Transcripts For KNTV Today 20170627 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20170627

coma, after being hit by a baseball in the face during a game. this morning the outpouring of support as the 15-year-old fi t fights for his life. and is the so-called most hated man in america, too despised for a jury? serena williams returns serve an john mcenroe. and the inspiring new ad that celebrates not victory, but -- >> defeat. >> today, tuesday, june 27th, 2017. >> from nbc news, this is "today," with matt lauer and savannah guthrie. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. and good morning, everyone. welcome to "today" on this tuesday morning. hoda's in again, while savannah is on vacation. >> good morning, everybody. let's get to the breaking news. the white house claiming the syrian government appears to be preparing for a new chemical weapons attack. warning, it will pay a heavy price if it's carried out. >> in a statement that gives no specifics, the trump administration says it has spotted potential evidence similar to the preparations ahead of another chemical attack back in april that killed at least 100 people. we have complete coverage, beginning with hallie jackson. hallie, good morning to you. >> reporter: matt, good morning. that new, stern statement implies an attack by the assad regime could be imminent. with one administration source saying the tough talks intended as a deterrent could save lives. what are not in the statement are details or specifics to back up the white house, with some caught off guard. this morning, multiple defense and u.s. military officials tell nbc news they were surprised to see what the white house is now saying. this morning, a warning shot from the white house, announcing late monday it has evidence syria is preparing to launch another chemical attack. press secretary sean spicer posting this statement to twitter that reads, the united states has the identified potential preparations for another chemical weapons attack by the assad regime that would likely result in the mass murder of civilians, including innocent children. adding, if mr. assad conducts a mass murder attempt with chemical weapons, he and his military will pay a heavy price. the statement suggests the activities are similar to what the assad regime did before an attack this last frill. bashar al assad has denied responsibility for that attack. at the time, president trump saying the attack crossed many lines. >> and i will tell you, that attack on children yesterday had a big impact on me. big impact. that was a horrible, horrible thing. and i've been watching it and seeing it. and it doesn't get any worse than that. >> reporter: just days later, a military response. dozens of cruise missiles, slamming into an air base controlled by the syrian government. today, so far, the white house offering no details on what prompted this latest warning. a warning that took some u.s. military officials by surprise. but support is coming from u.n. ambassador nikki haley who tweeted overnight, any further attacks done to the people of syria will be blamed on assad but also on russia and iran, who support him killing his own people. this morning, a syrian official is now denying the allegations to the associated press. saying this foreshadows, quote, a diplomatic battle against the regime. a kremlin spokesman woompbd the potential dags nger of repeatin provocations. >> thank you very much. let's bring in jeremy bash. good morning to you. >> good morning, guys. >> let me go back to the statement. the united states has identified preparations for another chemical weapons attack by the say sas regime that would likely result in the mass murder of innocent children. what jumps out? what is in that statement? what isn't in that statement? >> it appears that the administration has discovered intelligence that the syrian regime may be loading chemical weapons on to aircraft that can be used to strike civilians. but what jumped out at me, matt, were the words heavy price. that the assad regime would pay a heavy price. in april, we fired 59 tomahawk cruise mittle missiles at one . this statement, matt, to me, said the administration is laying the groundwork for a significant military operation in syria. >> in hallie's piece we noted that the pentagon and intelligence committee were caught offguard by this white house statement. how odd is that it happened this way? >> before you would deliver a statement, you would communicate with the chairman of the joint chiefs and the secretary of defense, they would communicate we are ready to go. if these coordinations didn't occur, that's a dropped ball. >> normally the white house would get that intelligence information from either the military or the intelligence community. and if the intelligence community and the military are caught off guard, what does that tell you? >> we don't know yet, matt, bauds they could have been caught off guard by the delivery of a public statement. but it's possible they are sharing that information. >> if they have firm evidence that there could be preparations under way for an attack that would target innocent civilians and children, and this gets more into policy, but is it almost irresponsibility to carry out a pre-emptive attack to prevent that casualty or those killings? >> if they think they can achieve the same effect, deterring assad with a statement, that's more preferable than a military strike. in the western part of syria, no u.s. aircraft can fly. russia has declared a no-fly zone. this is going to be more complicated for the trump administration to carry out, matt. >> thank you very much. another major story in washington, is the senate's health care bill on the brink. opposition is mounting from senators on both sides of the aisle, after the congressional budget office said, 22 million will lose insurance. we have all of the coverage, starting with peter alexander. >> reporter: senator republican leaders want to vote on their plan in two days. in but in the wake of the analysis, a growing number of them may stand in the way of getting there. four gop senators say they won't support a crucial test vote that could happen as early as this afternoon, blocking debate from starting on this bill. this morning, democrats defiant after staying up late hammering the republican senate bill. >> senate republicans should not still be trying to figure out the best way to ram this bill through the senate. they should just throw it in the trash. >> you need to do the right thing. vote no on this bill. >> reporter: the overnightmare thon kicked off by maze si hhir. >> i'm going to come back to keep up the fight against this mean bill. >> reporter: tombstones to the gop offices. the latest obstacles, the numbers. 22 million. that's how many people would lose coverage over the next decade under the senate bill. only slightly fewer than under the house plan. lindsey graham offering this advice when offering to compare the two bills. >> if the house bill was mean according to the president at 23 million, what is the senate bill? >> if you count as the president to have your back, you need to watch it. >> reporter: for the bill to pass, republicans can only afford to lose two gop senators. but maine's susan collins became the sixth no vote unless things change. others expressing reservations. >> obviously, it's not good news. >> it makes me more concerned. i was uncommitted. and i remain uncommitted. >> reporter: but supporters point to the savings, cutting the deficit by $321 billion over the next ten years. the white house dismissing the cbo score card, as inaccurate. saying its analysis should not be trusted blindly. >> i'm going to take care of everybody. i don't care if it costs me votes or not. >> save medicare, medicaid and social security without cuts. have to do it. >> reporter: opposing the bill is the largest doctors group, the american medical association. arguing the senate plan violates its core principle, do no harm. trump calling senators to make his case. and the vice president will try his powers of persuasion, heading to the hill for meetings this afternoon. and tonight, hosting four conservative senators to dinner, looking to win their support for the latest health care bill. >> peter, thank you. this morning the white house is planning its next move now the supreme court has given president trump a partial victory in the legal battle over his controversial travel ban. nbc's justice correspondent, pete williams, has the latest on that. pete, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. the question the white house is asking is the same one that opponents of the travel ban are wondering about this morning. how much of the president's executive order can now be enforced and who is affected? the court granted the president's request to review two lower court rulings that blocked enforcement of his executive order on travel, which caused for a 90-day pause on issuing visas to the u.s. from six countries. and it partially lifted orders from the lower courts that blocked enforcement of the travel ban. >> the court went in a different direction of the lower courts had and upheld the president's constitutional and statutory power here. >> reporter: but the supreme court said the travel ban must be on hold for people that have family member, a job or a position at a school. and groups that challenged the executive order say that's a big victory for them. >> the vast, vast majority of people who were prohibited by the executive order from coming in can now come in under the court's injunctions. >> reporter: the administration says it will need another 48 hours to figure out who is now blocked from coming in. and one other note. not a peep from justice kennedy about retirement. it could seem he's not going anywhere. and will be around when the new term begins in the fall. >> pete williams, thanks so much. we're joined by nicolle wallace and steve kornacki. you're my numbers guy. the cbo report comes out and says 22 million americans will lose their health insurance over the next ten years under this plan. does that number turn yes votes to no votes? >> it potentially could in the sense that donald trump set a bar for this thing when he said he wanted it to have heart. he wanted it to be not as mean as the house bill. when it looks the same as the house bill, it flunks that test. >> on the other side, the cbo report says this plan will cut about $300 billion from the deficit. and some people say you can make those savings, that money, and fund plans that would ease the strain on this. does that turn no votes into yes votes. >> that's the single best piece of news for republicans. the only good piece of political news. you have 200 billion thr mo$200 the house bill. you can do more. there's a lot of money for mitch mcconnell to play with. and mitch mcconnell is a guy that knows the senate and knows horse trading very well. >> the president feels very confident about this bill. but he hasn't been out in front fighting for it. we saw him on the stump saying, we're going to repeal and replace obamacare. does he need to get out there and fight this thing? >> that's the thing that worries him most. when he talks about health care, it's to respond to a piece of legislation. he called the house bill mean after having a party in the rose garden. he pounded his chest and said it needs more heart. i don't think -- he is good at branding things. he has now branded the republican health care efforts as mean and heartless. >> let me stay with you and talk to me about your sourcing here. so, the supreme court gave president trump a partial victory yesterday. they'll hear this case and consider this case come the fall on his travel ban. what are they saying inside the west wing? >> i think it's undeniable that was a victory for the president, that the fourth circuit and the ninth circuit has thrown this out because they felt that campaigning on a muslim ban, there was the intention, the desire to discriminate against religious so they were exhaling in relief yesterday. >> can you weigh in on the serious story we opened with? the white house statement? do you want to start? >> this is the challenge because we're talking about how this is so different from past protocol but everything we've seen with the trump administration is a break, it seems, from past protocol. so this question here of how serious is this breach in terms of what we would expect in terms of a situation like this, it could just be, as jeremy bash said, a communications departure from the norm. >> but for the white house to get out ahead of the intelligence community and the military community is a little bit unusual. >> jeremy, i think, started to get at this. it could be intelligence shared from another country's intelligence services, that could be why ours are out of the loop. i don't know that. here's the peril. the prestige of american power is always on the line when you issue a warning so there are two things that could happen, if a crisis, if a humanitarian calamity is avoided then it was a good use of presidential power. if innocent lives are saved. if the attack proceeds, then what does it say about american prestige and power around the world? it makes us look impotent. so it's high stakes but potentially life saving. >> nicole and steve. thank you so much. let us turn to breaking news overnight. the european union has just hit google with a record $2.7 billion fine. regulators say the internet giant gave its own comparison shopping service in europe an illegal advantage by manipulating search results. the ruling gives google 90 days to change the alleged practice or face further penalties. google says it respectfully disagrees with the findings and will consider an appeal. now to new orleans where police have made one arrest in a brutal attack caught on camera in the french quarter. a pair of tourists from boston were seen walking to their hotel saturday night. four men came up from behind, knocked them down, took their wallets and cell phones. one victim suffered a broken nose and needed stitches, the other was left unconscious and was hospitalized. on monday, a 21-year-old suspect dejohn paul surrendered to police. police have identified his three companions and they are urging them to turn themselves in. let us get our first check of the weather on this tuesday morning from dylan in for al. >> hey, good morning, guys, bad conditions out in the southwest. it's been hot, it's been dry and it's been very windy. so we have several fires that have developed in the southwest in utah, also in california and arizona is where we're seeing a lot of those fires. it triggers the brush and spreads rapidly because there hasn't been a lot of rain. we're looking at the possibility of thunderstorms that produce the lightning without the rain so that's another trigger for some of these fires just burning several acres out in the southwest. there are actually 21 large fires reported across the west through california, mostly around the four corners where we're seeing the majority of those fires. again, it's the combination of gusty winds and low humidity and because of that we do still have red flag warnings in effect. now, cooler temperatures will help matters, but we really could use more in the way of rain and higher humidity and that's not really in the forecast, although temperatures will start to drop down to i guess average, thursday it should be 106 in palm springs instead of the 111 degrees we're going to see today. so the high fire danger continues. severe storms are possible for a small area across the northern plains. we could see heavier pockets of rain across the gulf coast today and into this afternoon. that's a look at the weather across the country, your local forecast is coming up in the next 30 seconds. good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. temperatures in san francisco today will reach the low 60s. the drizzle and the fog we're seeing right now will be clearing out as we go into the next several days. we'll start out with clouds and then get some sunshine during the day. the warmest day of week looks to be on saturday as we head into the long holiday weekend for the fourth of july. temperatures today in the inland areas will reach into the upper 70s but we'll be in the low 90s by the weekend and then temperature start to come back down early next week. forecast. >> all right, dylan. thank you very much. coming up, we're live at the trial of smarten shkreli, the so-called most hated man in america. why he's having an impact on jury selection. and the son of a former major leaguer fighting for his life. it's putting the spotlight on how to keep your kids safe when they play sports. first this, is "today" on nbc. here's a question. what will amazon conquer next? you may be surprised what the online giant could have in the works. and serena williams fires back at john mcenroe and opens up for the first time about her pregnancy. we'll hear from her after your local news and weather. 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your enamel. helping to protect your enamel. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i )m - -... ==topvo== san francisco public defender jeff adachi is expected to good morning. it's 7:26. i'm kris sanchez. san francisco public defender is expected to address a new report later today that singles out the police department for racial bias when it comes to arrests. the examiner obtained a copy of that report, and it finds that blacks received 50% more severe charges than white people and are more likely to be convicted. they're also held in jail a lot longer than whites arrested for similar crimes. a study was commissioned by the public defender's office. and now let's take a look at your forecast. it's all cloudy this morning. our temperatures are in the upper 50s it lower 60s in the tri-valley right now. 58 degrees. you're seeing those clouds there and the drizzle in san francisco. it's 57 degrees as you step out. as we look at today's high temperatures it will it will be in the mid to upper 70s for most of the interior valleys reaching up to 77 degrees in the tri-valley, the north bay 82 degrees. san francisco today will see a high of 63. the east bay will be up to 68 degrees. we'll have some slightly warmer temperatures as we head through the weekend. i'll keep you up to date on that. we're looking at more of a build now, the late summer commute as we often see. southbound 880. the dumbarton bridge. an earlier crash doesn't look like a problem. been watching for about ten minutes and recovery from north 101. it is slowing, yes, but it's recovering and traffic has been bogged down. the slowing extends. back to you. more local news coming up in just a half hour. we'll see you then. we're back with much more of "today." it's 7:30. it's a tuesday morning, june 27th, 2017. let us get you right up to date with a check of the headlines, including an ominous warning from the white house. the trump administration claims that the syrian government could be preparing a new chemical weapons attack. and if it's launched, the regime will pay a heavy price. u.s. military and intelligence officials say they were caught o off guard by that late-night statement. former nsa contractor reality winner is appearing in court today. the 25-year-old is accused of leaking classified documents to an online news outlet. she has been in jail since her arrest earlier this month. and the 14-year-old girl who survived this frightening fall from a sky ride at six flags in new york. she dropped into the arms of bystanders who had gathered below her and was treated for unspecified injuries. the girl's actions caused her to slip beneath the restraining bar and the ride, which remains closed, was working properly at the time. >> the guy said just let go. >> have faith and fall. >> yeah. let's go to a trial here in new york that's getting a lot of attention. jury selection is now under way in the securities fraud case against former pharmaceutical executive martin shkreli, a man who had been called the most hated man in america. nbc's thomas roberts is outside the courthouse in brooklyn. thomas, good to see you. good morning. >> reporter: hey, matt, good morning to you. and we are here in brooklyn. it's day two, square one for this fraud case, against martin shkreli. he's waking up to headlines like this in "the new york post." jury of his jeers, after potential jurors yesterday, called him evil or a snake. the onus remains the same inside a courtroom today. can they find enough jurors that don't have negative impressions of the 34-year-old. martin shkreli, swarmed by reporters monday at his trial. notoriously eccentric. now uncharacteristically quiet. >> we didn't see that martin shkre shkre shkreli smirk, that has been in the converage of him since he became famous. >> reporter: several potential jurors said they couldn't be impartial. >> they had preconceived motions about martin shkreli. they see him as the face of corporate greed in america. >> reporter: the 34-year-old told the associated press prior to his trial, i'm excited, i can't wait. shkreli was arrested in 2015 and charged by the s.e.c. with committing a series of financial frauds over a five-year period. >> these charges highlight the bradenness and the outrageous web of lies and deceit. >> reporter: he pled guilty and has been freed on $5 million bond. but that has nothing to do with what earned him his fame. >> for us to maintain a profit is reasonable. >> reporter: as ceo of turing pharmaceuticals in 2015, he hiked the price of a life-saving hiv drug from $13.50 to $750. shkreli took his bad boy reputation to capitol hill to the dismay of lawmakers. >> i intent to use the advice of my counsel, not yours. >> that's not funny mr. shkreli. people are dying. >> think you've done anything wrong? >> on the advice of counsel? i invoke my fifth amendment privilege. >> reporter: he has seemingly enjoyed the attention. he posted hours of video on youtube. ranging from rants to investment advice. >> this is the wu-tang album. >> reporter: and he recordedly purcha reportedly purchased the only one copy of a wu-tang album. >> the guy taking shots at me. it's not easy to be on the receiving end of those things without jumping back. >> but you're not hip-hop. you're a financial guy. >> it doesn't matter. >> reporter: all right. so, his reputation continues to proceed him. he has denied all of the charges against him. his attorney, benjamin brafman, declined to give comment to us for our report this morning. we expect the jurors to get back in -- the potential jurors to be interviewed today. if they can seat this panel, matt and hoda, it will take six weeks for this trial to finish. >> thomas roberts in new york for us on this case. thanks very much. now, to the rapid expansion of online giant amazon. it already commands 33% of ecommerce market. as we told you about this new deal to buy whole foods. how much larger can amazon get? nbc's national correspondent miguel almaguer is looking into the story. >> reporter: for amazon, it's not so much a business model as a mission. increase sales and increase stock prices. the way to do that, keep growing and expanding. but in the race to sell everything to everyone, what will amazon gobble up next? when it comes to retail, already seems to offer it all. from books and home goods, to electronics and apparel. and now, you can add groceries, with last week's $13.7 billion purchase of whole foods, the internet titan going from cyberspace to shopping cart. >> amazon's goal is world domination. jeff bezos wants to sell everything sold to anybody. >> reporter: it likely means amazon's aggressive growth is far from over. what's next for the $136 billion a year business? speculation ranges from prescription drugs to gas stations, to high-end apparel. >> they need to buy a ralph lauren or a pvh that has tommy hilfiger or calvin klein so they have credibility in their business. >> reporter: some say amazon's relentless expansion is bad for competitors. mom and pop businesses and smaller internet companies like and zappos have been gobbled up. and amazon's rise has created a major shift in the land of retail. more than 100,000 retail employees have lost their jobs since october. and 25% of malls nationwide are expected to close by 2022. >> amazon is gradually destroying the rest of retail. people don't like that because thin things they like go out of business. it doesn't mean the world's not getting cheaper. >> reporter: for most consumers, the bottom line is saving money and time. for new mom, kylie, life is easier with amazon. >> i've ordered dresses. i just got an awesome pair of shoes. i've ordered routers for my computer. um, you name it, i probably ordered it. >> reporter: this morning, amazon is prime for another big move. the question, now, what will it be? and what cost will their competitors pay? we did reach out to amazon inquiring about all of the speculation and what other industries they may be eyeing. no comment just yet from the company. matt and hoda, back to you guys. >> that story is going to go on and on. miguel, thanks. it says, let's head over to dylan, who is standing next to me. >> not too creepy. i'll wait my turn. we have storms in parts of the midwest and the northern plains for the next couple of days. today, it's mainly south dakota through nebraska and parts of northwestern kansas where we could see large hail, about two inches in dime ametediameter. that's the size of the egg. with an isolated tornado threat. tomorrow, we are going to see this cold front move to the east. and it's going to shift the threat of severe weather over into the midwest. so, out ahead of this front, it's a little humid. you'll notice that, as that front is approaching, you'll start to notice the winds pick up, as well. gusty winds, isolated tornadoes from just west of chicago stretching back into most of kansas and even good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. temperatures today will reach into the low 80s for parts of the south county. we'll see some clearing skies as we head towards late morning. that's 78 degrees in san jose. 88 degrees in antioch. you may have to turn on the air conditioning for a while. in hayward a high up to 71 degrees and some upper 60s for much of the peninsula. mission district 66 degrees. and the north bay as warm as 82. >> and that's your latest forecast. >> thank you, dylan. just ahead, finding inspiration in some headli headlinemaking failures. first, new attention to your kids' safety in sports, after a son of a ♪ happiness is powerful flea and tick protection from nexgard. nexgard kills fleas and ticks all month long. and it comes in an easy-to-give tasty chew. and that makes dogs and owners happy. no wonder vets love it too. reported side effects include vomiting, itching, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. see your vet for more information on flea and tick protection you and your dog will love. nexgard. the vet's #1 choice. hi 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♪ ♪ yeah, i love you, do you love me, too? ♪ ♪ clap your hands if it feels good ♪ ♪ clap your hands, ohh ♪ clap your hands if it feels good ♪ ♪ clap your hands, ooh ♪ feeling tonight, some kinda wonderful ♪ ♪ feeling inside, some kinda wonderful ♪ back, now, 7:43, with a freak baseball accident that has the son of a former major leaguer fighting for his life. >> jason lockhart, whose father, keith, played for the atlanta braves, is on life support this morning. the result, being hit in the face by a baseball. catie beck has the latest on this. catie, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. at first, jason lockhart's injury was thought just to be a broken nose, but then much more serious. the teen has undergone five surgeries in the last nine days. it's a scary scenario for parents across the country. and it's causing conversation about safety. this morning, 15-year-old jason lockhart, the son of former atlanta braves second baseman keith lockhart, is preparing to undergo another surgery. it's the latest operation for the teen who was hit in the head by a thrown baseball ten days ago, tearing an artery in his nose. when this picture was taken last wednesday, jason was awake and signaling he was okay. his sister, sydney, posting, i don't think y'all understand how much of a champion this child is. but jason's condition has taken a turn for the worse. doctors putting him in a medically induced coma as they struggle to stop the bleeding. his father writing, it's been a rough few surgeries but we're confident he's going to be okay. from keith's fans, an outpouring of concern and support, rooting for jason's recovery. and at local little league ball fields across the country, a new focus on safety. >> what they're thinking is, could this happen to my son? could this happen at our park? >> reporter: coach peter box says protective helmets are a start. >> we have the "c" flap on here. >> reporter: major league players are started to use the "c" flap. it's used to protect the batter's face from pitches. jason was wearing a helmet. the team's manager says it's required if anyone's at bat or running the bases in a tournament. but stories like jason's worry parents. >> my on the is out there three or four times a week. and something strange can happen like that. >> reporter: this was a conversation you were having. now, it's bringing it back to the table again. >> it really is. it's unfortunate that accidents happen. but we learn from those accidents. >> reporter: tragedy can be a teaching moment. >> definitely. >> reporter: jason's sister, sydney, posting an update on his condition early this morning. saying her mother will be headed into surgery later. and if all goes well, doctors plan to remove the ventilator. she says her family is now more at peace than ever, knowing they may soon see him open his eyes again. matt and hoda. >> it's such a scary story. catie, thank you very much. as the father of a varsity baseball player, you think about that all the time. >> our thoughts and prayers are with the family. he was wearing the helmet and everything he should have been doing. >> everything right. let's head over to sheinelle jones in the orange room. >> monday, we told you about john mcenroe's dig on (vo) what is the ethan allen look? well, it's lisa and sam's stylish elegance. it's kate's laid-back beach look and with the complimentary help of his ethan allen designer, paul created a look that's...well, really paul. now save 20% on your total purchase. design your look today. you need the best equipment. for the best ride. the best fit. and the best night's sleep. the beautyrest black hybrid features advanced memory foams for individualized support and a conforming feel. you'll find it exclusively at mattress firm, home of the love your mattress guarantee. if you don't love your mattress, exchange it or get your money back within 120 days. if you don't love your mattress, ♪ the moments that connect us happen one morning at a time, and one cup at a time. folgers, the best part of wakin' up. how clean do you feel after(laughter)the bathroom? let's ask the experts. i feel as clean as a shimmering mermaid. that's because only cottonelle® has cleanripple® texture. designed to clean better... how cottonelle® do you feel? swhen it comes to molding young minds, nobody does it better. she also builds her own fighting robots. destroy. but when it comes to mortgages, she's less confident. fortunately for sarah, there's rocket mortgage by quicken loans. it's simple, so she can understand the details and be sure she's getting the right mortgage. apply simply. understand fully. mortgage confidently. ♪ good is in every blue diamond almond. and once good gets going, there's no stopping it. blue diamond almonds. get your good going. out of sunscreen, going on a targetrun need anything? watermelon! water please! and soda! grandpa!! got it! get everyday low prices on everyday essentials, targetrun and done. welcome back, everybody. sheinelle is in the orange room for carson. we have a very important foll follow-up to something we discussed here earlier. >> you're right. on monday, we talked about john mcenroe's controversial interview with npr. he said, althougher is vienna williams is the best female player in the world, she would rank 700th in the men's circuit. it eventually caught the attention of serena williams herself. williams tweets, dear, john, i adore and respect you. but please, please, keep me out of your statements that are not factually based. williams goes on, i never played anyone ranked there or nor do i have time. i'm trying to have a baby. mcenroe has praised williams in the past, calling her the greatest athlete of the last 100 years. in 2012, the greatest player to ever play the game. now, speaking of serena, what she's now saying about her pregnancy. and look at this -- an exclusive first look at stunning new pictures the mom-to-be. guys? >> demi moore-esque, right there. >> all right, sheinelle. thank you very much. just ahead, we'll talk to pharrell williams about some new music and life with new triplets. yes, triplets. after your local news. ♪ ♪ if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,... isn't it time to let the real you shine through? maybe it's time for otezla (apremilast). otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,... with reduced redness,... thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you're allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts... or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight... and may stop treatment. side effects may include diarrhea,... nausea, upper respiratory tract infection... and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your dermatologist about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. so, if anyone has a reason that these two should not be wed, speak now. (coughs) so sorry. oh no... it's just that your friend daryl here is supposed to be live streaming the wedding and he's not getting any service. i missed, like, the whole thing. what? and i just got an unlimited plan. it's the right plan, wrong network. you see, verizon has the largest, most reliable 4g lte network in america. it's built to work better in cities. tell you what, just use mine. thanks. no problem. all right, let's go live. say hi to everybody who wasn't invited! (vo) when it really, really matters, you need the best network and the best unlimited. just $45 per line for four lines. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] good tuesday morning. it is 7:56 with some cloudy skies all over the bay area right now as you get ready to step out the door. we're at 60 degrees in the peninsula and 59 degrees in the tri-valley. a nice cool start and also some drizzle in san francisco. all of that clearing out later today with highs in the low 60s in san francisco and along the coast. san jose will see a high of 78 degrees. lower 80s for a few of the interior valleys over the next several days our temperatures just a bit warmer with postal a sunny skies. up to 90 degrees on friday. 91 on saturday. and then it does start to cool down several degrees as we head into the long holiday weekend on fourth of july. we're looking at some highs in the low 80s for those inland areas. i'll continue to monitor that for you, monitoring the roads now let's head over to mike. kari, we see that build, a slower and steadier build because it's the summer. hitting both san mateo and sdumn bridges. 101 through that stretch, they have both cleared to the shoulder. the south bay, your northbound push continues to build the volume and a little more slowing shows up throughout silicon valley but nothing dramatic. oakland shows you northbound through oakland slowing from the coliseum. remember, also, b.a.r.t. has minor delays. there was an earlier you. back to you. thank you, mike. happening right now a south bay swim coach suddenly in hot water over allegations he intimidated members of his swim team, sending them sexually charged and explicit text messages. you can link to that full story on our home page. google hit with a record fine, almost $3 billion. the online giant is accused of breaching european antitrust laws with its online shopping service. you can link to that information on our facebook page. ever heard of diamond patrol? why bare area transportation leaders may be taking aim. it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, breaking overnight. the white house issues a stern warning for syria, over a new possible chemical attack. the announcement catching some military officials off guard. we're live in washington with the latest. plus, i still do. >> part of making it through a marriage is holding on and underreacting to problems. >> new tips on how to keep your relationship fresh. jenna sits down with couples sharing their secrets. ♪ ♪ congratulations what we do >> and music and minions. pharrell williams stops by studio 1a to talk about music for "despicable me 3" and how he's busier than ever with newborn triplets. today, june 27th, 2017. ♪ >> cloudy with a chance of al roker. we got that forecast wrong. >> yeah, kind of. we got the cloudy part correct. >> where is the 406? >> montana. >> this is the ultimate wish, if you get a picture of charlie, where are you going? >> disney world. >> who said so? >> my dad. ♪ >> 1,475.4 miles to be exact. where does that take us? >> oklahoma. >> let's give a shout out to the troops. >> 42149. ♪ >> and good morning again, everyone. welcome back to "today" on a tuesday morning. we want to thank all those nice people outside for joining us. >> going to get out there soon. >> just about a half an hour. >> it's a busy morning. let's get right to your news at 8:00. all eyes on syria this morning, with the white house accusing the regime there after planning another chemical weapons attack. president trump sending a strong warning, while also dealing with other major issues here at home. nbc chief white house correspondent, hallie jackson, has the latest on all this. hallie, good morning to you. >> hi, matt. good morning. this morning, multiple defense and u.s. military officials are telling nbc news, they were surprised to see this new statement from the white house. a warning shot, essentially, that implies an attack by the assad regime could be imminent. one administration source tells me the tough talk could be a deterrent that could save lives. but for now, no specifics yet to back up the white house. this morning, the white house talking tough, announcing it has evidence syria could be preparing to launch another chemical attack. a statement overnight reads in part, the united states has identified potential preparations for another chemical weapons attack by the assad regime that would likely result in the mass murder of civilians. including innocent children. adding, if mr. assad conducts another mass murder attack with chemical weapons, he and his military will pay a heavy price. syrian president bashar al assad has denied responsibility for a similar attack in april, that killed dozens of people, including children, an attack president trump says cost many lives and prompted a u.s. military response. dozens of cruise missiles, slamming into an air base controlled by the syrian government, while the white house looks towards syria, washington's also watching another major headline this morning, the fight over health care. the senate bill, as early as today, facing its first real test, a procedural vote, and facing serious fire. not just from democrats protesting overnight. >> don't call it a health care bill. it's a wealth care bill. >> reporter: but skepticism from inside the gop, too, which doesn't have the numbers it needs to pass the plan, yet. and the number everyone's watching, 22 million. that's how many more people are estimated to lose coverage over the next ten years under in bill, compared to current law. >> i remain uncommitted. i mean, just deadline uncommitted. but it makes me more concerned. >> premiums would continue to rise, would rise 30% in the next two years. that's completely unacceptable. >> reporter: the white house, questioning the accuracy of the new analysis from the nonpartisan budget office. with trump not saying much about it. 22 million uninsured, sir. >> reporter: president trump, claiming victory an another front, his travel ban. the supreme court is letting that go into effect, in part, from people traveling from six mostly muslim countries, who have no ties to the united states. people with connections, like family members here, will not be banned. president trump calling that decision, quote, a clear victory for our national security. matt? >> all right, hallie jackson. hallie, thank you. newly released video this morning, shows the moment shoppers scrambled to safety when gunfire broke out at a mall in upstate new york. it happened last november, the chaos caught on camera, as holiday shoppers inside this apple store dove on the floor. a state trooper testified he saw mayweather holding a gun. he will spend up to seven years in prison. a story out of spain has a lot of people talking. a judge has ordered the body of artist salvador daly to be exyuled so that a paternity case can be resolved. a 61-year-old woman there claims she is the artist's daughter after an alleged affair between dali and her mother. dali, who died in 1989, is buried at a museum he designed in spain. if the dna tests prove positive, the woman will be entitled to a share of his estate. copyright royalties and the right to use his last name. >> wow. that's an unfolding story there. a lot more ahead, including serena williams new photos in "vanity fair." then, what motivates you? the inspirational new ad celebrating defeat. plus jenna's going to explore how to make your marriage survive and thrive. and the best toys for outdoor family fun this summer. we'll show those to you right after these messages. outdoor family when you make a pb&j with smucker's, that's the difference between ordinary everyday and exquisitely delicious in an everyday sort of way. because with a name like smucker's, it has to be good. goal! nitedhealthcare, you can get rewarded for waldad... and exquisitely delicious in an everyday sort of way. we wanna welcome everyone to the father daughter dance. walk, move and earn money... ...for out-of-pocket medical expenses. he's ok! unitedhealthcare ♪ from our crazy delicious family to yours. ♪ we mad[ gags ]nner. i love the combination of gummy bears and meat. it's payback time gru. [ evil laugh ] i'm scared. bratt has the girls. [ shouting ] ♪ so bad i'm coming girls. ♪ so good that i'm so bad yow! are you okay? we're fine. are you? sorry. went a little mama bear on you. despicable me 3. rated pg. starts friday. [ cheers and applause ] it's 8:09 on a tuesday morning. welcome back, everybody. tennis superstar, serena williams is speaking out for the first time since her pregnancy. >> she sat down with "vanity fair" for a candid conversation and pretty incredible photos. we have an impressive first look. in the six-page "vanity fair" spread, serena williams looking relaxed and ready for motherhood, sporting a beautiful baby bump, alongside her fiance, alex alexis. >> she is the most confident person i've ever seen. she's very, very cool and calm about it. i think she's ready for another phase of her life. >> reporter: these are the first official baby book snapshots of williams and taken by famed photographer annie leibovitz. it's a fitting start for a baby whose life is sure to be anything but ordinary. serena saying in a candid three-hour interview how her whole world changed overnight. just days before she was set to play the australian open, she was feeling a little off. at the urging of a friend, williams took a pregnancy test in her hotel room, saying at the time, i'll take it just because, "a" to prove you wrong and, "b" because it's fun. whatever, it's like a joke. why not? but when the tests came back positive, williams says she did a double-take. her thoughts turned to her first love, tennis. oh, my god. this can't be. i've got to play a tournament. how am i going to play the australian open? i had planned on winning wimbledon this year. six positive pregnancy tests later, shock gave way to joy, and williams decided she should tell her fiance the good news. asking him to fly to australia to meet her. and handing him all six tests in a paper bag. >> i think they will be great parents. serena strikes me as laidback. i think alexis is tying to be a dad. >> reporter: she went on to win a 23rd grand slam and she did it seven weeks pregnant. now, entering her third trimester, life for williams is moving a little slower. but reality is quickly sinking in. saying, it just doesn't seem real. if you would have told me last year in october or november i would have a baby, i would have thought you were the biggest liar in the world. this is happening sooner than later. and it's going by so fast. for the first time in her life, williams is taking a timeout from tennis. focusing on her growing family instead. but she says there's no doubt she will return to the court in january with her 4-month-old in tow. i don't think my story is over yet. >> you know, it's serena. between feeding the baby, she'll win wimbledon and the u.s. open. >> reporter: a new challenge and a new chapter for the greatest of all-time. and williams says she's loved being pregnant. but with wimbledon knocking on the door starting next week, she will be watching it. it will be a tough pill to swallow. she revealed she plans to get married after that baby is born. she was sitti inting with frien a table. and she thought, why is he sitting so close to us. and they ended up getting together, dating and now, look. and by the way, you guys, the full interview in "vanity fair" hits newsstands next week. how about that? hey, dylan. >> hey, guys. a little weather now. looking at temperatures in the 90s not any longer. an area of low pressure, pouring in. some of the cooler canadian air and that will help to keep things below average for some areas. cleveland, only 72 degrees. minneapolis, 78 degrees. same for new york city. charlotte, north carolina, 81. on wednesday, still mostly in the 70s through the great lakes region and across the northeast, will be in the lower 80s. it starts to heat up far and then on thursday, the heat will start to build back into pittsburgh, 86 degrees, and friday temperatures closer to 90 degrees. it's a brief cooldown so enjoy it while it's out there with lots of sunshine. still dealing with that high fire danger in the southwest and we could see some isolated storms through the northern plains. that's what's going on around the country. now here's a peek out your window. good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we still have the cloudy skies and the drizzle coming down now in san francisco, and we'll see this clearing as we head into late morning, early afternoon with highs there reaching the low 60s. 68 degrees in oakland, 79 degrees in napa, and 78 degrees in san jose. our temperatures will be warming over the next several days, and we'll be looking at some low 70s in time for saturday. interior valleys already much hotter for the weekend. after starting out the week in the 70s, up to 90. t, dylan, thanks so much. you guys ready to trend? thank god jenna's here. she's here to lend us a hand. you played a sport at one point or another, except for sheinelle jones. >> not really. >> when it comes to sports, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. sometimes the losing moments really define you. and every now and then, there's a commercial that gives you chills and makes you feel great. gatorade has a new one just out this morning. take a look. >> you want to know the secret to victory? ♪ fail to make the varsity team. ♪ >> start your career as a walk-on. >> go 3-13, your rookie season. >> lead the league in interceptions. >> be on the wrong side of the biggest upset in your sport. >> you really want to know the secret to victory? >> heartbreak for matt ryan who is in utter disbelief. >> defeat. >> wow. >> really good. >> what did you think about that? >> it makes sense. it's easy to win. it's the moments when you lose you never forget. >> you don't picture those guys losing. so, it got me thinking about things that have happened in our lives or your lives, that made you, you know, you fell on your knees and it propelled you. should we start with matt lauer since he's sitting right here? >> i got fired three times and canceled two times at a point in my career. >> you got fired three times? >> it taught me never to take anything for granted. >> who fired you? television stations? >> yeah. fired three times and canceled twice. or canceled three times and fired twice. >> it's a miracle you got back up. there's hope for all of us. >> i don't know where to start. i have come from a family ofn e misprono >> it makes everyone love you that much more. >> i was captain of the field hockey team in high school. we didn't win a single game, ever. >> ever? >> never won a single game. >> you were -- >> three years i was on the team. >> you were a good athlete. >> i was the captain of that team. >> what did you do? >> to have fun. >> i tell kids my very first job, i sent out 44 vhs tapes. 44. i didn't get any callbacks. and i saw a one-man job and got that. >> amazing thing to come out of that, is vhs tapes. time capsule. >> 44 of them. >> that's the headline. >> i got in a car and drove around looking for a job my first job. and i literally went face-to-face with 27 different news directors. and 27 said no. to my face. you know, like, no, you're not good. you're no good. and a normal person would have said, wow, i'm probably no good. >> you keep going. >> but the 28th guy hired me at a station in mississippi. >> way to go, stan. >> hallelujah. >> you can find that full commercial on >> a good one. >> that was so good. let's run a vhs tape or two. >> we begin with russell westbrook. it's official. the oklahoma city thunder point guard is this year's nba mvp. he called his entire team on stage to share the moment with him. and he got emotional when thanking his parents. take a look. >> you guys did any and everything to make sure me and my brother had anything we wanted. i told myself i wasn't going to cry but -- so many things i can say about you guys. for putting me here. i'm just thankful to have you in my court. love you guys. >> touching speech. you know who else congratulated the mvp? taylor swift. >> i was the one who taught you to dribble. to shoot hoops. you know? and i remember the first time you beat me at basketball. and i -- i was very upset. and you said, if you remember correctly, you said, you just have to shake it off. and i got an idea. so, essentially, we have each other to thank for these careers. >> she was joking, of course. did you know westbrook is a big taylor swift fan. he shared videos of him jamming to her music. there's the love. >> my son has an expression. that is what russell westbrook was this year. he was a beast. he was awesome. and now, to ben stiller. remember we showed you this video in "pop start." he is teaming up for a charity dodgeball tournament? he's calling on celebrities to join his team. >> bieber, you think hockey and hoops are hard, try dodgeball. my canadian not friend. hey, lebron. i know you have won a few championships on the basketball court. how many dodgeball championships have you won? hey, the rock. oh, i'm sorry, dwayne johnson. you know that i, dwight goodman made you into the physical specimen you are today. let the internet world know that you, "people" magazine's most sexy man in the world, have been a global gymer. >> head to the winner will compete in a game of dodgeball in the fall, here on "today." >> i think matt -- matt, you're so good at dodgeball. >> i don't know if i've ever played dodgeball. why would you say that? >> will you enter that? enter that competition? >> no. i get hit in the face. this is the "daly click." 4-year-old jackson from west virginia, got his hands on his grandfather's leaf blower. let's just say he felt empowered. look at this. >> don't take it from me. jackson -- this was jackson's first time using the leaf blower. he had more fun aiming at it his little sister. his dad says he loves to help with the yardwork, as long as he gets to use this. that enthusiasm looks like jackson will take over all of the chores in the future. >> that's hilarious. >> wasn't that the best? >> happy you said it was his sister and not some stranger who walked up. that's cool, sheinelle. nice job. >> thanks. more on our special series all about marriage. to have and to hold today. >> this morning, jenna is tackling the age-old question, what makes a happy marriage? >> this is a big question. according to an nbc news/survey monkey poll, seven in ten americans think good communication the most important factor. it's a plus, but there's a lot more that goes into creating a successful relationship. >> i give you this ring. >> when you get married, there's so much romance around it. you're in love. it's exciting. you're building this house and this life together. and when you get to the midway point, the burdens hit you harder. >> reporter: in her new book, "wedding toasts i'll never give," her essays describe marriage as a burden and a gift. >> in the course of being together forever, you have many doubts stoking. i love this person and when he's sick, he's not nurturing. in the darkest moments of my own marriage, i felt the nagging exceptions. we have a child together. and we make each other laugh and i still love him. >> reporter: they have been married for 14 years and have one son, oliver. >> it's not like once you get married or once you have kids, yay, we did it. high-five. we won or something. it's not the end of the game. it's sort of like, oh, no, wait. there's constantly twists and turns. >> and people just spring changes on you. they gain or lose 100 pounds. they get a totally new career. you know, you have a kid that has a disability. you make the best plans you can and then, life happens to you. part of making it through the middle of marriage is just holding on. and underreacting to problems. >> reporter: dani shapiro writes openly about the ups and downs of her marriage to michael in "hourglass." >> how have you changed since you walked down the aisle? >> i think life has a way with us in so many ways. our baby was sick when he was an infant. >> reporter: you write about going through the health care with your 6-month-old baby. he's now healthy and 18. but that could have crushed a marriage. >> yes. >> reporter: why do you think you all survived it? >> it's cemented our bond because we never did disagree with each other or in any way blame one another. >> i think we really became a really solid team at that moment. what saved him originally was dani's instinct as a mother that there was something wrong. i just completely trusted her instincts about everything and about everything we did. truste instincts about everything and about everything we did. >> reporter: so, 20 years in, how do you see the middle of a marriage? >> hopefully it's the middle of the marriage. we've had some hard times. some of them financial, some of them medical. >> reporter: social media may paint a pretty picture. but dani says it doesn't show reality and the day-to-day struggles facing up couples. >> what doesn't go on instagram? bank statements, past due notices, tuition bills. e-mails bearing disappointing news. the way we put our arms around each other early in the morning, blearily-eyed, coffee brewing, and bury our heads into each other's shoulders. it's going to be okay, right? i don't know if you would agree with me. but i feel like we have somewhat changed, each of us, which is part of what the middle is. we've changed as we've grown toward each other. it's not -- you're not the man i married. well, no, you're not. it's not possible to be. and so, that sense of honoring who you are together over the passage of time, like a fragile chain of paper dolls, in a long marriage, all of the selves you have been together, i think continue to be alive inside of you. but you continue to transform and change. so, honoring that. >> i love that. >> really nice. >> i think it's all about finding these hardships and tackling them together. they all said that kindness is the most important factor. >> yeah. i like what she said about you're not the man i married. but you shouldn't be. you've grown over the years. >> that's a hard thing to tackle. sometimes you don't look at me in the same ways. well, you had two babies and you don't look the same. >> isn't that something to figure out before you marry someone? if you go through difficult times, is that person going to grow closer to you or distance themselves from you? >> i think it is. it's important to start off marriage that way. >> my grandparents celebrated 67 years two days ago. and it's fun to watch them in their ebbs and flows. they're the best of buddies. sometimes on each other's worst nerve. and the next moment -- >> how many years iffer y for y? >> ten years. >> five years. >> ten years. >> coming up on 20. >> we have to throw you a party. >> yes, you do. >> a 20 t-shirt. >> exactly. don't look at me. >> tomorrow, will meet a woman who traveled to 20 countries on 5 continents to unlock the secrets of a happy marriage. just ahead, a guy that knows a thing or two about being happy. our friend, pharrell williams is here. we're happy to speak with him. we're going to talk about "despicable me 3" andgood morni. i )m ... ==topvo== silicon valley giant google has been hit with the largest fine of its kind ever: -point-7 billion dollars. google is accus good morning to you. i'm kris sanchez. silicon valley giant google has been hit with a largest fine of its kind ever, $2.7 billion. they're accused of violating european antitrust laws with its online shopping service and favoring its own products in specialized search results. europe's antitrust chief is accusing the mountain view company of denying consumers genuine choice by steering google search engine users to its own online shopping platform. regulators are giving google 90 days to make changes or face even more penalties. google says it may file an appeal. and let's take a look at your traffic picture. a delay in mass transit blue not so much anymore. >> shifting around, kris. we had a slowdown along the bay but it's moving more slowly. oakland with 880 slowing as well as 580. southbound 880 over here toward 9th and getting through downtown another crash clearing to the shoulder. yes, indeed, we had a number of delays reported for mass transit. the most recent one is west oakland. they're recovering from the latest slowdown. there was something going on this. police activity, i believe, but now it's okay. west oakland is the critical juncture where everybody heads to and from san francisco from the east bay. minor delays and it may ripple throughout. we'll track it. back to you. >>. more local news in a half hour. hi, we are turketarians. you know people think that all turkey tastes alike. (both) wrong! true turketarians swear by butterball. we like to say, (both) "what is this? thanksgiving?" (both laughing) get it? butterball. the choice of turketarians. we're back, now. 8:30 on this tuesday morning. it's the 27th day of june 2017. and we're out on the plaza with some really great people who have been gathered all morning long. thank you for being here. >> we're looking for -- we have a great wine segment coming up. you know that, right? so, hang on. i'm looking for -- i'm looking for someone who loves wine. i love wine. kathie lee loves wine. wait a minute. grandma? grandma loves wine? >> i love wine. she loves the "today" show. >> linda edwards. >> i think we should give linda something to take home. >> i think so. >> do we have anything here? hold on. hold on. >> are we technically allowed to do this? >> no. we're not. but i think grandma linda deserves a bottle. we will ship it to grandma linda. you're welcome. meantime, i'm bringing it with me. >> party favor from the "today" show. >> all right. who else is on the plaza? music superstar pharrell williams is here. he's an extremely busy guy. he has new music out for "despicable me 3" and he has triplets at home. going to talk about both those things. and we were so inspired by that soundtrack, our "today" parenting team, made a new video for pharrell's song, "there's something special." you can watch that at >> try dancing with three kids in the living room. it's fun. also ahead, the hottest toys and gaj dgets for your family t enjoy this summer. dylan, it's a beautiful day. >> it's gorgeous in the northeast. temperatures around 80 degrees. down south, that's where we have our heavier rain. you can see most of it is falling out over the water. as we go through the afternoon, we're going to see more showers redevelop this afternoon and evening. across parts of florida, we could see heavier downpours, too. some of the downpours could produce 2 to 2 1/2 inches of rain in a short period of time. and the ground is pretty saturated. that could lead to brief flooding. you see scattered areas of two to three inches of rain across most of in the southwest, very dry, high fire danger, severe storms possible through the northern plains today, a ku l spotty showers in the northeast, isolated thunderstorms, temperatures in the 70s and tomorrow we will start to see temperatures begin to heat back up into the 80s through the midwest. that's what's going on around the country. here's a peek out your window. >> we're starting the day with some clouds and we will see those high temperatures staying nice and cool along the coast. and in oakland we're up to 68 degrees. 79 in napa, and lower 80s sprinkled in for the interior valleys. as we go into the next few days, our temperatures will be warming up, but we keep the coastal fog and san francisco going to see the highs for the weekend up to 70 degrees and for the valleys up to 91 degrees. so that will be the peak of the warm temperatures and then it starts to cool down as we head closer to the fourth of july. big, wonderful crowd out on the plaza. you guys are all wearing matching shirts. what's the special occasion? >> we're all from tennessee. here to celebrate my niece's 16th birthday. >> you must be having fun. >> i am. >> matt and hoda? >> really. pharrell -- pharrell just -- we're on now. >> we're just talking now. >> it's easy to see how pharrell williams is called a renaissance man. not only is he a music superstar, he's a designer. >> this is awkward. >> a philanthropist. >> we're talking about him as if he's not here. >> and his fans can rejoice because he's back with new music for the new movie "despicable me 3." why are you such a big fan of these movies? >> illumination deserves their name. they really are enlightening and enlumme nating. and i feel like they do it because they make the films on a universal level. it's not just for children, but for human beings. i think that's important. >> i remember well a little song you did for the last "despicable me" series called "happy." everyone fell in love with. you were nominated for an oscar. that went crazy. here you are, a couple of songs, a few songs for this one. i was just watching the videos. a lot of fun. tell us about these songs. >> they're mostly -- they come from what this film is about, which was like -- >> this is "yellow light." >> okay this, is weird. but, you know, just warming people up. there's a lot of darkness right now. you know? we need some light. we need light. we need, like, enthusiasm. we need ambition. we need to be inspired. and i think what illumination does with "despicable me" they tell stories that everyone can relate to. i said that before, not just children. also like grown-ups. >> i'm so glad you said that. as a father of three kids, you know how hard it is to find a movie on a friday night we all want to sit down and watch. and we can all appreciate and laugh at. and those movies do that. it's hard when you talk about teenagers down to 10 years old. >> you're a father of three. you're a father of four. triplets. >> yes. >> how is that going? >> it's an assembly line. >> describe a typical -- i need to know a diaper changing situation. how do you do it? >> well, they harmonize. it's wah, wah, wah, all at the same time. and as i said -- i said this last night, too, chain reactions, like a real thing in our house. >> what do you mean? >> one, cries. the next one cries. they're hungry, they're hungry. when someone says congratulations, i say thank you, thank you, thank you. it's a real thing. >> do you do the ddiaper changi? >> no. >> what do you mean? >> my wife is s.e.a.l. team 6. there's nothing she can't do. she carried those three bodies. she's just on it all the time. and we do have some amazing people to help us. >> helping out. >> but it's serious. >> have you even allowed yourself to imagine a year from now when they're a year and a half old and they're all walking in different directions around the house? >> i can't imagine because the personalities are coming through already. 5 months and they're cooing and they coo back to you. it's real. >> being that you are a clothing designer, do you pick out any of the outfits that the kids wear? do you -- are you in that game at all? >> again, s.e.a.l. team 6. she just -- >> and you got another little one. how is it working out with rocket? >> he's good. he's an amazing big brother. >> yeah? >> he really is. it's been great. >> you mentioned clothing designer. i've always thought of pharrell, and i said this to him one time. every time i see him, i think, damn, that looks great. and i could never wear that. >> it looks good on pharrell. >> for the apollo one time, you walked in with that jacket and shorts to match. it was a suit with shorts. i love the way he looks. i can't do that. >> of course you can. >> have you seen these knees? >> have you seen mine? i'm not exactly in sports. i just feel like what works for me is, how you feel in the weather is and if you c ater to tl be all right and comfortable. obviously, i thought it would e chilly. >> you did. we loved you on "the voice." you loved that run. you think we might see a return of that anywhere down the road? >> honestly, i have to work. i got so much work to do. it was so much fun. and while i was doing it, it was like, helping other people with -- that was like a drug for me. i just -- i couldn't get enough of helping them. but i have work to do. music to make and so many records that ariana grande's album is amazing. justin timberlake album amazing. there's another album that i can't talk about it. but my fans know about it. >> it's on twitter. come on. >> i can't. i got to be a good boy. but it's coming. >> it is? >> and it's exciting. and there's just -- i don't know. so much work that i got done being off. but i'm so grateful. i had such a great time. >> we love you, pharrell. we love when you come here. we love how you are with the fans and with us. thanks for swinging by. >> congrats. >> thank you, guys. >> "despicable me 3" from universal hits theaters this friday. and the movie soundtrack, available right now. outdoor toys fun for the whole family this summer. first, this is "today" on nbc. >> thank you >> nice t.o [ cheers and applause ] all right. we are back. we're going to help you scoot into summer fun with the season's hottest toys and games and gadgets. here to reveal her picks, liz vaccariello, editor in chief of "parents" magazine. liz, nice to see you. >> fun. we have bikes. we have scooters. this of the hybrid called the scooter bike. very good at that. it's for adults, bigger kids, right? >> it's comfortable, too. it's got a little spring to it. it's great. >> because of the wide wheels, you can take an extra long ride coasting. you can put your drink in here, basket here. >> and they come in cool colors. >> $209. they start at. >> what's going on here? >> this is the tree top hanging tree house. this is an almost instant take anywhere tree house. a place for your kids to hang out. it has an aluminum frame. you can hang it from any sturdy branch. if you don't want to have a tree hanging situation, it's sold separately, a frame. it can hang in your backyard. $325. but they plant a tree for every treehouse they sell. >> that's good. >> i don't know what to say. alfonso rib be alfonso ribeiro, dylan. >> these are bouncing play balls. you can roll the big ones. and the manufacturer wants to make sure if you're going to roll, you keep it on a safe surface, only one child per ball. >> one child per ball. >> we don't want two of you getting in there together. it could be dangerous. what do we have here? >> kathie lee gifford, for starters. >> how are you guys? >> what is this? >> these are so cute. they start at $53. outdoor big-size board games. >> you have to get four in a row. >> i like to go after you. >> you already won, kathie lee. these guys are playing a little of a jenga, tumbling tower. >> lea. >> it's mason's birthday today. >> happy birthday. nice hair. >> hi, liz. it's fun to have the outdoor games. >> it's easy to win when you're playing by yourself. >> you can take these to the beach or your backyard. >> awesome. great job, you guys. >> if you want your kids to believe in magic -- >> there goes the jenga. >> the l.e.d. globes. all right? they are -- they can use a remote control. rechargeable l.e.d. lithium battery. they can stay white. but at night, they can be any of seven colors, or you can make them fade in and out of several colors. you can make them float on your pool. >> it's okay if they're in water? >> yeah. they're made of polyurethane. they're resistant to the sun and the sand. should last a lifetime. >> what's happening down here? >> $25 for an outdoor water park for toddlers. a squishy little mat. and the water sprays on to your kids. they have erasable crayons. they're drawing and staying cool. and there's a pocket to hold the crayons. >> you know they're going to lose those. yeah. let's make our way over here. it's a little picnic on the beach. >> oh, yes. >> eat your heart out, kathie lee and hoda. >> wine. >> and to beach towel anxiety. this is the wow towel. it's seven feet by seven feet. the family can sit on there. the sand stays off. it's nice terry cloth. about $79. >> and pockets on the end. i like those. >> and this is just -- >> this is our shade tent. it was made in australia. they know sun care, right? this is the highest safety rating in australia. >> protects against u.v.? >> spf 40. $160. and allegedly, only one husband can put it up. >> oh. >> only takes one human being. >> one person. >> or one wife. >> there you go. one child, very easy. >> liz, these are great ideas. thank you. good time to have some fun this summer. you can find more on these ideas on our website, up next, family fun to adult beverages. the best affordable summer wines. now, i know why kathie lee's here. first, this is "today" on nbc. what if there was a paint... ...that had the power to awaken something old... ...or painfully dated... ...or something you simply thought was lost forever... ...because it could form a strong bond, regardless of age... if a paint could give any time-worn surface stunning new life... have to wonder... is it still paint? regal select exterior from benjamin moore®. only available at independently owned paint and hardware stores. we're back, now, with "today food." hoda this is up your alley. >> finally something for me. we're talking several wines. it's time to stock up on an affordable bottle. or what you should bring to your fourth of july party. we have it covered for you with our wine expert. she's here to round it up for every price point. >> she may have been tasting a little already. >> i have you covered for the entire summer here. >> of course you do. >> look at the length of the table here. let's get started. often rose gets no respect. i love rose. >> i have to tell you, rose is the hottest wine right now. 55% versus regular wine at 4%. everybody is drinking pink. get in here. >> talk about some of the different ones and the price range we're talking. >> price ranges, this is the "m" and i did this for you. this is matt's wine. >> that's delicious. >> marvelous. that's about $20. provence in france is the home base of rose. you can have fun. this one -- this is a 40-ounce. isn't that fun? >> it's crazy. >> it's an ode to the beer bottles. >> 40 ounces, typical serving. >> this is actually a little extra. >> how much is that? >> about 16 bucks. but you get a liter. and summer water. not h2o, it's h2 pink right here. it's from california. they give you more fruitiness. >> i want to try the end one. >> tablas creek is one of the best producers in california. this is a wonderful rose. about $25. it's the best. >> those are all delicious. >> delicious. >> sometimes you want to grab a wine on the go. you go on a picnic and want something to take with. >> wine in a can. >> i get the bottle. >> i'll switch with you. >> if you're going to the beach, you want portability, affordability, and ability. all these are under $10. this is the barefoot spritzer. >> what's in that? >> white wine with a little carbonated water. 2 bucks a can. and this one, $7 for those little sippers. and they're very portable. you just unscrew the cap. >> so smart. you make a nice sangria. >> sangria. this is just mix a pitcher poolside. this is red wine mixed with superfruits like pomegranate. and you top it off with soda water or tonic. >> we cannot keep tasting. >> we won't make it to end of the table. >> make a stumble over here. >> these are wines that go great with food. >> i go global grilling. a little south american and a little spain here. so, whether you've got spicy shrimp or salmon, i like having a little white wine here. this is a beautiful coastal region from chile. this is a little sexier, a little more -- this is a little more exotic. this is from spain. try that one. yeah. get in there, matt. both these wines are delicious. and about $15 to $20. and this one is from fillaboa. isn't that great? >> and i love the way you have the sear on the meat and you don't have coals in that grill. nothing in there. >> that's a little fake. but, hey. it's all right. >> and actually -- >> you're chilling a red? >> this is red wine. i am doing it. i'm going in. >> why do we do that? >> this is malbec, from argentina. goes great with meat. and winemakers love to do this. always puts in for 15 minutes, tames the alcohol. >> it's funny. when i think of summertime, i don't think of the reds. you can have those, yeah. >> malbec. and this is one of spain's top estates. this is about $40, arnzano. it's a lush and supple -- isn't that gorgeous? gorgeous? >> wow. >> taking it with me. >> that is delicious. >> arnzano. now, we're going back domestic. celebrations coming up with the holidays. the federalist wine. and the federalist is honoring our founding fathers. how much do you think that tis? >> $9 a bottle. >> $17.76. >> i should have known that. and you can do good and drink well. this is the purple heart from napa valley. it goes to the purple heart foundation to support veterans. and the limited summer series from chandon. get in there. >> perfect. >> leslie, cheers. thank you, sweetie. for a list of all of leslie's picks, head to we'll be back in a moment. first, this the "today" on nbc. all right. we're back. dylan's in charge of celebrating birthdays. >> go, dylan. >> let's spin the smucker's jars and meet wonderful team. happy 100th birthday to hannah from kersee, colorado. she ran a grocery store for more than ten years. merton wheeler is 100. he trained parra troopers during the korean war. happy 102nd birthday to evelyn of canton, ohio. rumor has it she makes the best mac and cheese you will ever taste. and i'd love to try some. dr. joseph dean robertson is celebrating 100 years. a hard worker from oklahoma city, oklahoma. he practiced pediatric dentistry until he was 93. takes patience. >> that was good. >> thelma -- that could have been funny. thelma eddy, winterset, iowa, is 102 years old. she bax all kes all of the pies scratch for dessert. happy 100th birthday to mabel mckay a bingo champion from nashville. if you know someone celebrating a milestone birthday or anniversary, tell us about them at >> excellent. dylan, excellent job. >> yes. what do you have coming up? >> i'm excited. dylan gets to meet one of her childhood idols. >> the guy you have posters of on your wall. jason priestly. >> and amy poehler. it's going to be fun. >> good. we'll go back out and get more of the wines. first, though, a look at your local news and weather. [ cheers and applause ] i )m ... ==topvo== san francisco public defender jeff adachi is expected to address a new report later today .. that singles out the police depar good tuesday morning at 8:56. i'm sam brock. san francisco's public defender is expected to address a new report later today that specifically singles out the san francisco police department for racial bias when it comes to arrest. the examiner obtained a copy of that report in advance which finds that blacks receive 50% more severe charges than whites and are also more likely to be convicted. that report also finds blacks are held in jail for a longer time for the same or similar crimes. that study was commissioned by the public defender's office. the defender is scheduled to talk about possible policy changes at 10:30. right now, pete suratos is talking with city leaders. he'll have a complete report in our newscast. new details coming to light in the case of a missing san francisco uber driver on her home page, what authorities are saying so far about the discovery of human remainings at a warehouse and where whether these cases are linked. president trump's travel ban is apparently back in play and there is a supreme court looming, a case i should say. on our twitter feed, some of the key questions hanging in the balance. that'll do it for us. another news update in 30 minutes. this morning on "today's take," alfonso ribeiro is our celebrity co-host. and look who is in the house. amy poehler with a sneak peek at her new movie. and brandon and dylan. our dylan and jason priestly, coming up right now. >> from nbc news, this is "today's take." live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning. welcome to "today" on this tuesday morning, june 27th, 2017. you're listening to "summer." it is, by calvin harris. and our friend, alfonso ribeiro is back as our co-host today, as al is on assignment. you're part of the family. >> it feels like i'm starting to become part of the family. my third day with you guys. >> we had you -- were you in some kind of contraption in the last half hour? >> we were in a big, blow-up bubble thing. >> my arms couldn't really do anything. >> we need the bigger one. the bigger ones would have been better. they only had one big one. it would have been awkward. how was your day in nyc? >> it was good. hung out yesterday. went back to the hotel. went to see "transformers." >> by yourself? >> by myself. i do that all the time. >> it's in the movies right now? >> yeah. when you have a daily job, what's happening in the rest of the world? >> how does that work? you buy a ticket? >> buy a ticket, pick your seat, sit down, watch a movie. >> did you have popcorn? >> i had some popcorn. and i had iced tea. i don't do the soda thing anymore. but had fun. i always actually felt like when you go to a movie, you do go by yourself. right? >> what's the point of going with someone else? >> it's an individual experience, right? >> have you gone to a movie by yourself? >> that means no. but -- >> i'm thinking. thinking about it. >> hmm. >> i was 13. >> genuinely searching my brain. i don't think i have. >> every moment in your life going back. i go to movies all the time by myself. all the time. i love it. >> do people bother you? >> no. the great thing about -- i don't go to a nighttime movie by myself. i'll do a matinee. >> that's uncool. >> you ain't got nothing but to go by yourself. during the day, i take my kid to school and will go watch a movie. and pick him back up. it's the perfect thing to do while he is at preschool. >> i've gone to the movie theater, picked up popcorn and brought it home. movie theater popcorn is that good. >> they make the movie theater popcorn you can get at the store. >> you have to walk past the ticket booth. get yourself some popcorn and walk back out. >> right on. normally, you get stopped by security. >> i've done it several times. >> if i do that, i'm getting stopped by security. >> she's very unassuming. you wouldn't think this woman is coming in to get popcorn. >> my brother was in the hospital. and i was bringing a movie. i brought popcorn, too. i'm bringing the movies to you. >> i like that. >> right on. >> i hung out with a buddy. and he was working on his album. and i met up with -- >> you like how he dropped that. now, he's not giving you details. we won't push you. but it's pretty cool. >> then, the "dancing with the stars" tour is in new york. so, i went and hung out with a bunch of the dancers last night. >> that's fun. >> and had a quiet dinner with them. >> do you break out in a dance halfway through the meal? >> no. but i walked into this restaurant. and i sat down. and literally, 20 seconds after i sat down, they started playing "it's not unusual" by tom jones. and everybody's like -- really? really? >> you don't go along with the ride? >> listen, the ride -- it's been a long ride. you know? it's -- i try to have fun with it sometimes. but i just sat down. >> play the song. >> you know? >> alfonso ribeiro. >> the owner walked up to me and came over to our table and was, like, listen, that was a total accident. like, i had no idea you had walked into the restaurant. i just played the song because i love the song. >> that's funny. >> and then, they told me, dude, did you know he was here? who? he had no clue. >> no. >> he's right there, in the corner. >> that's funny. >> i had a wonderful time talking with them about the tour. i did the tour, you know, 2 1/2 years ago, 3 degryears ago. i loved it. wanted to do the tour again because it was so much fun. my wife was the one that said to me, we should go do another tour. >> oh. >> she enjoyed it, too? >> she loved it. we had our bus. we took the family. a great road trip. you go to a new place every day. and you hang out. >> you're dancing all over the place, too, right? >> when i was doing "dancing with the stars," i only -- i worked five hours every day. right? on the tour, i had three dances all a minute and a half each. when you looked at the amount of dancing on the tour, it was like -- >> not much. >> i don't get warmed up. not even really enough to get going. >> while you were hanging with celebrities, what were you doing, dylan? >> i was hanging with my baby. at home in sweat pants. calvin's newest thing, he likes loud noises. it startles him a little bit. so, he found out how to actually make his own loud noises. so, this is -- you know, you give him all of the colorful toys. and he loves this wooden toy. dawn gave us to us. it's got a patriots low fwoe on it. >> and he just -- and he -- just loves it. >> trying to scare himself? >> he's realizing that his hand doing this is making the sound that makes him want to blink. >> that's really funny. >> it's so cute. and he eventually drops it. wait. what happened? >> what happened? there's something not in my hand. >> this is -- i just want to sit and watch his little milestones are just so much fun. >> i know. they're the best. >> i love that. the highlight in my house, i'm always at the grocery store. i need to do some kind of online ordering situation. i haven't done it. so, the problem, is we live in the city. so, there are no parking lots. you have to walk to the store. everything you buy, you have to carry. >> that's why you go every day? >> we go there all the time. one of the grocery stores in our neighborhoods, they have carts for kids. my new thing, if it doesn't fit in claire's cart, we tonight buy it. >> makes sense. >> what does she have in there? >> started with pirate bootee. and what do you call those, yogurts. nice, a few other things for summer camp. cheese sticks and that was it. >> the key is getting stuff that is airy. right? so, like, pirates bootee is great. it's nothing to carry home. >> you can fill up. >> that's true. >> it ain't heavy. >> and she likes to hold the bag. sometimes the lady will give her something to carry. >> to they have adult-sized carts? >> i that to. >> maybe those are just the carts. >> because they know you have to walk home. >> you think, i can carry that. and before you know it, you're walking down the street just -- >> listen, i'm that guy who tells my wife, all the time. why do we ever run out of anything? >> you're mr. buy in bulk? >> i go and buy the store out. >> really? >> you have a home? >> i do. i have a home. that's living in los angeles. you put it in your car, right? and you drive it to your -- literally back it up to the front door. you know, take it out. >> i can fit four rolls of toilet paper under this cabinet here. >> i go in and buy the store out. like, we're always like, where are the wipes for the babies? why don't we have wipes? just go to the store and buy until there's nothing left on the shelf. >> it's funny you said that. al roker just said the same thing. he buys toilet paper. >> absolutely. i have a closet. an entire closet of toilet paper. i'm not running out. >> my living room. >> we were talking earlier this morning, serena williams. >> yes. wow. >> making some headlines this morning. >> yeah. john mcenroe, such a wonderful guy. yeah. serena responded to tennis great john mcenroe's assertion that if serena played on the men's tour, she would be rank ed 700th in a interview with npr. >> that's -- >> we don't have that. oh, i was like, we're going to the tape? where is the tape? >> he said that comment himself. >> and serena responded to mcenroe on twitter yesterday. saying, dear, john, i adore and respect you. but please, keep me out of your statements that are not factually based. williams goes on. i've never played anyone ranked. nor do i have time. respect me and my privacy, as i'm trying to have a baby. good day, sir. >> ooh. >> woo. >> you're like, thank you very much. >> okay. >> it's based on -- >> read him. >> you don't know where she is. i have a pretty cogood feeling wouldn't be 700. but it's not based on anything. >> it's his opinion. and serena is the greatest woman's player ever. and probably one of the greatest players ever. to put it on a woman. >> everyone will be talking about her now. have you seen the cover of this month's "vanity fair"? >> i have not seen it. >> now, i need to see it. >> there you go. >> there you go. demi did that. >> it's a good read. talked about how she found out days to play the australian open, she was feeling a little off. and her friend said, you should take a pregnancy test. she took six of them in her hotel room. >> i don't believe it. >> can you imagine in the middle -- i can't because i don't play tennis. >> but then, to go on and win it. >> she called her boyfriend at the time and told him to come to australia. when he got there, she basically handed him all six of the pregnancy tests and was, like, hey, you did this. >> like you drop the mic, you drop the bag. i actually saved mine. is that gross? >> no. >> it doesn't matter. i went back to show somebody and they faded. it doesn't really matter. >> that's not good. >> you can show them the baby. i swear. it was positive. >> you see? it was right. coming up, find out why nick lachey was digging through the trash, another friend of the show did you know when you buy any bag of dog or cat food at petsmart we give a meal to a pet in need? help us reach our goal of donating more than 60 million meals so hungry pets across the country get to eat. buy any bag, we give a meal to a pet in need. petsmart - for the love of pets. ♪ ouch! new band-aid® brand skin-flex™, bandages. our best bandage yet! it dries almost instantly. better? yeah. good thing because stopping never crosses your mind. band-aid® brand. stick with it™ close your eyes and make a marshmallow wish. it can come true by winning one of 10,000 boxes of only marshmallows. find your code in special boxes of lucky charms. they're magically delicious ask sherwin-williams during the great summer painting party! save 30% on paints and stains june 18th through july 4th. there's a store in every neighborhood. find yours at how dixie ultra plates?roved with two pounds of steak. in each hand. dixie ultra. stress tested so you can stress less at dinner. that protects as it colors. excellence haircolor by l'oréal. with pro-keratine complex rich, radiant color and it cares for my hair. no color protects better. or covers gray better. so much care in one little box. excellence crème from l'oréal paris. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the things that i consume a lot of it is very acidic. the enamel on the teeth was actually weakening. the whiteness wasn't there as much. my teeth didn't look as healthy as others. my dentist said that pronamel would help fight against that erosion that foods and drinks were causing. so it was really important to start using the pronamel. it will be one less thing you have to worry about. pronamel is now giving me the confidence to know that i'm doing the right thing. so it's nice to know that it was as simple as that. ♪ back, now, with more of "today's take" and our guest co-host, alfonso ribeiro. have you ever last your wedding ring? >> how often do you check it? >> every few minutes. my thumb automatically goes to the bottom of the ring to make sure it's there. >> if it's ever not there, your heart just drops. this happened to nick lachey's wife, vanessa. and there's nothing worse than that feeling when you lose something valuable and you don't know where it is. and if it's your wedding ring, shoot. vanessa lachey, asked her husband, nick, to look in the gabbage to find it. keep in mind, it's the garbagga. he said this, is true love. after six years of marriage, digging through dirty diapers and trash to find your wife's missing wedding ring. #success. >> that's impressive. >> he did find it. >> you know what? that's what you do as a husband, whatever your wife tells you to do, you look for the ring. you know, i would say -- >> bought the ring. >> it's different for men and women. my ring cost $1,000. it's $1,000. it has little diamonds in it. most rings for men are a lot cheaper. you know. a woman's ring is typically, you know, a mortgage, right? >> yeah. >> that's a downpayment on an apartment, not in new york. >> i can see how it happens. she has her little ones. you take off your ring to change the diaper. and you try to remember where you took it off. >> it probably came off while changing the diaper. you know what i mean? >> after calvin gets a bath, i take off my ring to put the lotion on. i don't want to get lotion on my ring. yes, for cal vinl. >> there you go. >> you didn't want to scratch him up, right, dylan? >> it's a two-for. let's look at the weather going on across the country. it's going to be very hot in the southwest. this has led to several wildfires. there's 21 large wildfires, especially across the four corners area, where we have red flag warnings because of the gusty winds. the very low humidity, less than 10%. and also, the hot temperatures. even though it's going to cool off a bitli, the air is dry. salt lake city, to 83 on thursday. that will feel better. but other areas, palm springs will cool off to 104. how does that feel? we're looking at scattered showers and thunderstorms along the gulf coast. >> i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are seeing low clouds and fog over san francisco. looks like the drizzle has stopped as we're getting clearing for the inland areas. high temperatures in san francisco reaching low 60s, warming a few degrees as we head toward the end of the week and the week looking nice. upper 70s today for the interior valleys, '90s degrees by friday and it will be the warmest on saturday before it starts cool down. >> and that's your latest forecast. coming up, we'll show you all the right moves -- >> hey. >> not dancing. it seems like that would fit those words. all the right moves to make the life of your summer parties. maybe. maybe. summer took a hit this morning maybe. when frankie popped the alligator floaty. plus, the snacks and drinks are gone, people. and one of us used up all the sunscreen! i wonder who... . we're gonna need some reinforcements...quick. copy that. walgreens makes it easy when summer needs a little help. your summer base camp is just around the corner so you can get in, out and back to those summer shenanigans. walgreens. at the corner of happy & healthy®. now with card, buy one, get one 50 percent off sunscreen. oh no. oh no. i hate this belt. man oh man. mom, we have a situation. life's bleachable moments need clorox bleach. ♪ ♪ turns out things aren't always take guinea pigs.ey are. they're not pigs at all, nor are they from guinea. or take this haircut. i may look all business, but look out... . but there's a party going on back here. kinda misleading, isn't it? well, at carmax, you don't have to worry about being misled. the price online is the same price in the store, which is the same for everyone. even guinea pigs. it's only fair mr. biscuits. only fair. ♪ carmax music sting fromto the wobbling yogis.kers to the stationary race winners, we all need lean protein. and it comes in a jimmy dean's delights breakfast sandwich. stacked with 17 grams of protein. lean into a great day. shine on. did any bag of dog or buy cat food at petsmart we give a meal to a pet in need? help us reach our goal of donating more than 60 million meals so hungry pets across the country get to eat. buy any bag, we give a meal to a pet in need. petsmart - for the love of pets. you're searching for something. like the perfect deal... ...on the perfect hotel. so wouldn't it be perfect if there was a single site where you could find the right hotel for you at the best price? there is. because tripadvisor now compares prices from over 200 booking sites... save you up to 30%... ...on the hotel you want. trust this bird's words. tripadvisor. the latest reviews. the lowest prices. it's the season for those summer soirees, barbecues, cocktail parties. here's the thing. we know it can be hard to pull off that small talk if you're not approachable. >> that's why we brought in body language expert to give us pointers. >> good morning. >> give us pointers to figure out how you hang out at a party. what are some of the right things for you to do? >> i start with the wrong thing to do. that's being on the outskirts of a room. >> if you go to a cocktail event and you are going to meet people there and you're mingles, you go on the outside. i probably take out my phone and act like i'm looking at twitter or something because you feel stupid. >> you do. here's the deal. it's about being bold. when you want to meet people, you can't be on the outskirts like gavin here. >> like gavin. >> you have to put the phone away. >> what are you supposed to do? >> you get part of the crowd. gavin, come join us. >> hey, buddy. >> how are you, man. >> what do you do? you're giving him your attention. >> absolutely. >> you want to be in the center of the action. >> should he come up with something to say? or act like he's listening to the conversation and join in? >> you want to have feelers to see what's happening. sometimes you're going to walk into a private conversation. you want to respect it. if it's jovial and it's fun, you can pipe right in. you have to be smooth. >> like the body segment. >> you come over here. so, when you come to the bar, what happens a lot of times with bars, you have your back -- you're showing your booty to somebody. you want to turn around. there's very different. i'm going to borrow a glass here. you want to have it to the side or have it in your hands. there's a difference if it's right in front of you. >> your back to the bartender? >> yes. if you want to have a conversation with the bartender, but this is more open and inviting. i had my back to you, you want to talk to me? >> that's true. >> after you get your drink, you base ugly kind of open up to the room, to say come talk to me, as long as there's not a line up of people waiting to get in line. >> and you can get to the side of the bar, like sekelsey is dog right here. and you can have a little elbow pop. you want to relax and feel it. >> i get that. i feel luke i would be good at that. all right. she's over here by herself at a table. >> yes. >> and why is she hunch eed ove? you self-conscious? >> the summertime. it's nice and hot. and you're feeling it. you're feeling your sexiness. and you've been to the gym. and somebody walks in and it's like, uh-oh. maybe i'm not all that. >> you're showing too much skin. >> you're looking at somebody else, going, i'm not so sure anymore. looks like she's doing self-consciously here. what you want to do, i'm going to come around to the side. you want to be comfortable and let the arms out. right? you might want to let your -- >> you got it. >> that's a plan. >> exactly. >> i would come over and talk to her. when she's like this, it's like she's not open. >> this is not inviting. this is inviting when you're looking around. this is inviting when you have the sexy hip pop. absolutely. >> you're single and you see, like two women you want to talk to but they're in a conversation, how do you join that? >> this is tricky. what happens a lot of times, if you ladies will do one thing and turn your torso, to me. not your hips. people look at head, shoulders and torso. that's a little -- misleading. you want to look below the belt. and i'm talking about legs and feet. when you look at legs and feet, this is more inviting. >> makes sense. >> blanca, thanks for the body language tips. language tips. up ♪ language tips. up ♪ ♪ (roosevelt)smoking just messed thaup your lungs. i never thought that at only 45 it would give me a heart attack. my tip is; do your heart a favor, and quit now. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. ==topvo== adachi. good morning. it's 9:26. i'm kris sanchez. san francisco public defender chris adachi is expected to address a report today that singles out the police department for racial bias when it comes to arrest. the examiner obtained a copy of the report that find that blacks get 50% more severe charges than whites and are more likely to be convicted. they're also held in jail a lot longer than whites when arrested for similar crimes. the study commissioned by the public defenders office. adachi is scheduled to talk about policy changes in the next hour. silicon valley giant google hit with the largest fine of its kind ever $2.7 billion. google accused of violating european anti-trust laws with its on-line shopping service favoring its own products in specialized search results. europe anti-trust result is accusing the company of denying consumers genuine choice by steering users to its on-line shopping platforms. regulators are giving google 90 days to make changes or face more penalties. google says it's reviewing the commission's decision and still could file an appeal. we have a look at weather and traffic coming up right after the break. good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologistle kari hall. today we are looking at highs reaching into the upper 60s for oakland and low 80s for concord, livermore, 77 and 78 degrees in san jose. san francisco will see those highs in the low 60s and then slowly warming as we go through the week, a lot more sun on saturday, up to 70 degrees for the imperial valleys. we'll see the highs in the upper 70s but as we go towards the end of the week it will start to get a little bit warmer and then we'll be up to 91 degrees on saturday. so we are in for some warmer temperatures ahead. let's head over to mike to see what's happening on the roads. >> overall traffic lightens up as you imagine but late slowing out of pleasonton towards sunol. at the bottom of the screen a crash there looks like it cleared to the shoulder because i see recovery. that might be an issue heading out of the sun noll area. a drive towards the bay bridge but a crash, you see it on the map. a live look right there, you can see on the traffic coming toward us on the left side you see one of the vehicles that has cleared to the shoulder but the slow lane is moving around it causing a slow down at university. back to you. >> all right. glad you have the answers. more local news in a half hour. it's one of the most anticipated movies of the summer. will ferrell and amy poehler are teaming up in "the house," about parents that start an underground casino to pay for college tuition. >> and they're joining fwo inin with thin unhinged neighbor, frank, played by jason manzukas. >> we stand to make four years' tuition in one month. one month, guys. think about that. >> this is the most impressive thing you've ever done, frank. >> i'm worried about going into business with you. >> noted. >> however, we know why we need the money. what's in it for you? >> well, full disclosure, the bank has foreclosed on my home. >> oh, frank. >> there we go. >> this money would help me get that back. that's why rena left me. >> amy, jason, good morning. >> good morning. >> i feel like i can't play with chips when i'm sitting here. >> it is noisy, though. >> it affects the interview. >> yeah. >> this is a sick little comedy. >> it is. >> very funny. but takes a turn that you're not expecting. >> pretty dark. >> there will be blood in this movie, for sure. >> this is the unofficial sequel to "there will be blood." that's how this all began. >> i refer to myself as the daniel day-lewis of comedy. >> who is retiring. >> as am i. we're all retiring. >> no. >> all of the actors have retired. >> after every movie, i like to say i'm retiring, so i can reject people before they reject me. >> amy, your character is the perfect combination of comforting and dangerous. at the same time. can you describe her? >> she's a fierce, loving mom, who is attached to her kid. ready to go to college. and she joins with her husband in a stupid idea. >> it's so stupid, it's genius. >> your character, frank, is the one that pitches this idea. talk about your character. he's not getting divorced yet? >> oh, yeah. his wife has left him. >> gone. >> his wife is shattered. >> it's a perfect venue. >> she's taken everything xuexct a life-sized gorilla. and all of the weird screens i have porn on. this character is a mess, guys. he's the guy who pitches them this terrible idea they get onboard for. i'm not sure why. and, like, insanity ensues. >> what i find fascinating, with a couple, these guys love each other, obviously. there's somebody that goes, you know what? this isn't a great idea. that's not the case with you two. >> no. i think there's a little bit of hesitation at first from both of them. we wanted to keep it somewhat grounded. but then, no. they both jump in head-first. and they have very -- what's important in a couple is you have different things that are limitations. you don't do the same stupid things the same way. then -- >> complementary stupid things. >> yeah. >> that's a good way to describe it. >> it's funny because you have good chemistry. just off-camera, we were watching you joke around. you kind of go way back. >> we do. >> we've known each other -- >> 15 years. >> maybe 20? >> close to 20 years. >> yeah. wive been improvising together at ucbf theater. >> yeah. >> look at us. there we are. >> did you improvise a lot of the -- some of the scenes? >> a little bit. >> oh, yeah. for sure. i think the -- in putting this together, they got a lot of people that come from our background, to kind of go loose with stuff, you know, after we would do the script. kind of chaotic. >> curious what the set could have been like. >> well, he's not fun at all. >> like a very serious man. >> there were times it was fun because it was, like, one joke in the middle of the table. and everyone was trying to grab it. so, there was a lot of good, healthycompetition. >> i don't know how to play. but i want to play. >> me, ether. >> i don't know how to play. >> you just put -- put chips down. >> no one knows how to play? >> you spin this thing. you put chips on the numbers you want. >> put some money on some numbers. >> it's like a hard gambler, guys. >> good numbers. >> all right. >> now what? >> black 17. >> oh. >> no way. did you just -- >> you're really good at this. >> that's like -- >> we both won. >> both won. >> how about that? >> it's like 34-times your bet. >> great work. >> tuition paid. >> black 17. >> everyone at the casino. >> we should have a "today" casino. >> man. >> let's start a casino right here, today. >> now. we're doing it. >> this the basement of 30 rock. >> underground. >> no one will know. it's your basement. you know. >> there's a basement. don't worry about it. >> "the house" opens in theet thers friday. coming up next, if you grew up in the '90s, there was no cooler high school than west beverly. when i got to catch up with my childhood idol, jason broopries i was freaking out a bit. see what he's up to now. after this. packed full of flavor, one pint-sized hero was on a mission. looks like somebody's gotta save snack time from a serious case of boring. watch babybel's big taste leap into action in the great snack rescue. you want a piece of me? good, i'm delicious. ♪ creamy, delicious, 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. lash sensationall! full fan effect mascara from maybelline new york. our unique fanning brush reveals layers of lashes for the sensational full-fan effect. lash sensational mascara. make it happen ♪maybelline new york nature valley almond butter biscuit sandwiches. made with a delicious layer of creamy almond-butter filling. between two tasty, crunchy whole-grain oat biscuits. we've packed good things in here, so you can be great out there. ♪ when heartburn hits fight back fast with new tums chewy bites. fast relief in every bite. crunchy outside. chewy inside. tum tum tum tum new tums chewy bites. another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works in just one week. with the fastest retinol formula to visibly reduce wrinkles. neutrogena®. atblue diamond almonds wein our almondmilk.ia-grown and we're proud of that. but the whole "care-and-nurturing" part? that idea... ...we borrowed from the experts. blue diamond almond breeze. the best almonds make the best almondmilk. get whatat olive new early dinner duos for just $8.99. choose from over 50 delicious combinations. and all the salad and breadsticks you want. from 3-5 monday through thursday. hurry in, it's early dinner duos. only at olive garden. did any bag of dog or buy cat food at petsmart we give a meal to a pet in need? help us reach our goal of donating more than 60 million meals so hungry pets across the country get to eat. buy any bag, we give a meal to a pet in need. petsmart - for the love of pets. ♪ while other insurance companies just see a truck, we see something you've worked really hard for... so why not give it the protection it deserves. ♪ this week, we are stepping back in time and catching up with some childhood idols. people we admired. mine was savion glover. >> and dylan is stepping back in time. >> i was obsessed. in the '90s, obsession. >> there you go. >> how do you like my verarsity jacket there? "beverly hills 90210." it was appointment television for me, every day after school, when it was on reruns. my idol is a no-brainer, one of the show's hottest heartthrobs. >> luke perry? >> the fun, fresh, edgy drama, "beverly hills 90210" produced us to these west coast high schoolers turned grown-up. but the fictional cool kid who was my favorite from the moment i saw him, brandon walsh, played by jason priestly. the show was built around brandon and his twin sister, brenda, who moved with their parents from the midwest, to the ritzy zip code. >> what did you think? >> we're definitely not in minneapolis anymore. >> reporter: from friendships to fights, to frank talks about sex and relationships. the show left an impression on me. >> not getting support from my friends. >> you're not the only one that's killing me, kelly. >> hi, dylan. >> reporter: nice to meet you. >> it's not the peach pit. can we run into this diner, have a chat? >> absolutely. >> reporter: all right. let's do it. do you get sick of talking about 90210? >> that show was so iconic, so -- i'm perfectly happy to talk about it. >> what do you think it was about that show that resonated on so many people at the time? >> it was the first show to come along that speak to young people directly. >> i hate you both. never talk to me again. >> reporter: i remember thinking, this is scandalous. there's people making out. >> families watched it together. and it became a catalyst for conversation, between the parents and the kids. >> who are you going with? >> brandon. >> reporter: brandon, obviously, was a good di ty two shoes. the hard worker on the show. was jason priestly like brandon walsh? >> that way, yes. a blue collar family. and the work ethic kept me on the straight and narrow. >> somewhere brandon people. and dylan people. >> reporter: people assumed i was team dylan because of my name. was there a competition? a friendly competition behind the scenes? >> no. luke and i were great friends from minute one. we're still great friends to this day. >> reporter: do you have a favorite episode in. >> i directed 15 episodes of the show. one of the episodes i directed, the flashback episode when brenda found an old diary and started to read it. and her imagination, all of the characters in the diary were characters in her life. >> reporter: if it's on, you'll watch it, right? >> no. not now. i can't have it around now. now, my 9-year-old daughter is starting to sniff around. >> reporter: okay. >> she saw me and ian ziering talking at a movie premiere. and she grabbed my hand, and said, how do you know the guy from "sharknado" which i thought was cute. >> reporter: what are you up to? >> i finished the second season of my new show, "private eyes." spent a lot of my time behind the cam are these days. directing and producing. >> reporter: do you give credit to "90210"? >> i do. all of the skills i use today i learned from that show and from aaron spelling. a lot of the things happening in my life today are a direct result of the time i spent on that show. >> reporter: time for me to bust out my memory. vhs tape. >> reporter: if i wasn't home at 4:00, i would tell my dad, set up the vcr. the tape is in there. just hit record. this is a day i wasn't going to forget. >> i didn't want anyone to breathe on it wrong. i have that tape in a special drawer now. >> no breathing on it wrong. it is safe in your drawer. >> if you pick it out. where is it? >> on the thing, the label on the vhs tape, i write, you know, this is the kelly and dylan years. a or don't look for 90210 because it's not on this tape. and i taped over "big" one of my favorite movies, with some episodes of 90210. >> that was pure love back there, right? >> my thanks to jason priestly and the comfort diner here in new york, for serving us our peach pit. and jason stars in "private eyes" that show will be this fall on ion television. back to my day job. let's talk about the weather and what's going on across the country today. scatters severe storms through the northern plains. large hail, damaging winds will be the biggest threat. we could see the hail as size of eggs. middle of the country, looks sunny. temperatures cool and comfortable. upper 70s, lower 80s. and tomorrow, we're going to see the threat of severe weather push a little eastward into minnesota and parts of wisconsin, too, where we could see strong storms. still dealing with scattered show >> good morning i'm meteorologist kari hall. we still have a lot of clouds and patchy drizzle around parts of the coastal areas. we are going to see the high temperatures in the low 60s as the skies clear later today. we'll be up to 68 degrees in oakland, 79 degrees in napa, and 78 degrees today in san jose. temperatures will be warming up over the next few days. we will keep the morning clouds and fog and then seeing the high temperatures by saturday up to 70 degrees while the inland valleys will see the highs in the low 90s. >> and that's your latest forecast. coming up next, how your dental health affects your mental health. what every person needs to know about maximizing their memory after this. be the you who doesn't cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. be the you who shows up in that dress. who hugs a friend. who is done with treatments that don't give you clearer skin. be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. before starting stelara® tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as: fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. always tell your doctor if you have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. some serious allergic reactions can occur. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. most people using stelara® saw 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara®. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ fromto the wobbling yogis.kers to the stationary race winners, we all need lean protein. and it comes in a jimmy dean's delights breakfast sandwich. stacked with 17 grams of protein. lean into a great day. shine on. lash sensationall! full fan effect mascara from maybelline new york. our unique fanning brush reveals layers of lashes for the sensational full-fan effect. lash sensational mascara. make it happen ♪maybelline new york ♪ ♪ these smell just like our bathroom. haaaahh. clorox scentiva disinfecting wipes. kills 99.9% of germs. cleans like clorox. smells like paradise. the toothpaste that helps new parodontax. prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new parodontax toothpaste. ♪ did any bag of dog or buy cat food at petsmart we give a meal to a pet in need? help us reach our goal of donating more than 60 million meals so hungry pets across the country get to eat. buy any bag, we give a meal to a pet in need. petsmart - for the love of pets. for some, it's a distance. for some, it's a time. for some, it's a point. a pose. moving a bunch of heavy stuff. and doing...whatever this is. and for some, it's 8 hours of high-performance sleep. with beautyrest's innovations and technology, sleep performance is the new performance. walk into a room to do something and forget what you had to do? >> or you can never remember that co-worker's name who you run into in the elevator? >> we've all been there. there are things that could be affecting our memory. here to tell us what they are, we have holly phillips, contributing editor for "prevention" magazine. good morning to you. i think this is so important. whether you're in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, you have to start now, don't you? >> you do. i blame most of my memory lapses on motherhood, as i mentioned to you in the break. >> i can't use that excuse. >> fair enough. >> but there are medical conditions that are linked with memory loss, alzheimer's and dement dementia. we can slow the onset. >> high blood pressure. i underestimate, a lot of people deal with this. >> the stats are outrageous. about one in three americans have -- >> one in three? >> one in three americans has high blood pressure. many of those people don't know it. >> i have high blood pressure. i take medicine for it to keep it down. >> and many people are aware that high blood pressure increases your risk of stroke. but it can affect your memory. there's a link with alzheimer's and dementia itself. the single-most thing is to know whether you have it. many people don't know if they do. it's an easy test to do. it's called the silent killer because so many people don't know they have it. once you do, a d.a.s.h. diet is important. it lowers your blood pressure, exercise and medications do play a role. >> let's do another one here that i think people underestimated. is this gum disease? >> this is gum disease. gingivitis, it's hard to imagine that your gums are affecting your brain. but in fact, they are. gingivitis is when plaque building up on your teeth. it causes inmra nation on your gums and affects your femmemoryd your brain. the treatment is old-fashioned way. brush twice a day and floss twice a day. >> i just went to the dentist. >> did you? >> right before coming to new york, i went to the dentist. he said i was all right. i wasn't too bad. >> okay. >> it was okay. snoring. i used to snore big-time for a long time. and when i lost weight, the snoring went away. i know this can affect you, right? >> very much so. and so, snoring, particularly if you hear gasping or choking in your partner, that's usually who diagnoses it. whoever you share the bed with. but snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea. that's a condition where multiple times you stop breathing just for a second or two. when you stop breathing, you wake up a little bit to move your body and start breathing again. it leaves you exhausted in the morning. but more so, it causes inflammation throughout your body. >> the strategy? >> see your doctor. it's diagnosed in a sleep lab. you might have to sleep overnight in a laboratory. but there are treatments. there's surgery. there's a c-pat machine or a mouth guard that can open up your airway. >> new research on type ii diabetes. >> diabetes affects every part of your body including your brain. and it affects your memory. people before they develop diabetes, just with high blood sugar, that can lower your memory. and affect how you -- how you perform on memory tests. >> yep. >> and the answer, exercise, even moderate weight loss can really lower the effects of diabetes. and the d.a.s.h. diet. >> what does it stand for? >> dietary approaches to stopping hype tensistop ing hypertension. fruits, vegetables, fish and whole grains. >> makes sense. >> it really does. >> thank you so much for coming in this morning. we'll be right back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. and we want to thank alfonso for hanging with us the past two days. now, get out. >> it's over? >> flying back to l.a. >> getting on a plane. >> nobody approved that. we need you. >> we didn't take a vote. we have fourth of jul minions, we're going back to villainy. [ cheering ] so, you're villains now? no! no. no. no. [ evil laugh ] ow! yes. [ gasps ] despicable me 3. rated pg. clear for a little while today and temperatures cooler reaching 63 degrees. a little warmer as we head toward the end of the week. upper 60s and up to 70 degrees on saturday. it's going to be a nice weekend as we make plans to get out for the long holiday weekend. for the imperial vallejo valleys upper 70s but the warming trend toward the end of the week. low 90s by friday and saturday and our temperatures starting to dip as we head closer to the fourth of july. let's see what's happening on the roads with mike. >> we did hear about a gas leak, disrupting part of the service around webster and laguna. one issue we're tracking. the freeways getting into the city are okay and the freeways around the bay lightening up. a slalate slowing towards highw 13. lanes are cleared now. the bay bridge toll plaza the lanes off to the right still slow. back to you. >> mike, thank you very much. happening right now san francisco's public defender is getting set to present findings in a new report suggesting racial bias when police makes arrests. blacks are being treated far more severely than whites. pete suratos is talking to san francisco police and will have a complete news report for us for our midday newscast. new details in the case of a missioning san francisco uber driver. what authorities are saying about human remains found over the weekend and whether the cases are linked. we'll see you in 30. ♪ introducing the new sleep number 360 smart bed. the only bed smart enough to change sleep as we know it. it senses your every move and automatically adjusts on both sides to keep you comfortable. and snoring... does your bed do that? right now save on sleep number 360 smart beds. plus, it's the lowest prices of the season with savings of $500 on our most popular p5 bed. ends saturday. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hello, everybody! yeah. it's bze day tuesday, june 27th. also known at spanky tuesday. >> not again? it comes every week. >> and hoda, thursdays, calmed "superstitious" by mdvo. one of these days there's going to be a doris day song that i recall. we have a fun show today, don't we, hoda? >> broadway sensation two-time tony winner sutton foster is here kicking off the fourth season of her hit show

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