrounds and shapes and sizes, although all very good looking. >> also there to represent the south bay is olympian marney malloy carrying a teammate outside the teammate. she trained in jude dough at san jose state. a change coming to the forecast. >> cooler temperatures as we move toward the next couple of days and even a chance for rain as we head towards sunday. we're back to explain. you've got a chance for a pretty good drive right now. there's fremont. i have a crash north of this shot. we'll talk about that coming up. plus that cooler weather is going to help firefighters as they continue to try to battle those flames in the santa cruz mountains. we'll update you on the latest right after this break. introducing new k-y touch gel crème. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. bob/liv bob cold open live =sot= :45 students were just in shock trt: 03 >> reporter: cal fire making progress on the loma fire in the santa cruz mountains. residents desperate for information on whether their homes survived. i'll have the latest coming up. students were just in shock. >> so much pain this morning. on his way to work, tragedy strikes. remembering a beloved school resources officers who touched hundreds of students' lives. to world says good-bye to shimon peres as an olive branch is extended between long warring parties. "today in the bay" starts right now. a very good friday morning to you. thanks so much for joining us, i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> i'm sam brock. we're hoping friday sticks to its friday light motto. right now you are tracking a crash in fremont. >> we have a crash, a relatively minor crash meaning no injuries reported, but it was blocking a fast lane. we'll show this to you

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