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The iphone 6 goes on sale today. Thousands lined up to be among the first to get their hands on it. Here in new york the line stretches for 12 blocks, and look who is out there with them today, friday, september 19 county, 2014. Welcome to today on a friday morning. Im matt lauer along with hoda kotb, savannah continues on maternity leave. We have the same route to work. Did you come down fifth avenue . By the time i came the line stretched to 70th street. Im surprised carson isnt being mugged. There are people out there for two weeks. Carson, hows it going . Its pretty crazy. Were seeing scenes like this across the country. This apple store normally open 24 hours closed at midnight in anticipation of this, almost 5,000 people in line just to give you perspective. On 58th street the line goes around the block, all the way to 67th street. Were seeing this across the country. Its crazy. Im holding the product which not a lot of people get, so i really should make a run for it. Watch your back. Get out of there carson. Were going to check in with you in a couple minutes. The top story this morning, reaction is pouring in to scottish voters saying no to breaking away from the United Kingdom. Kelly is in scotland with reaction. Good morning to you. Reporter good morning, matt. In the end it was not a small margin, 55 to 45 in favor of staying in the union, the queen no doubt pleased. She is expected to Say Something from release a statement at some point. Scotland did not vote for independence yesterday. But they have been promised change. Up all night, both sides believing theyd win. By the Early Morning it was over. A surprise 10point victory for those who didnt want independence. In response to the residents in question, should scotland be an independent country in favor of, no. Reporter United Kingdom would remain united. The people of scotland have spoken and its a clear result. They kept our country of four nations together. And like millions of other people i am delighted. Reporter for two years it was a nation divided. People with different idea what is they wanted, independent scotland with more control over government or the status quo. The queen urged scotland to think carefully about their future. Politicians in london offered more autonomy in a lastditch effort to keep the United Kingdom together. Now, they will have to deliver. Unionist parties made vows late in the campaign to devote more powers to scotland. Scotland will expect these to be honored in rapid course. Reporter at the scottish pub in chicago there is disappointment. Not the result i was looking for but i think its wonderful side of democracy. Reporter people have said that scotland will be changed forever and not just scotland, all four countries in the United Kingdom. Theres talk of giving all four more freedom and independence. Matt and hoda. Kelly, thank you. Law enforcement officials are learning more this morning about the man believed to be responsible for shooting and killing a Pennsylvania State trooper and injuring another. This as the manhunt grows bigger every day. Stephanie gosk is where residents remain on high alert. Good morning. Reporter good morning. Just hours after the fbi put eric frein on the top ten most wanted list they descended on this town where he lived with his parents, blocked off the roads, brought in helicopters, search dogs, s. W. A. T. Teams, but nothing came of it. Today schools are closed again for the third day in a row and the ransom on frein has jumped up to 175,000. State police blocked roads thursday evening at one point focusing on the area around the home where suspect eric frein lived with his parents. Some residents too scared to go out. Doors locked and our dogs room in the house now. Reporter others unable to get home. Id like to come home, you know. I have dogs in the house. Reporter authorities struggle to find the alleged killer investigators are looking closely at his past. Focusing on an interest in the military. In 2007 he was an extra in a short film about nazi german camp. More recently frein joined a group called the eastern wolves, it staged war reenactments like this one posted on youtube. Ben long was a member too. The group of people was a group of educated hobbyists, and outdoorsmen who liked to get out and have some fun. Reporter the last he saw frein was six months ago. He and his friends were stuped by the news. Didnt make sense. It really doesnt make sejs. Reporter on thursday, frein was added to the fbis ten most wanted list. Just as the community was paying respects to one of freins victims. At the funeral for bryon dickson, family, friends and troopers from around the country tried to make sense of the deadly shooting. God speed, hammer. We love you. And we miss you. Reporter just outside the church snipers on rooftops reminded everyone that the search for his killer is not ov over. Local officials in this town set up a shelter for residents who couldnt get home, made Grilled Cheese for them. The rest came here to this pizza place and the collective sentiment among all of them, they just want this over. Matt and hoda. Can imagine. Stephanie, thanks so much. Week 3 of the nfl season with another protest at one of the biggest games, the league of course remains mired in crisis surrounding its reaction to the off the field behavior of some players. Meantime, a new nbc news poll shows that more than half of americans arent satisfied with how the nfl has handled the Domestic Violence scandal. Churk todd is going to have have more. Peter, good morning. Good morning to you. Last week is any indication several games this weekend will draw more than 20 million viewers, and now as new details emerge about one players arrest another nfl star is going public with his own troubled past. Before fans saw the falcons take on the buccaneers they saw a plane hire bid a womens group again flying a banner reading goodell must go. Roger goodell t commissioner, remains out of the spotlight with the league in crisis. Some nfl teams take the field without their top players now suspended. The latest face in the scandal. Your name. Jonathan dire. Reporter Jonathan Dwyer charged with assault after fights with his wife. Papers claim he headbutted her breaking her nose. A neighbor described what she saw and heard the next day. I heard them fighting and slamming doors and everything, then i went outside and she was crying and she was holding her eye, he had hit her in the eye. Reporter Court Papers Say dwyers wife fled arizona with their son, contacted authorities last week action three days after the rice video went public. Dwyer denies the allegations. Chicago bear Brandon Marshall with three arrests fwhout convictions for Domestic Violence and an nfl suspension 2008 spoke about a painful chapter in his life. Pay attention. The more we talk about it the more conversation help and healthy conversations will get started and well begin to see things change. Reporter some believe sponsors threatening to leave may force the change. The nfl is in the business of entertainment. If you risk tarnishing their brand, tarnishing the element of entertainment you have to be held accountable for that. Reporter this morning one supporter is backing goodell, chris kristi saying that goodell is a man of integrity who deserves to keep his job. More football this weekend. Chuck todd is nbcs political director and moderator of meet the press. Good morning. The specific numbers in a second. People have strong feelings about what they are seeing unfold with the nfl, yet they dont seem to be letting those feelings create a wide scale indictment of the game ipts. No. Thats what were seeing here. It was a whopping 85 of those we surveyed said they are not going to change how much football they watch, its not going to impact what they watch. Only 11 overall said whats been happening in the game and how the nfl handled it makes them want to watch less football so. If you thought that fans would be providing the pressure in the nfl to do something more, this poll indicates thats not the case. Lets go to the numbers. Do you agree with how the league is handling it . 53 of americans said no, they dont agree, when you ask that to people who say they are football fans, 57 say no, they dont like the way the league is handles it. I guess when they say the league, they are talking about the commissioner and some owners. They are. Thats what is coming in here. So clearly, football fans wish they would handle it better, all that stuff, its not impacting what they say about the game. When it comes to Roger Goodell they dont think he should lose his job over it. Though they disapprove how the league is handling it, how Roger Goodell has done this situation, 46 of football fans dont believe he should lose his job, only 32 say he should. So, hes got room to move and its sort of explains why were watching it and wondering why isnt the nfl acting sooner, dont they realize they have this pr crisis. They are probably doing surveying and seeing the same numbers. Obviously the Adrian Peterson situation t Minnesota Vikings running back charged now with reckless or negligent injury to a child prompted the question in the poll about Corporal Punishment and the results there, chuck, i think are going to surprise people. I think they are. I mean, overall it shouldnt be surprising that a large majority, 60 believe parents shouldnt use belt, paddles or switches to punish their child. But there is some cultural differences in our country, while 60 overall are against that, 51 in the south, Adrian Peterson a texan, 51 of the south say they believe that it is acceptable to use a switch, a belt, to punish a child so. The cultural differences there which is something that some players who backed up Adrian Peterson in this situation have said do show up in this poll. Chuck, thank you. Remind tear the audience to catch meet the press this sunday morning on nbc. Natalie the latest on isis. Thats right. The u. S. Is moving ahead with its mission to arm Syrian Rebels now that Congress Approved one of president obamas plans for fighting isis. Pete williams is in washington with more. Good morning. Reporter the vote for the president s plan to train and arm moderate Syrian Rebels comes as the u. S. Responds to a Massive Action by police in australia, one they say prevented a terror attack there. 33 republicans joined the senate vote approving the president s syrian strategy. I believe that were strongest as a nation when the president and Congress Work together. Reporter the vote amid new signs of isis brutality including release of this highly produced video showing a British Photo journalist who says isis is holding him prisoner. Hello. My name is john. And american officials studying an isis attack plot foiled in australia to kidnap people and videotape their execution. This is one more demonstration that this is an international challenge. This is something that we have to Work Together on and this is something that we have to destroy. Australian Officials Say they intercepted an International Phone call from this man giving the attack instructions. He once lived in australia and is now thought to be a senior isis leader in syria and iraq. What worries u. S. Officials is that isis cannot only direct known sympathizers as in australia but inspire others. It is not that isis is some super power that can start plots everywhere in the world but there is a real danger with their links to westerners and their ability to project their terrorist force beyond their borders. And as for the fight against isis, france has now agreed to join in air strikes against the group in iraq, carrying out one earlier today. Natalie. Pete williams in washington, thanks so much, pete. In california, suspected arsonist is held on 10 million bail. 37yearold Wayne Allen Huntsman accused of starting that fire east of sacramento. Thousands of firefighters are still battling the king fire that has consumed more than 70,000 acres and driven almost 3,000 people from their homes. Looting has broken out in the resort area of Cabo San Lucas where many have been waiting in lines for food, gas and other necessities after hurricane odile ravaged the area. Some neighborhoods are still without electricity and drinking water, the badly damaged airport is not expected to reopen before next week. The search will resume in austin, texas for a missing sheriffs deputy swept away by flood waters. The deputy was checking low water crossings thursday morning when she radioed to say she was struggling in the current. Later that morning the deputys empty patrol car was found in a creek. Emergency officials responded to three other water rescues as flash floods swept through the area. The u. S. Justice Department Says it found no evidence that new jersey governor chris kristi knew in advance about last years lane closures on the George Washington bridge. Still federal Officials Say no final determination has been made. The closures where several lanes closed down caused a traffic nightmare known as bridgegate. A girl in distress is talking about the real life prince to came to her rescue. 5yearold isabelle was too short to see the foo fighters in great britain. Her father had captained his team to victory. Isabelle didnt recognize the veteran who hoisted her on his shoulders to enjoy the show. After learning it was sure enough, prince harry or prince charming as we call him, she has been telling all of her friends that she is now a princess. Adorable. Women all over the world swooning. Another reason to love the guy. You know who would trade places . Our executive producer, don, would love to be. Pay to see that. The harry thing. No question about it. Al. Whats going on do the weather. This will be my last broadcast, so i hope you really enjoy it. Weve got a lot of heavy rain, both ends of texas, including in houston where we right now have flash flood warnings going on. Heavy rain and its going to be causing problems. Strong thunderstorms, flood watches are in effect. Flood warnings as well. Also on the western end of texas were looking at heavy rain. Why . Here is why. Odile through the weekend, the remnants, it will leave another possible 6 inches of rain around the houston area, flash flood threat will continue into west texas as well. Were going to get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. 7 18. Happy friday to you. Im meteorologist christina loren. Were running 1 to 10 degrees cooler across the board. In santa rosa, the upper 50s have returned. Plenty of low clouds out there for now. Theyre going to clear. As we head to about 11 00, temperatures will be noticeably warmer. More sunshine in the south bay, 70 on the peninsula and 74 in San Francisco. Texas. The plane was departing Long Beach Airport when all of a sudden the cabin began to fill up with smoke after one of the engines apparently exploded. Tom covers aviation and is with us. Yes, this happened quickly. Just as this jetblue air bus with 147 people on board was on its initial climb out on takeoff. A dramatic and terrifying midair emergency. It doesnt get much scarier than this. Smoke filling an aircraft and terrified passengers grabbing for oxygen masks. Jared west took this selfie video of himself. Jetblue flight 1416 had taken off from long beach, california headed to austin when suddenly passengers reported hearing an explosion. The number 2 engine on the right side was on fire. Soon, smoke began bleeding into the aircraft. The pilot quickly interrupted radio traffic to tell a controller he was making an emergency landing. Well be on the ground momentarily. With smoke filling the cabin and babies screaming many passengers feared the worst. You cant see the person next to you and youre inhaling smoke and the oxygen masks are not deploying, we all thought there was a major problem. Moments later a smooth landing. 1416 is on the ground. On the ground with fire crews standing by passengers used the emergency evacuation chutes and jumped to safety. Actor jackson wrathbone posted these photos. Our right engine exploded and our cabin filled with smoke. The oxygen masks did not deploy but the brave stewardesses manually deployed them. I wanted to talk to my kids. Im not going back on a plane. I cant. Very scary. Looks like the pilots managed to extinguish the fire from the cockpit. Three people suffered minor injuries, one taken to the hospital for shortness of breath. It happened to me. There wasnt smoke. We landed safely but we had firefighters on the ground. It underscores these planes can fly on one engine if they have to. Back to you. Scary. In the days of cell phone cameras. Oxygen mask selfie. A big day for apple releasing the iphone 6. Back to carson outside the apple store on fifth avenue here in new york with some of his newest friends. You look too good to be in that line. Reporter thank you. As you can see the orange room has gone mobile at the apple store on 58th and new york. In 45 minute this is store will open, people starting to get their phones. Similar all over the world. Weve seen stores open already in japan, in australia, in london, and obviously a lot of happy customers. Though i have to say one story out of perth, australia where the person who was first in line to get their phone had an accident. Take a look at this. A normal iphone. This is the normal iphone 6. Okay. All right. Were doing a reveal. Oh. All good. Was it broken . Dont do that. For the people here. Reporter its chilly out here too so the hands are brisk. But were seeing pictures online from people in the line using the i wait today. Well put some of those up. Ill try to get a video of the line, do hyper laps, well post that to instagram. Other than that you can imagine, people are excited here at the apple store. How early did you get there to put the decal . Reporter took a while. I was here all night. Sure you were. Carson, well see you in a couple minutes. Coming up, are police closer to figuring out what happened to a missing university of virginia student . What they are learning about a person of interest in her disappearance. Csi meets the animal planet. Well give you a rare look inside the Crime Scene Lab that is helping keep animals safe. This is today on nbc. Coming up, jay coffee being poured into a cup. save your coffee from the artificial stuff. Switch to truvia. Great tasting, zerocalorie sweetness from the stevia leaf. Youre watching today in the bay. A very good friday morning to you. 7 26. Im laura garciacannon. In just about a half hour, apple fans finally going to get their hands on the new iphone 6. Bob redell is live in palo alto where some of the iphone faithful have been waiting now for days. Good morning, bob. Reporter yeah, some since tuesday around 3 00 in the afternoon. Youre looking at the start of the line here down university heave here in palo alto. My guest mat is theres probably 300 people online going around the block, waiting for these stores to open in just about 35 minutes so people can get their hands on one of those two objects there. You have the iphone 6, the iphone 6 plus is the second object. Whats most noticeable is theyre much larger than the 5. The 5 has on got the 4 inch screen. The new iphone 6 is a 4. 7 inch screen, the plus is a 5. 5 inch screen. Apple has brought in a lot of extra employees to handle the crowd this morning. What theyve been advertising is this will be a limited supply. One reason youve had a lot of people waiting in line is they didnt want to wait to do the preorder, which youd have to wait until november waiting for the doors to finally open. Thanks, bob. At least the temperatures overnight were kind of mild. Lets check in with christina. Definitely chilly out there. Plenty of 60s out there. This live picture coming in from belvedere, a spectacular sunrise here. Well get more sunshine out there, 84 degrees for the south bay, 78 on the peninsula, 75 for the east shore. A warm day coming your way in the trivalley but not too hot, 85 there. And in the north bay, 70s to low 80s. Lets check your drive. Mike . The bay bridge toll plaza is backed up. Theres a friday drive from hayward, a new crash may cause you to slow right around that target there. And northbound routes sorting themselves out after a couple of early crashes. Another update in half an hour. See you then. Oh, i love this song. You love this song . Yes. You got it. You requested that sunrise, too, right . You dont know the words to it, but thats all right. 7 30 now on a friday morning, the 19th day of september, 2014. Ladies and gentlemen, the musical stylings of hoda kotb. The sun coming up over wilmington, North Carolina. Bring it up. Just for hoda. This is that jake owens song. She thinks its ihoda right now. Who sings this song . Jake owens. Lets leave it that way. I couldnt resist love it. Lets take a look at the headlines. Scotland will remain part of the United Kingdom after voters decided not to become an independent country. The man suspected of ambushing and killing a Pennsylvania State trooper is now on the fbis ten most wanted list and schools in the area remain closed as the manhunt for him continues. Security breach at home depot is bigger than what was originally thought. 56 million credit and debit cards may have been compromised. And coming up, well take you on a rare tour of a oneofakind lab. Its been described as csi meets animal planet. It tracks down those who commit crimes against animals. Its time to share my shine a light project. Ill get some help from a comedy legend. The one, the only, jay leno, who will be here live to make an announcement about what were doing. Thats a good tease. New details in the search for that university of virginia student who is missing now since saturday. Friends and strangers came together thursday night for her as police try to figure out what happened. National correspondent craig melvin has been following this story all week. What can you tell us . It was a week ago tonight that 18yearold Hannah Graham was last seen near the university of virginia. Police have now identified a person of interest theyre looking for as grahams fellow students still look to bring her back safely. On thursday night, when Many College Students normally start going out, they instead lit candles to bring back hannah, not seen since she went out last friday night. Its really amazing to see how tight the uva community is. Its about supporting each other and friends and family of hannahs. Reporter the student was last seen saturday at 1 08 am in this grainy Surveillance Video shot through the doors of this jewelry store. Two minutes earlier, another Security Camera captured graham and then an older, white man following her, who police now call a cooperative witness. He came forward and told police he was following graham because, he said, she looked distressed. As he was following her, he said a black male came up behind her, put his arm around her waist. He said it looked like, from what he could tell, that they either knew each other or he was trying to help her. Reporter police are now searching for a person of interest, black male in his late 20s or early 30s with a close shaved head, goatee and slight beer belly. Police have received 200 tips since releasing these videos that show graham stumbling outside this pub then running past this gas station, though no one seems to be chasing her. They next spotted graham outside this italian restaurant, turned the corner toward the pedestrian mall where she was last seen outside the jewelry store. I think its emotional for everyone because we want to find her. Reporter police are waiting on additional video from some banks near where Hannah Graham was spotted at that pedestrian mall in charlottesville. The city of charlottesville, university of virginia businesses have all banned together, offering a reward for any information leading to the cause of her disappearance. Theyre very much on pins and needles there in charlottesville. Thank you very much. Another check of the weather from mr. Roker. Hey, al. Believe it or not, theres another tropical system threatening the folks down in Cabo San Lucas. My gosh. Thats right. This system has gotten itself together. This one is Tropical Storm polo, 330 miles southeast of Cabo San Lucas, 70mileperhour winds, moving northwest at 8. Right now the miodels keep it of the coast. But theres enough wiggle room we have to watch this. It could cause major problems there, even if it doesnt make a direct hit, the winds and rain could cause problems. A disturbed area of weather from florida all the way to new orleans. Miami is going to be looking at showers and thunderstorms with temperatures in the 80s. This system is going to develop off the florida coast. Going to try to get some tropical systems going there. Some tropical characteristics. It should stay offshore, get caught up by that front, pushed off. Anywhere from one to three inches from florida into southeast carolina coastline, well be watching 7 35, good friday morning to you. I want to show you this time lapse. We did have a little cloud cover to kick off the day in the south bay. Very little to show you from this sunol time lapse. It will be a little bit on the low side on the trivalley. Youre on your way to 83 for the south bay. Getting into the weekend, temperatures will climb for saturday and sunday. Of these celebrity photos. The csi team solving crimes in the animal world right after these messages. Damaged my left eye. So many of these men and women have, have sacrificed so much. Through soldiers to summits, wells fargo supports our veterans by working together to climb mount whitney, these heroes begin their journey of healing. The wounds that you cant see, being with a team helps. You know if they can do it you can do it. Step by step, little by little, we can do a lot. Because small is huge. Introducing made to matter, handpicked by target. Exclusive innovations from brands that truly care about how things are made. Only at target. My son is going to wash the family prius. He insisted on using the rain to save water. Fourteen years ago, i insisted on buying our first prius. Because like toyota, we both know theres a way to do things, and a way to do things even better. The prius. Toyota, lets go places. What 8 grams of protein looks like when you decide water wings are for kids. 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Janet shamlian takes us inside. Reporter behind these walls is an elite and secretive laboratory. This is the only such lab in the world. Reporter Law Enforcement operation like no other. Our job is to link suspect victim and crime scene together just loois likeike a police cri lab only for animals. Reporter solving crimes against wildlife. Im looking for basically a cause of death. Reporter Rebecca Pagan is a pathologist with a passion, trying to learn how a bald eagle died. Another specialist reviews an xray of the bird, both looking for signs of foul play. When animals die, we need to find out why theyre dead so we can protect the ones that are living. Reporter using the most uptodate equipment, like a test fire tank for ballistics. It will tackle 800 cases this year, examining 15,000 pieces of evidence. But its not all high tech. 16 fulltime scientists work here but are assisted for a cast of thousands. These are flesheating beetles that prepare the specimen for examination. It can be eerie, packd with exotic skins of big game. Theyre all here for evidence, helping to prosecute poachers, smugglers and those hunting endangered animals. Were accomplishing something, doing something thats never happened before, doing things that have never been done before. That feels good. Reporter a secret weapon few will ever see in a battle to save the worlds wildlife. Janet shamlian, nbc news, ash land, oregon. Interesting. Could have done without the flesheating beetles. Up to that point, no question about it. Singer adam levine is here and he has a lot to say about his new coaching buddies, pharrell and gwen stefani. Carson daly is outside the apple store as its not every day that you find yourself at the corner of a little flu shot and a world of difference. When you get any immunization at walgreens, youll help provide a lifesaving vaccine to a child in a developing country through the un foundations shot life campaign. Thanks to customers like you, last year we helped supply three million vaccines to children in need. This year, help give even more. Its easy at walgreens. Simply get a shot. And give a shot. At the corner of happy and healthy. Mom usually throws a gogurt in there. Well moms not here today so were doing things dads way. Which means i get. Two. singing snack time and lunch. singing snack time and lunch. Gogurt because lunch needs some fun. Into these starburst minis . They built a factory in miniminneapolis. Theyre experts at shrinking regular starburst. Everythings mini there. Wait, what . [ beeping, whirring ] [ female announcer ] starburst minis. Unexplainably juicy. Lets show em what a breakfast with whole grain fiber can do. One coffee with room, one large mocha latte, medium macchiato, a light hot chocolate hold the whip, two espressos. Make one a double. Shes full and focused. [ barista ] i have two cappuccinos, one coffee with room, one large mocha latte, a medium macchiato, a light hot chocolate hold the whip, and two espressos one with a double shot. Heh, heh. Thats not the coffee talkin. [ female announcer ] start your day with kelloggs frosted mini wheats cereal. With whole wheat goodness on one side and a hint of sweetness on the other, its a delicious way to get the nutrition you want. This is the first power plant in the country to combine solar and natural gas at the same location. During the day, we generate as much electricity as we can using solar. At night and when its cloudy, we use more natural gas. This ensures we can produce Clean Electricity whenever our customers need it. You know, if you play football foryoure gonna learn toid, deal with alot of pain. But it is nothing like the pain that shingles causes. Man when i got shingles it was something awful. It was like being blindsided by some linebacker. You dont see it coming. Boom it was this painful rash of little blisters. Red, ugly stuff. Lots of em. Not a good deal. If youve had chicken pox, uhhuh, we all remember chicken pox. Well that shingles virus is already inside of you. It aint pretty when it comes out. Now im not telling you this so that youll feel sorry for me. Im just here to tell you that one out of three people are gonna end up getting shingles. I was one of em. Take it from a guy whos had his fair share of pain. You dont want to be tackled by shingles. So please go talk to your doctor or pharmacist. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about your risk. Help keep teeth clean and breath fresh. With beneful healthy smile snacks. With soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,its dental that tastes so good. Beneful healthy smile food and snacks. Heres a new trick for the same old dinner. Try unsloppy joes. Pillsbury grands biscuits. Make dinner pop. Lets tawith style. Territory step up the savings and get moving. Yeah, like that. Thats the power of the home depot. 12x24 ceramic tile is now just 1. 48 per square foot. 7 48. Take a look at the line on fifth avenue, some people waiting, in some cases for weeks, for the release of the new iphone. That line is starting to move. Theyll sell those things in a couple of minutes. Carson is out there. I was listening to someone talking about theyve been there for two weeks. What are the rules of the line . Do you get to leave to take a shower, charge your phone, what . Its interesting. This couple behind me in the white sweatshirts, theyre the very first people in line. They got here on the 1st of september. What . Theyve been taking turns. One would stay in line and the other would go to the ymca to use the shower. Prior to midnight when this apple store closed, they would use the restroom inside the apple store. There is that society in the line. People are taking care of each other and looking out for one another. I was here in this very spot almost to the day exactly a year ago when the iphone 5 came out and i made a prediction that none of you guys there were very supportive of. Take a look at this video. You might want to wait because the rumor is that maybe the iphone 6 might be not too far down the line. Carson, dont even start. No, no. It isnt that we werent supportive. We didnt want to hear it. We just wanted the 5 then. Yeah. Well, today is the day. The plus comes out. This store here in new york at this particular location opening up in less than ten minutes. Everybody is going to go in and get their phones. Ten minutes and counting ten minutes and counting as they say here. Theres a second line that formed on the other side of 68th street. At 3 00 this morning, that line is for people who are guaranteed to get a phone. What . Theyve done their preorder, have their confirmation. But even they wanted to get here to be first. Oh, really . I thought that line was for the people youre going to walk up to and do, i told you so. Wait for the 7. No, im not doing that. Hey, carson, when is the 7 coming out . Next month, al. Im just going to stay here. All right. Carson, thank you. Coming up on trending, have you seen this one yet . Its the captains new farewell commercial that has everyone talking. Shine a light on a cause that means a lot to me. Our good buddy, jay leno, will be here live to help us make a big announcement. Plus adam levine after your local news and weather. Altuzarra for target available september 14th. What 8 grams of protein looks like when the Snooze Button becomes the almost late button. Start your day with the power of milk and the good energy of quaker oatmeal. Save your coffee from the artificial stuff. Switch to truvia. Great tasting, zerocalorie sweetness from the stevia leaf. Right here. 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And with every purchase youll earn unlimited double miles. Now were getting somewhere. Whats in your wallet . Now were getting somewhere. If you have moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis like me, and youre talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. Doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. Humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage in many adults. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Talk to your doctor and visit humira. Com this is humira at work hello three grams daily of betaglucan. A soluable fiber from whole grain oat foods like cheerios can help lower cholesterol. Thank you a good friday morning to you. 7 56 right now. Happening right now, hundreds of people are minutes away from getting the device, some of them have been waiting outside for for days. The iphone 6. This is a live look at the apple store in palo alto this morning. Tim cook was actually out there just moments ago. I saw bob redell take a selfie with him. People have been setting up cam sites, sleeping bags just to get their hands on one of those new iphones. Theres tim cook. Our crew will stay there as well. At least the back of his head. Were capturing all the excitement. Also new this morning, take a look at this picture taken less than two hours ago. Thousands of people gearing up for another day fighting the king fire. It is the biggest fire burning in california right now. Earlier this morning we learned it has burned more than 76,000 acres, 12,000 homes have been evacuated between South Lake Tahoe and south meadows. Christina, are they going to get any relief when it comes to the forecast out there . Yes. We can see from our shot here at pacifica. That extends all the way to Sierra Nevada so that will provide some moisture. Well see moisture all week courtesy to the showers from yesterday. Temperatures will be warmer than yesterday, getting more sunshine and a beautiful sea breeze this afternoon. 75 degrees for today. In San Francisco bringing the numbers up for the final weekend of summer. Looking at the bay bridge toll plaza, we do have a backup here. You still have the commute here. Lets look at the southbound and northbound routes are still slow. Its 8 00 on today. Coming up, al shines a light. How he plans to make a difference for our men and women in uniform, with a little help from our friend, jay leno. Plus the selfie suspension. Why this attorney is reportedly under fire for these photos with celebrities. And the man behind the voice. I do have two trophies. The maroon 5 singer dishes on the new season and what he really thinks about new coaches gwen stefani and pharrell williams, today, friday september 19th, 2014. This is the part where i break free cause i cant resist it no more this is the part when i break free were bffs celebrating our 55th birthday. Its my 21st birthday. Birthday on today. I came all the way from tennessee to see matt lauer. Hello from alabama. Came all the way from oklahoma to get a kiss from al roker. Its 8 00 now on a friday morning. Its the 19th day of september, 2014. And we have got a hot steaming crowd here on a friday morning, a big crowd. I found my two favorite people. Who are they . Can i just show you . Two favorite people right here. Come here. Right here. Right here. Theyre from new orleans, too. Come on. How could you tell . You cant beat that. Thats subtle. I like that. By the way, in ally trust. A couple of days ago you went to tell me you saw Jeff Goldblum and said the show was fantastic. I went last night. He is brilliant. Really is. It was incredible. Good tip. Really well done. All right. Carson is up the street from us here. Are they going in . Theyre going in. Carson, take us through it. The doors just opened a few minutes ago. The line is coming in. Who is going to get me a 6 plus . Can you get me a 6 plus . Congratulation. Oh, yeah. Youre there first. You made it. 5,000 people in line for god knows how long. The doors just opened. This is a popular scene not just here in new york, but all across the country. Actually, all over the globe as weve shown you today. It is a huge, huge moment. Iphone 6 and 6 plus are coming out. These new yorkers are happy theyre finally getting inside. All right, carson. I like the guy hauling his sleeping bag in with him. He has been out there all night. Good things come to those who wait. Congratulations to them. Get a check of the top stories from natalie. Good morning once again, everyone. The results are in this morning. Scotland will remain a part of the United Kingdom. Voters in scotland rejected independence by a strong 10 margin. Many polls predicted a much closer race. Voter turnout set records across scotland. British leaders promised scots a greater degree of independence if they stayed in the union. Six children were among the eight people found dead in northern florida after what police are calling a murder suicide. Nbcs Kerry Sanders is in bell, florida, 100 miles southwest of jacksonville. Kerry, good morning. Reporter good morning, natalie. Yes, the authorities still do not know the motive behind this. They cant answer why this happened, but they do know that a 51yearold grandfather killed his daughter and her six children before turning the gun on himself and committing suicide. 4 00 pm, the Gilchrist County Sheriffs Department received a 911 call from the suspected shooter. It was enough to alarm us to get there and we needed to get there in a he had made reference to harming people and himself. Reporter when a deputy arrived on scene, spirit had already shot and killed his 28yearold daughter and his six grandchildren who ranged in age from 11 years to an infant girl, just three months old. The deputy had an undisclosed conversation with the gunman who shot and killed himself before paramedics arrived on scene. This isnt about the gentleman that did this. This is about the four children in memory of them. Reporter police say that don spirit had a criminal history and police have been called to the residence before for a wide range of things. Spirit killed his 8yearold son in what was described as a hunting accident. He served three years on a related gun possession charge. From a small county, were all family here. What can you say, there are certain things in life that you can explain and certain things you cant. This is one i cant explain. Well continue to be a family and work through this. Reporter bell, florida, is an extremely Small Community here with the murder of the daughter and her six children and the suicide, this shooting single handedly killed 2 of the population here. Devastating and theit will be emotionally difficult for everyone here in the days going forward. Horrible tragedy. Thank you. The white house is launching its Media Campaign today to help end sexual assaults on the Nations College campuses. Stop sexual assault. To get in the way before it happens. Reporter celebrities there taking part in its on us Campaign Hope to change Campus Culture that often tolerates sexual assault. The Justice Department is also awarding more than 6 million in grants to 18 colleges to develop prevention and response programs. And you got to see the Surveillance Video to believe it. Look at this video capturing the bold but not very smart art heist or planning to trying to take a painting. Take a look at this guy in the City Center Gallery in birmingham, england. He checks out the painting. Takes it off the wall. He walks off with it under his arm. Cameras didnt capture that but clearly they got their painting back. 8 06 right now. Lets get a check of the weather with al. Announcer todays football weather is brought to you by nfl mobile exclusively from verizon. That was great. Not the brightest art thief. Let me just see if i can get one of these in here. Let me see. Lets show you whats going on as far as your forecast is concerned. How much can you get for these on the street . Anyone need a camera . Look at the showers and thunderstorms making their way gulf coast into texas. Temperatures, it will be toasty. Chilly here in the northeast on into new england. Look for the heat to continue into the southeast. Wet weather as that system makes its way out of florida. The heavy rain leftover around texas. Beautiful day out west. 80 degrees in portland. A huge crowd. 8 07. Our neck of the woods is looking really great for this weekend and of course for your friday. Taking a live look here at san jose. A little haze. Happy to report because of yesterdays showers, good air quality across the board. And its going to be comfortable out there today, albeit warmer. 75 degrees on the east shore. The hot spot, the trivalley. 85 degrees for you. 74 in San Francisco. Lets take a look at your weekend. Temperatures are going to be comfortable. Just a touch warmer for sat and sunday. You know you got that big screen. Youre ready. You want sunday night football night in america. Yeah. The steelers take on the Carolina Panthers sunday night football night in Charlotte Bank of america stadium. Partly cloudy, mild, 72 degrees for sunday night football night in america. Never gets old. Never. Al, dont go too far away because coming up in trending, we have a weathercaster breaking the record for doing the longest weather report. How long . Well tell you. Well also talk to jay leno live about how hes helping al out in shine a light. Its a terrific project that will fill our hearts. Later, adam levine is dishing on the new season of the voice. First, on a friday morning, these messages. J. J. Watt . You know theres a game on tonight right, amy . Oh, i know, but its my turn to chaperone. Right, but you could do both. How . Nfl mobile is now free with the more everything plan from verizon. I have verizon download it, you can watch the game right here. Come on, lets boogie oh, helen. Get coverage of every nfl game on nfl mobile. Included with the more everything plan exclusively from verizon. Nice see, weve completely remodeled the kitchen. Cozy. Lets go check out the pantry its our dunkin dream room amazing wish i had a room like this. Lets make some dunkin. One taste and youll understand. Great remodel. Delicious Dunkin Donuts coffee. Pick some up where you buy groceries. Try new french roast and colombian today. America runs on dunkin. My foot was destroyed when my vehicle was hit by an ied. I lost my right eye; damaged my left eye. So many of these men and women have, have sacrificed so much. Through soldiers to summits, wells fargo supports our veterans by working together to climb mount whitney, these heroes begin their journey of healing. The wounds that you cant see, being with a team helps. You know if they can do it you can do it. Step by step, little by little, we can do a lot. Because small is huge. What we eat and drink can stain our teeth. New Colgate Total lasting white mouthwash strengthens teeth and has an invisible shield that helps block stains like this. For a healthy white smile that lasts. New Colgate Total lasting white. Introducing the leggings studio. More looks than you can imagine. Only at white house black market. Its were back with whats trending today and let us start on a friday morning with the l. A. Lawyer who has lots of friends in high places or does she . Splashy photos show her hobnobbing with everybody from George Clooney to president obama and jennifer garner. There were more than 50 photos like these posted on her firms website. The problem is, many and perhaps all of these photos, have been photo shopped. Thats according to the California Bar association. This morning its recommending that she be suspended for six months for using deceptive advertising. Shes not returned our calls for comments. Those are good photo shops by the way. You cant tell. Are you ready to grab tissues and get misty . Well show you a commercial making grown adults cry. An ad for gatorade celebrating the remarkable career of retiring new york yankees captain derek jeter. Black and white commercial showing jeter on the way to the stadium. At one point gets out of the car and surprises fans. Look at this. This is a real surprise. None of these people knew he was going to come. Been waiting for you to come in here since 98. Wow. So good. Derek jeter said he wanted to use the ad to thank his fans for all of the support. The song. The black and white. The fact that nobody knew he was coming and those are all spontaneous moments. Only seven or eight games left for him. Coming to an end. Sad. Heres something that will make you smile. Forecaster seeing nothing but sunny skies after breaking the world record get this, al for the longest weather report. The previous record was 24 hours. She outlasted that. She went for 33 hours, 19 minutes. The rules allowed her to take a five minute break for every 60 minutes she was on screen so viewers saw her getting a massage in between the forecast, doing the weather in her pajamas. When it was over, she said all she wanted was a beer. She earned her right to a big beer. Al, going for the record . Im going to do it. You are . 33 hours. How are you going to do it . You only get five minutes breaks. Wile do wnbc. I can do wake up with al. With we do this in photogrno . Were doing this. You heard al say it. So when you start youll be clean shaven. Beard for movember. Al is going to try to break the record. Thats whats trending today. All right. This morning its time for al to shine a light. A project close to his heart. Thats our yearlong initiative where all of us try to find ways to give back. What have you come up with . I have been thinking about this one for a long time. Im thrilled about it. When asked how do i want to make a difference . I want to do something for troops abroad fighting to keep us safety back here at home. I decided i wanted to put together a uso comedy tour. Freedom comes at a cost. The people that pay that cost are the service men and women of our armed forces. Here at home and all across the globe, they protect us. They serve us. They keep our freedom secure. We can never repay them for what they do. However, the uso has always been by their side for the past 70 years supporting and comforting, connecting and entertaining in new and imaginative ways. I just want you boys to see what youre fighting for. Thats all. Reporter one of the most visible parts of the uso is the entertainment factor. The legendary bob hope was the face of the uso for so many years. I remember watching nbc with my parents and family as bob hope and countless stars entertained soldiers in far away places we would only hear about and see in the movies. The smiles and laughs and appreciation in the face of those service men and women brought a smile and warmed our homes and hearts. My goal is to take part in that tradition by bringing a little bit of home and a few laughs to our troops abroad. Great. Its going to be amazing. How does this come together now . We put together an allstar lineup. The today uso comedy tour. Well head to the middle east to entertain troops like bob hope did and were so excited to announce the tours headliner, none other than jay leno. Way to go thats cool. Hi, jay. Good morning. Hi, guys. How are you doing . Doing great. When al called did you just drop everything . Any hesitation . When al called to see al do comedy, i will drop everything. No, not me. Im just intro you guys. Hes the emcee. Who else is going to join you and al out there . Al, who else is joining us . We have your buddy kevin and we have the funny Craig Robinson from the office. Hell be joining us. Cannot wait for that. And a very, very talented comedi comedian will be joining us as well. Its a real allstar comedy cast. Jay, you have done this many times before. What is the difference performing for our men and women abroad versus being in a comedy club . Its real different. The first time i did it was operation desert storm. We went right near kuwait. We were right outside of kuwait. We landed in saudi arabia. It was a twohour helicopter ride through the desert. Okay. So then i land. Theres about 60 guys sitting in the sand around a tank. I said to the commanding officer, excuse me, wheres the stage. Just stand on the tank. Okay. Its 120 degrees. I said is there a microphone. We dont have a microphone. Just yell. Theyll hear you. I said this is going to be horrible. I go up there and i tell the first joke. You have to remember these guys havent heard a joke or at least a new one in nine months. All of a sudden they are falling down laughing. Everything i say. I go, i got to get more of these kuwait tank shows. These are fantastic. Fantastic. Greatest audience i ever had. So, jay, since you have done it before, besides learning how to stand on a tank and wearing cooling clothing, what advice can you give to our good friend, al. I am so anxious to see al entertain these troops. I dont know that they are. It will be great fun. They really are the greatest audience in the world and, you know, at my age they are like kids. The average age is 19, 20, 21. It will be a lot of fun. Youre nice to wake up early. What are you doing up in boston . Actually, im the last guy in line for the iphone. This is the end of the line. You need to start moving then. Catch up. Jay leno its not moving. I hope to be in hartford in about four hours. We are going to have a blast. Jay, thank you so much. And of course uso, a Nonprofit Organization so you want to help out. Head to crowdrise. Com roker to donate to the uso. It will be a lot of fun. Thanks, guys. Up next, an eye opening look at teens and Prescription Drug use. Were back in 15 seconds. 8 21. Were back with more of our special secret lives of teens. This morning we have a look at how teenagers are abusing Prescription Drugs. Many of them are taking the pills out of their parents medicine cabinets. Maria shriver spoke to a team filmmaker who exposed the problem among his friends and he says its happening everywhere. I am 17 and i made this film to show parents what kids are really doing with Prescription Drugs. Reporter in his short film out of reach, he goes where no teen has gone before. I can go into my parents bathroom and there are just rows and rows of pill bottles. Of pain meds. Thats where people get it from. Reporter its startling interviews with kids at his Dallas High School and he takes us inside the secret world of teens raiding their family cabinets for a quick high. It doesnt look harmful. Theres no needle. They have no idea what theyre taking in a lot of cases. Reporter he exposes what experts say is a national problem. My friends today have these parties basically they all bring their parents old drugs or just Prescription Drugs and they pour them all in a bowl and they take them. What we found out was going into the restroom and students before a test would go into the stall and pop a pill and trade more hard drugs and take them as if it was vitamin c. Reporter its spreading to middle school. Prescription drugs are now the number one most abused drugs among 12 and 13 year olds but most parents never warn their kids about the danger. We see parents modeling the wrong behavior. They share pain medicines with their kids. They share antibiotics among the family. When they are misused in any way, they cannot only be dangerous but deadly. As a mom, shari learned that the hard way. We got a phone call. You need to get to the hospital. Aaron is not breathing. Reporter her son, aaron, was a High School Football star with a Bright Future but behind his parents back, aaron was an addict secretly abusing painkillers to get high. How in the dark were you and your husband about his habit . Extremely in the dark. We were involved parents in religious training, in boy scouts, in pta, in the classroom. We still had no idea. Reporter one night all that changed. Aaron was at a friends house and accidentally overdosed leaving him with permanent brain damage. Today he cant talk or walk. His parents must care for him around the clock. The challenges that he and our family have to live with every day are insurmountable. Reporter you view aaron as a soldier in a war. Do you think our kids are at war with Prescription Drugs . Absolutely. We need to educate ourselves to when your child is approached to take this, its just like marijuana but better, they will have the proper knowledge to not take it. Every 14 minutes someone in our country dies from a Prescription Drug overdose. Reporter its a message they now take to teens across the country. If one kid in the room listens and makes a good choice, they have saved their family a tragic heartache. That was Maria Shriver reporting. If you want more information and learn three things that parents can do to prevent Prescription Drug abuse, head to today. Com. Coming up, well share a touching tribute from good morning. Its 8 26. Im laura garcia cannon. New video just in of apple ceo tim cook opening the doors welcoming hundreds of iphone fanatics into the apple store in palo alto. Theyre there for the same reason, to get their hands on the new iphones. Many of these people camped out on the sidewalk for days just so they could be among the first to own the newest apple device. Want to check the morning commute. How is it around palo alto . Probably pretty crowded around university avenue. Over here looking at dublin 580. Its got a crowd but not so bad. We just see haze. The reason i was looking, as we look at the map, there was a car fire reported a little farther east. It looks like it has cleared. Things starting to move a little better here. Eastbound traffic will slow down getting out of the area toward tahoe, perhaps, around 2 00 in the afternoon. 50 is open towards South Lake Tahoe. There is Traffic Control around the smoke. Toll plaza has the backup. The metering lights are on there. A pretty light commute around the but, but you still have one. It is friday. Thats the good news. Well have another local news update, including a look at the forecast and a peek at the weekend as well. Hope you have a great friday morning. Cant hold my breath boom, boom, shake the room the unstoppable offender boom, boom, shake the room the unstoppable [ male announcer ] an Electric City car here. Makes about as much sense as a gas guzzling suv here. The quick charging, zero emission, allelectric smart electric drive. Just 139 a month. Nothing made me smile more than when she would crack herself up before she even got to the punch line of a joke. I mean, she knew what was come ing and she was laughing before she even said the funny part. She looked so hot, because i was there at the wedding and i was with peter and he said, wow its 8 30 now on a friday morning. Its the 19th day of september, 2014. And that was Melissa Rivers paying tribute to her mom, joan, who passed away a couple of weeks ago. Our sister network, e will be debut iing Passion Police 8 00. Look whos back. I have phones for everybody. Its going to cost you, three times what you pay no, its not far. The apple store is close by. What a scene this morning. Something else. Did you get a special red one for adam levine. No. I should. Im sure he has plenty. Well talk with adam anyway little bit, also getting ready for the voice that kicks off monday. And its a good one. Speaking out a lot about his fellow coaches, pharrell and gwen stefani, along with blake. He is speaking openly and freely. As usual. How about a check of your weather . Your weekend ahead, a gorgeous day in the northeast with temperatures nice and seasonal. Unfortunately, our friends in texas still going to be dealing with the remnants of odile. 90 degrees in portland saturday and then sunday, sunday look for more wet weather moving into northern parts of new york, new england, back into the mid Mississippi River valley, wet weather into the four corners. Sunshine and warmth continues in the happy friday, bay area. Taking a live look at tiburon socked in with clouds at this point. Theyre not going to be there all day. In fact, were going to slowly clear you out. Expecting a clear sky by midmorning, and temperatures will be warm today. 84 degrees in the south bay. The peninsula at 78 degrees. 75 for the east shore. The warm spot will be out in the trivalley. About 85 degrees for today. Mid70s for San Francisco. Low 80s on the way to the north bay. Getting into your allimportant weekend, temperatures will climb for both saturday and sunday, and then well cool you off towards the beginning of next week. Tamron hall dont forget, get your weather any time you need it. Go to weather. Com. Heres hoda. Thank you so much. Its been a tough go of the late for the nfl. Were kicking off a series called together we make football. A really good story about how one nfl player is making a dream come true for one of his biggest fans. Josh, good morning. Good morning to you. This big fan, a great person unto himself and the family youre going to meet in moments. A series that took us to North Carolina this week where we met a very courageous 13yearold named austin smith, who is not exactly like other kids. And, for that, we can all be very thankful. We were in the hospital. Austin just had his surgery. The nurses and everyone knew that he was a big panthers fan. We had it all decorated up, balloons and everything. Community relations girl came into our room and said cam newton happens to be here visiting some kids. Would you like him to come in and visit you . They asked me if i wanted him to come up and i said no because i was in so much pain, i didnt want cam to see me like this. Austin was born at 28 weeks, 12 weeks early and was not really able to walk until the age of 3. And thats what clued in his doctors that he had cerebral palsy. Sitting down, were watching the game. I remember him turning to me and saying, i wonder which team will draft me. You cant turn to a 5yearold and tell him youre never going to play in the nfl, you know. You dont do that. Instead, he took his son to his first Carolina Panthers game where they saw a promotion for a challenger flag football league, created for children with disabilities. He would finally be able to play football. Something that he really loved to do. I thought it was the best. The best ever. He was definitely a leader and even his coach says that the only problem that they have with austin is that they score too fast. Touchdown his whole demeanor went from oh, woe is me to, i can do this. I can lead. I can, you know, be in charge. Im your host and commissioner, austin smith. Lets jump right into it. From fantasy commissioner to field general, austins life now has far fewer boundaries. Austin loves football because it gives him a confidence that theres no limit to what he can do. So excited, austin is here with his parents, darryl and tracy smith, his sister, lauren. Good morning to you. Youve got quite the arm, by the way, ive got to say. Youve been working on that, huh . Yeah. I have to be honest with you, austin. Im a saints fan. I know your panthers are in the same division as my saints. Tell her like it is, austin. What are my chances . At most an 88, but probably a 610. Austin darryl and tracy, what is it like to see your son living his dream . Its amazing. When he was younger, he asked my husband when he would be drafted and, you know, what do you tell a 3 or 4yearold . You cant tell him, you wont be drafted. But then he got this opportunity to play on the challenger Flag Football Team and its been incredible for him. Cant doesnt seem to be in your vocabulary at all. Thats right. The motto of the panthers, keep pounding and austin certainly lives that. He keeps pounding every day. Austin, meeting the qb . That was awesome. Tell me what that felt like. It was awesome to meet him. Hes really tall. Its just crazy that i finally got to meet him. What did he say to you . That he likes my swag. He likes your swag . Okay. Big, strong swag. You guys talked about madden. Yes. You found out his name is actually ace boogie. And it was great to meet him. But i do want to tell you, actually, ace boogie had another message for you. Take a look. Hey, austin, i know youre in new york this morning. I have a special surprise for you. I would like to invite you to the Carolina Panthers game versus the Pittsburgh Steelers and who else guest would you like to be . None other than your boy, ace bogie himself. Cant wait to see you. How about that . Awesome. Youll go sit in his personal seats this weekend, sunday night, when they play the steelers. All right . Ill be there. Im going to come by and spend some time with you. I want to thank you guys. Terrific. Really great. You keep it up, all right . Remember us. Definitely. And thank you for telling her like its. You know i love you still. Hey, look, head to today. Com to learn more how you can share your football stories, your stories of what the game has meant to folks like austin smith. And you can enter for a chance to win the ultimate trip, super bowl 49. Making it easier on amy van dykens road to recovery. And adam levine, how he dykens road to recovery. And adam levine, how he start shopping a new way. Start maximizing at the place where you always get more than you pay for. T. J. Maxx. Brands you love, prices that work for you. You deserve it. Maxx life at t. J. Maxx. Rolling up. On living room couches thats Country Music legend Kenny Chesney out with a new album next week. Kenny will be on our concert stage next week for a special Tuesday Morning concert on the plaza. Its called good mood music. You can catch that concert and every moment of today when you take us to your car. Who doesnt want more of us . Sirius xm channel 108. Us in the trunk of their car. Exactly. Now another music man we are talking about. Adam levine, the newlywed is busy with the new season of the voice but is also making time to talk with us about that new season and how he feels about his fellow coaches. Here is willie. Adam levine is a man of many talents. Movie star, rock star and one of the head judges on nbcs the voice. Good to see you, man. Its coaches, actually. We prefer coaches on the voice. Judge sounds judgy. Coach like im helping and judge is like im judging. Got it. Forgive me. One of the head coaches, adam levine. Lets talk about the season. Weve got new coaches in. Whats the new dynamic there . Yeah. Were super lucky, because i think that every time you present new people into the equation, it can you dont know what its going to be like. And we were just, once again, extremely lucky and gwen and pharrell are amazing. I love both of them so so much already that its going to be a blast. It has been a blast. Im sure it will continue to be. Whats different about them, than ceelo and some of these other coaches . Gwen is in a band. Pharrell is multitalented. He is a song writer, an artist and does a a little bit of everything. Huge fan of those two as well. The coaches on the show are the a of the a list in music. Do you think you and blake made it okay for other artists to come into what others viewed initially as a reality show . I think so. I think we were a little scared when we did it. I dont know. What were we doing . You know . I do think that the success of the show and credibility of the show has kind of caused a lot of other artists in our position to at least think about it, because its just the world is a different place now. Different how when you say that . Different in that you can now launch a single on a reality singing competition and its very effective, much like back in the day when youre performing on a huge talk show and it was out to 10, 12 million people, it had a big impact. I think its a really great vehicle for everyone to promote their music and also a great show for someone to be involved in. Obviously, if people like pharrell and gwen are signing on, it just shows you the extent of the credibility of the show. You, usher, shakira, ive had so many people say i didnt know i liked him or her before i watched this show. Can you talk about what this show has done personally will you in your career . Yeah, i dont think that anybody it does give you a chance to show who you are. Its wonderful to show my personality with people and show a side of myself that was, you know, the more desirable side of myself. Not that theres another side. Theres a deeply inappropriate side. You and blake, obviously, have this rivalry going on the show. Youve had it since the first season of the voice. How ugly do things get between the two of you . Blake is a terrible person, like down to his core. Right. So, hes just so i dont really take him seriously as a human being. So its good. It frees me up to joke around. I cant think of one thing i like about him. Really . Yeah. Its really hard. Hes kind of funny, you know . Not sure if thats lack of iq or just sheer stupidity. Wow or maybe hes like a savant genius of some kind. I highly doubt that. But hes a real bad guy. This is going to be a good season, you and blake. Love you, buddy, if youre at home. Thanks so much, adam. You can catch the season premiere of the voice this monday at 8 00 on nbc. Got goosebumps, that was so touching. Willie, thank you. Coming up next, george to the rescue helps amy van dykenrouen renovate her house after that accident left her paralyzed. Well have more on her road to recovery. First, this is today on nbc. Back now at 8 47 with home stories. On george to the rescue, is he looking at ways to take what you already have and use it differently and does these renovations for truly deserving people. Nice to see you. Good morning, matt, hoda. You did some work for a friend of matts. Friend of the shows, actually. Amy van dykenrouen. She is an inspiration. Even more than that, she is a fantastic human being. Proud to call her a friend. Obviously she has needs now that shes in a wheelchair. What kind of things did you do . Probably number one for her was carpets. We ripped out all the carpet in her house. We put down beautiful tile floors that look like wood and then in her closet, what theyre showing right now, we made her closet racks come to her rather than having to go to the closet. Incredible. We renovated the whole closet. She can pull it down, get what she needs, gives her independence. She texted me after you were there and saw the improvements and she was thrilled. That is terrific. Nice job. George, take us through some things that we can do in our own home. All right. This is a little different than what we did for amy. These are cool things ive come up with that weve used on the show or around my house. This is pvc piping. This is a big pvc pipe. You can use anywhere from half inch to what we have here. You can make it like a pyramid. Glue it like so. So we can store things. You want to let it dry. Make it into a wine rack, shoe ro rack. What did you say . Wine rack. In hodas house, wine doesnt last long enough to ever build a rack. Ha, ha, ha. Crafts. It can go as long as you continue to go up in that shape, you can go as high as you want. Smart. Little storage piece of advice as youre combining Crown Moldings and shoes. On the rescue, we always end up with scrap Crown Molding and came up with this idea my wifes shoes are always on the floor in the closet. Crown molding has this nice little edge. Can you paint it a cool color and then literally the heels just hang right on it. Decorative element, use it as a decorative element in your house anyway. Little adhesive and a couple of screws . You can use adhesive. Some are strng enough. I use screws just because i hate when things come crashing down. Would you put that on your wall or in your closet . On the wall inside my closet. If you have an amazing shoe collection, you could do the whole wall in shoes. Not really. Create a little shoe museum. A shoeseum, okay. Now youve taken items everybody has in their home. Beautiful towel racks, toilet paper holders. Instead of using it for toilet paper, you can use it for your jewelry. Smart, really smart. Put it in your closet as well, your bathroom, wherever you want. My wife, again, her necklaces get all balled up and stuff like that. There was just the jewelry drawer. Why not hang them . Use s hooks, old towel rings. It looks pretty. But in the dark dont reach for this things its toilet paper. That would hurt. Move it away from the toilet to another part of the bathroom, maybe in the closet. George, great advice. Thanks, honey. My pleasure, guys. Check your local listings and find out when you can catch the season premiere of george to the rescue on nbc. This is today on nbc. Yes, it is. Yes, it is. Cant hold my breath boom, boom, shake the room the unstoppable offender boom, boom, shake the room the unstoppable [ male announcer ] an Electric City car here. Makes about as much sense as a gas guzzling suv here. The quick charging, zero emission, allelectric smart electric drive. Just 139 a month. Were back on this friday morning with special birthday wishes from mr. Willard scott. Good morning, willard. Here we are at the Stonington Harbor marina. Happy birthday to the lovely lois huffman, 100 years old today, roanoke, virginia. Quilter extraordinaire and blanche arrington, 114. How about that . Happy birthday, jacksonville, in the good state of florida. Wish her happy birthday. Mother of 13 fantastic children. Happy birthday to louis, louis waltz, 100 years old from stuart, iowa. He loves to collect antique cars and tractors. Royal preston, 100 years old today, springfield, vergina. Wish him a very happy birthday. He loves all kinds of art and sweet foods. Okay, gang. Now back to the city that never sleeps. Back to new york. All right, willard, thank you very much. Gangs all here. Carson, fresh from his iphone extravaganza. What are you talking about . Do you drink snapple . Anybody drink snapple . Sure. You know the facts under the top . Well show you how they come up with those facts, the team responsible. Thats amazing. 14,000. And two of them wrong. Interesting. Check of hollywood. Show you whats coming up. Cooking with spanish flare. Huge, good friday morning to you. Im meteorologist anthony slaughter. Were waking up to cloudy skies on this friday after yesterday seeing that rain. Definitely feels like fall in the air today. Temperatures not going to be as warm. In fact, its going to be very pleasant. A little bit on the warm side in the south bay. In the low 80s. The peninsula, youll be in the mid to upper 70s with sunshine. Even talking about sun over near palo alto in the next couple hours. The north bay, as you can see, still clearing out. Well see sunshine. In fact, by midmorning were going to be looking at plenty of sun. By this weekend, its going to warm up. The final week of summer, and look at this. Temperatures not even that warm. Really comfortable. Even in San Francisco. Low to mid70s. Next chance of rain arrives next week by wednesday. Cant say thank you enough. You have made my life special by being apart of it. everyone cheers glad you made it buddy. Thanks for inviting me. Thanks again my friends. For everything, for all your help. Through all lifes milestones, our trusted advisors are with you every step of the way. Congratulations thanks for helping me plan for my retirement. You should Come Celebrate with us. Id be honored. Plan for your goals with advisors you know and trust. So you can celebrate today and feel confident about tomorrow. Chase. So you can. From nbc news, this is todays take with al roker, natalie morales, tamron hall. From studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Welcome to today. It is friday morning, september 19th. A crp, autumn day here in new york city. Big crowd. Tomorrow is officially, is it tomorrow . Tuesday. Youre ready for fall. Im already like the wardrobe changing. All the stores have changed. Its very fall now. Somewhere happens that has a little warmer weather, forget about it. We have jacket and scarves outside right now, though e. Im willie along with al. You know our names. We dont need to say that. Lets talk about the iphone. You know eme. You know me. Thats right. Willis. Bam bam. And rok down on the end. Rok. Thats like on love boat. Well, not only is it friday, it is i call them 6 day and 6 plus day. They went on sale today in new york and apple fifth avenue store stretched 12 city blocks and the store opened at 8 00 this morning and store opened 24 7 but closed at midnight to get ready for this wave. Pull out and show you the map here. Goes up fifth avenue. I passed these folk es this morning. What did you yell . Get me one look, ive got one started chasing me with pitch forks. It was great. Carson was out there all morning for us. It was funny. He was holding them and nobody paid any attention to him. I got them. What i love, they open this thing worldwide and we got this video of this guy who got the first one in australia. This is epic. This probably happened to some of you. It is just a normal iphone 6. All right. Were doing an unveil. Oh oh its okay. Was it okay . The reporter is laughing. But you could hear the whole crowd in the background. Like at a restaurant when someone drops the glass. But i love all the splashes and people were taking pictures. Unbelievable. The boxes are hard to open. They get that little vacuum suction thing. Open your phone slowly. Apple says over a bed. And use gloves. Use white gloves. Apple tells us preorders for iphone 6 topped previous records. 4 million sales in the first 24 hours. And the apple website order the iphone 6 you get it in seven to ten business days. All these folks standing online. You can order online. Some people are standing in line because they preordered already. The line that was going down fifth avenue were for people who preordered. Theyre guaranteed a phone. Theyre picking up. Have you ever stood in line for something for more than like an hour or two . No. I have no patience for a line. I dont think so. Trick question. I will pay somebody. Heres how were going to work this out. Yeah, no, im not a line person. What do you do . Am i boring you . You know were on it, v right . Preorder. Listen, i learned so much from this show. I called our executive producer the other day and i said, the pad thai is bad for you. I eat pad thai like two days a week i took one bite of my weekly pad thai and i was like, just not the same. I just learned i can get my phone in seven to ten days. But you werent eating pad thai during the show. Shes that person you go out to lunch with and you tell them your deepest darkest secrets. Oh, great, yeah. She left you. Im on. Fine, its my turn. Take the phone. This is actually a good story worth looking up from buying my new iphone. From long beach, california, to austin, texas, with 147 people onboard. Had a midair emergency. We heard about emergencies often and thankfully everyone was okay, but the scene that played out on that aircraft absolutely incredible. When apparently ethe explosion of the number two right engine and the oxygen masks dropped and the cabin filled with smoke. Not all of that dropped. A few of them did not. You could hear babies screaming in the background. Take a listen to what one man said happened. The person next to you and youre inhaling smoke and the oxygen masks are not deploying. We all thought there was a major problem. So, you know he said that the flight attendants actually had to come down the aisle and manually deploy them. Gave them a lot of credit. Amazing. Land safely back in long beach, fire crews standing by and people jumping out on the slide. Those emergency chutes. You actually had something happen. About seven years ago i was on a flight from cincinnati to laguardia. A latenight flight and smoke started filling the cockpit. I was reading and i was having trouble seeing and then i look up and then i see the cabin is filling with smoke. Just as the pilot gets on, were going to deploy to philadelphia just everybody hang tight, well be on the ground in 15 minutes and it was the longest 15 minutes. What did you do . I started writing a letter to deborah and things to tell the kids. We were hitting some turbulence and people are screaming and i thought, this is it. When you landed you called deborah. It was about 12 30 and she said, why are you calling me e . Do you know what time it is . You wrote her the love letter of a lifetime. Im alive. Thats all you need to know. You want a phone, too . I would like one. Get me the nice one with all the fixings. You want one . You want the gold . You want gold . You are the best. Thank you so much, tamron. Seven to ten days. Yeah thank you, tamron hall. With all the features, too. You have to get not if you buy them just out right. Good luck with that. News nation, iphone nation. Im just counting seven to ten days. Are you getting the 6 or 6 plus. Shes getting the 6. Were all getting 6 pluses. Im just saying that women, the clutch bag rule. Because we take clutch bags if you go to dinner or something. This is about the size of a clutch. You have to is yourself, lipstick, powder, gum or mints, phone yeah. Will it close. Its not that simple, mr. Roker. Oh, yeah, thats what you have rubber bnbands. Just wrap it around and keep it closed. It doesnt pass the test where you can put the phone in here. That doesnt work. This is friday. Pardon me, ive got a text coming in. Because you have to reach in too many times. Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat. This time for sure. I can only see you on a date, natalie. Is that my phone ringing . Someones calling me. But its a thought. Its been a shocking week. This is a great story. This prince harry story. I love this story. You know, hes been doing the Invictus Games and 30th birthday decided to do something. Give back. Closing ceremony and little 5yearold isabella was crying because she couldnt see the stage to see the concert. For the Wounded Warrior and the injured service members. Harry has given so much of his time to that. Look what harry decides to go and do. Picks her up and puts her right on top. The whole time, though, she had no idea whose shoulders she was on. Is that right . Meanwhile, we should say her father was the captain of great britains Basketball Team and they ended up winning their game. He lost his soldier in an i. E. D. Blast in 2004. Prince harry danced with her on his shoulders. At the end her mom says, you were dancing with prince harry. Now she is calling herself a princess. You know who wanted to be a little princess. Our producer adam miller. Oh, come on. Whos not swooning. Adam . To be so lucky. Hes so charming. That would be a dream come true. Really . Yeah. There you go. Oh, my gosh. Al, can we just say you are so excited. You are prepared to do something that i think is just going to be one of the best things weve ever done on this show. Well, i like countless americans watched when we were kids bob hope and the uso tour. Past 70 years the uso has taken care of our troops emotionally and physically and bob hope was the face of the uso. So, as part of our today shine a light series, were putting together an allstar comedy show. Weve got jay leno, Craig Robinson and kevin eubanks. Were going to the middle east some time this fall and were going to perform for the troops. In fact, jay joined us live to talk about getting onboard. When al called, did you just drop everything . Any hesitation . When al called. To see al do comedy, i will drop everything. No, not me. Im just introing you. I love it. Jay, literally, i called him and he just said, yes. He didnt ask when, he didnt ask where we were going. What a cool guy. Will you write your own jokes . Im not doing jokes. Im just introing people. A great emcee has jokes. You have to bring it. Heres what im going to do. Im bringing your phone and ordering iphone for all the troops. But for the trpoops, i would do it. Very excited for security purposes were not saying when and where. If you want to donate, please, keep the donations comi coming. Great idea, al. Keep the donations coming in. We still have a lot of wet weather in texas because of odile still hanging in there. Both ends of texas. I mean, youve got just here in the western edge of texas and you have heavy showers and thunderstorms and then you have heavy rain in houston, as well. Look at the streets, i mean, it is just continuing to come down. Weve got flash flood watches in effect all day today. In fact, flash flood warnings for houston, the metropolitan houston area and there in western texas were keeping an eye on that. Heres the deal, a lot of rain coming down. Talking about six inches of rain possible near houston and flash flood threat continues in the panhandle and northern texas, as well. We continue to watch this situation because we have had flash flooding overnight through parts of el paso and austin, texas, as well. Good morning. Across the bay area this morning, we woke up to clear skies in our inland valleys. That fog already pushing back at the coastline. However, a different story at the coast. Still fogged in, in San Francisco. Even in the north bay, right now were starting to see sunshine in the peninsula. Youll notice those highs today very comfortable. Low 80s for the south bay. East shore, right in the mid70s. Room temperature there. Places like the trivalley, youre going to be warm. In the north bay today, 83 degrees. Not a bad day. Have a good weekend. All right. Thats your latest weather. Growing a beard, what is going on . Hey, al, i have to tell you about something. Last night i went to back to school night. George geist kindergarten class what theyre doing this year and what the day looks like. The morning routine begins with this. If you look closely, thats ms. Smith, the great ms. Smith. Thats the smartboard. What they do is click on al rokers face and when you click on al rokers face the days forecast comes up. Lets see if it works. Like a bad three stooges routine. Its not working. This app is broken. They touch it. Its not because, you know, im georges dad. Theyve been doing this for years. Thats how they start their day. Somebody goes up and touches the smart board. You know whats funny, okay, dont tell the kids. They push the button and then al pops up in the class. Oh. Lets do that. Maybe at the end of the year. Al roker. Maybe the kindergarten to first grade. Up next, a sneak peek at the new hunger games film and gives up clothes for good. What . Right after this. Good. Two medium cappuccinos lets show em what a breakfast with whole grain fiber can do. One coffee with room, one large mocha latte, medium macchiato, a light hot chocolate hold the whip, two espressos. Make one a double. Shes full and focused. [ barista ] i have two cappuccinos, one coffee with room, one large mocha latte, a medium macchiato, a light hot chocolate hold the whip, and two espressos one with a double shot. Heh, heh. Thats not the coffee talkin. [ female announcer ] start your day with kelloggs frosted mini wheats cereal. With whole wheat goodness on one side and a hint of sweetness on the other, its a delicious way to get the nutrition you want. Apthai shrimp salad,bos now with crisp greens,wway juicy shrimp, and sliced almonds. All tossed with a chili lime vinaigrette. Better lunch choices never tasted so good. Under 600 calorie lunch combos starting at just 6. 99 only at applebees. Or theyll be ready for pickup when you order online. Just apply inside smolder like never before. New master kajal kohl liner, from maybelline new york. Our first easy glide cone for inner eye line pow. Smoldering from the inside out. New master kajal. In 4 mesmerizing shades. Get the look at maybelline. Com maybe its maybelline. coffee being poured into a cup. save your coffee from the artificial stuff. Switch to truvia. Great tasting, zerocalorie sweetness from the stevia leaf. Acidity was in my diet. Much that it was damaging the enamel of my teeth. I wanted to fix it right away. My dentist recommended pronamel. He said pronamel can make my teeth stronger. Pronamel is helping me lead the life that i want to live. If theres a way to take corn on the cob, and make it even better with a packet of Hidden Valley original ranch . Well. Im all ears. Ranch corn Hidden Valley it. Olive gardens buy one, take one, starting at just 12. 99. Its back, but not for long. Choose from a variety of entrees to enjoy today. Like new creamy citrus chicken, and take home a second entree free buy one, take one starting at just 12. 99. At olive garden. The answer to treating your dogs fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. Nexgard, from the makers of frontline® plus. Its the only soft, beefflavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. Vets recommend it. And dogs, well, theyre begging for it. Nexgard is for dogs only. And hasnt been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. Reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. Use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. Recommended by vets. Loved by dogs. From the makers of frontline plus. Jenny mccarthy loses her wedding ring. Usa today entertainment reporter, talking about Jenny Mccarthy losing her wedding ring. Before we get to that, congratulations. We noticed i cannot lose this. You got engaged. I did. Congratulations. Thank you. Thats great. Shes only been married three weeks but she has lost her wedding ring. She married donnie wahlberg, one of the new kids on the block and she was on a tv show and said, guys, i lost the ring already. How . How do you lose your wedding ring . Exactly. Have they gotten it back . She said they lost it, having a little honeymoon fun, if you know what i mean. What . She took it off because she said you cant get friendly with your husband with your ring on. Im very confused by. What . Could you please elaborate on that . No, i cant, willie. Lets move on. Family show. Well move on to the photo of the week. And one of huge fan, all of us. Yes. Huge fan of Benedict Cumberbach and has a reason a lot of his fans are loving him even more. He is doing something good. The cumberhunk is coming out of the lake. Cumberhunk . Yes, you heard correctly. This is for cancer research. Im not sure how this helps science. Doesnt matter. Whatever, ill take it. Recreating pride and prejudice. It is reminiscent of colin firth. For science. Charity, science. Okay. Okay. Tamron is in a trance. Our next photo, sarah palin was photographed leaving her workout class makeup free and compared herself to a sheep dog . She tried to take the venom out of the paparazzi shot. She said i was in hot yoga. Who looks good coming out of hot yoga . She poked fun at herself, which is good for her. Joe mamganella, pumping a little iron. Pumping a lot of iron. Oh those arms need their own zip code. What . What . Huge. He was already ripped and is just getting bigger and bigger. To this, i say, sophia vergara, youve got a good one. Mock jay, hunger games, mocking jay part one. Jennifer lawrence is back as katnis. Shes trying to save peta. President snow is as evil as ever. A lot of people are excited about this. Philip seymour hoffman, one of his last performances. So excited. Thank you so much. And congratulations. Thank you. And congratulations our producer, adam, has an interesting bit of trivia for us. Go ahead. Did you know most elephants weigh less than the tongue of a blue whale . Did you know that . Really . Snapple cap. Cant say as i do. I learned something. Here is a little bit of trivia. What . Adam will do anything to get on camera. Noticed that cameo there. Come on. Go ahead. Exclusive look at how the folks at snapple come up with those snapply bottle cap hi, im jay farner, president of quicken loans. And were here in detroit with our amazing team members. The best part about working with quicken loans, is that you have a mortgage expert on the other line thats always gonna find out the best possible solution. We just dont treat you as a loan number. We wanna make sure that we help you out. Were people just like them. Ya know, and we know that they have jobs, they have kids, they have soccer. Their home is where their heart is. So we wanna make sure that we take care of them. Call quicken loans today for a mortgage experience thats engineered to amaze bring the delicious taste of hersheys chocolate to anything everything. With hersheys spreads, the possibilities are delicious. Why not your eye color . New air optix® colors prescription contact lenses enhance your eye color for a naturally beautiful look with consistent comfort. Find your perfect color and get a free trial offer at airoptixcolors. Com. Find your perfect color and get a free trial offer make dinner about dancing, and add excitement to mealtime with a variety of food at petsmart. Now, get select authority® cat and dog food starting at 7. 99 only at petsmart®. Grilled chicken, pico, fresh greens, cilantro, avocado, tortilla strips, and a drizzle of margarita sauce, all served with a bowl of soup. Chilis fresh mex bowls from our lunch combo menu starting at 6 bucks. More life happens here. Heres something fun to do with hot dogs. Make easy crescent dogs. Pillsbury crescent rolls. Make dinner pop. Just apply inside smolder like never before. New master kajal kohl liner, from maybelline new york. Our first easy glide cone for inner eye line pow. Smoldering from the inside out. New master kajal. In 4 mesmerizing shades. Get the look at maybelline. Com maybe its maybelline. door knock love it. Say bounty paper towels are the best . Theyre a must. Yes, i did. This is viva® vantage, and its different because of the stretch. Wow, thats awesome. That stretch means scrubbing power. I never knew paper towels could do that. Viva® vantage. The towel more people prefer. Taking a look at the headlines. Home depots data breach may be bigger than targets. 56 million cards were likely compromised by a cyber attack that took place between april and september. The company says the virus has been removed. Federal investigators say they have found no evidence that new Jersey Governor Chris Christie knew in advance about last years lane closures on the George Washington bridge. Officials opened the investigation to find out if the closures were political payback against the democratic mayor of ft. Lee, new jersey. Procter gamble says it will start removing plastic microbeads from several types of crest toothpaste that contain them. They insist the plastic beet beads are safe, the Company Acknowledges there is growing consumer demand to remove them. The beads are approved by the fda. It was no stroke of genius when a young man tried to steal a painting at an art gallery in england. He looks around to make sure the coast is clear, picks the picture up off the wall, tries to stuff is in his sweatshirt, realizes its too bag bigg and to stuff is in his sweatshirt, realizes its too bag bigg and walks out with it under hisst want to feel Natures Energy . Learn to see it through a different set of eyes listen to its sounds and explore all the different sensations. This is nature. See it or not, it always fills you with energy. Save your coffee from the artificial stuff. Switch to truvia. Great tasting, zerocalorie sweetness from the stevia leaf. Very good friday morning to you. 9 26 now. Im laura garciacannon. We have some new video to show you of some very happy people in palo alto. Thats a happy man showing you his phone. Finally got his hands on the newest iphone 6. This is vine video posted by today in the bays bob rydell. After spending 48plus hours on the sidewalk outside the store, they were welcomed by none other than apple ceo tim cook. About an hour and a half ago. Some people we talked to had been waiting there since tuesday. One man paid even 300 just for a spot to stand in line near the front of the line. From pricey hightech gadgets to booze, the auditor released a report showing City Employees have apparently used cityissued credit cards to buy expensive dinners, electronics, and even to rent a bmw. Those credit cards are paid with taxpayer dollars. Well take a quick break and be back with weather and traffic. Weekend back. This morning, clear skies already now. In the south bay, this is our time lapse from our friends at weather underground. That fog pushed all the way back to the coastline. Still foggy in San Francisco. Those microclimates in full effect. This afternoon, temperatures very comfortable, especially after the rain we saw yesterday. The atmosphere is a little more clean, so we dont have those respiratory ailments to deal with. The peninsula a little warmer. Even in the south bay and the north bay, expect low 80s for today. Were talking about our next chance of rain by next wednesday. Well talk about that coming up this morning on today in the bay at 11 00. Mike, hows that road looking . More rain, all right. But right now were getting over yesterdays rain. Over here the bay bridge toll plaza still has the metering lights on. Not so dramatic as the rest of the days this week. Oakland, for example, look at this. A little snow north past high street. Starting to loosen up at the coliseum. Downtown still has a couple slow spots. Golden gate bridge, a little bit of fog still lingering. As far as the drive across the span, you look like youre all right getting into San Francisco. Over in fremont, no slowing. This is usually the latest build we have for the south bay approach. Right now things are moving nicely. As you know, laura, its friday, so we have a little lighter commute. What was that . Its friday. Somehow theres a Little Spring in our step on fridays around here. What about you . Well be back with another local news update in after an hour. See you then. Have a great one. Its friday. Welcome back to today. Its friday morning, september 19th. Im willie geist along with al, natalie and tamron. Everyone is commenting on your necklace. Theres a story there, right . Ann taylor loft. They teamed up with loft, 20 of the proceeds from this necklace goes to Breast Cancer Research Foundation through november 19th. Its limited edition. This is the best part. Guess how much. How much . You told me, which i couldnt believe. Normally, holts and lichlt a, high end, its really, really beautiful. 69. And 70 of the money you spent goes to Breast Cancer research. Thats like super guiltfree shopping. A lot of cash. I love that. I love that you can shop. Youre in. Two women got together, said we love jewelry, well create jewelry and turned their business into this successful model and now theyre giving back. Isnt that as you awesome . Go, girls it will sell out fast. Grab a bunch of them and make christmas gifts, Holiday Gifts and it comes all wrapped up cute. Buy 20 and youre set. Just like the iphone. Exactly. Im going to eat beanie weenies all year if you keep giving away all my money. Its worth it just to say beanie weenie. What is that . Its beans and weenies, like country comfort. My mom used to make them but used to use cocktail weenies so you didnt have to do any cutting. We used hot dogs. So smart. I love that. Meanwhile, natalie starring in usa today. If you buy a necklace, make a difference. Here is another its all about the initiative, make a difference day, which is october 25th. Highlight some of the charities im involved with and hope that it encourages people to get out there and get involved and do stuff with your kids and be that example. Thats great. Good work, both of you. I love that the schools that are back in school are now requiring that you volunteer or do something so its more than mass science. Knick loadion has that day of health. Saturday, looking into the weekend, slight risk of strong storms in upper Mississippi River valley. More rain still leftover from odile hanging out. Sunshine up and down the east coast. We are looking at disturbed weather there. Rain along the southeastern atlantic coast. Out west, looking great. Sunday, sunday, again, west coast looks fantastic. We still have leftover rain in the four corners area, on into west texas from odile and showers and thunderstorms start to make their way into Northern New England into the mid ohio good morning. 9 33 is the time right now here on this friday. Weve already cleared out in the east bay. Looking in San Francisco, you can see still foggy. This is what were going to be looking at for at least another hour or two. Temperatures today very comfortable. Falllike in San Francisco. 74 degrees there. East shore at 75. The peninsula, upper 70s. Even the south bay going to be warm today. Our other warm spots, the trivalley, mid80s there. We have rain in the forecast. Tune in at 11 00 to find out the details on that. And heres something. Did you know that most cats dont like lemonade . Why would they try it . Sometimes they can. Licking a stamp burns 10 calorie. Really . Wre. No. How is that possible . Not to mention its like do it again slowly. If you like to read those snapple bottle caps, you may have already known some of those factoids. For more than a decade, the company has been producing fun facts like that. We look into how they actually figure out the facts. Most elephants weigh less than the tongue of a blue whale. From the verifiable. Real fact number 752, a duck has three eyelids. To the very unlikely. Real fact number 880, the venus fly trap can eat a whole cheeseburger. Snapple has brought trivia to the masses one cap at a time. This is the binder i used to keep track of my collection in high school. Marine biologist has been collecting snapple caps since he was 15. His collection of 14,000 caps started with fact number 131, penguins have an organ above their eyes that converts sea water to fresh water. In the beginning they were all unique, new facts. I kept going. I was never able to get rid of the dumt dupes and still have them all today. The longest word in the english language without a vowel. At least 32 more are on deck for next year. This internal think tank of snapple marketers is coming up with potential facts for 2015. You cant cough while holding your nose. Whether its snapply enough. We have to take a vote. Take the vote. It has to be something that just kind of stops, makes you think, puts a smile on your face and its that unexpected delight on your day. Cotton candy machine was invented by a dentist. Elephants are scared of youtube clip. Most creative test . Make it to the next round of consideration. After our fact generation sessions, we go through, verify those sources. Our legal team goes through them, make sure they are verified sources. Despite snappls best intentions, a few false facts have ended up in the mix. Fact number 31, the average human eats eight spiders in his or her lifetime while sleeping. That unproven urban legend had been repeated on the internet so many times many people already believed it to be true before snapple printed it. How about fact number 209, the largest pumpkin ever grown weighed 1,061 pounds . That record was smashed in 1999. The phrase youre a real peach originate friday giving peaches to loved ones. Folks at snapple say they just want to get you thinking and give you a break from the serious stuff you have to think about every day. There is no word that rhymes with monk. Large enough number, take it upon yourself to go and look up the full story. Theres a whole story of wealth and information that you can go and learn. You wont see the trivia from the brainstorming session until later, 2015. But the first batch of new snapple facts will begin appearing in february. Theyre randomly distributed in cycles of 256 at a time so consumers dont get the same ones over and over. Its nothing like opening that and saying i got that one yesterday. I can name three things worse than that. Like what, not getting your iphone . Did you know that tigers have the original cinderella was an egyptian and wore slippers. Very cool. The perfect meal for breakfast, lunch or dinner, the perfect meal for breakfast, lunch or dinner, hey, i heard you guys can help me with frog protection . Yeah, we help with fraud protection. We monitor every purchase every day and alert you if anything looks unusual. Wow youre really looking out for us. We are. And if there are unauthorized purchases on your discover card, youre never held responsible. Just to be clear, you are saying frog protection right . Yeah, fraud protection. Frog protection. Fraud protection. Frog. Fraud. Frog. Fraud. I think were on the same page. Were totally on the same page. At discover, we treat you like youd treat you. Fraud protection. Get it at discover. Com dinner about dancing, and add excitement to mealtime with a variety of food at petsmart. Now, save 20 on select vital® refrigerated food for dogs petsmart®. This one goes out to all you know who you are. Youve become deaf to the sound of your own sniffling. Your purse is starting to look more like a tissue box. You can clear a table without lifting a finger. Well muddlers, muddle no more. Try zyrtec®. It gives you powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec® is different than claritin. Because zyrtec® starts working at hour 1 on the first day you take it. Claritin doesnt start working until hour 3. Zyrtec®. Muddle no more™ yawn ding toaster strudel more fruit in the filling, ya . Mmm ya warm, flaky, gooey, toaster strudel now, with more fruit youinstantly, loreal miracle blur erases the look of lines. And wrinkles. And pores. Its not a moisturizer. Its an instant skin smoother. Miracle blur. See it. Believe it. Try it. From loreal. Apthai shrimp salad,bos now with crisp greens,w juicy shrimp, and sliced almonds. All tossed with a chili lime vinaigrette. Better lunch choices never tasted so good. Under 600 calorie lunch combos starting at just 6. 99 only at applebees. Or theyll be ready for pickup when you order online. Vivofit. Gently reminds you to get moving. Join the movement. Weve put a fresh twist on classic desserts. Ry, making them all new, any day treats. Starting with cheesecakes, reinvented using thick and creamy Traditional Greek yogurt. Then delicately topped with delicious fruit sauces. The twist . Less than 200 calories. New dannon creamery desserts. Cause lifes better with a twist. Dannon also try our dannon creamery pudding range. Back now in todays kitchen. On the menu a spanish brunch. This looks good. Johna miller is a chef here. Good to see you. Good morning. This is great. Where do we begin . We have meats and cheeses typical of spain. You would eat this all times of day including breakfast. Thats your starter. Were going to take a tortilla. Before that we could make one together. We have pick up a slice of garlic. You can smell the gentle rub. Heres the fun part. If you grab half a tomato. Were going to scrape it across. This is sort of an easy and fun technique. Kids would love this too. Nice. All youre left with is the skin. So while the kids are making that. So im going to slice the an onion to caramelize. Whats the difference in this tortilla . They are similar. One of the differences its tortilla is cooked on the stove. In spain even today its unusual to have an oven so cook it, flip it and slide it back in the pan. Thats tricky. In the restaurant, at home olive oil in the pan. Onion. Were going to start. Get a warm pan to start. As they get color we turn it down. You can add water and deglaze with that. Slice these up. While i do that, tamron, if you could whisk together. Whats the trick of slicing those . This is a great time. If not you can slice the a little off the flat. And then thin slices. Potatoes done. From there, if we could tamron, keep going. Im going to add caramelized onions, egg, and these potatoes we cooked in the oven. The restaurant uses a deep fry tear slowly cook them. The entire recipe will be on today. Com. Potatoes are in. You put that whole thing in. Were going to, a little thyme. I cook with thyme i sing time dont give me time. Same i sing. Really. Straight in. Thank you. Now were going to start it and scramble. How long do you cook that . Scramble it about 30 seconds, then allow to the sit for a minute or two. Okay. Sit for a minute or two. Take a bite. Check him out here in new york city. Beautiful. Thats a work of art. Thanks so much. Up next her hit song has 35 million hits on youtube. A great sound. After this. Jhene aiko after this. [ School Bell Rings ] [ female announcer ] everything kids touch at school sticks with them. Make sure the germs they bring home dont stick around. Use clorox disinfecting products. You handle life; clorox handles the germs. You handle life; Olive Gardens buy one, take one, starting at just 12. 99. Its back, but not for long. Choose from a variety of entrees to enjoy today. Like new creamy citrus chicken, and take home a second entree free buy one, take one starting at just 12. 99. At olive garden. [ male announcer ] crisp garden vegetables. Now, weve added even more of them to philadelphia® garden vegetable. Rich, creamy, and delicious. Only philadelphia®. Ricberoccaaaaaaaaaaaa cious. [popping fizzing sounds] support both mental sharpness and physical energy with berocca. Proud sponsor of mind and body. its alive. Its alive make your halloween come to life. Twizzlerize your tricks and treats with twizzlers. The twist you cant resist. Can a makeup really do that . Meet loreals new visible lift blur foundation. Instantly erases lines, wrinkles, smoothes skin. This makeup does it all. Try new visible lift blur. From loreal makeup designer paris. Try new visible lift blur. Apthai shrimp salad,bos now with crisp greens,w juicy shrimp, and sliced almonds. All tossed with a chili lime vinaigrette. Better lunch choices never tasted so good. Under 600 calorie lunch combos starting at just 6. 99 only at applebees. Or theyll be ready for pickup when you order online. Introducing made to matter, handpicked by target. Exclusive innovations from brands that truly care about how things are made. Only at target. Announcer the toyota Concert Series on today brought to you by toyota. She has collaborated with some of the biggest names, including jake and bambino. Now jhene aiko is breaking out on her own. Her first number one on the r b charts. Jhene, take it away. I care about you baby, baby more than youll ever know more than youll ever know please do not drive me crazy, crazy unless youre gonna go with me no pressure no pressure i know youre real the pressure the pressure will make you feel up till the sun rises theres no compromising i know, i know, i know you are such a liar i never denied you i was for sure i was for sure but its really out of my control the way you feel is not my problem i dont wanna see you go but i dont have time to solve this and you dont have the right after all you put me through im starting to realize the pressure the pressure i know you feel the pressure the pressure just keep it real major major in the air pass it like you just dont care have you seen my to give i have none i cannot live with the pressure the pressure i know you feel the pressure the pressure just keep it real Pay Attention to the signs stay and listen you will find everything aint Rocket Science every gem is not a diamond but the pressure the pressure will make you feel real thank you. Oh, beautiful. Jhene aiko, thank you. Were back in a moment. This is today on nbc. All right. Erica hill joins us. Whats coming up . Hi, guys. You were talking about your shine a light effort. Our shine a light effort is all four of us shining a light on health and wellness in the city of baltimore that we have adopted for the year. This saturday, we are all making our way, after the show, down to baltimore. Cool. Where were doing a health fair for the city, which were really excited about. Excited to meet a lot of folks in baltimore and well show you the highlights on sunday. We should point out we are also toasting our girl, whose all about health and fitness, jenna, her last weekend with us on weekend today. Although we know shes not going far. Were celebrating all things jenna. That means a lot of working out . Maybe. When in baltimore, baileys crab a very good morning to you. 9 56 now. Im laura garciacannon. New this morning, take a look at this picture taken less than two hours ago. Thousands of people gearing up for another day fighting the king fire. It is the largest fire burning in california right now. Early this morning we learned it has now burned more than 76,000 acres. 12,000 homes have been evacua evacuated. Its now illegal for homeowners associations to punish owners who let their lawns go brown. Governor brown signed a new bill into law yesterday. During the new law, hoas also have to allow new homeowners to plant drought resistant plants if theyd like to. Lets check the forecast right now. A little rain, but thats for next week, right . Thats right, wednesday into thursday. This past rain that moved through really left the atmosphere rich in moisture. We still have fog hanging out across tiburon and across San Francisco. Hard to believe because were looking at sunshine in the south bay. Temperatures today will be very falllike. Talking about low 70s in San Francisco. Low 80s in the south bay. So not as hot as we round out our final week of summer. We are talking about rain, though. Well talk more about that for next week coming up at 11 00. In the meantime, lets toss it to mike for the roads. Yeah, theres the connector to the Golden Gate Bridge. You cant see all of it because of that fog. Were looking at a smooth drive. This is friday, so were looking at a lighter drive. The bay bridge still has a backup at the toll plaza. That will start to grow about 11 30. The rest of the bay shows you a nice easy drive around. We see easing in through oakland approaching the bay bridge. No problems for the san mateo. All right. Wow. Thanks so much, mike. Well be back with another local news gupdate in about half an hour. See you then. From nbc news, this is today with Kathie Lee Gifford and hoda kotb, from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Hey, everybody. It is try day friday, hope youre going to have a fabulous weekend. Looks like it is going to be glorious here in the gorgeous. In the tristate area. I hope it is for you too. September 19th. Okay. And welcome. So if you have gone to a wedding this weekend or just out to dinner, if somebody pointing at me. Because i always have it. Some peoples teeth never get anything in it. They can eat all day long and no nooks and crannies. If youre sitting with somebody and they had something stuck in their teeth, this is a question from the social qs column at the new york times, should you tell them, hey, you have a Little Something right there. So the question is should you or shouldnt you . How it happened is a student wrote to philip to say he believes you should always Say Something, but his teacher disagrees and said no. He asked philip and philip said, yes, tell them. You always tell. You know why, i would want someone to tell me. Yeah. I mean, do unto others as you would have others do unto you. If i have a big glob hanging there i want to know before everybody else knows i have a glob. You get home from a dinner and you look in the mirror and there is this thing and you go, my gosh, how long. Especially if youve been flirting and you think youre adorable and you go no, stop. Stop it. Really . Stop. Then you get home and every tooth has spinach in it. I want to know. That is the worst thing. Would you do the same thing if a person had something heres what i do . I dont tell everyone, because sometimes i feel like maybe it will get out on its own. Sometimes it does. It just its gone. And then if it is a good friend, i always tell. If somebody who im just happens to be sitting at my table and there is something, i go maybe it will work its way out. What if it is somebody you cant stand . Let it lie. Let it lie. Tell him. He wants to hear your story. Thats what i would do. Oh, lovely. What about lets take this the next step further. I was talking to kate. Kate, are you anywhere near a microphone. No, no microphone. No mikes. Okay. But go on. Tell me what your dad said. He says there say bat in the cave. A bat in the cave. I dont know what that means. Something is there that is visible. So what you want to say is there is a bat in the cave. I would look at someone like theyre crazy. Like, what . What are they talking about . Would you tell someone if they had something there . I would go like this, i would do it myself, im, like, maybe its contagious. You start doing it. We would love to know what you think. So let us know. Speaking of our producers, we have another producer over there, donna, who is there. And you know who is here . Her gorgeous mother. What a gorgeous duo. Thank you for coming to visit us. We love you. Love you, girl. This is also another little girl, she breaks we dont want to tell you what happened, playing peekaboo. Playing peekaboo with her dad. Her dad has this big fuzzy beard and the dad decides to have a little fun. Like a little ambush makeover and the little girl doesnt see it coming. Take a look. Peekaboo. Peekaboo. Ill be right back, okay. Ready to do peekaboo . Ready . Peekaboo. Peekaboo. Wheres daddy . Peekaboo. Oh come here, sweetie. Oh, come here. Wheres daddy . Really . Oh. Okay. I wonder how long it took for her calm down and be happy with daddy. She didnt recognize him, like, who are you . He was hairy, though. It will grow back fast. There is a new star on instagram, a guy and his dog. I guess he and his wife separated, they got divorced. She got everything and he got an empty house and the dog. The dog named jimmy choo. Which i bet his wife named. Anyway, so he got nothing, she got everything, so hes living in this empty house with the dog jimmy choo and he had some fun with it by photographing his dog with some drawings around him on the white walls. Here is jimmy in the rain. Erasable pen. He colors on the walls and changes it. Here is the lady and the tramp. How sweet. And heres superman. Look at that. So cute. Thats so cute. The guy is an artist, huh . Jimmy choo. To see more of him on instagram at rafael montesso. I like how you say that. You have something in your what would you sacrifice actually i do. You know what you want to put in it well talk about this in a second. What is the birthday of toll house . Yes. Toll houses birthday. They have delicious chocolate chips. They decided to mix it up now. Now they have chips that are different flavored, peanut butter, caramel, cherry, mint. What is first one you go for . Peanut butter. I go for the caramel. I hope it is gooey. I like a gooey cookie, not a theyre not gooey. Like a heath bar. Mm. Oh, my gosh. Delicious. Now what are you going to have . Now im going to have the peanut butter. Because people apparently love watching us eat. We heard from you. They love it. Do they . Apparently some people find it i like watching people eat. I do too. The channel, the whole fetish thing, people watch people stuff their faces. Were called feeders. Were sorry. Are you on that . Will they find you . They could find me. All right. Lets move on, shall we. Hoda is only a feeder at home when no one is watching. I like to be at home when i feed a lot. Im not comfortable. People are like, you dont eat much, im like, not here. These are 300 no, 3. 49 per package. Very good. Can we do your friday funny . I love this. I love the friday funny. Okay. Just eat. Ill do the heavy lifting, all right . A woman came in for a routine physical at the doctor eeoffice here, said the nurse, handing her a urine specimen container. Moments later, the woman came out of the bathroom with an empty container and a happy look on her face. She said, thanks, but they had a toilet in there so i didnt need this after all. You get what you get, okay . That color looks good on you, the red. Nk you. It is time for johnsons baby of the week. Do we have time to go for what would you give up . No, time for johnsons baby. Yes. All righty. Were going to celebrate new moms and adorable new additions to their family. Our first johnsons baby of the week is andrea rose collins born in streamwood, illinois, september 4th, already a strong little girl. Her parents offer this advice to parents, make sure your child knows that youll always be there for them, no matter what. Absolutely. Our next baby of the week is Colton Gregory utech, born in sioux city, iowa, on august 8th. His parents say this little boy is going to be a fourth generation farmer on their family farm. Awesome. Next to a baby born in albany, georgia, her name is amy renee outlaw. Isnt that great . Like a rock singer. August 15th, her parents say she loves to cuddle in her crib with her big bear pillow. Our final johnsons baby of the week is abigail jazleen espinoza, born in lohr radio, texas, on august 20th and her parents offer this advice, sleep while you can, the best time is when they arent. Exactly. Thats the only time. If you want to submit your baby for a johnsons baby of the week, go to klgandhoda. Com. They fell in love and found out he could save her life in what could only be described as a god wink. Well tell you their incredible story. And why do all the tv shows you love air at the same time. Why . Tim stackable will tell you to watch this and dvr that. [ man ] i think this is a good time to tell you youre doing okay, mom. I can call you mom, right . I know we havent known each other very long, but you seem like a real keeper. Youre not perfect. But youre trying. Anyway, i want you to know how much i appreciate you. You know, right . How much i love you. Youre doing okay, mom. It compares prices toatcher top stores in your area. How much i love you. If theres a lower advertised price, walmart will give you the difference on an egift card. Oh money every penny counts yep go to walmart. Com savingscatcher and enter your receipt. Now pretreat with clorox 2. At clorox 2, weve turned removing stains into a science. Watch stains disappear right before your eyes. Nothing brightens colors and removes stains like clorox 2. Before ywith preference,ir ask yourself one question are you ready for all that attention . Because with loreal preference theres no fading into the background. Preference is luminous. For up to 8 weeks of fadedefying color. Fadedefying preference by loreal. Get ready to shine. Thats all it takes to help make a kids wish come true. Join Straight Talk wireless at our give a minute. Help makeawish event, and help make more wishes come true for children with lifethreatening medical conditions. This saturday from 10 to 4 at your local walmart, take a minute to learn more about Straight Talk wireless and great phones like the Samsung Galaxy ace style, and well donate a dollar toward our goal of 1 million to makeawish. Straight talk wireless. Same phones. Same networks. Half the cost. Available only at walmart. The new tv season is here, with so many shows, how do you pick what to watch live and what to record to view later . Here is entertainment weeklys senior editor, very fancy, tim stack. We know and love him as stackable but we have other names for him too. Theyre obscene. So tell us your criteria . What do we tape and what do we watch live . The stuff you want to watch live are things you could be spoiled with on social media or friends like water cooler shows. The stuff and things that are live. And stuff you can dvr is ever green stuff, stuff that like dramas, things that are quieter, things that you dont have a huge plot twist. That was murky. Okay. All right. Lets get started on sunday night. What must we watch live . What you have to watch live on sundays, ill use my clicker, is the walking dead, one of the biggest shows on television, huge social media impact. People talk about this, tweet about this constantly. About the zombie apocalypse. It just gets it is not for the squeamish. But it is a really great show. The ratings of the show are gigantic. It is so funny, i never watched. It is a huge show, though. I believe you. I hear. What about on had hbo . What i think you should dvr is the comeback, it was a show in 2005 starring lisa kudrow. Shes adorable. She played a character named valerie cherish, on a show years ago and thought she was getting her big comeback, a reality series documenting it, but it became a train wreck and was sad, but it is a dark comedy, but created by Michael Patrick king who wrote on sex and the city, and shes a cocreator and coproducer. It is back for six episodes. So funny. She looks like shelly long. It is a little shelly longish. Okay. Monday night. Thank god were moving along. Five days more to go after monday. Whats monday night the voice, we got to watch the voice live obviously. Hoda, we know you watch the voice. New judges, pharrell and gwen stefani with adam levine and blake shelton. Got to watch it live because you wont know who is going to get booted off. We get it. The one to dvr is the black list. It is great. Tim spader, huge show. I would also recommend you dvr gotham on fox. It got great reviews. It is good. Jada pinkett is wild in it. She says it is a role of a lifetime. Yeah, shes great. She wears very trippy outfits. Lets move on to tuesday. Oh, my lord. A new comedy. What should we be watching live . Im having a blast. For tuesday, tuesday, i think okay, let me use my clicker. Yes, of course. Okay. Tuesday, watch marry me, nbcs new comedy. It is wonderful. It is from happy endings cre e creator, about these two couples, casey and ken marino, and it is about them navigating the engaged and this relationship. It is so funny. It is my favorite we fell in love with the guy that used to be on happy endings, he was on the other day. Adam pally. Adorable. Too bad hes naughtot on tha too. What else . You know what, people . This is a blast. Okay. Dvr the flash, on the cw, comic book adaptation. It is really great. It is very sweet. This lead guy greg gustin plays the flash. He was on glee, adorable. Really fun. Wednesday . Okay, whats on wednesday . On wednesday, it is American Horror story freak show,. So many emmies. This is a clip from American Horror stories asylum, season two, but it is connected to asylum but freak show is about a troupe of carneys, basically. Jessica lang is the head of the troupe and Angela Bassett plays a woman with three boobs, a tri triboob. Dont make fun. And kathy bates. Hard to find a bra. True story. Watch that live, though. Because it is wild. Any other final thoughts . Yes, lets just wednesday. We made it to wednesday, but were out of time. Well, then, my other show you should dvr is red band society, on fox, about kids what is your favorite show . How to get away with murder, thursdays at 10 00, watch that live, because it is a crazy plot twist, moves like a bat out of viola davis is a professor. Shes amazing. Stackable and other names, time to say goodbye. What a hit this was. Yes. Lets do it again. Dont call us, well call you. From cooling down your hot flashes to taking care of your family wherever they are gadgets to keep you save and sane. Then bob ybi is cleaning up r act. We have products that refresh and restore, after this. Front of our house again. I see its a free country dad. Our house. Our spot. Those are the rules. Ok who wants sweet rolls . Oh, i do whoooosh smack me too whoooosh smack whoooosh smack whoooosh smack are those kings hawaiian rolls . whoooosh smack whoooosh smack thanks carol electric hedge trimmer Everybody Loves the sweet, fluffy deliciouslness of kings hawaiian bread. Find us in the deli or instore bakery. Also try the complete line of kings hawaiian sandwich rolls. Whats your favorite kind of cheerios . Honey nut. But. Chocolate is my other favorite. Oh yeah, and frosted whats your most favorite of all . Hmm. The kind i have with you. Me too. Too many times i uncomfortable with gurgling. Y, nothing seems to feel right so im taking the activia challenge. Eating activia twice a day for four weeks may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues. Take the activia challenge. It works or its free. Apthai shrimp salad,bos now with crisp greens,w juicy shrimp, and sliced almonds. All tossed with a chili lime vinaigrette. Better lunch choices never tasted so good. Under 600 calorie lunch combos starting at just 6. 99 only at applebees. Or theyll be ready for pickup when you order online. Time for bobbies buzz,. Were all in need to refresh and restore our skin from all the products we use. She convinced some of our fans from the plaza to test the products out. Welcome. This is the season of the painted face. Were getting ready for holiday and trying more makeup and there are two particular cloths on the market that beauty bloggers are raving about. These basically towels without any soap or cleanser will wash all your make justify oup off, waterproof. What did you think . Thumbs up. Thumbs up . We have the tissue test. She had foundation on and nothing. And what about for the wonder cloth . Thumbs up. Thumbs up . Really . Thats amazing. I tried them both at home. I found they took all my makeup off, my eye makeup, a little left, hard to do, but just water. No cleanser, no soap. This is something a lot of women may feel lazy nights comes in handy. I have a ton of makeup brushes. If you do, youll fall in love with this love glove, called the glove, actually, it helps you get all of the, you know, residue off your brush because when youre cleaning a brush, it is hard, you feel like youre not getting anywhere. It has grooves on the side to help you reshape brushes. If you dont have a lot of brushes, you want an alternative this is 35. You can get a dog grooming mitt and do something similar at the like 10 at the pet store. This one isnt as great with as many special features but close enough. And last but not least, i really love these nail masks from julep. Whil y while you condition your cuticles, you can use your ipad, type away on your computer, touch screen sensitive. No residue, so you can have qoddqod cuticle care and while youre busy. You look beautiful without makeup. All the information is online at today. Com. Of course. Want to make sure grandma takes her meds . Well show you the gadgets to keep you safe and sane after your local news. Excellent. But it wasnt always that way. Ahh ahhhh let go let go no. No, budget. No. But thanks to fingerhut. Com we got approved to shop with low monthly payments. Theyve got over 70,000 items from brands like samsung, dyson, dewalt. All you gotta do is click on over to fingerhut. Com. And get the credit you deserve to get all kinds of great stuff. Juice can a makeup really do that . Meet loreals new visible lift blur foundation. Instantly erases lines, wrinkles, smoothes skin. This makeup does it all. Try new visible lift blur. From loreal makeup designer paris. Try definitely not routine. And that can take a lot of energy. Nature valley breakfast biscuits. Four biscuits, 26 grams of whole grains that give you the energy to help keep you going. I love Nature Valley breakfast biscuits. This one goes out to all you know who you are. Youve become deaf to the sound of your own sniffling. Your purse is starting to look more like a tissue box. You can clear a table without lifting a finger. Well muddlers, muddle no more. Try zyrtec®. It gives you powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec® is different than claritin. Because zyrtec® starts working at hour 1 on the first day you take it. Claritin doesnt start working until hour 3. Zyrtec®. Muddle no more™ a very good morning to you. 10 26 now. Im laura garciacannon. Were working to learn more about a San Francisco man who police say used workout equipment to beat a man to death at a local gym. He was arrested yesterday. They say he was at a gym in south San Francisco wednesday when he picked up a solid steel bar formally used to lift weights and hit another man in the head with it several times. Both had gym memberships there. From pricey hightech gadgets to booze, a san jose auditor released a report showing City Employees have apparently used cityissued credit cards to buy expensive dinners, electronics, and even rent a bmw. Those credit cards are paid with taxpayer dollars. A look at weather and traffic after this break. Welcome back. 10 28 the time right now. Clear skies in san jose. Quite a different story in San Francisco. Even across the inner bay east shore, still clouded in. San francisco still dealing with fog. It will turn out to be a nice day. Very falllike, if you will. 74 in San Francisco. The 80s for the north bay. East shore, youll be at 75. The trivalley, expecting temperatures in the mid80s. Were talking about a chance of rain. Details on this coming up at 11 00. In the meantime, lets toss it to mike and check those roads. I want to show you the south bay, where we had a series of crashes that happened on our maps. We have a slower drive on the northbound side for 101 and 85, the crashes are on the southbound side. Theres a lot of debris. Keep that in mind. You have 280 with a slow recovery from the south bay commute. The rest of your bay looking smooth. The bay bridge toll plaza has a standard backup for this time on a friday. The Golden Gate Bridge has some fog. Back to you. All right. Were going to have more local news coming up in half an hour at 11 00. Please join me then. Were back with more of today on this try day friday. From pinpointing your kids location to reminding your elderly parents to take their meds, there are many gadgets that could make your life easier. Here to help you play it safe and keep you healthier and saner is the author of gadget nation and our gadget guy, steve greenburg. Hello, steve. A wide array. Wide array of things today. As we say. All kind of about communication and really thats what a lot of it is, which is perfect right here this. This is the nucleus intercom. This is less expensive than the ones we used to have. 150. You can have one in each room of your house and another one at grandmas house in toronto. Here we have a grandma merriam, there we go. If we wanted to, we could talk to her. I made it go away. There. Thats a real grandma, merriam. Shes in the control room right now . No, shes in toronto. I didnt understand. Youve been working too many hours. Thats where she is right now. Hi, grandma. She can communicate, even all over the world. Ing it. It is plugged into her house. This is reminder rosy. This is an alarm clock but it also reminds you to take your medication. You can record your grandchilds voice, grandma, take your great idea. Under 150. Reminder rosy. A little more sophisticated for a parent who has bigger problems are these two things. Med minders. You load medications in there, and then it actually a light blinks when it is time to take the pill. Here it is blinking here. This is more serious. Here theyre all locked. Only one that opens is this one. People forget taking it and if you dont take the pills, the phone call goes to the person, then a text message to the caregiver saying something is not right there. It is a great way to keep track of it. What happens if you lose electricity . It has a backup battery in it. It doesnt need wifi. It has its own cell phone built into it. And it has a panic alarm button and stuff. Terrific. A monthly fee, med minder, smart idea. Okay. Well like this one. If hot flashes are a things you want to not anymore. These are cool. The cool flash pillow and cool flash body pad. Without putting them in the refrigerate, without putting water on them, it just stays cool for hours. And it feels where do you put it . On your bed . On your bed, inside the pillow case, and it is nice. All these things come on the market after im finished. Right time for you, hoda. Grab those babies. Okay. This is for everybody. This is net app mo. It is a little jeweled watch. It takes track of how much sun youre getting, the uv. It tells you you put in your skin type, eye color, all that stuff. What happens . It can tell you how much sun block youre putting on, how much sun you had, when you got to a danger point. All of that is sent to your phone so you can see whats going on. Smartphone. Smart. It is called june, only apple phones. Okay. This next one is very simple. This is called the first alert safety pod. Right there. This is great if youre going to go running at night or going to a parking lot. It is one a flashlight, which is great to have. Camera where i can shoot it. And also has a panic larm. You can hit the panic alarm and it can go off. When you hit the wrong up with one, no, i was kidding. And you can put it on a hotel door or dorm room door, it will set off like a pocketbook, if someone grabs the pocketbook and take it the alarm goes off. And scares the perpetrator. Thats right. It is really loud, isnt it . Okay. Moving along. Moving along, okay. Nice young man here. You can help demonstrate. This is matthew. Hi, matthew. Now, this is called an app that goes on matthews phone, you program it where matthew is going. If he doesnt get there in 20 minutes it will send you a message. There is a panic button on it. You push the panic button, push the button, and what it does, when you shake it, shake it, it sends a text message to a caregivers phone, which i just got, and it sends you a map of where he is at that moment. Thats genius. Really cool. 2. 99. Matthew, great job. Were going to thank matthew. Get him out of harms way. Were going to do something dangerous. Safety glasses if you need them. Safety glasses. Okay, this is called the p3 tactical auto rescue tool. And what it does, this device is something every car should have in it. It has a knife for cutting things, another knife for cutting seat belts, which ill do it right now. Why are you cutting the seat belt . In case you get stuck in the car, you can get out of the seat belt. On tv, im having trouble doing it. But thats just me. Then it has the built in thing to break the window. Now, normally you swing something, thats not a good idea, if youre inside or parking lot, see a baby in the car and well pop this window, never tried this before. Live on tv. Lets see how we do this. Ready . Go. And that worked really well. Did you like that . Cool. That was great. Super easy, super fun. And great way to everybody is going to want to try that at home. Thank you. Well get a look at this years l. A. Feline film festival. And how to help your guy fall into the latest fashions. He was a perfect match, ended up saving her life, that can only be described as a god wink. Their story coming up right after this. [ female announcer ] one minute. Thats all it takes to help make a kids wish come true. Join Straight Talk wireless at our give a minute. Help makeawish event, and help make more wishes come true for children with lifethreatening medical conditions. This saturday from 10 to 4 at your local walmart, take a minute to learn more about Straight Talk wireless and great phones like the Samsung Galaxy ace style, and well donate a dollar toward our goal of 1 million to makeawish. Straight talk wireless. Same phones. Same networks. Half the cost. Available only at walmart. Without it falling flat . Works. Moisture half the cost. Some moisturizing products can weigh hair down. Dove oxygen moisture is different. It provides lightweight oxygenfused moisture for the moisture you need and the volume you want. So you can enjoy moisture with 95 more volume. Dove oxygen moisture. Good morning, usher hey did you know bees communicate through dance . Me too. Were practically twins i and i wondered what it was. Pain, everywhere. My doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. Lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. I learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. And less pain means i can do more with the ones i love. Lyrica is not for everyone. It may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, or tired feeling. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. I found answers about fibromyalgia. Then i found lyrica. Ask your doctor about lyrica today. Thats why theres a listerine® product for every mouth. One to clean your whole mouth. One for those hard to reach places. One to protect kids mouths from cavities. Even one to freshen breath onthego. With over 100 years of innovation in oral care. Theres a listerine® product for every mouth in your house. For cleaner, healthier mouths go beyond brushing alone. Listerine®. Power to your mouth ™. Dont disguise bad odors. Continuously neutralize them with glad with febreze. Over three generations have taught us so is my family. About growing the best tasting fruit. Our grapes ripen on the vine so that the flavors can fully develop. And only the most experienced hands harvest them to bring quality fruit to your table. Thats why we work with walmart. Together we guarantee you only get the freshest grapes available. Backed by their 100 moneyback guarantee. Picked by farmers. Guaranteed by us. Sometimes were facing a tough situation, well get a sign, perhaps in the form of what seems like a coincidence that everything is going to be aokay. Those moments are what Squire Rushnell writes about in his god winks books and hes here to share one of his amazing stories. So good to have you here. Our fans love this segment. Thank you very much. We have a story for you today. This is a story about nicole munda, diagnosed with a rare disease, liver disease. If she didnt get a liver transplant promptly, she would die in a matter of months. She was only 29. Only 29. And the hoops you have to jump through to be a donor are very guidelines are strict. Clock was ticking. Little did nicole know she was about to meet a complete stranger in a huge nascar stadium who was going to deliver an amazing god wink. When i entered the stadium, i was so overwhelmed. Although the sound of the race cars and 125,000 cheering people lifted my spirits, i located my seat, it was next to a man who introduced himself as jeff coleman. As soon as i told him my name, he had a look of concern on his face. He asked me, have you found a donor . I was so shocked. How could a stranger know that . He explained to me he rode in a car pool with my mom and she talked about me. What a god wink. I was so touched by his kindness, and for the next few weeks we talked on the phone every single day. Didnt take us long to fall in love. And he asked me to marry him. We were ready to start a new life. But the doctor said not so fast, nicole. If i didnt find a liver donor, i would die in six months and thats when jeff said, how about me . Im family now. The odds were a million to one to him being a match. But miraculously he tested perfect in every way. We checked into the mayo clinic, we had dual surgeries and it was a big success. Starting with our meeting, around 125,000, jeff being my needle in a haystack donor, i would say hes been my biggest godwink ever. Thats amazing. It is. Incredible. Incredible. Now nicole, 12 years later, and she is in perfect health. This is what happened. About four years ago, they decided that they were not best intended to be husband and wife, but to be forever good friends. And so one asks, is it possible that jeff was a divinely aligned godwink for just that purpose to save her life . 125,000 people, and the guy you happen to sit next to. Just happens. Yeah. We like to say theyre like unopened gifts on your doorstep. Yes, my job is to get you to open the door and open your gift. Awesome. Squire, youre the best. Thank you so much. All the books are so youll want to feel some hope in life, read all the god winks books. We want to hear your stories. If you have a story like nicole, go to klgandhoda. Com and hit the connect button. Theyre doing a catwalk down the red carpet. The feline festival. And want to dress up your man for fall . Well show you how right after this. What you see is brilliant, luminous haircolor. What you get is so much more. Garnier olia. The First Permanent haircolor powered by oil. Brilliant color, visibly improved hair color after color. Olia propels color deep inside your hair. Amazing my hair feels healthier. Looks shinier. Olia after olia. And grays . 100 gone garnier olia. Brilliant color. Visibly improved hair. Color after color. Brilliant color. Vmom usually throws r. A gogurt in there. Well moms not here today so were doing things dads way. Which means i get. Two. singing snack time and lunch. singing snack time and lunch. Gogurt because lunch needs some fun. Whether your guy needs a whole new look or autumn update, youre in look. Here with tips for getting him looking fine for fall is style expert and host of tlcs something borrowed, something new, sam sabora. Hi, sam. Happy fall fashion. Happy fall to you. So, first trend, signature color of the today show, orange. Is this roger . This is roger. I thought roger was a spin instructor at soul cycle. He is. He broke away . Orange is traditionally a sporty color. Really cool, right . This is from target, 39 bucks. Everything roger is wearing is layered up and all under 39. What is cool about this trend, want to be more sporty, lighter and brighter, want be to be more sophisticated, deep cognac colors, a little more sophisticated and polished. Thank you. I heard a rumor that frank was here. Frank is here, everybody. Hes got the mad man look. This is modern mad man. A lot of trends are inspired by the 1960s. This is a really polished, sophisticated trend. H m suit, and a nice clean lean suit that looks nice. He seems look a model. But hes not. Very handsome. Hes just a professional. A darn good looking guy. For guys who want to do the trend, but not too costumy, the slim tie is great. Tie bar. Com, we have a little tweed, a little felt here. This is an easy way to nod to the madmen trend. Thomas made it too . Thomas is here as well. He came through the brisk weather. This is about the work wear trend, outdoorsy treb y trend. Were seeing a lot of plaid. What is great about this, this is quilted. Quilted jackets, shirts, sweatshirts. This is super cool. It is all about layering. Throw this vest on. Puffy vest, anything borrowed from the outdoors. Puffy vest. I dont know if seinfeld would like that. A little nod to the 80s here. But plaid shirts, inexpensive way, this is what guys understand, rugged, handsome. And comfortable. And comfortable. Thank you. Were good. As far as the trends go, the easiest way to do this is these are great quilted jackets, this is from h m, work in a polished work boot with a casual trend. Yeah. You got your hunting and classic plaid as well. Sam, home run today. Thank you so much. Catch the season premiere of something borrowed, something new, october 10th on tlc. Take a meow instead of a bow. The feline film festival. First, this is today on nbc. You think sun dance and cannes fest has celebrities, you havent seen anything yet. We have the latest achievements in cat videos. You heard me right, hoda. This one, dreams are real. While raising money for deserving animal charities. Michelle collins, she happens to be the emcee of that event. Shes with us here now live. How are you . What are you doing emceeing a cat event . They thought who is the loneliest person we know, and my blackberry just lit up, girls. What can i tell you . You own a cat yourself . I dont. I really am single irl in real life. I dont want to own a cat. Did you say single irl . Yes, like i am a single person, but i love cats. Ill look at them like porn, ill watch them online. That is just sick. Thats why we love each other. The videos are pretty wild, arent they . Theyre amazing. I will say, the festival is this sunday. In los angeles. You have to get back. Im already look at this guy. Love him so much. Thats why the toilet paper roll should be under. Not over. I dont like cats in the bathroom. I like cats, but not in the personal area. I cant keep bambino out, no matter what is going on in the world, hes there. Who is bub. You must google once this is over. Does he have a lot of viewers . Over a million twitter followers. A little dwarve cat, like little cat, big world. Hell be there this sunday. Im interviewing him for an hour, like a phil donahue situation. I need him on my podcast. We dont even have a million followers. No, not together. You need more cats. This event is like, it will be insane. Nine hours of cat videos. Where is it being held . At an outdoor park, lots of homeless too, if thats your thing, come out. Theyll love it. Henry 9. Henri is an existentialist cat, in black and white, very french. Hes got attitude. Hes just thinking about life. Thats funny. Cat essence, just being withdrawn a little bit. Does he hate americans . Who doesnt . He does hate americans. You are such fun. Have a ball out there. Youre going to have a good career. Thank you. I dont always mean what i say, but i meant that. This is the nicest compliment, on my tombstone, thats what i mean. I love you guys. Sunday, please come. Next week, james spader, from the black list, jessica simpson, and john leguizamo. And paula deen and performances by train. Big and rich. Jackie evancho. Have a great weekend. Go to the l. A. Film thing, the cat thing. The feline thing. If you have Nothing Better to do. Great to meet you. Some people think vegetables are boring. But with green giants delicious seasonings and blends, we just may change their minds. Ho ho ho green giant yawn ding toaster strudel more fruit in the filling, ya . Mmm ya warm, flaky, gooey, toaster strudel now, with more fruit nbc bay area news starts now. Three, two, one apple ceo helps open the door to a new era as fans line up to be the first to get their hands on the hot new iphones. Good morning. Thanks for joining me. Im laura garciacannon. Certainly a big day for cupertinos apple and apple lovers around the world. The debut of the new iphone 6 sparked a frenzy at many apple stores. Nbc bay areas bob rydell is in pal palo alto where tim cook took

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