Transcripts For KNTV Today 20160331 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20160331

i'm also trefreak out about tha. >> we promised her wine. >> here it comes. >> here you go. >> thank you. >> okay. wait. we have a bone to pick with you two freaks. okay? >> this early in the morning? >> these are the rumors that on the earlier hour, someone said there was going to be a take ovtakeover of our show. >> i was like uh-oh. >> so give me exactly what was said. >> i had just said that we were good at doing the back and forth and we should have our own talk show and i said when kathie lee and hoda need a break, we'll step in for you. so go to bermuda, tahiti. >> what would be your drink of choice if you were filling in? >> i'd probably do some red. >> i was going to do a dirty vodka martini, but i thought that was a little much. >> no, it's not much. i had one week where it was all country music stars who guest co-hosted. martina mcbride went for vodka straight up. >> we're having fireballs. >> you guys are hot. congratulations on your movie. we wish you the best of lug. we'd toast you with a drink but you don't have one. come back anytime. >> thank you. >> you never know what's going to happen. >> all we know, we have our wine. how is it? >> it is good. and i didn't go with red, i immediately -- it immediately sticks to my teeth and i look truck before i've had anything. >> dylan is a blank slate for me because you're kind of new to the "today" show family. so we're getting to know you. so i think by the end of this chat, we will know a lot about dylan. so stick around. blake shelton released a music video and blake shelton is my go-to. >> i know he is. >> this is a song, it's called "came here to forget." let's listen to a little bit. they say it has everything to do with him and gwen even though he didn't write it. take a look. ♪ keep on keeping, still can't remember, kchcan't remember whae came here to forget ♪ ♪ what we came here to forget >> the black and white, the voice. what makes that so sexy? >> first of all, he's awesome. do you think he's hot? >> i do. >> do you like tall like that? >> i like tall, i like country, the accent. >> i like the whole -- there is something about him. and you're right about the black and white. because somehow when something is thin black and white, you're like -- >> i'm going to the black and white again on the ininstagram. >> we're back to the '60s. and that song is out on may 20th. so everyone has a crush. i just gave up my crush. your crush is someone else. >> my crush i didn't realize was a crush until i met him in person. >> who is it? >> zac efron. and we've played this clip that you haven't seen, we've played it before because when you have the chance to humiliate someone, and you have it on video, you have to play it as much as possible. >> so you went to go interview him and you were sitting across from him. >> it's him and seth rogen. he's standing there like this. i have all my questions. i know what i was going ask. and i go to ask and -- >> and something happened. let me see. >> so zac, you're -- sorry. going into this movie, and the first one, too, it's definitely more of a raunchy comedy maybe compared to -- >> so you're -- >> you're hot. that's what you wanted to say. >> normally i'm very open and honest. and i should have just said i'm sorry, but you are so attractive and you're standing there with your biceps just like there. and i should have just come out and said it. but -- in the back of my mind while i was not talking, i didn't want to offend seth rogen. which he would have joked about it i'm sure if i brought it up. so high mimy mind is racing, sh say it, should i not. i can't read my handwriting, i don't know what is going on. >> by the way, it was cute to watch. we want to play a game with you and it's called zac efron bod or not. we'll show you a body part and we want you to decide which one is zac efron's. pick a or b. she says a. is she right? yes, she is. justin bieber was b? >> wow. i didn't know that. >> all right. we'll pick biceps. a or b? >> i'm going b. >> no, you can't be right. oh, you're right. you're right. >> it was the hair in the background. >> let's go eyes. a or b? >> a. b might be brian. >> brian is your beloved husband. bring him on out, brian. >> you're talking much more clear with me. >> hi, brian. this is my husband, brian. >> how cute are you. >> i'm not cute enough apparently. >> wait a minute. brian is adorable. wait a second. so i just found out today you work in the building? >> yeah, "nightly news." i'm the camera guy. >> you're the camera guy for lester? >> for lester. >> is that how you two met? >> he was my camera guy in boston. we both worked mornings. >> my life came into focus. i got it. >> but, you know, you also probably don't know brian is six years younger than me. >> 29 1/2 in june. >> he still counts halves. >> how cute are you. did you have an issue thinking he's a little young? >> yeah, we were just really betwe good friends for a while and all of a sudden i didn't really care because he made me so happy and he we had so much fun. >> do you know how depressing it is when they're like can you take a selfie, we want to put you next to zac efron. i was hiding back tears. been walking away like this just so you could -- >> how did you propose to her? >> oh. yeah, i remember. we were going down 93 in boston. there is traffic all the time. and we had a huge party and we were going to surprise everyone. >> we thought it was his grandmother's had just got then through cancer. so his mom tells me they're having a big cancer-free party. through cancer. so his mom tells me they're having a big cancer-free party. through cancer. so his mom tells me they're having a big cancer-free party. so we had to guess dressed up and there was cars there which makes sense. but instead of leading me into the house the door we normally go in, he takes me to the front door and then i knew something was up. >> and i had the champagne and got down on one knee, i said dylan, my sister opened the door and said that's where he's going to do it! and then closes the door. >> classic nicole. >> were you surprised? >> i was extremely surprised. we had only been dating a year. i knew it was going that route, but i wasn't expecting it at that party. >> and what happened? >> she said yes. >> i don't remember how i said it. >> you said yeah, sure. >> no, i think i said absolutely. >> woe work the same shift. >> this is convenient, yeah. >> marriage of convenience. >> you guys are so cute. it doesn't bug you when she gets -- over a hottie? >> not at all. >> i sent him the picture and he was like, oh, yeah, i can see that. >> well, we're so glad that you're taking care of our girl and you don't have kids, right? there is a puppy? >> yes, there is a puppy. bosco. >> did you say bosco barks when you leave in the morning sometimes? >> when i leave for a trip, if i travel for storm coverage or -- >> she'll throw up? >> yeah. she gets upset. >> it's the suitcase. >> it's cute. >> well, let's play a little music. i picked a throwback. did you watch j. lo with james corden in the car? >> yes. >> oh, my gosh. i heard this song and he said i have to pick it. ♪ >> come on. >> i like it. ♪ jenny from the block >> are you a good dancer? >> awful. but we're always on the dance floor. >> he does the worm. >> go, go, do the worm. come on. on the floor right here. >> here we go. ♪ >> a guy that can do the worm. that's why you said yes. >> everybody remembers the worm guy. >> just reminder, you can listen to us on channel 108, me every monday ap-wednesday at 2:00. we have a big show from desperate housewife, single working mom. that is the blond bombshell, she has a new role, right after has a new role, right after this. if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture... i can tell you prolia® is proven to help protect bones from fracture. but the real proof? 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neutrogena® cosmetics. powders, concealers and foundations in new shades for more skin tones. with vitamins and antioxidants. your skin will look beautiful when you wear it and even after you take it off. neutrogena® cosmetics see what's possible. today, i'm going to fight hunge♪ today, i don't want to be hungry. we just have to buy food. my family gets the food we need. i'm so glad we could help. i'm so glad someone helped. hunger lives closer than you think. purchase participating items at walmart and you can help secure a meal for someone in need through feeding america member food banks. nicollette sheridan is known for spicing things up. but she was already a household name for her role as the manipulative beauty on the '90s prime time season knot's landing. and now she stars in the hallmark channel's all yours. she play as widowed single mom who confides in her nanny. take a look. >> i actually had someone i could lean on. >> was it hard on the kids? >> you know, they were so young, they really don't remember, but as emma gets older, she asks more and more. i'm trying to fill the void. i want them to have everything. >> you know something's going to happen. when is it going to happen? >> he is cute. how are you? >> i'm really well. >> i love how you are with projects like this one. you not only star in it, but you have been with it since the inception. producer, the writer, all kinds of stuff. p why is this a passion project for issue. >> i love being creative, so it's great to take somethingkco fruition. >> did you cast that guy? he is the perfect nanny. >> he was a per pegt in fect na. he's very colorful and wonderful with the children. >> so why is this a story line that so many people can relate to? >> i think the whole family will relate to it because you've got the harried parents and i think always there are sacrifices that every parent goes through. and so they will identify with that. and then the children love to be with their parents and stir it up. >> you're strict, you like people following rules. is that how you were brought up? were you brought up with tight margins when you were younger? >> you know, i was. and i feel very lucky actually to have had that. my mother was very strict. and i grew up in england. and there was a heavy focus on the academics, but then the arts were so important. so from drama to ballet to sewing, everything, i just -- and so it's a wonderful foundation. and i'm really grateful to my mother for doing all that. but going to bed at 6:00 p.m. was a little much. >> that was bedtime? >> yeah. >> and she always had a schedule, your mom did. >> and i heard you didn't get to watch that much too. v? >> no, you had to write books and write creative essays. and i think that's really important, though. is but you can overschedule. >> it clearly worked. do you watch tv now? >> sometimes.s but you can over. >> it clearly worked. do you watch tv now? >> sometimes. but you can overs. >> it clearly worked. do you watch tv now? >> sometimes.but you can oversc. >> it clearly worked. do you watch tv now? >> sometimes. >> what do you like if you had a choice? >> i don't have that much time, but when i do, i love watching "the voice." >> do and you hayou have a crus shelton, too? it's okay. >> i have a crush on all of them. they're such good people and they encourage all of these young budding artists. and it makes me feel so good. makes me, i don't know, happy and i said get tears of joy. >> very positive, yeah. >> we love you. we'll play spin the bottle, but i think we're out of time lucky for you. >> i never played in my life. >> you haven't? even the real spin the bottle? we have to do one just fast. >> look how i knew. >> good spinner. >> no makeup or no shower? >> no makeup. >> yes! >> nicollette sheridan, thank you so much. don't miss the primer. and we're minutes away from the big review of our ambush makeovers. you'll love them. (brian)i'm brian. i was in the military for 18 years. but i smoked. and i got heart disease. my tip is, it's hard to serve your country when you're too weak to put on your uniform. (announcer)you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. ♪ only kraft natural cheese has a touch of philadelphia cream cheese, so whatever you make, is creamier than ever. ♪ ♪ before it was honey in these honey nut cheerios, it was honey being collected. and honey getting made. and honey that was just beginning. is caringing because covering heals faster. for a bandage that moves with you and stays onll day, cover with a band-aid brand flexible fabric adhesive bandage. new pantene expert gives you the most beautiful hair ever, you wanna see something intense? with our strongest pro-v formula ever. strong is beautiful. well this a predicament. homestyle sounds good. but country style, not without it's charms. brown sugar hickory. who says no to hickory? single-serve vegetarian? sure! there are no rules here. no rules on aisle four! with 17 delicious flavors cooked according to our secret family recipe, bush's has the variety you can't resist. did you get a can of bush's beans? yes, yes i did. bush's beans. what's your favorite flavor? if you want to know the secret to flawless skin, we're about to reveal it in bob bi's buzz. >> bobbie thomas is here to tell us how to look fresh all day long. >> i get so many questions about primers. i just want to give a short tutorial. we have a graphic to show you what a primer does. it's a layer of film, consider it shapewear for your face. it smooths everything underneath. it will fill in and did i fuse, which is nice. if you have normal skin that is combination, these are my favorite picks. smash box is a consult favorite. their original was so great and so sought after that they came up with an entire line and their latest minimizing pore is fantastic. it's stilly co ly silicone is t ingredient and it's cosmetic grade. you can find miracle blur.silic ingredient and it's cosmetic grade. you can find miracle blur. look for the word blur and not primer if you want the diffusing effect. >> is it greasy? >> it goes away. you don't want to use soo many syrups with acids. so you want to use those at might. these are if you have oily skin, because not all primers are equal. if you need absorbing power, this will help your makeup stay all day long. this is from beauty blender. instead of the papers, you can have this reusable sponge. on a daily basis you can absorb oil. >> i always use the back of my hand, it doesn't do anything. >> and then if you really are going to a special event, if you're on tv like us, this will help you keep your makeup on all day. these are sealing sprays that will help set your makeup and we listed them online. >> mary always using a primer because otherwise your foundation goes on all splot which i. >> you can really see the before and after difference. i have with and without primer and you will see up close that her forehead is where the makeup gets patchy. let's look at the after. it draws it all out even. and instead of bringing attention to your pores. and then we have tracy here live. >> hi, tracy. >> personal friend and also great example of the last category. because if your skin is really dry and you get one of the primers that will absorb and ma mattify, no good. you want to look for a primer that has hydration or a water based primer. now, tracy has really dry skin and you'll see up close, you don't see any of the dry patchiness around her nose and color correcting is another big trend that is happening. but you can also get color correcting. she has rosacea, but you wouldn't even note that on her cheeks. if you're at home and you want to know, i have the article up, but i will answer our questions on your facebook page. >> awesome. love it. >> feel so is nice. coming up, two lucky laids are primed and ready to reveal their primed and ready to reveal their ambushed makeovmy budget was als second-guessing me when i'd buy stuff for the family. fingerhut. fingerhut. fingerhut. fingerhut. [sfx: door creak] shop and save $25 on your first order of $100 or more. fingerhut has over half a million items like samsung, keurig and lego. just click on over to to get the credit you deserve and great stuff for your family. oh, not fingerhut. i got that at a garage sale. (whispering) for a dollar! ifor all the wrong reasons.gical you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin®. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. try zyrtec®. muddle no more®. ii can't believe it's made with real, simple ingredients.ter. i can't believe... we're on a whale. i can't believe my role isn't bigger. real ingredients. unbelievable taste. enjoy i can't believe it's not butter! happening right now, b.a.r.t. trains running normally again after a car crash during a police chase sent debris on the tracks near the walnut creek station. tracks are clear but we have video of the scene from earlier today. you can see that on our twitter feed. and lines around the block for the hottest silicone product. it's a car people waiting for a tesla that won't hit stores until late next year. they are making reservations. our stephanie chuang is with fans ponying up $1,000 for first dibs. we'll take a look at our weather and traffic after the break. we're running telephones that will be at average for this time of year after morning clouds we'll see sunshine and a high of 68 degrees in san jose. 70 in palo alto and 62 on the embarcadero. a light wind that becomes more breezy into this afternoon and evening and a high of 68 degrees can be expected in napa and san rafael. 66 in oakland. 71 degrees in dublin. no major changes in the forecast as we go into the weekend with highs staying in the 60s and 70s and very nice. how's it looking on the roads, anthony? >> palo alto is the slow spot this morning. cars still piling on in here. 101 southbound continues to remain heavy and congested. an accident just past university avenue keeping things slow. across the left of the bay area, east bay looking good. wide open lanes across the entire east bay. scott? >> all right. make sure to join us at 11:00 when our next newscast takes place. kris and i will see you then. it is thirsty thursday and i'm here with dylan dreyer. we met her cute husband who did the worm. >> two lucky ladies woke up bright and early to come down to the plaza and their efforts paid off because they were given hot new looks courtesy of our dynamic duo. >> we have stylist to the stars lewis have li lewis vicari and all-around and you zim chick jill martin is with us. how was it on the plaza? >> weather was a perfect day. and we had so many, everyone said pick me, pick me. >> our first lucky lady is carolyn mire freyemeyer, from s virginia. she's a teacher and she keeps very busy. let's take a listen. >> happy birthday. >> thank you. >> i know you want this gift today for mom. so tell me why. >> because she's the best mom ever and i want her to look cooler than she does now. >> i like that. delivered in a very nice way. and mom, what do you positiu pyt this for your daughter? >> deserving to be 40 plus. a little 40 plus. >> how are fiorina yare feeling? some. >> why not. >>ing o ing ookay. she's here with her daughter, heayde hayden, her mom and sister-in-law. please keep your blind folds on for just a second. here is carolyn myers before. let's see the new carolyn. wow. all right, are you ready? take off those blind folds. >> oh, my goodness. >> are you ready? you'll be so happy. turn around and look at yourself. look right there at camera 12. are we freaking or what? >> first of all, she's so pretty to begin with. it was very easy. she framed her paface with the beautiful haircut. it was so long, it doesn't move. all of a sudden, it has movement on the ends. >> the entire family is taking pictures.en her hair color, as well, with soft highlights around the base. >> are you taking video over there? >> you look gorgeous. >> and tell us about the dress. >> i love how she matches your outfits for the day. we didn't even plan this. and with the undergarment. >> tell us what you think. >> beautiful. >> can you believe -- >> she's beautiful. >> good job. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. who is our next lucky person? >> next we have beth friedman, she's 58, from west hartford, connecticut. it homemaker proudly says she raised three children, she's married, one grandchild. another one on the way. she came here a year ago hoping to be plucked from the crowd, but it didn't happen. but dreams do come true. >> you have not stopped bouncing. but this is a great story. you were here last year. we didn't pick up, but you said i'm coming back. >> yes, i did. i haven't cut it since last march. i haven't colored it, highlighted it since last may. and i'm so excited. i can't wait to see what you guys are going to do it me. >> and your so than, you came h to support you. >> she's the best. >> let's keep bouncing. >> thank you guys. i can't wait. >> he love i love it. she did all her home work. >> jeremy, keep your blind fold on. this is the before >> jeremy, keep your blind fold on. this is the before picture. come on out, beth. wow! >> i love it. >> jeremy, take off that blind fold. >> oh, my god. >> are you ready to see yourself? shake that hair, spin around, beth. >> you guys are the best. >> amazing. you look beautiful. >> gorgeous. >> thank you. >> was it worth the wait? >> oh, my gosh, i've been wanting this for many years and i came last year, and lewis said let me hair grow out and i listened to you and thank you so much. >> what we did of course she did let her hair grow out, so it was all out of shape. it was very long in the back and short in the front the way it grew out. so it's what you call a business on front, party in the back. so vanessa again brought it up to this layered bob. notice the deep side part which is so flattering. and we covered a few dwragrays. just a few. and made is into a soft warm color. >> and i love the outfit. >> we tried on so many things and she said this is something i would buy myself if i walk into the store. and i feel like a movie star, which is the nicest compliment you can give to us. >> and it's very slimming. jeremy, do you like? >> she looks like a different person. up reup real. she was beautiful before, but now that much more beautiful. >> let's bring carolyn, out. big round of applause to both of our ladies. we're about to make your favorite fattening dishes. >> how to turn your junk food into joy food. into joy food. after this. your loving touch stimulates his senses and nurtures his mind. the johnson's scent, lather, and bubbles help enhance the experience. so why just clean your baby, when you can give him so much more? (toilet flush) if you need anoid to manage your chronic pain, you may be sooo constipated it feels like everyone can go ...except you. opioid-induced constipation, oic, is a different type of constipation, which may need a different approach. longing for a change? have the conversation with your doctor about oic, and ask about prescription treatment options. ♪ mmmm mmmm....mmmm mmm mmm mmmm mmmm, yoplait eat up, buddy. you'll get it this time. yeah ok not too quick don't let go until i say so. i got you... start strong with the lasting energy of 100% you're doing it! whole grain quaker oats. and off you go. yothat's lactaid®.k! right. 100% real milk, just without the lactose. so, no discomfort? exactly. try some... mmm, it is real milk. lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort. befoburning, the pins-and-needles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet were the first in my family to graduate from college, raised active twin girls, and trained as a nurse. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machiry until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and i love helping little ones get off on the right foot. ask your doctor about lyrica. two 69 biggest obstacles in any diet, bread and pasta. >> but not anymore. >> today joy bower, all the foods you love to eat only better. our viewers challenged her to come up with a lighter version of baked xii iziti banana bread. >> and they're two of my favorites. the first one baked ziti comes from a 13-year-old in florida. peyton says i love baked ziti, but i wish i had a healthier version so i could make it for dinner for my family all the time. she has three younger bl eer br and hungry mom and dad. so i made it kid friendly. but first let me show you, originally baked ziti will run you about 1,000 calories. >> for that size piece? >> yes. there is white starch, fatty meats, all the cheese. so my version has a lot of the same traditional ingredients but i did some clever fancy foot work oig here and there. first we start with any brand of whole grain ziti. you cook it according to package directions, but reserve a little bit of the starchy water. i'm using lean ground turkey. you can certainly use sirloin, as well. and then you add a little bit of the water so that it isn't stick and you can caramelize the bottom. we'll add a little bit of fwgarc and onion powder. i took a pack of frozen spinach. microwave it and get all the water out. again, trying to make this super easy for peyton. and then we have one whole egg and one egg white, basil and dried seasonings. a little bit of salt, pepper. mix this up. we'll ahead it into -- diylan, you stir this up. and i'll add a full jar of marinara sauce and one part of mozzarella. the cool part is afterwards we'll skip over -- bring this over here. >> okay. >> we'll stir in the ziti. >> only a minute. >> and then put it into the pan with a scooper. you'll cook it on 350 for 20 minutes uncovered. and then add mozzarella on top, a little bit of parmesan, the another ten minutes and it's amazing. and each muffin, 138 calories. okay. banana bread. this challenge comes from jill hamburger who has a dog named slider. >> of course she does. >> so when it comes to banana bread, typical slice is about 420 camlories. is this a super cool slow cooker version. you take your dry yeeingredient whole grain flower, seasoning, nutmeg, scinnam, four mashed bananas, brown sugar, egg whites, a little butter. fold the ingredients. add in chocolate chips. put it into the slow cooker. >> we got to roll. >> you set it on four hours. >> oh, my gosh. >> 130 calories. what do you think? >> oh, my gosh. >> this is really good. you have to try this praed. >> the chocolate makes it. >> and these recipes are on the website. >> want to see a couple of handsome men? >> yes, please. >> check out the show "limitless." today, i'm going to fight hunge♪ today, i don't want to be hungry. we just have to buy food. my family gets the food we need. i'm so glad we could help. i'm so glad someone helped. hunger lives closer than you think. purchase participating items at walmart and you can help secure a meal for someone in need through feeding america member food banks. we stop arthritis pain, so you don't have to stop. because you believe in go. onward. today's the day. carpe diem. tylenol® 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. the first is fast. the second lasts all day. we give you your day back. what you do with it is up to you. tylenol®. treat fto wholesome,ed hair intensely nourishing repair. new whole blends by garnier. blending our best into new honey treasures haircare. paraben-free formulas combined with the essence of royal jelly, propolis and honey extracts. whole blends nourishes deeply. heals and rejuvenates to the ends. for shiny, revived hair, whole blends is true repair. new. garnier whole blends honey treasures. wholesome loving care blended for naturally beautiful hair. find your blend. because i trust their quality. fish oil. they were the first to have a product verified by usp. an independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. nature made. the number one pharmacist recommended fish oil brand. introducing the fusion of exceptional taste with the benefits of our probiotic yogurt. new activia fruit fusion, with the exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis. delicious and good for you. new activia fruit fusion. thank you so much. did you say honey? hey, try some? mmm that is tasty. is it real? of course... are you? nope animated you know i'm always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios well you've come to the right place. great, mind if i have another taste? not at all mmm you're all right bud? never better i don't know if he likes that. yeah part of the complete breakfast unlike ordinary diapers, pampers has three absorbent layers music throughout to stay up to three times drier. so your baby can sleep soundly all night. wishing you love, sleep and play. pampers all right. between the two of them, jake and hill have starred in more than 100 tv shows. and they team up in the new series called "limitless." >> it's based on the 2011 movie with bradley cooper who discovered the power of a mysterious drug. >> it gives him the power to use every neuron in his blaine which is what we do on our program. take a look. >> i'm going to unhack the hackab hackable. >> what is hacking? >> in the movies there is url a montage where they lay really serious music even though you're watching somebody type really fast and then like server is required and then boom, something is hacked. i don't know what happens during the typing part or even what the word hacking means exactly. >> welcome, boys. >> we got a tweet from kathie lee and lhoda saying it's thirsy thursday and we show up in the lobby. >> nbc is about being smart. let's kill in brain cells. >> cheers p. >> you're working all the time. isn't this like your night out? >> we've been happening out in new york. >> and this is kathie lee's wine. >> it's delicious. >> excellent. >> i didn't know minnesota made such good wine. >> by the way, your character is especially funny because i don't want to say idiot, but he take a pill about and is suddenly a genius. >> the way bradleyoriginally -- >> bradley cooper. >> name dropper. >> he was like you're so perfect because you get to play two people, a really smart one off the pill and a really dumb one on the pill. and i think he means the perfect by for the pre-pill guy. >> and your role is like the smart one who is -- you're the guy who should be the smartest one in the room, but instead it's him. >> and my character is jealous us of that. and that's the thing. he's more of a by the book kind of guy and just because this guy has a lot of information doesn't necessarily give him good judgment. >> true. >> not to call out the dynamic due owe in perso duo in person, but you also have a lawyer degree? >> well, they don't actually call it a lawyer glee, dylan. i know there a lot of places that may give out lawyer degrees, but that's for the quite what i have. it's called a law degree from harvard law school, yes. >> harvard! >> okay. with your harvard degree, why did you choose acting? >> you know what, do what is in your heart. i went to brown undergraduate and i took theater classes. but i think education is the foundation for life and it gives you more options, not less. >> bradley cooper comes on the set every now and then and to you get nervous? >> i got nervous the first time i worked on him because that was on american sniper. and he had gained like 45 pounds and he had a gun strapped to his back. and now he's just this giant military bguy. >> and he's committed to great work and that's why the show is so good. >> we have a cbs show on nbc. that shows love. how about that. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. you can catch "limitless" tuesday nights on cbs. >> i don't want to be over. >> a lawyer degree. billions are spent to confuse and, dare i say it, flummox the american public. 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"switch now..." well at, we say enough's enough. so we've created this mind boggling facility. where we're constantly scrutinizing millions of rates... answering the question: who has the lowest. go to, plug in some simple info and get up to 50 free quotes. choose the lowest, and hit purchase. it's fast and easy. saving humanity from high insurance rates. it's time for okay/not okay. we're told that stars like kylie jenner an a-rod has some portrait of themselves in their house. >> so we were asked is it okay or not okay to have a large scale of yourself at your house. here's what we had to say. does a portrait of me and cody at the babe count? if so, built iguilty. >> i have a life size portrait of kathy rie lee. is that weird? >> everybody needs one of those. >> anyway, we want to say hi to friends visiting us. marilyn, dave and pick. hi, guys. i love marilyn for many reasons. she has the exact same dress that i have which is another reason to love marilyn. >> and the jacket actually goes with the dress. >> you guys, thank you for coming to see us. we really appreciate it. and i want to thank dylan, but you'll be joining me tomorrow. >> i got the invite for tomorrow. >> we'll find out how much your stuff is right now at 11:00, a high speed chase ends in a deadly wreck at a california military base and the suspected slam into a fighter jet. the new details we're learning this morning. >> a driver and bass jer dead after an investigation under way in that case. hear is video of that scene. officials say the incident started around midnight south of lamoor in southern california. the jeep appeared to be disabled. the officer stopped

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United States , New York , Oakland , California , Embarcadero , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Turkey , Florida , Boston , Massachusetts , Minnesota , Virginia , Dublin , Ireland , Greece , Connecticut , Bermuda , America , Greek , American , Kylie Jenner Apn A Rod , Justin Bieber , Dylan Dreyer , Blake Shelton , Zach Efron , Samsung Keurig , Kathie Lee , Beth Friedman , Ayden Hayden , Jill Martin , Bradley Cooper , Kathie Lee Gifford , Bobbie Thomas , Carolyn Myers , Zac Efron , Rockefeller Plaza , Stephanie Chuang , Seth Rogen ,

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Transcripts For KNTV Today 20160331 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20160331

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i'm also trefreak out about tha. >> we promised her wine. >> here it comes. >> here you go. >> thank you. >> okay. wait. we have a bone to pick with you two freaks. okay? >> this early in the morning? >> these are the rumors that on the earlier hour, someone said there was going to be a take ovtakeover of our show. >> i was like uh-oh. >> so give me exactly what was said. >> i had just said that we were good at doing the back and forth and we should have our own talk show and i said when kathie lee and hoda need a break, we'll step in for you. so go to bermuda, tahiti. >> what would be your drink of choice if you were filling in? >> i'd probably do some red. >> i was going to do a dirty vodka martini, but i thought that was a little much. >> no, it's not much. i had one week where it was all country music stars who guest co-hosted. martina mcbride went for vodka straight up. >> we're having fireballs. >> you guys are hot. congratulations on your movie. we wish you the best of lug. we'd toast you with a drink but you don't have one. come back anytime. >> thank you. >> you never know what's going to happen. >> all we know, we have our wine. how is it? >> it is good. and i didn't go with red, i immediately -- it immediately sticks to my teeth and i look truck before i've had anything. >> dylan is a blank slate for me because you're kind of new to the "today" show family. so we're getting to know you. so i think by the end of this chat, we will know a lot about dylan. so stick around. blake shelton released a music video and blake shelton is my go-to. >> i know he is. >> this is a song, it's called "came here to forget." let's listen to a little bit. they say it has everything to do with him and gwen even though he didn't write it. take a look. ♪ keep on keeping, still can't remember, kchcan't remember whae came here to forget ♪ ♪ what we came here to forget >> the black and white, the voice. what makes that so sexy? >> first of all, he's awesome. do you think he's hot? >> i do. >> do you like tall like that? >> i like tall, i like country, the accent. >> i like the whole -- there is something about him. and you're right about the black and white. because somehow when something is thin black and white, you're like -- >> i'm going to the black and white again on the ininstagram. >> we're back to the '60s. and that song is out on may 20th. so everyone has a crush. i just gave up my crush. your crush is someone else. >> my crush i didn't realize was a crush until i met him in person. >> who is it? >> zac efron. and we've played this clip that you haven't seen, we've played it before because when you have the chance to humiliate someone, and you have it on video, you have to play it as much as possible. >> so you went to go interview him and you were sitting across from him. >> it's him and seth rogen. he's standing there like this. i have all my questions. i know what i was going ask. and i go to ask and -- >> and something happened. let me see. >> so zac, you're -- sorry. going into this movie, and the first one, too, it's definitely more of a raunchy comedy maybe compared to -- >> so you're -- >> you're hot. that's what you wanted to say. >> normally i'm very open and honest. and i should have just said i'm sorry, but you are so attractive and you're standing there with your biceps just like there. and i should have just come out and said it. but -- in the back of my mind while i was not talking, i didn't want to offend seth rogen. which he would have joked about it i'm sure if i brought it up. so high mimy mind is racing, sh say it, should i not. i can't read my handwriting, i don't know what is going on. >> by the way, it was cute to watch. we want to play a game with you and it's called zac efron bod or not. we'll show you a body part and we want you to decide which one is zac efron's. pick a or b. she says a. is she right? yes, she is. justin bieber was b? >> wow. i didn't know that. >> all right. we'll pick biceps. a or b? >> i'm going b. >> no, you can't be right. oh, you're right. you're right. >> it was the hair in the background. >> let's go eyes. a or b? >> a. b might be brian. >> brian is your beloved husband. bring him on out, brian. >> you're talking much more clear with me. >> hi, brian. this is my husband, brian. >> how cute are you. >> i'm not cute enough apparently. >> wait a minute. brian is adorable. wait a second. so i just found out today you work in the building? >> yeah, "nightly news." i'm the camera guy. >> you're the camera guy for lester? >> for lester. >> is that how you two met? >> he was my camera guy in boston. we both worked mornings. >> my life came into focus. i got it. >> but, you know, you also probably don't know brian is six years younger than me. >> 29 1/2 in june. >> he still counts halves. >> how cute are you. did you have an issue thinking he's a little young? >> yeah, we were just really betwe good friends for a while and all of a sudden i didn't really care because he made me so happy and he we had so much fun. >> do you know how depressing it is when they're like can you take a selfie, we want to put you next to zac efron. i was hiding back tears. been walking away like this just so you could -- >> how did you propose to her? >> oh. yeah, i remember. we were going down 93 in boston. there is traffic all the time. and we had a huge party and we were going to surprise everyone. >> we thought it was his grandmother's had just got then through cancer. so his mom tells me they're having a big cancer-free party. through cancer. so his mom tells me they're having a big cancer-free party. through cancer. so his mom tells me they're having a big cancer-free party. so we had to guess dressed up and there was cars there which makes sense. but instead of leading me into the house the door we normally go in, he takes me to the front door and then i knew something was up. >> and i had the champagne and got down on one knee, i said dylan, my sister opened the door and said that's where he's going to do it! and then closes the door. >> classic nicole. >> were you surprised? >> i was extremely surprised. we had only been dating a year. i knew it was going that route, but i wasn't expecting it at that party. >> and what happened? >> she said yes. >> i don't remember how i said it. >> you said yeah, sure. >> no, i think i said absolutely. >> woe work the same shift. >> this is convenient, yeah. >> marriage of convenience. >> you guys are so cute. it doesn't bug you when she gets -- over a hottie? >> not at all. >> i sent him the picture and he was like, oh, yeah, i can see that. >> well, we're so glad that you're taking care of our girl and you don't have kids, right? there is a puppy? >> yes, there is a puppy. bosco. >> did you say bosco barks when you leave in the morning sometimes? >> when i leave for a trip, if i travel for storm coverage or -- >> she'll throw up? >> yeah. she gets upset. >> it's the suitcase. >> it's cute. >> well, let's play a little music. i picked a throwback. did you watch j. lo with james corden in the car? >> yes. >> oh, my gosh. i heard this song and he said i have to pick it. ♪ >> come on. >> i like it. ♪ jenny from the block >> are you a good dancer? >> awful. but we're always on the dance floor. >> he does the worm. >> go, go, do the worm. come on. on the floor right here. >> here we go. ♪ >> a guy that can do the worm. that's why you said yes. >> everybody remembers the worm guy. >> just reminder, you can listen to us on channel 108, me every monday ap-wednesday at 2:00. we have a big show from desperate housewife, single working mom. that is the blond bombshell, she has a new role, right after has a new role, right after this. if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture... i can tell you prolia® is proven to help protect bones from fracture. but the real proof? 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neutrogena® cosmetics. powders, concealers and foundations in new shades for more skin tones. with vitamins and antioxidants. your skin will look beautiful when you wear it and even after you take it off. neutrogena® cosmetics see what's possible. today, i'm going to fight hunge♪ today, i don't want to be hungry. we just have to buy food. my family gets the food we need. i'm so glad we could help. i'm so glad someone helped. hunger lives closer than you think. purchase participating items at walmart and you can help secure a meal for someone in need through feeding america member food banks. nicollette sheridan is known for spicing things up. but she was already a household name for her role as the manipulative beauty on the '90s prime time season knot's landing. and now she stars in the hallmark channel's all yours. she play as widowed single mom who confides in her nanny. take a look. >> i actually had someone i could lean on. >> was it hard on the kids? >> you know, they were so young, they really don't remember, but as emma gets older, she asks more and more. i'm trying to fill the void. i want them to have everything. >> you know something's going to happen. when is it going to happen? >> he is cute. how are you? >> i'm really well. >> i love how you are with projects like this one. you not only star in it, but you have been with it since the inception. producer, the writer, all kinds of stuff. p why is this a passion project for issue. >> i love being creative, so it's great to take somethingkco fruition. >> did you cast that guy? he is the perfect nanny. >> he was a per pegt in fect na. he's very colorful and wonderful with the children. >> so why is this a story line that so many people can relate to? >> i think the whole family will relate to it because you've got the harried parents and i think always there are sacrifices that every parent goes through. and so they will identify with that. and then the children love to be with their parents and stir it up. >> you're strict, you like people following rules. is that how you were brought up? were you brought up with tight margins when you were younger? >> you know, i was. and i feel very lucky actually to have had that. my mother was very strict. and i grew up in england. and there was a heavy focus on the academics, but then the arts were so important. so from drama to ballet to sewing, everything, i just -- and so it's a wonderful foundation. and i'm really grateful to my mother for doing all that. but going to bed at 6:00 p.m. was a little much. >> that was bedtime? >> yeah. >> and she always had a schedule, your mom did. >> and i heard you didn't get to watch that much too. v? >> no, you had to write books and write creative essays. and i think that's really important, though. is but you can overschedule. >> it clearly worked. do you watch tv now? >> sometimes.s but you can over. >> it clearly worked. do you watch tv now? >> sometimes. but you can overs. >> it clearly worked. do you watch tv now? >> sometimes.but you can oversc. >> it clearly worked. do you watch tv now? >> sometimes. >> what do you like if you had a choice? >> i don't have that much time, but when i do, i love watching "the voice." >> do and you hayou have a crus shelton, too? it's okay. >> i have a crush on all of them. they're such good people and they encourage all of these young budding artists. and it makes me feel so good. makes me, i don't know, happy and i said get tears of joy. >> very positive, yeah. >> we love you. we'll play spin the bottle, but i think we're out of time lucky for you. >> i never played in my life. >> you haven't? even the real spin the bottle? we have to do one just fast. >> look how i knew. >> good spinner. >> no makeup or no shower? >> no makeup. >> yes! >> nicollette sheridan, thank you so much. don't miss the primer. and we're minutes away from the big review of our ambush makeovers. you'll love them. (brian)i'm brian. i was in the military for 18 years. but i smoked. and i got heart disease. my tip is, it's hard to serve your country when you're too weak to put on your uniform. (announcer)you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. ♪ only kraft natural cheese has a touch of philadelphia cream cheese, so whatever you make, is creamier than ever. ♪ ♪ before it was honey in these honey nut cheerios, it was honey being collected. and honey getting made. and honey that was just beginning. is caringing because covering heals faster. for a bandage that moves with you and stays onll day, cover with a band-aid brand flexible fabric adhesive bandage. new pantene expert gives you the most beautiful hair ever, you wanna see something intense? with our strongest pro-v formula ever. strong is beautiful. well this a predicament. homestyle sounds good. but country style, not without it's charms. brown sugar hickory. who says no to hickory? single-serve vegetarian? sure! there are no rules here. no rules on aisle four! with 17 delicious flavors cooked according to our secret family recipe, bush's has the variety you can't resist. did you get a can of bush's beans? yes, yes i did. bush's beans. what's your favorite flavor? if you want to know the secret to flawless skin, we're about to reveal it in bob bi's buzz. >> bobbie thomas is here to tell us how to look fresh all day long. >> i get so many questions about primers. i just want to give a short tutorial. we have a graphic to show you what a primer does. it's a layer of film, consider it shapewear for your face. it smooths everything underneath. it will fill in and did i fuse, which is nice. if you have normal skin that is combination, these are my favorite picks. smash box is a consult favorite. their original was so great and so sought after that they came up with an entire line and their latest minimizing pore is fantastic. it's stilly co ly silicone is t ingredient and it's cosmetic grade. you can find miracle blur.silic ingredient and it's cosmetic grade. you can find miracle blur. look for the word blur and not primer if you want the diffusing effect. >> is it greasy? >> it goes away. you don't want to use soo many syrups with acids. so you want to use those at might. these are if you have oily skin, because not all primers are equal. if you need absorbing power, this will help your makeup stay all day long. this is from beauty blender. instead of the papers, you can have this reusable sponge. on a daily basis you can absorb oil. >> i always use the back of my hand, it doesn't do anything. >> and then if you really are going to a special event, if you're on tv like us, this will help you keep your makeup on all day. these are sealing sprays that will help set your makeup and we listed them online. >> mary always using a primer because otherwise your foundation goes on all splot which i. >> you can really see the before and after difference. i have with and without primer and you will see up close that her forehead is where the makeup gets patchy. let's look at the after. it draws it all out even. and instead of bringing attention to your pores. and then we have tracy here live. >> hi, tracy. >> personal friend and also great example of the last category. because if your skin is really dry and you get one of the primers that will absorb and ma mattify, no good. you want to look for a primer that has hydration or a water based primer. now, tracy has really dry skin and you'll see up close, you don't see any of the dry patchiness around her nose and color correcting is another big trend that is happening. but you can also get color correcting. she has rosacea, but you wouldn't even note that on her cheeks. if you're at home and you want to know, i have the article up, but i will answer our questions on your facebook page. >> awesome. love it. >> feel so is nice. coming up, two lucky laids are primed and ready to reveal their primed and ready to reveal their ambushed makeovmy budget was als second-guessing me when i'd buy stuff for the family. fingerhut. fingerhut. fingerhut. fingerhut. [sfx: door creak] shop and save $25 on your first order of $100 or more. fingerhut has over half a million items like samsung, keurig and lego. just click on over to to get the credit you deserve and great stuff for your family. oh, not fingerhut. i got that at a garage sale. (whispering) for a dollar! ifor all the wrong reasons.gical you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin®. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. try zyrtec®. muddle no more®. ii can't believe it's made with real, simple ingredients.ter. i can't believe... we're on a whale. i can't believe my role isn't bigger. real ingredients. unbelievable taste. enjoy i can't believe it's not butter! happening right now, b.a.r.t. trains running normally again after a car crash during a police chase sent debris on the tracks near the walnut creek station. tracks are clear but we have video of the scene from earlier today. you can see that on our twitter feed. and lines around the block for the hottest silicone product. it's a car people waiting for a tesla that won't hit stores until late next year. they are making reservations. our stephanie chuang is with fans ponying up $1,000 for first dibs. we'll take a look at our weather and traffic after the break. we're running telephones that will be at average for this time of year after morning clouds we'll see sunshine and a high of 68 degrees in san jose. 70 in palo alto and 62 on the embarcadero. a light wind that becomes more breezy into this afternoon and evening and a high of 68 degrees can be expected in napa and san rafael. 66 in oakland. 71 degrees in dublin. no major changes in the forecast as we go into the weekend with highs staying in the 60s and 70s and very nice. how's it looking on the roads, anthony? >> palo alto is the slow spot this morning. cars still piling on in here. 101 southbound continues to remain heavy and congested. an accident just past university avenue keeping things slow. across the left of the bay area, east bay looking good. wide open lanes across the entire east bay. scott? >> all right. make sure to join us at 11:00 when our next newscast takes place. kris and i will see you then. it is thirsty thursday and i'm here with dylan dreyer. we met her cute husband who did the worm. >> two lucky ladies woke up bright and early to come down to the plaza and their efforts paid off because they were given hot new looks courtesy of our dynamic duo. >> we have stylist to the stars lewis have li lewis vicari and all-around and you zim chick jill martin is with us. how was it on the plaza? >> weather was a perfect day. and we had so many, everyone said pick me, pick me. >> our first lucky lady is carolyn mire freyemeyer, from s virginia. she's a teacher and she keeps very busy. let's take a listen. >> happy birthday. >> thank you. >> i know you want this gift today for mom. so tell me why. >> because she's the best mom ever and i want her to look cooler than she does now. >> i like that. delivered in a very nice way. and mom, what do you positiu pyt this for your daughter? >> deserving to be 40 plus. a little 40 plus. >> how are fiorina yare feeling? some. >> why not. >>ing o ing ookay. she's here with her daughter, heayde hayden, her mom and sister-in-law. please keep your blind folds on for just a second. here is carolyn myers before. let's see the new carolyn. wow. all right, are you ready? take off those blind folds. >> oh, my goodness. >> are you ready? you'll be so happy. turn around and look at yourself. look right there at camera 12. are we freaking or what? >> first of all, she's so pretty to begin with. it was very easy. she framed her paface with the beautiful haircut. it was so long, it doesn't move. all of a sudden, it has movement on the ends. >> the entire family is taking pictures.en her hair color, as well, with soft highlights around the base. >> are you taking video over there? >> you look gorgeous. >> and tell us about the dress. >> i love how she matches your outfits for the day. we didn't even plan this. and with the undergarment. >> tell us what you think. >> beautiful. >> can you believe -- >> she's beautiful. >> good job. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. who is our next lucky person? >> next we have beth friedman, she's 58, from west hartford, connecticut. it homemaker proudly says she raised three children, she's married, one grandchild. another one on the way. she came here a year ago hoping to be plucked from the crowd, but it didn't happen. but dreams do come true. >> you have not stopped bouncing. but this is a great story. you were here last year. we didn't pick up, but you said i'm coming back. >> yes, i did. i haven't cut it since last march. i haven't colored it, highlighted it since last may. and i'm so excited. i can't wait to see what you guys are going to do it me. >> and your so than, you came h to support you. >> she's the best. >> let's keep bouncing. >> thank you guys. i can't wait. >> he love i love it. she did all her home work. >> jeremy, keep your blind fold on. this is the before >> jeremy, keep your blind fold on. this is the before picture. come on out, beth. wow! >> i love it. >> jeremy, take off that blind fold. >> oh, my god. >> are you ready to see yourself? shake that hair, spin around, beth. >> you guys are the best. >> amazing. you look beautiful. >> gorgeous. >> thank you. >> was it worth the wait? >> oh, my gosh, i've been wanting this for many years and i came last year, and lewis said let me hair grow out and i listened to you and thank you so much. >> what we did of course she did let her hair grow out, so it was all out of shape. it was very long in the back and short in the front the way it grew out. so it's what you call a business on front, party in the back. so vanessa again brought it up to this layered bob. notice the deep side part which is so flattering. and we covered a few dwragrays. just a few. and made is into a soft warm color. >> and i love the outfit. >> we tried on so many things and she said this is something i would buy myself if i walk into the store. and i feel like a movie star, which is the nicest compliment you can give to us. >> and it's very slimming. jeremy, do you like? >> she looks like a different person. up reup real. she was beautiful before, but now that much more beautiful. >> let's bring carolyn, out. big round of applause to both of our ladies. we're about to make your favorite fattening dishes. >> how to turn your junk food into joy food. into joy food. after this. your loving touch stimulates his senses and nurtures his mind. the johnson's scent, lather, and bubbles help enhance the experience. so why just clean your baby, when you can give him so much more? 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>> yes. there is white starch, fatty meats, all the cheese. so my version has a lot of the same traditional ingredients but i did some clever fancy foot work oig here and there. first we start with any brand of whole grain ziti. you cook it according to package directions, but reserve a little bit of the starchy water. i'm using lean ground turkey. you can certainly use sirloin, as well. and then you add a little bit of the water so that it isn't stick and you can caramelize the bottom. we'll add a little bit of fwgarc and onion powder. i took a pack of frozen spinach. microwave it and get all the water out. again, trying to make this super easy for peyton. and then we have one whole egg and one egg white, basil and dried seasonings. a little bit of salt, pepper. mix this up. we'll ahead it into -- diylan, you stir this up. and i'll add a full jar of marinara sauce and one part of mozzarella. the cool part is afterwards we'll skip over -- bring this over here. >> okay. >> we'll stir in the ziti. >> only a minute. >> and then put it into the pan with a scooper. you'll cook it on 350 for 20 minutes uncovered. and then add mozzarella on top, a little bit of parmesan, the another ten minutes and it's amazing. and each muffin, 138 calories. okay. banana bread. this challenge comes from jill hamburger who has a dog named slider. >> of course she does. >> so when it comes to banana bread, typical slice is about 420 camlories. is this a super cool slow cooker version. you take your dry yeeingredient whole grain flower, seasoning, nutmeg, scinnam, four mashed bananas, brown sugar, egg whites, a little butter. fold the ingredients. add in chocolate chips. put it into the slow cooker. >> we got to roll. >> you set it on four hours. >> oh, my gosh. >> 130 calories. what do you think? >> oh, my gosh. >> this is really good. you have to try this praed. >> the chocolate makes it. >> and these recipes are on the website. >> want to see a couple of handsome men? >> yes, please. >> check out the show "limitless." today, i'm going to fight hunge♪ today, i don't want to be hungry. we just have to buy food. my family gets the food we need. i'm so glad we could help. i'm so glad someone helped. hunger lives closer than you think. purchase participating items at walmart and you can help secure a meal for someone in need through feeding america member food banks. we stop arthritis pain, so you don't have to stop. because you believe in go. onward. today's the day. carpe diem. tylenol® 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. the first is fast. the second lasts all day. we give you your day back. what you do with it is up to you. tylenol®. treat fto wholesome,ed hair intensely nourishing repair. new whole blends by garnier. blending our best into new honey treasures haircare. paraben-free formulas combined with the essence of royal jelly, propolis and honey extracts. whole blends nourishes deeply. heals and rejuvenates to the ends. for shiny, revived hair, whole blends is true repair. new. garnier whole blends honey treasures. wholesome loving care blended for naturally beautiful hair. find your blend. because i trust their quality. fish oil. they were the first to have a product verified by usp. an independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. nature made. the number one pharmacist recommended fish oil brand. introducing the fusion of exceptional taste with the benefits of our probiotic yogurt. new activia fruit fusion, with the exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis. delicious and good for you. new activia fruit fusion. thank you so much. did you say honey? hey, try some? mmm that is tasty. is it real? of course... are you? nope animated you know i'm always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios well you've come to the right place. great, mind if i have another taste? not at all mmm you're all right bud? never better i don't know if he likes that. yeah part of the complete breakfast unlike ordinary diapers, pampers has three absorbent layers music throughout to stay up to three times drier. so your baby can sleep soundly all night. wishing you love, sleep and play. pampers all right. between the two of them, jake and hill have starred in more than 100 tv shows. and they team up in the new series called "limitless." >> it's based on the 2011 movie with bradley cooper who discovered the power of a mysterious drug. >> it gives him the power to use every neuron in his blaine which is what we do on our program. take a look. >> i'm going to unhack the hackab hackable. >> what is hacking? >> in the movies there is url a montage where they lay really serious music even though you're watching somebody type really fast and then like server is required and then boom, something is hacked. i don't know what happens during the typing part or even what the word hacking means exactly. >> welcome, boys. >> we got a tweet from kathie lee and lhoda saying it's thirsy thursday and we show up in the lobby. >> nbc is about being smart. let's kill in brain cells. >> cheers p. >> you're working all the time. isn't this like your night out? >> we've been happening out in new york. >> and this is kathie lee's wine. >> it's delicious. >> excellent. >> i didn't know minnesota made such good wine. >> by the way, your character is especially funny because i don't want to say idiot, but he take a pill about and is suddenly a genius. >> the way bradleyoriginally -- >> bradley cooper. >> name dropper. >> he was like you're so perfect because you get to play two people, a really smart one off the pill and a really dumb one on the pill. and i think he means the perfect by for the pre-pill guy. >> and your role is like the smart one who is -- you're the guy who should be the smartest one in the room, but instead it's him. >> and my character is jealous us of that. and that's the thing. he's more of a by the book kind of guy and just because this guy has a lot of information doesn't necessarily give him good judgment. >> true. >> not to call out the dynamic due owe in perso duo in person, but you also have a lawyer degree? >> well, they don't actually call it a lawyer glee, dylan. i know there a lot of places that may give out lawyer degrees, but that's for the quite what i have. it's called a law degree from harvard law school, yes. >> harvard! >> okay. with your harvard degree, why did you choose acting? >> you know what, do what is in your heart. i went to brown undergraduate and i took theater classes. but i think education is the foundation for life and it gives you more options, not less. >> bradley cooper comes on the set every now and then and to you get nervous? >> i got nervous the first time i worked on him because that was on american sniper. and he had gained like 45 pounds and he had a gun strapped to his back. and now he's just this giant military bguy. >> and he's committed to great work and that's why the show is so good. >> we have a cbs show on nbc. that shows love. how about that. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. you can catch "limitless" tuesday nights on cbs. >> i don't want to be over. >> a lawyer degree. billions are spent to confuse and, dare i say it, flummox the american public. 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