Transcripts For KNTV Today 20170527 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20170527

trying to calm down a man screaming anti-muslim insults at two women. >> he was saying something about america. this is a free country. i can do whatever i want. >> what police are saying about the attack this morning. and lights, camera, action. the summer movie season getting into full swing, from "bay watch" to "wonder woman," and "pirates of the caribbean." we have it all covered for you today, saturday, may 27, 2017. this is ta"today" live from rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to this saturday morning, i'm craig melvin. >> i'm kate snow. thanks for having me. >> we have a good crowd on the plaza, kate. i think we have the shot of the guys in uniform probably there for fleet week, maybe, we have the coast guard represented, as well. marines. >> holiday weekend. but there's some weather to worry about. maybe not here in new york. >> top story, wild weather in the forecast for 61 million people. >> yeah, right through the middle of the country. the midwest is the area we're going to see some of that severe weather today. take a look what we saw in goodland, texas, yesterday. look at the size of that shelf cloud moving over i-70. torrential downpours, hail, damaging winds. a lot of people hiding out under that gas station overhang there to stay out of the storm for a second. we are going to see more severe weather today. in fact, we have a moderate risk of stronger storms redeveloping. especially through parts of the country like missouri, so here's our setup here. we're looking at the tornado threat and severe storms, especially through the midwest. we could see large hail, also some flash flooding with the torrential downpours. severe watches and warnings already issued through parts of the midwest. kansas right now and more storms will redevelop later today. because of this setup, very moist, humid air. dew points in the low to mid 70s, making it very uncomfortable down south. then when you have this cold front combining with the heat and humidity, large storms begin to develop this afternoon. area this red, moderate risk, we could see golf ball to softball-sized hail. very large hail out of this system, damaging wind gusts and tornados likely. some of which could be strong tornados. tomorrow the threat moves east from indianapolis to del rio, texas. still looking at the risk of hail. perhaps not as big tomorrow, but when you're imagining softball sized hail possible, you can imagine the damage that's going to cause. >> that's quite the swath, too. >> it's a big break. >> okay, we'll come back to you for the national forecast in a minute. president trump wrapping up his nine-day trip in sicily, italy today. the trip largely positive, but this morning trump is facing more scrutiny about his top adviser's contacts with russia before he took office. kristen welker is live with us in italy. kristen, good morning. >> reporter: kate, good morning to you. president trump is already casting this trip as a success, tweeting this morning that many nato partners have agreed to pay more in defense, but he's also bracing for the reality. the controversies are only mounting at home and increasingly involving his son-in-law, jared kushner. as the president marks his final moments at the g7 summit, a bomb shell report in "washington post" reporting jared kushner and russia's ambassador discussed setting up a secret channel of communications between the trump transition team and the kremlin in december, before mr. trump took office. the white house hasn't commented. this as a white house aide telling nbc news they are setting up a war room to deal with reports like this one led by reince priebus, steve bannon, and jared kushner. and while kushner is not the subject of the investigation, multiple u.s. officials believe he has significant information. it all caps an historic week for the president, which started when he touched down in saudi arabia and took steps to reach out to the muslim world, calling on all religions to step up in the fight against extremist. >> drive them out of your places of worship. drive them out of your communities. >> in jerusalem and baethlehem, his message, the u.s. is not here to judge. >> we are not here to lecture. we are not here to tell other people how to live, what to do, who to be, or how to worship. >> reporter: but a very different tone and welcome in europe, where he was greeted by thousands of protesters ahead of the nato summit in brussels and didn't hesitate to lecture allies standing next to him for not paying their fair share. >> this is not fair to the people and taxpayers of the united states. >> reporter: and all those awkward moments in between. his long handshake with the newly elected french president. his push seen around the world of the prime minister of montenegro and the first lady's flick of the hand, but the highlight of the week may have been the president's meeting with the pope. powerful pictures as president trump faces fresh criticism at home. hillary clinton sweeking at wellesley college comparing the president to richard nixon. >> we were furious about the past presidential election. of a man whose presidency would eventually end in disgrace with his impeachment for obstruction of justice. >> reporter: even a jab from former house speaker john boehner saying foreign affairs have been a bright spot, but, quote, everything else he's done has been a complete disaster. as for that latest controversy, "new york times" reporting that kushner wanted to set up that back channel with russia to discuss serious strategy. nbc news has not independently confirmed that reporting. president trump heads home in just a few hours. kate? >> thanks so much. julie smith is director of the transatlantic security program at the new american security. josh is an msnbc contributor. good morning to both of you. let me start with you in d.c. you served as deputy national security adviser to joe biden, worked on a range of issues. how significant, how unusual is this reported move by jared kushner? >> well, we're still getting all of the information, and it's early days, so we don't want to assume too much, but let's say these engagements actually took place and let's say kushner did suggest some sort of secret channel. it's highly unusual to do that during a transition. what you normally do is work through the state department in any of your official engagements with a foreign country, particularly a country that we have very difficult relationships with. >> the former cia director, john mclaughlin said on msnbc, julie, if an american intelligence officer had done anything like this, we would consider it espionage. he's not an intelligence officer, but was it illegal if, in fact, this happened? >> well, again, we have to get the details of what exactly happened, but you wouldn't want to be in a situation where someone on the transition team was actually hiding information or hiding this meeting from the u.s. government, from our own intelligence services, and from the department of defense. supposedly, they wanted to set this channel up to talk about syria, but there's no reason why you would do that without your military advisers and intelligence officers by your side, so there are a lot of questions about this, moral questions, ethical questions, and, of course, legal questions as you pointed out. >> josh, the president headed back home after the g7 summit. how would you characterize his trip overseas, both legs? >> i think he's getting way too much credit with the europe leg. what he did with nato was quite dangerous. there's an expectation he would reaffirm article five, that we would treat an attack on one member as an attack on all, but white house officials previewing ahead of the trip the president would say something like that, but it's clear he didn't. that sends a signal to our european allies we might not be there for him. it's ultimately a force of rearming of germany. if european allies decide they can't depend on the united states. the thing now is countries like estonia from countries like russia. that was damaging. the speech in saudi arabia was fine, the earlier part of the trip went better, but i think what happened in europe was quite dangerous. >> julie, your take on that, because he also really went after european allies for not pulling their weight, not contributing enough towards the nato budget. >> that's right. so we have been hammering our european allies for many years, past presidents, past secretaries of defense have been asking our european allies to do more and trump was right to ask them to do that. what he got wrong is he referenced they all owed past dues and there's nothing about european defense spending where they owe anybody anything. we're asking them to invest in their own defense. there's no big pot of money to which they are contributing. so the whole tone of the speech was a little off, and i agree that this was a real missed opportunity. >> julie smith, josh barro, good to have both of you. >> thank you. overnight, a deadly stabbing attack on a train in portland, oregon. the suspect allegedly had antimuslim views. nbc's steve paterson reports. >> one was stabbed in the neck. >> reporter: a tirade on a train ends in horror. portland police say friday night three people were stabbed by a man described as ranting and raving. >> two in particular we are told were on the train, two younger girls believed to be muslim. one was wearing a hijab. >> i was so scared. he was saying something about america. this is a free country. i can do whatever i want. the other people were saying, you know, calm down, you know, shut up. and it got -- he got agitated. >> reporter: two men who tried to intervene were fatally stabbed, a third was wounded but is expected to be okay. >> it's horrific. there's no other word to describe what happened today. >> a suspect went upstairs, southbound across the overpass. >> reporter: the suspect, a young white male, was quickly captured near the train station. police say thanks to witnesses who called 911. steve paterson, nbc news. this morning we want to remember the life of a towering figure in american foreign policy, an extended member of the nbc news family, as well. jimmy carter's national security adviser, the father of msnbc's mica pierzynski dead at 89. here's a look at his life, morgan? >> and his legacy. speaking of pierzynski, fled hitler's europe as a boy, went to the u.s., and became one of the most important figures of his time, ultimately shaping america's relationship with the world. >> it would be a time which will demand the very best from us. >> speaking of berved as nation adviser for carter's entire term. >> that land over there is yours. you'll go back to it one day. >> the polish-born diplomat who fled his country as a child with the rise of hitler was known as a tough figure in washington and abroad. he faced some of the biggest foreign policy challenges of our era. the taking of american hostages in tehran, the failed rescue mission, and the soviet invasion of afghanistan. he was fiercely anti-russian and worked tirelessly to hold back the soviet tide. he also brokered peace deals between the egyptians and israelis at camp david. three months later led the way for the u.s. to normalize relations with china. >> general review of the international situation, covering many issues of concern. >> his death was announced by his daughter, our colleague, "morning joe" co-host. my father passed away peacefully tonight. he was known as his friends as big, hz grandchildren as chief, and his wife as love of her life. i just knew him as the most inspiring, loving, and devoted father any girl could ever have. >> what a beautiful tribute. of course, all of us at nbc news extend deepest condolences to mica and her family. >> indeed, thank you. holidlywood a-listers turne out to remember chris cornell. billy idol, courtney love, plus actors brad pitt, james franco, all of them among those who showed up to pay their respects to cornell. the 52 year old was found dead after a concert in detroit may 17th. it was ruled a death by suicide, but the family is now questioning whether anti-anxiety medicine may have played a role in his death. a st. louis man is recovering from a frightening fall. the man somehow slipped head first between a commuter train and platform early friday. nothing visible except his legs. st. louis firefighters used air bags and the jaws of life to free him, and good news, he's listed in critical but stable condition with a leg injury. >> man. >> yeah, just that picture. dylan's back. >> a big weekend for a lot of people. the unusual start of summertime. we're going to feel the summertime heat, especially down south, where humidity is high and temperatures are warm, as well. also thunderstorms will develop later this afternoon. already had a round of storms this morning, now another round will redevelop this afternoon. couple of spotty showers in the pittsburgh area and the plains, where we could see stronger storms today. hot and humid down through texas in the 90s, close to 100 degrees. beautiful in the pacific and we are seeing patchy clouds this early morning paired with some 50s. peninsula right now about 50 degrees, souts bay 56, tri-valley 52 and in san francisco also in the 50s. a little bit cooler in the north bay at 55 degrees. but we are expecting that temperature trend to start climbing into the 60s for areas like palo alto, a high of 66 degrees. we're also expecting to see cooler temps by the afternoon. >> and that's your latest forecast. >> over to england now where the investigation into that terror attack at an ariana grande concert picking up steam this morning. the security there is sky high, as crowds gather for some major sporting events on a holiday weekend for the british as well. bill neeley is live in manchester. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. just within the last few minutes, the british government has reduced the terror level from its highest critical to severe, meaning that they don't believe an attack is imminent. just as in the u.s., in the u.k. it's a holiday weekend. people worry there could be nor attack and that's despite more arrests overnight and a police chief who is confident he's got the terror network. early this morning police used explosives to storm a house and april rest two men. police now questioning 1 1 men, most in their 20s about the bombing. >> we've got to understand everything around the terrorist, the network and how they manufactured the explosive device. >> reporter: just loose ends to chase do you, he says. police now know how salman abedi's bomb was made, loaded with shrapnel and nails and a powerful battery to power the bomb and his call to his parents to said good-bye and forgive me. all across britain police have reviewed and in some cases increased activities in more than a thousand events. >> they will not defeat us. >> increased security, too, in london where 80,000 people will fill a soccer stadium today for a big final. the american pop star ariana grande, whose concert was attacked, has pledged to return. >> it has been an emotional roller coaster. >> the medical staff at the medical center are overwhelmed and every day more tears and a city struggling to recover. part of that activity are the games being staged here today, everyone hoping this city can rise again after a very, very tough week. >> thank you so much, sir. >> still ahead, caught on camera, an angry bear charging at a bow hunt are. but first this is "today " on nbc. time now for "the download," our look back at the week there was. >> there were a lot of conversations, from conversations with nikki haley to an interaction with a sea lion. >> a massacre without mercy, 22 dead and dozens injured after an ariana grande concert in manchester, england. >> there was so much blood. >> the queen visiting survivors in the hospital as tributes poured out for the victims. the city defiant. >> if you look around, what have they done? they brought the people together. >> don't let my daughter be a victim. >> well said! >> candid comments from the u.s. ambassador about investigation into the possible russian ties with the trump campaign. haley speaking to craig during her trip to the middle east. >> president trump said the appointment of robert mueller divides the country. you disagree. >> i think the questions need to be answered so we can get to work. >> and greg gianforte on a special election. >> i'm sick and tired of you guys! the last time you did the same thing. get the hell out of here! >> the congressional candidate on top of me was very disconcerting. >> the father of a little girl yanked into the water by a 700 pound sea lion in british colombia praised her grandfather for saving his life. >> a bow hunter in canada fought off a charging black bare. >> and a woman jumps to the hood of her car to stop a thief in action, a ball of flames next to a gas station in the dreeiver slowly died. >> and a close call, a car rolling down the driveway, makes it back just in time. >> muark zuckerberg returns to harvard to receive an honorary degree after dropping out as a sophomore. >> i do feel that making a movie about all the different kwaumts of lo -- qualities of love was a neat idea. >> and it was a reunion of those of "love actually" reunite for red nose day. >> that sea lion video, this is a video i'm sure we'll see at the end of the year. and the speed with which the grandfather jumped in there. >> it's unbelievable. the family came forward to say the grandfather saved her life. they weren't actually feeding the sea lion. >> you don't look at them thinking they're hostile animals. >> no, but they're wild animals. >> and giving one student an award claiming she was a terrorist. >> and an update on the germs you'll want to good saturday morning to you. it is 5:26 here with a live look outside downtown san jose. it looks beautiful out there ahead of -- or i guess as we start our memorial day weekend officially. good morning. thanks so much for joinings us. i'm kira klapper, vianey arana has a look at the micro climate forecast. it's ahead of the memorial day, but really this is it. >> it's here. a lot of people will be wondering if they can be outside today. the answer is yes. you are going to see a couple clouds kind of like yesterday when we started off very overcast, then it almost looked like it was going to rain. but then we're expecting for the patchy clouds to start breaking apart a little bit later than yesterday. we should have plenty of sunshine to go around. south bay already at 66 degrees. peninsula at about 50, tri-valley 52, san francisco waking up to 53, east bay 57 and north bay on the colder side at 46 degrees right now. but today's forecast is showing 50s and 60s along the coastline and then, as we head inland, more 70s in the area. san jose will be climbing into the 70s. we are expecting to hit 80s maybe by tomorrow. so i'll have close are look at that. >> stay tuned for that thanks. firefighters are still on the scene of a fire at an east bay storage facility. it happened at fremont mini storage on industrial parkway just off of 880 near the tesla factory. 40 units were damaged, 18 were heavily damaged. the fire started around 8:45 last night. officials say it went up quickly because of highly flammable contents inside the units. >> we had to could forcible entry on all those units. imagine 40 garage doors to get them open one at a time. >> firefighters are still there this morning ensuring there are no hot spots. they're also inspecting every single unit making sure no one was living inside. mechanical problems could be the cause of a single-engine plane crash in an intersection in the east bay yesterday. it happened yesterday afternoon in concord. the pilot of the single-engine plane was trying to land at buchanan airport when he went down nearby at the intersection of marsh road and solano way. the pilot did survive, no one on the ground was hurt. what happened to this whale? it's a mystery along the marin county coast. nbc bay area sky ranger was above it yesterday evening. the carcass is a 79-foot blue whale, an endangered species, the whale washed up at agate beach. the marine center shared this photo with us. they were on the scene collecting skin tissues and blubber samples for further testing. scientists will be back today to perform a necropsy and determine why the whale died. a unique opportunity for them, they rarely get to examine blue whales because of their endangered status. coming up on today in the bay, a business boom that's unique. why a local beekeeping business is up by 400%. that plus all your local news and weather for the memorial day weekend. that's coming up at 7:00. right now back to the "today" show. ♪ first time i'm thinking about tomorrow ♪ and i'm not going away ♪ >> you're listening to "my shot" from, renowned play "hamilton." it's a tribute to one of mrk's founding fathers. still going strong this weekend. we're lucky to have the cast join us later here in studio a. >> we are back on may 27, 2017. a look at that fantastic crowd out there on the plaza. we're going to get out there in a little bit. we're celebrating fleet week in new york city. that's why you see so many folks in uniform. we're going to hop outside to say hello. >> back in studio 1a, millions of americans prepare it celebrate this memorial day weekend. more than 60 million will be under a severe weather threat from texas all the way to virginia approximately they'll be seeing soft ball sized hail, 60 miles an hour winds and flash floods. >> and president trump facing mounting questions over russia, this amid reports that his son-in-law tried to set up back channel talks with russia before the president took office. and gop letters pressured the president to stay in the paris agreement, that limits greenhouse gas emissions. >> and ariana grande in london to visit the people injured in the attack. theresa may announced moments ago that the terror threat there has been reduced from critical to severe. >> this morning a new twist in the search for a florida woman missing at sea for more than ten days. now the fbi is joining that investigation. maya rodriguez joins us live with all the details. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the coast guard rescued her husband by found no sign of isabella hellmund. >> reporter: when they embarked on a vacation on a catamaran, they sailed straight into a mystery at sea. a capsized boat was discovered by the so long after a beacon signal was received. >> in is a young woman, happy go lucky. >> her disappearance shocking colleagues at the reality company where she worked. >> it was very, very surprising to learn of this misfortune. everything seemed to be going well for her. >> her husband said she went to bed and woke up when they hit something. he said he couldn't find his wife. the coast guard said our p after four days "suspending a search is never easy to make and was made with deep consideration in this tragic case." now the fbi says they are investigating the case. those who know isabella aren't giving up hope. >> reporter: isabella's family declined to talk to us for this story but her husband said he planned to start his own search for isabella. >> important forecast for the holiday weekend. >> absolutely. we do have a change in temperatures, especially for some areas down south where it hot, it's humid but this cold front is going to start to cool things down through the midwest. look at what's happening north of this front, 72 in sheg but go south and it 86 m member if i, buffalo about 77, boston only 61 degrees. nen virginia beach only a high of 70 degrees, tubt 59 degrees for your member call day sunday and then even staying with the cooler temperatures as we go into monday as well. can you esee 67 in new york on memorial day, 65 in buffalo but you go down to myrtle beach and savannah, georgia and we're in the lower 90s. so it's all dependent on that front. very large hail, damaging winds and perhaps strong tornadoes are possible. the best chance of we're still seeing some hazy skies especially along the peninsu peninsula, overcast night now at about 50 degrees. south bay seeing cloud cover at 66 degrees. in the tri-valley partly cloudy at 52. we are expecting these 50s to start climbing into the 60s and the 70s throughout the day making way for an overall mostly clear saturday on this memorial day weekend. expecting a high of 62 for san francisco, 72 for palo alto, 73 for san jose. and that's your latest forecast. >> little ladylan, thank you. >> this morning a texas teacher is under fire for an award. >> reporter: a mom points to her daughter's end of year classroom award. a texas teacher naming this seventh grader most likely to become a terrorist. >> it's supposed to be a joke. >> was it a joke to you? >> no. >> the unnamed teacher may have thought it was a joke but in a statement the channelview independent school district apologized for the insensitive and offensive fake mock awards. her mother is furious. >> being a teacher, giving it to a 13-year-old, i mean, how she's going to field when she grow up later on? she's a hard working student who wants to be on top of her grades. to get this award it bothers me a lot. >> the joke coming just days after the suicide bombing in manchester, england. >> just what happened two or three days ago at the concert with ariana grande. and they're joking around with this, that's not something to joke around with. >> reporter: the school says the teachers who gave mock awards without approval are being disciplined. >> so in that same school, there is also a kid who was voted most likely to be a cry baby, most likely to be moment homeless. >> i can't even make sense of -- how someone thinks that's a joke at all, ever. >> no, it's pretty dumb. just ahead here on this saturday morning, the internet buzzing over quite the budding bromance between canadian prime minister justin trudeau and france's president, mr. macron. >> they look chummy. plus the germs that might have you thinking twice before jumping into a pool this memorial day pool hey scout, what's eating you? fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. got any ideas? not all products work the same. my owner gives me k9 advantix ii. it kills all three through contact. no biting required. so they don't have to bite? that's right. no biting required. k9 advantix ii. wise choice. if you've got a life, you gotta swiffer hey katy, i'm going to go ahead and invade your personal space to run some things by you. it's going to look like i'm listening but i'm actually just paying attention to nugget. cool. i'll pretend you're answering the questions i have. i'll scroll through my feed and avoid making eye contact. i'm just going to keep hovering. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? hovering away. boo boo boo [making noise at nugget] the citi® double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash back with 1% when you buy, and 1% as you pay. the citi® double cash card double means double. you'll be amazed what happens when you pu♪ your red nose on. you help ensure that children in the u.s. and around the world are safe, healthy and educated. time is running out, so swing by walgreens today and get your noses on to help end child poverty. walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. this morning it is the unofficial start of summer this weekend with pools and water parks opening up on memorial day weekend. >> that could also mean a flood of germs. jeff rossen has more. >> we've been waiting all year for this, pools are opening up this weekend, our kid can't wait to get into the water but now the cbc is warning about outbreaks at swimming pools and water parks. thousands of pools closed because of this bacteria. we're breaking out our germ kits yet again and before you jm in this holiday weekend, you got to see what we found. >> it's pool time, families across the country diving in and heting wat h hitting water parks. today so am i. but ever wonder what germs are lurking in the water? a new alert from the cdc says parasig parasites are on the rise, outbreaks doubling since 2014 and the germs are not easily killed by chlorine. what will we find? i'm going undercover, taking samples, sending them off to a certified lab. this time it isn't just the visual dirt down under or clumps of hair floating on top. we're testing for the bacteria you can't see that can actually make you sick. >> ready to test. >> let's start at this public pool. >> got to. >> our test revealing something called enterococci. that's fecal matter. maybe this park will be cleaner. our test reveals total coloform, enterococci and e. coli. >> it manse that someone went to the bathroom and didn't clean themselves properly or went to the bathroom in the pool. >> i always thought the chlorine and chemicals in the pool killed the bacteria. >> it skills some of it, not all of it but the heat in the pool allows the bacteria to thrive. >> both pools and even the lazy river contain something called pseudomonis. >> they can get into your blood stream and make you very sick. >> total chlorine is very high. on a scale of zero to 10, it's a 10. three is ideal so it's way over. >> sky high chlorine levels. what's the problem with chlorine? >> in general it's not bad but too much chlorine can cause breathing problems and cause burns on as soon as it have skin. you just have to to go to the store to buy one of these chlorine test stream skip. you just take it, you dunk it in the water and it will tell you if it's okay to jm in in on the spot. >> hope it helps and happy weekend. >> i think i was better off before i knew any of that. >> you can't get into the public pool anymore. between the pao and the p. or the chlorine. thanks so much, jeff. 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come on! dogs just won't quit. neither does frontline gold. its triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks for a full 30 days. good boy. go for the gold. > we are back on a saturday morning. and in case you can't tell, it's fleet week. >> and we joined forces with the cast of "hamilton." let me introduce everyone around me. to the left is petty officer lenora stone and captain scott of the coast cutter "hamilton." did you know that alexander amily tam amily -- hamilton actually founded the coast guard. so that's what you all have in common. what does it feel for both of you to keep alexander hamilton's legacy alive? >> here you have this man who just always had a great enthusiasm for the love for his country and making things better and that's a legacy that we live with in the coast guard. >> absolutely. and we spend a lot of time in the show talking about legacy and what is a legacy. and alexander hamilton had the foresight to think we needed something to protect this nation we're now building. so that's what we're seeing now in play. the coast guard is actually responsible for pror tex. the fact that we get to be alexander hamilton is more than an hour. >> what is it like having just the hugest role on broadway right now? >> uh, kind of that actually. to say it's an honor, to be able to continue somebody's legacy who is someone who helped build this balance country today. and to have the responsibility. i didn't really know a lot about him before started and then i read the book and i was like, so, you're responsible for everything. thank you. >> so the coast guard has invited the company of hamilton to visit the newest alexander hamilton culter, correct? >> that's correct. we've had six cutters named after alexander hamilton. he's a fundamental figure in our service because he laid the foundation with george washington, picked the first officers, named the first ships and built the first ships. so in this legislate end class, this brand new highly sophisticated, technological cut are, it's very appropriate to have his name. >> and since they invited you guys, are you guys inviting all of the coast guard to hamilton? >> absolutely. >> and the cast of the "today" show, too? >> please. love to have you. >> i thought dylan wanted to -- >> yes. i seen it yet. >> still ahead here, the latest on a shocking celebrity split. but first this is "today" on nbc. . still to come on "today," more trouble for president trump as he wraps up that week-long foreign trip. new information that his son-in-law, jared kushner, tried to set up that connection with wrinkles? your time is up! new neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair with the proven power of retinol. reduces wrinkles in just one week. neutrogena® state farm knows that for every one of those moments... what? there's one of these... sam, i gotta go... is this my car? this is ridiculous! this is ridiculous! from car insurance... to car loans. state farm is here to help life go right. and the wolf huffed like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! (child giggles) symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. get symbicort free for up to one year. visit today to learn more. good saturday morning to you. it is 5:56. here's a live look outside at the bay bridge covered in clouds. a little bit of wind there outside ahead of our memorial day weekend. good morning. thanks so much for joining us. i'm kira klapper. vianey has a look at our microclimate forecast. >> you're right, we're expecting breezier conditions and windier at the coastlines if you're heading to the beach. it will be on the cooler side of things in the 50s and 60s for beachy areas. at the peninsula, we are starting to see hazy skies along with a combination of some clouds. but we are expecting for that to kind of break apart a little bit quicker than when it was yesterday. yesterday we had some cloudy conditions, and it took some time for that sunshine to peak. but the temps will climb to the 70s for the south bay. 73 in san jose, 73 for livermore and areas near concord. napa 75 heading up there to wine country. and we are also tracking some high pressure that is expected to build in. what that's going to do is bring back in warmer temperatures, but right now memorial weekend looks like a pretty good one for outdoors. >> good. the unofficial start of summer, as people say. so it will be good weather for that. firefighters are still on the scene of a fire at an east bay storage facility. it happened at fremont mini storage at industrial parkway off of 880 near the tesla factory. 40 units were damaged in the fire. 18 of those were heavily damaged. it ignited around 8:45 last night. officials say it went quickly because of highly flammable contents in the storage unit. >> we had to do forceable entry on all those units. imagine 40 garage doors to use rotary saws to get them open one at a time. >> firefighters are still there this morning ensuring there are no hot spots. they're also inspecting every unit to make sure no one was living inside. mechanical problems could be what caused a single-engine plane to crash into an intersection in the east bay. it happened yesterday afternoon in concord. the pilot of the single-engine plane was trying to land at buchanan airport when the plane went down nearby at the intersection of marsh road and solano bay. the pilot did survive. no one on the ground was hurt. what happened to this whale? it's a mystery along the marin county coast. nbc bay area sky ranger was above salinas yesterday evening. the carcass is a 79-foot blue whale. that's an endangered species. it washed up at agate beach near mt. tam. scientists were on the ground collecting skin tissue and blubber samples for further testing. scientists will be back at the beach to perform a necropsy and determine how the whale died. a unique opportunity for them. they rarely get to examine blue whales because of their endangered status. coming up this morning on "today in the bay" a business boom. why a local beekeeping business is subpoena 400%. we'll have that plus all your top stories coming up at 7:00 and the weather, of course. we hope you stay tuned. right now back to the "today" show. good morning, memorial day mess. with millions on a getaway weekend, dylan is here with what to expect. russia top adviser jared kushner discussed setting up secret communications with the russian ambassador before mr. trump took office. >> lights, camera action. summer movie season getting into full swing from bay watch to wonder woman and pirates of the caribbean. fun and adventure for everyone. we have it all covered for you today saturday may 27, 2017. ♪ >> happy memorial day. >> from north carolina. celebrating 20 years of friendship. >> happy fleet week. >> new college graduates. >> happy birthday. >> look at me. i'm on the "today" show. i'm famous! [ cheers and applause ] >> good morning. welcome back to "today" on this saturday morning. the crowd looks a little different today, just a smidge. just as lively. this is a lively bunch. they look different because they are celebrating fleet week as well as memorial day this weekend. big thanks to all of our folks in uniform for stopping by. >> another celebration today. can we get a happy birthday to javon? happy birthday. >> is this a big one? >> pretty cool. the wild weather in the forecast for some 61 million folks on this memorial day weekend. how bad are we talking? >> we could be seeing very strong storms. take a look at kansas yesterday. this is a huge over i-70 in kansas. large hail, damaging winds and torentual down pours. we are looking at the chance of seeing more of this wet weather as we go through today. we are looking at the possibility of strongest storms especially through southern missouri where we could see large tornadoes and damaging winds. le let's look. across missouri and back through tennessee, as well. we have this setup producing severe storms. we have severe thunderstorm watching in effect for parts of the midwest. we have a dip in the jet stream colliding with very warm and humid air with dew points low to mid 70s. as that moves eastward we see another round of storms redevelop this afternoon. that area in red is where we could see golf ball to softball size hail and very strong tornadoes. we have to keep a close eye on that area. >> thank you. some important information there for everyone to stay safe this memorial day weekend. popular one to be outside. we will get the rest of your national forecast in just a moment. >> let's check in for the rest of today's news. good morning. i'm kristen welker in sicily where president trump is wrapping up his first foreign trip. the russia probe looms large and this morning a new twist. as the president marks his final moment of the g-7 summit a bombshell report in the washington post. the post reporting the president's son-in-law jared kushner and russian ambassador discussed the possibility of setting up a secret channel of communications in december before mr. trump took office. the white house hasn't commented. this as a white house aid telling nbc news they are setting up a war room to deal with reports like this one led by reince priebus, steve bannen and jared kushner who is under fbi scrutiny. it all caps an historic week for the president which started when he touched down in saudi arabia and calling on all religions to step up in the fight against extremism. >> drive them out of your places of worship. drive them out of your communities. >> reporter: in jerusalem and beth lehem his message the u.s. isn't here to judge. >> we are not here to lecture. we are not here to tell other people how to live, what to do, who to be or how to worship. >> reporter: a very different tone and welcoming in europe where he was greeted by thousands of protesters and didn't hesitate to lecture allies standing next to him for not paying fair share. >> this is not fair to people and taxpayers of the united states. >> reporter: as for the latest controversy the "new york times" reporting that kushner wanted that back channel with russia to discuss serious strategy. nbc news has not independently confirmed that reporting. president trump heads home and will grapple with all of it this morning. >> terror attack ad an ariana grande concert. security is sky high as crowds gather for a sporting event. >> reporter: good morning. in the last hour the british prime minister has announced that the country's terror threat level has been reduced from the highest level critical to the second high eest severe suggestg that police are not confident another attack is not imminent. more arrests and searches in the manchester area and police confident that they have got the terror network. early this morning police used explosives to storm a house and arrest two men. police questioning 11 men, most in their 20s about the bombing. >> we have to understand everything around the dead terrorist, the network and how they manufactured the explosive device. >> reporter: police know how the bomb was made, a powerful battery triggering it. and we know about the phone call to tell his mother and brother good bye and forgive me. last night manchester's first big event since the bombing. athletics. >> we are continuing with life as normal. they will not defeat us. >> reporter: increased security, too, in london where 80,000 people will fill a soccer stadium today for a big final. the american pop star ariana grande whose concert was attacked has pledged to return to what she called the incredibly brave city of manchester to have a benefit concert to raise money for the victims' families. she called the attack evil and said we won't let hate win. and every day more tears, more vigils, more mothers and children remembered a city struggling to recover. and part of that recovery is the games. the athletics being staged here today. among world class athletes are american stars, all of them well protected. unli like everyone here hoping the city can rise again after a very tough week. two good samaritans are dead and another is recovering this morning. they were attacked while trying to stop a man spewing hate speech on a train. the alleged assailant -- some of the anger was aimed at two young woman. when passengers approached him to calm him down he slashed them. rained by ft he brzezinski has died. he implemented decisions on iran hostage crisis and relations with china. his death at age 89 was announced by our colleague, his daughter, mika. hollywood a-listers and rock and roll royalty turned out to mourn the late sound garden front man chris cornell. rockers plus actors brad pitt and james franco as well, all of them showing up to pay respects. the 52 year old was found dead after a concert in detroit may 17. it was ruled death by suicide. the family is questioning whether antianxiety medicine may have played a role. a night of highlights and low lights. this nice running catch in the second inning last night but in the seventh he was off the mark. the right fielder goes for the spectacular looking layout dive but comes up a good 40 feet from where the ball landed. he apparently lost in the lights. >> really lost in the lights. >> the whole team had a laugh about it. he redeemed himself with a massive home run to help the rays beat the twins. >> dylan dreyer would have made that catch. >> i would have. >> i always won dirtiest uniform in softball. i was always diving for the balls. let's take a look at what is going on across the country weatherwise for this weekend we are going to see possible delays especially this afternoon in areas like nashville into kansas city. we could see delays from pittsburgh right through cleveland. back in the great lakes region. then as we go into sunday we are looking at perhaps some heavier rain in new york and boston if you have early morning flights those could cause delays at the airports. just something to keep in mind. today most severe storms will be back through the midwest especially missouri where we have to focus for the possibility of very large hail and damaging winds in excess of 60 miles per hour. the west coast looks beautiful. temperatures a little bit above average along the coast. washington and oregon whe we'll be seeing plenty of sunshine this afternoon as we kick off this memorial weekend. in the 50s still for the peninsula and the south bay already in the upper 50s at 57 degrees. now, as we see these 50s now, we do see some overcast skies. the temperature trends show will turn into more sunshine at least by about 9:00, 10:00 a.m. we'll see the fog breaking down. >> trying to figure out this camera, taking pictures and to say and to say happy birthday. >> i hope you have so much fun in new york. i promise to give you this phone back. >> she steals phones. watch out. >> still ahead here on saturday morning from stella to sheila. even zippy. the names are endless for our four wheeled friends. what is it that brings about this affinity. besides consumption we look at the benefits of beer. we are drinking beer. >> we should have you in more often. >> after these messages. ♪ happiness is powerful flea and tick protection from nexgard. nexgard kills fleas and ticks all month long. and it comes in an easy-to-give tasty chew. and that makes dogs and owners happy. no wonder vets love it too. reported side effects include vomiting, itching, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. see your vet for more information on flea and tick protection you and your dog will love. nexgard. the vet's #1 choice. this is a story about mail and packages. and it's also a story about people. people who rely on us every day to deliver their dreams they're handing us more than mail they're handing us their business and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget... that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you ♪ all right. welcome back on this saturday morning. it is time for kate snow. >> yes, i can't way. >> i was a little grumpy this morning but the beer will help. >> 36 million people will be getting into their cars there memorial day weekend, in some cases spending hours in the car. how do we bond with our friend, actually treating them like normal people. according to this web site, half of the people name their cars. women are more than likely to talk to their cars than money. 23% thank their car for a juror we -- job well done. >> you do that when it's a little iffy. >> do you name your car? >> absolutely. >> what's its name? >> right now it's joe. before show was bertha. >> what are you driving, minivans? >> bertha was an suv. my first first car, it was silver. it was the silver bullet. how about you? >> i don't have a car anymore so -- >> i don't think i've ever named my car. >> let's go to the beer. >> cheese! according to nbc, beer can remove stains, it can restore wood and it can add shine to your heaair. apparently vitamin b is good for your hair. and it can keep away bugs. >> now what do you do if the internet. >> all budding bromance about world leaders. hearts be still. can do's prime justice -- apparently macron and trudeau met for their bachelor greeting. one person who may be miffed about the bromance, president obama. he's got his own trudeau romance. >> we're starting off with unfortunately some sad news out of hollywood to report. ben stiller and christine taylor just announced after 17 years of marriage, they're splitting up. they released a joint statement saying with tremendous love and respect for each other and the 18 years we have spent together, we have decided to split up. >> sad news. >> jamie fox. in no time jimmy fallon turned the. her challenge, baja endig of who let the dogs out. check it out. >> those pit bulls can be can tanger out. wouldn't let who let the dogs out? who, who, noet who let the dogs out, who, who rnt. >> what was the song? >> um -- "stand by me." >> in what situation and what world were you with jamie foxx? >> we were cope hosting an event, brothers and sisters of america. in chicago. we and, i don't know, it just and still ahead here on a saturday morning. some life saving messages. we're taking on we're putting them to work today. >> yeah. he's still drinking the beer. >> still to come on "today" this saturday morning, a look at the hottest movie particulars you want to get your hand on. >> plus we're going red, white and blue for this morning's and blue for this morning's memorial day cookout. ( ♪ ) a dog's big life is measured in wags. and when you feed your dog nature's recipe, you fuel the wag with our 35-year history of premium recipes like chicken, sweet potato and pumpkin. ( ♪ ) (bark) the bigger the life, the bigger the wag. nature's recipe. fuel the wag. anyone ever have occasional y! constipation,diarrhea, gas or bloating? she does. she does. help defend against those digestive issues. take phillips' colon health probiotic caps daily with three types of good bacteria. 400 likes? wow! try phillips' colon health. assave 30% on paints and stains may 19th through the 29th.ale! there's a store in every neighborhood. find yours at good saturday morning to you. it's 6:26. here's a live look outside of the transamerica pyramid in a cloudy san francisco on a cool saturday morning. happy memorial day weekend to you. thanks so much for joining us. i'm kira klapper. vienna arraign na has the forecast for us. >> i have a feeling people are still heading out there. please remember look out for rip currents. don't turn your back to the waves although we're not expecting any crazy dangers. no major swelling. you want to keep an eye out. 55 degrees in san francisco. we're seeing that patchy fog but it's breaking apart a lot quicker than yesterday. pacifica, 55, ocean beach 54, santa cruz 57. this is why i say i don't know if it's too cold right now to be in the water, but at least some areas will be climbing to the 60s, areas like santa cruz, half moon bay has the chance of seeing some 60s later this morning. then incorporate that sunshine in there. san francisco's at 55, but if you notice by about 12:00, we'll be climbing to about 64 degrees. a closer look at that. >> at 7:00. we'll stay tuned for that. thanks. this morning firefighters are on the scene of a fire at an east bay storage unit facility. it happened at fremont mini storage at industrial parkway off of 880 near the tesla factory. 40 units were damaged, 18 of those were heavily damaged. it ignited around 8:45 last night. officials say it went quickly because of highly flammable contents in the storage unit. >> we had to do forceable entry on all those units. imagine 40 garage doors that we had to use rotary saws to get them open one at a time. >> firefighters are still there this morning ensuring there are no hot spots. they're also inspecting every unit to make sure no one was living inside. mechanical problems could be what caused a single-engine plane to crash into an intersection in the east bay. it happened yesterday afternoon in concord. the pilot of the single-engine plane was trying to land at buchanan airport when it went down nearby at the intersection of marsh road and solano way. the pilot did survive. no one on the ground was hurt. take a look at this whale. it's a mystery along the marin county coast. nbc bay area sky ranger was above salinas yesterday evening. this characters a is 79 feet long. it's a blue whale. that's an endangered species. it washed up at agate beach near mt. tamalpais. they shared this photo with us. they were on the ground collecting skin tissue and blubber samples for further testing. they'll be back at the beach today to perform a full necropsy and determine how the whale died. a unique opportunity for them. they rarely get to examine blue whales because of their endangered status. it is 6:29. coming up this morning on "today in the bay," a business boom. why a local beekeeping business is up by 400%. wonder how they measured that? we'll have all your top stories and weather for the weekend coming up at 7:00. right now back to the "today" show. we hope to see you in 31 minutes. and we are back on this saturday morning, may 27, 2017, a fantastic crowd on the plaza this memorial day weekend and fleet week. that's whyism gue is guess ther many folks out here and they're so lively. it's a holiday weekend. >> starring early. >> yes! >> and then we're going to take on the world cpr challenge. we're going to learn how to save a life on this saturday morning. >> and our memorial day cookout, celebrating with red, white and blue is sonny anderson. >> i always love the broadcasts where we get to eat. those are my favorite. >> especially when sonny is cooking. >> speaking of sunny, the forecast miss dreyer. >> let's take a look at your memorial day weekend forecast. we're going to see possible storm outbreaks through the midwest and sunday we'll see showers and storms move into the great lakes region, stretching through the ohio and tennessee river valley. hot and sunny out in the pacific northwest and on monday, memorial day itself, for all of you travelers around i-95, it looks like pockets of heavier rain, hot and dry through florida and highs even in the 50 san francisco's waking up to 55 degrees on this saturday. we're still seeing some cloud cover especially along the coastline, but today's temperature trend we're showing 57 degrees by about 7:00 a.m. we do start warming up and right at about 10:00 we start seeing 60s in the forecast paired with plenty of sunshine. we're also expecting to see inland areas hit the 70s. san jose's predicted high for today is about 73 degrees then expecting a greater warm-up as we head into the later part of the day. >> and that's your latest forecast. >> little ldylan, thank you. >> little ldylan, thank you. up next from bay listen up, heart disease.) you too, unnecessary er visits. and hey, unmanaged depression, don't get too comfortable. we're talking to you, cost inefficiencies and data without insights. and fragmented care- stop getting in the way of patient recovery and pay attention. every single one of you is on our list. for those who won't rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. optum. how well gets done. come on! dogs just won't quit. neither does frontline gold. its triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks for a full 30 days. good boy. go for the gold. and take an extra $10 offal day weekend sale when you spend $25 or more. save on summer styles you'll love and for a limited time get $5 kohl's cash for every $25 you spend. earn it on everything spend it on anything. only at kohl's. i doni refuse to lie down. why suffer? stand up to chronic migraine with botox® botox® is the only treatment for chronic migraine shown to actually prevent headaches and migraines before they even start. botox® is for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. it's injected by a doctor once every 12 weeks. and is covered by most insurance. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't take botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. for a limited time, you can qualify for two treatments at no cost. stand up to chronic migraine. talk to a headache specialist today. back now on a saturday morning with today's movie ticket, it's when the studios flash out all their summer slate. >> a bevy of movies. here's a summer movie preview. >> remakes, sequels and threequels. >> welcome to "bay watch." >> that's right. they're back. an elite team of lifeguards are tasked with saving the bay. mitch and crew will have to bat it will out at the box office. also "deadman tell no tales." this time jack sparrow is on on the run from an old nemesis. >> step april side, boys. wonder woman is here and she's going to save the day. she leads the boys in a war to end all wars. >> how could a woman possibly fight in this. it marks the iconic character's first film. and josh duhamel returns for the "transformsers" franchise, back is "car three3," and a young pe parker attempts to balance high school with web slinging. but it's not all super heros saving the day at the summer box office. inspired by a true story, dunkirk is the latest epic. it stars tom hardy and harry styles, who makes his film debut. >> and parents gotta do what parents gotta do. >> and starting an illegal casino in your basement after blowing through your daughter's college fund. the moral of this story, you can bet on a good time at the box office this summer. for "today," nbc news, new york. joining us to talk about all of it, eric davis. blockbusters and sequels typically define the summer when it comes to movies. what are you most excited about? >> "wonder woman," voted the most anticipating summer movie. it's got a great mix of action and laughter. one of the most entertaining films you will see this summer. and sticking with super hero, "spiderman" has a movie coming. tom holland plays spiderman. and johnny depp returns as captain jack sparrow. >> my kid grg to drag me to at least two of them first ones. what they otherliable me 3 "dad, just tell me they're in this movie. and i have my eye os the pop emoji and the third "cars" movie racing its way into theaters soon, a couple weeks from now. >> in addition to the blockbusters and sequels and family movies, which comedies should we be looking for and who is the audience? >> "bay watch" -- >> that's a comedy? >>. >> anticipated movie. it is "r" rated. about a couple of parents open an underground casino in their basement to pay for their kid' college education. and you have "rough night" about a bachelor et party that goes wrong. and last but not least, not the big blockbusters but the under-the-radar movies. >> i like the world war ii thriller "dun kirk." i think oup baby driver" which from director -- see babe driver, it's like an action music al and i really, really love it. and the book of henry, a it looks like a cool thriller. >> my 3-year-old son, we decided we're going to take him to see his first ever big screen film this summer. >> is that supposed to be a good one -- if he's trying to contend with all the i think there will be a lot of relays abable and i was like and now i'm going to get a nasty e-mail. eric, all good to see you. gle, o ♪ this morning we are taking part in the cpr challenge. the if bystanders step in with this kind of cpr, it can be life saving. we have medical correspondent dr. john torres to guide us through the training. >> it takes 30 seconds to learn to do this but it can save a life. >> i just took the trainer myself because of girl scouts because i'm a lead per. >> first thing you check for responsiveness. this is not a casual thing. it like hey, are you awake, are you awake, do you hear me? if they're not responding or breathing, call 911. if someone is there, you have them call 911, if not, you ka 911 and put it on speaker phone. >> how crucial is this compression-only cpr? >> this is life saving. 350,000 people a year get cardiac arrest. every minute that cpr is not down their chance sr and so you want to get on it as soon as ecan and keep pushing get on a doll here. put one hand on top of the other hand, right in front of the chest. >> does it matter right or left? >> doesn't matter. and in the middle of the chest. then just push. you want to think of the movie "staying alive." ♪ ah, ah, ah, ah, staying alive, staying alive ♪ >> i can't get it to click. >> this one is a little high for you. basically you just -- >> oh, wow. so you go really hard. >> yeah. you go down. >> oh, wow. zen, it's 100 beats a minute. >> how do you know if you're going far enough? and we can try at that understand ♪ >> there's oxygen in your blood. and these are a little high. if they're further down, on the ground, lock your elbows and just rock your shoulders back and forth. >> forgive me ignorance, we're doing compression only. >> for all adults compression only is what weren't o to. if you can't if you can't, compression hp only cph will hi, bob. >> 30 seconds. you guys aren't that trained. >> and it's right here where you might breaking is something. >> and if you do. >> a little bit of news you can use. >> and a big fob that go at about 1 beats per minute. you can go to our web site,, we have that. >> one compression at a time. >> when woo come back, sonny. >> fear not, we've got some >> fear not, we've got some delicious r hey katy, i'm going to go ahead and invade your personal space to run some things by you. it's going to look like i'm listening but i'm actually just paying attention to nugget. cool. i'll pretend you're answering the questions i have. i'll scroll through my feed and avoid making eye contact. i'm just going to keep hovering. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? hovering away. boo boo boo [making noise at nugget] the citi® double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash back with 1% when you buy, and 1% as you pay. the citi® double cash card double means double. fisherwin-williams has complete one-coat coverage. and it's up to 65% more stain resistant than competing one-coat paints. infinity paint from hgtv home by sherwin-williams. available at lowe's. ito become dangerous.d for an everyday item new tide pods child guard pack. helps keep your laundry pacs safe and your child safer. align, press and unzip. wearing powerful sunscreen? yes! neutrogena® ultra sheer. unbeatable protection helps prevent early skin aging and skin cancer with a clean feel. the best for your skin. ultra sheer®. neutrogena®. fisherwin-williams has complete one-coat coverage. and it's up to 65% more stain resistant than competing one-coat paints. infinity paint from hgtv home by sherwin-williams. available at lowe's. earlier this morning chef sonny anderson joins us right here for our own cookout on the plaza. she's brought along some simple yet very tasty recipes we can make at our cookout this morning. >> yes. >> good to see you. >> it's good to see you, too. >> well, this is very, very simple. i like to do things with minimal ingredients. this my easy brianed, honey, apple sider vin began and and it's really, really important when you're grilling outdoors to brian your chicken. it's very simple, it just like salt and -- >> for how long? >> usually i do my over time the you're like but to you're going to dome it. a. >> so it going to kick continue pnl pnl apple sidle vick vinegar, hot chilly pepper, principle gar were you can have companies come over and they can enjoy this eat. just like they're enjoying this would, being opinion -- you want to make sure it's 1 of 5 internal temperature, i'd say this is done in under 15 to 20 minutes. >> kate snow and dylan dreyer are doing what they do best. >> i see the bon. >> it's me gree expected. pt obviously bone in takes a little bit longer and i've taken the bone out and thin out of the if i f now, my easy guild brie be a be pack so i moisture can get inside. the great thing about that is when it gets on to the dry gill, the moisture try prmt if you're traveling somewhere you're a are a little bit hot, go through, tush it over and then the way you pop it is i like to zap it, make it use and uable, not sprp some scallions on top and you're done. i usually make this in a marked potato. >> this looks like something perfect for a holiday, red, white and blue. >> so you take the most healthy cake you can buy in the grocery stores, it actually angel food cake. break it up into knobs, get it into the greel or off i don't know and toast it until it nice and crunchy like this. they've got. >> love this. >> and have the colors of the flag. by the way, i know you're a rhett advance fabds. what doprp. >> oh, oh, thank you! >> happy birthday! >> happy bir ka. >> happy birthday be girl! happen f. >> go. >> kate, thanks good morning. i'm kira klapper. coming up next on "today in the bay" a plane crashes into a bay area intersection. what investigators now say caused the accident. plus, why scientists say they're happy a 79-foot blue whale washed up on a bay area beach. and cool temperatures around the bay area today as the holiday weekend begins. vianey arana will let us know if we can expect it to warm up by memorial day. good saturday morning to you, and happy memorial day weekend. here's a good look outside as we look at downtown san jose from communications hill. cloudy skies as we begin this holiday weekend. and if you're here, we really appreciate you joining us. i'm kira klapper. vianey arana has a look at the microclimate forecast. you say it will start out cool but we have some things to look forward to. >> yeah. we'll be warming up. the coastal still remains on the cool side. don't let those clouds scare you off. we're not expecting any rain. we're expecting fairly dry weather through the weekend. low humidity in the south bay. tri-valley 54. and the north bay still working to climb into the 50s. a lot of folks yesterday saw those overcast skies. here's a live look at the doppler radar. we're still seeing some of the patchy fog but definitely not as dense as it was yesterday. we're expecting this to break apart a lot quicker than yesterday which means, yes, it's going to make way for a very sunny day across the bay area. a lot of people probably getting their memorial weekend already started. please remember to drink plenty of water because we'll be climbing into the 70s for some inland areas including san jose. so i will have a closer look at who is going to be the coolest and who is going to be the hottest and when we can see 80s in the forecast coming up at about 7:16. >> we'll stay tuned for that, thanks. is

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