Transcripts For KNTV Today 20140102 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20140102

whoever writes checks. >> that's still me. that's still me. how long is it going to take you? you don't ever write a check? >> yes, i do. >> big checks for your dog walker. >> dog walker and dog trainer. yes. >> hoda had no idea how much that was going to cost. >> yes, it is. >> but hoda just signed a good, new, long-term deal here at nbc news. so, that dog walker will be putting her kids through college. >> yes. >> later on, you are the busiest girl in the world, hosting along with al roker, the hardest working man in show business, the 125th annual roses parade. are you excited? >> yes. i've never done a parade. >> al is the perfect person to do it with. i've never seen al discouraged or down or cynical. >> always in a great mood. >> he's always, hey, hey! sometimes it's annoying. but mostly we just love the guy. have fun, sweetheart. >> thank you. it's hangover time. and you might be nursing one. they say that the number one choice for a hangover is -- >> in america. >> -- in america is more alcohol, apparently, a bloody mary. >> we're stupid. that's what most people will do, have one of those babies. all around the world, it's different. so, let's see. in the daily beast decided to round up a list of hangover cures around the world because they had nothing better to do last night. >> in germany -- >> yes. >> this is what they eat. pickled herring, wrapped around pickled cucumbers. and onions. >> then they stink for the rest of the year. russians like to go into the sauna. >> that makes sense, sweat it out to recover. they're smart. >> philippines like a poached duck egg. >> all right. i've never had a duck egg anyway much less poached. >> scotland likes a carbonated orange drink. eye of the hagis. the british? what do they do? lovely bacon sandwich. >> bacon on bread? that's it? >> we ran out of money last year. we were overbudget. >> scientifically proven a mixture of bread and bacon, they do, in fact, produce amino acids to help recover from a hangover. >> if that wasn't written right there, would you have known that? >> yes. i know all kinds of things that aren't written there. >> there's something about the grease. this sops up all the alcohol in you, the nasty stuff, and then the grease puts more in. are you brunching today? is that what you do? top five cities in the country to go brunching. >> i was surprised that new york and l.a. were not on the top five list. >> or new orleans. >> it's not true. number five is -- >> san francisco. number four city for brunch, according to yelp, is portland. >> yelp? >> yelp. uh-huh. >> number three is denver. >> number two minneapolis-st. paul. >> and the number one city for. >> oh, for brunch is -- >> chicago. >> chicago! >> they were based on the number of restaurants in that city that have a four star or higher rating. >> i bet you're going to enjoy it anywhere, wherever you're going. do you know what we happen to find, hod? >> what? >> sound on tape is everywhere. you can never get away from something. you made a new year's resolution a year ago. >> right. everyone did. what happened? did i do mine? >> let's take a look at what you swore you were going to do this past year. >> oh, what is it? >> did you make your -- we talk about the new year's -- >> resolutions? i make the same one so it's easy to remember, every year. mine is to get organized. >> i know. >> always. >> hasn't worked yet. >> not going to work. the other one is -- i'm not going to say no sweets because that's stupid but i have such a terrible sweet tooth that i would love to have less sweets. >> how did you do with that? >> i'm wearing the same dress is what i've gathered from the year that's gone by. that's the only takeaway. >> and i watched you eat your donut holes this morning for breakfast. >> i feel awful. you know when you hate yourself? >> oh. >> the folks from duncan hines sent a cake over. the cake had -- it had red velvet and green -- it was red and green for the holidays. after all i ate, with you watching me -- >> yes. >> in private, secretly, i hunked off a piece that have cake and ate it. >> you're not kidding. >> i feel totally -- like sugar high, disgusting. i do it every year. >> it's still your resolution. >> this year's different. i'm going to wear green again in 2015 and make the same resolution. >> i know how hard they are. only 8% of the people that make them keep them. i'm going to make one that's kind of easy to keep. >> what? >> i realize i do not eat enough vegetables and i do not eat enough fruits. >> you're going to do those two? >> i'm going to do that, too. this fantastic water thing my daughter does now. maybe we'll make it and start drinking some of that. it's water and you slice cucumber and put in it. there's some other stuff you put in it. she says it is so cleansing and so fantastic. so i'll get the recipe for that and i will make it maybe next week. >> do you remember when we were doing that juicing for a minute? >> yes. >> we had the green juice. >> my friend. >> yes. >> that was so good. maybe i'll try to do that one. >> try to make one that's not so earth shattering that you'll feel even worse about yourself when you don't keep it. the world will condemn you enough. you don't have to do the soft self-condemnation thing. >> the most popular resolution is to lose weight, according to the us news and world report. >> common excuse. >> what is it? >> i don't have enough time. you have enough time to eat. >> i can't stay motivated to get it done. that's true. >> right. and i just can't lose the weight. that one makes sense. even though i'm not going to the gym and i can't make the time and i'm -- >> exhausted. >> still eating, i just can't lose the weight. there are rules for you, lady. >> there are? >> rules for and you me. >> if you haven't made your new year's resolution yet, we hope this will help you out. came up with some, i think, pretty cool rules for being a lady in 2014. right? >> some people out there want us to wear hose all winter long. what do you say to them? >> no. >> they say a real lady does. they say real professionals wear hose. i said, well don't and they're pros. >> here's some things we can try to achieve this year. master at least one dish that you can whip up on short notice. you have two now. >> i have two. remember, the piece of fish and ponzu sauce in the oven, now i have the same with chicken, lemon and chicken and i'm done. >> lemon in the cavity. try to keep -- i totally agree with this. i try to do this. here in the city you can get a thing of fresh flowers pretty cheaply. try to keep fresh flowers some place. they do, especially in the dead of winter, they cheer you up. >> make you feel better. >> make plans with friends. >> this is a big one. >> people you actually like instead of people you work with, if you know what i'm talking about. >> i thought i did. >> i don't mean you. i mean other people. people that you haven't seen in a while that put a smile on your face. >> that happens. sometimes you get busy. i've done that before. for christmas, you sit around, make calls, or new year's, make calls to friends you haven't spoken to. it's a great feeling to reconnect. >> right before the holidays, i saw dr. nancy snyderman. we have never had lunch. >> you're having lunch today with dr. nancy? >> yes. you want to come? >> yes. >> be happy for your friends. what's wrong with you? >> when they're like i got engaged. i got a new job and you're thinking, i didn't get engaged. i have the same crumby job. >> i'm wearing the same dress i was a year ago. i didn't even notice until you said it, frankly. >> i noticed. i do wear the same things over and over again. >> be joyous with your friends and cry with them, too, when they're crying. >> if someone has hurt you, for some reason, give them a chance to make up for it. if they want to apologize, let them do it. i think sometimes you hold such a grudge and it gets bigger in your head as the weeks and months go along. talk to them, get it over with. >> if they don't want you to forgive them, forgive them anyway. you'll feel better. by not forgiving them, you're hurting yourself. >> and if they're really nasty, write them off. >> gone. >> give other women compliments. >> you look awesome in that dress. >> that same green dress. >> you know what i love in this resolution. i love your hair this color. so much better, hod. >> that darker? >> we do have the same dress. >> it's close. >> no, it's not. no, it's not. it's not. i love it with auburn now. it's chestnut. >> thank you. >> and new, new, new. >> here is the weird thing. netflix has the new show "house of cards." on valentine's day is when the new season comes out. when it comes out, they release every single episode so you can sit and watch them all at once. you don't have to wait. >> what? >> no. there's 22 episodes. >> in seven days. wow! >> it's crazy. i like to watch one and share and wonder what's happening. i don't like to sit there and watch every single one. >> frank and i waited until all the hatfields & mccoys was done and watched all four hours of it. >> did you like it? >> i loved it. >> are you on "the house of cards," are you going to watch that? >> yes, i want to. they ran "the sound of music" one more time. we watched it the night that it aired. it was about a week later. frank says, gee, this is great. forgot that we watched it a week before. it made me so happy. i walked in and he's singing every song. >> he was? >> sitting in front of the -- he said this is great. i think he gets confused about which one is the julie andrews, which one is the other one. >> carry underwood. >> it was good the second time around. >> it really was. you saw things you didn't see before. quarter of americans prefer -- drum roll -- a female boss. that's going up. >> but that means three-quarters of people don't. >> still work yet it be done. >> apparently women would prefer not to have a female boss. >> we have a couple of female bosses here. it depends on the person, because we like them all. >> i think it does. and some women feel other women are competitive or being funky that way. >> i don't think i ever worked for a woman i didn't like. >> really? >> i don't think i've worked for too many women. how about you? >> here mainly and, yeah, i've liked our female boss. >> even if we didn't, would we be stupid and say we don't? >> we wouldn't. if your new year's resolution is to lose weight. >> you might blame it on your kitchen. >> blame it on something. >> seven surprising ways you could make this right, right after this. >> you're making yourself fat is basically what we're saying, right? >> let's not say fat. >> okay. >> okay. en doing is that it's given me time to reflect on some of life's biggest questions. like, if you could save hundreds on car insurance by making one simple call, why wouldn't you make that call? see, the only thing i can think of is that you can't get any... bars. ah, that's better. it's a beautiful view. i wonder if i can see mt. rushmore from here. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. yeah... try new alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief! peopare experiencing amazing new alka seshine.fruits chews. quantum with power gel delivers brilliant shine, which cascade actionpacs can't do. take the finish shine challenge and get up to 50% off! diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues... with three strains of good bacteria. [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'. "i think febreze fresheners just mask the odor." bring us the smelliest thing you can find in your home. yes. this is febreze free. it has no perfume. it's completely gone. [ male announcer ] febreze free. odor elimination without masking. ♪ [ male announcer ] bob's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. did you know that your kitchen could be making you fat? that's right. blame it on the countertops, cabinets and fridge. >> here with the seven surprising ways your kitchen could be sabotaging your weight loss plan is samantha cassidy. >> nutrition director for "seven years younger: the anti-aging breakthrough diet." it's from the good housekeeping research institute. those ladies and gentlemen know their stuff. >> it is frightening. >> hi. >> hi. >> is it really true, our kitchen has something to do with the way we're eating? >> absolutely. the way you ganize your kitchen can lead you to eat more. and i love this idea. that means we can eat less without counting calories and worrying about -- >> okay. tell us what you mean. >> let's start with the frigidaire. >> let's do it. >> okay. i'll open it. >> what's going on? >> you have the best intentions. you buy your produce. you tuck it away and you forget about it. >> put it in a drawer in the back. >> it's a waste of money and you're not eating it. don't play hide and seek with your produce. put it front and center, make it look beautiful. you'll dig in. get all those great anti-aging nutrient. >> what about the yogurt? you have that out in plain view. >> it's such a popular thing now. we see here, we have -- >> the fruity yogurt where you mix it in. when the fruit is on the bottom, that's sugar over the top. it could have three teaspoons of sugar on the fruit on the bottom. >> what about the one with the honey? >> not a good idea. you don't want the side cars. you want the plain -- >> of course you do. nobody wants the plain. >> you add to it. >> nobody wants the plain! >> you can add the fruit. can you put a little bit of honey on top but you won't get the three teaspoons you would get in the premade version. >> okay. i'm teasing you. >> and then you get fiber and protein. >> this is obvious. this is hoda's downfall. >> usually front and center. >> put blake's treats in it, instead, and hide your cookies, but don't get drunk and eat his. >> this says eat me sitting on the countertop. it's calling your name. >> it surely does. >> what should you do? >> you're going to help me. we're going to hide it. tuck it away and we're going to grab. >> the nuts. >> the healthy snacks. i'll grab these. you can grab those. >> these aren't bad. >> you think people are really going to do this? this is great. >> why your an off the middle of the, aren't you? you think people are really going to do this. this is great. >> you have your healthy snack when you want something sweet, dried apricot. >> i would be afraid they would get them dried out and stale. >> you can put them in a cookie jar. >> if there's one food change you're going to make this year, get rid of the white bread. >> what about country white that's enriched and all that stuff? >> i hate to break it to you. your body thinks it's a sugar. >> it processes it like a -- >> processes it pretty much like sugar, raises your blood sugar, that increases cravings, causes overeating. >> what should you do? multi-grain. >> we have wheat bread, whole grain. >> goes so great with the plain yogurt. >> it has more fiber to fill you up and it's linked to less belly fat. that's a perk we can get behind. >> now you're talking. yeah. this is smart about the baggies and keeping things -- >> hoda is in love with ziploc. but not for food. she like it is for everything else. >> i use it as a purse. that's my own issue. >> that's okay. you don't want to fill it up like you're taking snacks on the go. filling up a large bag like this, you could have as many as 1,000 calories of nuts. get the small snack size bag. >> just a little tiny bit of time. plate size is important. >> plate size is important. we definitely want to go with the smaller plate. looks like you're getting more food. you'll naturally eat less. same with the wine glass. >> tend to fill it up, sure. >> there's a 50-calorie difference in those glasses. >> drink water. >> lots of water. >> thank you. we're getting ready to play "who knew" on this new year's day. it's all about new beginnings. >> we asked you what kind of resolutions your kids are making this year. you told us. wait until you see what we did with your video coming up next. [ male announcer ] alka seltzer plus presents the cold truth. [ coughs, sneezes ] [ sniffles ] i have a big meeting when we land, but i am so stuffed up, i can't rest. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. they don't? [ male announcer ] nope. they don't have a decongestant. really? [ male announcer ] really. alka seltzer plus night fights your worst cold symptoms, plus has a fast-acting decongestant to relieve your stuffy nose. [ inhales deeply ] alka seltzer plus. oh. what a relief it is. [ male announcer ] can't find theraflu, try alka seltzer plus for fast liquid cold and flu relief. paws off pal. [ female announcer ] new charmin ultra soft is so soft you can actually see the softness with our new comfort cushions. plus you can use up to 4 times less. enjoy the go with new charmin ultra soft. for digestive health? yes and did you know that trubiotics is a daily probiotic that helps in two ways. it supports digestive and immune health by working in your gut where 70% of your immune system lives. try trubiotics today. grown-ups are constantly making new year's resolutions they can't keep, but what about our kids? >> we asked you to send us your videos that the promises your children are making to themselves this year. and so you did it. >> from potty training to feeding the hungry. they have great goals for 2014. check it out. >> my new year's resolution is to get more sleep. and maybe sleep in the whole day. >> my new year's resolution is to learn how to read. >> i'm going to make new friends in second grade. >> for my new year's resolution, i'm going to help feed the hungry. >> i want to dance. >> in 2014 -- >> my new year's resolution is to play less video games. >> go pee on the potty. >> yea, no diapers. >> this year, my new year's resolution is to play football just like -- >> they're all absolutely adorable. >> our shall remain nameless producer. >> who by the way is in awe of your husband. >> not joanne, mackie. >> thank you, everybody, for sending those in. how to raise a child you have instead of the one you want. we'll help you recover from last night's celebration. looking for a fresh start? you'll get inspiration when we play "who knew." look how happy they are. first, these messages. we are back on this new year's wednesday, and it's time to play "who knew." kathie lee is ready to hand out $100 and if you don't get it right you'll get her cd. here to help me out is valerie burton to help us. >> what is this quote from? when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. what is that from? what movie? you've got mail, sleepless in seattle, when harry met sally or forget paris. >> i have no idea. >> c, when harry met sally. >> you are right. >> oh, my god. >> i forgot that line. what a beautiful line. >> oh, yeah. the scene where harry finally lets sally know, yeah. beautiful line. >> great, great, great film. >> back across to kath. >> miss alabama, she's gorgeous. in what year did coca cola dare to damage with its formula by introducing a new version of itself called new coke. didn't go over very well. maybe you weren't born. 1977, 1980, 1985 or 1989? >> i'm going to go with b. [ buzzer ] >> wait a minute. she's going to get a kathie lee cd! >> all right. the correct answer is c, 1985. i remember when they came out with that. >> i remember, too. coke really made a big risk. sometimes in life you make big risks and you have to turn around and undo it. >> okay. all right. >> let's go back across the street to kath. >> by the way, i was right, she she was important in 1991. you're from ohio, sir? >> that's right. >> what model dodge made in the 1960s and 197 was reintroduced by the company with a whole new look in 2012? dodge dare, dodge dart -- is this a trick question? the dodge dash or the dodge duo. >> b, dart. >> yes. >> wow! >> oh, yes. more cheers when they get the cd. so the dodge dart, why did they do a redo on that? >> it's now back. 2014 edition, supposed to be the most technologically advanced in its class. >> it is? >> yes. >> all right. back across to kath. >> i have an elf, one of santa's elf. all the way from where? >> tennessee. >> so nice to very you. let's see, which singer is behind this anthem of change? ♪ a change will do you good >> is it taylor swift, faith hill, shania twain or sheryl crow? is there a kathie lee cd in your future? >> is it d? >> no, there is not. i think she is right. is it sheryl crow? >> sheryl crow. >> that is a great song. sheryl crow's all about change, too. >> especially we're talking about the new year, but that's off her 1996 album maybe angels. sometimes you have to ask yourself, would a change do me good. >> she's been through a lot. back across the street to kath. >> from south bend, indiana, which "today" show segment gives viewers a fresh beginning? guys tell all, ambush makeover,ty's buzz or who knew? >> ambush makeover. >> that was a gimme. >> people cry when we do that segment so often. >> oh, my gosh. >> we just watched the best of. >> where are you from? >> ohio. >> lovely to have you here. chicago's iconic sears tower was given a brand new name in 2009. what is it known as now? is it the willis tower, the arnold tower, cn tower or tower of the americas? >> c, cn tower. [ buzzer ] >> no. >> i get a cd. >> you get a cd. >> i could have believed him. he was very confident. tell us. >> the willis up tower, they changed the name in 1989, 110 stories. and in chicago it's been in the sky line. >> have a great new year in 2014. how to raise the child you've got and not the one you want, coming up right after this. thel starring new bombshell volume from covergirl. featuring the exclusive bombshell boost system. extreme volume meets an intensifying topcoat. and tada. a bombshell is born. with 10 times more noticeable lashes. nothing gets attention like a bombshell. [ male announcer ] for big sexy bombshell lashes new bombshell volume from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl. get it! flaunt it! [ male announcer ] try the whole bombshell collection. ♪ [ male announcer ] bob's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. coldbefore the first sneeze... be sure to talk to your doctor help prevent with a spray. and use lysol hand soap... for 10x more protection with each wash. this season, help protect your family with lysol. start healthing diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues... with three strains of good bacteria. [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'. have you ever looked at your child and wished he was more like you? >> all the time. >> maybe more patient, more outgoing, less impulsive or simply different than who he is? >> here to help you accept your children to who they are, jennifer hartstein, psychologist and author of "raise the child you've got, not the one you want." >> unknowingly, parents often do this. they don't even realize they're making their children into who they wish they would be. >> it's not on purpose. it's kind of natural, isn't it? >> it is natural. every parent has a fantasy of who their child is going to be. it's normal. it's natural. there's nothing wrong with that. the problem comes in when the parent can't differentiate between the fantasy of who they want and who their child really is. and if there's a big difference there, it leads to a lot of problems, of course. >> is there a particular age they reach where you realize this is not going the way -- my son would rather dance or something than be a doctor? is there a specific age that shows up? >> there's not a certain age but we're born with a certain temperament. personality develops out of that temperament. sometimes the goodness of fit you notice there's some cracks in that. you notice that in infancy. a really active child and passive mom or dad will have some of those squabbles and struggle even as young as 1 and 2. >> let's say your child wants to try ballet. your child doesn't like it. but you don't want your child to quit things because i don't love it right way? what's the right thing a parent should do in that position? >> acceptance is one thing. accepting what your child likes. leadership is another thing. parenting is being a leader. if the child doesn't like ballet, that's fine. why force your child to do something because you like it? a family should have standards and rules. in our family when we sign up for something, we see it through. >> we don't quit, yeah. >> if you see this through and try to get something out of these ballet lessons, when it's over if you choose not to do it again, that's fine. in our family, we don't just quit something because we're not having fun. >> that can go all the way up to college age, decide they can try one of their majors and you don't want to keep working at something that you don't want -- that's a different thing. >> i think some kids are very sensitive. a parent might say why are you whining? your child may really feel pain that you wouldn't have felt at that age. >> i think there's something really important that we need to all remember. i don't have to like what you're doing in order to accept what you're doing, right? we kind of lump acceptance and approval into the same category and they're not. so, for an example, i don't have to like the fact that i'm not size nine, and i'm not. but i have to accept the fact that i'm not 5'9". there are certain things with our children that you might have an emotionally out there kid, a kid who gets disregulated easily that you have to accept and you have to, through your own leadership, learn how to deal with that child. >> sometimes it's bad behavior, turns into tantrums and problems. >> you can't let that go. >> no, you can't. acceptance of who your child is does not mean acceptance of bad behavior. >> right. >> in any way, shape or form. leading with acceptance means acceptance is the starting point. but leading the child to learn how to behave properly, according to your standards and the community standards. that's very important. >> ladies, thank you. >> i'm going to stop nagging my kids. at least till dinner time. coming up, is your head in pain or is your stomach talking to you? >> i'm still thinking how great jen's hair is. compliment our friends. >> i like it. yeah, looks good. we're going to help you recover from last night's celebration and all of those things that make you go ouch. >> right after this. zwroo fall is finally here. >> and for every season there's a reason to watch "wake up with al" weekday mornings on the weather channel. >> it's just right. all your local weather, travel updates and the day's top stories. >> this front that moves through, that's going to change the temperature. >> you just can't beat this kind of weather. >> everything you need to know first thing. >> here's a look at the big picture. >> we're sort of like a killer app in the morning. >> so tap into us. >> "wake up with al" with stephanie abrams and al roker at 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. only on "the weather channel." it supports digestive and immune health by working in your gut where 70% of your immune system lives. try trubiotics today. yeah... try new alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief! did you wake up this morning with a headache, tummy troubles and everything else in between? >> here to figure out when to go to a doctor, make a trip to the drugstore and everything in between, and dr. bea. doctor in her own right. >> let's start with hangovers. are there abcs of things we should do? >> first of all, we all know why we get hangovers. sometimes we don't realize that hangovers can lead to dehydration, stomach troubles, nausea, vomiting. >> hit the pedialyte for dehydration. eggs can break down some of the toxins in alcohol. peppermint tea will help soothe the stomach and put in some honey to metabolize the alcohol. >> you guys know what you're talking about when it comes to stomach issues because you have some serious stuff. >> yes. >> let's talk constipation. >> right now. >> 74% of our readers said they suffer from stomach issues generally, constipation, diarrhea. >> bloating. >> yeah. >> how do you know this is something you shouldn't worry about or whether you should really go to the doctor? >> great question. great question. constipation, if you are not going to the bathroom at least once or twice a week, you're officially constipated. >> a week? >> a week. >> you don't have to go every day. if you don't go every day, it doesn't mean you're constipated. a quick fix is a stool softener, an over-the-counter like colace will keep things moving. >> good to know. >> people swear by it. i've never actually had it, but people swear by it. >> get your fiber intake. apples are a good source of fiber. and something surprising that i didn't know. sugar. we can only metabolize a certain amount of fructose. cut back on the sugar. >> as with everything, don't eat too much. >> if you're not having at least one or two bowel movements a week -- i know folks using smooth move. if not, go see a doctor, especially if you are seeing blood in your stool or straining to have to go. >> now our favorite the subject, indigestion. >> and heartburn. one of the causes is very surprising. >> what is it? >> shapewear. >> oh, no. >> every one of us is wearing at the moment. hoda has two of them on. >> there is nothing wrong with that, but -- >> you're going to feel -- >> it can cause reflux. >> just get out of them? >> no, absolutely not. they make us the ladies we are. what we do need to do is lessen the amount of time that we wear these items. make sure it's the right size for you. >> and maybe lay off the chocolate. i'm the bearer of bad news. caffeine, cocoa and all those things cause reflux. >> no chocolate and no sugar? >> alcohol. >> now we're going to say bye-bye. >> happy new year's ladies. we'll take one last look at the great year we had. >> but first this is "today" on nbc. coming up tomorrow, we'll ambush two more ladies. come on out to the plaza. real moms. >> angelina scardina. >> as we sign off for today we want to look back at some of the fun we had this year. >> and a look behind the scenes at people who make it possible every single day. >> and we love each and every one of them. >> we sure do. >> happy new year, everybody. god bless. there is a beautiful shot of the sunrise. >> handing out roses to some of the folks who have come down here. >> and there it is. nice to have you all here this morning. >> good morning. ♪ >> good morning. >> all right! >> that's all we need. ♪ >> i'm in love with her! >> good, right? >> i love it. ♪ >> what does the weather man say? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm here to help. you and i will get through this together. ♪

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Transcripts For KNTV Today 20140102 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20140102

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whoever writes checks. >> that's still me. that's still me. how long is it going to take you? you don't ever write a check? >> yes, i do. >> big checks for your dog walker. >> dog walker and dog trainer. yes. >> hoda had no idea how much that was going to cost. >> yes, it is. >> but hoda just signed a good, new, long-term deal here at nbc news. so, that dog walker will be putting her kids through college. >> yes. >> later on, you are the busiest girl in the world, hosting along with al roker, the hardest working man in show business, the 125th annual roses parade. are you excited? >> yes. i've never done a parade. >> al is the perfect person to do it with. i've never seen al discouraged or down or cynical. >> always in a great mood. >> he's always, hey, hey! sometimes it's annoying. but mostly we just love the guy. have fun, sweetheart. >> thank you. it's hangover time. and you might be nursing one. they say that the number one choice for a hangover is -- >> in america. >> -- in america is more alcohol, apparently, a bloody mary. >> we're stupid. that's what most people will do, have one of those babies. all around the world, it's different. so, let's see. in the daily beast decided to round up a list of hangover cures around the world because they had nothing better to do last night. >> in germany -- >> yes. >> this is what they eat. pickled herring, wrapped around pickled cucumbers. and onions. >> then they stink for the rest of the year. russians like to go into the sauna. >> that makes sense, sweat it out to recover. they're smart. >> philippines like a poached duck egg. >> all right. i've never had a duck egg anyway much less poached. >> scotland likes a carbonated orange drink. eye of the hagis. the british? what do they do? lovely bacon sandwich. >> bacon on bread? that's it? >> we ran out of money last year. we were overbudget. >> scientifically proven a mixture of bread and bacon, they do, in fact, produce amino acids to help recover from a hangover. >> if that wasn't written right there, would you have known that? >> yes. i know all kinds of things that aren't written there. >> there's something about the grease. this sops up all the alcohol in you, the nasty stuff, and then the grease puts more in. are you brunching today? is that what you do? top five cities in the country to go brunching. >> i was surprised that new york and l.a. were not on the top five list. >> or new orleans. >> it's not true. number five is -- >> san francisco. number four city for brunch, according to yelp, is portland. >> yelp? >> yelp. uh-huh. >> number three is denver. >> number two minneapolis-st. paul. >> and the number one city for. >> oh, for brunch is -- >> chicago. >> chicago! >> they were based on the number of restaurants in that city that have a four star or higher rating. >> i bet you're going to enjoy it anywhere, wherever you're going. do you know what we happen to find, hod? >> what? >> sound on tape is everywhere. you can never get away from something. you made a new year's resolution a year ago. >> right. everyone did. what happened? did i do mine? >> let's take a look at what you swore you were going to do this past year. >> oh, what is it? >> did you make your -- we talk about the new year's -- >> resolutions? i make the same one so it's easy to remember, every year. mine is to get organized. >> i know. >> always. >> hasn't worked yet. >> not going to work. the other one is -- i'm not going to say no sweets because that's stupid but i have such a terrible sweet tooth that i would love to have less sweets. >> how did you do with that? >> i'm wearing the same dress is what i've gathered from the year that's gone by. that's the only takeaway. >> and i watched you eat your donut holes this morning for breakfast. >> i feel awful. you know when you hate yourself? >> oh. >> the folks from duncan hines sent a cake over. the cake had -- it had red velvet and green -- it was red and green for the holidays. after all i ate, with you watching me -- >> yes. >> in private, secretly, i hunked off a piece that have cake and ate it. >> you're not kidding. >> i feel totally -- like sugar high, disgusting. i do it every year. >> it's still your resolution. >> this year's different. i'm going to wear green again in 2015 and make the same resolution. >> i know how hard they are. only 8% of the people that make them keep them. i'm going to make one that's kind of easy to keep. >> what? >> i realize i do not eat enough vegetables and i do not eat enough fruits. >> you're going to do those two? >> i'm going to do that, too. this fantastic water thing my daughter does now. maybe we'll make it and start drinking some of that. it's water and you slice cucumber and put in it. there's some other stuff you put in it. she says it is so cleansing and so fantastic. so i'll get the recipe for that and i will make it maybe next week. >> do you remember when we were doing that juicing for a minute? >> yes. >> we had the green juice. >> my friend. >> yes. >> that was so good. maybe i'll try to do that one. >> try to make one that's not so earth shattering that you'll feel even worse about yourself when you don't keep it. the world will condemn you enough. you don't have to do the soft self-condemnation thing. >> the most popular resolution is to lose weight, according to the us news and world report. >> common excuse. >> what is it? >> i don't have enough time. you have enough time to eat. >> i can't stay motivated to get it done. that's true. >> right. and i just can't lose the weight. that one makes sense. even though i'm not going to the gym and i can't make the time and i'm -- >> exhausted. >> still eating, i just can't lose the weight. there are rules for you, lady. >> there are? >> rules for and you me. >> if you haven't made your new year's resolution yet, we hope this will help you out. came up with some, i think, pretty cool rules for being a lady in 2014. right? >> some people out there want us to wear hose all winter long. what do you say to them? >> no. >> they say a real lady does. they say real professionals wear hose. i said, well don't and they're pros. >> here's some things we can try to achieve this year. master at least one dish that you can whip up on short notice. you have two now. >> i have two. remember, the piece of fish and ponzu sauce in the oven, now i have the same with chicken, lemon and chicken and i'm done. >> lemon in the cavity. try to keep -- i totally agree with this. i try to do this. here in the city you can get a thing of fresh flowers pretty cheaply. try to keep fresh flowers some place. they do, especially in the dead of winter, they cheer you up. >> make you feel better. >> make plans with friends. >> this is a big one. >> people you actually like instead of people you work with, if you know what i'm talking about. >> i thought i did. >> i don't mean you. i mean other people. people that you haven't seen in a while that put a smile on your face. >> that happens. sometimes you get busy. i've done that before. for christmas, you sit around, make calls, or new year's, make calls to friends you haven't spoken to. it's a great feeling to reconnect. >> right before the holidays, i saw dr. nancy snyderman. we have never had lunch. >> you're having lunch today with dr. nancy? >> yes. you want to come? >> yes. >> be happy for your friends. what's wrong with you? >> when they're like i got engaged. i got a new job and you're thinking, i didn't get engaged. i have the same crumby job. >> i'm wearing the same dress i was a year ago. i didn't even notice until you said it, frankly. >> i noticed. i do wear the same things over and over again. >> be joyous with your friends and cry with them, too, when they're crying. >> if someone has hurt you, for some reason, give them a chance to make up for it. if they want to apologize, let them do it. i think sometimes you hold such a grudge and it gets bigger in your head as the weeks and months go along. talk to them, get it over with. >> if they don't want you to forgive them, forgive them anyway. you'll feel better. by not forgiving them, you're hurting yourself. >> and if they're really nasty, write them off. >> gone. >> give other women compliments. >> you look awesome in that dress. >> that same green dress. >> you know what i love in this resolution. i love your hair this color. so much better, hod. >> that darker? >> we do have the same dress. >> it's close. >> no, it's not. no, it's not. it's not. i love it with auburn now. it's chestnut. >> thank you. >> and new, new, new. >> here is the weird thing. netflix has the new show "house of cards." on valentine's day is when the new season comes out. when it comes out, they release every single episode so you can sit and watch them all at once. you don't have to wait. >> what? >> no. there's 22 episodes. >> in seven days. wow! >> it's crazy. i like to watch one and share and wonder what's happening. i don't like to sit there and watch every single one. >> frank and i waited until all the hatfields & mccoys was done and watched all four hours of it. >> did you like it? >> i loved it. >> are you on "the house of cards," are you going to watch that? >> yes, i want to. they ran "the sound of music" one more time. we watched it the night that it aired. it was about a week later. frank says, gee, this is great. forgot that we watched it a week before. it made me so happy. i walked in and he's singing every song. >> he was? >> sitting in front of the -- he said this is great. i think he gets confused about which one is the julie andrews, which one is the other one. >> carry underwood. >> it was good the second time around. >> it really was. you saw things you didn't see before. quarter of americans prefer -- drum roll -- a female boss. that's going up. >> but that means three-quarters of people don't. >> still work yet it be done. >> apparently women would prefer not to have a female boss. >> we have a couple of female bosses here. it depends on the person, because we like them all. >> i think it does. and some women feel other women are competitive or being funky that way. >> i don't think i ever worked for a woman i didn't like. >> really? >> i don't think i've worked for too many women. how about you? >> here mainly and, yeah, i've liked our female boss. >> even if we didn't, would we be stupid and say we don't? >> we wouldn't. if your new year's resolution is to lose weight. >> you might blame it on your kitchen. >> blame it on something. >> seven surprising ways you could make this right, right after this. >> you're making yourself fat is basically what we're saying, right? >> let's not say fat. >> okay. >> okay. en doing is that it's given me time to reflect on some of life's biggest questions. like, if you could save hundreds on car insurance by making one simple call, why wouldn't you make that call? see, the only thing i can think of is that you can't get any... bars. ah, that's better. it's a beautiful view. i wonder if i can see mt. rushmore from here. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. yeah... try new alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief! peopare experiencing amazing new alka seshine.fruits chews. quantum with power gel delivers brilliant shine, which cascade actionpacs can't do. take the finish shine challenge and get up to 50% off! diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues... with three strains of good bacteria. [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'. "i think febreze fresheners just mask the odor." bring us the smelliest thing you can find in your home. yes. this is febreze free. it has no perfume. it's completely gone. [ male announcer ] febreze free. odor elimination without masking. ♪ [ male announcer ] bob's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. did you know that your kitchen could be making you fat? that's right. blame it on the countertops, cabinets and fridge. >> here with the seven surprising ways your kitchen could be sabotaging your weight loss plan is samantha cassidy. >> nutrition director for "seven years younger: the anti-aging breakthrough diet." it's from the good housekeeping research institute. those ladies and gentlemen know their stuff. >> it is frightening. >> hi. >> hi. >> is it really true, our kitchen has something to do with the way we're eating? >> absolutely. the way you ganize your kitchen can lead you to eat more. and i love this idea. that means we can eat less without counting calories and worrying about -- >> okay. tell us what you mean. >> let's start with the frigidaire. >> let's do it. >> okay. i'll open it. >> what's going on? >> you have the best intentions. you buy your produce. you tuck it away and you forget about it. >> put it in a drawer in the back. >> it's a waste of money and you're not eating it. don't play hide and seek with your produce. put it front and center, make it look beautiful. you'll dig in. get all those great anti-aging nutrient. >> what about the yogurt? you have that out in plain view. >> it's such a popular thing now. we see here, we have -- >> the fruity yogurt where you mix it in. when the fruit is on the bottom, that's sugar over the top. it could have three teaspoons of sugar on the fruit on the bottom. >> what about the one with the honey? >> not a good idea. you don't want the side cars. you want the plain -- >> of course you do. nobody wants the plain. >> you add to it. >> nobody wants the plain! >> you can add the fruit. can you put a little bit of honey on top but you won't get the three teaspoons you would get in the premade version. >> okay. i'm teasing you. >> and then you get fiber and protein. >> this is obvious. this is hoda's downfall. >> usually front and center. >> put blake's treats in it, instead, and hide your cookies, but don't get drunk and eat his. >> this says eat me sitting on the countertop. it's calling your name. >> it surely does. >> what should you do? >> you're going to help me. we're going to hide it. tuck it away and we're going to grab. >> the nuts. >> the healthy snacks. i'll grab these. you can grab those. >> these aren't bad. >> you think people are really going to do this? this is great. >> why your an off the middle of the, aren't you? you think people are really going to do this. this is great. >> you have your healthy snack when you want something sweet, dried apricot. >> i would be afraid they would get them dried out and stale. >> you can put them in a cookie jar. >> if there's one food change you're going to make this year, get rid of the white bread. >> what about country white that's enriched and all that stuff? >> i hate to break it to you. your body thinks it's a sugar. >> it processes it like a -- >> processes it pretty much like sugar, raises your blood sugar, that increases cravings, causes overeating. >> what should you do? multi-grain. >> we have wheat bread, whole grain. >> goes so great with the plain yogurt. >> it has more fiber to fill you up and it's linked to less belly fat. that's a perk we can get behind. >> now you're talking. yeah. this is smart about the baggies and keeping things -- >> hoda is in love with ziploc. but not for food. she like it is for everything else. >> i use it as a purse. that's my own issue. >> that's okay. you don't want to fill it up like you're taking snacks on the go. filling up a large bag like this, you could have as many as 1,000 calories of nuts. get the small snack size bag. >> just a little tiny bit of time. plate size is important. >> plate size is important. we definitely want to go with the smaller plate. looks like you're getting more food. you'll naturally eat less. same with the wine glass. >> tend to fill it up, sure. >> there's a 50-calorie difference in those glasses. >> drink water. >> lots of water. >> thank you. we're getting ready to play "who knew" on this new year's day. it's all about new beginnings. >> we asked you what kind of resolutions your kids are making this year. you told us. wait until you see what we did with your video coming up next. [ male announcer ] alka seltzer plus presents the cold truth. [ coughs, sneezes ] [ sniffles ] i have a big meeting when we land, but i am so stuffed up, i can't rest. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. they don't? [ male announcer ] nope. they don't have a decongestant. really? [ male announcer ] really. alka seltzer plus night fights your worst cold symptoms, plus has a fast-acting decongestant to relieve your stuffy nose. [ inhales deeply ] alka seltzer plus. oh. what a relief it is. [ male announcer ] can't find theraflu, try alka seltzer plus for fast liquid cold and flu relief. paws off pal. [ female announcer ] new charmin ultra soft is so soft you can actually see the softness with our new comfort cushions. plus you can use up to 4 times less. enjoy the go with new charmin ultra soft. for digestive health? yes and did you know that trubiotics is a daily probiotic that helps in two ways. it supports digestive and immune health by working in your gut where 70% of your immune system lives. try trubiotics today. grown-ups are constantly making new year's resolutions they can't keep, but what about our kids? >> we asked you to send us your videos that the promises your children are making to themselves this year. and so you did it. >> from potty training to feeding the hungry. they have great goals for 2014. check it out. >> my new year's resolution is to get more sleep. and maybe sleep in the whole day. >> my new year's resolution is to learn how to read. >> i'm going to make new friends in second grade. >> for my new year's resolution, i'm going to help feed the hungry. >> i want to dance. >> in 2014 -- >> my new year's resolution is to play less video games. >> go pee on the potty. >> yea, no diapers. >> this year, my new year's resolution is to play football just like -- >> they're all absolutely adorable. >> our shall remain nameless producer. >> who by the way is in awe of your husband. >> not joanne, mackie. >> thank you, everybody, for sending those in. how to raise a child you have instead of the one you want. we'll help you recover from last night's celebration. looking for a fresh start? you'll get inspiration when we play "who knew." look how happy they are. first, these messages. we are back on this new year's wednesday, and it's time to play "who knew." kathie lee is ready to hand out $100 and if you don't get it right you'll get her cd. here to help me out is valerie burton to help us. >> what is this quote from? when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. what is that from? what movie? you've got mail, sleepless in seattle, when harry met sally or forget paris. >> i have no idea. >> c, when harry met sally. >> you are right. >> oh, my god. >> i forgot that line. what a beautiful line. >> oh, yeah. the scene where harry finally lets sally know, yeah. beautiful line. >> great, great, great film. >> back across to kath. >> miss alabama, she's gorgeous. in what year did coca cola dare to damage with its formula by introducing a new version of itself called new coke. didn't go over very well. maybe you weren't born. 1977, 1980, 1985 or 1989? >> i'm going to go with b. [ buzzer ] >> wait a minute. she's going to get a kathie lee cd! >> all right. the correct answer is c, 1985. i remember when they came out with that. >> i remember, too. coke really made a big risk. sometimes in life you make big risks and you have to turn around and undo it. >> okay. all right. >> let's go back across the street to kath. >> by the way, i was right, she she was important in 1991. you're from ohio, sir? >> that's right. >> what model dodge made in the 1960s and 197 was reintroduced by the company with a whole new look in 2012? dodge dare, dodge dart -- is this a trick question? the dodge dash or the dodge duo. >> b, dart. >> yes. >> wow! >> oh, yes. more cheers when they get the cd. so the dodge dart, why did they do a redo on that? >> it's now back. 2014 edition, supposed to be the most technologically advanced in its class. >> it is? >> yes. >> all right. back across to kath. >> i have an elf, one of santa's elf. all the way from where? >> tennessee. >> so nice to very you. let's see, which singer is behind this anthem of change? ♪ a change will do you good >> is it taylor swift, faith hill, shania twain or sheryl crow? is there a kathie lee cd in your future? >> is it d? >> no, there is not. i think she is right. is it sheryl crow? >> sheryl crow. >> that is a great song. sheryl crow's all about change, too. >> especially we're talking about the new year, but that's off her 1996 album maybe angels. sometimes you have to ask yourself, would a change do me good. >> she's been through a lot. back across the street to kath. >> from south bend, indiana, which "today" show segment gives viewers a fresh beginning? guys tell all, ambush makeover,ty's buzz or who knew? >> ambush makeover. >> that was a gimme. >> people cry when we do that segment so often. >> oh, my gosh. >> we just watched the best of. >> where are you from? >> ohio. >> lovely to have you here. chicago's iconic sears tower was given a brand new name in 2009. what is it known as now? is it the willis tower, the arnold tower, cn tower or tower of the americas? >> c, cn tower. [ buzzer ] >> no. >> i get a cd. >> you get a cd. >> i could have believed him. he was very confident. tell us. >> the willis up tower, they changed the name in 1989, 110 stories. and in chicago it's been in the sky line. >> have a great new year in 2014. how to raise the child you've got and not the one you want, coming up right after this. thel starring new bombshell volume from covergirl. featuring the exclusive bombshell boost system. extreme volume meets an intensifying topcoat. and tada. a bombshell is born. with 10 times more noticeable lashes. nothing gets attention like a bombshell. [ male announcer ] for big sexy bombshell lashes new bombshell volume from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl. get it! flaunt it! [ male announcer ] try the whole bombshell collection. ♪ [ male announcer ] bob's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. coldbefore the first sneeze... be sure to talk to your doctor help prevent with a spray. and use lysol hand soap... for 10x more protection with each wash. this season, help protect your family with lysol. start healthing diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues... with three strains of good bacteria. [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'. have you ever looked at your child and wished he was more like you? >> all the time. >> maybe more patient, more outgoing, less impulsive or simply different than who he is? >> here to help you accept your children to who they are, jennifer hartstein, psychologist and author of "raise the child you've got, not the one you want." >> unknowingly, parents often do this. they don't even realize they're making their children into who they wish they would be. >> it's not on purpose. it's kind of natural, isn't it? >> it is natural. every parent has a fantasy of who their child is going to be. it's normal. it's natural. there's nothing wrong with that. the problem comes in when the parent can't differentiate between the fantasy of who they want and who their child really is. and if there's a big difference there, it leads to a lot of problems, of course. >> is there a particular age they reach where you realize this is not going the way -- my son would rather dance or something than be a doctor? is there a specific age that shows up? >> there's not a certain age but we're born with a certain temperament. personality develops out of that temperament. sometimes the goodness of fit you notice there's some cracks in that. you notice that in infancy. a really active child and passive mom or dad will have some of those squabbles and struggle even as young as 1 and 2. >> let's say your child wants to try ballet. your child doesn't like it. but you don't want your child to quit things because i don't love it right way? what's the right thing a parent should do in that position? >> acceptance is one thing. accepting what your child likes. leadership is another thing. parenting is being a leader. if the child doesn't like ballet, that's fine. why force your child to do something because you like it? a family should have standards and rules. in our family when we sign up for something, we see it through. >> we don't quit, yeah. >> if you see this through and try to get something out of these ballet lessons, when it's over if you choose not to do it again, that's fine. in our family, we don't just quit something because we're not having fun. >> that can go all the way up to college age, decide they can try one of their majors and you don't want to keep working at something that you don't want -- that's a different thing. >> i think some kids are very sensitive. a parent might say why are you whining? your child may really feel pain that you wouldn't have felt at that age. >> i think there's something really important that we need to all remember. i don't have to like what you're doing in order to accept what you're doing, right? we kind of lump acceptance and approval into the same category and they're not. so, for an example, i don't have to like the fact that i'm not size nine, and i'm not. but i have to accept the fact that i'm not 5'9". there are certain things with our children that you might have an emotionally out there kid, a kid who gets disregulated easily that you have to accept and you have to, through your own leadership, learn how to deal with that child. >> sometimes it's bad behavior, turns into tantrums and problems. >> you can't let that go. >> no, you can't. acceptance of who your child is does not mean acceptance of bad behavior. >> right. >> in any way, shape or form. leading with acceptance means acceptance is the starting point. but leading the child to learn how to behave properly, according to your standards and the community standards. that's very important. >> ladies, thank you. >> i'm going to stop nagging my kids. at least till dinner time. coming up, is your head in pain or is your stomach talking to you? >> i'm still thinking how great jen's hair is. compliment our friends. >> i like it. yeah, looks good. we're going to help you recover from last night's celebration and all of those things that make you go ouch. >> right after this. zwroo fall is finally here. >> and for every season there's a reason to watch "wake up with al" weekday mornings on the weather channel. >> it's just right. all your local weather, travel updates and the day's top stories. >> this front that moves through, that's going to change the temperature. >> you just can't beat this kind of weather. >> everything you need to know first thing. >> here's a look at the big picture. >> we're sort of like a killer app in the morning. >> so tap into us. >> "wake up with al" with stephanie abrams and al roker at 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. only on "the weather channel." it supports digestive and immune health by working in your gut where 70% of your immune system lives. try trubiotics today. yeah... try new alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief! did you wake up this morning with a headache, tummy troubles and everything else in between? >> here to figure out when to go to a doctor, make a trip to the drugstore and everything in between, and dr. bea. doctor in her own right. >> let's start with hangovers. are there abcs of things we should do? >> first of all, we all know why we get hangovers. sometimes we don't realize that hangovers can lead to dehydration, stomach troubles, nausea, vomiting. >> hit the pedialyte for dehydration. eggs can break down some of the toxins in alcohol. peppermint tea will help soothe the stomach and put in some honey to metabolize the alcohol. >> you guys know what you're talking about when it comes to stomach issues because you have some serious stuff. >> yes. >> let's talk constipation. >> right now. >> 74% of our readers said they suffer from stomach issues generally, constipation, diarrhea. >> bloating. >> yeah. >> how do you know this is something you shouldn't worry about or whether you should really go to the doctor? >> great question. great question. constipation, if you are not going to the bathroom at least once or twice a week, you're officially constipated. >> a week? >> a week. >> you don't have to go every day. if you don't go every day, it doesn't mean you're constipated. a quick fix is a stool softener, an over-the-counter like colace will keep things moving. >> good to know. >> people swear by it. i've never actually had it, but people swear by it. >> get your fiber intake. apples are a good source of fiber. and something surprising that i didn't know. sugar. we can only metabolize a certain amount of fructose. cut back on the sugar. >> as with everything, don't eat too much. >> if you're not having at least one or two bowel movements a week -- i know folks using smooth move. if not, go see a doctor, especially if you are seeing blood in your stool or straining to have to go. >> now our favorite the subject, indigestion. >> and heartburn. one of the causes is very surprising. >> what is it? >> shapewear. >> oh, no. >> every one of us is wearing at the moment. hoda has two of them on. >> there is nothing wrong with that, but -- >> you're going to feel -- >> it can cause reflux. >> just get out of them? >> no, absolutely not. they make us the ladies we are. what we do need to do is lessen the amount of time that we wear these items. make sure it's the right size for you. >> and maybe lay off the chocolate. i'm the bearer of bad news. caffeine, cocoa and all those things cause reflux. >> no chocolate and no sugar? >> alcohol. >> now we're going to say bye-bye. >> happy new year's ladies. we'll take one last look at the great year we had. >> but first this is "today" on nbc. coming up tomorrow, we'll ambush two more ladies. come on out to the plaza. real moms. >> angelina scardina. >> as we sign off for today we want to look back at some of the fun we had this year. >> and a look behind the scenes at people who make it possible every single day. >> and we love each and every one of them. >> we sure do. >> happy new year, everybody. god bless. there is a beautiful shot of the sunrise. >> handing out roses to some of the folks who have come down here. >> and there it is. nice to have you all here this morning. >> good morning. ♪ >> good morning. >> all right! >> that's all we need. ♪ >> i'm in love with her! >> good, right? >> i love it. ♪ >> what does the weather man say? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm here to help. you and i will get through this together. ♪

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