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Latched on her leg opening up about her ordeal. I started punching its forehead. It still wouldnt let go. How she use ad a trick she learned on a field trip to save her life. Kicking it off in style. One of the biggest pop stars in the world harry styles takes over our plaza for our first summer concert of the season. The crowd is massive, today, tuesday, may 9, 2017. Announcer from nbc news, this is today with matt lauer and savannah guthrie. Live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Good morning, everybody. Welcome to today on a Tuesday Morning. Were going to need more adjectives to describe that crowd, massive, huge, spectacular. Harry styles has a new album coming out. Its his first solo album. Maybe a little jitters about the reception. Things are going to be fine. We have six city blocks of crowd for him. We will get out there in a moment. First to our top story. The possible expansion of the u. S. Military effort against the taliban in afghanistan. This is a plan that calls for several thousand more troops there. Thats just one of the things were going to talk about with former secretary of state condolezza rice. Lets us begin with two reports from the white house. We start with hallie jackson. Good morning to you. Reporter good morning. A Senior Administration official says President Trump has not yet made a decision on the options he has been presented. After years of scaling back the number of troops in afghanistan, whats being talked about now would be a shift. A military official tells nbc news the consideration is for as many as three to 5,000 more troops to make headway in americas longest war. This morning, a possible change of course in afghanistan. U. S. Military and foreign advisers are proposing a plan to put several thousand more troops on the ground, to try to take out the taliban. Once again gaining strength in the country. President trump has yet to authorize what would be a major shift in strategy that comes after what the Washington Post calls a sweeping policy review based on the president s desire to start winning again. What i do is i authorize my military. Thats why theyve been so successful lately. Reporter it comes weeks after the u. S. Dropped the socalled mother of all bombs in afghanistan, the largest nonnuclear bomb deployed where dozens of isis militants were killed. Sean spicer was asked about the principals on afghanistan this week. I think he wants to make sure that we do what we can to win. Thats why he charged the generals and other military advisors and National Security team to come up with a plan that can get us there. Reporter the u. S. Scaled back operations in afghanistan under the obamaed administratio. Donald trump weighed in on the topic tweeting, we should leave afghanistan immediately, no more wasted lives. If we have to go back in, we go in hard and quick. Military Officials Say the pentagon rather than the white house would be authorized to set troop numbers. A white house official says theres no time line, not publically, on when the president might make a decision on how to move forward in the country. Hallie jackson starting us off from the white house. President trump is slamming investigation into russias meddling in the election. Now labelling it a taxpayer funded charade. This after former acting attorney general sally yates testified on capitol hill on monday. Nbc National Correspondent Peter Alexander has more on this. Good morning. Reporter good morning. This was a dramatic day of testimony. Sally yates in effect explaining that there was an urgent danger, which is why just six days after President Trump took office she alerted his administration about Michael Flynn, that he was putting white house at risk by concealing his discussions about sanctions with russias ambassador. This morning, the trump teams possible ties to russia again under scrutiny. To state the obvious, you dont want your National Security adviser compromised with the russians. Reporter former acting attorney general sally yates, an Obama Administration holdover on the capitol hill hot seat. For first time, yates detailing how she warned President Trumps white House Counsel during two meetings and a phone call in late january about then National Security adviser Michael Flynns conversations with the Russian Ambassador. The first thing we did was to explain to mr. Mccann that the underlying conduct that general flynn engaged in was problematic in and of itself. Reporter yates alerting the white house that flynn had not only misled the vicepresident and other officials but that the russians knew. That created a compromise situation, a situation where the National Security adviser essentially could be blackmailed by the russians. Reporter late monday, President Trump unleashing a minitweet storm making no mention of flynn. Arguing that yates testimony revealed nothing new. Insisting the russian collusion story is a total hoax. Even changing his twitter page to punctuate the point. Nbc news has learned that president obama delivered his own personal warning to then president elect trump against hiring flynn during that Oval Office Meeting less than 48 hours after the election. According to three former Obama Administration officials. At the time, flynn was already a key adviser to mr. Trump. He had been fired as head of the Defense Intelligence agency in 2014. The White House Monday suggesting that history prompted president owe be obamas advice mr. Trump dismissed. Its true the president president obama made it known that he wasnt a fan of general flynns, which is frankly shouldnt come as a surprise to anyone. Reporter President Trump has defended his decision to hire Michael Flynn by blaming the Obama Administration saying they gave flynn the highest security clearance. It was renewed in 2016. He was never granted the broader security clearance he would have needed to serve as National Security adviser. Still unanswered, why 18 days passed between that warning from sally yates and President Trump ultimately firing Michael Flynn. Peter, thank you very much. Condolezza rice was secretary of state under president george w. Bush. Shes a professor at stanford university. Shes written a new book called democracy, stories from the long road to freedom. Secretary rice, great to see you. Nice to see you. Theres a story on the front page of the Washington Post. I want your reaction. Senior advisers to President Trump are proposing a shift in u. S. Military strategy in afghanistan, sending more troops there to fight an emboldened taliban. If you were secretary of state right now, would you urge the president to go along with that . I would certainly urge the president to look at how we can turn the tide in afghanistan. I know we have been there a very, very long time. Obviously, the goal is to have a government thats stable but cant be assaulted by the taliban. But theyre going to have to look at all options. I would certainly, as secretary of state, look at the options. If you send 3,000 or so more troops there, do you worry about a collision course with russia . Because as you know, its been reported that the russians are sending arms to the taliban. So are u. S. Troops on the ground there going to be fighting Russian Armed taliban troops on the ground there . One of the first conversations needs to be with Vladimir Putin and to say do you want to get into afghanistan after what happened before in afghanistan . Theres no reason for the russians to be arming the taliban. That conversation needs to take place. Im sure that when secretary tillerson meets with the foreign minister, that will come up. The president is going to have to look at a wide variety of things, not just troops. What is the trstrategy for increasing troop strength. Im sure you are familiar with the controversy over the general Michael Flynn, the former National Security adviser and the testimony we heard on the hill yesterday. Let me ask you, you once held that position, National Security adviser. If the attorney general of the university had come to you at the white house and said, your National Security adviser is potentially compromised, that he lied about his contact with the russians and the russians know it, would you fire him right then 57and there . Thats not my decision to make. I dont do speculation. I dont know what that conversation sounded like. I dont know what the president heard or didnt hear. I do know that eventually general flynn was gone. They have now a terrific National Security adviser in h. R. Mcmaster and a great National Security team. Thats what matters. You said that russian interference in our election was kind of a High Water Mark in efforts that they had been taking on for decades. Can President Trump right now trust president putin . Well, i dont know that any president can trust president putin. What you can trust putin to do is to carry out his interests as he sees them. That means making russia a real factor in international politics. Sometimes that means overrunning ukraine or threatening the baltic states, then thats what he will do. Or supporting president as d assad. Or for that matter, arming the taliban if thats whats happening. In these circumstances, you are always best to say, what are the russians trying to do . There are areas of potential cooperation. I think north korea is an area of potential cooperation, because the russians cant look kindly on a north Korean Leader with a long range missile if it can reach it seems a contradiction. How do you not be able to trust a guy because he is interfering in your election and turn for help from that same person . Its not help. Its a matter of understanding what russian interests are, expecting theyre going to follow them and when it comes to not having north korea able to reach in territory of rush ssia thats in their interest. You mentioned north korea. Do you support the idea of a preemptive strike if it comes to that . I support the president keeping that on the table. No american president is going to allow a reckless leader in north korea to acquire Nuclear Weapon capable of reaching the united states. Its not going to happen. I hope that diplomacy will work. I hope the chinese will put the pressure on the north korean regime only they can put on the regime. But the president has to keep all of his options on the table. That i support. Caught my eye in the beginning of your book, you pose a question. You say, is democracy in retreat . I kind of wonder just by asking the question, are you sounding a little pessimistic . If i had to answer my own question, i would say no, its not in retreat. Its just a really long, hard process. All democracies are imperfect at their start. They get a little bit better along the way. Its almost as if climbing a high stair, you get to a landing, you consolidate for a while, you take your breath and you keep moving on. Second rice, thank you for being with us. Do you miss washington . Would you go back . No. Im a very happy professor at stanford. You sure . Im sure. Thank you. Just asking. Asking for a friend. Thank you very much. Pleasure to be with you. N now to the overnight chaos at a florida airport. Pushing and shoving. This happened at Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International. Good morning. This was an intense scene, multiple Spirit Airlines Flights Canceled, fights in the airport terminal. Not only with airport employees but then the police got involved. Spirit blames it all on a labor dispute with its own pilots. Another day, another incident involving an airline. This time not on a plane but inside a passenger terminal. Overnight, cell phone video posted online capturing the wild scene at the Spirit Airlines ticketing desk after some nine flights were canceled. The terminal at Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International erupting. Emotions boiling over, fights breaking out. The cancellations left hundreds of travellers stranded. Lines were two to three hours. I cried. Im not going to lie, i cried. The cancellations come during an ongoing labor dispute. The airline blamed the Flight Cancellations on a work slowdown from its own pilots union. Spirit, which filed a lawsuit against the pilots monday, said the backlog was caused by a lack of crews. The airline saying, we are shocked and saddened to see what took place. These pilots support their quest for a new contract ahead of getting customers to their destinations and the safety of their fill lellow team members. Passengers firmly planted on the ground. The question this morning is whether this will continue today. In fact, right now flight aware shows 28 more spirit Flights Canceled today at the moment, spirit is the airline with the most cancellations worldwide. It could be a rough day. Back to you. Getting ugly out there. Tom costello, thank you. Big developments this morning in a story we have been following for more than a year. Police say the gunman who terrorized phoenix, arizona, last year with a series of random shootings is behind bars. 23yearold aaron sauseta was in Police Custody on an unrelated murder charge. He now faces 26 additional felony counts. Police allege that he was responsible for a dozen separate shootings which led to nine deaths. Officials say there appears to be no connection between the suspect and his victims. There are new developments this morning in the horrifying murders of two engaged doctors. It happened in their luxury boston condominium. The suspect who was shot by police has now been arraigned at his hospital bed. This investigation is far from over. Morgan radford is in boston with the latest. Good morning. Reporter new details this morning shedding light on a possible motive. In fact, senior Law Enforcement officials telling nbc news that the couple slain here in this luxury penthouse condo behind me may have actually been targeted by the suspect. Although they do not believe that the suspect and the victims had a personal relationship. A plea of not guilty. Reporter a look at the accused killer in the double murder mystery. You are being held without bail. Reporter he lies motionless in a boston hospital bed. His eyes closed for most of his arraignme arraignment, charged with two counts of murder. Law enforcement Officials Say the 30yearold excon killed the two doctors friday night, tieing up their hands, slitting their throats and scrawling a message about retribution on a wall in their luxury condo. No evidence whatsoever at this stage to conclude that this defendant had a personal relationship with the doctors. Reporter this morning, investigators scrambling to connect the dots. Revealing new details about the crime scene, where they found a knife and a black backpack. In that black bag was jewelry. Reporter while the District Attorney says its too early to speculate whether robbery was the possible motive, the murders have left neighbors stunned. Trying to figure out how he allegedly gained access to the exclusive penthouse, which requires a key system to use the elevator. I have to get buzzed in if i knew the door guy. Reporter investigators are looking into his past. Court documents show he was homeless, recently serving nine months for two bank robberies. An incident report from his 2016 conviction shows he once worked security for the building right next to the crime scene. The gruesome details and mysterious motive adding to the heartbreak. Police initially believe that he had a gun when they arrived to the scene. Yesterday, in a late breaking press conference prosecutors say he was not. He was shot in the arm, leg and stomach. Is waking up for a second day in a row in the hospital still being held without bail. Morgan radford in boston, thank you. I want to show you a bizarre incident during a speech in australia. The ceo of Qantas Airways had been on stage when this happened. Its been six months to announce ive been here to announce [ bleep ] heck. I dont know what that was about. I might take a break for a second and clean up a little bit. I will come back. That took place this morning during a business breakfast with about 500 people in attendance. The man behind the pie attack was arrested. Led away by security. He didnt give any indication why he did it. After cleaning up, joyce returned to the stage and joked he needed the number of a good dry cleaner. Maybe better security. Thats a little bit scary someone to get that close to you. Let us shift gears. The weather. I see rainy shots behind you. Severe stuff. Yesterday in colorado, just outside of denver, this is southeast of denver, folks had to take shelter. So much hail coming down. Some of it golf ball and baseball size. We have more Severe Weather to talk about again today. Over a wide swath. We are looking at strong storms firing up from the rockies today, moving into the plains, nebraska on into the texas panhandle. Tonight, on into tomorrow, its a slow moving system, a continued thread of strong storms. As we move into thursday, were looking at more heavy thunderstorms from the plains into the midwest. Were talking about anywhere from two to five inches of rain, stretching from colorado all the way into virginia. Thats whats going on. Were going to get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. Good morning. Im meteorologist kari hall. We have a mild start with temperatures in the mid 50s as you get ready to head out the door. 51 in the trivalley and 47 in the north bay. San francisco at 52 degrees. After this cool start, it does warm up. Feels more like summer later today with auf high of 83 degr in the south bay at 85 degrees and the trivalley. East bay will see a high of 78, and 68 in San Francisco. North bay warming up to 85 degrees. And thats your latest weather. Matt . Al, thanks very much. Coming up, more members of the Penn State Fraternity set to face the judge with the charges tied to the hazing death of a pledge. We hear the 911 calls for the first time. And the 10yearold girl who saves herself from an alligator attack, reveals the trick she learned at a theme park and when you have allergies, it can seem like triggers pop up everywhere. Luckily theres powerful, 24hour, nondrowsy claritin. It provides relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 different allergens. Live claritin clear. We rbut we are not victims. Ack. We are survivors. We are survivors. We are survivors. And now we take brilinta. For people whove been hospitalized for a heart attack. We take brilinta with a baby aspirin. No more than one hundred milligrams. As it affects how well brilinta works. Brilinta helps keep platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. In a Clinical Study brilinta worked better than plavix®. Brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. Or dying from one. Dont stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor,. Since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent,. Heart attack, stroke, and even death. Brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily,. Or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. Dont take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers,. A history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. Slow heart rhythm has been reported. Tell your doctor about bleeding,. New or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. If you recently had a heart attack, ask your doctor about brilinta. My heart is worth brilinta. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca. Topvo just about 90minutes from right now jurors in the good morning to you. Its 7 26. Im laura garciacannon. Just about 90 minutes from now, jurors in the Antolin Garcia torres murder trial is expected to reveal their verdict. This is a case that has gripped the bay area for five years. Thats when sierra lamar disappeared on her way to school. Her body was never found. Jurors deliberated for about two days before reaching their verdict late yesterday. Their announcement has been put on hold until 9 00 this morning. Nbc bay area will break into Network Coverage at that time to bring you a live special report. As we wait for that, lets check in with kari hall. We have a clear start on this Tuesday Morning. Looking live over san jose. Its going to be a cool start, but then to see those temperatures making it into the 80s this afternoon. Well see that 81 degrees by 4 00 and at 8 00 this evening, 69 degrees. Upper 60s for San Francisco and then cooling down for the next several days. Some breezy winds and a mix of sun and clouds. Well also start to see the morning fog rroheturning by tomorrow, and 83 degrees will be the high inland today, but then it will be slightly cooler with a stronger onshore flow, reaching into the mid 70s and upper 60s in time for the weekend. Lets get an update on how theo roads are moving. A smooth drive. Tuesday shaping up slowly as far as the build. The south  bay does have som slowing now northbound 101, a crash around 85 and san antonio, theyre cleared from the roadway. You see westbound 237 a little slower for the time being, a little distraction and congestion there. Meanwhile, down the east show freeway, slow over the last half hour. Now 48 minutes coming down from highway 4 to the bay bridge toll plaza where the metering lights are on and youre slow out of the maze. Thank you very n much. Another local news update in half an hour. See you then. 7 30, now, on a Tuesday Morning, the 9th of may, 201. That camera can keep pulling back. Youre just going to see more and more people. Mostly young ladies. All of a certain age group. Harry styles is kicking off our summer Concert Series this morning with an appearance on the plaza. Some of those people have been camping out for days. How do you handle that . Last night, harry sent them a gift, pizza. Fr this is the time of year when we have to go into witness protection. We gave away two tickets on si si sirius. They drove 12 hours. They made it. Hope they got some pizza. Were going to get out there in a little while. President trumps top military and foreign advisers are proposing a new plan that would expand the u. S. Military effort in afghanistan. It calls for the addition of several thousand troops to battle the afttaliban. President trump is blasting his campaigns possible ties into the russian muddling of the election. Mondays testimony from sally yat was, quote, old news. And he called the russian meddling a total hoax and a taxpayer funded scharade. A video showing a woman slammed into the ground and tossed into the pool. The 68yearold had approached the group to ask them to turn down their music, when someone yelled throw her in. The teen told officers he, quote, messed up. He faces one count of battery. That was tough to catch that video. Lets begin with a troubling story out of Penn State University were following. New information is coming to light on the alleged hazing death of a fraternity pledgeani college, pennsylvania. Steph, good morning to you. Reporter good morning. Its pretty quiet here. Summer break has started at penn state. What is normally a very happy time is far from it for 18 Fraternity Brothers that lived here at Beta Theta Pi house. Eight will be arraigned in court today. All of them face charges in the death of 19yearold tim piazza. Were getting a listen to the 911 call that was made. And leaving many wondering if same question. Why did it take so long to make that call . We have a friend whos unconscious. By the time a Fraternity Brother called 911, Timothy Piazza was in bad shape. Hes probably going to need an ambulance. Was there alcohol involved . Yes, there was. Reporter so much alcohol that the blood alcohol content was fourtimes the legal limit, when he tumbled down a flight of stairs 12 hours before the 911 call. Just 19, piazza, an engineering student was planning to join the chapter of Beta Theta Pi. He found a culture of depravity, of debauchery. Reporter the indictment reveals a coverup by the fraternity. Fraternity president brendan young, made sure the pledges clean the basement and get rid of any evidence. Young and casey are facing a combined 401 charges. Among them, Involuntary Manslaughter and aggravated assault. Caseys attorney tells nbc news, the causal relationship between the actions of my client and mr. Piazzas ultimate death is abseptemb absent. What happened to mr. Piazza, was the exception. Text messages between uncharged pledges acknowledge they participated in a hazing ritual. One pledge writes, the gauntlet, dude, its technically hazing. A second responds, like, if you think about it, it never would have happened if they didnt forcefully get us hammered. Thats how people will look at it. A third pledge asks, how are you going to describe the gauntlet to police . A fourth responds, im just hoping we dont have to. The fraternity psychology is about taking orders. Its about knowing when not to challenge power. All it would have taken is one person to stand up and have the courage to do the right thing. Reporter the eight in court today face lesser charges in reckless enendangerment. Aggravated assault carries a maximum sentence of 10 to 20 years. Stephanie, thank you very much. Switching gears now. The weather, mr. Roker. Our weather isnt changing much across the country. Its starting to break down. We have one more day of Cool Temperatures for the northeast. But aboveaverage highs for the plains. In the northeast, new york city going to be eight degrees below arch. South of the jet stream, atlanta, 70 degrees below average. Jacksonville, seven degrees above average. We get into the mid plain wheres the jet stream takes a dip. Were going to look at the temperatures in the 70s. Phoe good morning. Im meteorologist kari hall. Today, actually the warmest day of the reach, reaching 68 degrees in San Francisco. And mostly sunny skies. Then we start to see more clouds moving in and some breezy ones for the rest of the week. Our High Temperature drops done to 59 degrees on thursday. And then as we go into the weekend, well stay right at about 60 degrees. For the inland area much more of a change in temperature, going from 83 degrees today to 75 tomorrow, and also breezy with a slight chance of showers in the north bay on thursday. Windy on friday with a high of 68 degrees. Your latest weather. Savannah . Al, thank you. Now, to a remarkable story of survival. We told you about it on monday. A 10yearold florida girl who managed to keep her cool when she was attacked by an alligator. She managed to pry her leg from its jaws. This morning, shes opening up about the whole thing. Kerry sanders is in orlando for us. Kerry, good morning. Reporter good morning. Im here at gatorland. You can see the gators behind me. About 500,000 people come here to see these guys. And remarkably, the little girl came here and learned something. She learned tif she was attacke by an alligator, that two fingers can save your life. This pintsized powerhouse has an amazing story to tell. He thought i was this ginormous piece of chicken. Reporter how she tangled with this alligator and used just two fingers, survived. Were you scared . I was. Reporter the third grader was sitting in 18 inches of water at a county park in the designated swimming area when without warning, she was attacked. The giant gator clamping down on her leg. I started punching its forehead. It wouldnt let go. Reporter amazingly, she had the presence of mind to remember something she had recently learned from the alligator wranglers at gatorland. I sticked my fingers up its nostrils. It had to open up its mouth to breathe. Reporter she was rushed to Childrens Hospital. There were multiple puncture wounds on her left leg. But amazingly, shes in good shape. Less than a year ago, a 2yearold boy was killed by an alligator at disney world. Her parents know how lucky they are. This is nothing short of a miracle. Its a happy ending at the story that never ends happy. Reporter at the lake where she was attacked, there was a sign warning of alligators and a lifeguard. State officials are looking at whether additional measures are needed. Did it make sense . Its ironic. Really ironic. Reporter looking back on her ordeal, she has some sage advice for other kids. If youre ever in an alligator emergency, or an alligator got you, do the same thing. Dont be scared. Reporter long before this happened, she got the nickname among her friends of warrior. And a little warrior, she is, indeed. Now, you may be wondering how safe is it for me to be close to the alligators. We have a safety team here just in case. But i dont think i want to do what she did, testing out the twofinger trick. Shes amazing. I cant believe it. She had so much courage. Kerry, thank you so much. Just ahead, what were learning about Richard Simmons legal battle with the tabloids. And what the papers are doing to fight back. The mother day hey scout, whats eating you . Fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. Got any ideas . Not all products work the same. My owner gives me k9 advantix ii. It kills all three through contact. No biting required. So they dont have to bite . Thats right. No biting required. K9 advantix ii. Wise choice. This is a strategyis, fid recommend. This actually makes sense. Now on the next page youll see a breakdown of costs. What . Its just. We were going to ask about it but we werent sure when. So thanks. Yeah, thats great. Being clear and upfront. Multiplied by 14,000 financial advisors, its a big deal. And its how edward jones makes sense of investing. What panera, a good salad is so this smuch . More than a bowl of something green. More than an obligation to be good. More than just something you have on the side. 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With less pain, i can be more active. Ask your doctor about lyrica. 7 44 on a Tuesday Morning, just in time for mothers day, we have a consumer alert on fake coupons you may have come across online. With mothers day this weekend, the warning is a timely one. Nbc National Correspondent Miguel Almaguer has more. Reporter experts say, its all a scam. With an estimated 24 billion to be spent on this mothers day, consumers across the country are looking for deals. While crooks are looking for their own steal. Flooding social media, eye popping discounts. We have seen 50 off at kohls and just in time for mom, 50 off at lowes. Shoppers hoping they are a click away from big savings when they are one step closer to revealing personal information. They can risk identity theft, lose money. Its important for coupon users to be aware of how to tell if a coupon is too good to be true. Reporter the bogus discounts found on social sharing sites like facebook look real. The offer couldnt be more fake. Cyber thieves are trying to lure consumers into clicking coupons, then handing over thieir detail, name, phone number or credit card information. Consumers are losing big. Millions of people fall for these scams. Phishing has become prevalent. Credit card compromise or takeover is really the largest category of identity theft. Reporter with a growing list of retailers warning consumers to beware, lowes says if the offer is too good to be true, then it is. The recent coupon that surfaced online was a phishing scam. There was no connection to lowes. Bed bath beyond saying we are sorry for any confusion and disappointment this fake coupon caused. For their part, Facebook Says dedicated teams are working to block the scams before more fall victim. The socalled mother of all scams, hitting the web just before mothers day. There are some big takeaways here. Millennials need to be aware. They are the vast majority of victims. If you have doubt, go directly to the website or call the store and ask. Beyond guarding your credit card or banking information, be wary of sharing your telephone numbers with smart phones everywhere, it can be a key point to stealing your identity. The problem, they look so legitimate and so real, but they are a scam. Good advice. Thanks so much. Coming up, dylan is in the orange room with what people are saying about the body type body wash bottles right after this. Before you invest in a car, remember, its not just the car youre investing in. Subaru. Kelley blue books most trusted brand and, now, lowest 5year cost to own. Think about what you value most. Subaru. Allergy symptoms doctors recommend taking claritin every day distracting you . Of your allergy season for continuous relief. Claritin provides powerful, nondrowsy, 24hour relief. For fewer interruptions from the Amazing Things you do every day. Live claritin clear. Every day. Bmilk and fresh cream,a. 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Every great why moms know their kids need love, encouragement and milk. With 8 grams of natural protein, and 8 other nutrients to provide balanced nutrition. Moms know kids grow strong when they milk life. And 8 other nutrients to provide balanced nutrition. Some tips about getting ready in the morning. terrie i want to give you first your teeth. Then your wig. Now youre ready for the day. announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quitnow. We aon weight watchers. W us how it feels to lose weight it feels so good in the first two months, members have lost 15 more weight than on our Prior Program join for free and get a one month free hurry, offer ends may 22nd all right. Were back, now. 7 51. Dylan over in the orange room. Carson is busy with the voice. Were talking bottles of soap. Interestingly shaped bottles of soap. For years, dove has focused its Marketing Campaign on real beauty. Now, the company has brought the campaign to their bottles. Unveiling the real beauty bottles as a limited run in the u. K. Dove say they evoke the body types of real women. People on social media had their own take. That is bizarre. I want to buy body wash. Rachel says, i have arms, please, advise. Thanks, a body wash that matches my natural curves. Thank you, mrs. Butterworth. How about above turn the bottles upside down so all of the product can come out. A Marketing Campaign going wrong there, guys. But their hearts were in the right place. Dylan, thanks. Just this mothers day, every kiss does begin with kay. Where, for the first time ever, everything is 30 off. Like bolo bracelets for layering. Her soontobefavorite new earrings. And a stack of rings for her to mix and match. 30 off everything, may 4th14th, only at kay. The numberone jewelry store. For mom. Every kiss begins with kay. At pmore than one flavor, orh texture, or color. Ing. A good clean salad is so much more than green. And with panera catering, more for your event. Panera. Food as it should be. You wish to know how to protect your Sterling Credit score. Se man. My credit is off to a good start, but knowing so many things can go wrong with it. Kinda freaks me out. Well, unfreak yourself out. And download the free creditwise app from capital one. Creditwise gives you a credit score, and alerts you to changes. Even if im not a capital one customer . Nooooo yeah, its free for everyone. Thank you. Gravity, is a fickle mistress. Whats in your wallet . Of your brain can make it hard to lose weight . Contrave is an fdaapproved weightloss medicine that may help adults who are overweight or struggle with obesity lose weight and keep it off. Contrave is believed to work on two areas of the brain your hunger center. woman im so hungry. avo to reduce hunger. And your reward system. woman ice cream. French fries. avo to help control cravings. Across three longterm studies, contrave patients lost approximately 24x more weight than with diet and exercise alone. Contrave is not for everyone. One ingredient in contrave may increase suicidal thoughts or actions in some children, teens, and young adults within the first few months. Other serious side effects include seizures, increase in Blood Pressure or heart rate, liver damage, manic episodes, glaucoma and allergic reactions. Do not take with opioids. Reduce hunger, help control cravings. Contrave. The 1 prescribed weightloss brand. Go to contrave. Com. Good Tuesday Morning. 7 56. A lot of sunshine around the bay area. Its also fairly cool out there. Long sleeves needed as you head out the door. Then well see the High Temperatures along the coast in the 60s and oakland up to 78 degrees. 87 degrees in fappa, and concord today, a high of 88 degrees. As woe geinto the next several days, our temperatures will be cooling down and more clouds in the mix. Also have the winds increasing by the end of the week. It will be windy on friday and then as we head into the weekend, it will be cool. Actually a little cooler than average for this time of year. Inland areas go from 83 degrees today to the mid 70s tomorrow, and then the rest of the week, High Temperatures will be in the upper 60s. Now, lets get an update on whats happening on the roadways with mike. If were looking at the bottom of the map in the south bay, traditional build for the northbound direction. Its tuesday, still slower than you would like downtown san jose and the rest of silicon valley. Southbound 880 recovering after a crash, possibly two. They were separate accidents, they both cleared at the same time. And also coming down toward the bay bridge, thats your commute direction out of the north bay and out of the area of concord, slowing toward the walnut creek interchange. Happening now, just a short time away from a verdict in the Antolin Garcia torres murder trial. A case that gripped the bay area for five years, when sierra lamar disappeared on her way to school. Jurors reached their verdict yesterday, they announcement has been put on hold until 9 00 this morning. Well bring you a live report and well post updates as we get them on the twitter feed. And we have a live stream from outside the courthouse posted on our Facebook Page. Another local news update in a half hour. Its 8 00 on today, coming up, fit and fired up. Thats it. Youre doing fantastic. Richard simmons taking the tabloids to task. New information on his defamation lawsuits as the papers stand by their stories. Plus, keep it cool. You want to save money and get a better nights sleep. A sneak peek at the product that promises both. Sweet creature wherever i go harry styles kicks off our summer Concert Series. Thank you, harry. In front of a massive crowd, taking over our plaza today, tuesday, may 9th, 2017. Harry styles here. What time is it . Tile for harry styles. We came all the way from new orleans. We love you, harry. How much are you freaking . What are you doing here today . Im 18, celebrating with harry. Harry styles on today. [ cheers and applause ] good morning, everybody. Welcome back to today. Its a Tuesday Morning. It is a crazy crowd out here on our plaza. People stretched from city block to city block. Its a little chilly. I hope harry styles is wearing his long johns. Its cold out here. Ill bet if you ask the people in the crowd if its cold, nobody would say yes. No. We are excited to see harry in a few moments. Lets get the top stories of the morning. Heres the news at 8 00. Reporter im Kristen Welker at the white house, where President Trump is considering a range of new options in afghanistan. Senior white house Officials Say the president hasnt made a final decision yet. But the plan getting the most attention, adding up to 3,000 to 5,000 more troops in what is already americas longest war. The goal the administration wants to beat back a confident and resurgent taliban. Military Officials Say the pentagon, rather than the white house, would be authorized to set troop numbers. Theres fresh callout after sally yates testified on capitol hill yesterday. Yates, an obama holdout who was fired by President Trump, for refusing to enforce his travel ban, said she warned white House Counsel in two meetings and a phone call in january, about Michael Flynn. Yates saying she told the counsels office that flynn had misled the Vice President and other officials about his conversations with the Russian Ambassador and could be blackmailed by the russians. President obama warned trump about hirie ining flynn. And savannah asked condoleezza rice, who served under former president george w. Bush, how the current president is doing. You recently met with trump at the white house. Whats your take . Has he grown on the job . Theres something about the presidency thats sobering for everyone. You get in that office. Youre sitting at roosevelts desk. Youre looking at George Washingtons portrait. Youre looking at abraham lincolns portrait. I found him somebody who was trying very hard to figure out at that moment how he was going to deal with the chinese president at maralago, asking good questions. I think theres something sobering about the presidency. Reporter as for the news about afghanistan, no word on when the president might make a decision. Ho hoda . Kristen, thank you very much. We have an update on a story we told you about monday. Richard simmons has filed a defamation lawsuit over tabloids saying that he dropped out of the public eye because he is transitioning. His attorneys called these stories false, cruel and malicious. Youre going fantastic. Reporter Richard Simmons is not sweating the tabloids. The onetime witness star is fighting back with a lawsuit. Accusing the national enquirer, radar online, and for libel and vibration of privacy. His attorney denies any truth to the stories that alleges that simmons is now a woman and has breast implants and hormone treatments. The national enquirer, republished the photos of simmons, saying our story was based on credible sources that was in mr. Simmons intercircle. They are real len speak for themselves. Simmons Attorney Says these are old photos in a costume. Mr. Simmons is not a woman, has not contemplated any surgery to change from a man to a woman. He has not slowly transformed or transformed into a female. Simmons said after 40 years in the public eye, he wanted some private time. Its just time for me just to be at home, enjoy my home. Do some cooking. You know, just enjoy my life. Reporter simmons something tells nbc news, in typical fashion the national enquirer, continues to try to justify their reckless and damaging reporting. When they knew this was false, they ran with it anyway, with complete disregard for richards right to privacy. Adding that simmons is glad he filed the lawsuit and can finally get his side of the story out. Richard simmons is going to fight on on this one. Could be a tough battle after a while. Just ahead, the gadget that promises to save you sleep. And look who is joining us someone who cost me sleep for five years, meredith vieira. And 26 minutes and counting. A live concert from harry styles on a very and the wolf huffed and puffed. Like you do sometimes, grandpa . Well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. It can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. So i talked to my doctor. She said. Symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. Symbicort doesnt replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. Symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. Symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It should not be taken more than twice a day. Symbicort contains formoterol. Medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. Symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. You should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. Watch out, piggies child giggles symbicort. Breathe better starting within 5 minutes. Get symbicort free for up to one year. Visit saveonsymbicort. Com today to learn more. Youll be amazed what happens when you pu your red nose on. You help ensure that children in the u. S. And around the world are safe, healthy and educated. This red nose day, swing by walgreens and get your noses on to help end child poverty. Walgreens. At the corner of happy and healthy. Coppertone sport versus the sun. Coppertone sport stays on strong when you sweat and is Strong Enough to stop up to 98 of the suns damaging uv rays. Coppertone. Because protection matters. What are mommy and daddy like before their dunkin . Her hairs a hot mess. Her eyes are like. Oh, im late for work. I have to go. Your dunkin doesnt make you, you, but it helps. Dunkin donuts coffee. Pick some up where you buy groceries. I lost my sight when i was 14 years old. So i really navigate the world by touch. When dove asked me to try out this body wash. I was excited that it was foam. It was so light and soft. Not sticky. Its light. Its different. Its foam. Standby. Hey katy, let me show you how behind schedule we are. Yeah. Are those the pyrotechnics that are gonna startle me from a distance . Yep. And my impractical wardrobe changes, those all set . Not even close. Oh, this is probably going to shine in your eyes at the worst possible time. Perfect. Were looking at a real train wreck here, am i right . Wouldnt it be great if everyone said what they meant . The citi® double cash card does. It lets you earn double cash back with 1 when you buy, and 1 as you pay. The citi double cash card. Double means double. Were back now. Whats trending today and its a special one because meredith is here. Hi, guys. Nice to see you. Nice to see you. Were going to talk about an important thing in a little while but lets trend. Lets trend. Like us, sleep is important in your life. Thats reason you left, you wanted more sleep. Heading into summer, we want to be cool. Check out this new product on kickstarter and earned six times its original goal. Its the fan designed for the edge of your bed. It tucks under the covers and then creates a little breeze between your sheets. Oh, ive done that. Have you to be careful what thats fanning. Well blow that out of the way. I like that. You need to have a written contract with your sleeping partner before you install that thing. You have to get the direction going the right way. Anyway, its kind of like never mind. Whats the b stand for . Bed. Oh, is it . I think. Would you donate money . Would you invest in that . No. I would. Really . I get so hot. You want that air coming up like that . Yeah. Im okay with it. You could install it on the side of the bed so it wouldnt come up on your face. Or stick one leg out. Thats what i do. Thats the oldfashioned way. Your bodys own thermostat. Arcade games, love them or hate them . Love them. Love them. Okay. I think a lot of people dont love them because sometimes they can be a waste of money. In fact, its been proven that some like the claw machine are, in fact, rigged. Rigged to the point where some kids actually climb in there to get the toys. No matter how good you are or how much you practice, you wont win that stuffed animal. Now the odds may be changing. The American Amusement Machine Association is rolling out when they call their fair play pledge. The idea is simple. If a player is good at a skillbased game, they will win. Well, duh. I was going to say, what took so long . So, wait, youre good at the game, you win the prize . Well give you something back. You know what might have taken so long . They may not be doing as well as they did because kids have electronic games. I love skeet ball. Whackamole. How about where you put the coins in and it edges them to the edge. Remember that . Yeah. Great with the water pistol. Kids, how about a video roundup, would you like one . Sure. From the wild to the whacky we have funny animal videos. Sa van nashgs your worst nightmare. A little girl in ohio has a lizard stuck in her braid. Her mom is slowly undoing that braid to get it out. Ew it may have been a pet, dont know. The girl is like, get it, mom. Get it out. Oh, my gosh. Dont worry. Its like they had it braided in there. Someone braided that lizard in there. It looks like it was braided in there. That looks rigged. I suspect big brother. Something a little less scary, a little more adorable. A tiny dog wait, taking a big horse for a walk. There you go. Or maybe the dog think the horse is walking him. This horse were about to see clearly has Better Things to do than jumping hurdles. Goes over a couple and says, okay, well, thats about enough. Bye. Right out of the stadium. You know what, its over. Havent you all wanted to do Something Like that, though, where you just want to go . Like right now. Hop over the table. Lets get started with popstart, beginning with celine dion. The legendary singer will now perform my heart will go on at this years Billboard Music awards in honor of titanics 20th anniversary. It won an Academy Award and golden globe. She says the song took on a new meaning after the loss of her husband rene she said in an interview in april, when my husband passed it became our song. I used to sing it for the songs, now i sing it for us. Cant wait for that. Jimmy kimmel made his return to his late night show. Last night he gave fans an update. Our son, billy, is doing very well. [ applause ] hes eating. Hes getting bigger. Hes sleeping well. He can read now, which they say is unusual. My wife took a little video of him today. You can see yeah, there he is. Hes smiling because so many people donated to Childrens Hospital los angeles, either that or we have gas. Jimmy said and he his wife are so grateful. Thanking fans for all their supportive messages. How cute is that video . Were happy to hear billy is doing well. Thats your popstart. Now the reason meredith is really here. It wasnt just for the animal videos. Shes also doing Something Special that honors exceptional women, hosting the first ever womens choice award. What is this all about . Next week in l. A. Its a show that celebrates women who have accomplished things in their life. Mosley women who have advocated to empower girls and women. These are not all famous women. No, a lot are activists in communities. Theyve made it their life mission to keep womens issues front and center and to do whatever it takes to empower the next generation of women. Sharon stone is receiving the first icon award for her years and years of work for hiv aids. Shes done so much to help those with less than her and fought adversity issues and came back better and stroerng. Shes a great person. Youre hosting the show. Did you get to vote . I did not vote. I would have voted for you guys. You, too, matt. They picked the right host. Thank you. The womens choice award show in los angeles, next wednesday, may 17th. Lets get a check of the weather from mr. Roker. Todays weather is brought to you by zales. Celebrate your lasting love with zales. Strong storms coming across from chicago, indianapolis. Looking at wet weather down through the southwest. For today, weve got a risk of strong storms for 2 million folks through the southwest and rockies from midland, texas, roswell, new mexico as well. Tomorrow that risk moves to the east. Were looking at about 2 million people. Isolated tornadoes, hail possible and scattered strong storms. For today we have chilly conditions here in the northeast. High fire danger down through florida, severe storms through coast. Good morning. We have a lot of sunshine around the bay area and warming temperatures. Were already at 59 degrees in the south bay and 58 degrees in the peninsula and for the east bay we start out this morning with some temperatures in the upper 50s there but lower 50s in the north bay. All of this sunshine will continue throughout the afternoon. You see the high thin clouds overhead but were still looking at highs reaching into the low to mid 80s for the inland valleys. Along the coast it will be in the upper 60s and east bay, 78 degrees today. Dont forget, if youre heading us out check us out on sirius xm 108, the home to the hoda show, right . Yes, it is. Were so excited. Were gearing up for the big harry stiles concert. Where are you from . New jersey. How long have you been out here . 20 minutes. I guess were in the vip section. Sorry, sorry. She got a few boos. Where are you from brooklyn . Renado. Whats your name . Marcy from cleveland. How come youre here . Al. Because of al . Yeah. I read his book not looking back, i lost 170 pounds. Hang on a second. So, you thought you came here to see a concert and youre with your daughter expect whats your name . Erin. Erin and marcy, will you come with me for a few seconds. I want erin and marcy to come up with me for a few seconds. Come up here. Weve got erin and marcy here. I know you think youre here to see a concert and hang with your daughter but this is a little bit of a rous. Your daughter wrote us a beautiful letter about what a wonderful and amazing mother you are. And you are part of our thanks a million mom series. Direct your attention to the video monitor. Okay. My mom is the best. Shes the most caring person. Shes truly an inspiration. Shes retired teacher. She taught for 35 years. First graders, so you talk about patience. She still keeps in touch with some of her students that are 20, 30 years old. Just shows the connection she has with people. Its awesome. Thats great. Marcie has made some sacrifices to make sure she was the best mom she could be. When my brother and i were growing up, she was very handson, she had a long day at school and helped us with homework and cooking for pups she stayed up till midnight doing crafts. She put her health on the back beneficiary. She started gaining weight after erin was born. She couldnt walk around the block once without having a hard time. To me, it never was about the way she looked. It was about her health. I had anxiety and sadness about it. It was one of those things that sometimes kept me up at night. I could never picture a World Without my mom in it. All right now i need her even more because i am a mother. Im so proud of you sams a reason for this journey that shes on right now. She had a hard time keeping up with him. The light bulb went off. She knew if she wanted to be around to see her grandkids grow up, she had to do something. She just dedicated herself to exercise four, five, six days a week, a strict healthy diet. Hard, hard work. Its catchy, the energy that she has. Its no more sitting on the couch. Its like, what can she do next . She could have given up a long time ago and just said, this is going to be my life, but for somebody in their 60s to say, im going to lose 165 pounds, i think, is just inspiring. It shows if youre not happy with something, can you change it. This weight loss is an amazing gift for her. Its amazing for me because i know shes so happy. Lets hear it for marci okay, surprise. Look whos here. Your inspiration, al roker. I know, al. Congratulations. You started it all. Well, congratulations to you. A lot of hard of work. It was. We want to give you a couple of things because your daughters amazing. First of all, just tell us a little about your mom. Well, shes amazing and shes worked so hard this past year. We just need to be celebrated and we love you. We do love you. We got a couple things for you. First of all, we have somebody, your son, brian, is he around . Turn around. Brian is in the house. Hi you. Oh, my gosh. This is shocking. Your husband was supposed to make it but there was a flight issue. Anyway, we also know you need to do a little shopping because theres a whole new you so we have a Gift Certificate from lord taylor. Theyre going to take care of you. Oh, my gosh. 500 gift card and, finally, theres more. We have this great theres this great exercise bike that a lot of people swear by. Its called a pelotan. You can go online and do live classes. I do spinning now. Just spinning for you. Its our way of say haepg mothers day. Youll never surpass this. Big round of applause for marcie shes kind of getting into it. Give me that. We hope you enjoy the concert because heres harry well be back after your local news. I m. Topvo. A very good Tuesday Morning to you. It is 8 26. In a little over 30 minutes jurors in the Antolin Garciatorres murder trial are expected to reveal their verdict. This is the case that has gripped the bay area for five years when sierra lamar disappeared on her way to school. Her body has never been found. Jurors deliberated for about two days before reaching their verdict late yesterday. Their announcement has been put on hold until 9 00 this morning. Nbc bay area will break into Network Coverage at that time to bring you a live special report. You can also look for updates. We will put them on our twitter feed this morning. Watch it live on nbcbayarea. Com. As well. Right now a look at traffic and see how things are rollinging with mike. Traffic is moving well considering this is a tuesday. Were seeing the lighter slide coming down out of spring and in towards summertime for the volume of traffic. The north bbound commute is manageable right now. Slow off 880 and traveling south on 238 towards the caster valley y. There is a crash on east 580 just after 2238 and its over on the shoulder partially blocking one lane. The rest of your drive heading toward the maze as well, slow through oakland for 580 and 880 and highway 13. The east shore much better. Still a little slow. Back to you. Thank you very much. Another local news update in a half hour. Welcome to maxx you. You are whimsical, vibrant, statement making. We see what makes you unique. So we have something for everyone, at a price thats just right for you. Maxx you. Maxx life. T. J. Maxx sno were back, its Tuesday Morning, may 9th, 2017. And harry has entered the plaza. Were Just Moments Away from our citi concert sh seasothis seaso. People are freaking out. This is a big crowd. His debut album, solo album, drops on friday. His first single is a hit in 84 countries. Were so thrilled to have harry here. Were celebrating with this man. Hes celebrating with us. Lets not make you wait much longer. First, mr. Roker has a check of the weather. Here we go. Starting off with today. The Concert Series. First, lets show your our maps. For today, were looking at high fire danger down in florida, strong storms in the rockies. Its chilly here in the northeast. Looking at sunshine along the northern plains. Tomorrow, a flood threat in the upper midwest and the upper plains, when we saw some problems. Tomorrow, a few record highs for florida, look for sunshine up. D down the west coast. Good morning. Im meteorologist kari hall. Well still have Cool Temperatures along the coast. Half moon bay 64 degrees and 68 degrees in San Francisco. But it will feel more like summer inland. For tvalleys up to 85 degrees i livermore, 88 degrees in concord. The north bay will be in the upper 70s but after today our temperatures cool down. From the upper 60s in San Francisco to the upper 50s just in time for the weekend. Also it will be breezy on friday. And that is your latest weather. The citi Concert Series on today is proud by presented to you by citi. All right. The big moment has finally arrived. Were kicking off our citi summer Concert Series with the guy on the stage behind us. Ladies and gentlemen, harry styles. Tell me something tell me something you dont know nothing just pretend you do i need something tell me something new choose your words because theres no antidote for this curse or whats it waiting for must desert you just before you go oh, tell me something i tonight already know oh, tell me something i dont already know brooklyn saw me empty avenues theres no water inside this Swimming Pool almost over thats enough from you ive been praying i never did before understand im talking to the walls and ive been praying ever since new york oh, tell me something i dont already know oh, tell me something i dont already know oh, tell me something i dont already know oh, tell me something i dont already know tell me something tell me something you dont know nothing just pretend you do tell me something just before you go sing it. Oh, tell me something i dont already know oh, tell me something i dont already know oh, tell me something i dont already know oh, tell me something i dont already know oh, tell me something i dont already know oh, tell me something i dont already know oh, tell me something i dont already know oh, tell me something i dont already know [ cheers and applause ] harry styles. And hell be back with more music on a Tuesday Morning. First, this is today on nbc. Imagine if the things you bought every day earned you miles to get to the places you really want to go. With the united mileageplus explorer card, youll get a free checked bag, 2 united club passes. Priority boarding. And 50,000 bonus miles. Everything you need for an unforgettable vacation. The united mileageplus explorer card. Imagine where it will take you. We couldnt ask for a better start to our citi Concert Series. This crowd is incredible and here for one person. This man right here. Thats right. Harry styles is getting ready for fridays global release of his selftitled debut solo al m album. Welcome back. Good to see you. Thank you for having me. Six city blocks, i think. Thanks to everyone who came out. Youre wonderful. You had so much success. I have to think that doing a solo album, and your name on it, has to be a certain thrill. Its exciting. Its a part of me and songs that i have written that i wanted to tell the whole thing. And i had one of the best times of my life. Jealous of two prns. I love the suit. Thanks. Secondly, the music video for sign of the times. You got to do crazy stuff in that thing. It was pretty crazy, yeah. You were hanging from a helicopter. Walking on water. It was weird thinking its a music video the whole time. I was like, this is insane. It feels good to walk on the floor. Could be an audition for the next james bond. You have adventure in you . No. What are you going to do for us . Im going to do caroline. All right. Harry styles, take it away. Shes got a family in carolina too far away but she says i reminder of home feeling oh, so far from home she never saw herself as u. S. Coastal moved all the way because her grandma told her times they swim before you drown shes a good girl shes such a good girl shes a good girl shes so good shes got a bill for every situation goes to parties without invitations how would you ever turn her down how would i tell her that shes all i think about well, i guess she just found out shes a good girl such a good girl shes a good girl she feels so good feels so good i met her once and wrote a song about her i want to scream, yell, i want to shout it out and i hope she hears me now la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la la, la shes a good girl shes such a good girl yeah, shes a good girl she feels so good she feels so good oh, she feels so good yeah, feels so good shes a good girl oh, yeah. Harry styles has more music. His album comes out friday. This is today on nbc. Nobody told me to expect it. Intercourse thats painful due to menopausal changes. Its not likely to go away on its own. It took my most honest friend to help me do something about it. She told me premarin vaginal cream can help. It provides estrogens to help rebuild vaginal tissue and make intercourse more comfortable. Premarin vaginal cream treats vaginal changes due to menopause and moderatetosevere painful intercourse caused by these changes. Dont use it if youve had unusual vaginal bleeding, breast or uterine cancer, blood clots, liver problems, stroke or heart attack, are allergic to any of its ingredients or think youre pregnant. Side effects may include headache, pelvic pain, breast pain, vaginal bleeding and vaginitis. Estrogens may increase your chances of getting cancer of the uterus, strokes, blood clots, or dementia so use it for the shortest time based on goals and risks. Estrogens should not be used to prevent heart disease, heart attack, stroke or dementia. Ask your doctor about premarin vaginal cream. She feels so good welcome back. Just how popular is harry styles . His debut single sign of the times has hit the charts in more than 84 countries. Hes about to perform it for us, live. Harry, take it away. Just stop your crying its a sign of the times welcome to the final show hope youre wearing your best clothes you cant bribe the door on your way to the sky you look pretty good down here but you aint really good we never learn weve been here before why are we always stuck and running from the bullets the bullets we never learn weve been here before why are we always stuck running from the bullets the bullets just stop your crying its a sign of the times we gotta get away from here we gotta get away from here just stop youri crying it will be all right they told me that the end is near we gotta get away from here just stop your crying have the time of your life breaking through the atmosphere things are pretty good from here remember everything will be all right we can meet again somewhere somewhere far away from here we never learn weve been here before why are we always stuck and running from the bullets the bullets we never learn weve been here before whee are we always stuck and running from the bullets the bullets just stop your crying its a sign of the times got to get away from here got to get away from here stop your crying, baby it will be all right they told me that the end is near we got to get away from here we never learn weve been here before why are we always stuck and running from sn the bullets the bullets we never learn we never fall why are we always stuck running from the bullets the bullets we dont talk enough we should open up before its all too much weve been here we remember its just what we know stop your crying, baby its a sign of the times we gotta gt away we got to get away we got to get away we got to get away we got to get away we got to, we got to get away bewe got to, we got to away we got to, we got to away we dpot to, we got to away [ cheers and applause ] thank you. Hear more from harry styles and all our summer concert artists, at applemusic. Com today. Harry styles getting summer kicked off right. Well have more. This is today on nbc. Quin was crazy about curls. But it took a twist of fate to find a highend curler at such a head turning price. And thats the beauty of a store full of surprises. You never know what youre gonna find, but you know youre gonna love it. To take advantage of this offer on a volvo s90, visit your local dealer. To take advantage of this offer on a volvo s90, its day one of were playing zombie tag im tired, but im teaching them hopscotch. Im starting a garden with my neighbors so our kids can eat better. And we feel happier i have more energy at work. I feel stronger small changes you make today can make a big difference in how you feel. And may help prevent obesity, high Blood Pressure, and type 2 diabetes. Start now to turn today into a better day. Its been a month, and we feel better hey, you guys. Welcome back, everybody. Theres a lot of fans who have come from all over. And driven a long way. I happened to run into a family that got tickets yesterday. At in the afternoon. They drove all the way from michigan, 11 hours. Come on up. Come on up. Come on up. Come on up. You want to meet harry . Oh, my gosh. [ screaming ] what are your names . Im rachel. Im courtney. Get in there, courtney. They just said what about the moms . The moms, too. Say hello. What did you think of the concert . I loved it. It was amazing. Hey, rachel, tell me thats just magic marker. Its permanent. Its permanent . That was something. Theres a lot of guys with stories just like these guys. Thank you so much. The album is out friday. Friday. I would promoete the fact youre fwigoing on tour. But its sold out everywhere. Thank you for having me. A quick selfie . Here. Ill just do it. Here. Is this snap chat . I dont know how to do this. I dont think they want you in it. Fail. Looks good. Ready . One, two, thee. A good segment so far. This is tv i m. Topvo. St moments from now juro good Tuesday Morning. 8 56. Im sam brock. Moments from now jurors in the Antolin Garciatorres murder trial are expected to reveal their verdict. This, of course, is a case that has gripped the bay area for the last five years. That is when sierra lamar first disappeared on her way to school back in 2012 and to this day, her body has not been found. Attorneys handed their case to the jury last thursday. Thats when the jurors first began their deliberations and then a verdict was actually reached late yesterday. The announcement was put on hold until 9 00 this morning. Which means if you do the math on this, it was not even two full days of deliberations before the jury reached its verdict. Happening now, nbc bay areas live special report is only moments away. Were going to begin coverage at the top of our hour. We have crews inside of the courtroom. We have our legal expert here dean johnson who is inside the studio right now. Hes going to be answering our questions. We plan to bring you the verdict as soon as its announced and stay up to the second on our twitter feed nbc bay area is planning to have teams live tweet with the verdict and the reaction and also go to our Facebook Page right now, where weve posted a video stream bringing you the scene inside the courthouse. Well see you in two minutes. We re breaking into our regular programming right now to bring you breaking news. A verdict has been reached in the sierra lamar murder case. Jurors are expected to announce the verdict any news. O erdict has been reached in four chrra lamar murder case. Jurors are expected to announce that verdict any moment now. Andreas Garcia Torres is facing a murder charge with a kidnapping enhancement. The other charges stem from three other kidnapping cases. This is the family going inside of the courthouse. They have now headed inside this morning. Sierra lamars mother waiting acannis day for five years now, rock. Her daughter went missing. Good morning, thanks for joining es r this special report. Im laura garcia cannon. Im sam brock. Nbc bay areas kris sanchez is at the hall of justice in san jose to bring us up to speed. Reporter good morning. As you know by now, there are no cameras allowed in the courtroom but we have two crews inside and several crews outside. Right in front of the hall of justice, you can see the media has gathered this morning. Our reporter, bob redell is inside the courtroom and he said the parents of sierra lamar were just allowed to come in and be sited. They arrived just in about the last hour. This has been an agonizing five years for them. The trial was no easier having to listen to the evidence in the case which was quite graphic at times. And sometimes they had to play that Marlene Lamar 911 call as she reported her daughter missing, saying she thought she had been kidnapped. Dozens of other people lined up almost two hours ago also hoping to get a spot inside 1 of those 2 courtrooms that are set up for folks to hear the verdict for themselves. Our reporter bob rededd ll, and, too, are some of the searchers who look for sierra lamar for years. They wanted to find her back in 2012, and today they just want justice served. Dna is dna. And it is everywhere pointing at him. There is no doubt in my mind, and i dont believe in any of the other searchers minds, that hes guilty of this and he needs to pay the price. It is amazing how this team has stayed loyal, committed and focused on what our purpose is, and it is to bring sierra home. Reporter those are some of the searchers who looked for sierra lamar back in 2012 and some since then. They heard prosecutors tell the jury about sierra lamars dna evidence found in Garcia Torress car and also the dna that was found on her clothing that belonged to Garcia Torres. Garcia torres lawyers tried to convince the jury that the evidence was tainted and investigators were sloppy in connecting it and they tried to convince the 15yearold is in sta fact still alive and just ran away from home, and thus, why there is no body. Bob redell texted me that other members of the public and media have just been brought into the gallery. This announcement was supposed to come at 9 00, so we are running a few minutes behind schedule, but it seems like it is moving quite along. A lot of folks are saying they believe that the evidence was Strong Enough for cigars ya torrtor Garcia Torres to be convicted even without a body. But the difficulty of this case is there is no double jeopardy. Theres no opportunity to try him again in this jury acquits him on all of these charges, those related to the murder and kidnapping of sierra lamar and also the three counts of kidnapping against three other women back in 2009. Sam and laura, we are still watching folks gather outside the hall of justice here in san jose. We know that the gallery has been seated. The members of the media have been seated. The lamar family is there and ready to go. No cameras inside but were going to bring you that information as soon as we get it. Kris sanchez live outside of the courtroom this morning for us, thank you very much. We saw the emotion of the people who searched for this young lady for five years now. Her parents as well. We want to give perspective on this case as well. Steve johnson, our legal analyst, joins us. Obviously everyone is waiting to ds havee verdict. When do you expect we might actually hear it . It usually takes about halfanhour to do a verdict like this. It is not just a question of coming in and saying guilty and not guilty. The charges have to be read. In this case there are four charges and what we call an enhancement that gets us to the Death Penalty if special circumstances are found true. Then there are always some postverdict motions. Usually the defense will also ask that the individual juror members be polled so that each individual juror has to say, yes, this is my verdict. So it does take some time that were waiting for as well. Okay. So lets talk about the case as well. The four charges against him. Charged with murder of sierra lamar, despite the fact that there was no body. But there was that dna evidence that was found in his car. His dna on some of her clothing as well. You think thats enough for this . Yeah. Forensic cases are proved all the time, even in the days before sophisticated dna tests, we could prove a no body case with blood spatter evidence, all of that sort of forensic evidence. Here we have very sophisticated dna. We have arguably the defendants dna on the victims clothing. We have the victims dna in the defendants car. We have fiber evidence, for example, fibers that appear to be from the defendants car on the victims clothing. So theres a lot of that trace evidence, forensic evidence, and thats very powerful, very convincing stuff. And it is not just the dna evidence. We were talking about this earlier. But the fact when Garcia Torres was first speaking with investigators, you told me he offered conflicting stories which really added to the prosecutions case. Yeah. And that might be what ultimately convicts him. Because the defense here is to attack the reliability of the forensic evidence. But, Torres Garcia himself said, first of all, ive never seen this woman, ive never been anywhere around her. Then he starts explaining how dna from this person that hes never seen might get into his car, or how his dna might get on her clothing without ever being asked about any of that. And interestingly new enouen this case, not just about sierra lamar, but also three attempted kidnappings hes charged with as well. Yeah, and that was a strategic decision on the part of the prosecution to bring in those three other attempted kidnappings to say, look, this is all a pattern. The three kidnappings were just preparation for the ultimate kidnapping and murder. But that, too, can become a doubleedged sword, because none of the victims in those three kidnappings was able to identify Torres Garcia as the assailant so the defendant can come back and say, look, he didnt do those, there may be another person out there who was preparing to kidnap sierra lamar and hes still out there. Those attempted kidnappings all happened in the safeway parking lot where he worked with the taser found in the back seat of one of the victims cars. Circumstantial evidence, but in that case, circumstantial evidence in the bad sense of the word. The kidnappings happened to be a place to which he was very close. But no identification. No identification. And apparently forensic evidence in those cases lost or bungled by the police. As you mention, this is kind of a risky strategy here on the part of the prosecution. We will a see how it plays out. Stay with us for a second here, dean, because well have much more to discuss with you. Right now, wed like to show you live video images, this is the Santa Clara County District Attorney going into the building. This is on tape, i should say. It happened moments ago. There he is, walking in to the courthouse there. All of the media covering this event on the outside. Again, as kris sanchez had mentioned earlier the gallery was seated. The families, the media, all of this within the last about ten minutes or so. Again, now we are see egg the District Attorney also walking into the courthouse. So our cameras are not allowed in the courtroom, but our reporters are. In fact, we have a few of them there and they are live tweeting this morning the very latest information thats coming out. 2sho to turn to janelle wang ides reading social media. We have crews inside the courtroom and several crews outside. We are live tweeting on our twitter page, nbc bay area. The jurors were just escorted from the garage into the courthouse about 25 minutes ago. Theyre all seated right now. This was a file picture of Garcia Torres was no cameras are allowed but this she mentioned hes wearing light blue dress slacks and a tie. The defendant turns and nods at the family. Theyre seated behind him. Gallery sits in silence right now waiting for the judge. One other reporter inside says you can hear a pin drop, it is so quiet. Our social media editor has been tweeting since this morning as well. She says inside the courtroom, everyone is seated, waited for the judge right now. Emotionally charged atmosphere inside the courtroom. Family and friends handing out tissues. They know this is going to be an emotional day. Only people allowed to live tweet and blog inside the courtroom are members of the media. There are 60 people inside that courtroom, there are is an overflow courtroom nearby where there is closedcircuit tv and media there as well. Kris sanchez, as you saw, is outside the report, reporting live from outside the courtroom since 4 30 this morning. Shes watched searchers looking for sierra lamars body now for years also there. Michelle roberts is also in the courtroom. Well keep up to date on all the stuff thats going on. Live tweeting. We have so many crews there and well keep you posted on whats happening. But a lot of stuff going on inside the courtroom right now getting ready for verdict to be read which should come down any moment now. Thank you very much. Well keep checking back with you as well. Extra bailiffs have been brought into the courtroom as well, standing behind Garcia Torres who is seated at the table with his defense team as well. Look at the crowd outside of the courthouse as well. Absolutely. Big buildup there. An interesting duality here that in 2017 we are now relying on twr twitter and our reporters inside on what theyre seeing, not having live camera access inside. Very suspenseful and emotional moments here as well, an entire community of people that have been invested in finding sierra lamar and in getting justice in this case. Now waiting with bated breath to find out what happens. People who invested part of their lives to search for this young lady for five years. Searchers went out day after day for quite some time. Then it turned into weekend after weekend, looking for any sign of sierra. There are still signs posted, help bring sierra home, down in the morgan hill area. This has been an emotional month, years for all of these families and the community. Certainly for sierras parents. We have been speaking with dean johnson about the verdict which we expect probably by 9 30. This is the buildup outside of the courtroom as we all wait to find out what will happen. Family and friends have been waiting a long time before this amily right now. Shes been missing, as we well know be with for five years, disappearing when she was 15 years old. Sierra would be 20 years old now today. Weve just been told jurors are now entering the courtroom, they are taking their seats. R disa a look back, sierra lamar to scheared on her way to school march 16th, 2012, last seen on her way to a bus stop near her home. She never made to the high school where she attended. And her family reported her missing that very same day. Erer the next couple of days, search and rescue teams, as i mentioned, along with volunteers, hundreds of them, scoured nearby areas for any sign of sierra. S a eventually find her cell phone and her backpack with folded clothes inside. You see obviously the shovels and sticks and all of the gear people were using there. Antoine Garcia Torres becomes s dispect when his dna is found. You mentioned the bag. It is found on the clothing ut it waf that bag. Thtectives set up surveillance on him about a week and a half after sierras disappearance. Eut it was not until may 21st, two months after that, that Police Arrested antoine Garcia Torres. Police then revealed that sierras hair, a strand of her hair, was also found on a rope bn the trunk of Garcia Torress car. Sierras family and friends would wait even longer for answers. Again, to this day, her body has s for been found. And the trial became plagued with delay after delay. It took nearly five years for that trial to start. Im hearing right now breaking news, it has been a unanimous verdict. We dont know what the verdict is just yet but it has been unanimously agreed upon by this jury. And breaking news. We actually do have the verdict now. He is found guilty of first degree murder. Antoine Garcia Torres has been found guilty of first degree murder. The question now becomes with the enhancement here, dean, you tere talking about that. If he is found guilty with a f rtecial enhancement of kidnapping, killing in the midst tea kidnapping, that would then osing up the possibility of anpital punishment. Yeah, exactly. We should know that in a few minutes because thats part of the verdict that is being read. And if it becomes a felony murder, then the next stage is ao go into the penalty phase. E cour right. We want to turn to Kris Sanchez Kris sutside of the courtroom ide the w. Kris, you are out there where a lot of people are gathered who were not allowed inside the courtroom. Did they hear the reactiony ye . We are across the street. We have seen a lot of folks gathering close to the doorway right in front of the hall of justice. At this point, given the information flow that we have these days, we have to assume they have heard it either from their social media platforms or from the reporters who are assembled. We are getting a lot of tweets. I can hear my phone blowing up right now. But this is the verdict that the friends and family wanted. They wanted a first degree murder charge because they wanted this to be a Death Penalty case. A number of them have told us that they wanted antoine Garcia Torres to pay the ultimate price for having taken sierra lamar at just 15 years old, kidnapped her. She also wanted those serious charges and enhance pments for e three women who he allegedly tried to snatch before. Her best friend is in there, her parents as well. Well try to talk to them as they leave the courthouse a little bit later. Ing les sanchez there, what shes learning from twitter and her sources inside of the courthouse. Of course, we bring you back leer, dean johnson, our legal expert. So the jury only had this this he got it on friday. Halfday. Had it yesterday. Came back. We already knew this was going to happen. Are you surprised . No, i wouldnt have been surprised either way. But i have to say that a twoday verdict in a complicated forensic circumstantial circumstance murder case is just remarkable. This prosecution can pat itself on the back for doing a very good job. This is the toughest kind of case to prosecute and to get a vrd wi verdict with that degree of certainty. Dean, were just getting word as well. He is found guilty of the first kidnapping. There were three other additional kidnapping that he was being accused of. Found guilty of the first one, fou found guilty of the second one. Let me confirm. The second and third kidnappings hes now been found guilty of hf the first being sierra lamar. Two of the other victims, hes found guilty. Bringing the total to three. Three addition aal victims on t of sierra lamar. Guilty on all four counts. Just getting breaking news right now. Antoine Garcia Torres found guilty on all four counts that were against him. We are hearing that family and friends are together right now, crying. All of that emotion has been building up for are years here. We talk about just tis for the family and this is what we are are hearing right now. Guilty on all charges. I worked here. I remember the day that this young girl was taken from her home. They didnt know what happened for her. All of the people going out and searching for her. Then when we would describe pictures of the car believed to be associated with it before eevwe ever knew his home. The emotions of those people to finally hear that justice for them has been served. You mentioned the fact that this was such a painful experience for her mom from the beginning, that she actually had to move away from morgan hill because she could not deal with living in that environment. I talked to marlene on many occasions. It was just such an emotional thing for her. She was open to talking to us. She was rying to find her daughter and get her back but it became too hard for her to live in this community that of course was rallying around her but it was the last place that she had seen her daughter alive. This is just a sense of closure at the very least for the family now knowing that someone will be paying the price for what was such an atrocious crime. Now the question becomes what is the level of punishment. Again we are showing you video of Family Members. Thats her father. Theres sierra lamars mother embraced in a hug there. You can only imagine whats going through their mind right now. We are reading as well Garcia Torres himself as well in tears after he hears that verdict as well. Emotion from the other side of the table as well. We are also getting word right now that the penalty phase for this will begin pretty soon, will begin on tuesday. Dean, can you weigh in on that . Now, what goes on trial is Garcia Torres whole life. The bad news here, and the really bad news here is hes not only found guilty of murder but of all these kidnappings. This jury has now said that we find that this man not only kidnapped and killed sierra lamar, but hes a serial offender. Theyre going to look at him as a very dangerous individual. Thats going to weigh very heavily in their decision on whether to impose the Death Penalty or not. No cameras allowed in the courtroom but we are trying to bring you the emotion of it and of course the facts from whats happened in that courtroom. Following very closely on social media. Janelle wang, youre monitoring twitter right now. Family and friends inside the courtroom sobbing when the verdict came down. Our reporters all inside. Bob redells been in the courtroom since early this morning. This came down four minutes ago. Breaking news, jury finds antoine Garcia Torres guilty of attempted kidnapping and carjacking. These are the three other charges he faced beside capital murder charges for killing sierra lamar. There again, jury unanimously finds Garcia Torres guilty on all four counts. Inside the courtroom, antoine Garcia Torres sits quietly as he learns he faces the Death Penalty. That penalty phase will begin next tuesday. That same jury will deliberate whether he will get the Death Penalty or not. Our social media editor is also inside the courtroom. She says, a volunteer inside the courtroom just told her justice is served. Defense and prosecutors after the verdict was read do not have any statements right now. So we will see if they will have something to say a little bit later. Kris sanchez is also inside the courtroom. She actually retweeted something by marc klaas. His tweet, jury finds sierra lamar guilty of murder. When you get to hell, say hello to bundy, gacy and dahmer. Those are all serial killers. So very strong words from marc klaas, father sometimes jurors do talk after the verdict is read but since the penalty phase is coming up, they may be sequestered. Our reporters in the courtroom, three of them, several reporters outside. Well keep you posted of any new developments. Of course you can follow us on nbc bay area and all our social media platforms. Well be retweeting all our reporter tweets inside and keep you posted on whats going on. Sam and laura . As all of this information is coming into our newsroom directly. We are waiting to hear firsthand accounts. There were no cameras inside the courtroom. Before we actually speak with bob, i wanted to ask you about capital punishment. There has not been a Death Penalty actually executed if california since 2006. We know that the appeals process takes years. Yeah. Assuming that the Death Penalty was imposed in this case, it was going to be five to seven years before Torres Garcia even gets counsel. Obviously Death Penalty appeals very complex. They require a high lefrl of skill and cases dont pay very much so it is hard to find somebody whos dedicated enough to represent somebody on death row. After that, it can be three, four, or more years, before briefs are filed, and another several years before a decision. And thats only the beginning. After the appeal in the state courts, theres a whole process of appeal through habeas corpus in the federal courts. It is a long, long, long process. The jurors we are finding out as well are not being allowed to talk until the penalty phase, which makes sense in this case. Right. They cant communicate with us and we cant communicate with them until this is all over. No doubt, we will make attempts to talk to them though after this. Absolutely. Just to recap the list of the charges that antoine Garcia Torres was convicted of. The charges he faced, first degree murder charge convicted with an enhancement. Murder with kidnapping enhancement. Then three charges of attempted kidnapping during carjacking. Thats not related to what happened with sierra lamar. Those stem from three victims who were attacked in a safeway parking lot where antoine Garcia Torres worked. He is guilty on all charges. We have bob redell who was inside the courtroom whether this verdict was read. He joins us live outside the courtroom right now with the very latest. Kris sanchez has been following this very crowsly with a lclose. Reporter they dont allow cameras in the courtrooms so we have to do that firemans game of passing the bucket of information. Bob was inside. You were there as marlene and steve lamar heard that this is a guilty verdict. Correct. And sierras sister was in there as well. As well as the family of antoine Garcia Torres. It was very tense in the courtroom. Ive covered this a few times, and its never been at full capacity. The gallery was at full capacity. They let everyone in, including the family of Garcia Torres, sierra lamars family, the d. A. Himself was in there. When the verdict was read, one side of the mainly supporters and the family leapt up and some actually went like this in tears of joy. The judge had to admonish them to be quiet because that was after the first count was read. There were three other counts which he was also eventually found guilty of. Antoine Garcia Torres has been in the courtroom the whole time and chose not to speak. Did he have any reaction . One bailiff, a deputy was standing directly behind his seat so it was very he was a big man so it was very hard for anyone to see him. I did notice that when the courtroom started to file in, Garcia Torres did turn to his family, nodded at them. I noticed that one of his Family Members, when the first count was read that he was found guilty he nodded his head in disagreement where you had the other side of the courtroom again expressing joy, a lot of crying, a lot of tears. A lot of hearts go outs to the lamars, talking about the parents and sister of sierra. We know a lot of the searchers who look for a little girl who they had never met before, 15yearold girl who they did not believe was a runaway. A lot of them were here because they wanted to hear verdict and see the conclusion as well. Did any of them have anything to say . We know, again, a lot of tears. A lot of people we talk to in advance of todays verdict were expecting a guilty verdict based on the impression theyve been given and they saw the jury during the trial. We spoke to one supporter trier to todays verdict, they were commenting i have two daughters of my own, i cant imagine. Ing it it is something they can understand losing a child and how awful that is. One of the other women we talked to in the days before the guilty verdict was hanna foreman who is sierra lamars best friend. She was 15 when her best friend disappeared. Shes now a 20yearold woman. She was here. She said the only thing that would be better than a guilty verdict is if he broke his silence and said where they could fund hind her body. I asked other reporters, were you able to get a sense of what his reaction was. And they werent able to see any reaction from him. Again, that deputy was blocking our view. But from our Vantage Point didnt seem like he had any reaction, or during the days of the trial. He always looked straightforward and had an expression that was not very expressive. He was found guilty of kidnapping and murdering sierra lamar. Also found guilty on three counts of attempting to kidnap three women in the years back in march of 2009, two instances midmarch of 2009 at safeway morgan hill, then one late march of 2009. Yes. And then the judge did tell each individual juror, six men and six women, and they all affirmed when polled their guilty verdicts on all four counts. So a unanimous decision across the board. We have another camera across the street from where bob and i are right now. That is where we expect the parents to come out, marlene and steve lamar. They have been very communicative with the media. They really tried to work with us in especially the early days when their daughter was missing and they were trying to get the word out, trying to keep her name and her face in the headlines. I think they did a good job of that. Hopefully as they exit today they will have something to day. You probably spoke to them most recently, bob. I spoke with them in the days immediately after the search. I know theyve been, for the most part, quiet during this case, for obvious reasons. But i get the impression theyre probably going to break that silence. We will let you take another look at the podium right now. I know that we are looking for analysis as well but right now this is what we really want. We really want to be able to hear an see from sfeteve and Marlene Lamar. Until that happens, well take you back to the studio. Well stay on these Line Pictures right now because now the doors of the courtroom are open. Podium has been set up and we expect to hear from some of these friends and Family Members as they exit the courtroom this morning. These are the people tied, oh, so closely to this case for the the past five years from the moment she disappeared to the searches going on for her, to the looking for a certain vehicle that was believed to be associated with it, to eventually the arrest, and now the verdict that he was found guilty of murdering sierra lamar. As bob redell just mentioned, laura, such an outpouring of emotion that has been building up for so long, that before they could even get to the second charge, the crying was so heavy among sierra lamars family that the judge actually had to interveinte interconvenieinte intervene for a moment and ask for order as they were overcome with emotion, not surprisingly. Then they were able to get to the next charges. We wont hear from the jury because now we enter the penalty phase. Dean johnson joins us as well providing some legal analysis as we continue to watch in camera out there. It is not surprising we arent hearing from the jury at this time. Is it surprising to you that it was unanimous right off the back . That came quicklyquickly. Well, a verdict has to be unanimous, but the quickness is stunning. To take a no body murder case, theres no crime scene, theres no weapon, and make it purely on forensic evidence and prove it beyond a reasonable doubt to 12 people to the extent that they only need a few hours to figure this out is just an extra order feat on the part of the prosecution. They did a good job in marshalling this evidence, putting it together and presenting it in obviously a very, very decisive way. Do you think perhaps the jury came to a decision on friday and said, lets think this through, and come back on monday. Well, every jury is different, but my suspicion is they you a 12 went in there, as as most jurors do, they took a quick poll. I suspect that they were 120 for guilt on friday afternoon. But a lot of times in a case like this where the stakes are extremely high, they say, you know what . Weekends coming up, lets think about it a little bit and be absolutely sure when we come back on monday. All right, dean. Well take you out back live to the courthouse where weve gradually seen people stream out. Some of the search crew members came out. They said theyll hold an additional search this weekend. Bob redell, what are you seeing . The family of Garcia Torres just exited the courthouse surrounding by a number of tv cameras. Even though people have been throwing questions at them, they have not given any response to their reaction to the verdict. They dont look happy, i can tell you that. I know when i was in the courtroom, i believe it was the brother, a male member of the family, nodded his head in disagreement to the verdict that antoine Garcia Torres was found guilty. The family has just been escorted out now by security and are taking off in a bmw after hearing the verdict of their Family Member found guilty on all counts, unanimously all four counts, including the kidnapping and murder of sierra lamar. And now were out front of the hall of justice awaiting for the lamar family to come out and presumably speak, as well as perhaps the prosecution. We dont know if the Defense Attorneys will be coming out and speaking on behalf of Garcia Torres. There is still some business to be done in this case. The verdict came through today and the jury has been excused for the day. Next tuesday at 9 00 begins the Death Penalty phase of this trial. Thats another mini trial to determine whether so the jury can determine whether or not, now theyve convicted Antolin Garciatorres, whether they will have him sentenced to death. That will begin on tuesday. Bob, you described a second ago, as we take live pictures now at some of the Family Members an search crews coming out of the building. Well continue to update you as soon as we hear from the family. Bob, you were describing watching the charges being read. I guess Antolin Garciatorres had his back to you and you could not detect much emotion from your Vantage Point . I couldnt because i had a deputy directly behind him, which wasnt unusual give the reading of the verdict and the emotion in the courtroom. But during the course of the trial he did not have a deputy behind him. The evenly emotion i detected from Antolin Garciatorres is when the gallery was filling into the courtroom and his family was seated a couple rows behind him. He did turn, flash his eyes at them and nodded at them. But that was the only sense of emotion that i got from Antolin Garciatorres during his appearance this morning in court. Like i said, it was hard to see what he said or had not said or what his reaction would have been whether those guilty verdicts were read outloud. Okay, bob. Were going to keep you there live as we watch the people coming out live. They had bailiffs that were actually escort being some members of garciatorres family as they exited the courtroom as well. What would you advice, dean, tam families . Youve worked in prosecution and youve worked in defense. A nam thats received this sense of justice today but is obviously so wroeovercome with r feelings, how would you advise them to speak or not speak . Part of the prosecutors job is to give care and comfort to the victims family so you do give them advice. Right now you sort of leave them to their own devices. We always talk about closure. Families of victims in crimes like this never get closure. What they do get today is catharsis. They get the relief of knowing that part of the problem is out of the way because justice is going to be done. Right now they are so emotional. If i were there, i would say, it is up to you to speak to the press. But as a prosecutor, i would just as soon you didnt. There is the District Attorney, jeff rosen, that just exited the courtroom. Lets listen in. Weve got someone here at the podium. Thank you for understanding. The District Attorney, jeff rosen, approaching the podium. Good morning, im jeff rosen with be District Attorney of Santa Clara County. On my right, david boyce, lead prosecutor on this case. To my left, david beesi, also a lead prosecutor. Well take a few questions after a few remarks, then be finished. Morning. This morning a Santa Clara County jury convicted a. N ntolin garcia. Torres in the murder of sierra lamar and the attempted kidnapping of three young women in the safeway parking lot. We now move immediately into the next phase, penalty phase, where the jury will decide whether the defendant gets the Death Penalty or life without the possibility of parole. Because that process requires respecting the jurys decision and to be free from any interference, there can be no further comment from this office about what comes next. I appreciate your time and thank you. How did you do it without a body and without a murder weapon . How did you get a conviction . Thats not something i can talk about today. [ inaudible question ] we felt very confident about the evidence that we had. Can you talk about how the penalty phase will play out . Who will take the stand . As you might imagine, victim families, sierras friends, will come in and talk about the impact thats had on their life. Not going to speculate what the jury will do. It is their decision. It is a very significant one to be made. [ inaudible question ] im not going to answer. In 13 weeks of testimony, it is very difficult to say what is the most compelling. It is the whole package. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. District attorney jeff rosen, surrounded by the Prosecution Team for this case. Interesting to see there, laura, we are not hearing comments from the families right now. They said this will be it. As you see, the other members have actually thats her mother, marlene. Lets listen in. Do i get your reaction. Well, nothing will take away the pain and the sorrow that we experience every day, and we will continue to experience the rest of our lives. Truly, weve been praying for the chapter to have this type of ending. Justice. And believing in it, knowing that god is there for us every day. Amen. We just believe in that and just were grateful to the jurors, coming up with the right decision. And it gives us peace as a family knowing that this is not going to happen to another child, and that they cant get away with Something Like this. Thank you. This is her father, steve. It is a long time coming. It is bittersweet. Yeah. We dont have sierra. Thats the bitter part. But justice is served here for us today. Justice for sierra. And that gives us some form of relief and it will never take away our grief. That will be with us forever. But today is what we wanted, and were happy. Were extremely grateful for the District Attorney, david boyd, dana bezi, great work. Santa clara county crime lab. So many people involved. Santa clara county Sheriffs Department for their great work. The search and rescue with county Sheriffs Office and our search team gave us so much help. We put 200 effort into finding sierra, and theyre still searching and well still search until we find something. Does this help with closure . Help, yeah. Closure . No. Theres no closure. But, yeah, like i said, it helps. What would you like to say to the jury . Just they made the right decision. They based it on the facts. And, yeah. Did a great job. What would you like to see happen as far as the penalty phase . Death . Im not going to comment on that right now because thats still pending. So, yeah. Were staying positive and we hope for a good turnout there. Just pretty much the same thing they said. Well obviously never get sierra back. So its not closure, but it is a good first step. And the jury did the right th g thing. Thank you. Thank you. The family of sierra lamar giving their first statements after hearing the man accused of kidnapping and murdering her is found guilty. Theyve been there every step of the way. Marlene you see hugging Family Members there, and steve, the father. The whole family consoling one another. You heard a second ago from her father, laura, when he said there is no closure. This gets back to what we were talking about before, which is that the greatest source of comfort that they could possibly have at this point, as we just heard sierras mom say, that now we have the guarantee of no at thing that this man will not do this again to any other child, that the jury came to the right decision in this case, and at least they can sleep at night knowing no one elses child would be in harms way because of the action of this individual. This has been a draining five years for this family and for the searchers. I look among the crowd there of people, after covering this story for so long since the very beginning and the hugs that theyre getting, the support of the people. These are people many of these are just volunteers who became so close to the family, who came out every weekend to just search for her as well. So it is wonderful to see that unification of really a community. Right. When you say people coming out every single weekend, were not talking about a couple dozen people. Were talking about huge groups. For years. For years. Every single weekend. I understand theyre actually zbrg going to gather this weekend as well, almost in a tribute type sense, again to search for sierra. We are listening to comments again in the last several minutes from sierra lamars family. We also heard from jeff rosen in the case, saying they are not going to be commenting inn anymore because it now moves to the penalty phase. We told you that we had crews inside the courtroom as there werent cameras allowed that were tweeting, trying to give you as much information. Kris sanchez was outside. We want to check in with her. Kris . Reporter i was just over at the podium as Marlene Lamar was talking about what this verdict means for her. I have to say, its remarkable that the raw emotion today is exactly the raw emotion that we got from her in the weeks after sierra lamar disappeared. She says this is something that they are going to live with for the rest of their lives, and this is little comfort, although it is a small comfort. Steve lamar said that it is bittersweet, because though they got a guilty verdict in the murder and disappearance of their daughter, shes not here. And so that is the bitter part. This family has been very communicative with the media. They have reached out to us repeatedly to try to keep sierra lamars picture and name in the headlines. They did a great job doing that today. This is really for them. They said that they felt so grateful not only to the District Attorneys team but also to the folks in the public who showed up weekend after weekend to search for their daughter and they also felt extremely thankful to the jury for doing what they said is the right thing. Six men, six women who now will also live with this for the rest of their lives because they heard from very graphic testimony and they really did see a side of humanity that perhaps they didnt want to see but they still did their civic duty. There are still lots of folks gathered outside the front of the hall of justice. We did hear from the District Attorneys office. They dont want to give a lot of details because they dont want to compromise the part of the trial thats now going forward, and that is the sentencing. They dont want to affect thats going to happen from this point going forward. The jury will reconvene and talk about the penalty phase on tuesday. Theyll have a little bit of time to decompress. And then on tuesday, because this was a first degree murder count, and also with special circumstances of kidnapping and carjacking with be this could be a potential Death Penalty case. Antolin garciatorres will be back in his prison jumper and back at the courthouse waiting to hear what is going to happen with him. We also heard just a few moments ago from sierra lamars sister. And five years in a childs life, in a Young Persons life, is a very long time. Those are five years that she has not had with her sister for what is the biggest event of her lifetime. Shes very tearful at the podium as you saw and as you heard. But now hopefully in some way they will be able to move forward. Steve lamar said something just five minutes ago that he said five years ago theres no such thing as closure for them. Theyre happy for the guilty verdict and grateful for the jury, but for them, it is still a life without sierra lamar. You are exactly right. Its been a long time coming, it is bittersweet. We dont have sierra and thats the bitter part. So understandable as a parent. The pain obviously cannot be described. I would also add that her mom said, god is there for us and we have peace and an understanding at this point that this cant happen again. You made a really interesting observation a couple of minutes ago about the fact that the searchers, the people who are so invested in this community, those were also the people standing in front of the courtroom just now embraced in hugs and wiping tears away like they were members of the family. Thats what i mean. Because they became that member. It became such a community of people down there searching. You still see signs to this day, bring sierra home. I would imagine you will continue to. They mentioned there, i hope he comes forward and in fact says where she is because that could provide some possible closure to that family. Obviously shell never come back. But to be able to provide that to that family would be a gift. It is a deeply personal issue you for everybody involved here. Very much so. You can tell how those who have covered it for so long feel hearing this verdict. So much has been coming down on social media. Janelle wang has been doing a wonderful job monitoring that from the emotion inside and outside. We have a team of reporters inside and outside. Were covering this reaction to the verdict that just came down in the past halfhour. Our twitter feed has a list of our reporters and digital journalists tweeting from inside. The defense team left the courthouse without comment. He captured them just leaving. Theyll prepare for penalty phase now and try to save garciatorres life as he faces the Death Penalty. Our social media editor caught the family of the suspect leaving in the black car without commenting either. Of course they will be there for the penalty phase as well. Our kris sanchez also tweeting, you can see her. Shes been covering it live from outside, covering the family and News Conference they just held. They spoke briefly, all members. Here is Marlene Lamar, the mother of sierra lalamar. Nothing will take away the sorrow we feel for the rest of our lives. Also steve lamar, it is bittersweet. We dont have sierra. He also said they are going to continue searching for their daughter. Her body has not been found so theyre going to keep searching. Im sure volunteers surrounded the family will be helping the family as well. Well just prepare for the penalty phase. News conference outside just wrapped up. But of course we have complete coverage all day and well keep you up to date on all our social media platforms, including twitter, facebook, and nbcbayarea. Com. Janelle, thank you for giving us a great perspective on whats being portrayed on social media. Bob redell was inside of the courtroom as this was read just a few minutes ago. There was actually a limited amount of people who were actually allowed inside of the courtroom. Most of them media, those were the only people allowed to tweet and whatnot, provide that social Media Contact to people on the outside. Lets check in with bob right now for a little bit more of the emotional reaction of what it was look in there, bob. Reporter it is not a very large courtroom. We believe there are only 66 seats for the gallery, that would be people not associated with the prosecution and did he ever. It was at full capacity. You had the front left row which was the family of garcia garciatorres. On the other side, sierra lamars family, her mother, father and sister. Then the searchers who have been searching since 2012 and as recently as this past weekend and plan for search for her body this weekend. Other members of the gallery were members of the media and the driistrict attorney, jeff rosen, also there because of the significance of what was happening today. We did walk in, Antolin Garciatorres did turn to look at his family, widened his eyes and nodded at them. We noticed steve lamar, father of sierra, handed back a box of kleenex to supporters hy erers m before the jury filled the courtroom. Then the jury entered the courtroom, the verdict was handed to the clerk, and the judge read the guilty verdicts on all three counts, including the attempted carjacking of the women in 2009, and the murder and kidnapping of sierra lamar. It was hard to see what the defendants reaction was. Today there was extra securi security i counted six bailiffs which included one large deputy standing directly behind him so it was very large for anyone to get a vantage of what his reaction was. But when that verdict was read, sierra lamars family cried out, as well as the supporters and a lot of tears. Grown men cried in that courtroom today. These are people who have been looking for sierra since she disappeared five years ago. Bob, you are talking about not just the response from sierra lamars family, but from Antolin Garciatorress family. Did you get to interact with them or did you see them leaving the courtroom, what their expresses were like . Did they seem surprised . Did any seem overwhelmed . Paint the picture for us there. A young male member of cig s Antolin Garciatorres nodded his head obviously in disagreement. I followed them out of the courtroom as did other members of the media and they refused to answer in he questions. They were taken away into a bmw and they drove off. They were escorted out with the help of security, courthouse security, because there was a lot of interest in them. We also chased down, if you will, the Defense Attorneys, asked them some questions, specifically asking if they were going to appeal this vird decision. But they had no comment. Bob redell, thank you very much for continuing our coverage and a perspective from inside of the courtroom, what he saw, not just when the verdict was read but after everyone came out of the yoocourtroom. The penalty phase will begin on tuesday. What about the statements that we could possibly hear from those Family Members . Well, one thing to be considered in penalty phase is victim impact. Oftentimes the family will testify, and that can be extraordinarily powerful. The intense emotion that you saw at the podium here will be transmitted to the jury, and it is something that this he can consider in determining whether to impose the Death Penalty or not. Exactly. So the Death Penalty or life in prison without parole is what Antolin Garciatorres faces now. I just wonder, for Family Members to have to go back up on to the stand again and talk about the victim impact. That has to be from an emotional standpoint, having gone through this for three months already and the five years preceding that, now they have to go back up and recount once again how they are feeling. It is wrenching. But on the other hand, it is senator stage towards closure, towards a catharsis. Because to get up and look at the person whos been found guilty of the murder of your daughter and look that man in the eyes, and tell him what he has done to that family is just an extraordinarily powerful and cathartic experience. Its almost the culmination of everything that they did. Exactly. Everything thats built up over these five years. Everything that theyve wanted to say to this man, they can now look him right in the eye and say that, and they know that the jury thats zbrg to going to de fate is listening. We have Marlene Lamar right now with us ready to kind of describe, im sure, the full range of emotions that shes been through here in just the last several hours. Marlene, are you there . Go ahead. I have marlene here right in front of the courthouse. She cannot hear you but i can relay your questions. So you just look at me. I felt like the emotion that you showed right after you came out of the courthouse was the same emotion that i saw from you when we talk five years ago when sierra first disappeared. Well, pretty much we had to relive this nightmare. It was pretty bad. It was actually more detailed and difficult to hear the details. It was horrific to hear it. I remember the day that they had to play your 911 call. I just felt like i was going to cry with you. Yeah. That just helps me realize that the pain is the angst is still there. This never goes away. I have not lost a child, but i can only imagine that your family is never going to be the same. Never be the same. But it does end a chapter that has long its been a long journey and it just gets some finality having justice. Im thinking of your other daughter, sierras sister, now she can kind of grow up. Right . Shell never be able to move on. She suffers every day, every minute. Theres reminders everywhere of sierra. Its been a hardship for us. I think i heard you tell somebody earlier that you didnt want to comment on whether it would be Death Penalty or a life sentence an we want to respect that. But do you feel some relief . Yes. I feel that the process works and this is just the beginning to make sure that somebody dangerous is not going to be released and harm another child. A lot of folks dont want to do jury duty. They dont it kind of they dont want to participate in it. How important is it for people to do that jury duty . Yeah. I would like to put out there. Make the time. Because you are really going to set precedent for our future and, you know, set an example that even as a juror, you can make a difference. Thank you so much. Im sure you want to say thank you to all the searchers who look for sierra . Yes. Id like to thank the community, the searchers, the reporters that have been thoroughly supporti supportive. Theres been some sensationalism, which i havent really appreciated. But overall, its been its been decent. Well, it is good to see you get some conclusion. Thank you. So Marlene Lamar is headed off now. She said thats the last interview of the day. Must be a very difficult day. But a little tiny bit of relief. Sam and laura . No doubt. Thank you very much, kris. The closure, of course, that they were never looking for. Of course theyd want their daughter home but at least they see how the Justice System works. What a way to learn, to have to live it like that. What a lesson. The lesson here is that homicide never has just one victim. It affects everybody on both sides of the courtroom. And i think when, again, speaking from your experience, when people commit crimes they dont see the families impacted. They dont understand the lives that theyre affecting forever. All they see is the immediacy of that moment oftentimes. And now it is not until this point when you see the human impact of whats happened. It is utterly devastating. In most cases the defendants never see that. But in this case it will be brought home to mr. Garciatorres. All right. We thank you very much for joining us today for this legal analysis. Were going to use him as well in another hour at 11 00 this morning. Of course, stay with nbc bay area. Youll get the very latest as we still have reporters on the scene an live recap and analysis tonight at 5 00, 6 00, and 11 00 p. M. Turn to nbcbayarea. Com any time for all the latest information. For all the people who have gone through the process of looking for sierra lamar and waiting for some sort of justice, as they would put it, these are volunteers, laura. These are people who spent years looking for her and are now embracing members of her family. Long heartfelt embrace. Thats right. Antolin garciatorres found guilty of murder and three cased of attempted kidnapping. Well continue to cover this. We have a newscast coming up at 11 00 a. M. This morning. Well update all of our so many platforms as well. Thank you for joining us for this live special report. We are now going to return you back to your regularly scheduled programming. See you again for the news at 11 00. Announcer from nbc news, this is today with Kathie Lee Gifford and hoda kotb. Live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Hay, everybody it is booze day spanky tuesday. That is lose my mind by brett eldredge. Were going to be reveal something exciting news. And the sexy star who only gets better with age. Were talking about kevin bacon. Hes starring in a new series with kathryn hahn. He plays a guy named

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