Transcripts For KNTV Today 20140411 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20140411

>> somebody made a mistake and it was not us. >> or did they? that's the news coming from nbc news today is that somebody made a mistake. don't know if it is on purpose because it gets more life out of the controversy. >> you guys saw the cover of "rolling stone," you remember what you saw, we talked about it yesterday. julie louis-dreyfus is wearing the words of the constitution. and at the bottom there is a signature and it is john hancock. here is the problem. for all you historians. john hancock did not sign the constitution, he signed the declaration of independence more than ten years before that. we're all so stupid. we didn't point it out yesterday. >> we didn't think it was necessary to make people feel stupid. >> anyway, so -- >> she did the funniest thing, though, she tweeted. >> she tweeted this, hancock signed the declaration of independence, not the constitution. just another like another -- i watched the first one last night. i can't stand how funny it is. she is at a book signing. pull it up if you haven't seen it yet. anyway, it is great. >> hoda, usually i can't stand your taste in stuff, you know, but you told me about "veep" last year and it is a little -- first of all, it is very raunchy and the language is unbelievable. if you're not ready for that, don't. but the satiric value of it, she's a brilliant comedic actress. she just is. and the whole ensemble. >> every time she says something, you crack it up. >> you were sneezing downstairs. >> i don't know if it is because of the next item or what. you know what i have? on time today. every year in april, i get a sty. it is disgusting. >> it is gross. makes you feel like egor. >> first one couple of years ago, lasted like two months. somebody told me last year, if you take gold, the minute you feel like one is coming along, and you rub gold -- gold? i don't know. >> she rubbed her watch -- on already eye this morning. >> i did before makeup. i'll do everything to keep it from going. >> it's already got smaller. >> your eye is red, probably from rubbing the gold in it. >> i didn't rub it in the eye. we'll see. but it's allergies. everybody is experiencing bad allergies. here's what they say. >> usually we thought the germs stopped when the wet stuff stopped. so in other words, you sneeze and the spray stops. so as long as you are far enough away. somebody sneezes at the airport and you're like thank god it is way over there. we used to think the sneeze went from here, two feet, that's where all the wet stuff went. jerry, help demonstrate. now a new mit study, look how far the virus goes. look how far it goes. >> an invisible cloud -- >> it keeps going. >> exactly. 12 feet. if you're in the airport or somewhere and someone sneezes -- >> ten feet. >> exactly. double dutch. anyway, so be careful. and do that thing they told you to do -- >> in your arm. nobody told me that growing up. and now my kids just -- think you're nice enough -- >> mom, don't do that. it is -- >> we didn't have seat belts had i was growing up. >> be careful. so there was an actress walking out of duane reade, katherine heigl, carrying duane reade bags. >> because she's been in duane reade. >> she's been shopping. >> duane reade noticed this photo, i guess the paparazzi, and they were excited. and who wouldn't be? they tweeted this. duane reade did this. love a quick duane reade run, even katie heigl can't help shopping at the drugstore. i thought it was like, okay, who cares? apparently katherine heigl cares. >> she filed a lawsuit on wednesday. >> a lawsuit. >> in manhattan federal court. >> looking for $6 million in damages after her team said they asked for photo to be taken down multiple times. maybe they -- i don't know what the thinking is. but the lawsuit says, quote, use a plaintiff's image under these circumstances improperly exploited her name and likeness as a celebrity for defendant's commercial advertising -- without authorization, unquote. >> here is the thing. >> she looks great. that's all i care about. usually when i go to the -- >> yes. >> i know. >> here's the thing. i guess they're probably upset because they asked them to take it down multiple times. here is the rule about tv news, i used to do that, anyway, if you're in public, and someone shoots a picture of you, they can use that photo. you're in the public area. you're not in your house. not in your -- you are out walking on the street. >> what about if you come out of a restaurant that you love and they take a picture of you with the name of the restaurant there and the restaurant tweets it. >> that's great. >> are you going to sue them too? anytime you walk outside your private home, you're fair game. and th're not doing advertisements, just a tweet. >> heigl said if she wins, she'll donate all the proceeds to her favorite animal welfare charity. we did reach out to duane reade and we never hear back from anybody. >> that's because they were busy because christine for me went over to duane reade this morning to get some sty, that stuff you -- that stuff is good. i love duane reade. thank you very much. >> there is a brilliant column. >> there is. and they can't help themselves. they're just brilliant. >> and we talked about barbara walters, and others. so you might want to read it. >> yes, we did. >> if you get a free minute. daily news. and line you can get that as well. do we have to talk about this? >> an important question. >> are your pets messing with your sex life? a lot of people, you included, let your dog sleep in the bed. okay. >> yeah. >> let's pretend you and frank want to have a moment, and there is bambino, laying on the bed. or blake. bambino is clearly mad and blake is shocked. so a survey found that pet owners were evenly split. half of them banished the pet from the room and the other half let the pet stay in the room while the act is happening. yeah. what do you think? of that information? >> i think it is up to the people involved, the pet owners to decide what they're comfortable with. is that good? so what do you do? >> you didn't tell me what you did, you said it is up to the pet owner. what do you do? what do you do? >> i don't care. as long as they're not taking pictures, i didn't give a rip. none of them knows how to run a video camera yet. when they learn that, i'll -- nobody wants to see that. nobody. >> that never looks good. i'm sorry. there is no way that looks good. >> i can't imagine. >> no, it doesn't. so -- >> didn't look good when i was 20. >> never looks good. never. so you're going to like this ihoda. >> who wants to see a post menopausal woman and an octogenarian. that's just sad. >> you're going to like this. >> oh, no. i have a bad neck, please. >> this is the thing you're going it like. because it is about when things moved at a slower pace, when people took a letter and put a stamp on it. it is called automatic by miranda lambert. ♪ you have something to say you >> i like this song a lot. ♪ you have something to say you write it on a piece of paper ♪ ♪ put a stamp on it and they get it three days later ♪ ♪ boys call the girls girls turn them down ♪ ♪ it was the only way to work your problems out ♪ ♪ hey, whatever happened to waiting your turn ♪ ♪ doing it all by hand ♪ when everything is handed to you ♪ ♪ it's only worth as much time put in ♪ ♪ it all just seems so good the way we had it ♪ ♪ back before everything became automatic ♪ >> one more line. you'll like the next line. i promise you will. ♪ automatic >> worth every second we're taking away from goldie. hold on. here it is. ♪ put the windows down windows with the cranks ♪ ♪ come on let's take a picture the kind you got to shake ♪ >> the kind you had to shake, remember? >> instamatic. >> polaroid. >> great song, "automatic". >> i liked it until we had to wait another minute for it. you're making nice with miranda lambert. >> i love that song. i pick songs i like. i like her a lot. i do. it is a great song. look how great she looks. >> she looks amazing. >> good for her. okay or not okay. >> it has diets that work on the cover and she's one of the ones they talk about, how great she looks. okay, is it okay or not okay to go on vacation with each other while you are divorcing or also known as conscious uncoupling? >> here is what we had to say about it. >> hoda, even if you are consciously uncoupling, it is important to remain a family every chance you get. if that means a family vacation, god bless you. >> interesting. all right. i say this. if it's a getaway to try to repair your marriage, i'm all for it. otherwise, what's the point? >> the point is to be a family. >> what's the point? >> oh, my gosh. >> you're uncoupled. it's over. >> but you're still parents. >> over! >> i'm stunned by your answer. >> i don't even know why i said that answer. sometimes i don't know why i say things. coming up, two lucky ladies are getting gorgeous in makeup and hair chairs, don't miss their "ambush makeovers." and goldie hawn sits down with us. >> cannot wait. >> ambushes and goldie. look at how good she looks. she's adorable. you'll run into while dusting. of course there's dust. in addition to dust, you might find a little latte. ♪ and maybe something beastly. mixed in with the dust, you may even find some pixie sneezes. compared to a dry duster, a can of pledge picks up more dust and cleans 100% of messes. pledge multi surface. dusts better. cleans more. s.c. johnson. a family company. saffect over 1 million homes a year s more. and can cost thousands of dollars to repair. thankfully, rid-x has enzymes to break down waste and time-released bacteria to reduce tank buildup. rid-x. #1 in septic maintenance. and now for rvs too! for digestive health? yes and did you know that trubiotics is a daily probiotic that helps in two ways? it supports digestive and immune health by working in your gut where 70% of your immune system lives. try trubiotics today. by working in your gut where 70% of your immune system lives. beautiful day in baltimore where most people probably know that geico could save them money on car insurance, right? you see the thing is geico, well, could help them save on boat insurance too. hey! okay...i'm ready to come in now. hello? i'm trying my best. seriously, i'm...i'm serious. request to come ashore. geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance. we are so excited. >> we are. that's because with us is the academy award winning, goldie hawn! >> she's by far one of hollywood's most beloved actresses known for her roles in countless movies including "private benjamin," which she produced and "overboard" where she starred alongside her long time partner curt russell. >> one of her favorite projects is called the hawn foundation which provides youth education programs and life strategies to improve academic performance. we need a lot of that. >> now she's teaming up with everybody's favorite tv doctor, dr. mehmet oz. and his health corps program. >> and she's here. everybody is happy, just in time for spring. >> we love -- >> just a breath of fresh air when she walks in. >> you're lucky you missed this winter. welcome to new york now. >> i heard. i was sad i wasn't here in the winter because i love the apartment, i love living in new york. and when i was going to come, i thought maybe it is not time because the delays and the planes and the weather. never, ever was, you know, stopped by the weather because it is just -- things are changing. >> this initiative that goldie, you know, you love education. i went to one education forum with you, i'll never forget, you did your panel and you stayed for everyone else's because it really means a lot to you. >> it does. it does. it is education but also the kind of education we do. we want a lot of literacy, we want good reading, we want science, we want math, we want our kids to excel, right? however, we're not dealing with emotional literacy. and that's what keeps kids back. their anxieties, their fears, their stressors and they come into class and they have so much stress. and we never know it. they don't share it. so this program helps just get underneath it and gives children a chance to deal with their stress. >> when we were growing up in the maryland area, i don't remember having four or five hours of homework at night, like kids have today. >> no. >> part of that stress is real because there is so much at stake for them you got to get in the right school. we never talked about stuff like that. not everybody went to college. people found jobs. the world is a different place. >> it is a very different place. there is a lot of stress. there is a lot of peer pressure. there is a lot of parental pressure. it is an interesting thing because you look at this program, you say, what is it geared for? >> how is it different? >> we teach the brain. we teach how their brains work. we give them a real split up on their tool, the biggest tool they have. >> they know what's going on inside. >> they know what's going on inside. that's number one. number two, we have three brain breaks a day. in the classroom, they manage their emotions, they get to calm down and it is a time-out and make it really cool and they used it in all kinds of ways, going to sleep, taking tests, dealing with stress with family or kids or parents. the stories are amazing. then we do act of kindness. we do gratitude journals. and the reason we do that is because it brings children out of depression. it brings grown-ups out of depression. >> they focus on something positive. >> something positive. something other than themselves and they feel empowered because they're giving something back. so building these tools is their life tools. >> we're so happy for you. >> that's why she hasn't done any movies. >> we're looking at your panel back here. >> interesting, you know? i made tons of movies and i got to a place where i really looked at my life, and i thought, where am i putting my energy for the next 15 years? and not to say i don't want to make movies, but life has to grow. we have to change. and -- >> it is a legacy you want to leave. >> i have to say, it is turning out to be that way. it is not what i wanted to do. it wasn't that i wanted to leave a legacy. i figured this is enough. but in terms of doing something good, it made me feel like i was doing something to improve the state of mind of our children. >> sure. >> i was very, very hurt. look, yesterday, i was at the dr. oz event, we're dong a partnership, i hadn't heard about what happened in pennsylvania. i weeped, i cried. i thought how sick are these kids. >> the situation we live in today. >> that's why i'm doing what i'm doing. >> we all thank you. >> thank you. >> we love you. >> now, when are we going to go have our dance party? >> dance party -- >> we have to have -- >> we're going to do one. we're rescheduling it because hugh jackman's movie is coming up. we're going to do it. >> okay. we're going to do it. >> okay. >> she's going to stay with us through the break. >> what? >> the big reveal of our "ambush makeovers" is minutes away. >> don't miss it. >> don't leave ever. >> wow. >> are you going to the orange room? why don't you stay? is that ice cream? uh, no, it's breyers gelato indulgences. it looks like ice cream. it's not. can i have some? you really wouldn't like it. it's got caramel and crunchy stuff. i like caramel and crunchy stuff. it's not for kids. i'm a grown-up. [ female announcer ] new breyers gelato indulgences. creamy gelato, rich caramel, topped with crunchy curls -- it's way beyond ice cream. athis is paul's office. for those who believe a serious job doesn't have to feel so serious. one a day men's vitacraves with key nutrients like b-vitamins. all the fun of a gummy that's a complete multivitamin. goldie hawn stayed. she stayed. goldie hawn stayed. >> we want an update on the family. you and kurt have a beautiful family. tell us how the older kids are doing and the grandchildren. >> the older kids are amazing, unbelievable parents. i'm so proud. kurt and i are so proud. and they're mirroring a lot of the way they were raised. that shows you how important it is to raise your children well because they will raise their kids well. >> what do the grandkids call you? >> go go. >> and kurt? >> go gi. >> we get you, go go. >> that was his nickname. go gi was my nickname from my aunt. >> you were a go go girl. >> it all worked. i walk fast too so -- >> start off your career as a dancer. i was so interested to hear that. i was unaware that's where it all began. >> i danced in new york, i danced on a few tables, i danced in a cage, i danced on a pedestal. at dudes and dolls. i thought i was go ing to kill myself. i had to dance like this because the pedestal was, like, really tiny. >> so was your bikini when you were in "laugh in." >> i know. but i was getting paid. >> goldie was a real role model for me because i grew up in annapolis in bowie, maryland, she's from silver spring. she was the first person from our area, a woman i admired that made it big. >> from our area. >> and didn't get jaded. a lot of people who have reached in hollywood got harder. how do you think you stayed just kind of free and joyful and open? >> i can't imagine losing my joy. it is -- i think it is a god given thing. i felt it when i was 11. i was aware of being happy. and i never wanted to lose that. so i think it has to do with the intention of wanting to keep it. right? we can, it is how we look at things. and you have fun. you enjoy it. it feels good. so why would you want to lose that. it is an active will. >> we love you, goldie. thank you for staying. >> we'll do that fun thing in connecticut soon and give our love to the beautiful family. >> check out goldie's foundation at >> billy graham's grandchildren share some touching tributes. >> all after this. ♪ we are back with more of "today" on this thirsty thursday, ready to do what we always do about right now. "ambush makeovers." >> lucky ladies swept from our crowd and into makeup for a new look. courtesy of our magical makeup team. you know and love them. "today" contributor and stylist to the stars, louis licari, and "today" contributor and contributing editor for "people style watch," and author, jill martin. >> hi, guys. >> getting nice and warm out. >> nice and warm. we had a little tough time navigating all the balls in the plaza today. >> that's right. >> but we just ran around. >> all right. you found a couple of great people. wendy anderson is our first lucky lady, 35 years old, from brigham city, utah. she told us she hasn't pampered herself in 14 years, which is when her first child was born. she was thrilled for the opportunity to have someone take care of her for a change. let's take a listen to her story. >> she whispered to me, i'm freaking out. >> i am. i am totally freaking out. >> why do you want this? >> duh. >> well, you look adorable, but we're going to make you glam. but you told me that it is so expensive to keep up a look and so you want to be pampered. >> it does. two kids and a husband that works, i just don't want to spend money on me. >> we're going to make you look gorgeous. you want to say hi to two people. >> i do, aspen and sierra. >> shoutout to your kids. >> so adorable. all right. she's here with her friend heather. please keep your blindfold on until we give you the green light. here is lindy anderson before. let's see the new you. ♪ i'm hot blooded >> oh, my god. oh, my god. >> wow. >> all right. heather, are you ready to take off your blindfold? >> yeah. >> go ahead. >> oh, my god. >> you look amazing. >> you ready to see yourself? >> yes. >> spin it right here. >> oh, my god. >> martina mcbride for a second. >> you look beautiful. >> spin around. spin around right here. look at camera 12 for us. tell us what you did. >> obviously she was a great looking girl. i wanted to update her look. so she has these very obvious streaks in the front. i said why not go for taken choose a darker color which i think looks great with her skin tone. >> is that an arson cut? >> you spotted it. >> an arson haircut. >> swept over bangs and the layering around the face. >> what do you think? >> she looks amazing. i wouldn't have recognized her if i would have just seen her -- >> jill, that dress. >> right? >> she's shaking. >> are you all right? >> we concentrated on the fabulous legs. look at the figure i had to work with. this is from andrew mark. you see the detail right there. and shoe dazzle, see the shoes cut out, about $50. and kendra scott earrings. >> big round of applause! [ applause ] >> go join your friend, sweetie. >> our second lady is danette from utah. feels like her hair is out of control and begged us to give her an age appropriate look. let's listen to her story. >> well, we noticed riley's sign. give my grandma a makeover with an x through her. that was very clever. why do you want this for grandma? >> we're going to the lincoln center tonight and she wants to look really pretty. >> you're such a good granddaughter. you have a very specific request for louis. >> yes. well, i kind of -- i need the grandma haircut. i look too much like my beautiful granddaughter and my daughter and so i need to look more like -- i need to be -- look more sophisticated. >> you're gorgeous. but we are going to make you look unbelievable. what do you think about all of this? >> good. >> all righty. >> this is good. she's here with her daughter shannon. shannon's husband chris and her grandchildren. i can't believe she's a grandmother. riley, tanner and savannah. >> what a beautiful family, by the way. >> i know. like the picture-perfect family. keep your blindfolds on, please. let's take one last look at danette before and now ready for the lincoln center. >> wow. >> wow. you guys ready? okay. you can peek now. >> you won't believe it. >> amazing. >> you want to turn around and see what they're looking at? >> sure. >> go ahead. >> oh! >> sophisticated enough for you? >> i haven't looked this great for forever. >> you look beautiful. >> beautiful. >> love the color hair. >> she's enjoying the view. >> i've never been dark like this for a long time either. >> it is like a dark golden blonde. >> beautiful. >> i left the blonder pieces around the face. >> are you guys freaking out? >> do you love it? >> are you really a grandmother? >> yes. >> what do you think? >> she looks gorgeous. >> she looks gorgeous. >> the haircut by arson. made her hair color a little darker. the makeup, pulls it all together. remember, it is all about color. jill will tell you with the dress. >> beautiful, beautiful. >> love the color this year. this is maggie london and the wrap dress so flattering with navy shoes. mix and match blues. >> beautiful work. thank you, louis. thank you, jill. >> good job. >> all righty. for more than 70 years, billy graham inspired millions with his faith and ministry. and easter goodies that aren't just for your kids' basket when we come back. o unwind. but we can only afford one trip this year, and his high school reunion is coming up in seattle. everyone's going. then we heard about hotwire... and realized we could actually afford to take both trips. [woman] see, when really nice hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so we got our 4-star hotels for half price. i should have been voted "most likely to travel." ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ save big on car rentals too, from $11.95 a day. saffect over 1 million homes a year and can cost thousands of dollars to repair. thankfully, rid-x has enzymes to break down waste and time-released bacteria to reduce tank buildup. rid-x. #1 in septic maintenance. and now for rvs too! sfx: car unlock beep. vo: david's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. most people don't know how to choose a new dentist. that's where we come in. we've helped over 8 million people find the right dentist, and we can do the same for you. call 1-800-dentist today. ♪ for more than 70 years, billy graham inspired millions with his faith and ministry. his impact so profound that a website was devoted to thank you letters that continue to pour in from perfect strangers all over the world. >> i think my whole life is a thank you letter to billy. thanks to three of his 19 grandchildren, some of those letters are now in a new book aptly titled "thank you, billy graham." jerushah armfield, aram tchividjian, and boz tchividjian. welcome, welcome. couldn't any of you just go with graham? a beautiful book you all have put out. and he gets millions of letters. how did you pick these particular ones? >> well, we, for years, we had had people coming up to us and giving us their billy graham story. we said, what if we put these stories together, if we can collect them on a website because we heard what famous people have to say about billy graham. but what about the people who filled the stadiums and read the books and started -- so we started a website -- >> must have been hard to pare down. i can only imagine how many beautiful letters popped up on the website. sglit. >> it really was. that was my job, to edit the thousands of stories we got. it was neat to keep going through the stories and reading about my grandfather. and how many lives he's touched. >> you knew it intellectually but -- >> some of the stories still surprised us. >> what sorts of things? i know for marriage issues, he helped resolve things like that? >> yeah. there was a lot of marriage issues, there was a lot of people who were just kind of at the end of their rope, you know? very hopeless and happened to -- one woman stepped on a remote control and the tv turned to a crusade and turned her life around. >> you're kidding. wow. >> every member of my family came to faith through billy's ministry. and i can't even be around him without sobbing my eyes out. i love him so much. when i was flying in for his 90th birthday, flying into the charlotte area, just so gorgeous, and, of course, i was thinking of all the times he must have flown in after traveling the world in order to impact other people's lives, knowing that he was going to finally get home to his beloved family, because he paid a huge price, he and ruth both, for his ministry in terms of his own family time that he gave up. and i know you guys know that. but -- >> what was he like as a grandfather? >> that's probably the question we get asked the most often. i think people would like to know he was just a very normal grandfather. very hands on grandfather. came to my school programs. just very much -- i think people would like to know behind the scenes, at home in his living room, he is the same humble man. >> he was as normal as a grandfather can be while still you know, fielding phone calls from the president of the united states. >> you know who is the unsung heroine in the whole thing is ruth, his long time wife. your grandma was there through everything, yeah. well, how is he doing today? we have to ask. because he's a little feeble now. we were at his birthday party. he's doing great or how is? >> he is. >> i saw him just about a month ago, and he's stable, but fragile. and, you know, when he's 95 years old, you want to hold on to him as long as you can, but i think he's ready to go home and reunite with my grandmother. >> please give him a hug for me. thanks for being with us. coming up, yummy treats you make with your little peeps. that will get them excite for easter. right after this. save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.d everybody knows that. well, did you know pinocchio was a bad motivational speaker? i look around this room and i see nothing but untapped potential. you have potential. you have...oh boy. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. anybody have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three types of good bacteria. i should probably take this. live the regular life. phillips'. easter is one of the most important religious holidays, so when it comes to kids, let's face it, they love the treats also that come with it. >> you don't have to wait for the easter bunny. diy queen erica domesek has goodies you can make with your little ones. you may know her from her website. and her book is "ps i made this." erica made all of this in one night for us. >> you did? thank you. >> i'm fast. i'm good with a peep. what can i say? speaking of peeps, these are my -- you're my peeps, but these are my favorite peeps of the season. >> the cutest thing. >> the holidays are about getting together with your friends and family. this is a cute thing to do for entertaining. this is a little party stick with a couple of jellybeans and peeps. we put them on a skewer. but they're cute for cocktails and for kids too. smoothies, milk drinks. >> how adorable. put it right on top. >> what is the shelf life for one of those. >> get into the holiday spirit. now, this is also something that anybody can do at home. we all love rice crispies, right? sometimes cakes take a long time to bake. >> looks very martha stewart werish. this is very ps and it takes a couple of minutes. rice crispy treats, if you don't want to make an entire sheet, you can buy a brick yourself and make it into an easter egg cake. trace the outline of an egg shape, which we started to do here. cut it away. and icing and that's pretty much it. >> oh. >> you would like that. >> that looks like fun. >> anybody can do it. different colors. everything from pink and, you know, all the fun little do-dads to sprinkle around. >> love. love. cute. >> get creative. do different carrots and easter things. do different -- >> i love this. i don't know what it is and i love it. >> i knew you would be excited about this one. >> that's sweet. >> this one, who would think we would do balloons, right? if you blow up a couple of balloons, melt some chocolate, do white chocolate, dark chocolate, whatever you really love, once it is soft and you dip it, actually before it sets, you sprinkle some nonpareils, wait for it to set. i'll give you a pin. pop it for me. these are dessert bowls. >> oh, my god. >> aren't these great? >> adorable. >> edible. you have any latex allergies, be careful of that. you can fill them with icing, snacks. and these are pretzels you can sprinkle on top. this is for my friends at -- >> this is a cute one. >> look at the motor cars. >> these are -- >> twinkie-biles. >> twinkies, pretzels, marshmallows with sticks as wheels. >> okay. >> cutest. >> and over here, hi, guys. we're making more peeps. but these aren't really peeps that -- these are our bunny peeps, our friends. now, kids love decorating eggs. instead of dyeing them, which can be messy, we have taken to using some cardboard and cake and markers. >> what is your name? >> riley. >> what is your name? >> julia. >> riley and julia. how great are these? i love these. we have bunnies. if you want, you can put a little, you know, a tail on them with a cotton ball. get creative. >> love it. >> beautiful. >> all great ideas. >> really lovely. thank you so much. >> thanks, kids. >> to a different kind of soiree. >> a performance head and shoulders above the rest. >> but first this is "today" on nbc. if you need a night away from the kids, have we got a show for you. >> it is called la soiree, for wild, sexy risk of cabaret, burlesque show for adults only at the union square theater here in new york. >> why are these guys on? >> i don't know. >> before we find out, two of the performers, denis lock and hamish mccann are here to show off their acrobatics and a little something else, apparently. take it away. the english gents. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> i'm here to help. you and i will get through this together. ♪

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Brigham City , Utah , United States , New York , Netherlands , Lincoln Center , Maryland , Hollywood , California , Pennsylvania , Annapolis , Syria , Baltimore , Connecticut , Aram , Dutch , Katherine Heigl , Martina Mcbride , Billy Graham , Katie Heigl , Goldie Hawn , John Hancock , Wendy Anderson , Barbara Walters , Julie Louis Dreyfus , Lindy Anderson , Diy Queen Erica , Jill Martin , Kathie Lee Gifford , Martha Stewart , Hugh Jackman , Rockefeller Plaza , Louis Licari , Hamish Mccann , Miranda Lambert , Kendra Scott , Curt Russell ,

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