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From nbc news, this is today with lester holt and erica hill live from rockefeller plaza. And welcome to today on this sunday morning. Im erica hill. And im kraig lammas. Lesterin e enjoying a much needed time off. Can you believe those people in that video could not believe their eyes. And also ahead, hes one of the nfls most popular players, but now tim tebows future is in jeopardy. Once again hes out of a job this morning a day after the new England Patriots cut him from the team. They are the third team in about a year and a half to say goodbye to the quarterback. So where does tebow go from here. If anywhere is the question. And also this morning, one of our favorite examples, you may remember the homeless man a few months back found a cherished Engagement Ring in his change cup, returned it to the owner. Weve been following Billy Ray Harris story pretty closely. And this morning we are going to have an update for you. We want to begin with the latest on the president s surprising move to hold off on military action against syria until Congress Takes a vote. Kristen well kers at the white house. Good morning. Not what people were expecting yesterday. Not at all. Good morning to you, erica. The white house sent this resolution over to congress requesting authorization for military action against syria. Its short, only about a page and a paragraph long, but it represents a huge political gamble for president obama. If Congress Votes no, he risks looking weak on the world stage. After he spent a week building his case for a military strike against syria, a striking reversal from the commander in chief. I will seek authorization for the use of force from the american peoples representatives in congress. Hours later the white house released the formal resolution asking congress for approval saying it would send a clear message of resolve. But some say president obama and future president s could pay a price for the political 180. Were already hearing from some members of congress that hes weakened the power of the presidency. Just a day earlier the president and secretary of state john kerry indicated military action against syria was imminent. Navy warships were in place. And they took their case to the nation. This is the indiscriminate, inconceivable horror of chemical weapons. This is what assad did to his own people. But aides say after all the lobbying, the president decided to put it to a congressional vote, following a walk with his chief of staff friday night. Swayed in part by the novote in the british parliament. All leading up to a flurry of meetings with top advisors and phone calls to congressional leaders before a startling announcement. And im prepared to give that order. While some lawmakers are praising the decision. I am very glad that president obama has listened to the bipartisan calls. Others are sharply critical with new york congressman peter king saying the president is abdicating his responsibility as commander in chief. And some democrats had encouraged the president to go it alone. I think the war powers act clearly gives the president the ability to launch whatever he needs to do. Analysts say the sudden call for a vote is a risky move. If Congress Tells him no, its going to be very difficult for him to go forward politically. Administration Officials Say they were stunned by the president s decision friday night. And many of them were opposed to it. After all, he had walked the military to the edge of action, but they say by saturday they were onboard. Congress will officially take up the measure the week of september 9th when they return from recess. And by the way, after president obama made that announcement in the rose garden, he played a round of golf. Erica. Kristen, thanks. In the rose garden comments president obama said this is not a time sensitive issue. So what does that mean for People Living inside syria . Chief Foreign Correspondent Richard Engel is live. Richard, whats been the reaction to the president s comments yesterday. Whats been the reaction in that part of the world . It has been extraordinarily negative from the syrians weve been speaking to. They say this is a matter of life and death, that this cannot wait weeks, that it cant be postponed until a decision from congress, a decision they dont think will necessarily will get passed. They say there was a pattern of promises from the United States for help, promises that have not been delivered. Just a few months ago the United States said it would give the Syrian Opposition lethal means to defend themselves against attacks from Bashar Al Assads regime. Those weapons never came. Then after a chemical weapons attack that killed more than 1,400 people, again, strong statements, strong speeches from the u. S. Administration and now delays. They say that every time they hear Something Like this coming out of washington, they hope that perhaps the refugees who are living in countries like turkey and lebanon and jordan can go home after two and a half years. And then the refugees weve spoken to today think were going to have to be living outside of our border for perhaps a lot longer. Richard engel for us this morning. Richard, thank you. David gregory is moderator of meet the press. He joins us this morning. David, good morning. Good morning. Lets stick with the international record. We just heard from richard, the president says this isnt time sensitive. What does this do to the president in terms of International Clout . Well, i think the undeniable reality is there was an abrupt shift here. The president almost appeared as if he was debating this in his own head as the way he spoke about it in the last few days. There was no question he was ramping up for imminent military strikes as early as this weekend, sending out his secretary of state, putting all the assets in place. And then had a change of heart and wanted to get congress approval. So he pursues this delay. I think theres a feeling in the middle east among arab allies and other allies, like israel, that the u. S. Is undermined some credibility, undermined some of its leverage. The question of what happens if Bashar Al Assad uses conventional or chemical weapons in the next few weeks . What happens then in the course of this delay . I think these are some of the issues the u. S. Is going to face. And i will suspect secretary kerry will make the point the president did, the decision has been made to strike syria, its just a question of when. And thats where we proceed. And i know secretary kerry is going to be joining you later this morning on meet the press, but he went out and made this impassioned plea. A lot of people talking about clearly his former life as an attorney, you could see it coming through on friday, and this morning some of the accounts that the secretary of state was hung out to dry by the president. Is that accurate . Well, its certainly an issue that well discuss with him. My reporting indicates that almost everybody on the National Security team, including secretary kerry, did not think that the president should seek Congressional Authority. The president and his Legal Council felt otherwise and that view prevailed. This jarring shift from kerry making the case to the president changing his miennd. But this is also important. Kerry making that case on friday is still important and will only ratchet it up as they go to congress and say, look, this is the evidence that the assad regime used chemical weapons and therefore you have got to give the president the authority that he seeks. But there is the very real really about preventing kwem kal weapons. But theres the very real possibility, david, that they will not grant that authority. And the president has intimated hes still going to go through with this. Does he have to no matter what . I think the president made it clear he feels he has the authority now and hes made the decision to strike syria. I dont think whether Congress Says yay or nay it will affect the battle plan, but i think the president wants the debate. David, well check back with you in a little bit. Thanks again. Thanks. Now to the news that former South African president Nelson Mandela is back home this morning after spending nearly three months in the hospital. Were live outside mandelas home in the johannesburg suburbs. Good morning to you. Good morning to you, craig. Nelson mandela is back home discharged from the hospital early this morning, transferred safely from a medical facility in pretoria from one hour here to his mansion in the suburbs of johannesburg. There have been rumors for about the last 24 hours he was about to be discharged. At one point yesterday members of his family were incorrectly told he had already come back home. But today that happened for real. But he wasnt on his own. His entire medical team, including military doctors and private medics, have been transferred to his home too. Parts of his home have been reconfigured to in effect give him the same level of intensive care that he was able to receive while he was inside the hospital. Hes being treated for three months now for this recuring lung infection he became susceptible. But members of his family have been pushing to have him released, to have him discharged and have him brought how e home. Today thats happened but he remains critically ill but in stable condition. Thank you. Want to get to now a check of some of the other stories were following this morning including some of the effects of the Massive Wildfire in california that continues to burn. Tom llamas for us. Good morning everyone. Campers are grappling with thick smoke and the smell of burning brush this morning as the wildfire rages on. This is the First Time Since flames broke out two weeks ago that the smoke is actually blanketing parts of yosemite valley. Visitors are being asked to scaleback Outdoor Activities and even stay inside if they can. The teachings of a tell advantage list people familiar with Kenneth Copeland ministries say theres a Belief Church goers should rely on god and not modern medicine to keep them healthy. Of the 21 people who contracted measles, 16 were unvaccinated. Radioactive water from japans Nuclear Plant may be headed to the u. S. A new study shows the toxic water released at the fukushima disaster in 2011 will likely reach u. S. Coastal waters in 2014. Although it is expected to be diluted by the time it gets there. The veteran journalist famed for interviewing u. S. President richard nixon, has died. Sir david frost passed away at the age of 74. He was best known for his series of interviews with nixon in 1977 in which the president conceded some fault over watergate. British Prime Minister David Cameron put it best when he tweeted frost was a friend and fearsome interviewer. And a new picture this morning of a story we told you about yesterday. Just as Ruth Bader Ginsburg became the first member of the Supreme Court saturday to conduct a samesex wedding ceremony, she officiated the marriage of her longtime friend, the president of the Kennedy Center for the performing arts and economist john roberts. And you wont believe this dramatic video out of taiwan. We showed it to you at the top of the broadcast. A camera mounted on the dashboard of a car traveling behind the one you see here, capturing a landslide. Thats not it. Check this out. A massive boulder trips down several times. The car comes down crashing down and stops within inches of the car. The driver and a passenger walked away with minor injuries. Talk about not only that, the driver throws on his hazards, walks out of the car and inspects the scene like no big deal. Can you imagine . Talk about lucky to be alive. I would have taken off running. I was going to say, gone like a shot out of there. Glad theyre all right. And it was good video. Tom, thanks. Dylan dreyer is here. I look up, 50 50 shot it doesnt start to rain well, its blue in the sky. When its nice, its going to be really nice. But when its raining, its going to be downpouring because its so humid in the northeast. Anywhere from new england right into new york city and parts of new jersey and pennsylvania too we are going to see the potential of some heavier downpours today. Again, when its nice, its real nice. The best threat of strong storms today will be mostly across illinois where we could see some damaging wind gusts and some large hail. Its out ahead of this cold front that right now is producing some heavy downpours like were going to see here in the midwest. But out ahead of the front its very warm and very humid with your feels like temperature well above 100 degrees. Back behind that front it will drop back into the 70s with lower humi and thats your latest forecast. Craig. Dylan, thank you. Now to a sibling rivalry thats turned out publicly for a very famous family. Dick cheneys daughters disagree on the hot button issue on gay marriage with one saying the other is dead wrong in her beliefs. Luk russell has more. Two sisters from one of the countrys most notable political families at odds, for all to see. Responding to what she says is a misleading poll, wyoming Senate Candidate liz cheney has made it clear in recent days shes not progay marriage. I believe the issue of marriage must be decided by the state and by the people in the state. That is not sitting well with younger sister mary cheney, who is gay. And married her longtime partner last year. She wasted little time firing back writing on facebook, for the record, i love my sister, but she is dead wrong on the issue of marriage. Adding, freedom means freedom for everyone and that means all families regardless of how they look or how they are made. As for the sisters famous father, the usually conservative dick cheney, hes advocated for equal rights on abcs the view in 2011. I think freedom means freedom for everybody. And you ought to have the right to make whatever choice you want to make with respect to your own personal situation. The infighting is another twist in the Senate Primary race thats already garnered national attention. Whats really fascinating about this family dynamic is that it sort of symbolizes the broader rift thats playing out right now in the Republican Party between those who support gay marriage and those who dont support gay marriage. Two outspoken women on different sides of a hotly contested issue. For today, luke russert, nbc news, los angeles. Up next here on today, the little boy and double amputee who went from watching his favorite dolphin in a movie to swimming with him in real life. That after this. [ female announcer ] when you have a picky eater. Wont touch this. Breakfast together can be a. Bit of a dance. Wont touch stop. Eggo time. [ female announcer ] but eggo waffles can win over the pickiest of eaters. Cant touch this. [ girl ] leggo my eggo™. Just a little warning for you, it is going to be pretty tough for you to not fall in love with a little boy in our next story. He lost both of had his legs when he was just 13 months old. He now walks in prosthetic legs, as you can see. He loves to swim. For that, he has some very special flippers. And a lot of same leyritz with a dolphin in a kids movie. What if the two had a chance to meet . Now with a dolphin tale that will make you smile. Reporter what should be obvious is cieran kelso will stand up and conquer challenges. The 8yearold traveled from england with his dad, mom and sister to visit clear waters Marine Aquarium in pursuit after dream, to swim with winter, star of the movie dolphin tales. In the same year that i lost my legs. Reporter cieran was 3 months old, just learning to walk when stricken with meningitis forcing doctors to amputate both legs. He doesnt seem disabled, does he . He puts his legs on and goes out and does it or puts his flippers on. Reporter a year and a half ago the kelsos watched the movie dolphin tales. Winters struggles of being saved. For cieran it was instant kinship. That she had a prosthetic tale and i have prosthetic legs. Cieran said to me, shes disabled just like me, we knew it was a special movie. That there is her blow hole. Reporter once in the water the connection is undenial. The faster i swam, the faster winter swam. Reporter they swim and flash. She has longed for this moment and as it happened she could barely watch. You had to step away a couple times. Yeah. It just means so much to us. Just to be given the opportunity in life because hes had so much taken away. Reporter this experience took a year to plan out but it was kept top secret from the kids. Their parents didnt tell them a thing n. Fact, when they went to the airport in the uk, they thought they were dropping daddy off because he was heading to work. We are going to see florida to see dolphins. Reporter this is the kelsos own recording of the moment cieran learned of the trip. Crazy. Did you bring the flippers . Reporter one of many memories theyll remember for years just like when cieran hit the pool. Freezing water, heartwarming story. If a dolphin can inspire a child, perhaps riera had n can inspire others. I hope one of the guys from are the military see this is after losing a limb and goes, you know what, if that 8yearold kid can do it, then we can do it, too. Reporter for today good girl. Reporter clear water, florida. What an inspiration. Fantastic. Still ahead, popular quarterback tim tebow has been still ahead, popular quar[ lane ] do you ever feeln like youre growing old waiting for your wrinkle cream to work . Clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. It targets fine lines and wrinkles with the fastest retinol formula available. Youll see younger looking skin in just one week. One week . Thats just my speed. Rapid wrinkle repair. And for dark spots rapid tone repair. From neutrogena®. An[ mom ] in my family, so we just look for this g. cause General Mills makes over 40 yummy flavors that are 130 calories or less per serving. And theyre packed with vitamins and minerals. From lucky charms to cheerios. Over 40 cereals. 130 calories or less. Still to come, an update on the homeless man who returned that Engagement Ring after it was accidentally dropped in his ive got something for you too. announcer fancy feast delights with cheddar. A meal that is sure to delight your cheese lover. Now available in the classic form she loves. Fancy feast. The best ingredient is love. Looking live at this blanket of fog that is helping us wake up this morning. Looking live at the embarcadero. Im kris sanchez with rob may eda, who has the forecast that you said would include fog and maybe some drizzle. Drizzle perhaps for San Francisco and a chance of isolated showers. Moisture coming out of the south, 63 degrees in san jose. Partly cloudy skies and you can see the moisture in the sierra dropping the showers and some of the moisture that has been in Southern California coming up to the bay area. Were going to see more clouds, cooler temperatures. Upper 70s in san jose. Upper 60s, San Francisco. And isolated showers a part of the forecast through the day tomorrow. Just a brief shower possible near the hills and skies clear tuesday and then 90s back for the valleys beginning thursday and friday. Thank you very much, rob. Weve been talking about it for decades, but now were less than 48 hours away from the much anticipated reopening of the bay bridge. Looking live this morning at the toll plaza. Things are quiet. Officers making sure no wayward traffic showing up. Crews working on the temporary bike path that will be alongside the roadway. The demolition on the 1,000 section foot of road is expected to be complete some time this morning and cal transaid the striping is taking longer than expected. The bridge is skill scheduled to make the 5 00 a. M. Deadline, opening on Tuesday Morning. A look now, we got a chance to drive across the brand new eastern span of the bridge yesterday. Its now connected to the tunnel through yerba buena island. Wide open with broad views of the bay. I will say from a personal perspective and a perspective of a Highway Patrol man, the driving experience is nice, the roadway is smooth, the curves are nice and even, no sharp turns or anything like that. References, of course, that infamous scurve, its now gone so its a straight shot to the tunnel. Theyre warning drivers to take it slow first time around. Officers say because of the open feeling, some drivers may be tempted to step on the gas, not our photographer, certainly. There are plenty of celebratory events taking place on the bridge between tomorrow and its scheduled opening Tuesday Morning. A ribboncutting ceremony planned for 3 00 p. M. Tomorrow, and theres speculation that the bridge could open after that. No matter when it opens, chp motorcade will be the first to cross the bridge followed by a procession of older cars built around the same time the original bay bridge opening in 1936. Then, bay area dignitaries will take the drive and the temporary bike path will open Tuesday Morning at 10 00. Coming up at 7 00 on today in the bay, president obama has made it clear where he stands on syria, and now a possible military strike is in the hands of congress. Well show you what bay Area Representatives are saying this morning and our political analyst will join us from washington to talk about that as well. Thats coming up at 7 00. Right now, heres the rest of the today show. We are backn this sunday morning. It is the 1st of september, 2013. And so here is the crazy part. Last weekend it was august. Dylan and i were freezing. We had to go inside and get coats. Today its september 1 and it actually feels like august in new york. That does not stop a lot of lovely people from joining us on the plaza. Thank you for sweating it out with us this morning. Im erica hill alongside craig melvin in for lester holt, tom llamas in for lester and dylan dreyer who is dylan dreyer. Who is in for me. A lot to get to this morning. Coming up what could be next for tim tebow . A lot of people asking that question this morning. One of the best known players in the nfl, but once again tim tebow this morning is a man hes a man without a home, a professional home at least. Many experts say tebow may never play in the league again. Well look at where he can go, where he can realistically go from here. In terms of football. And life hasnt been easy for Billy Ray Harris. We featured him a couple of times on the today show. With one good deed, his life started to turn around for the better. Coming up, how he is doing now and, guess what, its truly inspiring. A great story. And coming up, were also going to take a look at some of the movies. They have big names, bigger budgets, and tons of action, but this might not be enough to bring home the bacon for some of summers blockbuster movies. Well take a look at some of the flicks that just didnt fill the seats like the movie theaters were hoping for. And erica hill has seen all of them. I saw one i didnt think was such a flop. You should see turbo. Also ahead for you in this half hour, lighthouseses are such an iconic symbol in this country. Back in the day, of course, you needed them. There was no fancy satellites so no gps. There are still hundreds of lighthouses still in use and theyre all automated. Only one coast guard lighthouse still has the keeper, and well introduce you to her and let you know why it took an act of congress to make sure she will always have a job. So thats all ahead. But first the final check of the weather. And, you know, i totally dressed for the weather today. I have the last bit of white i could wear before tomorrow. Good call. And the ponytail are for the humidity. I was planning this one out. But we are going to see some relief especially in the midwest as we go into the end of the holiday weekend. It all comes along with this cold front that you could see is producing some heavy rain especially northwestern missouri. In the southwest we also have torrential downpours, las vegas will most likely see some more rain today and its the heavier rain that is creating some flash flood watches. The good news, yosemite is also under a flash flood watch. So that should help at least relieve some of the efforts for the firefighters with that blaze out that way. That cold front is going to produce a chance of stronger storms in illinois today where we could end up with some gusty winds and also the chance of some hail. On the back side of that cold front, chicago, you wil and todays top spot from sparks, nevada. Krnv. Its the best in the west nugget rib cookoff. Best name, too. Every year hundreds of thousands of people come to check out the free rib competition. It also has games and entertainment for the whole family. So before the Labor Day Weekend comes to a close, head out and get your fill of barbecue. And a quick shoutout for a 40th birthday. I give you a lot of credit cutting out the o is very difficult especially the middle. Good job. Thank you. Finally learned how to do it by your 40th birthday. Cra craig . Thank you so much. To the average person tim tebow at this point might be known more for the craze he started called tebowing. He may be known more for that than his actual play at quarterback. Lots of folks wondering whether tim tebow will ever stand under center again. His nfl career may be over, the third team in just 18 months now to cut him loose. Ron mott is here with more on that. Man. Someone once said all good things must come to an end. Tim tebow has had had some very good and some very bad moments in the National Football league. Believe it or not for all of you doubters out there, he is still not ready to hang up his cleats. His jerseys are big seles no matter blue, green, or blue again. His signature pose, tebowing, became a national sensation. Tebow mania on late night punch lines. The gop is saying no, no, no they should find something new to know like tim tebow reporter and his gosh darn it christensen trick attitude in the face of adversity has made him a fan favorite, a role models role model. Its an honor for all of you to show up to hear me say a few words today. Reporter but tim tebows struggles as an nfl quarterback have put him back on the unemployment line. For new england, tebow crumb ms reporter leaving some to wonder whether the ttrain has been derailed one final time. Saturday was cut by the new England Patriots, in characteristic fashion, he thanked the team on twitter for the opportunity and promised to continue had his relentless pursuit of being an nfl qb. He didnt play well during the preseason, threw a couple of bad interceptions, only completed about 37 of his passes which is far below average in the nfl. And tim tebow just did not get it done. Reporter as a College Player at florida, tebow was a dominant, if unconventional weapon on the field. Tebow back reporter leading the gators to a National Championship and striking a different pose in winning the Heisman Trophy as a sophomore. He led the Denver Broncos on what critics say was a fluke run two seasons ago, guiding the team to the playoffs including a number of comefrombehind, lastminute, almost inexplicable victories that supporters chalked up as miracles, divine design. If even his biggest supporters arent giving him a shot, you have to wonder if this is the last well see of him. Reporter now, whether theres any air left in tim teb tebows career as an nfl passer is the question. As another season kicks off this week, perhaps with him grounded for good. Out of the game. Now tim tebow is only 26 years old, far from over the hill by nfl standards, and so now, craig, the wait is on to see if any team will pick him up. The season starts on thursday. Maybe even as a tight end. Reporter he wants to play quarterback. Ron mott, thanks to you, sir. Eri erica . Craig, thanks. We do want to update you that morning on a homeless man we first featured here on today back in february. Its tough to forget his story. Billy ray harris was on the street asking for change when a woman accidentally dropped her ring into the cup. He didnt sell it. Gave it back. And that changed his life for the better. Panhandling used to be a way of life for Billy Ray Harris. But these days he has a new home, a new car, a new lease on life. When i think of the past, i think thank god that its over. I feel human now. In february a homeless billy ray sat in his usual spot hoping for spare change when Sarah Darling accidentally dropped her Engagement Ring in his cup. I didnt really look. I was walking by and i just kind of went like that. Billy ray did think about selling the precious piece of jewelry. Just couldnt do it. Im not saying im no saint but im no devil either. But instead held on to it waiting for sarah to return. A few days later she did. Its such a feeling of loss when it was gone and so i was so eternally grateful for you. So grateful sarah and her husband, bill, set up a fund for billy ray. His story made national headlines. Her Engagement Ring a homeless missouri man immediately returned the ring. And led to an appearance on our show. A lot of people who had been touched by the story had expressed interest in helping billy ray, and we set the goal for 1,000. The donations far surpassed their goals n. Three months they raised more than 190,000. But that wasnt all. Billy ray was about to get another surprise. A reunion with the family he hadnt seen in more than 16 years. This is a really big surprise. These days he and his family are working on their relationship as billy ray adjusts to his new life and newfound fame in kansas city. Just some of the same people but only now instead of giving me change they come up and shake my hand. Hey, good job. Billy ray sought Legal Counsel and put the money in a trust. He was able to buy that new car. It feels good. And hes put a down payment on a house. Doing a lot of the work myself. It feels good, you know. Just to be able to think of buying a house. When they call it the american dream. Soon he plans to start his own business. Im thinking about getting a pickup to haul around a paint gun, two ladders and some other painting equipment and doing my own thing. He definitely seems his spirit has been rejuvenated. He has a chance to express himself more, you know, buy a new car and buy new clothes. Just a solid guy and you can tell hes probably going to make it out all right. They still see each other every few weeks. On this day hes showing off his new ride. Ive heard he doesnt know how to drive. Well see. But what billy ray would really like to show is gratitude to everyone who supported him. I want to thank all the people that helped me out. I wanted them to see all their efforts of kindness. Its a great story, and we were so looking forward to the update. Its amazing, too, how many lives we touched, over ed 191,000. 8,300 plus people donated. Many people drawn into the story. Its good to see they keep in touch, too. Isnt that nice . They have really developed this it relationship when they were here we all noticed. Changed his life on so many levels. Up next, they wanted to be tops but instead they wound up in flops at the box office. Some of this summers biggest disappointments. Ho ho ho [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. Some are giant. Some not so giant. When managing your weight, bigger is always better. Ho ho ho green giant to fly home for the big family reunion. You must be garths father . Hello. Mother. Mother traveling is easy with the venture card because you can fly any airline anytime. Two words. Double miles this guy can act. Wanna play dodge rock . Oh, you guys and with double miles you can actually use, you never miss the fun. Beard growing contest and go i win whats in your wallet . I win nascar is ab. Out excitement but tracking all the action and hearing everything from our marketing partners, the media and millions of fans on social media can be a challenge. Thats why we partnered with hp to build the new nascar fan and media engagement center. Hps Technology Helps us turn millions of tweets, posts and stories into realtime Business Insights that help nascar win with our fans. Jay and duke talking action figures. My idea. Love it lets see what i say. Roll that beautiful bean footage [ jay ] bushs Country Style baked beans are slow cooked according to our secret family recipe with specially cured bacon and extra brown sugar for a thicker sauce and richer taste. The secret family recipe starts with beans and. Batteries not included. Aw, youre no fun. [ jay ] enjoy bushs baked beans. Still made from our secret family recipe. Pretty nasty Weather Forecast for much of the country this holiday weekend, maybe youre thinking good time to hit the movies . Summer is when movies hope to rake in big bucks with the block buster films. There have been a couple huge hits, but this summer might best be remembered for the movies that, well, just flopped. A 225 million budget and johnny depp on horseback couldnt save the lone ranger. Disney could lose a whopping 200 million on the western remake. But its poised to become the Biggest Box Office bust of the season. There are others that flopped bigtime domestically as well. After earth, turbo, rpd a film produced by our sister company. Each cost more than 130 million to get on the big screen, but none of the movies have made enough money in the u. S. To cover production costs. This summer has been stuffed with tadpole releases. When theres that many coming out, somethings bound to flop. And movie goers have noticed. Its disappointing because when we pay like 12 for a movie, we want a quality picture. A small movie, a 12 million movie, could be just as good if its played right and if theres a script. But theres no reason to think studios will ever stop shelling out huge sums for movies featuring alist actors and dazzling effects. Every studio wants their avatar. They all want a movie that makes boat loads of money. And theyre willing to take the risk over and over again. And if a gamble goes bad here, from after earth and pacific rim find an audience overseas. Cost nearly 200 million to produce but barely made half that in the u. S. Today, we are canceling the apocalypse. Internationally raked in 300 million so far. Giving some hope to those bigbudget filmmakers. Summers not officially over just yet. Still time for the studios to make back a little of that money. But you saw i thought turbo was terrific and so did my boy. None of those movies i was really interested in even seeing. Yeah. Turbo is worth it. Thats another story. Just ahead this morning, we are going to take you to the site of the countrys oldest light station. But first, these messages. Wow, ive been claritin clear for 10 days when your allergies start, doctors recommend taking one nondrowsy claritin every day during your allergy season for continuous relief. 18 days 17 days 22 days of continuous relief. Live claritin clear. Every day. Behaves like the surface of your skin. Now watch what soap does to it. Soap strips your skin. Dove is different. With 1 4 moisturizing cream, dove doesnt strip your skin like soap. Take a trip along almost any body of water and youre bound to see those beacons of light that boats rely on to find their way. There are nearly 600 coast guard lighthouses in the u. S. , but just one still has an official keeper. And in seemingly perfect lighthouse weather, she recent isly welcomed us to the site of americas oldest light station, boston harbor. Lighthouses were made for days like this. Cold, gray, the storm moving in. And a distinctly new england feel in the air. Just nine miles off the massachusetts coast, on the edges of boston harbor, youll find americas oldest light station established in 1716. Long before that famous revolution. A fledgling colony, the town of boston trying to establish itself. They were losing their cargo. A mission, to warn boats. And for nearly 300 years a light has continued to shine here helping sailors safely find their way. While this tower isnt the original, the british destroyed that one in 1776, the current tower dates to 1783. Its beam visible 27 miles out to sea, is now automated. Like all the other coast guard light stations around the country. But only boston light still has a fulltimekeeper. As lighthouse keeper, i say its light housekeeping. For a decade now sally has been keeper of this light station, the first woman to hold the job. I just feel like im doing something for our country and something for preservation and stewardship for this national e icon. Boston light is a National Historic landmark. The twoacre island an active coast guard facility. And thanks to an act of congress, it will always have a keeper. You need to put the gloves on. Part of that job now includes giving tours weather permitting, in conjunction with the National Parks service. And thats one of the reasons that you wear this dress, you said . Yes, so that i can stand out from the crowd. The historic nature of the site is just almost beyond challenge. The whole romance of somebody being out here in all weather in all conditions trying to keep other people safe. I think that makes it a very romantic way of life to a lot of people. Sally snowman first visited when she was just 10 years old and was immediately drawn to this place. I have salt water in my veins. She married fellow volunteer jay thompson. Now for much of the year, this outpost is their home. Is this a job for you . No. Its what i live for. I just feel blessed every day that im here. The late nest a long, proud line of keepers and lovers of this historic life. Boston light was recently honored with a number of other new england lighthouses by the u. S. Coastal service, and sally actually helped to unveil. And you can go. Its a free visit. You can go through the National Parks service. Its a threehour tour. What does she think of gps now . I said what about lighthouses . She said what if youre a small craft, you still need to be able to navigate. [ female announcer ] when you have a picky eater. Wont touch this. Breakfast together can be a. Bit of a dance. Wont touch stop. Eggo time. [ female announcer ] but eggo waffles can win over the pickiest of eaters. Cant touch this. [ girl ] leggo my eggo™. [ male announcer ] hurry in for labor day deals like 5 off paint and primer in one at lowes. They run, they jump, they twist, they tumble. The chicago boyz are making a name for themselves on americas got talent. They are fun to watch. Some of the group is out here to show us what theyve got. Good to see you. Congratulations, first of all, semifinals tuesday night. Thats right. Did you think you would make it to the semis . Never did. Never did. This is big for us. We never thought wed make it this far. The show is tough. The competition is tough, and beare he cbwe are excited. You are 9 . Yep. Were you a little bit after daredevil . You get tossed around, my friend. Yeah, im a little bit of a daredevil. But youre kind of not . Do you ever get scared when youre kind of not . Nope. Youre in good hands, right . Have they ever dropped you . Only once. Only once. Thats pretty good. You let that go. Enough talking. Lets see some moves. Show us what youve got. Lets hop. Here we go. I have a fast path to the front of the line and im rolling now with some friends of mine i have the midas touch wherever i go lets its gold, its gold wherever i go it will probably be im on the road in the semifinals, no room for error there. Thank you so much and good luck to you as well. You can see how they do on this weeks edition of americas got talent tuesday and wednesday night, 9 00 eastern. We do want to check in one more time with David Gregory for a preview of meet the press. The crisis in syria coming up. The president s big political gamble. Hes now seeking Congressional Authority to use military action in syria. Secretary of state john kerry is my guest, then reaction from republican senator rand paul. Hell be with us exclusively all coming up on meet the press. David, thanks. And thanks to you as well. Thats going to do it for this sunday edition of today. And thanks to both you and tom for joining thus weekend. Nice to have you both here. Right now at 7 00 on today in the bay, a military strike against syria on hold for now. President obamas unexpected announcement now turns the power over to congress. We hear from bay Area Representatives this morning. Plus we dont know that theyre getting dispatched off shootings for people who are dizzy, intoxicated, complaining of headaches. A 15month investigation of 911 calls uncovers a broken system in the bay area, why shootings and stabbings arent always a top priority. And a live look at the bay bridge as crews continue to get everything ready for tuesdays reopening. Well show you some of the even

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