Transcripts For KNTV Today 20150407 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20150407

wisconsin in a nail biter. and that sets off a massive celebration on campus. a fifth title for the school and coach k. he is celebrating the big win with us live today tuesday april 7, 2015. f2 de nbc news, esto es today. con buenos días a todos. good morning. welcome to "today" on a tuesday morning. that was everything a national championship game should be, at halftime tied. >> down by nine points in the second half. they come back to win it. mike krzyzewski has won for the thumb. his fifth national championship. >> we will talk to coach k live in a little bit. we want to get right to our top story this morning in the world of politics. kentucky senator rand paul becoming the second republican to join the 2016 presidential race. he has scheduled an event today in louisville. kelly o'donnell is in position. good morning to you. >> reporter: rand paul hopes a nine-letter word will set him apart, different. when he announces here today rand paul is trying to position himself as a different kind of republican in what will be a large field of gop contenders. he's not an establishment figure. he is trying to cut a different path. finishing touches late monday from prepping the stars and stripes to the big screen staging. today from rand paul's old kentucky home his presidential campaign begins with this movie style trailer. >> it's time for a new way, a new set of ideas, a new leader. >> reporter: the 52 year old inherited his presidential ambitions and grass roots organizations. father ron paul ran three times. the 2010 tea party movement propelled him to the senate. >> we have come to take our government back! >> reporter: and push his republican party beyond its comfort zone. paul is libertarian, against most foreign aid and werry of military intervention and use of drones. putting him at odds with gop hawks. >> i think everybody on our side except maybe rand paul could do better. sglf i think diplomacy is better than war. >> reporter: paul's strategy courts younger voters. last year paul who is an eye surgeon took cameras along when he performed free procedures. paul becomes the second senator to formally announce a presidential run. first in the ring was ted cruz. next week marco rubio will launch his bid in miami, florida with a broad field of hopefuls considering their next moves. and in a campaign season details matter and paul has dropped the word senator from his official twitter handle de-emphasizing his place in washington making it easier for him to try to position himself as someone running as an outsider in a field that probably will have a bush and clinton. >> thank you very much. mark halpert managing editor of bloomberg politics and in louisville. good morning to you. >> good morning, matt. >> different is the word of the day. this is a different rand paul than the guy who was elected to the senate four years ago as a darling of the tea party. what are the biggest changes? >> look, the country is not going to elect a pure tea partier to be president of the united states. rand paul wants to not just be different but try to win the white house. he is convinced if he is particularly on foreign policy he has a chance to be right in the hunt for the nomination. >> i want to talk about foreign policy in a second. can he retain that tea party cred, the street cred while still attracting more mainstream republicans? >> that's the trick. he's a very talented guy politically and speaks a language particularly to younger voters that older republicans won't recognize. the ability to speak to his core base i think will sustain. the question is while he does that and keeps those people really energized with the special relationship he has, can he reach out and expand the party in a way that allowed people to say that guy can be a credible commander in chief. he is a young senator with controversial foreign policy views. that makes being seen as credible commander in chief tough. let's take one foreign policy iran he defended talks and was one of 47 senators who signed the open letter saying any deal could be undone. an outside group is running an ad that contains a comment rand paul made about iran saying it is ridiculous to think of them as a threat to our national security. does he have a credibility problem when it comes to foreign policy? >> he is going to have to convince people that his new position is more in line with where the rest of the republican party is. they are a departure from tone and substance from what he felt before. this is for me the big challenge for him. he is a talented guy but the republican party is not going to nominate someone who can't be seen as president from day one. some of the positions on israel and iran are litmus tests. he will have to try to figure out a way to be true to convictions. >> in the ten seconds i have left on the scale of electability where does rand paul fall? >> in terms of getting republican nomination i think he is still about a four or five. he is in the hunt whereas other people won't be able to raise money he will. >> thanks very much. we should mention rand paul will be our exclusive guest tomorrow morning when he joins us live from his first campaign stop in new hampshire. we could have a verdict as early as today at the trial of boston marathon bombing suspect dzhokhar tsarnaev. jury deliberations are getting underway after monday's emotional closing arguments. pete williams is covering the case for us. tell us what you can. >> reporter: good morning to you. this jury seven women and five men begin deliberations after hearing different characterizations of dzhokhar tsarnaev even though both sides agree he took part in the bombing. prosecutors say when he chose a spot to set down his powerful bomb he intentionally targeted men, women and children because he wanted to make a point as a terrorist. afterwards they say he resumed the study of violent jihaddest propagand propaganda. defense lawyers at mitt he took part in the bombings but say it was his older brother, tamerlan, who goated him into it and took major steps in getting ready. the jury will begin hearing testimony probably next week on what the penalty should be. >> pete williams on verdict watch at the courthouse. >> let's turn to this guy talking about another round of really severe weather. >> april is making up for more than its share of severe weather. we had it last week. we are going to see a multi day event this week. this is just ahead of the system we are watching develop during the days over the next several days. we have warm moist air making its way from the south. this upper level low will merge on top of this bringing the moisture up. we have a fairly wide area of a risk of severe storms tomorrow stretching from central oklahoma including oklahoma city, joplin, missouri, kansas city. the larger band we expect on thursday and this is where we not only have risk of severe weather from waco all the way up to chicago, but we also have an enhanced risk meaning very large hail, tornadoes likely between central missouri all the way up to chicago and parts of indiana and heavy down pours with this system anywhere from three to five inches of rain. flood watches are very likely with this system, as well. not only do we have a couple of days of severe weather by friday it makes its way to the southeastern atlantic coast and there could be problems here, as well. new fallout over the now discredited "rolling stone" article about an alleged rape at the university of virginia. the fraternity is planning to pursue legal action against the magazine. >> reporter: this morning "rolling stone's" editors are still on the job despite a scathing report. >> these are not failures of dishonesty in an individual. they are systematic failures, collective failures. >> reporter: published last fall the article featured a woman identified as jackie who claimed she was gang raped at a u have, a fraternity house. "rolling stone" retracted the story and apologized. the publisher says the problem started with its source, a really expert story teller. he saying we do not want to blame the victim. >> two of jackie's friends told us they wish the magazine's reporter contacted them before publishing the story. >> the fault for this lies squarely on "rolling stone." >> an attorney for jackie has declined to comment. she did not cooperate with the police investigation or columbia university's review. advocates hope this does not deter future victims. >> the article took the opportunity and went for sensational journalism. >> nbc news. >> obviously we have not heard the end of that story. natalie is here with the latest on a sad story out of maryland. >> a father and his seven children died monday from suspected carbon monoxide poisoning. police say they found a gas generator in their kitchen that had run out of fuel. >> reporter: police found the bodies of rodney todd and his seven children ages 6 through 16 dead in their bedroom. >> this by far is the most tragic incident in the almost 17 years i have been here. >> reporter: the family likely poisoned by carbon monoxide in a generator. police say they discovered the family after being contacted by a concerned co-worker of todd. >> this does not feel right to me. my heart goes out to his family. >> reporter: the incident in maryland comes one day after three people died of carbon monoxide poisoning at a house in tennessee. two other members of the family were taken to the hospital. according to centers for disease control unintentional exposure to carbon monoxide causes about 400 deaths and more than 20,000 injuries each year. friends and families say rodney todd hadn't been able to keep up with his electric bill but describe him as hard working and devoted father. >> you couldn't ask for a better father and a better man. he has had his kids for three years by himself. he did the best he could with what he had. >> so sad. police say no foul play is suspected. an official cause of death was pending a medical examiner's report today. senator john mccain says he plans to run for a sixth term on capitol hill. the 78-year-old senator from as said i'm more than ready and in some ways i am eager. >> for any voter who says he is turning 80, it is a six-year term that is worrisome what do you say? >> i say watch me. take a look at my 18-hour days. take a look at the hearings we have and my legislative accomplishments. i'm just getting started. >> this year mccain landed a job as chairman of the senate armed services committee. the position gives him a bigger mega phone. starbucks employees, the coffee giant is picking up the tab for college tuition. workers can have four years of tuition covered for online degree from arizona state university. starbucks said the decision is part of the commitment to redefine the role and responsibility of a public company. so far nearly 2,000 workers have enrolled in the program. an 11-year-old boy lost in an australian forest for more than four days has been reunited with his family. his dramatic rescue was caught on camera as helicopters spotted the boy sending rescuers racing down an embankment to reach him. officials are calling the rescue a miracle after the boy survived nights of freezing cold and rain. more proof that a little teamwork can go a long way. dozens of commuters pitched in to free a woman whose leg was stuck between a train car and platform in moscow russia. they rocked the train back and forth until she was able to get free. took about 15 seconds. the woman was taken to the hospital with a minor leg injury but otherwise was okay. incredible. it shows you the power of everybody working together. >> the scary part is the train is rocking. does it do more damage on the way back? >> unbelievable. mr. roker? >> let's show you what else is going on across the country today and look at our map and show you we have wet weather stretching from florida all the way to new england. we are looking at more wet weather making its way into central and southern california. we will detail that coming up in the next half hour. we have snow showers coming across the northern plains, as well. we get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. but just a bunch of dreamers no way! we're just like everyone else we put our board shorts on one leg at a time. start dreaming big at 7:16. good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist christina loren. tracking gusty wind and some pockets of heavy rain still impacting the bay area at this point. as we get into this afternoon, we're going to continue to see that moisture roll through the bay area. and temperatures will be on the cool side for today. upper 50s to low 60s expected. we are also counting on the chance for some thunderstorms, mostly between about 12:00 and 6 p.m. tomorrow afternoon, a nice clear sky will return and we're looking good to hit the 70s by thursday. latest weather. >> all right, al thank you very much. it's good to be a blue devil this morning. duke has claimed the men's basketball championship again. tamron is here with more on the big game. tamron? >> absolutely. a lot of duke fans on the plaza. we'll meet them a little bit later. are you sleepy? are you on the high of one of the greatest games in ncaa history? >> it was a great game. >> you stayed up? >> tamron just carry on. >> so duke beat wisconsin, 68-63. it turned out to be a great matchup in indianapolis monday night. so it was tied 31-31 at half-time. you know that. the first time by the way, a championship game has been tied at half in 27 years. so you may not have known that little fact. so this as matt mentioned, marks the fifth national championship for duke with coach k. leading the team for each of those titles. and rightfully so. duke students celebrated with great job on campus as they do with a whole lot of jumping and screaming. they always took part in a tradition sponsored by the university called the burning of the bench, stemming back from the good old days of 1986. now, as for the brackets and, hang on here and the person who has a lot of buzz around him, mitt romney. out of espn's 11.5 million brackets,or brackets governor romney picked the final four right down to duke winning this. can you believe it? >> not going to do it. >> 1%. >> listen he said should have put $10,000 on my bracket. congrats coach k. and duke. so are you ready to learn the winner of the "today" show's bracket showdown? drum roll. da da da. >> we all know. >> you're right. jack lauer is the winner. great finesse and great style. because your kid rules and his picks are pretty awesome, there you go can you make sure the youngster in your family who is the champion receives his orange room jersey. he will be the coolest kid at school. >> and you too. matching father/son outfits. >> i would like to thank the little people. nice job. good stuff. >> we are going to talk to duke's coach k. live in just a few. >> thank you very much. staffers tell all what's being revealed about life inside the white house that has washington buzzing. and speak issing of the bees that had kids screaming in terror at the annual easter regular roll. the president trying to diffuse that situation. but first this is "today" on nbc. coming up the poisoning of an entire family on vacation in the caribbean. you drop 40 grand on a new set of wheels, then... wham! a minivan t-bones you. guess what: your insurance company will only give you 37-thousand to replace it. 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your eyes with centrum silver women. multivitamins with 60% more vitamin d. our brains can control over 600 muscles at the same time. here's what 90 of them can do. ♪ (plays guitar) ♪ take care of your brain with centrum silver women. multivitamins for the most important parts of you. 7:26 on your tuesday morning. i'm sam brock. we're in a microclimate weather alert this morning. bob redell joining along highway 17 where conditions have been difficult this morning. is it getting any better out there? >> reporter: we've gotten a little bit of a break right now. not seeing the heavy rain we saw earlier, sam. more of a drizzle. as i look north from the summit on highway 17 in santa cruz mountains, i can see the sun trying to push through some of the clouds. though i doubt that will be happening. it's probably just a little hint of things we'll see later after this storm passes, which again will be several hours from now. this rain starting overnight while most people were asleep. as i mentioned, was heavy at times. and as any chp officer would tell you, even though the rain has stopped, at least in this section of the bay area the roads are still wet. you do want to watch your speed. drive the safest speed possible. but sometimes it's not the speed limit. watch your distance between you and the driver in front of you. remember, it's been a while since this rain so not only are the roads wet but oily as well. reporting live here atop the summit here in the santa cruz mountains along highway 17 nbc bay area news. things starting to clear up. let's loop in christina loren. looks like the heaviest activity is starting to move out of the area. >> yes, it is. good morning to you. you can see the main part of the front is starting to push out but still have heavy downpours from gilroy south. morgan hill even san jose getting brief heavy downpours and i'm tracking this batch for you on the peninsula. we're not out of the woods just yet. the core of the low pressure on the way to the bay area. that will come through between 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. temperatures will be cool for today. then as we get into your all-important weekend, starting to see a calmer scenario. we'll keep you updated right here every 15 minutes. right now here's anthony and your drive. >> thanks. this morning we actually had a sig alert still posted for 880 at 23rd avenue. the northbound side through oakland, stop and go all the way past the oakland coliseum. there's the accident. you zoom out and you can see how it slows back to 238. even 880 southbound remains slow with numerous accidents there. the earlier jackknifed accident has cleared. back to the "today" show. 7:30 now on a tuesday morning. the 7th of april, 2015. you are looking at a tomb in jerusalem that is the center of the major controversy. does it hold the remains of jesus and what could be his wife and possibly a son. coming up some new evidence just uncovered. >> that story will get people talking this morning. stay tuned for that. rand paul the senator from kentucky jumping into the presidential race. he will make it official with a speech in louisville later this morning. the jury at boston marathon bombing trial begins deliberations this morning. if the jury convicts they will decide in dzhokhar tsarnaev would be sentenced to life or death. and duke blue devils knocked wisconsin off for the title, 68-65. congratulations to them. we start with a new book shaking up washington. it is a look inside the white house from people we don't ordinarily hear from. correspondent peter alexander is at the white house this morning. peter, good morning. >> reporter: matt good morning. if these walls could talk. think of this as "downton abbey" from obama and others chefs. most prefer to work out of sight, but many are speaking out for the first time pulling back the curtain on the first families they served. bill clinton could not avoid impeachment or when his wife threw the book at him. >> one staffer said they were called up to the second floor and found blood on the bed. it was rumored that hillary clinton clocked president clinton with a book. >> reporter: rumors the first lady laughed off. >> i have a pretty good arm. if i thrown a lamp at somebody you would know about it. >> reporter: now by one white house reporter kate brower. >> they would take people aside and talk about the lewinsky sightings they had. all the women on the staff were very happy about that. they think he got what he deserved. >> reporter: more than 50 former white house employees opened up to brower in the tale of the staff that serves those who serve america like the carter years in the '70s. >> one floreswer florist would have to move bongs when president carter and his sons were living there. >> reporter: members of the executive mansion staff become members of the first family. >> one summer weekend, he was playing horseshoes and asked for bug spray. one sprayed him with industrial strength pesticide. >> reporter: many white house staffers were particularly fond of the bushs. >> he was so choked up he could not speak when saying good-bye. ♪ at last ♪ >> reporter: after the first dance to "at last" a photographer caught the two sharing a private moment in the white house. i bet you have not seen anything like this in this house, the president reportedly told the usher. and the only current white house staffer to break the code of silence. >> he might be president, but at the same time they are just ordinary human beings. >> reporter: james jefferys is a nice man. the author interviewed three former first ladies to get the recognition the white house staff deserves. what struck me most is that no one indicated they signed a confidentiality agreement. matt and savannah back to you. >> what do we think? should it be like vegas? what happens in the white house stays in the white house or do we read about it? a book like this? >> it doesn't seem like it is anything that titilating. >> it is interesting. we know from jenna bush hager they come with the house. another story from growing concerns this morning over that pesticide that caused an entire delaware family to become sick on vacation in the caribbean. what do you need to know before going on vacation? nbc's stephanie gosk is in philadelphia where two young brothers are fighting for their lives today. stephanie, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. the two teenage brothers are here in critical condition. it has been three weeks since the paramedics on the island said they got the frantic phone call that the family was violently ill. the pesticide should never have been there in the first place. the resort in st. john's sits on a hill overlooking the caribbean. beautiful views and warm weather. ideal spot for spring break. the family checked in the condo on march 14th. on march 18th exterminators from terminix fumigated the property below them. the paramedics got the emergency call. the whole family was sick. the director of the local health facility says he never has seen a case like it on the island. the edmonds were air lifted back to the u.s. the justice department launched an investigation. >> the most important issue is causation. that is showing that the injuries were caused by the pesticides and not by something else. >> reporter: officials from the epa say the exterminators used methyl bromide that can cause neurological damage. it is illegal in the u.s. and u.s. virgin islands. cases of tourists poisoned by pesticides are rare. the epa does suggest precautions. check with the hotel or resort to see which pesticides are in use on the property. when you arrive open the windows and doors. know the local laws and regulations. at the delaware school where steve is head master students are writing cards and wishing the family a speedy recovery. the father and mother are recovering while for now their two boys still struggle for their lives. the company terminix has not commented publicly on the allegation they used methyl bromide. they are working with authorities and thoughts and prayers are with the family. >> stephanie gosk, thank you. a lot of people are concerned and speaking out over it. it is colorless and odorless. how do you protect yourself? let's get another check on the weather with mr. roker. >> the moisture they need in california is not enough to get rid of the drought. we will look for snow in sierra. the system comes onshore with the heavy thunderstorms in san francisco and bay area also into the pacific northwest. this pushing in this morning on into tomorrow but in the meantime, we could be looking at severe thunderstorms from sacramento all the way to san francisco. by tomorrow, it moves to the cascades and plains. rainfall amounts 1 to 2 inches. snowfall in the cascades where they need it up to 2 feet. again, it is 7:38. good tuesday morning to you. i'm meteorologist christina loren. slick conditions all across the board, although the main front is starting to push out of the bay area. temperatures are chilly to start and they'll remain on the cool side as we get into the afternoon, ramping up into the 50s and 60s. fair game for thunderstorms later on today. best chance is high terrain area, north bay, east bay and south bay. if you like the dryer weather, it returns as we head throughout tomorrow afternoon. >> and that's your latest weather. >> thank you very much. >> coming up are you looking for a new weight loss program? researchers figured out which are the most successful. >> is it the burial spot of jesus and perhaps his family? wait until you hear what researchers are saying about what could be the introducing new flonase allergy relief nasal spray. this changes everything. new flonase outperforms a leading allergy pill so you will inhale life. when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over-producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. most allergy pills only control one substance, 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and geologist say this is jesus' tomb. it could be the biggest discover discovery in the history of archeology. >> this is the tomb. >> this right here? >> reporter: it all centers on what if who was inside with skeletal remains. brother of jesus. >> are you positive that this is the family tomb of jesus? >> no question in my mind that all evidence archaeological and now chemical tells the same story. this is the tomb of jesus of nazareth and his family. >> reporter: dr. rohan claims that box is a chemical match to soil in a long lost tomb in east jerusalem that houses other austuaries with similar scripture. >> it could not be stronger and more powerful. >> reporter: those boxes are described with the names joseph mary and jesus. some call jesus 'family tomb. it was produced by james cameron. based on inscriptions on the boxes inside, the film claimed jesus was married to mary magdeline and had a son. something disputed by christian scholars. >> this does not prove this is the tomb of jesus of nazareth. it may prove that somebody named jesus was buried in the tomb and had a father named joseph. >> reporter: the names on the boxes were all very common at the time. the authenticity of the inscription had long been disputed. supporters excited over the research say linking the james austueary linking to jesus would be another testament. >> you know it's true? >> faith comes into it if you want to believe it is not. >> reporter: and it is going to be controversial. jesus' body was buried here. his bones were found here. you can step on a lot of religious toes. 2 billion people believe in christianity guys. if it proves to be true imagine this here could be one of the most historical places in all of the world. >> marveling at it. you are just standing right there. katy. >> i thought that last comment. faith only comes into play if you want to believe it's not. >> because he feels he has the science. >> exactly right. >> raises questions. archaeologically and theologically. and what candice bergen is revealing about murphy brown and how she is living quote fat and happy. and tamron is in the orange room with baseball's opening day hits and misses. how much protein does your dog food have? 18 percent? 20? purina one true instinct has 30. active dogs crave nutrient-dense food. so we made purina one true instinct. learn more at this is an allen family production. and here's why we love chex. one, choices like chocolate, vanilla and honey nut. two, no artificial colors or flavors.'s gluten free. chex. full of what you love. free of what you don't. i love life, but really i love my chico's life. i take good care of myself and i love what i see when i look in the mirror. i've often been told i'm the best pair of legs in the room. the so slimming collection only at chico's and if you struggle with type 2 diabetes, you're certainly not alone. fortunately, many have found a different kind of medicine that lowers blood sugar. imagine what it would be 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it's fun and aimed at young audiences who are in on the running joke that means the goal. if you didn't get it you are old, i guess. amazing support from way up high. the opening day, the best day of the year. that tweet from one of the naughts on expedition 93. it's coming into us and keep them coming with the hash tag. we love opening day. how about that. >> that are one was on the fly. >> coming up which diet plans work the best? the programs that researchers say you should be on. we will fill you in on that but [narration throughout] i started my camry. ran a race most wouldn't dream of starting. chose to take down a monster. and realized when it's dark enough... can see the stars. one bold choice leads to another. toyota. lets go places. ♪ ♪ with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts, skim milk and cocoa, there's a whole lot of happy in every jar of nutella. spread the happy. milk has 8 grams of high-quality protein. which could be the difference between just living life. and milking it. start every day with the power of protein and milk life. what's going on? toaster's broken. which means no eggo waffles. ♪ what's that sound? did you leave your hairdryer running? no. something smells delicious. how could something smell delicious when the toaster's broken? i smell sausage, egg, cheese and... eggo? l'eggo my eggo breakfast sandwich. the eggo breakfast sandwich. but the toaster's broken. it's sweet, it's savory, it's in your microwave. l'eggo my eggo breakfast sandwich. that's it. good job. nice coating. and get this one next. whoa! what are you guys doing? making sure nothing sticks. otherwise, we gotta scrub all this stuff off. huh, what? nobody thought of this before? what's wrong with people? dish issues? not with improved cascade platinum. it powers through... your toughest, starchy messes... better than finish's best... the first time. as if your dishes were non-stick. cascade. now that's clean. (playing harmonica) get your own liquid gold. go on, git! there's gold in them thar shells. liquid gold. taxi. vo: after years of being treated like she was invisible it occurred to mindy she might actually be invisible. ♪♪ but mindy was actually not invisible. ooh, what are you doing? can you see me? she had just always been treated that way. yeah. you don't have to look at me like that. there are worst things than an attractive woman touching your body. i'll go. join the nation that sees you as a priority. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ good morning. it's 7:56 on your tuesday. i'm sam brock. this is a microclimate weather alert. a much needed spring storm rolling through the bay area. a live look outside. san francisco's at&t park on the left. southbound 880 in fremont on the right. it's pretty much everywhere you go. it's been a wet morning. the rain caught one driver offguard along interstate 280 in daly city. that car was trapped, halfway submerged in water. our camera could see the person in the vehicle though the driver seemed to be okay. conditions are testing drivers around the bay area. slick roads and high winds made for a tough commute over highway 17 this morning. the chp reminding everyone to take it slow to keep things safe. all the rain will give a boost to the snow levels in the sierra. up to 2 feet expected when all is said and done. those snow levels so important, as is the rainfall. and the numbers really starting to add up this morning. let's check in with meteorologist christina loren. good morning. >> good morning to you. i wanted to start with the real-time doppler radar. you'll notice we still have a little bit of heavy rainfall mostly rolling through the midsection of the bay area. the main front has pushed through. it's on its way to tahoe. that will produce the 2 feet of fresh powder. we're talking fresh powder in tahoe, above 4,000 feet nort next couple of days. temperatures for today work like this. 50s and 40s to start. we're on our way to the 60s. a couple upper 50s out there in the tri-valley and in san francisco. then dry weather returns for us here in the bay area as of tomorrow afternoon. watch out, though could see some thunderstorms later today. here's anthony and your drive. >> this morning we actually had a sig alert on 880 northbound at 23rd avenue. you can see from the camera's perspective, traffic is moving but a slow go. only one lane was blocked but created a huge backup. southbound 880 continues to slow through union city. we had an earlier sig alert on 680 with a big rig. that's cleared but traffic still moving slow. in the south bay you can see from our cam, traffic slow there as well. back to the towed show. it's 8:00 on "today," coming up, looking for victory in the battle the bulge. the most effective wait loss plab. >> then the buzz from the white house. >> that's okay, guys. bees are good. >> what happens when a swarm of bees interrupted the president at the annual easter egg roll? >> plus, two hollywood icons live in studio 1-a, cant is bergen living in her words, fat and happeny. and michael douglas joins us with a look at his devious role in his new thriller. today is tuesday, april 7th, 2015. ♪ >> aloha from hawaii! >> we're traveling across the u.s. ♪ >> ney, natalie! do you remember us from universal studios. i'm the new matt lauer! >> and good morning. welcome back to "today." it's 8:00, tuesday, april 7th, 10 20 15. it warmed up on our plaza. feels good. a little damp outside. >> showers earlier than expected. right on time? >> right on time. >> a big storm coming our way. we'll check in with al. but let's get our top store yifz the morning from natalie over at the news desk. >> good morning once again, everyone. controversial kentucky senator rand paula announced his bid for the presidential nomination today. he's the second republican senator to enter the ring with the campaign expected to court younger voters and minority communities. paul is known to clash with republicans in congress and reach across party lines. his father ron paul ran for president three times. we're going to hear more from senator rand paul when he joins us here tomorrow on "today." deliberations are underway this morning at the boston marathon bombing trial. during closing arguments monday, the lawyers agreed that he took part in the bombings but they put more of the blame on his older brother. if found guilty, the same jury will then decide whether he is sentenced to life or death. three people were killed and more than 260 injured in the attack nearly two years ago. >> and 11-year-old boy lost in an australian forest for more than four days has been reunited with his family. his dramatic rescue all caught on camera. we're in london with an incredible story. good morning. >> natalie, good morning. 120 people have been searching for this 11-year-old autistic boy. he was lost in dense australian forest. it was feared he kneel a lake. then this morning, a miracle. they found him. relief, embrace by his parents. 11-year-old luke shambrook on a stretcher exhausted but okay. the autistic boy had been missing for four nights. >> he's suffering hypotherma ahypothermia. >> and seen from above, these were the incredible moments after he was found by those rescuers. he had been wandering in the frasier national park two miles away from the campsite where he disappeared friday night. the police officers who spotted him from the air still can't believe it. >> i just out of the corner of my eye caught a little flash of something. it wasn't much. but it was enough to make me get the guys to turn the aircraft around and go back and have further look. >> a brief sighting that led them to luke and saw two relieved parents reunited with their son. and as well as our hug from their son, can you imagine those parents will have many a hug for that police officer who saw him, natalie. >> absolutely. thank goodness for a happy ending there. thank you. in health news, the battle of the bulge has reached epidemic proportions with more and more diets promising big results. but which ones actually really work? a new study published answer that's question. we have an obesity and weight loss expert here us with in new york. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> so the top two plans according to this study, weight watchers and jenny craig. why do these plans work? >> well, we know most diets work in the short term, right snt name of the game is really weight loss maintenance. study shows these rtsare the only two diets that have evidence showing people are able to not only maintain or lose medically significant amount of weight but maintain that a year longer. >> weight watchers is about what you have in your pantry and meal planning. jenny craig is the prepackaged meals. so these work for people over time. >> these work for most people. but there are important things to keep in mind. the weight loss was modest. so people come in i want to lose 50 pounds or 100 pounds. we're talking 6 to 12 pounds on average. these are really the onles studied well enough that we can say that they work. it's not that other ones haven't been tested and don't work, it's just that we haven't tested them long enough to know. >> thank you so much. it is 8:05. let's get a check of the weather with mr. roker. >> you love wrangler. thank you so much. let's see what we have going on for you right now. we're looking at a lot more wet weather making its way into the east. we go to the map. you can see philadelphia looking at some wet stuff. san francisco as well. some thunderstorms going on in san francisco. city of brotherly love is looking at weather all week long this week. and we've got a little bit of a dip out west. so temperatures a little chilly there. but in the southeast and the midwest, look at these highs. 79 in st. louis. alexandria, 85. 77 in d.c. however, the jet stream takes a little bit of a dip as you get to the north of chicago, detroit, buffalo, boston, duluth, all below average when good tuesday morning to you i'm meteorologist christina loren. showing you the radar, a lot of the heavy stuff is pushing off towards tahoe. and livermore and san jose. it's been raining overnight. a lot of roadways dealing with puddling and ponding. we're expecting afternoon thunderstorms. low 60s for all of us today. going to feel more like winter than spring. getting into tomorrow the warmup begins. is and that's your latest weather. >> i just literally ran into al. i was looking back. let's recreate it. anyway. >> suddenly i'm engaged. >> what just fell off? >> i don't know. >> wow. >> it's a hot mess out here. >> coming up next on "trending," anne hathoway with her inner miley. michael douglas just told me he had a huge crush on candice bergen how long ago? >> 50 years ago. >> you can see why. we'll talk to them both coming up. but first these messages. [ laughing ] want to play hide and seek? yeah! 1... 2... 6... 10! [ female announcer ] piña colada yoplait. it is so good when you need a little escape. [ mom ] still counting. look like this. feel like this. look like this. feel like this. with dreamwalk insoles, turn shoes that can be a pain into comfortable ones. their soft cushioning support means you can look like this. and feel like this. dreamwalk. the world is filled with air. but for people with copd sometimes breathing air can be difficult. if you have copd, ask your doctor about once-daily anoro ellipta. it helps people with copd breathe better for a full 24hours. anoro ellipta is the first fda-approved product containing two long-acting bronchodilators in one inhaler. anoro is not for asthma. anoro contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. it is not known if this risk is increased in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, or high blood pressure. tell your doctor if you have glaucoma, prostate or bladder problems, or problems passing urine as anoro may make these problems worse. call your doctor right away if you have worsened breathing chest pain, swelling of your mouth or tongue, problems urinating or eye problems including vision changes or eye pain while taking anoro. nothing can reverse copd. the world is filled with air and anoro is helping people with copd breath air better. get your first prescription free at 8:11. that's trend, guys. >> did you all hear about unwelcomed guests at the white house yesterday? and i do not mean al roker. did you witness this? >> i did not. there was a little bit of a curfuffle. somebody swarmed with bees crashed the party. take a look. >> it's okay, guys. bees are good. >> okay. the kids are freaking out. the president tried to them down. the kids are screaming. >> bees are good until you pull one of their stingers out of your arm. then they're not so good. >> at the white house garden. >> they are wild things. >> when you're rushing through the airport, you empty your pockets at the tsa checkpoint and leave things behind every time. you grab your laptops and everything else. sometimes in that little dish you leave some change. that adds up. last year the tsa says it collected dimes, quarters nickels and pennies, nearly $675,000. >> wow. >> guess what guys the tsa gets to keep every penny. >> oh, my gosh. >> not the person, the individual, but the tsa. >> move along, just keep going. >> and picture a giant piggy bank. got another one. last week you may remember we stage the quite a lip sink battle. this is a new tv show called "lip sink battle." anne hathaway came in well, like a wrecking ball. ♪ >> wow. >> man. >> oh. >> anne gave it her all. the episode airs this week. i've got to say the i live her a lot of credit for jumping on the ball. >> definitely. >> that is fantastic. as we mentioned a couple of times this morning duke captured its fifth national title last night in basketball. the blue devils legendary head coach, mike krzyzewski joins us live. joins us coach k, congratulations. >> thank you very much. it was a great night. >> we all host the morning show so we had to go to bed at 9:30. did anything fun happen in the second half? >> a few things yeah. we ended up winning so that was the most fun thing. >> you didn't have a tie at halftime. it was not your first rodeo as we know but were you feeling the heat? what do you tell the players at that moment. >> no no. i have eight guys and four of them are freshmen and they believe in one another. we told them like we do most of the time be themselves. when they are themselves we have a great chance to win and if we didn't win, somebody beat us when we would be at our best. throughout the whole season that was my main message to my team. they trust one another. it has been my best group as far as being together in close to 40 years. >> you talk about the young guys. you have a lot of things to look forward to. should i have my son, jack pencil duke in in the final game for his bracket for next year? >> if all the guys came back we would have us a better chance but also pencil us in. we will always try to be there. >> your daughter had that in front of me. she knows you are having a good time this season because you are home all the time and smiling. he that scowly face on. >> the face was a lot because i have three daughters going through their teenage years. >> nice. >> the basketball court is a rest. >> we can hear your voice is hoarse from yelling, but all the championships you have won, you have done it by gaping the respect of everyone who plays the game because you treat the players with great respect. congratulations to you and duke. >> thank you. i love the game. i have been fortunate to do what i love for my entire life. to do it at duke university and the united states military academy, my two schools. how can it be better than that? >> congratulations again. well done. >> thank you. >> meantime we have an emmy and golden globe winner with us. in a moment we will talk to her about a memoire and first, some of the roles that made candice bergen a household name. >> it had to do with something you have got and i don't. a tiny pathetic little y chromosome. >> candice bergen is best known for playing tough talking journalist murphy brown that lasted ten years. it earned her five emmys and two golden globes and left a lasting impression about the world of pop culture and politics. >> we believe murphy brown glamorizes single motherhood. >> what are planet is he on? >> she was the magazine editor on "sex and the city" and the law partner on boston legal. the oscar nomination continues to land big screen rolls as well. miss congeniality in 2000 and bride wars in 2009. she was the first female host of "saturday night live" and is a member of the show's exclusive five timers club. her career is only part of candicen's fascinating and she writes all about it in a fine romance. >> ever since i heard you were writing a second book i came back. >> thank you. let's start with the book. you start by talking about the birth of your daughter chloe. it made you the happiest you have ever been in your life. before that moment you had real doubts about whether you had the commitment to be a parent. >> well i was caught in the swirling political movement of the time called feminism among other things. it was a confusing time. women were putting off childbirth and then there was a cartoon where she says oh, my god, i forgot to have children. i didn't want to be that woman. >> you knew instantly you were cut out for it? >> yeah. the love of my life. overwhelming. >> just a few years after chloe was born you got what many consider the role of a lifetime which was murphy brown. they had someone else in mind originally and you thought you brew the audition. what went wrong? >> i flew from new york to l.a. to read for the head of cbs. he closed the electric drapes with a remote control and overheadlights. it was a little like an interrogation room. it didn't foster a great light in the office. i just tanked. >> you blue your lines or weren't you? >> i blue my lines and i was tense. i was intimidated. he just said nice meeting you and it was next. then they said i don't think so. we want her. >> boy were they smart because you won five emmys for the role of murphy brown. you famously put yourself out of the running and in that book you tell the reason why. >> i did find and i could cents shift in the audience. literally again. every time i would come back to the set of murphy after winning the emmy it took about a week for things to normalize. >> because you were getting so much attention? >> and it was a great cast and they all deserved emmys and should have had them. and for me one of the great joys of murphy is i loved the cast and the crew. >> did you feel you took yourself out of the running? >> a few months ago. and charlie said hmm. >> i can't think of murphy brown without dan quayle. every week there was a dan quayle joke on the show and then there was that comment that he made and paraphrasing, but when murphy had her child without being married he mentioned that as being socially that he did not agree with. >> missing the importance of a father. >> something you remember after all these years. >> what was it like to be you, candice bergen in that swirl over murphy brown and dan quayle? >> i was in total overwhelm. i didn't say anything. i would come out to get the paper in the morning and i was on the front page of the "new york times," a picture of murphy holding a baby with him talking. it became a campaign platform. a presidential campaign. it's the story that carried over six months. >> often times they imitate life and vice-versa. you played this journalist in murphy brown and you were also approached in real life a couple of times by 60 minutes. they wanted you to be a correspondent for them and the "today" show considered having you replace barbara walters. why didn't you take it? >> i don't recall getting an offer to replace barbara walters. i know barbara said i thought you were going to replace me. i don't remember that but i just thought -- i didn't think i could handle the schedule and i thought it would restrict my life. >> any second thoughts now? >> yeah. if i had taken it i wouldn't have been able to play murphy. i wouldn't have traded that for anything. >> some of the things received a lot of attention in this book. >> on the show in fact. >> did you watch it? >> i heard. i had so many calls. >> you talked about your weight currently and you said -- >> it was a scant reference on page 150 or something. a page and a half. >> the one comment and they pull it out. >> so what they say is let me come out and say it. i am fat. i live to eat and none of the live to eat stuff for me. i am a champion eater. no carb is safe. no fat either. have you been surprised by the reaction to those words? >> yes. no kidding. i was just saying that i don't enjoy eating lunch with some women who only have kale. i find it limiting and sort of -- i would rather not go on if that's what i had to eat to fuel myself. >> the comment, it seems to come from a place of is extremely comfortable in her own skin. at the age of how old? >> almost 69. i'm not 70 though. i'm very comfortable. would i love to lose 10 or 15 pounds? absolutely. but i haven't taken the steps to do it. >> you have been honest about the fact that you have had some plastic surgery in the past. >> i had my eyes done at 41 when i started murphy and next year i had bands under my neck because they were catching the light. i don't know if you noticed, the tv light is harsh. >> welcome to my world. >> and that's all i had done. >> do you feel free of the pressure of hollywood and in terms of appearance these days? >> i mean i am on the older margin now so i'm kind of -- i play mothers and mothers of old men, by the way. it's sort of distressing, but yeah i feel free frankly. pretty much across the board. >> michael had a crush on you for 50 years and he speaks for a lot of us. we are thrilled to have you here. the book is called a fine romance and it is out right now. >> thank you. >> savannah. >> look who i have over here. michael douglas, one of our favorite guests. i mean this in the best possi >> announcer: you're watching "today in the bay." good tuesday morning. i'm sam brock. here's a live look at the skies interstate 280 and highway 17. now the brunt of this morning's storm has basically rolled through the bay area at this point but most roadways are still slick making for some difficult driving conditions. parts of the bay area got up to 3 inches of rain this morning. it caused localized flooding as well. one car became trapped in standing water along interstate 280 in daly city. that closed the southbound off-ramp along sullivan avenue. it's basically driver beware out there. we'll see how roadways are shaping up. >> good morning. 880 cleared. we've had several accidents all morning long. small fender benders, really that's about it. as we switch maps you'll see lots of red down to berkeley. and it remains stop and go. 880, from hayward, fremont, newark we're looking at slow going with no accidents there. south bay, things are slow on the 101, 87 as well. back to you, sam. >> thank you very much. a bit a drive for some folks this morning. drive carefully with another local news yum update. back to the "today" show. we are back at 8:30 on a tuesday morning, the seventh day of april, 2015. a rainy morning out on the plaza. a rainy morning and we say thank you to everyone. coming up michael doug slas in our studio and won an oscar for his performance in wall street and in some ways we will ask him. he may be channelling his inner gordon gekko for the latest role. >> plus is this right? lorraine bracco is 60? she will share her secrets and the wake up call that led her to make big changes in her life. >> living to 100. we will take you to a place where men live longer than just about anywhere else in the world. some of them swear by a certain soup to foster longevity. we will teach you how to make the recipe. >> i'm not so sure what he eats every day. >> that's why they ticked me al. >> let's get a check of the weather. let's show you what we have going on. wet weather in the east in the midwest and fog in the central midwest and a lot of wet weather o long the coast and also out along the california coast line as well. tomorrow that wet weather moves and a risk of strong storms from oklahoma and illinois and parts of southern iowa. wet weather continues here. believe it or not, we are talking snow tomorrow into tomorrow night. in boston we 8:32. good tuesday morning to you. we have quite a bit of precipitation still coming through the bay area although the bulk of the activity is clearing out of here. temperatures today are going to be on the cool side. 50s for now. 60s, low 60s, later on today, only ramping up the numbers into the low 60s. a couple 50s out there but we are expecting thunderstorms later on today. do keep that in mind. the skies in the north bay starting to clear just for the time being. by tomorrow afternoon, we clear entirely. >> you want to say to your brother? >> hi charlie! >> there you go. let's head back inside to matt and mike. >> thank you very much. we will talk about an actor like he is not sitting right here. michael douglas plays a wealthy businessman who comes home from a hunting expedition but when a man is accidentally killed douglas takes matters into his own hands. >> i'm not killing right now. i need to watch and wander around. >> he seems nice. good morning and nice to see you. >> good morning, matt. >> another feel good movie. >> a touchy feely movie. it's good to be bad. >> every once in a while you have to go back and explore the dark side a little bit. >> there is a part of all of us that likes the bad guy. >> i don't know whether you are tired of hearing the name gordon gekko because you played him decades ago, but when you think of the characters there some similarities and both are survivors. they do what it takes to survive in the environment. anything else on missing the two guys? >> take no prisoners. in the economic disparities and somebody who is very, very rich and no more accomplished. i don't know what it is matt. i enjoy it. and audiences like it too. most factors have played. >> we love people who flaunt their power and this guy and that guy both flaunted their power. >> part of this that allows the movies to then keep the muffler under control. >> you said this was the hardest shoot of your career. it was shot in new mexico. >> in new mexico from the four corners area. the navajo reservation and about an hour and a half drive. about half of that was on reservations. the dirt road going up and major inclines climbing up through the rotations. had a great, great appreciation for the new mexico can crew. a lot of them were hikers and bike riders and this and that. all the way up. >> i want to switch from the movie and talk about something written up in the l.a. times last month. it was about something that happened to your son, dylan, last um isser on a family vacation in europe. he was at the pool and a guy confronted him and verbally assaulted him and he came to you very upset. finish the story for me. >> he came up to me in the room really upset. this man was yelling at him and i'm looking at him and he recently had a barmitzvah and somebody had given him the star of david. i said this couldn't be. i went down to the pool to ask this man what the problem was and he said there too many people in the world and there has to be rules and regulations and obviously it came from that. >> this anti-semitic rant in your opinion. >> i said to dylan, this is a case of anti-semitism. >> how did he respond? >> he was proud of the fact that the irony is my father is jewish and my mother is protestant. never actively involved until later in life. i married catherine who was catholic. when our son went to school and met a couple of jewish friends and they went friday night and six months later he said i want to have a barmitzvah. we were touched. we couldn't believe it. we were expreem treatmently proud of it and as a result he brought a lot of spirituality to our life. i have been involved with the foundation and fortunate enough to win a prize after michael bloomberg last year and i am actively involved with bringing interfaith families together. >> you don't want your family to go through that but it opens his eyes to the world around him. >> it opened his eyes and i was surprised about the topic that went kind of viral. >> large part because of the celebrity writing it. >> you mentioned 98. >> i am dieing to see your episode about 100-year-olds. the last time i saw him, i said michael, i'm going to go to 100 and call it a day. >> we love your dad. thanks michael. appreciate it. beyond the reach is in theaters and on demand starting april 17th. we have lorraine bracco on the wake up that caused her to take charge of her life. first on a tuesday morning, this is "today" on nbc. i have a lot of studying to do. that's why xfinity is perfect for me. they have the fastest, most reliable in-home wifi, so i can do all my studying and learning, uninterrupted. i'm heading out. okay, mom. ♪ [heavy metal] ahhhhhhh! with the fastest in-home wifi, xfinity is perfect for people who take care of business. back now at 8:40. she was a fashion model in paris best known for the oscar and emmy-nominated roles in good fellas and the sopranos. at 60 years old, she is ready for a book about living to the fullest which is the title of the book. good morning. great to see you. >> thank you. >> you look fabulous. every time i see you, you sparkle. if i told you ten years ago or 20 years ago, you would write a book about healthy living and recipes and diet and all that stuff, would you believe me? >> no. not at all. i never paid attention to what i was eating. only recently in the last years i paid attention. >> huh for lack of a better word an epiphany. what made you decide i want to change the way i'm living? >> i think it was quite simple. both of my parents passed nine days apart. watching them suffer health-wise really woke me up. i said i am not going to have this happen to me later on. if i start to pay attention now, maybe i will have a good luck. >> i want to ask you about the ways that you did it but i should also mention in the sopranos in the book, that had something to do with this change mind set you went through. >> i watched my parents and about a year later jimmy passed away. jimmy was a decade junger than me. i was shocked. i think we were all shocked by his death. >> when you decided to write the book what was the most important thing you wanted to get across? what do you want to tell to others who may be similar to you thinking i want to make a change and i don't know how to start? >> i have a friend who is a life coach and she took me on a cleanse and i did that for two weeks. it's a very limited diet but we did it to detox and to change my way of thinking about food. lying down watching a bag of licorice was not really the best thing for me. she helped me change my way of thinking about food. i thought i was eating healthy until i started to look at the packages and reading what was in it. i was eating a ton of sugar. a ton of gluten. i was eating a ton of dairy. >> you just described my diet. >> it's all of our diets. she taught me how to exchange food. i was never hungry which was the great thing on the cleanse. what do you call that? hungry angry thing. >> i'm familiar. >> feed me, feed me. i am still like that but now i eat healthy snacks. i fill my body with things that feed me instead of take away my energy and my lifeline. >> i said you do shine. every time i see you. i do like you. the secret is out. so good to see you, lorraine. >> thank you, my love. >> the book is called to the fullest and it's in bookstores today. coming up next more secrets to longevity. a place that could hold the key to living to 100 years old. how do they do it? first, this is "today" on nbc. we are back with a series living to 100 where we expose the secrets to a long healthy life. cynthia fadden has more on that. >> it was a tricky assignment. i loved living to 100. national geographic has traveled all over the world to unravel the secrets of the oldest and healthiest people on earth. in the book the blue zone solutions, he shared what he learned with the rest of us. he let us bring our cameras to an isolated and beautiful part of italy high in the mountains to learn from the masters. >> if you want to be 100, you might learn from a shepherd. 81 is young in these parts where men live longer than anywhere else in the world. the italian island has secret stocks to longevity that the rest of us could learn from. the answer is a resounding yes. >> this is about the time of christ they were isolated up here and incubated their own culture of lover jeffity. >> he urges us to go to see for ourselves. we weave our way up these remote back roads. isolated areas few ever visit. we meet gabrielle, his son, and grandson. >> will you make it to 100? >> i notice you are walking about six to ten miles a day. they don't think of it as exercise. it's the normal routine. >> we tend to tie quickly without the long period of sickness and hospital stays. >> 80% of chronic disease, cancer dementia and heart disease and diabetes is avoided. what these people are doing are avoiding the diseases. >> they are doing that in ways that we can imitate. >> and you don't have to think about it. >> they discovered five places they dubbed blue zones in japan, costa rica and california. people live up to years longer than the rest of us. >> you said it's the mother of all blue zones. >> in america there is only one for 5,000 people. >> 245ir unwrapped the way of life. they eat what they drink and how they move. >> these are the ideas here that you can bring back to america. you can't promise americans can live to 100, but you can promise the average american can live healthy if they optimize their life. >> i love that 100-year-old women had sex on sunday. they are living zesty lives. >> we head over the mountain to the home of the family with nine siblings and set a combined age of 818 years. this 91-year-old still runs the local bar. this 96-year-old brother swears the family's minestrone soup kept him well-preserved. for 500 years, the recipe has been handed down. >> and of course this is the secret right here. these beans. >> the corner zone of every diet in the world is beans. eating a cup of beans is a day is probably adding about two years of your life. the tiny amount. >> as with all the blue zones, the diet is plant-based. they grew up with a twice a month treat. then the wine. >> they have a twhin has three times the levels of antioxidants than any other wine in the world. they grind up the skin. that's where the antioxidants are. it ferments 16 to 20 days. >> it's delicious. i tried it. >> to be sure it's not just a fluke. >> about 20% how long you live but 80% is lifestyle and environment. >> what you learned is there is no silver bullet. >> it's 20 or 30. little things that you can transport from places like this. >> the almonds and have them work for you. >> it was a blast. more good news according to them it is never too late to start. if you are 99 it makes a difference. start now. by the way, the wine. this is the real stuff. the longevity wine and what they call the ganache grape. the best wine for longevity in the world. women, one glass a day. al matt you can have two glasses. >> wine is part of the trick. you can live to 1,000. >> up next we will whip up that soup. the oldest living family recipe passed down for 500 years. but first, this is "today" on nbc. >> living to 100 and the soup that might be a key ingredient. anthony scotto will do the honors for us this morning. this is the minestrone sthup is different. >> it's all about a lifestyle too. let's talk about this soup. it's all about the freshness of the garden. what they use in the examples here all the beans and everything that is terrific. we used dried nuts and more fiber. we used fennel tops and you cut them off. we have all of the beans that we dried. >> you can get them anywhere? >> anywhere is fine. to give you any bean. it doesn't have to be these. you have pinto beans and tomato. we have that right now. we are then going to start with the vegetables. we have garlic and fennel. i love the tops. it's an intense flavor. potatoes. they are basically using what is fresh any time of the season. >> exactly right. if you saw that they use a little pork fat to give more. >> fennel is a must do if you can. >> it's a must do. tomatoes we will let it simmer for about an hour and a half. the potatoes are in there and we will add this pasta. it's very easy. i like toasting it ahead of time. about 15 minutes to cook. an hour and a half here and 15 minutes left. >> this is a very small pasta right here. if you top the look at that. we will mix this in and this comes up even more. this is going to be cooked. with that you might have to add water to this. a little pepper and salt at the end. don't salt at the beginning. salt at the end. a little parmesan choose. >> good stuff. >> a nice garden. you guys like it? >> what do you think? >> on my way to 99. >> between that and this pasta, you have a way to go. >> >> announcer: you're watching "today in the bay." good morning, 8:56 on tuesday. i'm sam brock. the brunt of the rain has rolled through the bay area but the rain still coming in some areas. here's fremont, interstate 880. a slow go. and the chp said wet weather did not play a role in a fiery crash that killed a driver in san jose. it happened a little after midnight on highway 101. near the airport. chp said a pickup truck hit a stalled car trapping and killing the person inside. chp had all lanes open before the morning commute. that's going to do it for now. we'll see you again in 25 minutes for 84another update. >> good morning on today's take sutton foster on the move to and acting underage. a dramatic train rescue you have to see to believe. and the scoop on the hotly anticipated new album. all that and more coming up now. nouns from nbc news, this is today's take from willie geist and tamron hall, al roker and natalie morales from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today." i'm willie geist with al roker, natalie morales and tamron. march madness is officially over. duke is the national champion. they beat wisconsin in a great game. a close game. the fifth national title. we are rooting for wisconsin. matt lauer takes the crown. >> it doesn't matter. >> and the orange jersey. wrangler. >> and it's funny. >> that was a customized shirt. >> the point of a bracket is to win money. >> they are taking the bradley cooper relationship way too far. hangover bacon. >> oh. >> they were spotted in vegas a couple of times. >> the wager. we were the club. you are like a point apart. >> there is always next year. we have an unbelievable place. a woman got her leg stuck between a subway car and the platform on saturday. look at the response. the riders on the platform got out and started rogging the train car until they created enough for her to pull her leg out where it was wedged. she was taken to the hospital only with a minor leg injury. talk about teamwork. how cool is that? >> that's amazing. she is fine and that's the great part. 10 seconds afterwards, they get right back on the train. got to go to work. got to go. move em on. okay. >> barely injured. minor leg injury. especially when that thing is rocking. >> so heavy. >> scary. >> i remember the kids building forts and stuff and my brothers and sisters. >> my kids were doing it last night. >> when we got a tv that thing was going jeremy in ogden, utah built a fort made out of cardboard boxes in the front yard. that is spectacular. it's got a big screen in there and it's unbelievable. guess what. they send him a written warning saying he has to take it down because it's a violation of building codes. waste material or junk in the yard. >> how does it fall under building code? the waste material in the front yard. >> 15 days to take it down. that will be monday or he has to pay a $125 fee. >> all the kids in the neighborhood are pooling their money together to give them $125 to keep that there. >> they said they will wait 15 years, but come on. by the way, what constitutes junk as opposed to art? you can claim that is a sculpture. >> my kid is enjoying that. that's one man's castle. >> the father of the year award in my book. >> i say it's art. >> that was cranking the steam down the block. >> those kids, they came across my lawn to get to their fort. i want you to get in there and get rid of it. >> we all know who he is. >> i think all the kids together have a sit in on his lawn. >> juice up on juice boxes. >> the juice boxes. >> and create a sculpture. >> i think that is in the front yard. >> it invites more kids as the neighborhood. >> why are these kids all getting together? why don't they stay in the house? >> angry al. it's for the movie where the kid's baseball goes over. >> you have to come and get it. # the nba player russell westbrook is onest favorites in the league right now. the all-star game was insane in the game. with that comes a brand-new car. instead of keeping the new car which is a kia this is so sweet. he gave it to a single mom whose name is kirstin gonzales. they helped make the connection and provide social services to people who are working class to poor families. the thunder tweeted out russell wanted to honor all the hard work she has done to keep her family and i just want to be able to help others any way i can. >> the look on her face. >> the oklahoma city thunder is probably one of the most civic-minded sports franchises in the country. >> they step up and more. >> the keempeople in oklahoma love that team and the team loves them back. i went to a playoff team and i never have seen anything like it. it is the love of a theme is about a community. it's not just lip service. you can see they are involved in that community. >> the stars. they are likeable. russell westbrook. >> here's a story when your spouse gets up earlier than you and that annoying alarm clock goes off. nothing works gets you on the wrong foot all day. there is perhaps a solution. it is called the waky alarm clock. it's for a new alarm clock and claims it only wakes up one person and not going to wake up your spouse. you mount it on the wall above your bed and you set it to the side of the bet you sleep on. when it's time to wake up, apparently there is a sensor that detects where you are and sends a light beam towards you. >> a laser beam. >> ooh! >> it's like sunrise. also the sound wave that is it sends your way so only you hear the sound waves and only you wake up. >> when you are smuggling it works too. you are very close. >> i don't know how it determines your body heat versus your spouse. it just knows. then there is a tamron. >> it sends you messages. >> i'm waiting for you. >> the kick starter campaign made almost half of their $100,000 goal by may 30th. >> i want something like that. you would like to wake up, you wake up although this morning, i slept in. most mornings, they come on the phone. >> that's just the light on my side of the bed. >> they have to be knocking off the bed table and every morning i wake up and i feel bad. >> the other solution is likely -- it has an alarm that gently wakes up up. each person has that. >> i have to get audio. it's a rock. george was in with it. my turn. it is. it's true. a look at the weather. i know. i know. at this age, too, too quickly. the thunderstorms and louisville had flash flood warnings in effect. heavy flooding yesterday and last week they had more coming in today with the band of showers and thunderstorms. we have the area developed tomorrow into thursday and combined with all that moisture from the gulf. a list of strong storms from central oklahoma. joplin and peoria into omaha. we are really watching thursday. a list of severe weather from waco to indianapolis. strong storms and hail and damaging winds and tornados from chicago to central missouri. heavy rain from two to three inches and upwards 9:10 happy tuesday to you, i'm meteorologist christina loren. taking a live look at your doppler radar, what you'll notice a lot of heavy moisture has pushed through the east bay area. but now we're seeing thunderstorms develop and they are fair game for on and off activity and some thunderstorms out there the city. although some cities like half moon bay getting sunshine. temperatures going to be kwool all day. we're in the 40s and 50s. going to end up in the 60s. dry weather returns tomorrow. weather. >> up next, the tony award winner taking on a role that has her 40 going on 26. gotta like that. we will exp you forgot the milk! that's lactaid®. right. 100% real milk just without the lactose. so, no discomfort? exactly. try some... mmm, it is real milk. lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort. nexium® 24hr. it's the purple pill the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand available without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™ i want my foyer to smell more like a foyer. i want his bedroom to smell like he's away at boarding school. surround yourself with up to 6 hours of luxurious, long-lasting scents... ...introducing new unstopables air refresher. i know what you're thinking, but this is the improved i can't believe it's not butter! 100% taste, 0% artificial preservatives. made with a blend of delicious oils, purified water, and just a pinch of salt. two, please. i can't believe it's not butter. 100% taste, 0% artificial preservatives. i love life, but really i love my chico's life. i take good care of myself and i love what i see when i look in the mirror. i've often been told i'm the best pair of legs in the room. the so slimming collection only at chico's and hey, what's up? i'm ted. rudy and i have a lot of daily rituals. namaste. stay. taking care of our teeth is one of them. when i brush my teeth, he gets a milk-bone brushing chew. just another way to keep ourselves healthy. i'll go change. the hot new accessory? brows that wow. from maybelline new york... it's brow drama. our first sculpting ball brush with tinted gel. just sweep...then sculpt. for bolder, sculpted brows. brow drama. get the look at ♪ maybe it's maybelline ♪ does all greek yogurt have to be thick? does it all have to be the same? not with new light and fluffy yoplait greek 100 whips! let's whip up the rules of greek! >> with two tony awards, it is brought way royalty. >> she is taking on the small screen from the creator of "sex and the city." the new series, younger. she plays a 40-year-old recent divorcee posing as a 26-year-old in her new job and social life. >> check this out. you have to see it irl. what's irl? >> in real life. were you living under a rock? >> no, but i was in a cave. irl. bam. >> good morning. >> this is a good role for someone who had a good birthday. you love your 20s? >> i think your 20s, you flipped and flail a bit. my 20s were messy. i'm only getting better with age hopefully. >> you will appreciate that. you tweeted it out. >> that's actually in my teens. oh, my gosh. >> you look fantastic. that's very flattering and it's fun to relive my 20s in a safe tv environment and be able to retain the maturity of my now ripe old age. >> what is the redo that you would like without in the show. >> what would i like to do some. >> i don't know if i would want to go back. i think if they could go back to my 20s i would take better care of myself. i feel like i would go be addicted to junk food. i would be able to do that. i it doesn't feel like a milestone that people want you to see. >> when i was younger, 40s seemed like -- and now that i'm here i feel like i'm that 16-year-old kid in the turtleneck. i feel like i'm figuring things out. i don't know. i wouldn't want to go back. every year has been a blessing and it's better than ever. >> you just got married. say yes to the dress. that was a crazy fun experience. >> i think it's four or five days before turning 40, i had the debut. >> this is great. >> i feel so proud about the show and it has been a good year. >> we want to play a quick game younger or older. >> than you think. >> one direction or new kids on the block? >> that's not fair. new kids. >> tinder or personal ads? >> tinder confusions me. >> i'm looking and i say clint. that's terrible. >> i only played it on tv. i am not actually in the know. >> coming up next, want your college paid for? work at starbucks. >> from the movie, bringing a new generation of eastwood fans to the theaters. the entertainment calendar after this. you will never forget before larry instantly transferred money from his bank of america savings account to his merrill edge retirement account. before he opened his first hot chocolate stand calling winter an "underserved season". and before he quit his friend's leaf-raking business for "not offering a 401k." larry knew the importance of preparing for retirement. that's why when the time came he counted on merrill edge to streamline his investing and help him plan for the road ahead. that's the power of streamlined connections. that's merrill edge and bank of america. when i'm shopping for a used car, i want to be comfortable. i don't want an aggressive salesperson breathing down my neck pressuring me into a decision. when i go to the supermarket there's no one pushing me to buy the more expensive cereal. i just want to shop like i do everywhere else. ♪ ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. ♪ ♪ with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts, skim milk and cocoa, there's a whole lot of happy in every jar of nutella. spread the happy. i'm home. everything's fine. of all the things that happen on your wooden surfaces disinfecting has to be one of them. clorox disinfecting wipes. ♪ hello. hi, marilyn? yes. you got the job. in april when you buy a tracfone handset at walmart tracfone will donate 20 percent of the sales to dress for success... i will see you next week. to help give women the skills they need to get that all-important job. i got it. so you buy a new phone and someone else gets the call that can change her life completely. success is calling™. and you can help make a difference. my advice for healthy looking radiant skin. a good night's sleep... and aveeno®. [ female announcer ] only aveeno® positively radiant has an active naturals® total soy formula. it helps reduce the look of brown spots in just four weeks. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™. the world is filled with air. but for people with copd sometimes breathing air can be difficult. if you have copd, ask your doctor about once-daily anoro ellipta. it helps people with copd breathe better for a full 24hours. anoro ellipta is the first fda-approved product containing two long-acting bronchodilators in one inhaler. anoro is not for asthma. anoro contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. it is not known if this risk is increased in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, or high blood pressure. tell your doctor if you have glaucoma, prostate or bladder problems, or problems passing urine as anoro may make these problems worse. call your doctor right away if you have worsened breathing chest pain, swelling of your mouth or tongue, problems urinating or eye problems including vision changes or eye pain while taking anoro. nothing can reverse copd. the world is filled with air and anoro is helping people with copd breath air better. get your first prescription free at . >> taking a look at the headlines good news for starbucks employees. they are picking up the tar for college tuition. workers can have four years of tuition paid for from an online degree from arizona state university. they offered to pay for two years. nearly 2,000 workers enrolled in the program. new kids mobile app is stirring up controversy. google launched the app as a safe place for them to watch the contend, but they are so stuffed with ads and product placement that it's hard to tell the difference between the content and the commercials. when it comes to breast cancer treatment you get what you pay for. after analyzing the bills of 10000 patients, receiver researchers found when the cost nearly doubled the five-year survival rate rose from 38 to 52%. the higher costs were attributed to more expensive chemotherapy and radiation. vigorous exercise might be the key to living longer. exercise that leaves you sweaty or winded may increase your chances of living longer. you could prevent early death by revving up your work out. beer lovers rejoice. today is a holiday just for you. it is national beer day. 82 years ago today that they took effect ending and allowing americans to buy beer for the first time in 13 years. it is now a multibillion industry. how to avoid feeling the burn. tips on using pod holders in the tichen after hey, you forgot the milk! that's lactaid®. right. 100% real milk just without the lactose. so you can drink all you want... ...with no discomfort? exactly. here, try some... mmm, it is real milk. see? delicious. hoof bump! oh. right here girl, boom! lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort. and for a tasty snack that's 100% real dairy try lactaid® cottage cheese. olive garden's buy one take one, starting at $12.99. enjoy warm breadsticks, salad and your choice of entrees like new citrus chicken sorrento. then take home another entrée free. hurry in; buy one take one ends sunday. at olive garden. >> announcer: you're watching "today in the bay." good morning. 9:26. i'm chris can shez. bay area skies have started to clear after a storm that started in the early morning hours and brought up to 3 inches of rain in the location. live look at at&t and fremont on the right. a lot gray less in the area because pretty much it was rain all morning. the rain caught one driver on 880 in daly city and that car ended up half submerged in the water. the camera caught the driver saved in the vehicle to be okay. and wet conditions tested drivers around the bay area. slick roadways made for a tough commute over highway 17 this morning. chp is still reminding everyone on days like this you have to take it slow to stay safe. all of the rain will give a boost to the sierras as well up to 2 feet expected when all said and done but it comes a little too late from tahoe ski resorts which have already shut operations down for the season. we'll have a look at weather and traffic coming up for you after the break. 9:28. welcome back. now, i want to show you the time lapse. we are getting sunshine but we started out with an overcast sky and quite a bit of rainfall. let me show you what's left on the radar at this point. oh look at that realtime lightning just to the north with the thunderstorms as we head out there the next hour or so. you can see what's developing offshore. this is the core of low pressure. do keep if mind when thunder rolls you want to go indoors and seek shutter. 58 in san francisco. i want to find more out about the lightning and the drive. >> talk about the drive, you can see the bay bridge is stop and go. still bogged down with an earlier accident that we were dealing with out there the freeway all morning long. things were slow going 880 in hayward. we've got an accident on golden drive. in the south bay, not too bad. 101 still slow approaching mountain view. back to you, kris. >> when we say realtime we mean realtime. more news coming up in the next half hour. >> we are back with more on this tuesday morning. as i mentioned yesterday i had easter dinner courtesy of al roker. i made al's lamb, but i dropped the entire main course on the floor in front of my guests. the problem was i department use the right pot holder. which will best save you from injury? my pal had the answers for tamron hall. i was surprised to say how many would be tweeted. >> what you want to do is put them in each of those. you have the silicon and you are protected protected. >> the lamb out of the oven. >> you have to protect your body against the oven rack ask your dress. >> these are amazing. these are -- you do. you can keep them out if you are worried about them. these are actually -- >> wow. we have one problem, but there you go. >> that's tomorrow. these have the little silicon nubs as well. okay. and also they are famous and they can go in the dishwasher. these are water proof. you can actually reach your hand into the boiling water. they have removable cotton lining. you can put those in the dishwasher as well. >> this is what i used to get the lamb out. this is good, but not for what i used. those are got grabbers just for grabbing the skillet and the handle. i appreciate the ideas. we have a pretty big thunderstorm coming. you can see lightning firing off. in the north bay, we're seeing lightning this morning. please travel cautiously what you notice is a lot of that shower activity is starting to push out of the bay area. we're expecting a core of high pressure to come through noon to 6:00. we'll keep you updated on the status of the thunderstorms. >> a tamron tuesday trend trivet. >> the "today" show would have a heat-resistant cabinet. really? >> we are getting on with it. there is a leadership and your hbo favorites. >> the entertain weekly host to let you know what dates to get to your calendar. we have a lot going on this month. april 17th. >> out with a new memoire. what juicy details can we expect? >> the prey in pink where he thought molly ringwald hated him and a lot of things about charlie cheen. he was asked to hide his magazines and a lot of times he thought they were prostitutes. he talked to her about financial advice. financial advice. that is out today with the longest ride with scott eastwood. >> two love stories. scott looks so much like his father and no one is going to know because they are staring at his 30less body. look at the eyes. what can i say? >> april 12th big night. the movie awards and amy schumer is hosting. >> amy schumer, this is her year. a great year for her to host. inside amy schumer and a big trainer. they can make it on the cover of entertainment weekly. so good as the movie awards and the things like best kiss and best fight. they are not the oscars. this is an awards show where neighbors have the most nominations. >> she might be the funniest person going right now. >> the same night the hbo announces the biggest hits. >> a lot of technique. super excited for season five. this is the season where this show fernlgs. julia louie dreyfus. >> it has been five years. reba intyre something new from her. >> she said she was not sure if people wanted to her her music anymore. the first single going out and she puts on heels and a rhett tress. >> we always want to hear from reba. next friday, tina fey and a movie. my kids are really excited. monkey kingdom. >> all about the monkeys that live in the ancient ruins. the reason she did it is her daughters are huge disney fans. i hope she got paid in disney dresses. >> this is the one my kids can't wait for. mall cop 2. mom, can we go see it? $150 million. a little mustache in his segue. with the segue or without? >> segue. >> this is a hateful 28th one of the most successful out there. let's take a look. >> it is their 4th album. they are launching to support the album. you will definitely want tickets if you are a member of this family. >> also goes to have you here with us. always good to have the talentar. >> we have picks for buying a new lawn mower. looking good on so i was video chatting with my girlfriend. we haven't been together long but... she just says it. i love you. my heart is racing. so i say it right back. i love you too. and she freezes. not actually but the video chat. and i'm like did she even hear me? i am so relieved i have verizon. i panicked tried to unfreeze it and hung up. we are so much in love. she never called me back. vo: join us and save without settling. verizon. for very dry skin, you need healing. new vaseline intensive care with micro-droplets of vaseline jelly relieves dry skin and moisturizes to heal it in just 5 days. clinically proven. that's the healing power of vaseline. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ohhh. i remember this day... he got so many compliments on this costume. today is stanley's big day. happy birthday, stanley. he's five.... i was able to determine that stanley is an aquarius. ohh, aquarius... that's so fitting... throughout the whole journey petsmart has been there for us. we'll get you looking great for your birthday party. morgan here is a pisces. such an intellect. really? yes, yes... big thinker. huh? pethood's better with a partner. that's why petsmart has all you need to take care of your kids. your brain can send information to the rest of your body at 268 mph. three times the speed of a fastball. take care of your brain with centrum silver men. multivitamins with 20% more vitamin d. my heart beats 100,000 times a day sending oxygen to my muscles... again! i can lift even the most demanding weights. take care of your heart with centrum silver men. multivitamins for the most important parts of you. brookside chocolate now has a crunch. brookside crunchy clusters - crispy multi-grains and sweet fruit-flavored pieces dipped in rich dark chocolate. discover brookside crunchy clusters. they say after seeing a magician make his assistant disappear mr.clean came up with a product that makes dirt virtually disappear. he called it the magic eraser. it cleans like magic. even baked on dirt disappears right before your eyes. mr.clean's magic eraser. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ introducing new country time lemonade starter with real lemon juice. a fresh, new way to make country time. >> the best of all of this in a second. we have what you should know before you make a major purchase. >> where is gene? oh, gene? >> let's talk about lawn mowers. do you need something this big? >> the first thing to think about when you are looking at a lawn mower is how big it is in your yard. less than a half acre, you can go with a push mower. more than an acre, you need this. it comes with all the extras. the other we brought in these are the top consumer reports rated mowers. the sc 100. it's a gas-powered mower and only $250. if you are budget-minded. the third is the 20 inch. it's a 56 volt. it's electric. you plug it in and it cuts two miles of lawn on a single charge. it's very light. the people say it works like a self-propelled mower. >> you want to walk into the dealership with the financing so that you are not captive for their financing. used car financing is available at awesome rates. the average is about 5%, but you can do better if you have a good credit score. 3%. what we learn when we are talking about the search engines is it's very important to cast a wide neck. use car we have two cars. we shopped for a used wrangler. how do you like that? when you search on the engine, we searched 25 to 50 miles which is what most people do. when we expanded our search to 100 miles, we found that we could get a car for $1500 less. 986 miles less. a great deal. the same with a ford mustang. look at this. that's nice. >> we expanded across the country and we found that we could even -- whoa! even if we get the car across the country we save $2,000. they want to mess me up here. a car with 17,000 miles here. thousands of dollars less. you want to cast a wide net and always test the car. >> come on over here. with natalie. >> the other thing that we are going for is airline tickets and how to get the best fares. you have to get the best fares these days and we want to stop on a tuesday or a wednesday and fly on a tuesday or a wednesday or a saturday. the other really interesting thing to learn, i will take a seat now. i am lost from all of this. you want to make sure that you add a stop if you have time. airlines have been consolidated like crazy. so it's very, very difficult to get a good deal if you want to go direct. adding a stop can knock $50 off the cost. >> if you don't mind the lay over and the stop. >> 50%. not $50. the best window in which to stop is 50 to 100 days out for a domestic flight and according to expedia, shave $85 off your flight. if you are flying internationally, you want a longer window. >> al roker having too much fun. clearly remote control cars never go out of style. thanks so much. still ahead, tamron's tuesday trend. on short notice. new dos to those who want a shorter look for spring. you're all excited to book that vacation flight. plenty of seats to choose from right? buuut the minute you try to use reward miles from your airline credit card... it's slim pickins! the flights you want -- sorry, they ask for a ridiculous number of miles. time to switch to the capital one venture card. with venture, you'll earn unlimited double miles. and using those miles is easy. just book any flight you want, on any airline. then use your miles to cover the cost. no blackout dates. what's in your wallet? ♪ ♪ to feel this special... you need to eat this special. ♪ i love it ♪ kellogg's special k... ...made with whole grains and fiber... ... to help a body thrive. ♪ i love it ♪ folic acid and vitamin d... ... to make a body feel this good. start your day with 150 nourishing calories... a bowl of special k. ♪ i love it ♪ kellogg's special k... eat special, feel special. sensational! new lash sensational full fan effect mascara from maybelline new york. our unique fanning brush captures every layer of lashes... for a sensational full-fan effect. new lash sensational full fan effect mascara ♪ maybe it's maybelline ♪ clorox knows a lot of dusters just push dust around. new clorox dust wipes have the power to grab and hold onto dust, allergens, and even hair all with just one wipe. i wish i had this much hair. can't help you there. real dusting. for your real life. i bring the gift of the name your price tool to help you find a price that fits your budget. uh-oh. the name your price tool. she's not to be trusted. kill her. flo: it will save you money! the name your price tool isn't witchcraft! and i didn't turn your daughter into a rooster. she just looks like that. burn the witch! the name your price tool a dangerously progressive idea. things made with love are the best things. and that's exactly why avocados from mexico are grown with love, all year round. discover the power of just one shower. new dove body wash with a breakthrough formula. just one shower gives you softer smoother skin. my skin is really silky smooth. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower. wish your skin could bounce back as quickly as it used to? introducing neutrogena hydro boost water gel. instantly quenches skin to keep it supple and hydrated day after day. formulated with hydrating hyaluronic acid which retains up to 1000 times its weight in water. this refreshing water gel plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple, hydrated skin that bounces back. new hydro boost. from neutrogena. hold it! come with me. new dannon oikos triple zero is my go to protein snack. cam, protein from yogurt? yup, this greek nonfat yogurt packs 15 grams of protein punch. but what else? unlike some other protein snacks, it has 0 added sugar 0 artificial sweeteners and 0 fat. mmm... will it up my game? no man! new dannon oikos triple zero official yogurt of the nfl. mmm dannon. >> it's time for the latest installment. there is a lot you can do with a little hair and celebs like jennifer lawrence and jennifer hudson topped off their looks and you can't forget the classic and today we are joined by my very own hairstylist for first lady michelle obama. here with a few haircuts you can't believe. i had this haircut and you have been doing my hair for own eafr18 years and there have been times where i cried because may bangs were too short. i said would you let me cut your hair? >> absolutely not. i would probably cry. >> you would cry because we have anna emotional attachment to our hair. >> that's what it is with long hair. that statement too. >> a lot of people said everyone was short hair. people say they want a new haircut you give them a new haircut. give them the feeling they want. >> it was liberating, but that was individual. >> liberating for a lot of women. >> andi is from brooklyn and this was inspired by my cut. lock at that. >> she was really long hair and donating to looks of love. >> yes! >> we sent it in, but she has it fun and she can wear it slicked back and it's sassy. >> this was the only thergz. keena from illinois. it's lovely. >> the classic bob never goes out of style. >> what do you recommend? >> anything with the oil that is from india it has a lot of anti-oxidants and makes your hair stronger and it protects from the heat and it's really good. one of the things i miss with the longer hair. what do we do at the beach. and we have the short do. >> exactly. you can definitely wear it or slick it back. it will be cute with the head bands and i know it's hard for you. >> if people are considering, do you gradually shorten? >> we just gave her a little bob. >> you look bustle with short hair. don't care. back in a moment. this is "today" on >> they announced that -- come on. >> it's our seve >> announcer: you're watching "today in the bay." well good morning, everyone. i'm scott mcgrew. take a live look at skies wolf san jose. this is kind of near 280 and highway 17. the brunt of this morning's storm has rolled through already, but the roadway is still slick. let's be careful out there. challenging driving conditions. in fact the rain this morning did cause flooding. one car trapped in standing water in daly city. that closed the off-ramp at sullivan avenue. the chp said wet weather does not play a role in this fiery crash that killed a driver. near man neta airport. the car caught fire trapping this person inside. well as we said the main rain has rolled through. be careful, let's check in with christina this morning. >> yeah we still have areas that are slick out there, scott. and now, we have a new danger. that's thunderstorms. they're firing not just offshore. a pretty good looking south 15 minutes north of concord. we'll keep you updated and right here on nbc bay area. we want to see you cumulus formation off the coast of half moon bay. thunderstorms and cooler weather today. we'll have the latest today for you at 11:00. right now, anthony and the morning drive. >> things are still slow in south bay, as you look at the map and see all the accidents not only northbound but 280. littered with accidents. most are small accidents. fender benders. 880 area near fremont. and actually in palo alto you can see cars moving there, fremont, a little slower because of those accidents that's where we find the slower conditions on 880 subdz.outhbound. >> all right, anthony. we'll have more in a half hour. see you then. from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hello, everybody. no, you're not looking at two big daffodils. it's "boozeday tuesday," april 7th. we have a terrific show for you today because it's our seventh anniversary! >> today's the day. seven years ago on this very day, we opened up outside. >> yes, that was a mistake. >> on the plaza. we both has slickers on. >> it was frickin' freezing. >> it was freezing. >> i signed for a year i thought. i can work with anybody for a year. >> and look at us now. >> and then, i fell madly in love with ms. hoda woman. think about what's changed in those seven years. but we don't have an itch, do we? >> no. we're wearing yellow because we googled it and found that the color of seven years is yellow. so happy anniversary. >> i love you very much. >> i do, too. we don't have the itch at all. >> from "veep," we have gary cole and something fun lined up for him. >> also, we have wonderful makeovers that you don't want to miss. two beautiful young women missed their proms because of their health but they're glamed up for a do-over for the dance of their dreams. >> and which diet plans are the most effective at keeping the weight off for life? >> all right. first of all, anne hathaway -- >> she brought her game, didn't she? >> anne hathaway took part in that lip sync battle show and she was going to come out and do a little miley cyrus. this shows so much about her. let's take a look at her performance. ♪ we chained our hearts ♪ ♪ never asking why ♪ ♪ don't you ever say i just walked away ♪ ♪ i will always love you ♪ ♪!xn i came in like a wrecking ball ♪ ♪ i never hit a hard in love ♪ >> wow. oh, my god. you do not picture her doing that. >> well, she's fearless. you've got to be. you've got to go for it. >> when do we get to see your episode? >> mine is near the end of april in a couple of weeks coming up. i wasn't as prepared as anne hathaway put it that way. >> you didn't invest as much time in it, did you? >> by the way the show is so much fun. you get to be someone you're not. >> we're proud of lane bryant, the ceo of lane bryant hopes to change the conversation which is excellent about plus size women. >> this was in "the daily news" today. their hashtag is "i'm no angel." and i love the line it says, we're not throwing shade but we're definitely throwing curves. the folks from lane bryant came out with their own group of women dressed in a sexy way wearing lingerie from lane bryant. the models here, sizes 12 to 28. and it's just cool. >> isn't the average size 12 in america? >> yes. >> average woman. if we did a poll around here most of the guys -- and we have mostly guys on our crew -- would say they prefer women a little bit -- >> do you guys like curvy women -- >> a little meat on the bones. >> raise your hand if you like curvy? let's see. >> supermodel or curves? >> curves. >> supermodel okay. >> i like curvy. >> see! >> none of us would throw cindy crawford out. >> but you know the bone thin models, they're rail thin it's nice to see women like this. >> it is. and they're all beautiful. blooe blooe absolutely beautiful. >> and they've eliminated plus size from their -- >> hoda doesn't like this segment. >> this is a topic called "your common cleaning sins." think about what you wish you could do better in your house when it comes to the cleaning department. i have a lot of things i wish i did better. i drink most of my coffee and then leave the cup and when i come back in the afternoon, there it is. and it takes more -- >> by then, it's coagulated, it's made a stain. >> there's a stain. if you leave it long enough -- >> hoda, your bathroom is two feet from your kitchen. >> exactly. if you leave cereal in the bowl -- >> it, too, coagulated. >> it turns into cement. >> it's so easy. it's a plop, even you don't want to rinse it. plop it and go. >> i should. it does seem like it makes sense to people like you. but to people like me, it doesn't. >> frank does the same thing. he's so meticulous in the way he dresses and all that. but he'll let something sit there and coagulate. >> does it bother you when you see it sitting there? >> we're in our 29th year of marriage. you have to go, that frank! that frank, learn that you're never going to change him. in fact it gets worse that way. you love the man. i didn't marry him because he was a neat freak. you have to keep reminding yourself what you loved originally about that person. >> that's good. do you clean up if his plate's out or his cup's out? >> that frank! we have help at our house, so we're blessed. >> old mugs of tea, that's what i have. toothpaste encrusted bathrooms and moldy food? moldy food has to go. >> sometimes moldy food is in your refrigerator. you left it there for two months. >> here are other top sins. hair in the sink. changing bedsheets once a month. how often do you guys do your sheets? >> twice a week. >> twice a week? >> yes. >> goody for you. can we ask a question. how often do people change their sheets? >> not enough, zach. but you have a supermodel coming over -- >> more often. >> my guess would be most people do it once either a week or every two weeks. >> we'd love to know what you do. do you have food that exploded in your microwave that's from last year. >> and you don't bother with it because it's in the nooks and crannies -- >> we're all perfect here in america. one in eight brits haven't vacuumed at all this year. >> a fifth of the people never dust or polish their home. >> and a quarter have never cleaned their windows. >> i don't do that. >> but it's not true about the brits about the bad teeth. maybe this is not true about -- there's always -- remember austin powers who made such a big thing about the fact that the brits never get their teeth cleaned. that's not true. >> here's a good story. imagine this, you lose your dog dogdog, but two years go by and you suddenly find your dog. after 2 1/2 years, an arizona family was reunited with their dog named sweetie. >> the owner thinks she got through the fence. the family launched a search on craigslist social media and filed a report with the humane society but no luck. >> until one day, the pooch turned up at a warehouse 15 miles from their home was taken to the humane society and because she had one of those microchips -- >> the humane society got in touch with the owner. you know who's here and i want to say hello to them because they have a precious dog because of me. i played a terrible trick on them. my dear friend, taryn and her children. remember when you got blake -- there's cinnamon lee. and i knew that colin wanted her. so i went over and gave it to colin. and the look on taryn's face was -- >> taryn was freaking. >> it was the wrong thing to do. but it turned out to be a miracle, right? >> it turned out better than i expected. >> were you furious with me? you were at the time, right? >> no, i wouldn't say furious. i love you. and i knew you just wanted colin to be happy. >> and riley turned out to be the one that loves him most. >> riley is cinnamon's bff. >> you got blake and they got cinnamon lee. cinnamon is huge now, how much does she weigh? >> ten pounds. >> that's not huge. >> this friday, we'll give it away again. five lucky viewers will win a special prize. >> enter once a week. if you didn't win last week you have to enter again. for the complete rules and regulations and how to enter for a chance to win this week's prize, go to >> hit the connect button. our prizes have been pretty awesome. coming up there are great diets out there that keep the weight off. which one works the best? >> in the 28 years i've been married i've gained one pound per year. that's not good! >> and ♪ hello, i'm here to talk to you on behalf of windex. recently we've noticed a series of advertisements created by these two birds, inviting you to stay away from the streak free shine of windex. their advertisements are false. sfx: squeaking from window cleaning clean glass is better than dirty glass. and to prove it, here's a real demo: here i can clearly see my hand and here i cannot. don't stand for dirty. sfx: glove removed from hand use windex. sc johnson, a family company. mornings got you a little... (puppy squeal) grab the good energy of quaker oats. one of nature's most perfect energy sources. it's how we help keep go-getters like you going and getting. one bite at a time. quaker up. with my android from tracfone, i can... order more shaving cream. pay the electric bill. keep towels piping hot. get kids to sit still. play beard styling tunes. learn new razor tricks. hire a pro waxer. post before and after pics. i can do all that with my android from tracfone. 90-day plans start as low as $20. unbeatable nationwide coverage. no contract. for a limited time save $20 on the unimax maxpatriot. now just $49.00. tracfone. do everything for less. haircolor inspired by grace kelly. legendary blondes from l'oréal excellence. so radiant. so classic. the non-drip crème formula protects every strand. super rich care for super rich color. excellence legendary blondes by l'oréal paris. what's in my snuggle scent boosters? lavender joy a long lasting scent each pac is a big boost of freshness. little pac, big snifference snuggle scent boosters it's gonna tempt your tummy, with the taste of nuts and honey. it's a honey of an o. it's honey nut cheerios. not all toothbrushes are created equal, oral-b toothbrushes are engineered with end rounded bristles so brushing doesn't scratch gums and angled perfectly to remove 90% of plaque for a healthier smile. trust the brand more dentists and hygienists use. oral-b. in this moment your baby is getting more than clean. your touch stimulates her senses and nurtures her mind. and the johnson's® scent lather and bubbles help enhance the experience. so why just clean your baby when you can give her so much more™? people love their best foods. keith told us it's one of the greatest things ever created! woah keith! does that make the rich creamy taste of best foods greater than... ...the light bulb? or rollercoaster faces? is our delicious mayo greater than eighties dance moves? can best foods be greater, even, than the internet? well keith, if you say so. we're just working hard to... bring out the best. he's been seen in countless hit tv shows. >> from his role as the micromanaging boss "office space" to the charming mike brady in "the brady bunch movie". >> that one, we love it. >> gary cole. >> he learned his first emmy nomination for his turn as kent davis. he even ran the number on the president's daughter. take a look. >> katherine america doesn't like you. >> what? >> that sounded way too harsh. >> let me see that. >> it's not that you are unlikable. it's that there's a perception that you are unlikable. >> they hate me. >> i wouldn't say hate. you just polarize opinion with the bulk of it graf gravitating to this poll here. you have sharp shoulders. >> this is like high school. >> yeah, kind of but much bigger lt. >> when they offered you this role, you didn't consider yourself much -- you didn't come from the comedy world. >> not really. the first thing i did was mike brady and i didn't have to do much but put on that hair. >> your hair is magnificent. >> we want to put our hands in it. >> oh, yeah. >> he's got michael douglas presidential hair. >> >> you have a nickname because of the hair. >> right. we referred to hip asm as gray elvis. which killed. >> yeah. i enjoyed that. >> how do you keep a straight face on set snt lines are hysterical? >> i'm too anxious thinking about being funny. i rarely, you know get broken up because i'm too paranoid myself. >> there's a lot of improv. we've had a lot of the cast here. but the rest of the people seem to be fond of us. but they -- a lot of them came from an improv world or experience that way. so when they're busting up and making all kinds of -- do you mess around as well? >> i wasn't trained in that area at all. matt walsh founded the ucb and here in california and he's like a master at it. there are several other people that are highly skilled at it. i'm not one of those people. but i kind of jump in when i can. but the best moment i remember was actually matt and tony hail destroying some china in a official government building in london that we shot an episode in. they didn't get the bill for it. but, you know we got out unscathed. that was a great moment. >> that was improv. >> it was more like an descent that accident. >> got you. >> did you know this was going to be one of those hits? sometimes when you read a script you say this one looks like it's gold. >> did you envision a second season? >> i came in the second season. >> you arrived on the gravy train. so you knew it was a hit. >> right. i knew what i was walking into. i rarely walk into anything untested. >> all right. we want to play a little game with you. we're very fovend yournd of your mustache. >> thank you. >> we want to know how good you are at identifying other people's facial hair. >> okay. >> are you ready? >> we're going to have a look at our -- we're looking right there. >> matthew mcconaughey. >> yes, indeed. that was an easy one. who's that? >> you're not going to get it. >> no. >> i don't know. >> look at the teeth. yep. >> all right. >> brad pitt. >> yes, indeed. >> those are hard to miss. >> richard nixon. >> exactly! >> and -- okay. a little bit of that. >> i like that. >> i believe that is me. >> is that you? >> yeah there you go. >> well we love the show. she got me hooked on it. >> was there a prize? yes. look what you get. >> a schafer? >> a shaver and a little mustache pin there. through go. thanks for playing. >> thanks so much. >> thanks for having me. >> season four of "beat" premier this is sunday. >> the diet you're on help keep the weight off long term? we'll tell what you researchers have to say. >> and all too popular game in our household, eat it or freeze it? >> nobody plays that. guest. come on out, flo! [house band playing] you have anything to say to flo? nah, i'll just let the results do the talking. [crowd booing] well, he can do that. we show our progressive direct rate and the rates of our competitors even if progressive isn't the lowest. it looks like progressive is not the lowest! ohhhh! when we return we'll find out whether doug is the father. wait, what? want hair that's 2x stronger? just add pantene's new conditioner. the pantene pro-v formula works all the way to the core and makes hair 2x stronger than shampooing alone see the difference of new pantene conditioner. shopping online... as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great... ...if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list now it is. we've made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog-walker as simple as a few clicks. buy their services directly at no more calling around. no more hassles. and you don't even have to be a member to start shopping today. angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. visit today. these little angels build in softness. and these little angels build in strength. and that little angel says "weeeeeeeee!" 60% more sheets than charmin. everything you want and the value you love. angel soft. nervous whitening will damage your teeth? introducing listerine® healthy white™. it not only safely whitens teeth... ...but also restores enamel. lose the nerves and get a healthier whiter smile that you'll love. listerine® healthy white™. power to your mouth™! losing weight on a diet is a battle. but keeping it off is another battle. there are some popular diets that are more effective at long-term weight loss. >> so what makes some programs more effective than others? here to fill us in is an obesity and weight loss expert. >> this is interesting a lot of people have wondered, they've been on all these different diets. what did johns hopkins conclude are the best diets? >> we know that most diets work in the short term. but long term is the name of the game when it comes to weight loss. the study showed that weight watchers and jenny craig have the most evidence that people can lose weight and keep it off a year longer. >> and they both have a buddy system, don't they? >> they do. >> is that a huge part of it or is it the food itself? >> it's a big part of weight watchers. what they're known for, their point system, obviously, but they have a lot of social support -- >> support is what people need. >> jenny craig does also. you do one-on-one. but it's mostly phone. weight watchers is the only one that i know that you actually go in to meetings every week. >> and people like things that are simple. with weight watchers you get a certain number of points on each food -- it's math. >> what about nutrisystem? marie oz mondaysmond, i lost 50 pounds. and she did she looks great. >> we've not evaluated everything long term and these are the only two that work. these are the only two that have been evaluated enough long term to say that they definitely work. -over- others might work also. >> is it because they've been around the longest? >> it's part of it. and they have large market share. >> but some of them are expensive, right? if you can't afford one of those programs which of the regular diets of regular food -- say the mediterranean diet? >> yeah. well weight watchers is actually one of the least expensive ones out there. they do have food options that you can use. but you don't need to do that. that one for people who might be on a tighter budget, we usually recommend weight watchers. >> what about the mediterranean? a lot of people say that's the best in the world. >> if you can stick to it, what we find is people tend to need a little more structure. so getting a book or doing it based on the website tends to not work as well. >> how do you know -- if a person wants to take out which diet should i be on, what's the best way to hand-pick something that works for them? >> great question. a diet is a big deal. i needed a new pair of shoes and i spent three days on the internet researching. a diet should be like a marriage. you want want to stick with it for the rest of your life. do due diligence and research and figure out what works for you. if you're the type of person that's on the go and i don't want to prepare any of my meals you might consider jenny craig. but some people are the opposite. i cook so i might tend towards weight watchers. do the research. find out what's require with these and fit what's best for you. >> most of the people in our joy fit say weight watchers is one of the reasons -- >> and they exercise, too. thank you. >> absolutely, thank you. coming up, get the tissues ready when we unveil some amazing makeovers for some truly deserving young girls. and if you wind up with you total your brand new car. nobody's hurt,but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do, drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement, we'll replace the full value of your car. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. after brushing listerine® total care strengthens teeth, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine® total care to the total family. listerine® total care. one bottle, six benefits. power to your mouth™. there's only two of us... how much dirt can we manufacture? very little. more than you think. (doorbell) what's that? what's this? swiffer sweeper. i came in under the assumption that it was clean. i've been living in a fool's paradise! cottonelle cleanripple texture gets you cleaner, but will it make people confident enough to go commando? how was your wiping experience? ok. why do you think ripples are so great? probably ripples would just clean better. yeah, why? just...would pick up more layers. do you feel confident enough to go commando? go commando...uh...yeah sure. congratulations! i did it! how do you feel? fresh! only cottonelle has cleanripple texture, so going cottonelle means you can go commando. good morning, everyone. 10:26. i'm scott mcgrew. the accused boston bomber dzhokhar tsarnaev is in the hands of the jury this morning. it is fully anticipated the jury will return a guilty verdict. he did admit to the bombing. the question is will dzhokhar be sentenced to death. that comes between the 11:00 a.m. nbc news we'll deliver a special report. there was action this morning because of the rain that happened before the rain started falling and it was fatal. it happened near the san jose airport. a pickup truck slammed into a car. the person in the the car was killed. we will check the weather out after the break. welcome back i'm meteorologist christina loren. we are tracking a severe line of thunderstorms headed towards the north bay. looks like this thing is going to stay organized. ly 11:29 it should arrive in santa rose. on a lighter note snow on top of hamilton it was cold enough for that. hopefully, the clouds will clear and we'll show you that. you can see the thunderstorms stacking up here just offshore of half moon bay. we'll meet back here at 11:00 and have the details later for you. you can see accidents on 85 northbound just past the north expressway. 280 near winchester and 101 littered all the way from past 880 towards the connector. all of them spread out, fender benders not causing a huge deal of concern. up towards fremont same thing on the 880 corridor and things are still slow approaching the bay. you can see that. >> all right, anthony. more news stories in the newscast. we're back with a wonderful organization called the garden of dreams. it creates once-in-a-lifetime experiences for children facing enormous obstacles of all times. >> the foundation is a non-profit associated with madison square garden where our very own jill martin is a broadcaster for the new york knicks. >> and they're getting ready to throw their annual prom. >> jill's helped two beautiful young ladies for what's going to be an amazing night out. >> it really works. we make these dreams and wishes come true. last year was the first prom. we had 50 kids. and they said to me, this was the best night of our lives. this year we have 100. it's on april 14th. two very lucky ladies they're so excited. >> let's meet our first lovely little girl. her name is hajja wilson. >> she was just 7 years old when she was diagnosed with sickle cell disease, a blood decision order that affects your red blood cells. living with the disease means dealing with joint and back pain which sometimes doesn't allow her to get out of bed. growing up, she couldn't enjoy normal activities like jumprope or playing outside with her friends for long periods of time because she tired too easily. as a result, she missed out on a lot of experiences. one day she hopes to become a pediatric hematologist to understand her disease more and help other children that have it. >> wow. beautiful young lady. >> this is so exciting. next to me, i have her mom who's blindfolded. keep your blindfold on for just a minute. we're going to bring her out now escorted by our friend and colleague montez. >> oh, beautiful! >> are you ready? cammile, take a look at your little girl. >> that's right there. >> she looks beautiful. >> she looks beautiful. >> she sure does. >> wow. >> how do you feel, sweetie? >> like a princess. >> like a princess. >> i love that dress. >> this is like the oscars of prom. so we said, go through the oscars red carpet, pick your favorite hairdo and makeup and your favorite dress. that's what she did. >> your daughter has wonderful taste. >> look at mom. >> thank you. >> you want to come over and join your mom? beautiful. >> who's next? >> next up, we have brianna burton. let's take a look at her story. >> a few days before she was born, 16-year-old brianna burton was diagnosed with spina bifida. shortly after birth, brianna had her first surgery to close her back. as she grew, brianna had several more surgeries, one of which removed part of her spine and replaced it with a rod. another surgery was needed when the rod became infected and had to be removed. on top of that, brianna lives with back pain and asthma and managed a variety of other ailments. but despite all this, she still enjoys her life and makes the most of what she has. >> what a bright light that little girl is. this is her some norma. >> keep your blindfold on for us for just a minute. we're going to bring out your adorable daughter brianna escorted by our montez. >> hi brianna. >> norma, are you ready to see her? >> yes. >> take a look at your little girl. >> you're gorgeous. >> those are serious earrings. >> yes, you are. tell us about why you picked that dress sweetie? >> i feel like it describes who i am. >> really? >> beautiful. >> beautiful. >> sparkly. >> you are a bright light is that how you would describe her? >> yes, she does. >> i hope you have a wonderful time. come on over here and join your mom. that is awesome. we're going to bring back sahajja. and we want to take a moment to give a shoutout to another lovely young lady named priya perez. she's suffering from crohn's disease. she was supposed to be here. but unfortunately she had to go back to the hospital. >> we wish you a speedy recovery, priya. >> have a wonderful time ladies. >> have fun. >> thank you! >> jill, that was awesome. madelyn is here to tell you which foods to freeze and what you better eat right after this. headache? motrin helps you be an unstoppable, let's-rock-this-concert- like-it's-1999 kind of mom. back pain? motrin helps you be the side-planking keeping-up-with- your-girlfriend- even-though-you'll-feel-it- later kind of woman you are. body pain? motrin helps you be an unstoppable, i-can-totally-do-this- all-in-one-trip kind of woman. when pain tries to stop you, there's motrin. motrin works fast to stop pain where it starts. make it happen with new motrin liquid gels. are you having activia? greek. oh cause it looks like activia. greek. activia greek. activia greek. try the thick creamy greek yogurt that may make your tummy smile. i love it. try activia greek. in one mesmerizing stroke, create a smoldering look. l'oreal's new smokissime. our 1st powder liner to create a smoky effect in just one stroke. concentrated pigments... effortlessly shade... and intensify... it's smoky made simple. smokissime from l'oreal makeup designer, paris. your kids get used to sweaty odors in their room. they think it smells fine, but you smell this... eliminate all the odors you've gone noseblind to with febreze fabric refresher. mmmm... so you and your guests can breathe happy. you know who you are with that boat full of leftover sticks of butter sitting in the package. >> nbc news health and nutrition editor madelyn fernstrom is here to tell you whether to freeze it or eat it. >> it's one of my favorite games. she's putting us to the test. what are we doing? >> so you each are going to have seven items, they're both the same things. some things you can freeze. if you think you can freeze it put it in this freezer tub. if you think i better eat it now, put it into this bin. >> are we starting with something? >> you'll get 20 seconds to do this. and when time is up i'll see who got it right. >> we have to countdown -- >> you have your seven items -- >> the basket and the freezer? >> you'll share them both. yours are yellow. yours are red. wait i have to count down. ready set, go! 20 seconds on the clock. where do you think it belongs? freeze it or eat it? >> what is this? >> that's cream cheese. >> hoda's all done. and we're done. okay. >> what happened? >> i have no idea. and i don't care. >> oh, yes, you do. now we're going to start -- >> mine are yellow? >> yours are yellow. >> and yours are red. >> you don't like get this after the first one. the first one is butter. hoda said that you can freeze its. so did kathie lee. you're both right. but what you want to do is -- you have to wrap it up really carefully -- >> so just eat it instead. >> no, no, no, it is freeze it. >> how long? >> you can freeze it for about four months. >> but you forget about it -- >> clean out your freezer now and then. >> not going to happen. >> let's move on to cream cheese. hoda said you can freeze it. >> yes, you can. >> i said the same thing, i think. >> you said the same thing. i can't find your cream cheese -- no, you said you eat it. and kathie lee would be right. you cannot freeze cream cheese because it gets dry and crumbly. >> that's a point for kathie lee and not for hoda. >> i don't like this game. >> yes, you do. again, grated cheese, hoda says you can freeze it. >> kathie lee said, no you better eat it now. and hoda would be right. >> but it's tastier fresh. >> it's going to be frozen -- >> i'm still not going to. >> but you can. it's great. you can take a big block off as you need it for several months because you have a lot of leftovers. >> it will be there with the butter in several months. >> it's 2-2 and i'm about to take the lead. >> we have another disagreement. we have gravy. hoda says you can freeze it. kathie lee says you should eat it. when you freeze it, it loses flavor. that would be kathie lee's point. but now we go to milk. can you freeze it or not? hoda said you can't freeze it. >> kathie lee is correct. you can freeze it up to about a month. but pour out some milk. >> i want to go back to "the new york times" front-page story. >> well, let's finish up strong. let's go to some cupcakes. hoda said -- >> why would you waste time freezing your cupcakes? >> hoda is right because the frosting gets crumbly. >> you have four points. i have three points. we're down to one item. >> fried chicken. hoda says eat it, kathie lee said freeze it. hoda is right. >> what is it? what is the prize madelyn? >> it is a cooler to keep everything nice and cool. >> that's awesome. >> hope you had a good time. >> thank you so much, madelyn. reed alexander will help us make some decisions on snacks. >> we love him. woman: for soft beautiful feet i have a professional secret: amopé and its premium foot care line. the new amopé pedi perfect foot file gives you soft beautiful feet effortlessly. its microlumina rotating head buffs away hard skin even on those hard-to-reach spots. it's amazing. you can see it and feel it. my new must-have for soft, beautiful feet. amopé pedi perfect. find it in the foot care aisle or at the registers in these stores. today, i'm going to fight hunger. today, i don't want to be hungry. we just have to buy food. my family gets the food we need. i'm so glad we could help. i'm so glad somebody helped. hunger lives closer than you think. purchase participating items at walmart and you can help secure a meal for someone through feeding america food banks. aunt bonnie, can i hold her? can. aaahh. cup your hands together for me. rub it all the way up your hands. any exposed skin. get in your elbow creases. and get the backs of your hands too. here, let's put some just around your neck. ok bonnie, you're good to go. ok, great thanks. here can you hold him? by their second kid, every mom is an expert. and more likely to choose luvs than first time moms. live, learn, & get luvs. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ introducing new country time lemonade starter with real lemon juice. a fresh, new way to make country time. it's back! xfinity watchathon week. the biggest week in television history. it's your all-access binge-watching pass to tv's hottest shows free with xfinity on demand. xfinity watchathon week. now through april 12th. perfect for people who really love tv. with spring break in full swing and kids home from school this week, you might be looking for something fun to do since it's going to be raining all this week. >> reed alexander has some easy ideas for snacks that you and your kids can make together. hello reed. >> congratulations on seven years. that's amazing. i want to toast with you guyings. we have some fun snacks. the first one is the ideal thing to grab and go. lemon lime coolers. italian ices. super simple. lime juice, lemon juice agave nectar. >> delicious. >> i'd rather have this than ice cream. >> that's a good sign. that's savor it and we can use it to keep us full and tide us over as we make this. >> what are we making? >> honey roasted peanut popcorn. we'll add honey to our unsalted peanuts and this frozen lemonade i used to get these things at the ballpark. >> did you nuke that honey? >> i did. warm it up. loosen it up. all of a sudden you'll notice it really coated the peanuts a whole lot easier. that was cinnamon and vanilla extract. how good is that? >> i'll try a lime one. you want one? >> go for it. no bowl necessary. the fruit does the job for you. >> how long do you cook the nuts? >> five to seven minutes, 350 degrees. let it absorb and adhere he or she flavors. then we'll break it up like a brittle. they stick together. to that, we've already popped some popcorn. >> now you're getting crazy. >> earthquake of deliciousness in this bowl. do you want to go ahead and -- >> i like reed's hair. >> really. i'm so happy to have that vote of confidence. you guys have seen multiple different situations -- >> i like this one. >> i like what's going on. >> and i'm noticing a little -- >> a teeny bit of -- >> it's happening. >> let's eat some more. >> we need some helpers. >> let's summon our helpers. >> can anybody see riley? >> do you guys like cupcakes? we're making carrot cupcakes. i've already gone and added in here -- we've got canola oil and sugar to that a little bit of greek yogurt as well. adds a lot of richness to this. and then some eggs one at a time. this is the foundation of the batter. do you guys bake a lot at home? is it fun yeah? >> no. >> every now and then? vanilla extract. we have some raisins here for sweetness. all this goes in obviously we need some carrot, a whole big bunch. i'll just add in a few. our dry ingredients, hoda, would you do me a favor scoop this into our muffin tin. >> and then we can have a little party here, arts and crafts. you guys ready to ice? >> hoda! >> what? >> beautifully done. >> there was too much pressure. >> help me out with this. we'll ice these. dip them in. grab a cupcake. they're so good. into this icing which is very simple. confectioner's sugar skim milk, vanilla, a couple of ingredients. and we're done. and instead of a mound of icing, you get a little bit of frosting. >> you only need a little bit to satisfy you. reed, we thank you for helping us. you can find these recipes on our website, we don't want reed to leave. >> earlier we asked you how often you clean your sheets? sherry says i change my sheets weekly. my daughter still talks about clean sheet day from growing up. >> and rose commented, i change my sheets once a week. and when i ask my husband to strip the bed and bring down the sheets with him, he says to me, didn't you just do that last week? she says men. >> how about you, reed? >> once a week. otherwise burn it. start fresh. seven days is the cutoff. >> guess who's with us tomorrow? >> flo rida. >> so excited. >> and we'll >> announcer: nbc bay area news starts now. right now at 11:00 rain returns to the bay area in a big way. a major mess. i'm kris sanchez. >> and i'm scott mcgrew. we have live team coverage of the storm that rolled through the bay area. but obviously, we're going to begin with meteorologist christina loren. good morning to you. >> good morning, exalt and scott and kris. take a look at these whopper totals just about everybody picking up over an inch of rainfall.

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Transcripts For KNTV Today 20150407 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20150407

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wisconsin in a nail biter. and that sets off a massive celebration on campus. a fifth title for the school and coach k. he is celebrating the big win with us live today tuesday april 7, 2015. f2 de nbc news, esto es today. con buenos días a todos. good morning. welcome to "today" on a tuesday morning. that was everything a national championship game should be, at halftime tied. >> down by nine points in the second half. they come back to win it. mike krzyzewski has won for the thumb. his fifth national championship. >> we will talk to coach k live in a little bit. we want to get right to our top story this morning in the world of politics. kentucky senator rand paul becoming the second republican to join the 2016 presidential race. he has scheduled an event today in louisville. kelly o'donnell is in position. good morning to you. >> reporter: rand paul hopes a nine-letter word will set him apart, different. when he announces here today rand paul is trying to position himself as a different kind of republican in what will be a large field of gop contenders. he's not an establishment figure. he is trying to cut a different path. finishing touches late monday from prepping the stars and stripes to the big screen staging. today from rand paul's old kentucky home his presidential campaign begins with this movie style trailer. >> it's time for a new way, a new set of ideas, a new leader. >> reporter: the 52 year old inherited his presidential ambitions and grass roots organizations. father ron paul ran three times. the 2010 tea party movement propelled him to the senate. >> we have come to take our government back! >> reporter: and push his republican party beyond its comfort zone. paul is libertarian, against most foreign aid and werry of military intervention and use of drones. putting him at odds with gop hawks. >> i think everybody on our side except maybe rand paul could do better. sglf i think diplomacy is better than war. >> reporter: paul's strategy courts younger voters. last year paul who is an eye surgeon took cameras along when he performed free procedures. paul becomes the second senator to formally announce a presidential run. first in the ring was ted cruz. next week marco rubio will launch his bid in miami, florida with a broad field of hopefuls considering their next moves. and in a campaign season details matter and paul has dropped the word senator from his official twitter handle de-emphasizing his place in washington making it easier for him to try to position himself as someone running as an outsider in a field that probably will have a bush and clinton. >> thank you very much. mark halpert managing editor of bloomberg politics and in louisville. good morning to you. >> good morning, matt. >> different is the word of the day. this is a different rand paul than the guy who was elected to the senate four years ago as a darling of the tea party. what are the biggest changes? >> look, the country is not going to elect a pure tea partier to be president of the united states. rand paul wants to not just be different but try to win the white house. he is convinced if he is particularly on foreign policy he has a chance to be right in the hunt for the nomination. >> i want to talk about foreign policy in a second. can he retain that tea party cred, the street cred while still attracting more mainstream republicans? >> that's the trick. he's a very talented guy politically and speaks a language particularly to younger voters that older republicans won't recognize. the ability to speak to his core base i think will sustain. the question is while he does that and keeps those people really energized with the special relationship he has, can he reach out and expand the party in a way that allowed people to say that guy can be a credible commander in chief. he is a young senator with controversial foreign policy views. that makes being seen as credible commander in chief tough. let's take one foreign policy iran he defended talks and was one of 47 senators who signed the open letter saying any deal could be undone. an outside group is running an ad that contains a comment rand paul made about iran saying it is ridiculous to think of them as a threat to our national security. does he have a credibility problem when it comes to foreign policy? >> he is going to have to convince people that his new position is more in line with where the rest of the republican party is. they are a departure from tone and substance from what he felt before. this is for me the big challenge for him. he is a talented guy but the republican party is not going to nominate someone who can't be seen as president from day one. some of the positions on israel and iran are litmus tests. he will have to try to figure out a way to be true to convictions. >> in the ten seconds i have left on the scale of electability where does rand paul fall? >> in terms of getting republican nomination i think he is still about a four or five. he is in the hunt whereas other people won't be able to raise money he will. >> thanks very much. we should mention rand paul will be our exclusive guest tomorrow morning when he joins us live from his first campaign stop in new hampshire. we could have a verdict as early as today at the trial of boston marathon bombing suspect dzhokhar tsarnaev. jury deliberations are getting underway after monday's emotional closing arguments. pete williams is covering the case for us. tell us what you can. >> reporter: good morning to you. this jury seven women and five men begin deliberations after hearing different characterizations of dzhokhar tsarnaev even though both sides agree he took part in the bombing. prosecutors say when he chose a spot to set down his powerful bomb he intentionally targeted men, women and children because he wanted to make a point as a terrorist. afterwards they say he resumed the study of violent jihaddest propagand propaganda. defense lawyers at mitt he took part in the bombings but say it was his older brother, tamerlan, who goated him into it and took major steps in getting ready. the jury will begin hearing testimony probably next week on what the penalty should be. >> pete williams on verdict watch at the courthouse. >> let's turn to this guy talking about another round of really severe weather. >> april is making up for more than its share of severe weather. we had it last week. we are going to see a multi day event this week. this is just ahead of the system we are watching develop during the days over the next several days. we have warm moist air making its way from the south. this upper level low will merge on top of this bringing the moisture up. we have a fairly wide area of a risk of severe storms tomorrow stretching from central oklahoma including oklahoma city, joplin, missouri, kansas city. the larger band we expect on thursday and this is where we not only have risk of severe weather from waco all the way up to chicago, but we also have an enhanced risk meaning very large hail, tornadoes likely between central missouri all the way up to chicago and parts of indiana and heavy down pours with this system anywhere from three to five inches of rain. flood watches are very likely with this system, as well. not only do we have a couple of days of severe weather by friday it makes its way to the southeastern atlantic coast and there could be problems here, as well. new fallout over the now discredited "rolling stone" article about an alleged rape at the university of virginia. the fraternity is planning to pursue legal action against the magazine. >> reporter: this morning "rolling stone's" editors are still on the job despite a scathing report. >> these are not failures of dishonesty in an individual. they are systematic failures, collective failures. >> reporter: published last fall the article featured a woman identified as jackie who claimed she was gang raped at a u have, a fraternity house. "rolling stone" retracted the story and apologized. the publisher says the problem started with its source, a really expert story teller. he saying we do not want to blame the victim. >> two of jackie's friends told us they wish the magazine's reporter contacted them before publishing the story. >> the fault for this lies squarely on "rolling stone." >> an attorney for jackie has declined to comment. she did not cooperate with the police investigation or columbia university's review. advocates hope this does not deter future victims. >> the article took the opportunity and went for sensational journalism. >> nbc news. >> obviously we have not heard the end of that story. natalie is here with the latest on a sad story out of maryland. >> a father and his seven children died monday from suspected carbon monoxide poisoning. police say they found a gas generator in their kitchen that had run out of fuel. >> reporter: police found the bodies of rodney todd and his seven children ages 6 through 16 dead in their bedroom. >> this by far is the most tragic incident in the almost 17 years i have been here. >> reporter: the family likely poisoned by carbon monoxide in a generator. police say they discovered the family after being contacted by a concerned co-worker of todd. >> this does not feel right to me. my heart goes out to his family. >> reporter: the incident in maryland comes one day after three people died of carbon monoxide poisoning at a house in tennessee. two other members of the family were taken to the hospital. according to centers for disease control unintentional exposure to carbon monoxide causes about 400 deaths and more than 20,000 injuries each year. friends and families say rodney todd hadn't been able to keep up with his electric bill but describe him as hard working and devoted father. >> you couldn't ask for a better father and a better man. he has had his kids for three years by himself. he did the best he could with what he had. >> so sad. police say no foul play is suspected. an official cause of death was pending a medical examiner's report today. senator john mccain says he plans to run for a sixth term on capitol hill. the 78-year-old senator from as said i'm more than ready and in some ways i am eager. >> for any voter who says he is turning 80, it is a six-year term that is worrisome what do you say? >> i say watch me. take a look at my 18-hour days. take a look at the hearings we have and my legislative accomplishments. i'm just getting started. >> this year mccain landed a job as chairman of the senate armed services committee. the position gives him a bigger mega phone. starbucks employees, the coffee giant is picking up the tab for college tuition. workers can have four years of tuition covered for online degree from arizona state university. starbucks said the decision is part of the commitment to redefine the role and responsibility of a public company. so far nearly 2,000 workers have enrolled in the program. an 11-year-old boy lost in an australian forest for more than four days has been reunited with his family. his dramatic rescue was caught on camera as helicopters spotted the boy sending rescuers racing down an embankment to reach him. officials are calling the rescue a miracle after the boy survived nights of freezing cold and rain. more proof that a little teamwork can go a long way. dozens of commuters pitched in to free a woman whose leg was stuck between a train car and platform in moscow russia. they rocked the train back and forth until she was able to get free. took about 15 seconds. the woman was taken to the hospital with a minor leg injury but otherwise was okay. incredible. it shows you the power of everybody working together. >> the scary part is the train is rocking. does it do more damage on the way back? >> unbelievable. mr. roker? >> let's show you what else is going on across the country today and look at our map and show you we have wet weather stretching from florida all the way to new england. we are looking at more wet weather making its way into central and southern california. we will detail that coming up in the next half hour. we have snow showers coming across the northern plains, as well. we get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. but just a bunch of dreamers no way! we're just like everyone else we put our board shorts on one leg at a time. start dreaming big at 7:16. good tuesday morning. i'm meteorologist christina loren. tracking gusty wind and some pockets of heavy rain still impacting the bay area at this point. as we get into this afternoon, we're going to continue to see that moisture roll through the bay area. and temperatures will be on the cool side for today. upper 50s to low 60s expected. we are also counting on the chance for some thunderstorms, mostly between about 12:00 and 6 p.m. tomorrow afternoon, a nice clear sky will return and we're looking good to hit the 70s by thursday. latest weather. >> all right, al thank you very much. it's good to be a blue devil this morning. duke has claimed the men's basketball championship again. tamron is here with more on the big game. tamron? >> absolutely. a lot of duke fans on the plaza. we'll meet them a little bit later. are you sleepy? are you on the high of one of the greatest games in ncaa history? >> it was a great game. >> you stayed up? >> tamron just carry on. >> so duke beat wisconsin, 68-63. it turned out to be a great matchup in indianapolis monday night. so it was tied 31-31 at half-time. you know that. the first time by the way, a championship game has been tied at half in 27 years. so you may not have known that little fact. so this as matt mentioned, marks the fifth national championship for duke with coach k. leading the team for each of those titles. and rightfully so. duke students celebrated with great job on campus as they do with a whole lot of jumping and screaming. they always took part in a tradition sponsored by the university called the burning of the bench, stemming back from the good old days of 1986. now, as for the brackets and, hang on here and the person who has a lot of buzz around him, mitt romney. out of espn's 11.5 million brackets,or brackets governor romney picked the final four right down to duke winning this. can you believe it? >> not going to do it. >> 1%. >> listen he said should have put $10,000 on my bracket. congrats coach k. and duke. so are you ready to learn the winner of the "today" show's bracket showdown? drum roll. da da da. >> we all know. >> you're right. jack lauer is the winner. great finesse and great style. because your kid rules and his picks are pretty awesome, there you go can you make sure the youngster in your family who is the champion receives his orange room jersey. he will be the coolest kid at school. >> and you too. matching father/son outfits. >> i would like to thank the little people. nice job. good stuff. >> we are going to talk to duke's coach k. live in just a few. >> thank you very much. staffers tell all what's being revealed about life inside the white house that has washington buzzing. and speak issing of the bees that had kids screaming in terror at the annual easter regular roll. the president trying to diffuse that situation. but first this is "today" on nbc. coming up the poisoning of an entire family on vacation in the caribbean. you drop 40 grand on a new set of wheels, then... wham! a minivan t-bones you. guess what: your insurance company will only give you 37-thousand to replace it. "depreciation" they claim. 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(playing harmonica) get your own liquid gold. go on, git! there's gold in them thar shells. liquid gold. ♪and do you take this man♪ to be your lawfully wedded husband?♪ to have and to hold.♪ ♪for better or worse,♪ ♪in sickness and in health.♪ ♪ i can't!♪ ♪what?♪ ♪lisa!♪ ♪wait!♪ ♪ ♪ahh god!♪ ♪ ♪taxes are your year,♪ ♪only much simpler.♪ ♪you can handle simpler.♪ ♪intuit turbotax.♪ ♪it's amazing what you're capable of.♪ you've got some work to do! if you need me, i'll be cleaning the gutters. today, the house won't know what hit it. show the garage who's boss. check. put a new shine on the family wheels. check. tame the jungle you call a yard. check. nice work guys. you earned this back. oh, who's jeremy...and he texts a lot. a new mobile plan. done. with everything you need for spring at walmart's low prices you can trust every day, what project will you take on? our eyes they have a 200-degree range of sight. which is good for me... hey! ...and bad for the barkley twins. take care of your eyes with centrum silver women. multivitamins with 60% more vitamin d. our brains can control over 600 muscles at the same time. here's what 90 of them can do. ♪ (plays guitar) ♪ take care of your brain with centrum silver women. multivitamins for the most important parts of you. 7:26 on your tuesday morning. i'm sam brock. we're in a microclimate weather alert this morning. bob redell joining along highway 17 where conditions have been difficult this morning. is it getting any better out there? >> reporter: we've gotten a little bit of a break right now. not seeing the heavy rain we saw earlier, sam. more of a drizzle. as i look north from the summit on highway 17 in santa cruz mountains, i can see the sun trying to push through some of the clouds. though i doubt that will be happening. it's probably just a little hint of things we'll see later after this storm passes, which again will be several hours from now. this rain starting overnight while most people were asleep. as i mentioned, was heavy at times. and as any chp officer would tell you, even though the rain has stopped, at least in this section of the bay area the roads are still wet. you do want to watch your speed. drive the safest speed possible. but sometimes it's not the speed limit. watch your distance between you and the driver in front of you. remember, it's been a while since this rain so not only are the roads wet but oily as well. reporting live here atop the summit here in the santa cruz mountains along highway 17 nbc bay area news. things starting to clear up. let's loop in christina loren. looks like the heaviest activity is starting to move out of the area. >> yes, it is. good morning to you. you can see the main part of the front is starting to push out but still have heavy downpours from gilroy south. morgan hill even san jose getting brief heavy downpours and i'm tracking this batch for you on the peninsula. we're not out of the woods just yet. the core of the low pressure on the way to the bay area. that will come through between 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. temperatures will be cool for today. then as we get into your all-important weekend, starting to see a calmer scenario. we'll keep you updated right here every 15 minutes. right now here's anthony and your drive. >> thanks. this morning we actually had a sig alert still posted for 880 at 23rd avenue. the northbound side through oakland, stop and go all the way past the oakland coliseum. there's the accident. you zoom out and you can see how it slows back to 238. even 880 southbound remains slow with numerous accidents there. the earlier jackknifed accident has cleared. back to the "today" show. 7:30 now on a tuesday morning. the 7th of april, 2015. you are looking at a tomb in jerusalem that is the center of the major controversy. does it hold the remains of jesus and what could be his wife and possibly a son. coming up some new evidence just uncovered. >> that story will get people talking this morning. stay tuned for that. rand paul the senator from kentucky jumping into the presidential race. he will make it official with a speech in louisville later this morning. the jury at boston marathon bombing trial begins deliberations this morning. if the jury convicts they will decide in dzhokhar tsarnaev would be sentenced to life or death. and duke blue devils knocked wisconsin off for the title, 68-65. congratulations to them. we start with a new book shaking up washington. it is a look inside the white house from people we don't ordinarily hear from. correspondent peter alexander is at the white house this morning. peter, good morning. >> reporter: matt good morning. if these walls could talk. think of this as "downton abbey" from obama and others chefs. most prefer to work out of sight, but many are speaking out for the first time pulling back the curtain on the first families they served. bill clinton could not avoid impeachment or when his wife threw the book at him. >> one staffer said they were called up to the second floor and found blood on the bed. it was rumored that hillary clinton clocked president clinton with a book. >> reporter: rumors the first lady laughed off. >> i have a pretty good arm. if i thrown a lamp at somebody you would know about it. >> reporter: now by one white house reporter kate brower. >> they would take people aside and talk about the lewinsky sightings they had. all the women on the staff were very happy about that. they think he got what he deserved. >> reporter: more than 50 former white house employees opened up to brower in the tale of the staff that serves those who serve america like the carter years in the '70s. >> one floreswer florist would have to move bongs when president carter and his sons were living there. >> reporter: members of the executive mansion staff become members of the first family. >> one summer weekend, he was playing horseshoes and asked for bug spray. one sprayed him with industrial strength pesticide. >> reporter: many white house staffers were particularly fond of the bushs. >> he was so choked up he could not speak when saying good-bye. ♪ at last ♪ >> reporter: after the first dance to "at last" a photographer caught the two sharing a private moment in the white house. i bet you have not seen anything like this in this house, the president reportedly told the usher. and the only current white house staffer to break the code of silence. >> he might be president, but at the same time they are just ordinary human beings. >> reporter: james jefferys is a nice man. the author interviewed three former first ladies to get the recognition the white house staff deserves. what struck me most is that no one indicated they signed a confidentiality agreement. matt and savannah back to you. >> what do we think? should it be like vegas? what happens in the white house stays in the white house or do we read about it? a book like this? >> it doesn't seem like it is anything that titilating. >> it is interesting. we know from jenna bush hager they come with the house. another story from growing concerns this morning over that pesticide that caused an entire delaware family to become sick on vacation in the caribbean. what do you need to know before going on vacation? nbc's stephanie gosk is in philadelphia where two young brothers are fighting for their lives today. stephanie, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. the two teenage brothers are here in critical condition. it has been three weeks since the paramedics on the island said they got the frantic phone call that the family was violently ill. the pesticide should never have been there in the first place. the resort in st. john's sits on a hill overlooking the caribbean. beautiful views and warm weather. ideal spot for spring break. the family checked in the condo on march 14th. on march 18th exterminators from terminix fumigated the property below them. the paramedics got the emergency call. the whole family was sick. the director of the local health facility says he never has seen a case like it on the island. the edmonds were air lifted back to the u.s. the justice department launched an investigation. >> the most important issue is causation. that is showing that the injuries were caused by the pesticides and not by something else. >> reporter: officials from the epa say the exterminators used methyl bromide that can cause neurological damage. it is illegal in the u.s. and u.s. virgin islands. cases of tourists poisoned by pesticides are rare. the epa does suggest precautions. check with the hotel or resort to see which pesticides are in use on the property. when you arrive open the windows and doors. know the local laws and regulations. at the delaware school where steve is head master students are writing cards and wishing the family a speedy recovery. the father and mother are recovering while for now their two boys still struggle for their lives. the company terminix has not commented publicly on the allegation they used methyl bromide. they are working with authorities and thoughts and prayers are with the family. >> stephanie gosk, thank you. a lot of people are concerned and speaking out over it. it is colorless and odorless. how do you protect yourself? let's get another check on the weather with mr. roker. >> the moisture they need in california is not enough to get rid of the drought. we will look for snow in sierra. the system comes onshore with the heavy thunderstorms in san francisco and bay area also into the pacific northwest. this pushing in this morning on into tomorrow but in the meantime, we could be looking at severe thunderstorms from sacramento all the way to san francisco. by tomorrow, it moves to the cascades and plains. rainfall amounts 1 to 2 inches. snowfall in the cascades where they need it up to 2 feet. again, it is 7:38. good tuesday morning to you. i'm meteorologist christina loren. slick conditions all across the board, although the main front is starting to push out of the bay area. temperatures are chilly to start and they'll remain on the cool side as we get into the afternoon, ramping up into the 50s and 60s. fair game for thunderstorms later on today. best chance is high terrain area, north bay, east bay and south bay. if you like the dryer weather, it returns as we head throughout tomorrow afternoon. >> and that's your latest weather. >> thank you very much. >> coming up are you looking for a new weight loss program? researchers figured out which are the most successful. >> is it the burial spot of jesus and perhaps his family? wait until you hear what researchers are saying about what could be the introducing new flonase allergy relief nasal spray. this changes everything. new flonase outperforms a leading allergy pill so you will inhale life. when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over-producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. most allergy pills only control one substance, 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parmesan. why can't car-buying be like that? ♪ ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. dove invited women to a makeover with a difference. hi ma'am hi would you like to have a free makeover? yeah, why not? who doesn't love a free makeover? there you go. it's a shower. it's a shower. but it's a shower with new dove body wash, with its new breakthrough formula all it takes is just one shower for softer smoother skin. want to feel? feels really good. really silky smooth. it's awesome. i love it. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower. it's 7:42. we're back now with a long running debate an understatement, it is generating new interest this morning over a tomb that some say it could have been the burial spot of jesus and his family. we have katy tur in jerusalem with the latest. katy. >> reporter: i want to show you where i am matt. between two non script blocks along a non script path you would never think twice about. a journalist and geologist say this is jesus' tomb. it could be the biggest discover discovery in the history of archeology. >> this is the tomb. >> this right here? >> reporter: it all centers on what if who was inside with skeletal remains. brother of jesus. >> are you positive that this is the family tomb of jesus? >> no question in my mind that all evidence archaeological and now chemical tells the same story. this is the tomb of jesus of nazareth and his family. >> reporter: dr. rohan claims that box is a chemical match to soil in a long lost tomb in east jerusalem that houses other austuaries with similar scripture. >> it could not be stronger and more powerful. >> reporter: those boxes are described with the names joseph mary and jesus. some call jesus 'family tomb. it was produced by james cameron. based on inscriptions on the boxes inside, the film claimed jesus was married to mary magdeline and had a son. something disputed by christian scholars. >> this does not prove this is the tomb of jesus of nazareth. it may prove that somebody named jesus was buried in the tomb and had a father named joseph. >> reporter: the names on the boxes were all very common at the time. the authenticity of the inscription had long been disputed. supporters excited over the research say linking the james austueary linking to jesus would be another testament. >> you know it's true? >> faith comes into it if you want to believe it is not. >> reporter: and it is going to be controversial. jesus' body was buried here. his bones were found here. you can step on a lot of religious toes. 2 billion people believe in christianity guys. if it proves to be true imagine this here could be one of the most historical places in all of the world. >> marveling at it. you are just standing right there. katy. >> i thought that last comment. faith only comes into play if you want to believe it's not. >> because he feels he has the science. >> exactly right. >> raises questions. archaeologically and theologically. and what candice bergen is revealing about murphy brown and how she is living quote fat and happy. and tamron is in the orange room with baseball's opening day hits and misses. how much protein does your dog food have? 18 percent? 20? purina one true instinct has 30. active dogs crave nutrient-dense food. so we made purina one true instinct. learn more at this is an allen family production. and here's why we love chex. one, choices like chocolate, vanilla and honey nut. two, no artificial colors or flavors.'s gluten free. chex. full of what you love. free of what you don't. i love life, but really i love my chico's life. i take good care of myself and i love what i see when i look in the mirror. i've often been told i'm the best pair of legs in the room. the so slimming collection only at chico's and if you struggle with type 2 diabetes, you're certainly not alone. fortunately, many have found a different kind of medicine that lowers blood sugar. imagine what it would be 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it's fun and aimed at young audiences who are in on the running joke that means the goal. if you didn't get it you are old, i guess. amazing support from way up high. the opening day, the best day of the year. that tweet from one of the naughts on expedition 93. it's coming into us and keep them coming with the hash tag. we love opening day. how about that. >> that are one was on the fly. >> coming up which diet plans work the best? the programs that researchers say you should be on. we will fill you in on that but [narration throughout] i started my camry. ran a race most wouldn't dream of starting. chose to take down a monster. and realized when it's dark enough... can see the stars. one bold choice leads to another. toyota. lets go places. ♪ ♪ with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts, skim milk and cocoa, there's a whole lot of happy in every jar of nutella. spread the happy. milk has 8 grams of high-quality protein. which could be the difference between just living life. and milking it. start every day with the power of protein and milk life. what's going on? toaster's broken. which means no eggo waffles. ♪ what's that sound? did you leave your hairdryer running? no. something smells delicious. how could something smell delicious when the toaster's broken? i smell sausage, egg, cheese and... eggo? l'eggo my eggo breakfast sandwich. the eggo breakfast sandwich. but the toaster's broken. it's sweet, it's savory, it's in your microwave. l'eggo my eggo breakfast sandwich. that's it. good job. nice coating. and get this one next. whoa! what are you guys doing? making sure nothing sticks. otherwise, we gotta scrub all this stuff off. huh, what? nobody thought of this before? what's wrong with people? dish issues? not with improved cascade platinum. it powers through... your toughest, starchy messes... better than finish's best... the first time. as if your dishes were non-stick. cascade. now that's clean. (playing harmonica) get your own liquid gold. go on, git! there's gold in them thar shells. liquid gold. taxi. vo: after years of being treated like she was invisible it occurred to mindy she might actually be invisible. ♪♪ but mindy was actually not invisible. ooh, what are you doing? can you see me? she had just always been treated that way. yeah. you don't have to look at me like that. there are worst things than an attractive woman touching your body. i'll go. join the nation that sees you as a priority. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ good morning. it's 7:56 on your tuesday. i'm sam brock. this is a microclimate weather alert. a much needed spring storm rolling through the bay area. a live look outside. san francisco's at&t park on the left. southbound 880 in fremont on the right. it's pretty much everywhere you go. it's been a wet morning. the rain caught one driver offguard along interstate 280 in daly city. that car was trapped, halfway submerged in water. our camera could see the person in the vehicle though the driver seemed to be okay. conditions are testing drivers around the bay area. slick roads and high winds made for a tough commute over highway 17 this morning. the chp reminding everyone to take it slow to keep things safe. all the rain will give a boost to the snow levels in the sierra. up to 2 feet expected when all is said and done. those snow levels so important, as is the rainfall. and the numbers really starting to add up this morning. let's check in with meteorologist christina loren. good morning. >> good morning to you. i wanted to start with the real-time doppler radar. you'll notice we still have a little bit of heavy rainfall mostly rolling through the midsection of the bay area. the main front has pushed through. it's on its way to tahoe. that will produce the 2 feet of fresh powder. we're talking fresh powder in tahoe, above 4,000 feet nort next couple of days. temperatures for today work like this. 50s and 40s to start. we're on our way to the 60s. a couple upper 50s out there in the tri-valley and in san francisco. then dry weather returns for us here in the bay area as of tomorrow afternoon. watch out, though could see some thunderstorms later today. here's anthony and your drive. >> this morning we actually had a sig alert on 880 northbound at 23rd avenue. you can see from the camera's perspective, traffic is moving but a slow go. only one lane was blocked but created a huge backup. southbound 880 continues to slow through union city. we had an earlier sig alert on 680 with a big rig. that's cleared but traffic still moving slow. in the south bay you can see from our cam, traffic slow there as well. back to the towed show. it's 8:00 on "today," coming up, looking for victory in the battle the bulge. the most effective wait loss plab. >> then the buzz from the white house. >> that's okay, guys. bees are good. >> what happens when a swarm of bees interrupted the president at the annual easter egg roll? >> plus, two hollywood icons live in studio 1-a, cant is bergen living in her words, fat and happeny. and michael douglas joins us with a look at his devious role in his new thriller. today is tuesday, april 7th, 2015. ♪ >> aloha from hawaii! >> we're traveling across the u.s. ♪ >> ney, natalie! do you remember us from universal studios. i'm the new matt lauer! >> and good morning. welcome back to "today." it's 8:00, tuesday, april 7th, 10 20 15. it warmed up on our plaza. feels good. a little damp outside. >> showers earlier than expected. right on time? >> right on time. >> a big storm coming our way. we'll check in with al. but let's get our top store yifz the morning from natalie over at the news desk. >> good morning once again, everyone. controversial kentucky senator rand paula announced his bid for the presidential nomination today. he's the second republican senator to enter the ring with the campaign expected to court younger voters and minority communities. paul is known to clash with republicans in congress and reach across party lines. his father ron paul ran for president three times. we're going to hear more from senator rand paul when he joins us here tomorrow on "today." deliberations are underway this morning at the boston marathon bombing trial. during closing arguments monday, the lawyers agreed that he took part in the bombings but they put more of the blame on his older brother. if found guilty, the same jury will then decide whether he is sentenced to life or death. three people were killed and more than 260 injured in the attack nearly two years ago. >> and 11-year-old boy lost in an australian forest for more than four days has been reunited with his family. his dramatic rescue all caught on camera. we're in london with an incredible story. good morning. >> natalie, good morning. 120 people have been searching for this 11-year-old autistic boy. he was lost in dense australian forest. it was feared he kneel a lake. then this morning, a miracle. they found him. relief, embrace by his parents. 11-year-old luke shambrook on a stretcher exhausted but okay. the autistic boy had been missing for four nights. >> he's suffering hypotherma ahypothermia. >> and seen from above, these were the incredible moments after he was found by those rescuers. he had been wandering in the frasier national park two miles away from the campsite where he disappeared friday night. the police officers who spotted him from the air still can't believe it. >> i just out of the corner of my eye caught a little flash of something. it wasn't much. but it was enough to make me get the guys to turn the aircraft around and go back and have further look. >> a brief sighting that led them to luke and saw two relieved parents reunited with their son. and as well as our hug from their son, can you imagine those parents will have many a hug for that police officer who saw him, natalie. >> absolutely. thank goodness for a happy ending there. thank you. in health news, the battle of the bulge has reached epidemic proportions with more and more diets promising big results. but which ones actually really work? a new study published answer that's question. we have an obesity and weight loss expert here us with in new york. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> so the top two plans according to this study, weight watchers and jenny craig. why do these plans work? >> well, we know most diets work in the short term, right snt name of the game is really weight loss maintenance. study shows these rtsare the only two diets that have evidence showing people are able to not only maintain or lose medically significant amount of weight but maintain that a year longer. >> weight watchers is about what you have in your pantry and meal planning. jenny craig is the prepackaged meals. so these work for people over time. >> these work for most people. but there are important things to keep in mind. the weight loss was modest. so people come in i want to lose 50 pounds or 100 pounds. we're talking 6 to 12 pounds on average. these are really the onles studied well enough that we can say that they work. it's not that other ones haven't been tested and don't work, it's just that we haven't tested them long enough to know. >> thank you so much. it is 8:05. let's get a check of the weather with mr. roker. >> you love wrangler. thank you so much. let's see what we have going on for you right now. we're looking at a lot more wet weather making its way into the east. we go to the map. you can see philadelphia looking at some wet stuff. san francisco as well. some thunderstorms going on in san francisco. city of brotherly love is looking at weather all week long this week. and we've got a little bit of a dip out west. so temperatures a little chilly there. but in the southeast and the midwest, look at these highs. 79 in st. louis. alexandria, 85. 77 in d.c. however, the jet stream takes a little bit of a dip as you get to the north of chicago, detroit, buffalo, boston, duluth, all below average when good tuesday morning to you i'm meteorologist christina loren. showing you the radar, a lot of the heavy stuff is pushing off towards tahoe. and livermore and san jose. it's been raining overnight. a lot of roadways dealing with puddling and ponding. we're expecting afternoon thunderstorms. low 60s for all of us today. going to feel more like winter than spring. getting into tomorrow the warmup begins. is and that's your latest weather. >> i just literally ran into al. i was looking back. let's recreate it. anyway. >> suddenly i'm engaged. >> what just fell off? >> i don't know. >> wow. >> it's a hot mess out here. >> coming up next on "trending," anne hathoway with her inner miley. michael douglas just told me he had a huge crush on candice bergen how long ago? >> 50 years ago. >> you can see why. we'll talk to them both coming up. but first these messages. [ laughing ] want to play hide and seek? yeah! 1... 2... 6... 10! [ female announcer ] piña colada yoplait. it is so good when you need a little escape. [ mom ] still counting. look like this. feel like this. look like this. feel like this. with dreamwalk insoles, turn shoes that can be a pain into comfortable ones. their soft cushioning support means you can look like this. and feel like this. dreamwalk. the world is filled with air. but for people with copd sometimes breathing air can be difficult. if you have copd, ask your doctor about once-daily anoro ellipta. it helps people with copd breathe better for a full 24hours. anoro ellipta is the first fda-approved product containing two long-acting bronchodilators in one inhaler. anoro is not for asthma. anoro contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. it is not known if this risk is increased in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, or high blood pressure. tell your doctor if you have glaucoma, prostate or bladder problems, or problems passing urine as anoro may make these problems worse. call your doctor right away if you have worsened breathing chest pain, swelling of your mouth or tongue, problems urinating or eye problems including vision changes or eye pain while taking anoro. nothing can reverse copd. the world is filled with air and anoro is helping people with copd breath air better. get your first prescription free at 8:11. that's trend, guys. >> did you all hear about unwelcomed guests at the white house yesterday? and i do not mean al roker. did you witness this? >> i did not. there was a little bit of a curfuffle. somebody swarmed with bees crashed the party. take a look. >> it's okay, guys. bees are good. >> okay. the kids are freaking out. the president tried to them down. the kids are screaming. >> bees are good until you pull one of their stingers out of your arm. then they're not so good. >> at the white house garden. >> they are wild things. >> when you're rushing through the airport, you empty your pockets at the tsa checkpoint and leave things behind every time. you grab your laptops and everything else. sometimes in that little dish you leave some change. that adds up. last year the tsa says it collected dimes, quarters nickels and pennies, nearly $675,000. >> wow. >> guess what guys the tsa gets to keep every penny. >> oh, my gosh. >> not the person, the individual, but the tsa. >> move along, just keep going. >> and picture a giant piggy bank. got another one. last week you may remember we stage the quite a lip sink battle. this is a new tv show called "lip sink battle." anne hathaway came in well, like a wrecking ball. ♪ >> wow. >> man. >> oh. >> anne gave it her all. the episode airs this week. i've got to say the i live her a lot of credit for jumping on the ball. >> definitely. >> that is fantastic. as we mentioned a couple of times this morning duke captured its fifth national title last night in basketball. the blue devils legendary head coach, mike krzyzewski joins us live. joins us coach k, congratulations. >> thank you very much. it was a great night. >> we all host the morning show so we had to go to bed at 9:30. did anything fun happen in the second half? >> a few things yeah. we ended up winning so that was the most fun thing. >> you didn't have a tie at halftime. it was not your first rodeo as we know but were you feeling the heat? what do you tell the players at that moment. >> no no. i have eight guys and four of them are freshmen and they believe in one another. we told them like we do most of the time be themselves. when they are themselves we have a great chance to win and if we didn't win, somebody beat us when we would be at our best. throughout the whole season that was my main message to my team. they trust one another. it has been my best group as far as being together in close to 40 years. >> you talk about the young guys. you have a lot of things to look forward to. should i have my son, jack pencil duke in in the final game for his bracket for next year? >> if all the guys came back we would have us a better chance but also pencil us in. we will always try to be there. >> your daughter had that in front of me. she knows you are having a good time this season because you are home all the time and smiling. he that scowly face on. >> the face was a lot because i have three daughters going through their teenage years. >> nice. >> the basketball court is a rest. >> we can hear your voice is hoarse from yelling, but all the championships you have won, you have done it by gaping the respect of everyone who plays the game because you treat the players with great respect. congratulations to you and duke. >> thank you. i love the game. i have been fortunate to do what i love for my entire life. to do it at duke university and the united states military academy, my two schools. how can it be better than that? >> congratulations again. well done. >> thank you. >> meantime we have an emmy and golden globe winner with us. in a moment we will talk to her about a memoire and first, some of the roles that made candice bergen a household name. >> it had to do with something you have got and i don't. a tiny pathetic little y chromosome. >> candice bergen is best known for playing tough talking journalist murphy brown that lasted ten years. it earned her five emmys and two golden globes and left a lasting impression about the world of pop culture and politics. >> we believe murphy brown glamorizes single motherhood. >> what are planet is he on? >> she was the magazine editor on "sex and the city" and the law partner on boston legal. the oscar nomination continues to land big screen rolls as well. miss congeniality in 2000 and bride wars in 2009. she was the first female host of "saturday night live" and is a member of the show's exclusive five timers club. her career is only part of candicen's fascinating and she writes all about it in a fine romance. >> ever since i heard you were writing a second book i came back. >> thank you. let's start with the book. you start by talking about the birth of your daughter chloe. it made you the happiest you have ever been in your life. before that moment you had real doubts about whether you had the commitment to be a parent. >> well i was caught in the swirling political movement of the time called feminism among other things. it was a confusing time. women were putting off childbirth and then there was a cartoon where she says oh, my god, i forgot to have children. i didn't want to be that woman. >> you knew instantly you were cut out for it? >> yeah. the love of my life. overwhelming. >> just a few years after chloe was born you got what many consider the role of a lifetime which was murphy brown. they had someone else in mind originally and you thought you brew the audition. what went wrong? >> i flew from new york to l.a. to read for the head of cbs. he closed the electric drapes with a remote control and overheadlights. it was a little like an interrogation room. it didn't foster a great light in the office. i just tanked. >> you blue your lines or weren't you? >> i blue my lines and i was tense. i was intimidated. he just said nice meeting you and it was next. then they said i don't think so. we want her. >> boy were they smart because you won five emmys for the role of murphy brown. you famously put yourself out of the running and in that book you tell the reason why. >> i did find and i could cents shift in the audience. literally again. every time i would come back to the set of murphy after winning the emmy it took about a week for things to normalize. >> because you were getting so much attention? >> and it was a great cast and they all deserved emmys and should have had them. and for me one of the great joys of murphy is i loved the cast and the crew. >> did you feel you took yourself out of the running? >> a few months ago. and charlie said hmm. >> i can't think of murphy brown without dan quayle. every week there was a dan quayle joke on the show and then there was that comment that he made and paraphrasing, but when murphy had her child without being married he mentioned that as being socially that he did not agree with. >> missing the importance of a father. >> something you remember after all these years. >> what was it like to be you, candice bergen in that swirl over murphy brown and dan quayle? >> i was in total overwhelm. i didn't say anything. i would come out to get the paper in the morning and i was on the front page of the "new york times," a picture of murphy holding a baby with him talking. it became a campaign platform. a presidential campaign. it's the story that carried over six months. >> often times they imitate life and vice-versa. you played this journalist in murphy brown and you were also approached in real life a couple of times by 60 minutes. they wanted you to be a correspondent for them and the "today" show considered having you replace barbara walters. why didn't you take it? >> i don't recall getting an offer to replace barbara walters. i know barbara said i thought you were going to replace me. i don't remember that but i just thought -- i didn't think i could handle the schedule and i thought it would restrict my life. >> any second thoughts now? >> yeah. if i had taken it i wouldn't have been able to play murphy. i wouldn't have traded that for anything. >> some of the things received a lot of attention in this book. >> on the show in fact. >> did you watch it? >> i heard. i had so many calls. >> you talked about your weight currently and you said -- >> it was a scant reference on page 150 or something. a page and a half. >> the one comment and they pull it out. >> so what they say is let me come out and say it. i am fat. i live to eat and none of the live to eat stuff for me. i am a champion eater. no carb is safe. no fat either. have you been surprised by the reaction to those words? >> yes. no kidding. i was just saying that i don't enjoy eating lunch with some women who only have kale. i find it limiting and sort of -- i would rather not go on if that's what i had to eat to fuel myself. >> the comment, it seems to come from a place of is extremely comfortable in her own skin. at the age of how old? >> almost 69. i'm not 70 though. i'm very comfortable. would i love to lose 10 or 15 pounds? absolutely. but i haven't taken the steps to do it. >> you have been honest about the fact that you have had some plastic surgery in the past. >> i had my eyes done at 41 when i started murphy and next year i had bands under my neck because they were catching the light. i don't know if you noticed, the tv light is harsh. >> welcome to my world. >> and that's all i had done. >> do you feel free of the pressure of hollywood and in terms of appearance these days? >> i mean i am on the older margin now so i'm kind of -- i play mothers and mothers of old men, by the way. it's sort of distressing, but yeah i feel free frankly. pretty much across the board. >> michael had a crush on you for 50 years and he speaks for a lot of us. we are thrilled to have you here. the book is called a fine romance and it is out right now. >> thank you. >> savannah. >> look who i have over here. michael douglas, one of our favorite guests. i mean this in the best possi >> announcer: you're watching "today in the bay." good tuesday morning. i'm sam brock. here's a live look at the skies interstate 280 and highway 17. now the brunt of this morning's storm has basically rolled through the bay area at this point but most roadways are still slick making for some difficult driving conditions. parts of the bay area got up to 3 inches of rain this morning. it caused localized flooding as well. one car became trapped in standing water along interstate 280 in daly city. that closed the southbound off-ramp along sullivan avenue. it's basically driver beware out there. we'll see how roadways are shaping up. >> good morning. 880 cleared. we've had several accidents all morning long. small fender benders, really that's about it. as we switch maps you'll see lots of red down to berkeley. and it remains stop and go. 880, from hayward, fremont, newark we're looking at slow going with no accidents there. south bay, things are slow on the 101, 87 as well. back to you, sam. >> thank you very much. a bit a drive for some folks this morning. drive carefully with another local news yum update. back to the "today" show. we are back at 8:30 on a tuesday morning, the seventh day of april, 2015. a rainy morning out on the plaza. a rainy morning and we say thank you to everyone. coming up michael doug slas in our studio and won an oscar for his performance in wall street and in some ways we will ask him. he may be channelling his inner gordon gekko for the latest role. >> plus is this right? lorraine bracco is 60? she will share her secrets and the wake up call that led her to make big changes in her life. >> living to 100. we will take you to a place where men live longer than just about anywhere else in the world. some of them swear by a certain soup to foster longevity. we will teach you how to make the recipe. >> i'm not so sure what he eats every day. >> that's why they ticked me al. >> let's get a check of the weather. let's show you what we have going on. wet weather in the east in the midwest and fog in the central midwest and a lot of wet weather o long the coast and also out along the california coast line as well. tomorrow that wet weather moves and a risk of strong storms from oklahoma and illinois and parts of southern iowa. wet weather continues here. believe it or not, we are talking snow tomorrow into tomorrow night. in boston we 8:32. good tuesday morning to you. we have quite a bit of precipitation still coming through the bay area although the bulk of the activity is clearing out of here. temperatures today are going to be on the cool side. 50s for now. 60s, low 60s, later on today, only ramping up the numbers into the low 60s. a couple 50s out there but we are expecting thunderstorms later on today. do keep that in mind. the skies in the north bay starting to clear just for the time being. by tomorrow afternoon, we clear entirely. >> you want to say to your brother? >> hi charlie! >> there you go. let's head back inside to matt and mike. >> thank you very much. we will talk about an actor like he is not sitting right here. michael douglas plays a wealthy businessman who comes home from a hunting expedition but when a man is accidentally killed douglas takes matters into his own hands. >> i'm not killing right now. i need to watch and wander around. >> he seems nice. good morning and nice to see you. >> good morning, matt. >> another feel good movie. >> a touchy feely movie. it's good to be bad. >> every once in a while you have to go back and explore the dark side a little bit. >> there is a part of all of us that likes the bad guy. >> i don't know whether you are tired of hearing the name gordon gekko because you played him decades ago, but when you think of the characters there some similarities and both are survivors. they do what it takes to survive in the environment. anything else on missing the two guys? >> take no prisoners. in the economic disparities and somebody who is very, very rich and no more accomplished. i don't know what it is matt. i enjoy it. and audiences like it too. most factors have played. >> we love people who flaunt their power and this guy and that guy both flaunted their power. >> part of this that allows the movies to then keep the muffler under control. >> you said this was the hardest shoot of your career. it was shot in new mexico. >> in new mexico from the four corners area. the navajo reservation and about an hour and a half drive. about half of that was on reservations. the dirt road going up and major inclines climbing up through the rotations. had a great, great appreciation for the new mexico can crew. a lot of them were hikers and bike riders and this and that. all the way up. >> i want to switch from the movie and talk about something written up in the l.a. times last month. it was about something that happened to your son, dylan, last um isser on a family vacation in europe. he was at the pool and a guy confronted him and verbally assaulted him and he came to you very upset. finish the story for me. >> he came up to me in the room really upset. this man was yelling at him and i'm looking at him and he recently had a barmitzvah and somebody had given him the star of david. i said this couldn't be. i went down to the pool to ask this man what the problem was and he said there too many people in the world and there has to be rules and regulations and obviously it came from that. >> this anti-semitic rant in your opinion. >> i said to dylan, this is a case of anti-semitism. >> how did he respond? >> he was proud of the fact that the irony is my father is jewish and my mother is protestant. never actively involved until later in life. i married catherine who was catholic. when our son went to school and met a couple of jewish friends and they went friday night and six months later he said i want to have a barmitzvah. we were touched. we couldn't believe it. we were expreem treatmently proud of it and as a result he brought a lot of spirituality to our life. i have been involved with the foundation and fortunate enough to win a prize after michael bloomberg last year and i am actively involved with bringing interfaith families together. >> you don't want your family to go through that but it opens his eyes to the world around him. >> it opened his eyes and i was surprised about the topic that went kind of viral. >> large part because of the celebrity writing it. >> you mentioned 98. >> i am dieing to see your episode about 100-year-olds. the last time i saw him, i said michael, i'm going to go to 100 and call it a day. >> we love your dad. thanks michael. appreciate it. beyond the reach is in theaters and on demand starting april 17th. we have lorraine bracco on the wake up that caused her to take charge of her life. first on a tuesday morning, this is "today" on nbc. i have a lot of studying to do. that's why xfinity is perfect for me. they have the fastest, most reliable in-home wifi, so i can do all my studying and learning, uninterrupted. i'm heading out. okay, mom. ♪ [heavy metal] ahhhhhhh! with the fastest in-home wifi, xfinity is perfect for people who take care of business. back now at 8:40. she was a fashion model in paris best known for the oscar and emmy-nominated roles in good fellas and the sopranos. at 60 years old, she is ready for a book about living to the fullest which is the title of the book. good morning. great to see you. >> thank you. >> you look fabulous. every time i see you, you sparkle. if i told you ten years ago or 20 years ago, you would write a book about healthy living and recipes and diet and all that stuff, would you believe me? >> no. not at all. i never paid attention to what i was eating. only recently in the last years i paid attention. >> huh for lack of a better word an epiphany. what made you decide i want to change the way i'm living? >> i think it was quite simple. both of my parents passed nine days apart. watching them suffer health-wise really woke me up. i said i am not going to have this happen to me later on. if i start to pay attention now, maybe i will have a good luck. >> i want to ask you about the ways that you did it but i should also mention in the sopranos in the book, that had something to do with this change mind set you went through. >> i watched my parents and about a year later jimmy passed away. jimmy was a decade junger than me. i was shocked. i think we were all shocked by his death. >> when you decided to write the book what was the most important thing you wanted to get across? what do you want to tell to others who may be similar to you thinking i want to make a change and i don't know how to start? >> i have a friend who is a life coach and she took me on a cleanse and i did that for two weeks. it's a very limited diet but we did it to detox and to change my way of thinking about food. lying down watching a bag of licorice was not really the best thing for me. she helped me change my way of thinking about food. i thought i was eating healthy until i started to look at the packages and reading what was in it. i was eating a ton of sugar. a ton of gluten. i was eating a ton of dairy. >> you just described my diet. >> it's all of our diets. she taught me how to exchange food. i was never hungry which was the great thing on the cleanse. what do you call that? hungry angry thing. >> i'm familiar. >> feed me, feed me. i am still like that but now i eat healthy snacks. i fill my body with things that feed me instead of take away my energy and my lifeline. >> i said you do shine. every time i see you. i do like you. the secret is out. so good to see you, lorraine. >> thank you, my love. >> the book is called to the fullest and it's in bookstores today. coming up next more secrets to longevity. a place that could hold the key to living to 100 years old. how do they do it? first, this is "today" on nbc. we are back with a series living to 100 where we expose the secrets to a long healthy life. cynthia fadden has more on that. >> it was a tricky assignment. i loved living to 100. national geographic has traveled all over the world to unravel the secrets of the oldest and healthiest people on earth. in the book the blue zone solutions, he shared what he learned with the rest of us. he let us bring our cameras to an isolated and beautiful part of italy high in the mountains to learn from the masters. >> if you want to be 100, you might learn from a shepherd. 81 is young in these parts where men live longer than anywhere else in the world. the italian island has secret stocks to longevity that the rest of us could learn from. the answer is a resounding yes. >> this is about the time of christ they were isolated up here and incubated their own culture of lover jeffity. >> he urges us to go to see for ourselves. we weave our way up these remote back roads. isolated areas few ever visit. we meet gabrielle, his son, and grandson. >> will you make it to 100? >> i notice you are walking about six to ten miles a day. they don't think of it as exercise. it's the normal routine. >> we tend to tie quickly without the long period of sickness and hospital stays. >> 80% of chronic disease, cancer dementia and heart disease and diabetes is avoided. what these people are doing are avoiding the diseases. >> they are doing that in ways that we can imitate. >> and you don't have to think about it. >> they discovered five places they dubbed blue zones in japan, costa rica and california. people live up to years longer than the rest of us. >> you said it's the mother of all blue zones. >> in america there is only one for 5,000 people. >> 245ir unwrapped the way of life. they eat what they drink and how they move. >> these are the ideas here that you can bring back to america. you can't promise americans can live to 100, but you can promise the average american can live healthy if they optimize their life. >> i love that 100-year-old women had sex on sunday. they are living zesty lives. >> we head over the mountain to the home of the family with nine siblings and set a combined age of 818 years. this 91-year-old still runs the local bar. this 96-year-old brother swears the family's minestrone soup kept him well-preserved. for 500 years, the recipe has been handed down. >> and of course this is the secret right here. these beans. >> the corner zone of every diet in the world is beans. eating a cup of beans is a day is probably adding about two years of your life. the tiny amount. >> as with all the blue zones, the diet is plant-based. they grew up with a twice a month treat. then the wine. >> they have a twhin has three times the levels of antioxidants than any other wine in the world. they grind up the skin. that's where the antioxidants are. it ferments 16 to 20 days. >> it's delicious. i tried it. >> to be sure it's not just a fluke. >> about 20% how long you live but 80% is lifestyle and environment. >> what you learned is there is no silver bullet. >> it's 20 or 30. little things that you can transport from places like this. >> the almonds and have them work for you. >> it was a blast. more good news according to them it is never too late to start. if you are 99 it makes a difference. start now. by the way, the wine. this is the real stuff. the longevity wine and what they call the ganache grape. the best wine for longevity in the world. women, one glass a day. al matt you can have two glasses. >> wine is part of the trick. you can live to 1,000. >> up next we will whip up that soup. the oldest living family recipe passed down for 500 years. but first, this is "today" on nbc. >> living to 100 and the soup that might be a key ingredient. anthony scotto will do the honors for us this morning. this is the minestrone sthup is different. >> it's all about a lifestyle too. let's talk about this soup. it's all about the freshness of the garden. what they use in the examples here all the beans and everything that is terrific. we used dried nuts and more fiber. we used fennel tops and you cut them off. we have all of the beans that we dried. >> you can get them anywhere? >> anywhere is fine. to give you any bean. it doesn't have to be these. you have pinto beans and tomato. we have that right now. we are then going to start with the vegetables. we have garlic and fennel. i love the tops. it's an intense flavor. potatoes. they are basically using what is fresh any time of the season. >> exactly right. if you saw that they use a little pork fat to give more. >> fennel is a must do if you can. >> it's a must do. tomatoes we will let it simmer for about an hour and a half. the potatoes are in there and we will add this pasta. it's very easy. i like toasting it ahead of time. about 15 minutes to cook. an hour and a half here and 15 minutes left. >> this is a very small pasta right here. if you top the look at that. we will mix this in and this comes up even more. this is going to be cooked. with that you might have to add water to this. a little pepper and salt at the end. don't salt at the beginning. salt at the end. a little parmesan choose. >> good stuff. >> a nice garden. you guys like it? >> what do you think? >> on my way to 99. >> between that and this pasta, you have a way to go. >> >> announcer: you're watching "today in the bay." good morning, 8:56 on tuesday. i'm sam brock. the brunt of the rain has rolled through the bay area but the rain still coming in some areas. here's fremont, interstate 880. a slow go. and the chp said wet weather did not play a role in a fiery crash that killed a driver in san jose. it happened a little after midnight on highway 101. near the airport. chp said a pickup truck hit a stalled car trapping and killing the person inside. chp had all lanes open before the morning commute. that's going to do it for now. we'll see you again in 25 minutes for 84another update. >> good morning on today's take sutton foster on the move to and acting underage. a dramatic train rescue you have to see to believe. and the scoop on the hotly anticipated new album. all that and more coming up now. nouns from nbc news, this is today's take from willie geist and tamron hall, al roker and natalie morales from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today." i'm willie geist with al roker, natalie morales and tamron. march madness is officially over. duke is the national champion. they beat wisconsin in a great game. a close game. the fifth national title. we are rooting for wisconsin. matt lauer takes the crown. >> it doesn't matter. >> and the orange jersey. wrangler. >> and it's funny. >> that was a customized shirt. >> the point of a bracket is to win money. >> they are taking the bradley cooper relationship way too far. hangover bacon. >> oh. >> they were spotted in vegas a couple of times. >> the wager. we were the club. you are like a point apart. >> there is always next year. we have an unbelievable place. a woman got her leg stuck between a subway car and the platform on saturday. look at the response. the riders on the platform got out and started rogging the train car until they created enough for her to pull her leg out where it was wedged. she was taken to the hospital only with a minor leg injury. talk about teamwork. how cool is that? >> that's amazing. she is fine and that's the great part. 10 seconds afterwards, they get right back on the train. got to go to work. got to go. move em on. okay. >> barely injured. minor leg injury. especially when that thing is rocking. >> so heavy. >> scary. >> i remember the kids building forts and stuff and my brothers and sisters. >> my kids were doing it last night. >> when we got a tv that thing was going jeremy in ogden, utah built a fort made out of cardboard boxes in the front yard. that is spectacular. it's got a big screen in there and it's unbelievable. guess what. they send him a written warning saying he has to take it down because it's a violation of building codes. waste material or junk in the yard. >> how does it fall under building code? the waste material in the front yard. >> 15 days to take it down. that will be monday or he has to pay a $125 fee. >> all the kids in the neighborhood are pooling their money together to give them $125 to keep that there. >> they said they will wait 15 years, but come on. by the way, what constitutes junk as opposed to art? you can claim that is a sculpture. >> my kid is enjoying that. that's one man's castle. >> the father of the year award in my book. >> i say it's art. >> that was cranking the steam down the block. >> those kids, they came across my lawn to get to their fort. i want you to get in there and get rid of it. >> we all know who he is. >> i think all the kids together have a sit in on his lawn. >> juice up on juice boxes. >> the juice boxes. >> and create a sculpture. >> i think that is in the front yard. >> it invites more kids as the neighborhood. >> why are these kids all getting together? why don't they stay in the house? >> angry al. it's for the movie where the kid's baseball goes over. >> you have to come and get it. # the nba player russell westbrook is onest favorites in the league right now. the all-star game was insane in the game. with that comes a brand-new car. instead of keeping the new car which is a kia this is so sweet. he gave it to a single mom whose name is kirstin gonzales. they helped make the connection and provide social services to people who are working class to poor families. the thunder tweeted out russell wanted to honor all the hard work she has done to keep her family and i just want to be able to help others any way i can. >> the look on her face. >> the oklahoma city thunder is probably one of the most civic-minded sports franchises in the country. >> they step up and more. >> the keempeople in oklahoma love that team and the team loves them back. i went to a playoff team and i never have seen anything like it. it is the love of a theme is about a community. it's not just lip service. you can see they are involved in that community. >> the stars. they are likeable. russell westbrook. >> here's a story when your spouse gets up earlier than you and that annoying alarm clock goes off. nothing works gets you on the wrong foot all day. there is perhaps a solution. it is called the waky alarm clock. it's for a new alarm clock and claims it only wakes up one person and not going to wake up your spouse. you mount it on the wall above your bed and you set it to the side of the bet you sleep on. when it's time to wake up, apparently there is a sensor that detects where you are and sends a light beam towards you. >> a laser beam. >> ooh! >> it's like sunrise. also the sound wave that is it sends your way so only you hear the sound waves and only you wake up. >> when you are smuggling it works too. you are very close. >> i don't know how it determines your body heat versus your spouse. it just knows. then there is a tamron. >> it sends you messages. >> i'm waiting for you. >> the kick starter campaign made almost half of their $100,000 goal by may 30th. >> i want something like that. you would like to wake up, you wake up although this morning, i slept in. most mornings, they come on the phone. >> that's just the light on my side of the bed. >> they have to be knocking off the bed table and every morning i wake up and i feel bad. >> the other solution is likely -- it has an alarm that gently wakes up up. each person has that. >> i have to get audio. it's a rock. george was in with it. my turn. it is. it's true. a look at the weather. i know. i know. at this age, too, too quickly. the thunderstorms and louisville had flash flood warnings in effect. heavy flooding yesterday and last week they had more coming in today with the band of showers and thunderstorms. we have the area developed tomorrow into thursday and combined with all that moisture from the gulf. a list of strong storms from central oklahoma. joplin and peoria into omaha. we are really watching thursday. a list of severe weather from waco to indianapolis. strong storms and hail and damaging winds and tornados from chicago to central missouri. heavy rain from two to three inches and upwards 9:10 happy tuesday to you, i'm meteorologist christina loren. taking a live look at your doppler radar, what you'll notice a lot of heavy moisture has pushed through the east bay area. but now we're seeing thunderstorms develop and they are fair game for on and off activity and some thunderstorms out there the city. although some cities like half moon bay getting sunshine. temperatures going to be kwool all day. we're in the 40s and 50s. going to end up in the 60s. dry weather returns tomorrow. weather. >> up next, the tony award winner taking on a role that has her 40 going on 26. gotta like that. we will exp you forgot the milk! that's lactaid®. right. 100% real milk just without the lactose. so, no discomfort? exactly. try some... mmm, it is real milk. lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort. nexium® 24hr. it's the purple pill the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand available without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™ i want my foyer to smell more like a foyer. i want his bedroom to smell like he's away at boarding school. surround yourself with up to 6 hours of luxurious, long-lasting scents... ...introducing new unstopables air refresher. i know what you're thinking, but this is the improved i can't believe it's not butter! 100% taste, 0% artificial preservatives. made with a blend of delicious oils, purified water, and just a pinch of salt. two, please. i can't believe it's not butter. 100% taste, 0% artificial preservatives. i love life, but really i love my chico's life. i take good care of myself and i love what i see when i look in the mirror. i've often been told i'm the best pair of legs in the room. the so slimming collection only at chico's and hey, what's up? i'm ted. rudy and i have a lot of daily rituals. namaste. stay. taking care of our teeth is one of them. when i brush my teeth, he gets a milk-bone brushing chew. just another way to keep ourselves healthy. i'll go change. the hot new accessory? brows that wow. from maybelline new york... it's brow drama. our first sculpting ball brush with tinted gel. just sweep...then sculpt. for bolder, sculpted brows. brow drama. get the look at ♪ maybe it's maybelline ♪ does all greek yogurt have to be thick? does it all have to be the same? not with new light and fluffy yoplait greek 100 whips! let's whip up the rules of greek! >> with two tony awards, it is brought way royalty. >> she is taking on the small screen from the creator of "sex and the city." the new series, younger. she plays a 40-year-old recent divorcee posing as a 26-year-old in her new job and social life. >> check this out. you have to see it irl. what's irl? >> in real life. were you living under a rock? >> no, but i was in a cave. irl. bam. >> good morning. >> this is a good role for someone who had a good birthday. you love your 20s? >> i think your 20s, you flipped and flail a bit. my 20s were messy. i'm only getting better with age hopefully. >> you will appreciate that. you tweeted it out. >> that's actually in my teens. oh, my gosh. >> you look fantastic. that's very flattering and it's fun to relive my 20s in a safe tv environment and be able to retain the maturity of my now ripe old age. >> what is the redo that you would like without in the show. >> what would i like to do some. >> i don't know if i would want to go back. i think if they could go back to my 20s i would take better care of myself. i feel like i would go be addicted to junk food. i would be able to do that. i it doesn't feel like a milestone that people want you to see. >> when i was younger, 40s seemed like -- and now that i'm here i feel like i'm that 16-year-old kid in the turtleneck. i feel like i'm figuring things out. i don't know. i wouldn't want to go back. every year has been a blessing and it's better than ever. >> you just got married. say yes to the dress. that was a crazy fun experience. >> i think it's four or five days before turning 40, i had the debut. >> this is great. >> i feel so proud about the show and it has been a good year. >> we want to play a quick game younger or older. >> than you think. >> one direction or new kids on the block? >> that's not fair. new kids. >> tinder or personal ads? >> tinder confusions me. >> i'm looking and i say clint. that's terrible. >> i only played it on tv. i am not actually in the know. >> coming up next, want your college paid for? work at starbucks. >> from the movie, bringing a new generation of eastwood fans to the theaters. the entertainment calendar after this. you will never forget before larry instantly transferred money from his bank of america savings account to his merrill edge retirement account. before he opened his first hot chocolate stand calling winter an "underserved season". and before he quit his friend's leaf-raking business for "not offering a 401k." larry knew the importance of preparing for retirement. that's why when the time came he counted on merrill edge to streamline his investing and help him plan for the road ahead. that's the power of streamlined connections. that's merrill edge and bank of america. when i'm shopping for a used car, i want to be comfortable. i don't want an aggressive salesperson breathing down my neck pressuring me into a decision. when i go to the supermarket there's no one pushing me to buy the more expensive cereal. i just want to shop like i do everywhere else. ♪ ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. ♪ ♪ with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts, skim milk and cocoa, there's a whole lot of happy in every jar of nutella. spread the happy. i'm home. everything's fine. of all the things that happen on your wooden surfaces disinfecting has to be one of them. clorox disinfecting wipes. ♪ hello. hi, marilyn? yes. you got the job. in april when you buy a tracfone handset at walmart tracfone will donate 20 percent of the sales to dress for success... i will see you next week. to help give women the skills they need to get that all-important job. i got it. so you buy a new phone and someone else gets the call that can change her life completely. success is calling™. and you can help make a difference. my advice for healthy looking radiant skin. a good night's sleep... and aveeno®. [ female announcer ] only aveeno® positively radiant has an active naturals® total soy formula. it helps reduce the look of brown spots in just four weeks. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™. the world is filled with air. but for people with copd sometimes breathing air can be difficult. if you have copd, ask your doctor about once-daily anoro ellipta. it helps people with copd breathe better for a full 24hours. anoro ellipta is the first fda-approved product containing two long-acting bronchodilators in one inhaler. anoro is not for asthma. anoro contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. it is not known if this risk is increased in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, or high blood pressure. tell your doctor if you have glaucoma, prostate or bladder problems, or problems passing urine as anoro may make these problems worse. call your doctor right away if you have worsened breathing chest pain, swelling of your mouth or tongue, problems urinating or eye problems including vision changes or eye pain while taking anoro. nothing can reverse copd. the world is filled with air and anoro is helping people with copd breath air better. get your first prescription free at . >> taking a look at the headlines good news for starbucks employees. they are picking up the tar for college tuition. workers can have four years of tuition paid for from an online degree from arizona state university. they offered to pay for two years. nearly 2,000 workers enrolled in the program. new kids mobile app is stirring up controversy. google launched the app as a safe place for them to watch the contend, but they are so stuffed with ads and product placement that it's hard to tell the difference between the content and the commercials. when it comes to breast cancer treatment you get what you pay for. after analyzing the bills of 10000 patients, receiver researchers found when the cost nearly doubled the five-year survival rate rose from 38 to 52%. the higher costs were attributed to more expensive chemotherapy and radiation. vigorous exercise might be the key to living longer. exercise that leaves you sweaty or winded may increase your chances of living longer. you could prevent early death by revving up your work out. beer lovers rejoice. today is a holiday just for you. it is national beer day. 82 years ago today that they took effect ending and allowing americans to buy beer for the first time in 13 years. it is now a multibillion industry. how to avoid feeling the burn. tips on using pod holders in the tichen after hey, you forgot the milk! that's lactaid®. right. 100% real milk just without the lactose. so you can drink all you want... ...with no discomfort? exactly. here, try some... mmm, it is real milk. see? delicious. hoof bump! oh. right here girl, boom! lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort. and for a tasty snack that's 100% real dairy try lactaid® cottage cheese. olive garden's buy one take one, starting at $12.99. enjoy warm breadsticks, salad and your choice of entrees like new citrus chicken sorrento. then take home another entrée free. hurry in; buy one take one ends sunday. at olive garden. >> announcer: you're watching "today in the bay." good morning. 9:26. i'm chris can shez. bay area skies have started to clear after a storm that started in the early morning hours and brought up to 3 inches of rain in the location. live look at at&t and fremont on the right. a lot gray less in the area because pretty much it was rain all morning. the rain caught one driver on 880 in daly city and that car ended up half submerged in the water. the camera caught the driver saved in the vehicle to be okay. and wet conditions tested drivers around the bay area. slick roadways made for a tough commute over highway 17 this morning. chp is still reminding everyone on days like this you have to take it slow to stay safe. all of the rain will give a boost to the sierras as well up to 2 feet expected when all said and done but it comes a little too late from tahoe ski resorts which have already shut operations down for the season. we'll have a look at weather and traffic coming up for you after the break. 9:28. welcome back. now, i want to show you the time lapse. we are getting sunshine but we started out with an overcast sky and quite a bit of rainfall. let me show you what's left on the radar at this point. oh look at that realtime lightning just to the north with the thunderstorms as we head out there the next hour or so. you can see what's developing offshore. this is the core of low pressure. do keep if mind when thunder rolls you want to go indoors and seek shutter. 58 in san francisco. i want to find more out about the lightning and the drive. >> talk about the drive, you can see the bay bridge is stop and go. still bogged down with an earlier accident that we were dealing with out there the freeway all morning long. things were slow going 880 in hayward. we've got an accident on golden drive. in the south bay, not too bad. 101 still slow approaching mountain view. back to you, kris. >> when we say realtime we mean realtime. more news coming up in the next half hour. >> we are back with more on this tuesday morning. as i mentioned yesterday i had easter dinner courtesy of al roker. i made al's lamb, but i dropped the entire main course on the floor in front of my guests. the problem was i department use the right pot holder. which will best save you from injury? my pal had the answers for tamron hall. i was surprised to say how many would be tweeted. >> what you want to do is put them in each of those. you have the silicon and you are protected protected. >> the lamb out of the oven. >> you have to protect your body against the oven rack ask your dress. >> these are amazing. these are -- you do. you can keep them out if you are worried about them. these are actually -- >> wow. we have one problem, but there you go. >> that's tomorrow. these have the little silicon nubs as well. okay. and also they are famous and they can go in the dishwasher. these are water proof. you can actually reach your hand into the boiling water. they have removable cotton lining. you can put those in the dishwasher as well. >> this is what i used to get the lamb out. this is good, but not for what i used. those are got grabbers just for grabbing the skillet and the handle. i appreciate the ideas. we have a pretty big thunderstorm coming. you can see lightning firing off. in the north bay, we're seeing lightning this morning. please travel cautiously what you notice is a lot of that shower activity is starting to push out of the bay area. we're expecting a core of high pressure to come through noon to 6:00. we'll keep you updated on the status of the thunderstorms. >> a tamron tuesday trend trivet. >> the "today" show would have a heat-resistant cabinet. really? >> we are getting on with it. there is a leadership and your hbo favorites. >> the entertain weekly host to let you know what dates to get to your calendar. we have a lot going on this month. april 17th. >> out with a new memoire. what juicy details can we expect? >> the prey in pink where he thought molly ringwald hated him and a lot of things about charlie cheen. he was asked to hide his magazines and a lot of times he thought they were prostitutes. he talked to her about financial advice. financial advice. that is out today with the longest ride with scott eastwood. >> two love stories. scott looks so much like his father and no one is going to know because they are staring at his 30less body. look at the eyes. what can i say? >> april 12th big night. the movie awards and amy schumer is hosting. >> amy schumer, this is her year. a great year for her to host. inside amy schumer and a big trainer. they can make it on the cover of entertainment weekly. so good as the movie awards and the things like best kiss and best fight. they are not the oscars. this is an awards show where neighbors have the most nominations. >> she might be the funniest person going right now. >> the same night the hbo announces the biggest hits. >> a lot of technique. super excited for season five. this is the season where this show fernlgs. julia louie dreyfus. >> it has been five years. reba intyre something new from her. >> she said she was not sure if people wanted to her her music anymore. the first single going out and she puts on heels and a rhett tress. >> we always want to hear from reba. next friday, tina fey and a movie. my kids are really excited. monkey kingdom. >> all about the monkeys that live in the ancient ruins. the reason she did it is her daughters are huge disney fans. i hope she got paid in disney dresses. >> this is the one my kids can't wait for. mall cop 2. mom, can we go see it? $150 million. a little mustache in his segue. with the segue or without? >> segue. >> this is a hateful 28th one of the most successful out there. let's take a look. >> it is their 4th album. they are launching to support the album. you will definitely want tickets if you are a member of this family. >> also goes to have you here with us. always good to have the talentar. >> we have picks for buying a new lawn mower. looking good on so i was video chatting with my girlfriend. we haven't been together long but... she just says it. i love you. my heart is racing. so i say it right back. i love you too. and she freezes. not actually but the video chat. and i'm like did she even hear me? i am so relieved i have verizon. i panicked tried to unfreeze it and hung up. we are so much in love. she never called me back. vo: join us and save without settling. verizon. for very dry skin, you need healing. new vaseline intensive care with micro-droplets of vaseline jelly relieves dry skin and moisturizes to heal it in just 5 days. clinically proven. that's the healing power of vaseline. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ohhh. i remember this day... he got so many compliments on this costume. today is stanley's big day. happy birthday, stanley. he's five.... i was able to determine that stanley is an aquarius. ohh, aquarius... that's so fitting... throughout the whole journey petsmart has been there for us. we'll get you looking great for your birthday party. morgan here is a pisces. such an intellect. really? yes, yes... big thinker. huh? pethood's better with a partner. that's why petsmart has all you need to take care of your kids. your brain can send information to the rest of your body at 268 mph. three times the speed of a fastball. take care of your brain with centrum silver men. multivitamins with 20% more vitamin d. my heart beats 100,000 times a day sending oxygen to my muscles... again! i can lift even the most demanding weights. take care of your heart with centrum silver men. multivitamins for the most important parts of you. brookside chocolate now has a crunch. brookside crunchy clusters - crispy multi-grains and sweet fruit-flavored pieces dipped in rich dark chocolate. discover brookside crunchy clusters. they say after seeing a magician make his assistant disappear mr.clean came up with a product that makes dirt virtually disappear. he called it the magic eraser. it cleans like magic. even baked on dirt disappears right before your eyes. mr.clean's magic eraser. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ introducing new country time lemonade starter with real lemon juice. a fresh, new way to make country time. >> the best of all of this in a second. we have what you should know before you make a major purchase. >> where is gene? oh, gene? >> let's talk about lawn mowers. do you need something this big? >> the first thing to think about when you are looking at a lawn mower is how big it is in your yard. less than a half acre, you can go with a push mower. more than an acre, you need this. it comes with all the extras. the other we brought in these are the top consumer reports rated mowers. the sc 100. it's a gas-powered mower and only $250. if you are budget-minded. the third is the 20 inch. it's a 56 volt. it's electric. you plug it in and it cuts two miles of lawn on a single charge. it's very light. the people say it works like a self-propelled mower. >> you want to walk into the dealership with the financing so that you are not captive for their financing. used car financing is available at awesome rates. the average is about 5%, but you can do better if you have a good credit score. 3%. what we learn when we are talking about the search engines is it's very important to cast a wide neck. use car we have two cars. we shopped for a used wrangler. how do you like that? when you search on the engine, we searched 25 to 50 miles which is what most people do. when we expanded our search to 100 miles, we found that we could get a car for $1500 less. 986 miles less. a great deal. the same with a ford mustang. look at this. that's nice. >> we expanded across the country and we found that we could even -- whoa! even if we get the car across the country we save $2,000. they want to mess me up here. a car with 17,000 miles here. thousands of dollars less. you want to cast a wide net and always test the car. >> come on over here. with natalie. >> the other thing that we are going for is airline tickets and how to get the best fares. you have to get the best fares these days and we want to stop on a tuesday or a wednesday and fly on a tuesday or a wednesday or a saturday. the other really interesting thing to learn, i will take a seat now. i am lost from all of this. you want to make sure that you add a stop if you have time. airlines have been consolidated like crazy. so it's very, very difficult to get a good deal if you want to go direct. adding a stop can knock $50 off the cost. >> if you don't mind the lay over and the stop. >> 50%. not $50. the best window in which to stop is 50 to 100 days out for a domestic flight and according to expedia, shave $85 off your flight. if you are flying internationally, you want a longer window. >> al roker having too much fun. clearly remote control cars never go out of style. thanks so much. still ahead, tamron's tuesday trend. on short notice. new dos to those who want a shorter look for spring. you're all excited to book that vacation flight. plenty of seats to choose from right? buuut the minute you try to use reward miles from your airline credit card... it's slim pickins! the flights you want -- sorry, they ask for a ridiculous number of miles. time to switch to the capital one venture card. with venture, you'll earn unlimited double miles. and using those miles is easy. just book any flight you want, on any airline. then use your miles to cover the cost. no blackout dates. what's in your wallet? ♪ ♪ to feel this special... you need to eat this special. ♪ i love it ♪ kellogg's special k... ...made with whole grains and fiber... ... to help a body thrive. ♪ i love it ♪ folic acid and vitamin d... ... to make a body feel this good. start your day with 150 nourishing calories... a bowl of special k. ♪ i love it ♪ kellogg's special k... eat special, feel special. sensational! new lash sensational full fan effect mascara from maybelline new york. our unique fanning brush captures every layer of lashes... for a sensational full-fan effect. new lash sensational full fan effect mascara ♪ maybe it's maybelline ♪ clorox knows a lot of dusters just push dust around. new clorox dust wipes have the power to grab and hold onto dust, allergens, and even hair all with just one wipe. i wish i had this much hair. can't help you there. real dusting. for your real life. i bring the gift of the name your price tool to help you find a price that fits your budget. uh-oh. the name your price tool. she's not to be trusted. kill her. flo: it will save you money! the name your price tool isn't witchcraft! and i didn't turn your daughter into a rooster. she just looks like that. burn the witch! the name your price tool a dangerously progressive idea. things made with love are the best things. and that's exactly why avocados from mexico are grown with love, all year round. discover the power of just one shower. new dove body wash with a breakthrough formula. just one shower gives you softer smoother skin. my skin is really silky smooth. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower. wish your skin could bounce back as quickly as it used to? introducing neutrogena hydro boost water gel. instantly quenches skin to keep it supple and hydrated day after day. formulated with hydrating hyaluronic acid which retains up to 1000 times its weight in water. this refreshing water gel plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple, hydrated skin that bounces back. new hydro boost. from neutrogena. hold it! come with me. new dannon oikos triple zero is my go to protein snack. cam, protein from yogurt? yup, this greek nonfat yogurt packs 15 grams of protein punch. but what else? unlike some other protein snacks, it has 0 added sugar 0 artificial sweeteners and 0 fat. mmm... will it up my game? no man! new dannon oikos triple zero official yogurt of the nfl. mmm dannon. >> it's time for the latest installment. there is a lot you can do with a little hair and celebs like jennifer lawrence and jennifer hudson topped off their looks and you can't forget the classic and today we are joined by my very own hairstylist for first lady michelle obama. here with a few haircuts you can't believe. i had this haircut and you have been doing my hair for own eafr18 years and there have been times where i cried because may bangs were too short. i said would you let me cut your hair? >> absolutely not. i would probably cry. >> you would cry because we have anna emotional attachment to our hair. >> that's what it is with long hair. that statement too. >> a lot of people said everyone was short hair. people say they want a new haircut you give them a new haircut. give them the feeling they want. >> it was liberating, but that was individual. >> liberating for a lot of women. >> andi is from brooklyn and this was inspired by my cut. lock at that. >> she was really long hair and donating to looks of love. >> yes! >> we sent it in, but she has it fun and she can wear it slicked back and it's sassy. >> this was the only thergz. keena from illinois. it's lovely. >> the classic bob never goes out of style. >> what do you recommend? >> anything with the oil that is from india it has a lot of anti-oxidants and makes your hair stronger and it protects from the heat and it's really good. one of the things i miss with the longer hair. what do we do at the beach. and we have the short do. >> exactly. you can definitely wear it or slick it back. it will be cute with the head bands and i know it's hard for you. >> if people are considering, do you gradually shorten? >> we just gave her a little bob. >> you look bustle with short hair. don't care. back in a moment. this is "today" on >> they announced that -- come on. >> it's our seve >> announcer: you're watching "today in the bay." well good morning, everyone. i'm scott mcgrew. take a live look at skies wolf san jose. this is kind of near 280 and highway 17. the brunt of this morning's storm has rolled through already, but the roadway is still slick. let's be careful out there. challenging driving conditions. in fact the rain this morning did cause flooding. one car trapped in standing water in daly city. that closed the off-ramp at sullivan avenue. the chp said wet weather does not play a role in this fiery crash that killed a driver. near man neta airport. the car caught fire trapping this person inside. well as we said the main rain has rolled through. be careful, let's check in with christina this morning. >> yeah we still have areas that are slick out there, scott. and now, we have a new danger. that's thunderstorms. they're firing not just offshore. a pretty good looking south 15 minutes north of concord. we'll keep you updated and right here on nbc bay area. we want to see you cumulus formation off the coast of half moon bay. thunderstorms and cooler weather today. we'll have the latest today for you at 11:00. right now, anthony and the morning drive. >> things are still slow in south bay, as you look at the map and see all the accidents not only northbound but 280. littered with accidents. most are small accidents. fender benders. 880 area near fremont. and actually in palo alto you can see cars moving there, fremont, a little slower because of those accidents that's where we find the slower conditions on 880 subdz.outhbound. >> all right, anthony. we'll have more in a half hour. see you then. from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hello, everybody. no, you're not looking at two big daffodils. it's "boozeday tuesday," april 7th. we have a terrific show for you today because it's our seventh anniversary! >> today's the day. seven years ago on this very day, we opened up outside. >> yes, that was a mistake. >> on the plaza. we both has slickers on. >> it was frickin' freezing. >> it was freezing. >> i signed for a year i thought. i can work with anybody for a year. >> and look at us now. >> and then, i fell madly in love with ms. hoda woman. think about what's changed in those seven years. but we don't have an itch, do we? >> no. we're wearing yellow because we googled it and found that the color of seven years is yellow. so happy anniversary. >> i love you very much. >> i do, too. we don't have the itch at all. >> from "veep," we have gary cole and something fun lined up for him. >> also, we have wonderful makeovers that you don't want to miss. two beautiful young women missed their proms because of their health but they're glamed up for a do-over for the dance of their dreams. >> and which diet plans are the most effective at keeping the weight off for life? >> all right. first of all, anne hathaway -- >> she brought her game, didn't she? >> anne hathaway took part in that lip sync battle show and she was going to come out and do a little miley cyrus. this shows so much about her. let's take a look at her performance. ♪ we chained our hearts ♪ ♪ never asking why ♪ ♪ don't you ever say i just walked away ♪ ♪ i will always love you ♪ ♪!xn i came in like a wrecking ball ♪ ♪ i never hit a hard in love ♪ >> wow. oh, my god. you do not picture her doing that. >> well, she's fearless. you've got to be. you've got to go for it. >> when do we get to see your episode? >> mine is near the end of april in a couple of weeks coming up. i wasn't as prepared as anne hathaway put it that way. >> you didn't invest as much time in it, did you? >> by the way the show is so much fun. you get to be someone you're not. >> we're proud of lane bryant, the ceo of lane bryant hopes to change the conversation which is excellent about plus size women. >> this was in "the daily news" today. their hashtag is "i'm no angel." and i love the line it says, we're not throwing shade but we're definitely throwing curves. the folks from lane bryant came out with their own group of women dressed in a sexy way wearing lingerie from lane bryant. the models here, sizes 12 to 28. and it's just cool. >> isn't the average size 12 in america? >> yes. >> average woman. if we did a poll around here most of the guys -- and we have mostly guys on our crew -- would say they prefer women a little bit -- >> do you guys like curvy women -- >> a little meat on the bones. >> raise your hand if you like curvy? let's see. >> supermodel or curves? >> curves. >> supermodel okay. >> i like curvy. >> see! >> none of us would throw cindy crawford out. >> but you know the bone thin models, they're rail thin it's nice to see women like this. >> it is. and they're all beautiful. blooe blooe absolutely beautiful. >> and they've eliminated plus size from their -- >> hoda doesn't like this segment. >> this is a topic called "your common cleaning sins." think about what you wish you could do better in your house when it comes to the cleaning department. i have a lot of things i wish i did better. i drink most of my coffee and then leave the cup and when i come back in the afternoon, there it is. and it takes more -- >> by then, it's coagulated, it's made a stain. >> there's a stain. if you leave it long enough -- >> hoda, your bathroom is two feet from your kitchen. >> exactly. if you leave cereal in the bowl -- >> it, too, coagulated. >> it turns into cement. >> it's so easy. it's a plop, even you don't want to rinse it. plop it and go. >> i should. it does seem like it makes sense to people like you. but to people like me, it doesn't. >> frank does the same thing. he's so meticulous in the way he dresses and all that. but he'll let something sit there and coagulate. >> does it bother you when you see it sitting there? >> we're in our 29th year of marriage. you have to go, that frank! that frank, learn that you're never going to change him. in fact it gets worse that way. you love the man. i didn't marry him because he was a neat freak. you have to keep reminding yourself what you loved originally about that person. >> that's good. do you clean up if his plate's out or his cup's out? >> that frank! we have help at our house, so we're blessed. >> old mugs of tea, that's what i have. toothpaste encrusted bathrooms and moldy food? moldy food has to go. >> sometimes moldy food is in your refrigerator. you left it there for two months. >> here are other top sins. hair in the sink. changing bedsheets once a month. how often do you guys do your sheets? >> twice a week. >> twice a week? >> yes. >> goody for you. can we ask a question. how often do people change their sheets? >> not enough, zach. but you have a supermodel coming over -- >> more often. >> my guess would be most people do it once either a week or every two weeks. >> we'd love to know what you do. do you have food that exploded in your microwave that's from last year. >> and you don't bother with it because it's in the nooks and crannies -- >> we're all perfect here in america. one in eight brits haven't vacuumed at all this year. >> a fifth of the people never dust or polish their home. >> and a quarter have never cleaned their windows. >> i don't do that. >> but it's not true about the brits about the bad teeth. maybe this is not true about -- there's always -- remember austin powers who made such a big thing about the fact that the brits never get their teeth cleaned. that's not true. >> here's a good story. imagine this, you lose your dog dogdog, but two years go by and you suddenly find your dog. after 2 1/2 years, an arizona family was reunited with their dog named sweetie. >> the owner thinks she got through the fence. the family launched a search on craigslist social media and filed a report with the humane society but no luck. >> until one day, the pooch turned up at a warehouse 15 miles from their home was taken to the humane society and because she had one of those microchips -- >> the humane society got in touch with the owner. you know who's here and i want to say hello to them because they have a precious dog because of me. i played a terrible trick on them. my dear friend, taryn and her children. remember when you got blake -- there's cinnamon lee. and i knew that colin wanted her. so i went over and gave it to colin. and the look on taryn's face was -- >> taryn was freaking. >> it was the wrong thing to do. but it turned out to be a miracle, right? >> it turned out better than i expected. >> were you furious with me? you were at the time, right? >> no, i wouldn't say furious. i love you. and i knew you just wanted colin to be happy. >> and riley turned out to be the one that loves him most. >> riley is cinnamon's bff. >> you got blake and they got cinnamon lee. cinnamon is huge now, how much does she weigh? >> ten pounds. >> that's not huge. >> this friday, we'll give it away again. five lucky viewers will win a special prize. >> enter once a week. if you didn't win last week you have to enter again. for the complete rules and regulations and how to enter for a chance to win this week's prize, go to >> hit the connect button. our prizes have been pretty awesome. coming up there are great diets out there that keep the weight off. which one works the best? >> in the 28 years i've been married i've gained one pound per year. that's not good! >> and ♪ hello, i'm here to talk to you on behalf of windex. recently we've noticed a series of advertisements created by these two birds, inviting you to stay away from the streak free shine of windex. their advertisements are false. sfx: squeaking from window cleaning clean glass is better than dirty glass. and to prove it, here's a real demo: here i can clearly see my hand and here i cannot. don't stand for dirty. sfx: glove removed from hand use windex. sc johnson, a family company. mornings got you a little... (puppy squeal) grab the good energy of quaker oats. one of nature's most perfect energy sources. it's how we help keep go-getters like you going and getting. one bite at a time. quaker up. with my android from tracfone, i can... order more shaving cream. pay the electric bill. keep towels piping hot. get kids to sit still. play beard styling tunes. learn new razor tricks. hire a pro waxer. post before and after pics. i can do all that with my android from tracfone. 90-day plans start as low as $20. unbeatable nationwide coverage. no contract. for a limited time save $20 on the unimax maxpatriot. now just $49.00. tracfone. do everything for less. haircolor inspired by grace kelly. legendary blondes from l'oréal excellence. so radiant. so classic. the non-drip crème formula protects every strand. super rich care for super rich color. excellence legendary blondes by l'oréal paris. what's in my snuggle scent boosters? lavender joy a long lasting scent each pac is a big boost of freshness. little pac, big snifference snuggle scent boosters it's gonna tempt your tummy, with the taste of nuts and honey. it's a honey of an o. it's honey nut cheerios. not all toothbrushes are created equal, oral-b toothbrushes are engineered with end rounded bristles so brushing doesn't scratch gums and angled perfectly to remove 90% of plaque for a healthier smile. trust the brand more dentists and hygienists use. oral-b. in this moment your baby is getting more than clean. your touch stimulates her senses and nurtures her mind. and the johnson's® scent lather and bubbles help enhance the experience. so why just clean your baby when you can give her so much more™? people love their best foods. keith told us it's one of the greatest things ever created! woah keith! does that make the rich creamy taste of best foods greater than... ...the light bulb? or rollercoaster faces? is our delicious mayo greater than eighties dance moves? can best foods be greater, even, than the internet? well keith, if you say so. we're just working hard to... bring out the best. he's been seen in countless hit tv shows. >> from his role as the micromanaging boss "office space" to the charming mike brady in "the brady bunch movie". >> that one, we love it. >> gary cole. >> he learned his first emmy nomination for his turn as kent davis. he even ran the number on the president's daughter. take a look. >> katherine america doesn't like you. >> what? >> that sounded way too harsh. >> let me see that. >> it's not that you are unlikable. it's that there's a perception that you are unlikable. >> they hate me. >> i wouldn't say hate. you just polarize opinion with the bulk of it graf gravitating to this poll here. you have sharp shoulders. >> this is like high school. >> yeah, kind of but much bigger lt. >> when they offered you this role, you didn't consider yourself much -- you didn't come from the comedy world. >> not really. the first thing i did was mike brady and i didn't have to do much but put on that hair. >> your hair is magnificent. >> we want to put our hands in it. >> oh, yeah. >> he's got michael douglas presidential hair. >> >> you have a nickname because of the hair. >> right. we referred to hip asm as gray elvis. which killed. >> yeah. i enjoyed that. >> how do you keep a straight face on set snt lines are hysterical? >> i'm too anxious thinking about being funny. i rarely, you know get broken up because i'm too paranoid myself. >> there's a lot of improv. we've had a lot of the cast here. but the rest of the people seem to be fond of us. but they -- a lot of them came from an improv world or experience that way. so when they're busting up and making all kinds of -- do you mess around as well? >> i wasn't trained in that area at all. matt walsh founded the ucb and here in california and he's like a master at it. there are several other people that are highly skilled at it. i'm not one of those people. but i kind of jump in when i can. but the best moment i remember was actually matt and tony hail destroying some china in a official government building in london that we shot an episode in. they didn't get the bill for it. but, you know we got out unscathed. that was a great moment. >> that was improv. >> it was more like an descent that accident. >> got you. >> did you know this was going to be one of those hits? sometimes when you read a script you say this one looks like it's gold. >> did you envision a second season? >> i came in the second season. >> you arrived on the gravy train. so you knew it was a hit. >> right. i knew what i was walking into. i rarely walk into anything untested. >> all right. we want to play a little game with you. we're very fovend yournd of your mustache. >> thank you. >> we want to know how good you are at identifying other people's facial hair. >> okay. >> are you ready? >> we're going to have a look at our -- we're looking right there. >> matthew mcconaughey. >> yes, indeed. that was an easy one. who's that? >> you're not going to get it. >> no. >> i don't know. >> look at the teeth. yep. >> all right. >> brad pitt. >> yes, indeed. >> those are hard to miss. >> richard nixon. >> exactly! >> and -- okay. a little bit of that. >> i like that. >> i believe that is me. >> is that you? >> yeah there you go. >> well we love the show. she got me hooked on it. >> was there a prize? yes. look what you get. >> a schafer? >> a shaver and a little mustache pin there. through go. thanks for playing. >> thanks so much. >> thanks for having me. >> season four of "beat" premier this is sunday. >> the diet you're on help keep the weight off long term? we'll tell what you researchers have to say. >> and all too popular game in our household, eat it or freeze it? >> nobody plays that. guest. come on out, flo! [house band playing] you have anything to say to flo? nah, i'll just let the results do the talking. [crowd booing] well, he can do that. we show our progressive direct rate and the rates of our competitors even if progressive isn't the lowest. it looks like progressive is not the lowest! ohhhh! when we return we'll find out whether doug is the father. wait, what? want hair that's 2x stronger? just add pantene's new conditioner. the pantene pro-v formula works all the way to the core and makes hair 2x stronger than shampooing alone see the difference of new pantene conditioner. shopping online... as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great... ...if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list now it is. we've made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog-walker as simple as a few clicks. buy their services directly at no more calling around. no more hassles. and you don't even have to be a member to start shopping today. angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. visit today. these little angels build in softness. and these little angels build in strength. and that little angel says "weeeeeeeee!" 60% more sheets than charmin. everything you want and the value you love. angel soft. nervous whitening will damage your teeth? introducing listerine® healthy white™. it not only safely whitens teeth... ...but also restores enamel. lose the nerves and get a healthier whiter smile that you'll love. listerine® healthy white™. power to your mouth™! losing weight on a diet is a battle. but keeping it off is another battle. there are some popular diets that are more effective at long-term weight loss. >> so what makes some programs more effective than others? here to fill us in is an obesity and weight loss expert. >> this is interesting a lot of people have wondered, they've been on all these different diets. what did johns hopkins conclude are the best diets? >> we know that most diets work in the short term. but long term is the name of the game when it comes to weight loss. the study showed that weight watchers and jenny craig have the most evidence that people can lose weight and keep it off a year longer. >> and they both have a buddy system, don't they? >> they do. >> is that a huge part of it or is it the food itself? >> it's a big part of weight watchers. what they're known for, their point system, obviously, but they have a lot of social support -- >> support is what people need. >> jenny craig does also. you do one-on-one. but it's mostly phone. weight watchers is the only one that i know that you actually go in to meetings every week. >> and people like things that are simple. with weight watchers you get a certain number of points on each food -- it's math. >> what about nutrisystem? marie oz mondaysmond, i lost 50 pounds. and she did she looks great. >> we've not evaluated everything long term and these are the only two that work. these are the only two that have been evaluated enough long term to say that they definitely work. -over- others might work also. >> is it because they've been around the longest? >> it's part of it. and they have large market share. >> but some of them are expensive, right? if you can't afford one of those programs which of the regular diets of regular food -- say the mediterranean diet? >> yeah. well weight watchers is actually one of the least expensive ones out there. they do have food options that you can use. but you don't need to do that. that one for people who might be on a tighter budget, we usually recommend weight watchers. >> what about the mediterranean? a lot of people say that's the best in the world. >> if you can stick to it, what we find is people tend to need a little more structure. so getting a book or doing it based on the website tends to not work as well. >> how do you know -- if a person wants to take out which diet should i be on, what's the best way to hand-pick something that works for them? >> great question. a diet is a big deal. i needed a new pair of shoes and i spent three days on the internet researching. a diet should be like a marriage. you want want to stick with it for the rest of your life. do due diligence and research and figure out what works for you. if you're the type of person that's on the go and i don't want to prepare any of my meals you might consider jenny craig. but some people are the opposite. i cook so i might tend towards weight watchers. do the research. find out what's require with these and fit what's best for you. >> most of the people in our joy fit say weight watchers is one of the reasons -- >> and they exercise, too. thank you. >> absolutely, thank you. coming up, get the tissues ready when we unveil some amazing makeovers for some truly deserving young girls. and if you wind up with you total your brand new car. nobody's hurt,but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do, drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement, we'll replace the full value of your car. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. after brushing listerine® total care strengthens teeth, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine® total care to the total family. listerine® total care. one bottle, six benefits. power to your mouth™. there's only two of us... how much dirt can we manufacture? very little. more than you think. (doorbell) what's that? what's this? swiffer sweeper. i came in under the assumption that it was clean. i've been living in a fool's paradise! cottonelle cleanripple texture gets you cleaner, but will it make people confident enough to go commando? how was your wiping experience? ok. why do you think ripples are so great? probably ripples would just clean better. yeah, why? just...would pick up more layers. do you feel confident enough to go commando? go commando...uh...yeah sure. congratulations! i did it! how do you feel? fresh! only cottonelle has cleanripple texture, so going cottonelle means you can go commando. good morning, everyone. 10:26. i'm scott mcgrew. the accused boston bomber dzhokhar tsarnaev is in the hands of the jury this morning. it is fully anticipated the jury will return a guilty verdict. he did admit to the bombing. the question is will dzhokhar be sentenced to death. that comes between the 11:00 a.m. nbc news we'll deliver a special report. there was action this morning because of the rain that happened before the rain started falling and it was fatal. it happened near the san jose airport. a pickup truck slammed into a car. the person in the the car was killed. we will check the weather out after the break. welcome back i'm meteorologist christina loren. we are tracking a severe line of thunderstorms headed towards the north bay. looks like this thing is going to stay organized. ly 11:29 it should arrive in santa rose. on a lighter note snow on top of hamilton it was cold enough for that. hopefully, the clouds will clear and we'll show you that. you can see the thunderstorms stacking up here just offshore of half moon bay. we'll meet back here at 11:00 and have the details later for you. you can see accidents on 85 northbound just past the north expressway. 280 near winchester and 101 littered all the way from past 880 towards the connector. all of them spread out, fender benders not causing a huge deal of concern. up towards fremont same thing on the 880 corridor and things are still slow approaching the bay. you can see that. >> all right, anthony. more news stories in the newscast. we're back with a wonderful organization called the garden of dreams. it creates once-in-a-lifetime experiences for children facing enormous obstacles of all times. >> the foundation is a non-profit associated with madison square garden where our very own jill martin is a broadcaster for the new york knicks. >> and they're getting ready to throw their annual prom. >> jill's helped two beautiful young ladies for what's going to be an amazing night out. >> it really works. we make these dreams and wishes come true. last year was the first prom. we had 50 kids. and they said to me, this was the best night of our lives. this year we have 100. it's on april 14th. two very lucky ladies they're so excited. >> let's meet our first lovely little girl. her name is hajja wilson. >> she was just 7 years old when she was diagnosed with sickle cell disease, a blood decision order that affects your red blood cells. living with the disease means dealing with joint and back pain which sometimes doesn't allow her to get out of bed. growing up, she couldn't enjoy normal activities like jumprope or playing outside with her friends for long periods of time because she tired too easily. as a result, she missed out on a lot of experiences. one day she hopes to become a pediatric hematologist to understand her disease more and help other children that have it. >> wow. beautiful young lady. >> this is so exciting. next to me, i have her mom who's blindfolded. keep your blindfold on for just a minute. we're going to bring her out now escorted by our friend and colleague montez. >> oh, beautiful! >> are you ready? cammile, take a look at your little girl. >> that's right there. >> she looks beautiful. >> she looks beautiful. >> she sure does. >> wow. >> how do you feel, sweetie? >> like a princess. >> like a princess. >> i love that dress. >> this is like the oscars of prom. so we said, go through the oscars red carpet, pick your favorite hairdo and makeup and your favorite dress. that's what she did. >> your daughter has wonderful taste. >> look at mom. >> thank you. >> you want to come over and join your mom? beautiful. >> who's next? >> next up, we have brianna burton. let's take a look at her story. >> a few days before she was born, 16-year-old brianna burton was diagnosed with spina bifida. shortly after birth, brianna had her first surgery to close her back. as she grew, brianna had several more surgeries, one of which removed part of her spine and replaced it with a rod. another surgery was needed when the rod became infected and had to be removed. on top of that, brianna lives with back pain and asthma and managed a variety of other ailments. but despite all this, she still enjoys her life and makes the most of what she has. >> what a bright light that little girl is. this is her some norma. >> keep your blindfold on for us for just a minute. we're going to bring out your adorable daughter brianna escorted by our montez. >> hi brianna. >> norma, are you ready to see her? >> yes. >> take a look at your little girl. >> you're gorgeous. >> those are serious earrings. >> yes, you are. tell us about why you picked that dress sweetie? >> i feel like it describes who i am. >> really? >> beautiful. >> beautiful. >> sparkly. >> you are a bright light is that how you would describe her? >> yes, she does. >> i hope you have a wonderful time. come on over here and join your mom. that is awesome. we're going to bring back sahajja. and we want to take a moment to give a shoutout to another lovely young lady named priya perez. she's suffering from crohn's disease. she was supposed to be here. but unfortunately she had to go back to the hospital. >> we wish you a speedy recovery, priya. >> have a wonderful time ladies. >> have fun. >> thank you! >> jill, that was awesome. madelyn is here to tell you which foods to freeze and what you better eat right after this. headache? motrin helps you be an unstoppable, let's-rock-this-concert- like-it's-1999 kind of mom. back pain? motrin helps you be the side-planking keeping-up-with- your-girlfriend- even-though-you'll-feel-it- later kind of woman you are. body pain? motrin helps you be an unstoppable, i-can-totally-do-this- all-in-one-trip kind of woman. when pain tries to stop you, there's motrin. motrin works fast to stop pain where it starts. make it happen with new motrin liquid gels. are you having activia? greek. oh cause it looks like activia. greek. activia greek. activia greek. try the thick creamy greek yogurt that may make your tummy smile. i love it. try activia greek. in one mesmerizing stroke, create a smoldering look. l'oreal's new smokissime. our 1st powder liner to create a smoky effect in just one stroke. concentrated pigments... effortlessly shade... and intensify... it's smoky made simple. smokissime from l'oreal makeup designer, paris. your kids get used to sweaty odors in their room. they think it smells fine, but you smell this... eliminate all the odors you've gone noseblind to with febreze fabric refresher. mmmm... so you and your guests can breathe happy. you know who you are with that boat full of leftover sticks of butter sitting in the package. >> nbc news health and nutrition editor madelyn fernstrom is here to tell you whether to freeze it or eat it. >> it's one of my favorite games. she's putting us to the test. what are we doing? >> so you each are going to have seven items, they're both the same things. some things you can freeze. if you think you can freeze it put it in this freezer tub. if you think i better eat it now, put it into this bin. >> are we starting with something? >> you'll get 20 seconds to do this. and when time is up i'll see who got it right. >> we have to countdown -- >> you have your seven items -- >> the basket and the freezer? >> you'll share them both. yours are yellow. yours are red. wait i have to count down. ready set, go! 20 seconds on the clock. where do you think it belongs? freeze it or eat it? >> what is this? >> that's cream cheese. >> hoda's all done. and we're done. okay. >> what happened? >> i have no idea. and i don't care. >> oh, yes, you do. now we're going to start -- >> mine are yellow? >> yours are yellow. >> and yours are red. >> you don't like get this after the first one. the first one is butter. hoda said that you can freeze its. so did kathie lee. you're both right. but what you want to do is -- you have to wrap it up really carefully -- >> so just eat it instead. >> no, no, no, it is freeze it. >> how long? >> you can freeze it for about four months. >> but you forget about it -- >> clean out your freezer now and then. >> not going to happen. >> let's move on to cream cheese. hoda said you can freeze it. >> yes, you can. >> i said the same thing, i think. >> you said the same thing. i can't find your cream cheese -- no, you said you eat it. and kathie lee would be right. you cannot freeze cream cheese because it gets dry and crumbly. >> that's a point for kathie lee and not for hoda. >> i don't like this game. >> yes, you do. again, grated cheese, hoda says you can freeze it. >> kathie lee said, no you better eat it now. and hoda would be right. >> but it's tastier fresh. >> it's going to be frozen -- >> i'm still not going to. >> but you can. it's great. you can take a big block off as you need it for several months because you have a lot of leftovers. >> it will be there with the butter in several months. >> it's 2-2 and i'm about to take the lead. >> we have another disagreement. we have gravy. hoda says you can freeze it. kathie lee says you should eat it. when you freeze it, it loses flavor. that would be kathie lee's point. but now we go to milk. can you freeze it or not? hoda said you can't freeze it. >> kathie lee is correct. you can freeze it up to about a month. but pour out some milk. >> i want to go back to "the new york times" front-page story. >> well, let's finish up strong. let's go to some cupcakes. hoda said -- >> why would you waste time freezing your cupcakes? >> hoda is right because the frosting gets crumbly. >> you have four points. i have three points. we're down to one item. >> fried chicken. hoda says eat it, kathie lee said freeze it. hoda is right. >> what is it? what is the prize madelyn? >> it is a cooler to keep everything nice and cool. >> that's awesome. >> hope you had a good time. >> thank you so much, madelyn. reed alexander will help us make some decisions on snacks. >> we love him. woman: for soft beautiful feet i have a professional secret: amopé and its premium foot care line. the new amopé pedi perfect foot file gives you soft beautiful feet effortlessly. its microlumina rotating head buffs away hard skin even on those hard-to-reach spots. it's amazing. you can see it and feel it. my new must-have for soft, beautiful feet. amopé pedi perfect. find it in the foot care aisle or at the registers in these stores. today, i'm going to fight hunger. today, i don't want to be hungry. we just have to buy food. my family gets the food we need. i'm so glad we could help. i'm so glad somebody helped. hunger lives closer than you think. purchase participating items at walmart and you can help secure a meal for someone through feeding america food banks. aunt bonnie, can i hold her? can. aaahh. cup your hands together for me. rub it all the way up your hands. any exposed skin. get in your elbow creases. and get the backs of your hands too. here, let's put some just around your neck. ok bonnie, you're good to go. ok, great thanks. here can you hold him? by their second kid, every mom is an expert. and more likely to choose luvs than first time moms. live, learn, & get luvs. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ introducing new country time lemonade starter with real lemon juice. a fresh, new way to make country time. it's back! xfinity watchathon week. the biggest week in television history. it's your all-access binge-watching pass to tv's hottest shows free with xfinity on demand. xfinity watchathon week. now through april 12th. perfect for people who really love tv. with spring break in full swing and kids home from school this week, you might be looking for something fun to do since it's going to be raining all this week. >> reed alexander has some easy ideas for snacks that you and your kids can make together. hello reed. >> congratulations on seven years. that's amazing. i want to toast with you guyings. we have some fun snacks. the first one is the ideal thing to grab and go. lemon lime coolers. italian ices. super simple. lime juice, lemon juice agave nectar. >> delicious. >> i'd rather have this than ice cream. >> that's a good sign. that's savor it and we can use it to keep us full and tide us over as we make this. >> what are we making? >> honey roasted peanut popcorn. we'll add honey to our unsalted peanuts and this frozen lemonade i used to get these things at the ballpark. >> did you nuke that honey? >> i did. warm it up. loosen it up. all of a sudden you'll notice it really coated the peanuts a whole lot easier. that was cinnamon and vanilla extract. how good is that? >> i'll try a lime one. you want one? >> go for it. no bowl necessary. the fruit does the job for you. >> how long do you cook the nuts? >> five to seven minutes, 350 degrees. let it absorb and adhere he or she flavors. then we'll break it up like a brittle. they stick together. to that, we've already popped some popcorn. >> now you're getting crazy. >> earthquake of deliciousness in this bowl. do you want to go ahead and -- >> i like reed's hair. >> really. i'm so happy to have that vote of confidence. you guys have seen multiple different situations -- >> i like this one. >> i like what's going on. >> and i'm noticing a little -- >> a teeny bit of -- >> it's happening. >> let's eat some more. >> we need some helpers. >> let's summon our helpers. >> can anybody see riley? >> do you guys like cupcakes? we're making carrot cupcakes. i've already gone and added in here -- we've got canola oil and sugar to that a little bit of greek yogurt as well. adds a lot of richness to this. and then some eggs one at a time. this is the foundation of the batter. do you guys bake a lot at home? is it fun yeah? >> no. >> every now and then? vanilla extract. we have some raisins here for sweetness. all this goes in obviously we need some carrot, a whole big bunch. i'll just add in a few. our dry ingredients, hoda, would you do me a favor scoop this into our muffin tin. >> and then we can have a little party here, arts and crafts. you guys ready to ice? >> hoda! >> what? >> beautifully done. >> there was too much pressure. >> help me out with this. we'll ice these. dip them in. grab a cupcake. they're so good. into this icing which is very simple. confectioner's sugar skim milk, vanilla, a couple of ingredients. and we're done. and instead of a mound of icing, you get a little bit of frosting. >> you only need a little bit to satisfy you. reed, we thank you for helping us. you can find these recipes on our website, we don't want reed to leave. >> earlier we asked you how often you clean your sheets? sherry says i change my sheets weekly. my daughter still talks about clean sheet day from growing up. >> and rose commented, i change my sheets once a week. and when i ask my husband to strip the bed and bring down the sheets with him, he says to me, didn't you just do that last week? she says men. >> how about you, reed? >> once a week. otherwise burn it. start fresh. seven days is the cutoff. >> guess who's with us tomorrow? >> flo rida. >> so excited. >> and we'll >> announcer: nbc bay area news starts now. right now at 11:00 rain returns to the bay area in a big way. a major mess. i'm kris sanchez. >> and i'm scott mcgrew. we have live team coverage of the storm that rolled through the bay area. but obviously, we're going to begin with meteorologist christina loren. good morning to you. >> good morning, exalt and scott and kris. take a look at these whopper totals just about everybody picking up over an inch of rainfall.

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