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Unknown. Shes secretive hoda, now. Sure. Shes in the caribbean though if you want to see her. Youre a great team with her. Thank you. You know regis and i if youve been living on another planet, we spent 15 years together on another network and we stayed friends together over the years and that means the world to me. It really does. Youre coming to my house for dinner saturday night. We basically cant get rid of each other. Well, maybe ill take a drink. Ive been to your dinners before. Who do we have on the show. Do you remember from way back. Back in the 90s. She was a little girl. Not a little girl but you know, she was just starting and she was terrific. Here she is. Second emmy nomination for veep. I see a lot of it. Do you still watch the seinfeld things at night. Honest to god that is the best show ever made. Yeah. Shes here with us. Also the stars of hard core pawn. Hardcore pawn. Yeah. Whats that all about. Its hardcore. You brought in a little something. Absolutely. Wait till you see the money that i get from what i brought in for this pawn guy. And his daughter. Well also perform some laser tattoo removal in the studio. You know ive got a lot of tattoos from my navy days. Im kidding, i dont have one but id like to see. Ive seen you. I know you dont have any tattoos. There are so many people trying to get rid of the tattoos. More than half of the people try are trying to get rid of the tattoos. And regis is here. Its the first day of august. Where did our summer go . Tomorrow my daughter turns 21. That little girl is so cute. Last time you were here was 2012. Right. I just got to repeat again. I came here in 1983 back from l. A. By 85, we were looking around and sure enough somebody ran down the street, got ahold of us and this is what she looked like then. Is she cute or not . Look at that. Thats when friend used to call me helmet head. Yeah. And the years went by and we had good times. Ive got just a couple of pictures. Every time we took a picture she was really all over me. Look at this. Would not leave me alone. Well finally we got married here and i was the king. There all there is too it. Of course this is the final picture right here. Look at her. Have you ever seen her happier than that . Leaning all over me but here oh, your favorite. Had some great people on the show. Of course you do right now too. Not really we get all the left overs. Didnt you love perry somcom we used to have a place down in florida where regis took a vacation. Took franks boat looking for perry. Perry its me regis where are you . Im not crazy about whats happening. You singing pennies from heaven. Really . You played that on the show. Every time it rains, pennies from heaven pennies from heaven regis so terrific singer entertainment. Im trying to listen to regis. Weve got a big announcement. Everybody is trying to get on the musical band wagon. We did sound of music. Everybody knows its going to be peter pan. Coming up this December Peter pan, what . Sometime between now and before peter pan is going to be on, guess whats going to be on . What . Today show the musical. Yes stop it today show the musical. Written by who . Me. Were in trouble. Its called not today and tomorrow is not looking good either. So when the producers came to me last january and said we want you to write a musical about the today show and i said, what . Its going to be a disaster. And they said, thats why we want you. I have a little experience on disasters on broad way. How much time do i get. They go, 18 minutes. So i wrote it. David freedman and i wrote the music and i said do we have any talent here because its all going to be members of the show. Did hoda sing. Trust me. Youre going to be surprised. We have a guest star that were about to announce. Only one person thats not a member of the today show family. Who do you think it is, regis . I have no idea. Its you yes, regis will be our guest star. It will be live and its going to be so much fun. More about that in the future. Scared of that. I love it when i sent over the script to you, you go this requires memorization. There are songs in there. Yes. Its a musical. Can you do it. Yes, i can do it. Of course im your guy. Theres no other guy like me accept maybe hoda. Okay. What are you doing with craig furring ferguson the other night. Talking about me. Oh, you got that. Want to take a look. This is. You were on the drew carry show. She was very sweet and i always thought what a lovely woman. She is. Shes terrific. Very nice. Kind of sexy as well. Dont you think. Oh, yeah. I mean you understand you notice that, huh. Oh, i did. Shes got that kind of like yeah, you know. You know what i mean. Can i tell her this when i see her. Yeah. Well, she knows i mean shes perfectly and im absolutely and come on yeah. Really. You can appreciate the sexiness of another human being. I can. I worked with her for 15 years. Yeah, i took a look. You did not. There was more sexual tension between you and gellman than there was between you and me. Lets be honest. Youre madly in love with your baby joy. Your wife of how many years now . I better not say. 44. 44 yooears and frank i and we friends when you and i started working together. There is baby joyce. Still looks like shes 20 years old. Frank and you got married shortly after the show. Started with you in 85 and got married to frank in 1986. Thats a scary title. You know whats funny, apparently theres a video. Do you know that ferrell song happy. Oh, yeah hes hot. More than 60 residents of the retirement village in new zealand showed off their best moves in a music video. And they sent it to you all the way from new zealand. I havent seen seen it yet. Its a new television. Its called video. They are own version of happy. Take a look. Because im happy clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth clap along if you feel like thats what you want to do cant nothing bring me down bring me down cant nothing bring me down good for them. They are grabbing every little bit of life. Regis and i have been there when its all over. After our musical were going straight into a retirement home. I dont have time for friday funny or do it. Here is my friday funny. What does this mean friday funny j every friday i tell a joke. A tuesday who has six children begins to call his wife mother of six rather than by her first wife. The wife is amused at first. A few years down the road the wife has grown tire of this. The mother of six whats for dinner tonight or wheres my shirt. Finally while attending a party with her husband he jokingly yells out mother of six its time to go. She yells back ill be right with you, father of four. Do you mind if i tell you a real joke. A real joke. Two guys are out golfing one day as one gets ready to take a shot, a funeral possession drives by the golf course. The man suddenly stops what hes doing, puts down his club, takes off his hat, places it over his heart. And the golfing buddy says, ive never seen thats the nicest thing ive ever seen you do. And the guy says, well, thats the least i can do after 20 years of marriage. Do you understand . The guy took off his hat didnt he and put it over his heart. What do you want a guy to do when hes playing golf . Oh, i love you my regis. In a minute we will meet the stars of. Hardcore pawn. I love those guys. We will tell you whether youre holding onto trash or treasure. Youve got something to show them, right. Absolutely. Nobody is more hard core than regis. We will sit down with the veep costar. Thats right after this. Dont go anywhere. When he first joined the army, i was very nervous. We didnt know what they would have him doing. But, bobby always had a plan. [ male announcer ] with unmatched training in over 150 careers beyond the battlefield, there are over 150 surprising ways to become army strong. Talk to your son or daughter about opportunities in the army. Do you have something for pain . I have bayer aspirin. Im not having a heart attack, its my back. I mean bayer back body. It works great for pain. Bayer back body provides effective relief for your tough pain. Better . Yeah. Thanks for the tip this is mark. At work. For those who want to enjoy their days. Not just get through them. New one a day vitacraves with energy support. The only complete gummy multivitamin. That supports energy and mental alertness. New from one a day. Its its hard its been 23 years since she first captured our heart. The lovable title character from the hit film my girl. You still are girl. Now shes playing amy booksheimr on the red hot hbo show veep. She found out finally selina was going to become the president making amys job so much harder because afterall how can they reason with someone after they have a voice mail from beyonce, cant believe it. How did she get your number. I maam, you cant get too distracted about being president because youre still campaigning to be president. Oh, shes here. Its so nice to see you. Nice to see you guys. We were 11 years old when we first met you. Yeah. We have some guests in our audience today that have been with me and regis all of these years. They are here. You came on as that 11yearold and look what happened to you. How about it. You guys blessed me. Its the magic dust we put on people. When you were a little girl this is what you wanted to do. I also wanted to be a horse dentist and zoologist and a choreographer. There were a plethora of things i wanted to do but i guess acting was right. This role we were just saying its so beautifully written and you live seinfeld but everybody in this cast is perfectly cast. I dont know how you keep a straight face. You know, it is difficult. You know, we are grateful for the magic of editing sometimes. Im grateful for the haircut because i get to swing the hair in front of my face every once in a while. So now shes going to become president. Well, shes running. Depending on where youre at in the series, i dont want to spoil anything. Dont tell me. Blah, blah, blah. Does this improve your position in the ranks. It adds a lot more pressure, i think so amy. Amy already had a huge amount of pressure on her as Campaign Manager for selina but now shes got to secure an election. It would be super devastating if they dont make it because thats just the worst. I want her to get impeached. You know, im sure if anybody deserves it, its her. Its kind of fun to be able to have the language and stuff because its on cable. You guys get away with murder. Everything. Its true. I always say we use curse words as opposed to using them. Theres a difference. We use them very well. Yes, you do. I didnt know you have your own youre a muppet fan as i can tell by your blouse. You have a muppet of your own. Yeah. Tell her what your Favorite Song is. Pennies from heaven. Oh, that guy is wonderful. Pennies from heaven. Sing is baby, whoever you are. Regis will be happy to sign his cd to penny. Oh, shell love that. Right, regis . You still have some of those in the attic. Its time for regis along with my 16 cds, also. Well happen ily take them. Congratulations on your emmy nomination for veep. If you guys havent seen it. Hoda turned me on to it. Go across country and watch six episodes and youll be hooked forever. You can see it on hbo. Do you know who we have up next do you have a tattoo. I do. Its on the back. What does it look like . Its a ball relieve of a cross. Oh, i love that. It means it stands out. Would you like to take it off pause weve got a guy coming here. I considered it but ill keep it. One stop shopping around here. Well be right back right after this. Ugh. Heartburn. Did someone say burn . Try alka seltzer reliefchews. They work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. Mmm. Amazing. Yeah, i get that a lot. Alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. Enjoy the relief. [music] jackies heart attack didnt come with a warning. Today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. If youve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Were back with regis. Play a little game. Yes. A little game our producers have prepared photos for us that we have not seen as they flash on the screen. We are going to tell you the first thing that comes to our mind. They want me to go first for whatever reason. Roll them. The ugliest woman i have seen. You played me and i played you. I was right on the money with you. Next. Youre wearing the empathy belly when i was pregnant with cody. What do you remember . I remember the way you looked and one day i caught you with the robe open. Who is that . I dont know. It could have been anything. Look at the red hair. Is that me . No. You are here with this guy whoever he is. I dont know. You are loving every minute of it. That is when we did the fabio thing. Is that the great karim abdul. My last day. How sad. Here we are all of these years later going to do a little hard core pawn. We are back with more of today. Koda as regis calls her has the day off. Have you cleaned out your closet and found things you no longer need or think they may be worth something . The stars of hard core pawn say you can do a lot of money by doing research in the home. They run one of the largest pawnshops. Today they tell us how much some of our stuff is worth. With audience members and we have yours. Welcome back, you guys. Thanks for having us. You have been in this business 40 years now. You have the art of negotiation down. I have it under control. You come to the store you see it every day. You want to be fair. No doubt about that. What is the worse thing somebody said im sorry but people have a lot of emotion and they bring it and i have to be the bearer of bad news to tell them it doesnt have value. And it hurts their feelings and makes them angry. You see it on tru tv. I hold my tongue every once in a while. Lets look at some of the things you brought from detroit. The first part of negotiating is know your product. Here is a picasso painting that you would think is picasso. It is a fake. How do you know . The first thing you do is realize that they dont use masking tape on the back of picasso paintings. Thats number one. He might have when he was poor. It wasnt him. Once you do investigating on the internet you see this is at a museum. How much would you give somebody for that . 20. Ill take it. I knew you would. Somebody is very disappointed. Here is a certified baseball. It was sent to a grading company and came back as authentic. This baseball if you just saw it in your drawer and realized what it was is worth 15,000. These companies can analyze that and make sure it the pen strokes. And what about this watch . People often pass down their time pieces. They do. One of the things is do your homework. Here is a beautiful pocket watch that when you go on the outside in and look at it it is actually a beautiful piece. It isnt as beautiful as you think. You can go to any Department Store and buy it. This is worth about 100. This is an original 1861 hand made pocket watch. One of the cousins of a very famous watch company. So worth 14,000 for the people who brought it . Worth 14,000 on our website. Gift. How much did you give the person who brought it . 8,500. There are a lot of key factors that you have to know. One key thing is leave emotion at the door. This broach was left to me by my grandmother. It is a cameo. The one thing you have to remember if i want to sell it you have to leave emotion at the door. If you are attached to it you are never going to sell it. Lets talk to audience members. What did you bring in . A Joan Crawford handkerchief. How do we know . Im hoping the experts can tell me. I took a look at this before the show. This is. She is from broadway. She was a flapper. This is north of 500. Congratulations. Im glad we opened the envelope. Congratulations. Thank you so much. We have another lady. I have an 1881 Silver Dollar that has also been formed into a chain. The good thing about this is 1881 coin silver. It is mounted. There is a bezel around it. It is circulated. There is not much wear and tear at all. It is in great condition. Good thing it was mounted because there was no wear and tear on it. This is north of 100. Better than a dollar. Hold on to it. Do we have one more . Hi, sweetie. Hi. This is my engagement ring. It was my husbands great grandmothers. The setting and stone inside with my grandmothers earring. You want to im interested in learning more about it. Thats different than how much i can get for it. This is a really wellmade ring. It is hand carved. If you look at the portions of the side it was all hand done. You will see no two pieces are alike. The diamond is from the era of the early 1900s and is a really valuable ring. It is made of gold. What is the worth you think . Over 5,000. Keep that husband, too. Its a beautiful piece. Didnt you bring something . I have a couple of things. When i came back to new york in 83 i met a guy walking down the street and he said i want to sell this to you and 500. This is exquisite. Really . Its junk . I dont tell people things are junk but it is great fashion jewelry. You need to come to detroit and get a lesson in negotiating because some of the stones are glued in and are falling out. You bought it from a man on the street . How much is this worth . Regis. The championship we won together, me and lou. How old is it . In the 90s. To be antique it has to be 25 years old. I thought 50 years old. With the people in that picture it has to be worth at least a million dollars. 2 million. Still not going to sell it. Because you are emotionally involved with it. You can catch hard core pawn wednesday nights. We are going to remove some of these tattoos. And we have wild animals for regis. So our anniversary is coming up. And our inlaws have agreed to. Take care of our kid for a night. So we can finally get some sleep. The hotel has to be right. With hotwire, you can get a 4star hotel for up to 60 off, even at the last minute. In the neighborhood where we wanna go . Yes. You just wont the name until after you book. Hmm. Ooh. Definitely. Its all about sleep. Its not all about sleep. Yeah, well, for me it is. Lucky me. Get last minute hotel deals on hotwire so factors like diet can negatively impact good bacteria . Even if youre healthy and active. Phillips Digestive Health support is a duoprobiotic that helps supplement good bacteria found in two parts of your digestive tract. Im doubly impressed phillips Digestive Health. A daily probiotic. Do you have something for pain . I have bayer aspirin. Im not having a heart attack, its my back. I mean bayer back body. It works great for pain. Bayer back body provides effective relief for your tough pain. Better . Yeah. Thanks for the tip with sleep number, now theres an adjustment for that. You can only find sleep number at a sleep number store. The time is now for the biggest sale of the year. All beds on sale with 50 off the labor Day Limited Edition bed. Know better sleep with sleep number. Its time for todays call of the wild. You ready . Hardly. He is already scared. Does hoda have a helmet i can put on . We are here with julie sardina. What have you brought for us today . We have fantastic animal ambassadors. What is most powerful is making the connection. Our animal ambassadors make that connection. This is called a bush baby. It is a primitive form of primate. He is going to jump on me. He is a jumper. He better not bite me. Go ahead. He has a great grip. He eats a lot. I knew i couldnt. Look how cute he is. He didnt hurt you. His tongue touched me. He is found all over southern africa. They are a very primitive form of primate. They have like litters. Is he a marsupial . He is a prosimian. He has a tail like a marsupial. He lives in trees and it helps him for balance. He said i dont want to go on the tree. How about on regis . Put him on me. So he hangs on very tightly. He has great dip in all of the paws. He grabbed my hand. [ laughter ] we are going to take this guy off. Get him out of here. I have one for you, then. Hold out your arms. What is that . Bird flying. Honest to god, that is not funny. You will never see me here again, never. Im through with nbc. Reg, you are making them scared. What is that . It is a bird. We have other water birds that are going to come. Wait until you see this one. These are beautiful water birds. Where are they from . All of them are in latin america. They are found in the southeastern united states, as well. Lets see if we can get it. Sophie and ruby. Im going to fly this one off. How do you like it . Thats it, bird. We have such a large one there. Im exhausted. Give her something quickly. There you go. This has been fun. This is a reason why we have to preserve our wetlands. Julie, thank you. Where is he from . South america. Where is he from . They use these specialized bills. They are wonderful ambassadors. He is pooping on my head. Im convinced of it. Laser tattoo removal. Somebody take the bird. Reg, take the bird, please. Lets get out of here. [ laughter ] hey, everybody. Look at kathie lee. Whats wrong with you people . All in a days work. [music] jackies heart attack didnt come with a warning. Today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. If youve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Ugh. Heartburn. Did someone say burn . Try alka seltzer reliefchews. They work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. Mmm. Amazing. Yeah, i get that a lot. Alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. Enjoy the relief. Some people laser off tattoos to remove the names of former lovers and some get tired of it. The American Society for dermtulogic surgery says the number of removals has jumped more than 50 . Dr. Bruce katz is here. Director of the skin and laser center here in new york. Beautiful nurse stephanie having her first laser tattoo removal treatment here on our show. Hello. Pleasure to be here. Why is everybody saying i have second thoughts now . You know, sometimes people get tired of the tattoo like you said or they want to change, they want to add a different color or take something off. How many tattoos do you think you have removed in the years . Thousands. How many you removed . Thousands. He doesnt do the tattoos. He removes them. Thank you very much. And you must be stephanie. I am. And show us what you got, sweetheart. A little heart and a little anchor. Had it how long . A couple of years, five or six. Why would you like to remove them . Because as im getting older i realize how it can be negatively conceived especially get a little selfconscious when i shake peoples hands. Because you got the heart . I notice people look down. When you get to shake a good looking guy and he sees your hand all those greek girls. So is it going to hurt her . It is really painless. Is it expensive . People want to know that . Depending on the size of the tattoo between 300 to 1,000 for treatment. Peanuts. Peanuts to you, regis. How many treatments does it take . They are all different depending on the color. This is the advance in laser technology. We can take away tattoos in fewer treatments. That is good news for you. How much are you going to take off . We are going to take the whole thing off. Throw your glasses on. Everybody in the whole studio has to apparently. Here we go. Basically we are going to start here and hit the buzzing here. Do you feel it . I dont feel anything. Good girl. And this laser really takes away colors we couldnt remove before. It works so well on acne scars. That is great news for people. And people who had tattoos treated with other lasers that didnt respond. New technology all the time is just so great. Im so happy for you, stephanie. Is it gone . No, its not gone. It is still there. The body takes away the ink. Are you sure . Absolutely. Can you come back tomorrow . Tomorrow is saturday. I still see them there. You sigh the outline of it. It will go away now. It gradually fades. Thank you for coming. Well be right back but first this is today on nbc. Happy to be here. Our facebook basically crashed when we asked people to send in questions for you because they love you so much. Here is the first one. How do you stay so good looking . Patsy i like to walk around with a bird on my head. Did you see that . Unbelievable. Heather, what do you miss most about seeing kathie lee every day . I dont know if i can take it every day, but i did for 15 years. She is a great, great lady. She and hoda are a Fabulous Team together. They belong together and good luck to both of them. Diane gallagher says is joy ready for you to go back to work . I think she is getting that look in her eye. You still here . She wasnt too thrilled that you were leaving the daily routine. How about frank . He hasnt noticed. What have you been doing in your spare time . Gosh, rehearsing things like this. There is no rehearsal. I go to the gym a lot. I know you do. You should be in ironman 22. Im regis. He is going to be in our big musical coming up. Thats right. Dont miss it. I love you. Ill see you at dinner saturday im here to help. Will get through this together

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