Transcripts For KNTV Today 20140325 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20140325

neeman who gave us a wine glass. >> was lovely because he said we're going to toast to this all night long. and we'll show hoda how to turn her clutter into cash. you had a big weekend, missy. >> i did. the gentleman i've been dating, it was his birthday. >> boots. we call him boots. we have only seen his boots. >> we saw the lbj play called "all the way." and i don't -- you always know lbj is the one in between, like, kennedy and nixon, but you don't know about his mannerisms, what he would be like on stage. bryan cranston is unbelievable. >> brilliant actor in everything he does. >> you believe he's lbj. you see the sensitive side, the paranoid guy, you see them all rolled into one and it is just a year in his life. so i have a picture and i'd like to reveal right now. that's him. okay. in front of the -- that was his birthday. >> he seems like a happy guy. >> he is. then we got to go -- >> a little jaundiced. >> we got to go backstage. his eyes really came through. that's good. >> bryan is one of the best actors in the planet and in the green room, he's kidding around, like every guy, just a nice guy. >> new york is a weird place. i went for a run in central park and i came back and i ran by columbus circle and i came upon, like, one of those new york kind of guys where you go what the heck is going on there? look at his hair. look at how tall it is. he was going to a wedding and had a tuxedo outfit on and that was his lid. >> why are you showing that, hoda? >> i thought it was crazy. and the girl behind is like, what's going on? i don't know why i'm showing it. i saw it and i go, oh, my god. >> what is his name? >> zach. >> i kept going, oh, my god. we took a selfie. had nothing to do with anything. people are crazy in new york. >> people are crazy everywhere, i think. >> friday i went to a luncheon at harvey weinstein held for allison pataki for her big, big, big best-seller "the traitor's wife." all this buzz about who is going to get the movie rights to "the traitor's wife." i hope it is harvey so it doesn't scare you to be done perfectly. but like seeing harvey, diehard democrat, supporting his friend, a republican governor for 12 years here in new york named george pataki, a great governor. seeing the two of them come together because common ground is sacred ground and really lovely to see harvey -- that was an amazing lady. i've known her name forever. she produced a lot of broadway things and also all woody allen's movies, she was a fascinating lady. harvey is up at 2:00 in the morning. that's when he's up. and that's when he's watching. and snead cross said to say hello to you. >> i knew i liked him a lot. a lot. >> the rest of the weekend is a secret. it is just sworn to secrecy. >> yes. >> sadly. >> all right. okay. so, anyway, happy days for mila kunis and ashton kutcher. >> if it's true. >> which is that she's expecting a baby. they got engaged a month ago. dated for a couple of years. he was with demi moore for many years. >> they met on the set of "that '70s show." >> we reached out for comment. >> we are nbc news. >> and we got no comment. >> so there. they were on the big kiss cam, whatever that thing is called. l.a. clippers game. and there they are. >> did they kiss? >> apparently they did it right. >> oh! >> that's very precious. >> wow. >> nice. >> okay. >> okay. he's cute. so jimmy fallon continues to rock his show. i'm sorry. he keeps doing really, really great things. he had a must see. kevin bacon was on the show on friday. we know him from "footloose". >> that's 30 years ago. >> i can't believe it. >> oh, my gosh. >> anyway, so kevin bacon took a stroll down memory lane. so let's just take a look. >> dancing is illegal. jump back. this is "the tonight show". there has to be dancing. ♪ ♪ i know you want to run you're hot ♪ ♪ hot, loaded like a gun ♪ never, never, never never, never, never ♪ >> i thought this was a party. let's dance! ♪ ♪ get back come on before we crack ♪ ♪ footloose everybody cut footloose ♪ ♪ every cut everybody cut ♪ everybody cut everybody cut ♪ everybody cut everybody cut everybody cut footloose ♪ >> that was awesome. >> i always loved kevin bacon. >> i can't believe he looks like that. >> our producer was going, you know what, kevin bacon is still hot bacon. hot bacon. >> he is hot bacon, all right. >> by the way, that fabulous music by kenny loggins, he's going to be at our fund-raiser. we love to see you. frank and i host that every year. >> also on fallon, the same night that kevin bacon was on, apparently we had another shoutout. >> let's just see what this is. >> finally this week someone managed to spend $400,000 worth of wine from a warehouse in the napa valley. they're looking for evidence while kathie lee and hoda are looking for an alibi. >> oh. >> what are we going to do without us, when they run out of wine jokes. >> there will be more wine jokes tonight on seth meyers. we're on seth tonight. how do we do it? i don't know day after day. i want to warn everybody, if you're a weekend warrior and you can sort of -- sort of do some exercising like joe manganiello, it looks like he does it all the time. i was going to search yesterday morning, i went early to work out, all of a sudden, i'm lifting. i get the twinge. i'm going, oh, my gosh. be careful, you guys. even if it is something you do all the time, if you're not really paying attention, i thought i was having an -- >> an aneurysm? >> yes, i swear, within five seconds my whole head was -- i thought how am i going to get to the house. >> what was it? >> i don't know. i packed it ice. i didn't move for an hour. frank didn't care. nobody cared in my house. nobody noticed. bambino is sitting there going -- only my dog loves me and let's leave it at that. i'm just going to warn you, don't try to make up for stuff on the weekend -- >> that's actually good advice. >> i didn't get there a couple of times this week. i was promoting i'm not allowed to discuss yet. so be careful. >> here we go. you know the frozen song -- >> getting tired of it. >> nobody is getting tired. now the kids are singing it. not only are the parents singing it, but it is a club hit. let's go in the dance club. remixed by a deejay music producer dave auday. let's listen. ♪ let it go let it go ♪ can't hold me back anymore ♪ let it go let it go >> has some tech stuff going on, yeah. >> you can picture people. >> the way she's sneaking in ihoda stuff when it is not thursday, believe me -- i want security. >> you'll love this. >> so, guys, we have -- >> i am happy for -- >> we want you -- we're doing this thing called go down a dress size, you know about this? >> it is a hit for the producers to me but it ain't going to happen. >> what is it? where is the thing? >> are you looking to shed your winter weight? we have drop a dress size with madelyn fernstrom. she'll help you get in shape. you can drop a size in the next couple of weeks. want our help, go to and hit the connect button. >> we have to point out that we sometimes get guests who come and they bid on us at charity events and whatever. we actually have a group here of people who bid on us four years ago. >> i told them the statute of limitations is out. >> that's them. thank you for coming, four years. >> frank and i are going to dinner tonight on the upper east side, very, very famous italian restaurant with people that won us like six years ago, i think. >> there is a lot of hollywood -- >> from the dart. >> big gossip coming up in "today's buzz" and guess who is here? >> one of the sexiest men around. >> joe manganiello. don't go anywhere. we're coming back. well, did you know the ancient pyramids were actually a mistake? uh-oh. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. i have a big meeting when we land, but i am so stuffed up, i can't rest. [ male announcer ] nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. they don't? alka seltzer plus night fights your worst cold symptoms, plus has a decongestant. [ inhales deeply ] oh. what a relief it is. [ inhales deeply ] save them. woolite detergents clean your jeans and won't torture your tanks. so clothes look like new even after 20 washes. [ giggling ] again! again! [ giggles ] again! [ mom ] when we're having this much fun, why quit? and new bounty has no quit in it either. it's 2x more absorbent than the leading ordinary brand, and then stays strong, so you can use less. watch how one sheet of new bounty keeps working, while their two sheets just quit. [ bubbles, baby giggling ] again! [ mom ] why use more, when you can use less. new bounty. the no-quit picker-upper. don't let him fool you, he's a pussycat. joe manganiello is not just a hunkie actor, but an author, a producer, a director. >> you may remember him as the hunkie werewolf from "true blood", now he's sinking his teeth in a new role. >> grinder, a member of an elite dea task force in the upcoming very fast paced film called "sabotage." we can't even show a clip, huh? >> it is action-packed is a good way to describe it. >> i don't know which one would be appropriate. you have to cut and edit that thing. >> we saw some, first 15 minutes you're just -- you're on this wild ride. >> heart racing. >> very much. tell us about it. >> well, it is really fast-paced action, david ayer, known for writing "training day", the first "fast and the furious." he became a director and loved this movie even more. he was at the top of the list that i gave my agents of directors i wanted to work with. >> you're a big strapping guy anyway, but you seem to have gotten even bigger for that role. did you? >> i gained 20 pounds for it. when you know you're going to be on screen with your action movie icon childhood hero arnold schwarzenegger, you better bring it. >> in the beginning of the film, you walked in and out of the frame and all you saw was your arm. >> it takes up the whole screen. good for you. >> thank you, yes. >> that's real, baby. no faking that stuff. >> you felt it before when i was here for "magic mike". >> there are some perks to this job. >> and you have tattoos, there was a method to that, you picked all the tats. >> they all told a story. my character was marine and so there were a few that kind of signified that. i saw him as a bit of a rattlesnake when he lashes out. there was a rattlesnake skeleton. i had an arrow going through my shooting arm. >> you are a softie. >> yes, you -- >> yeah, right. >> that begs the question, do you have a real one? >> do i have a real one? i'm single. a tattoo? what are we talking about right now? >> do you have a tattoo? >> no, nobody cares. >> let's back up. >> let's go back. you don't have a tattoo. do you have a girlfriend? >> no tattoos, no girlfriend, done, there we go. >> last time you had a beautiful one. >> that was a while ago, was it? yeah. that was the one -- yeah. >> too busy? i hate when actors say that. >> you got to find time for love. you can always find time. if it is the right one, it is the right one. it doesn't matter. it will just work out. >> look at that. >> will there be a magic mike 2? >> oh, yeah. you know. >> there has got to be. and you did another little film, on real strippers, which i guess, channing actually was for a while there, you did a documentary on these guys from -- >> financed and directed a documentary called "la bare" that i produced with my brother. i get to work with my brother, one of my great joys of my life. we shot this movie, funned it out of pocket and called "la bare", like the real life magic -- >> not the hairy kind, the -- >> comes out june 27th in theaters. >> might have to come back and see us. >> i'll come back, maybe bring some friends with me. >> yes. >> yeah. but we want them waxed before they get here. >> they'll be all lubed up, ready to go. can i say that on morning tv? >> yes. >> i don't wax. i have like no body hair whatsoever, other than my beard. stops right there and -- >> that's kind of weird, isn't it? >> yeah. >> okay. >> when you're armenian and sicilian -- >> you would think there would be quite a bit of hair. >> a lot of hair. and none up here. >> his book is going to be a series. so terrific. >> i love being here. >> let me -- >> i'll get the other side, just to be fair. >> "sabotage" airs on friday. >> don't be left out at the office water cooler. we'll get you -- back off, barbie. >> there's tons to love. the silver lotus is so rare... it only grows in one place on earth, channel islands national park in california. now you can experience the fresh pristine scent anywhere. perfected by the fragrance experts at air wick. fresh coastal waters and silver lotus is a part of our limited edition national park collection. air wick. the craft of fragrance. and then a 3:15 with my guilt. [ female announcer ] special k cracker chips. 27 crispy chips. 110 delicious calories. same time tomorrow? [ female announcer ] find them in the cracker aisle. ♪ time now to surprise our -- >> fan of the week! >> drum roll. spin the globe. it's doing it. it landed in potomac, maryland. my sister was born there, with carol weiss. hey, carol. >> hi, carol. oh, my god. before we tell you what you won, we want to tell you why you've been chosen. carol has been a big "today" show fan, she developed what she calls a healthy obsession with the fourth hour. >> she worked our show into every aspect of her morning routine, has it set up in your kitchen, bathroom and bedroom so she doesn't miss a thing. >> carol, we like your house. can you hear us? >> yes, i can. >> hi, sweetie. >> and watches at the gym, clears her schedule at the office. this is not a healthy obsession. >> this is hysterical. i love it. >> they say her friends and co-workers know never to interrupt her. >> that means a lot to us, thank you. why? >> you make my day so happy. you put a smile on my face when i watch it. >> enough about joe manganiello. all right, you really seem to be dedicated so we wanted you to know we're so grateful and we have a trivia question for you, even though you already have won. you ready? >> which of the following is not a regular kathie lee and hoda segment. bobbie's buzz, everyone has a story, hope to it or ambush makeover. >> every week? >> i think all of those are on every week -- >> except for hope to it. >> the third one. >> yes. >> that's all right. >> you know where you're going? >> you and a guest -- you're going to -- you're going to the hard rock hotel and casino in biloxi located in the beautiful mississippi gulf coast. four days, three nights, you'll take in sights from your ocean view room, explore the pool, the casino, concert venues. >> it is fun. you can relax in the luxurious rock spa and enjoy dining options, hotel and air accommodations furnished by hard rock hotel and casino biloxi. are you taking me? >> i'm taking my husband. but thanks to hotwire's incredibly low travel prices, i can afford to cross more things off my list. this year alone, we went to the top of the statue of liberty... and still saved enough to go to texas-- to a real dude ranch! hotwire checks the competition's rates every day... so they can guarantee their low prices. so we got our 4-star hotels for half price. next up, hollywood! ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ save big on car rentals too, from $11.95 a day. hey kevin...still eating chalk for hearburn? yea. try alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heart burn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. alka-seltzer fruit chews. enjoy the relief! [ giggling ] again! again! [ giggles ] again! [ mom ] when we're having this much fun, why quit? and new bounty has no quit in it either. it's 2x more absorbent than the leading ordinary brand, and then stays strong, so you can use less. watch how one sheet of new bounty keeps working, while their two sheets just quit. [ bubbles, baby giggling ] again! [ mom ] why use more, when you can use less. new bounty. the no-quit picker-upper. we're back with more of "today" on this fun day monday for "today's buzz" and all the hollywood scoop you may have missed. >> to get us caught up on the celebrity news is entertainment editor and host of the dish at, chris witherspoon. >> we like this guy. >> i love you. >> so lady gaga made a little news with her new video. >> a video on dateline saturday night called guy, stands for girl under you. the video is super long, 11:40 long. it had cameos with andy cohen, beverly housewives, jesus and gandhi. it is crazy. we expect nothing less from lady gaga. it was her longest video. i had to take two coffee breaks for snacks. it is a great video. her second video from her album that dropped in november. "art pop." great to see her back. >> just disappointing -- >> not as big, but this is getting buzz. 8 million views on youtube. >> the michael jackson look-alike there. >> they haven't commented on the -- reaction from the video, but it is great. she has jesus, gandhi, michael jackson. >> all iconic figures. >> yeah. we expect lady gaga to be in her own world with her artist vision and see that here. >> so what is happening with eminem? he's in the headlines? >> eminem is breaking records. he's the number two best-selling male artist of all time according to soundscan. >> what? >> it is amazing. he dethroned george strait, number two and garth brooks, country music star, number one still. this is great for eminem. he had a lot of ups and downs. this album that he has out now is a tenth album. we're excited for him. he sold two albums of each of his albums so far. 2 million. >> your friend idina -- >> idina menzel talked to a hollywood reporter and she has no bad with john travolta. he called her adele dazeem. i love that name, by the way. she's hotter than ever and she said to her hollywood reporter, she has only benefitted from it. he sent her an e-mail, gorgeous flowers and they're friends now. they're all buddies and it is all cool. >> for the first time in 18 years, she's a top ten billboard -- >> she's a sweet girl. she'll be here with us next week. ♪ let it go let it go >> we'll practice singing. >> so at the movies, a couple of surprises at the box office. >> "divergent," this new young adult film, it is amazing, everyone is praising shailene woodley, she's phenomenal. brought in $46 million, surprising for this film. people -- >> it didn't do as well. another film called "god's not dead" that came in fifth place, a lot of great buzz. >> i heard a lot of great buzz about that film. >> too bad you won't hear any of it here. >> go see "divergent" and many, many more. >> thank you. >> got a closet full of toys or clothes you're dieing to get rid of. >> how to turn that clutter into cash. i'm sinora and this is my son, chris. i'm a messy person. i don't like cleaning. i love my son, but he never cleans up. always leaves a trail of crumbs behind. you're going to have a problem with getting a wife. uh, yeah, i guess. [ laughs ] this is ridiculous. christopher glenn! [ doorbell rings ] what is that? swiffer sweep & trap. i think i can use this. it picks up everything. i like this. that's a lot of dirt. it's that easy! good job chris! i think a woman will probably come your way. [ both laugh ] i think a woman will probably come your way. ♪ see what's new at woman willprojectluna.comyour way. if you're looking for a fun new show to watch, check out national geographic channel's "none of the above". >> tim shaw hits the streets across america to show off cool tricks and experiments using science and challenges the people he meets and the viewers at home to figure them out. >> today he's here to challenge us. >> that shouldn't be a stretch. >> are you ready for this? >> we're ready. >> what are we doing? >> here is the challenge. cork in bottle, you can get cork out of the bottle using a selection of one of these things in front of you. you can use anything. you got the thing -- >> air. >> you got to -- >> i'll try this thing. >> i'm stuffing it. >> i'm trying this thing. you have to get it -- just like fishing. >> what's that? you didn't say a bag? >> i'll show you. so, in goes the bag, okay? look at this. check it out. now, open up the bag and in goes some breath from my mouth. >> breath? >> i like it. >> who wants the cork after that. >> nobody. whatever. do it. >> okay. all right. now this is live. nobody ever does live experiments on television for a reason. >> you do. >> hang on a minute. we're having a few issues, wait, wait, wait -- >> that's what you get. >> you get it. you do that and then pull it down and it pulls the -- but it is not. >> oh, i'm sorry. >> can i have a round of applause? thank you very much. watch the show. >> i can't do that. i'll do that one later. >> okay. >> this is a simple one. what i want you to do is you can see that was just a beer bottle with a bent cap in it. very simple. i will buy you girls each -- blow that into there, if you can do that, i'll buy you each a case. >> okay. one, two -- >> what are you doing? >> you're blowing it out. >> i know. >> he said blow it in. >> i didn't say suck it. what are you doing? >> we're blowing. >> give it another go. >> do it from the side. >> not well. >> what are you doing over there? >> trying to work out your microwave. hang on. >> so far, tricks aren't working! what are you doing? >> what are you doing? >> have you managed it yet? >> what's wrong with you? come on. >> all right, there we go. >> all right. you got it? >> no. >> what happened? >> we kept blowing and it comes out. >> let me give you an easy one. ready for this one? >> all right. >> watch this. >> oh, my gosh. you must have a great show. >> this one is easy, all right. okay. an olive each, okay. what i want you to do is get the olive into the glass, one glass each. get it into the glass without touching the olive. go. you've got 20 seconds. is this actually happening? no, no, no. let me show you. >> come on. watch this. >> check this out. >> oh! >> oh, yeah. >> better turn it quick. >> oh! >> well, that was illuminating. >> right. wait. this is the one. let me have that -- so in here, i have -- >> yeah. >> okay. check it out. what happens when i put it in there. that's hot, that's cold. >> i don't know. do it. i'm scared. >> this is cool. >> whoa! >> thank you very much. >> tonight on national geographic channel. how to make money from all the stuff sitting around your house. >> here you go. >> never mind. we'll see you in a little bit. >> and jerrod niemann is with us singing after this. this money saving money. this is for you. ♪ [ male announcer ] bob's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. this money saving money. >> lena waldorf is here to show us how to get started with three of our crack producers. >> we're all about helping you shop smarter and big week for us, we're going fully national on newsstands. so you can find us everywhere. >> we're going to do clothes, electronics and baby stuff. let's start with donna and clothes, right? >> this bag i got a couple of years ago. it is gently used, really spacious, you can compile a bunch of stuff in it. and actually -- they still sell it in stores and this dress i got, on sale, i knew fit well, kind of generic but has a crazy pattern. >> basically what we're going to do with these items, we took them to thread, a website and app, you post pictures of your items and other people come and buy them from you through the site, they take a 20% commission. they told us you would get $75 for the set. it was originally $178. that's an amazing deal. >> the dress? >> the dress, we love this because it -- $35. we all have, a no name designer. >> but adorable. >> we got to scrooge. >> good job, donna. >> all right, what do you got, babe? >> i have a 3-year-old ipad here, but i produce the what's trending today segment every day at 8:10, watch, week days, here on nbc. >> are you -- >> $499. we took this to a website called buy my, you type in the item, they give you a price quote, you mail it in to them with free shipping. they told us we would get $207 for this ipad. and you do have to clear it, but that's not that hard. and so just be super honest about the condition of your device because if it has a crack or anything, they'll send it back and you won't get the money. >> so jamie is one of our producers. clearly -- >> we have three kids and my life is cluttered. so here we go. >> everything is brand-new. >> let's look at jamie's kids. >> okay, anyway. >> they are adorable. >> a tricycle i bought two years ago and i have three of them, so i need to get rid of one. this is about a year and a half old. >> everything is -- >> this bomber jacket. >> so win-win. you're going to clear out your closet, make money. we took this to once upon a child, a consignment store, 200 odd locations around the country. they said we could get $15 for the tricycle, not bad. $10 for the bomber jacket. and then $25 for the snow suit. $50, the reality is you're making money. >> i would have paid more for the little bomber jacket. >> i know. >> so cute. >> great tips like this. >> thank you, congratulations. >> thank you. latest single topping the country charts. >> he's singing for us. jerrod niemann is here. first this is "today" on nbc. sp annnd done. ok maxwell, just need to ah contact your insurance company with the vin number. oh, i just did it. with my geico app. vin # is up to the loaded. ok well then jerry here will take you through all of the features then. why don't weeeeeeeeeeee go out to the car. ok, i'll just be outside... ok, yeah. his dad is my boss. yeah. vin scanning to add a car. just a tap away on the geico app. down to a science. you're the reason we reformulated one a day women's. a complete multivitamin that now has extra b vitamins, which help convert food to energy. energy support for the things that matter. that's one a day women's. energy support for the things that matter. save them. woolite detergents clean your jeans and won't torture your tanks. so clothes look like new even after 20 washes. ♪ see what's new at and then a 3:15 with my guilt. [ female announcer ] special k cracker chips. 27 crispy chips. 110 delicious calories. same time tomorrow? [ female announcer ] find them in the cracker aisle. ♪ the toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by toyota. jerrod niemann has a new album and new hit song that just hit today. >> congratulations. he's about to hit the road with keith urban, a great show. he's still managed to stop by today to sing for us. he brought the guys. >> the latest hit is called "drink to all that," a new album that drops -- >> tomorrow. >> "drink to that all night," huh? >> country music makes me thirsty. >> there is a theme there. are you having a ball on the road? >> yeah. >> keith is a sweet guy. >> he is. there are so many people that look up to him musically and he's a global star. we're looking forward to it. we'll try not to bring the quality of his show down. >> you're going to sing for us. >> absolutely. >> you cd, right? here it is. "drink to that all night". >> take it away. >> here we go. ♪ ♪ parking lot's full going to ride that cow ♪ ♪ deejay's got the speakers thumping ♪ ♪ checking out the ladies my buddy says hey boys i'm buying ♪ ♪ everybody knows it's gonna be one of those ♪ ♪ i can drink all night ♪ that's the kind of party that zamakes you throw your hands up ♪ ♪ i can drink all night ♪ sitting on a barstool taking it old school ♪ ♪ saying hell yeah to every song playing ♪ ♪ do you want to dance i'm just saying ♪ ♪ everybody knows it's gonna be one of those ♪ ♪ i can drink the bad all night ♪ ♪ got some stuff all right ♪ kind of party that makes you throw your hands up ♪ ♪ turn all the wrongs into right ♪ ♪ i can drink this bad all night ♪ ♪ i can drink to that all night ♪ ♪ ♪ you can raise it higher take the cup fill it up ♪ ♪ you can raise it higher ♪ everybody knows it's gonna be one of those ♪ ♪ i can drink the bad all night ♪ ♪ that's the stuff i like ♪ that's the kind of party that makes you throw your hands up ♪ ♪ i can drink the bad all night ♪ ♪ the stuff i like the kind of party that makes you throw your hands up ♪ ♪ turn all the wrongs into right ♪ ♪ i can drink this bad all night ♪ ♪ i can drink this bad all night ♪ ♪ i can drink this bad all night ♪ ♪ take the cup fill it up ♪ you can raise it higher ♪ take your cup fill it up enough ♪ ♪ take your cup fill it up enough♪ ♪ take your cup fill it up ♪ you can raise it higher >> all right! jerrod niemann. go to our website and see if tim shaw got the cork out of the bottle, everybody. >> that's very important. >> you guys were awesome. congratulations, everybody. see you tomorrow. i'm here to help. you and i will get through this together. ♪

Related Keywords

United States , New York , Columbus Circle , Napa Valley , California , Armenia , Texas , Hollywood , Biloxi , Mississippi , Maryland , Italy , Channel Islands , Armenian , Italian , America , Andy Cohen , Harvey Weinstein , Snead Cross , Idina Menzel , Arnold Schwarzenegger , Shailene Woodley , George Pataki , Kathie Lee , Jerrod Niemann , Tim Shaw , John Travolta , Jimmy Fallon , Michael Jackson , Allison Pataki , Christopher Glenn , Mila Kunis , Ashton Kutcher , Demi Moore , Seth Meyers , Chris Witherspoon , David Ayer , Kathie Lee Gifford , Carol Weiss , Rockefeller Plaza , Lena Waldorf , Bryan Cranston , Jared Neeman ,

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Transcripts For KNTV Today 20140325 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20140325

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neeman who gave us a wine glass. >> was lovely because he said we're going to toast to this all night long. and we'll show hoda how to turn her clutter into cash. you had a big weekend, missy. >> i did. the gentleman i've been dating, it was his birthday. >> boots. we call him boots. we have only seen his boots. >> we saw the lbj play called "all the way." and i don't -- you always know lbj is the one in between, like, kennedy and nixon, but you don't know about his mannerisms, what he would be like on stage. bryan cranston is unbelievable. >> brilliant actor in everything he does. >> you believe he's lbj. you see the sensitive side, the paranoid guy, you see them all rolled into one and it is just a year in his life. so i have a picture and i'd like to reveal right now. that's him. okay. in front of the -- that was his birthday. >> he seems like a happy guy. >> he is. then we got to go -- >> a little jaundiced. >> we got to go backstage. his eyes really came through. that's good. >> bryan is one of the best actors in the planet and in the green room, he's kidding around, like every guy, just a nice guy. >> new york is a weird place. i went for a run in central park and i came back and i ran by columbus circle and i came upon, like, one of those new york kind of guys where you go what the heck is going on there? look at his hair. look at how tall it is. he was going to a wedding and had a tuxedo outfit on and that was his lid. >> why are you showing that, hoda? >> i thought it was crazy. and the girl behind is like, what's going on? i don't know why i'm showing it. i saw it and i go, oh, my god. >> what is his name? >> zach. >> i kept going, oh, my god. we took a selfie. had nothing to do with anything. people are crazy in new york. >> people are crazy everywhere, i think. >> friday i went to a luncheon at harvey weinstein held for allison pataki for her big, big, big best-seller "the traitor's wife." all this buzz about who is going to get the movie rights to "the traitor's wife." i hope it is harvey so it doesn't scare you to be done perfectly. but like seeing harvey, diehard democrat, supporting his friend, a republican governor for 12 years here in new york named george pataki, a great governor. seeing the two of them come together because common ground is sacred ground and really lovely to see harvey -- that was an amazing lady. i've known her name forever. she produced a lot of broadway things and also all woody allen's movies, she was a fascinating lady. harvey is up at 2:00 in the morning. that's when he's up. and that's when he's watching. and snead cross said to say hello to you. >> i knew i liked him a lot. a lot. >> the rest of the weekend is a secret. it is just sworn to secrecy. >> yes. >> sadly. >> all right. okay. so, anyway, happy days for mila kunis and ashton kutcher. >> if it's true. >> which is that she's expecting a baby. they got engaged a month ago. dated for a couple of years. he was with demi moore for many years. >> they met on the set of "that '70s show." >> we reached out for comment. >> we are nbc news. >> and we got no comment. >> so there. they were on the big kiss cam, whatever that thing is called. l.a. clippers game. and there they are. >> did they kiss? >> apparently they did it right. >> oh! >> that's very precious. >> wow. >> nice. >> okay. >> okay. he's cute. so jimmy fallon continues to rock his show. i'm sorry. he keeps doing really, really great things. he had a must see. kevin bacon was on the show on friday. we know him from "footloose". >> that's 30 years ago. >> i can't believe it. >> oh, my gosh. >> anyway, so kevin bacon took a stroll down memory lane. so let's just take a look. >> dancing is illegal. jump back. this is "the tonight show". there has to be dancing. ♪ ♪ i know you want to run you're hot ♪ ♪ hot, loaded like a gun ♪ never, never, never never, never, never ♪ >> i thought this was a party. let's dance! ♪ ♪ get back come on before we crack ♪ ♪ footloose everybody cut footloose ♪ ♪ every cut everybody cut ♪ everybody cut everybody cut ♪ everybody cut everybody cut everybody cut footloose ♪ >> that was awesome. >> i always loved kevin bacon. >> i can't believe he looks like that. >> our producer was going, you know what, kevin bacon is still hot bacon. hot bacon. >> he is hot bacon, all right. >> by the way, that fabulous music by kenny loggins, he's going to be at our fund-raiser. we love to see you. frank and i host that every year. >> also on fallon, the same night that kevin bacon was on, apparently we had another shoutout. >> let's just see what this is. >> finally this week someone managed to spend $400,000 worth of wine from a warehouse in the napa valley. they're looking for evidence while kathie lee and hoda are looking for an alibi. >> oh. >> what are we going to do without us, when they run out of wine jokes. >> there will be more wine jokes tonight on seth meyers. we're on seth tonight. how do we do it? i don't know day after day. i want to warn everybody, if you're a weekend warrior and you can sort of -- sort of do some exercising like joe manganiello, it looks like he does it all the time. i was going to search yesterday morning, i went early to work out, all of a sudden, i'm lifting. i get the twinge. i'm going, oh, my gosh. be careful, you guys. even if it is something you do all the time, if you're not really paying attention, i thought i was having an -- >> an aneurysm? >> yes, i swear, within five seconds my whole head was -- i thought how am i going to get to the house. >> what was it? >> i don't know. i packed it ice. i didn't move for an hour. frank didn't care. nobody cared in my house. nobody noticed. bambino is sitting there going -- only my dog loves me and let's leave it at that. i'm just going to warn you, don't try to make up for stuff on the weekend -- >> that's actually good advice. >> i didn't get there a couple of times this week. i was promoting i'm not allowed to discuss yet. so be careful. >> here we go. you know the frozen song -- >> getting tired of it. >> nobody is getting tired. now the kids are singing it. not only are the parents singing it, but it is a club hit. let's go in the dance club. remixed by a deejay music producer dave auday. let's listen. ♪ let it go let it go ♪ can't hold me back anymore ♪ let it go let it go >> has some tech stuff going on, yeah. >> you can picture people. >> the way she's sneaking in ihoda stuff when it is not thursday, believe me -- i want security. >> you'll love this. >> so, guys, we have -- >> i am happy for -- >> we want you -- we're doing this thing called go down a dress size, you know about this? >> it is a hit for the producers to me but it ain't going to happen. >> what is it? where is the thing? >> are you looking to shed your winter weight? we have drop a dress size with madelyn fernstrom. she'll help you get in shape. you can drop a size in the next couple of weeks. want our help, go to and hit the connect button. >> we have to point out that we sometimes get guests who come and they bid on us at charity events and whatever. we actually have a group here of people who bid on us four years ago. >> i told them the statute of limitations is out. >> that's them. thank you for coming, four years. >> frank and i are going to dinner tonight on the upper east side, very, very famous italian restaurant with people that won us like six years ago, i think. >> there is a lot of hollywood -- >> from the dart. >> big gossip coming up in "today's buzz" and guess who is here? >> one of the sexiest men around. >> joe manganiello. don't go anywhere. we're coming back. well, did you know the ancient pyramids were actually a mistake? uh-oh. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. i have a big meeting when we land, but i am so stuffed up, i can't rest. [ male announcer ] nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. they don't? alka seltzer plus night fights your worst cold symptoms, plus has a decongestant. [ inhales deeply ] oh. what a relief it is. [ inhales deeply ] save them. woolite detergents clean your jeans and won't torture your tanks. so clothes look like new even after 20 washes. [ giggling ] again! again! [ giggles ] again! [ mom ] when we're having this much fun, why quit? and new bounty has no quit in it either. it's 2x more absorbent than the leading ordinary brand, and then stays strong, so you can use less. watch how one sheet of new bounty keeps working, while their two sheets just quit. [ bubbles, baby giggling ] again! [ mom ] why use more, when you can use less. new bounty. the no-quit picker-upper. don't let him fool you, he's a pussycat. joe manganiello is not just a hunkie actor, but an author, a producer, a director. >> you may remember him as the hunkie werewolf from "true blood", now he's sinking his teeth in a new role. >> grinder, a member of an elite dea task force in the upcoming very fast paced film called "sabotage." we can't even show a clip, huh? >> it is action-packed is a good way to describe it. >> i don't know which one would be appropriate. you have to cut and edit that thing. >> we saw some, first 15 minutes you're just -- you're on this wild ride. >> heart racing. >> very much. tell us about it. >> well, it is really fast-paced action, david ayer, known for writing "training day", the first "fast and the furious." he became a director and loved this movie even more. he was at the top of the list that i gave my agents of directors i wanted to work with. >> you're a big strapping guy anyway, but you seem to have gotten even bigger for that role. did you? >> i gained 20 pounds for it. when you know you're going to be on screen with your action movie icon childhood hero arnold schwarzenegger, you better bring it. >> in the beginning of the film, you walked in and out of the frame and all you saw was your arm. >> it takes up the whole screen. good for you. >> thank you, yes. >> that's real, baby. no faking that stuff. >> you felt it before when i was here for "magic mike". >> there are some perks to this job. >> and you have tattoos, there was a method to that, you picked all the tats. >> they all told a story. my character was marine and so there were a few that kind of signified that. i saw him as a bit of a rattlesnake when he lashes out. there was a rattlesnake skeleton. i had an arrow going through my shooting arm. >> you are a softie. >> yes, you -- >> yeah, right. >> that begs the question, do you have a real one? >> do i have a real one? i'm single. a tattoo? what are we talking about right now? >> do you have a tattoo? >> no, nobody cares. >> let's back up. >> let's go back. you don't have a tattoo. do you have a girlfriend? >> no tattoos, no girlfriend, done, there we go. >> last time you had a beautiful one. >> that was a while ago, was it? yeah. that was the one -- yeah. >> too busy? i hate when actors say that. >> you got to find time for love. you can always find time. if it is the right one, it is the right one. it doesn't matter. it will just work out. >> look at that. >> will there be a magic mike 2? >> oh, yeah. you know. >> there has got to be. and you did another little film, on real strippers, which i guess, channing actually was for a while there, you did a documentary on these guys from -- >> financed and directed a documentary called "la bare" that i produced with my brother. i get to work with my brother, one of my great joys of my life. we shot this movie, funned it out of pocket and called "la bare", like the real life magic -- >> not the hairy kind, the -- >> comes out june 27th in theaters. >> might have to come back and see us. >> i'll come back, maybe bring some friends with me. >> yes. >> yeah. but we want them waxed before they get here. >> they'll be all lubed up, ready to go. can i say that on morning tv? >> yes. >> i don't wax. i have like no body hair whatsoever, other than my beard. stops right there and -- >> that's kind of weird, isn't it? >> yeah. >> okay. >> when you're armenian and sicilian -- >> you would think there would be quite a bit of hair. >> a lot of hair. and none up here. >> his book is going to be a series. so terrific. >> i love being here. >> let me -- >> i'll get the other side, just to be fair. >> "sabotage" airs on friday. >> don't be left out at the office water cooler. we'll get you -- back off, barbie. >> there's tons to love. the silver lotus is so rare... it only grows in one place on earth, channel islands national park in california. now you can experience the fresh pristine scent anywhere. perfected by the fragrance experts at air wick. fresh coastal waters and silver lotus is a part of our limited edition national park collection. air wick. the craft of fragrance. and then a 3:15 with my guilt. [ female announcer ] special k cracker chips. 27 crispy chips. 110 delicious calories. same time tomorrow? [ female announcer ] find them in the cracker aisle. ♪ time now to surprise our -- >> fan of the week! >> drum roll. spin the globe. it's doing it. it landed in potomac, maryland. my sister was born there, with carol weiss. hey, carol. >> hi, carol. oh, my god. before we tell you what you won, we want to tell you why you've been chosen. carol has been a big "today" show fan, she developed what she calls a healthy obsession with the fourth hour. >> she worked our show into every aspect of her morning routine, has it set up in your kitchen, bathroom and bedroom so she doesn't miss a thing. >> carol, we like your house. can you hear us? >> yes, i can. >> hi, sweetie. >> and watches at the gym, clears her schedule at the office. this is not a healthy obsession. >> this is hysterical. i love it. >> they say her friends and co-workers know never to interrupt her. >> that means a lot to us, thank you. why? >> you make my day so happy. you put a smile on my face when i watch it. >> enough about joe manganiello. all right, you really seem to be dedicated so we wanted you to know we're so grateful and we have a trivia question for you, even though you already have won. you ready? >> which of the following is not a regular kathie lee and hoda segment. bobbie's buzz, everyone has a story, hope to it or ambush makeover. >> every week? >> i think all of those are on every week -- >> except for hope to it. >> the third one. >> yes. >> that's all right. >> you know where you're going? >> you and a guest -- you're going to -- you're going to the hard rock hotel and casino in biloxi located in the beautiful mississippi gulf coast. four days, three nights, you'll take in sights from your ocean view room, explore the pool, the casino, concert venues. >> it is fun. you can relax in the luxurious rock spa and enjoy dining options, hotel and air accommodations furnished by hard rock hotel and casino biloxi. are you taking me? >> i'm taking my husband. but thanks to hotwire's incredibly low travel prices, i can afford to cross more things off my list. this year alone, we went to the top of the statue of liberty... and still saved enough to go to texas-- to a real dude ranch! hotwire checks the competition's rates every day... so they can guarantee their low prices. so we got our 4-star hotels for half price. next up, hollywood! ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ save big on car rentals too, from $11.95 a day. hey kevin...still eating chalk for hearburn? yea. try alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heart burn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. alka-seltzer fruit chews. enjoy the relief! [ giggling ] again! again! [ giggles ] again! [ mom ] when we're having this much fun, why quit? and new bounty has no quit in it either. it's 2x more absorbent than the leading ordinary brand, and then stays strong, so you can use less. watch how one sheet of new bounty keeps working, while their two sheets just quit. [ bubbles, baby giggling ] again! [ mom ] why use more, when you can use less. new bounty. the no-quit picker-upper. we're back with more of "today" on this fun day monday for "today's buzz" and all the hollywood scoop you may have missed. >> to get us caught up on the celebrity news is entertainment editor and host of the dish at, chris witherspoon. >> we like this guy. >> i love you. >> so lady gaga made a little news with her new video. >> a video on dateline saturday night called guy, stands for girl under you. the video is super long, 11:40 long. it had cameos with andy cohen, beverly housewives, jesus and gandhi. it is crazy. we expect nothing less from lady gaga. it was her longest video. i had to take two coffee breaks for snacks. it is a great video. her second video from her album that dropped in november. "art pop." great to see her back. >> just disappointing -- >> not as big, but this is getting buzz. 8 million views on youtube. >> the michael jackson look-alike there. >> they haven't commented on the -- reaction from the video, but it is great. she has jesus, gandhi, michael jackson. >> all iconic figures. >> yeah. we expect lady gaga to be in her own world with her artist vision and see that here. >> so what is happening with eminem? he's in the headlines? >> eminem is breaking records. he's the number two best-selling male artist of all time according to soundscan. >> what? >> it is amazing. he dethroned george strait, number two and garth brooks, country music star, number one still. this is great for eminem. he had a lot of ups and downs. this album that he has out now is a tenth album. we're excited for him. he sold two albums of each of his albums so far. 2 million. >> your friend idina -- >> idina menzel talked to a hollywood reporter and she has no bad with john travolta. he called her adele dazeem. i love that name, by the way. she's hotter than ever and she said to her hollywood reporter, she has only benefitted from it. he sent her an e-mail, gorgeous flowers and they're friends now. they're all buddies and it is all cool. >> for the first time in 18 years, she's a top ten billboard -- >> she's a sweet girl. she'll be here with us next week. ♪ let it go let it go >> we'll practice singing. >> so at the movies, a couple of surprises at the box office. >> "divergent," this new young adult film, it is amazing, everyone is praising shailene woodley, she's phenomenal. brought in $46 million, surprising for this film. people -- >> it didn't do as well. another film called "god's not dead" that came in fifth place, a lot of great buzz. >> i heard a lot of great buzz about that film. >> too bad you won't hear any of it here. >> go see "divergent" and many, many more. >> thank you. >> got a closet full of toys or clothes you're dieing to get rid of. >> how to turn that clutter into cash. i'm sinora and this is my son, chris. i'm a messy person. i don't like cleaning. i love my son, but he never cleans up. always leaves a trail of crumbs behind. you're going to have a problem with getting a wife. uh, yeah, i guess. [ laughs ] this is ridiculous. christopher glenn! [ doorbell rings ] what is that? swiffer sweep & trap. i think i can use this. it picks up everything. i like this. that's a lot of dirt. it's that easy! good job chris! i think a woman will probably come your way. [ both laugh ] i think a woman will probably come your way. ♪ see what's new at woman willprojectluna.comyour way. if you're looking for a fun new show to watch, check out national geographic channel's "none of the above". >> tim shaw hits the streets across america to show off cool tricks and experiments using science and challenges the people he meets and the viewers at home to figure them out. >> today he's here to challenge us. >> that shouldn't be a stretch. >> are you ready for this? >> we're ready. >> what are we doing? >> here is the challenge. cork in bottle, you can get cork out of the bottle using a selection of one of these things in front of you. you can use anything. you got the thing -- >> air. >> you got to -- >> i'll try this thing. >> i'm stuffing it. >> i'm trying this thing. you have to get it -- just like fishing. >> what's that? you didn't say a bag? >> i'll show you. so, in goes the bag, okay? look at this. check it out. now, open up the bag and in goes some breath from my mouth. >> breath? >> i like it. >> who wants the cork after that. >> nobody. whatever. do it. >> okay. all right. now this is live. nobody ever does live experiments on television for a reason. >> you do. >> hang on a minute. we're having a few issues, wait, wait, wait -- >> that's what you get. >> you get it. you do that and then pull it down and it pulls the -- but it is not. >> oh, i'm sorry. >> can i have a round of applause? thank you very much. watch the show. >> i can't do that. i'll do that one later. >> okay. >> this is a simple one. what i want you to do is you can see that was just a beer bottle with a bent cap in it. very simple. i will buy you girls each -- blow that into there, if you can do that, i'll buy you each a case. >> okay. one, two -- >> what are you doing? >> you're blowing it out. >> i know. >> he said blow it in. >> i didn't say suck it. what are you doing? >> we're blowing. >> give it another go. >> do it from the side. >> not well. >> what are you doing over there? >> trying to work out your microwave. hang on. >> so far, tricks aren't working! what are you doing? >> what are you doing? >> have you managed it yet? >> what's wrong with you? come on. >> all right, there we go. >> all right. you got it? >> no. >> what happened? >> we kept blowing and it comes out. >> let me give you an easy one. ready for this one? >> all right. >> watch this. >> oh, my gosh. you must have a great show. >> this one is easy, all right. okay. an olive each, okay. what i want you to do is get the olive into the glass, one glass each. get it into the glass without touching the olive. go. you've got 20 seconds. is this actually happening? no, no, no. let me show you. >> come on. watch this. >> check this out. >> oh! >> oh, yeah. >> better turn it quick. >> oh! >> well, that was illuminating. >> right. wait. this is the one. let me have that -- so in here, i have -- >> yeah. >> okay. check it out. what happens when i put it in there. that's hot, that's cold. >> i don't know. do it. i'm scared. >> this is cool. >> whoa! >> thank you very much. >> tonight on national geographic channel. how to make money from all the stuff sitting around your house. >> here you go. >> never mind. we'll see you in a little bit. >> and jerrod niemann is with us singing after this. this money saving money. this is for you. ♪ [ male announcer ] bob's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. this money saving money. >> lena waldorf is here to show us how to get started with three of our crack producers. >> we're all about helping you shop smarter and big week for us, we're going fully national on newsstands. so you can find us everywhere. >> we're going to do clothes, electronics and baby stuff. let's start with donna and clothes, right? >> this bag i got a couple of years ago. it is gently used, really spacious, you can compile a bunch of stuff in it. and actually -- they still sell it in stores and this dress i got, on sale, i knew fit well, kind of generic but has a crazy pattern. >> basically what we're going to do with these items, we took them to thread, a website and app, you post pictures of your items and other people come and buy them from you through the site, they take a 20% commission. they told us you would get $75 for the set. it was originally $178. that's an amazing deal. >> the dress? >> the dress, we love this because it -- $35. we all have, a no name designer. >> but adorable. >> we got to scrooge. >> good job, donna. >> all right, what do you got, babe? >> i have a 3-year-old ipad here, but i produce the what's trending today segment every day at 8:10, watch, week days, here on nbc. >> are you -- >> $499. we took this to a website called buy my, you type in the item, they give you a price quote, you mail it in to them with free shipping. they told us we would get $207 for this ipad. and you do have to clear it, but that's not that hard. and so just be super honest about the condition of your device because if it has a crack or anything, they'll send it back and you won't get the money. >> so jamie is one of our producers. clearly -- >> we have three kids and my life is cluttered. so here we go. >> everything is brand-new. >> let's look at jamie's kids. >> okay, anyway. >> they are adorable. >> a tricycle i bought two years ago and i have three of them, so i need to get rid of one. this is about a year and a half old. >> everything is -- >> this bomber jacket. >> so win-win. you're going to clear out your closet, make money. we took this to once upon a child, a consignment store, 200 odd locations around the country. they said we could get $15 for the tricycle, not bad. $10 for the bomber jacket. and then $25 for the snow suit. $50, the reality is you're making money. >> i would have paid more for the little bomber jacket. >> i know. >> so cute. >> great tips like this. >> thank you, congratulations. >> thank you. latest single topping the country charts. >> he's singing for us. jerrod niemann is here. first this is "today" on nbc. sp annnd done. ok maxwell, just need to ah contact your insurance company with the vin number. oh, i just did it. with my geico app. vin # is up to the loaded. ok well then jerry here will take you through all of the features then. why don't weeeeeeeeeeee go out to the car. ok, i'll just be outside... ok, yeah. his dad is my boss. yeah. vin scanning to add a car. just a tap away on the geico app. down to a science. you're the reason we reformulated one a day women's. a complete multivitamin that now has extra b vitamins, which help convert food to energy. energy support for the things that matter. that's one a day women's. energy support for the things that matter. save them. woolite detergents clean your jeans and won't torture your tanks. so clothes look like new even after 20 washes. ♪ see what's new at and then a 3:15 with my guilt. [ female announcer ] special k cracker chips. 27 crispy chips. 110 delicious calories. same time tomorrow? [ female announcer ] find them in the cracker aisle. ♪ the toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by toyota. jerrod niemann has a new album and new hit song that just hit today. >> congratulations. he's about to hit the road with keith urban, a great show. he's still managed to stop by today to sing for us. he brought the guys. >> the latest hit is called "drink to all that," a new album that drops -- >> tomorrow. >> "drink to that all night," huh? >> country music makes me thirsty. >> there is a theme there. are you having a ball on the road? >> yeah. >> keith is a sweet guy. >> he is. there are so many people that look up to him musically and he's a global star. we're looking forward to it. we'll try not to bring the quality of his show down. >> you're going to sing for us. >> absolutely. >> you cd, right? here it is. "drink to that all night". >> take it away. >> here we go. ♪ ♪ parking lot's full going to ride that cow ♪ ♪ deejay's got the speakers thumping ♪ ♪ checking out the ladies my buddy says hey boys i'm buying ♪ ♪ everybody knows it's gonna be one of those ♪ ♪ i can drink all night ♪ that's the kind of party that zamakes you throw your hands up ♪ ♪ i can drink all night ♪ sitting on a barstool taking it old school ♪ ♪ saying hell yeah to every song playing ♪ ♪ do you want to dance i'm just saying ♪ ♪ everybody knows it's gonna be one of those ♪ ♪ i can drink the bad all night ♪ ♪ got some stuff all right ♪ kind of party that makes you throw your hands up ♪ ♪ turn all the wrongs into right ♪ ♪ i can drink this bad all night ♪ ♪ i can drink to that all night ♪ ♪ ♪ you can raise it higher take the cup fill it up ♪ ♪ you can raise it higher ♪ everybody knows it's gonna be one of those ♪ ♪ i can drink the bad all night ♪ ♪ that's the stuff i like ♪ that's the kind of party that makes you throw your hands up ♪ ♪ i can drink the bad all night ♪ ♪ the stuff i like the kind of party that makes you throw your hands up ♪ ♪ turn all the wrongs into right ♪ ♪ i can drink this bad all night ♪ ♪ i can drink this bad all night ♪ ♪ i can drink this bad all night ♪ ♪ take the cup fill it up ♪ you can raise it higher ♪ take your cup fill it up enough ♪ ♪ take your cup fill it up enough♪ ♪ take your cup fill it up ♪ you can raise it higher >> all right! jerrod niemann. go to our website and see if tim shaw got the cork out of the bottle, everybody. >> that's very important. >> you guys were awesome. congratulations, everybody. see you tomorrow. i'm here to help. you and i will get through this together. ♪

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United States , New York , Columbus Circle , Napa Valley , California , Armenia , Texas , Hollywood , Biloxi , Mississippi , Maryland , Italy , Channel Islands , Armenian , Italian , America , Andy Cohen , Harvey Weinstein , Snead Cross , Idina Menzel , Arnold Schwarzenegger , Shailene Woodley , George Pataki , Kathie Lee , Jerrod Niemann , Tim Shaw , John Travolta , Jimmy Fallon , Michael Jackson , Allison Pataki , Christopher Glenn , Mila Kunis , Ashton Kutcher , Demi Moore , Seth Meyers , Chris Witherspoon , David Ayer , Kathie Lee Gifford , Carol Weiss , Rockefeller Plaza , Lena Waldorf , Bryan Cranston , Jared Neeman ,

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