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Exactly what he deserved. This morning, people all across the country calling for her dismissal. Those stories, plus a new look for barbies beau. Craig, dylan, and i take over Governors Island. And ouch, thats rough. We take you to the ugliest dog competition. Today, saturday, june 24th, 2017. From nbc news, this is today live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Good morning, welcome to today on this saturday morning. Glad to have you with us. Im craig melvin. Dylan dreyer here, as well. Well go to california later for faces that only a mother could love. Its the annual ugliest dog competition. I said earlier, a lot of pups think theyre ugly. Theyre cute. They are. No, some of them are just ugly. Well let you judge coming up in a bit. Lets get right to our top story the Senate Health care bill in trouble with another republican defection. Nbcs Kelly Odonnell is live at the white house this morning with more. Good morning. Reporter good morning. The president is looking for his first big legislative win, and that means that he really needs the Obamacare Repeal to work. Right now there are so few republicans that they can afford to lose just a hand flt ful because they have a narrow edge over democrats. Theyre reaching out to conservative members. This weekend Republican Leaders and the white house have some work to do. Lawmakers home for a weekend grilling. I will be voting no. Reporter never senator dean heller, up for reelection next year, became the fifth republican senator to break with his party over the new health care bill. I cannot support a piece of legislation that takes insurance away from tens of millions of americans and hundreds of thousands of vets. Reporter in colorado springs, Vice President Vice President a Vice President pence asked for grassroots help to pass the bill. The president and i are counting on your support. We need your energy. Reporter while the Trump Administration is looking for public support on health care, when it comes to russia, theyre struggling. A new nbc news wall street journal poll shows 45 of americans are more likely to believe former fbi director james comey. Only 22 for the president. A sharp divide along party lines. 76 of democrats side with comey. 50 of republicans say they believe President Trump. The president made a new claim after admitting he had not taped comey. He says the mere tweeted threat of tapes improved comeys credibility. When he found out that i that there may be tapes out there, whether its governmental taints or anything else, and governmental tapes or anything else, and who knows, i think his story may have changed. Reporter friday he turned his tweet frustration against the Obama White House saying they knew far in advance of november 8th about election meddling about russia, did nothing about it. Why . Asked about the head of the russian probe, special counsel robert mueller, the president walked a fine line. I can say that the people that have been hired are all Hillary Clinton supporters. Some of them worked for Hillary Clinton. I mean, the whole thing is ridiculous if you want to know the truth, from that standpoint. But Robert Muellers an honorable man, and hopefully hell come up with an honorable solution. Reporter the nations first reality tv president had little fun on friday, bringing back his old apprentice tag line and boardroom move, poking fun at his Veterans Affairs secretary, mouthing the words youre fired. That one never fails, does it . [ laughter ] reporter the president has teased cabinet members before about firing them. And that was only in jest. Of course, the firing of james comey had big consequences. On friday, the white house says that when it comes to robert mueller, the special counsel, the president says he believes he has the authority to fire him if he thought the circumstances warranted. They say he has no plan to do so. Thank you. Robert costa is an nbc news political analyst. Also National Political reporter for the Washington Post. You wrote about this, cowrote an article in the post. Good to see you, sir. Thanks for being with us. So Senate Majority leader, mitch mcconnell, he can only afford to lose two votes here. How can he go about appeasing these five senators who said no without losing additional support, and how involved do we expect President Trump to get personally . Craig, good morning. Great to be with you. Its a significant challenge this weekend for majority leader mcconnell because as he tries to Court Senator heller from nevada, one of the moderates in the senate gop, everything he does to appease heller, it could alarm some of those on the right of the senate, senator cruz of texas, senator lee of utah, and others. Hes going to try to find consensus by bringing the extremes of both blocks of his conference together. The white house is involved. The president called senator cruz on thursday, encouraging him to come along. The white house, its noticeable this time around, isa little mo hands off than it was when the bill was going through the house. Trump is making a few calls but is letting mcconnell take the lead. If the bill is defeated, who suffers more politically then . The republicans on the hill or the president . The burden will be on both groups. The Republican Party ever since 2009 has made a promise to its base that they would repeal and replace the Affordable Care act. At the same time, they know theres a real political cost for the gop as they move forward. As much as the base wants it and i was in georgia covering the special election where republicans won. The base wants to see this pledge fulfilled. They know that a lot of moderates think this program is now a federal program. Its here to stay. They dont necessarily want to see it go. Do you get the sense, robert, based on the folks that youve talked to, that this is a bill thats going to get done this time around . Or do you get the sense that this is something thats not going to happen . I guess the sense, craig, that leader mcconnell wants to have a vote. He thinks he can probably have the votes this coming week. Senator toomey of pennsylvania, a republican, told me yesterday that he thinks mcconnell is going to move forward regardless of senator hellers decision to not support the bill. The Washington Post friday published an article about the president s Early Morning routine as it relates to russia. On the phone, 30 every 6 30 every morning talking to his outside legal team. What do we know about the president s state of mind as it relates to the russia investigation . As the post reported, the president remains furious about this special counsel. At least behind the scenes. We saw him in the interview this week call robert mueller, the special counsel, an honorable man. But he is seething, im told by people close to him, about how this process is overshadowing his entire presidency. And he wonders if its going to stall not only health care but his ambitions on immigration, on building the wall, on passing tax reform. Theres little the president can do. He talks every morning with his legal team about how to handle all the different probes. Not only the special counsel but whats happening on capitol hill. He just has few options at this moment to try to push it all away. You talk him being upset. We saw the fact that he tweeted his criticism of president obama, arguing that president obama did nothing about russia meddling in the election. What can you tell us about that . I should say theres also criticism that can be heard from key democrats. Indeed. The post has a story this morning about how the Obama Administration handled russian interference in the 2016 election. There are questions being raised by both sides about whether the Obama Administration did enough public plly to talk about russi interference. You see the frustration in the Trump Administration is about president obama and his handling of an issue that has hobbled the trump presidency. Robert costa, always good to see you, my friend. Thank you. Thank you. Actor johnny depp has now apologized after making some controversial comments about President Trump at a Music Festival overseas that sparked outrage here at home. Nbcs Morgan Radford has the latest on that. Good morning. Guys, thats right. Outrage is right. In fact, johnny depp, hes been laying low, stating out of sight this morning, after growing a list of stars coming under fire for seeming to suggest violence against the president. Some say this really isnt the first time threats have been made under the guise of humor. Even, they claim, coming from the commander in chief himself. Actor johnny depp apologizing friday after appearing to joke about killing President Trump while speaking at a Music Festival in england. When was the last time at actor assassinated a president . No, i want to clarify, im not an actor. Reporter in a statement to nbc news, depp said, i apologize for the bad joke. I was only trying to amuse, not to harm anyone. Critics took to the airwaves to slam the actor and his attempt at humor. Hes been around long enough, he should know better. Theres a line you cannot cross. Reporter depp is just the latest celebrity to come under fire for suggesting violence against the president. Madonna stunned a january crowd at the d. C. Womens march. I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the white house. Reporter the singer said later that she doesnt promote violence. A photo of Comedian Kathy Griffin holding a fake severed head of the president went viral before she issued an apology. I went too far. Reporter trump critics, however, point to a time during the campaign when the president made what some called a veiled threat against Hillary Clinton. Hillary wants to essentially abolish the Second Amendment. Nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. I dont know. Reporter and on friday, a New Hampshire state representative named al baldaccari attended a bill signing with the president. This after the secret service investigated him for threatening Hillary Clinton last summer. Hillary clinton should be put in the firing line and shot for treason. Reporter in this divided political world, one thing most people can agree on talking about violence is no laughing motor. The white house did issue a statement no laughing matter. The white house did issue a statement saying that President Trump has condemned violence in all its forms, and its sad that actors like johnny depp has not followed his lead. The secret service is aware of depps comments. Back to you. Thank you. Anger in cincinnati, ohio, is building this morning after a second mistrial was declared in the case of a former Cincinnati University Police Officer charged with fatally shooting an unarmed motorist. He is now the third former officer to avoid conviction for a deadly shooting in the United States within the past week. A warning that the video youre about to see is disturbing to watch. Heres nbcs ron mott. Reporter was it murder . Was it justified . For the second time, an ohio jury couldnt decide either. A mistrial in the recorded Fatal Shooting of unarmed sam dubose at the hands of Police Officer ray tinsing. Weve got a problem when the Justice System doesnt apply equally to everybody. Reporter its a conclusion that has stirred frustrations. We want so badly not to be shakenent our faith shaken in our faith in everyday policing that people are willing to ignore the case before them. The state of ohio reporter though tensing was quickly charged with murder after a confrontation that started as a minor traffic stop, prosecuting him has proved far more challenging. The family said they are outraged. Demanding justice for all these men murdered by Police Officers who have escaped guilty verdicts. I told him not to reach for it reporter men like philando castile, shot five times by a minnesota cop after a traffic stop in front of his girlfriend and her 4yearold daughter who tried to calm her handcuffed mom in the back seat of a police car. No please dont. I dont want you to get shooted. Reporter the jeronima yanez, not guilty. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury reporter on friday, the parents of michael brown, an 18yearold fatally shot by ferguson, missouri, Police Officer Darren Wilson nearly three years ago, received a 1. 5 million settlement from the city. Wilson, too, was criminally cleared. Another controversial case judging a cops actions on camera. For today, ron mott. A programming note tune in to investigation discovery tonight for a timely episode on the growing nationwide tension between the police and the communities they serve. Thats at 8 00, 7 00 center on investigation discovery. More than 120 people are missing and feared dead this morning, buried under a massive landslide in southwestern china. First video from the scene shows frantic rescuers digging with their hands, trying to get to around 60 homes crushed under tons of rubble. Police say the mudslide was triggered by recent heavy rains in the area. Good news this morning for two of the people critically wounded in the congressional baseball practice attack. Lobbyist matt mika is home from the help today. And congressman Steve Scalise is out of intensive care and reported in fair condition. They were among five injured earlier this month when a gunman targeted republicans who were practicing for the Congressional Charity baseball game. This morning, there are calls to fire a College Professor for comments she made about otto warmbier. University of delaware professor Katherine Dettwyler said warmbier got exactly what he deserved. She wrote on facebook, these are the same kids who cry about their grades because they didnt think theyd really have to read and study the material get a good grade. Maybe in the u. S. Where young, white, rich, clueless white males routinely get away with raping women. Not so much in north korea. And of course, its ottos parents who will pay the price for the rest of their lives. The university of delaware says dettwylers comments do not reflect the values or position of the university. Theres danger of severe flooding as whats left of Tropical Storm cindy heads out to sea. Friday, bystanders teamed up to help a woman to safety from her submerged car in huntsville, alabama. And two airmen are reported in Good Condition after their plane flipped on landing during heavy weather in dayton, ohio. The air force thunderbirds were practicing for a show there. My goodness. How about a check of the weather, raining here, thats for sure. It is. All part of cindy as cindy rides along the frontal system. Its helped reinforce some of the heavier rain and Severe Weather weve seen, as well. Since tuesday, take a look at areas down along the gulf coast. Thats where weve seen most of our highest accumulations of rainfall. You see a couple examples up around 8 to 12 inches of rain with most of mississippi, southern mississippi seeing closer to that footrange of rainfall. Now were seeing whats left of the moisture with cindy moving through new jersey, moving through delaware and into maryland. Weve even had some tornado warnings earlier this morning. And this whole frontal system extends all the way back down to texas. You see more heavy rain moving into the ft. Worth area. And more rain along the gulf coast. This front is not exiting too quickly. Even though it will clear in the midatlantic and northeast, were still going to see more scattered showers and storms and potentially heavy downpours leading to possible flash flooding along the gulf coast. This will last through sunday, too. Then it will eventually start to push a little bit further to the south. Could get a break were finally catching a break from the heat right now. We are seeing a nice marine layer along the coast. 54 in the peninsula. Trivalley at 58 degrees. And even in San Francisco, seeing the overcast skies at 56 degrees. East bay 60. Now the temperature trend does show the temperatures climbing yet again into the upper 60s for San Francisco but a much cooler weekend ahead. Thats your latest forecast. Sorry, i forgot you always get that little piece in. I wanted to i forgot to say it. Thank you for giving me my moment. Thank you. Ahead, amanda knox revealed. The american accused and acquitted in the death of her roommate in italy now making her private life very public. Also, how these two elephants managed to save one of their own from drowning. Well have that and some of the other most extraordinary moments from the week in the download, up next. First, this is today on nbc. Time for the download, a look at the week that was. While politics dominated a lot of the conversation, there were stories that caught our attention from wild weather to the ouster of a highflying tech ceo to a road rage incident that looked like something out of the movies. Just some of the stories you may have missed. That is the worst Tropical Storm cindy made landfall packing a punch with heavy rain, wind, and lifethreatening floods. Make sure you have your insurance and your papers ready. Just be prepared to run. Sadly, a 10yearold boy was killed in the storm when he was hit by debris. When the wave actually hit the timber, it rolled the timber up on top of the child. He said, i did it. Terror in europe and here at home. First, a welsh man tried to mow down a group of muslims outside a mosque in london. It was a muslim imam who protected him from being beaten. We managed to surround him and protect him from any harm. A man known to police as an extremist died after driving a car filled with weapons and gas canisters into a police van in paris. [ siren ] a soldier shot and killed, a terror suspect after a failed bombing attempt at a train station in brussels. It was very terrifying. And in flint, michigan, an airport Police Officer is recovering after a canadian man stabbed him in the neck. Please save my life. A tragic turn after an american student held in captivity in north korea was returned home. Otto warmbier died days after returning to the United States. Carried off a plane in a coma after 17 months of imprisonment in north korea. His crime allegedly stealing a propaganda poster. Theres no excuse for the way the North Koreans treated our son. [ applause ] republicans across the nation celebrating after winning a series of special elections this week, including the most expensive house race ever in georgia. Republican karen handel narrowly coming out on top. And a special thanks to the president of the United States of america [ cheers ] all we do is win, win, win. After a year of scandal and setbacks for one of silicon valleys highest flying startups they blame everything in life on someone else ubers ceo, travis kaleneck, stepped down among pressure from investors. Incredible moments caught on camera. One driver was hurt after a roadrage incident caused this chainreaction crash in california. Reverse onlookers shocked to see this brooklyn bus speeding backwards after the driver forgot to put it in park. Ten cars were hit. Luckily, no serious injuries. And a miraculous rescue at a south korean zoo when a baby elephant lost its balance and fell into a pond. The mother and aunt raced into the water to push the panicked baby to safety. And a bbc anchorman taught us the true meaning of keep calm and carry on. A series of technical glitches left him sitting on camera silent. For nearly five minutes. That perplexes me so much. He apparently told the Radio Station that i guess after the first two minutes, he realized that something had gone terribly wrong and decided to take the most conservative approach. Just to say nothing, do nothing. Has that ever happened to you on the air . Any embarrassing moments . I think about that. Maybe sometimes its best to leave the situation. In the moment you feel like you cant. You feel like you have to carry it. Dead air is terrifying as an anchor. You feel like you need to fill the air. I remember gosh, it was saturday morning. I used to do the cutins at the nbc affiliate in illinois. It was 7 25. We toss to local news. I ran as fast as i could and sat to try to read the headlines. It was you were so out of breath. I could not catch my breath. Panicking. Ive been there. Yeah. I felt im sure people at home wanted to come through and help me. Say, breathe. That guy, thats impressive. He was cool. Still ahead here on this today show this morning here, harry smith taking us to kenya where orphaned baby elephants are being trained to reenter the wild. Well travel to california to meet some of the most good saturday morning. It is 5 26 and here is a live look outside. A mist on the Golden Gate Bridge. It is official, this cooldown is under way and it could not have come soon enough. Thanks for joining us. Im kira clapper and we are looking at the microclimate forecast for us. And this is a nice marine layer and it is deepening and it will keep us cool throughout the morning and keeping us cool since yesterday. So weve seen the nice fog and  never thought i would say that, but i think people are starting to enjoy the fog, especially after the heat wave. South bay 63 and peninsula 54 and trivalley 58 degrees. And a bit of a cooldown, and well start noticing the temps not hitting tripledigits that much but it is still summer so we are still warming up quite nicely. East bay at 60 degrees and San Francisco 56 and north bay 56 and the temperature trend for San Francisco today climbing into the upper 60s. Ill have a closer look at team trends for some events happening throughout the bay area and also how hot are we getting inland coming up. Stay tuned for that. Pride weekend is underway in San Francisco. About a Million People are expected to come to the city to celebrate. And Law Enforcement agencies are focused on keeping all of those people safe. What do we want [ chanting ] the celebrations began yesterday with the transmarch. Hundreds marched from delores street down market. And this is a time to embrace who they are. Im excited to be able to embrace my gender identity and my sexuality. It is important to be here this weekend because so many of us have been trained to keep ourselves silent and to hide and were not meant to be that way. Amid all of the celebrations, police and the fbi are concerned about the possibility of a terror attack in light of the attacks happening around the world as well as the pulse nightclub shooting at pride last year. Police presence will be heavy all weekend. There will be new Safety Measures this year for the San Francisco marathon for the First Time Ever, organizers are closing the northbound lanes on the golden gate and that will limit southbound traffic to just two lanes and in the past only cones separated cars from thousands of runners. The District Board made a decision based on safety following recent terror attacks in europe. They say other factors informed their decision as well. You read every day in the paper about distracted drivers and impaired drivers and simply those with a medical condition that happens when they are driving and i want this race to be as safe as it can be. This is the 40th year of the vf marathon. Race is on sunday, july 23rd. It is 5 29. Coming up on today in the bay, bay area couples tell us their wedding were ruined because of a local florrest and now they are accused of grand theft. That is coming up at 7 00. Right now back to the today show. [ cheers ] welcome back to today on this saturday morning, june 24th, 2017. Not clear outside right now. A little rainy. Beautiful crowd. Going to get better. Sticking it out on the plaza despite the rain. Dylan says its going to get better. We will head outside to say hello. She knows of what she speaks. Back in studio 1a, im Sheinelle Jones with craig jones and dylan dreyer. In headlines, the white house trying to rally the public after a fifth republican senator said he ill fifth. To avoid defeat. The British Government says 27 apartment blocks england have failed fire safety tests around 650 homes issues if four Public Housing towers following the residential tower inferno. That fire killed 79 people. Police are considering manslaughter charges for that incident. And it was an ovation to remember for david o teartiz wh the Boston Red Sox retired his jersey. Hung up cleats last year after 14 seasons with the red sox where he was a ten time allstar. Won three world series championships. Got emotional last night as well. A woman made international headlines. Amanda knocks, the American College student charged convicted and acquitted of the murder of her roommate when she was studying in italy. Spent years behind bars before she was finally exonerated. Now sharing her life during her time before release. Lucy, good afternoon. Reporter good morning. Amanda hasnt exactly shied away from the spotlight since her release from prison. Shes become a local newspaper columnist, accomplish epublishe a tell all book and net first documentary. After two years of silence, making instagram life very public. Not afraid of the big bad wolf or it would seem public scrutiny. Revealing a fairy tale version of life on illnenstagram. One for the past decade has been everything, but. Thats a nightmare. Either im a psychopath in sheeps clothing or i am you. Opening up in a recent documentary chef was acquitted. In the 2007 murder of her roommate. British student. A murder case that was watched across the world. Trials by judge, jury and the tabloids which scoured her social media accounts for any and all details. As she describes in her book, waiting to be heard. I resented they took my posts and pictures out of context only emphasizing negative. Whats happening, well i made my instagram public. No more hording all my amazing cat videos. She wasnt kidding. Cats galore. Her novelist boyfriend christopher robin. The very first post, just a month after being freed from an italian prison and despite spending four years behind bars, the couple back in europe. Sharing a kiss. And recovering from jet lag in munich. Like any instagram feed, there are plenty of selfies, perfect meals and silly hats, but this self described writer aisnt shying away from her past. Since her release from jail shes been involved with the Innocence Project working with wrongfully accused prisoners. What this photo refers to. Raising eyebrows this morning. Asking why she would open herself up to debate again making it so public. Thank you. Another check of the weather. It has been so hot in the southwest. I mean, alltime record High Temperatures in parts of the dessert southwest. All this area of High Pressure pumping in the heat and continue for another couple of days. A dry heat. When youre looking at temperatures 115 to 120. Hot is hot. Palm springs earlier this weekend 122 ties the alltime hottest temperature its ever been in palm springs. Las vegas beat the alltime High Temperature at 117. Phoenix made it up to 119 this week. Sacramento made it up to 108. We have 25 Million People at risk from the Pacific Northwest stretching right down into arizona. The excessive heat will continue for the next couple of days. Sacramento 95. California about 112 degrees. Las vegas on sunday should still and the bay area is giving the tripledigits or the tripledigits are giving the bay area a bit of a break. Were in a cooldown. South bay 53 and peninsula 54 and 58 near the east bay and also in the 60s and we are seeing a nice marine layer across San Francisco and the bay. And that will keep San Francisco cool and over cast for the next couple of hours. The temperature trend is showing the temperatures climbing into the 60s yet again. And thats your latest forecast. Just ahead, the film Smashing Box Office records as well as the glass ceiling. From the big screen to the small ones, tablets and phones that keep our kids mez minorized for hours. Is it potentially dangerous . Important update right after this. I work overtime when i can get it. I need my blood sugar to stay in control. So i asked about tresiba®. Tresiba® ready tresiba® is a oncedaily, longacting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. I need to cut my a1c. Tresiba® ready tresiba® works like my bodys insulin. Releases slow and steady. Providing powerful a1c reduction. My week . Hectic. My weekends . My time. Tresiba® ready i can take tresiba® any time of day. So if i sleep in, and delay my dose, i take it as soon as i can, as long as theres at least 8 hours between doses. Once in use, tresiba® lasts 8 weeks, with or without refrigeration, twice as long as the lantus® pen. announcer tresiba® is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. Dont use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Dont share needles or insulin pens. Dont reuse needles. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion and headache. Check your blood sugar. Low blood sugar can be serious and may be lifethreatening. Injection site reactions may occur. Tell your prescriber about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. Taking tzds with insulins like tresiba® may cause serious side effects like heart failure. Your insulin dose shouldnt be changed without asking your prescriber. Get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue or throat, dizziness or confusion. Ask your Health Care Provider if youre tresiba® ready. Covered by most insurance and medicare plans. Tresiba® ready the average familys it stood up to 2 rookies,me a problem child named rufus. And 3 little angels. Behr premium plus ultra. The number one rated exterior paint that makes you feel like a pro. Only at the home depot. Hey katy, im going to go ahead and invade your personal space to run some things by you. Its going to look like im listening but im actually just paying attention to nugget. Cool. Ill pretend youre answering the questions i have. Ill scroll through my feed and avoid making eye contact. Im just going to keep hovering. Wouldnt it be great if everyone said what they meant . Hovering away. Boo boo boo [making noise at nugget] the citi® double cash card does. Only citi lets you earn 1 cash back when you buy, and 1 as you pay. The citi® double cash card. Double means double. Reports, schools out and summers in full swing. That might mean your kids are home spending a lot of time on screens. Tablets, smartphones, laptops. Could all that screen time actually be hurting them . National investigatative correspondent jeff rossen has a revealing hidden camera investigation. Good morning and happy saturday. If youre family is anything like mine and i think they are when your kids are out of school for the summer, all they want to do it spend time on this, the ipad or tablet. A great babysitter. Lets admit it. Experts say kids are spending too much time on screens and other devices. A study shows how damaging it can be. Now theres even a dad in colorado have you heard about this making headlines because he wants the state to ban the sale of smartphones to all kids under the age of 13. Heres the question how oblivious are kids when their screen is right here in front of them . Right here, this close . This morning, we are teaming one parents, setting up a hiddencamera test. Youve got to see this. [ bell ] schools out for summer. Yes and these kids are zoned out on their ipads. Fully entranced by the screen. How entranced . In this experiment, were going to test just how absorbed these kids are with their devices. This video going viral overseas. Parents pranking their own kids. Now this is a classic mom swap. Look at this. Trading out their mom for a complete stranger. A new sisters arrived. Swapping out their siblings. The brother leaves, and in comes a massive new brother. The kids never noticing a thing. By the way, this same exact thing happens with my dikids. They probably watch the ipads too much. My fault, i know. She watches videos. He plays games. Theyre oblivious to the world when they are. Love you, guys. Hello . Do you want lunch . Do you want lunch . Are you hungry . I love you. And nothing. A new study just out by the American Academy of pediatrics says increased screen time could delay speech in kids under 2 years old. To find out just how distracted kids can be by the screen, were working with these two moms who want to test their young daughters. How much can they get away with before their kids notice . First up, 6yearold avery and her mom jackie. Okay, avery is in place engrossed in her ipad. We are hiding a couple of rooms away on this back terrace. We have a live feed going. Cameras all over the apartment so we can watch everything that happens. Time for the funny business. Im going to have you put on these silly glasses. Thank you. Little mustache. Well see if avery notices. Theres mom walking right past avery, even mugging for the camera. Just look mommys walking back and forth with a muss attacks and avery didnt blink an mustache, and avery didnt blink an eye, crazy. Now mom is wearing a bright blue wig, but avery doesnt catch on. Nothing. Mom has blue hair, and averys not even looking up. Shes honed in. When mom comes back, shes shaken. Its alarming from the perspective that if theres a fire that she would know to get out of the house because shes so focused on it. But were about to get even more bold with this next family. Thats 6yearold cami and her mom michelle. Shes bringing up the camel yeah, thats a giant stuffed camel right in front of cami. Theres a camel just feet from her. She hasnt looked up once. All shes doing is looking at the screen. We try everything. Big signs that say, hey, kids, look here. Nope, cami doesnt see it. Still locked into her screen. Mom even crashing cymbals together. She literally just hit the ball iss together like a bands in the apartment, and she didnt hear a thing. The only thing missing from this circus is a clown. We bring in one of those, too. Her teenage brother putting on a show of his own. Cami oblivious. What did you think of it . Out of it. Like in a whole different universe. Im out of props. Time to bring cami out of her trans. Did you see the clown . No, who was the down . Your brother was the clown. He doesnt have rainbow hair. Yes, he did. He had rainbow hair. A rainbow wig. I had polka dots on. You didnt see that . Nope, not at all. The American Academy of pediatrics recently updated its recommendations about how much time kids should be able to spend on their devices. We have a full list broken down by age. Its incredibly helpful, and its on our website right now today. Com. Im going to check it out. Im going to watch you on this. That is so good. My son and we unfortunately use it sometimes because if were trying to deal with sibby and we just need like like a pacifier. Like a modern pacifier. It works. You kidding me, in a restaurant . We have to do better. Ah. Were all guilty. Dylan, what do we have coming up in the orange room . Ahead, barbies boyfriend gets a makeover, call him laughs come on dogs just wont quit. Neither does frontline gold. Its triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks for a full 30 days. Good boy. Go for the gold. Ask sherwinwilliams during the great summer Painting Party save 30 on paints and stains june 18th through july 4th. Theres a store in every neighborhood. Find yours at sherwinwilliams. Com save. Oh, its actually. Sfx short balloon squeal its ver. Sfx balloon squeals ok can we. Sfx balloon squeals goodbye oof, that milk in your coffee was messing with you, wasnt it . Try lactaid, its real milk, without that annoying lactose. Good right . Yeah. Lactaid. The milk that doesnt mess with you. Were back with a story from the fabulous lives of barbie and ken. Were talking about the dolls, of course. Last year, toymaker mattel introduced a new line of barbies in a variety of shapes, skin tones, and hairstyles. Now barbies beau is catching up. Dylans in the orange room with more. Theres so much to go through here. Mattel has announced the lease of 15 new ken dolls available in three body types, seven skin tones, and nine hairstyles. The company says they want the dolls to better reflect the actual population. That includes broadsized ken dolls. Some are calling this more the dadsbod ken. He comes alongside original and slim body types. We have ken in cornrows dressed in the classic cool style. A chillincheck ken, working nerdy chic frames. And houof course, the man bun. All decked out in this distressed denim look. Naturally it was manbun ken that received instant internet note right. The hash tag manbunken caught fire on twitter as folks had fun with the new do. David writes, man bun ken brings his own avocados to eating establishments. Another says, does man doll ken come with vintage records . Another, man bun ken enjoys detroit red winging artis artisnal ales. And some say, representation is so important. Im so proud of the progress barbie and ken have made in my lifetime. I feel like the barbie and ken was a huge section to begin with. Now its even bigger. Did you have barbies growing up . Of course i did. Office barbie. We talked about that. We played with old pieces of paper old skipper dolls. I loved skipper. Yes. Up next, harry smith takes us to kenya where these baby elephants are being trained to reenter the wild by their own kind. A fascinating story. First, this is today on nbc. Were back on a saturday morning with an inspiring story out of kenya where the fight against poaching has become a national priority. Nbcs harry smith has been traveling around the world. This morning he takes us to a wildlife refuge where orphaned baby elephants are being rescued, rehabilitated, and then released back into the wild in quite the unique way. Reporter when its feeding time, the baby elephants come running. There are several dozen young elephants here at kenyas David Sheldrick wildlife trust. The mothers of these young elephants were killed. What you see here is, in fact, an elephant orphanage. 40,000 reporter rob branford is the executive director. Youre viewers will see cute footage of baby elephants squashing around and playing with each other. Its important that those elephants should be in the wild. The only reason theyre not in the wild is because at some point, some action by humans in 99 of the cases, has caused them to be separated from their mother. Reporter the most common human action is poaching. Elephants killed for their tusks, for the ivory. Thousands of animals killed every year. While kenya has made its fight against poaching a national priority, thats not true through the rest of the continent. Kenya feels to me like its got a handle on it. Are elephants still in trouble . Yes. A handle is one thing. Were still losing more elephants than are being born. As long as thats the case, youre going to see populations decline. Thats africawide. Reporter as a species, the African Elephant is at minimum threatened and nearing a state of being endangered. What makes the sheldrick orphanage extraordinary is its program to reintroduce the young elephants into the wild. These babies will mix with Wild Elephants. As opposed to the keepers here, the Wild Elephants will teach them how it is to be an elephant, what food to eat, pass on wisdom. In time, babies the decide its way more fun with these elephants than with these humans. Reporter few species are that smart, that adaptable. Saving one orphan can mean a future for many more elephants. Its about second chances. We take these babies, we rehabilitate them so that they can go back and live a wild life and, importantly, be real elephants, have babies. Its about hope. There is a real prospect of being able to save the species. Reporter saving the species. In the end, thats what we all hope for. For today, harry smith, nbc news, nairobi. I think its so important to, you know, start the process of saving them before they reach that endangered status. Beautiful story. Harry smith. Hes actually going to continue his travels this weekend. Harrys going to visit antarctica to see what penguins may be telling us about climate change. Penguins in a lot of ways, theyre the canary in the coalmine. You can catch that on sunday night with megyn kelly. Thats 7 00, 6 00 on snrl. Still to come, President Trump facing the possibility of health care defeat. Plus, tough, new poll numbers. And they have faces that even a mother might have a tough time loving. The contestants in the worlds ugliest dog competition. We will well meet the winner. Cant wait for that. First, these messages. Y do e earning bonus cash back so complicated . They limit where you can earn bonus cash back to a few places and those places keep changing every few months. The quicksilver card from capital one doesnt do any of that. With quicksilver you earn unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. Leave complicated behind. Whats in your wallet . Do yno, not really. Head shoulders . I knew that not the one you think you know the tri action formula cleans removing up to 100 of flakes protects and even moisturizes for Sofia Vergara hair from our crazy delicious family to yours. Our bodies grow babies. We run marathons. Companies. Solve problems. How . We eat. We eat almonds, strawberries, quinoa and yeah. We eat chocolate. We eat in sweatpants. In skirts. We eat alone. And together. Women eat. We dont doubt it. We own it. Special k. Good saturday morning. It is 5 56 a live look outside with clouds covering the san mateo bridge on a cooler morning. Boy, we sure are thankful for this weather. Thanks for joining us. Im kira clapper and vianey arana as a look at our microclimate forecast. We always want the opposite of what we have. This is true. But we are seeing a much cooler weather pattern ahead which is great because this weekend there are so many great events going on but in San Francisco right now, look at that. Super foggy. Were seeing a very deep marine layer and that is causing the moisture on the camera. So it is not rain. It is just a very deep marine layer and well see that burn off throughout the morning and it is 58 degrees right now and all throughout the bay area we are warm but it is summertime. San jose 63. And the temperature trend does show us climbing into the 60s and 70s. But if you notice, what is missing from what was on here last week is the tripledigit heat. So well be warming up inland, still fairly hot but in the upper 80s and 90s. Ill have a closer look and a breakdown of your weekend day planner during the 7 00 a. M. There is a lot going on this weekend. And speaking of, pride weekend is underway in San Francisco. About a Million People are expected to come to the city and celebrate and Law Enforcement agencies are focused on keeping all of those people safe. [ chanting ] that is footage from the celebrations yesterday with the transmarch. Hundreds of people marched from delores park down Market Street and the theme of pride this year is a celebration of diversity. For marchers this is a time to embrace who they are. Im excited to be able to embrace my gender identity and my sexuality. It is important to be here this weekend because so many of us have been trained to keep ourselves silent and to hide and were not meant to be that way. Amid all of the celebration, police and the fbi are concerned about the possibility of a terror attack in light of attacks happening around the world as well as the pulse nightclub shooting at pride in orlando last year. Police presence will be heavy all weekend. Continuing coverage of the proposed google village, it may be years away but it is inspiring more office buildings. The Plan Development will bring an estimated 20,000 new work he workers to downtown san jose but they have another plan nearby covering 1 million square feet and that is concerning where people will live. If we are not stopping displate placement, families that lived her for generations are being forced out and priced out. The Group Silicon Valley rising was reached out to google on the subject of Affordable Housing and lobbying the city to take Firm Leadership on the issue. It is 5 59, coming up on today in the bay, bay area couples tell us their wegds were rue weddings were ruined because of a local florist and that woman is accused of grand theft. That and more coming up at 7 00. Right now back to the today show. Good morning. Flat lining . A fifth republican senator says he cannot support the new health care bill, putting its passage in serious jeopardy. The white house trying to rally public support. The president and i are counting on your support. We need your energy. Will President Trump and Senate Leadership be able to twist enough arms to get it passed . Stranger danger. Snapchat rolling out a new locationsharing feature Accurate Enough to determine where users live, go to school, and hang out. Its now raising safety concerns for experts and parents alike. And ouch. Thats rough. Roll out the red carpet for these peculiar pooches. Were traveling to california this morning to meet the worlds ugliest dogs. Today, saturday, june 24th, 2017. [ cheers ] good morning. Welcome back to today this morning. Weve got a hearty crowd despite the rain that is supposed to be letting up pretty seen. Well get out there in just a bit. Thank you very much for stopping by. Despite the rain, theyre still smiling, still energetic. They are. Good to be here. Yes. Coming down hard at times. Thats true. Well get out there in a moment. Lets get right to our top story for now. The Senate Health care bill in trouble with another republican defection. Nbcs Kelly Odonnell is live at the white house with more. Kelly, good morning. Reporter good morning again, sheinelle. The president is taking a surprisingly lowkey approach, trying to convince some republicans to get on board with the health care law. He needs to do this because the bill which is in some trouble at the moment is up for a vote early next week. But this weekend, expected to be the top gop leaders on capitol hill and their senior staffers who will be working the weekend. Lawmakers home for a weekend grilling. I will be voting no. Reporter nevada senator dean heller, up for reelection next year, became the fifth republican senator to break with his party over the new health care bill. I cannot support a piece of legislation that takes insurance away from tens of millions of americans and hundreds of thousands of nevadans. Reporter in colorado springs, Vice President mike pence asked for grassroots help to back the bill. The president and i are counting on your support. We need your energy. Reporter while the Trump Administration is looking for public support on health care, when it comes to russia, theyre struggling. A new nbc news wall street journal poll finds 45 of americans are more likely to believe former fbi director james comey. Only 22 for the president. A sharp divide among party lines much 76 of democrats side with comey. 50 of republicans say they believe President Trump. While concerned about special counsel muellers objectivity, the president did not challenge his integrity. I can say that the people that have been hired are all Hillary Clinton supporters. Some of them worked for Hillary Clinton. I mean, the whole thing is ridiculous, if you want to know the truth from that standpoint. But Robert Muellers an honorable man, and hopefully hell come up with an honorable solution. Reporter the nations first reality tv president had a little fun on friday, bringing back his old apprentice tag line and boardroom move. Poking fun at his Veterans Affairs secretary, mouthing the words youre fired. That one never fails, does it, don . Reporter while he was teasing a cabinet secretary there, tonight he will be toasting one. The president and first lady staying in washington, d. C. , this weekend in part to attend the wedding of treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin and his fiancee. Thats happening tonight in washington. Back to you. Thank you. More than 120 people are missing and feared dead this morning, buried under a massive landslide in china. Frantic rescuers shown digging with their hands trying to get to around 60 homes crushed under tons of rubble there. Police say the mudslide was triggered by recent heavy rains in the area. A Massive Wildfire is growing at an unprecedented rate in utah. 13 homes and eight other buildings have been destroyed so far as firefighters are struggling to contain the socalled brianhead fire. My communities, around 750 people, have been evacuated. It began a week ago when a homeowner used a torch to clear weeds. Now it has grown to 33,000 acres. A family is outraged after a mistrial was declared in the case of a white officer shooting a black motorist. Former Cincinnati University Police Officer ray tensing was charged with manslaughter for fatally shooting sam dubose. The incident was recorded on police body cam. It is the second time a jury could not decide this case. Prosecutors must now decide if theyll drop the charges altogether or try again. A driver in wisconsin lived through one of those nightmares many of us have while crossing a drawbridge look at this. Getting stuck between the two sides. Firefighters had to pull this minivan and its driver from the jaws of a bridge in green bay this week. The driver is okay, but because he doesnt speak english, he couldnt explain to rescuers how he got into this mess. Dylan dreyer has made her way outside. Shes braving the elements with this check of the weather. Trying to maneuver the umbrella you look like paddington bear. I got boots to match, too. It is gross out here. Its hot, too. Isnt it . Were all kind of sweating, but were hiding it with the powering rain. Where are your umbrellas . Were diehards. We dont need it. I promise, it will get nicer. The rain will last another hour or so in the midatlantic. In new england, its going to last a little bit longer. We are going to notice temperatures start to cool a bit, especially through the middle of the country. Speaking of nebraska, were going to see highs today about six degrees below average in most of the area. Temperatures mainly in the 70s and 80s. The east coast, though, we should drop down to about 77 by tuesday. 79 in raleigh by tuesday, as well. And even down through atlanta, temperatures will drop back down into the low to mid 80s. We do have this rain. Its still the remnants of cindy combining with this cold front. The front will move off shore in the northeast and midatlantic. But down south, were looking at another possible one to three inches of rain. The rain is going to stick around for m right now in San Francisco, we are seeing that marine layer bringing some dense fog but that will keep us a lot cooler through the weekend. 58 degrees right now. Expecting a high of about 67 degrees. And athe temperature trend all across the bay area at the moment. Well be seeing 60s over all, san jose 63 but these are climbing in inland areas into the 70s and upper 80s but at least were catching a break from the tripledigit heat. Here is a quick check of todays highs. Okay. So who wants craig and sheinelle to come out here . [ cheers ] all right, you guys are up. Well see you out here soon. Wed love to be out there. Dylan dreyer. Ahead this morning, in addition to going outside in a bit, how a new snapchat feature has a lot of parents concerned about their childrens safety. Plus, j. Los clapping back plus, j. Los clapping back at some this is a story about mail and packages. And its also a story about people. People who rely on us every day to deliver their dreams theyre handing us more than mail theyre handing us their business and while we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. That your business is our business the United States postal service. Priority you and still have dry eye symptoms . Ready for some relief . Xiidra is the first and only eye drop approved for both the signs and symptoms of dry eye. One drop in each eye, twice a day. Common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. Dont touch container tip to your eye or any surface. Remove contacts before using xiidra and wait at least 15 minutes before reinserting. Chat with your eye doctor about xiidra. This scarf all thats my left to rememb. Sayonara. What. She washed this like a month ago the long lasting scent of gain. Now available in matching scents across your entire laundry routine. Times up, insufficient were on prenatal care. Es. And administrative paperwork. Your days of drowning people are numbered. Same goes for you, budget overruns. And rising costs, wipe that smile off your face. Were coming for you, too. For those who wont rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. Optum. How well gets done. I love those bots. I love them. I kept the boots on. Why change if youre sending me back out . Were back on a saturday morning. Its time to trend. All right. Do you guys snap . A lot of people, of course, snapchat. Im slowly understanding the app myself and all of its many features. Its only been out for a few years. The company rolled out a new one this week. Its calmed snap map. Basically, when a user posts a video clip or photo of their location, it appears on a map in realtime, exactly where you are. Thats fine if youre just sharing it with your friends. Some parents and privacy experts worry because people you dont know can also see where you are. They can see your movements, even where you live. The function this is important it can be turned off. You have to know how to do it. What do you think . Good idea, bad idea . I think instead of the default being that its an option thats on, you should have to turn it on. Right. You know . Thats a fair what if youre not watching now and you dont know that its even tracking your location . True. A lot of people have young daughters, young kids, period. They want to know where they are. I want to know where everybody is. To share your world. So you can see where people from around the world right. If you take a picture of you in new york, okay, we get youre in new york. I think we may be oversharing. I think weve been oversharing for some sometitime. I think the toothpaste is out of the tube. Too late. The younger you are, the more you seem to share. I have a cousin they dont live in reality. They live for the gram. If it doesnt happen on the gram, it doesnt happen. You live for the gram, though. I do enjoy the gram. Yes, instagram, by the way. There are guests we have on the show. I dont want to take a picture, and i just talk to them instead. Yes. Then what a novel concept. I know. You have that moment and memory instead of then im bummed i dont have a picture to brag about the moment i just had. How about the pop start this morning . All right. Right to pop start. Were starting with a first look at the new emotional movie stronger. Take a look. Just want people to see how amazing my son is. [ cheers ] im going to walk. Im going to walk with you again someday. Thats Jake Gyllenhaal starring as the reallife Boston Marathon bombing survivor, jeff bowman. He was standing at the finish line to support his thengirlfriend during the 2013 race when the bombs went off and he lost both his legs. The film reenacts that moment as well as bowmans long road to recovery. Through it all, he becomes a symbol of bravery for boston and the rest of the country. Stronger debuts in theaters this fall. Should be a good one. Now to a movie currently in theaters and Smashing Box Office records, not to mention the glass ceiling. Wonder woman has officially grossed more than 600 million in ticket sales, becoming the highest grossing liveaction film directed by a woman. With this win under its belt, wonder woman looks set to surpass the animated film kung fu panda 2 to earl the title of highest grossing film directed solely by a woman. Its also on track to beat its d. C. Comic cohort, the 2013 flick man of steel in domestic sales. How is that for girl power . I want to see it. Have you seen it . Its such a good movie, im hearing. I havent seen it yet. Is it true that she was paid considerably less than her male we cant confirm it. Thats what we confirmed it yes. Just confirmed it. Thats troubling. Maybe this will change it. I was about to say girls keep rocking it. Finally, dont be fooled by the abs that shes got. What . Look at you. Check this out. J. Lo bearing her toned midriff in this shameless bathroom self when he she posted to instagram earlier this week. Looking good. Pretty impressive, right . Some fans thought the photo was a little too impressive and claimed that a fuzzy mark on the lower right side of the screen was a photoshopped fail. J. Lo was quick to clap back in the comments section writing, the mark was, just a smudge on the mir or, lol, not photoshopp photoshopped. Lordblessthehaters. And you should try it. Wish there was a photoshop no doubt. We all know j. Lo always looks amazing. Puts a lot of work into it. Shes stunning. She works for it. Doesnt come for free. Yeah. She is aging quite well. Yeah. Thats your pop start. Thank you, dylan dreyer. I dont know why i said dylan dreyer. Dylan marie. I never knew that. Learn something every saturday. Still ahead, theres the good, the bad, and the downright ugly. You guessed it its the latter title. These fluffballs are competing i love it. Well introduce you to the winner of the worlds ugliest dog competition. First, there is today on nbc. We are back on this saturday morning with the moment youve all been waiting for. Yes, indeed. The worlds ugliest dog just received its crown. So without further ado, heres nbcs Kerry Sanders in california. Reporter dogs on the red carpet. And yes, theres puparazzi here for a beauty contest that celebrates those dogs are a little rough around the edges. Here we have tada the zoomer dog. Reporter heres the poop he had crusty skin, bad teeth. Reporter ugly has a way of being beautiful. One small eye, her bad breath reporter what is it about ugly that makes us smile . I think its more unique, isnt it, more than ugly . Reporter for more than 50 years at the Sonoma County fair, theyve celebrated ugly. What do you say to people who say sometimes that their owners look like their dogs . You know, luckily i guess for rascal in this case its not true. Hes the better looking of the two of us. Reporter good answer. How deeps the love . Rascal stars in his own music video. Many of the dogs here are rescues, often hard to adopt like jake. Well, hes unusually excitable. We have to blur this out. Hes a wiener dog. Thats right. Thats one of his problems. Reporter i was among the judges this year. Has this dog ever seen a brush . The dogeatdog competition fierce, with audience help a winner. And our winner of the worlds ugliest dog [ cheers ] 2017 martha martha, a 125pound neopolitan mastiff, so overwhelmed she passed out. What will you do with this title . Party all night. Reporter well, its a rough life as the winner. Martha, beautifully ugly. For today, Kerry Sanders, nbc news, petaluma, california. Man. I dont think marthas that bad looking. I will say compared to some of the previous winners, marthas a beauty queen shes a beauty pageant winner. Yes, miss something teeth. Yeah. I guess they have different what do you call them . Categories . Yeah, that they have to meet. Marthas the winner. Aw. I think shes kind of cute. She is kind of cute. Just looks elderly. Shell be a good spokesperson. For who . Well for ugly dogs everywhere. I agree with the woman who said, you know, theyre just unique. I like that, right . Yes. What makes you beautiful what makes you special. Heres the thing yeah . Be sure to tune in monday because martha joining us exclusively here in studio, right here on today. She looks thrilled. Exactly. Cant wait for that. Good. Still ahead this morning, bike rides, slides, sipping champagne we did all that. Yeah. Yeah, and we rode one of those bicycles where three people are on the bike, and only one was actually pedaling. I just forgot to pedal. I was eating ice cream. It was part of a first field trip for saturday today. Good. First field trip. Sorry. Also the first weeke happiness is powerful flea and tick protection from nexgard. Nexgard kills fleas and ticks all month long. And it comes in an easytogive tasty chew. And that makes dogs and owners happy. No wonder vets love it too. Reported side effects include vomiting, itching, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. See your vet for more information on flea and tick protection you and your dog will love. Nexgard. The vets 1 choice. Ask sherwinwilliams during the great summer Painting Party save 30 on paints and stains june 18th through july 4th. Theres a store in every neighborhood. Find yours at sherwinwilliams. Com save. Real energy harnessed from the earth. Nature valley. Introducing new kleenex goanywhere pack with americas softest ultra tissue. Johnson, get in there. Because you can go anywhere. Kleenex. Take care. Take it on. Watching this breath savers protect mint neutralize the plaque acids in my mouth. I cant see anything thats because its working so hard. Hey, what are you guys doing . Karen. Were neutralizing. Maybe i want to neutralize. You ever think of that . Nonalcoholic juice drinks inspired by your favorite cocktails. [ plays chord ] like sangria. The taste will take you away. [ plays melody ] [ plays castanets ] [ melody stops ] got carried away. Wearing powerful sunscreen . Yes neutrogena® ultra sheer. Unbeatable protection helps prevent early skin aging and skin cancer with a clean feel. The best for your skin. Ultra sheer®. Neutrogena®. Only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. They release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. Tylenol® good saturday morning. It is 6 26, a live look outside in oakland. We have cloud cover and it is the nice cool morning for once. Thanks for joining us. Im kira klapper, vianey arana has a look at the microclimate forecast. It will be cooler for everyone but some still quite warm. Still in the 80s. But the marine layer will bring San Francisco and along the peninsula back to more normal temperatures. Even though we are expecting to climb a little bit into the 60s in San Francisco, look at that dense fog right now. Really covering. I mean earlier we we still cant see the Golden Gate Bridge. The Doppler Radar is showing the dense fog. Now the dense fog is sticking around for quite a while. And then eventually it will burn off just a bit but it is going to bring what is called we like to call it broken sunshine which means well still see cloud cover but then we see peeks of sunshine kind of poking through. And then as far as the temps. Right now in the 60s and well see a variety of 60s and 70s and the upper 80s in the inland areas and catching a break from the tripledigits and we have a little bit avenof a rain chance ill talk about that in the 7 00 hour. Well stay tuned for that at 7 00. This weekend pride is underway in San Francisco. About a Million People are expected to come to the city to celebrate. And Law Enforcement agencies are focused on keeping all of those people safe. [ chanting ] the celebrations began yesterday with the transmarch. Hundreds of people marched from delores down Market Street. The celebration is diversity. This is a time for marchers to be brace who they are. Im excited to embrace my gender identity and sexuality. It is important to be here this weekend because so many of us have been trained to keep ourselves silent and to hide, and were not meant to be that way. Amid all of the celebration, police and the fbi are concerned about the possibility of a terror attack in light of the attacks happening around the world as well as the pulse nightclub shooting at pride last year in orlando. Police presence will be heavy all weekend long. And there will be new Safety Measures this year for the San Francisco marathon. For the First Time Ever organ e organizers closed down the drive on the golden gate. This will limit southbound traffic to two lanes. In the past only cones separated cars from thousands of runners and the Golden Gate Bridge District Board made this decision as a safety precaution following recent terror attacks in europe. They say other factors formed this decision as well. You read every day in the paper about distracted drivers and impaired drivers or simply those with medical conditions that happens when they are driving and we just i dont want this race to be i want this race to be as safe as it can be. This is the 40th year of the San Francisco marathon. The race is on sunday, july 23rd. Coming up this morning on today in the bay, bay area couples tell us their weddings were ruined because of a local florist. Now that florist is accused of grand theft and that plus the top stories and weather coming up at 7 00. Right now back to the today show. We are back in saturday morning, june 24th, 2017. We have a beautiful crowd. Kudos to you guys because it was pouring. I told them it would stop raining. It did stop. If you knew it was going to stop raining, why did you make us wear these ridiculous coats . I wanted to see you in that so bad. Like a crossing guard. It was like pulling teeth to get craig into the jacket. Finally you had me put this ridiculous thing on. Still to come here in this half hour of today, slides, bike rides, sipping champagne. Sh we took a field trip a stones throw away. Then summers here, and we have some of best ways to enjoy it in comfort of your own back yard. From a portable grill to a wine table and puttputt golf. Something the family can enjoy. And in the kitchen, Anthony Scotto has a delicious dish that will complement the activities you mentioned. Fun. For the next 30 minutes, well eat, drink, and get to the park. Im going to take this off momentarily. Before we do that, how about a check of the forecast . Its hot out here. It is. Its not breathable. Sweaty in here. Let aeps look at the weather as the country this weekend. Rain on the east coast, eventually moving out to sea. Were going to continue to see scattered showers and storms down along the gulf coast from texas over to mississippi, alabama, too. Well see pockets of heavier rain, maybe another one to three inches. It is going to stay hot in the southwest. Were looking at temperatures well above average. Tomorrow, we will start to see pretty nice weather across the country as temperatures will finally start to cool down through the middle of a nice cooldown is under way throughout the bay area. And looking right now at Doppler Radar, you could see that heavy and dense fog in San Francisco and along the coast so we have this nice marine layer and that is going to keep the temperatures nice and cool. Now we are expecting for this to burn off just a bit but over all expect some broken sunshine. Right now in the 60s for inland areas. 61 for hayward, 63 for san jose and those highs and the temperature trend is climbing into the 60s for San Francisco. And thats your latest forecast. Thank you. You know we spend a lot of time together bothering each other. Inside studio 1a. We thought it might be nice to head outdoors to explore. We ventured to Governors Island, a hidden gem in new york harbor a stones throw from lower manhattan. Thats where we spent a recent afternoon together for a little field trip. So i live downtown, and i hear everybody talking about Governors Island. Ive always wanted to go. And i just so happened to run into my friends here. So do you guys want to go to Governors Island . Lets go. Weve got to go the ferry is leaving are we the last ones on . Theres Governors Island. Its like right across the water. Its a sevenminute ferry ride. [ horn ] excuse me. Im 12. This is beautiful castle williams. Is it a real castle . No, look at this it was a prison. This building were in now was built as a fort around 1800. And then by 1850, it was used as a prison. And then in the 90s, it was decommissioned as a military base and then came to the city of new york. So we have a 93acre public park. Were a carfree environment. Maybe thats why this feels like such a wonderful place because its quiet. After they built the lexington avenue subway, they used the debris from that to build on to the island. Essentially you can think of Governors Island like an ice cream cone. This is the top of the ice cream cone. Everything you described, the new part, is the cone. The cone. I like that. Now i want ice cream. The vanilla waffle cone dipped in chocolate. Waffle cone . You know, make it two. Thats from the today show. Lets get on a bike. Ive been on a bike with sheinelle on the back of a bike before. It did not go well. I said, no one knows, im pregnant. Dont let it fall. Im redeemed. Im going to be good. There we go. Are these the my gosh this looks so fun. Thats a big slide, craig. The largest one in new york city. One, two, three oh, boy oh oh oh, my gosh sheinelles going so fast oh, this is fun tada. A nice field trip. Now these stones were the original seawall. Theres the lady. We can high five. There is nice. This is this is nice. There is nice. In memory of our first field trip. Oh, thats so fun i brought a surprise. I think im going to cry. A tradition well have to continue. To saturday today. To saturday today. Then craig proposed to us. Just missing the rose from the bachelor. It was so much fun. There was so much you didnt see, frankly. So many inside jokes and laughs i learned a lot about you two. Yeah, like i dont like people eating my ice cream. Youre like a germaphobe yes. She wont share ice cream with her kids. No, no. You had the best part dylan knew that which is why i learned that when it comes to bicycling, if we do that again, im going to get 2000 to carry your own weight get you two to carry your own weight. We were bicycling. Im like, man, this is easy. Yeah, craig did all the work out there. By the way, this weekend at Governors Island, pinknic. One of the largest rose festivals, rose and music. So easy to get to. Yes. The ferry was like 2 or something, so inexpensive. And you get the best views of manhattan. And youre kind of removed from the hustle and bustle. Everyone here, if you want to go to Governors Island, its a good thing to do. Its on dylan. Bike rides. Its worth it. Up next, how neighbors of a beloved movie pop store threatened by rising rents are coming to the rescue. Right after this. Hi. Oh, hi welcome to the neighborhood. I brought you this pie to see if youre weird. Wow, that smells intrusive. It is. Did you want to come in, maybe snoop around a bit . Thats why im here. Wouldnt it be great if everyone said what they meant . Ooh, i smell onions the citi® double cash card does. Only citi lets you earn 1 cash back when you buy, and 1 as you pay. The citi double cash card. Double means double. Come on dogs just wont quit. Neither does frontline gold. Its triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks for a full 30 days. Good boy. Go for the gold. Allure best of beauty and Marie Claires most wanted. Eyes show emotion, not your age. Olay eyes. Ageless. Over to los angeles now where the king of eclectic movie props is struggling to deep k to keep his business afloat. Thankfully his neighbors are coming together to help with a message that will stay in his heart for years to come. Joe fryer has the story. Reporter so alive is this hollywood corner you can practically feel a pulse. A beat that comes from the shops heart nick metropolis. Great. I would love to show you the hollywood science reporter for 25 years, metropolis has operated the quirky Collectibles Store that bears his name. He is one of the most defining things in the neighborhood. Reporter more specifically, he buys, sells, and rents furniture and other knick knacks, an eclectic collection stuffed into 10,000 squarefeet of space. This pencil has been in countless music videos. Probably a couple of movies. Reporter he thinks of his store as a vortex that pulls in all walks of life from starving artists to celebrities. Looking more than beautiful. Reporter friends like 94yearolds ethel watson are constantly stopping by, along with those who are homeless. This is for you. Reporter metropolis buys their finds and offers them work. He loves people. He has a heart that hes always trying to help somebody. Reporter recently, metropolis movie nearly came to an end when his longtime landlord died. His new one was less forgiving about overdue rent that topped 100,000. I cant imagine the neighborhood without him. Reporter now the neighborhood is giving back. This gofundme page is one way theyre raising awareness and money to keep his doors open. It brought tears to our eyes many times. Its been very heartwarming. Beautiful. Reporter hes not out of the woods yet, but a judge approved a payment plan that gives metropolis a chance. I love doing this. Its so special. Reporter ever grateful on the day we stopped by, he spelled out a special message for all to see love thy neighbor. Love thy neighbor has probably never meant more to you, right . So true. So true. Reporter thanks to those neighbors, his stores heart beats on. For today, joe fryer, nbc news, los angeles. Thats nice. A good one. Love thy neighbor. Up next, from jumbo jenga to puttputt golf, well look at great back yard games that will have you outside until sunset this summer. First, this is today on nbc. Its going to fall the first weekend of summer finally, he and you dont have to go far to start taking Advantage Service the weather. We have ideas to taking advantages of the weather. We have ideas from grilling to entertainment essentials. Well start with lifestyle expert erica katz. Nice to see you. This is cool. Lifesized jenga . Jenga xxl. This tower is three times bigger than your regular jenga. You pull out a block and put it on top, but if pull the wrong block, you get a bigold jenga crash. Be careful. Dylan dreyers been known to play jenga thats going to bring it down. How much is this . 299. Jenga. Com. Wow. Thats a little pricey. There we go. Here it goes does that count . And there goes the jenga. Dont invite dylan over for jenga. Stop in golf we know its all about the short game. Yes. This is puttputt. We made these, but you can get these starting at 30 on amazon. You can get all shapes and sizes. This is such a fun back yard game. I love it. The kids love it. And our interns apparently love it, as well. Pretty good. Pretty good. Fun. This you can get on amazon. Yes. Now this this is the coolest. This is my favorite this morning. There we go. What is this called . This is bumper soccer. Now last weekend, my son had six of his friends over. We got these, and they were playing for hours. Its great workout, isnt it . Is the object to knock the other person over, as well . Pretty much. You want to bang into each other and have fun. Nobody gets hurt because youre covered in all this plastic and air, and its fun. I think you should knock him over. I think you should knock him over. Two of our interns here, as well. And these are 160 off of amazon. Also at amazon. Cool. Thank you very much. Sheinelle, what do you have . This is pretty cool. With me now trying to think, dana, excuse me. This is cool. Listen, a lot of people have grills already. Look at the accessories that you can have. Are you grailing guy, craig, meflin . I love to are you a grilling guy, craig melvin . I love to grill. Lets talk about how to add flavor. These are cedar wood wraps this. Is from wild willard grilling. What were going to do is wrap the vegetables, the meat, to really add in that cedar flavor, any other kind of smoky flavor. Mm. So that same shop, wildwood grilling, also makes grill planks. This is a variety pack. This is 25. It comes in hickory, maple, cedar, all different kind. You can taste which one is your favorite of the woods. This is really great. And youre going to pop it right on top of the grill, the same way to add in that flavor. Nice. Yeah. Now to add into your charcoal, you can get smoke and spirits. These are actually bourbon grill chips. Please, i like to eat it. These are bourbon grill chips. And theyre actually made from reclaimed bourbon barrels. Reclaimed bourbon barrels. Yes. Yes. This this is only 10 for this. Smoking spirits is the shop name. And tools . Yes, for every grillmaster, you need your toolkit. This is actually personalized just for you. Oh, see weve got everyones name on it. That is so nice. I have my own grilling tools, sheinelle. I can give that to no. Very nice. This is only 17. This etsy shop is backroa backroad peezy. You can choose the font, initials, full names, whatever. Nice. This is my speed. Theyre hanging out right now. This is cool. Outer bank hammock chairs. Whats great is that you get the comfort of a hammock but in the patio chair. Thats cool. Theyre also drinking a nice glass of wine out of these Great Outdoor wine tables. This is a great idea. We had them personalized for you at the today show. You can personalize it with anything you need. Holds the glasses, the bottle, the cheese plate. Cute. Clever. How much is this . This is 33. This is faircref usa. To keep your nitrogen chanted and sparkly, we have lanterns here from bomo lutra shop. You can hang them in your trees so you have a nice little nighted light. Invite me to your house . Any time. Any time. Etsy. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next, looking for a refreshing dish to welcome the first weekend of summer . Dont go anywhere. Good, we get to eat now, too. From wine to dinner. Discover card. How can i help you . Oh, youre real . You know im real at discover, were always here to talk. Good, cause i dont have time for machines. Some Companies Just dont appreciate the power of conversation you know, i like you i like you too at discover, we treat you like youd treat you. Get the it card and talk to a real person. Wiback like it could used to . Neutrogena hydro boost water gel. With hyaluronic acid it plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. For supple, hydrated skin. Hydro boost. From neutrogena the average familys it stood up to 2 rookies,me a problem child named rufus. And 3 little angels. Behr premium plus ultra. The number one rated exterior paint that makes you feel like a pro. Only at the home depot. You know new pantene. R tangles the minute you wash it . The first shampoo with active prov nutrient blends fueling hair 100 stronger thats instantly smoother and tangle free. Because strong is beautiful. The best way to get together is with a treat you make together. Nonalcoholic juice drinks inspired by your favorite cocktails. [ plays chord ] like sangria. The taste will take you away. [ plays melody ] [ plays castanets ] [ melody stops ] got carried away. This morning on today fo , food, were in the kitchen with one of our favorites, Anthony Scotto. I feel like this might be the biggest display weve ever had on weekend today. Italian. He brought a great summer salad and pasta. Shall we dig in . Yes. Lets talk about a watermelon salad. Lets talk about a watermelon panzanella salad, italian, and talk about components to start. Okay. Can we do the grits so peek people can see we have the watermelon, check, what else . Cucumbers, red onion,. All the good stuff. All right. Were going to toast some croutons. Little salt, olive oil, pepper. This is what its going to look like. Can i give you a true confession . Ive never done by own croutons. Okay. Cucumbers, tomatoes. It is so fresh. Love it. Sicilian oregano. So you just let them sit in red wine vinegar. It is on the sea of sicily, that type of thing. The watermelon. Toss that together. And the sweetness of the watermelon is perfect together. What next . Eggplant melonaise. So were looking at this grid. This is what we need. We have our eggplant. Garlic, canned cherry tomatoes and again thats sicilian or rag know. You are going to have we are going to saute our eggplant then. You are going to brown it. Im trying to concentrate, but theyre making noises. Is it that good . Add the oregano. Then im going to add the cherry tomatoes. This looks amazing. Yes. All simple, by the way. Summertime, fresh, clean and simple. And it doesnt make your apartment a thousand degrees. Right. So this pan would have been good enough to use all day, by the way. Im just bringing that here now. Thats just cooped down. So this is the same thing. Same thing. How long . 20 minutes. Here is your pasta. We talked about that pasta. I think we liked that bite. We like the bite of that along with the eggplant. It is really nice. Ill take a little parmeshan cheese please. You could have just ripped that up a little bit. Its all right. No worries. All right. This is done. The only thing were adding to this, by the way, which makes the entire cheese is barrata cheese. Give me your plate. Let me have you taste this. When you get quiet thats how you know it is good. Thats how craig likes it. If you have, by the way, what we did and i didnt talk about it, we fried the crispy skins of the eggplant. Can i show people at home that . Do you see that . You are amazing, my friend. Happy saturday to you. Happy saturday. Let me tell everybody at home. Be sure to check out today. Com food to make a virtual tour of his kitchen and while youre there, check out this recipe. Have a great weekend, guys g. Coming up next, on today in the good morning, im kira klapper. Coming up next on today in the bay, new details about the ups shooting in San Francisco, including where the shooters weapons came from. Plus, pride weekend kicks off. We have the extra precautions to keep everyone safe. And a cooling trend is giving a break from an in tense heat wave but how how long. Vianey arana will tell us when to brace for more rising temperatures. Good saturday morning to you. It is 6 59. With a live look outside from emeryville toward the boiay bridge. And fog out there this morning, shows signs of a cooldown and i like it. Im kira clappa, vianey arana jo joins us with a look at the microclimate forecast. And we have that cool air and that is keeping the coast on a more normal temperature. In San Francisco, dense fog out there. We have deepening marine layer at about 1500 feet. And we could actually see it on the Doppler Radar. We can expect to see this kind of in undating San Francisco along the peninsula as well and it is going to stay fairly cloudy through most of the day but we can expect to see breaks of sunshine. Right now the temperatures fairly comfortable in san jose at 64 degrees. Mountain view 62. Livermore 59 degrees. And even in santa cruz, also at about 59 degrees. But if you notice, highs fore for today are climbing but they are going to be cooler because we are not seeing tripledigit heat on here. Further in into the interior valleys like antioch, it may climb into the mid90s but all in all fairly comfortable in the 80s. Say high of about 83 today and San Francisco down in the 60s. People are more than likely used to. Half moon bay 63 degrees. But we do have a chance of seeing some showers and ill tell you exactly where ahe

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