Transcripts For KNTV Today 20150203 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20150203

the kids claiming she's trying to keep things he left for them. and super bowl xlix the most watched show in american television history with more than 160 viewers. the weather forces the patriots to put their victory parade on hold today, february 3rd, 2014. good morning, everyone, welcome to "today" on a tuesday morning. you made it! i was worried about you. >> a lot of the airports had troubles. we snuck in, which was great. yesterday at this time we were all talking about that controversial part on the part of the seahawks at the end of the game. this morning we're talking about another controversial call. savannah has come to work what she has called the worst call she's ever had. thank you for that. >> you're welcome, i know. >> you've had it for a couple of days. >> i have. >> let's spare everybody about the netty pot and all that. >> anyway, we'll get right to the today's top story. millions of drivers facing another dangerous commute this morning. a blast of brutal cold adds misery from monday's powerful storm. al, dare we say it, another storm on the way really? >> depending which model we look at not good, but everybody is in consensus about this arctic air. we're talking about this arctic express, another blast. jetstream dips way down to the south and so that's allowing this cold air to come in. by the time we get to late tomorrow into thursday, look at these temperatures. chicago 1. that's 17 degrees below normal. indianapolis at 9. and then by friday it moves to the east. it will be zero in syracuse, that's 14 degrees below normal. atlantic city 12, new york city 5. boston, 1 degree. 20 degrees below normal. then we've got this clipper coming in tuesday into early wednesday. it's a fast-moving storm system. light amounts of snow, bitter air, bitterly cold air. by wednesday afternoon spreading more light snow into the northeast, including boston. and then we get this second system developing and this is what we're a little concerned about. the models diverge. the american model keeps this thing offshore and no big problems. the european model keeps it closer to shore and that brings more snow. is that going to be the case? well, right now it looks like we have been seeing much better results from the american model so we're keeping fingers crossed. as you can see, fairly light. but more snow for our friends in boston where they do not need it. they are encased in snow and ice and that's where miguel almaguer is right now. miguel, good morning. >> reporter: hey, al, good morning. the snow has finally stopped falling here in boston but that doesn't mean it's gone anywhere. this pile in downtown is more than 12 feet high. the roads are a mess. this is the reason why school has been cancelled again today in this area. now we know it all has to be cleaned up, and it's also frigidly cold. in boston earlier this morning, it felt like negative 13. this morning, new england wakes up buried in snow. but it's the arctic blast across the northeast many will feel in their bones. the deep dive in temperature comes after blinding blizzard-like conditions. >> i'm tired of the snow. >> reporter: it's hammer down for 14 hours straight in boston, record three feet of snow in seven days. the mayor declared an emergency. buses were stuck, roadways were dangerous. even the super bowl parade was pushed back to wednesday. >> we have an entire city to get up and running. >> reporter: not just cities crippled, airports hit hard too. more than 6700 flights cancelled, many stuck with nowhere to go. >> they call this an act of god or something, so the airlines won't compensate you for hotel rooms. >> reporter: with winds whipping millas fuera de boston. tormentas mortales, una mujer no up to 50 miles an hour o vio algo peligroso, y esta es la boston, the storm turned deadly. visión que puede tener en un a woman hit by a snow plow after auto, y dos mueren en la the driver failed to see her. whiteouts led to wipeouts across the region. this the view behind the wheel in connecticut, while two were interestatal 95 en nueva york. no solo la nieve, sino lo que es killed during rush hour -9 in new york. >> there's just so much snow and it keeps coming and coming in a muy profundo. very short time. >> reporter: not just snow but sleet. the winter mix a mess and a el alcalde ha tomado su lado, nightmare to clean. pero no termina el frío y la today roads were frozen over, nieve. cars still buried deep. for now the snow may have stopped, but the deep freeze is se supone que seguirá frígido, la nieve hace que se just settling in. with that cold breeze blowing in from the bay at boston, the storm may have passed but the dangerously cold weather certainly has not. the storm claimed at least 15 lives. al, back to you. haga peligroso. nks so much here in the city. quizá vamos a estar con un clima >> miguel almaguer in miguel, thanks so much. here in the city we take a que se siente, que causó al menos quince muertos. look at our plaza, 17 de hoy bajará a menos diez. guys, it's going to get up into the low 20s. el frío congelante, el miércoles drop back into the mid-teens but then the real deep freeze comes in wednesday night, thursday night on into friday. >> as we mentioned, the weather, the storm has forced the new england patriots to delay their super bowl parade. that happens tomorrow. across the country, talk about the game still centers on that final call by the seattle seahawks. nbc's ron mott is at the patriots home field, gillette stadium. ron, good morning to you. >> reporter: hey, matt, good morning to you. tom brady and bill belichick have now won four super bowls, but keep in mind it was ten years ago when they won that last one. as you can imagine, fans have a lot of pent-up excitement. they're ready to unleash at this parade tomorrow, no matter how cold it is. they're home, champions again. tom brady and the new england patriots hauling the nfl's most sought-after parting gift, the lombardi trophy. across the country in seattle, seahawk fans, known as the twelves twelves, clock to their team, ever supportive after the call. >> pass is intercepted at the goal line! >> reporter: coach pete carroll's decision to pass at the goal line, a turnover ending the game. >> if i live to be 200, i'll never see anything as dumb in my life. listen, sometimes there's just no explanation for just being dumb. >> reporter: quarterback russell wilson, who threw the interception, took to twitter. at 26 years old he writes i won't allow one play or one moment define my career. i will keep evolve, #motivation. but for as much as the super bowl will be remembered for one play, deflategate still looms. >> ted wells is involved in the investigation and said it will take several more weeks. if there's a finding there was any tampering, some people will say this does apply a minimum to what the patriots accomplished this season. >> i haven't had much thought into that. we've just been focusing on our game and i'm sure all that will take care of itself. >> reporter: with six super bowl appearances as a quarterback-coach tandem, bill belichick and tom brady are the most successful combo the nfl has ever seen. >> tom is the guy that fights to the end and competes to the end. there's no player that i respect more. >> reporter: now, also on monday there was some developments in the nfl concussion lawsuit. the federal judge hearing that case says she wants to see the bool pool of players eligible to increase. she also wants the nfl to raise the ceiling from $765 million up to a billion dollars. >> ron mott up in foxborough, ron, thank you very much. an alarming outbreak of measles is still spreading. as it grows, so does the debate over childhood vaccinations. haley jackson is following all of it. >> reporter: good morning. this morning we're keeping an eye on a couple of suspected measles cases in nevada which would be the 15th state seeing the virus if those are confirmed. the outbreak making national headlines, now a hot topic for the nation's top politicians. with medical experts overwhelmingly in agreement, vaccines are safe. democrats and republicans are sparking a debate that's become as much about politics as public health. hillary clinton weighing in late last night tweeting the earth is round, the sky is blue and vaccines work. adding #grandmothersknowbest. new jersey governor chris christie talked about parents who choose not to vaccinate. >> parents has a choice on things as well so that's the balance the government has to decide. >> reporter: after blowbacks christie's office clarified with a disease like measles there's no question kids should be vaccinated. senator rand paul is also making waves about the statements he made. >> states don't own the children, parents own the children and it is an issue of freedom. >> reporter: president obama reignited it in his interview with savannah. >> you should get your kids vaccinated. >> reporter: most doctors say vaccines are the only way to stop the measles outbreak that's grown to 102 people in 14 states, but many parents still have passionate reaction, like marcella piper terry who blames the measles vaccine for triggering serious seizures in her daughter. >> they say vaccines are safe. not for my child. >> reporter: severe reactions are very rare. but for piper terry, there's still a question about vaccinations and it's one she feels attacked for even asking. >> it's discriminating, it's hate speech and it is -- i can't believe i'm living in america. >> reporter: 90% of unvaccinated people will catch measles if they come into contact with the virus. that includes those too young for the shot, like the 14 babies at a california day care being isolated for three weeks because they may have been exposed to that contagious measles. >> thank you very much. chuck todd is moderator of "meet the press" and nbc's political director. chuck, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. >> when we were growing up the talk about vaccines is do they work or not. now we have established science that shows the measles vaccine does work but yet it's become a political issue. why? >> reporter: well, it's a combination of a few things that all have come together. number one, you have the issue of religious freedom. that's always been something that politicians when they talk about things like mandating vaccines, they always take one step back and always want to make an exception for religious freedom. we know religion and politics very important to political figures. the second thing is the rise of social media. you throw in the combination of the scare about ten years ago of the connection or the thought that there might be a connecticut between vaccines and autism, and how that spread like wildfire in social media. politicians, you go back to hillary clinton and barack obama when they ran in '07 and '08, they were talking about it. i think this is the perfect storm of what happens when the credibility of politicians goes badly. you have the spread of misinformation so easily on the internet. now we get to a situation like this where politicians are essentially afraid to defend anybody so they are afraid to say thig. >> it becomes a hot potato. "the new york times" puts it this way in an article this morning. the vaccination controversy is a twist on an old problem for the republican party, how to approach matters that have been largely settled among scientists but are not widely accepted by conservatives. even as i read that, chuck, let's make it clear, this does not break down neatly between the right and the left. there are pockets of liberal affluent america where parents don't want their kids vaccinated. >> reporter: no, that's right. i think the pockets in california, some of this is more, i think, of a liberal point of view. but still i think what this goes down to is we've been politicizing science now, i feel like for the last decade in a lot of ways. whether it's climate change. look at hillary clinton's comment. that can come across a little condescending and a part of the problem for politicians is maybe because it's so wide for them in the public they ought to stay out of this debate. if you're a political leader and you care about this issue, you ought to step back and push forward medical experts on this because at the end of the day i think the more politicians weigh in, the more this ends up splitting along political lines and that's going to solve nothing. >> chuck todd, good point. thank you very much. some news out of the middle east. >> breaking news out of egypt this morning where tensions are high after two bombs were founding at cairo's airport. shortly after that a bomb exploded in downtown cairo damaging buildings and blowing out windows. no one was injured. a fourth bomb went off in egypt's second city of alexandria killing a man. egypt has been ripped by turmoil since the military topped mohamed morsi in 2013. closer to home, president obama unveiling a record $4 trillion budget on monday aimed at helping the poor and middle class to pay for that. it includes overall tax increases of $2 trillion that target corporations and the wealthy. president obama says the budget is practical, not partisan, but republicans say the plan is just more taxes and spending. new photographs surfaced on monday of retired cuban leader fidel castro. the photos published in a cuban newspaper show the 88-year-old at his home. castro has not been seen in public in about a year, raising speculation about his health. last week castro offered lukewarm support over an agreement to restore diplomatic ties with the u.s. this winter's flu vaccine has been far less effective than doctors had hoped and now some members of congress want to know why. the house oversight subcommittee is holding a hearing today. lawmakers wanting to know how much progress is being made in efforts to develop a universal flu vaccine. when you're the boss, everyone wants your ear, including a grumpy groundhog. apparently wasn't thrilled about being forced to forecast the weather in wisconsin. take a look. >> he says that -- that he didn't see his shadow. >> that was not a love bite. if getting bitten wasn't enough, it turns out he got the prediction wrong. jimmy the groundhog actually predicted six more weeks of winter. the city said only the mayor can translate what jimmy whispered in his ear. >> can we just agree to leave these things alone? it never works out well. >> al says they see their shadow on the tv lights. >> come on, in any event. >> you're always our groundhog. we listen to you. and i mean that in the best possible way. >> you know i meant that in love. >> i'm going back to my burrow now. >> tell us about the clipper, al. >> that's right, that's a big clipper. as we look right now, we've got some wet weather making its way into the pacific northwest. we're going to look at that in more detail in the next half hour. plenty of sunshine out west, some showers down in southern texas and some light snow moving across the western plains. that's what's going on. we'll get to your local forecast coming up in the next seconds. conds. bring in your verizon or at&t bill turn in your old phone and we'll cut your rate plan in half. visit us online or visit a sprint store today. good morning to you. i'm meteorologist christina loren. spare the air, temperatures will be spectacular for today. take a look at this sunrise all across the board, it took my breath away. 71 degrees in the tri valley 70 in the north bay. good news is you can enjoy these beautiful temperatures for another couple days before the big changes move in. temperature also drop like a rock and ample rainfall starting on thursday areas to the north of the golden gate bridge in san francisco for us here in the south bay, rain moves in friday. and that's iryour latest weather. whitney houston's daughter is still in the hospital this morning, her family keeping their hopes up for recovery. gabe has more for us this morning. >> reporter: good morning. relatives say bobbi kristina brown is fighting for her life. there has been some very slight improvement but any recovery won't be easy. this is believed to be the last video of bobbi chriskristina brown with her husband before she was found face down in her bathtub. >> how's she doing? >> she's a fighter. >> reporter: her cousin says she's breathing with the help of a ventilator. >> she's been hit with a couple of things in life but she keeps getting back up. >> pretty much had to be in a coma so the brain would stop swelling and we're just hoping for the very best at this point. >> reporter: this morning close friends are asking for support on social media with a #prayforbk. >> we're still not out of the woods. her eyes did move a little last night and we're just hoping that that's just not reflex, we're hoping that it's a conscious choice. >> reporter: police are still investigating how brown ended up in that bathtub on saturday. >> 21-year-old female in the bathtub face down, pd's en route. >> reporter: it was almost three years to the day since her mother, whitney houston, was found dead in a bathtub at the beverly hills hilton. >> she idolized her mother, whitney houston. she wanted to follow in her footsteps. on the other hand, she grew up in a household that was very insecure. her parents were involved with drugs. >> leave her alone. >> she's my daughter. >> she's fine. >> reporter: that turbulent upbringing in the bravo show "being bobbi brown." when her mother died everything changed. she told oprah. >> i walk in the stay and stay mom? i still call her name. >> you know i save the best for life. >> reporter: an unauthorized bio film about her mother. >> we just want to know what you think about it. >> reporter: a lifetime in the spotlight. now her toughest fight yet. her mother, bobby brown, has been at her bedside, but right now, matt and savannah, there are still many unanswered questions about what exactly to all this. >> such a sad case. gabe gutierrez, thank you very much. carson, we talked about it a little earlier. we talked about the debate over vaccinations and people online are talking about it. >> earlier we discussed whether the decision to vaccinate should be up to parents or not. come into the orange room. we took a variation of that question and posed it to you. let's read it and tell you what you had to say. should you be able to sue a parent for not vaccinating their child? a huge overwhelming number of people participated in this survey, almost 50,000. very divided but still 56% saying no. karen writes in no. that's insane. and i do vaccinate, but that, being able to sue, is insane. amy says yes, if their child exposes you or your children to something that could have been prevented by vaccine, you should absolutely be able to sue. now today, this is the number one clip from roald dahl. lost a 7-year-old daughter from a complication of measles. i noticed that her firngsz and her mind were not working together and she couldn't do anything. are you feeling all right i asked her. i feel all sleepy. in an hour, she was unconscious. in 12 hours she was dead. this has taken on a whole new life on right now. you might want to click on that. guys, back to you. >> carson, thank you very much. coming up, we'll tell you about a legal battle over robin williams' personal items. it is brewing between his widow and his children. we'll hear from both sides. plus the man who walks 21 miles to and from work each day, five days a week, and the heart-warming gesture from strangers that's changing his life. >> >> coming up, the move to ban c sledding in the wake of bad accidents. >> a clip from "fifty shades" after your local news. yeah! i got it. done. done. what up! let's do this! sending you some money... thank you. done. thank you. done. on your phone. online. on the go. wells fargo makes it easy to get baing done. i know what you're thinking, but this is new and improved i can't believe it's not butter! 100% taste, 0% artificial preservatives. made with a blend of delicious oils purified water, and just a pinch of salt. two, please. new and improved i can't believe it's not butter. it's time to believe. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ even if it's your last one always share the softness of kleenex tissues. and share your kleenex care story at shopping for a used car is so intimidating. i mean, you feel like you have to be this expert negotiator to get a fair deal. i hate to haggle. when you go to a restaurant you don't haggle over the chicken parmesan. why can't car-buying be like that? ♪ ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. a very good tuesday morning to you. 7:26 i'm laura garcia-cannon. prosecutors have until the end of the day to file charges against a man arrested in connection with the suitcase discovered full of body parts. san francisco police arrested mark andreas friday night. he was seen on sur valgsveillance video near where the suitcase was leftd last week. investigators are looking for the man in this surveillance picture, almeida county deputies say he groped an 1-year-old girl in the toy aisle of a 99 correct store in hayward, then took off. it happened sunday afternoon. the girl's mother was in another aisle and did not say what happened. happening today, the city of oakland locking horns with the federal government over the harborside cannabis center. two years ago the justice department tried to seize the center as part of a federal for if i tour law. the city argued against that seizure, now appealing the lower court decision that dismissed the case. today's appeal will be heard in san francisco. let's get word on that forecast with meteorologist christina loren. nice. >> yes it's going to be really nice today, good morning to you, laura. mild start, a warm finish. it is a spare the air day. take you into your lunch time hour temps in the mid-60s ac ross the board, close to 70 degrees, all across the bayier today, even in san francisco. then that rain moves in as we head throughout the week temperatures tumble to a return to winter. let me give you the timing of the storm system. 8:00 a.m. thursday morning, showers to the north of the golden gate bridge. we continue that all the way from 8:00 a.m. thursday to 8:00 a.m. friday still not getting anything on the peninsula, but that all changes as we head throughout late friday into saturday with rain continuing into sunday. let's check your drive, here's mike. >> actually things are better than we expected after the crash cleared south 880 at hegen berger or past that. so did the traffic backup and slowing. northbound 808 just a little slow past the coliseum san leandro and back up at the maze standard with the bay bridge metering lights turned on. look at the wide look toward the southbound direction of 880 through hay woord into fremont, typical build for the nimitz, same for the tri valley. 101 slow 680 past the airport and there is your north bay. >> thank you very mch. see you in half an hour with another local news uptate. ♪ 7:30 and here's a view from the top of the rock. tuesday, february 3rd, 2015. we wish we could go way south to florida. look here on the plaza. it is 18 degrees outside. a chilly day here after snow yesterday in the deep freeze, gripping a large portion of the country. >> the weather is the top of our news and another dangerous commute across the northeast. the plunging temperatures combined with monday's snow and freezing rain led to icy conditions on roads from philadelphia all the way up to maine. more than 228,000 jeep cherokees are being recalled this morning. a software problem has been discovered that can apparently cause side air bags to inflate without warning. four of the biggest retailers are asked to pull herbal supplements immediately. the new york state attorney general said they tested wal-mart, walgreens and gnc did not contain any of the herbs listed on the label. >> that's a problem. coming up, are you getting enough sleep each night? talk about a problem, how about your kids? we will walk you through i'd guidelines for every age group out this morning. let's begin with a bitter legal fight that is tied to the death of robin williams that is pitting the late comedian's widow against his children. we have joe fryer with the latest. good morning, joe. >> good morning, matt. the academy award winning actor and comedian died last august and new details about a battle over his wealth including memorability collected over 40 years during his career in film, television, and on stage. court documents filed in december and january outlined a dispute over property between robin williams's widow and zack, zelda and cody williams, his children from two previous marriages. according to the documents williams who committed suicide in his california home left a trust granting children awards including an oscar for his performance in "good will hunting." susan said she has no rights to those items, but should have his tuxedo and other items from their wedding and knick knacks and other items not associated with his famous persona. >> it's a difficult case because there is a lot of nuance and interpretation like what did memorability mean. is it entertainment memorability or family. >> reporter: susan started gathering items within days of the death and she was not given time to grieve her loss free from the efforts to interfere with her domestic tranquility according to the documents, adding she became frightened of the cotrustees invading her home, blocking their access. overnight attorneys for the children released a statement to nbc news saying in part robin's children want nothing more than to be left alone to grieve. the fact is they have been barred from what has been their father's house and not even the trustees have been able to conduct a complete inventory. >> they can work it out and figure out what is important. >> reporter: a private family dispute gone public over one of the world's most beloved comedians. williams's children say any insinuation they may have taken anything from the house is despicable and wholly untrue. they reached out to susan schneider williams for comment, but have not heard back. matt. >> joe fryer, thanks very much. you never understand someone until you walked a mile in their shoes. the story of a man walking miles to work has gone viral and caused people to pitch in and help him. willie geist has the story. willie, good morning. >> savannah, good morning. just thinking about commuting to work is a pain for most of us, but for james his journey is a test of endurance mentally and physically. it's a daily 46 mile commute round trip with nearly half of that on foot. his determination and humility have members of the community reaching for their checkbooks. >> no matter how things are, i like to stick it out. >> this 56-year-old has a spirit that makes people want to go the extra mile. >> as part of the eight-hour round trip, he walks 21 miles a day. >> i do this five days a week. >> it's a journey he had been making since his car broke down. nearly a decade ago. his shift starts at 2:00, but he is early and has perfect attendance. >> i end up doing nothing. do you know how long it took me to find a job? >> it's time for the trip home and this time in the dark with an added five-mile walk because of late night bus route changes. >> you are physically drained, but it's at that moment that we have to pull something extra. >> reporter: robinson returns home at 4:00 a.m. in time to catch a couple hours sleep before his alarm goes off at 6:00 a.m. and he does it an gachb. again. >> faith and determination. just the will to go on. >> after reports of the marathon commute went viral, this man decided to set up a website, trying to help foot the bill for a new car. >> i wanted to figure out how i could help james get a ride to where he needs to go. >> reporter: since sunday morning, the site has raised $130,000 and counting. well-earned support after what's been a very long walk. as we mentioned, nothing comes between james and his job. on monday due to the big storm that hit detroit, his company was closed for a snow day. as the city defrosts and after a few hours of sleep, james is back to his regular commute. >> it's extraordinary. >> his boss said he sets the standard for attendance for james, he said if james is coming, you are coming. >> a check of the weather from al. >> announcer: "today's" weather is brought to you by kay jewelers. every kiss begins with kay. >> a commute is tough in boston today. it is 7 degrees and a wind chill of minus 11. it will get better today, but not by much. let's head out west where they need rain. they are going to see it. we have a pineapple express. moisture coming from all the way out in the pacific. we will watch this make its way bringing a series of storms over the next several days into saturday. good news san francisco recorded exactly zero rain for the month of january. first time that's ever happened. they desperately need the rain. in fact they will get it in spades. we are talking about upwards of 8 inches of rain between medford and san francisco. that's good news. the problem is no snow in the sierra with the snow pack. that's what they need as they go into the year to get the snow melt. today, light snow in the upper great lakes and light rain in the pacific northwest. the western half of the country 10 to 20 degrees 7:37. good morning to you. i'm meteorologist christina loren, beautiful sunrise over point reyes this morning, seeing gorgeous sky over hayes valley san francisco. temperatures today are going to end up in the 70s right now we're in the 50s, so a mild start but a really nice warm finish. it is a spare the air day. we've got big time changes coming your way as we head through the week. temperatures will drop off tomorrow. the wind will pick up. showers starting north of the golden gate bridge by thursday. we're going to wait for that rain until friday in the south bay. it will continue all the way into your weekend. >> and that's your latest weather. >> thank you very much. coming up on trending is this for real? you can throw out that snow shovel thanks to his simple trick. we will show it to you. >> next on a new rossen report the dangers of sledding. >> i'm jeff rossen. new startling numbers out. the 20,000 kids are injured while sledding every year. some cities and towns going to the extreme and banning sledding. we have the tips to keep you safe and here's a when hollywood's premiere jewelry designer, neil lane, creates a ring for today's biggest stars... ...he designs it to look fabulous from every angle. and for his collection at kay jewelers... ...he does the exact. same. thing. yes! neil lane bridal. uniquely beautiful hand-crafted rings at kay the number one jewelry store in america. my collection is vintage inspired... ...with flowing lines that evoke a sense of timelessness. because i want every woman to feel like a star. ♪ every kiss begins with kay. ♪ ♪ ♪ when you feel good no one is immune. with antioxidants, electrolytes, and b vitamins plus more vitamin c than ten oranges. emergen-c transforms more than just water. emergen-c. let your awesome out. ♪♪ the adventures you've been imagining. the heroes you've been admiring. the worlds you've been dreaming of. ♪♪ the thrills you've been craving. the moments you've been missing. the vacation you've been looking for is here. come and take it. universal orlando resort. experience it all with the wizarding world of harry potter vacation package. visit this- is your new wallet. no. really. you can now use your capital one card with apple pay to buy this that... or a few pairs of these-all from your iphone 6 instantly. it's easy. honestly- it's pretty awesome. and when you have the capital one wallet app you can keep track of all your purchases. see what i mean? awesome. what's in your wallet? what are you doing? there's no dip in that bowl. they're pringles tortillas. they're so good they don't need dip. can i have some from your bowl? please. hmmm. not bad right? think i'll have some more. that's a double dip... you double dipped. pringles tortillas. so good you don't dip 'em you air dip 'em. pringles! some questions can't wait until morning. so i'm one of many nurses at cigna with answers anytime, day or night. i'm lauren and i've got your back. introducing the new subway "simple 6 menu". it starts with six of our best six-inch subs- now in made-just-for-you meals- for just $6 every day. you've really got it made. ♪ take your pick from six of our best subs, like the italian b.m.t, tender turkey breast, sweet onion chicken teriyaki and more. with a 21-ounce drink and a bag of chips the new simple 6 menu is value made simple, every day. you so got it made. subway! i vow to wow my family with a vacation they'll never forget. it's royal caribbean's vow to wow sale, and there's no better time than now, to book your vacation. book today and get 50 percent off your second guest... ...and more money to spend on board. i vow to break the ice with my father-in-law. i vow to fly like supermom. i vow to make vacation history. it's our richest offer of the year. royal caribbean's vow to wow sale. book now and get 50 percent off your second guest. call 1-800-royalcaribbean today. >> 7:43 and a good time for the rossen reports. the dangers of sledding that have towns banning it. jeff rossen is here with more on that. hi jeff. >> good morning. i'm sure you love sledding with your kids. everyone does. that me my brother and my dad when i was a kid. we made the cover of the smithtown messenger, our local paper. not a huge deal. fine. so many families doing the same thing. i never thought about sledding safety clearly, but these new numbers will make you think long and hard. tens of thousands are kids injured every year. it's happening so often, thes's families are suing and winning big money. what are the towns doing? they are going to an extreme banning sledding. seriously. winter is here and it's on. but this can quickly turn to this. violent sledding accidents caught on camera crashing into cars and crashing into people. even going airborne. >> i started crying and screaming for help. >> 12-year-old meg as slammed into this picnic table. >> i was trying to get up and i couldn't. >> her accident so severe she lost a kidney and half her spleen and punctured a lung. >> i never thought sledding would cause so many injuries. >> megan is not alone. every year 20,000 children sent to the er with sledding injuries and multimillion-dollar lawsuits followed. the city of omaha, nebraska paying $2 million and sioux city iowa hit with a $2.75 bill. towns from new jersey to indiana are banning sledding. the latest is did you buick, iowa. >> nobody wants to be the kill joy that said don't go sledding and have fun in the winter time but the fact is that you live in a society where you can file a lawsuit. >> even top experts say that's extreme. the presidents of the national safety council, here are simple tips to keep your family safe on the slopes. >> tip number one, it's the kind of hill you sled on. >> location location location. >> no matter how far you go even if you, amazing, you can't hit anything. >> no trees and no fences and cross traffic. >> for these tips i need to show you. right now i am making two big mistakes. >> this is a seated slide and you went down head first. if you go down head first, you want to have a dwhis has ability to steer it. a. >> notice i almost hit that tree. couldn't steer away. can you guess mistake number two. >> you were not wearing a helmet and we know the number one cause is head injuries. your helmet is your best protection. >> take another look at the videos. most kids don't. and neither did megan. >> i don't want people to go through what i had to or worse. >> a lot of oohs and it's scary stuff. you should never go sledding alone. megan was alone and screaming for help until a friend arrived. one more tip. never wear scarves that are out because you can come under the sled and strangle you. i'm not trying to be the fun police. go sledding but be safe. >> jimmy fallon said inner fresh prince as he takes "the tonight show" on the road this week. >> up next what katy perry is saying about the so-called left shark that stole her halftime show after this. ♪ ♪ with ingredients like roasted ha skim milk and cocoa, there's a whole lot of happy in every jar of nutella. spread the happy. before earning enough cash back from bank of america to help pay for her kids' ice time. before earning 1% cash back everywhere, every time. and 2% back at the grocery store. even before she got 3% back on gas all with no hoops to jump through. katie used her bankamericard cash rewards credit card to stay warm and toasty during the heat of competition. that's the comfort of rewarding connections. apply online or at a bank of america near you. [meow mix jingle slowly and quietly plucks] right on cue. [cat meows] ♪meow, meow, meow, meow...♪ it's more than just a meal it's meow mix mealtime. with great taste and 100% complete nutrition, it's the only one cats ask for by name. (announcer) don't settle for 4g lte coverage that's smaller or less reliable when only one network is america's largest and most reliable 4g lte network: verizon. with xlte, our 4g lte bandwidth has doubled in over 400 cities. and now, save without settling. get 2 lines with 10gb of data for just $110... ...or four lines for just $140. and get a $150 bill credit for each smartphone you switch. hurry! offers end february 4th. only on verizon. everyone knows weight watchers works, this is a whole new way to do it. you can do it completely online. pull out y ...... ...... can this decadent, fruit topped pastry... ...with indulgent streusel crumble, be from... fiber one. fiber one streusel. >> we are back at 7:14. >> still buzzing. some things are buzzing now. sunday's game most watched tv show in u.s. history. subsequently katy perry's halftime show. top 200 on itunes, that 11 songs is normal for katy. missy elliott got a big bounce. eight songs in the top 200. everybody is still obsessed and we are too with left shark. a little out of choreography. a little rogue compared to right shark. katy perry put this people up. you are the real mvp. left shark. left shark came to world and can have this selfie with ellen. there is left shark. and scott writes shark. people love the sharks. still. >> i love left shark. i feel like he is a little rebel. >> he is floundering a bit. >> no. >> better than the halibut joke. [vet] two yearly physicals down. martha and mildred are good to go. here's your invoice, ladies. a few stops later, and it looks like big ollie is on the mend. it might not seem that glamorous having an old pickup truck for an office... or filling your days looking down the south end of a heifer but...i wouldn't have it any other way. look at that, i had my best month ever. and earned a shiny new office upgrade. i run on quickbooks. that's how i own it. waking up to fatigued skin? sleep on this! garnier creates its first miracle sleeping cream. it fights signs of fatigue and wrinkles while you sleep. a sleeping cream... that's a first! like a lightweight mask of continuous hydration it works while you sleep when skin is most receptive. and here's the real wake-up call... in just i week wake up to more refreshed, younger-looking skin. stop waking up to fatigued skin! sleep with this. new miracle sleeping cream. from garnier. guys i got the jerseys! yeah! el niño! aqui. spray dan! oh yeah. don ovan. i think that's me. new guy. it's $40. can you cover that? i'll send it to you right now. done. ok got it. so hat-trick rick, he's the best player on our team you get the ball you give it to him. great. rick... on your phone, online, on the go. wells fargo makes it easy to get banking done. alright don, you're on. nope, just kidding! i want my foyer to smell more like a foyer. i want his bedroom to smell like he's away at boarding school. surround yourself with up to 6 hours of luxurious, long-lasting scents... ...introducing new unstopables air refresher. release a devastating avalanche of taste on your tongue. bury yourself in the flavor full of sweet icing and filling. call off the hounds! rescue is unnecessary. pillsbury toaster strudel, the snow day of breakfasts. a very goonk to you. it is 7:5. i'm laura garcia-cannon. dominic newton was wetter known as the jacka. someone shot him just after 8:00 p.m. yesterday in east oakland near macarthur and 94th avenue. newton has released a slew of albums ever since the late 1990s. firefighters worked quickly to put out an early morning fire at an assisted living home in san jose's barriesa neighborhood. it started in the driveway of the home and moved to the garage. no one was hurt luckily. a woman is suing radio shack and its employee at a corte corte madera store after she says racy photos were stolen from her iphone. when she got it back 17 compromising photos had been texted to an unknown number. prosecutors last week charged the worker who had helped her. nkt hit's get a look at the forecast, meteorologist christina loren a nice start to our tuesday. >> good morning to you, laura. san francisco bay pretty you can see the tower and alcatraz. temps in the 70s all across the board. upper 60s for san francisco, so at the immediate coast close to 07 degrees p not quite reaching there. cooler throughout the next couple of days then that rain moves in starting early thursday, all those showers that will stay to the north of the golden gate bridge until we hit late thursday into friday, talking about significant totals. we'll have more on this for you in moments. first check your drive with mike. >> folksle 80 southbound through fremont, very congested right now as we look at your map coming into the south bay, and northbound through the south bay, san jose 85 101, red, speeds below 20 miles per hour. the slowing dmoomg fremont out of hayward for 880, same peninsula, slow from both directions and approaching the bay bridge down the east shore freeway congestion, north of the bay standard. >> another update in half an hour. we'll see you then. hello! i'm a kid. and us kids have an important message for our grown ups. three grams daily of beta-glucan... a soluable fiber from whole grain oat foods like cheerios can help lower cholesterol. and where can you find beta-glucan? in oats. and, they're yummy! i'm going back to being a kid now. thank you! it's 8:00 on "today". coming up, are you getting enough? the new recommendations this morning for how much sleep every american should be getting from infant to adults then 50 shades on "today". we release another exclusive clip from the highly anticipated movie. ♪ >> plus the number one column in the country right now. the pop sensation fifth harmony perform today, tuesday, february 3rd, 2015. >> we love you! >> good morning, south carolina. it's my birthday. >> good morning, austin texas. >> i visited from sunny bermuda. >> i love new york! >> all right. it's 8:00 on a tuesday morning. it's the 3rd of february 2015. it's a hardy crowd out here on the plaza on a very chilly day. good morning to them. and good morning to all of you. >> we had people out here earlier screaming over fifth harmony in the studio. >> oh, yeah. >> looking forward to this. they will perform their hit song. and jill martin will will show you how to get organized. >> matt we're going to throw a little staff swap party. you can actually swap stuff. i'm not sure you would want to. i brought in something good, though. new too. more coming up >> a check of the top stories of the morning. hey, natalie. a dangerous drive for people in much of the nation with bitter cold, snow and icy roads adding up to a brutal combination. the brutal blast buried boston in deep snow. it is being blamed for 15 deaths from nebraska to massachusetts. forecasters say more frigid weather and snow are expected later in the week. more than a dozen infants who go to a day care center in california are under quarantine after a baby came down with measles and may have exposed the others. the outbreak has spread to 14 states and has triggered a political debate about vaccinations. new jersey governor chris christie said parents need to have some measure of choice saying there is no question is kids should be vaccinated. and hillary clinton tweeted earth is round, the sky is blue and vaccines work. many say vaccinations are the only way to stop the measles outbreak. when it comes to sleep, how much do we really need? the national sleep foundation is out with new recommendations. dr. natalie azar is here with more. some children may need a little less sleep than we originally thought. >> which is good news to a lot of parents. the only category where they recommended a little more is infants 0 to 3 months approximate old. every other age group, toddler, preschool, teenage widened a little bit. meaning it is the lower end of what's appropriate or okay got a little lower. this is just so reassuring natalie. when you have children when you're young and not hitting that mark we know how sleep is for growing children. >> is eight still the magical number? >> it appears to be. what was interesting is they created two new categories. young adults 18 to 25. the regular group, and then older groups 65 and older. the range for all groups was 7 to 9. and they do -- you know i think it bears repeating that this is a range. people who fall slightly above or below. but if you're far out of the range of normal you need to be evaluated. >> i think it's fair to say we're well out of the range. doctor, thanks so much >> the super bowl champs patriots are back in new england. tomorrow they will have a parade in their honor. they beat seattle on what some say was the worst call ever. russell wilson tweeted, i won't allow one play or one moment define my career. i will keep evolving >>nfl hall of famer and tv broadcaster warren sapp is out of a job after soliciting a pros taouft. he admitted involvement in the act of prostitution but deny the assault. nfl network says his contract has been terminated. a young girl gave the cold shoulder to the idea of going out in the snow is with her dead. ella is over any thought of "frozen." >> helen, do you want to build a snowman? >> no! >> well after that no ella's dad had to let it go. 8:05 right now. a check of the weather once again with al. >> maybe he should ask her. ♪ in summer ♪ anyway these young ladies are -- who are you here to see? >> fifth harmony! >> did you know you get to go inside and see them. >> yeah. >> very nice. let's check it out, see what's going on for your weather. a lot of wet weather down in houston. some of that moisture heading east. that might cause problems along the eastern seaboard thursday into friday. western half of the country, 10 to 20 degrees above normal. 10 to 30 below normal northern plains, east mid atlantic states. on the map we can see more wet weather with the pacific northwest. they need it. windy conditions clear, and 8:06. happy tuesday. a little haze out there, a spare the air day. want to show you the hour by hour changes. by lunch time out of the 40s and 50s into the 60s. we'll round out the day with widespread 70s. we have rain in the forecast. the same system al was talking about dives sous as we head throughout thursday morning, expecting our first showers. that's where the showers will stay all the way through thursday night and we'll see the bulk of the moisture come through the south bay through about 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. saturday. latest weather. >> all right. just talking snow blowers here. tired of shoveling all the snow? the pack you have to see. but will this really work? >> you want more you've got it. another clip of "fifty shades of grey" and ian ziering and johnny damon from celebrity apprentice. it's trop50 with calcium. it has delicious new taste and has 50% less calories. with this taste? no way. give me fifty squats. it can't taste this good read the label ...and have 50% less calories? exactly. now you drop... ...and give me the 50. trop50 calcium. new taste so good you won't believe it has 50% less calories. buying a used car can be a scary proposition. you walk onto that lot and immediately you are surrounded like a guppy in a shark tank. it just feels like car salesmen want to sell whatever car is best for them, not best for me. there's gotta be a better way. ♪ ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ even if it's your last one always share the softness of kleenex tissues. ring ring! progresso! i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress uh-huh... you don't love the dress? i love my sister... 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. what 8 grams of protein looks like when you're holding your own. start your day with the power of protein. milk life. right when you feel a cold sore, abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. without it the virus spreads from cell to cell. only abreva penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. you could heal your cold sore, fast, as fast as two and a half days when used at the first sign. learn how abreva starts to work immediately at don't tough it out knock it out, fast. with abreva. discover the power of just one shower. new dove body wash with a breakthrough formula. just one shower gives you softer smoother skin. my skin is really silky smooth. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower. when we go to the store i find my box of honey bunches of oats, and i'm checking to see if i packaged it. he says "it has a certain code that's my line, this is the date." if the last 3 letters were p22, that's me. discover card. hey! so i'm looking at my bill and my fico® credit score's on here. we give you your fico® score each month for free! awesomesauce! wow! the only person i know that says that is...lisa? julie?! at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card and see your fico® credit score. what are you doing? there's no dip in that bowl. they're pringles tortillas. they're so good they don't need dip. can i have some from your bowl? please. hmmm. not bad right? think i'll have some more. that's a double dip... you double dipped. pringles tortillas. so good you don't dip 'em you air dip 'em. pringles! they say after seeing a magician make his assistant disappear mr.clean came up with a product that makes dirt virtually disappear. he called it the magic eraser. it cleans like magic. even baked on dirt disappears right before your eyes. mr.clean's magic eraser. discover brookside and discover an exciting combination of tastes. rich, dark chocolate covering soft centers. flavored with exotic fruit juices. it's chocolate and fruit flavors like you've never experienced before. discover brookside. ♪ freshen your perspective... with a variety of solutions from petsmart to make cleanup eaiser. buy 1, get 1 50% off on all training pads, litter pans and stain and odor products for cats and dogs! petsmart®. sir, we're going to need you on the runway later. don't let a severe cold hold you back. get theraflu... ...with the power of three medicines to take on your worst pain and fever, cough and nasal congestion. it breaks you free from your toughest cold and flu symptoms. theraflu. serious power. when hollywood's premiere jewelry designer, neil lane, creates a ring for today's biggest stars... ...he designs it to look fabulous from every angle. and for his collection at kay jewelers... ...he does the exact. same. thing. yes! neil lane bridal. uniquely beautiful hand-crafted rings at kay the number one jewelry store in america. my collection is vintage inspired... ...with flowing lines that evoke a sense of timelessness. because i want every woman to feel like a star. ♪ every kiss begins with kay. ♪ we are back with what's trending today. >> the kiss seen around the world. not tom and giselle, but people are focusing on this moment. sharing a kiss on the lips with his daughter 30 years old. some are asking okay is there a certain age that it's too old to kiss our son or daughter on the lips. one said you never do it in public. i see what people see in that picture, but it's one moment and it's a father and a daughter. >> it's a lot of emotion. >> maybe thinking too much of it. >> every time i saw my dad later in life, he would kiss me on the lips. every time. >> i think when my son starts kissing girls, that's when the kiss on the lips stops for me. >> it will be on his part. >> probably. # >> a lot of people are tired of the snow but could one guy be tired of the shovel. this guy said instead of breaking your back shoveling, make a snowball and roll. gather the snow and start pushing and that will easily clear a path. no lifting or scooping. some suspect this as being illusion but here's the problem. he does this on the grass. yes, it works on the grass, but who shovels grass. it doesn't work on a driveway or walkway. >> or a powdery snow. that's a dense, wet snow. >> when a dense, wet snow be able to rolled up on the sidewalk? >> if it's cold enough yes. there is no snow left. we will try this. >> today's kids will never have to be frustrated with calling a movie theater to get show times. remember that? taking film to be developed to find most of the photos didn't out. they are blurry. >> the cds get all scratched or vinyl records. not having a blank vhs tape when your favorite show is on. did you see number 11? when trl cuts your favorite music video and replaces it with screaming betweens. >> when you had a cassette tape and they had the loop in it and you had to go to a pencil and wind it up. >> imagine how weird that looks for a teenager who has no idea what you are doing. >> where did you find the cassette for the demonstration? >> we had to go to 1979. >> see what you are missing, kids? our friend can be found hosting for los angeles all week and last night found a great way to kick things off. take a look. >> my life got twist turned upside down ♪ ♪ i will tell you how i brought "the tonight show" to l.a. ♪ ♪ in the legendary studio they call 6 c ♪ ♪ when a couple of guys who were sick of the cold ♪ ♪ said they ought to take the show on the road ♪ ♪ it's time to take "the tonight show" to sunny l.a. ♪ the license plate said host ♪ >> will smith's fresh prince of bel air. they missed that between the light dribble. very nice. that is what's trending today. >> now to the special series. 50 shades on today as we get you ready for the movie's much anticipated release. carson has been assigned this duty. >> yes, we do. just in time to steam up theaters on valentine's day. your "fifty shades of grey" will be released. we are having a fan screening and time now that we will continue to do so for exclusive never before seen are you ready? here we go, ladies and gentlemen. enjoy. earlier you said there were people who know you well. why do i get the feeling that's not true? >> mr. gray? your next meeting is here. >> cancel. we are not finished yet. >> yes, sir. >> no, i can go. >> i would like to know more about you. >> there is really not much to know about me. >> you said you are an english major? can we visit charlotte bropty and thomas hardy first made you fall in love with literature. >> hardy. >> i would have guessed jane austin. what are your plans after you graduate. >> i'm just trying to get through finals right now. >> and then? >> i was planning to you moving here to seattle with kate. >> we offer an excellent program. >> i don't think i would fit in here. look at me. >> i am. >> i was just covering wrangler's eyes here. i didn't know what was going to happen. that was when he met her for the first time. he felt most pressure when filming that scene more so than the sex scene because it was about building a connection quickly. "fifty shades of grey" conversations picked up online as it premiers and approaches. the number of tweets this is just this weekend mentioning the movie. the activation here all over the place. people are excited for it. we the want to know who you plan to watch 50 shades with significant other or are you going solo? our viewers have joined in with their 50 shades of fun. by their "fifty shades of grey" photos. they making up 50 shades of selfies. we will have them all this week and actress will be on the "today" show with kathie lee and hoda. they will handout more tickets to the fan screening. if you want to go come to the plaza and you have a shot on friday. savannah? >> thank you so much. we are wrapping up the special start this morning with a party throughout the month of january. you will remember "today" contributor jill martin told us how to organize more inspiring us to clean out our closets. no better way to get rid of our stuff than a swap party. >> we drink. okay. >> i grabbed everyone's e-mails and tweets saying we cleaned out the closets. you have items that are so good that you are like i don't want to necessarily get rid of them but i can swap them with friends and get things i love to go into my newly organized closet. that is a swap and we have it going on. >> we are doing it with the staffers. real swaps. >> exactly. i will go through the rules. first step you send out an invite and tell people what you want them to bring. start with food and champagne. everyone can bring one thing like a pot luck. have champagne to start swapping. next up, you tell people what to bring. if you want all shapes and sizes, hi everybody. we told everyone to bring ten items. these are mine. i brought dresses and accessories and a pitcher that when you pour it it bubbles. i have two so somebody else might be in the market for one. you brought this area. everyone has a little area so they can check it out. i got you that candle. >> sorry, jill. so embarrassing. >> i'm regifting. >> hoda did that with a clutch i got her. that might be an indication. but everyone was checking out your things. you have to have bags so when you do the swap it's going get back in the mix. >> this has been swapped, it's not for sale anymore. >> let's do a swap. let's start with this one to one. >> i have things that we just came off the "fifty shades of grey." we are keeping it clean. this is the classic swap. this is one to one. so brooke? i saw you eying something of mine. >> i love these sunglasses. >> do they look good? >> earlier i checked out something of yours this necklace. i love this. those are designer sunglasses that i haven't worn. i will give you that sunglasses if i can have this and this. >> deal. >> that's a swap. classic swap done. >> what if others want to get in on this? >> that was done earlier. we started it and got it done. i was showing how it got done. >> there is-way swap that got done. >> tell us what's going on. >> i love this dress. >> she is going to look cute in this. >> she is giving up and chelsea wants it. >> i have my eye on something of lexy's. >> you are giving away an i touch? >> i use my phone. >> lexy would you like anything of chelsea's? >> i would. i have been eyeing this clutch all morning. this is the three-way swap. she gets the clutch you get the dress and she gets the i touch. >> everybody is happy. good. hard to walk in this shag rug you have here. >> this is very exciting because everybody is getting in on this. you can also do a swap on facebook. you don't want to leave your house. you put something up and you have friends right in. we are doing that here. viewers at home can swap with a bunch of us. >> we have something that we are putting on facebook saying we wh our viewers. get stuff out that matches these. tell us about this. >> this is a cute dress i wore maybe once. and this gold necklace that would look cute. i'm willing to swap for something good. >>. >> i am swapping and y so many. these are not real diamonds. i am swapping my skull watch. matt is swapping his silk tie and al his scarf. natalie we have the bag and the shoes. >> she swapping a lot of good stuff. >> same color. carson is a very good golfer. this is one of his favorite hats from the golf course. he is swapping this for someone else who is into sports. >> we will put these on our facebook page they will say i will swap this or that? >> and send us pictures and we will find out what we get. >> future segment. ladies keep shopping. send it over to you. >> i'm no fool. you grab a puppy and look who ♪ ♪ because you're a sky ♪ ♪ you're a sky full of stars ♪ ♪ such a heavenly view ♪ ♪ it's 8:26. the former stanford swimmer accused of rape now being ordered to stay at li 100 yards away from the woman police say he attacked. brock turner pled not guilty to the charges he raped the near unconscious woman last month on campus. two passing bicyclists noticed something was wrong and helped her until campus police arrived. turner has now withdrawn from stanford. the deputy district attorney said the victim is still recovering. let's check the morning commute with mike. how are things rolling. >> better. i have been watching as things continue to get better. holding steady the northbound 101 approaching marsh and up to willow. the earlier crash at willow has cleared out lanes north highway 84. here, the south bay shows you northbound, but for a tuesday, this actually isn't that bad for the south bay and silicon valley. our typical buildup for san mateo southbound 101, for 880 itself, and moving to the bay bridge it's showing better speeds in the last 20 minutes. >> we'll be back in about 30 minutes with another local news update. have a great one. >> 8:30 on a tuesday, february 3, 2015. >> we have fifth harmony in the studio and they have the number one album on itunes now. >> ed burns writes and directs and acts and generally does it on his own terms. he has written a new book called independent ed. we will talk to him about that. >> not one or two or three, but four people fired on the celebrity apprentice. we will talk to them all. >> we know it's cold outside. give us a check on the weather. >> getting into sharknado 3. >> yes, we are. >> we are ready to work for scales. >> savannah and natalie. >> i don't think we fully developed our parts. >> thank you. >> there we go. let's show you what we have going on weather-wise. we are looking at light snow into the western plains and the northern cascades. look for showers down through southern texas and beautiful weather through the gulf coast. a wider swath into up stayed new york and the ohio river valley through the southwest into southern california with temperatures 10 to 8:31. good morning. i'm christina loren. a little haze over san bruno. it's definitely a spare the air day. temps in the 50s. we're on our way to the 60s by lunch time and we'll round out the day with widespread 70s out there. warm and hazy to finish off today. cooling starts tomorrow and then the rain comes in steadily as we head throughout the latter portion of the week. expecting quite a bit of rainfall, especially north of the golden gate bridge. that will start off thursday morning. we'll have to wait until friday in the south bay. . >> that's your latest weather. matt? >> for the last couple of decades, ed burns prided himself in making films on his own terms. it all started with 1919 the brothers mcmullen. >> she started talking about getting married. >> and what did you say? >> i asked her who she was planning on marrying and if she would be kind enough to invite me to the wedding. >> sundance he won with that movie which was an amazing accomplishment. he made waves including she's the one, saving private ryan and alex cross. he writes about that in a new book called empty ed. big dreams little movies and the 12 best days of my life. >> good to see you. >> i'm going through the book and while i loved the stories, every young hungry creative person should use this as a text book. it's a how to. did you think about that as you wrote it? >> i did. i remember years ago there was no road map or how to book. i'm walking through the village and i see spike lee and i follow him for six blocks and i wanted to walk up and ask him 100 different questions about how to make a low budget career and how you get it distributed. i didn't have the nerve to do it. >> do you have nerve and there a lot of stories in this book. an irish kid with that's pa. you know what that is. you have the brothers mcmullen and you walk up to roo robert redford and say i want you to look at this movie. where does that come from? >> i didn't just desperation, but i worked so hard and it took over two years to raise the moan and shoot the film and i couldn't get it into any film festival or hands of producers or agents and i was working at entertainment tonight. i'm doing an interview with redford and i had the cassette and i handed it to him. >> you talked about making that movie with a labor of love. you wanted to make a woody allen-type movie and the irish element of things. you did a lot of great things to save money. outdoor locations and you needed the shot of someone coming out of a restaurant you cheated the restaurant. >> those are the kinds of tricks that on that film i just sort of figured out as we were going along and over the course of 20 years and more low budget films, we fine-tuned the low budget tricks. >> when you released that movie in 1995 it landed you right here on the "today" show. take a look. >> and now look what's happened. it's getting good reviews and tons of ink and you think you are going to be the next spielberg? >> i didn't say that. >> i said it earlier. >> katie has a way of putting words in your mouth. they are wearing the same jeans. what do you think when you look back at the days? >> my life took such a dramatic pivot with the sundance experience. it went from a kid making $18,000 a year as a pa hoping that one day he gets some of the script to them having that experience. >> how about this experience. you get a call from when spielberg is making saving private ryan. you never met him and you go to shoot and the first time he yells at you and overcome by fear or the reality of the moment, the enormity of it. the first time i had spoken a line and tom hanks and steven spielberg that was epic in size cost, and ambition. do you miss those days at all when everything was stunning and shocking to you? >> it still is. we just finished shooting a new show i wrote and directed called public and every day i would show up on the set and we were recreating the 1960s and i would see a straight line with 40 cars from the 1960s and have those moments of i can't believe this is my life. again, that brings it back to the book and it's about like recognizing how lucky you are if you get to do this for a living. >> to end on the book anyone who is a fan of ed's or movies will like it but i mean it. it is a text book. if you are young, hungry and creative you should figure out the way to go about it. it's a pleasure. up next we have donald trump dog a lot of firing lately. we will talk to four of the competitors, but first on a .... test. >> you come up with the jingle this masterpiece you keep talking about that you can't use. it's really a copy of another jingle. ian, you're fired. >> kenya and ian, good morning. >> yes. >> before chat about that we have brandy across the studio doing a separate interview with matt. it is so bad between you guys you don't want to do an interview today. >> that's not true. i have seen brandy a half a dozen times. >> you really clashed. >> i came to focus winning money for my charity, which is the detroit public schools foundation. >> your episode had a little bit of a controversy. people called it phonegate. vivica fox's phone disappeared. you said there was a mysterious tweet about her being menopausal. let's just play the scene and we can make sense of it. >> vivica did you say that? >> no. let me tell you what happened. >> thank you. thank you. >> my phone was stolen out of -- >> wait a minute wait a minute. >> i did not -- i'm telling you my phone was stolen. that low down dirty bird right there. >> i don't think anyone can make sense of that. >> is she saying you took her phone? >> that's what she claimed. that was just an accusation. >> you didn't take her phone? >> no. this is another brick thrown at me. successful women build a foundation on the bricks other people throw at them. >> ian, how about you? first of all you seem a little mad still that you were fired. >> you know what it's a show. it's a game. >> you know what i mean you don't think it was justified? >> i went as far as i was allowed to go ahead. i raised a lot of money for my charity. at the end of the day, i still feel like a winner. $320,000 went to my foundation. >> what was your cause? >> detroit public schools foundation. >> no love between you and gerldo. >> he was on my must go list as much as anyone else. he takes things personally. he makes a big to do about it. to me he was no more important than anyone else. he had to go just like this one had to go and everyone had to go. i thought i was going to be last man standing. >> i think it wasn't personal. ian was a great competitor. i think he should have been there in the end. along with me, of course. >> let's send it over to matt. >> thanks very much, savannah. sharknado 3, call me. savannah mentioned two other celebrities were sent packing. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> i feel like i have come to a feud i don't understand. real feud? >> it's kind of real. >> if you wanted to you could go over and shake hands. >> and totally make out. i'm kidding. no. >> you just went over there. >> that's what i do. >> you two became very friendly. you were willing to take a hit for him. >> yes. you spend 18 hours a day in a tiny room with a group of people and you become really close with certainly people. leeza and johnny and i had a great bond. >> we kept winning and winning, five in a row. then we have a bad week. and you get sent home packing. >> all those hours a day in a room with certain people. sounds like being in a baseball clubhouse. >> a baseball clubhouse is definitely a lot easier. >> is it really? >> oh, yeah. >> shocked to be fired because ian had been fired. so you thought you guys were safe. so what was your reaction? >> well going into it we had a feeling that a few were going to get fired. we just didn't come up with the proper jingle. it was me who created it. and she trusted me. >> first mistake. you are used to taking responsibility when things don't go right. >> that's right. >> what is your charity. >> johnny damon foundation. >> great and wonderful work. >> we are helping out stage 3 funding. people who were confined to wheelchairs before can now work. we can see it firsthand. >> your charity, brandy? >> make a wish. >> appreciate it guys. do you want to walk over there and shake hands. >> i will if you want to me. >> i want to make sure there's no bad blood over there. >> you can walk over and say hi to ian. johnny damon and glanville. you can work the sent apprentice monday night, 8:00 7:00 central. next up is fifth harmony. but first this i the toyota concert series on t brought to you by toyota. >> we're back now at 8:47 with fifth harmony. their fans have something new to sing about. already number one on itunes is reflection. ladies, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> so great to see you. >> even when you say good morning it's all in perfect harmony. did you plan that. >> we did. >> we're happy it's finally coming out. fans have been so patient with us. thank you, guys. this is for you. we love you guys so much. so yeah. >> you had a tour last year. you're going out on your own tour coming up. what's it like when you're on tour together. i imagine it's like a slumber party every night. >> well, it is. it's really a lot of fun. we try to be there for each other and make every show great and have a great time while we're on. >> you are all about the girl power. that's the message to your fans. >> that's with what our goal is to reflect. people see that we incorporated that. we love you guys and this is for you. >> all right. ladies, can't wait for you to take it away. new album is reflection. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> fifth harmony. the new album number one on itunes. ladies, thank you so much. much more in a moment. but first this is "today" on nbc. much. but first this is "today" on nbc. hello! i'm a kid. and us kids have an important message for our grown ups. three grams daily of beta-glucan... a soluable fiber from whole grain oat foods like cheerios can help lower cholesterol. and where can you find beta-glucan? in oats. and, they're yummy! i'm going back to being a kid now. thank you! >> birthday wishes from willard. >> in the holiday season it's fantastic. happy birthday ann amaker. she is 100 years old today. columbia south carolina. one of the things about gardening. she loves to grow flowers and she felt that kept her young. fran goldberg is from cleveland, ohio. she is 100 years old today. she takes classes at the community college. now that's what i call an ambitious woman. george is from eureka california. 100 years old today. happy birthday. loves all kinds of music. author harvey berky from centennial colorado and he is 101 years old and loves to work word puzzles. that's birthdays for this time. see you later. >> that's a bumping sweater. that's cool. what do you have coming up? >> we will be talking about the best valued colleges out there today. great schools that you will be surprised that are affordable. >> schools that pay you back. you see the greatest gains by going to these schools. internships, job placement and all of that. and interesting hot topics in today's take as well. >> sounds a very good morning to you. it's 8:56. police in san francisco are investigating four violent home invasion robberies over four days. thieves hit homes in diamond heights, lower haight ocean view and visitation valley all since friday. in each case an intruder roughed up the victim while stealing valuable items. >> happening today, local water districts will update state regulators on water conservation goals. last year governor brown asked californians to cut back water use by 20%. the closest california has come to reaching the levels was in august when water use fell about 12%. all need to continue to do our part. >> rain is coming. we'll have a look at the forecast in about a half hour. when i didn't have health insurance, i had to learn how to cope with severe pain. after i signed up with a health plan through covered california, i found my doctor. they discovered some growths that they had to remove. had it been left untreated my situation would have been much worse. i was in my doctor's office for a follow-up appointment. she looked me straight in the eye and just said "get on with it. go live your life." that touched me. i'm in, for a healthy future. open enrollment ends february 15th. visit today. ♪ ♪ from nbc news there is "today's" take with al roker. live from studio 1 a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to today on a chilly morning in new york city. it's february 3rd 2015. degrees, in fact. >> wow! >> it's cold. >> it's going to get colder too. >> by friday morning the low will be about 5. >> oh! >> windchill of about minus 15. >> wow. >> i want to go someplace tropical now. >> i know. take the show on the road sflchlt. >> miami here we go! >> we showed you punxsutawney phil. >> they talked about how vicious these things are. >> by the truth. we have proof. here is evidence for al roker's point about these groundhogs. okay. this is the mayor of sun prairie, wisconsin. okay. check this out. up close and personal with a groundhog yesterday. >> he says -- oh! that he -- ah. >> don't put a groundhog to your ear. >> i think he was going to kiss him? like okay. going whisk per the forecast to him. >> i think the groundhog was going to whisper what he saw in the guy's ear. >> oh. look at the teeth on that guy! you know if you got pulled out of your burrow. look how good he is with the child. >> i think they thought he was okay with it. they had him up like this. >> the kid is an appetizer. >> wow! you saw the power there. nice work by the mayor. outstanding work. next story getting a lot of attention. we've been talking about it all morning. the conversation about vaccinationings vaccinations. there are 102 confirmed case was measles now in 14 states. as you look across the country, there are 48 states that allow religious exemptions to not get the vaccine. only west virginia and mississippi don't allow those. 20 states allow for a philosophical exemption, i don't want my kid getting the vaccine. chris christie made some depend comments, hillary clinton weighing in last night tweeting the "the earth is round, the sky is blue and vaccines work. hashtag grandmother's know best." >> savannah asked president obama and he said look it's the way to go. >> right. >> scientists prove it. get your kids vaccinated. >> i think some parents have concerns. there was one study in 1998 that has been debunked that connected vaccines with autism. that guy lost his medical license. the journal that published it retracted it. some people have concerns. it's not an ideological thing. there are people on the right that want the government putting chemicals in their kids' bodies. and people on the left saying it's unnatural. >> it will be interesting to see how it expands how people will start feeling about it if it gets worse. >> i think of the rate of con teenage '02 -- contagion. it's 90% transparent. think of if you have an infant under the age of 1. they can't get vaccinated for measles. >> i was thinking about this a lot, even though i don't have children. i have nieces and nephew. the 5-year-old comes home with a cold every other day since she's been in kikindergarten. i think pediatricians should let parents know you can ask us anything you want. there are fears whether it's legitimate or not. i use the word cautiously. i think parents feel when they question vaccines they're shut down and told they don't know what they're talking about. you should be able to ask anything you want and the pediatrician should open up. >> and they will. >> i think some parents have felt that, you know, they're kind of shut out. as soon as you say i've got concerns they're shut out. now you have parents saying should i be able to sue if you allow your child to go to school unvaccinated. i spoke with the attorney who wrote in the paper two years ago a theory wondering if the conversation would ever happen. two years later, we're having the real dialogue of whether or not a parent should be sued if you decide to let your kid in. asked that question. over 50,000 people have taken part in this. and 57% say no. and 42% said yeah you should be able to. i don't know if it's the case. there are were measles and german niece lmeasles. >> it's crazy we're having the debate. i mean we got this vaccine 51 years ago. it's one of the greatest advances in human history. even rand paul said that. he's a doctor. he's an ophthalmologist he said he has a problem with the government mandating it. >> the government tells you to buckle up your kid. when people say the government never tells me what to do with your kid. that's not true there are many instances, for example, if your child is not in school home school or public school your child is truant. in some cities and in chicago they go even further. >> our control room just said german measles and mumps -- >> yeah. >> i mean, i just think there's a lot of interesting cases where children are allergic to vaccines. >> certainly. >> it's an medical exemption, obviously. but, you know, for the parents who feel like wait a minute my kid, you know, even those with medical exception if you say he still could transmit measles. then, you know they're going to be viewed as putting other people at risk. >> on facebook i believe, one parent said i can't allow my child to bring a peanut butter sandwich for fear of getting another child ill. how can you allow your child to come in potentially exposing my child. that's what one of the comments online. i thought that was interesting. >> right. >> yep. definitely. we also asked what about suing for your child catches the flu from someone who didn't get the flu vaccine. put that on the survey. >> what are they saying? >> i don't know. 57% -- >> okay. >> we're moving on. yeah. that's what we have. >> move on. move on. >> here is a really great -- i love this story. okay. there is a man in greenfield in milwaukee where apparently he had a cardiac event he had while he was shoveling. you have to be careful when you're shoveling it happens often. after taking -- the firefighters showed up. after taking the man to the hospital, they decided to go back and finish the job for him. and finish shoveling out his driveway and his front yard area. and so now -- i love this. they've started the whole #shovelitforward campaign. it's going viral. if you have neighbors, friends, elderly people living on your block, get your shovels out and go out there and help them. assuming there's snow by you. >> yeah. jeff rosin did last week. he a snowplow and picked people's driveways. >> right. >> and mow their lawn. >> right! >> help your neighbors out. >> absolutely. we like to spread the message. spread the love. >> gas in my car. get it toasty. pay it forward. >> i don't have a car but if i did that would be it. >> yeah. >> a lot of volunteers for that. we have a segment coming up in a little bit. hazards in the winter. what to do. whatnot to do. we'll go through that. talk about heart warming things. this thing we reported on it earlier today. it's gone viral. this guy, james robertson, he works in a factory outside of detroit, and about 10 years ago, his car broke down. for some people they would say, you know, get a car, get a new car. what if you're one of many considered to be the working poor in this country and you can't get another car. but he didn't want to give up on his job, he needs the job. so instead of giving up he decided 46 miles that have commute he would walk half of it. the bus service is not readily available. he walks 21 miles. he reported he's never late. >> never late. >> he sets the standard for attendance. he doesn't misa day of work. he's on time. he gets up at the crack of dawn so he can make it in. >> and doesn't get home until 10:00 p.m. >> he punches out at 10 p.m. and begins the walk home. 21 miles total. 10 1/2 each way. every day. >> and four hours to get home. >> yeah. >> then this is paying it guard forward, again. the 19 year-old who never met mr. robertson set up a fend raising website to get him a new car. already look at that $139,000! almost $140,000 already raised to help him get a car. i mean, isn't that something? get him the car today! it's cold out there! >> that's right. >> but it does bring the attention to we live in a city that has mass transportation. lived in chicago with mass transportation. when you live in an area where it's not readily available and you are truly working dollar to dollar paycheck-to-paycheck like mr. robertson. these situations -- and he doesn't want to depend on the government. he wants to work. he's showing up. >> i love the boss saying when people call in and saying their late. i don't know it's snowing i can't get in. james is on his way. get in. you're coming into work. >> to the young man that raised the money, well done! >> he's going to have a tough time. we have cold air to talk about. it's going get worse. the jet stream taking big dip down to the south. arctic express comes in and temperatures from the great lakes all the way down to the mid atlantic are going to take a big change. look at this chicago it will be 1. cleveland 8. 10 degrees below average. then friday morning the differences. look at this new york city is going to be 5. that's 20 degrees below average. boston 1. portland oregon will be -- maine 1 below. d.c. is going to be 16. then we have the clipper coming across. that's going to bring some light snow but more bitter cold behind it. then what happens with the system? secondary system forms off the coast. does it make the way up the coast and cause problems? another major snowstorm? we're going to watch this european model keep it is close. american model keep it is off. the good news is so far this winter the american model has been right more than the european. let's keep our fingers crossed. team america, baby! thank you. good morning to you. temperatures pretty mild. we're in the mid 50s. another warm finish to the day. by lunch time temperatures climb into the 60s and then we'll hit the low 70s. peninsula at 71. 72 for the south bay, and 69 degrees for the east shore. meanwhile, 70 in the north bay. big change on the way in the next 48 hours. expecting some shower activity north of the golden gate bridge by friday. widespread rain that will persist into saturday. getting clearing by sunday into monday. all the latest toot at 11:00. >> and speaking of winter, the snow and sleet are not just a winter nuisance. they can be dangerous when it comes to ice-covered roads and power outages and digging outs. we [ kevin ] this is connolly cameron, zach, and clementine. we have a serious hairball issue. we clean it up, turn around and there it is again. it's scary. little bit in my eye. [ michelle ] underneath the kitchen table underneath my work desk we've got enough to knit a sweater. [ doorbell rings ] zach, what is that? the swiffer sweeper. the swiffer dusters. it's some sort of magic cloth that sucks in all the dog hair. it's quick and easy. pretty amazing that it picked it all up. i would totally take on another dog. [ kevin ] really? ♪ ♪ ♪ kraft natural cheese starts with fresh milk carefully selected from only us dairy farms. because we know it takes something amazing, to make something amazing. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ "here i am. rock you like a hurricane." ♪ fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle. i get out of work, and i go to the store, and somebody says, smellin' around, "i smell cookies." i said, "oh no you just smell me, i just got out of work that's honey bunches of oats, that's all." i said "don't eat me now." introducing the new subway "simple 6 menu". six of our best six-inch subs- like the italian bmt and tender turkey breast! with a 21-ounce drink and a bag of chips for just $6 every day. it's value made simple. subway! ♪ did ya know? fresh step extreme lightweight litter isn't just light. it's also the best lightweight for eliminating odors. amazing, right? for superior odor elimination try fresh step extreme... lighweight. you wouldn't do half of your daily routine. so why treat your mouth any differently. brushing alone does less than half the job leaving behind millions of germs. complete the job with listerine®. kill up to 99 percent of germs. and prevent plaque, early gum disease and bad breath. complete the job with listerine®. power to your mouth™. also try listerine® floss. its advanced technology removes more plaque. >> millions of people are taking up the icy slick roads and cars after the storm that swept through the country sunday into monday. >> with six more weeks to go a lot of digging out and dangerous drivewaying continues. >> winter is in full swing and portions of the country is feeling the harshest effects of after blanketing the area it struck boston and new england marking the second major snowstorm in the region. new york city has seen winter's danger up close. just last week, an 11-year-old boy had to be rescued by the fire department in new york after he was trapped in a river. winter weather created terrible situations on the roads across the country. icy conditions in oregon this month led to this amazing scene of a man pinned between two trucks in a 26-car pile up. meanwhile the rhode island department of health departmented at least two people died while shoveling show in winter storm juneau and 200 people were injured from slips and falls or car accidents in that state alone. here to test our knowledge in how to survive winter's hazards a licensed contractor host of sledge hammer. jason, good morning. it can be prech rus. >> it can be. we have the snowballs here in case we get crazy. i always wanted to host a game show. let's do it. these are true or false questions. you have your mittens on. the first question, true or false, when shoveling out, the best time to start is during the storm. >> true. >> and false. >> it's false. you have to wait. the best time is after the snow stops falling and get to it immediately to keep it from icing. >> lighten the load a little bit. >> but it fills in. you want to get to it right away and stop it from icing and warm up. that's the biggest mistake people make. drink plenty of the water because you can dehydrate. question number two. when skidding out in an automatic car the best option is to hit the brakes once? pump the brakes lightly and don't lock up. if you have can't lock brakes it will do it for you. stay off of the gas. it's important. >> skidding out is hard to think. steer the car in the right direction. you guys are doing great. to prepare for a power outage, set your freezer or refridgerator at the coldest setting. >> i will go with true. >> true. >> you guys are both correct. you want to set it at the coldest setting. the food will stay colder longer in the freezer and refrigerator. make sure you have a plan. make sure your family understands and keep the important things in the same location so you know where they are. those things are important and have plenty of food. question number 4, you guys are doing great. >> i'm so tempted to start throwing. you can tell whether if a river is safe you strike it with i metal rod. the last thing you want to do while you are standing on is hit it with a metal rod. people who have this unfortunate situation where they fell into ice, don't panic. pull yourself up and kick as hard as you can and do not stand up. you want to lay on your stomach and distribute the weight and roll away. the last question. i'm not sure who is ahead. >> i think willie is ahead. >> not that is matters. question number five, the first thing to do if your car gets stuck is to check the tail pipe. make sure it is clear. >> true. >> i will get other way in case she is right. then we will have a tie. >> that's the biggest thing. if you are in that situation, check the tail pipe. you don't want carbon monoxide and wear your seatbelt. >> it's a tie. >> tie breaker! >> nothing like fake snowballs. >> she goes right for the eyes. thank you very much, sir. well done. >> coming up next, i have all the ♪ are your joints ready for action? ♪ take osteo bi-flex®. osteo bi-flex® is specially formulated with joint shield™ to nuture and help defend your joints°... so now you can keep doing... and doing... and doing what you love. hi mom, dad... what'd you guys do today? the usual! ♪ osteo bi-flex, ready for action. introducing light & fit protein shakes the new way to help make temptations shrink away on the go. a deliciously fresh and satisfying taste with 12 grams of protein 5 grams of fiber and 0% fat. new light & fit protein shakes. taste the power of satisfaction. ♪ dannon ♪ brookside chocolate now has a crunch. brookside crunchy clusters - crispy multi-grains and sweet fruit-flavored pieces dipped in rich dark chocolate. discover brookside crunchy clusters. look what i got with walmart's low prices. these are for the parent teacher conference. nice these are for when the kids do something good, i get that. and these are for when i want to come off totally laid-back. totally. with frames starting at $38, you don't have to choose just one. walmart. who wants pizza rolls?! this game day, fun harder with totino's pizza rolls. flo: hey, big guy. i heard you lost a close one today. look, jamie, maybe we weren't the lowest rate this time. but when you show people their progressive direct rate and our competitors' rates you can't win them all. the important part is, you helped them save. thanks, flo. okay, let's go get you an ice cream cone, champ. with sprinkles? sprinkles are for winners. i understand. taking a look at the headlines, the national sleep foundation is out with some new recommendations on how much sleep we actually need. the new guidelines call for 14 to 17 hours of sleep for newborns 12 to 15 hours for infants, 11 to 14 hours for toddlers and 10 to 13 hours for preschoolers nine to 11 for school age children and eight to ten hours for teens. now for adults the new recommendations are seven to nine hours for people 64 and younger. and seven to eight hours for those 465 and older. a new study suggesting that when it comes to jogging, less is more beneficial. the study in denmark looked at jogger and nonjoggers other 12 years and found that light to moderate joggers have lower mortality rates. the optimum amount of running is one to 2.4 hours of light to moderate jogging a week. well if you're looking for good deals this month, the folks at consumer reports have some advice. they stay this is the month that many stores lower prices to make room for inventory. you're likely to find deep discounts on ellipticals, hugh mied fiers and furniture. thousands of runners braved the kol cold mud and fire in the tough guy event in england. the tough esterase in the world. the coarse features wooden barricades rope walks and fire barriers. runners also spent several yards face down in thick mud. we'll be right back. s damaging the enamel of my teeth. i wanted to fix it i wanted to fix it right away. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said that pronamel can make my teeth stronger that it was important, that that is something i could do each day to help protect the enamel of my teeth. pronamel is definitely helping me to lead the life that i want to live. ♪ when you ache and haven't slept... you're not you. tylenol® pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. we give you a better night. you're a better you all day. tylenol®. good morning. it's 9:26. prosecutors have until the end of the day to file charges against the man arrested in connection with the suitcase discovered full of body parts. san francisco police arrested mark andres friday night, but he has not yet been charged and he's still held without bail. police say he was seen on surveillance video near where the suitcase was lecht. >> investigators are looking for the man in the surveillance picture. officials say he groped an 8-year-old girl in the toy aisle of a 99 cent store and took off. the girl's mother was in another aisle, and did not see what happened. happening today, the city of oakland is locking horns with the federal government over the harborside cannabis center. two years ago, the justice center tried to seize the center as part of federal forfeiture laws. the city argued against the seizure. it's appealing the decision that dismissed the case. today's appeal will be heard in san francisco. >> and now we have a look at weather and traffic coming up for you right after the break. have you heard of the new dialing procedure for for the 415 and 628 area codes? no what is it? starting february 21, 2015 if you have a 415 or 628 number you'll need to dial... 1 plus the area code plus the phone number for all calls. okay, but what if i have a 415 number, and i'm calling a 415 number? you'll still need to dial... 1 plus the area code plus the phone number. so when in doubt, dial it out! welcome back. i'm christina loren. temperatures in the 50s. mild start to the day. a beautiful finish coming your way. we'll hit the 70s again. and then big time changes headed our way. enjoy the mild weather while it lasts. today is a spare the air day, but we have rain on the way to purify the air quality and keep the hillsides nice and green. this is going to start to impact the north bay by thursday morning. we'll have to wait for the rain until friday. if you're curious how much is expected we'll tell you about it at 11:00. >> can hardly wite. over here looking at slower erer drives. have to wait as you're driving southbound past a crash at free minute. and then things are moving better. have a slow drive into millipedes for 37 into alzeesose. sorting out nicely past the airport, but 85 north, still a crash at camden. sounds like all lanes are career, but the distraction is enough to slow you there. anywhere north of the san mateo bridge moving nicely. toward the bay bridge oakland, not a major problem, but you have company up past the coliseum. >> we have more local news coming up for you in a half hour and that all-important rainy forecast for you at 11:00. we'll see you soon. . it's february 3rd and it's cold. that's all you need to know. we are about to play america's favorite game show. >> fishbowl roulette. to write a question for the orange room fishbowl. >> these are all celebrities who have been on the show. >> you go first. >> okay. >> where is the strangest place you have taken a selfie. >> the second too. >> thought it was the newlywed game there too. >> what place and why was it strange? this is from haley hasselhoff. the hoff's daughter. >> the strangest selfie place? me? i'm boring. i don't take a lot of selfies. >> i don't either. >> sorry to disappoint? in my dressing roomt. >> that's crazy. i can't believe you just said that. pass the bowl. natalie, your time. >> any else have an interesting answer? >> then you ask him. what's the one thing that's always in your fridge coming from cynthia nixon? >> the one thing always in my fridge? something good. those cracker cheese slices from cracker barrel. >> you don't have a knife. >> they are precut. the ultimate laziness. >> cracker barrel. here's one. from cold boom. >> who answers that. >> what would you like people to say about you at your memorial? >> that i was sweet. >> sweet. >> good. >> that was easy. >> ooh. i was going to try to make it up. what is the best meal you have ever had from haley duff again. >> best meal i have ever had. i would say it was my mom's chicken and dumplings. i never got a chance to ask her how she made them. to this day i still salivate. i just cannot get it right. i have been able to approximate her pea s and rice and i can't get the dumplings. >> we should do a comfort food. nothing like good chicken and dumplings. >> especially in this weather. chicken and dumplings. that's it. maybe that's a contest. we have people come in and make my mom's chicken and dumplings. sunshine up and down the east coast. that's good news. a weak system bringing light snow from from the plains. a big system in the pacific northwest and a series of them. they need the rain out there. tomorrow we have a swath of light snow from the plains all the way to western new york and pennsylvania. more wet weather to the southeast. the warm weather continues to the southwest. 9:33. good tuesday morning. we had a cloudy start in healdsburg, but you can see from the time lapse, now complete sunshine. temperatures right now mostly in the 50s. by lunch time today, we'll climb into the mid 60s. great day for outdoor lunch plans if you don't suffer from asthma. it's a spare the air day, but that will be short lived with rain on the way. temps in the 70s today. tomorrow cooler and rain picks up wednesday. and that's your latest weather. guys. >> as parents stress from the day their child is born that's paying for college. an average student debt for graduates is more than $29,000. what value are you really getting for that ticket price. >> the princeton review ranks colleges by affordability and alumni. colleges that pay you back the 200 best value colleges and what it takes to get in. the auth. first of all, what do all of them have in mon? >> great academics and affordable prices and great return on your investment. not only at the time of graduation, but throughout the career as well. >> natalie went to rut gers and i went to vanderbilt. how are those values? >> both did really well. i love a jersey school. students said it best when she feels like she is getting an ivy league education. >> i think it was me that said that. >> on saturday too. >> let's look at the top five colleges that pay you back. >> cooper union in town. half tuition scholarships. mit, stanford and princeton. competitive schools and financial aid should not be an issue. >> those are expensive to go to school. >> they meet a student and family's need 100% when it comes to aid. >> the number one school for financial aid. >> for good reason. 24% admit rate and 2400 stay tuneds under grad. $57 million in aid overall. >> how about vassar. >> 47% admit rate. 1300 students and $1 million in aid. >> let's goat best career placement. number one school you mentioned, harvey mudd. this is an engineering school. >> 780 students will do extremely well. engineering, mathematics and career sciences. >> another one greater for career place am. >> 50% of the students are accepted. 5400 under grads. a career center on campus. counseling and networking and development. >> great campus too. number in internships. gw. george washington university. location is key here. >> absolutely. on the list before, gw students have more interns in washington than any other school and it is a fabulous place to go to school and competitive. >> another one that may not be for best internships, but the university of dayton. >> 5400 kids. 100% of the student population and research and internships. cooperative learning internships. awesome place. >> when it comes to getting the first jobs, it's who you know. let's get to the networks. the number one school for alumni is clemson. >> deservedly so. 1600 under grads. 127,000 students in the network. it is an amazing place. >> also great dates on the other side of the country. >> it's one of the great favorites like gonzaga. when we think about the academics; 4500 students. to four alum for careers afterwards as well. >> this is such great information. you are making the college decision. this is the key book to have right now. up next, for some it's all about that bass. for tamron it's all about the legs. how to kick up the outfit. >> crest presents: crest 3d white whitestrips vs. whitening trays. these trays feel a little loose. it's kind of hard to talk. the whitestrips really grip. look at that. crest supreme flexfit whitestrips grip to your teeth and whiten as well as a $500 professional treatment. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten. there is a place where the sky is always blue. and the kids always eat their vegetables. because the salad there is always served with the original hidden valley ranch. well, i drove grandpa to speed dating this week, so i should probably get the last roll. dad, but i practiced my bassoon. and i listened. i can do this. everyone deserves ooey gooey pillsbury cinnamon rolls. make the weekend pop! (announcer) don't settle for 4g lte coverage that's smaller or less reliable when only one network is america's largest and most reliable 4g lte network: verizon. with xlte, our 4g lte bandwidth has doubled in over 400 cities. and now, save without settling. get 2 lines with 10gb of data for just $110... ...or four lines for just $140. and get a $150 bill credit for each smartphone you switch. hurry! offers end february 4th. only on verizon. at philadelphia, there's an art to making cream cheese. we always use fresh milk, real cream, and no preservatives. that's why philadelphia cream cheese tastes so rich and creamy. only philadelphia. it's the most exciting thing to happen to taxes since the boston tea party. now you can file your taxes on turbo tax for absolutely nothing. intuit turbo tax. it's amazing what you're capable of. ♪♪ the adventures you've been imagining. the heroes you've been admiring. the worlds you've been dreaming of. ♪♪ the thrills you've been craving. the moments you've been missing. the vacation you've been looking for is here. come and take it. universal orlando resort. experience it all with the wizarding world of harry potter vacation package. visit dove invited women to a makeover with a difference. hi ma'am hi would you like to have a free makeover? yeah, why not? who doesn't love a free makeover? there you go. it's a shower. it's a shower. but it's a shower with new dove body wash, with its new breakthrough formula all it takes is just one shower for softer smoother skin. want to feel? feels really good. really silky smooth. it's awesome. i love it. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower. >> all about those leg when is it comes to leg wear. i like to keep things simple because it's busy everywhere else. i like to keep it bare on my legs. every once in a while it's coo told like today. check out the stash of hosery i have over the years. i tweeted out asking you which pair i should wear for the tuesday trend and the tweets forwarded in from my kind friends who watched the show. they all suggested i rock the red ones. well, lately i have been seeing beautiful hosery on women in new york city. but you know what i hate the most and i say hate and i don't often use the word. this is like jezsse posted. >> i feel like the wicked witch. >> the opaque tights. i own a bunch of these because they are easy go to. with that said i went wear the red ones. when i pull them out, i do the full body suit. i don't know. 50 shades. we will talk about it later. millions of options out there. have fun with it and share the leg wear. lifestyle editor at >> good morning. >> i admit i have a bazillion pair of tights and every time i wear them, i hate the look. >> we go to the department store and there so many options. we all walk out with the same pair of black tights. there tons of choices. we have wonderful wonderful trends today. we took the experiment. >> i picked these in the end. i was worried about them because i thought they would be professional because they stop at the knee. it is argyle. >> you have three trends in one. show chic. >> let's get the models out. >> we have the most amazing tight trends. we took one dress, $39 from express and transformed each look with the tights. >> this look. >> this is bold and opaque. we know you don't love the opaque, but this is another way. >> i love this color. >> color is king. we love $13. if you are afraid to take the plunge, this is an inexpensive way. >> do you have to have legs as long as hers in. >> when you go with bold color, think of something that is sinful and looks great. >> our next beautiful model. all of them have on the same dress. these are the dots. >> these are the new nudes. these are nude stockings. remember kate middleton who brought the nude panty hose back? we are seeing polka dots that are huge. these are $62. they are more sheer and embellished, but more expensive. cheaper than a pair of shoes. >> i love this. the same black dress and black boots. >> this is cheer color and pattern. when you think sheer and color and pattern, you think opaque, but not anymore. these are what you can get at lord and taylor for $9. sheer can be for day and these are great for patternphobes. wear a boot over the knee. >> i love how you brought in the scarf. the last look. >> this is lace. >> you are the belle of the ball if you wear this. >> we are obsessed with lace. we used to think of lace and we used to think of it as the lingerie drawer. not anymore. >> can you wear that to work? >> sure. even for day. maybe a longer skirt, but these are by express and they are $24. they are fish net and lace. >> i love the open toes. >> you can wear open tows in the winter with tights. models, you look beautiful. burn the black tights together. we have tonight's dinner all planned out. (richard) america, last year, we did not get you your billion back. we got you your billions back! so many billions, we started thinking "this isn't tax season..." "this is refund season!" and nobody gets more of your money back than block- guaranteed. get your billions back america! to unlock the possibilities of tomorrow......"lift tab." behold the beauty of balance. crisp flakes of fiber-rich bran. answered by the perfect quantity of sun sweetened raisins. and with the sublime addition of ice-cold milk, the day begins. ♪sun'll come out, tomorrow♪ tomorrow is waiting. own it, with kellogg's® raisin bran see you at breakfast™. and delight in temptingly tart and sweet new kellogg's® raisin bran with cranberries. all your life you're told to tame your curls... ♪ when you try to tame my curls, it feels like you want to tame me. dove wants you to unleash the beauty of your curls. that's why we created new dove quench absolute. this system deeply nourishes curls to quench dryness for 4 times more defined natural curls. new dove quench absolute. ring ring!... progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself [ aniston ] when people ask me what i'm wearing, i tell them aveeno®. [ female announcer ] aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion has active naturals® oat with five vital nutrients. [ aniston ] because beautiful skin goes with everything. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™. ♪ ♪ ♪ hershey's spreads. bring the delicious taste of hershey's chocolate to anything - everything. with hershey's spreads, the possibilities are delicious. at subway... we've got chicken you can feel good about. new subway grilled chicken strips. they taste better and they are better. premium cut, all white meat, no artificial preservatives or flavors. try 'em on subs like the irresistible new monterey chicken melt. it's chicken at its best. winter is hard on your face. the start of sneeze season. and the wind-blown watery eyes. that's why puffs plus lotion is gentle on sensitive skin. so you can always put your best face forward. a face in need deserves puffs indeed. and try puffs softpack today. i don't know what it is... the food, stress or running around but sometimes i feel bloated or gassy, with rumbling, uncomfortable. i feel sluggish and cranky. grrrr! (dog wimpers) you're right, bailey! i need a change! i'm taking the activia challenge! enjoying activia twice a day for four weeks may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues like bloating, gas discomfort and rumbling. and if your tummy smiles you can feel like you. try the activia challenge! it works or it's free! ♪ dannon ♪ i've smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now...i use this. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. . you probably never thought about it, but weather outside your window can influence what you eat. all sorts of recipes and menus and they partner to offer food for your forecast. we have an epicuruous contributor and a restaurant called maybe. we picked three cities at random. portland, oregon and cleveland and orlando, florida. let's get started. we will start with portland. you went portland and pork chops. >> stuffed pork chops. we cut open the inside lengthwise. we take a piece of smoked mozzarella stuff it in there and maybe use a tooth pick and season it nicely. our sauce is delicious. it's made out of fresh grape tomatoes, butter, stock, and put it in a pot and lead it go slowly. >> how do you do the pork chop. >> put it on a pan and broil it. >> how long on each side? >> five minutes. >> you take the polenta on the plate. >> and top that with our mozzarella flowing out of that pork chop and the sauce. top it off with a good amount of herbs. >> boom. >> and boom. >> and this is going to be 52 and raining there. cleveland will be uglier. partly cloudy and a high of 27. what do we have some. >> chipotle braised chicken. you make the sauce and you brown the chicken and put it in the pan for 25 minutes. >> in the afternoon? >> no stove top. covered. super easy. finish it off with a brightness with lemon juice and fresh herbs and you pour that and put your chick nen chick nen there. >> so you have the crispiness. we have been to go a nice pasta dish for orlando florida. forecast there is looking good. sunny and about 68. >> envious, in fact. i browned my shrimp. i am going to put it back in so it gets great flavor. everything melts together. >> what's in this sauce right now? >> tomatoes and onions and fresh arugula. >> it has a bite to it. >> and freshness. >> it looks creamy. >> there is a bit of cream and that reduces. >> what kind of pasta do you like with this? >> we are using fettuccine but i love angel hair too. i will pour that over. >> that looks awfully good. wow. >> it smells delicious. and toss. >> thank you so much. all the recipes are on if you like a recipe for the weather in your neck of the woods, use the hash tag and we will help you out. this is "today" on nbc. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ yoplait. with a smooth and creamy taste your whole family loves. don't miss yoplait's exciting new flavors -- creamy caramel and cookies 'n cream. good morning. police are trying to track down the gunman who killed a well known east bay rapper. dominic newton was better known as the jacka. someone shot him just after 8:00 yesterday evening near oakland. and mcarthur and 94th avenue. newton has released a slew of albums since the late 1990s. >> firefighters put on an early morning fire at an assistinged living home. it started in the driveway and moved to the outside of the garage. >> a woman is suing radio shack and an employee at its store after she said racy photos were stolen from her iphone. the woman took the phone there to have it fixed, but when she got it back she realized 17 compromising photos had been texted to an unknown number. prosecutors charged the worker who helped her. >> let's take a look at your forecast which includes rain. >> thank you. a little hazy out there, but a really gorgeous day temperature wise shaping up. 73 in the tri-valley. the warmest location. 66 for san francisco. and 70 degrees, beautiful conditions in wine country. warm and hazy for today. by tomorrow we bring in the changes. late wednesday, the wind picks up and our first showers are on the way as of thursday morning for parts of the bay area. here's the thing, this is a slow-moving storm system. depends on where you live that's going to determine how much rabe and when you will get it. we'll talk about that at 11:00. want to check your drive. >> we had a lot of traffic up until about 20 minutes ago, which things started to clear north past the coliseum. this is the nimitz freeway. let's look at the map. we see a nicer drive, and 580 has cleared after a couple earlier crashes. the approach to the bay bridge a little shore, and the metering lights are on but overall, your shot of the bay looks good. late slowing toward the tri-valley. the south bay, good recovery. back to you. >> we have more local news for you in a half hour. right now, here's the "today" show. a remarkable thing has happened. over a million californians have gotten something that's been out of reach for far too long. health insurance. how? they enrolled through covered california. it's the health insurance marketplace where you'll find a range of plans from leading health insurance companies that offer you the best combination of quality, rates and benefits. you can compare plans side by side choose the one that best fits your needs and enroll online. is also the place to find certified experts in your area who can answer your questions for free, and help you enroll. and, through covered california, you may get financial help to pay for coverage. it's based on income, and 4 out of 5 people who have enrolled qualified. if you don't have a health plan, or you do, but you want to make sure it's the best plan for you, now's the time to visit but to get covered you've got to get going. open enrollment ends february 15th. visit today. from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hello everybody. hoda woman's favorite day, "boozeday tuesday." it's february 3rd. we have a terrific show for you today. >> we do. we have the talented ed burns who's here. i love his story. he wrote a beautiful book that shows his journey as an independent filmmaker. >> i was going to ask him to sign it for my son. it's what you have to go through to fulfill your passion of making films. and he ain't bad to look at. a lot of people are dying to know if "fifty shades of grey," the movie, will be as good as or as interesting as the book. and today we're getting a taste -- >> she's a sex therapist. >> one of the stars is the best friend of anastasia. but here's the real headline. kathie lee and i are getting a sneak peek of the movie. we're going just the two of us -- >> just because it's part of our work. i'm not sitting next to you. i'm going to sit as far away from you as possible and i might have to leave early. what happens when you put a sex therapist and a comedian in a room together, you get "all about sex." we'll get answers to some of your -- >> we have a highly sexualized show. >> now, this is important. remember we all did the shine the light thing last year and -- great success with it. hoda had her fabulous video and a lot of good was done. i didn't know how many books to publish of "good gifts." never done that before. you don't want to order too many and have them sitting on a shelf. so thanks to all of you at home it's sold out. and everywhere i've gone, people have said, i went to buy it and it was sold out. and i want to get five more for friends. guess what? we've published some more books. they'll be shipping next week. every penny goes to the salvation army which does amazing work all year round. we see them with the red kettles at christmas. since 1865 or something they've been doing this kind of work. >> so many people love this book. and you wonder what people will take away. so many people are so crazy for the recipes in there. they're going home and making them. >> they're putting it on their coffee tables. makes me so happy to be in your home. >> the super bowl numbers are in. and they are huge -- it was the most watched program ever in the united states. 114.5 million people watched the show. and it built as the game went on because it was such a close game. >> towards the very ending, it was 121 million viewers. >> katy perry was the highest halftime show ever with 118.5 million. >> some people didn't like it. other people just loved it. but it was viewer friendly for the whole family and i appreciate that. >> she seemed fresh-faced and happy. so congrats to all -- but there is a moment that is really capturing people -- >> there's always -- yes. >> bill belichick, the coach -- >> of the patriots. >> and his daughter amanda, were celebrating after the show on the field. and this was the image that was caught after the team one. and it was a kiss on the lips. and this has sparked a lot of discussion. amanda's 30 years old. and some people -- >> and he's not. >> some described the moment as a little bit strange. >> we don't know. when i first saw it, i thought, lease kissing his wife. and then i said, i know his wife. i was relieved to find out it was his daughter. i don't want to judge it because we weren't there. but i often go to kiss somebody and they turn their -- and all of a sudden you have a liplock and you didn't intend it -- who knows? >> when a moment's frozen like that, especially if you're going in to give someone a peck and just when your mouths meet, the camera snaps and you pull away and it literally lasted one-thentone- one-tenth of a second. so i think it is one of those things that people will be talking about -- >> not asking about deflated balls. that's progress. now it's about the kiss. >> the etiquette expert who we contacted, lane swann, says this. "adult parents should probably not be kissing their adult children on the lips in public". >> in private, it's okay? >> some people are lip kissers. have you ever had friends -- male friends who kiss you on the mouth? >> maybe. >> so have i. and in the beginning i thought it was weird. >> no. it's my female friends -- >> who kid you on the mouth? >> no. they have the big red lips and they come up and kiss you and you have huge red lips on your face. >> i'm talking about when a man comes up to you -- a very good friend of mine, the first time he kissed me on the lips -- and his wife was like, hi. and i felt weird. and then i realize, he misses on the lips. that's what he does. >> he's a lip kisser. be glad he thought it was your lips. >> what does that even mean? >> finding things to be grateful for. it's one of my new year's resolutions. >> we're going to go to "fifty shades of grey." but we have an exclusive clip if you're wondering. this is one of them. so look at it. >> i'd like to know more about you. >> there's really not much to know about me. >> you said you're an english major. who first made you fall in love with literature? >> hardy. >> i would have guessed jane austin. what are you going after you graduate? >> just trying to get through finals. >> and then? >> and then i was planning on moving here to seattle. >> we offer an excellent internship program. >> i don't think i'd fit in here. look at me. >> i am. >> i kind of get it. i wondered about the casting. you're never quite sure. >> i didn't read the book, as you know. but everybody says, she starts out a little mouthy and then learns to roar. >> you see the juice. >> she's on the cover of -- is it "vogue" or "elle." she's -- wow. >> adorable. >> we'll let you know. in this show, we have eloise mumford we'll be talking to. >> this was weird. you came in talking about this this morning. you are a "bachelor" freak. >> i've become one. >> apparently it's train wreck tv. >> prince farming was there. >> prince farming? >> that's what they call him because he's a farmer. there's this woman named kelsey and she had such a sad and moving story that she is a widow and she didn't really reveal it to anybody on the show or to chris and then finally she decided to sit down with him and tell him her story. watch what happened. >> he was amazing. and unfortunately he died in may, 2013. and it was totally unexpected. >> wow. >> wasn't my story amazing? it's tragic, but it's amazing. it was exactly what needed to happen because our relationship was heading in the direction of stagnation because i had to tell him my story. we had to have our first kiss. i know this is a show about chris. but this is my love story, too. >> okay. is that not totally bizarre? >> i've always found it bizarre that all these people are willing to come on and be like this with cameras and a person they've never met -- >> this moment, what we just saw. >> i don't believe any of it, hoda. >> she had a panic attack. this happened after it was over. there was a panic attack and they had the medics. >> which means that there was no rose ceremony which we have to stay tuned, right? >> yes. >> oh, that could never happen. >> what's interesting about "the bachelor," when it was the days of tristen and ryan, it's been getting weirder and weirder over the years. we reached out to abc but they had no comment. no one ever has any comment. so apparently chris surprised brit -- i don't know any of these people nor do i care. look how she has on full makeup. lips and eyelashes. >> in one of the seens brit brushed her teeth -- >> i wouldn't allow it. >> anyway, brit claims that she didn't -- she likes being single and she's not sure about kids. and then when he asks her about children -- >> which they all do. >> -- you know what happens? take a look. >> i love this. the other night we were saying that like all we want is to get married and have kids and that's how that's the ultimate dream. and she said, i love being single -- >> she said that? >> yes. >> when you see your family, how big is it? you want one -- >> no, like ten. >> really, really? you do, for real. >> how many do you want? >> like 100 honestly. i do. >> promise me you will never go on that show. >> i'm not going near that show. but, by the way, i'm kind of getting a little turned off to "the bachelor." he's making out with everybody in front of everybody. is. >> exactly. that's what i said. he's mr. insincerity. >> anyway. we had a great sound bite that amanda wanted us to show. we don't have time. >> when is that show over? >> okay, we'll show it. megan was very excited the show was moving to santa fe, new mexico. but she thinks santa fe, new mexico, is a different country. >> i think it's definitely going to be a culture shock from what i'm -- you know, the hats, the somebreros sombreros the hats they wear -- definitely exciting to go on a new adventure. i've never been out of the country. >> no, that's unfortunate. so sad. i've done many things i've wanted back. said many things i wanted back. but it's unfortunate when it happens. he writes, he directs and he's gorgeous. what else could you want? >> the very talented ed burns making it in the movie biz. and the best 12 days o make fit happen! new fit me matte and poreless from maybelline new york. beyond matching skin tone... finally, a foundation that fits skin's texture. some foundations exaggerate pores... new fitme has blurring powders... so pores and shine virtually disappear. you look perfectly poreless. totally natural. love my fit! new fit me matte and poreless in 16 shades. make fit happen... at slash fit me! >>maybe she's born with it. ♪ maybe it's maybelline! ♪ i want my yoga pants to smell like i sweat money. i want to smell the way champagne tastes. i love champagne. infuse your laundry with... ...up to 12 weeks of luxurious long-lasting scents... ...unstopables in wash scent booster. i want my foyer to smell more like a foyer. i want his bedroom to smell like he's away at boarding school. surround yourself with up to 6 hours of luxurious, long-lasting scents... ...introducing new unstopables air refresher. mom usually throws a gogurt in there. well mom's not here today so we're doing things dad's way. which means i get... two. 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(singing) snack time and lunch. gogurt because lunch needs some fun. ♪ ♪ ♪ hershey's spreads. bring the delicious taste of hershey's chocolate to anything - everything. with hershey's spreads, the possibilities are delicious. alright, listen up. out on that field today, you will be ready for anything. and i want you to always remember, this is the greatest team you will ever be part of. and when they're asked 'what did you do to make a difference in the world?' they can say 'i became a soldier'. 20 years ago ed burns burst onto the scene with the indie film he directed and starred in. it was about three tight-knit irish american brothers from long island, new york. >> the movie cost $25,000 to make and attracted huge audiences. it won a sundance award. >> that's when his career took off. he directed "saving private ryan". >> now ed has a new book detailing it all. it's called "independent ed, inside the career of big dreams, little movies and the 12 best days of my life." great to see you again and congratulations on this book. >> thank you. >> it really is an insider view. everybody wants to be in the movies but what it takes to make your way and it's not an easy thing. >> i tried to kind of tell my story and hopefully create a how-to guide or roadmap for kids who are in film school or people out of film school trying to get that first film made. >> as a young man, you were a writer. and your dad noticed right away that you had a gift. when did you know that movies would be the route you wanted to take? >> it wasn't until i was in college. i was an english major, wasn't doing so well. spoke to my advisory and he said, in order to get your gpa up, let's find you some easy classes to classes so you can get an easy "a." so he suggested taking a film studies minor. so i did. and i said i want to do that. >> you talk about in the book, following your passion. but you also have some guts along the way. briefly tell the story about robert redford, if you wouldn't mind. >> after we made "brothers mcmunlmc mcmullen" which took almost two years i sent it to every film festival, distribution company and got nothing but rejection letters back. at the time i'm working on "entertainment tonight," we're interviewing redford. so i bring my vhs copy of the film and at the end of the interview, i have my 30-second shield prepared for him. he goes to the elevator, i ran up to him handed him the cassette and said, this is my movie, please take a look at it. six months later -- >> the rest is history. >> you talk about the 12 best days of your life. nutshell those for us. >> in that time when we finished the film and before i gave it to redford and i'm getting nothing but rejection letters back, my dad takes me out for a drink and i'm complaining about why nothing happened with this movie. and he said you told me the 12 days of shooting "mcmullen" were the 12 best days of your life. and i said yes. he said, if you did it because you had a story to tell, write another script, we'll find at $25,000 and go get another 12 days. >> it was such great advice because you were brokenhearted and the best thing to do with a dream like that is to write the next dream because you start to forget. you get caught up in that first love thing that happens. >> it served me throughout my entire career. i've had two other moments where i've been put in what they call director's jail. i can't get anyone to read any scripts, i couldn't get them financed, couldn't get a cast together. and you think you're out of the business. and i remember that talk my dad gave me and it inspired me to make another low-budget movie. >> and spielberg gave you classic advice it's chock full of great advice. >> it is so inspirational -- we have a couple of minutes to play a game. did you write it direct it or star in it -- you tell us which. i came from work yesterday. everything seems fine, she's having a sandwich the next thing i know she's screaming at me and kicks me out of the apartment. >> i think i wrote that one. but i have no idea what film. >> "sidewalk of new york." you wrote it, directed it and starred in it. >> i'm done with this mission. >> "saving private ryan". >> i guess the fact that i've always tried to behave like a decent human being -- >> i think i wrote that one. >> wrote, directed and star in it. you'll beg to get rid of me? >> i don't know. >> alex cross, you starred in it. >> when you've done as much as you've done -- >> conceivable i couldn't remember those lines 20 years ago. >> congrats on the book. the book is terrific. >> inspiring. let's talk about sex. we're answering all your questions. >> and digging into jill's shopping bag for fun valentine's gifts that everybody will love, even for your pets. i bring the gift of the name your price tool to help you find a price that fits your budget. uh-oh. the name your price tool. she's not to be trusted. kill her. flo: it will save you money! the name your price tool isn't witchcraft! and i didn't turn your daughter into a rooster. she just looks like that. burn the witch! the name your price tool a dangerously progressive idea. awwwwwww.... ...awwwwlright, bird! hay daaaaaaaayyyyy!!! download hay day for free. release a devastating avalanche of taste on your tongue. bury yourself in the flavor full of sweet icing and filling. call off the hounds! rescue is unnecessary. pillsbury toaster strudel, the snow day of breakfasts. to remove this spaghetti stain let's compare an entire tub of oxiclean to just half a cup of clorox bleach. okay... huh... how is that called clean? clorox. eliminates stains better than oxiclean. 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"this is refund season!" and nobody gets more of your money back than block- guaranteed. get your billions back america! you give... and you give... and then you give some more. but sometimes you get. and so you take. tylenol® cold is strong enough for you while children's tylenol® is gentle enough for them. we give you relief from your cold and flu. you give them everything you've got. tylenol®. we're back on this brain teaser tuesday when we put your minds to work. >> are you ready? i'm tall when i'm young and i'm short when i'm old. what am i? >> you have a few minutes to think about it. well let you know the answer in a moment. also coming up how to get your groove back, if you know what i'm saying. >> starting to date again. and from "fifty shades of grey," actress eloise mumford joins us. >> and jill martin has valentine's day gifts to pamper all your sweethearts, even the little ones. after your local news and weather. real cheese people don't eat pasteurized, processed cheese food. it's only required to contain 51% real cheese. with sargento 100% real, natural cheese slices, a patty melt becomes more than just a patty. ham unites with its better half. and a club sandwich becomes part of a club you definitely want to be in. real cheese people would never eat a slice wrapped in plastic when they can have a slice of 100% real. natural cheese slices from sargento. we're real cheese people. what shall we do for dinner? pizza! with a little help, it's easy to whip up a great meal on a week night. pepperoni on your side... more pepperoni. cheers! pillsbury pizza crust. make dinner pop ommmmmmm ommmmmmm ommmmmmm ommmmmmm it's 10:26 right now. police in san francisco are having four violent home invasion robberies overfour days. thieves hit homes in lower haight, ocean view and visitation valley all since friday. in each waiss, an intruder roughed up the victim while stealing valuable items. >> happening today, local water districts will update state regulators on water conservation goals. governor brown asked alphaalphaens to cut back water use by 20%. the closest california has come to reaching that level was last august when water use fell by just 12%. we have a look at weather and traffic for you after the break. welcome back. a little hazy. a spare the air day all across the bay area but temperatures hard to beat this time of year. 71 in the north bay. 66 in san francisco. we're going to hit the low 70s reaven right here in san jose. a pretty day coming your way. hazy again. hazy as well yesterday. cooling really kicks in tomorrow and then rain on the way as we head throughout the latter portion of the week. we have much cooler weather as well. we'll give you the timeline today alt 11:00. we'll see you then. first, want to check your drive. here's mike. >> tuesday, so we expected a big volume of traffic. hasn't been as bad for much of the commute. over here the bay bridge shows a few folks waitling but we're looking at the hov lanes which are accessible to everyone. a smooth flow of traffic on the approach, and the only congression is at the toll plaza. the late slowing has cleared for west 580. back to you. >> all right. we have all the day's news at 11:00. we are back with more on this "boozeday tuesday." before we dig into jill's shopping bag we want to give you the answer to the brain teaser we gave you before the break. >> here's the question i'm tall when i'm young and i'm short when i'm old. what am i? you said something that was smart -- >> i think it's mountains. the craggier the peak, the younger the mountain is -- >> no, no, no. >> apparently i'm wrong. >> the answer is a candle. >> oh! i like mountains. >> yeah and mountains is actually not incorrect. >> thank you! we're all right. >> nobody holds a candle to jill martin. >> hello. it's time to plan for valentine's day. candles are perfect for that. but these are also great gifts you can order now to get there in time. let's start with amazon, a really easy fondue. you have lips ice and molds to make pancakes that even i could do. >> delicious. >> not milk chocolate? >> i'm not 100%. next up you see -- >> how cute! >> it is so easy to do. put a little cocoa on top. these are from and we also have -- this is especially for you. personalized -- i pick you. i didn't come up with that. it was on the site. this is etsy and these hangers -- can you see? these say, frank and kathie. and in etsy, we have two very special babies we are going to take a shot of. >> our family is growing. >> aren't they precious? >> the cutest babies ever. >> and we have joaquin and little first valentine's day outfit. >> we have the best producers and their babies. >>, you can get personalized -- look at all those books and puzzles. and these are coupon books. 20 coupons made just for frank and 20 coupons made just for joel. >> that is adorable. i'm not taking it home. >> also if you feel like cooking, made with love by kathie lee. and mode with love by hoda. and then i love you a latte. >> very sweet. >> pick those up. they're chargers are -- >> you're not allowed to pick up anything. >> oh my gosh. i love it. >> they're to charge your phone. >> so cute. >> carry it in your person and give you extra juice. >> oh my gosh. that's fantastic. >> custom gifts, $10 to $75. this is the tiniest package ever created with all different treats. and then you see the initials on the plates. kathie and frank and hoda and joel. and then a pillowcase you can draw on. i love blake. and then you have these pictures you can have made for under $2. all you have to do is give the names and pick the pattern. aren't those great? look at how great these are. these start are the $25. and these are books with all different pictures you can take from social media and they take them. you pick them out. it's like 20 photos for $20. and you can give them to each other. they're great little books. >> so cute. there's more. >> you want to plan a movie night. put your iphone -- this is one of your favorite movies. put your iphone in here, popcorn, and it projects onto the wall. >> no, it doesn't! >> maggie louise confections. $14 to $48. look at these chocolates. and i wanted to get reagan involved. >> hello, honey. >> there's a patching charm for the mommy. >> so adorable. >> he's so precious. >> everybody gets a little valentine's day gift. >> jill, these are great. speaking of valentine's day, many of you might be headed to the movies for date night to see "fifty shades of grey." >> we'll get all the juicy details from one of the stars, eloise mumford, right after this. you exercise. you choose the salad. occasionally. but staying well... physically, financially, emotionally... is hard on your own. so cigna's got your back and your knees 24/7. cigna's there to answer your questions. or when you need some coaching. in sickness and in health, cigna's there, helping you to get well and stay well. that's having a partner, who's with you all the way. cigna. ♪ kraft natural cheese starts with fresh milk carefully selected from only us dairy farms. because we know it takes something amazing, to make something amazing. ♪ get inspired at with secret outlast clear gel, you're ready no matter how long your day gets. stay still, like a statue. alright sweetie. just like a statue. just one more. hold still, like a statue! really? look here! ok sweetie. alright. our new formula gives you 48 hour odor protection and goes on clear for no white marks. secret outlast clear gel. i have a cold with terrible chest congestion. better take something. theraflu severe cold doesn't treat chest congestion. really? new alka-seltzer plus day powder rushes relief to your worst cold symptoms plus chest congestion. oh, what a relief it is. here we go! kerri: kerri the sparkle® fairy here. are you about to spend that on paper towels? mom: well, i use bounty... kerri: ooo! use sparkle®... it's just right for cleaning up everyday little messes without cleaning out your piggy bank. sparkle®. the bright way to clean. can this decadent, fruit topped pastry... ...with indulgent streusel crumble, be from... fiber one. fiber one streusel. it is almost here. the movie everyone in the world have been waiting for. >> "fifty shades of grey"! >> by now you probably know who plays christian grey and anastasia anastasia. eloise mumford is the roommate of anastasia. >> you're seeing him tonight. >> we just kissed once. >> om once? that's odd. >> odd doesn't even cover it. >> odd doesn't even what? >> doesn't even cover it. >> i'm getting old. i can't even hear anymore. >> hi how are you? we have to ask -- >> am i still blushing? >> you have a rosy glow. >> it is super sexy. super, super steamy sexy. >> was it what you thought? i don't know if you were present for everything that was being shot -- >> i saw my character. she doesn't know everything -- >> she's in the dark all the time. >> kind of. she says that ana is dating somebody. but she doesn't know any of the naughty stuff. so watching this film last night, i was like, oh, i had no idea. i read the book obviously. but seeing it on the screen, it's hot. >> when they were doing auditions for these different characters, it all seemed a little secret. everyone was trying to guess who's playing who. >> it was all very under cover. i couldn't even tell anybody i had booked the part until it was announced in the press. >> under the cover -- >> i called my parents and told them -- >> what was their reaction? >> very excited. >> this is your first major role. are they going to see it? >> yes. they're going on thursday night at 8:00. >> any part of you that's a little bit -- you are their daughter and it is a movie about these kinds of things. it would be weird to watch that kind of movie with your parents anyway -- >> i'm kind of glad i won't be sitting next to them. but i'm excited for them to see it. >> what about the phenomenon -- >> dakota's mother melanie said she's not going to see it. >> i think people of all ages are going to love it. >> well, not children. we don't want them to go see it -- >> not all ages. >> eloise! >> what do you think about this kind of crazy phenomenon? we've seen lots of movie promoted. but the steady drumbeat has been amazing. >> millions of people love the book. and obviously there's millions of people who are going to see this film. so i feel so lucky to be in something that so many people are so excited to see. >> you would go with your girlfriends and see it and go out afterwards or would you take a boyfriend to this? >> i would take a boyfriend to it. if you're feeling adventurous, i say, take the guy you're dating. it's a nice icebreaker. >> okay eloise mumford! we're going to play a little game now. sounds like you've done pretty much everything else. >> here we go. who is your christian grey of hollywood? who's your celebrity crush? >> ryan gosling. >> oh, yes. >> he's taken and he's a father now. >> celebrity crush. >> one more. >> hoda! >> i don't know where i put the other one. here it is. finish the sentence, the most awkward moment on the set was -- >> meeting luke grimes at 6:00 in the morning before we got naked together that morning. >> wow. >> that is so juicy. >> all right. we'll have something to talk about tomorrow i suppose. >> you can see it in theaters on friday, february 13th. what is going on around here? >> we're answering your questions about the bedroom with these two ladies and nothing is off limits coming up after th alright, listen up. out on that field today, you will be ready for anything. and i want you to always remember, this is the greatest team you will ever be part of. and when they're asked 'what did you do to make a difference in the world?' they can say 'i became a soldier'. (humming) oh yeah. (humming) they're magically delicious. ha! very funny, kyle. eh, you don't want that one. yea, actually i do. it's mucinex fast-max night time and it's got a nasal decongestant. is that really a thing? it sounds made up. mucinex fast max night time for multi-symptom relief. breathe easy. sleep easy. let's end this. when it comes to fighting the flu virus remember to wash your hands, get your flu shot and use clorox disinfectant products to kill 99.9% of flu viruses. this cold and flu season lets help spread protection. life's morning multitasking. it's multiple ideas for growing families and drawers with many layers to show exactly what you need. life's the food that brings us together. and kitchens where every meal is the most important of the day. what do you get when you mix a sex therapist with a tony award-winning actress and two comedians? >> you get the show "all about sex." >> that pretty much sums it up. heather mcdonald and sex therapist tiffanie davis henry, they take all kinds of questions from viewers. and it's no-holds-barred. >> and they're here with us in studio. hello, ladies. >> showing a lot of cleavage for the morning. >> you only have so many years left to look this hot. >> you guys have very frank and open discussions about sex. did you realize how much interest there would be in the subject among viewers? >> we kind of thought there would be because it is the conversations that you do have with your girlfriends but you just don't get to have it on tv. >> i've never had conversations like that with my girlfriends -- >> really, you haven't? >> that's why we're here. >> i don't want to. >> i've been married for 14 years. so i would talk to my friends who are single or divorced and getting out there for the first time and i want to hear it all. i love to give advice. sometimes it's not the best advice. one time i did a text from my friend who was in a fight with his girlfriend and i texted it. and i thought it would be like oh, my god, this is going to be the greatest thing, wouldn't you love to hear this from your boyfriend? and i went to the bathroom and came back and she's like, who wrote this, i'm pissed at you. i thought i was a magical wizard of love. >> there are some people who are very open about their sex lives. i have friends who will ask a question after a date, did you sleep with them? and i'm always so turned off -- >> you're either really comfortable with it. and -- excuse me that's a precious private part of my life that i don't want to share. >> the four different women on the show will give you four different perspectives. you're bound to find someone what you relate to. >> some questions. viewers have been writing in. should i be worried that i want more sex than my husband? could it be the age difference? i'm 20, he's 34. please help. >> i don't think you should be worried. but there are some creative things you can do to balance things out. at different points in your life, you're certainly going to have different sexual desires. there are times when my desire might be higher than my husbands and other times like, i just had a baby five months ago -- >> sleep. >> thank you. >> i remember there was a time early in my marriage where if he didn't want to have it, i was like, oh, my god, it's awful! >> it's over! >> i was flipping too much in the bed and he wanted to go to another room to sleep. and i was like, it's bad for the marriage! it's okay if he doesn't want to have it one night or if you sleep in another room one night -- >> it's a pattern, it's a problem. >> if it goes on for a couple of years, you should see her. >> i've taken a few years off from dating and i've decided to start again. how do i get my groove back in the sex department? >> you have to figure out what the endgame is. figure out what you want to try sexually. not saying look for people that will do those particular things. but the worst thing to do is wait so many years before you bring up things you want to do and find out you've been with that person all that time and they have no desire to do those things. >> don't let too much time go without dating. i think it gets weird. or don't go too long without having sex with your partner. then it's like going to the gym where you don't know how to work the equipment and you feel like everyone's looking at you like -- >> the outfit! >> keep it going. it is so hard to be out there dating and you're having a great social life and a great work life. the next thing you know, you realize, it's been like a year since i've been on a date. and dates are great, especially if you're really hungry and someone is willing to buy you an appetizer appetizer. the best part is the eating. >> there you have it. >> it airs saturday nights on tlc. >> we're back in a moment. but first, this is "today" on nbc. hello! i'm a kid. and us kids have an important message for our grown ups. three grams daily of beta-glucan... a soluable fiber from whole grain oat foods like cheerios can help lower cholesterol. and where can you find beta-glucan? in oats. and, they're yummy! i'm going back to being a kid now. thank you! a remarkable thing has happened. over a million californians have gotten something that's been out of reach for far too long. health insurance. how? they enrolled through covered california. it's the health insurance marketplace where you'll find a range of plans from leading health insurance companies that offer you the best combination of quality, rates and benefits. you can compare plans side by side choose the one that best fits your needs and enroll online. is also the place to find certified experts in your area who can answer your questions for free, and help you enroll. and, through covered california, you may get financial help to pay for coverage. it's based on income, and 4 out of 5 people who have enrolled qualified. if you don't have a health plan, or you do, but you want to make sure it's the best plan for you, now's the time to visit but to get covered you've got to get going. open enrollment ends february 15th. visit today. before we go, quickly we want to know who are our biggest fans out there? >> go to for a chance to win a trip to our show. >> the competition is stiff. we want you to win. tomorrow, how does christian grey's mother respond to her son? only marsha knows because she plays here in "fifty shades of grey." and a special performance by the brothers known as king and country. >> and brush up on your grammy trivia. we're getting ready for sunday's big awards show. >> have an awesome "boozeday tuesday," everybody. >> see you tomorrow on "winesday wednesday." right now at 11:00, the state releasing its report card on our water use during this drought. so did californians get the message to conserve? good morning and thank you for joining us. i'm sam brock, in for scott mcgrew. >> i'm kris sanchez. a year ago, the governor asked us to cut back our water use by about 20%. apparently, most of us got the message. >> nannette miranda is live. how did we score? looks like good progress but more needs to be done. >> a good summary. more needs to be definitely done. governor brown asked all californians to cut back water usage by 20% because of the drought, and we find out that it's easier s

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