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Cell foep. T the tsa says it will make you safer. Will it mean longer lines . Angelina jolie getting candid about her divorce, and Justin Bieber slamming his truck into a photographer. The incident apparently an accident, but under investigation today, thursday, july 27th, 2017. From nbc news this is today with matt lauer and Savannah Guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Good morning, everybody. Welcome to today on a thursday morning. Thanks so much for being with us, and weve got carson in for matt once again. Good morning, everybody. Weve got a lot to get to this morning. Were going to start with that tragedy at the Ohio State Fair. Its awful to wake up to this. The fireball ride malfunctioned last night tossing terrified riders into the air. In a moment well talk to a family whose two girls were next in line for that ride and saw it all happen. First, nbcs blake mccoy in columbus with the overnight developments in the investigation. Blake, good morning to you. What can you tell us . Savannah, good morning. One person is dead this morning. Seven others injured after this twisting and turning Amusement Park ride unexpectedly broke apart at a high rate of speed. We do want to warn you that some of the video you are about to see is disturbing. The Ohio State Fair, the whole ride just broke. People just fell out. Reporter overnight something went horribly wrong at the Ohio State Fair. A swinging ride called the fireball ripping into pieces, sending passengers crashing to the ground. The ride broke, and people went flying. I saw the person fly off. At least one individual has come off of a ride at the fairgrounds. What was supposed to be a night of fun instantly turning into chaos and confusion. Kaley bellamy says she was next in line and saw the whole thing happen. It was going for a minute, but it was at its highest point, and i saw somebody fall off of the ride. This is just a real tragedy. Reporter more than a half dozen injured riders were taken to nearby hospitals. Multiple passengers were thrown with high energy many feet. At least 20 or 30, if not more, into the air. Then crashed at a significant distance from the ride. Reporter ohios Governor John Kasich ordering a full investigation. Snoo what i want to know immediately is, first of all, what are we doing with rides . We shut all the rides down. Then beyond that, we want to know about whats the process for inspection . Authorities say the ride its been looked at about three or four times over the course of two days. The fair began wednesday with 11 rides closed because their inspectings were not complete, though some opened later on. This 2012 video shows how the fireball is inspected. The way this works is these decks drop. These center decks when this ride is in motion. They have to check the hinging. They have to check the structural soundness. Reporter it has to be sound because it spins and swings in a pendulum. Oh, my god. Shes bleeding. Reporter the combination creating an aggressive thrill ride that this morning is a deadly one. Records show the fireball passed inspection just yesterday and a few parts were replaced back in may. Governor john kasich is set to tour the fairgrounds here later this morning. Of the seven people injured, three are in critical condition. Savannah and carson. So many questions, blake. Thank you so much. In a statement the fair organizers said their hearts are heavy for the families involved. And brittany and kylie neil were in exin line for that ride when the accident occurred, and they are with us now along with their mom, christy. Good morning to you, guys. Im sure you did not have a restful night. Brittany, let me start with you. You and your sister were next in line. Just walk us through what you saw and what you heard. Well, the ride was going as normal, and then all of a sudden you see people flying out, and then the guy hit the emergency stop button, which then made the seat fly off and the other people flew off as well. And, kylie, what did you see . I can only imagine how terrifying this must have been. Me and my sister were waiting in line, and then the fireball was working normally, and then it swings to the left, and it looked like someones chair was kind of falling out, and then the guy put pushed the emergency stop switch, and the whole right broke off, and they went flying. Christy, let me ask you. You and your husband, tom, were at the fair at another part of it. I imagine your phone rings. Walk me through that when the girls called you. We were getting a backpack to put some of the things that we had gotten earlier that day, and i get a call. My daughter is hysterical. I cant even understand what shes saying. I knew something terrible had happened. I didnt know if her sister was okay. I just ran towards the direction of the rides. There were two state troopers beside me. I dont know if they had even heard anything at that point, and i said something terrible has happened. My daughters are i need to find my daughters. It was horrible. I didnt know where my girls were. I had actually gotten to the ride before i had gotten to my girls and seen the cart off, and there was just it was horrible what ibrittany, i am lu and your sister, and you are so young, and i know you saw some things that nobody should ever have to see. How are you both doing . How did you get through the night . How are you handling this . Well, i think we pretty much cried our eyes out last night until our heads hurt, and then we kind of passed out. Woke up really early just, leaving with you a live pic few hours of sleep, but trying to cope and trying to get over it, but we are truly traumatiz traumatized. Listen, guys, were glad is that you are okay, number one. Youre reunited with your parents. We appreciate your time this morning. Hope you get some rest. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Terrible tragedy. Cant even imagine. Imagine how good it must have felt to hug mom, to see your mom amidst all that chaos. Well continue to follow that story. Another one that were following this morning has to do with politics and the controversy over President Trumps declaration that transgender people will no longer be allowed to serve in the u. S. Military. This sparked immediate protests and speculation that theres more to this announcement than meets the eye. We have complete coverage from the white house. Then well talk to former secretary of the army eric fanning. Lets begin with kristen welker. Kristen, good morning to you. Hi, savannah. Good morning to you. As a candidate President Trump said he would be a friend of the lgbtq community, but now that community is accusing him of failing to live up to that promise. Mr. President trump reversing yesterday another obama era policy by banning Transgender Service members. All prompting anger and protests. Reporter angry protesters rallying in cities around the country. Outrageous. Including new york city, where a crowd gathered in front of the Army Recruitment building in times square. It was answer announcement the president made in a series of tweets, calling the tremendous medical cost a burden. This is prepostus. Its terrible. Christian served as a navy seal for more than two decades and came out as transgender after leaving the military. She calls the new policy down right disrespectful. For him to do this to all those people who are currently serving, who are in war zones right now, its a huge slap in the face. Reporter anger on capitol hill. I want a strong, vibrant military, but i want to be fair. The best way it do this is have a hearing, not a tweet. The pentagon spends five times more on viagra than it does for transitionrelated care. Reporter the white house says the president made the decision based on military readiness, but it comes as republicans were trying to pass a spending bill which included more money for a key trump priority, building a border wall, passage of the bill was held up by a fight over funds for medical care for transgender troops. Congressional sources tell nbc news house leaders ask the administration to intervene, but even they werent expecting an allout ban. Still, some lawmakers supportive. I am very pleased that well im very pleased that well be able to spend our precious defense dollars modernizing our military. While defense secretary, james mattis, was alerted, some in the military were caught off guard. And this morning, neither the pentagon nor the white house can say how or when the new policy will be implemented and whether current transgender troops will be immediately discharged. As a candidate, mr. Trump vowed to fight for the lbgtq community. I will do everything in my power to protect our lbgtq citizens. Now those words haunting him. Caitlyn jenner tweeting, there are 15,000 patriotic Transgender Americans in the u. S. Military fighting for all of us. What happened to your promise to fight for them . Reporter a recent study estimates gendertransition related medical treatment would only amount to 0. 13 increase in health care spending. Thats a small fraction of the overall defense budget. The military hasnt released exact numbers for Transgender Service members, but since last years ban was lifted, several hundred have requested medical care. But by some estimates, there are several thousand currently serving. So far, the defense secretary hasnt publicly commented on this new policy. Savannah . Kristen welker at the white house. Thank you so much. For more on this, were now joined by former secretary of the army, eric fanning, the first openly gay leader of any u. S. Military branch. Secretary fanning, good morning. Its good to see you. Thank you for having me. First of all, your reaction in your gut when you heard this ruling . Well, many reactions, i think. I was disappointed. I was angry, and frankly, i was shocked that the commander in chief would turn his back on thousands of patriotic americans who are serving today. Let me be devils advocate, because obviously you dont like this decision, but there are americans who might be thinking, well, wait a minute, why is the pentagon, why is the military paying for this kind of surgery, this kind of care . What would the response be to that . My response is that its a medical issue. And if someone is qualified to serve, raises his or her right hand, makes that commitment to possibly put their life on the line, one of the things they get as a part of that commitment is health care. And we should treat this like any other medical issue. The white house has not said anything about whether this applies right now to those currently serving. So if you are a transgender individual, for example, possibly serving in afghanistan right now, how does that person feel . What is that person supposed to do . What steps would you recommend they take . Well, first of all, many of us are asking questions about what this means and how you would implement what it might mean, which is one of the reasons we dont tweet policy. We think through it, thoughtfully, carefully, we explain what it is and we have a plan on how to implement it. But i think if youre a Transgender Service member, anywhere in the world, you were already nervous by what you were hearing. And now youre probably very confused and very frightened about what the future holds for you, when your commander in chief tweets a message like this, basically dismissing your service. The president spoke of the burden of these medical costs. We just spoke about that a little bit. Also, the disruption that transgender troops cause. That was according to his tweet. Can you address those issues . Well, first of all, ive never seen any evidence to support the numbers that are being used to explain how much this would cost. In the intro, it said a report indicated that this would increase costs by 0. 13 . Thats actually the high end. Its as low as 0. 04 . So i dont know where these larger numbers are coming from. But the on but the only disruption i can think about in this entire conversation is the disruption of taking thousands of already Trained Service members, who are deployed, working, performing their duties with distinction, and discharging them. Thats going to be disruptive to the force. Thats going to be very disruptive to readiness. And finally, i have to ask you. The way this all happened, on twitter, in realtime, the president had one tweet that said, after consultation with my generals and military experts, please be advised, the United States will not accept or allow dot, dot, dot. Then nine minutes passes before the next tweet, which states what this was actually going to be. If you were still in your old job at the pentagon, what would you have thought, waiting for that second tweet . We believe i woull, i wouldn. I would have been very concerned. I wouldnt have imagined it was going to be about the transgender issue. I was have imagined it would be something about geopolitical in the world. Lucky for me, i saw the whole tweet in one fell swoop so i didnt have to imagine what the president meant or what this tweet meant. Secretary fanning, thank you for being with us. Another tweet tied to the white house came from the president s new communications z nola length i hhi lenghited chief of staff, rooueince prieb a private feud now spilling out into the public. This morning, the man tasked with taking on leakers at the white house suggesting he was the victim of one. After politico released newly appointed White House Communications director Anthony Scaramuccis Financial Disclosure forms, announcing that he has assets worth as much as 85 million, scaramucci calling the leak a felony, sending a tweet thats now been deleted. In light of the leak of my Financial Disclosure info, which is a felony, i will be contacting the fbi and the Justice Department swamp. He then includes the twitter handle of white house chief of staff, Reince Priebus, leading many to question whether scaramucci was accusing priebus of the leak. Scaramucci later following up with another tweet overnight, reading, wrong tweet was Public Notice to leakers that all Senior Administration officials are helping to end illegal leaks, including priebus handle once again. Earlier this morning, getting relationship when calling in to cnn. Some relationships like cain and abel. If reince wants to explain hes not a leaker, let him do that. The yays are 45, the nays are 55, the amendment is not day greed to. Reporter their latest pitch to overhaul obamacare by repealing major parts of it without any replacement, failing. Today, republicans will try to rally support for a socalled skinny repeal. Eliminating the Obamacare Mandate that individuals buy insurance and Large Businesses provide it. As well as erasing a tax on medical devices. But that falls far short of republicans promise to repeal and replace. And now the nonpartisan budget scorekeeper estimates the plan would mean 16 million more uninsured americans within a decade. Despite criticism from democrats, accusing the gop of working in secret, republicans insist theyre moving forward. This as the president keeps hammering away at his attorney general, even as Jeff Sessions arrived a to the white house for a National Security meeting wednesday, though aides say he didnt see the president. The latest tweet target sessions and the fbis acting director. Asked why mr. Trump doesnt simply fire his ag if hes unhappy with him . He can be disappointed in someone, but still want them to continue to do their job. Republicans rallying to sessions defense. Lindsey graham calling the attacks a sign of weakness. Hes trying to get sessions to quit and i hope sessions doesnt quit. And if the president wants to fire him, fire him. I cant imagine my friends on the republican side would be complicit in creating a constitutional crisis. Reporter and on that topic this morning in a new oped in the washington post, ken starr, the special counsel who investigated president clinton in the white water and Monica Lewinsky cases is criticizing the president for his latest assault on the attorney general, Jeff Sessions, writing in part, mr. President , please cut it out. Tweet to your hearts content, but stop the wildly inappropriate attacks on the attorney general. Also this morning, President Trumps 2016 opponent, hillary clinton, has now said she has a new book due out in september, where she gets candid. She revealed its title this morning, what happened. Savannah and carson, back to you. All right. Peter alexander at the white house, thanks so much. That leads us to al. Whats going to happen in the weather . Were going to show you what happened yesterday with a lot of heavy rain and theres more coming. Look at this. This is in alabama, just outside birmingham. Cars swamped, one on top of the other, a real mess. There were high water rescues. The waters finally starting to recede, but weve got more strong storms coming in. And theyre going to be making their way into the Midatlantic States. Look at the radar right now, firing up, kansas city, all the way into indianapolis. For tomorrow, a risk of strong storms for 24 Million People down to d. C. , charleston, atlanta, knoxville. These are fastmoving storms. And as this system develops tomorrow afternoon, severe storms ahead of it for pittsburgh, washington, new york city, and then its going to develop along the coast and cause a lot of heavy rain. And in fact, some areas could pick up to 6 inches of rain from the appalachias all the way into the delmarva peninsula causing some urban flooding. Well be watching this very carefully going into the weekend. Could be a bit of a washout for much of the northeast this weekend. Were going to get your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. To homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. That your business is our business the United States postal service. Priority you good morning piem meteorologist kari hall, a cool view this morning looking at San Francisco and the fog in the background still moving acrosses the Golden Gate Bridge. As we go through the day were going to see the temperatures in San Francisco reaching into the upper 60s, upper seflts for oakland and some triple digit temperatures starting to develop for concord over toward antioch. Livermore up to 97 degrees and san jose 88 degrees. Napa expect a high of 94 and santa rosa today 89. Thats the latest weather. Coming up, were going to show you the Fidget Spinner of weather. I dont know if i can wait for that. You have to. New screen rules coming to airports nationwide. What it will mean for your wait time on the next trip. Nationwide job fair by amazon and not everybody is happy about it. First, this is today on nbc. [ indistinct chatter ] [ intense music playing ] its here, but its going by fast. The opportunity of the year is back the mercedesbenz summer event. Get to your dealer today for incredible onceaseason offers, jummy mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. Just ahead has your doctor given you the wrong advice when it comes to taking antibiotics. Hello, hoda. Hello, hoda. Angelina jolie openinghello,. Hi. Can you tell me about these new Social Security alerts i keep hearing about . Sure, just sign up online. Then well alert you if we find your Social Security number on any one of thousands of risky websites. Wow. Thats cool. How much is it . Oh, its free if you have a discover card. I like free yeah, we just want you to be in the know. Ooh. Hey sushi. Ugh. I smell it youre making me. Yeah, being in the know is a good thing. Know if your Social Security number is found on risky sites. Free from discover. One hero was on a mission to save snack time. Watch babybel in the great snack rescue. You want a piece of me . Good, im delicious. Creamy, delicious, 100 real cheese. Mini babybel. Snack a little bigger. Give extra. Get extra. Howd we rethink light yogurt . Kicked out artificial sweeteners, added real fruit, and made it 90 calories. New light and fit greek nonfat yogurt with zero artificial sweeteners. Youll go from mmm to wow. With zero artificial sweeteners. From our crazy delicious family to yours. Backpack, check. Thats the family taking care of business. Awesome notebook check. But who takes care of them . Office depot office max. This week, these composition books are just 25 cents each. Taking care of business. Good morning and thank you for join us on this thursday. Im sam brock. The deadly malfunction of the fire ball thrill ride in ohio is having an impact on similar rides coast to coast. We froze this video because it gets much more graphic after that. Several versions of the same ride currently operate in Northern California and that includes here in the bay area. Theres a fire ball right on the Santa Cruz Boardwalk which operators temporarily closed last night inspect. One big difference with the santa cruz ride and the one where someone died in ohio is that it does not move from one location to another. That id have expected to reopen later today after a full daytime inspection. The fire ball ride currently running at the state far in sacramento is expected to stay closed until the ohio investigation is complete. We will continue to follow that story purchase you the kari hall looking closely at your forecast. Good morning, kari. Good morning. Its going to be a nice day for some of the kwoeftal areas and the inner bay. While we will have hotter temperatures for some of the valleys like conaccord and antioch reaching the trip willing digits. Napa 90 foir degrees, oakland will be at 79 while san jose loaning at i high of 88 degrees, santa cruz 69. Well see more of the same in San Francisco. Over the next few days our temperatures will stay hot for the valleys so make sure you stay nice and cool. Lets get an update on the roadways now from mike. All right. Looking over here a smooth drive around most of the bay. We do have to point nought south bay that crash on 87 cleared at 237 thats where the crash was zank ker road. The big rig on the shoulder that will be a bigger distraction than the smaller crash. Over here this earlier crash also cleared from west 580 on foothill road it does have traffic backed up into and through the dublin interchange. A smeerj drive toward the bay bridge but of course those metering lies i lights are on. S that going to do it for us right now were back in 30 minutes with more news. Were back now at 7 30. Its thursday morning. The 27th of july, 2017. Good morning to all of you. Lets get right to our headlines this morning, and we start with what weve been talking about all morning. This tragedy at the Ohio State Fair. One person was killed, seven others injured when a row of seats on the fireball ride suddenly snapped off. Cell phone video captured the moment it happened. Several other passengers were thrown from the ride. Many feet into the air. The fair is open today, but Officials Say the rides will not run again until they are all determined to be safe. Steve scalise has been released. He was injured after a congressional baseball practice, and he will now begin intense rehabilitation. The First Responders to raced to the scene to save lawmakers will be honored at the white house later today. And breaking overnight. Police say pop star just inbieber accidentally hit a photographer with his truck as he was leaving church in beverly hills. Biebers ram truck was surrounded by paparazzi when the singer tried to pull away. Biker did stay with the photographer while they waited for medical personnel to arrive. The victim was taken to want hospital and treated for minor injuries. Bieber will not face any charges in that. Wow. He did the right thing by sticking around. Absolutely. It was dark. Yeah. Hope he is all right. Now to a major change for anybody that flies. The tsa is announcing new screening rules that will require you to remove all li electronics larger than a cell phone. Gabe gutierrez is at Hartsfield Jackson in atlanta. Gabe, good morning. Carson, good morning. Changes have not kicked in here in atlanta just yet. Just ten u. S. Airports so far, but the tsa plans to roll out the new screening procedures at all domestic airports in the coming weeks and months. Authorities believe that terrorists are finding better ways to hide explosives inside electronics. Thormg the tsa says tighter rules are coming across the country with agents taking a closer look at personal electronics. That could mean longer wait times and increased frustration. I think there are a lot of different ways we could address Homeland Security. I dont necessarily know its through my kindle. Reporter while passengers have been required to remove Laptop Computers from their carryones for years, the new screening procedures mean any device larger than a cell phone, including ereaders and tablets must also go into a separate bin. Its a minor inconvenience, but if it will help, im all for it. The rules now in place at ten u. S. Airports, including boston, detroit, and los angeles. With travellers cramming more into the carryones, the tsa is struggling. If its something thats going to protect us, its a good thing. Reporter in finic the tsa began checking 3d carryon luggage scanners to detect bombs. Last week Homeland Security secretary john kelly said the tsa recently set off an explosive based on what intelligence suggested terrorists were developing. Reporter many travellers say the new rules are worth the extra hassle. You cant put a price on that. Its got to be done. The tsa says that since its tested this at ten airports, its developed quicker, more targeted techniques to keep the lines moving, but, guys, we should mention that the changes do not apply to passengers enrolled in tsa precheck. Back to you. Good info there. Gabe, thanks so much. Now to california where an 18yearold girl made her First Court Appearance after police say she killed her younger sister in a drunk driving accident that was streamed live on social media, and we want to warn you, the video you are about to see is very disturbing. Nbc National Correspondent miguel has the latest. Miguel, good morning. Savannah, good morning. That video of the accident shared live and now going viral has sparked outrage and disbelief. The teen accused of that deadly crash, for everyone to see, faces serious prison time. Reporter the disturbing video that streamed live on instagram now a key piece of evidence against 18yearold suspected drunk driver odulia sanchez, seen here behind the wheel with two 14yearolds in the car, posting in realtime. Sanchez loses control. The vehicle rolling over as she continues to broadcast live. Baby, wake up. Baby. Both passengers who were not wearing seat belts, were ejected. This is the last thing i wanted to happen to us. Reporter sanchez reaching her younger sister, jacquelin, who was killed in the crash. Hey. Everybody, if i [ bleep ] go to jail, you already know why. My sister is [ bleep ] dying. Its a felony offense. Reporter now sanchez is back on camera again, but this time Live Streaming in a jailhouse jumpsuit, pleading not guilty in a california court. Its shocking behavior, no question about it. And sanchez faces 13 years in prison. Her sisters friend, who survived with minor injuries, is speaking out. Im not mad at anybody, and i dont blame anybody. After broadcasting so much on social media, sanchez saying very little in court. Her Attorney Says his client is troubled and deeply remorseful. I think its absolutely unfortunate that so many people would rush to judge her on a few minutes of her life not having known anything about her. Nobody knows how they would react when your sibling dies in your arms. For many the circumstances are unimaginable. A horrific tragedy. Jacquelin please wake up reporter that played out live for all to see. After the accident instagram released a statement saying they were deeply saddened by the tragedy. They also urged their users to use any reporting tools to flag any questionable content. As for sanchez, shell be back in court next month. Its been really hot, but we are seeing a change. Milder highs coming in. Hot and humid weather down through the gulf coast. Ahead of this front its still going to be hot. Dallas, 100. Memphis, 94. New orleans, 93. Behind it nice and comfortable. The temperatures in the low 80s from chicago to dodge city. Tomorrow the cooler air makes its way further south. 78 in pets burg. Tupelo, 87. Much more mild weather throughout much of the country, but still hot into southern florida and on into southern gulf coast. That good morning, im meteorologist kari hall sun breaking out in san jose and we will see some quickly warming temperatures today. At least it stays cool in San Francisco with some more clouds and fog. Upper 60s today and lower 70s over the next few days. It will really be hot for the inland areas today reaching into the upper 90s. No changes for the weekend, even getting a little bit hotter. And early next week we stay in the 90s throughout this sevenday forecast. Coming up, we will have the Fidget Spinner of weather. We want to hear that. Thats coming up in the next half hour. All right, al. Thanks so much. Coming up, new findings on antibikanti antibiotics that could go against everything you thought knew about taking them. First, a hiring spree at amazon. What you need to know about. Its the First National job fair, and why the news isnt sitting well with other retailers. Well have that for you right after this what the. Custard for breakfast . What kind of mom starts her kids day off with dessert . Youre looking at her. Well . I love it. This piece is so you. I know, right . I saw it and i was just like oh, i have to have it. Is it suede . Its suede. I love suede. State farm knows that every one those moments, theres one of these. Well . I love it. This piece is so you. I know, right . I saw it and i was just like i have to have it. Is it suede . Its suede. I love suede. Thats why were there, with renters insurance, when things go wrong. But also here, with a rewards credit card, to help life go right. State farm. You dont let anything keep you sidelined. Thats why you drink ensure. 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Mmm so, if anyone has a reason that these two should not be wed, speak now. coughs so sorry. Oh no. Its just that your friend daryl here is supposed to be Live Streaming the wedding and hes not getting any service. I missed, like, the whole thing. What . And i just got an unlimited plan. Its the right plan, wrong network. You see, verizon has the largest, most reliable 4g lte network in america. Its built to work better in cities. Tell you what, just use mine. Thanks. No problem. All right, lets go live. Say hi to everybody who wasnt invited vo when it really, really matters, you need the best network and the best unlimited. Plus, get the pixel, by google for 5 a month. 7 43. A new sign of amazons massive expansion. The online giant will hold a National Job Fair next week to fill tens of thousands of positions, and here is nbcs Business Correspondent jolene kent. Reporter 50,000 new workers are being sought in the u. S. To find them amazon will host its first ever jobs day next wednesday at ten locations across the country. Stretching from kent, washington, to chattanooga, tennessee. Its the companys National Effort to speed up its rapidly growing network of warehouses, known as fulfillment centers, that pick, package, and ship orders to your door. Its part of the plan to hire 130,000 workers by the end of 2018. It could mean Economic Growth for the small towns where amazon has set up shop. Just ask the mayor of tracy, california, robert rickman. Since 2014 we have added jobs, and in the last quarter alone our revenue went up 35 . You are making 35 more . Correct. 29yearold kevin gipple saw the dollars flowing in and opened a restaurant to satisfy the growing population. Weve seen a lot of young early 20s that are just Getting Started getting their first jobs in distribution and fulfillment, and then a lot of families. Amazons hiring spree isnt good news for everyone. Theyve become so efficient online that retail experts estimate that for every one warehouse worker amazon hires, the Retail Industry loses between three and five employees overall. That adding to the more than 100,000 retail jobs lost since october 2016 as well as over 5,000 store closures to date this year. Amazon sfound founder and Ceo Jeff Bezos is set on expabding the empire. Plus, new deals with nike and sears and on wednesday amazons new foray into managing your health care. Theyre trying to do things around Electronic Medical records we share. All these aggressive moves now make amazon a 500 billion company, as amazon surges forward to unbox even more influence. Lets head over to miss chanelle jones. How one year book photo has sparked a debate over school dress codes. First, these messages. Atblue diamond almonds wein our almondmilk. Iagrown and were proud of that. But the whole careandnurturing part . That idea. We borrowed from the experts. Blue diamond almond breeze. The best almonds make the best almondmilk. One hero was on a mission to save snack time. Watch babybel in the great snack rescue. You want a piece of me . Good, im delicious. Creamy, delicious, 100 real cheese. Mini babybel. Snack a little bigger. becky i started smoking when i now i have endstage copd. My tip is; if you keep smoking, your freedom may only go as far as your oxygen tube. announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quitnow. How clean do you feel after laughter the bathroom . Lets ask the experts. I feel as clean as a little, white tiny kitten. Thats because only cottonelle® has cleanripple® texture. Designed to clean better. How cottonelle® do you feel . My challenge is to be in sync with my body, myself, my life. It all starts with a healthy routine. Begin the activia two week probiotic challenge by enjoying activia yogurt with billions of probiotics everyday. Take the activia probiotic challenge by enjoying activia yogurt with billions of probiotics everyday. Welcome to my she shed. Where high heels are forbidden by royal decree of the queen. Me. And my treats are just for me. Fiber one 90 calorie brownies. Allll mine. The labrador retriever, and the golden retriever, are very different. They eat digest and process energy differently. At royal canin® we developed over 200 precise forumlas, to transform every cat and dog into a magnificient animal. Royal canin®. Wecagefree eggs. Ng and we care about amazing taste. Because at best foods, were on the side of food. She pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. But once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. I use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. You are free to go. Tide and downy together. You dont let anything keep you sidelined. Thats why you drink ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Always be you. Backpack, check. Thats the family taking care of business. Awesome notebook check. But who takes care of them . Office depot office max. This week, these composition books are just 25 cents each. Taking care of business were back. Were back. Sheinelle is in the orange room. Good old dress controversy. Look at this picture. High School Senior was told she needed to retake her year book photo because her sweater violates the dress code. Students are expected to wear opaque clothing that covers from shoulder to mid thigh. She thought it should be changed so start add petition to end the oversexualization of womens bodies. It is ridiculous that women arent allowed to wear the clothing that they wish to wear simply because it could possibly distract someone. What do you think of her sweater . Look at the results. 78 say appropriate. 22 say inappropriate. So here is the deal. The school seems to agree. Shes since been contacted by the principal. Her photo will now be included in the year book and the school plans to organize a Student Group dedicated to revising dress code policy. What do you think . A civics lesson in you can make a difference. Im surprised the school turned around and changed policy. Usually they say this is the way it is. One of the things you read the policy, it sounds about right. You see that sweater and it looks completely fine. Carson wore Something Like that for his. Come on. Photo shop it and i had a turtleneck on. Likes to show his decolletage. Thanks, sheinelle. Still ahead the male fertility crisis. What couples struggling to conceive needs to know. Ank scroll gets candid, what ank scroll gets candid, what hi. Oh, hi welcome to the neighborhood. I brought you this pie to see if youre weird. Wow, that smells intrusive. It is. Did you want to come in, maybe snoop around a bit . Thats why im here. Wouldnt it be great if everyone said what they meant . Ooh, i smell onions the citi® double cash card does. Only citi lets you earn 1 cash back when you buy, and 1 as you pay. The citi double cash card. Double means double. There is nothing originalze about your original floors. At lowes, we have all the latest flooring styles and trends at prices you can afford. Hurry into lowes and get up to 40 off select tile. Nature valley granola delicious ingredients to fuel your day find us in the cereal aisle. All the power of protein in one delicious bar Nature Valley protein bars i lost my sight when i was 14 years old. So i really navigate the world by touch. When dove asked me to try out this body wash. I was excited that it was foam. It was so light and soft. Not sticky. Its light. Its different. Its foam. Right. In. Your. Stomach watch this . Yikes, that ice cream was messing with you, wasnt it . Try lactaid, its real ice cream, without that annoying lactose. Lactaid. Its the milk that doesnt mess with you. Nick was born to move. Not necessarily after 3 toddlers with boundless energy. But lower back pain wont stop him from keeping up. Because at a dr. Scholls kiosk he got a recommendation for our best custom fit orthotic to relieve his foot, knee, or lower back pain, from being on his feet. By reducing shock and stress on his body with every step. So look out world, dads taking charge. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. Howd we rethink light yogurt . Kicked out artificial sweeteners, added real fruit, and made it 90 calories. New light and fit greek nonfat yogurt with zero artificial sweeteners. Youll go from mmm to wow. With zero artificial sweeteners. Buried just under the surface, the answer to it all. We want to need each other. Tfriends family sale take an extra 20 off your purchase get the gear. Win the school year. Laceup graphic tees are just 11. 99 score young mens shorts for 15. 99 and juniors denim for 19. 99 plus get kohls cash too game on. Kohls. 7 56 on this thursday morning with some cloudy skies. Tab a live look outside from the castro and looking toward the financial district today and as we start out were also seeing those clouds over san jose but all of that clears out. Well have some warmer temperatures especially for the inland areas. Heading up to 88 degrees in san jose, 87 in palo alto, the triple digits start to reappear in our forecast today for concord and antioch. North bay up to 94 in napa and 97 livermore. Temperatures stay fairly warm away from the coastline, low 70s in San Francisco for tomorrow into the weekend and the inland areas into the upper 90s today and well see some of those hottest temperatures again near 100 degrees for sunday into the start of the next week. Knot really cooling off very much for next mund monday through wednesday. Whats happening on the road now, mike . Things are holing said it dit south gay bay has seen some impricht. We just see a general slower drive through livermore and a dublin interchange. Castro valley area moves well and were look at walnut creek a crash 24 Pleasant Hill on the shoulder no problems getting to the bay bridge, slow down typical through berkeley and slowing here the torp of your screen coming off highway 37 down to san rafael. Back to you. Happening right now a suspended San Francisco Police Officer accuse of possessing child pornography may appear in court as soon as today after being arrested yesterday. On the home page you can find details on that investigation that his cohorts are calling troubling. Today big news in Business Amazon founder jeff bezos has just become the rach richest manned. World. You remember Bernie Sanders on snl . Turns through the may be something more to that . They are apparently distant relatives and thats pret, pretty, pretty who are these people . The Energy Conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something. Humongous. A little thing here. A little thing there. Starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. Who are all these caretakers, advocates too . Turns out, its californians its me and its you. Dont stop now, its easy to add to the routine. Join Energy Upgrade california and do your thing. Its 8 00 on today. Coming up, breaking overnight. Tragedy at the state fair. At least one person dead, seven injured after a ride completely malfunctions in ohio. People just were live on the scene. Plus not what the doctor ordered . A new report says you dont always have to finish that prescription. Why overtreatment can be just as dangerous. And ank scroll opens up. The star speaking out like never before about her marriage and split from brad pitt and how she and her kids are moving forward today july 27, 2017. Sweet 16 and youve never been kissed by a today host. Who do you want to get kissed by . Carson daly. How many years are you celebrating . 25. How many years are you celebrating. Today show, central park, broadway, statue of liberty, times square. Whos left. Al roker. Savannah, i think charlie has got a twin. Whats the little ones name . Kyle. Twinsies. My goodness, big babies. I love it. After that. A sign. Thats a big day. Everyone, awesome, weve got to get out there. Good morning, youre watching with us, too. Matt has the morning off but back on monday. Lots to cover, lets get right to your news at 8 00. We start with the tragedy. The Ohio State Fair reopening today after that deadly accident overnight. Several people were thrown from a swinging ride after it malfunctioned. Nbcs blake mccoy is in columbus for us. Blake, good morning. Savannah, good morning to you. All of the rides here at the fair are closed this morning after one person was killed and seven injured during this malfunction that sent them flying into the air. The big question now this morning, how could this happen . A horrific scene at the Ohio State Fair. A day of fun taking a terrifying turn when this ride broke apart midair. Passengers sent flying at high speed. So the ride yes, people just fell out like 60 feet up. Weve just received a report that at least one individual has come off a ride at the fairgrounds. Reporter the ride scene in this Company Video twisting and turning is called the fire ball. On wednesday cell phone video captured seats flying off, throwing riders and the park into chaos. Oh, my god. Inspectors say they had examined the ride multiple times. This ride was inspected in a couple of different stages, and it was signed off today. What are you feeling right now . Terrified. I dont think ill ever ride a ride again. Such a fun fair. This was just a real tragedy. Thats all i can say. The injured transported to local hospitals in and around the columbus area. Right now were at a very early stage. Were still even in the process of characterizing some of his injuries. The Ohio State Fair is an annual tradition attracting hundreds of thousands of people each year. Now its being known for one of the worst events in the states recent memory. The fair is about the best things in life, and then with this accident it becomes a terrible, terrible tragedy. Reporter all of the rides behind me are closed, as inspectors work to reinspect each and every one of them. Ohios Governor John Kasich will tour the fairgrounds later this morning when the rest of the fair reopens. Savannah. Blake mccoy, thank you. A new highlevel leak overshadowing other white house controversies. Nbc correspondent Peter Alexander has it covered for us. Good morning. Good morning. A lot of moving parts already at the white house. First, a private feud between the president s incoming communication director and chief of staff spilling into the public after Anthony Scaramucci Financial Disclosure forms document published. Within the last hour scaramucci directed his fire at Reince Priebus saying, quote, if reince wants to explain hes not a leaker, let him do that. He added hes not sure whether their relationship is repairable. Also the president facing a fierce backlash after that out of the blue tweets reversing obama era of transgender in the military. As a candidate he vowed to fight for the transgender did community. Leaving the country this morning, headed to el salvador, talking about Gang Violence and human trafficking. Asked why he doesnt fire him if hes unhappy. Sarah Huckabee Sanders said he can be disappointed in someone but still want them to continue to do their job. Carson. Peter alexander, thank you very much. A lot of people talking this morning, new Research Shows sperm counts are falling at an astounding rate and experts are trying to figure out why as nbcs Kristen Dahlgren reports its not just men trying to have a family that should be concerned. Reporter when it comes to a mans fertility, its his sperm that counts. This morning researchers are sounding the alarm after finding western men are only half as fertile as they were 40 careers ago. Weve noticed sperm counts drop, sperm mo tilt and how the sperm is swimming has dropped. Reporter what the doctor is seeing in his l. A. Fertility clinic is now backed up by research. An analysis of almost 200 studies looking at 40,000 men found from 1973 to 2011, spirm cou sperm count and concentration dropped 50 in europet north america, a steep flung, no sign of leveling off. This is a wakeup call. It cant be genetic. Its much too fast for genetic. Its got to be environmental. Reporter dwindling sperm counts have been linked to chemicals, plastics and nicotine, especially in the womb. Doctors say a woman who smocks during pregnancy does greater damage to the sons sperm count than if the son smocks himself as an adult. Not just fertility. Low sperm count linked to Heart Disease and early death. As obesity levels rise in the United States, a Clear Coalition with the weight of the man going up and the poor sperm quality. Researchers say the stats on sperm count may actually be an indicator of an Overall Health decline. Instead of worrying about Common Misconceptions like cell phones and tighty whities, get a good nighted sleep, avoid excessive alcohol or choking. Good advice to keep you, or the rest of the human race, around for a while. For today, Kristen Dahlgren, nbc news, new york. This morning classic cartoons remembering a woman of 1,000 voices. Weve got some great things on the show today. What are you doing with my little birdie. Smart aleck, that was poisoned. Why . Why are you taking our Christmas Tree . Cindy who. Rockying the flying squirrel. She died overnight. She once joked about the role. It sounded like a cockeyed idea but then after the second martini. A hall of fame voice. One of the sweetest women ever. I got to meet her a couple of times and really enjoyed doing the voices. She became the voice. You watch her work, she became rocky. Cindy lou. Our best to her family. A lot more ahead including Angelina Jolie speaking out about her split with brad pitt like weve never heard before. Surprising news about taking antibiotics and what so many of us are doing wrong. Easy breakfast swaps for a health the days looking new and bright, and youre gonna start it right, the best part of wakin up is folgers in your cup. Bmilk and fresh cream,a. And only sustainably farmed vanilla. What is this . A vanilla bean . Mmm breyers the good vanilla. We use nongmo sourced ingredients in some of americas favorite flavors. Mmm you ready . By their second kid, every mom is an expert, and more likely to. Choose luvs than first time moms. Live, learn, get luvs. Sun to the farm to the seeds that you sow seed to the oat to get made to an o put in the good and the good will grow good goes around and around and around good goes around and around. My challenge is to be in sync with my body, myself, my life. It all starts with a healthy routine. Begin the activia two week probiotic challenge by enjoying activia yogurt with billions of probiotics everyday. Take the activia probiotic challenge by enjoying activia yogurt with billions of probiotics everyday. sharon suction out your shane dont use spray paint. Cpr is not mouth to mouth. Its mouth to stoma. shawn be very careful shaving. announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quitnow. In late august 1992, joel discovered the chex mix™ combination of two corn chex, one bread stick, and one pretzel piece. He would later tongue kiss this girl. Those two things are unrelated. Just kind of a big night for joel. Pick your mix with chex mix™. Guys were out of milk goinneed anything . Run, skim milk chocolate milk im not doing dairy this week. Got it. Get everyday low prices on everyday essentials, targetrun and done. cat 2 hey, whats in there . cat 1 gaspa is that a crunchy kibble . cat 2 is that a ring of gravy . cat 1 its gravy. Made crunchy new friskies gravy swirlers cat 2 real gravy baked right in cat 1 crunchy gravy crunchy gravy cat 2 we get it buddy, we get it. vo feed their fantasy. Friskies. Pref were back at 8 12. Since splitting from brad pitt, famously private Angelina Jolie has been hesitant to talk about their highly public breakup. In vanity fair the oscar winner is speaking out in detail for the very first time. Angelina jolie speaking candidly to vanity fair what life has been life for her life and kids after the split from brad pitt. She tells the magazine, its just been the hardest time and were just kind of coming up for air. Up to four days before the interview the family had been staying in a rental and living out of suit cases. Now settled into their new lank home jolie and the kids are getting back to normal. Ive been trying for nine months to be really good at just being a homemaker and picking up dog poop and cleaning dishes and reading bedtime stories. Im Getting Better at all three. This is a portrait of a woman at a particular time when things are really scary and chaotic and different. She is trying to figure out how to chart her course. Things turned upside down last september when jolie filed for divorce against brad pitt. Things got bad, she tells vanity fair, in one of the only moments she addresses the split. She quickly corrected herself. I didnt want to use that word. Things became difficult. A difficult time that led to jolie went on to say sometimes women in families put themselves last until it manifests itself in their own health. Her focus has been on her children, who she calls brave. I dont want my children to be worried about me. Its very important to cry in the shower, not in front of them. They need to know everything is going to be all right, even when youre not sure it is. When asked about rumors that the familys nomadic lifestyle led to the breakup she told vanity fair, our lifestyle was not in any way negative. That is not the problem. That is and will remain one of the wonderful opportunities we were able to give our children. Their six very strong minded thoughtful, worldly individuals. Im very proud of them. Shes showing that shes not going to like put on airs as like im the perfect mother. Its a little mess y, a little sloppy. Theres a lot of love and kind of easiness, i would say, between her and her kids. In may her husband brad pitt admitted to gq style he had problems with alcohol telling the magazine, this period has been really at looking at my weaknesses and failure and owning my side of the street. When asked by vanity fair if she was surprised by pitts article, her answer, no. The sense i got is that there is a lot of pain and a lot of residual anger. But for the sake of the family, shes, you know, trying to keep that in check. For her part, jolie has remained busy lecturing at the London School of economics, continuing her work with the united nations. More recently promoting her new film, first they killed my father a passion project for her and her oldest son maddux. It is a testament to a woman finding her way forward after a tumultuous time. I actually feel more of a woman because i feel like im being smart about my choices and im putting my family first. And im in charge of my life and my health. I think thats what makes a woman complete. And Angelina Jolie says she is in full recovery from her health issues. She credits acupuncture for that. She says she and brad pitt also seem to be moving forward. She told vanity fair, we care for each other and care about our family, and we are both working toward that goal. So she revealed some about her marriage and a lot about her life. Cool. Thank you so much. Time of day wen we do the trending. The weekend is upon us. Were all decent on our diets, healthy during the week. For some of us, on the weekend nbcnews. Com spoke to nutritionists who say you can have a cheat meal . Every day. As long as you indulge wisely and gave us dos and donts. They say dont go hungry before your cheat meal because then youll indulge. This is mine. Dont make a cheat meal into a cheat week. Thats a problem. Do try to make your cheat meal healthier. Do have a small treat every day. Dont drive angry. Thats the responsible part of the segment. That got us thinking. We started talking in the makeup room this morning. If you got to choose your cheat meal or your favorite meal, last meal on earth, what would it be . I was positioned in the makeup room like last supper. Death row. Lamb chops. Good. I like these au gratin potatoes, cheesy, creamy. A good sour dough bread with butter, european butter, the salty stuff. Thailand tea and ice cream. Caramel sea salt ice cream. Hoda. Okay. This is my last meal. Talk slow. Kfc crunchy dark meat. Love dark meat. A big old pile of buttery mashed potatoes. Hot buttered biscuits. Mama. And a big old slice of chocolate cake. And i would have some of carsons ice cream. Im lactose intolerant. Roker is doing to have a steak. 2 1 2 inch bonein ribeye. Youve got to have creamed spinach, steak fries, apple cobbler. Im obsessed with burritos. Just hole in the wall place, not fancy smancy place. What do you want . All the fixings on top, sour cream, a glass of riesling because why not. For desert Bread Pudding really hot. For appetizer i want banana bread. Because why not . All right, savannah. I love pizza. Really good. Not like the average pizza, really good pizza. Sausage and mushroom or something. Thick or thin. Thick. Lots of cheese. This doesnt go together but i would want french fries. You mentioned biscuits and i was like can i have biscuits, too. Carbfest. Chocolate cake, brownie sunday. Apparently you want to nibble on a 20yearold photo of your self. Thats before i ate that stuff. I was thinner again. Lets go to author and wellness expert. What do you think about cheat meals . These arent cheat meals. These are definitely last meals. Writes the defibrillator. The winner who comes in at were talking you should have seen it in rehearsal. Its sheinelle. I was the worst. The healthiest. 2300 calories. The best or worst . Worst . Burrito, all the fixings, 1500 calories right there. Three deserts, banana pudding. That was my appetizer. Three deserts, a lot of fat. Take us to pop start. Pop start. Im starving after that. We start with larry david, excited fans, curb your enthusiasm returning after decades. Why . Years. Wait add long time, al. Why not . Im not a misser, so to speak. I dont miss things. I was missing it. I was missing these idiots. I thought what the hell, curb your enthusiasm after six years. By the way seinfeld cocreator made a surprising revelation. Remember how he played on snl, he did the portrayal of Bernie Sanders. Larry david says hes actually related to bernie. He learned about it when he did a show on pbs. No. Its true. They are like third cousins or something. Or something. Now quincy jones, Michael Jacksons longtime producers has been awarded 9. 42 million in the lawsuit against the state filed in 2014. His claim he was cheated out of money, owed 30 million in royalties released after the pop stars passing. He didnt get the full amount but said to variety, never about michael but protecting integrity and legacy of their work. That is your pop start today, guys. Only one thing left to do. Daily click. The daily click. Of course. Lets get to the daily click right now. If you dont mind. Let me tell you the tale of this young man. Hes 4 years old, luke, has he a teddy bear he loves. So much so he named the teddy bear teddy bear. He left it at love field. So his mom takes to facebook to file a missing bear report. So soon enough you have all the airport employees trying to track down teddy bear. Once they did, they found the bear, put the bear to work. Tsa stand, teddy bear driving a massive yellow truck. Hes visiting the cockpit. He will later fly that plane. Unbelievable. Now, here is the great return, thanks to moms mission social media, our friends at the airport, teddy bear is back in good hands with little luke. That is your daily click. Airport reunion. Talk about the love. Thats so awesome. Thank you. All right, mr. Roker. Teddy is doing weather. Fidget spinner . Fidget spinner, thats right. Its called technically the fujiwhara effect. Two storms, Tropical Storm irwin and hurricane hilary. What happens is they get involved with each other, circulation, start to orbit each other. Like a Fidget Spinner, eventually irwin gets dissolved, taken over by hilarys stronger circulation. Hilary dominates but loses the electoral college. Still an effect in california high surf kicked up along Southern California border and a risk of rip currents this week. Rest of the country were looking at heavy rain from the central Mississippi River valley into the Midatlantic States. Heat advisories in the central plains. Heavy rain continues in the southwest. And out west gorgeous weather, thats whats going on around the country. Heres whats happening in your neck of the woods. Good morning. Im meteorologist kari hall. A wide range in temperatures as you get ready to head out this morning. Were still seeing the fog and the clouds along the coast, and today in San Francisco, the highs will reach up to 69 degrees, 79 in oakland and you can see how hot its going to be in concord and antioch today. The first day of some tripledigit temperatures and our stretch of several days headed into the bay area as our temperatures stay nice and cool in the city, while the inland areas will leech into the upper 90s and we could see some triple digits. If youre heading out dont forget check us out sirius channel 108. Today 2 00, the don and madge show. Im sorry, 1 00. Was that mark . 1 00. Mark, okay. Why dont you tease it. Tell them whats happening. Excellent. Coming up breakfast and brows not necessarily in that order. How to make better food choices and start your day. How to get that bold i m. The deadly malfunction of that fireball thrill ride in good thursday morning. At 8 26, im sam brock. More on the deadly malfunction of that fireball thrill ride in ohio. It is having an impact on similar rides coast to coast. A person died in that ohio incident. Several versions of the same ride currently operate in Northern California. That includes the fireball ride of the same name on the Santa Cruz Boardwalk which operators temporarily closed last night. One big difference with the santa cruz ride and the one in ohio, the santa cruz version does not move from one location to another. That ride is expected to reopen later today after a daytime inspection. The fireball ride currently running at the state fair in sacramento is expected to stay closed until the ohio investigation is finished. Mike inouye is tracking your commute for you this morning. A couple of incidents in oakland that popped up. Thats right, both on the nimitz freeway, not far from one another. Overall, your commute looks great, the south bay has Silicon Valley northbound, commutes there. Northbound 880 approaching davis, one crash on the shoulder, southbound side before you get to high street, another crash there. Theres not a lot of slowing as a result. Those crashes cleared through the soldier as well. South of the san mateo bridge, a lot of traffic, both directions westbound. Heres your commute direction. Thats slowing a little more, a little mist in the air too. No problem as far as visibility. Thank you very much. Thatll do it for us right now. We are back with more news in just 30 minutes. 8 30, thursday morning, 27th of july, 2017. Awesome, awesome day on our plaza. Great crowd. Everybody is so excited. Its like summer then, of course, a little carson daly throwback. Full effect with 90s masterpiece, baby got back, 25 years ago. Wow. I like that song. The song of the summer. A great video. Its a great v. Five weeks at number one on the billboard chart. Its actually the only song that outsold that song that year was Whitney Houstons i will always love you. Speaking of great music, tomorrow fitz and the tantrums hits the concert stage. Its time to pick somebody. Ive got a little bit of a run but its worth it. All the way to eighth street. Wait for me. This is important. I got the traveling divas here. Hi, ladies. Question, question, where are you guys from . Peoria, illinois. Do you have appear extra shirt for me . Trade you a today show mug. They are going to get me one. Carson, carson, there is a request for that song we just played. Crank it on the plaza. Get ready. Theres a dance party at this end. Baby got back. The dancing divas. Thank you. Thank you, hoda. Coming up, when youre in a rush, what do you grab for breakfast. This morning simple swaps for things like muffins and hashed browns with our buddy to give you a healthier boost to start the day. Plus ants at your picnic, dripping ketchup on your shirt. Quick fixes for common summer bummers. Also show you how to pull off bold and beautiful brow trend or as bobbi calls it angry bird eye trend. First a check of the weather. The oldest among us is the groucho. Lets show you. Hello. Lets show you what we have for you. Weekend outlook. Starting friday strong storms, Midatlantic States into the northeast. Sunshine in new england and the plains. Heat continues in texas. Sunny out west. On saturday, rain continues along midatlantic spot northeast with building heat in the Pacific Northwest. Rain through the golf course. Sunday sunday coastal showers continue on the midatlantic. The july heat builds in the Pacific Northwest into central california. More wet weather through the sout im meteorologist kari hall. The Golden Gate Bridge still hidden in fog right now. Most of San Francisco is clearing out. Were seeing sunshine as we look live in downtown san jose and High Temperatures for south bay reaching into the upper 80s in the city, san jose up to 94 for the south county, up to 100 degrees in concord and antioch, 80 in san mateo. San francisco will reach up to 70 in the Mission District and the north bay looking at 89 today in santa rosa. As we head into the weekend, you want to get the weather you need when you need it. Tune in our buddies on the Weather Channel on cable. Savannah. All right, al. Thank you so much. Now some new findings that could change the way you take antibiotics. Five out of six americans have prescribed them every year. Usually were told to finish the entire course even if we feel better. A new study is calling that spoke question claiming overextremity is just as dangerous as undertreatment. Dr. Natalie, nbc contributor. Good morning to you. Morning, savannah. This goes against everything we think we know about antibiotics. What does this study find . Its very much challenging the dogma, shorter courses are inferior. We have to get over the fear of undertreating and recognize the harm of undertreating. I dont think we need to restate over and over again the big problem with antibiotic resistance due to inappropriate use of antibiotics. We need to review for bacterial in fedex. A couple of times, an acute respiratory in fedex, only viral. We only want to be treating for bacterial infections. Where you can have your doctor culture so you know what youre sensitive to. Theres two paths, long course and short. Long course is going to be anywhere from 10 to 14 days. A short course as little as three to five days. I think weve got that right here. Tell me about this. How do you know whats what. The nice thing about this report, they are trying to make this more evidencebased. They were able to cite studies that show, for example, strep, sore throat, people can do just as well with three to six days as opposed to ten. Savannah, with your own children, its hard to give ten days of antibiotics, so if we can get away with less, that should be the goal. How do you know which infection which is right for which. Authors gave a couple of examples, uti s, strep throat, certain courses of pneumonia with shorter courses. Longer, well get to that, mono, tuberculosis, things like that. Its very important for the viewers to understand that the messaging is not necessarily just stop the antibiotics when youre feeling better. Sometimes people do feel better in the first 24 to 48 hours after taking antibiotics. I know we say this a lot on air. This is definitely one of those situations where you want to communicate with your Health Care Provider about the duration of antibiotic therapy. Health care providers know. The long course. Thats the thing. If youre a Health Care Provider sort of living in a bubble and prescribing 10 days for everything because its convention and unambiguous. Take it until the course is completed, for example. Its really moving away. The guidelines moving away from that. Again, longer term antibiotics youll find interesting out there, parents, for kids under the age of two, for o advertisement itis, still for bacterial, tuberculosis, underlying conditions of the bone, things like that because there can be ambiguity when to stop and how long to take, please communicate with your docs on this. Thats the bottom line. Even probably more so than ever. Doctor, thank you so much. Coming up next, how to choose a better breakfast. But first this is today on nbc. Whoa youre not taking these. Hey, hey, hey youre not taking those. Whoa, whoa youre not taking that. Come with me. Youre not taking that. Youre not taking that. Youre not taking that. Mom, im taking the subaru. Dont be late. Even when were not there to keep them safe, our Subaru Outback will be. vo love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. And were back with todays food, studies confirm that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Finding Healthy Foods packed with protein not easy to do. You want it not loaded with sugar and salt and fat. Here is the author of zero belly breakfast. Were going to walk and make good choices. In the summer moving out of the house, hard to find stuff in the morning. If you go to restaurants, your average restaurant breakfast meal is 1100 calories. If you can get the right breakfast you can change your life. Get essential calories not empty. Zero belly, thats what its about, flattening your belly, improving your mood, having energy, restoring health. People lost up to 16 pounds in 14 days but you have to make the right choices. If you dont make a smart choice youll pay for it. Its crazy. Youve got a pot belly. This is why i focus on pot belly breakfast. You go there get sausage, egg, cheddar, its 800 calories and 1500 milligrams of sodium. So the equivalent of that burning that off. You would basically have to cycle for 20 miles. So maybe over an hour, hour and 20 minutes. Shes doing for her yellow jersey. If youre a pot belly, make a smart choice. Cover up bad one, go egg and cheese on thin cut, 400 calories, 410 calories, 654 sodium. Can you still go on the 20 mile bike ride and do some good day. Dont go for doughnuts. Youre on the go, a puffy cake muffin. The operative word is cake. Muffin is like having cake for breakfast. Right. This guy right here is 590 calories and 51 grams of sugar. Phil wants you to talk quickly. Phil got the short straw here. Hes going to have to do up to 900 burpees. Hell do it in an hur. See it this afternoon. Whats the smart choice for doughnuts. Dont do that, bunch of empty calories. Instead a wakeup wrap, egg and ham, 200 calories and just one gram of sugar. That is a great way to start the morning. Phil, youre off the hook. 1 gram of sugar. Eat the wrap. Here we go. Si cinnabon. Wakes you up. How many calories. Caramel pecan bon. Its 1100 calories and 5 grams of sugar. Mandy here has to basically stair climb up to two hours. The equivalent will be go to the top of 30 rock, walk back down and do that four more times. Whats the equivalent. Do this. Get some coffee. That should be your pick me up, not 75 grams of sugar and sweet churros, 280 calories. 8 grams of sugar. Its not good. Steak fries. 1800 calories, 3200 milligrams of sodium. How long to run . Have to do it 2 1 2 hours. Work that off. Sorry, greg. That looks good. Get the tuscan scramble. Its 420 calories, 25 of the calories of this. Okay. Last one. Yeah. Now, were going to mcdonalds. Weve got the big breakfast, also known as the kitchen sink breakfast. Its got everything, everything. Its 1300 calories, 65 grams of fat. Oh, my gosh. More melissa is going to have to do that for two hours. Thats impressive. Youre doing good. Or you can just make a smarter choice and, here, get the classic egg mcmuffin, 300 calories. Even if you ate four, im not saying you should, you wouldnt total the calories. What if you took a hashed brown and put it in there, happy medium. 420. Its great. Youre still saving calories. Still something. Zero belly breakfast and more smart breakfast choices to do ai. Com food its there for you. Up next, solutions how to get rid of everything, those annoying sustaining to pesky bugs this summer. Were back after this. [ crickets chirping ] [ light music playing ] youve wished upon it all year, and now its finally here. The mercedesbenz summer event is back, with incredible offers on the mercedesbenz youve always longed for. But hurry, these shooting stars fly by fast. Lease the c300 for 399 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. Welcome back, everybody. Summer can be fun. Thats down sides bug bites and ice cream stains. Here with quick and easy fixes to get you back to your best summer ever. Elizabeth, were talking summer bummers. Summer bummers. Turn summer bummers into smiles. Stains are horrible. Were starting off with chocolate. How do you get it out . This is the ching about chocolate, its enzymebased, proteinbased. You need a cleaner thattes enzymebased. Other things like proteinpaced, grass stains, the same thing. Anything with fat in it. So basically what youre going to do, first youre going to take some wisk, enzymebased, tablespoon to water, two cups of water and a tablespoon. Cold water. Never rub a stain. Never. Dab it. Pat, pat, pat. Pat, pat, pat. Youre going to let that soak. You can stick that in there and wash. All right. We do not put it in the drier. Always check stains first because the drier will bake it in. Lets go to barbecue sauce. Best way to get it out. The best way to do it, again, always cold water first. Glycerin is a really good way to its a solvent, buy it at the drugstore. Put glycerin on, rinse it in cold water and take one of these cleaners, spray it. Again let it sit and wash regular. Can i ask a question . Does this really work . You see things, you try them at hem and they dont work. These really work, i promise you. Ketchup. Ketchup. Basically what youre going to do, rinse it again with cold water. You can use tide to go or solvent like that. Rinse it again. You can then use Something Like hydrogen peroxide, only on white clothes. You need to make sure its colorfast but it acts as a gentle bleach. You wash it regularly. Lets talk sunburn. I have heard of a million cures and things to soothe it but never this. This has been aloe frozen in an ice krub tray. Aloe is cooling but this is double cool. Feels good. Most people do have ac. In the event you dont, things go down. I actually dont have ac. I have window units but they are terrible. This is a really good thing to do. What should we do . You place bowl of water you put some salt in, fill it with ice cubes and turn the fan on. The fan i dont know how to turn this one on. There you go. You can turn it on. If you can tilt it up a little bit and raise it so the cold air. Blowing out. Cold breeze comes across you, definitely cooler. That is so smart. Bugs are one of those things whenever we eat outside they are everywhere. We have ways to fix that. Frosted cake, this even works with fried chicken, anything you want to protect. Say its hot but you dont want to steam it. You can take some spaghetti, dried spaghetti and put it in there and it makes a nice tent. Its not going to mess up your whole thing. Sometimes cakes get ruined when you put saran wraps on them. You dont want bugs around you. Look what she made, a saran wrapped tent. Another piece, too, it doesnt mess things up. I thought this was an old wives tale, cinnamon keeps flies away. Ants. You can put dried cinnamon or take cinnamon oil like the essence of oil and spray it wherever you get ants. Odors. If you have an air conditioning unit you can put a drier sheet, open it up where that vent is you can put that and that will make it smell better. Garbage cans get really stinky. What you can do, several things, orange or lemon rind down at the bottom, scented cat litter or unused coffee grounds. They absorb odors as well. Thank you for curing the summer bummers. Coming up next, bold brows back in a big way. If youre wondering how to get them but first, today on nbc. Get 40 off on coit Residential Cleaning Services including carpet and hardwood, tile, stone, even air ducts and window treatments. And your satisfaction is 100 guaranteed or your money back. Thats 40 off everything coit cleans. Call or click today. Including carpet and hardwood, tile, stone, even air ducts and window treatments. And your satisfaction is 100 guaranteed or your money back. Thats 40 off everything coit cleans. Call or click today. Were back 8 52, todays style, forget new patterns, colors, cuts, the seasons hottest must have is already on your face, full, fluffy brows. Back in vogue thanks to celebrities like haylee seinfeld. Here to help us get the look is our style maven bobbi thomas. How are you. Im always nervous about brows because when you mess them up its not a good thing. Thanks to social media, everybody seeing them. The first thing i want to talk about is microblading. We have a tape of bethany, nycbased tattoo artist. This is a semipermanent treatment. Thats little etches. Its a needle tipped blade. Its relatively painless because its numbered. Little hairs. Is this permanent . Semipermanent. What do you mean . The deeper you go with a tattoo the longer it stays, these are superficial. The results take three to four weeks to fully heal the area. The scabs will scab up the next day then it looks realistic and amazing. Kind of mind blowing like real hair. How much . 4 to 700 depending on your area and technician, but it lasts about a year, maybe two years or more. So you just need touchups. A lot of people say it saves time. How about a little less adventurous. This amazing. The brow stamp, this really works. Im here with ray. Im going to proceed your mind. I stamp this sponge. Youll see on her i literally its a stamp. A stamp. This is all you need to do and clean it up and instantly you have this really great powder formula. Right now i went light because im doing it on tv. At home she can use a qtip and clean it up. The next thing, brow wigs. A lot of people out there watching. These arent new. These are used by people with severe issues, alopecia, chemotherapy. Yes, its great for people who want to thicken their brows but youll see right here they are real hair. Yes, can you use them to get fuller brows. It works best on people with severe hair loss. Youve lost some hair there. What kind of glue. An adhesive spbl for the skin. Youll want to look only on the website. Ive listed places to get quality, glue removal and tips and information. Good to n and it looks good, too. Thank you, ray. Thanks to video, a lot of viral videos with people using peeloff tints. Diana is here to help us. She does this regularly. This is a tint that lasts seven days. Peel off one side. What this does, you can use a stencil or clean off when you first apply the gel. Peel off. Does this hurt . She told me it doesnt hurt. I do this a lot. I was fascinated. This is something you do that lasts five to seven days. Can you see her before and after. You dont have to fill it in and it leaves behind a realistic shadow. I recommend if you do it for your self use a stencil for your guide for the first. Also online ive listed a lot of great products. Micropencils that help you mimic microblading process. At the drugstore. 4, 8. You can see a very fine pencil. So fine i broke it. Fine pencil, fiberfillers from maybe lean and more. I m. Topvo the deadly malfunction of that fireball thrill ride in im sam brock continues our coverage of that horrific int accident in ohio t malfunction of this fireball thrill ride is having an impact on similar rides coast to coast. Several different verses of that same ride currently operate in Northern California. That includes the fireball ride by the same name on the Santa Cruz Boardwalk, which operators temporarily closed last night in light of the news of someone dying. One big difference with the santa cruz version, it does not move from one location to another. And that ride is expected to reopen later today after a daytime inspection. The fireball ride currently running at the state fair in sacramento is expected to stay closed until the ohio investigation is complete. Happening right now, bob redell is out talking with visitors to the Santa Cruz Boardwalk, and reaching out to ride toeroperators about what todays inspection will entail. Hell have a live report for our midday newscast. Link to more information and video on our home page. Also on our home page, Donald Trumps called to ban transgender people from serving in the military is outraging a number of groups but there is one group voicing its approval and some believe the president made the announcement with that group in mind. More news coming up in 30 minutes. This morning on todays take, christmas in july, Mariah Careys new movie and weve got a sneak peek. Then Throwback Thursday fun with emmy winner mandy patinkin. Welcome to today july 27, 2016. You are listening to American Country love song by jake owen. Who doesnt like a country love song. Everybody likes a country love song. I just digress for a moment. Your fatherinlaw is in town. Your fatherinlaw is in town. Yes. Good morning. You made a magnificent meal for him. What did you make . What did i make, al . A great array of sides, plantain, because hes from africa. I love that. You made rice. I dont understand. But the entre. Tell them about the entre. My fatherinlaw is in town and i feel obligated to cook a meal. You guys know, it was a lot of pressure. So i ran to this little place by our house. There is a buffet place and i got a bunch of chicken. Great chicken. I made the sides. I told al i felt guilty because i wanted to be like, by the way he was like this is so good. Did you ever tell them. I stumbled through it. No. If it makes you feel better. I once did that. It was milas first thanksgiving, i was overwhelmed but still invited inlaws so thanksgiving. I got whole foods to do it. The whole thing. I made Brussel Sprouts and a pie. They were like, this is so great. Henry was about to say it. All you have to do is say thank you. I was like, well, i got that from this. I said thank you. I acted as if that turkey came straight from my oven. You dont have to say anything, thank you. Say, youre welcome. Mila like the song . Hello, mila. Its take your daughter to workday. Little mila is here. Who do you see on tv . Shes looking at herself . Who is that, mila. Mila, do you like moana . Is it your Favorite Movie . So cute. For one my husband may kill me. Hes like, where is mila . I had to shoot late, i havent been around as much as i could. Mila was using the bathroom right by the door. She actually scares me. This is one of my pet peeves with children is pop out. Thats how they come in. Thats how the whole thing starts. Hello. Keep going. Thats true. She said, mommy, i always have wanted to go to work with you. Will you take me to work today . I was like, no, i cant. I have all this stuff. She said, please. How do you say no to that face. Some of our best memories are going to work with our parents. I remember my grandfather, uncle were physicians, my mom worked in their office. In the back they had highlights magazines. The magazine of our generation. Hang out at the office. That weird wooden puppet. My kids sub scraping to highlights. Cross words. Anyway, im happy ive done it. Ill say, i dont know whats doing on. Weve arranged a play day. She sees savannah and runs straight to her. She was in our morning meeting. Shes had a lot of lollipops. We took a picture as if she was a today anchor. Shes everywhere. There you are again. I told jenna, when mila walked in, she has this burst of children joy, positivity. We have a new motto. There you go. I was complaining to someone adam miller, one of our bosses. I like to complain to him because i feel like i can. She goes, mommy, talka, talka. When you guys are going at it, i think talka, talka. This was pretty good. By the way, speaking of talka, talka, which is what we call a dad joke, talka, talka. We asked you to send us a few favorites. Weve got i think five. Were going to hear the dad of the group. This is a guy named rob. I asked my dad for his best dad jokes and he said you. Thats mean. Sounds like something your dad would say. I dont like the mean jokes. Jordan bishop, every time i stubbed my toe as a kid, my dad would ask if he should call a tow truck. Every single time. Shawn, i used to hate facial hair, but then it grew on me. This one, this is amy michelle finch. She said we were going out to dinner and my dad kept saying, we have reservations but were going anyway. Christopher thats right. Did you hear about the wedding between the two antennas. The ceremony wasnt much but the reception was amazing. I like that one. There you go. My grandpa is the king of jokes. He loves jokes. He was on a chain with all of his pals for jokes. He had this one he still says them. He still loves to say them and we laugh. Thats what we do, take the same joke and run it into the ground. You hear about the dirty shirt . Its one on you. Hear the one about the airplane . No. Dont worry about it, its way over your head. Man, youre good, jenna. I dont know. I forgot about them. They are grandpa jokes. Rodney dangerfield, i told my dad, hey, everybody hates me. He said, thats not possible. You havent met everybody yet. Thank you, thank you. Crickets. I told my dad, im running around in circles. He nailed my other foot to the floor. Whats better than mariah carey and christmas. Nothing. My two favorite combos. I have to say my favorite mariah carey song is all i want for christmas is you Something Like that. How does it go . All i want for christmas all you did was snap. Snapping makes it a little different song. Right now somewhere mariah carey is cringing. Sorry mariah. She tweeted on twitter shes got a new Christmas Song coming out for the Holiday Season and animated film called the star. Thats a big deal. The trailer highlights the celebrity a list. Wait until you see the people in the movie. See if you recognize the voices. Take a look. For century, one story has touched the lives of people across the world. This Holiday Season youre invited to discover the story of the first christmas from an entirely new perspective. Hang on. Cyrus i expected a left turn. These guys are lost. Thats it. Im fighting through the rain. Youve got tracy morgan, tyler perry and oprah as camels. Kelly clarkson is a donkey, Kristen Chenoweth is a mouse. When i hear those names, and with mariah carey, who is not an animal but she does sing a song, it makes me think its going to be a musical. Kristen chenoweth, kelly clarkson. Do we hear them singing . Is it a musical, guys . Nobody knows. The question is, mila, is that a film youd like to see . Two thumbsup or one thumbsup. One. Two. There you go. That is the target audience. She has a lollipop in her mouth, worked out well. Going to be a hit. Why dont we do a doubledate and bring our kids. To heck with me. Do you want to come with all of our children to the theater. Sure, because my kids wont go see it. You know what, mila calls him pop pop. Which is what my kids used to call my dad. Well do a field trip. Nine months ago the chicago cubs won world series on november 2nd. The Chicago Tribune says hospitals there are reporting a spike in the number of births. Isnt that funny. Uhhuh. I guess doctors are hearing anecdotally that the babies were conceived during cubs playoffs. There was a lot of july 26th, its exactly 38 weeks as it is after game seven. The playoffs went well. Come on. By the way i was snapping. I was afraid we were going to get into another thing because mila is here. Swinging a lot of bats. Is that not dirty . It was it wasnt until now. You two move on without pointing it out. Sorry. Its okay. Ill tell you wait, go back to another dad joke. No, not right now. Wait until you see the viral videos. Weve got ba when you make a pb j with smuckers, thats the difference between ordinary everyday and exquisitely delicious in an everyday sort of way. Because with a name like smuckers, it has to be good. Loreal paris presents and exquisitely delicious in an matte addiction. Way. New matte addiction by color riche. Rich matte lipstick. 16 shades pulse with lush comfort. Nondrying. Never flat. Cant beat this matte. New matte addiction by loreal. The bestat olive garden. S thcreate your owne. Tour of italy starting at 12. 99 choose 3 of 9 of your favorites and have everything you ove all on one plate but hurry, create your own tour of italy ends soon at olive garden nonalcoholic juice drinks inspired by your favorite cocktails. [ plays chord ] like sangria. The taste will take you away. [ plays melody ] [ plays castanets ] [ melody stops ] got carried away. Tfriends family sale take an extra 20 off your purchase get the gear. Win the school year. Laceup graphic tees are just 11. 99 score young mens shorts for 15. 99 and juniors denim for 19. 99 plus get kohls cash too game on. Kohls. Give extra. Get extra. Howd we rethink light yogurt . Kicked out artificial sweeteners, added real fruit, and made it 90 calories. New light and fit greek nonfat yogurt with zero artificial sweeteners. Youll go from mmm to wow. We are back now with more of todays take. Remember your kids first word . I tried so hard to get all three of them to say mama first. Dada was first. Me, too. Both kids. My first word was dada. Leilas first word was mama and nicks was mama im pretty sure. Wow. Its unusual. Dada is very easy to say. Thats what we tell ourself so it doesnt hurt our feelings. After we gave birth and breast fed them and know what im saying mila. Can you say mama . Do you know one of the reasons i brought her to work, too, selfishly. She said to me sometimes daddy does everything and mommy does nothing. My husband was there. He was like, mila, why would you say something. Mommy doesnt go to work, daddy goes to work. Mila, do you think mommy works . No. Shes like this is fun. What do you think im doing here . Playing with friends. Shes obviously watched the show. That leads us to our first video showing baby mcevoys first words. Take a look. Batman. That was adorable. Batman. Was that really her first words. Told us hes a big comic book fan. He thinks millie picked this up from watching the old Adam West Batman episodes. By wait, if you have grand babies, you could have batman be their first word. I could do that. That was a good one. This is baby brock who lsu paint swatch. Not sure what that means. Egg shell. Ooh birds egg. Millennial pink. Another one. Fantastic. All right, dad. Lets go to the wallpaper. You know whats so funny, theres not even any sound. I love his face. That face is fantastic. Thats so cute. Finally baby levi was at the utah zoo and was totally oblivious to what was happening behind him. Wait. [ laughter ] shes happy. Look at this. Does that not scare any of you . No, they are behind. Whats everybody looking at . Oh, they are smiling at me. Thats funny. Look, not even fazed. That was cute. That was fun. That was fun. I love a baby video. The work we do is very important, baby videos and dad jokes. Why would mila think were doing nothing . I have no idea. Lets show g. We do have heavy showers and thunderstorms firing up in the midsection of the country and that Severe Weather is going to be moving to the east. In fact, we are looking at a risk of severe storms today stretching from Oklahoma City to schenectady, new york. Heavy rain, gusty winds. This is a slight risk. Tomorrow weve got stronger risks coming from delmar to charleston, back into atlanta, knoxville and almost up to southern new jersey. Heavy rain upwards of 6 inches in some spots would cause urban. The skies are clearing right now as we get a look at our High Temperatures today for San Francisco. Up to 69 degrees with some low 70s over the next several days. For the inland areas expected to reach into the mid to upper 90s. It will be hot and we wont see many changes even as we go through next week. Some spots may be hitting the triple digits started today and continuing through the weekend. Well still have highs in the upper 90s from monday to next tuesday. Okay. Thats your latest weather. Up next, ever polished off a pint of ice cream in one sitting. Our fortune teller, get it, is going to give you the scoop on serving sizes to help you lose weight. Another dad wrote this. This is me indicating to you that were done. Thats great, im so relieved i thought this was going to go on forever. Wouldnt it be great if everyone said what they meant . The citi® double cash card does. Earn 1 cash back when you buy and 1 as you pay. Double means double. New deep hydrating eye gel with hyaluronic acid born to outperform the 1. Prestige eye cream for better hydration. And your best look yet. Olay eyes collection. Ageless. alarm ringing wake up to great tasting flavor. alarm stops belvita breakfast biscuits. Flavors like delicious blueberry or decadent chocolate, gently baked in a tasty biscuit. alarm ringing belvita breakfast biscuits. Its time to taste the day. Belvita breakfast biscuits. sharon suction out your shane dont use spray paint. Cpr is not mouth to mouth. Its mouth to stoma. shawn be very careful shaving. announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quitnow. How dixie ultra plates . Roved with two pounds of steak. In each hand. Dixie ultra. Stress tested so you can stress less at dinner. At pmore than one flavor, orh texture, or color. Ing. A good clean salad is so much more than green. And with panera catering, more for your event. Panera. Food as it should be. Backpack, check. Thats the family taking care of business. Awesome notebook check. But who takes care of them . Office depot office max. This week, these composition books are just 25 cents each. Taking care of business the best way to get together is with a treat you make together. Oh, its actually. Sfx short balloon squeal its ver. Sfx balloon squeals ok can we. Sfx balloon squeals goodbye oof, that milk in your coffee was messing with you, wasnt it . Try lactaid, its real milk, without that annoying lactose. Good right . Yeah. Lactaid. The milk that doesnt mess with you. Turns out things arent always take guinea pigs. Ey are. Theyre not pigs at all, nor are they from guinea. Or take this haircut. I may look all business, but look out. But theres a party going on back here. Kinda misleading, isnt it . Well, at carmax, you dont have to worry about being misled. The price online is the same price in the store, which is the same for everyone. Even guinea pigs. Its only fair mr. Biscuits. Only fair. Carmax music sting is hard to be a mommy and work at the same time. I was trying to get mila out of this but she refused. Here is the deal with the green tongue. If youve ever eaten a pint of ice cream and a small bag of chips and thought, its not so bad. Weve done, this right . Nbc news health and diet editor is our portion teller. Get it . Shes going to set the record straight on some of your favorite snacks. Youre going to play a game. We all like to eat, want to be healthy eaters. Part of it is knowing the right portions. There are really no bad foods, just bad portions. First lets start with ice cream, jump right in. What i want you to do is scoop out what you think is one portion. To be honest. A serving size. Then i ill show you. I want it to be this but i believe its this. Would you like some of this . Lets see what it is. A half cup serving. You underestimated this. This is about 150 calories, a half cup. This is about a kiddie cone or small size. Avoid filling up the waffle cone and these kinds of things. Dont fill up waffle cone sthf the problem is putting it in a bowl. I find myself mila. Okay. You get the hang of this. Okay. Ice cream early in the morning. Good helper. Now onto potato salad. This is a side dish, scoop out one serving, whats one portion of potato salad. Okay. This is totally normal. I am so sorry. Good ice cream. You like that . Half a cup. Half a cup is half a cup. Lets see what half a cup is. You guys are underestimating. You know what were doing, were eating clean in 2017. So half a cup, thats about 180 calories. You dont have to look at the serving on a package of one cup, just take whatever you want. A half a cup is good. Here is something we all want. Chips. We have kettle chips. Scoop out what you think is one portion. Just grab that. What do you think is one serving of chips. I think this is about right. About 15 chips. Youre really pretty good about this. We know, were just not doing it. This is not the starter portion, this is the portion. Guacamole, who doesnt like to dip anything into it. I love guacamole so much. Mila, here is guac. To be honest, i think you can eat more guacamole because its lower cal. Two tablespoons. If you want more, mix it with salsa. This is a lot. Finish with a quick margarita. Quick margarita. That is a serving . No. You think a serving is youre pretty close. Youre not filling up. About 400 calories. For more on portion size head to today. Com. To today. Com. Up we all want restful sleep. Thats why natures bounty melatonin is made to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. So youll be ready for whatever tomorrow brings. Because moms love is unconditional. Even at 6am. Natures bounty melatonin. Were all better off healthy. Natures bounty knows healthy cholesterol starts in your gut. So we made cardiohealth, an innovative way to support healthy cholesterol, containing lrc, a probiotic strain that helps you metabolize dietary cholesterol. Because we all want to be healthy for whatever comes next. Natures bounty cardiohealth. Theyre breathable underwear from fruit of the loom. Wait, fruit of the loom makes breathable underwear . Yeah, they have tiny holes to let the air through but. Yessss. I love them. Stay cool with breathable underwear from fruit of the loom. Got a minute . New aveeno®. R you. Positively radiant® 60 second in shower facial. Works with steam to reveal. Glowing skin in just one minute. Aveeno® naturally beautiful results® topvo a San Francisco Police Officer accused of posessing child pornography. Ay good morning on this thursday. A San Francisco Police Officer accused of possessing child pornography may be in court as soon as today. They arrested the 37yearold saying that multiple images of child pornography were found on his home computer. It is after a five month investigation by police. He is now suspended without pay. When the investigation first started, police say he was moved to a desk job. And local impacts and impacts coast to coast after that fire ball ride accident. The ride is under the same name on the Santa Cruz Boardwalk. One big difference is is that dud not move from one location to another, it is just set. The fireball ride currently running at the state fair in sacramento is expected to stay close until the ohio investigation is complete. Coming up after this break, well have a look at your weather and traffic in one minute. Booth good morning, im kari hall. We still see fog on the Golden Gate Bridget right n right now. Skies clearing and temperatures warming up into the upper 80s in the south bay and the peninsula. Oakland will see a high of 78 degrees and there will be spots hitting us at 100 degrees today. High temperatures for the inland valleys continuing into the weekend. Lets go to mike for a update on the roads. This is the road. A crash is reported westbound, but as you see eastbound, that is where we have the big jam, a big distraction or chp got the original report incorrect from the first new call that came in. Meanwhile i cross the bay bridge you are doing just fine. Right now for highway 37, still leaving vallejo. Thank you so much, back with more news in just 30 minutes. We leave you with this shot at levis landing at at t park. Mandy patinkin has appeared in 60 movies. One will live in history, the beloved 1987 movie the princess bride. Mandy won emmy for playing hot shot surgeon in tv series chicago hope and currently nominated for emmy in homeland. Also a tony winner. What can he not do. Set to make a return to the musical musical starring as pierre. Pierre. This is a big role and one that weve been told takes months to prepare for and youve had several weeks. Ive only had two and a half weeks so far. I have two more weeks and wish me luck. Its truly an ensemble piece, that is what attracted me to it. Choral sounds. I went to see josh groban and flipped over my friends direction rachel, which i had seen it four years ago. But when the change when they did it on broadway and the music, i wanted to be around. Have you ever been in anything like this, it not only surrounds the actors but the actors surround the audience. Right. Part of the audience is part of the show. I have not been in anything like this. I have not been in this yet. I will let you know. Then we should mention you have to prepare for season seven of homeland. Just as i start doing the performances, i will probably be receiving the first scripts for season seven of homeland and ill go home after the show and start burning those into my teeny brain. People are screaming at the tv if i dont ask. Sure. I can tell you, basically what . Can you hear what i said. Say it again. I cant say it twice. The lipreaders at home. You have done, as we said, the princess bride, which was the first movie i ever saw in a theater, by the way. You also started, i think when you were 17 years old. We have a roll from your past. Oh, my god. Right. Teen angel, after the old malt shop closes i come out here where i had my last date with betty lou in 57. Never had shows like this. In them days if a guy let on he was even thinking about that its amazing i havent aged at all. You were 17. Some sort of scientific study. How have you not aged . I dont know. I guess its what i eat, a lot of blueberries. So 30th anniversary the princess bride. Yes, sir. When you were doing this, did you have any idea your role would be this iconic role that people must still come up to you and ask you to do the line . Every day somebody mentions it in some form or another. I had no idea. Just went to work, did the job. One of those jobs you felt like you should pay them. Working around Billy Crystal, rob reiner, these incredible people. The only injury i got was off camera when Billy Crystal was doing 13th century jokes asmir cal max and i had to be off camera and not laugh. Rob reiner left the room sow wouldnt ruin the soundtrack. I bruised a rib trying not to laugh. How fun was that job . Its become you dont think about that, Something Like that, that thats possible. What are you most looking forward to in the show . The great comet . First and foremost knowing my words. Having fun, the wonderful energy of it. It made me feel like when i was a kid growing up in the south side of chicago and youth theater, that kind of energy i saw at the mosaic theater that did a piece from detroit, inner city kids, the kind of energy it brings. The 15th of august. Be there. Come to new york. See this man. All right. Mandy, always good to see you. Good to see you. Up next, dont let summer slip by without throwing a big old bash. Were going to mate easy for you, everything from invites to food and games i make it easy to save 600 on car insurance, so being cool comes naturally. Hmm. I cant decide if this place is swag or bling. Its pretzels. Word. Ladies, you know when you switch, you get my bombdiggity discounts automatically. No duh, right . [ chuckles ] sir, you forgot keep it. Youre gonna need it when i make it precipitate. What, what . What . s not a quick fix. Its my decision to make beauty last. Roc® retinol started visibly reducing my fine lines and wrinkles in one week. And the longer i use it, the better it works. Retinol correxion® from roc methods, not miracles. ™ fromto the wobbling yogis. Kers to the stationary race winners, we all need lean protein. And it comes in a jimmy deans delights breakfast sandwich. Stacked with 17 grams of protein. Lean into a great day. Shine on. There are the wildcats til we die weekenders. The watch me let if fly. This i gotta try weekenders. Then weve got the bendy. Spendy weekenders. The tranquility awaits. Hanging with our mates weekenders and the its been quite a day. So glad we got away weekenders. Whatever kind of weekender you are, theres a hilton for you. Book your weekend break direct at hilton. Com and join the weekenders. Thats why new downy protect and refresh conditions fibers to. How your clothes smell can say a lot abut you. Lock out odors. New downy protect and refresh. Intrzero alcohol™. Ine® it delivers a whole mouth clean with a less intense taste. So it has the bad breath germkilling power of this. With the lighter feel. Of this. Try listerine® zero alcohol™. Oh hey its me mom, catching some side eye. First rule of motherhood. Someones always judging. Breastfeeding, didnt work out. Guess what . Worlds still turning. Yeah, i bribe my kids. How else you think stuff get done around here . Moms special juice, its wine. Now if you think thats shocking, check this out. Good old fashion yoplait®, its not made with cage Free Norwegian hemp milk. And guess what . She loves it. So summer is all about fun. Call up friends and neighbors and call them over for a big blowout. Well make it easy with games, food, with our expert. Hi, donna. A season of fun. I live for the summer. I love the summer. I say let the fun start from the beginning. Cute, clever invitations now that youre having everyone over for backyard barbecue. Invite them to pig out with these pigs. So much fun making these and guests will love receiving them. Thats so cute. Its really clever, ask them with piggy banks. What weve been talking about. Have fun with the tablescape. I love cowboys. Get kids involved, have them paint vegetable cans, wild flowers or from the garden. This is really fabric from fabric store, gingham, burlap. Mason jar rings for napkin holders. Cute. I like it. Entertaining, the food. Everybody loves food. Worms are definitely invited at a backyard bash. This gummy punch. You make it in advance filling a tin with juice and gummy worms. At it. Punch for everybody. Its frozen. Keeps the punch cold. Seems like a good halloween trick. Pigs in a planningette. Blanket. Who doesnt love pigs in a blanket. Make them look like rocket ships. Twist them. Like normal pig in a blanket. Youve got your self a rocket. Did you make that one . Roll up the dough. What do we have here. Go ahead and start. Sure. Why dont you start. Backyard dirt. Make your own dirt. This the kind of dirt you can eat. Make it with a package of cream cheese, 3 1 2 cups of milk, crushed oreos and pudding. Go ahead and chill that, mix and chill it. A science experiment. This is super fun now speaking of dirt. Make your own home made volcanoes. Put a little baking soda in here. This is a little bit of a science experiment. Its ultimate mud pie. Make it with dirt. I used potting soil. Were going to add a little bit of vinegar and watch it explode. Three, two, one here we go. Wow. Thats really cool. So fun. That keeps the kids occupied. These are great. Another science experiment that turned fun. Lava lamps. All you need is vegetable oyola cup of water, fill with vegetable oil, alkaseltzer. You know what a lava lamp is . Until the top comes off. Exactly . What next. You dont need to invest in expensive lawn toys, retired vegetable cans. Take a shot and make carnival games. Doesnt cost you much. Lets see who is a winner. Whoa very close. You didnt throw away your shot. Very nice. Do you remember concentration, the game. Make your own memory. Take turns trying to find matches. The one with the most matches wins. So much fun. Thank you so much, donna. Thank you so much. Got to do the weather. Lets take a look at the weekend outlook, see what your weather is like to have your big party. Tomorrow along midatlantic coast and ohio river valley not so great. Plenty of sunshine in the northeast to start and then it kind of goes downhill. Sunny skies through the plains. Heat continues. Texas, sunshine out west. Saturday rain and wind a real mess. The Midatlantic States spot northeast. Wet weather through the gulf, monsoonal moisture continues in the southwest. Building heat in the Pacific Northwest. Sunday sunday coastal rain right along midatlantic coast. Sunshine returns to the northeast and new england. Great lakes on into golf course looking pretty darn good. More showers and hit or miss thunderstorms through the southwest. Out west, boy, 88 degrees in portland on sunday. 81 in l. A. Good morning, im kari hall, a big range in temperatures from Half Moon Bay at 62 degrees for the high, 88 degrees in san jose, na pa seeing a High Temperature of 74. Temperatures staying warm as we look at now the San Francisco area into the low 70s and inland areas up to 99 degrees. Who knows their way around the halls better, interns or sheinelle and jenna . Sheinelle and jenna . My money on th ouch new bandaid® brand skinflex™ bandages. Our best bandage yet it dries almost instantly. Better . Yeah. Good thing because stopping never crosses your mind. Bandaid® brand. Stick with it™ infallible proglow foundation by loreal. The pro look in longwear. Go pro with an allday glow. Resists dryout and fadeout. Infallible proglow foundation. From loreal paris. And conceal, reveal, and glow. With new infallible proglow concealer. Get whatat olive garden. Ss new early dinner duos for just 8. 99. Choose from over 50 delicious combinations. And all the salad and breadsticks you want. From 35 monday through thursday. Hurry in, its early dinner duos. Only at olive garden. Watching this breath savers protect mint neutralize the plaque acids in my mouth. I cant see anything thats because its working so hard. Hey, what are you guys doing . Karen. Were neutralizing. Maybe i want to neutralize. You ever think of that . When my dentist was explaining to me the acidity of foods and what they can do to your teeth. Thinning of the teeth and leading to being extremely yellow would probably gross me out my dentist recommended pronamel. It can help protect enamel from acid erosion. My mouth feels really fresh and clean and i stuck with it. I really like it. It gives me a lot of confidence. Pronamel is all about your enamel. Helping to protect your enamel. Howd we rethink light yogurt . Kicked out artificial sweeteners, added real fruit, and made it 90 calories. New light and fit greek nonfat yogurt with zero artificial sweeteners. Youll go from mmm to wow. Shop for your homeohls with zero artificial sweeteners. And get kohls cash for you get the perfect dorm room chair and get 10 kohls cash get a food network cookware set and get 30 kohls cash or a dyson vacuum and youll get 80 kohls cash this weekend at kohls. When you make a pb j with smuckers, thats the difference between ordinary everyday and exquisitely delicious in an everyday sort of way. Because with a name like smuckers, it has to be good. And exquisitely delicious in an everyday sort of way. Thank you for barging in like that. Yes and if you need anything ever, work it out yourself. Wouldnt it be great if everyone said what they meant . The citi® double cash card does. Earn 1 cash back when you buy and 1 as you pay. Double means double. Nonalcoholic juice drinks inspired by your favorite cocktails. [ plays chord ] like sangria. The taste will take you away. [ plays melody ] [ plays castanets ] [ melody stops ] got carried away. This summer we have over 700 College Students interning for nbc. At least half of these are getting kathie lee, just kidding, were lucky to have 14 of them. These are just a few interns. Our interns are hardest working interns in show business or news. We want to celebrate what they do for us. Here to kick off first precious day, ceo of intern Placement Company way up. Why did you start this day . We connect College Students and recent grads with internships. We believe they are vital contributors to the organizations they work for. Why not create National Intern day to put the spotlight on them. Were pretty excited about this. Were going to put jenna and sheinelle to the test to see if they can keep up with our superstar interns in a little relay race. Joining us down today, we have team today, blue team, jenna and sheinelle. We may be older but we are fa faster. Okay. Team intern, the red team, conner and mackenzie. Well walk you through the course which is based on actual duties our interns are responsible for. First, youre doing to have to assemble todays scripts. Youre going to run those to your producer in the control room. Okay. Got it. So are you ready . Hold on. Hold on. Make your way upstairs where youll help kathie lee and hoda get ready for their show. Youll make your way into studio 1a where youll help our producers with celebrity research, tidy up our supply closets and finally celebrate by digging through a cake with fellow interns for the prize. First team to the end wins. First pick up the clue from the station to lead you to the next challenge. Are you ready . On the mark, get set, go thank you. Youre cheating. Wrong person. Sheinelle, i have it. I got the card. You dropped it. All set. Okay. Jenna. Okay. Look out. Youve got to match up the person. All right. Okay. Friends. Big bang theory. Wait. Which one is on the big bank theory. Have you to match the star. Which one on the big bank theory. Nobody on the bbig bang theor theory. Nobody on the big bang theory. Come on. Youre behind. Now youve got to organize. Youve got to organize this. Not that one. That one. There you go. Okay. Youre very close. You have to dig through and find the prize. Have you to dig through, find the prize. Theres a metal in there. All right. Today interns win. Thats fantastic. Give everybody a big hug. Liz, thank you very much. We want to thank our interns and all the interns out there who keep america running. Were back in a moment. First, this is today on nbc. First, this is today on nbc. Thank you get 40 off on coit Residential Cleaning Services including carpet and hardwood, tile, stone, even air ducts and window treatments. And your satisfaction is 100 guaranteed or your money back. Thats 40 off everything coit cleans. Call or click today. Thats 40 off everything coit cleans. Strummed guitar you cant experience the Canadian Rockies through a screen. You have to be here, with us. Strummed guitar travel through this natural wonder and get a glimpse of amazing. With a glass of wine in one hand, and a camera in the other, aboard rocky mountaineer. Canadas Rocky Mountains await. Call your travel agent or rocky mountaineer for special offers now. Including carpet and hardwood, tile, stone, even air ducts and window treatments. And your satisfaction is 100 guaranteed or your money back. Thats 40 off everything coit cleans. Call or click today. Are you guys having a good internship . Good time . Whats the one thing youve learned so far . Yall did great. Were very proud of you. Happy intern day. Happy intern day, guys. What are you guys doing for intern day . Weve got our thursday lineup. Yes, do you. Ambush makeovers. You know how everyone pops the popcorn and waits for that. Coming up, almost 100 everyone has a story. Were close to it, in the 90s. Bobbie thomas will be here doing what Bobbie Thomas does. Be thinking your hair. You guys did great. Did you call your mothers and say youre going to be on tv . Everybody have a great thursday. Dont forget, stay tuned for these nice ladies. All right. But first your local news and oc now from mike. Good morning, im kari hall, as we check out the south bay, well be in the upper 80s in coopertino and san jose. Well even see triple digits for the ooesz bay today. Heyward 85 degrees. The peninsula also heating up into the mid 80s. San francisco up to 70 degrees in the Mission District and the north bay as hot as 96 today in sonoma. Lets get a update on the morning commute now from mike. A lot cooler than that forecast. Things are calming down in the south bay. One area i have been traeking in the last 20 minutes northbound 680. Really jammed up at bollinger, there was a car locking the road. The Speed Sensors show it may be backed up to the dublin interchange. Still slow past the coliseum. Moving better through downtown oakland, and the bay bridge still has a back up at the toll pla skba because it plaza because it is the toll plaza. The Police Officer accused of having child pornography may appear in court as early as today. We have details on the investigation his colleagues are calling troubling. Jeff bezos just became the richest man in the world. We have the detail on the twitter feed, and remember larry davids spot on impersonation of Bernie Sanders . Its hot pink in the studio today. We decided to turn it on. July 27th call the still got time. Known by just zane now. Everybodys going by just the first name. All you need is hoda oh, okay. Because nobody can spell the last one. Buy a vowel. Get a real last name. So we have our fabulous, Everybody Loves this

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