Transcripts For KNTV Today 20141011 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20141011

an incredible feat as a blind athlete takes on the toughest competitions in the world. the ironman. she is hours away from history. today is saturday, october 11th, 2014. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today," with lester holt and erica hill. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good saturday morning. welcome to "today." i'm lester holt. >> i'm erica hill alongside sheinelle jones and dylan dreyer. dylan is following the typhoon off the coast of japan. high tides being seen. dylan will update us on the path. busy in the pacific. >> nothing in the atlantic. this is getting a lot of attention online as reaction comes in after microsoft's ceo said that women don't really need to ask for a raise at work. we will have the latest. and dylan has another great story. we are putting her to work this weekend. >> this was hard to work. >> she went to meet baby cheetahs on the endangered species list. >> they purr. >> i love it. people can get involved in naming them? >> three don't have names yet. you can help name. >> looking forward to that. let's begin with the top stori stories. the ongoing ebola screenings. the screenings at jfk where the trips originate at west africa countries. we have several reports this morning. let's start with kristen dahlgren at jfk. kristen, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, lester. we are here waiting for a flight to get in from new guinea. this is the first flight from the ebola-infected nation since screenings started. passengers say some have them relieved, but others say it is not enough. at new york's jfk this week, training for stepped up screening. 43% of travelers from the affected nations of new guinea, sierra leone and liberia enter the u.s. through this airport. leaving many here worried about what might come off a plane. >> i have children. i don't want to bring it home to my baby. >> reporter: starting today, representatives from the centers for disease control and prevention are on hand. passengers will be questioned about being to the countries and contact with an infected person and temperatures will be monitored with a no-touch infrared thermometer. travelers could face isolated and screenings and possibly quarantine. >> hand sanitizer. >> reporter: fears have been growing since thomas eric duncan died this week in a dallas hospital. on friday, a plane from new york was quarantined in las vegas after a passenger vomited. investigators found no evidence of infection. this was the scene on the plane in the dominican republic after a passenger sneezed and said he had ebola. a false alarm. washington dulles and chicago o'hare and hartsfield-jackson will get measures next week. >> it is not a bad idea, but if someone is carrying the disease, but not displaying symptoms, it will not pick them up. >> reporter: now at least one lawmaker in texas is asking that the screening being expanded to houston and dallas. ahead of the cdc, lester, the head said to get zero risk in this country is to control the outbreak in africa. >> kristen, thank you. in dallas, there are mounting questions about what happened when thomas eric duncan walked in the hospital for the first time. a new report said he had a dangerously high temperature, but was still sent home. mark potter is in dallas with more. mark, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, erica. hospital officials say they are now changing the intake procedures as questions are asked about how the dallas ebola patient was treated when he first came to the emergency room. new details this morning obtained by the associated press from joseph weeks. the nephew of thomas eric duncan. the reports show duncan had a temperature of 103 degrees during his first visit to the hospital where he complained of stomach pains and other symptoms. although he also said he had been in africa, duncan was given antibiotic and sent home. two days later, he was rushed back to the hospital and diagnosed with ebola. he died on wednesday. a spokesperson says his girlfriend believes he should have been admitted right away. >> if you went to the hospital and your temperature was 103 degrees, no doctor would send you home. >> reporter: a week ago, texas presbyterian hospital in dallas said mr. duncan had a temperature of 100.1. no mention of 103. an nbc request for explanation has not been answered. meanwhile, dr. kent brantly, says he sympathizes with duncan's family. >> i want to tell you all, ebola is serious. it's real. it is a terrible, terrible disease for those who have it. for those who are close to them. >> reporter: in omaha, ebola patient, ashoka mukpo, the freelance cameraman is slightly improving. his father says he is cautiously optimistic. he thanked dr. brantly for donating blood to help his son. back here in dallas, authorities say all 48 people being closely monitored because they may have had contact with the ebola patient still have no signs of ebola. erica. >> thank you. >> dr. anthony fouchie is here with us. thank you for being on with us. >> good morning. >> at the time duncan was arriving at the hospital, it is fair to say ebola is high. are you shocked he was sent home given his travel and temperature? >> there is no doubt it was a misstep to not connect the travel history he gave to the nurse with the decision of what to do with him. i think everybody realizes that it clearly was a misstep. >> moving forward, how confident are you with the hospitals now have heard this lesson loud and clear and we won't have this misstep again? >> i cannot guarantee you won't see it again, but the awareness is high. probably as high as anything i have ever experienced of people in emergency rooms and clinics being aware of something that might come in. i cannot imagine that if someone comes into an emergency room in any clinic in the united states with a fever and says, by the way, i just got back from west africa that they will not highly suspect and act on the possibility that this person has ebola. >> that message is loud and clear. let's turn to the airports. jfk is the first of the international hubs screening passengers coming from west african countries. how effective is that going to be? >> it is another layer of screening and safeguard to protect the american people. there is an exit screening. before the people you see at jfk, before they got on the plane, they had a very similar procedure of temperature taking, questioning whether they have been exposed or whether they have symptoms. doing it now on the incoming end, that is another layer to just almost guarantee that someone with ebola will not get through. nothing is ever 100%. this is an extra added layer to try to keep americans safe. >> dr. fouchi, we don't want the drum beat to scare people. put it in perspective. with the screening happening here and screening happening at departure airports in west africa, how confident are you that we will not see anything close to an outbreak in this country? >> first of all, we will not see an outbreak. that i can tell you very, very confidently. if a person with ebola comes through with no fever, it gets through the screening and they get ebola here, the way mr. duncan did, there won't be an outbreak. we have the ability to do the kind of isolation and contact tracing exactly the way it's going on right now in dallas. notwithstanding the initial misstep with him and diagnosis. the screenings and following of contacts is going on right now. the risk of someone actually coming over here itself is very, very low. if you look at the numbers, they really are encouraging. take the last couple of months. in west african countries, 36,000 people went to the airport to go out. they screen them all. 77 were held back from getting on the plane. when they examined those 77, none of them had ebola. there is not a flood of people with ebola trying to get out of the country and trying to come to the united states. the risk is very low. when you add this extra layer of screening, that we're seeing at jfk and next week at four other airports, that risk is going to be lower. >> we appreciate that important perspective. dr. fouchi, thank you. protests are planned throughout the weekend in ferguson, missouri as thousands demanded justice for michael brown. he is the unarmed teenager shot and killed by a police officer two months ago. today, the focus and the demonstrations shift to downtown st. louis where tensions remain high after another shooting with another teenager and police. ron allen is in st. louis with more. good morning, ron. >> reporter: good morning, erica. until today, the protests have not happened in the heart of st. louis. that will change during the so-called weekend of resistance. thousands demanding justice for michael brown and others who lost their lives with confrontations with police. >> we do this for mike brown. >> reporter: ferguson polic for two months now, protestors are demanding the arrest and bros cushion of officer darren williams for shooting and killing unarmed teenager michael brown. as the crowd crossed the street, police appeared and the tensions began to build. anita brought her son. in the crowd, demonstrators from across the country. lori is from new york. >> why did you come from new york? >> why not? we have to. this is a national tragedy. >> here, this week, renewed anger as another family of another 18-year-old plalike micl brown they say he was up armed and he was shot and killed. police say he was armed and shot first when police attempted to stop him. many here don't trust the authorities because the officer who shot michael brown has not been charged with a crime. >> at this point i'm at peace. >> overnight, the protestors and police in riot gear squared off face to face. the crowd disbursed, but the weekend of resistance just began. >> there was no reports of significant violence. still, authorities in the region are on high alert for an emotional weekend of protests. >> we're going to go in this morning and give that potential presidential candidate hillary clinton from her days at first lady. and the papers are shedding light on the most difficult period of the clinton presidency. kristin welker has more. >> from monica lewinsky to the white water scandal, the documents are revealing but they say it likely won't have a large impact if hillary clinton decides to run in 2016. as hillary clinton considers a run for president. >> people don't need to be reminded that it was a presidency with controversy. >> white house said says our direction is to make sure she has a job in an agency. a 1998 memo has a scathing report about the affair. also in the document dump, the clinton's contentious relationship with the press. an aide says we should make the hearings expensive and inconvenient for the networks to cover, boring and inconclusive. >> this is how they deal with the press and they still base these quandaries today. >> another theme that resonates today, bill clinton has hillary back. in the 1996 state of the union, they wrote it was imperative that he defend the honor of the first lady tonight. in all of the national archives has released 30,000 pages from the clinton presidency since february. now the obama administration and the clinton presidential library signed off on those releases. this all happens as hillary becomes an increasingly likely candidate for the next presidential run. >> all right, kristin welker this morning, thank you. >> some of the other stories that we're following this morning. good morning a worldwide caution about the risk of isis attack against americans. isis fighters in iraq are advancing on the strategic plot. it is near baghdad and has long been a target of isis. they are reportedly asking for military help saying if it falls it could give them a platform to attack baghdad. 700 people are trapped and one u.n. official is getting warnings. a students aged 15 to 17 at sayreville are accused of holding down their victims and sexually abusing them. k mart shoppers may be at risk from a data breach. certain customers credit and debit card accounts are affected but don't know how many may have been affected. they believe their payment system was believed to have been hacked and discovered on thursday. the hackers did not get information like pins or social security numbers. a close call in california as a roof collapsed. take a look at this dramatic moment when a roof dame down on a crowded shopping center in fontana, california. several shoppers were trapped and had to be rescued. finally a mysterious object has fallen from the sky. a five inch square metallic object crash landed on a construction sight this year. the faa is checking it out, but so far nobody seems to know what the mystery object is or where it came from. >> cue the creepy music. >> objects falling from the sky? >> yeah -- thank you. >> dillon is keeping an eye on a big typhoon. >> yes it was a super typhoon at one point. take a look at this shot from space, you see the defined eye of this storm. it has been weakening but the outer bands of this storm have been lashing japan for quite some time now. they have effects of this storm producing gusty winds and flooding as well. it weaken today a category 2 hurricane. it is moving to the north at 9 miles per hour if will pass just to the northeast and then it is going to turn to the northeast. it looks like it should downgrade to a category one by the time we go into sunday afternoon. flooding and damaging winds will remain an issue through the weekend. we're also looking at heavy rain with this stalled front going all the way back to texas. we could end up with an inch or two. above the front it is cool, below it it is warm. and good morning. 519 the time. cloudy skies across bait this morning. late they are afternoon, 80s return to the bay and south bay. peninsula and east shore, you'll see mid 70s. the north bay, up to 86. hot spot today without a doubt, the tri-valley. we'll talk about our chance of rain. forecast. we were not kidding when we say that she was very busy this morning, we have had her busy all morning long. >> you were in miami earlier this week because residents were worried about tides that could come in. luckily it didn't happen, but you were there to find out why. >> i was there expecting it to happen and it didn't. king tides happen all of the time this time of year and miami beach is usually hit very hard. so there was a huge sigh of relief. despite the sunshine, october is a flood of trouble for residents of miami beach, it's the arrival of the annual king tide. >> we call them king tides when they go above three feet. >> for a city that sits only four feet only sea level, it is a big problem when the tide comes up. >> this was the scene last year with water covering the streets. it happens every year at this time when the sun, earth, and moon align causing this exceptionally high high tide. >> this city is built on limestone, and water seeps into the storm drains and it will not reseed until the tides g down. students are testing the composition of the water that is flooding the streets. >> it is full of -- all of the oils and stuff -- >> this year the city is finally fighting back and is actually winning. >> the property owners here at a certain time of year had ocean front property and they didn't want it. a plan to send the water back where it came from seems to be working. >> the last couple days were great days for us. the technology worked. it was a long war with a lot of initial doubts. >> so while miami beach has caused the bigger problem, but city officials have helped them to find a fix to turn back the tide. >> that is fascinating. >> and to see them doing something working is amazing. >> it is nice to see something working. thank you. coming up, the athlete who is making history at the right now, you heard about the comments from the ceo of microsoft this week talking about women not asking for raises. he said they should count on good karma to help advance. we want to hear from women. how have you asked for a goo. getting a live look at the bay bridge in san francisco ahead of what should being a warm saturday, warmer than we saw the last few days. good morning, i'm kera clapper with anthony slaughter at a look at your micro climate forecast. >> good morning. good to be back with you. >> welcome back from hawaii. >> yes. i was on vacation. everybody needs time off. we are talking about a warm weekend headed our way to the bay. at the coastline, talking about 70s and 80s down near santa cruz. inland locations will get very close to 90. in fact tomorrow i think the tri-valley will be back in the low 90s. comfortable for a morning jog or getting into work this morning. 55 in the south bay. mild near the coastline. 60 in san francisco. later on, 71 with a warm wind. 86 in the north bay. 80s down to the south bay. tomorrow we are talking about a warmer day. we have a beach hazard if you are headed to area beaches. our next chance of rain coming back into the picture this upcoming week. we are excited, ready to go. >> sounds good. >> thanks, anthony. first we have news this morning. an elderly man is dead following a house fire in the east bay. the home in hayward went up in flames before 3:00 this morning. two roommates and a neighbor tried to save the elderly man. they got him out of the home, but it was too late. two people treated for smoke inhalation and released. the third adult was taken to the hospital for burns. the cause of the fire is under investigation. >>. >> a developing story. bicyclists in san francisco are being attacked and robbed on the panhandle of golden gate park. police say two cyclists were attacked this month riding late at night on the path. the sf bicycle coalition said there were three violent issues. attackers hid riders over the head and stuck something in their bike spokes causing a crash and opportunity to steal the bike and other valuables. the bike coalition is spreading the word about the attacks and asking sfpd for additional patrols. police have not released a description of the thieves but believe it is a group of people working together. president barack obama is in san francisco this morning for a whirl wind fund-raising effort. air force one touched down yesterday afternoon. the president was met by a crowd of supporters, protesters and a baby or two. obama flew in from southern california where he attended two fund-raisers. in san francisco, it was on to the "w" hotel where the president attended a soldout fund-raiser. he is staying at the intercontinental hotel. about two dozen supporters will be there. they paid thousands to attend. president obama will head back to washington this afternoon. coming up on "today in the bay," levi stadium was rocking last night. it wasn't for the 49ers. we'll take you to "friday night lights." and your top stories at 7:00. party is full on the plaza. we are back on saturday morning, october 11th, 2014. you may think the weather is perfect. dylan may disagree. we appreciate those people being out there. we will say hello to them on rockefeller plaza in a bit. coming up on "today," have you ever been told to stop slouching or sit up straight? we are checking out three products to improve your posture. do they work? >> encyclopedia. i remember those. >> the phone books? oh, no. not that. >> we try our scripts later. also ahead, a bunch of new movies from men, women and children to "the judge." our panelists weigh in. and we will tell you about the off screen drama with the stars of "dance moms" which erica is a huge fan. why is one dance instructors being sued by the students? >> you know who has the best jazz hands? lester holt. more on that later. >> wow! the bus driver. we begin the half hour with the story of one brave woman. she will swim, bike and run her heart out today at the ironman world championships in kona, hawaii. taking on this is a feat for any person. this is a 140-mile endurance event. this woman cannot see any of it. peter alexander has the story. >> reporter: if ironman is the toughest one-day event, then ten an amon is the most impressive. even if she has never seen what she accomplished. >> ament, from virginia, has a rare disorder that started stealing her vision when she was a child. after years of eating poorly and not exercising, she was inspired to get active by her former boss. she hasn't stopped since. >> coming toward us. >> it is choppy. it's windy. >> reporter: swimming, biking, running. >> hard left. pull it. there we go. >> reporter: all with a trusted guide. how do you describe it? >> i think it is liberating, but it is also overcoming. >> reporter: to date, ament completed 200 plus ironmans. this spring, an unforgettable e-mail. congrats. you're going to kona. >> this is a game changer. >> reporter: ament was one of five to compete in kona, hawaii, the super bowl of the sport. alongside the best athletes on the planet. >> i will not beat most of them, but i will be in their company. >> reporter: you're one of them. >> i want to swim like i'm one of them and bike like i'm one of them. >> reporter: ament will be the first blind woman to compete at the competition. >> she is courageous beyond words. she decides she will do something and she will figure out a way to do it. >> reporter: what she has already done is surprise herself and inspire others. >> never give up on your dreams. even if they seem very hard or very impossible. and whatever it is, no matter how hard it is or how hard you have to work to get to it. don't give up. >> reporter: 140 miles ahead of her and no doubting she will get there. for "today," peter alexander, nbc news, sandy state park, maryland. dylan has made her way outside on the plaza with another check of the forecast. a very cute rain ensemble. >> thank you. i have boots, too. we have to brace ourselves for the plaza. it is miserable out here. we have a bachelorette party. i'm impressed. who is getting married? >> i am. >> when? >> 8th of november. >> thank for waking up tomorrow morning too? i don't think so. you have to stay out all night. let's look at the weather across the country. we are looking at very cold temperatures. we are in the lower 30s. madison, wisconsin, below freezing. we have the stationary front below it. it is a mild. temperatures about 10 to 12 degrees above average. we are seeing temperatures 10 to 12 degrees below average. we have the rain up into the northeast like we are seeing here in new york city. also we have really heavy rain to parts of eastern texas where temperatures will be in the 70s good morning. 5:35 the time. we have cloudy skies and fog in san francisco from the north bay down to the south bay this morning. temperatures are cool though. 50 degrees in the north bay. 55 in the south bay. late they are afternoon, going to be a very warm day. summerlike, if you will. back in the low 80s across the south bay. peninsula in the east shore, a good mix of 70s there. san francisco low 70s. north bay 86. we have a red flag fire warning in effect tonight. we'll talk more about this at 7:00 and the chance for our next round. "today's" top spot, chilly ft. wayne, indiana. wise is located. the fourth annual brickworld lego ex-position. 30,000 square feet of landscapes and more of lego. there is a play area for the kids to enjoy. that sounds like a nice event in indiana. guys, back to you. >> dylan, we like the outfit. it reminded us of -- take a look. >> something salty? >> maybe we don't have it. morton's salt girl. >> oh, wow. i just need some pigtails. >> we will make that happen. >> we will take your weather with a grain of salt. >> oh! >> like we said, you are on fire this morning, lester holt. >> see what happens when you sleep? all right. dylan, thanks. still to come, sheinelle is taking us inside the world of stop-motion animation. hear how long it took to create the magic of the movie "the box trolls." up next, they promise to many prove your posture, but do the when change is in the air you see things in a whole new way. it's in this spirit that ing u.s. is becoming a new kind of company. ing u.s. is now voya. changing the way you think of retirement. fousugar. only six?ns. six grams of sugar? that's really good. excellent, delicious... and yummy! honey bunches of oats. tasty! yummy! i knew my life as i knew itr, would never be the same. everything stopped. and i just said, "i'm going to beat this." and that's when i found living beyond breast cancer. purchase a specially marked bottle of pink lemonade 5-hour energy and a portion of the proceeds will help survivors like me with a much needed community of support. living beyond breast cancer is a lifeline for so many people. i just love being able to say that i am living beyond breast cancer. ♪ this morning in today's consumer, improving your posture. do the products that promise to make you stop slouching deliver? >> our correspondent checked out the newest products. janice, good morning. >> that is all you need is a posture segment. >> for five minutes. keeping your posture perfect is what we strive for. hunching over is what we do. we asked students at the chiropractic college to tryout the latest products. we are a nation of bad backs and poor posture which can cause aches and pains. what if there was a product that would improve your stance? we found three that offer to help you stand up and sit straight. first up, the lumo back belt with an app for $149.95. >> very thin. smart sensor that you wear on your lower back. it vibrates when you slouch. it is also an app. >> reporter: the seat for $199. >> the principle of a bouncy ball. >> and shirts for $69.95 claim to offer support through compression. we asked students at new york chiropractic college to take a stand. >> for years, i helped my patients fight the right things to help improve the alignment and posture. >> we have an assignment for you. we have several products that promise to improve your posture. you will use them and then you will tell us what you think. >> after reading the instructions and feeling the products out, the students went to work. a few weeks later, we checked in with the students and asked them to grade the products they tried. first up. >> i would grade it a "b." they are cut extremely small for their size. i can feel it pull my shoulders back. >> i wear the product more and more, it started to stretch. >> reporter: the makers of posawear says we have a zero change rate. we plan to add to our collection. next is the lumo back belt with the app. >> we decided to give it a "c" because it measures your lumbar spine. not the rest of your posture. >> it's price is significant. >> it would not go off until you really went forward. >> reporter: and the app? >> once you get it set up, it was easy. >> reporter: the lumoback company says 70% of the users had positive results. last was the bowie seat. everyone tried that one. >> what is the grade? >> an "a." little expensive. >> it was good. it had you fire your core muscles. >> reporter: nobody completely failed. >> no. >> anything that will help patients will be helpful. the products don't go very far to educate patients about what good posture is and that's a really important part of what chie r chiropractors do. >> this is the buoy seat. what do you think? >> i think it would be easier to judge if i was at a desk. >> i could slouch, but i'm doing this. >> that's the rub. >> he is pretending he was fly fishing. >> like this. >> i almost fell off. >> if you are at the desk, it keeps your core engaged. you can't really go back. >> and like the exercise ball. >> they are adjustable. really, this is a nation where we sit more than sleeping for the first time in history. you have to walk. you have to stand. you have to not sit as much period. >> be aware. janice, thanks. >> makes you thinner. >> i'm in. up next, fighting breast cancer with fashion. we will show you new products. we get our speed from mom and dad. they do stuff super fast. and now they got this new kitchen... so they're even faster. so they can help us with our free throws. 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"fire' by firenze" "sir?" start your search online with over 35,000 carmax quality certified used cars. carmax. start here. there's something about shopping for a good cause that makes that purchase seem all the more important and special. all month long, we are celebrating breast cancer awareness month. we will show you products to raise money for breast cancer research at the same time you buy them. elizabeth mayhew is here with us. decked out in pink. we are starting off with greeting cards. anybody who has ever known somebody who has gone through illness or cancer know this is a great pick me up. >> it is. from it is the site you can go and order cards. i love these because you are personalize them and add a picture or special message. treat partnered with avon walk. they gave $50,000 to the walk itself, but 5% of the sales of these goes to that fund. you are doing a good thing. >> we can drink to that. >> right. >> this goes for $25 a bottle. >> this is from a company called speak wines. what is great about it, the labels have nice messages. "you're pretty" or "you're beautiful" or "you can do it." they give 10% for the month of october to the susan love research foundation which is in santa monica. you are drinking to health. >> i can drink to that happily. >> sonya has a line at target. >> she is a breast cancer survivor. this is her eighth year partnering with target. 15% of the makeup brushes and bag. $15.99. you get them at target and 15% goes to the breast cancer research foundation. >> a good deal on the set of brushes. talk about going all pink. tennis, football, we have basketball and everything. >> they are donates. they donated $250,000. a big bang. if you see the nfl when you watch the games now, they are wearing the pink towels. play pink tennis balls. >> the north face is giving 5% to 10%. >> this goes to bc. it is called before bc. it is a whole pink line that you can get. >> snowboarding gear. i love it. finally, these are love premium denim jeans. what i love is each is a story of a survivor. >> i'm wearing olivia. she is a breast cancer survivor. they have 35% lycra. go down a size. they fit like a gem. >> go down a size? you are doing something good and giving back. great stuff. thank you. still to come on "today," dylan is making adorable new friends and making us jealous as she learns about the effort to save these guys from extinction. first this is "today" on nbc. a lot more ahead this morning. we are live at jfk airport in new york city where they are beginning the screenings for passengers coming in from west africa in search of ebola. and a lot of talk around what some thought of dove invited women to a makeover with a difference. hi ma'am hi would you like to have a free makeover? yeah, why not? who doesn't love a free makeover? there you go. it's a shower. it's a shower. but it's a shower with new dove body wash, with its new breakthrough formula all it takes is just one shower for softer smoother skin. want to feel? feels really good. really silky smooth. it's awesome. i love it. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower. how to shed pounds this winter. there. no more drafts. finally. 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5:56. taking a live look at san jose ahead of what should be a warm saturday and even warmer sunday. good morning, i'm kira klapper with anthony slaughter at a look at your micro climate forecast. >> you took the words out of my mouth. >> sorry. >> warm today, warmer tomorrow. >> that's the limit of my knowledge. >> that's what it's going to be. it's going to feel like summer, not like fall. even right now, a little bit of a nip in the air. 50 in the north bay. 56 south bay. once the sun stafrrts to come u we'll feel that heat. winds shift offshore. san francisco back in the 70s. north bay mid 80s. mid 70s for the east shore and peninsula. low 80s for the south bay. tomorrow we have a red flag fire warning in effect. limit your outdoor burning. area beaches we have a warning there. we've got lots to go over this morning. hopefully you can join us. >> heat, rain, red flag warning. we look forward to hearing it all from you. thanks, anthony. an elderly man is dead this morning following a house fire in the east bay. the home in high ward went up in flames just before 3:00 this morning. two roommates and a neighbor tried to save the elderly man. they got him out of the home too lachlt two people were treated for smoke inhalation and released. the third adult was taken to the hospital for burns. the cause of the fire is under investigation. >> a flasher may have struck again on the peninsula while palo alto police investigate three cases of indecent exposure. belmont police looking at a case that may be connected. two women saw a man exposing himself yesterday morning parked outside pete's coffee. they tried to get a license plate but the flasher drove off in a newer model four door bmw. a white man in his 30s with short dark hair and clean-shaven face. residents are disturbed. if you have information, you are urged to contact your local police department. a family dog attacked by burglars in the south bay. it happened yesterday on culpepper drive in east san jose a few blocks south of tully road. the homeowner told officers when he walked into his home, it looked like someone ransacked it. he found his dog badly injured and bleeding. he was able to rush the dog to the vet where it's being treated for a severe injury. the suspects are described as being in their late teens, both wearing baseball caps and hooded jackets. it's shy of 5:59. this morning on "today in the bay," levi stadium was rocking last night. it wasn't for the niners. friday night lights. good morning. it's saturday, good morning it's sad, october 11, 2014. here's a lack at today's top stories. stepped up efforts begin today at one of the nation's business jest airports to fight the spread of ebola. hazing arrests, now developments this morning in the case of an alleged assault that led to the cancellation of an entire football season. this morning seven new jersey teens are charged with sex crimes for their alleged roles in the crimes. thousands of protesters descend on ferguson, missouri taking to the streets to deman justice in the shooting death of unarmed teen michael brown. this is as depositions run high with another police involved shooting involving another teen. good morning. we've got a soggy morning. >> they have been asking you guys to come out. >> we will be going out. we have your rain coats ready. >> we will be out there to say hi to everybody. >> in the meantime there is so much talk about the concerns of ebola here in the united states. the dallas hospital that treated victim thomas eric duncan saying it will change its intake procedures. that's after the reports show that he had a temperature of 103 degrees during his first visit to the er but was still sent home. >> meanwhile, jfk is going to start screening people that are coming in for ebola. chris ten is outside jfk to tell us more about it. >> reporter: good morning. we're waiting for a flight to get in from gun knee later on this morning so that will be the first wide spread test at jfk which is the first airport in the nation to institute these screening procedures. washington dug lets with arts than, newark liberty and chicago o'hare will follow next week. 43% of them arrive here at jfk, we're talking about 150 people coming in from west after on on a daily basis. the cdc personnel will be overseeing here at the airport. they'll have their temperatures taken with a no touch device, be asked questions about where they've been. if the screeners expect exposure, the passengers can be isolated and quarantined. critics say its biggest impact will be to ease nervous passengers. remember thomas eric duncan who was the first patient with ebola here in the united states, he came in and didn't appear to have any outward symptoms of ebola when he first passed through washington dull res. even the director of the cdc says in order to have zero impact in this country we're going to have to control the spread in africa. and the death toll in africa now over 4,000 patients dying from ebola. >> overseas in terms of efforts, they're in full effect to try to slow down the crisis. some people acts as human guinea pigs to help. scientists. kelly is following that story for us. >> good morning. a lot of optimism about this vaccine and it's badly needed. one expert said unless africa gets help fast, the world will have to live with this virus forever. the ebola virus is out of control. the world health organization warns that cases are doubling every three to four weeks. they're on the ground in liberia setting up field hospitals. >> this will be give the health care workers hope that if they go in and contract the deadly virus, they can be treated here. >> in england, a safety trial that would normally take years has been shortened for weeks. for the first time it's being injected into humans, 60 volunteers. >> it made me think this is really sad what's going on in west africa, and what could i do. >> nick owen got his dose ten days ago. >> how are you feeling? >> i'm feeling fine, absolutely fine. >> no side effects? >> no side effects. i think there was a slight one in a million chance of developing a neurological disorder which didn't sound very nice but thankfully i'm fine. >> owen works with doctors without borders, the group on the front line of the outbreak but he volunteered as a private citizen. >> i have been stories from west africa every day. it's a horrendous virus. it's ripping families apart. >> the goal, like with the u.s. military mission, is to protect first responders so more doctors and nurses can safely care for the sick. >> if we're not seeing thousands and thousands of deaths from one outbreak in the future, yes, that would make me happy. >> the vaccine can't cure the terrible disease but it could slow it down. scientists will have early data next month. if the vaccine is safe, they hope to have 20,000 shots ready to go by january. erica? >> thank you. let's get you caught u on the rest of the morning's top stories. >> seven students have been charged with sexual assault amid a investigation into a hazing scandal involving a new jersey high school football team. the students aged 15 to 17 are accused of holding their juvenile victims down and improperly touching them in a sexual manner. the team's season has already been canceled. the judge must decide if the students should be charged as adults or juveniles. protesters plan to marge in missouri today marching two months since the death of michael brown. he was the unarmed teenager shot and killed by a police officer in ferguson. ron allen is life in st. louis with the latest. >> reporter: there's been a lot of planning and organizing for this so-called week of resistance to mark the two-month anniversary. thousands of people are expected here. the protests began on friday and continued well into the night. the demand continues to be the arrest of officer darren wilson who allegedly shot and killed michael brown, a grand jury still deciding whether to indict the officer. there were no reports of violence or arrests made. still authorities are on high alert in the area. >> thank you, ron. a three-year-old boy is reported in critical condition after being attacked by a jaguar in a zoo. the boy fell into the little rock were arkansas jaguar enclosure. a big cat had its mouth around the boy's neck. zoo workers rescued the toddler. he was taken to the hospital with a skull fracture, lacerations and puncture wounds. a shortage of one type of flu vaccine comes at a critical time for kids. now is the time to start getting kids their shots but doctors don't have enough of the injectable vaccine that's recommended for very young children. a new supply a expected this month. here's a question for you. how do you deal with bullies? one young woman is fighting back with post-it note pps after someone posted a cruel message on her facebook, she decided to go positive, sticking notes of encouragement on every single locker at her school saying things like believe in yourself, and you're beautiful. and the idea caught on in her town. soon businesses were doing the same thing in their offices, proving that a sweet sticky note may be the best way to stick up for yourself. i love that. >> you know, i love it too. >> that is fantastic. >> we should all do it today. >> let's do it. >> we're going to get a post-it note and put something positive and stick it somewhere. >> that's fantastic. >> she started the movement. >> you're carrying the torch. >> here in the u.s. >> done if. >> dillon, we're going to do it for you. >> u like the hot pink one. >> you're beautiful. >> thank you. so are you. you're so great. >> so much love. >> let's talk about a giant tropical system. this is typhoon vongfong. it's the equivalent right nout of a category two hurricane. at one point wind w up to 150 to 180-mile-per-hour. the outer bands have within lashing okinawa for quite some time. it is going to downgrade to a category one storm. but we're still looking at seven to 12 inches of rain. we have tropical storm faye here to the south of bermuda. winds are at 60-mile-per-hour moving to the north at 12 miles an hour. it's going to take this turn to the northeast and eventually move out to sea. wu we could see effects of it in bermuda. we've got rain in texas, there's a stalled front, it's cool above it where we have some frost advisories and some cool temperatures and good morning. 6:09 the time. meteorologist anthony slaughter here. we are talking about a cloudy, fall-like start to the day. it's going to end up summer-like. near 50 in the north bay. san francisco at 60. late they are afternoon, lots of sunshine. summerlike. 81 in the south bay. mid 70s for the peninsula and east shore. in the tri-valley, you'll get up to 91 today. 71 in san francisco. mid 80s for the north face. and that's the your latest forecast. reaction still pour in this morning after microsoft ceo's recent comment about why women shouldn't ask for raises. no surprise, the outrage over his comment showing no sign of letting up. haley jackson has more. a cringe worthy faux pas. he's asked to give hissed a visit to women when it comes to asking for money. >> it's not really about asking for the raise but knowing and having faith that the system will give you the right raises as you go along. >> that raised eyebrows, especially when he added -- >> because that's good karma. it will come back. >> after that, he got back not good karma but bad reviews. one commenter tweeting, you should close the huge gap between your brain and your mouth, another suggesting, ladies if you think you need a raise, just say his name three times in the mirror. >> i'm so sad to think that possibly he reflects what many ceos may think, they just don't have the courage to say it. >> he quickly back pedalled, first calling his comments inarticulate and later completely wrong. if you think you deserve a raise, you should just ask. still some worry his remarks play into a problem that women already face. >> women are more red sent than man to negotiate. it's more socially risky for them. >> in a country where on average professional women earn $400 per week less than their male counter parts, how should women ask for a raise? >> one is going in and signally that you're taking the other side's perspective and secondly explaining why what you're asking for is legitimate, not just in eyes but in their eyes. >> helpful advice for women and men, good karma or not. for today, haley jackson, nbc news. sha them is over in the orange room with what people are saying. >> we put this question out to our female viewers. we wanted to know have you ever asked for a raise and if so, what worked and what didn't. you guys responded immediately on this one. let's read some of your comments. shon that says i've asked for a raise, showed what i made and the average of what i should be making and she told us later that it work. another says, i showed a comparison of what other companies were paying, we all got a raise. you have to stand for what is right and just. and christine says, i walked into the boss's office, said i had been there for a while without a raise and asked for one. and it worked. you have to ask for what you want. to tweet us using the #orangeroom and let us know. there's the message. >> you got to ask for what you want. >> or tweet it. >> that's true. maybe that's #iwantaraise. >> you can try it. >> i may not be here tomorrow. #lovemyjob. >> doll long is getting up close and personal with some of the world's most dangerous animals and they're really stinking cute. right after these messages. card makes it so hard to get a seat using your miles. that's their game. the flights you want are blacked out. or they ask for some ridiculous number of miles. honestly, it's time to switch to the venture card from capital one. with venture, use your miles on any airline, any flight, any time. no blackout dates. and with every 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the attic. no. in the basement. why can't we just get in the running car? are you crazy? let's hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok. if you're in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. it's what you do. this was a good idea. shhhh. be quiet. i'm being quiet. you're breathing on me! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. head for the cemetery! just a warning, the cute factor is going up by infinity powers at this point. it is easy to fall in love with these faces. endangered cheetah cubs. >> oh, my gosh, dylan. >> i know. >> a lot of work is being done to save them from distinction. dylan has a chance to meet them. >> it was amazing. the work that the zoo conservation center in connecticut is doing to save endangered animals is astounding. i was one of the first people to lay their eyes and hands and kisses and everything else on the new additions. ♪ >> this is a safari pretty much in the city. i'm here in greenwich, connecticut. beyond this gate, i will meet first hand animals fighting extinction. >> welcome, dylan. >> i'm so excited. this is going to be great. my tour guide was marchela. >> these are giraffes. there are about 670 left in the world. >> she is the founder of the conservation center. a non-profit she formed five years ago with a big mission. >> to save the animals of today for people of tomorrow. an animal or plant or species going extinct every 20 minutes. >> one is a cheetah. an animal so rare. it is believed 30 reside in the entire world. >> mona lisa is the only king cheetah. she is part of the breeding program. >> she came here from africa through a bred program. she successfully got pregnant and gave everyone a shock when she gave birth. for you to have a king cheetah give birth to eight cheetahs, what is that like? >> an average litter is 2 to 4. we could not believe another one was coming. >> three are raised in the nursery as the first-time mom is overwhelmed with the litter. >> how about seeing baby cheetahs now? >> i'm excited. >> two, we are hoping to get a permit to send back to africa. the rest of the cheetahs will stay in our breeding program and others throughout the united states. >> while zoos can be controversial, marchela argues they have made recent strides in the care in the decades. >> people can see the animals and form a connection. >> the animals, magical center that is her center of marchela's world. >> we have to engage people to understand why it is important to them to lose any species of animal or plant. they deserve their place on earth too. >> hard to think with the giraffes. the cheetahs don't have names. l you can head to our web site and put in your entry. we will bring you the newly named cub on the show in a few weeks so you will get to meet them. >> did you see them? >> i think we should name one dylan. >> i was about to say the female or the male? >> it can go either way. i'll name the female dylan. >> what a fun assignment. i guess we were busy. >> a fun assignment. 45 minutes from the city. >> i was free all week. >> that was awesome. wait until you see the painstaking process that turns these dolls into living creatures thanks to stop-motion animation. sheinelle will take us behind the scenes of the movie "the box trolls." but first this is "today" ♪ ♪ ♪ discover all the naturally moisturizing flavors of burt's bees lip balm. ♪ still to come, has one reality tv show gone too far? why one dance instructor is facing a lawsuit on "dance moms." and later, robert for very dry skin, basic moisturization isn't enough. you need healing. the only lotion with healing micro-droplets of vaseline jelly, new vaseline intensive care relieves very dry skin from the first application and deeply moisturizes to heal it in just 5 days. clinically proven. skin healed in just 5 days. that's the healing power of vaseline. to help entertain some friends at the beach. before earning 1% cash back everywhere, every 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[ male announcer ] wake up to the mountain grown aroma of folgers. ♪ the best part of wakin' up so, where do you want to start? i think this is a pretty good place. ♪ is folgers in your cup good morning. it's 6:26 on this saturday. you are getting a live look at the beautiful sparkling eastern span of the bay bridge from our emeryville camera. thank you for joining us. good morning to you. i'm kira klapper with anthony slaughter with a look at your micro climate forecast. >> we have the red flag fire warning that goes into effect tonight, dangerous surf at the beach and very hot outside across the bay today and tomorrow. it's going to feel more like summer than anything else. a little like fall right now. 56 in the south bay. later this afternoon, as winds shift offshore, san francisco, up into the lower 70s. mid to upper 80s for the north bay. lower 80s for the south bay now. we have all those things happening, red flag fire warning, big surf. we have a chance of rain, two chances this upcoming week. we'll talk about that at 7:00. we need the rain. >> we look forward to you telling us all about it. thanks, anthony. new this morning, an elderly man is dead following a house fire in the east bay. the home in hayward went up into flames this morning. two roommates and a neighbor tried to save the elderly man. they got him out of the home, but it was too late. two people were treated for smoke inhalation and released. the third adult was taken to the hospital for burns. cause of the fire is under investigation. >> a developing story. bicyclists in san francisco are being attacked and robbed on the panhandle of golden gate park. san francisco police say two cyclists were attacked this month riding late at night on the path. the sf bike coalition said there were three violent incidents. thieves attacked riders, stealing their bikes and other valuables. the bicycle coalition is spreading the word about the attacks and asking sfpd for additional patrols. police believe the attackers are a group of people working together. president barack obama is in san francisco for a whirl wind fund-raising effort. air force one touched down at sfo yesterday afternoon. the president was met by a crowd of supporters, protesters and even a few babies. he flew in from los angeles where he had attended two fund raisers, one hosted by actress gwyneth paltrow. attendees contributed from $1,000 to $32,000 to be there. president obama is staying a few blocks away at the intercontinental. this morning he will attend an exclusive round table at a private home. 25 supporters are each paying thousands of dollars to attend that. the president will return to washington. coming this up morning, we'll take you to levy stadium where stance cheered on their team. it wasn't for nfl teams. we'll take you to friday night lights. all your top stories coming up at 7:00. ♪ can't keep us an away. >> you know what i'm talking about. >> and we're here before the rain. >> we're in the house. >> celebrating our 15th anniversary. >> it's my 21st birthday. >> we are back on this saturday morning, october 11th, 2014. a mighty crowd on the plaza. mighty rain drops, too. great to have them out in the rain. not dampening anyone's day. >> she will get a gold star for holding the umbrella. >> i know. how about this? >> by the time we're done. still to come in this half hour of "today," reality tv perhaps getting too real. we will tell you about the lawsuit rocking "dance moms." and "alexander and the terrible, very bad, horrible bad day." should you take the family to see that? we will check in with the panel on that. and i'll take you inside the incredible world of stop motion animation with "the box trolls." this work is not easy, but a lot of fun. >> cool. if you had to guess which one of us would be best suited behind the wheel of a vintage range rover? my voice cracked. we will see what others the car matchmaker is picking out for us. >> the range rover? >> the final check of the weather from dylan. >> i can't read the question marks on the prompter. >> my hand is getting tired. >> we are looking at a rainy day in the northeast. this stretches back down to texas with some of our heavy rain across eastern texas. north of the front in the 70s. south of the front in the 80s. we are looking for a better chance of strong storms into sunday. in red, including parts of kansas and oklahoma and texas, the chance of gusty winds and hail. lester, thank you very much for hanging out with me. >> i'm stuck out here with the umbrella. >> i want to do that for today. good morning. 6:32 the time. waking up to cloudy skies from the south bay through san francisco into the north bay. later on this afternoon, it's going to be very warm. we are talking about summer-like conditions hitting the bay area. mid 80s for the north bay mid to upper 80s for the tri-valley, as well. some places getting back into the low 90s there south bay, you'll be back to low 90s today with plenty of sunshine. we do have a red flag fire warning that goes into effect tonight and talking about some rain in our next week. i'm really spoiled. >> i just noticed you have a hood. what am i doing? >> bye, lester. erica. >> dylan, thanks. reality tv is known for its drama on screen. this morning, we are learning the host of "dance moms" is dealing with drama off screen. here is more from gabe gutierrez. >> you knew what you were signing up for. >> reporter: for the star of "dance moms" which follows the careers of the girls in show business, conflict is not unusual. >> no, i didn't. listen. >> reporter: this morning, instructor abby lee miller is facing a lawsuit from a student who is just 13 years old. in the suit, paige hyland claims she would be physically injured because she watched miller batter others on the show. pinching another student until she bled and grasping another on the arm. on the show, miller and paige's mother clashed often. >> get out of my face. >> reporter: a previous defamation and breach of contract lawsuit is still pending, but miller and the show is disputing the allegations. >> things are exaggerated for the benefit of television. the conflict between abby lee miller and kelly hyland is very real. >> reporter: lifetime declined to comment to nbc news. as for miller, we never heard from her publicist from the lawsuit. in the genre that thrives on drama, reality can be harsh and lawsuits with piling up. a contestant on "dating naked" sued a production company because she said her body was not sufficiently blurred. two years ago, racial discrimination on "the bachelor." >> i cannot pretend people who participate in the show come out hurt. >> reporter: as for "dance moms" it is not sure how this effects ratings, but filming for season five reportedly begins today. for "today," gabe gutierrez, nbc news. still to come, if you are hoping to catch a movie this weekend, good news, before you buy those tickets, we will look at the ones that are the perfect fit for yo ♪ ♪ this collection is close to my heart. it's inspired by the city i love. hey! so i'm looking at my bill, and my fico® credit score's on here. we give you your fico® score each month for free! awesomesauce! wow! the only person i know that says that is...lisa? 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[ male announcer ] by not acting that way. it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. this morning on "today's" weekend movie ticket, jennifer garner has two movies and robert duvall and robert downey jr. has a movie together. >> first here is joe giargo with more. >> i think i'll stay the night. >> reporter: what happens when you discover how little you know about the people you know? that is the premise of "men, women and children." a comedy drama with adam sandler and jennifer gardner. >> i'm keeping my daughter safe. i can do the same for you. >> reporter: the film follows teens and parents and explores the ways internet and social media changed relationships and communication and love lives. >> fine. innocent people can't afford me. >> reporter: robert downey jr. is a big unethical lawyer in the drama "the judge." his mother's funeral brings him back to his childhood home. another death keeps him there. his father, a small town judge is suspected of murder. the two faceoff. >> i wish i liked you more. >> reporter: and palmer is forced to defend someone who never defended him. we have all been there before. that is the day for alexander cooper in "the no good, very bad day." >> everything i ever wanted. #blessed. >> reporter: little systmpathy from his family, he made a wish and that wish comes true. the family comedy based on the children's book stars steve c e carell: >> susan is a screen writer and scott is a film critic. good morning. >> good morning. >> nice to have you here. >> nice to be back. >> full disclosure. i loved "alexander and the terrible and no good day." we are dying to see it. kerri, you went with your kids. >> two 6-year-olds and a 9-year-old. every second is very funny. the comedy set up is perfect. a terrible day. everything is going to go wrong. >> even in australia? anybody who knows the book got that. >> it is. it goes wrong and it is funny. there was potty humor. my little boy was oh, he could not take it. my husband. they loved it. it is fantastic. it is 80 minutes long. >> wholesome feel good comedy that disney can make. >> age? >> perfect family movie. >> 13 and over. >> my 9-year-olds were okay with it. they were fine. >> under 6? >> it would go over their heads. >> 2 or 3? no, i'm kidding. let's turn to "men, women and children." i looked at the clip. it's heavy. >> it's a heavy movie. this is for anyone addicted to the internet or texting or gaming and social media. that is everyone. a provocative movie. it overreaches at times. adam sandler and jennifer gardner in a serious role. if it affects you like it affected me, it has the power to change your life. >> wow. >> i felt uncomfortable at times. it was like telling a smoker you are addicted and you have to quit smoking. >> if it makes people angry, that is a good thing. >> thought provoking. >> and "the judge." this is the third time robert duvall and robert downey jr. worked together. >> every father and son should see this movie. a testament to a father and son's relationship. duvall and downey, i see oscars in their future. i don't know if scott sees it. >> it is contrived and predictable. the two roberts are fantastic. >> robert downey jr. never looked some gloomy-esque. he is so handsome now. >> i'm there. >> he is not a punk kid anymore. >> i do object to the running time. it is too long. >> scott and kerri, thanks, guys. up next, we're sticking with the big screen and movie magic. sheinelle goes behind the scenes of "the box trolls." we will show you it to you, but at shell, we believe the world needs a broader mix of energies, which is why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. and why with our partner in brazil, we are producing a biofuel made from renewable sugarcane to fuel cars. let's broaden the world's energy mix, let's go. we are back now with an inside look of the making of a stop-motion animation film. sheinelle went to the set of "the box trolls." >> it was cool. in stop-motion, everything is created and crafted by hand. it is the combination of craftsmanship and technology to create an art form unlike anything else. ♪ the whole world in their hands ♪ >> sometimes it's the little things that count. in a world of stop-motion animation, little is all there is. >> it is a stupid way to make a movie. you have to have a certain kind of mind and person to do it and devote your life to playing with dolls. >> reporter: travis knight is the lead animator on "the box trolls." >> why do this? >> it has a beauty and charm that is unusual. >> reporter: the look as unique as the story of a boy raised by underground monsters in a town obsessed with cheese. the concept is simple. move puppets a fraction of an inch and photo and repeat. the process is painstaking. >> on an average day on set, the stop-motion will do 30 or 40 frames of film. >> he will move the puppet and take a frame. at the end of the week, we will get four or five seconds done. >> on a good week. >> reporter: stop-motion animation has been part of classic films. now new technology helps smooth out and speed up the process. >> that's printed? >> that's printed on the rapid 3-d printer. >> this to me is magic. we printed them by the thousands to make the expressions. >> reporter: with the stop motion animation, is it more art? >> it is more art. there is a lot of science wrapped up into it. it really is a delicate dance they do of both worlds. >> the most difficult sequence in the movie is the ball room dancing sequence. >> it took 18 months of shooting schedule to make two minutes of dance footage. >> reporter: i want to understand how this works. this is what it will take. let's try it. you know they were telling me this takes focus and now i get it. i said patience, but it is focus. >> you have to get in there and concentrating. >> i like my little guy. he has a cute boogie. >> all right. >> ate him alive. >> reporter: it is not just the production, but the voices and sounds from the all-star cast add the final texture and feeling to the movie. >> what in god's name is going on? >> in the digital world we live in, it is rais rare to see some handcrafted. >> reporter: art apparend scien create magic. it took 18 months and 79 sets to make the film. those dolls are this high. i wanted to take one home. they would not let me. travis knight called me sticky fingers. i kept saying don't you want to put a doll above your bed? you watch the movie and it is larger than life. in person, they are like little doll houses. >> i cannot imagine, the focus. you said it is focus. i cannot imagine being the one person in the room all day long. >> all by yourself. >> they come out massaging their hands. >> five seconds in a week? >> for a week. that takes serious focus. >> good for them. >> really cool story. still to come this morning, making a match with a perfect vehicle. 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[ male announcer ] hurry into lowe's for 15% off special order windows and doors. it's in this spirit that ingu u.s. is becoming a new kind of company. one that helps you think differently about what's ahead, and what's possible when you get things organized. ing u.s. is now voya. changing the way you think of retirement. back now on saturday morning with a man who says he can find the perfect vehicle for you. all it takes is insight into your personality. his show "car matchmaker" he makes it fun to find the next vehicle. take a look. >> i thought i would put fabio in the convertible and turn on the fan. i want you to tell me and jason whether you think they're masculine or not. >> wow! >> mike is going to do the same thing for us this morning. first of all, welcome back. you were an intern at nbc years ago. >> i was. >> welcome back. >> thank you. >> you have the show on esquire network. you check the personality and find a car. >> regular folks come to me. they need a car. i spend time with them and i make three perfect choices i think will work perfectly in their life. we drive the cars and they pick one. >> are they generally happy with what you pick? >> they are. tune in tuesday night at 9:00. >> you are well trained. >> i like to take people out of their comfort zone a bit. in the beginning, they are shocked. then they get behind the wheel and they are happy with the choice. >> that is perfect segue. we know you picked four cars. one for each one of us. the first is a classic. a 1973 range rover. >> range rover. one of the first range rovers. beautiful. >> there it is. >> tuscan blue. this truck is at cooper's classics. i love it. i came to new york to see it first and see you, second. how much i love it. who do you think i picked this for? >> erica. >> i would say erica. >> you are right. >> you can drive it -- i drive it home today? >> i know you live in the suburbs. you like to cook. this is the perfect farmers market vehicle. pumpkin patch. i told you i am married to an erica. i brought it home and she went crazy. >> should we do the next one? >> tell me if this is right. a jag convertible. >> one of my favorite cars. an incredible car. >> i have a guess. >> dylan. >> you guys are so good. you guys are like car matchmakers. i know you like to golf. you are the weather anchor. i thought of christie brinkley in the red ferrari on "national vacation." this car is hot. dylan's hot. you don't have a family yet. this is your last hurrah. i just love the car. 500 horsepower. jaguar killed it on this one. congratulations. >> i have to give it a ride. next up is another suv. stylish and roomy. the 2015 ford explorer sport. >> a new redesign ford explorer sport. >> i feel like this is you. >> this sounds like sheinelle. >> that's right. you have twins. >> and a 5-year-old. >> and a husband. getting out of the driveway, i bet, is chaotic. >> that's right. >> not in this vehicle. >> you need separation. you need three rows. this truck looks like a luxury suv. it doesn't cost like a luxury. >> that would leave me with the beemer. the 2015 bmw hybrid. >> this is the most green car on the market. interior made of recycled plastic bottles. it gets 100 miles on a full charge. an urban mobility vehicle made for people living in manhattan and best of all, i know you love music. you are a bass player. no sound in the car. you get to listen to ac/dc without engine noise. >> i love that. you are 4 for 4. >> car an overnight fire in the east bay takes the life of an elderly man. it's happened four times already. a flasher targeting unsuspecting girls and women. what's being done to find him. >> plus looking for love in all the wrong places? how tech is making it hard to find your soulmate in silicon valley. it is 6:59, good morning on this saturday morning. you are getting a live look at san francisco bay at the "uss america." this is the navy's newest amphibious assault ship here. i'm kira klapper with anthony slaughter. welcome back from hawaii. >> hawaii has the humidity that makes it so much more tropical. it's going to be nice across the bay today. no humidity. it will be warm. if you are headed out to fleet week, temperatures in san francisco this afternoon will be summerlike. 70s, 80s and 90s across the rest of the bay area. dangerous fire winds return to the bay tomorrow. a red flag fire warning goes into effect tonight through tomorrow. getting a little bit of everything over the next course of seven days. you'll notice today's highs are very comfortable. in san francisco, 71 there away from the water it will feel toasty. 86 in the north bay. 81 for the south bay. 91 for the tri-valley. again, our inland valleys will be warm today, warmer for tomorrow. we still have a risk for rip currents we'll talk about and that rain. we'll talk about that in my next report. >> if you don't like the weather the next few days, there is something different on the horizon. >> we've got it all this .

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Transcripts For KNTV Today 20141011 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20141011

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an incredible feat as a blind athlete takes on the toughest competitions in the world. the ironman. she is hours away from history. today is saturday, october 11th, 2014. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today," with lester holt and erica hill. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good saturday morning. welcome to "today." i'm lester holt. >> i'm erica hill alongside sheinelle jones and dylan dreyer. dylan is following the typhoon off the coast of japan. high tides being seen. dylan will update us on the path. busy in the pacific. >> nothing in the atlantic. this is getting a lot of attention online as reaction comes in after microsoft's ceo said that women don't really need to ask for a raise at work. we will have the latest. and dylan has another great story. we are putting her to work this weekend. >> this was hard to work. >> she went to meet baby cheetahs on the endangered species list. >> they purr. >> i love it. people can get involved in naming them? >> three don't have names yet. you can help name. >> looking forward to that. let's begin with the top stori stories. the ongoing ebola screenings. the screenings at jfk where the trips originate at west africa countries. we have several reports this morning. let's start with kristen dahlgren at jfk. kristen, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, lester. we are here waiting for a flight to get in from new guinea. this is the first flight from the ebola-infected nation since screenings started. passengers say some have them relieved, but others say it is not enough. at new york's jfk this week, training for stepped up screening. 43% of travelers from the affected nations of new guinea, sierra leone and liberia enter the u.s. through this airport. leaving many here worried about what might come off a plane. >> i have children. i don't want to bring it home to my baby. >> reporter: starting today, representatives from the centers for disease control and prevention are on hand. passengers will be questioned about being to the countries and contact with an infected person and temperatures will be monitored with a no-touch infrared thermometer. travelers could face isolated and screenings and possibly quarantine. >> hand sanitizer. >> reporter: fears have been growing since thomas eric duncan died this week in a dallas hospital. on friday, a plane from new york was quarantined in las vegas after a passenger vomited. investigators found no evidence of infection. this was the scene on the plane in the dominican republic after a passenger sneezed and said he had ebola. a false alarm. washington dulles and chicago o'hare and hartsfield-jackson will get measures next week. >> it is not a bad idea, but if someone is carrying the disease, but not displaying symptoms, it will not pick them up. >> reporter: now at least one lawmaker in texas is asking that the screening being expanded to houston and dallas. ahead of the cdc, lester, the head said to get zero risk in this country is to control the outbreak in africa. >> kristen, thank you. in dallas, there are mounting questions about what happened when thomas eric duncan walked in the hospital for the first time. a new report said he had a dangerously high temperature, but was still sent home. mark potter is in dallas with more. mark, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, erica. hospital officials say they are now changing the intake procedures as questions are asked about how the dallas ebola patient was treated when he first came to the emergency room. new details this morning obtained by the associated press from joseph weeks. the nephew of thomas eric duncan. the reports show duncan had a temperature of 103 degrees during his first visit to the hospital where he complained of stomach pains and other symptoms. although he also said he had been in africa, duncan was given antibiotic and sent home. two days later, he was rushed back to the hospital and diagnosed with ebola. he died on wednesday. a spokesperson says his girlfriend believes he should have been admitted right away. >> if you went to the hospital and your temperature was 103 degrees, no doctor would send you home. >> reporter: a week ago, texas presbyterian hospital in dallas said mr. duncan had a temperature of 100.1. no mention of 103. an nbc request for explanation has not been answered. meanwhile, dr. kent brantly, says he sympathizes with duncan's family. >> i want to tell you all, ebola is serious. it's real. it is a terrible, terrible disease for those who have it. for those who are close to them. >> reporter: in omaha, ebola patient, ashoka mukpo, the freelance cameraman is slightly improving. his father says he is cautiously optimistic. he thanked dr. brantly for donating blood to help his son. back here in dallas, authorities say all 48 people being closely monitored because they may have had contact with the ebola patient still have no signs of ebola. erica. >> thank you. >> dr. anthony fouchie is here with us. thank you for being on with us. >> good morning. >> at the time duncan was arriving at the hospital, it is fair to say ebola is high. are you shocked he was sent home given his travel and temperature? >> there is no doubt it was a misstep to not connect the travel history he gave to the nurse with the decision of what to do with him. i think everybody realizes that it clearly was a misstep. >> moving forward, how confident are you with the hospitals now have heard this lesson loud and clear and we won't have this misstep again? >> i cannot guarantee you won't see it again, but the awareness is high. probably as high as anything i have ever experienced of people in emergency rooms and clinics being aware of something that might come in. i cannot imagine that if someone comes into an emergency room in any clinic in the united states with a fever and says, by the way, i just got back from west africa that they will not highly suspect and act on the possibility that this person has ebola. >> that message is loud and clear. let's turn to the airports. jfk is the first of the international hubs screening passengers coming from west african countries. how effective is that going to be? >> it is another layer of screening and safeguard to protect the american people. there is an exit screening. before the people you see at jfk, before they got on the plane, they had a very similar procedure of temperature taking, questioning whether they have been exposed or whether they have symptoms. doing it now on the incoming end, that is another layer to just almost guarantee that someone with ebola will not get through. nothing is ever 100%. this is an extra added layer to try to keep americans safe. >> dr. fouchi, we don't want the drum beat to scare people. put it in perspective. with the screening happening here and screening happening at departure airports in west africa, how confident are you that we will not see anything close to an outbreak in this country? >> first of all, we will not see an outbreak. that i can tell you very, very confidently. if a person with ebola comes through with no fever, it gets through the screening and they get ebola here, the way mr. duncan did, there won't be an outbreak. we have the ability to do the kind of isolation and contact tracing exactly the way it's going on right now in dallas. notwithstanding the initial misstep with him and diagnosis. the screenings and following of contacts is going on right now. the risk of someone actually coming over here itself is very, very low. if you look at the numbers, they really are encouraging. take the last couple of months. in west african countries, 36,000 people went to the airport to go out. they screen them all. 77 were held back from getting on the plane. when they examined those 77, none of them had ebola. there is not a flood of people with ebola trying to get out of the country and trying to come to the united states. the risk is very low. when you add this extra layer of screening, that we're seeing at jfk and next week at four other airports, that risk is going to be lower. >> we appreciate that important perspective. dr. fouchi, thank you. protests are planned throughout the weekend in ferguson, missouri as thousands demanded justice for michael brown. he is the unarmed teenager shot and killed by a police officer two months ago. today, the focus and the demonstrations shift to downtown st. louis where tensions remain high after another shooting with another teenager and police. ron allen is in st. louis with more. good morning, ron. >> reporter: good morning, erica. until today, the protests have not happened in the heart of st. louis. that will change during the so-called weekend of resistance. thousands demanding justice for michael brown and others who lost their lives with confrontations with police. >> we do this for mike brown. >> reporter: ferguson polic for two months now, protestors are demanding the arrest and bros cushion of officer darren williams for shooting and killing unarmed teenager michael brown. as the crowd crossed the street, police appeared and the tensions began to build. anita brought her son. in the crowd, demonstrators from across the country. lori is from new york. >> why did you come from new york? >> why not? we have to. this is a national tragedy. >> here, this week, renewed anger as another family of another 18-year-old plalike micl brown they say he was up armed and he was shot and killed. police say he was armed and shot first when police attempted to stop him. many here don't trust the authorities because the officer who shot michael brown has not been charged with a crime. >> at this point i'm at peace. >> overnight, the protestors and police in riot gear squared off face to face. the crowd disbursed, but the weekend of resistance just began. >> there was no reports of significant violence. still, authorities in the region are on high alert for an emotional weekend of protests. >> we're going to go in this morning and give that potential presidential candidate hillary clinton from her days at first lady. and the papers are shedding light on the most difficult period of the clinton presidency. kristin welker has more. >> from monica lewinsky to the white water scandal, the documents are revealing but they say it likely won't have a large impact if hillary clinton decides to run in 2016. as hillary clinton considers a run for president. >> people don't need to be reminded that it was a presidency with controversy. >> white house said says our direction is to make sure she has a job in an agency. a 1998 memo has a scathing report about the affair. also in the document dump, the clinton's contentious relationship with the press. an aide says we should make the hearings expensive and inconvenient for the networks to cover, boring and inconclusive. >> this is how they deal with the press and they still base these quandaries today. >> another theme that resonates today, bill clinton has hillary back. in the 1996 state of the union, they wrote it was imperative that he defend the honor of the first lady tonight. in all of the national archives has released 30,000 pages from the clinton presidency since february. now the obama administration and the clinton presidential library signed off on those releases. this all happens as hillary becomes an increasingly likely candidate for the next presidential run. >> all right, kristin welker this morning, thank you. >> some of the other stories that we're following this morning. good morning a worldwide caution about the risk of isis attack against americans. isis fighters in iraq are advancing on the strategic plot. it is near baghdad and has long been a target of isis. they are reportedly asking for military help saying if it falls it could give them a platform to attack baghdad. 700 people are trapped and one u.n. official is getting warnings. a students aged 15 to 17 at sayreville are accused of holding down their victims and sexually abusing them. k mart shoppers may be at risk from a data breach. certain customers credit and debit card accounts are affected but don't know how many may have been affected. they believe their payment system was believed to have been hacked and discovered on thursday. the hackers did not get information like pins or social security numbers. a close call in california as a roof collapsed. take a look at this dramatic moment when a roof dame down on a crowded shopping center in fontana, california. several shoppers were trapped and had to be rescued. finally a mysterious object has fallen from the sky. a five inch square metallic object crash landed on a construction sight this year. the faa is checking it out, but so far nobody seems to know what the mystery object is or where it came from. >> cue the creepy music. >> objects falling from the sky? >> yeah -- thank you. >> dillon is keeping an eye on a big typhoon. >> yes it was a super typhoon at one point. take a look at this shot from space, you see the defined eye of this storm. it has been weakening but the outer bands of this storm have been lashing japan for quite some time now. they have effects of this storm producing gusty winds and flooding as well. it weaken today a category 2 hurricane. it is moving to the north at 9 miles per hour if will pass just to the northeast and then it is going to turn to the northeast. it looks like it should downgrade to a category one by the time we go into sunday afternoon. flooding and damaging winds will remain an issue through the weekend. we're also looking at heavy rain with this stalled front going all the way back to texas. we could end up with an inch or two. above the front it is cool, below it it is warm. and good morning. 519 the time. cloudy skies across bait this morning. late they are afternoon, 80s return to the bay and south bay. peninsula and east shore, you'll see mid 70s. the north bay, up to 86. hot spot today without a doubt, the tri-valley. we'll talk about our chance of rain. forecast. we were not kidding when we say that she was very busy this morning, we have had her busy all morning long. >> you were in miami earlier this week because residents were worried about tides that could come in. luckily it didn't happen, but you were there to find out why. >> i was there expecting it to happen and it didn't. king tides happen all of the time this time of year and miami beach is usually hit very hard. so there was a huge sigh of relief. despite the sunshine, october is a flood of trouble for residents of miami beach, it's the arrival of the annual king tide. >> we call them king tides when they go above three feet. >> for a city that sits only four feet only sea level, it is a big problem when the tide comes up. >> this was the scene last year with water covering the streets. it happens every year at this time when the sun, earth, and moon align causing this exceptionally high high tide. >> this city is built on limestone, and water seeps into the storm drains and it will not reseed until the tides g down. students are testing the composition of the water that is flooding the streets. >> it is full of -- all of the oils and stuff -- >> this year the city is finally fighting back and is actually winning. >> the property owners here at a certain time of year had ocean front property and they didn't want it. a plan to send the water back where it came from seems to be working. >> the last couple days were great days for us. the technology worked. it was a long war with a lot of initial doubts. >> so while miami beach has caused the bigger problem, but city officials have helped them to find a fix to turn back the tide. >> that is fascinating. >> and to see them doing something working is amazing. >> it is nice to see something working. thank you. coming up, the athlete who is making history at the right now, you heard about the comments from the ceo of microsoft this week talking about women not asking for raises. he said they should count on good karma to help advance. we want to hear from women. how have you asked for a goo. getting a live look at the bay bridge in san francisco ahead of what should being a warm saturday, warmer than we saw the last few days. good morning, i'm kera clapper with anthony slaughter at a look at your micro climate forecast. >> good morning. good to be back with you. >> welcome back from hawaii. >> yes. i was on vacation. everybody needs time off. we are talking about a warm weekend headed our way to the bay. at the coastline, talking about 70s and 80s down near santa cruz. inland locations will get very close to 90. in fact tomorrow i think the tri-valley will be back in the low 90s. comfortable for a morning jog or getting into work this morning. 55 in the south bay. mild near the coastline. 60 in san francisco. later on, 71 with a warm wind. 86 in the north bay. 80s down to the south bay. tomorrow we are talking about a warmer day. we have a beach hazard if you are headed to area beaches. our next chance of rain coming back into the picture this upcoming week. we are excited, ready to go. >> sounds good. >> thanks, anthony. first we have news this morning. an elderly man is dead following a house fire in the east bay. the home in hayward went up in flames before 3:00 this morning. two roommates and a neighbor tried to save the elderly man. they got him out of the home, but it was too late. two people treated for smoke inhalation and released. the third adult was taken to the hospital for burns. the cause of the fire is under investigation. >>. >> a developing story. bicyclists in san francisco are being attacked and robbed on the panhandle of golden gate park. police say two cyclists were attacked this month riding late at night on the path. the sf bicycle coalition said there were three violent issues. attackers hid riders over the head and stuck something in their bike spokes causing a crash and opportunity to steal the bike and other valuables. the bike coalition is spreading the word about the attacks and asking sfpd for additional patrols. police have not released a description of the thieves but believe it is a group of people working together. president barack obama is in san francisco this morning for a whirl wind fund-raising effort. air force one touched down yesterday afternoon. the president was met by a crowd of supporters, protesters and a baby or two. obama flew in from southern california where he attended two fund-raisers. in san francisco, it was on to the "w" hotel where the president attended a soldout fund-raiser. he is staying at the intercontinental hotel. about two dozen supporters will be there. they paid thousands to attend. president obama will head back to washington this afternoon. coming up on "today in the bay," levi stadium was rocking last night. it wasn't for the 49ers. we'll take you to "friday night lights." and your top stories at 7:00. party is full on the plaza. we are back on saturday morning, october 11th, 2014. you may think the weather is perfect. dylan may disagree. we appreciate those people being out there. we will say hello to them on rockefeller plaza in a bit. coming up on "today," have you ever been told to stop slouching or sit up straight? we are checking out three products to improve your posture. do they work? >> encyclopedia. i remember those. >> the phone books? oh, no. not that. >> we try our scripts later. also ahead, a bunch of new movies from men, women and children to "the judge." our panelists weigh in. and we will tell you about the off screen drama with the stars of "dance moms" which erica is a huge fan. why is one dance instructors being sued by the students? >> you know who has the best jazz hands? lester holt. more on that later. >> wow! the bus driver. we begin the half hour with the story of one brave woman. she will swim, bike and run her heart out today at the ironman world championships in kona, hawaii. taking on this is a feat for any person. this is a 140-mile endurance event. this woman cannot see any of it. peter alexander has the story. >> reporter: if ironman is the toughest one-day event, then ten an amon is the most impressive. even if she has never seen what she accomplished. >> ament, from virginia, has a rare disorder that started stealing her vision when she was a child. after years of eating poorly and not exercising, she was inspired to get active by her former boss. she hasn't stopped since. >> coming toward us. >> it is choppy. it's windy. >> reporter: swimming, biking, running. >> hard left. pull it. there we go. >> reporter: all with a trusted guide. how do you describe it? >> i think it is liberating, but it is also overcoming. >> reporter: to date, ament completed 200 plus ironmans. this spring, an unforgettable e-mail. congrats. you're going to kona. >> this is a game changer. >> reporter: ament was one of five to compete in kona, hawaii, the super bowl of the sport. alongside the best athletes on the planet. >> i will not beat most of them, but i will be in their company. >> reporter: you're one of them. >> i want to swim like i'm one of them and bike like i'm one of them. >> reporter: ament will be the first blind woman to compete at the competition. >> she is courageous beyond words. she decides she will do something and she will figure out a way to do it. >> reporter: what she has already done is surprise herself and inspire others. >> never give up on your dreams. even if they seem very hard or very impossible. and whatever it is, no matter how hard it is or how hard you have to work to get to it. don't give up. >> reporter: 140 miles ahead of her and no doubting she will get there. for "today," peter alexander, nbc news, sandy state park, maryland. dylan has made her way outside on the plaza with another check of the forecast. a very cute rain ensemble. >> thank you. i have boots, too. we have to brace ourselves for the plaza. it is miserable out here. we have a bachelorette party. i'm impressed. who is getting married? >> i am. >> when? >> 8th of november. >> thank for waking up tomorrow morning too? i don't think so. you have to stay out all night. let's look at the weather across the country. we are looking at very cold temperatures. we are in the lower 30s. madison, wisconsin, below freezing. we have the stationary front below it. it is a mild. temperatures about 10 to 12 degrees above average. we are seeing temperatures 10 to 12 degrees below average. we have the rain up into the northeast like we are seeing here in new york city. also we have really heavy rain to parts of eastern texas where temperatures will be in the 70s good morning. 5:35 the time. we have cloudy skies and fog in san francisco from the north bay down to the south bay this morning. temperatures are cool though. 50 degrees in the north bay. 55 in the south bay. late they are afternoon, going to be a very warm day. summerlike, if you will. back in the low 80s across the south bay. peninsula in the east shore, a good mix of 70s there. san francisco low 70s. north bay 86. we have a red flag fire warning in effect tonight. we'll talk more about this at 7:00 and the chance for our next round. "today's" top spot, chilly ft. wayne, indiana. wise is located. the fourth annual brickworld lego ex-position. 30,000 square feet of landscapes and more of lego. there is a play area for the kids to enjoy. that sounds like a nice event in indiana. guys, back to you. >> dylan, we like the outfit. it reminded us of -- take a look. >> something salty? >> maybe we don't have it. morton's salt girl. >> oh, wow. i just need some pigtails. >> we will make that happen. >> we will take your weather with a grain of salt. >> oh! >> like we said, you are on fire this morning, lester holt. >> see what happens when you sleep? all right. dylan, thanks. still to come, sheinelle is taking us inside the world of stop-motion animation. hear how long it took to create the magic of the movie "the box trolls." up next, they promise to many prove your posture, but do the when change is in the air you see things in a whole new way. it's in this spirit that ing u.s. is becoming a new kind of company. ing u.s. is now voya. changing the way you think of retirement. fousugar. only six?ns. six grams of sugar? that's really good. excellent, delicious... and yummy! honey bunches of oats. tasty! yummy! i knew my life as i knew itr, would never be the same. everything stopped. and i just said, "i'm going to beat this." and that's when i found living beyond breast cancer. purchase a specially marked bottle of pink lemonade 5-hour energy and a portion of the proceeds will help survivors like me with a much needed community of support. living beyond breast cancer is a lifeline for so many people. i just love being able to say that i am living beyond breast cancer. ♪ this morning in today's consumer, improving your posture. do the products that promise to make you stop slouching deliver? >> our correspondent checked out the newest products. janice, good morning. >> that is all you need is a posture segment. >> for five minutes. keeping your posture perfect is what we strive for. hunching over is what we do. we asked students at the chiropractic college to tryout the latest products. we are a nation of bad backs and poor posture which can cause aches and pains. what if there was a product that would improve your stance? we found three that offer to help you stand up and sit straight. first up, the lumo back belt with an app for $149.95. >> very thin. smart sensor that you wear on your lower back. it vibrates when you slouch. it is also an app. >> reporter: the seat for $199. >> the principle of a bouncy ball. >> and shirts for $69.95 claim to offer support through compression. we asked students at new york chiropractic college to take a stand. >> for years, i helped my patients fight the right things to help improve the alignment and posture. >> we have an assignment for you. we have several products that promise to improve your posture. you will use them and then you will tell us what you think. >> after reading the instructions and feeling the products out, the students went to work. a few weeks later, we checked in with the students and asked them to grade the products they tried. first up. >> i would grade it a "b." they are cut extremely small for their size. i can feel it pull my shoulders back. >> i wear the product more and more, it started to stretch. >> reporter: the makers of posawear says we have a zero change rate. we plan to add to our collection. next is the lumo back belt with the app. >> we decided to give it a "c" because it measures your lumbar spine. not the rest of your posture. >> it's price is significant. >> it would not go off until you really went forward. >> reporter: and the app? >> once you get it set up, it was easy. >> reporter: the lumoback company says 70% of the users had positive results. last was the bowie seat. everyone tried that one. >> what is the grade? >> an "a." little expensive. >> it was good. it had you fire your core muscles. >> reporter: nobody completely failed. >> no. >> anything that will help patients will be helpful. the products don't go very far to educate patients about what good posture is and that's a really important part of what chie r chiropractors do. >> this is the buoy seat. what do you think? >> i think it would be easier to judge if i was at a desk. >> i could slouch, but i'm doing this. >> that's the rub. >> he is pretending he was fly fishing. >> like this. >> i almost fell off. >> if you are at the desk, it keeps your core engaged. you can't really go back. >> and like the exercise ball. >> they are adjustable. really, this is a nation where we sit more than sleeping for the first time in history. you have to walk. you have to stand. you have to not sit as much period. >> be aware. janice, thanks. >> makes you thinner. >> i'm in. up next, fighting breast cancer with fashion. we will show you new products. we get our speed from mom and dad. they do stuff super fast. and now they got this new kitchen... so they're even faster. so they can help us with our free throws. 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[ mawhen things go bump in the night,, inspire daring pursuits that thrill and delight. for 5 days only, at petsmart, save 50% on hundreds of halloween items, like costumes, toys, dog treats & rawhide! petsmart®. dave's been working on his game... morning double bogie. hey, three putt. and starting each day with a delicious bowl of heart healthy kellogg's raisin bran. how's your cereal? sweet! tastes like winning. how would you know what winning tastes like? dave knows it's also a delicious source of fiber and one more step towards a healthy tomorrow. you eat slower than you play. you're in a hurry to lose, huh? oh okay! invest in your heart health, with kellogg's raisin bran no crying today... monopoly at mcdonald's. now is your your chance to score fifties, hundreds, or a cool million; or a one-on-one experience with lebron. welcome back. you too. let's play this game. we'll start looking for an suv... "fire' by firenze" "sir?" start your search online with over 35,000 carmax quality certified used cars. carmax. start here. there's something about shopping for a good cause that makes that purchase seem all the more important and special. all month long, we are celebrating breast cancer awareness month. we will show you products to raise money for breast cancer research at the same time you buy them. elizabeth mayhew is here with us. decked out in pink. we are starting off with greeting cards. anybody who has ever known somebody who has gone through illness or cancer know this is a great pick me up. >> it is. from it is the site you can go and order cards. i love these because you are personalize them and add a picture or special message. treat partnered with avon walk. they gave $50,000 to the walk itself, but 5% of the sales of these goes to that fund. you are doing a good thing. >> we can drink to that. >> right. >> this goes for $25 a bottle. >> this is from a company called speak wines. what is great about it, the labels have nice messages. "you're pretty" or "you're beautiful" or "you can do it." they give 10% for the month of october to the susan love research foundation which is in santa monica. you are drinking to health. >> i can drink to that happily. >> sonya has a line at target. >> she is a breast cancer survivor. this is her eighth year partnering with target. 15% of the makeup brushes and bag. $15.99. you get them at target and 15% goes to the breast cancer research foundation. >> a good deal on the set of brushes. talk about going all pink. tennis, football, we have basketball and everything. >> they are donates. they donated $250,000. a big bang. if you see the nfl when you watch the games now, they are wearing the pink towels. play pink tennis balls. >> the north face is giving 5% to 10%. >> this goes to bc. it is called before bc. it is a whole pink line that you can get. >> snowboarding gear. i love it. finally, these are love premium denim jeans. what i love is each is a story of a survivor. >> i'm wearing olivia. she is a breast cancer survivor. they have 35% lycra. go down a size. they fit like a gem. >> go down a size? you are doing something good and giving back. great stuff. thank you. still to come on "today," dylan is making adorable new friends and making us jealous as she learns about the effort to save these guys from extinction. first this is "today" on nbc. a lot more ahead this morning. we are live at jfk airport in new york city where they are beginning the screenings for passengers coming in from west africa in search of ebola. and a lot of talk around what some thought of dove invited women to a makeover with a difference. hi ma'am hi would you like to have a free makeover? yeah, why not? who doesn't love a free makeover? there you go. it's a shower. it's a shower. but it's a shower with new dove body wash, with its new breakthrough formula all it takes is just one shower for softer smoother skin. want to feel? feels really good. really silky smooth. it's awesome. i love it. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower. how to shed pounds this winter. there. no more drafts. finally. [ male announcer ] hurry into lowe's for 15% off special order windows and doors. [ male announcer ] hurry into lowe's when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. dad,thank you mom for said this oftprotecting my thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. save your coffee from the artificial stuff. switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie sweetness from the stevia leaf. good morning at 5:56. taking a live look at san jose ahead of what should be a warm saturday and even warmer sunday. good morning, i'm kira klapper with anthony slaughter at a look at your micro climate forecast. >> you took the words out of my mouth. >> sorry. >> warm today, warmer tomorrow. >> that's the limit of my knowledge. >> that's what it's going to be. it's going to feel like summer, not like fall. even right now, a little bit of a nip in the air. 50 in the north bay. 56 south bay. once the sun stafrrts to come u we'll feel that heat. winds shift offshore. san francisco back in the 70s. north bay mid 80s. mid 70s for the east shore and peninsula. low 80s for the south bay. tomorrow we have a red flag fire warning in effect. limit your outdoor burning. area beaches we have a warning there. we've got lots to go over this morning. hopefully you can join us. >> heat, rain, red flag warning. we look forward to hearing it all from you. thanks, anthony. an elderly man is dead this morning following a house fire in the east bay. the home in high ward went up in flames just before 3:00 this morning. two roommates and a neighbor tried to save the elderly man. they got him out of the home too lachlt two people were treated for smoke inhalation and released. the third adult was taken to the hospital for burns. the cause of the fire is under investigation. >> a flasher may have struck again on the peninsula while palo alto police investigate three cases of indecent exposure. belmont police looking at a case that may be connected. two women saw a man exposing himself yesterday morning parked outside pete's coffee. they tried to get a license plate but the flasher drove off in a newer model four door bmw. a white man in his 30s with short dark hair and clean-shaven face. residents are disturbed. if you have information, you are urged to contact your local police department. a family dog attacked by burglars in the south bay. it happened yesterday on culpepper drive in east san jose a few blocks south of tully road. the homeowner told officers when he walked into his home, it looked like someone ransacked it. he found his dog badly injured and bleeding. he was able to rush the dog to the vet where it's being treated for a severe injury. the suspects are described as being in their late teens, both wearing baseball caps and hooded jackets. it's shy of 5:59. this morning on "today in the bay," levi stadium was rocking last night. it wasn't for the niners. friday night lights. good morning. it's saturday, good morning it's sad, october 11, 2014. here's a lack at today's top stories. stepped up efforts begin today at one of the nation's business jest airports to fight the spread of ebola. hazing arrests, now developments this morning in the case of an alleged assault that led to the cancellation of an entire football season. this morning seven new jersey teens are charged with sex crimes for their alleged roles in the crimes. thousands of protesters descend on ferguson, missouri taking to the streets to deman justice in the shooting death of unarmed teen michael brown. this is as depositions run high with another police involved shooting involving another teen. good morning. we've got a soggy morning. >> they have been asking you guys to come out. >> we will be going out. we have your rain coats ready. >> we will be out there to say hi to everybody. >> in the meantime there is so much talk about the concerns of ebola here in the united states. the dallas hospital that treated victim thomas eric duncan saying it will change its intake procedures. that's after the reports show that he had a temperature of 103 degrees during his first visit to the er but was still sent home. >> meanwhile, jfk is going to start screening people that are coming in for ebola. chris ten is outside jfk to tell us more about it. >> reporter: good morning. we're waiting for a flight to get in from gun knee later on this morning so that will be the first wide spread test at jfk which is the first airport in the nation to institute these screening procedures. washington dug lets with arts than, newark liberty and chicago o'hare will follow next week. 43% of them arrive here at jfk, we're talking about 150 people coming in from west after on on a daily basis. the cdc personnel will be overseeing here at the airport. they'll have their temperatures taken with a no touch device, be asked questions about where they've been. if the screeners expect exposure, the passengers can be isolated and quarantined. critics say its biggest impact will be to ease nervous passengers. remember thomas eric duncan who was the first patient with ebola here in the united states, he came in and didn't appear to have any outward symptoms of ebola when he first passed through washington dull res. even the director of the cdc says in order to have zero impact in this country we're going to have to control the spread in africa. and the death toll in africa now over 4,000 patients dying from ebola. >> overseas in terms of efforts, they're in full effect to try to slow down the crisis. some people acts as human guinea pigs to help. scientists. kelly is following that story for us. >> good morning. a lot of optimism about this vaccine and it's badly needed. one expert said unless africa gets help fast, the world will have to live with this virus forever. the ebola virus is out of control. the world health organization warns that cases are doubling every three to four weeks. they're on the ground in liberia setting up field hospitals. >> this will be give the health care workers hope that if they go in and contract the deadly virus, they can be treated here. >> in england, a safety trial that would normally take years has been shortened for weeks. for the first time it's being injected into humans, 60 volunteers. >> it made me think this is really sad what's going on in west africa, and what could i do. >> nick owen got his dose ten days ago. >> how are you feeling? >> i'm feeling fine, absolutely fine. >> no side effects? >> no side effects. i think there was a slight one in a million chance of developing a neurological disorder which didn't sound very nice but thankfully i'm fine. >> owen works with doctors without borders, the group on the front line of the outbreak but he volunteered as a private citizen. >> i have been stories from west africa every day. it's a horrendous virus. it's ripping families apart. >> the goal, like with the u.s. military mission, is to protect first responders so more doctors and nurses can safely care for the sick. >> if we're not seeing thousands and thousands of deaths from one outbreak in the future, yes, that would make me happy. >> the vaccine can't cure the terrible disease but it could slow it down. scientists will have early data next month. if the vaccine is safe, they hope to have 20,000 shots ready to go by january. erica? >> thank you. let's get you caught u on the rest of the morning's top stories. >> seven students have been charged with sexual assault amid a investigation into a hazing scandal involving a new jersey high school football team. the students aged 15 to 17 are accused of holding their juvenile victims down and improperly touching them in a sexual manner. the team's season has already been canceled. the judge must decide if the students should be charged as adults or juveniles. protesters plan to marge in missouri today marching two months since the death of michael brown. he was the unarmed teenager shot and killed by a police officer in ferguson. ron allen is life in st. louis with the latest. >> reporter: there's been a lot of planning and organizing for this so-called week of resistance to mark the two-month anniversary. thousands of people are expected here. the protests began on friday and continued well into the night. the demand continues to be the arrest of officer darren wilson who allegedly shot and killed michael brown, a grand jury still deciding whether to indict the officer. there were no reports of violence or arrests made. still authorities are on high alert in the area. >> thank you, ron. a three-year-old boy is reported in critical condition after being attacked by a jaguar in a zoo. the boy fell into the little rock were arkansas jaguar enclosure. a big cat had its mouth around the boy's neck. zoo workers rescued the toddler. he was taken to the hospital with a skull fracture, lacerations and puncture wounds. a shortage of one type of flu vaccine comes at a critical time for kids. now is the time to start getting kids their shots but doctors don't have enough of the injectable vaccine that's recommended for very young children. a new supply a expected this month. here's a question for you. how do you deal with bullies? one young woman is fighting back with post-it note pps after someone posted a cruel message on her facebook, she decided to go positive, sticking notes of encouragement on every single locker at her school saying things like believe in yourself, and you're beautiful. and the idea caught on in her town. soon businesses were doing the same thing in their offices, proving that a sweet sticky note may be the best way to stick up for yourself. i love that. >> you know, i love it too. >> that is fantastic. >> we should all do it today. >> let's do it. >> we're going to get a post-it note and put something positive and stick it somewhere. >> that's fantastic. >> she started the movement. >> you're carrying the torch. >> here in the u.s. >> done if. >> dillon, we're going to do it for you. >> u like the hot pink one. >> you're beautiful. >> thank you. so are you. you're so great. >> so much love. >> let's talk about a giant tropical system. this is typhoon vongfong. it's the equivalent right nout of a category two hurricane. at one point wind w up to 150 to 180-mile-per-hour. the outer bands have within lashing okinawa for quite some time. it is going to downgrade to a category one storm. but we're still looking at seven to 12 inches of rain. we have tropical storm faye here to the south of bermuda. winds are at 60-mile-per-hour moving to the north at 12 miles an hour. it's going to take this turn to the northeast and eventually move out to sea. wu we could see effects of it in bermuda. we've got rain in texas, there's a stalled front, it's cool above it where we have some frost advisories and some cool temperatures and good morning. 6:09 the time. meteorologist anthony slaughter here. we are talking about a cloudy, fall-like start to the day. it's going to end up summer-like. near 50 in the north bay. san francisco at 60. late they are afternoon, lots of sunshine. summerlike. 81 in the south bay. mid 70s for the peninsula and east shore. in the tri-valley, you'll get up to 91 today. 71 in san francisco. mid 80s for the north face. and that's the your latest forecast. reaction still pour in this morning after microsoft ceo's recent comment about why women shouldn't ask for raises. no surprise, the outrage over his comment showing no sign of letting up. haley jackson has more. a cringe worthy faux pas. he's asked to give hissed a visit to women when it comes to asking for money. >> it's not really about asking for the raise but knowing and having faith that the system will give you the right raises as you go along. >> that raised eyebrows, especially when he added -- >> because that's good karma. it will come back. >> after that, he got back not good karma but bad reviews. one commenter tweeting, you should close the huge gap between your brain and your mouth, another suggesting, ladies if you think you need a raise, just say his name three times in the mirror. >> i'm so sad to think that possibly he reflects what many ceos may think, they just don't have the courage to say it. >> he quickly back pedalled, first calling his comments inarticulate and later completely wrong. if you think you deserve a raise, you should just ask. still some worry his remarks play into a problem that women already face. >> women are more red sent than man to negotiate. it's more socially risky for them. >> in a country where on average professional women earn $400 per week less than their male counter parts, how should women ask for a raise? >> one is going in and signally that you're taking the other side's perspective and secondly explaining why what you're asking for is legitimate, not just in eyes but in their eyes. >> helpful advice for women and men, good karma or not. for today, haley jackson, nbc news. sha them is over in the orange room with what people are saying. >> we put this question out to our female viewers. we wanted to know have you ever asked for a raise and if so, what worked and what didn't. you guys responded immediately on this one. let's read some of your comments. shon that says i've asked for a raise, showed what i made and the average of what i should be making and she told us later that it work. another says, i showed a comparison of what other companies were paying, we all got a raise. you have to stand for what is right and just. and christine says, i walked into the boss's office, said i had been there for a while without a raise and asked for one. and it worked. you have to ask for what you want. to tweet us using the #orangeroom and let us know. there's the message. >> you got to ask for what you want. >> or tweet it. >> that's true. maybe that's #iwantaraise. >> you can try it. >> i may not be here tomorrow. #lovemyjob. >> doll long is getting up close and personal with some of the world's most dangerous animals and they're really stinking cute. right after these messages. card makes it so hard to get a seat using your miles. that's their game. the flights you want are blacked out. or they ask for some ridiculous number of miles. honestly, it's time to switch to the venture card from capital one. with venture, use your miles on any airline, any flight, any time. no blackout dates. and with every 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the attic. no. in the basement. why can't we just get in the running car? are you crazy? let's hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok. if you're in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. it's what you do. this was a good idea. shhhh. be quiet. i'm being quiet. you're breathing on me! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. head for the cemetery! just a warning, the cute factor is going up by infinity powers at this point. it is easy to fall in love with these faces. endangered cheetah cubs. >> oh, my gosh, dylan. >> i know. >> a lot of work is being done to save them from distinction. dylan has a chance to meet them. >> it was amazing. the work that the zoo conservation center in connecticut is doing to save endangered animals is astounding. i was one of the first people to lay their eyes and hands and kisses and everything else on the new additions. ♪ >> this is a safari pretty much in the city. i'm here in greenwich, connecticut. beyond this gate, i will meet first hand animals fighting extinction. >> welcome, dylan. >> i'm so excited. this is going to be great. my tour guide was marchela. >> these are giraffes. there are about 670 left in the world. >> she is the founder of the conservation center. a non-profit she formed five years ago with a big mission. >> to save the animals of today for people of tomorrow. an animal or plant or species going extinct every 20 minutes. >> one is a cheetah. an animal so rare. it is believed 30 reside in the entire world. >> mona lisa is the only king cheetah. she is part of the breeding program. >> she came here from africa through a bred program. she successfully got pregnant and gave everyone a shock when she gave birth. for you to have a king cheetah give birth to eight cheetahs, what is that like? >> an average litter is 2 to 4. we could not believe another one was coming. >> three are raised in the nursery as the first-time mom is overwhelmed with the litter. >> how about seeing baby cheetahs now? >> i'm excited. >> two, we are hoping to get a permit to send back to africa. the rest of the cheetahs will stay in our breeding program and others throughout the united states. >> while zoos can be controversial, marchela argues they have made recent strides in the care in the decades. >> people can see the animals and form a connection. >> the animals, magical center that is her center of marchela's world. >> we have to engage people to understand why it is important to them to lose any species of animal or plant. they deserve their place on earth too. >> hard to think with the giraffes. the cheetahs don't have names. l you can head to our web site and put in your entry. we will bring you the newly named cub on the show in a few weeks so you will get to meet them. >> did you see them? >> i think we should name one dylan. >> i was about to say the female or the male? >> it can go either way. i'll name the female dylan. >> what a fun assignment. i guess we were busy. >> a fun assignment. 45 minutes from the city. >> i was free all week. >> that was awesome. wait until you see the painstaking process that turns these dolls into living creatures thanks to stop-motion animation. sheinelle will take us behind the scenes of the movie "the box trolls." but first this is "today" ♪ ♪ ♪ discover all the naturally moisturizing flavors of burt's bees lip balm. ♪ still to come, has one reality tv show gone too far? why one dance instructor is facing a lawsuit on "dance moms." and later, robert for very dry skin, basic moisturization isn't enough. you need healing. the only lotion with healing micro-droplets of vaseline jelly, new vaseline intensive care relieves very dry skin from the first application and deeply moisturizes to heal it in just 5 days. clinically proven. skin healed in just 5 days. that's the healing power of vaseline. to help entertain some friends at the beach. before earning 1% cash back everywhere, every 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[ male announcer ] wake up to the mountain grown aroma of folgers. ♪ the best part of wakin' up so, where do you want to start? i think this is a pretty good place. ♪ is folgers in your cup good morning. it's 6:26 on this saturday. you are getting a live look at the beautiful sparkling eastern span of the bay bridge from our emeryville camera. thank you for joining us. good morning to you. i'm kira klapper with anthony slaughter with a look at your micro climate forecast. >> we have the red flag fire warning that goes into effect tonight, dangerous surf at the beach and very hot outside across the bay today and tomorrow. it's going to feel more like summer than anything else. a little like fall right now. 56 in the south bay. later this afternoon, as winds shift offshore, san francisco, up into the lower 70s. mid to upper 80s for the north bay. lower 80s for the south bay now. we have all those things happening, red flag fire warning, big surf. we have a chance of rain, two chances this upcoming week. we'll talk about that at 7:00. we need the rain. >> we look forward to you telling us all about it. thanks, anthony. new this morning, an elderly man is dead following a house fire in the east bay. the home in hayward went up into flames this morning. two roommates and a neighbor tried to save the elderly man. they got him out of the home, but it was too late. two people were treated for smoke inhalation and released. the third adult was taken to the hospital for burns. cause of the fire is under investigation. >> a developing story. bicyclists in san francisco are being attacked and robbed on the panhandle of golden gate park. san francisco police say two cyclists were attacked this month riding late at night on the path. the sf bike coalition said there were three violent incidents. thieves attacked riders, stealing their bikes and other valuables. the bicycle coalition is spreading the word about the attacks and asking sfpd for additional patrols. police believe the attackers are a group of people working together. president barack obama is in san francisco for a whirl wind fund-raising effort. air force one touched down at sfo yesterday afternoon. the president was met by a crowd of supporters, protesters and even a few babies. he flew in from los angeles where he had attended two fund raisers, one hosted by actress gwyneth paltrow. attendees contributed from $1,000 to $32,000 to be there. president obama is staying a few blocks away at the intercontinental. this morning he will attend an exclusive round table at a private home. 25 supporters are each paying thousands of dollars to attend that. the president will return to washington. coming this up morning, we'll take you to levy stadium where stance cheered on their team. it wasn't for nfl teams. we'll take you to friday night lights. all your top stories coming up at 7:00. ♪ can't keep us an away. >> you know what i'm talking about. >> and we're here before the rain. >> we're in the house. >> celebrating our 15th anniversary. >> it's my 21st birthday. >> we are back on this saturday morning, october 11th, 2014. a mighty crowd on the plaza. mighty rain drops, too. great to have them out in the rain. not dampening anyone's day. >> she will get a gold star for holding the umbrella. >> i know. how about this? >> by the time we're done. still to come in this half hour of "today," reality tv perhaps getting too real. we will tell you about the lawsuit rocking "dance moms." and "alexander and the terrible, very bad, horrible bad day." should you take the family to see that? we will check in with the panel on that. and i'll take you inside the incredible world of stop motion animation with "the box trolls." this work is not easy, but a lot of fun. >> cool. if you had to guess which one of us would be best suited behind the wheel of a vintage range rover? my voice cracked. we will see what others the car matchmaker is picking out for us. >> the range rover? >> the final check of the weather from dylan. >> i can't read the question marks on the prompter. >> my hand is getting tired. >> we are looking at a rainy day in the northeast. this stretches back down to texas with some of our heavy rain across eastern texas. north of the front in the 70s. south of the front in the 80s. we are looking for a better chance of strong storms into sunday. in red, including parts of kansas and oklahoma and texas, the chance of gusty winds and hail. lester, thank you very much for hanging out with me. >> i'm stuck out here with the umbrella. >> i want to do that for today. good morning. 6:32 the time. waking up to cloudy skies from the south bay through san francisco into the north bay. later on this afternoon, it's going to be very warm. we are talking about summer-like conditions hitting the bay area. mid 80s for the north bay mid to upper 80s for the tri-valley, as well. some places getting back into the low 90s there south bay, you'll be back to low 90s today with plenty of sunshine. we do have a red flag fire warning that goes into effect tonight and talking about some rain in our next week. i'm really spoiled. >> i just noticed you have a hood. what am i doing? >> bye, lester. erica. >> dylan, thanks. reality tv is known for its drama on screen. this morning, we are learning the host of "dance moms" is dealing with drama off screen. here is more from gabe gutierrez. >> you knew what you were signing up for. >> reporter: for the star of "dance moms" which follows the careers of the girls in show business, conflict is not unusual. >> no, i didn't. listen. >> reporter: this morning, instructor abby lee miller is facing a lawsuit from a student who is just 13 years old. in the suit, paige hyland claims she would be physically injured because she watched miller batter others on the show. pinching another student until she bled and grasping another on the arm. on the show, miller and paige's mother clashed often. >> get out of my face. >> reporter: a previous defamation and breach of contract lawsuit is still pending, but miller and the show is disputing the allegations. >> things are exaggerated for the benefit of television. the conflict between abby lee miller and kelly hyland is very real. >> reporter: lifetime declined to comment to nbc news. as for miller, we never heard from her publicist from the lawsuit. in the genre that thrives on drama, reality can be harsh and lawsuits with piling up. a contestant on "dating naked" sued a production company because she said her body was not sufficiently blurred. two years ago, racial discrimination on "the bachelor." >> i cannot pretend people who participate in the show come out hurt. >> reporter: as for "dance moms" it is not sure how this effects ratings, but filming for season five reportedly begins today. for "today," gabe gutierrez, nbc news. still to come, if you are hoping to catch a movie this weekend, good news, before you buy those tickets, we will look at the ones that are the perfect fit for yo ♪ ♪ this collection is close to my heart. it's inspired by the city i love. hey! so i'm looking at my bill, and my fico® credit score's on here. we give you your fico® score each month for free! awesomesauce! wow! the only person i know that says that is...lisa? 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[ male announcer ] by not acting that way. it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. this morning on "today's" weekend movie ticket, jennifer garner has two movies and robert duvall and robert downey jr. has a movie together. >> first here is joe giargo with more. >> i think i'll stay the night. >> reporter: what happens when you discover how little you know about the people you know? that is the premise of "men, women and children." a comedy drama with adam sandler and jennifer gardner. >> i'm keeping my daughter safe. i can do the same for you. >> reporter: the film follows teens and parents and explores the ways internet and social media changed relationships and communication and love lives. >> fine. innocent people can't afford me. >> reporter: robert downey jr. is a big unethical lawyer in the drama "the judge." his mother's funeral brings him back to his childhood home. another death keeps him there. his father, a small town judge is suspected of murder. the two faceoff. >> i wish i liked you more. >> reporter: and palmer is forced to defend someone who never defended him. we have all been there before. that is the day for alexander cooper in "the no good, very bad day." >> everything i ever wanted. #blessed. >> reporter: little systmpathy from his family, he made a wish and that wish comes true. the family comedy based on the children's book stars steve c e carell: >> susan is a screen writer and scott is a film critic. good morning. >> good morning. >> nice to have you here. >> nice to be back. >> full disclosure. i loved "alexander and the terrible and no good day." we are dying to see it. kerri, you went with your kids. >> two 6-year-olds and a 9-year-old. every second is very funny. the comedy set up is perfect. a terrible day. everything is going to go wrong. >> even in australia? anybody who knows the book got that. >> it is. it goes wrong and it is funny. there was potty humor. my little boy was oh, he could not take it. my husband. they loved it. it is fantastic. it is 80 minutes long. >> wholesome feel good comedy that disney can make. >> age? >> perfect family movie. >> 13 and over. >> my 9-year-olds were okay with it. they were fine. >> under 6? >> it would go over their heads. >> 2 or 3? no, i'm kidding. let's turn to "men, women and children." i looked at the clip. it's heavy. >> it's a heavy movie. this is for anyone addicted to the internet or texting or gaming and social media. that is everyone. a provocative movie. it overreaches at times. adam sandler and jennifer gardner in a serious role. if it affects you like it affected me, it has the power to change your life. >> wow. >> i felt uncomfortable at times. it was like telling a smoker you are addicted and you have to quit smoking. >> if it makes people angry, that is a good thing. >> thought provoking. >> and "the judge." this is the third time robert duvall and robert downey jr. worked together. >> every father and son should see this movie. a testament to a father and son's relationship. duvall and downey, i see oscars in their future. i don't know if scott sees it. >> it is contrived and predictable. the two roberts are fantastic. >> robert downey jr. never looked some gloomy-esque. he is so handsome now. >> i'm there. >> he is not a punk kid anymore. >> i do object to the running time. it is too long. >> scott and kerri, thanks, guys. up next, we're sticking with the big screen and movie magic. sheinelle goes behind the scenes of "the box trolls." we will show you it to you, but at shell, we believe the world needs a broader mix of energies, which is why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. and why with our partner in brazil, we are producing a biofuel made from renewable sugarcane to fuel cars. let's broaden the world's energy mix, let's go. we are back now with an inside look of the making of a stop-motion animation film. sheinelle went to the set of "the box trolls." >> it was cool. in stop-motion, everything is created and crafted by hand. it is the combination of craftsmanship and technology to create an art form unlike anything else. ♪ the whole world in their hands ♪ >> sometimes it's the little things that count. in a world of stop-motion animation, little is all there is. >> it is a stupid way to make a movie. you have to have a certain kind of mind and person to do it and devote your life to playing with dolls. >> reporter: travis knight is the lead animator on "the box trolls." >> why do this? >> it has a beauty and charm that is unusual. >> reporter: the look as unique as the story of a boy raised by underground monsters in a town obsessed with cheese. the concept is simple. move puppets a fraction of an inch and photo and repeat. the process is painstaking. >> on an average day on set, the stop-motion will do 30 or 40 frames of film. >> he will move the puppet and take a frame. at the end of the week, we will get four or five seconds done. >> on a good week. >> reporter: stop-motion animation has been part of classic films. now new technology helps smooth out and speed up the process. >> that's printed? >> that's printed on the rapid 3-d printer. >> this to me is magic. we printed them by the thousands to make the expressions. >> reporter: with the stop motion animation, is it more art? >> it is more art. there is a lot of science wrapped up into it. it really is a delicate dance they do of both worlds. >> the most difficult sequence in the movie is the ball room dancing sequence. >> it took 18 months of shooting schedule to make two minutes of dance footage. >> reporter: i want to understand how this works. this is what it will take. let's try it. you know they were telling me this takes focus and now i get it. i said patience, but it is focus. >> you have to get in there and concentrating. >> i like my little guy. he has a cute boogie. >> all right. >> ate him alive. >> reporter: it is not just the production, but the voices and sounds from the all-star cast add the final texture and feeling to the movie. >> what in god's name is going on? >> in the digital world we live in, it is rais rare to see some handcrafted. >> reporter: art apparend scien create magic. it took 18 months and 79 sets to make the film. those dolls are this high. i wanted to take one home. they would not let me. travis knight called me sticky fingers. i kept saying don't you want to put a doll above your bed? you watch the movie and it is larger than life. in person, they are like little doll houses. >> i cannot imagine, the focus. you said it is focus. i cannot imagine being the one person in the room all day long. >> all by yourself. >> they come out massaging their hands. >> five seconds in a week? >> for a week. that takes serious focus. >> good for them. >> really cool story. still to come this morning, making a match with a perfect vehicle. 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[ male announcer ] hurry into lowe's for 15% off special order windows and doors. it's in this spirit that ingu u.s. is becoming a new kind of company. one that helps you think differently about what's ahead, and what's possible when you get things organized. ing u.s. is now voya. changing the way you think of retirement. back now on saturday morning with a man who says he can find the perfect vehicle for you. all it takes is insight into your personality. his show "car matchmaker" he makes it fun to find the next vehicle. take a look. >> i thought i would put fabio in the convertible and turn on the fan. i want you to tell me and jason whether you think they're masculine or not. >> wow! >> mike is going to do the same thing for us this morning. first of all, welcome back. you were an intern at nbc years ago. >> i was. >> welcome back. >> thank you. >> you have the show on esquire network. you check the personality and find a car. >> regular folks come to me. they need a car. i spend time with them and i make three perfect choices i think will work perfectly in their life. we drive the cars and they pick one. >> are they generally happy with what you pick? >> they are. tune in tuesday night at 9:00. >> you are well trained. >> i like to take people out of their comfort zone a bit. in the beginning, they are shocked. then they get behind the wheel and they are happy with the choice. >> that is perfect segue. we know you picked four cars. one for each one of us. the first is a classic. a 1973 range rover. >> range rover. one of the first range rovers. beautiful. >> there it is. >> tuscan blue. this truck is at cooper's classics. i love it. i came to new york to see it first and see you, second. how much i love it. who do you think i picked this for? >> erica. >> i would say erica. >> you are right. >> you can drive it -- i drive it home today? >> i know you live in the suburbs. you like to cook. this is the perfect farmers market vehicle. pumpkin patch. i told you i am married to an erica. i brought it home and she went crazy. >> should we do the next one? >> tell me if this is right. a jag convertible. >> one of my favorite cars. an incredible car. >> i have a guess. >> dylan. >> you guys are so good. you guys are like car matchmakers. i know you like to golf. you are the weather anchor. i thought of christie brinkley in the red ferrari on "national vacation." this car is hot. dylan's hot. you don't have a family yet. this is your last hurrah. i just love the car. 500 horsepower. jaguar killed it on this one. congratulations. >> i have to give it a ride. next up is another suv. stylish and roomy. the 2015 ford explorer sport. >> a new redesign ford explorer sport. >> i feel like this is you. >> this sounds like sheinelle. >> that's right. you have twins. >> and a 5-year-old. >> and a husband. getting out of the driveway, i bet, is chaotic. >> that's right. >> not in this vehicle. >> you need separation. you need three rows. this truck looks like a luxury suv. it doesn't cost like a luxury. >> that would leave me with the beemer. the 2015 bmw hybrid. >> this is the most green car on the market. interior made of recycled plastic bottles. it gets 100 miles on a full charge. an urban mobility vehicle made for people living in manhattan and best of all, i know you love music. you are a bass player. no sound in the car. you get to listen to ac/dc without engine noise. >> i love that. you are 4 for 4. >> car an overnight fire in the east bay takes the life of an elderly man. it's happened four times already. a flasher targeting unsuspecting girls and women. what's being done to find him. >> plus looking for love in all the wrong places? how tech is making it hard to find your soulmate in silicon valley. it is 6:59, good morning on this saturday morning. you are getting a live look at san francisco bay at the "uss america." this is the navy's newest amphibious assault ship here. i'm kira klapper with anthony slaughter. welcome back from hawaii. >> hawaii has the humidity that makes it so much more tropical. it's going to be nice across the bay today. no humidity. it will be warm. if you are headed out to fleet week, temperatures in san francisco this afternoon will be summerlike. 70s, 80s and 90s across the rest of the bay area. dangerous fire winds return to the bay tomorrow. a red flag fire warning goes into effect tonight through tomorrow. getting a little bit of everything over the next course of seven days. you'll notice today's highs are very comfortable. in san francisco, 71 there away from the water it will feel toasty. 86 in the north bay. 81 for the south bay. 91 for the tri-valley. again, our inland valleys will be warm today, warmer for tomorrow. we still have a risk for rip currents we'll talk about and that rain. we'll talk about that in my next report. >> if you don't like the weather the next few days, there is something different on the horizon. >> we've got it all this .

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