Transcripts For KNTV Today In The Bay 20160611 : comparemela

Transcripts For KNTV Today In The Bay 20160611

seat. fans we spoke with said they wanted to take advantage of the affordable seats for once and be a part of history. >> they are 600 during the finals, yes, it's good. 20 bucks, you can't beat it. >> the atmosphere is a lot of fun. everybody is really excited happy to be here. it's intense. go warriors! whooo! >> it's an away game but we're still at home, enjoying it, loving it. it's amazing. >> the fans watched the game for free at civic send in san francisco. the warriors have the chance to close out the series at oracle on monday night. you might remember last year golden state clenched the naush title during game six in cleveland. we'll have full highlights and hear from the players in about 35 minutes from now. stay tuned for that. now to federal authorities, busting an illegal drug operation in san francisco. three suspects are now under arrest for running a pill operation out of an apartment in the sunset district. they found counterfeit oxcycodone pills that were laced with fentanyl, 100 times stronger than morphine. officials say fentanyl is responsible for 14 overdose deaths in the bay area and the sacramento area. new details about a star high school football player who is now paralyzed following an end of the year school celebration. it was an emotional graduation day for the san ramon valley high school class of 2016 yesterday. the day before, jake javier broke his neck diving into a swimming pool. a go fund me page says that javier is now paralyzed from the chest down. his best friend accepted his high honors diploma with javier's football jersey in hand. classmates and football coaches are hoping for the best. >> he's a bright kid to begin with. he's going to figure out what to do and we'll help him and support him and love him. >> he's strong right now. he believes that god has a plan for him. and he's just going to stay strong. >> javier was planning to play football and study engineering at cal poly. now he's focused on his recovery. the danville police department is investigating the accident that caused his injury. there is new evidence adding to the public outrage against brock turner convicted of sexual assault at stanford and his light six-month sentence. the entire case file has now been released and today in the bay's ian cole has the latest details. >> reporter: the lengthy court file has pictures of brock turner smoking marijuana. investigators found text messages where he used the "n" word on several occasions and referred to using drugs. on the night he was arrested, turner received a group message referring to a picture of a naked woman. based on time stamps, prosecutors speculated he may have photographed his victim during the assault but they were unable to find the photo which was sent through an app called group me. new information fueling more outraged activists for a group called ultraviolet delivering what they claim are 1 million signatures to the state judicial commission asking it remove judge aaron persky. he w turner was sentenced for assaulting aç young woman behi a dumpster on campus. the commission has the power to remove persky but had no comment. there is also a recall effort led by stanford law professor michelle dawber. >> the judge's sentence was unreasonably lenient. >> reporter: legal analyst steven clark says it will be tough to oust the judge but lawmakers might use the public outcry to make new laws increasing sentencing for sexual assault cases. >> the judge gave a legal sentence and i don't think it's going to be enough to have him removed unless this recall petition goes through. >> reporter: ian cole, nbc bay area news. a disturbing attack in san francisco. a construction worker killed in soma in an area with a sizable homeless population. police say a man and a woman stabbed her to death following an argument. both of them took off but her co-workers followed them and police arrested the couple just minutes later. mayor ed lee issued that statement, quote, the horrific act is being thoroughly investigated by sfpd and those responsible will be held accountable. police are working to determine if the construction worker and suspect knew each other. a teenaged boy and the puppy who was ripped from his arms at gun point are reunited. back on monday, two men pointed a gun at the 14-year-old and stole his 3-month-old german shepherd. san leandro police credit an alert citizen for the puppy's safe return. muhammad ali's public memorial as a spectacle just as he envisioned when he planned it. they chanted his name in his hometown of louisville. but it was heard and seen around the world. more than 100,000 people in his hometown lined the streets as a hearse carrying his casket drove past. as ali had planned before he died, every day people were joined by politicians, dignitaries and sports heroes to eulogize the champ. >> we should honor him by letting our know among the world like he did. god bless you. >> he was funny, beautiful, the most perfect athlete you ever saw and those were his own words. >> a nice touch of humor there. ali designed the memorial service in great detail years before his death last week. our coverage continues at we posted raw video from yesterday's funeral procession along with a slide show of some of ali's greatest moments. it is 7:07 right now. we have much more ahead on "today in the bay." coming up, a former contestant on nbc's "the voice" murdered after her concert last night. what happened to the gunman. plus, mixed messages after oakland's police chief suddenly resigns. why people are criticizing the words of oakland's mayor. you're watching "today in the bay." it is 7:09 on your saturday morning. it looks like sun is shining over downtown san jose. caesar chavez plaza ahead of a very warm saturday. some of the bay area will be seeing temperatures in the 80s. a developing story out of florida. a singer who once competed on nbc's "the voice" has been shot and killed following her performance in orlando. this is video of christina grimmie at last night's show. the 22-year-old was signing autographs when a man walked up and shot her. grimmie's brother tackled the shooter. the shooter killed himself. >> this is very tragic event. this should have been something that was fun and exciting and for something like this to happen is just a tragedy. >> christina grimmie finished third on "the voice" in 2014. she's a youtube star. orlando police say they don't know the shooter's motive or whether he knew the singer. no one else was hurt. almost two days later and still no clear answer, did oakland's police chief resign or was he forced out amid controversy? it depends who you ask. yesterday mayor libby shaft showed the resignation letter which was time stamped 9:17 thursday night. long-time city councilman larry reed says he spoke with him and said the former chief was upset and perhaps forced out. >> he wasn't ready to leave. this is a man that takes great pride in serving the people of oakland and certainly being the head of our police department. >> the oakland police department has come under fire for how it's handled several high profile controversies, including alleged sexual misconduct of police officers with the underage daughter of a department employee. the interim chief is ben farrow, on loan from b.a.r.t. for the next six months. much more ahead on "today in the bay." coming up, going for olympic gold. a bay area diver is staging a comeback right before the summer games in rio. good morning, i'm meteorologist anthony slaughter, waking up to sunshine on this weekend. we'll talk about the forecast coming up after the break. plus, a red flag fire warning for the north bay. stay tuned. you're watching "today in the bay." it's just shy of 7:14 on your saturday morning. the sun is shining in san jose. most of the bay area seeing this. oddly in san francisco, no fog this morning. that means it will be a very warm saturday across the bay area. the road to rio is coming more into focus. a bay area athlete has accomplished something no other u.s. diver has done in a decade. christian ipson from clayton won a world cup bronze in the men's 3 meter springboard competition and now he may be on his way to another olympic games. "today in the bay's" lili tan talks to him. >> reporter: his quest starts next week at trials. this week at this aquatics center, he told me he almost quit. so, what changed his mind? >> for me personally i never had really taken a break from the sport. i never knew completely what i was missing. >> less than a year after olympic bronze medalist christian ipson quit diving, he came back and won five national titles. now he's poised for an olympic comeback. >> i'd love to take it all the way. >> reporter: santa cruz's ariel rittenhouse has her eyes set on gold after just missing a medal in the 2008 games. >> it's exciting to be fourth but at the same time it was so close to a medal that i couldn't help but be disappointed. we were five points away, which is really close. >> reporter: then there are the newcomers, san francisco native ted mccloud got his start as an acrobat in the circus. >> i'd get on the flying end and had to do a back flip on to a couple people's shoulders standing up. >> reporter: she says despite being afraid of heights she competes in the highest event, the 10 meter platform. >> making the team would just be everything, so awesome. >> reporter: for ipson, he already knows the feeling. after he won bronze in london, calls to his parent's pizzeria came flooding in. >> and tons of people called the restaurant. you need to name a pizza after christian. my dad never did. >> reporter: maybe he'll get that pizza after rio. first he has to make it. watch christian and the other olympic hopefuls on nbc as they compete for spots on the olympic teams. in stanford, lili tan, bay area news. we are 55 days away from the olympics. our own jessica aguirre is heading to rio. now to our resident swimmer and diver who never made it to his olympic prospect. >> as we were just talking about. >> yes. >> you have a dream as a kid, see these folks doing so well. you hear about folks doing it all the time. >> you're making your other dreams come true. >> yes, being a weatherman extraordinaire. >> yes. waking up here on this saturday morning, a few clouds across san francisco. but no fog this morning. here's another shot from the golden gate bridge. you can see the high, thin clouds drifting on by. the high, thin clouds are in the upper levels of the atmosphere. we're not going to see a whole lot in terms of clouds cover today, just the high, thin clouds which is enough to let the sunshine through. san francisco, comfortable, 71 degrees, warm across the inland valleys. the north bay, the tri-valley and south bay all expecting temperatures in the upper 80s. ten degrees warmer in some spots from where it was yesterday. we have a red flag fire warning in place this morning. it goes into effect today and stays in effect through today, tomorrow till noon. this is for the north bay and the delta. over near fairfield, up towards napa, even the mountains across santa rosa. keep in mind, that's where we have the highest fire danger. this is the time of year where we start to see those fires. temperatures will warm quickly. we have offshore wind which creates rapid warming. 86 87 and gilroy, 88 degrees. 79 degrees today for santa cruz. as we put the maps into motion, you'll notice things cool off tomorrow just a little bit. at the coastline we still see the 60s and 70s. look at the north bay tomorrow. more 70s and same bill for monday. over the next couple of days, temperatures will cool off, even for places like the south bay and the tri-valley where we'll be out of the 80s back into the 70s as we start off the workweek. it will be hot this weekend with temperatures again in the 80s for most of our inland valley. staying cool at the coast lien. here's cloud cover trailing in. we had a trough move through yesterday. that's why it was chilly outside yesterday and the day before actually. mountain thunderstorms popping up across the sierra. keep that in mind. that will be the general trend. the sea breeze kicks in for monday. that will cool us off as we start off the workweek. we're not expecting 80s and 90s at least for monday and tuesday. it gets cool for wednesday and thursday because the system offshore will develop and this could bring some rain to the north bay which would be welcome news. we'll continue to track this, still a few days away. it's really unusual to see the storm track this low this time of year. we could be talking about rain as we move towards the end of this week. and definitely, the temperatures will reflect that. we're looking at temperatures this weekend and the tri-valley, upper 80s, back to 80 on monday and the low average as we head towards tuesday and wednesday. that's again for the tri-valley. you'll notice a 10 to 15 degree drop in those temperatures once we get towards wednesday. same deal but not as dramatic. we'll see temperatures cooling, 71 for san francisco today. look at this, by tuesday and wednesday, we are going to see below average talking low 60s for highs in san francisco but of course, nothing unusual for folks who live here. that's what we call summer in the bay, right? >> we're approaching summer. it makes sense that it would get cold and foggy and rainy. >> that's right. >> anthony, thanks. much more ahead on "today in the bay," coming up. kind of our goal, not my goal. >> a promise to hike every trail in the east bay unexpectedly put on hold. we have the story of 20 years of friendship and loyalty. it will make you bay area proud. every wonder what nature valley is made of? ♪ that's what we're made of. no artificial colors. no artificial flavors. no artificial sweeteners. nature valley granola bars. and now introducing delicious biscuits with almond butter or peanut butter. you're watching "today in the bay." as anthony pointed out before the break, it's a great weekend to take take hike. the weather will be beautiful. and two local folks have quite the impressive track record hiking in the east bay. "today in the bay's" garvin thomas complains their story, determination and friendship in this morning's bay area proud. >> reporter: wendy wheeler and thomas page have a lot in common, one isç they both love hiking. another is that each of their spouses zndoesn't. it's why these two friends find themselves on the trail together, eventually on a journey that's led right to our bay area proud. the great thing about a good friend is that knowing all your quirks, they still want to spend time with you. thomas paige, for example, can tell you all about wendy wheeler's obsessive need to highlight and catalog the trails these two long-time hiking buddies have covered together over the years. >> she's like wanting to highlight things during the trail. >> that's your favorite. >> reporter: in wendy's defense if she hadn't kept such good track, the pair might never have realized an ambitious goal was within their reach. >> something that sound like a cool idea. >> reporter: the idea? hike every mile of every trail in every park in the east bay regional park district. more than 1,200 miles in all. that because of spurs, out and backs and dead ends would take the pair more than 3,000 miles of hiking to complete. >> i don't know if we said it. we should just try to do all of them. >> reporter: wendy and thomas worked on their goal for more than a decade to the point they were one 30-mile hike away from finishing. but two years later, they still haven't. thomas, you see, has been beset by medical issues, blood clots mainly that have limited what he can tackle. and wendy, though she could have completed this goal ten times over since then, flat out refuses to hike those last miles alone. >> it's our goal, not my goal. it's something we've been doing. and, you know, who cares if we finish in six months or a year. doesn't really matter. it's whatever you personally want to do, right? i'd rather finish it with him. >> reporter: thomas swears if the hiking boot were on the other foot, he would do exactly the same. >> it's going to be together. you know, it can't -- you know, we can't do it any other way, really. >> reporter: it is apparently just another great thing about a good friend. they would go to the ends of the earth for you just not the end of a journey without you. as you can see, within did i and thomas are back on the trail together but the last 30 miles to reach their goal i in the aloneny wilderness. it's rugged hiking. everyone wants to make sure thomas is up for that. we'll let you know when they do finish. garvin thomas, nbc bay area news. if you know of someone doing something nice for others, as always, garvin would love to hear from you. go to and search bay area proud. it's 7:25. we have much more ahead on "today in the bay." coming up, frightening moments on death row at san quentin. how an inmate was able to use handcuffs to attack a correctional officer. plus -- >> you worry about your child every day. >> only on nbc, the mother of a murder victim in the east bay reveals new details about the suspect and the investigation. take a live look outside...... san francisco from emeryville from nbc bay area, this is "today in the bay." it is 7:28 on your saturday morning. we're looking at san francisco from emeryville, the sun is shining and it will be a gorgeous saturday. good morning to you, thanks for joining us, i'm kira klapper. anthony slaughter has a look at the microclimate forecast. it was a little cold as i stepped out this morning. that was before the sun was up. >> that was about 3:00 this morning. >> yes. it will be nice. >> temperatures close to 60 degrees because the sun will warm us so quickly today, we want to make sure you're aware, we have a red flag fire warning for the north bay and through the delta as well. keep in mind, no outdoor burning today. you won't want to. it will be so hot, maybe you'll go to the pool or the beach. 79 for santa cruz, san jose will be up to 84 but warm, very toasty for the tri-valley in the north bay. gilroy, livermore, concord and napa and santa rosa will be pushing 90 degrees. it will be hot later on. by lunch time, temperatures in the 80s. remember the spf as you get going this morning. want to protect you and yourself from the sunrays. >> you'll be wearing the spf at the beach. >> yes, with the boy. >> as always. >> anthony, thanks. they came from far and wide. tons of thousands of people honoring the life of muhammad ali in louisville, kentucky. their hometown hero. sports and cultural icon ali was jewel hissed at a memorial attended by stars of sports, entertainment and politics along side every day folk. nbc's matt lauer was there and has this report. >> ali! ali! >> reporter: thousands lined the streets of louisville to say a final good-bye to the greatest. his image seen all over the city he loved, which loved him right back. >> he is the greatest. >> ali! >> reporter: the procession made its way down muhammad ali boulevard, drove by the champ's childhood home and passed the center dedicated to his life's work. a private burial service was followed by the public memorial where about 20,000 people filled the lewisville yum center. family, friends, and strangers, both young and old gathered to remember the boxing legend. >> when i look into this crowd i smile, i smile to recognize he is not really gone. he lives in you and he lives in me and he lives in every person that he has touched in every corner of this world. >> ali's wife lonnie and daughter miriam both spoke. >> as his voice grew softer, his message took on greater meaning. >> as you enter your final rounds, god's last boxing bell will sound in heaven. i love you. we all love you. >> the boxing champ turned political activist and humanitarian inspired people everywhere. bryant gumbel, billy crystal and former president bill clinton delivered eulogies. >> it's the choices that muhammad ali have made that have brought us all here today in honor and love. >> reporter: decades ago ali nicknamed crystal little brother and the two remained close friends. we caught up with crystal right after the service. >> the feeling of gratitude that we lived in his time, that this epic human being with all of his heights and all of his lows and his frailties, his failures sometimes, he was a champion of the human spirit. >> reporter: muhammad ali's legacy was celebrated, not just by the famous faces who spoke -- >> i want to be a fighter just like him. >> reporter: but by the millions around the world he inspired both in and out of the ring. >> that was matt lauer reporting for us. back here in the bay area, new details this morning about a star high school football player who is now paralyzed following an end of the year school celebration. yesterday was an emotional graduation dayç for the san ran valley high school class of 2016 because just the day before, jake javier broke his neck diving into a swimming pool. a go fund me page says javier is now paralyzed from the chest down. javier's best friend accepted his high honors diploma with javier's football jersey in his hand. as classmates and football coaches are hoping for the best. >> he's a bright kid to begin with. he's going to figure out what to do and we'll help him and support him. >> he's strong right now. he believes god has a plan for him and he's just going to stay strong. >> javier was planning to play football and study engineering at cal poly. now he's focused on his recovery. the danville police department is investigating the accident that caused his injury. a correctional officer is recovering this morning after he was attacked by a death row inmate. officials say inmate jessie manzo jumped the officer on thursday night. manzo somehow slipped out of his handcuffs and used them to hit the officer several times. the officer suffered cuts and a significant facial injury. he is expected to make a full recovery. last month, the body of ponsetia park was found in a suspected pond. her suspected killer turned himself in a few weeks later. her death has left a gaping hole in her family's heart, especially in her mother's. "today in the bay" has this story that you'll see only on nbc bay area. >> you worry about your child every day. every day. >> reporter: andrella hannah buried her child six days ago. the body of ponsettia park was found in a pond. >> her head was split across. >> reporter: the official cause of death, blunt force trauma to the head. >> her nose was smashed in and part of her face was gone. they had to reconstruct her face. >> reporter: authorities believe eric nelson killed her 25-year-old daughter who andrella says was six weeks pregnant with his child. >> she was trying to get away from him. >> reporter: she claims he was physically abusive and needed drug treatment for a problem. >> methamphetamine. she found the pipe. >> reporter: when she tried to break off their nine-month relationship, she claims nelson became enraged and started stalking her at a safeway. >> she was my daughter. i had her. and i want to look him in his eye. >> reporter: now as she mourns her daughter, she says her focus is on finding justice. >> how could you do that to someone? someone who has given you food, shelter, helped you. how could you? >> reporter:nbc bay area news. >> nelson denied our request for a jailhouse interview. he's being held on a $3.5 million bail. he'll be arraigned next thursday. could we see a double dose of history, not just the first female presidential candidate but two women on the presidential ticket? rumors are swirling after a private meeting between massachusetts senator elizabeth warren and hillary clinton. warren was seen leaving yesterday after an hour long visit. senator warren's name has been floated as a potential vice presidential running mate. >> i am ready to get in this fight and work my heart out for hillary clinton to become the next president of the united states. >> warren by the way was the last of the senate's democratic women to endorse hillary clinton. >> so i understand that you intend to -- >> also yesterday, it was a day of damage control for republican donald trump. in a speech to evangelical christians, trump said, quote, no one should be judged by their race or color. that's seens is a backtrack and possible reference to the controversy he created earlier this week. he's been under fire even from members of his own party, for claiming a judge in a legal case against him is biased because of his mexican heritage. now to video of the aftermath of a deadly plane crash into a town home in los angeles. the two cedar aircraft smashed into the front of the home in hawthorne, igniting a fire and killing two people on board. luckily, no one on the ground was hurt. witnesses say they heard the plane's engine sputtering before it went down. no word yet on the cause. a medicine mix-up could have been deadly for a northern california boy with cerebral palsy. the appoint's parents bought iron supplements at a çrite-ai pharmacy in folsom. >> the writing was in arabic. they replaced iron supplements with what said was codeine. >> rite-aid said it took the product off store shelves. rite-aid is working with the manufacturer to figure out how this mistake happened. just shy of 7:38 right now. much more ahead on "today in the bay." the giants and dodgers, lost in a thriller at at&t park. and the warriors take lebron james and the cavaliers to the brink of elimination. we'll hear from a very happy locker room. e you're watching "today in the bay." welcome back. appreciate you starting your saturday with us. here's a live look outside at oracle arena. on monday, the warriors have the opportunity to clinch the nba title on home soil. no local team by the way has won a championship while on home turf in the bay area since the a's won the world series at candlestick park over the giants back in 1989. the warriors bounced back from a 30-point loss in game three with an impressive performance that gives them a 3-1 lead in the series. we have complete coverage from cleveland. >> reporter: the cavs figured them out in game three, the warriors are soft, steph's in a slump, blah, blah, blah, that's noise to these guys. now the warriors just one win away from a repeat championship. no 20-point deficit in the first quarter. signature step-back three. fading into the warriors bench, steph drops 38. back and forth game throughout. lebron james tipped dunk, cavs up 83-81 in the fourth. then a 12-1 warriors run. draymond, the offensive board, harrison barnes, money three to go up nine. less than a minute to go. steph driving, scoring, klay thompson went for 25. 208-97 t 208-97. 108-9 108-97, the final. >> two-time mvp. he struggled the first three. today he's that guy. >> business as usual. it's a big game. when we needed to bounce back individually and as a team to figure out how to get a win on the road. >> reporter: the warriors punched in the mouth in game three, they responded and fought back tonight. now they can't deliver the knockout blow monday night at oracle. in cleveland, colin resch. a great game between the giants and dodgers. two of the best pitchers in the game. but in the 9th inning, santiago castilla gives up the solo shot to justin turner and giants lose, 3-2. much more ahead on "today in the bay." coming up, we investigate new claims about unsafe food. we'll tell you what whistle blowers are telling us. here on this saturday morning, we're waking up to sunshine. it will shall a warm weekend. we'll be back to break down your forecast, coming up, when "today in the bay" returns. >> what do people need to do to protect their home with a security system? >> it's easy. give us a call, right now we're giving away a free complete home security system package. it's the new wireless home security system. no more ugly holes in your walls or exposed wiring. it's a comprehensive package we include free of charge. the monitoring is done by adt. it's the number one monitoring country in the company. all you pay is $99 down for the installation and the monitoring which is about a 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air starts to filter back in here tomorrow. overall, it's going to be a very breezy day, especially across those north bay hills. today and tomorrow, there will be warm days for inland valleys, 80s for the most part. we start to see 60s inundate the coastline. 70s for most of the bay area. that will be the general trend. cooler days ahead. again, it will be hot today and for tomorrow for those inland valleys. keep that in mind, especially outside, spf, remember that as well. at the surface our winds are not directly offshore but we are going to continue to see those offshore winds come and go over the next couple of days. the sea breeze revs up monday. that will be cooler weather as we start off the workweek. it stays with us tuesday and wednesday and a system starts to develop tuesday and wednesday. right now, the computer model shows most of this from san francisco, points north. it doesn't look like it will be an entire bay area rain event or a whole lot. if we get that, it will come thursday night into friday. it will cool off but not today or tomorrow. monday we start to cool off but then you'll notice the cooler weather by tuesday and wednesday for the inland valleys. at the coastline, we're not going to see temperatures cool off as dramatic as it will inland but we're still going to see temperatures cool. back from the 70s today, 71 in san francisco, 70 for tomorrow and eventually clear as we wrap up the weekend and start off the workweek, we see temperatures in san francisco back into the 60s. tuesday, wednesday, chilly at the coastline with morning fog and then the potential as i mentioned for thursday night into friday, there will be showers. we'll continue to track it. back to you. >> we'll take it. heat today, we'll take rain later in the week. sounds good, anthony, thanks. still ahead on "today in the bay" -- >> they're just doing a lot of wrong things. >> new claims about unsafe food. up next,ç whistle blowers say they're speaking out after seeing reports about cisco food. you're watching "today in the bay." it's 7:50 on your saturday morning. appreciate your being here. this is a look outside at san jose. some parts of the bay area will see temperatures in the 80s. enjoy it while it lasts because a cooldown is on its way. for the first time this season, mosquitos with west nile virus have been discovered in the south bay. the mosquitos were found in these zip codes. take a look at your screen, san jose and campbell. santa clara county vector control crews will begin fogging wednesday at 11:00 p.m. and continue through the early morning hours on thursday. whistle blowers at cisco, the world's largest food distributor describe unsafe conditions when it comes to delivering food. senior investigative reporter first revealed problems at cisco, now there are new allegations. >> reporter: it has been three years since we told you about cisco. the food giant responded with sweeping reforms and paid a $19 million consumer settlement here in california. whistle blowers at a cisco facility in canada say the company is still putting public health at risk. fine meats, chicken, raw pork, this is just some of the frozen food whistle blowers say they found sitting in temperatures above 60 degrees. >> they're just doing a lot of wrong things. >> reporter: insiders at sysco said they found foods that should be refrigerated sitting in unrefrigerated areas. >> this is not for food handling, dry goods or farm equipment, machinery parts or stuff like that. >> reporter: they say it's unknown exactly how many hours elapsed but they saw the food sitting out for at least one hour on multiple nights. workers believe scheduling gaps made it likely food sat out even longer. sources say these pictures show foods marked for restaurants like subway, kfc and dairy queen. >> i wouldn't take my groceries out and sit them on the kitchen particular for four hours, my milk and eggs. people are eating that and they have no clue. if you say something or anything like that, you'll probably use your job. >> reporter: they asked to be disguised but say they needed to speak out after management showed them our reports at an employee meeting discussing food safety. >> for them to show us that video, i was troubled. everybody knows what's going on. we're doing wrong. they think we're just going to turn a blind eye. it's not right. >> reporter: how does it make you feel knowing that this food isn't being properly stored and could possibly be putting these people at risk? >> not good. and that's why i finally decided maybe something should be done about it. >> reporter: a spokes person for sysco denied the company allows food to sit out for hours. in a statement, they said they perform cross-docking operations in other locations in the u.s. and canada in a manner consistent with food policy and procedures. the company brought refrigerated trailers into the facility and hired additional personnel to ensure food is immediately refrigerated. it's a measure whistle blowers hope will be enough to prevent this from happening again. >> i hope it's something done and sysco starts doing things properly. >> representatives from kfc, subway and dairy queen told us food safety is a high priority and they are reviewing the claims. officials tell us they conducted a surprise visit and did not observe any violations. inspectors visited during the afternoon, not overnight when insiders say that food sits unrefrigerated. sysco tells us it's invited observers to observe its overnight procedures. if you have something for us, send us a tip. now to a health warning for pet owners, an outbreak of feline dystemper in heyward. it often surfaces in the spring and it's commonly associated with unvaccinated cats living in large groups. the shelter did have to euthanize some cats and kittens as well. if you're looking to protect your pets, you're urged to get them vaccinated. 7:55. much more ahead on "today in the bay" coming up. he's a fan favorite but not his new shoes. not so much at least. we'll tell you the fuss over the new steph curry kicks. you're watching "today in the bay." >> the winning bid is in. so just how much is someone willing to pay for lunch with the world's best known investor? here's a hint. a lot. last night marked the end of the week-long ebay action for warren buffett. the highest bid went for a whopping ç$3.45 million. the berkshire hathaway founder has been doing this annually since back in 2000. he's raised more than $20 million for glides charity. the winning bidder chose to remain millions of fans want to look and be like steph curry, except when it comes to his new shoe. it's all white, being blasted on social media for its look. the prevailing theme is it looks more like something your dad would wear rather than the nba's mvp. curry defended his new kicks saying if he had them in his road bag he'd wear them to show how fire they are. people are so judgmental. let him have his under armour shoe. >> if they had a neon streak in there, that would be fine. put neon shoestrings in there. >> make your own ♪ zooming in from outer space to see what we are doin' ♪ ♪ tiny little astronauts ready to get to it ♪ ♪ intergalactic scientists earthbound on a mission ♪ ♪ they're the brightest of the best ♪ ♪ a team of friends upon a quest ♪ ♪ all aboard they send reports of projects they are doin' ♪ ♪ question and investigate there is nothin' to it ♪ ♪ make a guess and do your best ♪ ♪ gathering the data - find out, floogals. go! ♪ they're a band of cosmic friends ♪ ♪ tiny happy aliens ♪ blast off to another world secretly exploring ♪ ♪ when they land upon the earth nothing's ever boring ♪ ♪ ♪ they might have landed in your room ♪ ♪ be testing in the kitchen or exploring in the bathroom ♪ ♪ have you noticed something missin' ♪ ♪ it's another undercover super secret day ♪ ♪ experimenting all the way ♪

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