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And dangerous dilemma. The drama caught on camera as familys car catches fire. Inside the lion enclosure at a safari park. The decision that saved their lives today, monday, april 21st, 2014. Announcer from nbc news, this is today. With matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. And good morning. Welcome to today on a monday morning. Welcome back from vacation. Back from vacation. In for savannah. In for natalie. That means youll bat fourth in the next inning. And youll move to right field. Im running the marathon. Yeah, exactly right. Good to have you all here. What about that story about that family in the safari park . Unbelievable. Can you imagine . I cant imagine. So why did i ask if you can . The bad news is your car is on fire. The worst news, the lion what could be worse . Were going to tell you more about that. We want to get right to our top story. Its an emotional day in boston for this mornings running of the Boston Marathon. Its the second largest field in the races 118year history, and as we said, natalie is taking part. Shes in hopkinton this morning near the starting line. Natalie, good morning to you. Good morning to you, matt. As you can imagine as the runners start to arrive here, a lot of excitement, a lot of energy. Emotions and security at alltime highs here. But meanwhile, as you can imagine, people just gearing up, getting ready for the race of a lifetime. Many saying this is the time to take the marathon back and to prove to the world what it means to be boston strong. By the numbers, this will be the largest and most advanced security presence in Boston Marathon history. 3,500 Law Enforcement officers, twice as many as last year. 40 checkpoints in boston alone, as well as over 100 security cameras feeding back to the mobile command center for the massachusetts state police. The technology is newer in here. The capability is obviously better. The communications are seamless. A massive, highly coordinated effort so that the focus of the day returns to the marathon itself and those competing in it. Im here at the Boston Marathon expo, where i just got my official entry, and for many of the runners here, emotions and spirits are high. Many saying theyre looking forward to creating new memories and putting the tragic events of last year behind them. Im really excited to be here. And this is a great city and a great race. After the tragedy last year, i just felt like it just wasnt complete, so i wanted to come back and try it again. Theres so much emotion out there. The right reasons to really celebrate the sport, celebrate the city. Police commissioner William Evans is an expert on both the security and the spirit, having completed this marathon 18 times. For him, the last year has been about the city recovering. Today is about how boston responds. My heart and soul is into this race. It always has been. And thats why its so important that we come back and show how resilient we are and how strong this city is. And on the eve of the marathon, a touching tribute at fenway park last night, as the red sox held an emotional ceremony honoring the victims, the survivors, including among them jeff bauman, and the man who helped save his life, carlos arredondo. A fitting win as well last night for them, the red sox went on to win 65 beating the orioles. Just a quick update, i know youve been nursing an injury over the last couple weeks. How you feeling before the race . Im feeling good. I know that the crowd and the support along the way is going to get me through it. And of course, the emotions of today i think are just going to push me through that extra couple of miles at the end, matt. Were rooting for you. Well check in with you a little later. Thank you. Now to a remarkable story overnight. A 16yearold lucky to be alive after stowing away in the wheel well of a flight from california to hawaii. Nbcs Pete Williams has more. Pete, good morning. Reporter tamron, good morning. The fbi says his survival on the long flight to maui is miraculous, given the High Altitude and frigid cold. They say he was running away from home and stowed away on the plane with no clue where it was going. Authorities say the 16yearold from santa clara, california, hopped a fence at the san jose airport, then climbed into the wheel well of Hawaiian Airlines flight 45, but they say he had no idea where the plane was headed. The boeing 767 jet left shortly after 8 00 a. M. Sunday in san jose and landed in kahului on the island of maui more than five hours later. Another hour after the arrival, the fbi says a witness saw the 16yearold hop down from the wheel well. The Authorities Say he was unconscious for most of the flight, which reached an altitude of 38,000 feet with freezing temperatures. Within a few minutes up at that altitude, the person would pass out. Usually, they would not survive for, you know, hours on end up there. So it just boggles the mind. Reporter Officials Say the boy was found by airport workers. He was carrying only a comb for his hair. The maui News Agency Says this picture shows him on a gurney being taken to the hospital. He looked pretty good from what i could see. You know, again, young juvenile. Didnt appear to be dirty or all greased up from being in a wheel well. Reporter Authorities Say the boy claims he got into an argument with his family and ran away from home. Hawaiian airlines issued a statement saying, our primary concern now is for the wellbeing of the boy, who is exceptionally lucky to have survived. No charges have been filed so far. He cleared a medical checkup and has been turned over to hawaiis Child Welfare department. And now the fbi is looking into how he managed to breach Airport Security in san jose in the first place. Tamron . Incredible story, pete. Thank you very much. Meantime, we have new developments this morning on the tragic ferry disaster off the south korean coast. Divers have now removed dozens of bodies from that ship. And south koreas president is blasting the captain and crew for committing what she calls murderous acts. Nbcs bill neely is in south korea with the latest. Bill, good morning. Reporter good morning, tamron. An extraordinary statement here from south koreas president condemning the captain and siding firmly with the families and calling for justice. Meanwhile, the number of bodies recovered from the ship is rising all the time. A recovery operation i saw for myself close up today. South koreas President Park didnt hold back in her criticism of the ships crew. The action of the captain and some of the crew was incomprehensible, she said. It was like murder and cannot be tolerated. The captain was one of the first to get off the ship and to receive medical help. Hes been charged with criminal negligence. Three further crew members are now being questioned. This was the captain four years ago promoting the same journey. Its safe, he says, as long as you follow the crews directions. Those who did on this ship are still trapped inside it. A massive recovery operation now making slow, grim progress. The ship is directly below us here, one end marked by those creamcolored buoys. There are dozens of divers working in teams inside the passenger area now, trying to bring the bodies through the ship and up on to the surface. The ferry is completely flooded. They say there are no air pockets and they think there are no survivors. One by one, they bring ashore the 16 and 17yearold students. Somebodys daughter. Somebodys son. A national trauma. And a national scandal. The president s criticism of the crew piling even more pressure on the authorities to get to the truth of what exactly happened here. Back to you, tamron. All right, bill, thank you very much. This is day 45 in the hunt for malaysia Airlines Flight 370. For an eighth time, a robotic submarine scanning the search area has come up empty, and passengers relatives are again voicing frustration after meeting with some officials over the weekend. Nbcs katy tur is in perth, australia. Katy, good morning to you. Reporter good morning, matt. Bluefin21 is right now on its ninth dive. So far it scanned about 2 3 of the underwater search zone with nothing to show for it. This as Officials Say that right now, they are at a very critical juncture. By the end of this week, searchers say they will be done mapping out the underwater area where they think the plane is located, based on those four acoustic signals heard more than 13 days ago. Those pings went silent last week. Still, experts say that investigations like this are constantly evolving. We have to remember that in the search for air france 447, it took them 18 missions to finally find the wreckage of that airplane. They found it ten kilometers away from where they thought it was. And they knew exactly where that plane crashed on the surface. Reporter as it stands, the location of mh370 is just an educated guess. A frustrating reality for family members. You havent been searching in the right place, said this man at a meeting with malaysian officials in beijing. In an open letter, loved ones of the 239 passengers wrote, we are in utter outrage, despair, and shock. Day 45 and they say their concerns have yet to be addressed. Namely, why there has never been any independent peer review of the data. And why they would accept a Single Source for analysis on where the plane likely went down. Now, if they dont find anything by the end of this week, Officials Say they will need to regroup, reconsider, and decide how to move forward, potentially even reconsider their entire search plan for this plane, matt. Katy tur, thanks very much. A little earlier this morning, i talked to sarah bajc and lee lee who had loved ones on flight 370 and i asked them about officials claims that the search has reached a critical juncture and what they were told about that. I think they make statements like that just to tee up the ability to put passengers in their coffins as quickly as possible. He says its critical, so when nothings found, he can say oh, we did our best. But we just dont believe that theyre using proper evaluative techniques to check the data. So, you know, we all want to go back to square one. Its day 45. We are basically at the same position we were on on the first day. We dont know anything for sure. So we want to go back and start over again. But with new people looking at the information. And let me just read one of the lines from the email you sent to the media. This was on the subject of compensation and this investigation. You say, until they have proof, they have an obligation to make regular prepayments to the families in need, and they have an obligation to exert themselves beyond dozing and snickering in resolving this case. That is a pretty strong indictment of what they are doing. You believe that . Unproductive. Yeah, very unproductive. Its just a show, right . So that they can say that they briefed the family members. But they really arent, and theyre breaking all of the rules. So, you know, one of the obligations of Malaysian Airlines is to brief all family members on all information before its released to the public. Yet they consistently dont do that. So, for instance, i understood what was happening in the malaysian meeting just because i have friends there. I was never notified of anything. And when i asked for a transcript, i dont get it. So, you know, again, we want to come back to taking this investigation away from the malaysian government. We believe its been mishandled. And as a group of family members, we are gaining strength. So we want them to know that we are not going to go away. And until they agree to pursue this more independently in a way we can feel confident in, were going to get noisier and noisier. Sarah bajc and lee lee. Ladies, thank you very much for your time this morning, i appreciate it. Thank you, matt. Thank you, matt. With natalie in boston, will is here with the mornings other top stories, including an accident in florida. Yeah, really scary moment here. Frightening scene in florida on sunday night. A car plows into a church packed full of people during easter services. It happened in ft. Myers at the second baptist haitian church. At least 21 people hurt. Officials, thank goodness, say none of those injuries are lifethreatening. The driver says the brakes malfunctioned. She was pulling into a parking lot. A weekend of gun violence in chicago leaves nine people dead and 32 others hurt. The latest shooting happened around 7 30 on sunday night. A group of kids were leaving a park near an Elementary School when someone pulled up in a car and asked them a question. The group fled but some in the car opened fire, hitting five of them. The victims range in age from 11 to 15. One of them is in critical condition. Vice President Joe Biden is in ukraine today for two days of meetings after more deadly violence erupted over the weekend. At least three people were killed during a shootout at a prorussian check point. This despite a truce agreement aimed at easing tensions. Now theres word the u. S. Is sending 150 soldiers to Training Exercise in nearby poland and astonia to reassure nato allies the u. S. Will support them. If russia tries to take over parts of eastern ukraine. Sherpa guides on mt. Everest are boycotting now after the single deadliest incident in the mountains history. At least 13 sherpa guides died in an avalanche friday, and the search has ended for three others still missing. Several guides have called for the mountain to be closed to expeditions during climbing season as a mark of respect for the dead. A meteorite lit up the night sky in russia this weekend. Look at that. This captured on dash cam in the town of dmatstk. Russian Officials Say there were no emergency calls or damage reported. Now, this is the story we were talking about earlier. A family getting a lot more than it bargained for at a safari park in england. Another park visitor captured this on camera. You can see a minivan engulfed in smoke and flames. Helen clements and her two kids were driving through the lion enclosure, when the vehicle started to smoke. When they got out of the van, rangers told them to get back in, but the rangers quickly swooped in to rescue the woman and her two children. I think you look at the funny side of it now. It is unbelievable. I think if it was near the flamingos, we wouldnt have had the problem, but its because its in the lion enclosure. Wow, good spirits. Clements says they wont be going on any more adventures in the near future. The workers in the park say the smoke and the fire distracted the lions long enough. They were focused on that and not the people. They were able to get them out of there. Its your worst nightmare. Oh, my gosh. And i love they said go back in the car. No, its on fire, its on fire dont you understand . You have to choose. All right, willie, thank you very much. 36,000 of your friends are wondering about the weather in boston today. Oh man, it is perfect for patriots day. Everybody out there, bostonstrong. Take a look at this day. We have got a gorgeous one. Starting off in hopkinton, you can see gorgeous weather there. At the finish line, Downtown Boston spectacular. 52, sunshine, winds out of the south. 60 by 4 00. 63 degrees. You cannot ask for a better day. Rest of the country, weve got some strong storms going to be firing up. Were going to look at these in detail in the next halfhour. Another system bringing rain into the Pacific Northwest. High surf advisory from the gulf coast. Wet weather making its way into the gulf coast. Gorgeous weather up and down the eastern seaboard. Were going to get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. Those are the rules. Ok who wants sweet rolls . I do me too are those kings hawaiian rolls . Thanks, carol people go pupule for the sweet, fluffy deliciousness of kings hawaiian. Find us in the deli or instore bakery. Is levy using our clippers . And thats your latest weather. Terrible allergy season right now, because this one is complaining a lot. I have a hanky for my runny eyes, a hanky for my runny nose. You need a bubble. We need surgical masks. Im not contagious. Dylan is here for carson in the orange room. A lot of people talking about the marathon. Absolutely talking about the marathon. Its patriots day. 36,000 people will be running in the race today. The boston globe has done something really cool on their website. You can check out all the details of who is running the race. You can check out which countries are represented. You can see whos running from your own hometown, and one thing we thought was really cool is you can see exactly the names of the people running and just how well represented your name is. There are 747 michaels running. 396 jennifers. We know of one natalie running and apparently there are 45 others. So we are cheering them on. So much goes into preparing for Something Like the marathon, and everyone showing off their gear this morning, their race kits, and rightfully so, because they are getting ready. The elite runners start in about an hour or so. And not to be outdone, natalie has posted this picture, ready for Boston Marathon, ill be the one in bright orange. How do you like that, orange room . We absolutely love it. With the gonataliego. That is the hash tag we will use to cheer natalie on. Savannah has already sent in her words of encouragement to natalie. If theres one person i know who has the heart, passion and tolerance for pain to do Boston Marathon, its natalie morales. So send in your encouragement to natalie. All the runners in the race today with the bostonstrong. People have been anticipating this. They are excited for today. Theyve been waiting for it all year. So we are going to see this im sure trending at some point today on twitter, instagram, facebook. Everything is going to go wild today, guys. All right, dylan. We do root natalie on. Meanwhile, coming up today, the gutsy teenager who asked miss america to the prom and got suspended from school because of it. However, he is a hero among his friends. Why did that happen . Was it fair . Well talk to him live. Oh boy. Plus, if you witness a crime, could you trust your memory to identify the suspect . Dont be so quick to answer that. When the results of our hidden camera investigation, but first, this is today on nbc. Coming up on trending, how would you feel if your baggage was treated like this . Ugh the airline issuing a major apology this morning. And carson on the unique bond behind the scenes between the coaches on the voice. But first, your local news. [ male announcer ] its not surprising these guys are loving taco bells new waffle taco. Mmmm thats good. Eggs, sausage, and a little syrup. What else more could you ask for, right . [ male announcer ] what is surprising, is who they are. Im Ronald Mcdonald jr. And this is Ronald Mcdonald iii. I am Ronald Mcdonald. Im Ronald Mcdonald and i am from oak ridge, north carolina. [ man ] do you like the waffle taco . The bacon is really really good. Mmmmmm. Im Ronald Mcdonald. And i love taco bells new breakfast. [ alarm ring, bong ] and i love taco bells new breakfast. Spice is the spice at hillsof life. M thats why our craftsmen seasoned every sausage perfectly. So you can coax out great flavor effortlessly. Hillshire farm beacuse its worth doing right. Theres a reason our slow roasted turkey taste so fresh. Seconds after carving, we not only seal every slice, we double seal it. The results are something to savor. Hillshire farm beacuse its worth doing right. Makes everything algood even better. Ilk from the bowls of cereal you make. To all the delicious recipes you bake. Because inside every carton is the goodness of blue diamond almonds. Almond breeze. Almondiciously good get the Party Started with Friskies Party Mix original crunch cat treats. [ male announcer ] fresh, local milk, real cream, and no preservatives. From the farm to our fridge in just six days. Philadelphia® cream cheese. So rich, creamy, and delicious. Only philadelphia®. Good monday morning to you, it is 726. Im peggy bunker. A santa clara teenager claims he hopped the fence at the airport and stowed away on a plane all the way to maui. Airport Officials Say they found the teenager on the runway at the islands main airport after he fell out of the wheel well. Now, this photo was given to us by maui news. It shows the teenager on a stretcher being taken to the hospital. Fbi officials question the 16yearold boy who told them he ran away from home. He didnt know at the time where that plane was going. As soon as the teenager was found, paramedics were called to check him for any injuries since that portion of the plane is not pressurized. A man who hid from san jose s. W. A. T teams for hours is under arrest this morning. The man arrested after s. W. A. T surrounded his home and talked him out. He reportedly shot a gun into the ground and then locked himself in the house. Want to get a look at your days weather. Meteorologist Christina Loren is here with that. Good morning to you and good morning to you at home. Nice, clear start to the day. Lots of vitamin d out there for now. But well see the clouds increase steadily as we head throughout the day today. Mostly cloudy by about lunchtime in San Francisco, well be cloudy here in the south bay. By about 2 00 p. M. This afternoon, the showers arrive as we head through 11 00 p. M. Tonight. You can see that here on your futurecast. For the most part activity stick to the Golden Gate Bridge by tomorrow morning and the whole thing clears out of here by tomorrow afternoon, getting into the end of the week, more rains moves in by friday and Cool Conditions, as well. Lets check your drive, heres anthony. The good news is traffic is moving fairly smoothly and the only slow spot is the bay bridge maze. Moving through 880 no problems in oakland. Northbound and southbound sides moving smoothly. Starts to slow once you get towards hayward and the good news in san jose, not looking at any slowing and santa clara valley, you can see as we take you back outside getting down farther from 880 and fremont. Things slowing a little bit, but only 30 to 40 miles per hour. Not too bad here on this monday morning. Peggy, back over to you. A good commute there, thank you so much, anthony. Another local news update coming up for you in about half an hour. See you then. Were back now, 7 30 on a monday morning, the 21st day of april, 2014. That makes it patriots day in massachusetts. That means its time to run the Boston Marathon for the First Time Since the tragic bombings last year. Natalie is up there to run and support a lot of very worthy causes. Were going to check in with her in just a little while. In the meantime, lets look at what else is making headlines. Four more crew members from that ferry in south korea have been taken into custody. South koreas president claims they and the captain deserted paeshlgs calling it an unimaginable act both legally and ethically. Looking for Malaysian Air flight 370, the search has searched about twothirds of the indian ocean and yet to recover debris or recorders m. Vice President Joe Biden travels to ukraine regarding the violence there and plans to talk about the u. S. Economy and next months president ial elections. A teen in hot water for asking someone to a prom. That someone just happened to be miss america. That student was warned by School Administrators not to go there. Well talk with him exclusively in a moment. First, nbcs craig melvin has his story. Reporter to land the perfect prom date, patrick knew hed have to be bold. He didnt stop there. In a packed auditorium, the 18yearold strolled up to the stage, plastic rose in hand, determined to get miss america to make his life. When the dancing and cheering stopped, farb found himself in trouble. Administration at central york high sentenced him to three days of inschool suspension explaining on the Facebook Page it is not our practice to discipline someone, even miss america, to a school dance, however, it is our practice to set expectations for student behavior. To communicate those expectations and rules to students and families and to ensure those rules are followed within our schools. The schools decision sparked outrage on social media. Hundreds took to twitter using the freepatty. Even his dream date, who let him down easy before jumping to his defense weighed in on facebook. I was flattered by the gesture although i am unfortunately unable to attend due to my travel schedule. I later learned of the disciplinary action taken and reached out to the school in hopes that they will reconsider their decision. For today, craig melvin, nbc news, new york. Patrick is with us now. Good morning. Hi. Now, this is aings national story. Started out as a few yuck yucks with your friends. Whats it been like . This whole thing has been insane, crazy. I didnt expect any of this when i did it, i just this is kind of what i do. Im kind of known for this type of stuff. Which is what . Pranks . Pranks and standing out and doing jokes with my friends, a goofy and standout character. You werent prepared for the national attention. Were you prepared for the punishment. The school told you not to do it. School officials warned you. Theres a rule, my mom used to say, unless youre ready for the punishment, dont do the crime. Were you ready to be suspended . When they had told me not to do it, i had looked at it, this was like a now or never type thing, once in a lifetime chance. To be suspended . Im kidding. To ask her to the prom. I did it anyway. I knew i would get in some type of trouble. I completely understand and respect the disciplinary actions that had to be taken. You were okay with being suspended for three days. Yeah. Were your parents okay . My mom was actually she had to be a parent and discipline me as well to say you know better than that and you shouldnt have done that. At the same time, all this happening she knew it wasnt out of character for me to do Something Like that. At the same time with all this, i think its amusing to her with all this media attention. This is crazy. Sounds like you got what you wanted out of this. You got the attention, your friends all think youre a hero and youre willing to eat the three days of school. It wasnt really my intent to have all this attention, kind of just like, im going to do this type thing. Yea yeah. Is this a resume tape for Comedy Central because colbert is leaving . Is that what this is about . No. My last question, miss america now says she cant go with you. Do you have a backup plan . No one wants to be called a backup. Youre out there now. I actually dont have one. I mean, i dont know if i want to ask someone or you know with all this attention, a girl ask me or whatever, i dont know if you couldnt tell by all this, im pretty good at making my own fun. I wouldnt have a problem going alone. People have a lot of opinions about it, some siding with you and some siding with the school. Lets check in with dillon with more on what folks are saying online. Thats right. We are getting mixed reaction to the schools decision. Brenda, i think even their prior warning was stupid. He wasnt asking a rude or insensitive question and i think it took courage to even ask. If movie stars can be asked, why not miss america. I wanna side with the kid for having the guts to ask out miss america. He was told not to do it and deserve deserved the suspension. Its a harmless question. No harm no foul. The school may have overreacted. You were told not to ask. You are okay. When do you go back to school . Probably friday. You are a Living Legend at the school now. I am. Crazy. All right, patrick. Listen to the school. Thank you very much. Now, lets check in with al. Todays weather is brought to you by universal orlando resort. Its your vacation. Dont just take it, mean it. Eddy, they had some rough weather in parts of texas. This is el paso, where they picked up over almost 2 inches of rain, folks running for their cars, flooded streets, a big big probm. Guess what, more Severe Weather for the Lone Star State today. Show you whats happening and why this is going on. We have this cold front pushing in. We also have this flow of real moist air coming on in. We have a wide area of showers and thunderstorms stretching from austin all the way up to chicago. But weve got a risk of severe storms right now, making their way from austin to dallas. Thats going to move from the east and north during the day today and expand austin and dallas to little rock. Were watching those storms start to grow. For today, weve got wet weather in the Pacific Northwest, High Surf Advisory in southern and california coastlines, 77 in savannah. 60 in the that sounds perfect for a marathon. Maybe youre just getting your marathon going for the week. I can tell you right now, temperatures are looking good. We do have some major changes coming to your forecast as we head throughout the week. Today looks pretty good. Youll see here from the san mateo bridge we have a storm system just off shore and bring us some showers as of tonight. You can see right now were nice and clear in sunol. Highs today work like this, 73 for the peninsula and 75 for the south bay and 65 in San Francisco and comfortable conditions in wine country and 73 for you. Your latest weather any time day or night, go to Weather Channel on cable or weather. Com online. Coming up, police rely on them, but how reliable are eyewitness accounts of a crime . Well show you why you cant always trust what you see. Then on trending, a question being raised by this curious play by an nba superstar. Was it an accident or did he do it on purpose . I think on purpose. After these messages. thunder rumbling thunderclap bellowing fire steaming and chugging thunderclap cheering rollercoaster rumbling the world youve been waiting for is here. The Wizarding World of harry potter, featuring the all new diagon alley and the hogwarts express. thunderclap come and live it. Universal orlando resort. Its how i look at life. Especially now that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. I was taking warfarin but wondered, could i focus on Something Better . My doctor told me about eliquis for three Important Reasons. One, in a Clinical Trial eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. Two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. And three, unlike warfarin theres no routine blood testing. [ male announcer ] dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. While taking eliquis you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Those three Important Reasons are why im shooting for Something Better. Eliquis. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor today if eliquis is right for you. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor today this nation of gogetters. Seems to be in the middle of a human energy crisis. Power up with the good energy of quaker real medleys. Sweet fruit, crunchy nuts and multigrains. Its how we help keep gogetters like you. Going and getting. Real fruit, real nuts, real medleys. Try our apple nut harvest bars. Quaker up. Its all your favorites and a whole lot more, like a 20piece chicken mcnuggets just 5 bucks. More choices than ever before. Thats the dollar menu and more. Thats the dollar menu and more. vo oh. My. Tongue. Finally. announcer allnew friskies saucesations. A taste experience like no other. In cheesy, creamy, homestyle, or garden sauce. Friskies. Feed the senses. Were back now at 42. This morning on rossen reports, wii kicking off a twopart series called can you trust. If you witnessed a crime, could you accurately pick out a suspect . Today, National Investigative correspondent jeff rossen is putting our memory to the test. I will say i will fail this right now. See you later then, take care. We all like to think were astute, except for matt, always paying attention. Let me test you at home right now. Close your eyes. The person sitting right next to you, what color are they wearing . Whats the shirt look like . Do you remember . Okay, open your eyes. If you got it right, great. But im guessing so many of you got it wrong, even when the stakes are high, like after a crime, its important. Police rely on eyewitnesss to pick out the suspect, and when theyre wrong, innocent people are thrown in jail. So can you trust your memory . The morning, our hidden cameras are rolling. Youre watching a crime in progress. This man just stole a womans purse, and hes making a run for it. Did you guys see my bag . Somebody took it . All these people saw the thief. He did. He walked away. But would they be able to pick his face out of a lineup . Hes the one. This fellow right there. You actually chose the wrong guy. Wow. Research shows when it comes to faces, our memory can fail us. And in real crimes, eyewitnesss often make mistakes. Jennifer disart is an expert in photo lineups. For people who choose and say yes, i recognize that person, but 40 of the time theyre incorrect. Thats a startling number. Extremely. So we set up a social experiment inside this bar and grill in the new york suburbs. Wierg it up with hidden cameras and sending in two producers. Jove vanna is our victim and joh is the thief. Okay go to the bathroom now. Jo vanna steps away, leaving her handbag on the bar. Here comes our suspect. As josh goes for the bag, he knocks over some silverware, purposefully drawing attention on his way ouhis way out. We ran the same scenario in front of dozens of customers. He walked out the door, i swear to god. He took it . Maybe your height, dirty blondish. Time to test their memory. High, guys. Were from nbc, the today show. This is actually a social experiment. We asked the witnesses to pick the perp out of a photo lineup. For you at home, can you pick out our thief . Thats him. Right there. Well, he basically had it was like a rough beard. He had facial hair. Nope. Hes clean shaven. I feel its this person here. Wrong again. One after the other, they seem to pick everyone. Except our perp. This witness is sure he can spot him. If i see him again, i definitely am going to be able to recognize him. Do you recognize him here . I think it will be here. Wrong. Just going through the visual in my head, like photographic memory. A lot of people believe that memory might work like a video recorder. Close their eyes and replay things. But thats really not how it works. And theres more. Experts say if witnesses dont see the suspect in the lineup, theyll still pick the next best option. Like a multiple choice quiz. Im going to show you some photos. Okay. In fact, watch what happens when we take our perps photo out entirely. Hes too dark. Hes too dark. I dont know. Something about him. Hes too light. So hes the one. Nope. Hes innocent. We figured this next witness would be better. He dropped some utensils, i turned around, i saw him. Hes a retired police detective. This is him. How sure are you . About 100 . Confident. But still wrong. In the end, every single witness who made an i. D. In both lineups picked the wrong guy. The consequences are severe because once the eyewitness makes a mistake, its very, very difficult to stop the process. And a conviction is likely to happen. Police around the country are trying to reduce these eyewitness mistakes, looking at new procedures for lineups. For example, theyre going to start showing one photo at a time instead of a multiple choice, like is employed now. And making sure the officer doesnt ask leading questions to get the result they want. But there is some good news here. We have some tips on our website right now, today. Com, to make you a better witness. Who are you . By the way, let me turn around for a minute. What color tie am i wearing . Brown and blue. You just copied her. You already said you have a bad memory. Yeah, but i was watching because i knew id be quizzed. Thats a great witness there. Anticipation. All right, jeff, thank you very much. Coming up, natalie has her number and shes ready to race. But first, shell introduceto u to the family that inspired her to make her Boston Marathon debut. And recognize that face . Dylan is in the orange room to tell us whos celebrating a special birthday today. Thats theres only one place to get more juanes. Im on expert on softball. And tea parties. Ill have more awkward conversations than im equipped for, because im raising two girls on my own. Ill worry about the economy more than a few times before theyre grown. But its for them, so ive found a way. Who matters most to you says the most about you. At massmutual were owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. Ready to plan for your future . Well help you get there. Hit the beach in florida. And a reunion in seattle. We can afford to take more trips this year. [man] when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. [woman] so we got our 4star hotels. For half price. Hotwire hotwire. Com sfx car unlock beep. Vo davids heart attack didnt come with a warning. Today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. If youve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. How was prugh. Ce . That bad . I dropped 2 balls, mom. Eye on the ball thats all it is. Eye on the ball. Thats a good tip. Ill try it. By the way, bill. This is delicious so many grilled tastes and textures. And all the nutrition i need. Go on. No really. Top notch. laughing there it is there ya go. New American Grill from kibbles n bits. Go together like. Food n family. The instant you wear it, you own it. The instantly slimming dress, exclusively at white house black market. Back now at 7 50. The crowd getting ready for a Live Performance on the plaza this morning. You know what, one of the most prominent families in the world celebrating a bday. Whose bday . Bday short for birthday, of course. Thank you. Other possibilities. Are you serious . Many things come to mind. There are some you know, you might get confused. Anyway, we showed you this before the break. Maybe the hair was a dead giveaway. It is Queen Elizabeth turning 88 years old today. This is her new portrait that was released over the weekend. This is very appropriate because it is a means of showing you more of the beautiful royal family. They are actually finishing up their tour down under, their threeweek tour, Prince William and princess kate and ever adorable Prince George, first time they are bringing him overseas. Yesterday or on easter sunday, they actually went to the sydney zoo and the zoo itself live tweeted the whole thing. You can see Prince George being a kid, doing what he does. This is actually on the grounds here. Obviously more interested in whatever is in that bowl. His name is george, he is named after Prince George, and they are getting a good moment with that. This is just precious. Any reason to show, you know, Prince William with Prince George. It is just a touching moment and the pictures continue again, they live tweet sunday as they went through the zoo. It was really nice of them. We keep eating up this family. It is absolutely beautiful to see them all together. Guys . Thank you very much. Thank you. Coming up, ever have to check your carryon bag as you board a flight . The video of baggage handlers that will make you very, very, very upset. Look at that. And then carson shows us a side of his friends on the voice that you rarely get to see. Also this morning, a live concert from one of the very biggest names in latin music. First, we have your local news and weather. Not that one. That one. The one who seems like hes already got the job cause he studied all the right courses from the getgo. And thats an accountant, a mom, a university of phoenix scholarship recipient, who used our unique scratch that awesome careerplanning tool. And thats a student, working late, with a day job, taking courses aligned with the industry hes aiming to be in. Ready to build an education around the career that you want . Lets get to work. Join the hunt for big savings. During the petsmart basket of savings sale. Save 40 on hundreds of items, including select top paw® spring fashion beds. Now through april 21st, at petsmart®. Its built to be as fast as it is strongor advil. And fights pain at the site of inflammation. Advil has the strength and speed to help you move past pain. Advil. Make today yours. We did a 27point inspection on your chevy,ce, you got new tires and our price match guarantee. Whos this little guy . Thats birney. Oh, i bet that cone gives him supersonic hearing. Watch what you say around him. Ive been talking a lot about his procedure. whispering what . Get our everyday price match guarantee plus a 100 rebate on 4 select tires from your tire experts. Chevy certified service. Get 5 cash back at lowes this quarter so you can score more cash. Activate your 5 cash back at chase. Com freedom. Chase. So you can. So protect them, with k9 advantix ll its Broad Spectrum protection kills fleas, ticks and mosquitoes too. K9 advantix ll for the love of dog youre not doing anything as fast as you used to, which is funny, cause i still do it better than her. [ afi ] i do not like sweeping its a little frustrating. [ zach ] i cant help out as much as i used to. Do you need help . [ doorbell rings ] lets open it up. Its a swiffer sweeper. Swiffer dusters. It can extend so i dont have to get on the step stool. Its like a dirt magnet just like my kids. [ afi ] this is a danger zone. Voila. I am the queen of clean [ zach ] yeah, this definitely beats hanging out on a step ladder. [ laughs ] good jump, baby well, good morning, everyone. 7 56. The former San Francisco firefighter accused of driving drunk and hitting a motorcyclist is scheduled to be in court today. Prosecutors say this Surveillance Video shows Michael Quinn behind the wheel of the fire truck plowing into a motorcycle. It happened in june. The man he hit, jack frazier broke his leg, his arm, his lung collapsed. He did survive, though. Were also expecting to hear from San Jose Police leaders today following a troubling report from an independent auditor. Last weeks audit revealed sorted activities in the police department, including two officers who had sex while on the job. Both of them still in employed by the department. The city Council Plans to discuss the report in this weeks meeting. Lets check your weather with christina. Good morning to you. Good morning to you, its monday. Today looks pretty good, at least for the first part of the day. Those clouds will increase and showers on the way tonight mostly in the north bay and our hills are still nice and green and then we have another round on the way for friday. So, stay potentially all the way through may 15th. Hopefully that will be the case. Peninsula in 51 degrees and 51 degrees in San Francisco and temperatures definitely cooler than where we ended up yesterday, to the tune of five to eight degrees and progress through the rest of the week, stay relatively cool. Down to 65 degrees tomorrow and showers return as we head through friday. So, those april showers that will bring those may flowers and i know agenthony appreciates th. Traffic headaches right now and every single main highway start tog see some slowing. Bay bridge amroech, lots of slowing there. Lights on for two hours there. North 80 northbound little bit of a problem and palo alto moving smoothly there. San jose stop and go through 101. Back to you guys. Another local news update coming up for you in half an hour. Its 8 00 on today. Coming up, 36,000 runners take back the streets in the Boston Marathon today. A year after the tragedy at the finish line. Natalies in boston ready to run. She will introduce us to one woman who personifies boston strong. Then night moves. Daily show veteran john oliver joins us live to talk about being the newest member of the late night club. And this is behind the scenes at the voice. Carson takes us for a special tour of the hit show and introduces us to a side of the coaches we dont always get to see. Anyone who has been part of the show, it is like another family. We all respect and love each other. Today, monday, april 21st, 2014. We are from iowa. Cyclone nation we are from louisiana. We are from california. Boston strong go, natalie, go good luck, natalie were back now on a monday morning, 8 00, 21st day of april 2014. We are here in new york city with a nice crowd gathered to see juanes in our next half hour. Thats great. Although we are happy with the size of our crowd, ill tell you, its nothing compared to what theyre expecting up in boston today, where about a million spectators are gathered to watch the first running of the Boston Marathon since the tragic bombings last year. One of our own is there. Natalie morales is there. We want to cheer her on along with everybody else. Bostonstrong. There is natalie now, looking Pippi Longstocking like. Go natalie go is trending nationwide. When you send out your tweet or instagram, go natalie go. On a chilly morning, nothing says warmth like im being tagged by the meteorologists. By the way, we know that a lot of you are headed out the door right now, you will go to work, go to school, drop your kids off. So were excited to announce that very soon, for the very first time, you will be able to enjoy today in your car and not miss a thing. Starting june 26, sirius xm will become the exclusive audio home of today with the today show radio channel. If you thought you could get away from us by getting into your car all the people in traffic we just showed, they will soon be able to ride around with us. Love it. Something like 40 Million People listen to sirius xm. We will steal some of howards audience. Thats it. Were coming after you, stern. Meantime, lets check in with willie. He is getting us caught up on the mornings top stories in for natalie today. Morning, guys. A lot of us much better on radio, i think. The fbi says a 16yearold california boy who stowed away on a flight to hawaii sunday will not face criminal charges. Officials say the boy ran away from home, hopped a fence at san jose airport and hid in the wheel well of a 767 that he apparently chose at random. He was discovered on the tarmac in maui. The boy was in Good Condition and has been turned over to child protective services. This morning, south koreas president condemned the captain of a sunken ferry boat for committing what she called murderous acts. The captain delayed evacuating the ship when it started to tilt last week and failed to deploy lifeboats but was one of the first to be rescued. He and two crew members are under arrest. Several others were detained overnight. Divers have recovered now more than 60 bodies. More than 200 other victims still missing. More than 20 people are recovering from injuries they suffered sunday night when a car crashed into their Florida Church during an easter service. Nbcs Kerry Sanders has details. Reporter two dozen of those victims were rushed to the hospital when a car crashed right through the wall there, causing the wall to collapse. The parishioners were sitting in their pews praying when the walls came crashing down. Just boom reporter on one of the holiest days of the year, easter sunday, a group gathered for a special service. Instead, experiencing a heartstopping crash right through the church walls. Why did somebody try this . Reporter an estimated 200 people were inside the second Haitian Baptist Church in ft. Myers when a car lost control. It crashed through the concrete wall, crushing several church pews filled with parishioners. Several pinned underneath the automobile. I thought it was going to stop. Reporter but it didnt. The driver of the car telling authorities she lost control when the brakes malfunctioned. This is just an unfortunate traffic accident. There is no criminal criminal element to this crash. They were attempting to turn into a spot and instead continued straight into and through the building. Reporter in all, there were about 200 parishioners inside. As you heard, some of those folks were actually trapped underneath the car. Others used brute strength, they say with the hand of god, to lift the car off those who were trapped underneath and as we heard the Police Officer say, there will be no charges. They suspect in this case that the brakes just failed. Willie . Amazing there werent more injuries. Thanks so much. Meanwhile, crews have finished filling in a giant sinkhole that came close to swallowing two homes at a Retirement Community in central florida. The 50 foot hole appeared after heavy rainfall loosened the soil on friday. Truckloads of sand and concrete were poured into the opening to stabilize the ground. A connecticut senator had a close call during a News Conference friday at a Commuter Rail station. Check this out. An amtrak train comes zooming by nearly knocking down senator Richard Blumenthals visual aid. The News Conference, you guessed it, was about train safety. It is now 8 06. Lets get a check on the weather with al. You cant make that up. Thanks, willie. All of our friends here. Youre crazy in love with him . Yeah. I figured that out. Im just plain loco. Lets show you what we have for our friends in boston. Our weather today, starting off and finishing in Downtown Boston, sunny skies, 52 degrees to start things off. By the time its over, sunshine and 63. It is going to be a spectacular day. Slight risk of strong storms, central texas. Wet weather in the Pacific Northwest. Eastern seaboard looking spectacular. Sunny and warm. Phoenix today and the southwest, 97 degrees and sunshine. Thats whats going 8 07. Temps in the 50s to start. Were headed to the 70s. If youre looking for sunshine, you want to get out there as soon as possible, the clouds will increase all day long as an area of low pressure will bring us showers as of tonight. But for today, its going to take a little while before it gets here. We hit the 60s in San Francisco. We get another round of rain on friday. Friends here from high school. All right. Hey, it is a gorgeous day up and down the eastern seaboard. Including washington, d. C. We find Peter Alexander on the lawn of the white house for a washington tradition. I wish i was there with you, peter. I love that easter egg roll. Yeah, this is a special day. We wish you were here. It is going to be an egg slent day. 70 and sunny. All sorts out here. This is the biggest event they have at the white house. 35,000 people show up including egetha and selby. These are the eggs they are handing out to those who arrive. 13 and under, a good looking one on the back side. Signed by barack obama and michelle obama. The first lady is the official host today for what they call the hop into healthy swing into shape themed event. Thats in support of her lets move initiative. Again, 14,500 hard boiled eggs today. Al, plus two more. We wish you were here. We wish natalie good luck in boston as well. All right, peter. Thank you so much. And mr. Roker, thank you as well. Thousands, tens of thousands of runners are reclaiming the Boston Marathon in the wake of last years tragic attack including yes, natalie morales. Shell introduce us to the survivors who are motivating her to reach the finish line. Very nice. Then on trending, why the head of one College Campus is cracking down on, wait for it, selfies. And carson takes us behind the scenes for the voices. First, these messages. Get to see on the hit show. But first, these messages. Get the Party Started with Friskies Party Mix beachside crunch cat treats. Are missing out on the milgood things in milk. Icans but your small donation will get milk to their local food banks. Youll fill glasses with milk and hearts with hope. Donate now at milklife. Com give hurry in and try our new santa fe chicken quesadillas or the delicious bacon ranch. Served with fries and your choice of soup or salad. Chilis lunch combos starting at 6 bucks. 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At the first sign of my allergies, my doctor recommended taking one claritin every day of my allergy season for continuous relief. So i did its been 21 days and im still claritin clear. 16 days of relief from itchy, watery eyes. 28 days of continuous relief from sneezing and runny nose, since ive been taking claritin every day of my allergy season. Get the 1 doctor recommended nondrowsy allergy brand. Live claritin clear. Every day. Were back now 8 13 with whats trending today. Heres something i think that we have all been through. Get on a plane, youre carrying on luggage. The overhead compartments are full so they say youre going to have to check that luggage. You give it to somebody at the door of the plane, they give you a ticket. So what happens with your luggage after that . Hopefully its treated gently and with respect. With tender love and care, right . Some passengers on a plane recently got on. They were asked to check their luggage. So they looked out the window of their flight and heres what they saw. They saw their bags being dropped about ten, 12 feet off a platform, down to a little compartment below. Some of those bags had computers in them and cameras in them. The things you would normally carry on the plane. So air canada, which was the airline involved in this, is now understandably apologizing for incident. They say the two workers involved will be fired. Meanwhile, do you get something as a passenger . I want like a coupon. Youre always looking for a little angle. If that happened. Its not enough they fired the people. No. All right, it seems we all are obsessed with selfies. Present company, of course. They are popular with everyone, except for one person perhaps. The rhode island university, the school administration, Bryant University is cracking down on selfies. Theyre asking students not to take selfies onstage while accepting their degrees. The school says allowing more than 800 grads to take selfies would slow down the ceremony, which already stretches to more than three hours as it is. The universitys president says hes happy to take selfies after the pomp and circumstance is over. It does draw out a long process. I was going to say anything to speed up the graduation ceremony, lets go, lets go. Especially if youre toward the end of the alphabet. I agree with this rule. Isnt it like footloose when its like you cant dance, kids no. This isnt six degrees of kevin bacon. Everybody footloose what are you doing . Theres no connection whatsoever. Dancing in a barn. Thanks for having my back there. You knew thats what i thought. Lets do dirty dancing too while were at it. Was it an honest mistake or a sly act of revenge . Blake griffin and the Los Angeles Clippers had just fouled out in the game on saturday. Of course, hes pretty unhappy about it. Throws up his hands in frustration. Oh, but unfortunately, its a cup full of water. And it flew right into the face of a guy who just happened to be rooting for the opposing team. He had just cheered when blake fouled out of the game. After the game, blake did apologize saying he didnt realize what he did. And the fan says he takes Blake Griffin at his word. He believes it was unintentional. I just want to say one thing. If youre in the front row in the home arena heckling the players, youve got some water coming your way. The most blatant, intentional act i have ever seen. And were proud of it. Exactly. That is whats trending today. We are back now with our ongoing shine a light campaign. Natalie is running in todays Boston Marathon one year after the bombings that shook that city to its core. And shes doing it to support some great causes. Natalie, good morning again to you. You have been training and training. I know when we were over in sochi for the olympics, you were running. I think you ran to moscow one day. So are you happy its finally race day . Im so glad its finally race day. It has been a long couple of months for so many of the runners, 36,000 runners, matt, as you know taking part in this event here today. And ive got to tell you, im excited. I know its going to be really emotional. Its going to be a hard 26. 2 miles. You know its the. 2 that kill you in the end, but i know its going to be an incredible event. I cant wait to be part of it. And joining me, and somebody whos gotten me through this and whos been through so much in the past year, carmen accabo, her sister sydney lost her legs and she was there as a spectator last year. I know this has been a long, long road for you guys. So how excited are you to be here . Im so happy to be here today. Im ready. Im ready to run. Ive had so much support. Its unbelievable. I cant wait. Youve been gearing up. I know that emotionally, this is very hard for you, but for your sister especially, celeste. This is going to be a tough day to get through. Its been a tough week to get through. How was she feeling . You know, i think shes looking forward to the finish. Theres definitely anxiety around this whole situation. But as a family, were just looking forward to crossing together. You got to, i believe, it was mile 24, 25 last year. 26. Almost there at the finish. Two blocks. So this time knowing at mile 26,. 2, and your sister celeste is going to be there. And you hope to link hands and cross that finish line together. I cant wait. Can you tell me what thats going to be like . I hope we can just do it. I think its just going to be unbelievable. Its going to be such a special moment of closure for us to just finally say that were crossing this together. Meanwhile, weve got to show off our shirts. Revealing for the first time what were wearing. Were flashing you guys. Yeah corcoran strong. And of course, challenged athletes foundation, one of the organizations that were supporting here as well. So im so excited. You guys have been such an inspiration and a motivation for me, so i know when im feeling some pain today, im going to think about all that youve been through. I know what im going through is nothing. So thank you so much. Good luck, my dear. Thank you for everything. By the way, she brought me muffins this morning. Thats taking care of your team, right . Matt, guys. Ladies, be careful. Have so much fun and thanks for inspiring all of us. Thank you. Lets go over to tamron now. Meantime, its a big day on nbcs hit singing competition the voice. The show goes live tonight, but first, carson sat down with his friends, the four superstar judges to give you a look at what makes their relationship so special. Week after week, you watch them as they coach their artists. Give me more, give me more, give me more. And feel their pain when they have to send them home. I hate every freaking second of this because my hearts breaking. But when theyre not spinning around in those chairs, i get to see another side of voice coaches Adam Levine Adam levine from los angeles, california. Usher raymond. Blake shelton. You nailed it. And shakira. My hips dont lie. Who has a 1yearold son milan. Lets show america our real faces. How about you, shakira . Weve seen milan. Been great for me, because my kids come to the set. I feel like ive got romper room coming on. Is it hard to be away from him . Its so hard. Thats the only downside of doing the voice, the times that ive had to leave him back home. But his dad is such a good dad. Hes so devoted, so dedicated. Your son knows you as a singer. Im now a fulltime coach. I got my son auditioning at home. Hes like dad, i want to audition for the voice. Adam, shakira, usher, and blake dont just Work Together on the set of the voice. On this night, the four superstar recording artist, who are able to sell out huge arenas almost anywhere in the world, play together at a small club in los angeles. I like the intimacy. It feels good. There goes my baby theres something more intimidating about playing to a small, intimate room. Because its right there and theres people right there, the p. A. Is smaller. Your mistakes are that much more under the microscope. People, they feel like they know you from watching the voice. Give them one thing about yourself that they may not know about you from watching the show. I think people know a lot about me, but maybe the fact that to me the number one priority in my life is my family, my parents, my baby. Yeah, my life at home, i love making music and i hope that i can continue making music for a long time, but if i had to choose one day, its very clear to me what i want and prefer in my life. But you went away how dare you i would take this opportunity to say, to clear the air, you may pick up a magazine or a tabloid any day of the week that will Say Something about, you know, my relationship with miranda, its in turmoil, divorce. And the truth is ive never felt a stronger bond with not only with her, but with any other human being in my life. I mean, miranda and i have shes my life. Ever get over you usher . This year, its been really one of my hardest years. I lost my grandmother. My son was diagnosed being a type one diabetic. It has definitely been a difficult one for me, man. Sometimes yall look at me and were off camera and im looking online, looking at numbers and trying to make sure that hes eating its crazy. For shakira, for usher, for cee lo, soon to be pharell, anyone whos been a part of this show, we all respect and love each other as people first and foremost. Putting that out into the world seems like a really nice thing for a television show. At the end of the day, i will always be able to do this with these guys. For today, carson daly, nbc news, los angeles. I like that group. Youre heading out to do something with the voice, right . Lester, erica, theyre all out there, so well do another thing that well have on weekend today. Are you going to sing . I will not sing, i will not do anything. Their green room makes our green room look like a closet. But how does their orange room look . Oh nice. A lot of pressure sitting next to al. You can catch the start of the voice, live eliminations tonight at 8 00 7 00 central here on nbc. Speaking of live music, up next, we have got latin sensation juanes putting up a concert on our plaza. Chilly out there, but hes got some folks lining up. And john oliver on adding late night host to his growing resume. First up, your local news and weather. You cant get away from us, good monday morning to you. A bay area teenager is recovering after flying all the way from san jose to maui in the wheel well of a plane. The fbi says the 16yearold jumped a fence, bypassed security somehow and snuck into the quheel well of the plane. Officials say he was likely unconscious for most of that fivehour flight. Hes not expected to be charged with any crime. Lucky to be alive. Thats for sure. Checking in on the commute with anthony slaughter this morning. Traffic is starting to pick up. We have a few accidents to pass along to you. Traffic moving smoothly on 880, but traffic over on the shoulder. Youll notice as we show you the map, things moving smoothly. Once you get past the accident, thats good news. Even in silicon valley, no major accidents to report. 85, fenderbender, so things slowing there. Near 17, things slow there as well. In palo alto, traffic moving a little more snoothly. We were looking at stopandgo just moments ago. Anthony, thank you so much. We have a local news update for you in a half hour. The Great American novel. So you can happily let life get in the way,. While planning for tomorrow. So you can finish the Great American novel. Banking for the life you have. Investing for the life you want chase. So you can. 8 30 on monday morning, 21st day of april, 2014. Its a Beautiful Day here in new york although a little chilly. The calendar says spring, doesnt feel like it. Out on the plaza, weve got a nice crowd of people behind us. And they are getting ready for music from one of the hottest stars of latin music, juanes. Juanes will be performing at the first i heart radio music awards from los angeles, other big names pharrell, Blake Shelton and shakira. And nbc is partnering with Clear Channel to bring you all of the excitement live on thursday, may 1, 8 00, 7 00 central. Well check that out. Also coming up, john oliver. A daily show favorite. Filling in for john stewart, now hes got his own late night show beginning this weekend. Well talk to him. All right. Lots to get to. First lets get a check of the weather from mr. Roker. Todays weather is brought to you by claritin, dont let allergies hold you back. Get claritin. Live claritin clear. Use as directed. Lets take a look at your allergy forecast. It is rough as far as pollen is concerned. Especially in the northeast and the plains. Tamron hall will attest to that. Her eyes have been running all day. We have a slight risk of strong storms central texas, wet in the great lakes, wet weather also in the Pacific Northwest, plenty of sunshine up and down the eastern seaboard. And weve got gorgeous weather, alaska and hawaii although a few showers late in the afternoon for some of the islands there. Thats whats going on 8 32 on a monday morning. Good morning. New week, whole new forecast to tell you about. Its mostly clear right now. Alcatraz, highly visible. Same for coit tower. Clouds increase throughout the day today. 73 degrees to the east bay. 75 in the south bay. Rain arrives as we head through tomorrow, and well get another round as we head into your friday. All of our friends here. Where are you from . Illinois. Illinois. All right. Moms pushing you. Look out. Whats your name . Emery. Where are you from . Massachusetts. Is mom from naxt . From new york. We like massachusetts too. Boston strong. Lets head back in to tamron. Thank you. If you are searching for great places to travel this summer, at a bargain price, look no further, konldy Nast Traveler its list of new hotels. The editor and chief has budget friendly options for under 200. Good to see you. Thank you. Catching my breath from running outside. Ill let you launch into our first hotel. You have different categories. Were starting out with best Family Hotels on a budget. Yes. Owe high. This property is fantastic. Its in california. Ojai, in central california. Its great, a great swimming pool. All of the cottages have kitchens and sleeping areas and there are free bikes which is great so you can tool around the area. Beautiful. Its gorgeous. The best family value. You have kid who is are older there is a new hotel in rhode island. Providence, college town, appropriately named the dean. Charming little property. Your kids will think you arrock star. Great coffee, hipster vibe, and bunk bed you can believe it. Crazy, that can fit two people. 79 a night. Fantastic. Pretty good. Goodness. Next up, the best new beaches to escape to. That wont blow your budget. Yes. Exactly. So couple of properties. First one is in punta kona. All inclusive, we love it. Its on the beach, all of the rooms have a view and beautiful cottages. Great, fantastic location. Ive her pep talk punta kona so much. Its an easy flight. Its as easy to get to as florida. Closer to home. In province town, massachusetts, great beach community. You get the experience of staying in a b b but its knots like about cats and you have fantastic organic breakfast. That looks so relaxing. The other trend amazing dining. New food is one of the categories. Well look at some of these hotels that have real zushed up the food. Its a reason to travel. Finally hotel are leaning into it. This is the new property in actually the first novu property in las vegas. You get to have delivered to your room for room service the most fantastic prepared meal. Yes. Thats phenomenal. Other restaurant is out of tam ta. The Epicurean Hotel which is just all about food and teaching about cooking classes and its all about the food. Thats a fun mix. Family, beach and food. You cant go wrong. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Up next john oliver from the daly show fame opens up about his new show and a live concert from latin music sensation juanes. To eat. Were back with one of the newest hosts of late night television. John oliver on the daly show with john stewart and filled in for john last summer. Now oliver is taking the reins in his own show on hbo called last week tonight. Were looking forward to it. John, nice to see you. Good morning to you. The idea youre going to take all of the stories that have been aired in the previous week. Yes. Talk about them on sunday night so. Youre coming breaking news that isnt actually breaking because could be several days old. Its breaking news on a weekly basis. Up to the minute once every seven days. Give me a sense. What kind of stories will be up your alley . That sounds like a threat for a start. It will be, i dont know, i think we might look more internationally, we might look slightly deeper because we have the kind of the burden of more time. So no, im used to kind of the grind of doing things quickly, working at the daly show so im hoping its a good thing having more time. Youre going to spend your weeks watching all of the stories that people are covering saying is that what i want to dive deep . For example, we did the story today about the kid who got suspended from school because he asked miss america out. Is that something you would take on . No, i dont care about that story at all. I dont care about that boy or what hes done. You didnt like that boy. High school boys have to stop asking out super models on camera. And, crucially, super models have to stop saying yes. She said no, by the way. Good. Like oh, my travel schedule conflicts. Say no because youre a child and even if you are older you are physically repellent. You need burn one child to send a message. It has to stop. Send a shot across the bow. One kid has to go down emotionally for everyone else to be able to continue normally. You are obviously the shy and bashful type. Are you prepared to sit you filled in for john stewart, did well last summer. Does it freak you out to be the guy in charge of course. Im excited and trar fied. The appropriate amount. You saw your face and name on the billboard for the first time it maze you physically ill. Its horrible. There it is. That is not a face that benefits from being inflated to billboard size. Imagine if you have a different more well structured face you would look and say look, its great, all of the contours look good. For me i dont even like it this size. One of your friends and colleagues Stephen Colbert is taking over for david letterman. He said he will drop the fake persona that he created to take on that show. So what are you willing to drop, perhaps the fake british accent . Of course. As you know i was born and raised in the bronx so ive been kind of embodying this character. Its going to be greet talk like i normally talk. Right. Thats how you people talk. Hey, i walk in here. Some of us people. What you sound like to me. I think youll be great. I hope so. Or im in real trouble. Again, you start this coming sunday. This coming sunday at 11 00 on hbo. John oliver, good luck. Thank you. Come back and see us. Thank you. Up next, juanes. You want to see juanes . Rolling stone called him one of the biggest rock stars with a live conserlt on our plaza but first this is today on nbc. Is nbc. The toyota Concert Series on today brought to you by toyota. Back now with one of the biggest stars in the world of music right now, juanes is the only latin artist to make people as list of the top ten best albums of 2014. Hes here to perform for us live but first, an introduction for the uninitiated. Latin superstar juanes sells out concerts worldwide. Born in colombia he started his first band as a teenager and since going solo in 2000, he raked up two grammyses, 19 Latin Grammys and nine number one singles. His fans are loyal, more than 9 million follow him on twitter and the press called him latin americas hottest singersongwriter, one of the biggest rock stars. His new album recorded in los angeles hit number one in over a dozen countries, proving this legends music transsends language. And now lets see him in action. Ladies and gentlemen, Juanes Juanes everyone. Thank you so much. Hes back with one more song in a moment. This is today on nbc. We are back now with music megastar juanes, who Time Magazine called one of the 100 most influential people in the world. Hes got a brandnew album called loco de amor. We met at a Time Magazine event for the 100 most influential people. I said we were going to get our hooks in you and get you to wake up early. Is this the earliest youve ever performed outdoors . Definitely. This is the second time. I feel very happy to be in new york. All this beautiful crowd. Its fantastic. With all the praise and the awards, tremendous success. And its proof that i guess the spirit of your music transcends language. Yeah, its a happy surprise for me. Ive been singing in spanish since i started my solo career. And we have been traveling all around the world singing in plannish. Its something very special for us. And makes me feel close to my fans, but at the same time give you opportunity to connect with different people. No matter where you are. Music is a universal language. You flew in tonight, youve got the billboard latin music awards on thursday. What are you looking forward to with that . To perform live, thats my favorite thing to do. So were going to miami and were going to perform, and then were going to mexico, and then to colombia and everywhere. So were going to start a tour after the world cup. Thats what i enjoy the most. Wow. Your fans have said they love you. They keep shouting. I love them, too. Thank you, guys. What are you going to sing now . Now im going to sing the new single, its called mil pedazos. All right, ladies and gentlemen. Juanes. [ singing in spanish ] [ singing in spanish ] [ singing in spanish ] [ singing in spanish ] [ singing in spanish ] [ singing in spanish ] [ singing in spanish [ singing in spanish ] [ singing in spanish ] [ singing in spanish ] [ singing in spanish ] [ cheers and applause ] juanes, thank you. The new album loco de amor. You check him out at the billboard latin music awards thursday night on telemu good morning, everyone. 8 56. People living on Treasure Island concerned about mold this morning. Last month, stepsive mold growth at an aging firehouse on the island forced firefighters to move to a nearby training facility. San francisco officials dont think the problem is widespread, but theyre monitoring it. Christina is monitoring the weather. Good morning. Good morning to you. And you know what, weve got changes to monitor out this hour. We were nice and clear just about an hour ago. Now at this point, starting to see the clouds roll into San Francisco. The wind is picking up. Were in the upper 50s right now headed to the mid70s in the east bay today. Tomorrow well be tracking showers on the radar. From nbc news, this is todays take with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist, and tamron hall. Live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Welcome to today on a monday morning. Its april 21st, 2014. Im willie geist along with al roker, back with us after a week away. Were glad youre back, al. Tamron hall. And natalie is up in hop kkinto massachusetts, 25 miles northwest of boston, about to run the Boston Marathon. Natalie, how are you feeling . Im feeling great. Im just so excited. You really feel the energy here. Runners are starting to arrive. Its just going to be such an incredible day. Al, thanks to you for a perfect running forecast. Yeah, its going to be spectacular. Its just going to get better as the day goes on. Yeah. Im excited. I mean, mid 50s to low 60s. Its exactly where you want to be. I think we may even get up to the 70s by the end of the day here. For runners, it is a dream come true. The emotions here today, so many of us are already kind of feeling it. And just geared up and ready to go. Were excited. We are excited for you. You mentioned friday, youd have to carb load. So give us the scoop on what you had for dinner to get ready. I had a great group of friends around me with my producers and everybody here in boston. But i managed to spill about half of my pasta on my lap. I was going to say looks like the sauce is coming out. Oh, dear. Thats kind of rough. That was a little spaghetti with clam. It was really good. One of the things i love among many things at the marathon is that there are 9,000 more entrants this year than there were last year. Thats boston strong. Thats people coming out. 36,000 participants today. Whats the vibe up there, natalie . Whats everybody feeling this morning . A lot of sort of Nervous Energy in the air. A lot of people just wanting to get it done, because of course, it took many, many months to train for this. But i think more so than anything, a lot of the people who werent able to finish last year feel like this year is the year of redemption. Its time to take the Boston Marathon back to get it back to being the great and such a historical marathon that this marathon is. Its one of the worlds it is the worlds oldest annual running event. So theres a lot of tradition, a lot of history, and people just want it restored back to that and to celebrate the future of this marathon rather than think of the events of last year. Hey, nat, besides the emotion there and one of the things that youre doing, and youve been following those stories, youre also running to raise some money as well. Tell folks about that. Yes. You can still go on the page crowdrise. Com natalie. I believe weve raised almost 55,000 and adidas is kicking in another 10,000 as well. But im doing it for the one fund boston, which has done so much in the ongoing support of the victims, survivors and their families. And also the challenged athletes foundation, which is an Incredible Organization ive gotten to work with over the years. But they do so much to help people with disabilities who want to take on sports and they help them with everything from prosthetics to specialized wheelchairs. A really Incredible Organization. I thank all the viewers who have been so generous and have given so much to a great, great cause. I look forward to hopefully boosting that number even more before the finish today. Thats great. We can still do it. You go to crowdrise. Com natalie. If you want to give to a couple of really, really great organizations. Natalie, we know how hard youve worked to get to this day. And how much time youve put in. And also, all the people running. Some of them injured terribly last year, now getting back and running just one year later. Its an emotional day. Were so proud of you and were so proud of boston. Before we let you go, though, natalie, since im the only girl, we have to have a little girl moment. Okay. Youve done so much for everyone else. I spent this weekend looking for the perfect spa day for natalie. I found a couple of places that specialize in foot massage. I need it. Ive collected some oils for you. Im going to bring them to you. And al and willie are going to give you a foot massage. Oh, yeah. Live on air. Theyre going to give me a pedicure. Absolutely. So i have scoped it out. Ive got your back. As soon as you get home, it is spa foot day. In fact, natalie, you know what were going to do . I brought some of those fish back from sochi that do the foot massage. Nibble at your toes. So were going to do that and then were going to have sushi. Oh thats what i have planned for you, natmo. I thank you, tamron. But ive got to say. Even the fish would be scared, because have you guys seen runners feet . Not pretty. Yes, yes. Dont worry, were going to take care of you when you get back. You had to do it, because it would be weird if we said hey, got you some oils for your feet. I went out and i found all these things they recommend for postmarathon runners that you put on your feet. You guys are going to apply. Ive done the work. Natalie, were here with you in heart and spirit and following you online as well. Thanks, guys. Go natalie, go. Gonataliego. Bostonstrong. Go, natalie. Thanks, guys. Well see you. So the other story were talking about your new hero. Is that what he is . So this high school student, hes a senior from york, pennsylvania. Hes landed himself in some big trouble. He decided after School Officials told him not to do it, to ask miss america to the prom. 18yearold Patrick Farves approached the beauty queen nina davulari, and said, you know, listen, i want to go to the prom with you. He goes up onstage. She says no because of scheduling. I put that in air quotes. But then he does this little move, a little extra fancy dance. School officials were not having it. He was highfiving people. He got three days suspension. He talked with us. Thats your guy. Youre goading me to say what i think. You interviewed him. Listen, okay. Let me read the School Statement first. It says, it is not our practice to discipline a student for asking someone even miss america to a school dance. However, it is our practice to set expectations for student behavior, to communicate those expectations and rules to students and families and to ensure those rules are followed within our school. This sparked outrage. He said his parents were upset. His parents were like oh, you know what, its okay. Okay, first of all, the school said dont do it. Absolutely. So we know that. Absolutely. And then he was talking to you, he talked about himself as a brand. Hes a standout. This is his thing. Heres my thing whats your thing . Throw down your thing. Patrick, as a person who was suspended from school, when you break the rules why were you suspended . Im not going to get into that. My mother will be upset. Years ago. That thing that i did. As a rebel, i consider myself, you have to be willing to take the punishment. I felt hes probably a sweet boy, but he came off a little bit like a jerk when he was like dancing at the end. I thought he was showboating. If he was just sweet and wanted a date, i would have been like go, patrick. But i thought he was doing it to be on tv. Or to get his friends well, it worked. Yeah. What do you think about him . Not about him. I think there are certain cases where civil disobedience is probably appropriate. I dont know that this was that case. I wanna go out with miss america. The dance at the end got me. If he had just asked and sat down, but when he went up onstage and kind of did that thing it looks charming. And hes highfiving people on the way back. I thought he was thumbing his nose at the School Officials. I think when he heard that hed been suspended, that almost enhanced it for him. Because now hes really a rebel. He knows there are consequences, hes going to break the rules. There are kids who have done stuff to advance the cause of civil rights or human rights, things like that. This is kind of a selfserving move. Which, you know, look, weve all been 18. Weve all been 18. No harm, no foul. Hes got the three days suspension. Can i just put the obvious thing out there . If youre in high school and someones like, you have to take three days off school. Is that the worst thing that you can do to a kid . But its in school. Its an inschool suspension. You dont get to hang out at the park. Youre in school in a separate room. What are you doing . Nothing. I think youre doing work. I thought you go home. They dont do that anymore. You dont get to go to the parade. That was just me that time . That was you. I want to hear the story. Im a rebellious texas kid. We had senior skip day. And they said dont skip school on senior skip day. Why do they call it senior skip day . Thats the name the kids call it. I skipped school with my friends, we went bowling. Thats it . When we came back to school, all of our parents were there. Theyd called our parents. What did you think . They went bowling in street shoes. In high heels. I wont wear your shoes. Wow. Yesterday was easter. We all enjoyed it in different ways. Most of it didnt enjoy it in this way. Lets check out a record. Matt megatoad stoney is his name. He set a peeps eating world record. He had 100 peeps in 130 seconds. Thats just over two minutes. Matt has a long history of competitive eating. Hes currently ranked number two in the world. I think hes behind joey chestnut. The hot dog eater. Matt has also set records with lobster rolls, birthday cake. He didnt eat the wrapping as much as you are. Are you challenging him . No, i want you to. Me . You said you were rebel. You skipped school one day. I went bowling. Whoo in high heels i went bowling in high heels. They dont let you do that unless youre a rebel. Oh, my gosh. First of all, i would never do this. Just have one. Ill do it with you. Youre gonna race me . Just gonna have one. Lets enjoy it. A civilized peep. Whats the point . Because we can. Im going to dip mine in water. Ive got to do weather. Why would you put it in water . Because he did. Because im a rebel. Im a rebel. I put my peep in water. Wow. I did it. I put my peep in water. This is nice. These are fresh, too. I like to leave them out for about 24 hours to 36 hours. They get that crust on them. Hard candy shell. Thats called being stale. Im a rebel. Thats how i eat my peeps. Youre my peeps anyway, lets take a look at the weather. It is going to be spectacular. Starting out in hopkinton, ending up in boston. 52, sunny skies. By the time we end up the day, it should be about 63 degrees. We are looking at a risk of strong storms today, central texas. Wet weather making its way to the central great lakes along the eastern shore. 97 phoenix. Rain up in seattle today. Te weve got a great looking day for all my peeps out there. Temperatures looking good. 59 degrees in the east bay. 60 degrees along the peninsula. Were happy youre back, al, we sure missed you. 73 degrees for the east bay today. 64 in San Francisco. And 69 degrees in wine country. Youre expecting showers up in Sonoma County as of this evening. Todays weather is brought to you by Megared Omega 3 krill oil. Big health benefits, one small pill. The other good thing about peeps, if you put them around your nose, it keeps the allergens from getting in there. On a serious note with the allergens quickly its a bad day today in the northeast and the plains. Right. Get your daily allotment of carnuba wax. Up next, if youre thinking about buying a big ticket appliance or new piece of furniture, is it worth it to get that extended warranty . Its one of those questions you grapple with at the register. Well tell you if its a good idea or a waste of money. In pursuit of all things awesome, amazing, and thats epic, bro, weve forgotten just how good good is. Good is setting a personal best before going for a world record. Good is swinging to get on base before swinging for a home run. [ crowd cheering ] good is choosing not to overshoot the moon, but to land right on it and do some experiments. So start your day off good with a coffee thats good cup after cup. Maxwell house. Good to the last drop behaves like the surface of your skin. Now watch what soap does to it. Soap strips your skin. Dove is different. With 1 4 moisturizing cream, dove doesnt strip your skin like soap. With 1 4 moisturizing cream, hey there, i just got my bill, and i see that it includes my fico® credit score. Yup, you get it free each month to help you avoid surprises with your credit. Good. I hate surprises. Surprise at discover, we treat you like youd treat you. Get the it card and see your fico® credit score. Dream liquid Mousse Foundation from maybelline new york. Our formula wont sink into pores. Its airwhipped so it cushions as it smoothes pores away. [ woman ] flawless. [ female announcer ] for 100 poreless perfection. Dream liquid Mousse Foundation. Maybe its maybelline milk and cereal cereal and milk milk and cereal cereal and milk k e double l o double good protein to help you rebuild like you should great tasting grains to help you recharge put a spring in your step so you keep livin large milk and cereal cereal cereal add a little sunshine to your morning with delicious kelloggs® cereal and milk. It has protein to help you rebuild, and grains to help you recharge for the day ahead. Shouldnt breakfast always be kedoublelodouble good . Okay, so weve all been there. At the cash register, going to buy like a new tv. Employee says hey, you want to buy the extended warranty . My heart starts to race. You go into a panic because you really dont know what youre supposed to do. Is it worth it to pay the extra for that or travel insurance . Here to help us figure it all out is farnush. Good to see you. Im eating for two. There you go. You should have two. Lets launch into some of these. Lets start with the extended warranty. You want to protect your purchase but you dont want to feel like the salesman is getting one over on you. These have huge markups. Consumer reports have researched countless electronics and appliances. They say skip it because a lot of times you get the manufacturings warranty for free, which is at least 12 months. If a product should break or malfunction, it will happen in the first year or so. So skip it. Wow. What about tamron . You just booked a trip and you got trip insurance. Im taking my nephew, were going to london. Its a big trip. I was torn about travel insurance. You were smart to get it. I think increasingly, this is becoming more valuable as we know airlines are becoming less generous with refunding you in case of you want to change your ticket last minute. So trip insurance, travel insurance. Theres various types. Theres the basic which will cover you in the event you want to change your flight and get refunded. Or theres comprehensive, which includes that plus some medical insurance, and only about half of american Insurance Plans will cover you internationally, so check your Insurance Plan if youre going abroad. Percentagewise, how much should you expect to pay . 4 to 8 of your trip. They also factor in your age, so those are some things to think about. Life insurance, its a difficult one. Im still not sure i understand the distinction. Which way to go . So first thing about Life Insurance is you definitely need it if someone is dependent on you for your income. Most people are fine getting term, and it works just like it sounds. It lasts for a period of time. Once you sign the policy, for say ten, 15, 20 years. If you pass away within that timeframe, then the policy kicks in and your beneficiaries can start getting payments. Its anywhere from 150 on up, depending on your age, your health. When you get it, the earlier, the cheapest. Whole is very expensive. I think if you really want a good basic insurance policy, go with term. Whole is a guaranteed benefit. It lasts you your entire lifetime and it has a savings component that you can borrow against so it has more flexibility. But get this. One in five people with a whole Life Insurance policy will cancel the policy within the first three years because they cant afford the premiums. Thats not good. Theyre really expensive. Its like six to eight times more than term. What about a Home Warranty . How is that different from Home Insurance . Home insurance is important if you want to protect your home against fire, burglary. A Home Warranty is something thats offered to new home buyers to cover things like an appliance breakdown, electrical, plumbing problems. Smart if youre buying a brandnew, newly constructed home. And sometimes the builder will throw it in. Or the seller will throw it in for free. So ask if you can get it for free. Thank you so much. Congratulations, too. Thank you. Weve got all the news you need before you head out the door. And heres a question al wanted me to ask you. How many times a week is it normal to have sex . We actually ask you on today. Com. We actually ask you on today. Com. The naked truth, or nekk this is the car i fell in love with picking up my new malibu. No way in march, over 100,000 people visited our open house event and brought home a new chevy. Nope thats me, alright. This month, its your turn. My equinox new lineup, new showrooms and a new experience. Come find your chevy today right now, get this sign and drive lease on a 2014 chevy malibu lt for around 249 per month. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. What does that first spoonful taste likok. Honey bunches of oats. Ching mmmm mmmm mmmm wow its the oats. Honey. Yeah. Honey bunches of oats. This is a great cereal. This seasons most lexclusive haircolor. The preference paris lumiere collection. Luminous new shades crafted by loreal master colorist, christophe robin. Golden iridescent blonde. Chic auburn brown. Black sapphire. Preference paris lumiere. From loreal. Bathroom is trashed. He boys in 2b threw another party. Dudes. Come in lets bubble we dont just kill 99. 9 of germs. Were also approved for tougher cleaning jobs. Thats a reason to celebrate. You really think they need one . [ female announcer ] aaah, the amazing, delicious cinnamon and sugar taste of cinnamon toast crunch and cold milk. Cinnamon toast crunch. Crave those crazy squares. A man who doesnt stand still. But jim has afib, atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. That puts jim at a greater risk of stroke. For years, jims medicine tied him to a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. But now, with onceaday xarelto jims on the move. Jims doctor recommended xarelto. Like warfarin, xarelto is proven effective to reduce afibrelated stroke risk. But xarelto is the first and only onceaday prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem that doesnt require routine blood monitoring. So jims not tied to that monitoring routine. [ gps ] proceed to the designated route. Not today. [ male announcer ] for patients currently well managed on warfarin there is limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. Xarelto is just one pill a day taken with the evening meal. Plus, with no known dietary restrictions, jim can eat the Healthy Foods he likes. Do not stop taking xarelto, rivaroxaban, without talking to the doctor who prescribes it as this may increase the risk of having a stroke. Get help right away if you develop any symptoms like bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. You may have a higher risk of bleeding if you take xarelto with aspirin products, nsaids, or blood thinners. Talk to your doctor before taking xarelto if you have abnormal bleeding. Xarelto can cause bleeding, which can be serious and rarely may lead to death. You are likely to bruise more easily on xarelto and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. Tell your doctors you are taking xarelto before any planned medical or dental procedures. Before starting xarelto, tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. Xarelto is not for patients with artificial heart valves. Jim changed his routine. Ask your doctor about xarelto. Onceaday xarelto means no regular blood monitoring no known dietary restrictions. For more information and savings options, call 1888xarelto or visit goxarelto. Com. Taking a look at some of the headlines this morning, kraft foods is recalling about 96,000 pounds of oscar meyer classic weiners because cheese dogs wound up in regular packaging. They do not list pasteurized cheese, which is a problem for people allergic to meet. They were sold in 16ounce packa packages. American hospitals are still giving codeine to more than a half a million children each year despite guidelines on limiting its use. The potentially dangerous drug is prescribed for pain and to suppress coughs. Last year, the fda warned about a rare risk for lifethreatening complications when children take codeine after certain surgeries. The news is not getting any better for drivers out there. Gas prices rose nearly nine cents over the past two weeks alone. The National Average for unleaded is now 3. 69 a gallon. Los angeles has the highest prices in the lower 48 states, topping out at 4. 26 a gallon. The lowest is Salt Lake City at 3. 29. Captain america ruled the box office for the third consecutive weekend, bringing in more than 26 million. Rio 2 was second at 22. 5 million, and heaven is for real rounded out the top three. The young royals, Prince William, duchess kate, and baby george arrived this morning in the australian capital to enjoy a day without any official duties. The press did get a kick out of the familys matching blue outfits. On sunday, they visited a zoo to visit a baby bilby named george after the prince who turns 9 months old tomorrow. Coming up, one familys effort to help save hundreds of kids lives through a very simple [ male announcer ] our story begins here. Where we get our milk. And our inspiration, to keep things simple. So now kraft singles have no artificial preservatives. Because simple is simply. Better. And then theres juicy chicken. The difference is best foods. Best foods is the secret to making parmesan crusted chicken so juicy and so delicious. You can make dinner disappear. Best foods. Bring out the best. Good monday morning to you. 9 26. A santa clara teenager claims he hopped a fence at an airport and stowed on a plane all the way to maui. They found the teenager on the runway after he fell out of the wheel well after the plane landed. This picture was given to us by maui news. Fbi officials later questioned the 16yearold who told him he ran away from his family. He didnt know at the time where the plane was going when he stowed away. As soon as the teenager was found, paramedics were called to check him for any injuries. A man who hid from s. W. A. T. Teams for hours is under arrest. The man surrendered after s. W. A. T. Surrounded his home and talked him out. He reportedly shot a gun into the ground and locked himself in the house and refused to come out and talk to police. Well have a look at your weather and traffic coming up right after the break. Good morning nelly woah. Hey have you ever tried honey nut cheerios . Love em. Neat now you on the other hand. You need some help. Why . Look atchya. What is that . You mean my honey wand . [ shouting ] [ splat ] come on. Matter of fact. [ rustling ] shirt. Shoes. Shades. Ah wow now that voice. My voice . [ autotuned ] whats wrong with my voice . Yeah man, bee got swag be happy be healthy thats gotta go too. Hey must be the honey [ sparkle ] sweet. Welcome back. Now, happy monday to you. 9 28. Temperatures are climbing nicely. We still have a mostly clear sky in the east bay and south bay, but were starting to see the clouds increase in San Francisco. That will continue to be the weather story of the day. There is a storm system on the way. Well hit the 70s before we start to see the real impact from the system tonight into tomorrow morning. Counting on showers for your tuesday. We head throughout the end of the week, well have an even more substantially organized system come through. This could bring our totals up towards an inch right here in the south bay. Where we really need that rain. Thats great news, anthony. That is great news. If youre in silicon valley, doing any traveling in the next 10 to 15 minutes, on the 101 and University Avenue on the northbound side, there was a truck that lost some stuff on its bed so the debris is actually in the roadway right now. Only three lanes getting by. This is causing a jam all the way into san jose. So again, 280 your best bet right now. Oakland, the slowing continues northbound headed in to the bay bridge. Lots of slowing, of course. Thats not unusual this time of morning. Peggy, back to you. Still rough out there for 9 30. We have another local news update in about half an hour. Have a great monday. Welcome back to today on this monday morning, april 21st, 2014. Im willie along with cameron and al. Natalie is up in boston running the marathon. Were thinking about her today. All of you up in boston covering those 26. 2 miles. We have an incredible story to tell you about. Some video to show you. What would you do . This is over the weekend, united kingdom. Family visits a safari park. Heres the dem dilemma. The mini van catches on fire. Where were they . Inside a lion enclosure. You got to get out of the car, no question. But when you get out of the car, there are lions. Helen, her 12yearold daughter, 9yearold son, all three had to get out. Rangers initially actually telling them to stay in the car because of the lions, but rangers then pulled up closer to the vehicle, evacuated them safely. Heres what clemens said afterward. We were safe and i think you look at the funny side of it now. It is unbelievable. I think if it was near the flamingos we wouldnt have had the problem but because its in the lion enclosure. I like the idea the lions pulled up a table, had little napkins and knives and forks. Thats the way i want lions to behave. You know what the rangers said, they were distracted. The lions were distracted by the smoke and fire so it focused on the car and allowed the people to get out of the way. You let them get away. Youre busy watching the fire. Come on, mate thats the lions voice . Theyre british lions. Yeah. I thought you were just going to go no, no, theyre british lions. I did read, though, that lions sleep 23 hours a day and they only eat once. [ humming the lion sleeps tonight ] you are an enabler. Enabler. Your children are watching. In the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight everybody looking at sunshine along the east coast. Got some showers and thunderstorms from the great lakes down into texas. Beautiful weather in the Pacific Northwest if you like the rain. 62 degrees. Tomorrow, that wet weather makes its way to the east. Cool conditions around the great lakes, wet weather in the Pacific Northwest. Plenty of sunshine, texas into the southwest. Thats whats going on around the country. 9 33. Happy monday to you. We have a really nice looking day shaping up. 75 in the south bay. You can see from the live picture of mccovey cove, a little bit of a breeze picking up. And the clouds will increase into the afternoon. Today will be the warmest of the entire week. Then we have major changes to tell you about as we head through tonight, into tomorrow morning. Showers move into the bay area at this time tomorrow. Tracking a little rain on the radar and another chance as we head into your friday. Thats your latest weather. So if youre married or in a relationship, then you know talking about sex you are uncomfortable with this one. Talk about that later. Sex is not always easy because its tough to communicate, you stumble over your words, but to have a healthy sex life you got to talk it out. Thats right. Here to help us, dr. Harry fish, Sexual Health expert and author of the new naked and kimberly flemke is a sex therapist. Good to see both of you. Lets get right to it. Burning question. Maybe i shouldnt use that phrase. When it comes to sex, what is normal . We conducted a poll online and asked our viewers how often they have sex. Just over half, as we go to the orange room, over half responded with once or twice a week on a good week. Once or twice. Hows that fare . Thats not bad if youre 50 years old. Turns out in my book, we have actual frequency of sex per age. If youre 50 years old, once a week is good. If youre younger, want to see it more. Lets face it, who wants to be average . Exactly. There you go. I agree. Why are you uncomfortable with this . Listen, the reality, youre talking about sex. I always feel like thats something that should be kept in the bedroom but apparently, were not talking about it in the bedroom. Im worried about my mother watching, thank you, al. She probably had sex sometime before, right . Really dont want to talk about my mother and sex. That crossed the line. But the reality is, kimberly, this is very telling about us, including whether or not people are satisfied. We asked folks whether or not they were satisfied. 50 say they were. Thats pretty good. That is pretty good. I think its important to remember it correlates with the stage of a relationship, the length of a relationship. New couples tend to have a lot more sex than couples ten years, 20 years out. 50 , half of people are not enjoying sex . Right. That means statistically, one out of two, right . Or one of the two of you. Nicely done. Nicely done. I wrote the book, okay . Im just telling you. Bam coming back. Talking sex and got jokes. How important is it to communicate about whether youre satisfied with whats going on with your partner . Oh, its critically important. Thats why i wrote the book the new naked because we tell people talk about sex. What do you know what to talk about . You learn it in junior high school, i guess, then high school, but once you start having sex, once you are in an adult relationship, nobody really tells you what to talk about. Thats why this book gives you information to really address those issues. Kimberly, as relates to the satisfaction issue, its easy to blame schedule, easy to blame being busy. How do you get around that . Typically, couples have struggled with this usually have less frequency of having sex. Couples that have sex more often generally have more ease discussing the topic. Usually i will find theres a level of safety and emotional comfort if they need to bring it up for couples that talk about it regularly. Dr. Fish, also, we are making light of it a little bit but there can also be physical issues absolutely. That can impact this. Absolutely. Half of my book talks about the physical issues. Yes, we do talk about the emotional and communication issues but there are so many issues that are affecting this and we see on commercials daily about erectile dysfunction but one of the more physical aspects is something people dont talk about is sex is too quick. Men and women make that complaint. But its usually not the woman thats too quick. Its usually the guy. Thats the number one sexual dysfunction that we dont talk about. Its interesting, i notice that 43 feel comfortable talking about sex but kimberly, its interesting i think that couples who have been together for a very long time, they blame one another rather than coming at this as a team and finding the solution. Right. When i work with couples and they want to change their sex practice or make it better, i will often say dont look past positive experiences. If you can approach it in a positive way, a strengthbased approach, i remember when we did that, i loved it, how about we try this again. It doesnt put your partner on the defense and made them feel inadequate or rejected. Harry makes a good point about humor. Things that are complicated to talk about, it doesnt hurt to have smile and humor with it. Especially with this topic. Dr. Harry fish, kimberly, thank you so much. Coming up next, one family hoping to help save the lives of kids all across our country. Kids all across our country, after these messages. Oh the name your price tool you tell them how much you want to pay, and they help you find a policy that fits your budget. I told you to wear something comfortable this is a polyester blend whoa uh. Little help . I got you unh its so beautiful man should we Call Security . No, this is just getting good. The name your price tool, still only from progressive. Spice is the spice at hillsof life. M thats why our craftsmen seasoned every sausage perfectly. So you can coax out great flavor effortlessly. Hillshire farm beacuse its worth doing right. Theres a reason our slow roasted turkey taste so fresh. Seconds after carving, we not only seal every slice, we double seal it. The results are something to savor. Hillshire farm beacuse its worth doing right. Soof our new bushs bakednk beans video game . I think im getting the hang of it. Okay, now pick up the specially cured bacon hit it with the brown sugar now roll that beautiful bean footage yes bushs baked beans are slowcooked according to our secret family recipe for a big flavor. High score you get to put your name on the wall of fame whoa game over. Aww, youre no fun. Enjoy bushs baked beans. Still made from our secret family recipe. Hurry in and try our new santa fe chicken quesadillas or the delicious bacon ranch. Served with fries and your choice of soup or salad. Chilis lunch combos starting at 6 bucks. Ive quit for 75 days. 15 days, but not in a row. For the first time, you can use nicorette even if you slip up, so you can reach your goal. Now, quit on your own terms with nicorette or nicoderm cq. Damage your hair . G might dont be. New pantene brings new repair protect. First ever prov antioxidant systems. Clinically proven to make hair healthier. Healthier with every wash. Healthier looking hair every day . I can get used to this. New hair. New you. New repair protect from new pantene. Hair so healthy you shine. I dbefore i dosearch any projects on my home. I love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angies list for bringing us together. Find out why more than two million members count on angies list. Angies list reviews you can trust. Behaves like the surface of your skin. Now watch what soap does to it. Soap strips your skin. Dove is different. With 1 4 moisturizing cream, dove doesnt strip your skin like soap. This morning on hope to it, parents on a mission to help kids and their families. They want to bring attention to the number one killer of youth athletes during sports, sudden cardiac arrest. Most kids are not screened for heart conditions before they start a sport, but one family is hoping to change that. Simon was a seemingly healthy baby. He had normal apgars scores, all the normal Health Visits at that point were fine. And he just simply was 96 days old, and we put him down for a nap, and he didnt wake up. Reporter phyllis and darrens son did not know their infant son, simon, had a heart condition until after he unexpectedly died of sudden cardiac arrest. After testing, they found out that simon had a heart condition increasingly linked to sudden infant death syndrome. Phyllis eventually learned she, too, had the same heart condition. Had i had my heart checked, simon, more than likely, would be with us today. You know, unfortunately, i never had any symptoms. We unfortunately learned a lesson the hard way. And we wanted to share that information with other families so that another parent didnt have to lose their child to a condition that is detectible and treatable. Reporter they created a foundation called simons fund to get kids screened for conditions that lead to sudden cardiac arrest. They focused on active adolescents because sudden cardiac arrest is the leading killer of young athletes. An automatic defibrillator. Reporter this free screening in nashville includes a standard sports physical with a stethoscope and adds an ekg and an echocardiogram. It ups that level of detection that we may be able to find something and really prevent a bad outcome for a family. Reporter through the screening, simons fund has organized since 2005 more than 60 kids have discovered previously undetected heart conditions. Including High School Cheerleader Whitney Jones whos been athletic her entire life. I was not expecting anything. I always thought i was really healthy. I never really got sick that bad. Having Heart Disease is not something i thought i had. Reporter whitneys diagnosis was life changing. But with medication and her doctors okay, shes safely continuing the sport she loves. Im very glad that we know because this disease can rob families of their loved ones with no warning. And if you dont know, you cant manage it. By knowing we have at least the chance to manage it. Reporter at every simons fund screening, a chance for knowledge and peace of mind. You have to come in expecting and hoping for the best, but preparing for changes or bad information. So i was ready either way. Im glad we got good news. Reporter potentially lifesaving news that serves as the legacy of a baby boy who did not get to live long enough. This little 3monthold boy has had enormous impact on these families. Because of simon, their kid is healthier, and their kid will be okay. Well, in addition to organizing heart screenings, simons fund is pushing safe governments to pass laws to prevent sudden cardiac arrest in youth sports. So far three states have enacted this legislation. To find out where your state stands on these laws, please head to today. Com. At least some good came out of that. Absolutely. And good in the space of unimaginable pain. Absolutely. Were going to be back after these messages. We did a 27point inspection on your chevy,ce, you got new tires and our price match guarantee. Whos this little guy . Thats birney. Oh, i bet that cone gives him supersonic hearing. Watch what you say around him. Ive been talking a lot about his procedure. whispering what . Get our everyday price match guarantee plus a 100 rebate on 4 select tires from your tire experts. Chevy certified service. [ two greek blueberry yogurts, the yoplone winner. Asteoff. I love this one. Yoplait its so much better than chobani. I really have to say yoplait. A winner, winner [ female announcer ] let your tastebuds decide. Take the yoplait greek tasteoff hit the beach in florida. And a reunion in seattle. We can afford to take more trips this year. [man] when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. [woman] so we got our 4star hotels. For half price. Hotwire hotwire. Com have made garnierde bb creams 1. Just like that. Intense hydration, tinted minerals, vitamin c. One application, 5 results. Evens tone, hydrates, renews, protects, and brightens. 1 bb creams. From garnier. [ male announcer ] our story begins here. Where we get our milk. And our inspiration, to keep things simple. So now kraft singles have no artificial preservatives. Because simple is simply. Better. And then theres juicy chicken. The difference is best foods. Best foods is the secret to making parmesan crusted chicken so juicy and so delicious. You can make dinner disappear. Best foods. Bring out the best. And where you least expect us, walgreens is more than just a drugstore. Some pharmacy staff deliver medications right to your hospital bedside. And whenever, wherever you have questions, walgreens experts are there for you 24 7 with Online Pharmacy chat. We even bring immunizations to seniors right where they need us. Because life doesnt stand still, and neither do we. At the corner of happy and healthy. Todays kitchen is brought the you by schmuckers. A simple onepot meal you can put together without a lot of cleanup. Scott, good to see you. Thanks very much for having me. This with a little bit of prep, you can really whip this up pretty quickly. This is a dish based on what my mother used to make. Every time i brought it up to her, she never necessarily remembers my memory of these things. So i seasonalize it a little bit because its a great time of year. We have the chicken inside this pot, were searing. We have it marinated with a little bit of rosemary, a little bit of garlic, fresh thyme as well. A lot of black pepper on there. Kosher salt. I season one side, put it down in the pan, and then i season the other side when its in the pan. Saves a little time. So this is a really simple thing to do. Ive added some potatoes. You can put them right inside there. A little bit of those onions. Then ill cover that up and let it cook. A little slot on the edge. Just a little slot to release that steam so it doesnt boil. How long does that go . That goes for about 15, 20 minutes. And then right on the stove top. Just as its finishing up, ill add some of these beautiful spring vegetables and ill cover that up again and let it go. Really simple. Fresh peas. Onions, potatoes. Really straight forward. If you wanted to get fancy, you could add some fresh tarragon. Its beautiful. We also have a little bit of this endive salad. We have a lemon and honey viniagrette with it. You can use any greens you wanted . You can use anything. I like this time of year some b bib lettuce. Well crush this Parmesan Cheese as well. Is there any kind of vinagrette you like . This is honey. You have crushed red pepper flake as well. We like to spice it up a little bit. Mind if we give this a little dance . Jump right in there. Here you go, al. Gives it good color, too, the greens here. Start with the potatoes. But again, thats just a fun dish that my mother used to cook. And after the holidays, i always feel like passover is just finished, its just after easter, you just want to take it easy a little bit and this is something easy to do. And very, very easy marinade as well, right . Absolutely. For the budding chef. Hello, chef. Hello. Can i have a little slice of this . Yeah, go ahead. Thank you. How far ahead can you make the dressing, scott . You can make it the day before, easily. This will keep for a couple days even. Its an airtight container. Something easy to do. With all the things going on in life, i feel like you can still have a great meal and have it be simple. Same with the chicken, could you season the chicken, do everything a day ahead, put it in the fridge . Absolutely. I always cut tamrons food for her, by the way. And al usually feeds me, but hes being fancy with his one arm. Scott, thanks so much. Good to see you. Recipes, by the way, at today. Com. Were back in a moment. Its us. Were back. Its you. Them. We have a fabulous actress with us today, Natalie Dormer. Game of thrones. And also the hunger games. And rob is here. In the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight by the way, gonataliego. Trending right now. When does the race start . Shes running. Shes already doing it . Thats it. Go natmo. Details coming up tomorrow. First your l good morning, everyone. 9 56. The former San Francisco firefighter accused of driving drunk while in a fire truck and hitting a motorcyclist is due to be in court today. This Surveillance Video shows Michael Quinn behind the wheel of his truck plowing into a motorcycle. The man he hit, jack frazier, broke his leg and arm and his lung collapsed. He did survive the crash. Were expecting to hear from San Jose Police leaders today following a troubling report from an independent auditor. Last weeks audit reveals sordid activities in the San Jose Police department, including two officers who had sex while on the job. Both of them still employed by the department. The city Council Plans to discuss the report at this weeks meeting sglrvlg. Good morning to you at home. Mild out there right now in san jose. 63 degrees. 58 degrees, Cool Conditions continue in San Francisco and up in the north bay. Were headed to a really comfortable day. Lots of sunshine coming your way. You can see that from the picture of sonoma right now. Sunny finish to the day. Things start to change a little bit as we head throughout tomorrow morning. Showers arrive. Enjoy, 75 degrees, while it lasts in the south bay. 72 for the peninsula. 64 degrees, thats it for you today in San Francisco. North bays going to be comfortable at about 71 degrees. Lets check your drive. Thank you, christina. Earlier we had an accident on 101 and university, only three lanes getting through. Right now things are moving smoothly, but lots of cars from the backup trying to get through there. The 101 slow continuing through about 10 00. You can see 880 northbound flowing smoothly. About 30 minutes ago, bogged down with heavy traffic approaching the bay bridge maze. Thank you, much. Another local news update coming up in half an hour. Fleas are fast. In less than a second, they can jump 150 times their height. And one flea can get in 400 bites a day. Yeah. Fleas are fast. Fight back fast with frontline tritak for dogs. The triple attack of frontline tritak for dogs means fleas have less time to bite. It starts killing fleas and ticks in just 5 minutes, and keeps killing fleas, flea eggs, larvae and ticks for a full 30 days. Ask your vet about frontline tritak for dogs. Nothings faster. From the vets 1 choice frontline plus. From nbc news, this is today with Kathie Lee Gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Yes, we both survived our beautiful weekend. Yes, we did. And we are happy to be with you on funday monday, april 21st. We have very talented ladies young, Natalie Dormer from the game of thrones and the hunger games. Plus tips that could help save your life. How was your easter weekend . It was a lovely weekend. Two things that make me happy. The weather was so pretty. It was really lovely. And my kids are home. Oh. And everybodys healthy, and they like me. Thats not always the case. Codys lovely girlfriend came as well. Oh, sweet. Any day you can sit outside and just enjoy spring and be with your family and eat a good meal and be grateful to god. That was sunrise. You are getting quite good, i have to say, on the tweeting action. Thats beautiful. Yeah. Im supposed to do my devotions on a beautiful easter morning, and i saw that sunrise. Perfect. Resurrection sunday. Yeah, yeah, yeah. How about you . Yours was a little noisier than mine. I had a houseful. I had my two nieces, one 3 and one 7, my mom, my brother and his wife, colleen, so all five were crowbared into my apartment. We had so much fun. We made a few mistakes. We left the Chocolate Easter bunnies out on the window sill, and you know what happened . Its called melting. Blob. Anyway, everything melted down, but we had such a great time with the kids and everything. And ive got to say, one of the best things with he did we did a lot of things this weekend. We went to see aladdin, which was such fun for the kids. We went to the park. And im going to do my favorite thing. Do your favorite thing. Ellens stardust diner. If you ever come to new york, go to ellens stardust diner on broadway. Theyre waiters and waitresses and they sing. And the guy announced, when he got there, he said do you know that this past year, 12 waiters or waitresses went on to broadway or off broadway or traveling shows. So a lot of people get so anyway. There the waiters are taking your order and singing. Do you have video . I think so. Look. Singing. Let the storm rage on that was frozen. We made a special request for frozen. And then someone else sang something else. And we have the other one. Lovely how fun. A round of applause. It continues. All day long. Its so fun. This opens early. 7 00 a. M. Till midnight. The line is down the street around the block. So get there early. Its worth it. Should i do mine . Why not . Even as were speaking, our precious natalie is running in the Boston Marathon. Yes. And shes got a really bad sciatica, by the way. Lift up a little prayer for her and everybody thats running today. I thought today would be a good thing as my favorite. Boston. I love this life is good product. I love it. Theres nothing what does that say . Nothing is stronger than love. Yeah. They do great stuff. Franks favorite thing in the world is his yellow life is good coffee cup. Oh, youre kidding. He wont drink his coffee in the morning without it. Got to be in that cup. Its come to that. Thats what we do. All right. Our mind says fresh cup of mercy, and his says life is good. When you get to be our age and youve still got a pulse, its good. All right. If you want a cute alert, we have to keep showing you this baby. We cant stop. Prince george turns 9 months tomorrow. And he went to the zoo. Look how he bounces around. Okay. Every time you see him first of all, i love everything shes worn this trip. Oh. He likes is it a rabbit . Its a billby. Which is not a rabbit. Its named after him. This was named george . Look at him. Oh, let him in okay, this kid is so curious and adorable. And they are so great. Yeah, they are lovely. Arent they . He wants in. Oh, my god, its the australian easter oh i know. I cant. I cant get enough of him. He looks like the little kid in heaven is for real. Absolutely adorable. Zloo ch chewing on anything. You know what . I bet if we ran this video the entire hour, wed have the highest ratings weve ever had. Oh, my god so cute again, hes so happy because he doesnt know hes royal. Right. Youre right. Hes just loved. Now were going to go to the opposite of cute. This is a smackdown. Oh, hoda. Yesterday sorry, friday or thursday we teed up the real housewives of atlanta reunion. Police were called and 911 and there was blood. Not really. But anyway, heres what actually happened. Lets watch. From the 90s and youre sitting up here you are a dumb [ bleep ] shut up. Yeah, you want to hear [ bleep ]. No, no, no, no, no [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. Stop i cant believe i did that i cant believe i did that i have embarrassed myself i have embarrassed myself . Thats what portia said, and kenya called the cops on her, and she got arrested. She was trying to break up a fight with my dogs, not people out there rolling around. Andy got in the middle of it. And you know what . But have you ever been so mad that you thought you could knock someones block off . Have you ever been so ticked . Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. What if you just did it like they did . You mean like the time you did on the Basketball Court . Thats my favorite. Tell that story again. Just real quick, we were losing badly and i was embarrassed and humiliated and i was going up for a layup and i reached back for her ankle, and i yanked it. And it felt good sometimes youve just got to do it. So kenya and portia, we feel you. Oh, gosh. There was a lot of cleavage there. A lot of cleavage in atlanta. A lot of cleavage. Anyway, theres more to come on our Sister Network on bravo. Okay. Okay. So kim novak is speaking out. You guys remember from the oscars. Yes. A lot of people dont know that kim novak was the reigning, beautiful movie star of her day. I dont know when that would have been. But and she had disappeared from the scene for a while. So she took a lot of criticism for the way she for whatever people assume she had done to her face. She spoke at the oscars. This is her before and now. Anyway, and so donald trump tweeted im not going to say it. I didnt see what he tweeted. Anyway. Apparently a lot of people were commenting about her. Well, she addressed and then she was i noticed when she came along the red carpet when al and i were there, i noticed that she she was a little disconcerted. She just really didnt she seemed overwhelmed by what was going on. Why are you laughing, hoda . Im not. Im listening. Im doing it again. Hoda im listening. I dont want you to get in trouble. Im listening. I didnt know what was going on. Now shes written this open letter, and shes basically said listen, im going to stand up to these bullies. Unkind, cruel things youve been saying. She said she took a pill to relax. Zloo a and wasnt eating. She was on a threeday fast. When youre out of the spotlight and then step in and then everyone criticizes you, its terrible. She calls it bullying, and she says she understands what teenagers and young kids feel like and how it affects their lives. Think about it. She was a major star. There was confidential magazine, there was none of the social media. Yep. That immediate, like, vitriol you get. I think her time out of the spotlight, she probably felt pressure to, i want to look really good for the oscars. Right, right, right. She probably fasted too long and, you know, and didnt need the pill. Or maybe she did. Who knows . But i felt bad. I did, too. But our question is, should we call this bullying . Yeah. Thats a good question. What do you all think . Is that bullying or just life as we know it now . Because people think that you want their opinion on absolutely everything. Everything. Now, we do know your opinion on this. Check this out. Lets pretend your packed your bag to go on a flight. And you get on a plane. Sometimes they say the overheads are too full. You have to check it. In the bag lets pretend you had your camera and stuff, things you want to take good care of. You hand your bag to the baggage guy and then you get on the plane. And then you look out the window and then this happens. There we go. Literally oh just throwing them look on the stairs. There we go. Oh. I guess it didnt hit the ground. I thought they were knocking did one of them hit the ground . I dont know. I just know that guys in trouble. The video was shot by a guy that wants you to know. His name is Duane Stewart of vancouver. Yeah. Can you imagine if you did have like a duffel bag or a backpack . Anyway, thats not great. But there were a lot of stairs they had to walk them down. Maybe there should be a ramp or a slide. Air canada released a statement saying that this goes against their baggagehandling procedures. Bags are to be hand carried. An investigation has been launched. Did we call them . We tried. Okay. So heres the thing. Have you ever gone into a restroom and someones on the phone when they walk in, and they remain on the phone while they get in the stall . You can still hear them in the stall on the phone. That well, the social cues column, phil galanos, addressed this about men taking phones into the bathroom. And they say that they often see guys walking in while doing their business while on the phone. And phil galanos had this to say. He said that the most hideous part is subjecting everyone else to our daily lives. We should stop doing this, but we never will. Meaning i think he used the word benal life. And kind of gross. Yeah, to everybody else. Yeah, yeah. I do think i mean, theres the hygiene issue which is on your phone and youre in there. And, you know. Yeah. Women do it, too. We have to be fair. No male bashing. Women do it as well. Its earth week and you shouldnt do that stuff. Were celebrating with a green product every single day. This is an aveda candle made from 100 reclaimed beverage bottles. Its 12 online. 100 of the proceeds helps supporting green grants. Whats that . Ive never heard of that. Whats a green grant . Projects around the world. I dont know, but it smells good. It smells like ginger and lily. Were going to give you a quiz. Are you a happy wife . So go to klgandhoda. Com. And later on this week, tomorrow, author arlene pelican is going to join us to discuss the results. I almost used that as my favorite thing today because its such a good book. Is it . Its really, really good, yeah. Okay. Some of these books you get, theyre pages full of words, but nothing memorable. Nothing can apply, and you kind of go, how did this get published . This ones terrific. From the hunger games and game of thrones, Natalie Dormer is with us. New details on kim and kanyes wedding. And guess what all the guests may be asked to do. That and a whole lot more in todays buzz. Oh, miss lindsay. Well be right back. I love this song. Twentyfive thousand mornings, give or take, is all we humans get. We spend them on treadmills. We spend them in traffic. And if we get lucky, really lucky, it dawns on us to go spend them in a world where a simple sunrise can still be magic. Twentyfive thousand mornings. Make sure some of them are pure michigan. Your trip begins at michigan. Org [ male announcer ] for fine thin hair loreal presents volume filler. Our first haircare system that actually increases hairs diameter. Feels like 2 times more hair. New volume filler. From loreal advanced haircare. After their new artisan grilled chicken ciabatta sandwich goes down, productivity goes up. They cant guarantee the quality of the productivity. But they can guarantee a better afternoon. Alright. Over 200 lunch combos. Now starting at 6. 99. Applebees. See you tomorrow. They have more time to travel back in time. Try new childrens zyrtec® dissolve tabs. Childrens zyrtec® is clinically proven to relieve kids allergy symptoms for a full 24 hours. New childrens zyrtec® dissolve tabs. [ doorbell rings ] stall them. [ imitates monkey ] stop stalling. Cascade platinum fights cloudy residue 3x better than the competing gel and helps keep your dishwasher sparkling. Cascade platinum. Im home toilets fixed. [ male announcer ] of all the things that happen on your wooden surfaces, disinfecting has to be one of them. Clorox disinfecting wipes. Gentle on wood. Hard on germs. Clorox disinfecting wipes. This nation of gogetters. Seems to be in the middle of a human energy crisis. Power up with the good energy of quaker real medleys. Sweet fruit, crunchy nuts and multigrains. Its how we help keep gogetters like you. Going and getting. Real fruit, real nuts, real medleys. Try our apple nut harvest bars. Quaker up. It is time for todays buzz and all the hollywood gossip you missed while you were celebrating over the weekend. Here with us is naughtybutnicerob. Coms rob shuter. Hello, darling. We missed you. Nice to have you back. Its been a while. This is interesting. Lindsay lohan made a confession, if you will, on oprahs show. Tell us what happened. Last night was the final of lindsays reality show which they call a docuseries on the network, and right at the end of the show, like an after thought, lindsay drops this enormous bombshell saying that she had suffered a miscarriage during filming. There she is. Very long story. But thats why on the show when it says she doesnt want to come down, she doesnt want to come down, i couldnt move. I was sick. They were asking her about missing several episodes, quite a few episodes they didnt tape so they put up a graphic on the screen. They asked her what was it like taping this program and she dropped this bombshell. Dina lohan, her mother, on twitter, tweeted to oprah, please call me. It is not confirmed. Not confirmed. People are very suspicious of this. People people are talking about it. I think it puts it in a place with lindsay where everybody wants this girl to just get well and be better. Were you surprised at the oprah series went such a short time. The ratings were not good. What they did do, they had two episodes left, oprah wanted this over with. They did a twohour finale to get it out of the way. But eight episodes, the numbers were not good. I think the backlash that oprah got was surprising. People are wondering why are you doing this . Is this the sort of programming you want she was trying to help her. But we talked. You dont get help with cameras all around you, you just its impossible. And marriages dont get better. And nothing gets healed. Lets talk the voice. Christina aguilera is pregnant and i think the success of the show is constantly reinventing itself without throwing out the baby here. It is such a great show. They dont change it. They tweak it, so young and hip and cool. There she is. And so thats the name that is being floated around as a possible replacement, a rotating cast, christina aguilera, and nbc has not confirmed this, but thats the name that everybody is saying. I think it is looking pretty much like a done deal. I think theyll have great chemistry. A new rocker chick to the panel. Maybe it will be great. I would love to hear her personality. I dont know her. Shes fun. Shes a wild woman. Shes really fun. So i think her and the boys, theyll be great. I love that show. Kim and kanye getting married. What is happening . They were all preparing for it. What were being told is for the wedding, guests will be asked not to take any photographs, not to talk about it and this is not that rare in confidentiality agreement. And this isnt that rare in hollywood. A lot of times celebrities want to sell or control the way the pictures of their wedding are released to the public. That makes sense, i think. And so kim and kanye are no exception. If pictures do leak out, then their value goes down the toilet, not worth as much money. They want to make sure they control the pictures. This is not kims first big wedding, so i think theyre being very conscious about that fact. I think it is a clever move. What do you say longterm . Do you think thats going to last . I think the jury is out, but im optimistic, and i would love to believe that it will. Look at rob. So cute. We should point out, rob, we did reach out to kim and kanyes people, but they havent called us back. Thank you so much. Dont go anywhere, everybody. You could be getting a big surprise, you could be. You could be our fan of the week. But probably not. And the game of thrownsthr actress Natalie Dormer is here. You said in a focus group, youd like to have a product that eliminates odors and doesnt just mask them. Can you give us access to maybe the smelliest room in your house . The trash is bad. Oh, yeah. And he just took it out. It smells really nice. Like, fresher. [ male announcer ] dont just mask odors, eliminate them with febreze air effects. [ male announcer ] dont just mask odors, thyou can do ing ianything. Y. If you keep a good head on your shoulders. Thats why we use head shoulders shampoo and conditioners. It keeps us 100 flake free. So i just have gorgeous hair. Head shoulders. The worlds 1 shampoo. And these Little Angels build in strength. And that little angel says, weeeeeeeee 60 more sheets than charmin. Everything you want and the value you love. Angel soft. Were back on this fun day monday and it is time to surprise our fan of the week. Drum roll. We are going to spin the globe as we do and the winner is her name is pamela hill who watches us on wmc tv channel 5. There she is. Were so excited. I like her already. Before we tell you what youve won, well tell everybody why you were chosen. Pamela has been a loyal fan since we started. Over the years she combined her love of our show with her love of baking. Every morning she pours herself a mimosa, changes in her kathie lee and hoda apron and bakes away. Thats a happy woman. She says she feels like she has two of her best girlfriends in the kitchen with her. She made a kathie lee and hoda inspired cake that she took to a family potluck. Thats so attractive. And apparently it was a huge hit. Pamela, we love your cake. Thank you, sweetheart. How are you today . I am wonderful. I am so blessed to be here with you ladies. So are we. Were going to test your fandom reality with us with a trivia question. Okay. All right. Who was the host of the mad food challenge segment and shes also our nutritionist. Shes blonde. And little. Is it jill . No. Her name is rhymes with madelyn fernstrom. Do you know what . You win anyway. Shes got it. You and a guest will head to the beautiful bernardis lodge and spa in carmel valley, california. Look for a certain vineyard while youre there. For four days and three nights, you can lounge by the pool, take in the breathtaking views of the lavender fields and the vineyards. And relax with a luxurious spa treatment at spa tear and enjoy a breakfast and dinner. Are you excited . Im overjoyed. Im ready for my mimosa. Tonight im striking up a conversation about cleaning bums. You cannot shortchange a clean bum. Get ready for this. Its a wipe for your bum so you do a bit of dry, and then a wet, and then a dry, and youre good to go. Do you think theyre for girls . I think theyre for everyone. I need a clean alley, every time. Nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle care routine. So lets talk about your bum on facebook. Thats the Bowling Alley cleaned up. Where will we end up next . Im home [ baby crying ] everythings fine. [ male announcer ] of all the things that happen on your wooden surfaces, disinfecting has to be one of them. Clorox disinfecting wipes. Gentle on wood. Hard on germs. Welcome back. Now, happy monday morning to you. Temperatures today will be comfortable. The sky is going to cloud up as we head throughout the day today. Theres a storm system on the way, and slated to bring showers in the north bay as of this evening. We head throughout tomorrow, showers start up, especially here in the south bay by about 7 00 a. M. To 9 00 a. M. Everything will clear out by lunchtime tomorrow, though. Cool air mass settles in before the weekend and more substantial round of rain by the end of the week. Heres anthony to help you get out the front door. Still slow across the bay bridge approach. Metering lights are on. This is really the only trouble spot. Towards fremont, things moving smoothly there without problems. All the way from fremont up through hayward, no problems. An accident earlier thats been cleared and moving not a problem now on the peninsula. We have more local news in a half hour for the 11 00 a. M. Show. Have a great day. Were back on this fun day monday with more of today and the beautiful english actress making a big name for herself in hollywood. Were talking about Natalie Dormer who is set to appear in the upcoming sequel of the hunger games but you can find her on the hit hbo series game of thrones. Take a look. The company of men and would stop the heart. And another was happiest torturing animals. I must be cursed. Nonsense. Your standing has improved markedly. You may not have enjoyed watching him die, but you enjoyed it more than you would have enjoyed being married, i can promise you that. I would have been the queen. It is not over yet. No. Welcome. Hi. You must be one of the becau busiest working ladies in the world now. Was there a time before all the good fortune where you were a struggling actress . Tell us about that. Yeah, absolutely. Totally. Yeah. You didnt come from a performing home. No. I was the black sheep of the family, completely. When did you know you wanted to be an actress . When you find yourself talking to yourself in the mirror, youre either going to be a schizophrenic or an actor. What did your parents say when you said this is the path i want to go down . They were supportive, but maybe you want to have a degree or a backup, but, you know, a lot of actors or creators, musicians would say do you have a plan b . It is not necessarily healthy to have a plan b. Exactly. You got to be single minded, dont you . How did the hunger games come about. How did you get that gig . I was i was busy shooting and busy working. I set myself down on tape. I was in england. I put myself down on audition tape. I made it home and sent it to francis lawrence, the director. He responded and i got offered the role. It was incredible. They wanted you to shave my whole head. Your whole head. Mmhmm. Did you hesitate or just, zoom it is the hunger games. Exactly. I was, like, such incredible series, novels and films. I was, like, ill pretty much do anything. I got away lightly in the end. I reconciled myself to shaving my entire head and then had a conference with the director and he said, i was thinking maybe we would just go half. Can we see the half . This is recently . October. It is great because i can hide it and obviously margaery wears a wig, so game of thrones didnt need to have a panic attack. You do a lot of period pieces. Is that something you enjoy or you choose . I look for a good script, for a good story, a good character. In the american industry, im known for margaery and angolin. How old were you when you got your first role . I came to new york and did screen tests with joni reese myers, i was 23, 24. You look 24 now. Oh, my gosh. What is your tattoo . What does that say . Or is that too private . You can ask. Thats from a litany against fear, from the novel doom, from the 60s. To remind me to take myself out of my comfort zone. And be brave. Like your hair. Speaking of that, well ask you to do a little well play a little target shooting. Will you play with us . We have i have some arrows. Do we have a bow . We need the bow. What is she supposed to do . Just throw it . I need Jennifer Lawrence when you need her. All you have to do is hit one. Can i just throw it . You can throw it. Go over there and slap it. Whatever you would like to do. Any one you like. Theyre all going to be humiliating. Im going to miss. You do realize this. All right. She hit kath. It was meant to be red. Hold on. Here is your question. Only have one. Here you go. Sneakers or gladiators . Sneakers or gladiators . Yes, shoes. Thats deep. I dont know. I run the marathon last weekend, the London Marathon you did . Im used to sneakers at the moment. You did . Good for you. These are the first heels i put on since the marathon. I kind of feel like a barbie, learning to walk in heels all over again. The way you love to escape is to go scuba diving. I love scuba diving. I love everything about her. We were talking about egypt, amazing diving. You are so sweet. Thank you for coming in. Thank you. Wow. Im so impressed. Arent you . I like her. We dont like very many people, but we like you. You can catch game of thrones monday on hbo. Easy tests you can do at home that can help save your life. And how much water does every american use every year . Well test your green iq after this. [ male announcer ] they say he was born to help people clean. But there are some places even mr. Clean doesnt want to lug a whole bunch of cleaning supplies. Thats why he created the magic eraser extra power. Just one erasers versatile enough to clean all kinds of different surfaces and three times more grime per swipe. So instead of fussing with rags and buckets, you can get back to the great outdoors, which can be pretty great. Thats why when it comes to clean, theres only one mr. [ bird screeches ] what if it were more than something to share . What if a photo could build that shelf youve always wanted . Or fix a leaky faucet . Or even give you your saturday back . The new snapfix app revolutionizes local service. Just snap a photo and angies list coordinates a toprated provider to do the work on your schedule. The app makes it easy. The power of angies list makes it work. Download snapfix for free. Have made garnierde bb creams 1. Just like that. Intense hydration, tinted minerals, vitamin c. One application, 5 results. Evens tone, hydrates, renews, protects, and brightens. 1 bb creams. From garnier. My skin loses moisture nearly twice as fast as yours does, mom. Thats why you use johnsons baby lotion twice a day to keep my skin baby soft. Youve really got this mom thing down. Youve really got this mom thing down. New hersheys spreads. Bring the delicious taste of hersheys chocolate to anything everything you can imagine. Explore the Endless Possibilities of the delicious chocolate taste that only hersheys can deliver. With new hersheys spreads, the possibilities are delicious. Milk and cereal cereal and milk milk and cereal cereal and milk k e double l o double good protein to help you rebuild like you should great tasting grains to help you recharge put a spring in your step so you keep livin large milk and cereal cereal cereal add a little sunshine to your morning with delicious kelloggs® cereal and milk. It has protein to help you rebuild, and grains to help you recharge for the day ahead. Shouldnt breakfast always be kedoublelodouble good . Okay. Has this ever happened to you. You see someone you know in the supermarket or a celebrity in a magazine and for the life of you, you cannot remember his or her name . It does happen to all of us. If it is starting to happen a lot more often, it could be a sign of something more serious. Before you get too worried there are tests you can do at home that could help save your life. Barbara hanan grufferman is a contributor to aarp which featured an article on this topic and shes here along with dr. Donna gamora so we dont panic. Good morning. It does make you edgy. You see someone iv done it here in the halls here, why i see someone, i know them and their name is not coming to me. For some of us, it has been a longterm thing anyway. So dont panic. Part of it is the aging process anyway. You lose some cognitive skills as you age. There is a test for this. The way this test is designed is you look at 20 different faces on a computer and if no hair and no context. So you are just looking at this part of the face. You dont have to score a perfect score. What they found is people who scored less than 50 were more likely to have something called primary progressive efacie, an early form of dementia and it is rare. So if you take this test online and you have any results that alarm you, talk to your doctor. Dont panic. You can do this at home by doing something called name that famous face by looking at a magazine, have somebody cover the name of the person, of the celebrity, and then see if you can get that name. And you get a point if you know. Thats not a fair test in my analysis because some people live in those celebrity magazines. They know everybody. Other people find that a complete waste of time and are off reading dostevsky. Make sure youre not forgetting peoples names who you see every day. Or part of your daily life. Absolutely. Lets talk about parkinsons. There is not a great diagnosis for this. We think about tremers, which happens. There are characteristics, some things that parkinsons patients go through at the same time simultaneously. And one is a loss of smell, like especially a strong smell like garlic. And another is a very abnormal rem, the dream stage of sleep where youre fighting in your sleep or acting out. A lot of people have that. How do you know if it is something serious. This was based on a survey of people who had early parkinsons disease. The third symptom they found which was very alarming is these patients tended to have bad constipation for 30 days or more. If you have bad constipation for three days or more, take something. But if you have all three together, thats really the warning sign and you and the change in the sense of smell. We know smell is actually associated with the first cranial nerve and the sense of smell becomes diminished before the other symptoms like tremors. Okay. The third test is interesting, involves smelling Peanut Butter, my favorite food, actually. It is a marker for that. And you need someone to help you with this, open up a jar of Peanut Butter, close your eyes, hold one nostril shut and have someone put it a foot away from you and move it closer and closer. When you smell it, say stop and do the reverse with the other nostril. And you want to be able to smell the Peanut Butter the same in both sides. What if you have an adenoid or something . Thats the punch line. The punch line is, one of the things we say in medicine, when you hear hoof beats, think horses, not zebras. Much more likely you could have allergies, a bad cold, an adenoid or deviated septum. Mention it to your doctor at your next appointment. Nothing no cure for parkinsons. No cure for alzheimers. How much of an effect can this have on your life knowing already something you wouldnt have discovered . Parkinsons there are medications where we can intervene early and other remedies. Alzheimers and, again, primary ppa, which is rare, you know, not a whole lot we can do early but there are some medications that have given earlier you can have a better outcome. Ladies, thank you so much. We appreciate it. Thank you for having us. To read the full article, head to klgandhoda. Com. It is earth week. To celebrate, were testing your green iq with this question. Which material takes the longest to break down . The answer is coming down. Whether you like to hit the spa or the stores, great mother daughter getaways just in time for mothers day. Everything your mouth does in a day is building up layer, upon layer, of bacteria. And to destroy those layers . You need listerine®. Its unique formula penetrates these layers deeper than other mouthwashes, killing bacteria all the way down to the bottom layer. So for a cleaner, healthier mouth, go with 1 dentist recommended listerine®. Power to your mouth™. Also try new listerine® naturals. The only mouthwash that combines the power of listerine® with naturally sourced ingredients. Youmine. Works instantly st . [ male announcer ] new Garnier Ultralift transformer. Our first antiaging moisturizer that transforms skin on 1st contact. This is a game changer. [ male announcer ] garniers microspheres instantly autoadjust to your skin tone. Even, yes luminous, very but wait it keeps getting better. [ male announcer ] with proretinol, over time it repairs wrinkles, restores firmness. [ tina ] this daily moisturizer transforms skin like that [ male announcer ] new ultralift transformer. Another skincare innovation. From garnier. Is there a prize in there . Oh, theres a prize, all right. Is it a robot . No. Is it a jet plane . Nope. Is it a dinosaur . [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are those great tasting little os made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. Stickers . Uhuh. A superhero . Kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think thats the best prize of all. Tomorrow, people around the world will celebrate earth day. And here at Nbc Universal were doing our part by going green all week. So were testing your green iq on all things ecofriendly with fun trivia that could even save you some money. Guess whos here . Shantia degersdorf. Shes going to put us to the test. Well let her ask the questions. The whole entire thing before we buzz in. Question one. On average what is the approximate daily home water use for each person in the u. S. 10 gallons, gallons, 100 gallons . Each day . 10 gallons. That is incorrect. It is 50. All right. I didnt get that. I heard her say that. 50 gallons for one person. Thats very high. Shower, washing your hands, just about everything contributes. Number two, which of the following takes a the longest time to break down or to disintegrate . Disposable diaper, hard plastic, aluminum can or plastic six pack holder. The answer is c, aluminum n can. Kath . Hard plastic container. The answer is d. If you can believe it, the plastic six pack holder, 450 years before it breaks down. Yes. Very dangerous. Which takes the longest . Oh, i was thinking the shortest. Oh, no. Well have time to make it up. Number three. Which 00. Which uses less water . The dishwasher or washing dishes by hand . Which uses less . You go. Im going to say washing them by hand. Im going to say the dishwasher. That is correct. Surprisingly. I got a point. If mines wrong, and there are two you dont just win. I won one. Here we go. Number four. When it comes to books, what is more ecofriendly, using an ereader, buying hard copies or are they about the same . You should have waited. Use an ereader. Nothing has to die for that. This is a it is about the same. C is the correct answer. This is a tricky one. Initially manufacturing an ereader takes almost as many emissions up as making about 20 books. So for the first year, it is about a wash. Later on, the ereader might be better. My head is going to explode. Whats next . In the average home, which of the following uses the most water . Flushing the toilet, filling the tub, a tenminute shower or one load of clothes in the washer. Sasha, the correct answer is c, taking a ten minute shower. That is correct. That is correct. It can be up to 50 gallons of water. For one shower. I think we have time for double or nothing. Double or nothing, kathie you might win. What percentage of hybrid car owners replace their hybrids with another hybrid when it is time to get a new car . 35, 45, 79 . Ill go with 35. Theyre not as very true. It is surprising. It is very surprising. Not as happy as they want to be. Sasha, what did we win . Kathie won. No, no. Thank you. Thank you very much. Mothers day is around the corner. The best gift is quality time. We have great getaways for mothers and daughters and one for mothers and sons. [father]cmon,buddy,you can do it. Cmon,reel it up, you gotta reel it up now,buddy. Reel it up. [father] reel it up,you got him on there. Bring him in. Is that a bass . [boy] yeah,i got a big bass. [father]bring it up. Keep reeling. Keep reeling. Cmon, where is he . Whoa you caught that all by yourself . [boy] yeah [father]how old are you to catch that . [boy]three [father]youre three years old . Show me how many fingers that is. Were back with todays travel and great destinations for you and your mom to spend some quality time together. Sboo whether you share the spirit of adventure or just like to kick back and relax at the beach, theres something for everyone, even one for mothers and sons. Janine. We love her. Senior editor. Hey, girl. Hi. Hello. I mean, just going to get a mani pedi is just great. I love that. Yeah, more and more people are doing bigger trips, doing bigger things with mom these days as we approach mothers day. My First Destination is montreal. Thats a beautiful spot. It is. I love canadian cities for a quick getaway with a european flair. I would start out with shopping. Catherines street, theres a lot of frenchinspired fashion here and then theres old montreal where you can stroll the cobblestone streets with the oldworld architecture, bistros and galleries. If you want to do something outside the city, theres the mountains and theres a 200kilometer mountain trail thats easy riding through towns. We loved it. Yeah, its a beautiful city. The hotel omni royale right in the heart of the city, 143 a night in may on orbitz. Its a great brand. You know youre getting good amenities at a hotel like that. I love this next one, nashville, tennessee. If you like music. And i love it for a mother daughter trip. Theres so many new things to experience. Maybe mom will let her hair down. A mustdo is get tickets for the grand ole opry. Hell see everyone from Carrie Underwood to keith urban there these days but you want to get them in advance because they go quick. Also if youre not into music or you want to do something different, the first museum has highend visual art exhibits. And then theres great shopping. Theres always upandcoming neighborhoods like East Nashville just outside the city for boutiques. You have to get your first pair of cowboy boots with mom. Where should you stay . The Hotel Preston for just 115. Its a cute hotel with quirky amenities. Santa barbara, beach and spa. My favorite place. I love Santa Barbara so much. Everyone that goes there wants to live there. Unbelievably beautiful place. They call it the american riviera. This is a place to go to relax and rejuvenate. Book your mom and daughter spa day in advance. You really want to go all in, go to the spa at the biltmore. This is a beautiful property. It is unbelievable. They have all these personalized spa treatments, afternoon tea overlooking the ocean. If youre going to stay there, i love all the Boutique Properties they have there. Make sure when youre doing a small boutique property, go on a site like orbitz and look at the user reviews. Make sure youre getting a good one. I love the montecito inn built in 1928 by charlie chaplin. Just over 15 155 a night. What about oregon . Oregon is beautiful. They have a beautiful the williamette valley. Its their wine region. From portland down to eugene. Over 250 wineries. Its their affordable answer to napa. Not only can you do it by bike or car, but you can cannot just taste the wines and sample, but theres little Historic Towns to drive through. Covered bridges, farmers markets. A lot of charm. An easy day trip to portland. Taxfree shopping, great experience. Just a couple of seconds, but vermont for the mother son. Fu want something outdoorsy with your son, burlington, vermont. Its college town so it still has some of the urban things you like. The outdoor cafes. Can you do the islands by bike. Rent a bike from the little bike shop. Hike in the adirondacks. And the Hotel Property i love here is the essex resort and spa. Its set on 18 acres, beautiful mace to go. Thank you so much. Happy mothers day. Tomorrow how to become a happy wife in 31 days. Go take the test on our website. Dad, why are you getting that . Thats my cereal. Is there a prize in there . Oh, theres a prize, all right. Is it a robot . No. Is it a jet plane . Nope. Is it a dinosaur . [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are those great tasting little os made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. Stickers . Uhuh. A superhero . Kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think thats the best prize of all. Right now, at 11 00, a south bay teenager runs away from his family and hops a flight to hawaii. But not to a seat in the plane. Plus, boston stronger than ever. A show of unity as thousands run the marathon, one year after the deadly bombing. And the 49ers are one step closer to opening levi stadium. Well show you the turf up close and personal. Good morning to you. Thank you for joining us at 11 00 a. M. Im peggy bunker. Were learning new details about a bay area teen who apparently jumped into a planes wheel well,

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