Transcripts For KNTV Today 20170621 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20170621

announces controversial changes that will impact millions of users. >> those stories, plus prince philip breaking overnight. the heart breaking photos of otto warmbier. the role for o.j. simpson and a surprise guest crashes a presidential news conference. today wednesday, june 21st, 2017. from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> and good morning, and good morning, everyone, thanks, for joining us on a wednesday morning a. morning that has us talking about a lot of severe weather, dangerous weather from coast to coast. >> we can show a live shot. this is new orleans the outer bands of tropical storm cindy are having a huge effect. waves crashing on to a boardwalk there. out west, no break from that record-making heat, making life miserable for tens of millions. we will get to al in a moment. we want to talk about the impact of that storm, kerry sanders is in position in new orleans for us, hi, kerry, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, tropical storm cindy is already hammering the area. can you see the waves crashing behind me here. this is not the gulf of mexico. this is lake ponchartrain. driving the winds that are expecting to exceed 60 miles per hour a. parking lot that's flooded out t. real secure is the rain will be up to 12 inches on what could be a slow moving storm, not just here in new orleans, but from florida all the way west to texas. gulf coast residents are bracing for the worst this morning as tropical storm as i understandy moves in from the gulf of mexico, packing dangerous winds and heavy rainfall, with severe flooding already hitting parts of louisiana. and along the florida pan hand him, businesses are shutting down. >> when you live in a beautiful place. >> reporter: the south bracing for what's to come as a different battle rages on in the west. scorching heat impacting more than 40 million residents, from colorado to california. brutal temperatures so hot, they're shattering records. death valley hitting 127 trees tuesday. >> it's like so hot, you can almost not breathe. >> reporter: the national weather service warning of a major risk for heat-related illnesses and even death. in arizona, paramedics are on high alert. as they're flooded with desperate calls. >> do you want us to get to you the hospital? >> reporter: sidewalks are buckling as they bake under the intense heat. here in new orleans the question, of course, after hurricane katrina so many years ago is the levy system and the pumps. the levy system has been mostly rebuilt d. pumps have been on for the last 24 hours, they're punk and if they can keep up, it is expected they can, they can do about 12 inches of water in a day. so if the slow moving storm comes in with 12 inches, well the pump should keep up, but there will be localized flooding. guys. >> kerry sanders, thank you very much. al steps in here. deemer's choice. where do you want to start? cindy or the heat? >> we will start with cindy, as we look again, just lake pan char tra ponchartrain causing those waves. we already seen severe flooding all the way up into georgia. last night around the atlanta area, we had many flooding. right now tropical storm cindy already, we got tornado watches up for a good portion of the gulf and what we have is called a pred saysive rain, predecessor rain event, a pre. this moisture ahead of it interacting with this stationary front, already enhancing the rain that's there. so we're looking today, cindy, right now, it's still 170 miles south-southwest of morgan city t. winds intensed overnight to 60 miles per hour. tropical storm warnings from texas to possibly, alabama, makes landfall early tomorrow morning. again, that doesn't matter. look how far in this goes. not just the folks along the gulf. all the way to the mississippi river valley. you will have to deal with extensive rain. three to five inches of rain from nashville down to houston, but back into the heart the meat of the gulf coast, we could be looking at 12 inches of rain or more. it will cause life-threatening flooding. out in the west, sacramento 108, las vegas 115. albuquerque 102. it continues this intense through tomorrow. denver will be 90 degrees. we start to see it finally breaking down by sunday. el paso, you'll cool to 95. albuquerque 89. still triple digits for tucson, las vegas and sacramento. san diego is the absolutely frigid temperatures in the upper 70s, but it's still another 48 hours of a peak. >> and we're only in june. >> a little early. >> al, thank you. we will check back in. there is a lot more to get to, including that closely watched special election in. ga. republican karen handel fending off the democrat john ossoff in the most expensive house race ever. a victory not just for her, for president trump as well. we have full coverage. gabe gutierrez, good morning to you. >> reporter: savannah, good morning. president trump tweeting his congratulations overnight to georgia's newest member of congress, republicans around the country this morning taking a victory lap. democrats had wanted this race to showcase the trump resistance. well, it fell flat. this morning the most expensive house race ever is over and republican karen handel is the new congress woman in georgia's 6th district. >> i really am honored to be able to stand before you tonight and so extraordinarily humbled. >> reporter: around $60 million spent, mostly from out of state, a heated battle viewed as a high stakes referendum on president trump t. commander-in-chief taking up the fight himself on twitter, weighing in again and again on what should have been a sleepy off year congressional race. >> and a special thanks, to the president of the united states of america. >> reporter: democrats saw an opening in the long-time gop strong hold after the president chose georgia congressman tom price for his cabinet. >> we showed the world that in places where no one thought it was impossible to fight, we could fight. >> reporter: john ossoff breaking donors from around the country. handel slammed the political newcomer for living just outside the district, taunting him as he voted. >> since my opponent can't do that today. >> reporter: democrats now wondering what's next? >> i think this movement is not done. you know, he's taught us how to fight and how to do it in a respectable way and i think we'll keep doing that until we can find a way to win. >> reporter: but for the gop, a key victory ahead of next year's mid-terms. >> and i give every georgian this promise, my promise to work every single day relentlessly to make our state and this country a better place. >> reporter: polling for this race has been extremely close until the very end, hands el wins by 4 percentage points n. south carolina, another special election. a republican also won. although that race was closer than expected. matt, savannah. >> gape gutierrez, thank you. there is another big talker in walk. that's the battle over health care. republican lawmakers are crafting new legislation behind closed doors. >> that is drawing complaints from democrats and now some top gop lawmakers are joining in. nbc national correspondent peter alexander is at the white house. he has the latest on this. good morning. >> reporter: matt, good morning. you are right. those complaints of secrecy bipartis bipartisan. there is an all republican senators meeting expected this morning to talk about it. their plan to hold a vote on the gop sweeping rewrite of the health care lous next thursday, just nine days from now. it's the best kept secret in walk. the not republican health care bill with republicans among being kept in the dark. >> we have been complaining like [ bleep ] when the democrats ran the affordable care act. now they're doing the same thing. >> reporter: that skrim echoing across the -- criticism echoing across the party. >> i'm a republican assigned to narrow some of the focus of this. i haven't seen the bill. >> reporter: senate majority leader mitch mcconnell refusing to give specifics and promising americans would have plenty of time to review it. >> we have been discussing all the elements of this endslessly for seven years. everybody pretty well understands it. i think this will be about as transparent as it can be. >> reporter: the questions the same as republicans raised about obamacare seven years ago, house speaker paul ryan addressing that issue with matt earlier this year. >> we're not writing some bill in the back program in harry reid's office like obamacare was written. we're going through the committee process. we're doing this step by step. we're having public hearings, we're having committees work on legislation. this is how the legislative process is supposed to be designed, not hatching a bill in the back room. >> reporter: a sick coverage for 23 million americans, cuts to medicaid, how deep should they go? and will the bill drive down the price of premiums? democrats ramping up the pressure. >> we will go down to the ceo see if they can tell us what is in the bill. >> reporter: three of them making a show live streaming their budget office. >> news flash, we didn't get the bill. >> reporter: press secretary sean spicer accusing the democrats taking themselves out of the mix. >> they chose not to make it very clear they didn't want to engage in this process. >> reporter: with questions swirling about his future role, spicer's return to the podium tuesday marked his first on-camera appearance in over a week. social media lighting up after steven steve ban none says tell your reporter sean got battered. among those chimeing in, chelsea chimeing in, fat shaming isn't a joke i find funny ever. >> reporter: tweeting democrats would do much better as a party if they got together with republicans on health care, tax cuts, security. he writes, obstruction doesn't work. this week, president trump told tech leaders the senate bill needs more heart. the future of health care, though, is in republican hands. they need 50 votes for the be ill to pass, meaning if three republicans vote against it, the bill fails, matt, savannah. >> all right. peter, thanks so much. now yet another terrorist attack in europe. this time in brussels belgium a. man was shot and killed by security forces after he blew up a small explosive device in the city's main train station. nbc has new developments in the investigation this morning. keir simmons is there, good morning. >> reporter: we are a short distance from this platform, an area surrounded by source behind me the marks on the ground where officials say a suitcase packed with nails and gas cannisters that only partially exploded. europe waking up to frightening and familiar images. the floor of brussels station scorched after another attempted terrorist attack. around 8:30 last night, a burst of flames, many feet high, he was close by and saw two explosions. the businessman from california took this picture. >> people were still running out. the soldiers started coming in, as i was leaving. >> reporter: this video recorded minutes after the attack, through the smoke, apparently, a glimpse of the suicide bombing suspect. lying on the floor. after the explosion, he was shot dead by soldiers. a european city, again, gripped by panic as people, including many tourists fled. europe has seen three attacks in three days and in the past three months, a wave of terror targeting britain, france and sweden. among the attacks in manchester, a bomb at an ariana grande concert. in the uk's capital, a knife attack on a london bridge. in paris, a man attacking a police officer with a hammer in front of notre dame. then sunday night in london, a van mounting a sidewalk and mowing down muslims leaving a prayer service. police in europe's capital city say the situation is under control this morning. brussels, the scene of a deadly isis attack last year, in which 32 were killed, by multiple explosions at the airport and the metro naomi this morning in brussels as the alleged attacker's house is searched, europe seemingly the target of unrelenting terror. and officials say the man was of moroccan descent and has never been to prison. this wave of attacks demonstrating whilst security services are able to react here effectively, savannah, they don't seem to be able to prevent these attacks. >> we have a lot open their hands, thank you. the president's son if law jared kushner is arriving in israeli this morning with ambitious hopes of laying the ground for a peace deal. he will meet benjamin netanyahu and president mahmoud abbas, they're calling it a part to keep the conversation going rather than launching a new phase in the peace process. another big story making news in that region, a shakeup at the top of saudi arabia's royal hierarchy. king salman has promoted his son 31-year-old mohammed bin salman to be the next in line to the throne. he replaces salman's nephew as crown prince. no reason for that change was immediately announced. now to the options being waived by the trump administration in the wake of a former detainee and college student otto warmbier. this as we see the final images of otto taken shortly before he was taken into custody. nbc's foreign correspondent andrea mitchell has the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, is vanna. the u.s. and china are meeting in washington to discuss options against north korea's missile and nuclear tests. all of this complicated as outrage is growing across america over the death of american students otto warmbier, the result of his treatment being held captive in the rogue nation. overnight a vigil at the university of virginia where otto warmbier would have graduated this spring t. white house and lawmakers consider options. >> the most powerful nation on earth. we have lots of options. >> reporter: most likely a travel ban for u.s. citizens. 1,000 americans go there each year and more economic sanctions t. 22-year-old college student seen here in these newly released photos, laughing, joking in his final days before being arrested, came back home to ohio last week and died monday after 17 months in north korean captivity. >> he should have been brought home a long time ago. >> reporter: president trump tuesday implicitly blaming his predecessor. >> frankly, if he were brought home sooner, i think the results would have been a lot different. he should have been home that same day. >> reporter: obama officials point out they brought back two americans and bringing back warmbier was a top priority. later mr. trump seemingly to excuse china for restraining the rogue regime, while i greatly appreciate the efforts of president xi and china, it has not worked out. he seemed opened to meet with kim jong-un. >> i would be honored to do it under the right circumstances. >> reporter: not any e any longer. >> north korea has committed a crime against humanity. they will probably not come clean and explain what happened. >> reporter: as otto warmbier's family prepares for his funeral. >> but there is also a different kind of good-bye. >> reporter: filled with promise and eerily prophetic. >> many of us will move far away and fought come back for a long time. >> reporter: today when the officials pete at the state department, meeting with top fine cheese officials. they will be pressing china to do more to restrain north korea, even while trying to figure out just what the president meant by hus somewhat confusing tweet saying china was trying to help, acknowledging his china policy has not worked. >> thank you. we got some big news from the world of business overnight. uber ceo travis kalanick announcing his resignation after months of controversy and speculation. busy correspondent jo learn kent has more on that. good morning. >> reporter: the uber ceo resigned after a group of people pressed him to step down, following scandal and setbacks. it marks the highest flying startup valued at nearly $17 billion with 14,000 employees. this morning, uber ceo travis kalanick is out of a job, stepping down as the ceo of the company he founded if 2009, amid what's called a shareholder revolt. in a statement given to the fork times and confirmed by nbc news, kalanick said i love uber more than anything in the world, at this difficult moment in my personal life, i have accepted the investor's requests, to step aside so ub kerr go back to building, last week the company announced kalanick would take a leave of absence, in part to mourn the death of his mother, that move apparently not enough to satisfy investors. the uber board of directors releasing a statement overnight reading, in part, this is a bold decision and a sign of his devotion and love for uber. by stepping away, he's taking the time to heal from his personal tragedy while giving the company room to fully embrace this new chapter in uber's history. uber's recent history has been littered with a series of scandals, just two weeks ago, at least between uber employees and staffers were fired amid a claim of sexual harassment, bullying and inappropriate behavior inside the company. it was sparked by a blog post that went viral when susan fowler describes unwanted sexual advances by her supervisors. adding to the problem, an uber driver arguing over the high end car services. >> they blame everything. >> sends them an e-mail. >> reporter: now a popular $70 billion share ride company is searching for a new ceo to take the wheel and drive it into the future. there is no obvious success for kalanick. the search is on for a new ceo. he is likely to stay on the board of directors and he will retain control of a majority of uber's voting shares. now, all of there is happening as the country tries to make good with thousands of drivers this week just adding a new tipping feature for customers. guys. >> all right, joe. thank you very much. let's turn back to mr. rockier who has the top story of the morning t. weather. >> that's right. we are looking at that heavy rain through the gulf coast. here in the northeast, we have a beautiful day on tap. there will be severe storms firing off later on in the plains and the pacific northwest looks spectacular with plenty of sunshine and seasonal temperatures. we will get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. ♪ (vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. (dad) she's all yours. (vo) but you get to keep the memories. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. a heat warning has been expanded into much of the east bay as well as the interior north bay and marin county where we see the shades of orange that is where temperatures could soar up to 106 degrees. san francisco will be much more comfortable and we'll have warmer temperatures tomorrow, but then it does cool down for the weekend. inland valleys still have one to two more days of extreme heat before temperatures come down during the weekend. latest weather, matt matt? >> all right, al. thank you very much. coming up, is o.j. simpson on the verge of being released from prison? a parole hearing now scheduled, as we get a new look at his life behind bars. and then, they're calling it the textalyzer. on a new "rossen report" the first look at a device that can tell police if you have used your phone while driving. and the controversy that surrounds it. first, on a wednesday morning, this is "today" on nbc. just ahead, how the amazon effect is changing in the way we buy everything. and speaking of shopping, hoda -- . . . ♪ i )m - -... ==topvo== three people are in custody .. after a high speed chase in 7:26 on your wednesday morning. i'm sam brock. the latest now, three people in custody after a high-speed chase in the south bay that ended with this this roll over crash. all of it unfolding a little bit after 1:00 this morning in san jose. deputies are not saying where the chase started or even how long this lasted, but it ended when the car struck a utility pole at story road and roberts avenue in san jose not very far away from happy hollow zoo. the witness tells us the driver lost control before the car flipped several times. the witness also says three people inside were trying to run before deputies were able to arrest them. they received medical assistance on scene for minor injuries. no curveballs in today's forecast. woe know what's going to be coming. >> it's going to be hot. the tri-valley under an excessive heat warning. it starts out nice and cool. we will see those high temperatures, though, rising into the triple digits for livermore, 106 in concord. morgan hill, 100 degrees. and we'll be in this the mid-90s for palo alto and san jose. napa expecting a high of 101. in oakland, 83. san francisco will be up to 79 degrees. we will have one more really hot day after today especially for the valleys as we will then see the temperatures slowly declipg as we head into the weekend. let's get an update on the roadways from mike. we're looking at smooth flow of traffic, traffic building from the dumbarton bridge to the peninsula. from half moon bay eastbound 92 we learned it's closed because of a head-on crash. we do not know how long it will take to reopen. use the alternate along the coast getting over to 280. back to you. >> mike, thank you very much. that will do it for us right now. we'll be back with more news in 30 minutes. ♪ ♪ (vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. (dad) she's all yours. (vo) but you get to keep the memories. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. west. another day of smothering temps. it's going to climb to 115 degrees this afternoon. al will have the latest just ahead. good morning, everybody. >> good morning. let us talk about some other stories in the headline. republican karen handel won georgia's special house election, avoiding what would have been a major upset for her party and the white house. democrats viewed this race as an early referendum on president trump ahead of next year's mid-term elections. >> there has been a major shake-up at uber overnight. nbc news has confirmed that travis kalanick has resigned. he said he accepted a request from investors to step aside. he's been marched red by accusa of harassment and sexual exploitation. >> and prince phillip was admitted to the hospital. he missed the queen's opening. we wish him well. >> we absolutely do. >> and o.j. simpson is back in the headlines. he's set to face a parole board hearing that could set him free after nearly a decade in prison. >> savannah, good morning. . o.j. simpson's parole hearing will take place on july 20th, less than a month away. he's been behind bars since 2008. if he's granted parole, he could be out of prison as early as october 1st. next month for the first time in four years, the public will get to see o.j. simpson. >> i am sorry for what has happened. >> he'll appear before a parole board 140 miles away. >> someone's behavior in prison alone is not the only factor being considered. >> reporter: the parole board will take a close look at the severity of the crime in question, the armed robbery of two men with o.j. memorabilia and they will conduct a risk assessment using a scorecard that factors in age of first arrest, disciplinary conduct over the past year and drug and alcohol use. they found he works in the prison gym and coaches sports teams. >> from what i've been told, the primary focus of his life is to get paroled right now. i'm tolds me on excellent behavior, he avoids problems when he can and that he really wants to be a free man. >> reporter: it's unclear who might speak at the parole hearing but under nevada law, testimony will be limited to simpson, his attorney and one relative or supporter along with victims of the crime. this case has no connection to the 1994 murders of simpson's ex-wife and nicole brown. >> if it doesn't fit, you must acquit. >> a jury found o.j. simpson not guilty in a case that captivated the people then and last year with the emmy-winning series "o.j. simpson followed by the documentary "o.j. made in america." on july 20th at the age of 70, the former football star will step into the spot light once again. four out of seven of the members of the parole board must vote in favor. the board's decision is final. unlike other states, in nevada there is no appeal to the governor. >> we'll be watching. thank you. >> we're talking about this storm cindy and the flooding it's bringing. that flooding is extending way inland. >> and we've got severe weather to talk about that's not related to cindy so let's get to it. cindy's still way off coast but you can see all that moisture coming on in here. so we've got this rainfall forecast through saturday, from the southeast louisiana coast all the way to the panhandle of florida. we could be looking at 12 inches of rain. look at how far up that rain spreads through saturday. so the flood risks today, we have a high risk from biloxi to pensacola to a moderate risk. this is east and north of the storm. tomorrow it makes landfall. look at how far up we have a risk of flooding, knoxville, memphis, atlanta. birmingham gets into a higher risk as well. plus with an approaching system, we've got 12 million people at risk today for severe weather. can't rule out tornadoes and large hail, potential from madison, tomorrow from lancing michigan, 28 million people at risk for severe weather. so we've got a very active system and an active map over good morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. we are at risk of excessive heat today especially for the south and interior valley reaching over 100 degrees. for the tri-valley we're up to 106 degrees in concord and antioch and for the peninsula we'll be in the mid-90s while it will be cooler along the coastline. san francisco reaching 80 in the mission district and the north bay today up to 101 degrees in napa. don't forget, get your latest weather on the weather channel on cable. >> couldn't help but notice not a lot of good news in that forecast right now. >> not right now. eventually it will be. >> al, thanks. >> just ahead, dramatic video of a runaway bus and the frantic attempts to stop it. >> but first, a new weapon in the fight against a danger on the roads. >> hi, good morning. i'm jeff rossen. coming up, a new device called the texta lyzer. if you get in an accident, police would be able to plug it in and download what apps you were watching. is this an invasion of privacy? using artificial tears often and still have dry eye symptoms? ready for some relief? xiidra is the first and only eye drop approved for both the signs and symptoms of dry eye. one drop in each eye, twice a day. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. remove contacts before using xiidra and wait at least 15 minutes before reinserting. chat with your eye doctor about xiidra. happiness is powerful flea and tick protection from nexgard. nexgard kills fleas and ticks all month long. and it comes in an easy-to-give tasty chew. and that makes dogs and owners happy. no wonder vets love it too. reported side effects include vomiting, itching, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. see your vet for more information on flea and tick protection you and your dog will love. nexgard. the vet's #1 choice. afi sure had a lot on my mind. my 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unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. both made eliquis right for me. ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. "america" by simon and garfun [ snoring ]ental) [ deep sleep snoring ] the all-new volkswagen atlas. seats seven, sleeps six. life's as big as you make it. ♪ welcome back, welcome back, everybody, this morning on rossen reports the controversial new device for police that can tell i . welcome back, everybody. the controversial new device of police that can tell if you've been texting. >> it's meant for safety but does it invade privacy? jeff, it's a little controversial. >> it is controversial. think of it like a breathalyzer but for your phone, tracking every tap and click you make. police would use it to see if you were texting and driving and distracted. it would allow officers to get that information from your phone right on the spot, right on the street without a warrant. this morning you're about to see how it works. watch this head-on collision caught on camera in massachusetts. police say the driver admitted she was texting when she slammed into this jeep. luckily no one was seriously hurt. and this driver in florida swerving across the road before hitting a tree and flipping over. he was able to crawl out to safety, admitting to police he was using his phone. texting and driving is illegal in 47 states and d.c. now this new device called the textalyzer is aiming to crack down. how does it work? he we're here at the headquarters that developed this technology. this is it, about the size of an ipad. >> yes. >> you were the officers, what would do you? >> i'd say please, plug this into your phone. >> what if i choose not to? >> there are consequences. >> you'll know if i swiped on an app and what app i was using? >> yes. >> even in the previous minutes before the accident? >> yes. >> we're going to do a little demo here. we're at the headquarters and we blocked off the entire big parking lot. so when you see me texting and on the phone and facebook messaging, don't get concerned, i'm not on the real road. i'm going to hop in there and we're going to see if it works. don't try this at home. first, i send a message on what's app. >> hey, chris, how are you? >> i check out facebook. one of my favorites. i even answer a call. hello. and send a text message, too. hi. how is it going? sent. when i'm done wreaking havoc in the parking lot, i pull over and we plug in the textalyzer. >> phone data is being analyzed. i can see that you opened what's app at 2:45. there were several facebook activity, you received an incoming call at 2:59 and you sent an sms at 3:00. >> so police can pinpoint down to you were driving then and that was ament before the accident? >> yes, and that's very important. >> but privacy advocates say it's just too intrusive and police should need a warrant for that kind of access. >> there's no guarantee when you hand your cell phone over to a police officer that that officer won't be looking at or copying all kinds of personal data about you. >> we talked to the critics. we explain we're not getting anything about what was said in the text or who it was said to. just the touches and swipes. >> it is still a prototype. the company wants police to have the textalyzer but they can't have it until states pass legislation allowing it. right now lawmakers in new york are trying to do just that and under the bill, your license could be suspended if you refuse to hand over your phone. now lawmakers in new jersey, tennessee and the city of chicago, they want to do it, too. >> in your introduction, you said texting and driving's illegal in 47 states. we immediately went and started to do this. >> it's missouri, partial ban and montana. >> in most states it's illegal. >> thank you very much. >> we'll see what carson is doing in the orange room. no breathalyzer there thankfully. >> no, not yet. >> senator rubio trying to greet ivanka on capitol hill and, yes, awkwardness ensues. daily hair damagen stop before it happens ...with these roses. one is treated with dove. both are exposed to damaging heat. the rose without dove is dry and brittle. dove deeply nourishes and stops 90% of daily hair damage before it happens. i wish you were here. i miss home. ♪ ♪ for those who find a way. always unstoppable. hi. oh, hi! welcome to the neighborhood. i brought you this pie to see if you're weird. wow, that smells intrusive. it is. did you want to come in, maybe snoop around a bit? 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[yelling] yeah, that's not gonna work. bring out your best you with the refreshing taste of tropicana. pshare the same values in helping others.lo that's why we support service dogs for heroes. we provide well-trained service dogs for veterans in need. our goal? to raise $1 million. visit petsmart to donate at the register. petsmart for the love of pets. nearly fifty years at of experiencety, has taught us that we're not so different. we all want to be healthy humans. we all want strong bodies for our families, who we love... most of the time. the drive to whip up a gourmet dinner... or order out, and destroy the evidence. and healthy hearts to pursue our passions, celebrate friends' victories... and endure their endless victory dances. we get it, you're good at bowling. that's why nature's bounty packs our nearly fifty years of wisdom into all we make. because we're all better off healthy. wearing powerful sunscreen? yes! neutrogena® ultra sheer. no other sunscreen works better or feels so good. clinically proven helioplex® provides unbeatable uva/uvb protection to help prevent early skin aging and skin cancer all with a clean light feel. for unbeatable protection. it's the one. the best for your skin. ultra sheer®. neutrogena®. see what's possible. we're back. 7:50. boy, do we love a good awkward moment in washington. don't we, carson? >> a few of them. this was a good one, savannah. the hug seen around the world. marco rubio with ivanka trump. but all they could talk about was a perfectly timed photo of rubio hugging ivanka, who looks caught off guard. this spread across social media like wildfire. attaching the jerry seinfeld, that's the kesha nonhug. rubio himself tweeting, just left intel comm and informed meeting with ivanka trump, blowing up twitter over failed hug. ivanka joins in. writing anonymous sources say mark coe rubio planned the alleged failed hug. i have no comment. but i would have hugged him anyway. and rubio looks busted right there. that face says this is going viral. and based on review of evidence and my own recollection, no hug and my own recollection, no hug happened. ( ♪ ) a dog's big life is measured in wags. and when you feed your dog nature's recipe, you fuel the wag with our 35-year history of premium recipes like chicken, sweet potato and pumpkin. ( ♪ ) (bark) the bigger the life, the bigger the wag. nature's recipe. fuel the wag. ♪ sun to the farm ♪ ♪ to the seeds that you sow ♪ ♪ seed to the oat ♪ to get made to an o ♪ put in the good and the good will grow ♪ ♪ good goes around and around and around ♪ ♪ good goes around and around... ♪ for more go, and less stop, you want oikos triple zero greek nonfat yogurt with 15g of protein per cup and 0 added sugar. it's a better fuel that helps you, be unstoppably you. ♪ ♪ hi guys. in the here. at the mall. on the mountain. at school. at the beach. in the big easy. yeah yeah today i want to show you guys the next-gen chevy equinox. what do you think? that's pretty. pretty sexy. it looks aggressive. but not overbearing. it's not too big. not too small. seems like the perfect car for anybody. i would take it anywhere. she's a bad mama jama. (laughter) current qualified gm lessees can get this introductory lease on the all-new 2018 chevy equinox for around $249 a month. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. non-alcoholic juice drinks inspired by your favorite cocktails. [ plays chord ] like sangria. the taste will take you away. [ plays melody ] [ plays castanets ] [ melody stops ] got carried away. right now, all your refreshing soft drink faves are just a buck. whether diving in or chilling poolside, stay cool while you check things off your summer bucket list. like summer, any size soft drinks for a dollar won't stick around long. only at mcdonald's. ( ♪ ) [laughs] ♪ you have a side that is retired ♪ ♪ playing tag and gettin' tired. ♪ ♪ you have a side that saves for their tuition. ♪ ♪ but right now it looks like bedtime is the mission. ♪ ♪ a side that owns your own store. ♪ ♪ looks like you need to expand some more. ♪ ♪ that's why there's nationwide. ♪ ♪ they help protect and grow your many sides. ♪ ♪ nationwide is on your side. daily hair damagen stop before it happens ...with these roses. one is treated with dove. both are exposed to damaging heat. the rose without dove is dry and brittle. dove deeply nourishes and stops 90% of daily hair damage before it happens. ♪ ♪ give extra. get extra. good wednesday morning. we are in a micro climate weather alert as we continue to track some hot temperatures. as we get a look at the fog in san francisco all nice and cool. low visibility in spots. we he do have a heat warning in for all of these areas shaded in orange that includes most of contra costa county, alameda county, and the interior valley for marin county today as temperatures could get as hot as 106 degrees. oakland will be at 83 degrees under a heat advise isry. 94 in palo alto and san jose. highs in the upper 70s. even warm er tomorrow. it does cool down in time for the weekend. the valleys will reach the peak of the heat for tomorrow up to 107 degrees. let's get an update on how the roads are moving now from mike. we're looking at a smooth drive. we have had this big problem in in the san mateo hills, eastbound 92 at skyline, a crash blocked the lanes. it was a head-on collision. folks are now moving back westbound, head back to half moon bay and up the coast from 280. 92 is not the way to get to the coast. they continue to build 101 as you cross over 17. and here is 92 over to the coast. whack to you. it is a major shake-up san francisco's uber after founder and ceo steps down. tr travis kalanick says major shareholders forced him to leave and start a new chapter for the company. last week kalanick took a temporary leave to mourn the death of his mother. on our home page you can find out what might be next for uber. concerns today about power outages with another flex alert issued for the bay area. in our twitter feed details on a new outage this morning not related to the heat but much closer look at just how high record temperatures have soared. that will do it for us. it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, to the extreme. as the gulf coast prepares for tropical storm cindy. >> the boats are tied up right now. they evacuated the gulf. >> triple-digit heat cripples the west. >> it's like so hot, you can almost not breathe. >> we're live with the latest conditions. plus, prime mover. with the acquisition of whole foods, is amazon looking to change the way you buy everything? from the death of malls to delivery by drone. what it means for the consumer at home. and amy poehler in the house. >> we're bad parents. remember that mother who threw her baby down a well? we're worse than that mother. >> the comedy superstar joins us live in studio 1a. we'll get the inside scoop on her latest role, today, wednesday, june 21st, 2017. ♪ you take me places >> you know what i think? i think today's a perfect day for a funky dance party. is it not? ♪ got a special facetime from overseas. who do you have here? >> this is my dad. he is deployed in japan. >> both: we love you, dad. >> love you. ♪ there's nothing holding me back ♪ >> i understand we have a surprise on the plaza. would you like to come out and show me your surprise? what does it mean, girls raised in the south? what does that -- >> grits is something you eat. so we just change it and say, hey, girls raised in the south because we're from georgia. >> good morning, everyone. welcome back to "today" on this wednesday morning. nice crowd outside. we'll get out there and say hello to those people about a half hour from now. >> that little girl can high kick. but matt's high kick is rockettes level. >> i'd be in the emergency room if i tried that. let's get to your news at 8:00. the outer bands of tropical storm cindy are slamming parts of the gulf coast. this is the scene in new orleans this morning. cindy gained strength overnight. moved much closer to shore. flooding has already started in georgia and louisiana. the storm could dump more than a foot of rain. and some voluntary evacuations are under way. businesses in the florida panhandle are shutting down until that violent weather passes. alabama is under a state of emergency. >> meanwhile, tropical storm cindy is also being blamed for severe turbulence that injured a dozen people onboard a flight on tuesday. miguel almaguer is in houston. the plane landed safely there. miguel, good morning. what happened? >> reporter: hey, savannah, we're told the turbulence was so violent on that flight, some passengers were tossed around like rag dolls. more than a dozen were injured. including one woman who was slammed into the ceiling. all this happening at more than 30,000 feet. the injured rushed away by ambulance. among those hurt, teens, grandparents and a crew member on1031, with 160 passengers onboard. >> i do need you to keep your taxi speed up as much as feasible. i have a medical emergency. >> reporter: the flight from panama city to houston experienced severe turbulence 80 miles east of cancun, on the edge of cindy, which turned into the gulf of mexico tuesday. after landing safely in houston, firefighters boarded the plane. >> there was about 14 or 18 people that, you know, were kind of like grabbing or saying, hey, i want to go to the hospital. >> reporter: the turbulence struck the 737 mid flight with no warning, causing at least 14 injuries. seven people hospitalized. >> complaints range from anxiety, chest pain, shortness of breath. that was several people. most of them complained of mostly just, you know, bumps and bruises. and neck pain. >> reporter: turbulence can cause damage on flights, like on this one last month, it is rare. this morning, 160 passengers in houston relieved their flight is over and they're now safely back on the ground. this morning, we're told everyone who was hospitalized has since been released. airlines say while this incident is certainly scary, it's a reminder, always stay pubuckledp in the air. >> miguel, thank you. president trump is congratulations karen handel who claimed victory overnight in georgia's high-stakes house race. gabe gutierrez is outside of atlanta with the results. good morning to you. >> reporter: this race was closely watched across the country. the most expensive house race ever. president trump, as you mentioned, tweeting overnight, congratulating georgia's newest member. republicans around the country taking a victory lap. more than $60 million were spent on this race. mostly from out of state. democrat jon ossoff was in a tight race with republican karen handel, who now welcomes the first gop congresswoman elected from georgia. >> and i give every georgian this promise. my promise is to work every, single day, relentlessly, to make our state and this country a better place. >> reporter: democrats had wanted to make this race a referendum on president trump and his policies. but the party is 0 for 4 in recent special elections. many are wondering how the party will recover before next year's midterm elections. matt? >> all right, gabe. thank you. some scary moments in brooklyn overnight, when a runaway city bus rolled backward for several blocks. it hit ten different parked cars before it finally came to a stop. it slammed into a church at the end. nobody was hurt. the bus driver just forgot to put the bus in park. he left it in neutral. so, an investigation is under way. that's so lucky that no one was hurt in that. >> that thing's moving. >> fast. a lot more for you this morning, including how the amazon effect is changie ining everything from how we shop for clothes. did daniel day-lewis quit acting for good? and jill's next round of the hottest summer "steals & deals" ever. all that plus amy poehler all that plus amy poehler the average family's new, but old, home: all that plus amy poehler it stood up to 2 rookies, 3 terrible two's, and a one-coat wonder named "grams". it survived multiple personalities, 3 staycations, and 1 tiny announcement. behr. number one rated interior paint, exterior paint and stain. protecting and perfecting since 1947. only at the home depot. for some, it's going the distance. and for some, it's going for 8 and a half hours of high-performance sleep. with beautyrest's innovations and technology, sleep performance is the new performance. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ it's about moving forward, not back.t. it's looking up, not down. it's being in motion. in body, in spirit, in the now. boost® high protein it's intelligent nutrition with 15 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for when you need a little extra. boost® the number one high protein complete nutritional drink. be up for it ♪ the best way to hit the beach? with neutrogena® beach defense® sunscreen. helioplex™ powered, uva uvb strong. beach strength protection for the whole family. for the best day in the sun. neutrogena®. is thno, it's, uh, breyers gelato indulgences. you really wouldn't like it. it's got caramel and crunchy stuff. i like caramel and crunchy stuff. breyers gelato indulgences. it's way beyond ice cream. and in this swe see.veryday act, when we give, we receive. ♪ bee to the hive to the comb combing that honey. into some gold gold to the o. it's the yum in your bowl good goes around...and around, and around. good goes around and around. for more go, and less stop, you want oikos triple zero greek nonfat yogurt with 15g of protein per cup and 0 added sugar. it's a better fuel that helps you, be unstoppably you. non-alcoholic juice drinks inspired by your favorite cocktails. [ plays chord ] like sangria. the taste will take you away. [ plays melody ] [ plays castanets ] [ melody stops ] got carried away. welcome back on a wednesday morning. this week's announcement that amazon is planning to buy whole foods made shock waves beyond the grocery aisle. >> jo ling kent has more on that. jo, good morning. >> reporter: good morning again, you guys. with amazon adding whole foods to its arsenal, it seems like there's no industry that ceo jeff bezos won't try to congresser. amazon is betting big on this small but growing industry, installing his influence as the king of logistics, leaving everyone wondering what he will disrupt next. when amazon moves into the neighborhood, it usually means a seismic shift for consumers and retailers. >> amazon coming in here, shaking things up. it will be good for the consumer. it will be a better experience in stores and maybe over time lower prices. >> reporter: but amazon's purchase of whole foods has traditional retailers, from big chains to mom and pop stores, we thinking their own future. the convenience of ordering online is placing new burdens on smaller, independent stores, as amazon delivers everything, from toiletries to clothing to electronics in just a click. 100,000 retail workers have lost their jobs since october. and 25% of malls are expected to close by 2022. as shopping migrates to your phone and laptop, amazon is already dominating nearly half of all online shoppin ingping. and its porch of whole foods is expecting to put new pressure on the grocery industry, to innovate or perish. john mackey telling his employees after the deal was announced, i think we're going to see a lot of technology. i think you'll see whole foods markets evolve in leaps and pounds. perhaps, stores without checkouts or cashiers, where your every move is tracked by artificial technology and ail go rhythms. >> you have to offer customers options. that's what people are demanding now. >> reporter: and this week, amazon introducing its prime wardrobe service, delivered to your doorstep. just the latest retail disruption. >> amazon's record of dominance sends a shutter of concern through the supermarket industry. peapod is the country's internet grocer. but they say they welcome healthy competition. and that there's plenty of shoppers to two around. >> i don't think anybody saw this coming. so, inevitably, the question becomes, do you see it as a threat? or do you see it as an opportunity? we see it as both. >> reporter: as ceo jeff bezos makes an aggressive move, another industry bracing for what comes next. >> our strategy doesn't change. it makes us feel a lot more bold and aggressive about making big bets. >> reporter: the whole foods acquisition is not a done deal. the market is bracing for a possible bidding war if an amazon rival puts in a better offer. earlier this week, whole foods shares closed more than a dollar higher than what amazon paid. that indicates the grocery wars are far from over. guys? >> that's interesting. jo, thank you very much. kids, you ready to trend? >> yes. >> i have the topic today. it's my day. we're parents at the table. we have shared a photo or two with a family and friend and online. here's the question -- has anyone ever mom shamed you or dad shamed you after posting a photo? >> in what way? >> i put my daughter out, and under an umbrella. and they were like, why doesn't she have glasses on? >> that's happened to me when vale was a baby. and one second, her skin has never seen the light of day. why doesn't she have a hat? yes. >> you're not alone. a new study from the university of michigan found that 60% of the women polled have been criticized for their parenting style. celebrities get it all the time. chrissy teigen, she gets criticized for the way she holds her baby, dresses her baby. she shared a picture of her daughter, luna, with a diaper. she stopped the trolls, this diaper is never not blue. don't start with me. that's the little line in the front. remember when ryan reynolds was on the "today" show. he was criticized after they shared this picture-his daughter. they said the daughter wasn't fastened properly in the carrier. he said, i made a mistake. my favorite of all-time, though, kelly clarkson. >> oh, nutella. she posted this picture-her daughter chowing down. nutella is packed with sugar. giving food is like child abuse. that's what they wrote to her. my favorite is kelly's response. this is what she did. a few days later, she posted this image of her son's first birthday, inhaling birthday cake. >> like a kid should. >> it's ridiculous. >> but sometimes it's not just people online. it's like family members. husbands, wives, saying why don't you do it like that? >> what's that instinct that you put a picture up and somebody wants to say -- scrutinize and look for what you've done wrong. what's that what about? >> people feel proprior tear. if al does weather, i'll get 100 -- i see your head behind al. like, people look for the -- >> we can see your body. just your head. >> what do you have there? >> they want to find something to criticize. >> trollers going to troll. we'll get to "pop start." one of hollywood's best actors throwing in the towel. daniel day-lewis is retiring from acting. his spokeswoman confirming the news saying daniel day-lewis will no longer will be working as an actor. this is a private decision that neither he nor his representatives will make any further comment on this subject. the actor has won three oscars for best actor. he has one more movie set to come out on christmas day. that's crazy, right? >> such a good actor. >> maybe like boxing, he'll make a comeback eventually. big changes to the "star wars" spin-off. only a few weeks left. the directors of the han solo movie. they are parting ways. only a few weeks left, on the still untitled film. lucasfilm's president saying, we had differences on this film. a new director will be announced soon. they are also confirming the news with their own statement. we aren't fans of the phrase creative differences. this is true. we're amazed at the work our cast and crew have done. release for that still expected to be on may 2018. >> maybe they should call it creative differences. >> rogue 1 and t2 worked out. chris pratt and anna ferris. chris has been getting back in shape. but his wife, anna, getting the last laugh. posting this picture of a buff chris pratt to twitter. you can't send me a photo and expect me not to tweet it. and it looks like chris' diet has paid off. let's get to your daly click today. we don't always show uf a presidential news conference. but this is a little different. this is costa rica's president talking to reporters. all of a sudden, a little bug -- a bug flew right in his mouth. >> show it again. watch the bug. oh. yummy. >> he swallowed it? >> he laughs it off. he said, i ate it. i ate the wasp. you see the reporter in the background, disgusted. the president looking at the bright side saying, and i quote, pure protein. >> remember when mark potter did that? >> that reminds us of one of the wildest "today" show moments. carson, were you here for this? >> oh, yeah. >> watch this bug. oh. >> he got it on the inhale. >> at least he inhaled it. costa rica's president chewed. >> oh, yeah. unfortunate. >> wow. >> that's no fun on a live shot. that's your "daly click." al? >> let's get the latest from the national hurricane center. this just in on what the latest is on tropical storm cindy. and the latest, not much of a change. it's moving northwest at eight. 165 miles southwest of morgan city, louisiana. storm warnings from the texas coast all the way to the mobile, alabama area. friday morning, it's inland and continues inland into saturday. so, we're looking at a widespread area of heavy rain. the concentrated area, the greatest flood risk going to be from new orleans to the florida panhandle. isolated rainfall amounts. three to five inches, all the way up, as far north as nashville and heading into the ohio river valley. that's wha good morning, i'm meteorologist kari hall. we still have a thin layer of fog rolling across san francisco looking toward twin peaks, and the temperature is nice, 59 degrees. as we go through the day we'll see highs in san francisco up to 79. 83 in oakland and still some really hot temperatures for the inland valleys. napa will be up to 101 degrees today. concord 106. livermore 103, and 100 in morgan hill. it will be a degree or two hotter for tomorrow. >> and that is your latest weather. hoda? >> al, thank you so much. all right. we have reached the midway point of our sizzling summer "steals & deals." jill martin started with things at 100 bucks. then, 75. today, we're dropping it down to 50 bucks or less. love it. we are sitting on these beautiful towels. >> we thought this was the perfect segment for you because you love summer. today is the first day. let's start with oversized beach towels. luxor linen beach towels. look how large they are. >> and soft. and soft, too. >> you get a set of two. >> yes? >> they come in ten colors. the retail is $175. the deal, $49. that's for two. 72% off. >> what? okay. be careful getting off. >> gracefully getting up here. >> you got it. >> moving on. >> what's next? >> it's lois -- it's the name of -- donna's birthday. she's eyeing these neck losslac. the celeste or the celia. it's superpretty. and the celia is the drop necklace. these are great to layer if you have things. >> i can picture like a sun dress and putting that on. gorgeous. >> the retail is $120. the deal is $38. 68% off. >> let's get athletic. >> everyone knows you wake up at 4:00 a.m. and run outside. it's true. these are perfect. the altra running sneakers. $165 is the retail. they're made off -- they're made of reflective material. >> you can go at night. >> they're good in low light situations. people know you're coming and going. men's and women's. you can go on to see all of the versions of them. 165. the deal, $49. >> what? >> 70% off. and there's free shipping. >> by the way, they're kind of cute. all right. >> moving over here. >> cover-ups. >> love this, obviously. day-to-night. you're supercasual over the summer. you can wear them with flip-flops, with or without the belt. the retail, $168. they're calling it the sand and sea club cakaftan. and our plaza. the retail, $168. $39, 77% off. >> you can wear it over a bathing suit. the way you would do, jill martin. are we sitting? >> let's sit. >> i like the pillows. >> okay. our little beach setting here. the retail $99 to $159. indoor/outdoor styles. some say summer some say sunshine. they're machine-washable. they're slip covers. $89 to $159. $29, up to 82% off. we have tons of deals on, that's not all. things are selling out superquickly. >> no wonder. we keep going lower and lower. let's go through the products one more time. the beach towels. where are they from? >> they are from luxor linens. >> we like those. what else? >> the lapis lois jewelry. >> love that. >> we have the stacy wu kaftan. and the frog hill pillows. >> you did an awesome job as usual. thank you so much. tomorrow we go down to $25? >> $25 and friday. >> going to be worth it. we'll be back right after this. look who we have here, guys. amy poehler. she has a great new movie called "the house." crazy nickname. you're the burner. >> i know. i go into the dark side in this movie. >> we cannot wait to see amy on the ==sat== we start with a live look at the airport in flint michigan .. wh good morning to you, it is 8:26 on your wednesday. i am sam brock. we start out of flint, michigan, and the airport there. these are live pictures that you're looking at. the airport has been evacuated after a police officer was stabbed. we are having some trouble with our connection. again, that is flint, michigan. a woman saw a man with a knife and also saw a police officer bleeding from the neck. police evacuated the airport to investigate. we are told there is no longer any threat. here at home, four juveniles now in custody after a high-speed chase in san jose that ended in a rollover crash. it happened at story road and robert avenue and it unfolded a little after 1:00 this morning. you can see the medical personnel on scene. deputies say that the driver of the car swerved to avoid a dog in the road and treated those there on the scene. let's get a look of your traffic, how's it looking, mike? >> we're looking at the slowing, westbound 80, the bay bridge. look at where the arrow is. normally if there's a problem at treasure island, we'd see traffic backing up there but we don't see that from the pattern. although there's a stall somewhere around there. right now metering lights are helping out. 92 still has that issue, head-on collision 92 at 35 causing major complications, cutting off 280 from highway 1, so you have to use the alternate from the coast over to sharp park. there's the rest of your bay. back to you. >> we'll be back in just 30 minutes. [ crickets chirping ] [ light music playing ] you've wished upon it all year, and now it's finally here. the mercedes-benz summer event is back, with incredible offers on the mercedes-benz you've always longed for. but hurry, these shooting stars fly by fast. lease the c300 for $399 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] 8:30, now. it's wednesday morning. it's the 21st of june. this is the first official day of summer. we're doing it right here on the plaza. beautiful outside. on friday, we have a huge concert, one of our favorites, andy grammer. >> love him. >> just amazing. i have to introduce you to someone on the plaza. this is brad, he's going to my alma mater, the university of arizona, this fall. bear down. >> bear down. >> you wanted to be a pi phi. a six pack of beer would have been the way to do it. i'm sure that's not true anymore. >> thank you so much. >> congratulations. >> it will be fun. >> it's 120 degrees there today. >> good thing i'm not there. >> it's a dry heat. congrats. >> savannah holds the beer pong record there. good luck breaking that. >> we're so proud. just ahead, we're winning. look who is here. amy poehler is here. she stars in the new movie called "the house." and we're grilling up a great summer meal that's bursting with flavor. and it's good on the health side, as well. >> yum. >> looks good. you probably noticed our buddy, charlie, isn't here. he's on the road, touring major league baseball stadiums. and his latest stop took him to citizens bank park, the home of the phillies, where charlie delivered the ball to the pitcher's mound, as you see right there, the ceremonial first pitch, thrown out by a military veteran. and it was caught by phillie phanat phanatic. we were there for the dnc. we had a lot of fun. charlie loved the phanatic. >> we miss charlie. mr. roker, a check of the weather? >> we do. besides worrying about cindy, the pacific northwest looks spectacular. plenty of sunshine. we have that dangerous heat wave continuing in central california all the way to the southwest. torrential rain ahead of cindy. and for tomorrow, more sunshine along the west coast, into the pacific northwest. the heat continues in the southwest. and heavy flooding likely, making its way into the central gulf coast and the mid we are almost to the peak of the heat, still dealing with some really hot weather inland. and in concord today, expect a high up to 106 degrees. livermore is going to top out at 103, morgan hill 100 degrees, napa 101. then we do see in these areas where we have a heat advisory in effect, temperatures reaching into the 80s and 90s. cooler along coast. half moon bay will be up to 67 and san francisco today will see a high of 79 as the fog clears. >> hey. don't forget, as important as it is, make sure you get your weather whenever you need it. check out our good buddies at the weather channel only on cable and your mobile tv app. savannah? >> al, thank you so much. in the new movie "the house," amy poehler and will ferrell turn underground casino managers. it's a drastic move to pay for their daughter's college tuition. >> we're bad parents. that mother who threw their baby down the well, we're worst than them. >> we always tell the truth. that's what we say. >> i think we should do it. >> not going to do it. >> me, neither. >> we have to lie. that's what parents do. we don't know what we're doing. >> isn't that the truth? amy, good morning. we're going to play roulette. >> i'm excited. >> are you a gambling woman? >> i'm not at all. >> should i be scared? >> i like to go like this. i like to spread it out and say, give me all of it. ma'am, you can't bet like that. >> house wins. i love the premise of this movie. you said, it is never too late to do the wrong thing. >> i like this couple are united in their dumb idea. they know each other well enough and they still love each other, which is nice to show a marriage still thriving. >> and they're doing it for their kid. they open a casino in their friend's basement. and they really get into it. >> they do. they start to act like what suburban parents would assume casino owners should act like. so, my character goes to the costume shop and buys a red fedora. and will starts wearing dark suits. >> this gets gory. your nickname is the burner. >> right. >> what does the burner do? >> what does she do? she terrorizes people with fire. >> as one does. >> yeah. >> you and will, i think you've been in a movie -- in the same movie. but you never got to share screen time. >> he's the greatest. i love working with him. he's funny and nice and normal. and commits 100%. so, i really wanted to work with him closely. >> what's the dynamic? is it, like, i'm going to take crazy to the next level. >> well, i think will and i both approach our characters in a similar way. we really love confident, dumb people. >> lethal combination. >> yeah. so, we both went for it all the time. and he's such a fun partner to play around with, that it was a blast. >> and i hear that in the movie, your character's name is kate. >> yes. a name every woman needs to have in a movie. >> kate or the burner. >> yeah. >> but she had a college nickname. you remember what it was? >> it was smoke weed and pee outside kate. >> it's long and not catchy. did you have a college nickname? >> i didn't. >> if there were a nickname, what would it have been? >> it would probably have been fold laundry and watch "30 something." >> come on. no? really? write in your diary, amy. >> i did not have a party nickname. >> you didn't? you weren't a party girl? >> were you a party girl? >> maybe a little bit? yes. i was. >> own it. do not have to feel bad about that. >> no. >> i think i did my share of partying. but i was in an improv group and a good student. i didn't really -- i didn't really blow it out until just last night. >> exactly. tell me about that. get a little crazy. >> yeah. i'm just waiting to party until i'm in my 50s. >> stay up until 9:00. watch "this is us." >> i really went for it. >> you have a show coming out called "the handmaid project." >> we're still casting for you older people out there. we need you. but yeah. it's a show that nick offerman and i are hosting. we're celebrating makers. people who make things. >> nick loves to woodwork. >> he's an amazing crafter. i know nothing about it. the combination is fantastic. >> i thought maybe you would be a crafter. >> i want -- >> enough talking, ladies. let's play. >> carson, we're -- >> the burner, how are you? >> going to play the roulette wheel. >> the crafting show. that makes sense. here we go. >> neither of us know how to play. >> a second or two here. let's go. bets close in about ten seconds. >> even. even. >> here we go, laid ladies. black 17. >> that's you. >> smoke weed and pee outside wins. >> i always win. >> you two out to smoke weed and pee outside. >> not -- do we bet again? >> bet again. new number. red or black. you can pick a number. >> really don't. >> about ten seconds. we're going to close betting, ladies. bets are closed. red 19. >> oh. >> come on. >> big money. no whammies. >> the house won. >> ooh, good segment. "the house" is the name of your movie. opens in theaters next friday, june 30. also known as june 30th. coming up next, what you can do to keep injuries at bay while trying to reach your summer fitness goals. first this, is "today" on nbc. feel the burn. all right. welcome back, everyone. if you're thinking of sidelining your workout this morning because of a couple of aches and pains, don't untie your sneakers just yet. we have simple at-home fixes to get you back in traction and get you back in motion, as well. dr. jordan metsle is a sports medicine physician at the hospital for special surgery in new york city. good morning. >> good morning, matt. >> what a wonderful, wonderful hospital. >> thank you. >> you believe in preventative medicine. this is like a car. >> taking care of your body is like taking care of a car. i'm going to teach people to take care of the kinetic chain. all of the muscles tip-to-toe. and by making them more flexible, people can keep them running for miles. >> as opposed to dealing with it after it breaks down. weekend warriors feel a little pain and push through it. is that the idea? >> i want people to take care of the problems at the beginning. but if it changes how they move or walk or run, they have to touch base with their doctor. >> we will talk about the knee, the shoulder and the back. let's start with knees. what's the most common injury people have when it comes to the knee? >> got you. i see knee problems in my office all the time. arthritis and runner's knee. i want people to learn how to do exercises to make those better. dale is working on a foam roller. >> you love these things. >> this is releasing the muscles around the knee. people think, i have arthritis on my knee. they can loosen the muscles. and phil will show us some strength training, doing some squats. what he's doing is strengthening the muscles around the knee. >> phil is doing it without weights. do you recommend that people use light weights. >> he has weights in front of them. as soon as they do it without weights, they can build in weights. >> form is important. you have to make sure you're doing it properly. >> form, people think, my knee aches, i can't do it. the more they build strength, the better they feel. >> let's move to the back. i missed a couple of days of work with a bad back. when we talk about backs, what's the most someone injury? >> the muscular back spasm. a pinched nerve can be painful. the same thing, flexibility and strength. we have meghan who is pregnant here, working on the foam roller on her back. she is using it on her back. do you have one at home? >> i do not, no. they haven't got me on that yet. do you recommend people do this every day? every other day? >> every day. it helps loosen up the muscles. the muscle around the spine protects the spine. this helps a lot. >> here, we talk about flexibility. >> avery is going to show us what's called a flaplank. a plank is an isometric strength exercise. she is strengthening the front and the back of the muscles at the same time. >> doc, at what point, do you feel discomfort about your back do you see your doctor? >> if it's worsening, shooting down your leg. >> numbness, pins and needles. let's move on to shoulders. golf, swimming, baseball, things like that. >> this is the time of year. we have two models here. amanda will show us how she stretches out the muscles around her shoulder. the muscles on the back of the shoulder can get very tight. she is showing us how she is stretching the muscles. she's going to line her back and loosen up the muscles. the muscles stabilize the shoulders. and greg is showing us how to use a theraband. and that strengthens the muscles on the back of the shoulder. >> if people do these kinds of things every day, as you suggest, what percentage of these nagging injuries can we avoid? >> the answer is probably a lot. the better they do body maintenance, the less likely they are to see me. and i want people to learn to do these on their own. >> jordan metsle. i do feel better, thank you very much. thanks to your colleagues. up next, we're taking our summer grilling game to the next level. but first, this is "today" on nbc. ♪ ♪ isaac hou has mastered gravity defying moves to amaze his audience. great show. here you go. now he's added a new routine. making depositing a check seem so effortless. easy to use chase technology, for whatever you're trying to master. isaac, are you ready? yeah. chase. so you can. we're back, now. time for "today food." this morning, we're firing up the grill for flank steak. if you're looking for a sure to please and good for you dinner, we have a meal your guests will love. pamela is author of the new book "kitchen matters." >> happy summer. this is simple and delicious. and i love the ingredient grid. >> all we're working with is some flank steak, garlic, olive oil, ball sbalsamic, and thyme. we're going to do a post marinade. we're going to have balsamic and add in olive oil. this is adding flavor after the dish. really easy. garlic and a pinch of salt. we can whisk that up. and we're going to set that off to the side. and after the flank steak is cooked, we're going to put that on. >> what are we putting on the flank steak before the grill? >> we're going to add some black pepper. and some fresh thyme. you can sprinkle that on. >> do you do both sides? >> i'm going to do one side right now. >> okay. >> you can do this four hours ahead. you can do it overnight. cover it. stick it in the refrigerator. and then, this has been preseasoned. >> all right. >> all we need to do right now is just brush this with a little olive oil. >> you left this overnight? >> yes. this is left overnight. and this has already been done. so, brush with olive oil so it doesn't stick. and then, we have to hit it with salt. usually i do it half a teaspoon with a pound or so. just kosher salt. >> got it. >> this has been preheated. >> by the way, our tasters are over there. >> are you tasting it already? >> yeah. >> what do you any? >> really good. >> steak at 8:40 in the morning. >> do you have trick for knowing your pan is hot enough? >> put your hand about five inches from it. if it feels hot after about five seconds and you have to take it away, it's hot. if you're hanging out here all day, not hot enough. three to four minutes on each side for medium. >> all right. >> i like to use grass-fed steak. sometimes that cooks a little quickly. you have to be careful not to overcook it. this one is already done. we're going to take it off. put it on your platter. >> yes. now, the post marinade. drizzle this on while the stake is nice and warm. >> why do you do the marinade after, by the way? >> sometimes i forget. with grass-fed meat, it can get dry. and this will ensure it gets a lot of flavor. easy. cover this. we want meat to rest for five or ten minutes because you want the juices to redistribute. >> yeah. >> after it's been resting, now, we have to cut. you can see the grain in the meat. it's very tempting to cut with the grain. we're not going to do that because that is a rookie move. >> okay. >> we're going to cut against the grain. >> are you following this? you know this. >> rookie move. >> no rookies here. superkey to cut against the grain, nice and thinly. >> what happens if you cut with the grain? >> too chewy. >> got it. >> we got that over there. we're going to move on to the next dish. these go really well together. i think putting the flank on a bed of arugula, meal done. supereasy. we got some eggplant here, which is a great summer vegetable. so great on the grill. i like to sweat them out first. >> what does that mean? >> you're going to put a little salt on top. and the eggplant actually starts to sweat. the salt pulls moisture out. you get some of the bitterness out. and it softens them up a little bit. 30 minutes. once you start to see the beading on top, you can rinse them off in the sink or just wipe them with a paper towel. >> you put salt on and they start sweating? >> totally. it's like a miracle. >> i know people like that. >> these have been sweated out. brush with olive oil. the eggplant will just soak up the oil. you want to do it on both sides, like this. >> and you got the same grill pan. >> same grill pan. you can hit it with salt and pepper. >> all right. >> just take these and put them on. >> yep. >> the key here, no more than half an inch thick. >> okay. >> how do you like the eggplant, everybody? >> we're doing really well here. >> we are. >> it's easy to keep eggplant like soggy. like spongey and tough. and that makes me want to cry. it can be delicious. >> you have accoutrements for t the top. >> this is the key stuff. this will keep them nice and soft. what we've done here is we've drizzled this with pomegranate molasses. if you don't have prom pomegranate molasses. if you don't have pine nuts, use pistachios. >> a little crunch there. thank you so much. we got the recipes from her cookbook on our website, check it out. we're back in a moment. this is "tay" on nbc.od whoa! you're not taking these. hey, hey, hey! you're not taking those. whoa, whoa! you're not taking that. come with me. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. mom, i'm taking the subaru. don't be late. even when we're not there to keep them safe, our subaru outback will be. (vo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. as we settle into the couch, let's celebrate some birthdays. >> let's do that. spin the smucker's jar and let's meet some sweet folks. first up, happy 100th birthday to veronica haggerty. a proud grandma, never turns down a trip to the mall. she loves to shop. bill judge of mt. sterling, kentucky, is 100. spends time mowing the lawn or going for a long walk. happy birthday to imaculata mancuso. sings opera and plays the piano. mayme pugmyer, 17 grandkids and 38 great grandkids. louise williams of florida, 104 years old. she loves to put on the dancing shoes and still dances the night away. and last but not least, happy 100th birthday to justine wexner of chicago. her secret to longevity, having a group of solid pals. >> missing one. >> who is that? >> tomorrow. you know whose birthday it is. >> no. >> stop it. >> mr. daly. >> i'm not on a smucker's jar yet. >> carson daly. since you won't be here tomorrow, we got you a little six-pack today. >> seriously. that's amazing. >> not a smucker's jar. but i think you will enjoy it. >> thank you so much. >> happy birthday. >> isn't that a tradition of a prebirthday beer. >> don't worry about us. we're all right. happy birthday, buddy. >> i won't. happy birthday. thank you very much. that's delicious. >> i don't know. >> great. >> you can open up the rest of the beer. >> that's right. we're going to watch carson drink. iti )m ... ==topvo== weather does not appear to have a very good morning to you. it is 8:56, i'm laura garcia-cannon. weather does not appear to have played a factor in a blown transformer this morning in campbell. it knocked out power for dozens of customers. it happened at south lee avenue and dry creek road. pg&e says there were about 100 homes at one time without power. today is another day of high heat across the bay area. cal iso has issued another flex alert. everyone is asked to conserve, to limit their power use, especially during the hours of 2:00 in the morning and 9:00 p.m. everyone ialso asked to set their thermostat to 78 degrees and turn off any unnecessary lights and appliances. happening now, bob redell talking about pg&e. he'll join us with a live report from our midday newscast. on our twitter feed, you can take a closer look at just how high the recent record temperatures have soared across the bay area. an early morning police chase in the south bay ends in a rollover crash and four juveniles in custody. we spoke to a witness at the scene. on our twitter feed, what she says happened before that car lost control. san jose leaders have agreed to enter exclusive talks with google to develop a massive campus not far from the sap center. on our home page, details on that plan. i'll be back in a half an hour. see you then. what if there was a paint... ...that had the power to awaken something old... ...or painfully dated... ...or something you simply thought was lost forever... ...because it could form a strong bond, regardless of age... if a paint could give any time-worn surface stunning new life... have to wonder... is it still paint? regal select exterior from benjamin moore®. only available at independently owned paint and hardware stores. ♪ this morning on "today's jane lynch is here. then it's the movie everyone is talking about. the b"the big sick." and dwayne johnson dand the supr fan n who did the unthinkable f a selfie. coming up now. >> this is today's take live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. >> it's the "today" show. wednesday morning, june 21,2017. first day of summer. >> the calendar summer starts today. >> yeah. >> pit bull, can't have. i suggested that there is another song called "cut to the feeling" that i think could be a contender for song of the summer. we can't play it because the meanies at universal music say we can't. >> al roker, you played it for us off camera. >> i found out carly rae jepsen will be here for the movie "leap" and hopefully she'll sing it then. >> she'll appreciate you giving her the shout out. >> please sing it for us. i love the song. >> can i show the card first? i think this is hilarious. >> we get these cards, this one -- okay. we get these cards. it says, what's the latest. topic one. the big toilet paper score. >> this was not planned. >> i am not clear on that. >> every day i just live my life. sometimes i tell the people in our morning meeting and they think it's something. today i was coming across the street for our big meeting. i saw the security guard coming in to work with his daughter. she looked nervous and he looked nervous. i was like, is everything okay? he didn't want to tell me. he says, this is my daughter, she is new in pr for charmin. she has the responsibility of giving these press release and toilet paper samples to big folks at nbc. i said, let me see who it is. one of the names was tamer fuller. i said i know her. i am about to see her. do you want me to take it? she was like, that is so nice. >> i gave tammy the press release. fulfilled my duty. >> there is tammy. >> i hope you don't have to go to the bathroom! >> there were four rolls of toilet paper inside. i won't lie. i am like, for my services i deserve toilet paper. there were two people -- i just came up with eight rolls of toilet paper for free! and i get -- i did my duty too. i gave them the press release. >> here is the thing. we go through toilet paper so much in my house, with two 4-year-olds and an 8-year-olds. i think they do this to wipe their behinds. like mummies. >> are we on? >> but it's true! so if i get free toilet paper, thank you very much, charmin. >> charmin is my favorite toilet paper. >> feel how thick it is. >> not so thick that it clogs your toilet. >> feel this. i don't think like the stuff you're using. >> how do you know? >> because you told us. >> this whole segment doesn't sound right! >> let's tell everybody at home what you do, al roker. he buys like 80 rolls at a time. >> i go to one of the big-box stores. we have a basement here. you'll never run out. i fight with debra all the time. she is like, why do we have so much toilet paper and paper towels. it's because we need them. about a year ago i said, i'm not going to buy it. i didn't and we ran out. she was in a precarious situation. [ laughter ] >> and she said, we're out! i said, really? >> there's nothing worse than being in the bathroom -- >> i wonder how that happened. >> there you go. everybody knows. i go to the dollar store for my toilet paper. they go through too much. >> do you want these? >> you don't understand. i was so happy when i met this young lady. thank you, charmin. they were actually for tammy, but she doesn't mind. thanks, tammy! >> the viewers right now -- >> getting a little behind in our work. today is officially the first day of summer, and the longest day of the year. and not because of this segment. >> don't you -- you want to save that too? >> oh. >> washington, d.c., will watch the sunset at 8:37 p.m. eastern time after almost 15 days of daylight. nine hours of darkness. we decided to play a game of "which is longer?" >> you need to sell it a little better than that. >> the statue of liberty or the washington monument? >> there is toilet paper behind you. >> what the heck is that? >> statue of liberty. >> i am going with the monument. >> the monument, yeah. >> the flame. washington monument. 555 feet. statue of liberty, 305. >> this is in honor of the longer day of summer. got it. >> mississippi river or great wall of china. >> great wall of china. >> china. >> great wall of china. 5500 miles. mississippi river, 2320. all right. shaquille o'neal or big bird? >> i am going with big bird. >> i've seen them both. i'm going big bird. >> big bird. me too. >> 8'2". shaq, 7'1". dwayne johnson or abraham lincoln? >> abraham lincoln. >> i am going dwayne johnson. >> which -- is it -- >> oh, it is dwayne johnson. >> the reveal was amazing. >> longest hot dog, the rock 6'5". lincoln was 6'4". he is a hefty dude. >> i have never met lincoln so -- >> none of us have. >> learn something every day. >> daniel day-lewis played lincoln. he is now retiring. >> there you go. >> breaks my heart. i love his movies. >> i know. >> could he have a comeback? >> i guess he could. he has one more movie coming out at the end of the year. maybe he'll get bored and get back. >> he puts himself completely into movies. so it has to be exhausting. >> he is intense! man. "america's got talent" giving us amazing moments. did you see last night's show? >> my whole family, everybody loves it. >> look at this dance group called "light balance" from ukraine. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> let's vote. >> stop right now! here she comes! here she comes! here she comes! [ cheers and applause ] >> bam. >> the golden button. >> unbelievable. >> that means they get to go all the way through, right? >> it's interesting. that outfit kind of looks like brian's jacket. >> i don't disagree with that. the neon pockets. >> we reached out to america's got tealent to figure out how they did it. it's amazing. >> the prize is in addition to the money but they get their own gig. >> yes. >> that's something you would want to see. >> some of the bizarre talents like somebody doing something weird with an egg. so random. >> that's pretty cool. >> why an egg? >> it's all i could come up with. >> wouldn't win. >> that's probably true. but that one gives me life. that show could -- why aren't you talking it. >> joseph is going like this. >> oh, sorry. >> there are fans and then there are super fans. wait until you see how one person risks his life to get a selfie with dwayne johnson. the video you don't want to miss. >> did you know he's taller than abe lincoln? >> it was abe lincoln who tried to get the selfie with him. had. i have afib. even for a nurse, it's complicated... and it puts me at higher risk of stroke. that would be devastating. i had to learn all i could to help protect myself. once i got the facts, my doctor and i chose xarelto®. xarelto®... to help keep me protected. once-daily xarelto®, a latest-generation blood thinner... ...significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. it has similar effectiveness to warfarin. xarelto® works differently. warfarin interferes with at least 6 blood-clotting factors. xarelto® is selective, targeting just one critical factor interacting with less of your body's natural blood-clotting function. for afib patients well-managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto® compares in reducing the risk of stroke. don't stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor, as this may increase risk of stroke. while taking, you may bruise more easily, or take longer for bleeding to stop. it may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you've had spinal anesthesia, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle-related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures... ...and before starting xarelto®-about any conditions, such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. it's important to learn all you can... help protect yourself from a stroke. talk to your doctor about xarelto®. there's more to know™. ♪ sun to the farm ♪ ♪ to the seeds that you sow ♪ ♪ seed to the oat ♪ to get made to an o ♪ put in the good and the good will grow ♪ ♪ good goes around and around and around ♪ ♪ good goes around and around... ♪ what twisted ankle?ask what muscle strain? advil makes pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil. watching this breath savers protect mint neutralize the plaque acids in my mouth. i can't see anything! that's because it's working so hard. hey, what are you guys doing? karen. we're neutralizing. maybe i want to neutralize. you ever think of that? discover card. hooh, you're real?? you know i'm real! at discover, we're always here to talk. good, 'cause i don't have time for machines. some companies just don't appreciate the power of conversation! you know, i like you! i like you too! at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card and talk to a real person. all right. we're back with more "today's take." we're talking about the rock, but michael phelps swimming with a shark is crazy. so you're driving your car. you look over. who do you see? dwayne johnson. what do you do? >> well -- >> i would gawk. >> yeah. >> wave out the window. >> one super fan found himself in that position yesterday and "the rock" taped their encounter, posted it to instagram. >> this dude stopped his truck in the middle of the street. ha, ha, ha! what's up, dude, come on? you're going to get hit by this traffic. let's get it. all this traffic is coming right now. come on, brother. >> one march? >> yeah. come on, dude. you're going to get hit. >> oh, my god! [ laughter ] >> oh -- >> dude, come on. >> holily. >> i got the greatest fans in the world, man. i appreciate that. >> that's pretty good. >> i love how much he appreciates his fans. instead of rolling up the window and looking the other way. >> some people would probably avert their eyes. >> you had a close encounter with the rock. >> in my defense. my ankle was hurting. >> yeah. i've heard that excuse before. >> you see, i go limp. watch. that was my one time in life, just relax. [ giggling ] >> it's really unbelievable. all the good-looking guys you do this stuff with. >> here is the thing about "the rock." bring it back to "the rock." people love him, adore him. from his wrestling days, his fans are die hard. i'm like, i am sure he is a charming guy. when you meet him in person, you get it. >> it's like he looks at you when you're talking to him. he is actually paying attention to what you're saying. >> he is not phoning it in. he's actually connecting. >> yes. >> he is a terrific guy. >> you feel the love as well. >> i do. >> i bet you'd love him to pick you up. >> i'd go limp. carry me away, dwayne. >> in that moment you're a cloud. >> that's it. >> i want to get picked up by dwayne johnson. >> now, that didn't sound right. >> something i am saying is sounding right today. i'm going to just drink my coffee. >> how about michael phelps. could he pick you up? >> best swimmer of all time, sure. >> he has those feet. >> i've never seen his feet. >> the race of the century. michael phelps is going to take on a great white shark in the discovery channel's shark week special event. >> just when you thought shark week couldn't get better. >> 23 gold medals. do you go with him or a shark? >> nice! >> well, the shark doesn't need to win medals to prove that he is a good swimmer. >> right. >> a shark -- when they're on the attack can swim up to 25 miles per hour. but on average they swim about 6 miles per hour. >> what are they going to do? >> how fast does phelps go? >> he has gone as fast as 6 miles per hour. >> if the shark steps it up, he'll take off. >> one vegas betting site put up the odds. gambling site bovada. the shark as the heavy ten to one favorite. you bet $10 to win $1. sharks cruise at 5 miles per hour and phelps has been clocked at 6 miles per hour. >> we don't know the details of it. >> right. >> is there a cage that's separating them? >> i don't know. i hope so. >> yeah. >> loser gets eaten! >> so then, do you pull the cage while he swims? >> i don't know. >> do you put bait for the shark? >> i don't know. >> we're going to need a bigger boat! the big event airs july 23rd. we hope phelps can snatch victory from the jaws of defeat and finish one. >> ha, ha. >> this is giving me a haddock. we're just doing these jokes for the halibut. >> ha. >> i'm working for scale. >> i knew it. as far as the weather is concerned, we're talking about cindy, the latest right now, 165 miles southwest of louisiana. forward motion, northwest at 8 miles per hour. tropical storm warnings from texas to mobile, alabama. makes landfall early tomorrow morning and continues up into the mid mississippi river valley. it will spread a lot of rain from louisville to birmingham, new orleans, especially along the gulf coast from central louisiana on into the panhandle. we could see 12 inches of rain in an area that's already seen a lot of rain. and the heat continues again today. doesn't calm down until later on in the week when finally temperatures start to c and fog over the golden gate bridge. we're sepo! all clear skies and warming temperatures.n up to 83 today in oakland. 94 in san jose and palo alto. the inland valleys reaching 106 degrees. san francisco warmer tomorrow with a lack of fog and cooling down in time for the weekendy6ñ while theub,w inland valleys fo today and tomorrow are reaching up to 107 degrees. >> that's your latest weather. up next, celebrities let loose and make fools of themselves. bringing the competition to our studio. we want you to play along with us right after these messages. love you! i can go on bike rides and have ice cream. i can drink beer now. i can have a beer and watch the game. sensodyne has become a part of my life. i don't have to worry about having that sensitivity. you know i can be the taste tester. cold white wine in a nice tall glass. there's no more saying no. don't live with it. like make it better, right? now i don't have to worry about what i eat. i don't have to worry about what i drink. i don't have to worry about my sensitivity because that's already taken care of. right. in. your. stomach! watch this!... >>yikes, that ice cream was messing with you, wasn't it? try lactaid, it's real ice cream, without that annoying lactose. lactaid. it's the milk that doesn't mess with you. out of sunscreen, going on a targetrun need anything? watermelon! water please! and soda! grandpa!! got it! get everyday low prices on everyday essentials, targetrun and done. he's got a condo. he's got a car. he's got a career. but that still doesn't mean he gets you. time to shine. orbit. and still have dry eye symptoms? ready for some relief? xiidra is the first and only eye drop approved for both the signs and symptoms of dry eye. one drop in each eye, twice a day. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. remove contacts before using xiidra and wait at least 15 minutes before reinserting. chat with your eye doctor about xiidra. ♪ happiness is powerful flea and tick protection from nexgard. a delicious chew that protects for an entire month. ask your vet for more information. reported side effects include vomiting and itching. nexgard. the vet's #1 choice. no touch ups needed? superstay 24 from maybelline new york. microflex technology stays crack-proof. resists 200 bites... 120 sips.'s lifeproof! maybelline's superstay 24 make it happen. maybelline new york. i can't keep up with our dearweekly tee times.worry but i've been taking osteo bi flex ease. it's 80% smaller, but just as effective at supporting range of motion and shows improved joint comfort in seven days. which means you're in big trouble, son. you will bow to my exquisite short game. cower at my majestic drives. i will make you question everything, son. so don't worry about dad's joints. worry about your dignity. love, dad. 80% smaller, just as effective. osteo bi-flex ease. made to move. emmy and golden gold winning actress jane lynch was decked out in track suits for "glee." but the last four seasons, she's been host of "hollywood game night." >> celebrities face off in party games. we wanted to play one of those games. take it away. >> all right. our nbc lawyer said this game is best played by consenting adults. that means we're going to get handsy, everybody. it ee's time to play "lend me a hand." usually i get applause. [ applause ] thank you. two people from one team will come up and charade a series of things on my card for their teammate. one of the teammates will be providing the body and the other will be standing behind them, providing the arms. all right? on team al, we have gavin and kate. >> yeah. >> on team sheinelle, is dylan and plaza fan, shinita jones. >> who is first? >> i'm the body. >> you're the body. >> all right. >> al's guessing. >> you're going to keep your hands to your sides. you're going to put your arms through. >> kate's always been a little handsy. >> don't get fresh. our lawyers are watching. you'll earn one point for every correct answer in 45 seconds. are you ready? >> we are. >> are you guessing? >> the category is vacation activities. ready, set, go. >> swimming. >> perfect. >> sleeping. >> perfect. al is on fire. >> dancing. >> you got that right. >> i thought it was hand jiving. >> good luck. >> reading a paper. reading a book. crosswords. looking for directions. pass. >> reading a map. so close. >> looking an ice cream cone. >> there you go. i'm going to accept that. >> crying. sleeping. getting a facial. putting on sunscreen. >> that's right. >> shooting. taking pictures. taking selfies. >> there you go. >> they're so good. >> drinking a beer. >> drinking is good. >> oh. >> drinking is always good. >> oh, time's up. that was attempt at shopping. not bad. how many did they get? terrific. how many points did they get? >> 80. >> seven. seven points. >> who is in the front? >> okay. >> who is in the front and who is in the back? >> pressure. >> don't get fresh. >> put your arms in. go. our last one was shopping. we are moving on from there. i'll show you in a second. let me control the game. jeez. 45 seconds. go. >> what's the topic? >> same thing. vacation. >> okay. doing your to do list? read it. >> reading? >> a spa. massage. >> there you go. >> riding a bike. >> basketball. >> at that girl. >> swimming. diving. >> scuba diving. >> i can't breathe. >> rollercoaster. >> atta girl. >> sorry. >> don't hurt her. stretching. yoga. >> yoga. time? is that time? how many did they get? where is my scorekeeper? six. you lost by one. >> i couldn't get the yoga. >> "hollywood game night" fifth season premiering at 8:00, 7:00 central. we have more with jane after your local news and weather. yes. wiback like it could used to? neutrogena hydro boost water gel. with hyaluronic acid it plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple, hydrated skin. hydro boost. from neutrogena ==topvo== santa clara county deputies are providing new details on a rollover crash. this unfolded a litttle after road ne chase in ahe south bay that ended in a they tried to stop a driver of a s apprelity poll at roberts avenue. there was four juveniles in that ay the the scene before they apprehe apprehended them. e ree boys and one girl all under 17 were t to the hospital for evaluation.0u> deputies now say the car was stolen. nue and dry creek road.ear to p-g-and-e says there are about 100 homes without power. transformer this morning. i¡gx happened at south lee aven at drive creek road. >> today is another day of high heat across the bay area. their thflexion alert has beenm issues. everyone is asked to limit their 2:0 and 9:00 p.m. everyone is asked to set their c therm state to 78 degrees and shut offpi-÷ unnecessary lights applianc appliances. another look at traffic at this break. good wednesday morning, i'm kari hall, our temperatures are still nice and comfortable. still nice and comfortable. thd do some outdoor activities now is the time to do it we we still have fog in san francisco along the golden gate bridge. our heat advisory has been expanded for many of the bay as well. for frsan francisco we have a ht warning. ógñ ing. at 100 degrees. let's get a update on the roads. >> over here a very slow east shore freeway, the traffic flow clearing the crash which is now clear at website 80 and fremont. making up time through berkeley. clear 92 at the skyline. the earlier crash has cleared from the roadway, traffic connecting 280 and highway 1, the rest of the bayxmht moving. back to you. >> thank you very much, another local news update in just half an 4ahour. try to keep cool out there, we'll see you in a bit. we are back with the hilarious jane lynch, host of nbc's "hollywood game night." hi, jane. >> hi. >> we did a great job of playing the game, the celebrities get much crazier. check out a clip from a game called "smash the buzzer." >> it's a character on sesame street. average bird. cookie mobster. an an anna clumsky. abby cadabby. >> he just went for it. >> all-in. jane, good to see you. >> good to see you, too. looked like we were at chuck e. cheese there. >> i want to jump in the ball pit. >> that's knew. we're in my backyard, os steteny ostensibly, with a pit where we play smash the buzzer. >> these are games that people would play on -- ♪ games people play >> a little spinners. and it doesn't get old. >> no. that's what's so fun about it. very simple. some of the approaches towards the games are ingenious and original. it's a silly excuse to have people over to have a lot of money. and i think people love watching the show because it's like being at a party with a bunch of bright and shiny celebrities. >> i feel like the celebrities throw out any inhibitions. >> you were on the show. you get there. and sometimes somebody looks a lilt reticent after the first round. they are diving into the ball pit. that's the energy of the game. i'm grateful for celebrities who show up to play. show up to make a fool out of themselves and they don't care. >> is there any celebrity that surprised you? >> michael weatherly from "ncis." he's kind of funny on that show. he was out-his mind. we had him back twice. >> you had the cast of "veep," going up against "the walking dead." does it get better than that? >> we called it government versus zombies. >> how do you tell the difference? >> sometimes -- good point. that's what's new for this year on "hollywood game night." we're watching up television shows against each other. "veep" against "walking dead." and the next is "superstar" and "this is us." >> wow. >> our favorite show on nbc. both of them. >> who to root for? >> we have the triplets. we have three employees from "superstar" next week. and it premieres on thursday. >> your favorite game? >> my favorite game that includes me and i get to sing. >> yes. >> that song sung wrong where i sing a well-known song but i screw up the last couple of words and make the lyrics wrong, you have to guess what the right lyrics are. but once i put the wrong ones in your head, it's hard to come up with it. everybody loves that. >> it's a great game. i love to sing with the band. >> you got another cool project coming up on natgeo. earth live. it's an animal show. >> it's two hours. a really ambitious project. we have cameras all over the world. particularly on july 9th, for some reason it's staying darker all over the world. we can set up the cameras. we have wonderful cameras that can shoot the dead of night and make it like day. we're going from remote place to remote place. and i will be holding down the court here with phil keo, who is "amazing race" host. it will be really amazing. july 9th. a two-hour live special. >> there's motion over there. let's take that camera kind of thing? >> they've been scoping these places out. and the moon is shining broughter all year. something like that. it's a pretty big deal. they've been working on it for years. >> do people come up to you and say, you have the coolest jobs? >> yes. >> i'm exhilarated listening to you talk about your project. >> i get really fun thing to do. and really grateful for it. and everything is different. i don't get bored. it's a lot of monefun. >> i saw your debut in the movies "the fugitive." harrison ford was on. >> very young jane lynch. >> that was cool. >> my goodness. >> you discover what's going on with provlasic. >> i did. i got the tainted liver samples and i expose them to harrison ford. >> like i said, the best jobs. >> that was great. >> thank you -- >> we can't watch right now. >> i want to. >> thank you so much. hollywood game night. the fifth season starts right here on nbc. coming up next, a real-life love story coming to the big screen. and it's getting rave reviews. it's called "the big sick." we'll catch up with it's ok that everybody ignores me when i drive. it's fine. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i'm accident free. because i don't use my cellphone when i'm driving. even though my family does, and leaves me all alone. here's something else... i don't share it with mom. i don't. right, mom? i have a brand new putter you don't even know about! it's awesome. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. sometimes i leave the seat up on purpose. switching to allstate is worth it. looking for a hotel that fits... ...your budget? tripadvisor now searches over 200 sites to find you the hotel you want at the lowest price. grazie, gino! find a price that fits. tripadvisor. wearing powerful sunscreen? yes! neutrogena® ultra sheer. no other sunscreen works better or feels so good. clinically proven helioplex® provides unbeatable uva/uvb protection to help prevent early skin aging and skin cancer all with a clean light feel. for unbeatable protection. it's the one. the best for your skin. ultra sheer®. neutrogena®. see what's possible. close your eyes and make a marshmallow wish. it can come true by winning one of 10,000 boxes of only marshmallows. find your code in special boxes of lucky charms. they're magically delicious how dixie ultra plates?roved with two pounds of steak. in each hand. dixie ultra. stress tested so you can stress less at dinner. ask sherwin-williams during the great summer painting party! save 30% on paints and stains june 18th through july 4th. there's a store in every neighborhood. find yours at it doesn't come out until friday, but the new rom-com, "the big sick," is getting amazing buzz. it stars kamel razan. >> here's a sneak peek. >> now that niceties are out of the way, i have to tell you, that when you yelled at me, it really threw me off. and you shouldn't heckle comedians. it's so rude. >> i didn't heckle you. i just woo hooed you. it's supportive. >> that's a someone misconception. but yelling anything at a comedian is considered heckling. >> if i yelled out like, you're amazing in bed. that would be a heckle? >> yeah. that would the an accurate heckle. >> oh. >> guys, good morning. >> good morning. thank you. >> this is a different kind of rom-com, based on your life. tell us the gist of it. >> the gist of it, it's based on the first year of, now we're married. but when we first started dating, it will sound very serious. but it was a comedy. we were dating a couple months, and she fell into a coma. just a light coma. >> a light coma. >> like eight days. in and out. like a trip to europe. i hung out with her parents for eight days and i got to know pem. and the lovely zoe plays my wife. the movie -- we meet. she goes to europe. and then, she wakes up. >> she goes to europe. >> you -- zoe, you play his wife. but his wife, kumail's wife co-wrote this thing. she's in the room when you're tapi taping this. is it weird having the person you are playing, in the room? >> as you make out with her actual husband. >> it wasn't in the script. it's like, why is this happening? >> we're just standing -- >> just improv? >> yeah. >> was that a little weird? >> the weirdest thing about it was that it felt really normal, which is probably not a great sign about my psychology. really, emily is a remarkable person. when i met her, i fell in love with her. i fell more in love with emily than i did with kumail. which is convenient for you. >> no, i kiss him that way. >> very understandable. >> who is the better kisser? >> come on. al? really? >> i'm just asking. >> i thought there would be so many controversial questions. that was not anticipated. >> see? >> my wife. >> there you go. and what did you say? >> nobody asked me that. you have asked me that. and emily asked me that. >> no one else will probably ask that. >> yeah. >> that's even better than do these pants make me look fat? >> it's a trap. yeah. >> i will say this. i was telling you off-camera, you have good chemistry. and you do tackle -- i don't want to say controversial, but stereotypical things. like somebody calls you isis. all these things sometimes they yell at you when you're at a restaurant or whatever. and then, you see your character, who is a fun, lovable guy. there's moments when it could be tense. but you end up laughing. you know what i mean? >> yeah. i mean, that's what we wanted to show a little bit is a person versus the way other people see that person. we wanted to show, everybody is a person. >> yeah. >> that's sort of -- we have more in common than we don't. >> that's good. >> and despite your success, your real-life parents don't know what you do? or do they get it? >> now, i think they get it. they saw the movie last night. okay. i think it's going to be okay. for now. i don't know. they wanted me to be a doctor. and i'm not a doctor. >> but there were doctors in the movie. >> there are doctors in the movie. that was like, what are you complaining about? my wife was in a coma. what more do you want? >> or went to europe. you guys, the movie is fantas c fantastic. it's really good. >> thank you. i'm glad you liked it. and zoe is amazing in it. she really is so good. >> i'm just, you know, playing second fiddle to your entire orchestra you have going on. >> wow. >> that's beautiful. that's like a hallmark card. >> she is really amazing in it. >> both of you are. "the big sick" premieres in select theaters this friday, june 23rd. i'm not being rude. i have to do the weather. >> al, where are you going? you want to play pictionary? we're looking at a lot of wet weather. cindy is coming up off of the gulf coast. the dangerous heat in the southwest. the pacific northwest looks pretty good. here in the northeast and the ohio river valley, not bad. tomorrow, that flooding spreads into the mid river valley as cindy comes on shore. spectacular day tomorrow in the spa good morning, i'm kari hall. all of these areas shaded in orange under an excessive heat warning today. m÷ areas shaded in read.pzçf cf1 o this is where temperatures will be very hot as we go into this afternoon. looking at triple digit temperatures in the valleys. up to 106 degrees in.t@ñ concor. 79 in san francisco. we will have a few more warm days in the inland areas. reaching 107 tomorrow. >> thanks so much. and still ahead, a summer camp unlike any other. one place that is changing the one place that is changing the lives of kids who have been hi. oh, hi! welcome to the neighborhood. i brought you this pie to see if you're weird. wow, that smells intrusive. it is. did you want to come in, maybe snoop around a bit? 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he said, mommy passed away today. >> reporter: that summer, she returned to camp kessem, a week long program devoted to kids just like her, who have been touched by cancer. >> it's really fun. the one week it of the entire year that i get to hang out with people just like me and understand how i'm feeling. >> there are 86 camp kessums across the country. free to any child that want to attend. >> kids need individual attention. and they need to be seen and to be heard. especially in a time where that might not always be possible at home. >> reporter: but this is camp. and it's all about fun. >> what you see us doing is a lot of experiences that are fun and allow kids to open up. >> now, we can do extras. >> reporter: sam is a counselor, whose mom passed away from breast cancer before his 16th birthday. >> is support at kesem is you're not going to fix the problem. but we're here to be a shoulder to lean on when a lot of times throughout the year, there isn't that at school. i could never leave this place. if it were a year of long camp, i would be here every, single day. >> it's more relatable here, knowing we've gone through the same thing at some point in time. i feel like we connect on a more personal level than anything else. >> it's like, forget about all your worries. just have fun. >> one of the most important things you can give to anyone in crisis is the belief that tomorrow is going to be better than today. one of our favorite things that we hear consistently from parents when they get their kids back at the end of the week is, you gave me my child back. they came off the bus and they were smiling and laughing and joyful, for the first time since i've been diagnosed or for the first time since they lost their father or mother. >> i describe it as, like, a second home. a second family. a place where just plain fun happens. it's magic. >> that's beautiful. they are still accepting applications for this summer. and again, it is free for the campers. we're back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. how far should pure alpine spring water have to travel from its source to the bottle? a hundred miles? a thousand miles? how about less than a mile and a half? crystal geyser always bottled at the mountain source. how fafrom its sourcelpine spring to the bottle?travel ♪ how about less than a mile and a half? crystal geyser is the only major us spring water bottled at the mountain source. coming up, it's a big summer party with kathie lee and hoda. they have hank azaria, giving the ladies a sneak peek of his newest roll. plus, a song from jesse crist. and they're celebrating national selfie day with a game of "who knew"? >> that's what you were doing. >> first, your local news and we temperatures will be fairly warm as we go into san francisco through the afternoon. our highs up to 79 degrees, 82 tomorrow and it starts to feel more refreshing into the weekenp by sunday. you'll see the temperatures%a @% valleys are very hot.ccf1 o it comes down in time for the end of the weekend and still what are driving looking at now, mike? peninsula. about the southbound where we have southbound 880 jamming up. that is a slow stretch right there that causes a jam. the rest of the south bay a little slow. back to u@you, chris. thank you,y6 more extreme  people to reduce power usage. we'll have a live report in the midday newscast. in the meantime, check out our twitter forecast for howváp=÷ h recent record temperatures have soared. a major shake up for uber after their ceo have stepped down. they sayz?sp%or shareholders mae . from nbc news. this is "today" with cagie lee girlfriend from studio 1 a. >> oh, how do we do it day after day? >> hi everybody. it's winesday wednesday. it's the first day of summer, officially and we're glad -- is that jake owens singing. it's a great song, you guys. >> hoda, nice tatas. >> so we have a great

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