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This morning, officials insisting no radiation has been detected. But a scare for the Nuclear Sites across the country. Timeline of a tragedy. Prosecutors release a detailed and disturbing account of how things unfolded on the night of the horrific alleged hazing death on penn state. Whats being done to make sure it doesnt happen again . This morning, the schools president and the District Attorney in charge of the case are joining us live. And another day, another plane, another fight. Stop it. What is wrong with you . A brawl breaks out on a Southwest Airlines jet. A female Flight Attendant tries to break it up, only to get slammed to the ground. Shes being praised for her bravery. And why this latest incident of airline outrage has people wondering whats going on, may 10th, 2017. From nbc news, this is today, with matt lauer and savannah guthrie. Live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Good morning, everyone. Welcome to today on a wednesday morning. Theres one story dominating headlines today. Lets get right to it. President trump facing immediate fallout after his firing of fbi director james comey. Trump said the move was a necessary one to restore public confidence. The dismissal is casting a large shadow over the russia investigation and where it goes from here. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are questioning the timing of this firing. Some democrats are calling for a special council to lead the russia inquiry. And trump is sitting down in the oval office with russias foreign minister. We have complete coverage on all of this. Lets go to Peter Alexander at the white house. Good morning to you. Reporter good morning. To be clear, this was a shocking move. The shock waves reverberating. President trump firing james comey, who was leading the investigation into the possible ties between president Trumps Campaign aides and the kremlin. Mitch mcconnell defending the situation, highlighting democrats criticism of comey. The top democrat, chuck shuker urging the appointment of a special prosecutor who is independent of what he calls the heavy hand of this administration. Overnight fired fbi director james comey returns to washington after his dramatic dismissal by President Trump. Hes become more famous than me. Reporter less than three months after publicly embracing comey, the president who built his brand on youre fired, insisting he had to fire comey. That dismissal letter hand delivered to fbi headquarters by the keith schiller. Comey in los angeles for an event to recruit fbi agents comey was not fired because of hillary. Comey was fired because of the russians. Blasting his handling of the he brought it back. I have have to tell you, i respect the fact that director comey was able to come back after what he did, and it took guts for director comey to make the move he made. The white house pushing back on those comments. This has nothing to do with the campaign from six months ago, everything to do with the performance of the fbi director since the president has been in the white house. Reporter claiming the fbi director informed him on three separate occasions he was not under investigation. When asked, the white house couldnt identify those occasions. Overnight, press sec tai sean spicer. This is a decision should have been shared by most democrats, chuck shuk her, nancy pelosi. Instead the Top Democrats are demanding answers on russia. If an independent special prosecutor is appointed, there still can be faith we can get to the bottom of this. If not, everyone will suspect coverup. Mr. Trump firing back claiming Chuck Schumer stated recently, i do not have confidence in comey any longer, then acts so indignant. Richard burr, the chair of the Senate Intelligence committee, the folks heading up the russia investigation calling comeys dismissal a loss for the bureau and the nation. As we mentioned, the president has a single event on his public schedule today that should happen about 30 minutes from now. A meeting in the oval office with sergey lavrov, the foreign minister of russia, just 30 minutes today. One white house official saying they should put the russia investigation behind us. Matt and savannah. Timing is everything. Peter alexander at the white house. Lets bring in Pete Williams, nbcs longtime justice correspondent. By all accounts, this was a stunner. What is the mood inside the fbi this morning . Total shock, savannah. Nobody saw this coming. There was a sense director comeys testimony last week about the clinton email investigation allowed him to make the public explanation he wanted, he had finally gotten it behind him. He had no idea this was coming and the way he found about it was at the very least undignified. Many agents were unhappy with aspects of how he ran the clinton email investigation, but he was generally popular inside the fbi and well respected and only once before has a president fired an fbi director. Bill clinton fired william sessions in 1993 over concerns sessions was using government money for personal purposes. Now the man who was the deputy fbi director, andrew mccabe, a 21year veteran of the fbi becomes the acting director. Hes someone who had the confidence of james comey because comey picked mccabe to be hi number two. As for the russia investigation, it keeps on going, run out of the counterintelligence division. The firing of comey casts a big cloud over it. Pete, thank you very much. We are joint by clint watts, former fbi special agent and former consultant to the fbis counterterrorism division. Good morning to you. Good morning to you. Let me follow up. Give me your knowledge of people in the bureau right now. Do they think this firing resulted from the email vision or the russia investigation . I would estimate they think its the russia investigation. Theres been months of which the Trump Administration could have fired director comey over the clinton email investigation. They chose not to. This comes at a time when the grand jury is finally issuing subpoenas that relate to the Flynn Investigation which is part of this trump conspiracy with russia. Very ominous timing. Yok any fbi agent in the fbi today would think this is an independent and needed action that President Trump needed to undertake. If its about the investigation into Hillary Clinton and her emails, the Inspector General of the fbi is looking into the directors handling of that investigation. Why wouldnt you wait until the results of that investigation come in before you make this move . I think because its an emotional decision. If you saw president clinton when he had to fire the fbi, he waited for the ethics investigation to come forward and then used that for cause. This is the weakest cause case thats been out there. It makes no sense not toed if go ahead and wait for that ethics investigation to be completed. Clint, as a practical matter, what happens to the russia investigation now . We just heard pete say it continues. Obviously there are agents working on it. If a new fbi director doms in and is presumably hand picked by donald trump, can that fbi director shut it down . Can that person slowwalk it . As a practical matter what happens to the russia investigation . Theres three things we should look at. The fbi agents that are doing the Russian Investigation yesterday are doing what they planned to do. Theyre not going to stop. But the gap we should look at, the second thing is, charges have to go to a grand jury. In a has to be pushed to the department of justice. Who is impartial at the department of justice that would have an open mind about this . We just saw where the doj under sessions, who said he recused himself, is probably not going to be open to charges being pushed on the russia investigation. And the president signaled in his own letter, there was nothing to be looking at in terms of the russia investigation. Whoever he appoints, the new fbi director is, they could repry other ties over what President Trump wants rather than whats good for the nation. Clint, thank you very much. Lets bring in Nicolle Wallace and ari melber. On the bombshell meter, how does this rate . This is huge. The letter doesnt sound true from the doj because its not true. Lets be the dhefls advocate. A lot of people want to give the president the benefits of the doubt. Why is it not a reasonable rationale that he is unhappy with the way comey handled the email investigation, something in a many career prosecutors and democrats found fault with. Whats the rationale . There were procedural problems with the way director comey handled the investigation. The letter, though, from this doj under donald trump says the main problem was the approach by director comey was essentially too mean to Hillary Clinton. That is at odds with everything the candidate said. Also at odds with what attorney general Jeff Sessions at the time. And by the way, nicolle, if you want to fire james comey, you can do it as day one as president. You dont have to wait five months. Let me read you a portion of the letter that President Trump wrote to director comey. Here is the paragraph. While i greatly appreciate you informing me on three separate occasions that im not under the investigation, i nevertheless concur with the judgment of the department of justice that youre not able to effectively lead the bureau. What does that paragraph mean . It means that nobody has reined in donald trump as if hes still the anchor of the apprentice. You saw where sally yates was fired for refusing to enforce the muslim ban. No one believes thats all that was going on, to borrow a phrase from donald trump. When people refuse to fall into line, and this should send a chill and should wake up every republican who thinks that its okay to go along the fact that democrats are james comeys defenders this morning most President Trump because of james comeys handling of the emails. Its interesting to see the part that matt just read. On the one hand, the white house is saying this is all about the Hillary Clinton email investigation. Trumps own letter betrays the fact that it is in fact about russia, thats top of mind. We can give him the benefit of the doubt. We should play devils advocate. But the fact they could turn the page on russia by removing the head of the fbi simply guarantees what was once a employee gliet focus will now be a burning focus. The president has made an admission of a stunning level in that letter that youre pointing to. The doj is trying to create neutral reasons that it has nothing to do with russia. And donald trump, in writing that sentence he couldnt hold back on, is raising his own criminal liability. He inserted himself and russia into what they claim was a neutral policy decision. From a communications perspective, and i think you laid it out. If you wanted to draw attention to russia, this seems like exactly what you would do. Fire the guy investigating you for russia. What they have done, is now everyone has to choose. If you care about getting to the bottom of the questions about russian meddling in 2016, which we know Lindsey Graham and john mccain say they care about. If you care about having a nonpolitical fbi director, you must have an fbi director that promises to get to the bottom of that investigation between trumps orbit and russia. And you must now have an independent council. I dont know how you avoid it. Good time to have a new show, which you do. Deadline white house msnbc at 4 00 p. M. Eastern. And were going to hear from President Trump on this dismissal and a lot more tomorrow, as he will be sitting down with nbcs lester holt, an exclusive interview, this is his first since this firing. It starts airing tomorrow on nightly news, friday morning on today. You might have to do this. I have an allergy issue. New developments in south korea amid tensions in the region. The new sg president moon jaein says he is open to dialogue with north korea to talk about north koreas pursuit of nuclear missiles. He was placed today after the former president had been impeached. Hess softer stance on north korea could create friction with the u. S. The new president says hell sincerely negotiate with russh washington over the deployment of a u. S. Missile defense system. This morning, officials in Washington State are investigating a cause of a frightening situation at the Nuclear Defense system. The collapse of a tunnel used to store radioactive material. Nbcs Gadi Schwartz has more. Good morning. Reporter the tunnel where this happened was supposed to be cleaned up by 2024. But that was extended all the way to 2042 because the department of energy didnt think a tunnel collapse was likely. It was a massive alarm at the Hanford Nuclear cleanup site, thousands of workers sheltering in place. For hours, the workers to stay inside, after a gaping hole was discovered in a tunnel used to bury radioactive waste. A robot sent in to inspect the collapsed area. Theres been no evidence of a radiological release. Reporter after no leak was detected, most employees were spent home for the day. Others began repairing the tunnel and filling the ole with soil. Wash dog groups say thousands of tons of Nuclear Wastes are disasters waiting to happen. State representative Jerry Paulette says an earthquake in this area could be catastrophic. The entire northwest could be put at incredible risk of a radioactive disaster. Reporter hanford once produced plutonium for the Nuclear Arsenal during the atomic age, when Safety Nuclear disposal seemed almost like afterthoughts. Its like having fukushima sitting in your back yard ready to go off. Reporter now its estimated it could take over 100 billion and 40 to 60 years to make the site safe. An nbc news investigation by ronan pharaoh found cleanup efforts at the hanford facility had been linked to health concerns. This week of fishls say a major crisis was averted in hanford. Others say its a warning for Nuclear Sites nationwide. If you have continued degradation, you have the potential for one after another very serious accidents. Reporter currently, hanford receives over 1 billion from the department of energy for Nuclear Waste cleanup. At this point its still unclear what kind of condition those tunnels are in. Matt and savannah, back to you. Gadi schwartz, thank you. Let that has airlines in the spotlight again. Another fight between two passengers. The brawl broke out last weekend on a southwest flight that had just landed in burbank, california. Its not clear why the men were fighting. Police say there was a verbal exchange before they started throwing punches. A witness says a Flight Attendant did her best to try to break up the fight. Her of forts were praised by the airline. One of the passengers was arrested for battery. Another suffered an eye contusion, a cut on his nose and a chipped tooth. The incident comes a week after another flight on a plane in tokyo. Friendly skies, they are not. Good morning, al. I hope your skies are friendly in your weather forecast. Theyre not, fortunately. Lets take a look at texas and show you where it was rough. They had massive thunderstorms move through with a lot of hail. And the hail so severe, that it broke windshields when it came down. That cracked windshield, one of our storm chaser friends, simon brewer, is going to have to go call safe lite i guess. More storms firing upbringing severe thunderstorms. We have a severe thunderstorm watch stretching from texas to oklahoma. Ahead of the system well see more storms, scattered showers, thunderstorms, tornadoes possible into tonight. Tomorrow the front slowly moving east. More storms in the afternoon from chicago all the way down into the gulf and the severe storms will continue. Look at the flooding risks we also have, right over where it already did in the midwest last week. As we move through friday, the mid atlantic, two to three inches of more rain that could cause flooding problems as well. Well get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. G up in the next 30 seconds. Im meteorologist kari hall. Our temperatures start out in the mid 50s around the bay area. 55 degrees in the peninsula and the trivalley. San francisco, as you head out the door, 51 degree. And also 51 in the north bay with some cloudy skies. It will be a very nice afternoon. A little cooler for the inland areas. Especially reaching the low 70s for the peninsula and the south bay, and 76 70 degrees in the north bay. Well be up to 66 degrees today in the east bay. And thats your latest weather. Matt . Whats the thats your latest weather, matt. Whats the allergy count . Pretty bad. Bad at the desk. Coming up, a hazing death at penn state, what were learning about the victims final hours. The president will speak with the District Attorney handling the case. And remarkable ways drones are changing our lives. We take you inside the Largest Convention of its kind today on nbc. Welcome to maxx you. You are whimsical, vibrant, statement making. We see what makes you unique. So we have something for everyone, at a price thats just right for you. Maxx you. Maxx life. T. J. Maxx coming up, coming up, the women of today talk motherhood, mom guilt and more after your local news. Allergy symptoms distracting you . Doctors recommend taking claritin every day of your allergy season for continuous relief. Claritin provides powerful, nondrowsy, 24hour relief. For fewer interruptions from the Amazing Things you do every day. Live claritin clear. Every day. This mothers day, every kiss does begin with kay. Where, for the first time ever, everything is 30 off. Like bolo bracelets for layering. Her soontobefavorite new earrings. And a stack of rings for her to mix and match. 30 off everything, may 4th14th, only at kay. The numberone jewelry store. For mom. Every kiss begins with kay. Topvo east bay water customers may soon be paying higher rates very good morning to you. 7 26. Im laura garciacannon. East bay water customers may soon be paying higher rates to cover system improvement costs. Theyre improving a 19 rate hike over the next two years. The extra money will cover costs upgrade old pipes and Water Treatment systems. The first proposed rate hike would take place july and amount to a 9 increase. A similar hike would take place next july. Bills for the average home would go up more than 4 a month. The first public hearing is scheduled for about a month from now. Lets check the forecast for today. Feels cooler. A varnice day. Especially for the inland valleys where it was very hot yesterday. Looking at highs this afternoon reaching into the mid 70s and along the, upper 50s to lower 60s. All thanks to clouds rolling by. The next couple days, even cooler. In San Francisco, up to 58 degrees by friday with gusty winds. This weekend, though, is looking nice and clear with a lot of sunshine and highs right at about 60 degrees. For the inland areas today, up to 74, and 70 tomorrow with a slight chance of rain in the north bay. We will be watching that while the rest of the bay area stays dry and some 60s throughout the rest of the week. For now, an update on the roads, lets head over to mike. Overall, things moving well. A lighter flow of traffic as we hit the spring and summer time months. Were looking over here, northbound route through the south bay. No major drama. Just your typical pattern. An easy build. Slow across the san mateo and dumbarton bridges. But actually looking much better for 92 over the last couple minutes. South 880 over at auto mall parkway, behind the 880 shield, a new crash reported getting off, blocking part of one lane right now. Back to you. Thank you very much. Well be back with another local news up for you in half an hour. Hope to see you then. Have a good morning. Imagine if the things you bought every day earned you miles to get to the places you really want to go. With the united mileageplus explorer card, youll get a free checked bag, 2 united club passes. Priority boarding. And 50,000 bonus miles. Everything you need for an unforgettable vacation. The united mileageplus explorer card. Imagine where it will take you. Were trying to turn screen timhere goes ive time. Were dolphins were making our local park a safe place for families. Were in super hero training were having more water and fewer sugary drinks. And we feel stronger. Im doing better in school. We feel happier. Small changes you make today can make a big difference in how you feel. And may help prevent obesity, high Blood Pressure, and type 2 diabetes. Start now to turn today into a better day. Were still going, and we feel better were back. 7 30 on this wednesday morning. The 10th of may, 2017. You hear the music the upandcoming superstar ragnbone man. His songs are number one around the world. Being praised by legends like Sir Elton John and others. And he will perform for us live in our 8 30 hour. Listening to some of that music is impossible to get it out of your head. Really good. Obviously a business stay in the news. We talked about the firing of the fbi director. Some other headlines to get to. Philadelphia prosecutors say the amtrak engineer that was involved in the derailment that killed eight people and injured 200 others, will not be charged. They cannot prove he acted with conscious disregard, the legal standard. He was operating the train 106 Miles Per Hour on a 50mileperhour curve. Investigators found he lost track of his location. But he was not under drugs or alcohol or distracted by his cell phone. Now a scary moment in south carolina, a school bus that had 56 students onboard engulfed in flames. Two kids sitting at the back of the bus alerted the driver when they noticed the smoke. It took the driver less than a minute to get everyone off. Nobody was hurt. The cause of the fire is under investigation. As savannah just said, President Trumps firing of fbi director, james comey, sending shock waves throughout washington. A number of democrats and republicans were questioning that move. Comey was leading the investigation into possible collusion between the Trump Campaign and russian officials during the campaign. So, the president s decision has sparked new calls that a special prosecutor be appointed. Peter alexander is at the white house with more on the fallout the president is facing this morning. Good morning to you. Reporter matt, good morning. The story is still developing as we speak. The president up early as the country is digesting the fallout of his firing of james comey. President trump on twitter now vowing he will make a great pick to replace comey. And adding, comey lost the confidence of almost everyone in washington, republican and democrat alike. When things calm down, trump writes, they will be thanking me. James comey himself landed back here in d. C. Overnight after learning about his dismissal during an fbi recruiting event. The headlines broke on the tvs behind him. He initially thought it was a prank. The white house saying the president acted on the recommendations the attorney general, Jeff Sessions, and his Deputy Attorney general, who blasted comeys conduct during the 2016 election and public statements, surrounding the investigation into Hillary Clintons emails as a textbook example of what federal prosecutors and agents are taught not to do. The president does have a single event on his public schedule at the white house here today. Its a meeting to take place in the oval office with sergey lavrov. Thats the foreign minister of russia. Now what . President trump, called comeys number two, andy mccabe. He brought him to the white house last night. And after an oval office meeting, he named mccabe the acting fbi director even though in fact mccabe is the one who oversaw the fbis investigation into Hillary Clintons email. Matt and savannah. Thank you very much. We switch gears now. We have the latest on the disturbing deadly case of alleged hazing that has rocked penn state. Eight more members of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity were arraigned on tuesday. The indictments have revealed a detailed timeline how that fateful night unfolded. Were going to talk to the University President and the District Attorney in the case. First, heres stephanie gosk. Reporter 8 56 p. M. , according to the prosecution, the gauntlet begins. Surveillance video shows pledges shotgun beers and drink from bottles of vodka. At 10 31 they are visibly intoxicated. At 10 45, prosecutors say Timothy Piazza is visibly drunkingly walking towards the steps. And brothers heard him fall down the stairs. Four brothers carry him back up stairs to the couch. Prosecutors say his abdomen has a large bruise. Over the next 25 minutes, Surveillance Video shows a backpack is placed on piazzas back so he doesnt roll over. One brother testified at 11 14 he demand theyd take piazza to the hospital. He is shoved into the wall and asked to leave. At 11 25, the pledge master slaps piazza three times in the face. At 11 53, a group text is sent around. Tim piazza might actually be a problem. He fell 15 feet down a flight of stairs, hairfirst, going to need help. But nothing happens. Brothers say they saw piazza vomit and twitch at 1 00. Between 3 00 and 5 00 in the morning, piazza tries to get up but falls three more times. The last time into an iron railing and into a door. By 5 15 a. M. , he has been repeatedly ignored and twice stepped over. At 6 57, a groaning piazza is filmed. The video later posted on snapchat. At 7 18, piazza stands for a final time and staggers towards the basement. At 10 00 a. M. , piazza is found there. He is described as cold to the touch and pale. His eyes halfopen. For 42 minutes, brothers try to shake him awake and try to dress him. One brother googles phrases like, cold extremities in a drunk person. At 10 48 a. M. , 12 hours after piazza first fell, 911 is called. We have a friend who is unconscious. Reporter for today, stephanie gosk, nbc news, state college, pennsylvania. Lets get more on this with eric barron. He is president of Penn State University. He joins us live. President barron, good morning to you. Good morning. Thank you for having me. I just wish it was under better circumstances. No one should have to deal with this kind of tragedy. No family should. I think we all agree on that. When you hear what we just heard, when you read the description of what happened to this young man over a period of 12 plus hours, it literally makes you sick to your stomach. Is this a wakeup call for Penn State University . Are you willing to acknowledge whatever the university was doing to govern this fraternity and all fraternities, it hasnt been enough . I would say this is clearly a national problem. Weve had tens of deaths across the nation. We have University President s, large, small, private, public, trying to deal with this problem. You know that if you have a society, which is secret, which from all outward appearances is incredibly positive. These brothers signed a pledge that if they were caught drinking, they would be expelled. They had faculty advisers. They had a beautiful house. They had cameras. There were no external parties. We would have said this was a model fraternity. But if behind closed doors, a group of people are willing to band together, keep something secret and not tell anyone, how is it that universities can manage to deal with a situation like that . Its private property. Its a private house. But i will tell you this, were not going to give up until we solve the problem or shut down every house thats out there. Its a problem. No question. And its a difficult position for someone in your role. I think theres a lot of people sitting there thinking, wait a minute, the University Just turned a blind eye. They know what really goes on in these fraternities and they allow it. Okay. So, we have been working on this for more than a decade. We began with a lot of educational programs. Then, mandatory educational programs. And response programs, if we had an incident. Then, we worked on Team Approaches to get everybody involved, all the partners involved. Then, we go to a task force that looks at mechanisms where we can see something happening ahead of time. But the only real tool we have in the tool box is to take away the recognition for house. You have to remember, that its private property. Its a private house. Its privately managed. It has a National Organization that is involved there. It has alumni boards that are there. And the only tool that penn state has to be effective is to say, youre no longer a student organization. And i should mention, sir, that penn state has done that with regard to Beta Theta Pi, the fraternity in question here. Im sorry, i have to let you go here. Were out of time. But i do appreciate you coming on and sharing your perspective. Okay. Just one last thing, beta will never be back at penn state, never. Lets get more on the investigation. Stacy parks miller is the certainty county District Attorney. Her office has jurisdiction over penn state. District attorney parksmiller, good morning to you. Good morning. With all due respect to president barron, is he ignoring something that was wellknown on the campus of Penn State University . Was this a secret kept right out in the open . I will say this. The grand jury is going to go on and theyre going to issue a report and recommendation about who knew what and when. And when that report comes out, i think it will answer all of those questions. What has your investigation taught you about the culture and the climate of alcohol abuse of fraternities on penn state . As the presentment showed, this behavior, particularly with this fraternity, had gone back quite a period of time. And we had found at least on just the cell phones, they had been doing it for semester after semester after semester. And i think the report recommendation will open a lot of eyes about who knew what. Because its a grand jury report and recommendation, it has to come to fruition before the details can be released. But i think it will be surprising to people who knew what. District attorney parks miller i think every parent needs to go and read this timeline. Everybody in general. You should go and read the timeline. As disturbing as it is, it is so illuminating as to what happened inside that fraternity. Im curious how you came up with the threshold, in terms of people who were actively involved in the drinking hazing ritual and people who simply ignored the desperate condition of this young man. How did you decide who to charge and who not to charge . Well, as you know, we worked with the grand jury. And they made the recommendation for charging, which we wholeheartedly supported, after they heard scores of testimony. For manslaughter, you have to find that reckless behavior led to the death. And in this case, the theory begins with preplanning an event that gets you to a fatal level of alcohol, which leads directly to the death. So, you have people who plan the event and participated in it. Two things. One of the Defense Attorneys for one of the young men charged, quote, the government assumes these young men, many of whom were intoxicated themselves, should have been able to differentiate symptoms of extreme intoxication to symptoms of a lifethreatening head injury. Thats an impossible burden to place on them. How do you feel about that . Yeah. Thats misstating pennsylvania law and its a copout. Personal responsibility lives and it lives at least in my county. Reckless death begins and ends when they serve these young men, as part of a condition to be in the fraternity. Fatal levels of alcohol. Thats the reckless conduct that leads to his death. Ignoring signs of his injury just compounds that. It starts when they decide to get these young men fatally drunk, risking death. That begins the manslaughter. The rest of it just compounds it. Real quickly, the parents of tim piazza. To do they see all of these 18 young men as equal offenders, those that forced him to drink and those who ignored his condition . Yes. And im sure personally, outside of the legal realm, which is our job to assign responsibility, they see personally everybody who did not help him as responsible. And morally, theyre probably not wrong. Center county District Attorney, stacy parks miller, thank you for your time this morning. I want to reiterate. Everybody needs to read this timeline because it will change your view of what happened. Just reading it. It actually just takes your breath away. When you see what happened and what the allegations are and the pain of these parents to think their child was treated so shabbily. And the total disregard for his safety. It is a shocking case and we will hear more about it in days to come. Just ahead, well shift gears and ask the question, with so many negative headlines about the airlines, what can we do to make flying friendly again . Thats an important question. But first, these messages. Prevent bleeding gums. If you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. Help stop the journey of gum disease. Try new parodontax toothpaste. Its clinically proven to remove plaque, the main cause of bleeding gums. 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Pick some up where you buy groceries. At pmore than one flavor, orh texture, or color. Ing. E. A good clean salad is so much more than green. And with panera catering, more for your event. Panera. Food as it should be. [ cheers and applause ] 7 47. Mr. Roker is here uttering the two most terrifying words, or is it one word . One word. Noreaster. One nasty word. The storm is here today. And by friday, making its way east. By saturday, its along the coast. Heavy rain for the midatlantic and the northeast. And it slides up the coast. Gusty winds, could be talking about galeforce winds. Coastal flooding saturday and sunday. And look at the rainfall amounts. Were talking anywhere from 35 inches, from beckley, west virginia, into new york. Boston will see about an inch. It w okay. None of that going on for the bay area. We have nice, quiet, dry conditions around the bay. And its 55 degrees as you head out the door in the peninsula and in the trivalley. For the east bay, 57 degrees. A little cooler for San Francisco and the north bay with more clouds. We will get some clearing later on with highs in the low to mid 70s. Well bring it down about 10 degrees cooler than it was yesterday, and for San Francisco, expect a high of 62 degrees. 66 degrees for the east bay, and 70 today in the north bay. And thats your and thats your latest weather. Is it . Thats it. Mothers day not so great. But you spend the time indoors with mom. Bonding yes, thats true. Speaking of mothers day, how about this . The moms of today, get candid over lunch, with highs and lows of motherhood, with some wine in the picture. First, these messages. Her hair, her hair, falls perfectly without her trying. Shes so beautiful. And i tell her everyday. When i see your face theres not a thing that i would change because youre amazing. Just the way you are. I was in the military for 18 years. Rian, but, i smoked and i got heart disease. My tip is; its hard to serve your country when youre to weak to put on your uniform. announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quitnow. The unpredictability of a flaree may weigh on your mind. Thinking about what to avoid, where to go, and how to work around your uc. Thats how i thought it had to be. But then i talked to my doctor about humira, and learned humira can help get and keep uc under control. When certain medications havent worked well enough. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Raise your expectations and ask your gastroenterologist if humira may be right for you. With humira, control is possible. And were partnering with cigna to help save lives. We are the tv doctors of america. By getting you to a real doctor for an annual checkup. So go, know, and take control of your health. Doctor poses. Learn your key health numbers, and take control today. Just ahead, we introduce you to ragnbone man. If you havent heard of him, listen to this voice. Hey scout, whats eating you . Fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. Got any ideas . Not all products work the same. My owner gives me k9 advantix ii. It kills all three through contact. No biting required. So they dont have to bite . Thats right. No biting required. K9 advantix ii. Wise choice. baby aughs . It is 7 56 on this wednesday morning with clouds near the coast and sunshine inland. Temperatures now in the mid to upper sgits. It will be a cooler someday. We can see the clouds looking at the north bay camera. Do degrees right now. We will get clearing especially inland, but still some clouds lingering along the coast. This will help bring down the temperatures with an onshore flow. Winds bringing in the cool ocean breezes and tomorrow, a slight chance of rain in the north bay. Elsewhe elsewhere, it looks to stay dry with an increase in cloud cover and gusty winds. Youll see even more changes down the line. We can see that in the sevenday forecast. In San Francisco, low 60s today. Upper 50s for the next couple days. More clouds in the mix and then it all clears out for the weekend. Well see a high on mothers day of 60 degrees for San Francisco, and for the inland areas, expect a high up to 68 degrees. Lets get an update on the roads. The bay does have a build. Thats typical at this time. It should continue to slow a bit more for Silicon Valley. Having recovery here through hayward. Southbound 880, a crash cleared from lanes that involved a motorcycle. Major injuries reported. So were still following the condition of the rider of that cycle. Also, some recovery necessary and actually more slowing possible, eastbound 80 out of San Francisco at treasure island. A crash right by the off ramp there. Theres your drive. Slowing through the east bay, the maze and approach. Thank you very much, kari and mike. Happening now, questions arise after two east car fires moments apart separated by two miles. You can check out the story and video on our twitter feed. Maybe you have seen the fists flying on a jet bound for oakland. We talk to the passenger who helped break up the brawl. And with the fallout intensifying over the firing of james comey, questions are already starting to emerge about his replacement. Arth local news update for you in a half hour. Hope to see you then. Quin was crazy about curls. But it took a twist of fate to find a highend curler at such a head turning price. And thats the beauty of a store full of surprises. You never know what youre gonna find, but you know youre gonna love it. Its 8 00 on today. And coming up, the firing and the fallout. Are people going to suspect coverup . Absolutely. Reaction pouring in this morning, after President Trump abruptly dismisses james comey, as the white house insists this has nothing to do with the ongoing russia investigation. Were live in washington. Plus, momapolooza. The women of today gather for an early mothers Day Celebration at kathy lees house. I cant believe that my joy came at 52. I have terrible mom guilt. Its a bond beyond belief. As they open up about the love, lessons and laughter that comes with being a mom. Love you, ladies. Cheers. And nugget of truth. A teenager break Ellen Degeneres record for having the most retweets of alltime. I just want chicken nuggets. His quest for a years supply of free chicken nuggets, now in the record books. Well talk to him live, today wednesday, may 10th, 2017. Today is wakeup call wednesday. Whats your name, hon . Orlando dwyer. What do you have you . My wakeup call from my wife and my daughter. Hi. Good morning. Im melissa. Im 40. And i have my mom and dad on the phone. Hi, guys. Good morning. Got someone else getting up. Who is this . Jeff turner from houston, texas. How are you, sweetie . Im great. How are you . Who do you want to say good morning to . Good morning, las vegas. What are you doing here . Birthday road trip. [ cheers and applause ] welcome back. Were back at 8 00 on this wednesday morning, the 10th of may, 2017. Hi, folks outside. Nice to have you with us on a pretty day before what al has just teased us is going to be a notsonice weekend. Oh, al. Can we talk about music . Were riding high from harry styles here on the plaza. We got more great music today. This guy in there, ragnbone man, has one of the most hauntingly beautiful voices that ive heard in a long time. Its almost chemical. Right when he sings the first note, you feel the chills. This is the first time ive heard of this guy and i cannot believe it. Truly a revelation. When he rehearsed, you could hear a pin drop in there. We cannot wait to hear from him. Lets get to the top stories. A busy day. Heres the news at 8 00. Reporter busy day for sure. Im Hallie Jackson at the white house. This morning, near universal criticism from democrats and some republicans, donald trump is defending his decision to fire fbi director james comey. Tweeting this morning. Comey lost the confidence of almost everyone in washington, republican and democrat alike. When things calm down, they will be thanking me. This morning, fallout from the bombshell firing almost no one saw coming. Democrats arguing the president played politics with the surprising dismissal of fbi director james comey. Comey was not fired because of hillary. Comey was fired because of the russians. Are people going to suspect coverup . Absolutely. Reporter the president firing back on twitter. Crying Chuck Schumer said i do not have confidence in comey any longer and acts to indignant. Draintheswamp. The white house insisting that comeys firing had nothing do with the fbis Ongoing Investigation into russias interference in the election. The actions taken by director comey have created a single viewpoint that things had to change. Reporter the white house says the president followed the recommendation of his new Deputy Attorney general, rob rosenstein, who argued in a memo. Comey lost his confidence over the handling of the investigation into Hillary Clintons emails. Before the election, the president praised comey for that clinton inquiry. It took guts for director comey to make the move he made. He brought back his reputation. He brought it back. Hes got to hang tough. Reporter what changed . Rosensteins recommendation that comey should be fired. The same day the president reviewed that memo, he made the decision to dismiss comey. Setting off a whirlwind with Top White House aides deployed to defend the decision, facing questions on russia, instead. Its time to focus on the things the American People care about. Reporter while the white house argues that democrats are playing politics, by slamming the decision to dismiss comey, a handful of republicans are not onboard, either. Including richard burr, looking into russia, saying he finds comeys firing troubling. With new questions, now, about whether a special prosecutor would oversee the Russian Investigation, interesting timing. The only meeting on the president s schedule, one here at the white house with moscows foreign minister in the oval office. Matt . Thank you very much. Events in this are clearly moving quickly. Nbc justice correspondent Pete Williams has more on the role that the attorney general and his deputy played in comeys firing. Pete, good morning again. Good morning to you. One big question here, where did this idea come from . What was the genesis . Some Department Officials say it originated in the Justice Department. Rob rosenstein, once he became confirmed as the Deputy Attorney general, was determined to do this and drew up this bill of particulars against james comey. But there were others from our team at the white house, that the idea originated at the white house. That the president tasked the Justice Department to come up with justifications for comeys firing. This morning the attorney general, Jeff Sessions as he left his house on the way to the Justice Department, had no comment on this. But during the campaign, he said that he thought comey did the right thing in late october, when he sent that letter to congress, saying in essence that the clinton email investigation had been reopened. Now, the investigation of any potential connection between the Trump Campaign and the russia hacking of the election, is now in the hands of the number two man of the fbi, who becomes the acting director, andrew mccabe, a 21year veteran of the fbi, matt. Pete williams, thank you so much. Coming up, notsofriendly skies. We have fights in the terminals, even in the aisle of a plane. This morning, what we should be doing to make things more peaceful. Then, the moms of today get together for lunch and wine at kathie lees house. Our personal chat about our most important job. First, these messages. Created with passion. By the lindt master chocolatiers. A hard outer shell with a smooth center. Luscious. Flowing. Welcome. To the best time of your day. Unwrap. Unwind. Experience the melt. Only the lindor truffle. From the lindt master chocolatiers. You dont let anything keep you sidelined. Thats why you drink ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Always be you. I lost my sight when i was 14 years old. So i really navigate the world by touch. When dove asked me to try out this body wash. I was excited that it was foam. It was so light and soft. Not sticky. Its light. Its different. Its foam. Paul and bongo march a very different beat. Sfx cymbals they break only for the 100 complete and balanced nutrition of meow mix cat food. No wonder its the only one cats ask for by name. Wearing powerful sunscreen . Yes neutrogena® ultra sheer. Unbeatable protection helps prevent early skin aging and skin cancer with a clean feel. The best for your skin. Ultra sheer®. Neutrogena®. What panera, a good salad is so this smuch . More than a bowl of something green. More than an obligation to be good. More than just something you have on the side. More than just one flavor, or texture, or color. A good clean salad is so much more than green. And with panera catering, more for your event. Panera. Food as it should be. For all kinds of things. Like walking. Ewarded hey, honey. Dad, wheres the car . Thought wed walk. Hes counting steps. Walk, move and earn money. Goal dad. Hey, we wanna welcome everyone to the father daughter dance. Look at this dad, hes got some moves money you can use on outofpocket medical expenses. Hes ok, yeah unitedhealthcare its 8 10, time for trending. Goody. Are you ready for this . Uhhuh. Just about everywhere trending is nugsforcarter. Its made social media history. Its the most retweeted tweet of alltime. Carter wilkerson from reno, nevada, tweeted wendys asking, how many retweets for a year of chicken nuggets. 18 million. Fat chance. And carters tweet gets millions of retweets, getting closer and closer to Ellen Degeneres oscar self selfie. Where does this go . Where . The most until tuesday, where carter broke the record. Carter has more than 3. 5 million retweets and hes joining us via skype. Carter, good morning. And congratulations. Good morning, you guys. Thank you. You have dethroned ellen. May i be the first to personally warn you what can happen yeah. If you cross Ellen Degeneres. Im kind of scared. I have to watch my back. She did threaten to take my underwear. She did . You tweeted her . I did, actually. I said, please dont come to my house and take my stuff. I want to keep it. Well, youre in for years of torment, i can tell you that. So far, it looks okay. How does it feel, carter . Its absolutely insane. I never expected it to get this far. Im a 16yearold kid in reno, nevada. I never thought a month ago, i would be getting this far. Were doing our best to keep it up and do some good with it. I was going to ask, youre just a kid, that loves nuggets. We have nuggets here. Were right there with you. Youre turning into this a charitable thing. Explain that. Yeah. It all started when the tweet started picking up speed. And some momentum. And a lot of friends and family were asking, actually, to make some merchandise so they could support and wear it around. And so, thats where we got the idea to make the tshirts, nugs for carter tshirts. Im a pretty lucky kid. I have a lot in life. And so, i didnt really need the proceeds. I thought why not donate them to charity. Nice. Thats where i went from there. Favorite dipping sauce . Honey mustard . Im divided. Sometimes i like honey mustard, and sometimes i like barbecue. What if they send the sauces. Way to go. Looks a little like napoleon dynamite. Adorable. He just made a face at you, al. Hes got a nug. Okay, guys. Wait until you hear this one, former president barack obama, hes letting it loose. Hes not president anymore. Why not . Tuesday at the global food innovation in italy, he was sporting the business casual look. Gq called it a lot of real estate in the chest region. We recall the mick jagger look. Harry styles was doing that. We have two fashion experts at the table, its not hoda and savannah. Its matt and al. Absolutely appropriate look. Hes a young man. How many buttons down . I only go down one. But hes barack obama. I go down one or two. You go one more button, its a whole different thing. Hes fine at two, i think. Okay. I cant do that. But he can. Looks good. Lets get a check of the weather from the man who goes one button. Thats it. Todays weather is brought to you by zales. Celebrate your lasting love with gifts from zales, the diamond store. All right. Weve got the earliest forming Tropical Storm in the eastern pacific ever. In the satellite area. We have adrian. Normally, you wouldnt see this until the end of may. Its not going to make landfall but it is going to affect the u. S. The tropical moisture will come across the yucatan fins la. And bringing that across the gulf, the High Pressure funnels that up. Were looking at a moisture plume on monday thats going to fire up Severe Weather potential, from minneapolis to houston. Were going to watch this good morning, im meteorologist kari hall. We have a few low clouds rolling over the south bay hills, but a lot of sunshine and a nice start to this wednesday. Its 59 degrees already and 59 in palo alto, 58 in oakland and San Francisco and our temperatures will continue to warm up, eventually making it into the mid70s, which would be much cooler than where we were yesterday. 66 degrees the high in oakland. San francisco 62 degrees. And in napa today expect a high of 73 with some sunshine. And thats your latest weather. All right, al. Thank you very much. Up next, the women of up next, the women of today celebrate hey allergy ms are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool . Try zyrtec® its starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. Stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. nathan Secondhand Smoke caused measthma attacks, infections and lung damage. And i never smoked. announcer if you or someone you know wants free help to quit smoking, call 1800quitnow. Give extra. Get extra. Coppertone sport versus the sun. Coppertone sport stays on strong when you sweat and is Strong Enough to stop up to 98 of the suns damaging uv rays. Coppertone. Because protection matters. Standby. Hey katy, let me show you how behind schedule we are. Yeah. Are those the pyrotechnics that are gonna startle me from a distance . Yep. And my impractical wardrobe changes, those all set . Not even close. Oh, this is probably going to shine in your eyes at the worst possible time. Perfect. Were looking at a real train wreck here, am i right . Wouldnt it be great if everyone said what they meant . The citi® double cash card does. It lets you earn double cash back with 1 when you buy, and 1 as you pay. The citi double cash card. Double means double. The kind of love that begins unconditionally. Ve. Then grows even deeper over time. The kind of love that could only come. From mom. Right now at zales save 3050 off everything for mothers day. And celebrate mom with a gift whose meaning goes beyond just one day. A gift that will last for generations. Zales. The diamond store. [ cheers and applause ] we are back 8 18. All of the ladies crammed around the table. Ahead of mothers day, kathie lee was kind enough to host all of us, the mom squad, for an early celebration. We teamed up with People Magazine, for a special mom talk today edition. Sit back and have a little lunch with us. Ladies, i hope youre hungry. Find your spot. Hoda, youre over here, honey. Thank you. What a beautiful lunch. Thank you, kathie lee. Lets thank the lord real quick, shall we . Lord, we thank you so much for this time together. We thank you for sisterhood and, father, for fatherhood. We are so grateful in your holy name. Amen. Sweet. Ive been a mother now for many, many years. I cant believe i have a 27yearold and a 23yearold. But you are a mom for the first time. Youre a mom for the first time. This will be your very first mothers day. I cant tell you how exciting that thought is. I have to say, the idea of haley existing and me being a mom. And me sitting at this table with you guys, im having a few outofbodies. Am i supposed to be at this table . It feels weird . But its i cant believe the greatest joy of my life came at 52. I believe god has a plan. And we all get the baby thats coming to us. Whatever form that takes. Its haley for you at this moment. And you wouldnt have had it happen at any time because haley is your baby. Youve been waiting your whole life for her, not just a baby, your baby. Im old, i had my kids late. I dont want any other kids but vale and charlie. I want those kids. Those are my babies. We all feel like that. And if youre not a mom in a traditional sense, we all have the children god intends us to have. You may know this, but my parents couldnt get pregnant for a lot of years. So, they tried to adopt. And the day they found out they were pregnant with us, was the day they found out they had been accepted to adopt. They were pregnant with twins. They said, lets just hold off. I keep that picture of them that they sent to the Adoption Agency by my bed. Doesnt it look like two people who are desperate to have children . And for you, with haley, thats what youve done. And youve changed peoples ideas on what motherhood is. So, dylan, happy mothers day. Thank you. First time ever somebodys going to say that to you. Im so excited. And im very fortunate. Every night i wake up at 3 30 in the morning to pump. It wakes up brian every night. He looks over and he says, i want you to know youre beautiful, i love you. Youre the best mom ive ever known. And thank you for what you do. What . Does he have room for some sister wives . Can we talk about mom guilt . I want to talk about mom guilt. I have terrible mom guilt. Im hardly away from my kids. Hardly ever. And i feel sick inside when im not with them. I really do. Why . Almost physically ill. Because you miss them so much . Or you feel like youre letting them down somehow . All of the above. I miss them. I feel like im letting them down. If im with them all day, all weekend long and i want to take a bath or something, i feel bad if theyre on the other side of the apartment. I dont. Im telling you, i have it bad. Mom guilt is real. Were so blessed with technology in todays world. I didnt have any of this stuff. My son called me last night and facetimed me. The fact they still want to be with you and like you all the time. I dont like them all the time. But we love each other. Its a bond thats beyond belief. It really is. For people who say, well, just wait. Wait until they get older, thats not true, you guys. It was with my parents. Except for jenna. Teenage years. The teenage years werent pretty. Just those two arrests. Thats not bad. That one tongue sticking out. The one tongue. On my maternity leave, when i was getting up and breastfeeding every two hours or whatever, and mike would be like snoring, next to me, i know, in the morning, we would wake up. And he would go, im so tired. I did not sleep well. No, i was up. You slept great. You need to stop saying youre tired. You need to ban im tired from your vocabulary. Joel was like that. At 2 00 in the morning, i heard something weird. And it disrupted my sleep. Oh, she was wailing. Thats a scream you heard. And i fell back down. Im just i got to shake it off. I think theres a Common Thread with the folks i met and who are here, we were lucky to have parents that made us feel like you could do anything. It was a matter of how to get there. You know what i like about my mom . My mom and my dad made us feel we could do anything. At the same time, they didnt overstate the case. My mom loved me, no matter what. I would walk out the door wearing a hideous outfit and she would say, oh, look at you. How beautiful you look today. And i honestly believed her. I wondered in seventh grade, why is no boy asking me to do anything . Im so beautiful. I had glasses and frizzy hair. But i believed her. When she said, you can do anything. I swear to her, i believed it was true. And still do. And today, what an amazing interview you did with that celebrity, whoever. Anyway, kathie lee was so funny. And you were good, too. Its like someone with two pompoms. And all i want to hear is you can do it. I want to say, you can do it. Mila had a Parent Teacher conference, and they said mila has so much empathy. I tried. She did . She does . I want them to be kind. I want them to be good. They are. Theyre born like these precious girls who care so much about each other and about others. And to me, that is most important. I want that so much. And i see that now. Dont mess this up, jenna. We got one shot. Youre not messing that up. Happy mothers day. Happy mothers day. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers to mothers day. Love you, ladies. Love you. Now, im jealous. That looked like a lot of fun. We had fun. Kathy kept talking all afternoon. Only a couple statements that hoed to and i would like to retract. For me, it was great fun getting to know you and you a little bit better. It wasi m. Topvo east bay water customers may soon be paying er good wednesday morning. At 8 26, im sam brock. East bay mud customers could soon be paying higher rates to cover system improvement costs. East bay mud is now proposing a 19 hike over the course of the next couple of years. That extra money the agents says would go towards covering costs toward old piping and Water Treatment systems. The first proposed hike would amount to a 9 increase. A very similar hike would take effect next july. This will affect more than a million people. Under that proposed hike, bills will go up more than four bucks per month. The first public hearing is scheduled to take place about one month from now. Mike inouye is looking at a couple of situations right now on the peninsula. What are you looking at . Both 101 and 280 in the San Francisco area. The south bay with the standard build. We told you this would get a little heavier and should start to lighten the next half hour. Also slower across the dumbarton bridge westbound but on the peninsula south 280, theres a crash at 380 and in the backup. In that backup, two other crashes in the shoulder so thats a tough drive coming down into daly city. 101 north from 380 jams up toward sterling where there was an earlier crash. That cleared involving a motorcycle, some injuries there as well and major slowing getting up into San Francisco on 101 itself. Smooth across the bay bridge, sam. Back to you. We hope everybody is okay. Well be back with more news in 30. Good morning, everybody. Were back. Its wednesday, may 10th. Its 8 30 in the morning. Another nice one here on the plaza. Dylan is going bold. No coat. This was a huge mistake. You got goosebumps. Im freezing. Coming up, you may not know his name just yet. Thats about to change. R ragnbone man is going to perform. Also, mr. Manners himself. Hes going to help us bring civility back to flying. Well check that out. We showed you some of our mom talk. Well have more in a bit, including what we have to say about the Work Life Balance and romance. What . You can see the full edition on the people Entertainment Weekly app. I dont remember talking about romance. Wow. Hes not watching. He wont hear from anybody about that. Lets go to the weather, shall we . Todays weather is brought to you by kay jewelers. For 100 years, every kiss begins with kay. Lets show you what we have as far as today is concerned, with temperatures. A chilly split. Warm highs in the midsection of the country. Chilly in both ends. The jet stream, its starting to thoug flatten out. Houston to florida, temperatures in the 80s and 90s. Could be some records. But staying cool in the Northern Tier of states. As we head towards friday, we start to see the warmth trying to make its way to the north. But it stays cool from albany weve got a lot of sunshine for the inland areas and some low clouds and fog in San Francisco. Expect a high of 62 degrees today and even cooler tomorrow, reaching the upper 50s. This weekend we will get some more sun, highs around 60 degrees for the inland areas up to 74 today and slightly cooler tomorrow. We will have a slight chance of some showers in the north bay, light rain, and windy for the end of the week into the weekend with a high of 69 degrees on saturday. Thats your latest weather. Get that weather anytime you need it. Check out our friends at the Weather Channel on table. Guy . All right, al. Now, manners on the move today. This is a conversation with people across america about etiquette, where they live, work and travel. Were starting with a wave of recent problems for the parms we showed one just this morning. It was passengers on a southwest flight that had just landed in california. Thomas farrelly, mr. Manners himself, is here to look at bad behavior before and after boarding. Thomas, we need it. We sure do. Its been said that the journey not the destination is what matters. But tell that to air travelers. We went to atlantas Hartsfield Jackson to talk etiquette in the skies. Anger in the air. Cell phone cameras were rolling as tempers flared during testy and violent encounters in the cabin. From just over 1,000 incidents of air rage in 1994, to over 10,000 in 2015. Perhaps its fueled by a larger anxiety. We went to Hartsfield Jackson airport to take the pulse of the flying public. After 9 11, going through security, it can be a stressful experience. Leg room is smaller. Its not as pleasant as it used to be. An airport is a stressful environment. You have to get from a to b. Peoples patience level is at zero when they show up at the gate. I am a believer that we contribute in some way, passengers, flight crew. What are some things that passengers could be doing differently . Rushing to get on the plane. Sort of people pushing you from the back. That starts it off. People lose their etiquette. Its a 15hour flight, and crowded in this big, metal tube in the air. Reporter seat belted in so close to strangers and some behaviors can be offensive. Probably the worse thing i experienced was a woman brushing her teeth, sucking on her toothbrush the entire flight. People take off their shoes and the flight smells for the rest of the time. No taking your shoes off. If you wear flipflops, thats fine. It would be nice to not cross your legs so the foots not in the other persons lap. Reporter what about reclining your seat . I say go for it. The person in front of me is going to do it. Domino effect. Never. Reporter why . If you recline your seat one centimeter, it makes me flight 35 more uncomfortable. I try to pass that courtesy on to the person behind me. Reporter there was little debate over who gets two armr t armrests . The middle seat, both. Middle seat person, in my humble upon, gets both. The guy in the middle, whats he going to do . Reporter this mother had taken her 2yearold daughter on her first flight. She says travel with a child can be nerveracking. Sometimes people dont have the compassion. They have in their mind, im in a rush. And gabby almost got knocked down. Wherever youre going is not that serious to knock my baby over to get there. Reporter and this man says he suspects some travelers go to Great Lengths to board early. They abuse the system in terms of wheelchair access. You see more wheelchairs coming on to the plane than going off. Thats frustrating. Reporter this executive says he travels 100 times a year. Whats your secrets for keeping your cool with flight delays, weather delays . Stay focused on the things i can control. I cant control the weather. I cant control maintenance. And try to have empathy for people who are working with you. Often times, these folks with the messengers, not the creators of the issue. Reporter this young woman was about to take her first flight, had this perspective on how to deal with travelers. Respect peoples place. And say excuse me if you bump into somebody. Try to be plight even though youre all cramped together. Really good insight on this. You have takeaways . Thats right. Three tips we want to go through here. The first is, arrive at the airport prepared. We know travel is stressful. Bring the things that make you happy. Your favorite playlist, your favorite book. Your favorite candy bar. Youre able to be more considerate and less stressed at the airport. You want to enfwaj in conversation. We heard this universally with the people you spoke with. You sit next to someone for six hours, you pull down the eye mask and pop in the ear buds. The more you humanize this experience, were on it together. Guilty. And for business travelers. You want to get into the laptop and get the work tone. But you can make a life long friend on an airplane. Or have niceties. And make it pleasant for everyone. Be prconsiderate. Youre not going the encoach into others area. Use space wisely and considerately. For those of us who travel with kids, Public Service announcement, dont give us the death lasers. The parents feel terrible, terrible when their kids are misbehaving and trying to control the situation. Those with toddlers, where could be more control exercise to do that, but with the babies, thats beyond your control. Good info. Tomorrow, were tackling manners with your neighbors. More on today. Com, including ways to challenge yourself to be more civil. And share your stories and progress using mannersonthemove. Coming up next, you dont want to miss this mornings thanks a million mom. A great surprise with jenna. First, this is today on nbc. [ whistles ] internet speeds 20x faster. At t fiber sounds amazing. Wait a sec, im not done yet. Less than 12 of at t homes actually qualify. Huh. Hold on. Everyone else gets our other, slower internet speeds. But no one reads this stuff anyway. Except for the old guy with the binoculars. Huh. We got ourselves a reader. Dont be fooled by at t. Xfinity delivers the fastest speeds to the most homes. Some build walls to keep people out. But these are walls that welcome you in. Within these walls, californias educators create safe places for every student to learn and grow. Where teachers open minds to history. Unleash creativity. And show our kids the future. Some build walls to divide us. But the California Teachers Association knows these are walls that bring us together. Because quality Public Schools build a better california for all of us. Back, now, with our special series, thanks a million mom. And jenna pulled off this surprise for this mom in memphis. April green, dreamed about having a mom. They turned that into reality when they adopted april at age 17. April responded to our call out to honor special moms for mothers day. But she lives far away from her parents. So, this surprise was a tough one to pull off. Im april. And this is sarah. Were living in japan. We are headed to memphis, tennessee. Were going to surprise our mom for mothers day on the today show. Reporter a twoday this is an nbc news special report. Heres lester holt. Good day from new york. Were coming on the air during a busy day in our nations capital, dominated by President Trumps bombshell decision late yesterday to fire fbi director james comey. Just moments ago at the white house, President Trump made his first Public Comments on comeys firing and it happened during a photoop in the oval office with Henry Kissinger, secretary of state under richard nixon. Reporters asking questions of the president during that session. Heres how it went. But it is an honor to have Henry Kissinger with us, hes been a friend of mine for a long time. And thank you very much for being here. Appreciate it. Why did you fire director comey . Why did you fire director comey . Because he wasnt doing a good job, very simply. He was not doing a good job. Did it affect your meeting with the russians today . Excuse me. Did it affect your meeting with the russians today . Not at all. Will the new fbi director be in charge of the russia investigation . Thank you. Thank you, everybody. Thank you. That was the extent of the president s comments. You heard the question about his meeting with the russians. Thats referring to his meeting today with sergey lavrov, the foreign minister of russia who was visiting the white house. Some of the followup questions also having to do with the Russian Investigation that james comey as fbi director was leading. That included a look at potential, potential collusion between the Trump Campaign and the russian government. We want to go to nbcs Peter Alexander, hes standing by for us. Peter, democrats had their talking points, the white house has their talking points on this. What are you hearing . I think the bottom line is this white house flat footed last night after this news came out, privately aides here at the white house didnt anticipate the blowback to be as large as it was over the course of the evening, which is why were not just hearing from President Trump now for the first time, we heard from the Vice President moments ago on capitol hill saying this was the right decision at the right time. They want to try as best they can to make this as far from a political decision as possible. To say this was strictly about the incompetence in effect of james comey. As you saw that was an unannounced meeting with Henry Kissinger, notable given all the conversations now and democrats suggesting this was reminiscent of the saturday night massacre during the nixon administration, Henry Kissinger, of course, serving in both the ford and nixon administrations as National Security adviser and secretary of state. Be clear, the white house wanted the president to get out in front of this at this point, now almost 24 hours after the announcement was made. We hadnt heard from him in more than five days. He wanted to make it clear in simple terms that james comey was fired for no other reason than his failure to do his job well. Lester . Peter alexander at the white house, changes. Nbc justice correspondent Pete Williams is in our washington bureau. Members of the bureau had overnight to absorb all of this. Does anything fundamentally change in terms of investigations and progress . No. Theyll still go on, lester. The people who were working on them yesterday are working on them today. Andrew mccabe, the now acting fbi director, was well versed in this investigation. So he can pick it up. The question is whether this will have some longterm influence, though, on the agents working the case. Will they think there is less enthusiasm for this now at the Justice Department and clearly at the white house. There is a strong feeling at the fbi that the pretext and the rosenstein memo was a pretext that the real reason he was fired is he wouldnt stop the russia investigation. The issues here, of course, is the timeline. Is there any indication that the president may be close to naming a replacement or is this truly just land on his lap . It truly just landed in his lap. Although it is to some extent he invited it. But they already have been talking to possible successors, they talked to at least five people, a couple of special agents in charge of fbi offices, and an official of the office of the director of National Intelligence and two people who are now at the fbi, including andrew mccabe. So theyre starting to come up with names. This undoubtedly will be a rolling process. People will come and go off that list. But they say theyre already well into the process of possibly nominating a successor. Pete williams in our Washington News room. Thank you very much. Again, the president moments ago making his first Public Comments about the firing of james comey, saying he was doing a bad job, when asked by reporters as to why he fired him. Just a reminder, ill be sitting down exclusively with President Trump tomorrow at the white house. You can see our interview you can see our interview tomorrow on nbc nightly to take advantage of this offer on a volvo s90, visit your local dealer. To take advantage of this offer on a volvo s90, youre going to be hanging out in here. So if you need anything, text me. Do you play . Use the chase mobile app to send money in just a tap, to friends at more banks then ever before. You got next . Chase. Helping you master whats now and whats next. Proudly brought to you by citi. Were back with a music superstar in the making. Ragnbone man is described as a hiphop blues man. His breakout single human is number one on the charts in 33 countries. Ragnbone man is rory. You started performing at 15. You werent discovered, you didnt break through until you were 30. Who listened to this sound and didnt get it . Well, i mean, i was performing and working as a musician for a while. It took people a while to figure out i was any good, i guess. Somebody finally figured it out. Hiphop blues man, do you like that description . That was accurate. What did you listen to when you were grewing up . Muddy waters and aretha franklin, and outkast and stuff like that. When was the first time you realized you were a big deal . When a friend of mine called me from australia and said, youre playing on the building site here where im working. Thats pretty cool. Yew gott eyouve gotten a lo praise. Big names in the business reached out to say hey. Who was the most impressive . Elton john was pretty cool. Yeah. I was sitting at home and the phone rang. It was elton john, just to tell me i was great. Nobody called for elton . He just said hi, its elton . Uhhuh. Thats pretty cool. Yeah. What are you going to perform for us . The songs called human. Its awesome. Ragnbone man. Thanks so much. Maybe im foolish maybe im blind thinking i can see through this see whats behind got no way to prove it so, maybe im lying im only human after all im only human after all dont put your blame on me dont put your blame on me take a look in the mirror what do you see do you see it clearer or are you deceived in what you believe cause im only human after all youre only human after all dont put the blame on me some people got the real problems some people out of luck some people think i can solve them lord, heavens above im only human after all im only human after all dont put the blame on me dont put the blame on me dont ask my opinion dont ask me to lie then, beg for forgiveness for making you cry for making you cry cause im only human after all and im only human after all dont put your blame on me dont put your blame on me some people got the real problems some people out of luck some people think i can solve them lord, heavens above im only human after all im only human after all dont put the blame on me dont put the blame on me cause im only human i make mistakes im only human thats all it takes dont put the blame on me dont put the blame on me cause im no prophet or messiah you should go looking somewhere higher cause im only human after all im only human after all dont put the blame on me dont put the blame on me cause im only human i do what i can im just a man i do what i can dont put your blame on me dont put your blame on me [ cheers and applause ] rory, that was awesome. Thank you so much. Ragnbone man, back with more music later on this morning. First, this is today on nbc. Raise your home if youre going to go home and readjust your playlist. So good. Going to philadelphia. Toronto and then home . Yes. Thanks for spending time with us. I m. Topvo firefighters say it s too early a good wednesday morning. At 8 56, im sam brock. Right now firefighters say its too early to tell if two Early Morning car fires separated by a couple of miles were intentionally set or not. One of them broke into flames outside of a home on leroy lane in walnut creek. A second fire happened at just about the same time outside of a home on padre street in lafayette. Thats what youre looking at right here. In that case the fire dajmaged white suv. In both instances arson investigators were called to the scene. That makes three driveway car fires in Contra Costa County just since monday. Investigators are still looking into the cause of this car fire in martinez. Happening right now, we are talking with fire personnel about what happened and more updates. You can get more details on our twitter feed. A very busy day today in washington. President trump is meeting with russias foreign minister one day after the surprise sacking of fbi director james comey. Scrutiny growing over comeys firing and whether or not it was related into the fbis investigation into russian influence. Comey was in the third year of a tenyear term. On our home page you can link to more details, including todays reaction from key democratic and republican lawmakers. That will do it for right now. Well see you in 30 minutes. This morning on todays take, our summer shapeup. And todays mom on motherhood, marriage and mistakes along the way. And one evfor the brooks. A School Librarian getting the surprise of her life. All coming up right now. From nbc news, this is todays take. Live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Welcome to today on a wednesday morning. It is may 10th, 2017. Listening ining to crash and y thomas ray. Thats something we scourge with every day. Hopefully, you can relate to it. Speaking of relating to, you blew up the internet last night. I dont have a lot of followers on instagram. But a few i have decided to respond. I happened to be by myself at home. My husband was at a meeting the we had a shoot. I didnt get home until 6 30, 6 45. My little guy was begging for toast. What do you do when your kid wants a snack but he needs to go to bed . This is what i posted. Hello, everybody. This is uche. He did not eat his dinner. Now, its time for bed. And he wants a piece of toast. Do we give him toast or make him go to bed . Give him some toast. I say he should go to bed hungry because he needs to eat his dinner. No. Yes. Good night. Its past 8 00. No toast. Besides him being the most adorable thing in the world. You know what . I genuinely needed advice. What would you do . I want to say, he doesnt eat his dinner, he doesnt get a snack, he has to go to bed. But as a mom who needs to go to sleep, if toast will make him happy and get him to go to sleep . You could not give him the toast. Life is too short. Dont you create a habit . Wouldnt you want warm toast with a little butter every night . The idea, one time, youre moms going to do this. Its never one time. I figure youre all about the toast. I like toast. You have to eat your dinner. I got 107 comments. What did you do . Hes screaming, crying. No, no toast. Tough mom, no toast. Finally, im like, forget it. Ill give him some toast. So, i go downstairs. Wait a minute, someone on instagram, if you toast it, thats spoiling him. I got a hot dog bun. I go upstairs. I go upstairs, open the door. Hes asleep . Knocked out. Really. I go to leave. Mommy . Is that you . Do you have my toast . I go, i give you a hot dog. Thats gross, i dont want it. And turns around and goes to sleep. I dont know what the moral of this story is. I dont either. Dont dont go to dinner at sheinelles. Whats wrong with a hot dog bun . Nothing except theres no hot dog in it. If you give somebody a hot dog bun, you expect a hot dog. You give them toast, thats toast. If you read a comment that said dont toast it, you refused to give the bread and give the hot dog bun. Were you out of bread . No. We have wheat bread. And you know the ends . Who wants the ends. The heel is my favorite. Everybody went ick. If theres a Peanut Butter and jelly and i have to make the heel the crust is my favorite part. Not so much. No. The heel keeps the other bread from going stale. I make a sandwich of two heels. The conversation is all over the place. No heels. And would you rather have heels or a hot dog bun. Heels. Would you rather get hit in the head or the arm. I dont know. The fact you were late because you were on a shoot on Governors Island. I live in downtown manhattan. And Governors Island were you with craig melvin . For a weekend today shoot. Theres this gem that sheinelle spells jem. Think about it, its wrong. I had no idea. 2 to take a ferry to Governors Island. You have the most gorgeous views of manhattan, at the statue of ability and parks and bikes and ice cream. Its true. And you know what else we all appreciated, its so tranquil. Its so quiet. You dont hear the taxis and all that. Besides the helicopters. A new York City High School on Governors Island. We talked to students as they were walking by. We had fun with them, as well. Well see in the piece. It was fun. What about you . I had a thing to do last night. But before i did it, i made dinner for the kids. Hot dog buns . No. I made seared scallops, and grits. This is before you went to an event . Yeah. And i went to the child mind institute. The Organization Helps with childrens mental health. The child mind changemaker awards. And we nominated laurie rothman. She got the local hero award. Deborah would have been there but she was on assignment. And so many folks that work with our kids dont get the thanks. Very nice. All right. I will admit, i was watching earlier. You guys got together, thanks to kathie lee, at her place. An you had a moms get together. I will admit. I lost it a little bit. You were talking about your moms. And i lost mine and was thinking about her. This was terrific what you did. For me, as a new mom, i felt like part of the cool girls club. I was able to share my experience. Were all at different points in our motherhood. And it was fun to share advice and hear some of the stories that is like, im going through that right now. Its okay if things are hard sometimes. And its okay if you dont make the right decision or savannah was talking about mom guilt. And she feel s guilty if shes not with her kids. It was refreshing. Sheinelle and i left, that was the best thing. We were skipping out. It was like having lunch on a cloud. It was therapy, too. Just to hear from other people who can relate. We can all relate. We didnt realize it was for People Magazine, as well. Thats out today. I didnt realize that People Magazine had an app that you can watch. And you have all that, too. They answer the question, heel or hot dog bun . Heel. Youre the first person ive ever met that likes the heels better than regular bread. When you grow up with older brothers, you have to learn to like it. Good stuff. We get together, all of our producers and us, before the show, to talk about what were going to talk about. Morning mothers day is coming up on sunday, which is terrific. Question to the ladies here, the moms. Would you rather get a storepurchased card for mothers day or a homemade card . Would anybody pick store . I dont know. Sometimes, when i was a kid, i made them. But much older i dont mind the storebought card. If you get a storebought card, it would be nice to write something in it. Not, here. I had some of them. Just a card. Love ya. Or even like a sentiment. I need a little thought. Or even if you get your child to do a hand print. A thumbprint. I would rather get a card, made or store bought, than a gift. Theres more feeling behind it. Also, im against the ecard. You know . Make an effort. Show up. Go to the store. Show up. I like that. Or make something. Taking al off my ecard list. Thats just me. Just ahead, wait until you see what eva longoria rubbed up against last night. This salad . At panera, a good salad is so much more than a bowl of something green. More than an obligation to be good. More than just something you have on the side. More than just one flavor, or texture, or color. A good clean salad is so much more than green. And with panera catering, more for your event. Panera. Food as it should be. Heare you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool . 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Invokana® may cause dehydration, which could make you feel dizzy or weak when you stand up, so be sure to drink enough water. Important side effects to know may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections, changes in urination, or potentially serious urinary tract infections. As is risk of fracture, or increases in cholesterol or potassium. Ketoacidosis is a serious condition, which can be life threatening. Stop taking invokana® and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms. Or if you have an allergic reaction, with signs like rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. Do not take if you have severe liver or kidney problems or are on dialysis. Taking with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. The choice is yours. Lower your blood sugar with invokana®. Imagine loving your numbers. Theres only one invokana®. Ask your doctor about it by name. People are loving the heels. Not my heels. Like the heel of the bread. Thats a different story. Thats different. I call them the ends. Not making a sandwich with those heels. Highheels, not the heels on my feet. I was thinking, too. And how about kings hawaii bread. Theyve been a hot dog roll, that would be all right. James cordan does this game, where you have to get blindfo blindfolded and put your hands in a box. James cordon took it to the next level, in a game called nuzzled up. His guests needed to use their faces. Can you imagine . Look at corden and eva longoria. Con tess contestants, nuzzle, commence. Is that an animal . Is it a dog . No. Close closish. Is it a squirrel . Raccoon . What is it . Is it a rat . No. Is it a cat . Is it a lizard . Thats correct. I guess eva is never going t. She was doing her cheek and her hair. Is it a possum . Is it a rat . Does it have little fur and we understaestimate . I dont think so. Ive never seen a furry lizard. Just a little peach fuzz. I you know, just a little i dont know. You should do the weather now. I guess so. Just a second. Youre like your mother. Billboard. Todays weather is brought to you by kay jewelers. For 100 years, every kiss begins with kay. I paused for the billboard. But i still didnt have to say billboard. Lets show you whats going on. Map. And its the happemap. Its the map. Do dora, i miss her. Were looking at the strong storms firing up. My kids are too old to watch dora. And severe storms from texas and into kansas. And making their way into missouri and illinois and indiana. It will keep going into the east. Were going to be looking at that same storm forming a noreaster along the east coast, as we get into mothers day weekend. Through friday, the plains and the midwest, one to three inches. And in the midatlantic by friday, two to three inches, good morning. Im meteorologist kari hall. We see partly cloudy skies as we look live from tim raron and th temperature now 55 degrees. 62 degrees in san jose. Our temperatures continue to warm up but not as hot as yesterday. Were going to be in some spots 10 to 15 degrees cooler. 74 degrees in san jose and livermore, 73 in napa. Oakland is looking for a high of 76 degrees and San Francisco will see a high of 62. Summer shapeup challenge is in the book. How did our contestants do . Were going to weigh in. Well show you the foods and well show you the foods and fitness to help you get healthy youll be amazed what happens when you pu your red nose on. You help ensure that children in the u. S. And around the world are safe, healthy and educated. This red nose day, swing by walgreens and get your noses on to help end child poverty. Walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. Sir, can you hear me . Two, three. Just hold the bag. We need a portable xray, please [ nurse ] im a nurse. I believe in the power of science and medicine. But im also human. And i believe in stacking the deck. [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson johnson. [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, if youto treat your tough nasal allergies. Listen up. Unlike pills that dont treat congestion, clarispray covers 100 percent of your nasal allergy symptoms. Clarispray. From the makers of claritin. s not a quick fix. Its my decision to make beauty last. Roc® retinol started visibly reducing my fine lines and wrinkles in one week. And the longer i use it, the better it works. Retinol correxion® from roc methods, not miracles. ™ need a hair smoother. . Get super fruit Moroccan Argan Oil in the all new fructis sleek shine. Hair is 2x stronger. No parabens. Super sleek even in 97 humidity. Discover the all new garnier fructis. And now control frizz even longer. Try fructis sleek shine leavein cream. To keep the most unruly hair sleek for up to 3 days. Super fruit. Super hair. Garnier. Now, for our summer shapeup challenge, checking back with us, joy bauer, out in l. A. , we have our celebrity trainer, obee, the author of the cut, lose up to ten pounds in ten days and sculpt your best body. What is the most successful way to lose weight . Diet . Exercise or both . And weve been putting it to the test with amazing viewers. Lisa, on the diet plan. Ruben has been on the exercise plan. Solely exercises. And we have charlene, a new mom from maryland. Shaez been on both. Now, we want to see how youre stacking up. Why are you making that face . Fwl no reason. No reason, whatsoever. Lisa, youve been on jays plan for a week. How is it going . It was going great. I was nervous how it was going to be preparing the food. Thats a challenge of mine. But the recipes are easy. Everything tastes great. And i went over to my parents house and we made the apple protein pancakes. They taste great. Theyre awesome. At first, i was like, i dont know how the food is going to taste. It tastes great. And im never hungry. Lets see your results. Last week, your starting weight was 185 pounds. After a week on joys diet plan, your weight, 181. Youve lost four pounds. Yay. Joy, what do you think . I think she is doing tremendous. Shes so positive. I also love the fact that you have infected your families and your friends with healthy eating. I know its going to be a little of a learning curve in the beginning. But this will become muscle memory. In a few weeks, the old habits will be gone and the new habits will be here to stay. You are awesome. Thank you so much. All right, ruben. Lets look at the results first. A busy guy. Two kids. Youre a mrpolice officer, workg with 4 00 to midnight shift. Thats stuff. Was it hard to work out . It wasnt great. When i started to do the exercises, my legs felt really sore. Your starting weight was 283 last week. Your current weight, 280. Youve lost three pounds. Way to go. Amazing. How is ruben doing . Im impressed. The fact hes only following the exercise problem with no diet or Nutritional Program is very impressive. He lost three pounds in one week, just off of exercise only. Kudos to ruben. Thank you. Now, charlene, im interested here. Youre doing both. Yes. America is watching. How has it been . Its been great. I have a lot more energy. And like lisa said, fixing the meals, take very little time. Shes doing it. Your results. You started last week. 277. After a week of being on joys diet plan and the exercise plan, your current weight, 273. You lost four pounds. How do you feel . Ill start with you, joy. How do you feel about her plan doing both . Two thumbs up. One thing to say about charlene, in the past, what she wasnt aware of is she did a lot of mindless munching. Grabbing a hand full of goldfish or other kidfriendly goodies. Now, shes logging everything that shes eating and drinking. And shes much more mindful and the weight is falling off. It is working, girlfriend. What do you say to charlene . Im very impressed. Four pounds in one week following joys program and my exercise program thats huge for one week. Acan i ask a question. Going in commercial break, what move should we be doing . We can run in place. Run in place, just like this. Seriously . Okay, everybody at home. Run in place. Youre doing it, too. How long is the commercial break . I cant read and run. Dont go anywhere. Joy and obee are sticking around to show you the food and exercises to get healthy. Then, wait until you see what happens when the moms got together at kathie lees houlse. Thats after the local news. Keep running. Keep running. Dont stop. Ouch skinflex™, anna sit new bandaid® brand skinflex™ bandages. Our best bandage yet it moves like a second skin. Dries almost instantly. Better . Yeah. Go good thing because stopping never crosses your mind. Bandaid® brand. Stick with it™ allure best of beauty and Marie Claires most wanted. Eyes show emotion, not your age. Olay eyes. Ageless. Its theat olive gardenver introducing new giant stuffed pastas starting at 12. 99. Pastas so big you could share them, but so delicious, you wont want to. Giant stuffed pastas. For a limited time at olive garden. Topvo a coincidence. Or consistent with arson . Firefighters are looking into whether two Early Morning east bay car fires outside home good wednesday morning. 9 26. Im sam brock. Firefighters are looking at two east bay car fires outside a home separated by just a couple miles were intentionally set. One of them happened outside this home on leroy lane in walnut creek. There was a second fire that happened right around the same time outside of this house on padre street in lafayette. In that case the fire damage, you see a white suv there. In both cases arson investigators were called to the scene. This is also the driveway of a third car fire that was in Contra Costa County since monday. Investigators looking into the cause of that fire, and that was in martinez. In the east bay, east bay customers could be shelling out more money to east bay mud. The extra money would go to new pipes and cost suppression systems. A similar increase would then take effect next july. On that proposed hike, bills on your average home would go up more than 400 per month. There will be a public hearing on this. The first one is scheduled to take place one month from today. And today feels more like spring, certainly in terms of the temperatures. Kari hall will join us with a look at your weather right after this break. Good morning, im meteorologist kari hall. We will start out with some low clouds in San Francisco, and then clearing. Expect a high of 62 degrees and 59 degrees tomorrow. It will be cool for the rest of the week and also some gusty winds. For the north bay on tomorrow, well have a slight chance of showers. Highs reaching the low 70s inland and also windy end of the week with highs in the upper 60s in time for mothers day. Lets check out with mike to see how the roads are moving. Overall okay. Well pick out two key spots. Traffic stopped down toward the santa cruz summit southbound 17. They stop you just before you get to the scene of a crash that has han overturned vehicle and big rig involved. Crashes did clear in San Francisco and at the lower deck of the bay bridge, but you see how slow 101 is . 280 also as a result getting a lot of traffic in San Francisco. Southbound slow heading to sfo. Mike, back to you. Thank you for joining us. Well be back with more news in 30 minutes. Were back with our summer shapeup leaders, joy bauer and our trainer out in l. A. Today. And our viewers are on the journey with us. Lisa is on joys diet plan. Ruben on the exercise plan and charlene doing both. Were going to see what joy and obi have in store for week two. Lets check out lisas fridge. This is before lisa went shopping for the plan. I wanted to prove, so many of us, we open up our refrigerators and say, i have nothing to make. I saw a lot of things. I saw the onion, the zucchini, the marinara sauce and the eggs. Were going to make something sensational, delicious and slimming. Did you know that sheinelle has never purchased zucchini. As i kid, i didnt like it. This is your homework tonight. Okay. Were making a middle eastern dish thats going to have zucchini monoodles in it. This is a fancy spiral slicer. You can get one from a home good store, or use a vegetable slicer. You make your noodles. In the skillet, you saw day the noodles about two minutes. I add in garlic powder, and chopped onion. You throw in your marinara sauce. And you crack on top, two eggs. And this whole thing, the calories, 280 calories, 20 grams of protein and four grams of fiber. Lets look at charlenes fridge. I wanted to get rid of her leftovers. She had facauliflower and broccoli. Rotisserie chicken. I saw stock over here. A can of beans and stewed tomatoes. You take flee cups of any vegetable combination. Get rid of your leftovers. They can be fresh or frozen. And you boil it up. And four cups of recuduced sodi booth, two cups of rotisserie chicken and whatever seasoning. That looks amazing. Lets head over since charlene and ruben are doing the exercise, what have you got for them coming up week two . Week two is a little more difficult. We added one extra move for each day. Now, doing seven different moves. And i want to show you one move were going to be doing is called chair dips and burpees. I want ruben and charlene to do them. We dont have chairs here. Im going to show you the exercise real quick. This is going to work the arms, the triceps. Have your arms shoulder width apart. And go down, extend all the way up, all the way down. All the way up. 10 to 15 seconds, about 3 to 4 sets. Doable. Simple exercise you can do in your office, in your living room, at home. Very simple. And the burpee quickly. I hate them. But i know they work. Get on the ground. Kick your feet out, in a plink position. And thats a cardio. You can try that. As we go to break. We were running first. Come on. Beautiful. Do them with me. Excellent. Excellent. A nice little jump. Thank you so much. I just burped. Everybody, were going to see you next week. Thank you. Coming up, were going to give a very deserving librarian a huge surprise live in front of all of the students and hey allergy muddlers are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool . Try zyrtec® its starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. Stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. And let roomba from irobot help with your everyday messes. Roomba navigates your entire home. Cleaning up pet hair and debris for up to 2 hours. Which means your floors are always clean. You and roomba, from irobot. Better. Together. Essential for him, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Because there are options. Like an unjection™. Xeljanz xr. A once daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and joint damage, even without methotrexate. Xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. Dont start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Needles. Fine for some. But for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. Ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. An unjection™. Wiback like it could used to . Neutrogena hydro boost water gel. With hyaluronic acid it plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. For supple, hydrated skin. Hydro boost. From neutrogena cover of chainsmokers dont l me down the issues we care about can weigh on us. So lift the weight of caring, by doing. Visit state farms neighborhoodofgood. Com to volunteer in your community. Neighbors helping neighbors is created with our sponsor, state farm. You can lift the weight of caring by doing. Visit state farms neighborhoodofgood. Com to find a range of volunteer opportunities in your community. Now, to our series neighbors helping neighbors. Today, were giving back to a deserving School Librarian who has given so much to her students and community. Shes about to get the surprise of her life. And today correspondent Liliana Vasquez is outside of the Hemphill School library in hemp justi hemphill, texas. Im here to surprise shelly starr. She has no idea our cameras are here the shes in for the surprise of her life. Are you ready to go inside . Lets go. Hi. Im looking for mrs. Starr. That would be me. Surprise, youre live on the today show. Oh, my goodness. Come over here. Hi. Are you so excited to see us . Im kind of surprised. We were hoping for that. We know you do so much for this community. And we are so grateful for you. We wanted to come and surprise you here today. Im surprised. Thats fantastic. While we make our way over to the gymnasium, were going to get everybody get a look at your inspiring story. Okay. Thank you. Reporter welcome to he hemphill. Were keep east texas. Were as far as you can go before louisiana. We have the highest Unemployment Rate in the state of texas. Reporter the population, just over 1,000. In a rural area like this, books can really take you outside of what you know. And they teach you so much about the world. Reporter sel shelly starr k the importance of books in childrens lives. I like the shark book over there. Reporter for the last seven years, shes been the elementary, middle and high School Librarian. On tuesday, he ate through how many pears . Two pears. But he was still hungry. I start out here in the Elementary Library and checkbooks in and out. And help students find books they need. She loves the library. This is my favorite place. Reporter in addition to her daily task, twice a year, shelly hosts a book fair. The hope is that each child will bring books home to read with their families and keep them. Early on, shelly realized that financial hardships kept kids from buying books. They have just a few pennies and want to buy a book. My volunteers would buy books for the kids. Its heartbreaking. We keep digging in our own pockets to make it work for these kids. And we couldnt keep up with the demand. Reporter shelly reached out to neighborhoods in the community, and the support quickly came in. I made a Facebook Post that night. Within 20 minutes, i had a man handing me 100 bill. And its grown from there. Reporter the book fair is supported by the community. Shelly spends her free time fundraising, advocating for students and raising awareness about the kids needs. Shelly gets those who may not be interested in reading but gets them in interested in picking out books they would like to read, as well. This book is about a boy named billy and his horse named glaze. Theres a lot of books. You can explore more if you keep reading. Reporter news about the fair travels quickly through the small town. Neighbors encouraging other neighbors to pitch in. Theyre very proud of it. Its in the newspapers. And people talk about it at the churches. Reporter but shelly and her community have work to do. And like any determined educat r educator, she wont stop until every childs needs are met. We would like every kid to take books home. Okay, mrs. Starr, behind these doors is a great surprise. Are you ready . Im ready. Open it up, boys. This is all for you. All of the students, all of the teachers, everyone in your community, came out to honor all of the incredible work that you have done for this school. We share your love for books. Come on over. All of this, just for you. They are so grateful. And we are so grateful, as well, because of your commitment to education and to the incredible students. I know for one thing, that the reading corner is very important to you in your library. We have filled it with rocking chairs and bean bags so all the kids can have special time with you in the nook. And superintendent greg is letting ynl this very surprise. This plaque will proudly be displayed in the mrs. Starrs story time room. So exciting. Surprises arent done yet. As you can see, we took the liberty of setting up what we call a book fair right here for you. And last night, with the help of fa state farm, we loaded in 4,000 books. And that means that every, single student in the entire School District is going to get to go home with four books today. All of them get four books to take home. And thats because of your love for reading and your love for books. How does it feel . Overwhelming. Really . Okay. Hey, kids, you want to come get these books . Yeah . Come on. Come on. Go. Come get books. Come on. All right, al, back to you. Thank you so much. Congratulations to shelly starr. You did a terrific job, liliana. How sweet. That is wonderful. Every day, you talk about things you can do at home. Get a book and give it to good morning. Im meteorologist kari hall. We have some clouds near the coast and some sunshine inland. Temperaturewise, were in the upper 50s in San Francisco, oakland and palo alto. 62 degrees now in san jose. Our highs this afternoon will be cooler than yesterday, and it will be very nice with some breezy winds. Up to 73 in napa. Oakland 66, palo alto 72 degrees. In livermore expect a high of 74. As we go to the next couple days, were looking for some even cooler temperatures. Joys of motherhood after these messages. Y weigh yourself down . Try aveeno® sheer hydration. Its active naturals® oat formula. Goes on feather light. Absorbs in seconds. Keeps skin healthy looking and soft. Aveeno® naturally beautiful results. My dad called them up and asked for the Jennifer Garner card which is such a dad thing to do. After he gave his name the woman from capital one said mr. Garner, are you related to jennifer . Kind of joking with him. And my dad was so proud to tell her, as a matter of fact, she is my middle daughter. So now dad has the venture card, hes earning his double miles, and he made a friend at the company. Can i say it . Go ahead whats in your wallet . Nice job dad. New pantene doesnt just wash i wiyour hair, it fuels it. Gain. Making every strand stronger. So tangles dont stand a chance. Because strong is beautiful. Hes a nascar champion whos shes a worldclass swimmer whos stared down the best in her sport. But for both of them, the most challenging opponent was. Pe blood clots in my lung. It was really scary. A dvt in my leg. I had to learn all i could to help protect myself. My doctor and i choose xarelto® xarelto®. To help keep me protected. Xarelto® is a latestgeneration blood thinner. Thats proven to treat and reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots from happening again. In clinical studies, almost 98 of patients on xarelto® did not experience another dvt or pe. Heres how xarelto works. Xarelto® works differently. Warfarin interferes with at least six bloodclotting factors. Xarelto® is selective. Targeting just one critical factor, interacting with less of your bodys natural bloodclotting function. Dont stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor as this may increase risk of blood clots. While taking, you may bruise more easily, or take longer for bleeding to stop. It may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. Xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. Get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. If youve had spinal anesthesia, watch for back pain or any nerve or musclerelated signs or symptoms. Do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. Tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures and before starting xarelto® about any conditions, such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. Youve got to learn all you can. To help protect yourself from dvt and pe blood clots. Talk to your doctor about xarelto®. Theres more to know. How clean do you feel after going to the bathroom . laughter laughter then we asked the experts i feel as clean as a little, white tiny kitten. A ah ooh, a twinkling iceberg thats because only cottonelle® has cleanripple® texture. Designed to clean better. As clean as a shimmering mermaid. Cottonelle® wants everyone to feel as clean as a shimmering mermaid. How cottonelle® do you feel . Mothers day sunday. You got to celebrate it early. Kathie lee had a nice lunch for us at her home. We talked about balancing everything, from family, to finding time for romance. I will say the Biggest Surprise about having kids for me, is this group of women i have around me. I feel like i can ask for advice. And i do feel like thats a surprise. I didnt know i would make new friends. A career is crazy. I dont know if i can juggle it all. I dont think i can. And jenna had said, you had gotten more opportunities after you had kids because you almost became part of this mom club. More than that, i think it was like, dont let work as important as it is, dictate how it is. Having the two precious girls is more important. It is my life. I want her to be happy. If haley is happy, i feel like its a job well done. Use the internet to say whats happening. Whats the internet . Its a new thing that was invented. Im not a doctor. But i had to go with dr. Gut. If that makes any sense. You google something and theres like 20 things, they have a tooth ache, im dying. You start to i dont know when the moment happens, when you say, you know what . Im going to listen to myself. Where do we go for the dentist . I love her. I love her. Then, where do we go to preschool, jenna . I amgen in a. I just draft behind whatever jenna is doing. Its great to have a friend who is ahead of you. And its fun to have a friend thats into it saying, get that baby on a schedule. Just so lovely. What did you do when you were in the thick of it . Youre busy. Everybody has schedules and activities. My kids havent written the books yet. And theyve never been in therapy that i know of. I would see the bills. But i know i made mistakes. And that break misheart. I never meant to. You know . Youre just trying to so much of it, especially if youre a parent for the first time, by the seat of your pants. Your spanx. And somebody will feel like theyre getting the short end of the stick. When it comes to my relationship with my spouse, my husband, theres times when he if i had a little nervous left, hes stepping on it. And other times, i see him with the kids and my heart is felting. I like to see henry as a dad. There is nothing sexier. To watch the girls just stare at him in such a awe, makes many e have a feeling towards him that was not the way it was before. Its refreshing to step back for a second and realize that im not just always crazy, busy and tired and exhausted from doing everything. Hes doing it, too. He deserves credit. You have to have the commitment. Some days, its the commitment. Im in it with you. Youre in it with me. And its not always pretty. Not always going to be love and sunsets. But theres great deep love. Maybe some of the romantic encounters have been shortened. Or nonexistent. I totally agree. We dont find ourselves its not fifty shades. Its a shade and a half. A shade and a half is good enough for me. At least you got a shade and a half, honey. Tell us more, jenna. 2 1 2 shades. Much more in the next hour with kathie lee and hoda. And were featured inside the latest issue of People Magazine. You can check out mom talk, today show edition on the People Network app. This is today on nbc. All right. Ladies, whats coming up . Ragnbone man. His music stops you in your tracks. And ben and eric napier for oc mornings commute were seeing the clouds roll in on the coastline and expect a High Temperature of 62 degrees. There will be cooling in inland areas. Temperatures drop at least 10 degrees in some spots. Expect a high in san jose of 72 degrees, napa 73 degrees and santa rosa will be in the upper 60s. In the next two days, more clouds rolling in, gusty winds and cooler temperatures. Ill keep you up to date on that. For now lets head over to mike for an update on whats happening with this mornings commute. Its happening right now, guys. This overturned vehicle was blocking lanes along with that rig. You see the second of two trailers there southbound 17 just south of the summit. They were diverting traffic to the northbound side, so even though lanes are blocked on southbound side, youre able to get on the northbound lane with traffic control. That means a slower drive for northbound routes, but the southbound will be reconnected between the Silicon Valley and the santa cruz side. Thats good news. Things are lightening up on highway 17. It looks like traffic is moving again on the san mateo bridge. Fire investigators in the east bay are looking into two Early Morning car fires just moments apart but separated by two miles. Right now you can look at more details in our twitter feed. Also President Trump is meeting with the foreign minister following the firing of fbi director james comey. See you in half an hour. From nbc news, this is today with Kathie Lee Gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Oh, we made it to hump day. Yes, i love hump day. All righty its wines day wednesday. Its may 10. Its a special spanky wednesday. No, there is only spanky tuesday. No, there is spanky wednesday today and were going to give it away. That is craving you by thomas rhett. He will be performing outside on june 2nd,

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