> i'm still not over the fact that matt and al stole our part. >> we were asked first to be in "sharknado". >> w"> > i'm still not over the fact that matt and al stole our part. >> we were asked first to be in "sharknado". >> w" property="og:description"> > i'm still not over the fact that matt and al stole our part. >> we were asked first to be in "sharknado". >> w">

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20140730 : comparemela.com

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20140730

>> talking about "sharknado 2". >> i'm still not over the fact that matt and al stole our part. >> we were asked first to be in "sharknado". >> were we asked or did we ask? >> i can't remember, but we had a campaign. yesterday in the beginning of our chat i'm minding my own business when all of a sudden hot flash. you have them at the most inappropriate time. the facebook folks got online and they all said just deal with it and get over it. >> man up and be a woman. >> look at this cool looking fan, look at that one. nobody is going to notice you with that out. they have this one with the mister which i advise no one to use. >> not around your hair. >> and a nice fan, too. >> you can fake it a little bit and people think you are southern. >> i like it. >> southern accent and a mint julep. >> you know what i love? what happened to you yesterday when you saw me having hot flashes. >> what did i do? >> you had a sympathy. >> that was last night. i thought i was all over it. because i love her so much and am going through this with you last night it was drench like a river. i couldn't believe it. >> so good. >> we are going to talk about your favorite thing from yesterday. wild over your jump suit. >> sonny works at a shop in florida, right? and sonny what is her name? >> clarence moon. >> she is going to her place today because our facebook went crazy. >> you know what is great about this stuff, $79. what you wore yesterday everybody was wild for, the cute sweater and jump suit. >> you can travel with it. >> if you were home last night and i know you were it was the finale of "the bachelorette". >> we were home but i didn't see it. >> who was andy going to choose? josh or nick. it came to those two. in the beginning she made her choice and didn't want to do it in front of everyone so she broke up with nick a little privately. >> i know you didn't, but, like i just don't know. >> it was heartbreaking for him. she had a great first impression of him. she liked him very much. other guys in the house weren't so wild about the guy. >> how long did this go on? >> over the course of the season. the other guys did not like them. he thought they were in love and he was devastated and shocked when she said he was not going to be the guy. >> did she give him a reason why? >> she sent him home and chose a former baseball player named josh. they got engaged. >> let's watch this moment. >> i can't wait. >> please. >> what are you talking about? >> it's love. it's love. >> she doesn't expect it to happen. >> sometimes they don't propose. >> will you marry me? >> i love her dress. i love her dress. >> oh. >> so now we are like this is the best day ever. but then nick was devastated. so he tried to contact her a bunch of times. >> is that against the rules? >> this is like at the finale thing. there was a time to confront her and talk to her during a live post finale sit down. this is extremely important. this is nick confronting andi. take a look. >> if you weren't in love with me i'm just not sure why -- like why you made love with me. >> first of all, i think that's kind of below the belt, something that is private and should be kept private but the things i did with you and said with you i think i told you this at the very last date with you. those things were real. >> i'm not trying to put you below the belt or whatever -- >> you already have. >> that is how you made me feel. that night like that was like fiance type of stuff. >> fiance type of stuff. jennifer winer says this is her tweet, she considers fiance things like she roasted him a chicken. what did you think about him saying to her in front of people on live television that they made love when she probably thought it was a private thing going on? >> i never like the kiss and tell. a gentleman never does and a lady never does. the whole premise is ridiculous. i can't watch it. i am embarrassed for everybody involved. it's degrading to human beings to me. i know lots of people love it and i'm not putting you down for it. i'm saying i can't watch it. >> so what do you think about the couple? >> i think it is going to last forever. i would like to see the wedding, too. nothing is sacred anymore. >> i think nick saying that on the air, he looked like he felt sorry that he did it and thinking maybe she will love me later and now he ruined it forever. i didn't mean to hit below the belt. >> i don't know how to respond to this. you know my feelings about it. i try to tell you in our meeting every day. i can't stand this stuff. >> exactly. let's talk about josh. >> i'll keep talking about it, but, you know -- >> it seemed real. listen to me. i think a lot of reality tv does not seem real. >> let me take you to my house after 28 years and i will show you real and it ain't pretty. it can never be real when there are cameras everywhere. >> what about right now? >> this isn't real. this is all written. this is us just discussing. i see why there is an appeal, i suppose. i think it is part and parcel of the whole thing of people watching other people have a picnic instead of going off and having a picnic. there is danger in all of this. >> instead of going on dates you are watching other people go on dates. >> tell us about your date. >> kind of like what i'm going through. if someone in your office had b.o. or bad breath and you didn't want to tell them because you felt embarrassed and you don't want to hurt their feelings would you go to anonymous e-mail source to subscribe to where they will write an e-mail to your co-worker not from anybody in particular -- hey, betty, your breath is bad and explains the complaint but coming from no one in particular. >> i think there are dangers in it. i don't know. i think they should just tase them. >> just tase people. >> anytime you are cool it is not good. >> at my mom's work somebody had a bad case of b.o. everybody is in a cube. somebody put a bar of soap on the desk. >> yesterday everybody is going -- i don't know. i think sometimes the best thing to do is like when you have trouble on the airline and somebody is behaving badly you go to the flight attendant and say this is an issue, would you handle it. they are people in authority. >> go to your supervisor or boss and don't just go as one person and say could you guys maybe take care of this? >> if you want to do the e-mail instead the website will handle it for you. >> just leak it. >> just leak it. we are going to do a shout out today. what is your style personality? if you wonder what yours is tomorrow we reveal what our style personality is. >> do you think it can be a cross hybrid? >> there is vintage glam, preppy casual, bombshell sexy. >> i like girlie. >> i like feminine. >> go to klgandhoda.com and take the quiz. >> let me know if i'm completely wrong on the bachelorette thing. if you love it, great. >> facebook page is going to explode. >> hoda's birthday is in 11 days. if you are a big elvis fan would you like memorabilia priscilla presley will tell us how to get our hands on some. two medium cappuccinos! let's show 'em what a breakfast with whole grain fiber can do. one coffee with room, one large mocha latte, medium macchiato, a light hot chocolate hold the whip, two espressos. make one a double. she's full and focused. [ barista ] i have two cappuccinos, one coffee with room, one large mocha latte, a medium macchiato, a light hot chocolate hold the whip, and two espressos -- one with a double shot. heh, heh. that's not the coffee talkin'. [ female announcer ] start your day with kellogg's frosted mini wheats cereal. with whole wheat goodness on one side and a hint of sweetness on the other, it's a delicious way to get the nutrition you want. jim's hair is perfect. so's his serve. but like up to 90% of us, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. jim, here's $2 off one a day multivitamins to get key nutrients you may need. go to oneaday.com for savings. ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. you just can'tider a 4-star know the name?p to 60% off, just no name? until you book. um... yeah, i'd do that! ♪ ♪ this is mark. ...at work. for those who want to enjoy their days... not just get through them. new one a day vitacraves with energy support. the only complete gummy multivitamin... ...that supports energy and mental alertness. new from one a day. in a couple of weeks it will be 35 years since the death of elvis presley. >> if you are a big elvis fan priscilla has big news for you. how are you? >> it is one of the things where everyone of us who was alive at the time will remember when we heard the news. i remember it like yesterday. >> how often do you think about that day? >> i don't think any of us could forget about that day. we were all caught off guard. >> every time our birthday comes along it is one of our memories. >> we had a lot of great things going on to keep his legacy going. >> it is so interesting to look at things that involve either his handwriting or know he touched them. you have things on the table. >> we are having the first-ever auction at graceland, not anything that we have in our own archives. >> that other people have made available. >> these are other things. the founder of the wiggles. this is one of the largest collectors. >> people have their entire homes as shrines to him. they still do. >> is that the screen play for "love me tender"? >> this was his very first movie and really cute story is that being the first time in the movie business he studied everybody's lines so he knew the entire script. this is really enduring. >> this is when he was doing those things? >> absolutely. this is the production for three years. >> what is going on there? >> that is a library card. >> you sign it and this is the signature. >> and this is an opal. >> this is the ring from vegas. >> the pinky ring, one of two we have in the auction. >> what would the starting bid be on this? >> i have no idea. >> this is the second performance in vegas, 1970, january, the key to the city. >> i remember back in those days vegas was struggling and when he made the big deal it just boomed and started an entirely new life for vegas. >> i want to preface again, this is stuff and people would love to -- we are also going to be there. >> you go out to graceland a few times a year. do you still have strong memories of your life there? >> we have the tablet now which is now the tour of graceland. you can get the ear phones if you want to hear the voice. you press a button and it is interactive. you go to the gate and you get to actually see our life, having christmas if you wanted to point to the dining room or living room. you see him sitting on the couch, rare footage. this is going to really enhance the visitor who comes to graceland. people get nervous about what we are doing as far as all of the press about the ipads. we are one of the first historic homes ever for this revolutionary technology. >> and soon there will be a hotel across the street. >> no, it is adjacent to graceland, about a half a mile. >> i thought it was -- you said there were no guest rooms in graceland and had to send everybody down. >> the guest house of graceland. >> and i always wanted to have friends stay over. we never had room. >> didn't have room for you, hoda. >> this is an opportunity for people to know that this is an extension of elvis. we always wanted a hotel. we had four plans drawn up. >> this is going to happen in 2015. >> years in the making. i think our visitors will be thrilled with the swimming pool and trees and grounds all around and a place of gathering where people can have reunions. >> a lot of great memories. >> jill is here with great gift ideas for the important milestone occasions in your life. >> actor ian ziering recently celebrated his 50th birthday. >> also another thing called "sharknado 2" right after this. phillips digestive health support is a duo-probiotic that helps supplement good bacteria found in two parts of your digestive tract. i'm doubly impressed! phillips' digestive health. a daily probiotic. sometimes come out with spots? well, those spots are actually leftover food or detergent residue. can we help prevent this? yes, use finish jet dry. it goes in your dishwasher's dispenser to help eliminate spots and residues. wow, what a difference! ♪ [music] jackie's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. take them on the way you always have. live healthy and take one a day men's 50+. a complete multivitamin with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. age? who cares. summer saving against a tornado of sharks in "sharknado." >> this year in the sequel "sharknado 2," take a look. >> i know you are scared. i'm scared, too. they are sharks. they are scary. i have been eaten and i'm here to tell you it is a lot more than that to bng a good man down. [ laughter ] >> you knew it was going to be good. >> how in the world do you keep a straight face? >> you have to commit to the material. in the context of that reality it would be scary to be eaten. >> i had to call the writer and i said really, dude? are you drunk? what are you writing here? >> it must be fun. >> that looks like so much fun. >> it is reckless abandon. . you may see someone running through the background who had legs chewed off in a previous scene. it is fun. we were on broadway standing on top of a fire truck from the '70s and i'm screaming let's kill sharks not just on video village but all new yorkers all scream, yeah! it was just amazing. >> was it shot in the winter? it was cold. >> it was the polar vortex. that's the code name for sharknado. it didn't get over 20 degrees. >> do you ever explain why the sharks are so angry? >> fish out of water. would you be angry? >> we have a bone to pick with ian. we have a huge one. >> there is no bones in sharks. >> matt and al stole our role. >> we are over it. we love matt and al. >> not really. >> we were waiting for our moment -- >> let me tell you something, they have several clips that run throughout the entire movie. >> now i'm really mad. >> so convincing that if people see the clips they are going to run to storm shelters. al is predicting a storm of biblical proportion. >> you are 50. you turned 50, advice. >> a lot of antioxidants. clean living, good skin care. >> and chip and dales. >> "sharknado 2" premieres tomorrow. >> oh, boy. >> that is how you go out. >> he is wearing a great vest. we're back with more of "today" on this booze day tuesday. time to check out what is inside jill's shopping bag. we're back with more of "today" on this booze day tuesday. time to check out what is inside jill's shopping bag. >> we have gifts for the 50th wedding anniversary -- >> or maybe for hoda's 50th birthday. who is counting? >> you are counting. >> let's start with cassidy's birthday, happy 21st. you can get any scrapbook. when you open it we had everybody send in 21 things they love about cassidy. katie said mom and dad can fill in the gaps. then we had from you. >> i love this. >> and so that -- >> now i don't have to give anything. >> if you want to give a 21 year old kit what they need when turning 21 this is wrapping it up here. this is all under $100. clean diamond studs under $30. watch is from target. nyx cosmetics. any perfume you want. a nice wallet and nice key chain. >> beautiful. >> now -- big month for you. now, this is from jennifer miller jewelry. these are all the charms that you have accumulated over the years from different places. now for starting at $25 you can buy the leather band and compile it. >> that's so cool. jennifermillerjewelry.com. >> another 50th gift. this is the "washington post" and the date you were born and the year and gives you the newspaper from that day. you can personalize it. isn't that nice to give somebody? if you want to get a little wild let's say we can drink it at the end. beer pong. if you get it in your partner has to drink. >> got it. >> now we move to the 75th birthday. plan a movie night for your significant other. a 4:30 movie night, candy all from amazon. >> i love that idea. >> $65. five generations of your family. you start with one or two people here and it bridges back for five generations. >> how beautiful. >> it is not the traditional family tree but a version of it. anniversary coming up. i made it 25 for the purposes of the segment. throw a silver party. everything in silver. you can go to amazon and go to stationarystudio.com and have everything printed plus personalized glasses. ice buckets. so it has all of your initials on it. >> then 50th anniversary. i asked my parents what they ate at their anniversary. this is all of the things they ate. these books are great to do together. all about us, the bucket list for couples. what i love about you, you each fill it out and go over it. >> one more thing -- >> you can actually get a greeting from the white house if you go on to whitehouse.gov. they will send you a signed greeting. >> from the president? >> from the white house. okay. you know what else makes a great gift? home made chocolate. fancy treats from mr. chocolate himself. >> how to pick the perfect lipstick. show us after this. ♪ at air wick, our lavender and chamomile fragrance contains the natural essential oils of 40 lavender flowers that are gently infused into every precious bottle. lavender and chamomile fragrance. part of air wick's scented oils collection. jim's hair is perfect. so's his serve. but like up to 90% of us, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. jim, here's $2 off one a day multivitamins to get key nutrients you may need. go to oneaday.com for savings. ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. as we mentioned earlier it is national lipstick day. for most of us it is a hard to imagine life without it. >> so many of us considered it a staple of our wardrobe that last year we spent more than $370 million in lip color. >> beauty and style expert has more for us. >> thank you. >> national lipstick month. >> everything has a day. >> national lipstick day is here. lipstick is searched twice as often as lip gloss on amazon. this month alone 50% of an increase of a search for nudes. >> i'm into the nudes. >> is nude just this like 2014, is that the year of nude? >> this is the summer of nude. the summer of nude. what is interesting is that lipstick companies have come out with all different shades of nude because one nude does not suit all. >> you are picky about your nude. >> you will never see me nude, either. >> maybeline has a whole buffs collection. >> this is a pencil version of the same. >> brighter colors over here. what has been fun is these lip crayons. these are buildable and easy to put on. >> you use the same thing you line with to fill in. >> and then you can layer it. you can go sheer or full and change up your lips. >> i like glosses but i feel like they are too sheer. >> liquid lipstick is the new big thing. revlon has the moisture lipstick. from dior this lipstick instead of wax uses water. this is new called melted. this is what would happen to lipstick if left in the car. >> tory birch is doing lipsticks? >> because nothing else has been successful. >> she put her signature scent into the lipstick so it has a great fragrance. >> we have our ladies all covering their mouth. >> first up we have soriah. >> she isn't a big makeup person. we wanted to try something bolder. check out our reveal. she is wear ag great bold pink. >> that is really pretty. >> it is a really great fun party. it is girlie and feminine. >> you look good. >> here is debbie's before picture. >> all right. i like debbie's color. >> she is a teacher, wanted to switch up the look. we went a little purple. >> it brightens up her face a little bit. a little more summery feeling and something she can wear day, night, wear to work. >> i don't see a huge, huge difference. >> we have beth here. >> blonds are nervous about wearing red. we decided to give beth a little red lip. then we amped it up. >> she looks good. >> this is a great bright red. >> you have two colors for us. >> this is for you. it's a lip twist that is kind of sheer. hoda i have baby doll for you. both easy to apply. just enough color. >> let's see. take you out of your comfort zone today. >> i'm going right back to it. >> i like it. >> you can do it on your cheeks and get a complimentary glow. >> looking good, girls. >> it ages me like crazy. >> wipe it off. >> i'm taking this one with me! >> thank you so much. >> band of brothers. how sweet is that? this you can make in your own kitchen. after this. so factors like diet can negatively impact good bacteria? even if you're healthy and active. phillips digestive health support is a duo-probiotic that helps supplement good bacteria found in two parts of your digestive tract. i'm doubly impressed! phillips' digestive health. a daily probiotic. ♪ [music] jackie's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. take them on the way you always have. live healthy and take one a day men's 50+. a complete multivitamin with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. age? who cares. national milk chocolate day was yesterday. today is lipstick. it is never too late to indulge a little. >> we are here with famed chocolatier. he is about to show us a thing or two about creating home made chocolate. hello. >> bonjour. every day is milk chocolate, not only yesterday but every day. >> you are going to show us how to make chocolate bark. >> milk chocolate are relatively -- milk chocolate is good. it is cocoa bean. this is inside the cocoa bean. and this is the purist form of chocolate. powder, sugar, vanilla ground together. this is what it is. we temper the chocolate meaning crystallize it a little bit. when the chocolate reaches 80 degrees it is ready. the way to make bark is simple. you put nuts in it. >> whatever kind you like. >> and then a little bit of postachio. >> coconut is great. also, you can add a bit of cereal. >> if you have cereal in your house dump cereal into the chocolate. >> look at that. >> when you get that you take a spatula and spread it all over. i know you are good at that. you are good at it. when everything is spread all over we tap it a little bit and put it in the fridge. >> look what happens. >> look that is the magic of television. >> i just did that. >> how long in the fridge? >> it is supposed to come out, about five minutes. let's see, very fast i'm going to take it out. >> beautiful! >> we break it in pieces like that and you can present it. look how nice it is. the idea behind that is to put something on the table that you are going to share. >> we only have a few seconds. >> take a little bit of chocolate and put them on the lollipop mold and use candy to decorate it. >> absolutely. >> it is a nice way to form it to do that. you can pop popcorn and put a bit of sugar on. you know i was the judge on the next great baker. >> of course, you were. >> with bobby -- and that was so much fun to be the judge. i loved to do that. being the judge is great. i love to teach and do that. >> we love you. thank you for coming. >> thank you so much. you can catch "the next great baker" tuesday on tlc. it has been a long road for the band ajr. the brothers are getting ready to perform their hit single. first this is "today" on nbc. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> it hard to believe someone could do this to an innocent animal like bruno but animals are abused everyday. it's a nightmare for them and it won't end unless we can get to them in time and rescue them from the tight grip of their abuser. please sign up now to help. go online or call this number with your $18 monthly gift. we need more support and we need it fast so we can rescue more animals like bruno. lives are on the line and many can't wait much longer. but for just .60 cents a day, you can save animals lives and give them urgent medical care, food, and shelter. it's a small price to pay for the precious lives you'll save. please call or visit us online at joinaspca.org in the next ten minutes and we'll send you a photo of an animal you helped and a free aspca t-shirt. please be the one to finally end their nightmare. an animal like bruno is waiting for help. go online or call now. the toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by toyota. >> eight years ago three brothers, adam, jack and ryan or ajr were performing in new york central park until they were noticed by a hit artist. >> now their hit song "i'm ready" climbed the charts. coming out this fall "living room". >> what an american success story. >> one day central park. >> are your parents busting? >> they are super proud and very supportive. >> that has to be great. >> you went to ivy league schools. >> i'm only in my senior year in high school so maybe. >> you going to do "i'm ready"? >> we're ready to hear "i'm ready". ♪ i'm ready ♪ i'm ready, i'm ready ♪ ♪ are you ready ♪ you're feeling good, feeling right ♪ ♪ across the floor and i'm already losing my mind ♪ ♪ looking fine while you playing and playing these guys ♪ ♪ tell me that you're ready and you're feeling ♪ ♪ when riding behind the hashtag sign ♪ ♪ i won't forget you but i may forget your name ♪ ♪ my lady i know what you're thinking when the basis starts ringing and you tell me ♪ ♪ are you ready for tonight setting it on fire ♪ ♪ we're dancing until ♪ i know what you're thinking when the bass starts kicking ♪ ♪ are you ready for tonight setting it on fire ♪ ♪ dancing ♪ i'm ready, i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ break me down ♪ watching everything you want to know ♪ ♪ ♪ i won't forget you but i may forget your name ♪ ♪ my lady i know what you're thinking when the bass starts ringing ♪ ♪ are you ready for tonight, setting it on fire ♪ ♪ ♪ my lady i know what you're thinking when the bass starts ringing ♪ ♪ are you ready for tonight setting it on fire ♪ ♪ i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ break it down i'm ready to break it down ♪ ♪ break me down ♪ i won't forget you but i may forget your name ♪ ♪ i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ are you ready >> thank you so much. appreciate it. >> we'll see you t >> i'm here to help. you and i will get through this together. ♪

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United States , Florida , Whitehouse , District Of Columbia , Washington , American , Jennifer Winer , Kathie Lee Gifford , Rockefeller Plaza , Elvis Presley , Jennifer Miller , Priscilla Presley ,

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Transcripts For KNTV Today 20140730 : Comparemela.com

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20140730

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>> talking about "sharknado 2". >> i'm still not over the fact that matt and al stole our part. >> we were asked first to be in "sharknado". >> were we asked or did we ask? >> i can't remember, but we had a campaign. yesterday in the beginning of our chat i'm minding my own business when all of a sudden hot flash. you have them at the most inappropriate time. the facebook folks got online and they all said just deal with it and get over it. >> man up and be a woman. >> look at this cool looking fan, look at that one. nobody is going to notice you with that out. they have this one with the mister which i advise no one to use. >> not around your hair. >> and a nice fan, too. >> you can fake it a little bit and people think you are southern. >> i like it. >> southern accent and a mint julep. >> you know what i love? what happened to you yesterday when you saw me having hot flashes. >> what did i do? >> you had a sympathy. >> that was last night. i thought i was all over it. because i love her so much and am going through this with you last night it was drench like a river. i couldn't believe it. >> so good. >> we are going to talk about your favorite thing from yesterday. wild over your jump suit. >> sonny works at a shop in florida, right? and sonny what is her name? >> clarence moon. >> she is going to her place today because our facebook went crazy. >> you know what is great about this stuff, $79. what you wore yesterday everybody was wild for, the cute sweater and jump suit. >> you can travel with it. >> if you were home last night and i know you were it was the finale of "the bachelorette". >> we were home but i didn't see it. >> who was andy going to choose? josh or nick. it came to those two. in the beginning she made her choice and didn't want to do it in front of everyone so she broke up with nick a little privately. >> i know you didn't, but, like i just don't know. >> it was heartbreaking for him. she had a great first impression of him. she liked him very much. other guys in the house weren't so wild about the guy. >> how long did this go on? >> over the course of the season. the other guys did not like them. he thought they were in love and he was devastated and shocked when she said he was not going to be the guy. >> did she give him a reason why? >> she sent him home and chose a former baseball player named josh. they got engaged. >> let's watch this moment. >> i can't wait. >> please. >> what are you talking about? >> it's love. it's love. >> she doesn't expect it to happen. >> sometimes they don't propose. >> will you marry me? >> i love her dress. i love her dress. >> oh. >> so now we are like this is the best day ever. but then nick was devastated. so he tried to contact her a bunch of times. >> is that against the rules? >> this is like at the finale thing. there was a time to confront her and talk to her during a live post finale sit down. this is extremely important. this is nick confronting andi. take a look. >> if you weren't in love with me i'm just not sure why -- like why you made love with me. >> first of all, i think that's kind of below the belt, something that is private and should be kept private but the things i did with you and said with you i think i told you this at the very last date with you. those things were real. >> i'm not trying to put you below the belt or whatever -- >> you already have. >> that is how you made me feel. that night like that was like fiance type of stuff. >> fiance type of stuff. jennifer winer says this is her tweet, she considers fiance things like she roasted him a chicken. what did you think about him saying to her in front of people on live television that they made love when she probably thought it was a private thing going on? >> i never like the kiss and tell. a gentleman never does and a lady never does. the whole premise is ridiculous. i can't watch it. i am embarrassed for everybody involved. it's degrading to human beings to me. i know lots of people love it and i'm not putting you down for it. i'm saying i can't watch it. >> so what do you think about the couple? >> i think it is going to last forever. i would like to see the wedding, too. nothing is sacred anymore. >> i think nick saying that on the air, he looked like he felt sorry that he did it and thinking maybe she will love me later and now he ruined it forever. i didn't mean to hit below the belt. >> i don't know how to respond to this. you know my feelings about it. i try to tell you in our meeting every day. i can't stand this stuff. >> exactly. let's talk about josh. >> i'll keep talking about it, but, you know -- >> it seemed real. listen to me. i think a lot of reality tv does not seem real. >> let me take you to my house after 28 years and i will show you real and it ain't pretty. it can never be real when there are cameras everywhere. >> what about right now? >> this isn't real. this is all written. this is us just discussing. i see why there is an appeal, i suppose. i think it is part and parcel of the whole thing of people watching other people have a picnic instead of going off and having a picnic. there is danger in all of this. >> instead of going on dates you are watching other people go on dates. >> tell us about your date. >> kind of like what i'm going through. if someone in your office had b.o. or bad breath and you didn't want to tell them because you felt embarrassed and you don't want to hurt their feelings would you go to anonymous e-mail source to subscribe to where they will write an e-mail to your co-worker not from anybody in particular -- hey, betty, your breath is bad and explains the complaint but coming from no one in particular. >> i think there are dangers in it. i don't know. i think they should just tase them. >> just tase people. >> anytime you are cool it is not good. >> at my mom's work somebody had a bad case of b.o. everybody is in a cube. somebody put a bar of soap on the desk. >> yesterday everybody is going -- i don't know. i think sometimes the best thing to do is like when you have trouble on the airline and somebody is behaving badly you go to the flight attendant and say this is an issue, would you handle it. they are people in authority. >> go to your supervisor or boss and don't just go as one person and say could you guys maybe take care of this? >> if you want to do the e-mail instead the website will handle it for you. >> just leak it. >> just leak it. we are going to do a shout out today. what is your style personality? if you wonder what yours is tomorrow we reveal what our style personality is. >> do you think it can be a cross hybrid? >> there is vintage glam, preppy casual, bombshell sexy. >> i like girlie. >> i like feminine. >> go to klgandhoda.com and take the quiz. >> let me know if i'm completely wrong on the bachelorette thing. if you love it, great. >> facebook page is going to explode. >> hoda's birthday is in 11 days. if you are a big elvis fan would you like memorabilia priscilla presley will tell us how to get our hands on some. two medium cappuccinos! let's show 'em what a breakfast with whole grain fiber can do. one coffee with room, one large mocha latte, medium macchiato, a light hot chocolate hold the whip, two espressos. make one a double. she's full and focused. [ barista ] i have two cappuccinos, one coffee with room, one large mocha latte, a medium macchiato, a light hot chocolate hold the whip, and two espressos -- one with a double shot. heh, heh. that's not the coffee talkin'. [ female announcer ] start your day with kellogg's frosted mini wheats cereal. with whole wheat goodness on one side and a hint of sweetness on the other, it's a delicious way to get the nutrition you want. jim's hair is perfect. so's his serve. but like up to 90% of us, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. jim, here's $2 off one a day multivitamins to get key nutrients you may need. go to oneaday.com for savings. ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. you just can'tider a 4-star know the name?p to 60% off, just no name? until you book. um... yeah, i'd do that! ♪ ♪ this is mark. ...at work. for those who want to enjoy their days... not just get through them. new one a day vitacraves with energy support. the only complete gummy multivitamin... ...that supports energy and mental alertness. new from one a day. in a couple of weeks it will be 35 years since the death of elvis presley. >> if you are a big elvis fan priscilla has big news for you. how are you? >> it is one of the things where everyone of us who was alive at the time will remember when we heard the news. i remember it like yesterday. >> how often do you think about that day? >> i don't think any of us could forget about that day. we were all caught off guard. >> every time our birthday comes along it is one of our memories. >> we had a lot of great things going on to keep his legacy going. >> it is so interesting to look at things that involve either his handwriting or know he touched them. you have things on the table. >> we are having the first-ever auction at graceland, not anything that we have in our own archives. >> that other people have made available. >> these are other things. the founder of the wiggles. this is one of the largest collectors. >> people have their entire homes as shrines to him. they still do. >> is that the screen play for "love me tender"? >> this was his very first movie and really cute story is that being the first time in the movie business he studied everybody's lines so he knew the entire script. this is really enduring. >> this is when he was doing those things? >> absolutely. this is the production for three years. >> what is going on there? >> that is a library card. >> you sign it and this is the signature. >> and this is an opal. >> this is the ring from vegas. >> the pinky ring, one of two we have in the auction. >> what would the starting bid be on this? >> i have no idea. >> this is the second performance in vegas, 1970, january, the key to the city. >> i remember back in those days vegas was struggling and when he made the big deal it just boomed and started an entirely new life for vegas. >> i want to preface again, this is stuff and people would love to -- we are also going to be there. >> you go out to graceland a few times a year. do you still have strong memories of your life there? >> we have the tablet now which is now the tour of graceland. you can get the ear phones if you want to hear the voice. you press a button and it is interactive. you go to the gate and you get to actually see our life, having christmas if you wanted to point to the dining room or living room. you see him sitting on the couch, rare footage. this is going to really enhance the visitor who comes to graceland. people get nervous about what we are doing as far as all of the press about the ipads. we are one of the first historic homes ever for this revolutionary technology. >> and soon there will be a hotel across the street. >> no, it is adjacent to graceland, about a half a mile. >> i thought it was -- you said there were no guest rooms in graceland and had to send everybody down. >> the guest house of graceland. >> and i always wanted to have friends stay over. we never had room. >> didn't have room for you, hoda. >> this is an opportunity for people to know that this is an extension of elvis. we always wanted a hotel. we had four plans drawn up. >> this is going to happen in 2015. >> years in the making. i think our visitors will be thrilled with the swimming pool and trees and grounds all around and a place of gathering where people can have reunions. >> a lot of great memories. >> jill is here with great gift ideas for the important milestone occasions in your life. >> actor ian ziering recently celebrated his 50th birthday. >> also another thing called "sharknado 2" right after this. phillips digestive health support is a duo-probiotic that helps supplement good bacteria found in two parts of your digestive tract. i'm doubly impressed! phillips' digestive health. a daily probiotic. sometimes come out with spots? well, those spots are actually leftover food or detergent residue. can we help prevent this? yes, use finish jet dry. it goes in your dishwasher's dispenser to help eliminate spots and residues. wow, what a difference! ♪ [music] jackie's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. take them on the way you always have. live healthy and take one a day men's 50+. a complete multivitamin with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. age? who cares. summer saving against a tornado of sharks in "sharknado." >> this year in the sequel "sharknado 2," take a look. >> i know you are scared. i'm scared, too. they are sharks. they are scary. i have been eaten and i'm here to tell you it is a lot more than that to bng a good man down. [ laughter ] >> you knew it was going to be good. >> how in the world do you keep a straight face? >> you have to commit to the material. in the context of that reality it would be scary to be eaten. >> i had to call the writer and i said really, dude? are you drunk? what are you writing here? >> it must be fun. >> that looks like so much fun. >> it is reckless abandon. . you may see someone running through the background who had legs chewed off in a previous scene. it is fun. we were on broadway standing on top of a fire truck from the '70s and i'm screaming let's kill sharks not just on video village but all new yorkers all scream, yeah! it was just amazing. >> was it shot in the winter? it was cold. >> it was the polar vortex. that's the code name for sharknado. it didn't get over 20 degrees. >> do you ever explain why the sharks are so angry? >> fish out of water. would you be angry? >> we have a bone to pick with ian. we have a huge one. >> there is no bones in sharks. >> matt and al stole our role. >> we are over it. we love matt and al. >> not really. >> we were waiting for our moment -- >> let me tell you something, they have several clips that run throughout the entire movie. >> now i'm really mad. >> so convincing that if people see the clips they are going to run to storm shelters. al is predicting a storm of biblical proportion. >> you are 50. you turned 50, advice. >> a lot of antioxidants. clean living, good skin care. >> and chip and dales. >> "sharknado 2" premieres tomorrow. >> oh, boy. >> that is how you go out. >> he is wearing a great vest. we're back with more of "today" on this booze day tuesday. time to check out what is inside jill's shopping bag. we're back with more of "today" on this booze day tuesday. time to check out what is inside jill's shopping bag. >> we have gifts for the 50th wedding anniversary -- >> or maybe for hoda's 50th birthday. who is counting? >> you are counting. >> let's start with cassidy's birthday, happy 21st. you can get any scrapbook. when you open it we had everybody send in 21 things they love about cassidy. katie said mom and dad can fill in the gaps. then we had from you. >> i love this. >> and so that -- >> now i don't have to give anything. >> if you want to give a 21 year old kit what they need when turning 21 this is wrapping it up here. this is all under $100. clean diamond studs under $30. watch is from target. nyx cosmetics. any perfume you want. a nice wallet and nice key chain. >> beautiful. >> now -- big month for you. now, this is from jennifer miller jewelry. these are all the charms that you have accumulated over the years from different places. now for starting at $25 you can buy the leather band and compile it. >> that's so cool. jennifermillerjewelry.com. >> another 50th gift. this is the "washington post" and the date you were born and the year and gives you the newspaper from that day. you can personalize it. isn't that nice to give somebody? if you want to get a little wild let's say we can drink it at the end. beer pong. if you get it in your partner has to drink. >> got it. >> now we move to the 75th birthday. plan a movie night for your significant other. a 4:30 movie night, candy all from amazon. >> i love that idea. >> $65. five generations of your family. you start with one or two people here and it bridges back for five generations. >> how beautiful. >> it is not the traditional family tree but a version of it. anniversary coming up. i made it 25 for the purposes of the segment. throw a silver party. everything in silver. you can go to amazon and go to stationarystudio.com and have everything printed plus personalized glasses. ice buckets. so it has all of your initials on it. >> then 50th anniversary. i asked my parents what they ate at their anniversary. this is all of the things they ate. these books are great to do together. all about us, the bucket list for couples. what i love about you, you each fill it out and go over it. >> one more thing -- >> you can actually get a greeting from the white house if you go on to whitehouse.gov. they will send you a signed greeting. >> from the president? >> from the white house. okay. you know what else makes a great gift? home made chocolate. fancy treats from mr. chocolate himself. >> how to pick the perfect lipstick. show us after this. ♪ at air wick, our lavender and chamomile fragrance contains the natural essential oils of 40 lavender flowers that are gently infused into every precious bottle. lavender and chamomile fragrance. part of air wick's scented oils collection. jim's hair is perfect. so's his serve. but like up to 90% of us, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. jim, here's $2 off one a day multivitamins to get key nutrients you may need. go to oneaday.com for savings. ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. as we mentioned earlier it is national lipstick day. for most of us it is a hard to imagine life without it. >> so many of us considered it a staple of our wardrobe that last year we spent more than $370 million in lip color. >> beauty and style expert has more for us. >> thank you. >> national lipstick month. >> everything has a day. >> national lipstick day is here. lipstick is searched twice as often as lip gloss on amazon. this month alone 50% of an increase of a search for nudes. >> i'm into the nudes. >> is nude just this like 2014, is that the year of nude? >> this is the summer of nude. the summer of nude. what is interesting is that lipstick companies have come out with all different shades of nude because one nude does not suit all. >> you are picky about your nude. >> you will never see me nude, either. >> maybeline has a whole buffs collection. >> this is a pencil version of the same. >> brighter colors over here. what has been fun is these lip crayons. these are buildable and easy to put on. >> you use the same thing you line with to fill in. >> and then you can layer it. you can go sheer or full and change up your lips. >> i like glosses but i feel like they are too sheer. >> liquid lipstick is the new big thing. revlon has the moisture lipstick. from dior this lipstick instead of wax uses water. this is new called melted. this is what would happen to lipstick if left in the car. >> tory birch is doing lipsticks? >> because nothing else has been successful. >> she put her signature scent into the lipstick so it has a great fragrance. >> we have our ladies all covering their mouth. >> first up we have soriah. >> she isn't a big makeup person. we wanted to try something bolder. check out our reveal. she is wear ag great bold pink. >> that is really pretty. >> it is a really great fun party. it is girlie and feminine. >> you look good. >> here is debbie's before picture. >> all right. i like debbie's color. >> she is a teacher, wanted to switch up the look. we went a little purple. >> it brightens up her face a little bit. a little more summery feeling and something she can wear day, night, wear to work. >> i don't see a huge, huge difference. >> we have beth here. >> blonds are nervous about wearing red. we decided to give beth a little red lip. then we amped it up. >> she looks good. >> this is a great bright red. >> you have two colors for us. >> this is for you. it's a lip twist that is kind of sheer. hoda i have baby doll for you. both easy to apply. just enough color. >> let's see. take you out of your comfort zone today. >> i'm going right back to it. >> i like it. >> you can do it on your cheeks and get a complimentary glow. >> looking good, girls. >> it ages me like crazy. >> wipe it off. >> i'm taking this one with me! >> thank you so much. >> band of brothers. how sweet is that? this you can make in your own kitchen. after this. so factors like diet can negatively impact good bacteria? even if you're healthy and active. phillips digestive health support is a duo-probiotic that helps supplement good bacteria found in two parts of your digestive tract. i'm doubly impressed! phillips' digestive health. a daily probiotic. ♪ [music] jackie's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. take them on the way you always have. live healthy and take one a day men's 50+. a complete multivitamin with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. age? who cares. national milk chocolate day was yesterday. today is lipstick. it is never too late to indulge a little. >> we are here with famed chocolatier. he is about to show us a thing or two about creating home made chocolate. hello. >> bonjour. every day is milk chocolate, not only yesterday but every day. >> you are going to show us how to make chocolate bark. >> milk chocolate are relatively -- milk chocolate is good. it is cocoa bean. this is inside the cocoa bean. and this is the purist form of chocolate. powder, sugar, vanilla ground together. this is what it is. we temper the chocolate meaning crystallize it a little bit. when the chocolate reaches 80 degrees it is ready. the way to make bark is simple. you put nuts in it. >> whatever kind you like. >> and then a little bit of postachio. >> coconut is great. also, you can add a bit of cereal. >> if you have cereal in your house dump cereal into the chocolate. >> look at that. >> when you get that you take a spatula and spread it all over. i know you are good at that. you are good at it. when everything is spread all over we tap it a little bit and put it in the fridge. >> look what happens. >> look that is the magic of television. >> i just did that. >> how long in the fridge? >> it is supposed to come out, about five minutes. let's see, very fast i'm going to take it out. >> beautiful! >> we break it in pieces like that and you can present it. look how nice it is. the idea behind that is to put something on the table that you are going to share. >> we only have a few seconds. >> take a little bit of chocolate and put them on the lollipop mold and use candy to decorate it. >> absolutely. >> it is a nice way to form it to do that. you can pop popcorn and put a bit of sugar on. you know i was the judge on the next great baker. >> of course, you were. >> with bobby -- and that was so much fun to be the judge. i loved to do that. being the judge is great. i love to teach and do that. >> we love you. thank you for coming. >> thank you so much. you can catch "the next great baker" tuesday on tlc. it has been a long road for the band ajr. the brothers are getting ready to perform their hit single. first this is "today" on nbc. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> it hard to believe someone could do this to an innocent animal like bruno but animals are abused everyday. it's a nightmare for them and it won't end unless we can get to them in time and rescue them from the tight grip of their abuser. please sign up now to help. go online or call this number with your $18 monthly gift. we need more support and we need it fast so we can rescue more animals like bruno. lives are on the line and many can't wait much longer. but for just .60 cents a day, you can save animals lives and give them urgent medical care, food, and shelter. it's a small price to pay for the precious lives you'll save. please call or visit us online at joinaspca.org in the next ten minutes and we'll send you a photo of an animal you helped and a free aspca t-shirt. please be the one to finally end their nightmare. an animal like bruno is waiting for help. go online or call now. the toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by toyota. >> eight years ago three brothers, adam, jack and ryan or ajr were performing in new york central park until they were noticed by a hit artist. >> now their hit song "i'm ready" climbed the charts. coming out this fall "living room". >> what an american success story. >> one day central park. >> are your parents busting? >> they are super proud and very supportive. >> that has to be great. >> you went to ivy league schools. >> i'm only in my senior year in high school so maybe. >> you going to do "i'm ready"? >> we're ready to hear "i'm ready". ♪ i'm ready ♪ i'm ready, i'm ready ♪ ♪ are you ready ♪ you're feeling good, feeling right ♪ ♪ across the floor and i'm already losing my mind ♪ ♪ looking fine while you playing and playing these guys ♪ ♪ tell me that you're ready and you're feeling ♪ ♪ when riding behind the hashtag sign ♪ ♪ i won't forget you but i may forget your name ♪ ♪ my lady i know what you're thinking when the basis starts ringing and you tell me ♪ ♪ are you ready for tonight setting it on fire ♪ ♪ we're dancing until ♪ i know what you're thinking when the bass starts kicking ♪ ♪ are you ready for tonight setting it on fire ♪ ♪ dancing ♪ i'm ready, i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ break me down ♪ watching everything you want to know ♪ ♪ ♪ i won't forget you but i may forget your name ♪ ♪ my lady i know what you're thinking when the bass starts ringing ♪ ♪ are you ready for tonight, setting it on fire ♪ ♪ ♪ my lady i know what you're thinking when the bass starts ringing ♪ ♪ are you ready for tonight setting it on fire ♪ ♪ i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ break it down i'm ready to break it down ♪ ♪ break me down ♪ i won't forget you but i may forget your name ♪ ♪ i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ are you ready >> thank you so much. appreciate it. >> we'll see you t >> i'm here to help. you and i will get through this together. ♪

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United States , Florida , Whitehouse , District Of Columbia , Washington , American , Jennifer Winer , Kathie Lee Gifford , Rockefeller Plaza , Elvis Presley , Jennifer Miller , Priscilla Presley ,

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